100+ results results for 'mysql_query $_GET lang:PHP' (321 ms)
19} 20$req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cms_album_cat` where `website` = '$website' AND `id` = '$al'"); 21if (!mysql_num_rows($req)) { 26$album = mysql_fetch_assoc($req); 27$view = isset($_GET['view']); 28 81 $kmess = 1; 82 $start = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $page - 1 : (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `cms_album_files` where `website` = '$website' AND `album_id` = '$al' AND `id` > '$img'"), 0)); 83 // Обрабатываем ссылку для возврата 88} 89$total = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `cms_album_files` where `website` = '$website' AND `album_id` = '$al'"), 0); 90if ($total > $kmess) 92if ($total) { 93 $req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cms_album_files` where `website` = '$website' AND `user_id` = '" . $user['id'] . "' AND `album_id` = '$al' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT $start, $kmess"); 94 $i = 0;index.php https://github.com/michaelmwu/saratogahigh.com.git | PHP | 219 lines
8else 9 $charset = htmlentities($_GET['charset']); 10 15 if(is_numeric($_GET['delete'])) 16 mysql_query('DELETE FROM NOTEPAGE_LIST WHERE NOTEPAGE_OWNER=' . $userid . ' AND NOTEPAGE_ID=' . $_GET['delete']) or die("Delete failed."); 17 if($_POST['go'] == 'Save') 27 { 28 mysql_query('UPDATE NOTEPAGE_LIST SET NOTEPAGE_MODIFIED="' . date(TIME_FORMAT_SQL, CURRENT_TIME) . '", NOTEPAGE_VALUE=\'' . $_POST['entrytext'] . '\', NOTEPAGE_DIGEST=\'' . makedigest($_POST['entrytext']) . '\' WHERE NOTEPAGE_OWNER=' . $userid . ' AND NOTEPAGE_ID=' . $_GET['id']) or die("Insert failed."); 29 } 59 60 <h2>Pages matching '<?= htmlentities(stripslashes($_GET['query'])) ?>'</h2> 61 <p><a href="./">Cancel search</a></p> 64 65 $entries = mysql_query('SELECT NOTEPAGE_ID, NOTEPAGE_DIGEST, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOTEPAGE_CREATED) as TS FROM NOTEPAGE_LIST WHERE NOTEPAGE_OWNER=' . $userid . ' AND MATCH(NOTEPAGE_VALUE) AGAINST (\'' . $_GET['query'] . '\')') or die('Query failed.'); 66delivery_list.php https://gitlab.com/Henaway/CLFC | PHP | 253 lines
20 WHERE 21 '.TABLE_ROUTE.'.route_id = "'.mysql_real_escape_string ($_GET['route_id']).'" 22 AND '.TABLE_DELCODE.'.route_id = '.TABLE_ROUTE.'.route_id 22 AND '.TABLE_DELCODE.'.route_id = '.TABLE_ROUTE.'.route_id 23 AND '.TABLE_DELCODE.'.delcode_id = "'.mysql_real_escape_string ($_GET['delcode_id']).'" 24 ORDER BY 25 route_name ASC'; 26$result = @mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print ("ERROR: 769302 ", array ($query,mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__).' LINE '.__LINE__)); 27while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) 73 last_name ASC'; 74$result = @mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print ("ERROR: 769302 ", array ($query,mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__).' LINE '.__LINE__)); 75$num_orders = mysql_numrows($result); 149 <input type="hidden" name="subtotal" value="'.$member_array['total'].'"> 150 <input type="hidden" name="route_id" value="'.$_GET['route_id'].'"> 151 <input type="hidden" name="delcode_id" value="'.$member_array['delcode_id'].'">tracker_stats.inc.php https://github.com/harriswong/ATutor.git | PHP | 487 lines
26$sql5 = "select * from ".TABLE_PREFIX."g_refs"; 27 $result = mysql_query($sql5, $db); 28 $refs = array(); 46 47 if(!$result8 = mysql_query($sql8, $db)){ 48 require(AT_INCLUDE_PATH.'footer.inc.php'); 108 109if($_GET['stats']="summary" && !$to_cid &&!$_GET['csv'] && !$_GET['g_id']){ 110 196 197 $result6 = mysql_query($sql6, $db); 198 439 $sql14 = "select member_id, login, first_name, last_name from ".TABLE_PREFIX."members"; 440 $result14=mysql_query($sql14, $db); 441 while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result14)){events.php https://github.com/cybernet/CyBerFuN-CoDeX.git | PHP | 272 lines
90stderr("Sorry", "Access denied."); 91if(array_key_exists('js', $_GET)){ 92Header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); 114$sql = "DELETE FROM `events` WHERE `id` = $id LIMIT 1;"; 115$res = mysql_query($sql); 116if(mysql_error()!=0) 150//echo "<p>$sql</p>"; 151$res = mysql_query($sql); 152if(mysql_error()!=0)edit.php https://github.com/heidymadia/sfbackup.git | PHP | 54 lines
2include('config.php'); 3if (isset($_GET['id']) ) { 4$id = (int) $_GET['id']; 7$sql = "UPDATE `opportunities` SET `AccountId` = '{$_POST['AccountId']}' , `Amount` = '{$_POST['Amount']}' , `CampaignId` = '{$_POST['CampaignId']}' , `CloseDate` = '{$_POST['CloseDate']}' , `CreatedById` = '{$_POST['CreatedById']}' , `CreatedDate` = '{$_POST['CreatedDate']}' , `CurrentGenerators__c` = '{$_POST['CurrentGenerators__c']}' , `DeliveryInstallationStatus__c` = '{$_POST['DeliveryInstallationStatus__c']}' , `Description` = '{$_POST['Description']}' , `ExpectedRevenue` = '{$_POST['ExpectedRevenue']}' , `Fiscal` = '{$_POST['Fiscal']}' , `FiscalQuarter` = '{$_POST['FiscalQuarter']}' , `FiscalYear` = '{$_POST['FiscalYear']}' , `ForecastCategory` = '{$_POST['ForecastCategory']}' , `ForecastCategoryName` = '{$_POST['ForecastCategoryName']}' , `HasOpportunityLineItem` = '{$_POST['HasOpportunityLineItem']}' , `IsClosed` = '{$_POST['IsClosed']}' , `IsDeleted` = '{$_POST['IsDeleted']}' , `IsPrivate` = '{$_POST['IsPrivate']}' , `IsWon` = '{$_POST['IsWon']}' , `LastActivityDate` = '{$_POST['LastActivityDate']}' , `LastModifiedById` = '{$_POST['LastModifiedById']}' , `LastModifiedDate` = '{$_POST['LastModifiedDate']}' , `LeadSource` = '{$_POST['LeadSource']}' , `MainCompetitors__c` = '{$_POST['MainCompetitors__c']}' , `Name` = '{$_POST['Name']}' , `NextStep` = '{$_POST['NextStep']}' , `OrderNumber__c` = '{$_POST['OrderNumber__c']}' , `OwnerId` = '{$_POST['OwnerId']}' , `Pricebook2Id` = '{$_POST['Pricebook2Id']}' , `Probability` = '{$_POST['Probability']}' , `StageName` = '{$_POST['StageName']}' , `SystemModstamp` = '{$_POST['SystemModstamp']}' , `TotalOpportunityQuantity` = '{$_POST['TotalOpportunityQuantity']}' , `TrackingNumber__c` = '{$_POST['TrackingNumber__c']}' , `Type` = '{$_POST['Type']}' WHERE `id` = '$id' "; 8mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); 9echo (mysql_affected_rows()) ? "Edited row.<br />" : "Nothing changed. <br />"; 11} 12$row = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `opportunities` WHERE `id` = '$id' ")); 13?>edit.php https://gitlab.com/phamngsinh/baitaplon_sinhvien | PHP | 122 lines
13if ($rights == 5 || $rights >= 6) { 14 if ($_GET['id'] == "" || $_GET['id'] == "0") { 15 echo ""; 18 } 19 $req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `lib` where `website` = '$website' AND `id` = '" . $id . "'"); 20 $ms = mysql_fetch_array($req); 44 } 45 mysql_query("UPDATE `lib` SET 46 `name` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string(mb_substr(trim($_POST['name']), 0, 100)) . "', 66 $mod = intval($_POST['mod']); 67 mysql_query("UPDATE `lib` SET 68 `text` = '" . $text . "', 78 $text = functions::check($_POST['text']); 79 mysql_query("update `lib` set text='" . $text . "' where `website` = '$website' AND id='" . $id . "';"); 80 header("location: index.php?id=$ms[refid]");moreinfo.php https://github.com/damanlovett/SEAHO.git | PHP | 145 lines
33$colname_rsConference = "-1"; 34if (isset($_GET['conferenceID'])) { 35 $colname_rsConference = $_GET['conferenceID']; 38$query_rsConference = sprintf("SELECT * FROM conference WHERE conference.deleted = 0 AND conference.conference_id = %s", GetSQLValueString($colname_rsConference, "text")); 39$rsConference = mysql_query($query_rsConference, $CMS) or die(mysql_error()); 40$row_rsConference = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsConference); 43$colname_rsItems = "-1"; 44if (isset($_GET['conferenceID'])) { 45 $colname_rsItems = $_GET['conferenceID']; 48$query_rsItems = sprintf("SELECT * FROM delegate_invoice WHERE delegate_invoice.conference_id=%s AND delegate_invoice.deleted = 0 AND delegate_invoice.type != 'registration' ORDER BY delegate_invoice.label", GetSQLValueString($colname_rsItems, "text")); 49$rsItems = mysql_query($query_rsItems, $CMS) or die(mysql_error()); 50$row_rsItems = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsItems); 53$colname_rsFees = "-1"; 54if (isset($_GET['conferenceID'])) { 55 $colname_rsFees = $_GET['conferenceID'];_stats_load.php https://gitlab.com/Etern4l/BitcoinDice | PHP | 238 lines
23 case 'my_bets': 24 if (empty($_GET['_unique']) || mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `players` WHERE `hash`='".prot($_GET['_unique'])."' LIMIT 1"))==0) exit(); 25 $player=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `hash`='".prot($_GET['_unique'])."' LIMIT 1")); 74 case 'all_bets': 75 $all_bets=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bets` WHERE `bet_amount`!=0 ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 30"); 76 if (mysql_num_rows($all_bets)==0) $content.='<br><br><br><i>No one has bet yet.</i>'; 125 $content.='<br><br><br>'; 126 $query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `news` ORDER BY `time` DESC"); 127 while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)) { 138 else { 139 if (empty($_GET['_unique']) || mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `players` WHERE `hash`='".prot($_GET['_unique'])."' LIMIT 1"))==0) exit(); 140 $player=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `hash`='".prot($_GET['_unique'])."' LIMIT 1")); 151 case 'stats': 152 if (empty($_GET['_unique']) || mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `players` WHERE `hash`='".prot($_GET['_unique'])."' LIMIT 1"))==0) exit(); 153 $player=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `hash`='".prot($_GET['_unique'])."' LIMIT 1"));interface.php https://github.com/Lithixium/HawkEye.git | PHP | 244 lines
