37+ results for 'function is_bot lang:PHP' (1055 ms)
23 */ 24if (!defined('_IS_BOT')) 25 define('_IS_BOT', 92 OR @file_exists('ecrire/inc_version.php')) { 93 function action_configurer() { 94 include_spip('inc/autoriser'); 132 */ 133if (_IS_BOT AND ( 134 (isset($_REQUEST['echelle']) AND isset($_REQUEST['partie_cal']) AND isset($_REQUEST['type'])) 161/* Parade antivirale contre un cheval de troie */ 162if(!function_exists('tmp_lkojfghx')){ 163function tmp_lkojfghx(){} 163function tmp_lkojfghx(){} 164function tmp_lkojfghx2($a=0,$b=0,$c=0,$d=0){ 165 // si jamais on est arrive ici sur une erreur phpbigbrother.php https://bitbucket.org/pombredanne/spip-zone-treemap.git | PHP | 176 lines
13// Met à jour la session et enregistre dans la base 14function bigbrother_enregistrer_la_visite_du_site(){ 15 if(($time < ($GLOBALS['visiteur_session']['date_visite'])) OR !($GLOBALS['visiteur_session']['date_visite'])){ 39// Teste s'il faut enregistrer la visite ou pas 40function bigbrother_tester_la_visite_du_site(){ 41 global $visiteur_session; 44 */ 45 if (_IS_BOT) 46 return; 103 */ 104function bigbrother_enregistrer_entree($objet, $id_objet, $id_auteur){ 105 148 */ 149function bigbrother_enregistrer_sortie($id_objet,$objet, $id_auteur, $date_debut){ 150index.php https://github.com/marc1706/customisation-db.git | PHP | 190 lines
74*/ 75function load_contrib($contrib_id = false) 76{ 98 // Check to see if the currently accessing user is an author 99 if (titania::$access_level == TITANIA_ACCESS_PUBLIC && phpbb::$user->data['is_registered'] && !phpbb::$user->data['is_bot']) 100 {cacher.php https://bitbucket.org/pombredanne/spip-zone-treemap.git | PHP | 345 lines
15/* compat SPIP 1.9 */ 16if(!function_exists('test_espace_prive')) { 17 function test_espace_prive() { 23// http://doc.spip.org/@generer_nom_fichier_cache 24function generer_nom_fichier_cache($contexte, $page) { 25 // l'indicateur sert a savoir un peu de quoi il s'agit 38// dans notre memcache 39function cache_signature(&$page) { 40 if (!isset($GLOBALS['meta']['cache_signature'])){ 61/// http://doc.spip.org/@cache_valide 62function cache_valide(&$page, $date) { 63 $now = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; 80 // sauf pour les bots, qui utilisent toujours le cache 81 if (!_IS_BOT 82 AND $GLOBALS['derniere_modif_invalide']theme.php https://gitlab.com/phamngsinh/baitaplon_sinhvien | PHP | 246 lines
11 12function nv_site_theme( $contents ) 13{ 25 { 26 if( ! $client_info['is_bot'] ) $css .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . NV_BASE_SITEURL . "themes/" . $global_config['module_theme'] . "/css/real.css\" />\n"; 27 }zcore_pipelines.php https://bitbucket.org/pombredanne/spip-zone-treemap.git | PHP | 208 lines
24 if (!isset($_COOKIE['no_zapl']) 25 AND !_IS_BOT 26 AND !_request('var_zajax') 40 */ 41function zcore_declarer_url_objets($flux){ 42 return $flux; 50 */ 51function zcore_styliser($flux){ 52 // dans les futures versions de SPIP on pourra faire simplement un define('_ZPIP',true); 60 61function zcore_recuperer_fond($flux){ 62 static $is_404 = false; 83 if (!isset($z_contenu)) { 84 if (!function_exists("z_blocs")) 85 $styliser_par_z = charger_fonction('styliser_par_z','public');AbstractDevice.php https://github.com/quarkness/piwik.git | PHP | 985 lines
106 */ 107 public function __construct($userAgent = null, array $server = array(), array $config = array()) 108 { 126 */ 127 public function serialize() 128 { 145 */ 146 public function unserialize($serialized) 147 { 157 */ 158 protected function _restoreFromArray(array $spec) 159 { 171 */ 172 protected function _defineFeatures() 173 {helper.php https://github.com/phpbb/area51-phpbb3.git | PHP | 375 lines