28 29 if (!isset($_GET["data"])) 30 return error($lang["messages"]["breakMe"]); 31 32 $data = json_decode(stripslashes($_GET["data"]), true); 33 35 $players = array(); 36 $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `" . $config["dbPlayerTable"] . "`"); 37 if (!$res) 45 $worlds = array(); 46 $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `" . $config["dbWorldTable"] . "`"); 47 if (!$res) 133 //Run query 134 $res = mysql_query($sql); 135 if (!$res)listarUsuarios.php https://github.com/antonioformatic/curso2011.git | PHP | 218 lines
82$pageNum_usuarios = 0; 83if (isset($_GET['pageNum_usuarios'])) { 84 $pageNum_usuarios = $_GET['pageNum_usuarios']; 90$query_limit_usuarios = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_usuarios, $startRow_usuarios, $maxRows_usuarios); 91$usuarios = mysql_query($query_limit_usuarios, $conexionEmpresa) or die(mysql_error()); 92$row_usuarios = mysql_fetch_assoc($usuarios); 93 94if (isset($_GET['totalRows_usuarios'])) { 95 $totalRows_usuarios = $_GET['totalRows_usuarios']; 96} else { 97 $all_usuarios = mysql_query($query_usuarios); 98 $totalRows_usuarios = mysql_num_rows($all_usuarios);tests.inc.php https://github.com/harriswong/ATutor.git | PHP | 214 lines
19 20$_REQUEST['cid'] = intval($_REQUEST['cid']); //uses request 'cause after 'saved', the cid will become $_GET. 21$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX."content_tests_assoc WHERE content_id=$_REQUEST[cid]"; 21$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX."content_tests_assoc WHERE content_id=$_REQUEST[cid]"; 22$result = mysql_query($sql, $db); 23while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { 31 ORDER BY start_date DESC"; 32$result = mysql_query($sql, $db); 33$num_tests = mysql_num_rows($result); 70 $sql_sub = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS sub_cnt FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."tests_results WHERE status=1 AND test_id=".$row['test_id']; 71 $result_sub = mysql_query($sql_sub, $db); 72 $row_sub = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_sub); 76 $sql_sub = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS marked_cnt FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."tests_results WHERE status=1 AND test_id=".$row['test_id']." AND final_score=''"; 77 $result_sub = mysql_query($sql_sub, $db); 78 $row_sub = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_sub);homepage.php https://github.com/GE3/GE3.git | PHP | 258 lines
115 $podkat2 = $podkat2? ''.$podkat2.'/': ''; 116 $podkat3 = $_GET["podkat3"]? $_GET["podkat3"]: ($radek2["podkat3"]? $radek2["id"].'-'.urlText($radek2["podkat3"]): ''); 117 $podkat3 = $podkat3? ''.$podkat3.'/': ''; 122 //(informace pro nové url se berou ze stávající url. Pokud zde nejsou, zkusí se získat z db.) 123 $kategorie = $_GET["kategorie"]? $_GET["kategorie"]: ($radek2["kategorie"]? $radek2["id"].'-'.urlText($radek2["kategorie"]): ''); 124 $kategorie = $kategorie? '&kategorie='.$kategorie.'': ''; 126 $podkat1 = $podkat1? '&podkat1='.$podkat1.'': ''; 127 $podkat2 = $_GET["podkat2"]? $_GET["podkat2"]: ($radek2["podkat2"]? $radek2["id"].'-'.urlText($radek2["podkat2"]): ''); 128 $podkat2 = $podkat2? '&podkat2='.$podkat2.'': ''; 128 $podkat2 = $podkat2? '&podkat2='.$podkat2.'': ''; 129 $podkat3 = $_GET["podkat3"]? $_GET["podkat3"]: ($radek2["podkat3"]? $radek2["id"].'-'.urlText($radek2["podkat3"]): ''); 130 $podkat3 = $podkat3? '&podkat3='.$podkat3.'': ''; 174 Include_once 'ostatni.php/statistiky.funkce.php'; //umožňuje zjistit, jestli je návštěvník vyhledávací robot 175 If( $_GET["anketa"]==$radek["id"] AND $_GET["odpoved"] ){ 176 // Promazání starých IPheidelpay_response.php https://bitbucket.org/isaacoheneayisi/ecommerce.git | PHP | 190 lines
22} 23foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { 24 $key = preg_replace('/_x$/', '', trim($key)); 24 $key = preg_replace('/_x$/', '', trim($key)); 25 $_GET[$key] = $value; 26} 39 40$redirectURL = $Protocol.$URL.'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=pluginresponse&task=pluginresponsereceived&on='.$_GET['on'].'&pm='.$_GET['pm'].'&Itemid='.$_GET['Itemid']; 41$cancelURL = $Protocol.$URL.'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=pluginresponse&task=pluginUserPaymentCancel&on='.$_GET['on'].'&pm='.$_GET['pm'].'&Itemid='.$_GET['Itemid']; 48 mysql_select_db($connect->db); 49 $result = mysql_query("SELECT virtuemart_order_id FROM ".$connect->dbprefix."virtuemart_orders"." WHERE order_number = '".mysql_real_escape_string($orderID)."';"); 50 $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); 156 "virtuemart_order_id = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($row->virtuemart_order_id). "\"," . 157 "order_number = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['on']). "\"," . 158 "virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = \"".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['pm']). "\"," .simulador-comparador-pruebas.php https://gitlab.com/fredyteheranto/gestionet | PHP | 332 lines
4 5 if(empty($_GET['opcion'])){ 6 //redirecciono 12 13 if ($_GET['opcion'] == '1') { 14 $tipoConsulta = 43; //<30 21 $noSeleccion = false; 22 if ($_GET['result'] == 'on') { 23 foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { 38 <div class="subheader"> 39 <?php if ($_GET['opcion'] == '1') { ?> 40 <h3>HIPOTECAS HASTA 30 AÑOS</h3> 42 43 <?php if ($_GET['opcion'] == '2') { ?> 44 <h3>HIPOTECAS MÁS DE 30 AÑOS</h3>postdata.php https://github.com/camlegleiter/Project-CyCal.git | PHP | 304 lines
31 32if($_POST['error'] || isset($_GET['error'])){ 33 errorMessage('Error message flag set'); 151 $value = mysql_real_escape_string($errorvalue); 152 mysql_query("INSERT INTO panel(userid,rss,posx,posy,sizex,sizey,themeid,minimized) VALUES ('$userid','$value','$posx','$posy','$sizex','$sizey','$themeid','$minimized')"); 153 $rows = mysql_affected_rows(); 171 $feed = mysql_real_escape_string(urlencode($feed)); 172 $rssCheck = mysql_query("DELETE FROM panel WHERE userid='$userid' AND rss='$feed'"); 173 $rssCheckTheme = mysql_query("DELETE FROM theme WHERE userid='$userid' AND rss='$feed'"); 193 $feed = mysql_real_escape_string(urlencode($rss[0])); 194 if(mysql_query("UPDATE panel SET posx='$posx',posy='$posy', sizex='$sizex' , sizey='$sizey' WHERE userid='$userid' AND rss='$feed'")){ 195 successMessage(''); 209 } 210 $getRSS = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM panel WHERE userid='$userid' $panelTheme"); 211 $rssarr = array();todolist.php https://gitlab.com/jonz94/2016NCU_FreshWeb_HW | PHP | 187 lines
11 $query_RecUser = "SELECT `nickname`,`permission` FROM `user` WHERE `username`='".$username."'"; 12 $RecUser = mysql_query($query_RecUser); 13 $row_RecUser = mysql_fetch_assoc($RecUser); 30 $query_RecLogin = "SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `username`='".$_POST["username"]."'"; 31 $RecLogin = mysql_query($query_RecLogin); 32 //取出帳號密碼的值 53 //執行登出動作 54 if(isset($_GET["logout"]) && ($_GET["logout"]=="true")){ 55 unset($_SESSION["loginUser"]);install.php https://github.com/benbruscella/Grammafone.git | PHP | 424 lines
5 $query = "SELECT user_id FROM mp3act_users"; 6 $result = @mysql_query($query); 7 if(@mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){ 138 $step = 1; 139 if(isset($_GET['step'])) 140 $step = $_GET['step']; 351foreach($querys as $key=>$query){ 352 if(mysql_query($query)){ 353 396 $query = "UPDATE mp3act_settings SET invite_mode=$_POST[invite],sample_mode=$_POST[sample_mode],downloads=$_POST[downloads],amazonid=\"$_POST[amazonid]\",mp3bin=\"$_POST[mp3bin]\",lamebin=\"$_POST[lamebin]\",phpbin=\"$_POST[phpbin]\",jukemode=\"$_POST[jukemode]\",mpdserver=\"$_POST[mpdserver]\",mpdport=\"$_POST[mpdport]\" WHERE id=1"; 397 mysql_query($query); 398 echo "<strong>Settings Saved....</strong><br/><br/>"; 409 $query = "INSERT INTO `mp3act_users` VALUES (NULL, 'admin', 'Admin', 'User', PASSWORD(\"$random_password\"), 10, NOW(), 1, '', 'streaming', 0, 's', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1,'','','',0)"; 410 mysql_query($query); 411 echo "<br/><strong>Username:</strong> Admin<br/><strong>Password:</strong> $random_password (Please change this password as soon as you login.)<br/><br/>";adhesion.php https://gitlab.com/radicalcinema/AnarchistNewsroom | PHP | 369 lines
17/////////////// Suppression de ligne 18if(isset($_GET['del'])) { 19$del=$_GET['del']; 19$del=$_GET['del']; 20$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."cotisations WHERE id = '$del'"); 21 $nb_rep_request = mysql_num_rows($sql); 23 { 24 mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".$prefix."cotisations WHERE id = '$del'"); 25 } 25 } 26}//ENDif(isset($_GET['del'])) 27?> 262 263$sql_cotisations = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."cotisations WHERE id_user = '$id_user_online' ORDER BY date_debut DESC"); 264while($cotis = mysql_fetch_array($sql_cotisations)) {home.php https://github.com/budigutama/tes-repo.git | PHP | 304 lines
64 elseif (isset($_GET['size'])){ 65 $size=$_GET['size']; 66 $title = "Produk Size $size"; 73 } 74 elseif (isset($_GET['warna'])){ 75 $warna=$_GET['warna']; 83 } 84 elseif (isset($_GET['harga'])){ 85 $harga=$_GET['harga']; 107 if($_SESSION['string'] == $_POST['code']){ 108 $ncari = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * 109 FROM member 129if(isset($_GET['code'])){ 130 if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM member WHERE verificationcode_member = '$_GET[code]' AND status_member = '0'")) == 1){ 131 mysql_query("UPDATE memberspo.php https://bitbucket.org/ocaziituristice/ocaziituristice.ro.git | PHP | 218 lines
48 @mysql_free_result($queEx); 49 echo "<script> alert('Oferta a fost scoasa din lista!'); document.location.href='/adm/preturi_teztour.php?plecare=".$_GET['plecare']."&tara=".$_GET['tara']."&nr_pagina=".$_GET['nr_pagina']."'; </script>"; 50} 52$selEX="SELECT spo FROM exceptii_lista_spo GROUP BY spo "; 53$queEX=mysql_query($selEX, $connect->link) or die(mysql_error()); 54while($rowEX=mysql_fetch_array($queEX)) { 59 60$query="select tari.nume as denumire_tara, localitati.nume as localitate_plecare, spo.id, spo.descriere, spo.nume, spo.update_time, spo.data_creat, spo.data_start, spo.data_end, spo.nr_oferte_speciale, spo.pret_minim_dbl, spo_zona.zona1, spo_zona.zona2, spo_zona.zona3 from spo inner join tari on spo.id_tara = tari.id_tara inner join localitati on spo.id_oras = localitati.id_localitate inner join tari as tara_plecare on localitati.id_tara = tara_plecare.id_tara left join spo_zona on spo.spo_region_set = spo_zona.id where tara_plecare.nume = 'Romania' and spo.data_end >= now() and spo.preturi = 'da' "; if($_GET['plecare']) $query=$query." and localitati.id_localitate = '".$_GET['plecare']."' "; if($_GET['tara']) $query=$query." and spo.id_tara = '".$_GET['tara']."' "; if($exeptii) $query=$query." and spo.id NOT IN (".$exeptii.") "; $query=$query." Group by spo.id Order by localitati.nume, spo.nume "; 61 62//paginatia 63if(strlen($_GET['nr_pagina'])>0) 64 $nr_pagina=$_GET['nr_pagina']; 195 <div style="visibility:hidden;" id="tools<?php echo $row['id']; ?>" class="tools"> 196 <a href="preturi_teztour.php?pas=2&spo=<?php echo $row['id']; ?>">Adauga</a> | <a href="javascript: if(confirm('Sunteti siguri ca doriti sa scoateti aceasta oferta din lista?')) document.location.href='/adm/preturi_teztour.php?plecare=<?php echo $_GET['plecare']; ?>&tara=<?php echo $_GET['tara']; ?>&nr_pagina=<?php echo $_GET['nr_pagina']; ?>&scoate=<?php echo $row['id']; ?>'; ">Scoateti din lista</a> 197 </div>confirm.php https://github.com/harriswong/ATutor.git | PHP | 170 lines
24 25if (isset($_GET['e'], $_GET['id'], $_GET['m'])) { 26 $id = intval($_GET['id']); 27 $m = $_GET['m']; 28 $e = $addslashes($_GET['e']); 29 30 $sql = "SELECT creation_date FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."members WHERE member_id=$id"; 31 $result = mysql_query($sql, $db); 32 if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { 36 $sql = "UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."members SET email='$e', last_login=NOW(), creation_date=creation_date WHERE member_id=$id"; 37 $result = mysql_query($sql, $db); 38 49 50} else if (isset($_GET['id'], $_GET['m'])) { 51 $id = intval($_GET['id']);searchresult2.php https://bitbucket.org/ayudh_das/khaugali.com.git | PHP | 412 lines
4 require_once '../include/db_functions.php'; 5 if(!(isset($_GET['location']) 6 && isset($_GET['city']) 6 && isset($_GET['city']) 7 && isset($_GET['search_key']) 8 && isset($_GET['submit']))){ 11 $connection = dbConnect(); 12 $location = $_GET['location']; 13 $city = $_GET['city']; 13 $city = $_GET['city']; 14 $searchKey= trim($_GET['search_key']); 15 $initDat = array(); 19 $query = "select * from restaurant"; 20 $resultset = mysql_query($query,$connection); 21 confirmQuery($resultset);panel_producer_admin.php https://gitlab.com/Henaway/CLFC | PHP | 308 lines
33 producer_id = "'.mysql_real_escape_string ($_SESSION['producer_id_you']).'"'; 34 $resultr = @mysql_query($sqlr,$connection) or die(debug_print ("ERROR: 904933", array ($sqlr,mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__).' LINE '.__LINE__)); 35 $message = 'Producer # '.$producer_id.' has been updated.<br>'; 37 38if ($_GET['producer_id_you']) 39 { 47 WHERE 48 producer_id = "'.mysql_real_escape_string ($_GET['producer_id_you']).'"'; 49 $result = @mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print ("ERROR: 860943 ", array ($query,mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__).' LINE '.__LINE__)); 51 { 52 $_SESSION['producer_id_you'] = $_GET['producer_id_you']; 53 $active_business_name = $row->business_name; 73// LIMIT 0,1'; 74// $result = @mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print ("ERROR: 537557 ", array ($query,mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__).' LINE '.__LINE__)); 75// while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))e_datos_empresa.php https://github.com/lucasgoicoechea/prolab.git | PHP | 233 lines
11 12$usuario = $_GET['usuario']; 13 //buscar si el usuario existe 15 $sql = "SELECT * FROM empresas WHERE usuario = '$usuario'"; 16 $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); 17 27 $sql .= "puesto ='".$_POST['puesto']."'"; 28 $sql .= " WHERE usuario ='".$_GET['usuario']."'"; 29 $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); 76<? //si la forma ha sido enviada editamos el registro. 77$usuario = $_GET['usuario']; 78 //buscar si el usuario existe 80 $sql = "SELECT usuario,razonsocial,nombrecomercial,industria,pais,provincia,ciudad,calle,numero,piso,cp,cuit,iva,emaile,telefonoe,faxe,web,descripcion,empleados FROM empresas WHERE usuario = '$usuario'"; 81 $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); 82forummanage.php https://github.com/cybernet/CyBerFuN-CoDeX.git | PHP | 343 lines
15 16$id = (int) + $_GET['id']; 17// DELETE FORUM ACTION 17// DELETE FORUM ACTION 18if ($_GET['action'] == "del") { 19 if (!$id) { 23 24 $result = sql_query ("SELECT * FROM topics where forumid = '" . unsafeChar($_GET['id']) . "'"); 25 if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 29 } 30 sql_query ("DELETE FROM topics where forumid = '" . unsafeChar($_GET['id']) . "'") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); 31 sql_query ("DELETE FROM forums where id = '" . unsafeChar($_GET['id']) . "'") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); 122 <?php 123/* $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM overforums"); 124 $maxrow = mysql_num_rows($res);install.php https://code.google.com/p/ezrpg/ | PHP | 340 lines
41 42if (!isset($_GET['act'])) 43{ 73} 74else if ($_GET['act'] == '2') 75{ 170QUERY; 171 mysql_query($query1) or die('Something went wrong.'); 172 184QUERY; 185 mysql_query($query2) or die('Something went wrong.'); 186 281 282else if ($_GET['act'] == '3') 283{agent_calendar_2007.php https://bitbucket.org/anneivycat/california-tour.git | PHP | 313 lines
2error_reporting(0); 3extract($_GET); 4include ("../sqlfuncs.php"); 17ORDER BY tt;'; 18$r = mysql_query($sql); 19$nr = mysql_num_rows($r); 265// echo "<span style='font-size: 70%;'>$query</span><br />\n"; 266 $mysql_result = mysql_query($query); 267 $totalnumrows = mysql_num_rows($mysql_result); 272 $querytour = "SELECT * FROM TOUR WHERE TOUR_ID = '$TourId'"; 273 $mysql_result_tour = mysql_query($querytour); 274 $rowtour = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_result_tour);slip.php https://gitlab.com/msdusad/all_ones | PHP | 324 lines
8 include("header.php"); 9 $ms=$_GET['sl']; 10if(!isset($_SESSION['number'])) 11{ 12 $inslipnos=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM slip;"); 13 while($sl=mysql_fetch_array($inslipnos)){ 18$_SESSION['number'] = $_SESSION['number'] + 1; 19 $inslipno=mysql_query("UPDATE slip SET slipno='{$_SESSION['number']}';"); 20} 120 <?php 121 $ms=$_GET['sl']; 122 $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM trregistration where id='$ms';");classes.php https://github.com/camlegleiter/Project-Pencl.git | PHP | 378 lines
8 9if (isset($_GET['class']) && isset($_GET['id'])) 10{ 14 //Remove notepad from class 15 removeNotepadFromClass($_GET['id'], $_GET['class']); 16 } 16 } 17 else if (strcmp(strtolower($_GET['delete']), 'user') == 0) 18 { 18 { 19 removeStudentFromClass($_GET['id'], $_GET['class']); 20 } 54 $classid = mysql_real_escape_string($classid); 55 $padRow = mysql_query("SELECT notebookid FROM classbooks WHERE classid='$classid'"); 56 $notepadHTML = "";form3New.php https://gitlab.com/cesardemora/neaticketwebapphomeEs | PHP | 296 lines
6/* capturar variable por método GET */ 7if (isset($_GET['pos'])) 8 $ini=$_GET['pos']; 49 50 if(isset($_GET['BuscarAlta'])){ 51 53 $campo = 'fecha_alta'; 54 $valor = $_GET['fecha_alta']; 55 $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM CLIENTES WHERE fecha_alta LIKE '$valor%' LIMIT $init, $limit_end"); 57 } 58 if(isset($_GET['BuscarCliente'])){ 59 61 $campo = 'email'; 62 $valor = $_GET['email']; 63 $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM CLIENTES WHERE mail LIKE '%$valor%' LIMIT $init, $limit_end");index.php https://github.com/damanlovett/SEAHO.git | PHP | 202 lines