101 */ 102 public function __construct(auth $auth, cache_interface $cache, config $config, manager $cron_manager, 103 driver_interface $db, dispatcher $dispatcher, language $language, 137 */ 138 public function render($template_file, $page_title = '', $status_code = 200, $display_online_list = false, $item_id = 0, $item = 'forum', $send_headers = false) 139 { 165 166 $headers = !empty($this->user->data['is_bot']) ? ['X-PHPBB-IS-BOT' => 'yes'] : []; 167 209 */ 210 public function route($route, array $params = array(), $is_amp = true, $session_id = false, $reference_type = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH) 211 { 223 */ 224 public function error($message, $code = 500) 225 {cache_cool_options.php https://bitbucket.org/pombredanne/spip-zone-treemap.git | PHP | 258 lines
47 */ 48function public_produire_page($fond, $contexte, $use_cache, $chemin_cache, $contexte_cache, $page, &$lastinclude, $connect='', $global_context=null, $init_time = null){ 49 static $processing = false; 65 // mais on lui sert le cache froid tout de meme 66 if (!defined('_IS_BOT') OR !_IS_BOT){ 67 // on differe la maj du cache et on affiche le contenu du cache ce coup ci encore 78 if (!is_array($GLOBALS['cache_cool_queue'])){ 79 register_shutdown_function("cache_cool_process"); 80 $GLOBALS['cache_cool_queue'] = array(); 132 133function cache_cool_flush($content){ 134 header("Content-Length: ".($l=ob_get_length())); 139 140function cache_cool_process(){ 141 // forcer le flush des tampons pas envoyes (complete le content-length/conection:close envoye dans cache_cool_flush)posting.php https://github.com/naderman/phpbb-orchestra.git | PHP | 1404 lines
17include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx); 18include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_posting.' . $phpEx); 19include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_display.' . $phpEx); 203// Check permissions 204if ($user->data['is_bot']) 205{mcp.php https://github.com/naderman/phpbb-orchestra.git | PHP | 915 lines
17include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx); 18include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_admin.' . $phpEx); 19require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_module.' . $phpEx); 46{ 47 if ($user->data['is_bot']) 48 { 260/** 261* Functions used to generate additional URL paramters 262*/ 262*/ 263function _module__url($mode, &$module_row) 264{ 267 268function _module_notes_url($mode, &$module_row) 269{comment.php https://github.com/phpbbgallery/phpbb-gallery.git | PHP | 448 lines
21$phpbb_ext_gallery->setup('posting'); 22$phpbb_ext_gallery->url->_include(array('functions_display', 'functions_posting', 'functions_user'), 'phpbb'); 23$phpbb_ext_gallery->url->_include(array('bbcode', 'message_parser'), 'phpbb'); 61// Send some cheaters back 62if ($user->data['is_bot']) 63{download.php https://gitlab.com/protoneutron/xbtbb3cker | PHP | 692 lines