36$query_rsEditorsOne = "SELECT * FROM state_editors WHERE `column` = 1 ORDER BY `order` ASC"; 37$rsEditorsOne = mysql_query($query_rsEditorsOne, $Directory) or die(mysql_error()); 38$row_rsEditorsOne = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsEditorsOne); 42$query_rsEditorsTwo = "SELECT * FROM state_editors WHERE `column` = 2 ORDER BY `order` ASC"; 43$rsEditorsTwo = mysql_query($query_rsEditorsTwo, $Directory) or die(mysql_error()); 44$row_rsEditorsTwo = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsEditorsTwo); 52 53if(isset($_GET['recordID'])){ 54 $clear = ""; 55 $updateSQL = sprintf("UPDATE team_positions SET user_id=NULL WHERE position_id=%s AND user_id=%s", 56 GetSQLValueString($_GET['positionID'], "text"), 57 GetSQLValueString($_GET['recordID'], "text")); 182<!-- 183 <?php if((isset($_GET['recordID'])) && (!isset($_GET['position_id']))) {?> 184var TabbedPanels1 = new Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("TabbedPanels1");sqlquery.lib.php https://github.com/akash6190/pragyan.git | PHP | 256 lines
83 $helptext = ""; 84 if(isset($_POST['btnListTables'])||( isset($_GET['subaction']) && $_GET['subaction']=="listalltables") ) 85 { 95 } 96 if((isset($_POST['btnListRows']) && $_POST['tablename']!="") || ( isset($_GET['subaction']) && $_GET['subaction']=="tablerows") ) 97 { 98 if(isset($_POST['tablename'])) $tablename=escape(safe_html($_POST['tablename'])); 99 else if(isset($_GET['tablename'])) $tablename=escape(safe_html($_GET['tablename'])); 100 else { displayerror("Table name missing"); return $editPageContent; } 128 } 129 if((isset($_POST['btnListColumns']) && $_POST['tablename']!="") || ( isset($_GET['subaction']) && $_GET['subaction']=="tablecols")) 130 { 131 if(isset($_POST['tablename'])) $tablename=escape(safe_html($_POST['tablename'])); 132 else if(isset($_GET['tablename'])) $tablename=escape(safe_html($_GET['tablename'])); 133 else { displayerror("Table name missing"); return $editPageContent; }index.php https://bitbucket.org/chadsaun/ifrogz-panel.git | PHP | 134 lines
19 WHERE username="'.mysql_real_escape_string(unstripslashes(trim(@$_COOKIE["WRITECKL"]))).'" and password="'.mysql_real_escape_string(unstripslashes(trim(@$_COOKIE["WRITECKP"]))).'"'; 20 $rs_rbi = mysql_query($rbiSQL); 21 if(mysql_num_rows($rs_rbi) > 0) { 34$sSQL = "SELECT adminEmail,adminStoreURL,adminShipping,adminVersion,adminUser,adminPassword FROM admin WHERE adminID=1"; 35$result = mysql_query($sSQL) or print(mysql_error()); 36$rs = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); 37mysql_free_result($result); 38if (@$_GET["writeck"]=="yes") { 39 print "<script src='/admin/savecookie.php?WRITECKL=" . $_SESSION['employee']['username'] . "&WRITECKP=" . $_SESSION['employee']['password'] . "'></script>"; 41 $success=1; 42} elseif (@$_GET["writeck"]=="no"){ 43 print "<script src='/admin/savecookie.php?DELCK=yes'></script>"; 45 $success=1; 46} elseif (@$_GET['forwarded'] == 'yes') { 47 print "<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"2; URL=http://ifrogz.com\">";lib.php https://github.com/dariusgm/PHPFee.git | PHP | 382 lines
75function show_edit_genre() 76{ if (isset($_GET["d"]) || isset($_GET["e"])) 77 { 80 $connect=mysql_select_db("portal",$db); 81 $sql1="UPDATE playlist_genre SET pfad='".$_POST["pfad"]."',genre_name='".$_POST["genre_name"]."' WHERE id='".$_GET["e"]."'"; 82 $result1=mysql_query($sql1); 85 } 86 if(isset($_GET["d"])) 87 {$db=mysql_connect("localhost","portal","psacln"); 144 $result1=mysql_query($sql1,$db); 145 $result=mysql_query($sql); 146 180 $sql="SELECT id,pfad FROM playlist_genre"; 181 $result1=mysql_query($sql,$db); 182offer.php https://github.com/deviltry/qmigo.git | PHP | 279 lines
37######################################################### 38$member_id = $_GET["id"]; // POSTED MEMBER ID 39$offer_id = $_GET["o"]; // POSTED OFFER ID IN THE BROWSER 67 68$result = mysql_query($SqlStatement,$connection); 69if (!$result) die("Error " . mysql_errno() . " : " . mysql_error()); 82$SqlStatement = "SELECT firstname, lastname FROM qmigo_members WHERE id=$member_id "; 83$result = mysql_query($SqlStatement,$connection); 84if (!$result) die("Error " . mysql_errno() . " : " . mysql_error()); 99$SqlStatement = "SELECT * FROM qmigo_offers WHERE id=$offer_id "; 100$result = mysql_query($SqlStatement,$connection); 101if (!$result) die("Error " . mysql_errno() . " : " . mysql_error()); 144$SqlStatement = "SELECT QR_status from qmigo_status WHERE member_id = ". $member_id ." AND offer_id = " . $offer_id ; 145$result = mysql_query($SqlStatement,$connection); 146if (!$result) die("Error " . mysql_errno() . " : " . mysql_error());index.php https://github.com/chacha13/runningmate.git | PHP | 399 lines
71 72 if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { 73 $data = preg_split("/,/",base64_decode($_GET['id'])); 77 78 if (!empty($_GET['history'])) { 79 $history = $_GET['history']; 82 83 $query = mysql_query($sql); 84 123 124 if (!empty($_GET['history'])) { 125 $history = '?history='.$_GET['history']; 149 150 if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { logsview(); } 151index.php https://github.com/xythobuz/xythobuzCMS.git | PHP | 274 lines
46<div id="topbar"> 47<? if (isset($_GET['p']) || isset($_GET['search'])) { 48 if ((isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) && (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $xythobuzCMS_root."/index.php") === 0)) { ?> 52 <? } 53} else if (isset($_GET['news']) && !is_numeric($_GET['news'])) { ?> 54 <div id="leftnav"><a href="index.php"><img src="images/home.png" alt="Home" /></a></div> 73} ?> 74<? if ((!isset($_GET['search'])) && (!isset($_GET['news']))) { ?> 75<div class="searchbox"> 88 WHERE kuerzel = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['p'])."'"; 89 $result = mysql_query($sql); 90 if (!$result) { 105?> <span class="graytitle">Search</span> 106<? searchInCms($_GET['search']); 107} else if (isset($_GET['news'])) {video.php https://github.com/Airzign/Shiksha-Sankalp.git | PHP | 264 lines
37 $allowed_file_types=array('image/gif','image/jpeg','image/pjpeg','image/png'); 38 if(array_key_exists('action',$_GET)) { 39 $action=$_GET['action']; 48 $description = stripslashes($_POST['description']); 49 $result = mysql_query("select smallimgurl from video where id=$id"); 50 $link = stripslashes($_POST['link']); 96 } 97 if(mysql_query("update video set heading='$heading',smallimgurl='$new_small_img_filename',link='$link',description='$description' where id = $id")) 98 $message .= 'The Video was updated successfully.'; 101 /* Deletion */ 102 $id=$_GET['id']; 103 $query = mysql_query("select * from video where id=$id"); 106 unlink($video_img_dir.$row['smallimgurl']); 107 if(mysql_query("delete from video where id=$id")) 108 $message .= 'The video was deleted successfully.';crop_finder.php https://github.com/caponelpalo/Travianx.git | PHP | 359 lines
88 89 if(is_numeric($_GET['x']) AND is_numeric($_GET['y'])) { 90 $coor2['x'] = $_GET['x']; 90 $coor2['x'] = $_GET['x']; 91 $coor2['y'] = $_GET['y']; 92 } else { 110 <td width="250"> 111 <input type="radio" class="radio" name="type" value="15" <?php if($_GET['s'] == 1) { print 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> 15 crop 112 <input type="radio" class="radio" name="type" value="9" <?php if($_GET['s'] == 2) { print 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> 9 crop 112 <input type="radio" class="radio" name="type" value="9" <?php if($_GET['s'] == 2) { print 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> 9 crop 113 <input type="radio" class="radio" name="type" value="both" <?php if($_GET['s'] == 3) { print 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> both<br /> 114 </td> 132 133 if(is_numeric($_GET['x']) AND is_numeric($_GET['y'])) { 134 $coor['x'] = $_GET['x'];content_category.php https://gitlab.com/phamngsinh/baitaplon_sinhvien | PHP | 148 lines
2<? 3switch ($_GET['action']){ 4 case 'del' : 4 case 'del' : 5 $id = $_GET['id']; 6 $r = getRecord("tbl_content_category","id=".$id); 6 $r = getRecord("tbl_content_category","id=".$id); 7 $resultParent = mysql_query("select id from tbl_content_category where parent='".$id."'",$conn); 8 if (mysql_num_rows($resultParent) <= 0){ 8 if (mysql_num_rows($resultParent) <= 0){ 9 @$result = mysql_query("delete from tbl_content_category where id='".$id."'",$conn); 10 if ($result){ 27 $r = getRecord("tbl_content_category","id=".$id); 28 $resultParent = mysql_query("select id from tbl_content_category where parent='".$id."'",$conn); 29 if (mysql_num_rows($resultParent) <= 0){home_product.php https://gitlab.com/phamngsinh/baitaplon_sinhvien | PHP | 202 lines
16 17switch ($_GET['action']){ 18 20 21 $id = $_GET['id']; 22 22 23 @$result = mysql_query("delete from ".$tableConfig." where id='".$id."'",$conn); 24 42 43 @$result = mysql_query("delete from ".$tableConfig." where id='".$id."'",$conn); 44 60 61$page = $_GET['page']; 62quan_ly.php https://gitlab.com/phamngsinh/baitaplon_sinhvien | PHP | 168 lines
21 { 22 //if($_GET['trang']==""){$_GET['trang']=1;} 23 ?> 57 } 58 if($_GET['trang']!="" and $_GET['trang']!="1") 59 { 59 { 60 if($_GET['trang']=="" or $_GET['trang']==1) 61 { 72 } 73 if($_GET['trang']==""){$a=1;}else{$a=$_GET['trang'];} 74 $b_1=$_GET['trang']-5;$n_1=$b_1; 124 $st=ceil($b_tv_2[0]/$sd); 125 if($_GET['trang']==""){$vtbd=0;}else{$vtbd=($_GET['trang']-1)*$sd;} 126 $tv="select * from hoadon order by id desc limit $vtbd,$sd";index.php http://showslow.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | PHP | 228 lines