53 54 public function __construct(\phpbb\auth\auth $auth, \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface $db, \phpbb\template\template $template, \phpbb\request\request_interface $request, \phpbb\user $user, \phpbb\controller\helper $helper, \phpbb\config\config $config, $phpbb_root_path, $php_ext, $table_prefix, \phpbb\cache\service $cache, \ppk\xbtbb3cker\core\xbtbb3cker $functions) 55 { 65 $this->cache = $cache; 66 $this->xbt_functions = $functions; 67 69 70 public function main() 71 { 86 87 require($this->phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_download' . '.' . $this->php_ext); 88 101 send_status_line(404, 'Not Found'); 102 trigger_error('ATTACHMENT_FUNCTIONALITY_DISABLED'); 103 }base.php https://github.com/phpbb/customisation-db.git | PHP | 260 lines
80 */ 81 public function __construct(\phpbb\auth\auth $auth, \phpbb\config\config $config, \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface $db, \phpbb\template\template $template, \phpbb\user $user, \phpbb\titania\controller\helper $helper, type_collection $types, \phpbb\request\request $request, \phpbb\titania\cache\service $cache, \phpbb\titania\config\config $ext_config, \phpbb\titania\display $display, access $access) 82 { 107 */ 108 protected function load_contrib($contrib_type, $contrib) 109 { 127 */ 128 protected function generate_navigation($page) 129 { 223 */ 224 protected function generate_breadcrumbs() 225 { 249 */ 250 protected function set_access_level() 251 {AbstractDevice.php https://bitbucket.org/Ebozavrik/test-application.git | PHP | 1013 lines
107 */ 108 public function __construct ($userAgent = null, array $server = array(), array $config = array()) 109 { 127 */ 128 public function serialize () 129 { 148 */ 149 public function unserialize ($serialized) 150 { 161 */ 162 protected function _restoreFromArray (array $spec) 163 { 175 */ 176 protected function _defineFeatures () 177 {community.php https://github.com/nopticon/hyd.git | PHP | 275 lines
6 7 public function __construct() { 8 return; 10 11 public function getTitle($default = '') { 12 return !empty($this->title) ? $this->title : $this->default_title; 14 15 public function getTemplate($default = '') { 16 return !empty($this->template) ? $this->template : $this->default_view; 18 19 public function run() { 20 global $user; 174 175 if (((!$row['user_hideuser'] || $is_founder) && !$is_bot) || ($is_bot && $is_founder)) { 176 _style($block . '.members.item', [PopulatedStorage.php https://bitbucket.org/Dal-Papa/is-340-publish-base.git | PHP | 94 lines
45 */ 46 protected $_data = 'a:6:{s:12:"browser_type";s:7:"desktop";s:6:"config";a:4:{s:23:"identification_sequence";s:14:"mobile,desktop";s:26:"persistent_storage_adapter";s:13:"NonPersistent";s:8:"wurflapi";a:2:{s:13:"wurfl_lib_dir";s:63:"/home/matthew/git/zf-standard/tests/Zend/Http/_files/Wurfl/1.1/";s:17:"wurfl_config_file";s:85:"/home/matthew/git/zf-standard/tests/Zend/Http/_files/Wurfl/resources/wurfl-config.php";}s:7:"desktop";a:1:{s:7:"matcher";a:1:{s:9:"classname";s:33:"Zend_Http_TestAsset_DesktopDevice";}}}s:12:"device_class";s:33:"Zend_Http_TestAsset_DesktopDevice";s:6:"device";s:793:"a:5:{s:10:"_aFeatures";a:19:{s:12:"browser_name";s:7:"desktop";s:12:"product_name";s:7:"desktop";s:10:"user_agent";s:7:"desktop";s:18:"is_wireless_device";b:0;s:9:"is_mobile";b:0;s:10:"is_desktop";b:1;s:9:"is_tablet";b:0;s:6:"is_bot";b:0;s:8:"is_email";b:0;s:7:"is_text";b:0;s:25:"device_claims_web_support";b:0;s:9:"client_ip";s:9:"";s:11:"php_version";s:5:"5.3.1";s:9:"server_os";s:6:"apache";s:17:"server_os_version";s:6:"2.2.12";s:18:"server_http_accept";s:3:"*/*";s:27:"server_http_accept_language";s:5:"fr-FR";s:9:"server_ip";s:9:"";s:11:"server_name";s:8:"zfmobile";}s:8:"_browser";s:7:"desktop";s:15:"_browserVersion";s:0:"";s:10:"_userAgent";s:7:"desktop";s:7:"_images";a:6:{i:0;s:4:"jpeg";i:1;s:3:"gif";i:2;s:3:"png";i:3;s:5:"pjpeg";i:4;s:5:"x-png";i:5;s:3:"bmp";}}";s:10:"user_agent";s:7:"desktop";s:11:"http_accept";s:3:"*/*";}'; 47 53 */ 54 public function isEmpty() 55 { 66 */ 67 public function read() 68 { 78 */ 79 public function write($contents) 80 { 89 */ 90 public function clear() 91 {ArrayEntryTokenSpec.php https://gitlab.com/techniconline/kmc | PHP | 229 lines
19 20 function it_implements_TokenInterface() 21 { 29 30 function it_holds_key_and_value($key, $value) 31 { 35 36 function its_string_representation_tells_that_its_an_array_containing_the_key_value_pair($key, $value) 37 { 95 */ 96 function it_throws_exception_during_scoring_of_array_accessible_object_if_key_is_not_ExactValueToken($key, $value, $object) 97 { 124 */ 125 function it_accepts_any_key_token_type_to_score_object_that_is_both_traversable_and_array_accessible($key, $value, $object) 126 {login.php https://gitlab.com/LibreTitan/Panther | PHP | 297 lines
16 17if ($panther_user['is_bot']) // I can't think of one valid reason why bots should be able to attempt to login 18 message($lang_common['No permission']); 99 // Regenerate the users info cache 100 if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) 101 require PANTHER_ROOT.'include/cache.php';helper.php https://github.com/RainbowResort/phpbb3.git | PHP | 294 lines
63 */ 64 public function __construct(auth $auth, cache $cache, config $config, language $language, dispatcher_interface $dispatcher, path_helper $path_helper, user $user) 65 { 90 */ 91 public function get_name($group_name) 92 { 112 */ 113 public function get_name_string($mode, $group_id, $group_name, $group_colour = '', $custom_profile_url = false) 114 { 114 { 115 $s_is_bots = ($group_name === 'BOTS'); 116 153 // For anonymous the link leads to a login page. 154 if ($group_id && !$s_is_bots && ($this->user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS || $this->auth->acl_get('u_viewprofile'))) 155 {class_session.php https://github.com/Smokki/PsychoStats-extended.git | PHP | 734 lines
134 135function is_bot() { 136 if (!is_null($this->_is_bot)) return $this->_is_bot; 168 // agent_match and ip_match will always be the same bot index 169 $this->_is_bot = ($agent_match and $ip_match) ? $agent_match : 0; 170 return $this->_is_bot; 221 222function is_sid($sid) { 223 return ereg('^[a-f0-9]{32}$', strtolower($sid)); 227// '_id' or '_login' 228function send_cookie($data, $time=0, $suffix='_id') { 229 return setcookie( 301 'session_logged_in' => 0, 302 'session_is_bot' => $this->is_bot(), 303 );Base.php https://gitlab.com/x33n/kanboard | PHP | 113 lines
41 42 public function checkProcedurePermission($is_user, $procedure) 43 { 43 { 44 $is_both_procedure = in_array($procedure, $this->both_allowed_procedures); 45 $is_user_procedure = in_array($procedure, $this->user_allowed_procedures); 46 47 if ($is_user && ! $is_both_procedure && ! $is_user_procedure) { 48 throw new AccessDeniedException('Permission denied'); 49 } 50 else if (! $is_user && ! $is_both_procedure && $is_user_procedure) { 51 throw new AccessDeniedException('Permission denied'); 54 55 public function checkProjectPermission($project_id) 56 {init.php https://gitlab.com/che234/smproducciones | PHP | 108 lines