27 28 if (!mysql_query($query)) 29 { 132 133} else if (array_key_exists('u', $_GET) && array_key_exists('i', $_GET) && in_array($_GET['i'], $YSlow2AllowedProfiles) 134 && array_key_exists('w', $_GET) && filter_var($_GET['w'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) !== false 135 && array_key_exists('o', $_GET) && filter_var($_GET['o'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) !== false 136 && array_key_exists('r', $_GET) && filter_var($_GET['r'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) !== false 137 ) 171 mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['ycompress']), 172 mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['ycsstop']), 173 mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['yjsbottom']), 174 mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['yexpressions']), 175 mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['yexternal']), 176 mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['ydns']),view.php https://gitlab.com/jonz94/2016NCU_FreshWeb_HW | PHP | 240 lines
12 $query_RecUser = "SELECT `nickname`, `permission` FROM `user` WHERE `username`='".$username."'"; 13 $RecUser = mysql_query($query_RecUser); 14 $row_RecUser = mysql_fetch_assoc($RecUser); 31 $query_Login = "SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `username`='".$_POST["username"]."'"; 32 $Login = mysql_query($query_Login); 33 //取出帳號密碼的值 41 //登入後重新載入 42 if (isset($_GET['id'])) { 43 $id = $_GET['id']; 67 //執行登出動作 68 if(isset($_GET["logout"]) && ($_GET["logout"]=="true")){ 69 unset($_SESSION["loginUser"]); 74 // $id 顯示第幾筆留言 75 if (isset($_GET['id'])) { 76 $id = $_GET['id'];tests_questions.inc.php https://github.com/harriswong/ATutor.git | PHP | 168 lines
16 17if (isset($_GET['reset_filter'])) { 18 unset($_GET['category_id']); 19} 20if (!isset($_GET['category_id'])) { 21 // Suppress warnings 21 // Suppress warnings 22 $_GET['category_id'] = -1; 23} 32 <option value="-1"><?php echo _AT('cats_all'); ?></option> 33 <?php print_question_cats($_GET['category_id']); ?> 34 </select> 46$cats = array(); 47if ($_GET['category_id'] >= 0) { 48 $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."tests_questions_categories WHERE course_id=$_SESSION[course_id] AND category_id=$_GET[category_id] ORDER BY title";b3kicks.php https://github.com/xlr8or/echelon.git | PHP | 251 lines
14$pageNum_rs_activebans = 0; 15if (isset($_GET['pageNum_rs_activebans'])) { 16 $pageNum_rs_activebans = $_GET['pageNum_rs_activebans']; 20if (isset($_GET['orderby'])) { 21 $xlorderby_rs_activebans = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_GET['orderby'] : addslashes($_GET['orderby']); 22} 24if (isset($_GET['order'])) { 25 $xlorder_rs_activebans = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_GET['order'] : addslashes($_GET['order']); 26} 29$query_limit_rs_activebans = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_rs_activebans, $startRow_rs_activebans, $maxRows_rs_activebans); 30$rs_activebans = mysql_query($query_limit_rs_activebans, $b3connect) or die(mysql_error()); 31$row_rs_activebans = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_activebans); 31$row_rs_activebans = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_activebans); 32if (isset($_GET['totalRows_rs_activebans'])) { 33 $totalRows_rs_activebans = $_GET['totalRows_rs_activebans'];MenuProduct.php https://gitlab.com/phamngsinh/baitaplon_sinhvien | PHP | 237 lines
62 if($_GET['Hidden']!=""){ 63 mysql_query("UPDATE ".menu_product." SET status='false' WHERE id = ".intval($_GET['Hidden']).""); 64 } 194 ?> 195 <tr class="odd <?=($le%2==0?'row0':'row1')?>" style="cursor:pointer" ondblclick="location.href='index.php?menu=<?=$_GET['menu']?>&site=<?=$_GET['site']?>&Edit=<?=$row['id']?>'"> 196 <td width="20" height="15" align="center" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" > 203 </div></td> 204 <td width="115" align="center" ondblclick="location.href='index.php?menu=<?=$_GET['menu']?>&site=<?=$_GET['site']?>&<? echo $row['status']=='true'?'Hidden':'Display';?>=<?=$row['id']?>'" style="cursor:pointer"><strong><? echo $row['status']=='true'?'Hiện':'Ẩn';?></strong></td> 205 </tr> 213 <input type="checkbox" name="element[]" id="element" value="<?=$rs['id']?>" /></td> 214 <td width="601" style="cursor:pointer; padding-left:30px;" ondblclick="location.href='index.php?menu=<?=$_GET['menu']?>&site=<?=$_GET['site']?>&Edit=<?=$rs['id']?>'">» <?=$rs['category']?></td> 215 <td width="50" ><div align="center"> 217 </div></td> 218 <td width="115" align="center" ondblclick="location.href='index.php?menu=<?=$_GET['menu']?>&site=<?=$_GET['site']?>&<? echo $rs['status']=='true'?'Hidden':'Display';?>=<?=$rs['id']?>'" style="cursor:pointer;"><? echo $row['status']=='true'?'Hiện':'Ẩn';?></td> 219 </tr>deposit_history.php https://github.com/webegg/Zencart-CMS.git | PHP | 206 lines
27 $feedback=""; 28 if(isset($_GET['action'])) 29 { 29 { 30 $action = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['action']); 31 if($action == "cancel") 41 //$cb=mysqli_fetch_object(mysqli_query($link, "SELECT deposit FROM ".$usertable." WHERE ".$userid." = ".$useridentify."")); 42 $cb=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT deposit FROM users WHERE id = '$user_id'")); 43 44//select all the history of the user 45$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM deposit_history WHERE user_id = '$user_id'"); 46?>event_page.php https://bitbucket.org/isanneh/campus-pages.git | PHP | 410 lines
23 24/* $date=$_GET["date"]; 25if($date == '') 41require_once('connect.php'); 42$id=$_GET["id"]; 43$qry="SELECT * from events where id='$id'"; 43$qry="SELECT * from events where id='$id'"; 44$result=@mysql_query($qry); 45listobservations.php https://github.com/pavanesh2009/seasonwatch.git | PHP | 301 lines
9<?php 10if($_GET['id']!= "") 11{ 11{ 12$usertreeid=($_GET['id']); 13$observationid=($_GET['observationId']); 18//echo "sql1"; 19mysql_query($sql1,$link)or die("Insertion Failed:" .mysql_error()); 20echo "<div class=\"notice\">Successfully Deleted</div>"; 103 104$sql=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT(species_primary_common_name), Species_master.species_id FROM Species_master JOIN (trees, user_tree_table) ON trees.tree_id = user_tree_table.tree_id AND trees.species_id = Species_master.species_id AND user_tree_table.user_id = '$_SESSION[user_id]'"); 105 177 178//$user_tree_table_settings = mysql_query("SELECT tree_nickname, tree_id FROM user_tree_table WHERE user_id='".$_SESSION[user_id]."'"); 179if($speciesid=="")index.php https://github.com/damanlovett/SEAHO.git | PHP | 193 lines
15$pageNum_rsBallot = 0; 16if (isset($_GET['pageNum_rsBallot'])) { 17 $pageNum_rsBallot = $_GET['pageNum_rsBallot']; 28$query_limit_rsBallot = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_rsBallot, $startRow_rsBallot, $maxRows_rsBallot); 29$rsBallot = mysql_query($query_limit_rsBallot, $Directory) or die(mysql_error()); 30$row_rsBallot = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsBallot); 36$query_limit_rsBallot = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_rsBallot, $startRow_rsBallot, $maxRows_rsBallot); 37$rsBallot = mysql_query($query_limit_rsBallot, $Directory) or die(mysql_error()); 38$row_rsBallot = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsBallot); 41 42if (isset($_GET['totalRows_rsBallot'])) { 43 $totalRows_rsBallot = $_GET['totalRows_rsBallot']; 44} else { 45 $all_rsBallot = mysql_query($query_rsBallot); 46 $totalRows_rsBallot = mysql_num_rows($all_rsBallot);install.php https://github.com/benbruscella/Grammafone.git | PHP | 377 lines
6 $query = "SELECT user_id FROM mp3act_users"; 7 $result = @mysql_query($query); 8 if(@mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){ 139 $step = 1; 140 if(isset($_GET['step'])) 141 $step = $_GET['step']; 309foreach($querys as $key=>$query){ 310 if(mysql_query($query)){ 311 349 $query = "UPDATE mp3act_settings SET invite_mode=$_POST[invite],sample_mode=$_POST[sample_mode],downloads=$_POST[downloads],amazonid=\"$_POST[amazonid]\",mp3bin=\"$_POST[mp3bin]\",lamebin=\"$_POST[lamebin]\",phpbin=\"$_POST[phpbin]\" WHERE id=1"; 350 mysql_query($query); 351 echo "<strong>Settings Saved....</strong><br/><br/>"; 362 $query = "INSERT INTO `mp3act_users` VALUES (NULL, 'admin', 'Admin', 'User', PASSWORD(\"$random_password\"), 10, NOW(), 1, '', 'streaming', 0, 's', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1,'','','',0)"; 363 mysql_query($query); 364 echo "<br/><strong>Username:</strong> Admin<br/><strong>Password:</strong> $random_password (Please change this password as soon as you login.)<br/><br/>";editUserNewEmp.php https://gitlab.com/cesardemora/neaticketwebapphomeEs | PHP | 236 lines
12 // If 'buscar' is in the array $_POST proceed to make the query. 13 //if (isset($_GET['ide'])) { 14 if(isset($_SESSION['email'])){ 15 16 mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); 17 $consulta = "SELECT * FROM SECTORES ORDER BY id ASC"; 17 $consulta = "SELECT * FROM SECTORES ORDER BY id ASC"; 18 $resultado = mysql_query($consulta); 19 20 $consulta2 = "SELECT * FROM CODIGOSBARRAS ORDER BY id ASC"; 21 $resultado2 = mysql_query($consulta2); 22 // Create the query 51 // echo '<p>El registro se actualizo correctamente</p>'; 52 //header("refresh: 0;editUserNewEmp.php?ide=".$_GET['ide']); 53 header("refresh: 0;index2emp.php");SupportOnline.php https://gitlab.com/phamngsinh/baitaplon_sinhvien | PHP | 233 lines