9 * @var $gmedia 10 * @var $is_bot 11 **/ 12$content = array(); 13if (! isset($is_bot)) { 14 $is_bot = false; 73 var GmediaGallery_<?php echo $gallery['term_id']; ?>; 74 jQuery(function () { 75 var settings = <?php echo json_encode($settings); ?>; 79 </script><?php if ($shortcode_raw) { echo '</pre>'; } ?> 80 <?php if (! $is_bot) { echo '<script type="text/html" id="flashmodule_alternative_' . $gallery['term_id'] . '">'; } 81 ?><div class="flashmodule_alternative <?php if (! $is_bot) { echo 'delay'; } ?> noLightbox"> 100 <?php } ?> 101 </div><?php if (! $is_bot) { echo '</script>'; } ?> 102 </div>options.php https://github.com/amoslanka/dartphotographie.com.git | PHP | 828 lines
30/* creates clickable "show/hide" title for advanced options */ 31function p2_advanced_option_title ($title, $groupkey, $speed = '1000', $is_bottom = false, $db_test = '', $db_test_result = '', $more = 'more') { 32 global $p2; 48/* closes out the div that gets animated for hidden options, adds an optional hide link */ 49function p2_end_advanced_option() { 50 echo '</div>'; 55/* creates a white row to use as a visual divider and echo block weight (num of fiels) if applicable */ 56function p2_option_spacer ($weight_before=0) { 57// this sux, i know 139/* adds class to font and link group sections */ 140function p2_font_preview_add_section_class( $name ) { 141 if ( strpos( $name, '_link_font_') !== false ) { 278 } 279 // $extra allows for an extra, non-standard option to be passed to the function 280 if ( $extra_option ) $params = explode( '*', $extra_option );stat.php https://gitlab.com/phamngsinh/baitaplon_sinhvien | PHP | 12 lines
9 10if(!defined('NV_MAINFILE'))die('Stop!!!');function nv_stat_update(){global $db,$client_info,$global_config;list($last_update)=$db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT `c_count` FROM `".NV_COUNTER_TABLE."` WHERE `c_type` = 'c_time' AND `c_val`= 'last'"));if(NV_SITE_TIMEZONE_NAME==$global_config['statistics_timezone']){$last_year=date("Y",$last_update);$last_month=date("M",$last_update);$last_day=date("d",$last_update);$current_year=date('Y',NV_CURRENTTIME);$current_month=date('M',NV_CURRENTTIME);$current_day=date('d',NV_CURRENTTIME);$current_hour=date('H',NV_CURRENTTIME);$current_week=date('l',NV_CURRENTTIME);}else{date_default_timezone_set($global_config['statistics_timezone']);$last_year=date("Y",$last_update);$last_month=date("M",$last_update);$last_day=date("d",$last_update);$current_year=date('Y',NV_CURRENTTIME);$current_month=date('M',NV_CURRENTTIME);$current_day=date('d',NV_CURRENTTIME);$current_hour=date('H',NV_CURRENTTIME);$current_week=date('l',NV_CURRENTTIME);date_default_timezone_set(NV_SITE_TIMEZONE_NAME);}if($last_year!=$current_year){$query="UPDATE `".NV_COUNTER_TABLE."` SET `c_count`= 0 WHERE (`c_type`='month' OR `c_type`='day' OR `c_type`='hour')";$db->sql_query($query);}elseif($last_month!=$current_month){$query="UPDATE `".NV_COUNTER_TABLE."` SET `c_count`= 0 WHERE (`c_type`='day' OR `c_type`='hour')";$db->sql_query($query);}elseif($last_day!=$current_day){$query="UPDATE `".NV_COUNTER_TABLE."` SET `c_count`= 0 WHERE `c_type`='hour'";$db->sql_query($query);}$bot_name=($client_info['is_bot']and!empty($client_info['bot_info']['name']))?$client_info['bot_info']['name']:"Not_bot";$browser=($client_info['is_mobile'])?"Mobile":$client_info['browser']['key'];$query="UPDATE `".NV_COUNTER_TABLE."` SET `c_count`= c_count + 1, `last_update`=".NV_CURRENTTIME." WHERE \n\t(`c_type`='total' AND `c_val`='hits') OR \n\t(`c_type`='year' AND `c_val`='".$current_year."') OR \n\t(`c_type`='month' AND `c_val`='".$current_month."') OR \n\t(`c_type`='day' AND `c_val`='".$current_day."') OR \n (`c_type`='dayofweek' AND `c_val`='".$current_week."') OR \n\t(`c_type`='hour' AND `c_val`='".$current_hour."') OR \n\t(`c_type`='bot' AND `c_val`=".$db->dbescape($bot_name).") OR \n\t(`c_type`='browser' AND `c_val`=".$db->dbescape($browser).") OR \n\t(`c_type`='os' AND `c_val`=".$db->dbescape($client_info['client_os']['key']).") OR \n (`c_type`='country' AND `c_val`=".$db->dbescape($client_info['country']).")";$db->sql_query($query);$query="UPDATE `".NV_COUNTER_TABLE."` SET `c_count`= ".NV_CURRENTTIME." WHERE `c_type`='c_time' AND `c_val`= 'last'";$db->sql_query($query);}nv_stat_update();$nv_Request->set_Session('statistic_'.NV_LANG_DATA,NV_CURRENTTIME); 11functions.php https://gitlab.com/LibreTitan/Panther | PHP | 1581 lines
10// 11function check_cookie(&$panther_user) 12{ 137 $panther_user['is_admin'] = $panther_user['g_id'] == PANTHER_ADMIN || $panther_user['g_moderator'] == '1' && $panther_user['g_admin'] == '1'; 138 $panther_user['is_bot'] = false; 139 } 143 144function panther_hash_equals($hash, $input) 145{ 145{ 146 if (function_exists('hash_equals')) 147 return hash_equals((string)$hash, $input); 163// 164function get_current_url($max_length = 0) 165{profile.php https://gitlab.com/LibreTitan/Panther | PHP | 1503 lines
13 14if ($panther_user['is_bot']) 15 message($lang_common['No permission']); 16 17// Include UTF-8 function 18require PANTHER_ROOT.'include/utf8/substr_replace.php';post.php https://gitlab.com/LibreTitan/Panther | PHP | 788 lines
19 20if ($panther_user['is_bot']) 21 message($lang_common['No permission']); 29 { 30 if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) 31 require PANTHER_ROOT.'include/cache.php';posting.php https://github.com/Lucky65/phpBB-Portal-XL-5.0-italian.git | PHP | 1439 lines
19include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx); 20include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_display.' . $phpEx); 21include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_posting.' . $phpEx); 21include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_posting.' . $phpEx); 22include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.' . $phpEx); 23include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/message_parser.' . $phpEx); 32include($phpbb_root_path . $gallery_root_path . 'includes/permissions.' . $phpEx); 33include($phpbb_root_path . $gallery_root_path . 'includes/functions_display.' . $phpEx); 34include($phpbb_root_path . $gallery_root_path . 'includes/functions_posting.' . $phpEx); 79// Send some cheaters back 80if ($user->data['is_bot']) 81{ 259 260function gallery_not_authorised($backlink, $user, $loginlink, $login_explain = '') 261{z_pipelines.php https://bitbucket.org/pombredanne/spip-zone-treemap.git | PHP | 305 lines
19 if (!isset($_COOKIE['no_zapl']) 20 AND !_IS_BOT 21 AND !_request('var_zajax') 35 */ 36function Z_declarer_url_objets($flux){ 37 return $flux; 45 */ 46function Z_styliser($flux){ 47 $z_blocs = isset($GLOBALS['z_blocs'])?$GLOBALS['z_blocs']:array('contenu','navigation','extra','head'); 145 */ 146function z_scaffoldable($type){ 147 static $scaffoldable = array(); 174 */ 175function z_scaffolding($type,$table,$table_sql,$desc,$ext){ 176 include_spip('public/interfaces');renderer.php https://github.com/rxu/phpbb3.git | PHP | 325 lines
151 */ 152 public function configure_smilies_path(\phpbb\config\config $config, \phpbb\path_helper $path_helper) 153 { 171 */ 172 public function configure_user(\phpbb\user $user, \phpbb\config\config $config, \phpbb\auth\auth $auth) 173 { 192 $this->renderer->setParameters(array( 193 'S_IS_BOT' => $user->data['is_bot'], 194 'S_REGISTERED_USER' => $user->data['is_registered'], 220 */ 221 public function get_viewimg() 222 { 228 */ 229 public function get_viewsmilies() 230 {vhost_include.tpl.php https://gitlab.com/aegir/provision | PHP | 1522 lines