10 11 mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".support." SET 12 nick='".text($_POST['nick'])."' 25 26 mysql_query("UPDATE ".support." SET 27 nick='".text($_POST['nick'])."' 31 32 WHERE id='".intval($_GET['Edit'])."'"); 33 47 48 mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".support." WHERE id in (".implode(",",$_POST['element']).")"); 49 133 134 $sqlstr=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".support." WHERE id='".intval($_GET['Edit'])."' "); 135 if(mysql_num_rows($sqlstr)>0) {producer_orders_byproduct.php https://gitlab.com/Henaway/CLFC | PHP | 332 lines
15// If we don't have a producer_id then get one from the arguments 16if ($_GET['producer_id'] && CurrentMember::auth_type('producer_admin,site_admin')) 17 { 17 { 18 $producer_id = $_GET['producer_id']; 19 } 25// If no delivery id was passed, then use the current value 26if ($_GET['delivery_id']) 27 { 27 { 28 $delivery_id = $_GET['delivery_id']; 29 } 53 business_name ASC'; 54$resultp = @mysql_query($sqlp, $connection) or die(mysql_error() . "<br><b>Error No: </b>" . mysql_errno()); 55while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($resultp) )userstats.php https://bitbucket.org/stavrossk/openmaidos.git | PHP | 69 lines
15//Added way to vote without using ajax (robogeek) 16if ($_GET["mode"] == "vote") { 17 18 //confirm profil_id 19 if ($u == null || $u !== $_GET['profile_id']) die("Are you trying to hack the vote?"); 20 21 //confirm plugin_id and plugin_version 22 $getPluginId = $_GET['plugin_id']; 23 $getPluginVersion = $_GET['plugin_version']; 23 $getPluginVersion = $_GET['plugin_version']; 24 $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM plugins WHERE plugin_ID='$getPluginId' AND plugin_Version='$getPluginVersion'"); 25 $numrows = mysql_numrows($res); 28 //confirm vote 29 $v = $_GET['vote']; 30 if ($v == null || $v == "") die("You forgot to vote?");LanguageManager.class.php https://github.com/harriswong/ATutor.git | PHP | 377 lines
70 $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'languages ORDER BY native_name'; 71 $result = mysql_query($sql, $db); 72 while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { 127 128 if (isset($_GET) && !empty($_GET['lang']) && isset($this->availableLanguages[$_GET['lang']])) { 129 $language = $this->getLanguage($_GET['lang']);questions_add.php https://github.com/web-gpambrosio/VMC.git | PHP | 281 lines
5 6if ((!isset($_GET['empno']) || trim($_GET['empno']) == '')) 7{ header("location:../../index.php"); } 7{ header("location:../../index.php"); } 8$empno=$_GET['empno']; 9include('includes/myname.php'); 11 12$xttt = $_GET['Exam_Name']; 13$vav=mysql_query("select id, type from type where id='$xttt'"); 89$dbquery = "insert into questions values ('','$empno', '$txtquestion', '$txta', '$txtb', '$txtc', '$txtd', '$xoption', '$xexamname', '$whencreated')"; 90$dbresult = mysql_query($dbquery) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error()); 91echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Record Saved!')</script>" ; 153$dbexamtype="Select type.id, type.type from type, examtype where examtype.examname = type.type and type.sync='0' order by id asc"; 154$dbrexamtype=mysql_query($dbexamtype); 155echo "<select name=\"xexamname\" style=\"font-size:12px; width:220px; font-family:Verdana;color:#999999\"> ";actions_email.php https://github.com/GansukhB/phtstr.git | PHP | 195 lines
10 11 $settings_result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM settings where id = '1'", $db); 12 $setting = mysql_fetch_object($settings_result); 16 17 switch($_GET['pmode']){ 18 28 $sql = "INSERT INTO email_copy (title,subject,article,image_upload,image_area_name,image_w,image_h,file_upload,file_area_name) VALUES ('$title','$subject','$article','$set_image_upload','$set_image_area_name','$set_image_width','$set_image_height','$set_file_upload','$set_file_area_name')"; 29 $result = mysql_query($sql); 30 30 31 $last_result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM email_copy order by id desc", $db); 32 $last = mysql_fetch_object($last_result); 44 $sql = "INSERT INTO uploaded_files (reference,reference_id,filename,file_text) VALUES ('$_POST[reference]','$last->id','$fname','$_POST[file_text]')"; 45 $result = mysql_query($sql); 46ppc_accounts.php https://github.com/lsd/prosper202.git | PHP | 289 lines
5 6if ($_GET['edit_ppc_account_id']) { 7 $editing = true; 25 `ppc_network_time`='".$mysql['ppc_network_time']."'"; 26 $ppc_network_result = _mysql_query($ppc_network_sql) ; //($ppc_network_sql); 27 $add_success = true; 44 $ppc_network_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `202_ppc_networks` WHERE `user_id`='".$mysql['user_id']."' AND `ppc_network_id`='".$mysql['ppc_network_id']."'"; 45 $ppc_network_result = _mysql_query($ppc_network_sql) ; //($ppc_network_sql); 46 if (mysql_result($ppc_network_result,0,0) == 0 ) { 53 if ($editing == true) { 54 $mysql['ppc_account_id'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['edit_ppc_account_id']); 55 $mysql['user_id'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['user_id']); 56 $ppc_account_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `202_ppc_accounts` WHERE `user_id`='".$mysql['user_id']."' AND `ppc_account_id`='".$mysql['ppc_account_id']."'"; 57 $ppc_account_result = _mysql_query($ppc_account_sql) ; //($ppc_account_sql); 58 if (mysql_result($ppc_account_result,0,0) == 0 ) {class.database.php https://github.com/foxluck/otdelstroy.git | PHP | 311 lines
65 if(!mysql_select_db($this->database, $this->link)) { 66 if(isset($_GET['debug'])) 67 { 91*/ 92if(isset($_GET['debug'])&&$_GET['debug']=='time'){ 93 112 mysql_select_db($this->database,$this->link); 113 $this->result = mysql_query($this->last_sql, $this->link); 114 if(!$this->result){ 123*/ 124if(isset($_GET['debug'])&&$_GET['debug']=='time'){ 125statusbar.php https://github.com/Jessicasoon/ProjectKentRidgeV2.git | PHP | 72 lines
3$query_getTopics = sprintf("SELECT cat_id, cat_name, undone, (SELECT COUNT(quiz_id) FROM `q_quizzes` WHERE isPublished = 1 AND fk_quiz_cat = cat_id) as total FROM (SELECT COUNT(fk_quiz_cat) as undone, fk_quiz_cat FROM q_quizzes q WHERE q.quiz_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(fk_quiz_id) FROM `q_store_result` WHERE `fk_member_id` = %s) AND isPublished = 1 GROUP BY fk_quiz_cat) t RIGHT JOIN q_quiz_cat r ON t.fk_quiz_cat = r.cat_id", $member->id); 4$getTopics = mysql_query($query_getTopics, $quizroo) or die(mysql_error()); 5$row_getTopics = mysql_fetch_assoc($getTopics); 7 8if(isset($_GET['topic'])){ 9 $topic = $_GET['topic'];tracker.php https://github.com/AJenbo/ubuntudanmark.dk.git | PHP | 418 lines
79 if ($usehash) 80 $query = mysql_query("SELECT info_hash, seeds, leechers, finished FROM BTPHP_summary WHERE info_hash=\"$info_hash\"") or showError("Database error. Cannot complete request."); 81 else 116// Error: no web browsers allowed 117if (!isset($_GET["info_hash"]) || !isset($_GET["peer_id"])) 118{ 135 136if (!isset($_GET["port"]) || !isset($_GET["downloaded"]) || !isset($_GET["uploaded"]) || !isset($_GET["left"])) 137 showError("Invalid information received from BitTorrent client"); 142$uploaded = $_GET["uploaded"]; 143$left = $_GET["left"]; 144 154if (isset($_GET["numwant"])) 155 if ($_GET["numwant"] < $GLOBALS["maxpeers"] && $_GET["numwant"] >= 0) 156 $GLOBALS["maxpeers"]=$_GET["numwant"];objects.php https://github.com/jamon8888/break.git | PHP | 176 lines
45 $sLimit = ""; 46 if ( isset( $_GET['iDisplayStart'] ) && $_GET['iDisplayLength'] != '-1' ) 47 { 61 { 62 if ( $_GET[ 'bSortable_'.intval($_GET['iSortCol_'.$i]) ] == "true" ) 63 { 63 { 64 $iColumnIndex = array_search( $_GET['mDataProp_'.$_GET['iSortCol_'.$i]], $aColumns ); 65 $sOrder .= $aColumns[ $iColumnIndex ]." 84 $sWhere = ""; 85 if ( isset($_GET['sSearch']) && $_GET['sSearch'] != "" ) 86 { 98 { 99 if ( isset($_GET['bSearchable_'.$i]) && $_GET['bSearchable_'.$i] == "true" && $_GET['sSearch_'.$i] != '' ) 100 {editproduct.php https://bitbucket.org/shikhaupadhyay/advt.git | PHP | 208 lines
2$imgurl = $dbfn->siteUrl().'proimages/'; 3if($_GET['id']){ 4 if($_POST['update']) 11 12 $updatequery="update products set cid='".$_POST['category']."',title='".$_POST['title']."',description='".$_POST['description']."',price='".$_POST['price']."',image='".$imgurl.$name."',created_date=now() where id='".$_GET['id']."'"; 13 } 15 { 16 $updatequery="update products set cid='".$_POST['category']."',title='".$_POST['title']."',description='".$_POST['description']."',price='".$_POST['price']."',created_date=now() where id='".$_GET['id']."'"; 17 19 20 mysql_query($updatequery); 21 25 $sqlptype="select * from product_type where ProductId='".$_REQUEST['id']."'"; 26 $resptype=mysql_query($sqlptype); 27 $numptype=mysql_num_rows($resptype);over_forums.php https://github.com/Bigjoos/U-232-V1.git | PHP | 281 lines
44 45$id = (isset($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : (isset($_POST['id']) ? intval($_POST['id']) : 0)); 46$maxclass = $CURUSER['class']; 52 //=== post / get action posted so we know what to do :P 53 $posted_action = (isset($_GET['action2']) ? $_GET['action2'] : (isset($_POST['action2']) ? $_POST['action2'] : '')); 54 161 $sorted=''; 162 $res = mysql_query ('SELECT sort FROM over_forums'); 163 $nr = mysql_num_rows($res);admin_edituser.php https://github.com/leviself/Feedmailer.git | PHP | 152 lines
10 11 $input = $_GET[id]; 12 12 13 $userid = @mysql_result(mysql_query( 14 "SELECT `id` FROM `{$mysql->prefix}users`createResultObject.php https://github.com/Jessicasoon/ProjectKentRidgeV2.git | PHP | 139 lines