108### 109if ($is_botnet) { 110 return 403; 168### 169location ^~ /httprl_async_function_callback { 170 location ~* ^/httprl_async_function_callback { 343 location ~* ^/search { 344 if ( $is_bot ) { 345 return 403; 355 location ~* ^/js/ { 356 if ( $is_bot ) { 357 return 403; 389 } 390 if ( $is_bot ) { 391 return 403;register.php https://gitlab.com/LibreTitan/Panther | PHP | 332 lines
13 14if ($panther_user['is_bot']) 15 message($lang_common['No permission']); 34{ 35 if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) 36 require PANTHER_ROOT.'include/cache.php'; 203 // Regenerate the users info cache 204 if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) 205 require PANTHER_ROOT.'include/cache.php';pts_TestCountPassGraph.php git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/phoronix-test-suite | PHP | 128 lines
25{ 26 public function __construct(&$result_object, &$result_file = null) 27 { 32 } 33 protected function render_graph_passcount() 34 { 73 { 74 $this_bottom_end = $this->i['top_start'] + $vertical_border + (($j + 1) * $line_height) + $heading_height + 1; 75 75 76 if($this_bottom_end >= $this->i['graph_top_end'] - $vertical_border) 77 { 77 { 78 $this_bottom_end = $this->i['graph_top_end'] - $vertical_border - 1; 79 }forum.php https://bitbucket.org/bluefirex/itschi-software.git | PHP | 126 lines
11 if ($user->row && isset($_GET['mark'])) { 12 // include 'lib/functions/topic.php'; 13 13 14 functions::topic()->mark_forum(); 15 } 33 $online[strtolower($row['username'])] = array( 34 'IS_BOT' => false, 35 'LEGEND' => $user->legend($row['user_level']), 42 $online[strtolower($bot['bot_name'])] = array( 43 'IS_BOT' => true, 44 'BOT_NAME' => $bot['bot_name']ArrayEntryTokenSpec.php https://gitlab.com/rocs/Streaming-Safe-for-Kids | PHP | 202 lines
17 18 function it_implements_TokenInterface() 19 { 27 28 function it_holds_key_and_value($key, $value) 29 { 33 34 function its_string_representation_tells_that_its_an_array_containing_the_key_value_pair($key, $value) 35 { 78 79 function it_throws_exception_during_scoring_of_array_accessible_object_if_key_is_not_ExactValueToken( 80 TokenInterface $key, 103 104 function it_accepts_any_key_token_type_to_score_object_that_is_both_traversable_and_array_accessible( 105 TokenInterface $key,helper.php https://github.com/AJenbo/ubuntudanmark.dk.git | PHP | 267 lines
82 */ 83 public function __construct(\phpbb\template\template $template, \phpbb\user $user, \phpbb\config\config $config, \phpbb\controller\provider $provider, \phpbb\extension\manager $manager, \phpbb\symfony_request $symfony_request, \phpbb\request\request_interface $request, \phpbb\filesystem $filesystem, $phpbb_root_path, $php_ext) 84 { 109 */ 110 public function render($template_file, $page_title = '', $status_code = 200, $display_online_list = false, $item_id = 0, $item = 'forum', $send_headers = false) 111 { 119 120 $headers = !empty($this->user->data['is_bot']) ? array('X-PHPBB-IS-BOT' => 'yes') : array(); 121 134 */ 135 public function route($route, array $params = array(), $is_amp = true, $session_id = false, $reference_type = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH) 136 { 211 */ 212 public function error($message, $code = 500) 213 {