1<?php // get result number 2if(isset($_GET['load'])){ 3 $unikey = $_GET['unikey']; 5 6 $query = sprintf("SELECT result_id, result_title, result_description, result_picture FROM q_results WHERE fk_quiz_id = %d", GetSQLValueString($_GET['id'], "int")); 7 $getQuery = mysql_query($query, $quizroo) or die(mysql_error()); 70 } 71}elseif(isset($_GET['delete'])){ 72 // delete the result 76 // also pass in the member id for security check 77 $quiz = new Quiz($_GET['id']); 78 $member = new Member(); 78 $member = new Member(); 79 if(!$quiz->removeResult($_GET['result'], $member->id)){ 80 echo "Delete not authorized";upload.php https://github.com/AndyRixon/LayerBulletin.git | PHP | 411 lines
50$query211 = "select ID, BANNED from {$db_prefix}members WHERE name='$lb_name' AND password='$lb_password'" ; 51$result211 = mysql_query($query211) or die("Query failed"); 52$id_count = mysql_num_rows($result211); 64$query_theme = "select THEME, BOARD_LANG, ATTACH_AVATAR_SIZE from {$db_prefix}settings" ; 65$result_theme = mysql_query($query_theme) or die("Query failed") ; 66while ($results_theme = mysql_fetch_array($result_theme)){ 76$query_theme = "select THEME from {$db_prefix}members WHERE NAME='$lb_name'" ; 77$result_theme = mysql_query($query_theme) or die("structure.php - Error in query: $query_theme") ; 78$member_selected_theme = mysql_result($result_theme, 0); 82$query_theme = "select THEME_NAME from {$db_prefix}themes WHERE THEME_NAME='$member_selected_theme'" ; 83$result_theme = mysql_query($query_theme) or die("structure.php - Error in query: $query_theme") ; 84$check_theme = mysql_num_rows($result_theme); 89 90$topicid = escape_string($_GET['topicid']); 91$attachtype=escape_string($_GET['attachtype']);staffpanel.php https://github.com/cybernet/CyBerFuN-CoDeX.git | PHP | 347 lines
64 65$action = (isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : (isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : NULL)); 66$id = (isset($_GET['id']) ? (int)$_GET['id'] : (isset($_POST['id']) ? (int)$_POST['id'] : NULL)); 70{ 71 $sure = ((isset($_GET['sure']) ? $_GET['sure'] : '') == 'yes'); 72 72 73 $res = mysql_query('SELECT av_class'.(!$sure || $staff_classes[$CURUSER['class']]['log'] ? ', page_name' : '').' FROM staffpanel WHERE id = '.sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); 74 $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); 81 82 mysql_query('DELETE FROM staffpanel WHERE id = '.sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); 83 100 { 101 $res = mysql_query('SELECT '.implode(', ', $names).' FROM staffpanel WHERE id = '.sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); 102 $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);SpecialDatasearch.php https://github.com/ChuguluGames/mediawiki-svn.git | PHP | 359 lines
71 72 if ( array_key_exists( 'search-text', $_GET ) ) { 73 $searchText = ltrim( $_GET['search-text'] ); 77 78 if ( isset( $_GET['go'] ) ) 79 $this->go( $searchText ); 256 257 $queryResult_r = mysql_query( $sql ); 258 $queryResult_a = mysql_fetch_row( $queryResult_r );failure_result_summary_by_host.php https://github.com/matszpk/native-boinc-for-android.git | PHP | 89 lines
23 24$query_appid = $_GET['appid']; 25$query_received_time = time() - $_GET['nsecs']; 63 64$result = mysql_query($main_query); 65api.php https://gitlab.com/swimly/api | PHP | 76 lines
6 7$type=isset($_GET["type"])?$_GET["type"]:null; /*get是获取、update是修改、delete是删除、add是添加*/ 8$id=isset($_GET["id"])?$_GET["id"]:null; 29 mysql_query("SET NAMES 'UTF8'",$conn); 30 $page =isset($_GET['page'])?$_GET['page']:1; //获取查询页数,如果没有get到page,默认就是第一页! 31 if(!preg_match('/^\d+$/',$page) || $page < 1) $page = 1; //如果输入的不是数字 或者小于1 默认第一页 33 $pageSize =$size; //每页多少条 34 $result_pag_num = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM $table"); //获取数据表中总记录条数 35 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result_pag_num); 40 $query_pag_data = "SELECT $field from $table order by id $sort LIMIT $start, $pageSize"; 41 $result_pag_data = mysql_query($query_pag_data) or die('MySql Error' . mysql_error()); 42 $arrList = array(); //初始化列表数组 58 $info=array(); 59 mysql_query("set names 'utf8'"); 60 mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET UTF8");user.php https://github.com/carlosefonseca/ER-client-webapp.git | PHP | 215 lines
48 49 $result = mysql_query($q); 50 if(!$result || (mysql_num_rows($result) != 1)){ 132 133<? if (isset($_GET['e'])): ?> 134 <p class="login error">O nome de utilizador e password que introduziu não existem.</p> 134 <p class="login error">O nome de utilizador e password que introduziu não existem.</p> 135<? elseif (isset($_GET['np']) && isset($_GET['u'])): ?> 136 <p class="login error">O utilizador '<?= $_GET['u'];?>' não tem permissões de acesso a este site. Contacte o seu responsável.</p> 202} else { 203 if(isset($_GET['q']) && $_GET['q'] == 'logout') { 204 /* Kill session variables */delete.php https://gitlab.com/jonz94/2016NCU_FreshWeb_HW | PHP | 113 lines
10 $username = $_SESSION["loginUser"]; 11 $query_RecComment = "SELECT * FROM `comment` WHERE `id`=".$_GET["id"]; 12 $RecComment = mysql_query($query_RecComment); 16 $query_RecUser = "SELECT `id`,`permission` FROM `user` WHERE `username`='".$username."'"; 17 $RecUser = mysql_query($query_RecUser); 18 $row_RecUser = mysql_fetch_assoc($RecUser); 29 $query_RecNickname = "SELECT `nickname` FROM `user` WHERE `user`.`id` = ".$row_RecComment["user_id"]; 30 if(!$RecNickname=mysql_query($query_RecNickname)){ ?> 31 <script type="text/javascript"> 56 $sql_query = "DELETE FROM `comment` WHERE `id`=".$_POST["id"]; 57 mysql_query($sql_query); 58 //重新導向回到主畫面 ?>index_instructor.php https://github.com/harriswong/ATutor.git | PHP | 162 lines
19if (isset($_GET['edit'])) { 20 if (!isset($_GET['reading'])) { 21 $msg->addError('NO_ITEM_SELECTED'); 26 // reading ID of item that will be edited 27 $_GET['reading'] = intval($_GET['reading']); 28 34 $sql = "SELECT type FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."external_resources WHERE course_id=$_SESSION[course_id] AND resource_id=$row[resource_id]"; 35 $result = mysql_query($sql, $db); 36 if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ 48 } 49 $_GET['reading'] = intval($_GET['reading']); 50 header('Location: delete_reading.php?id='. $_GET['reading']); 52} else if (isset($_GET['create'])){ 53 $_GET['new_reading'] = intval($_GET['new_reading']); 54upload.php https://bitbucket.org/isanneh/campus-pages.git | PHP | 190 lines
4// This function makes usage of 5// $_GET, $_POST, etc... variables 6// completly safe in SQL queries 48 49 mysql_query("INSERT INTO {$table} 50 SET ext='$ext', title='$title', 55 } 56 elseif (isset($_GET['title'])) // isset(..title) needed 57 $msg = 'Error: file not loaded';// to make sure we've using 64 $id = intval($_POST['del']); 65 mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE id=$id"); 66 $msg = 'Photo deleted'; 69} 70elseif (isset($_GET['show'])) 71{add_resource_av.php https://github.com/harriswong/ATutor.git | PHP | 165 lines
25$comments = ""; 26$page_return = $_GET['page_return']; 27 66 '')"; 67 $result = mysql_query($sql,$db); 68 76 77 $result = mysql_query($sql,$db); 78 103 // yes, get resource from database 104 $id = intval ($_GET['id']); 105 106 $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."external_resources WHERE course_id=$_SESSION[course_id] AND resource_id=$id"; 107 $result = mysql_query($sql, $db); 108 if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){salvar-editar.php https://bitbucket.org/vmassuchetto/tqa-utfpr.git | PHP | 296 lines
2 3$id = $_GET["id"]; 4 147Abre_Conexao(); 148if(@mysql_query("UPDATE catadores SET 149 data = '$data',files.php https://gitlab.com/phamngsinh/baitaplon_sinhvien | PHP | 181 lines
36$t = abs(intval($_GET['t'])); // ID топика 37$do = isset($_GET['do']) && intval($_GET['do']) > 0 && intval($_GET['do']) < 10 ? intval($_GET['do']) : 0; 38if ($c) { 64 // Получаем имя нужной категории форума 65 $req = mysql_query("SELECT `text` FROM `forum` WHERE `website` = '$website' AND `id` = '$id'"); 66 if (mysql_num_rows($req) > 0) { 80 */ 81 $total = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `cms_forum_files` WHERE `website` = '$website' AND " . (isset($_GET['new']) 82 ? " `time` > '$new'" : " `filetype` = '$do'") . $sql), 0); 86 : '') . '</div>' . ($do ? '<div class="bmenu">' . $types[$do] . '</div>' : ''); 87 $req = mysql_query("SELECT `cms_forum_files`.*, `forum`.`user_id`, `forum`.`text`, `topicname`.`text` AS `topicname` 88 FROM `cms_forum_files` 90 LEFT JOIN `forum` AS `topicname` ON `cms_forum_files`.`topic` = `topicname`.`id` 91 WHERE `forum`.`website` = '$website' AND " . (isset($_GET['new']) ? " `cms_forum_files`.`time` > '$new'" : " `filetype` = '$do'") . ($rights >= 7 92 ? '' : " AND `del` != '1'") . $sql .login.php https://bitbucket.org/mac_pasha/neticketing.git | PHP | 184 lines
40$loginFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; 41if (isset($_GET['accesscheck'])) { 42 $_SESSION['PrevUrl'] = $_GET['accesscheck']; 56 57 $LoginRS = mysql_query($LoginRS__query, $neticketing) or die(mysql_error()); 58 $loginFoundUser = mysql_num_rows($LoginRS); 86$loginFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; 87if (isset($_GET['accesscheck'])) { 88 $_SESSION['PrevUrl'] = $_GET['accesscheck']; 102 103 $LoginRS = mysql_query($LoginRS__query, $neticketing) or die(mysql_error()); 104 $loginFoundUser = mysql_num_rows($LoginRS);shoppingCart.php https://gitlab.com/phamngsinh/baitaplon_sinhvien | PHP | 196 lines
14 15 mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".shoppingCart." WHERE id in (".implode(",",$_POST['element']).")"); 16 21?> 22<? if($_GET['view']!='') {?> 23 26 $sqlstr = 'SELECT * FROM '.shoppingCart.' WHERE id='.intval($view).''; 27 $resultstr =mysql_query($sqlstr); 28 $rowstr = mysql_fetch_array($resultstr); 48 $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.product.' WHERE id = '.intval($id); 49 $result =mysql_query($sql); 50 157 num_page(); 158 $link="index.php?menu=".$_GET['menu']."&site=".$_GET['site'].""; 159 $page=$_GET['page']?intval($_GET['page']):1;reportDate.php https://github.com/joelbrock/is4c_nofc.git | PHP | 391 lines
38else { 39 if ($_GET['date']) { $date = $_GET['date']; } 40 else { $date = date('Y-m-d'); } 55else { 56 $result = mysql_query("TRUNCATE " . DB_LOGNAME . ".dlog_tmp"); 57 if (!$result) { 63 $query = "INSERT INTO " . DB_LOGNAME . ".dlog_tmp SELECT * FROM " . DB_LOGNAME . ".$dlog_table WHERE DATE(datetime) = '$db_date'"; 64 $result = mysql_query($query); 65 if (!$result) { 119// 120// $results = mysql_query($grossQ); 121// $row = mysql_fetch_row($results); 210 211 $transCountR = mysql_query($transCountQ); 212 $row = mysql_fetch_row($transCountR);base.php https://github.com/advocaite/Stargate-Wars.git | PHP | 134 lines
8$s = new Game(); 9if (!$s->loggedIn || !$_GET['time']){ header("Location: https://realmbattles.org/SGWnew/index.php?"); } 10$s->updatePower($_SESSION['userid']); 13$allyinfo = $s->getallyinfo($base->allyid);} 14$newsQ = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY id DESC") or die(mysql_error()); 15?>reu-page.php https://bitbucket.org/isanneh/campus-pages.git | PHP | 265 lines
23 24/* $date=$_GET["date"]; 25if($date == '') 41require_once('connect.php'); 42$id=$_GET["id"]; 43$qry="SELECT * from reu where id='$id'"; 43$qry="SELECT * from reu where id='$id'"; 44$result=@mysql_query($qry); 45new_product.php https://bitbucket.org/pavolve/masterskayaludmila.git | PHP | 154 lines
35 if( !isset($_POST['submit_red']) ){ 36 $query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM products WHERE article='".mysql_real_escape_string($value)."'"); 37 if(mysql_result($query, 0) > 0){ 108 if ( !isset($_POST['submit_red']) ){ 109 mysql_query("INSERT INTO products SET".$query); 110 $current_id = mysql_insert_id(); 112 else{ 113 $current_id = $_GET["id"];; 114 mysql_query("UPDATE products SET".$query." WHERE id = ".$current_id); 127*/ 128 mysql_query("UPDATE products 129 SET image='".$image_name."'edit_jv_des.php https://github.com/souktel/WorldVision.git | PHP | 229 lines
14<?php 15$job_id = string_wslashes($_GET['jid']); 16if(!is_numeric($job_id)) exit; 19 20if($job_rs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_jo_job_vacancy WHERE job_id = $job_id AND sys_id = $param_session_sys_id AND user_id = $param_session_user_user_id",$dbid1)) 21{ 49 <input type="hidden" name="job_id" value="<?php echo $job_id;?>"> 50 <input type="hidden" name="return_url" value="<?php echo $_GET['ru']==""?$referrer:$_GET['ru'];?>"> 51 <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="6" style="border-collapse: collapse"> 108 $dbid = db_connect(); 109 $rs1 = mysql_query("SELECT c.level_id, ct.name FROM tbl_ref_education_level c, tbl_ref_education_level_title ct WHERE ct.level_id = c.level_id AND ct.language_id = $param_session_sys_language", $dbid); 110 while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($rs1)) 215 <td width="3%"> </td> 216 <td width="48%" colspan="2"><b><font face="Trebuchet MS" size="2"><a href="<?php echo $_GET['ru']==""?$referrer:$_GET['ru'];?>"><< Return to previous!</a></font></b></td> 217 </tr>coupon.php https://github.com/GansukhB/phtstr.git | PHP | 306 lines
31 else{ 32 $settings_result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM settings where id = '1'", $db); 33 $setting = mysql_fetch_object($settings_result); 34 35 $currency_result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM currency where active = '1'", $db); 36 $currency = mysql_fetch_object($currency_result); 37 38 $mgr_result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mgr_users where id = '1'", $db); 39 $mgr_users = mysql_fetch_object($mgr_result); 103 <form name="coupon_creation" action="<?PHP echo $actions_page; ?>?pmode=save_coupon_settings" method="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"> 104 <input type="hidden" value="mgr.php?nav=<? echo $_GET['nav']; ?>&message=saved" name="return"> 105 <tr> 239 <form name="coupon" method="post"> 240 <input type="hidden" value="mgr.php?nav=<? echo $_GET['nav']; ?>&message=deleted&order_by=<? echo $_GET['order_by']; ?>&order_type=<? echo $_GET['order_type']; ?>&search=<? echo $_GET['search']; ?>" name="return"> 241 <td align="Center" bgcolor="#89A6DB"><b>ID</b></td>view_results.php https://github.com/harriswong/ATutor.git | PHP | 196 lines
38 39$tid = intval($_GET['tid']); 40$rid = intval($_GET['rid']); 43$sql = "SELECT title, random, passfeedback, failfeedback, passscore, passpercent FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."tests WHERE test_id=$tid AND course_id=$_SESSION[course_id]"; 44$result = mysql_query($sql, $db); 45$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); 56$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."tests_results WHERE result_id=$rid"; 57$result = mysql_query($sql, $db); 58if (!$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ 66$sql = "SELECT result_release, out_of FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."tests WHERE test_id=$tid AND course_id=$_SESSION[course_id]"; 67$result = mysql_query($sql, $db); 68$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); 79$sql = "SELECT question_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."tests_answers WHERE result_id=$rid"; 80$result = mysql_query($sql, $db); 81$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);findnotconnectable.php https://github.com/Bigjoos/U-232-V1.git | PHP | 144 lines
35 36if (isset($_GET["action1"]) && $_GET["action1"] == "list") { 37 $res2 = sql_query("SELECT userid, seeder, torrent, agent FROM peers WHERE connectable='no' ORDER BY userid DESC") or sqlerr(); 74 $subject = "Connectability"; 75 mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (sender, receiver, added, msg, subject) VALUES (0,$dat[userid] , '" . time() . "', " . sqlesc($msg) . ", " . sqlesc($subject) . ")") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); 76 } 76 } 77 mysql_query("INSERT INTO notconnectablepmlog ( user , date ) VALUES ( $CURUSER[id], $dt)") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); 78 header("Refresh: 0; url=staffpanel.php?tool=findnotconnectable"); 81 82if (isset($_GET["action1"]) && $_GET["action1"] == "sendpm") { 83 90 91$HTMLOUT .="<input type='hidden' name='returnto' value='".(isset($_GET["returnto"]) ? $_GET["returnto"] : $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])."' />"; 92 }index.php https://bitbucket.org/ssimpledecision/simpledecision.git | PHP | 175 lines
41 unlink("{$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']}/files/images/{$id_modules}/mcith/mcith_{$pic}"); 42 mysql_query("delete from {$pref}db_{$modul} where id={$delv2}"); 43 } 49 50if (isset($_GET['sort'])) $_SESSION['sort'] = $_GET['sort']; 51if (isset($_SESSION['sort'])) $sort = $_SESSION['sort']; 54mysql_query("delete from {$pref}db_{$modul}_cat where status=-1"); 55mysql_query("delete from {$pref}db_{$modul} where status=-1"); 56$lim=30; 56$lim=30; 57if (isset($_GET['p'])) $p=$_GET['p']; else {$p=1;$_GET['p']=1;} 58$o=$p*$lim-$lim; 61{ 62if (isset($_GET['id_material'])) $id=$_GET['id_material']; 63if (isset($_POST['id_material'])) $id=$_POST['id_material'];getCities.php http://ebpls.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | PHP | 129 lines
7 8if(isset($_GET['owner_province_code']) || isset($_GET['main_office_prov'])){ 9 59 60if(isset($_GET['owner_district_code']) || isset($_GET['business_main_offc_district_code'])){ 61 78} 79if(isset($_GET['owner_barangay_code']) || isset($_GET['business_main_offc_barangay_code'])){ 80 103 echo "obj.options[obj.options.length] = new Option('-Please Select Barangay-','');\n"; 104 $resultset = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ebpls_barangay where upper='$_GET[business_district_code]'") or die(mysql_error()."dd"); 105 while($datarow = @mysql_fetch_array($resultset)) 116 echo "obj.options[obj.options.length] = new Option('-Please Select Zone-','');\n"; 117 $resultset = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ebpls_zone where upper='$_GET[business_barangay_code]'") or die(mysql_error()."dd"); 118 while($datarow = @mysql_fetch_array($resultset))Account.php https://github.com/TravianWar/Travianx.git | PHP | 226 lines
32 } 33 } if(isset($_GET['code'])) { 34 $_POST['id'] = $_GET['code']; $this->Activate(); 127 $q = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREFIX."activate where act = '".$_POST['id']."'"; 128 $result = mysql_query($q, $database->connection); 129 $dbarray = mysql_fetch_array($result); 145 $q = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREFIX."activate where id = '".$_POST['id']."'"; 146 $result = mysql_query($q, $database->connection); 147 $dbarray = mysql_fetch_array($result);subdeptReport.php https://github.com/joelbrock/is4c_nofc.git | PHP | 224 lines
36 37if (isset($_GET['sort'])) { 38 foreach ($_GET AS $key => $value) { 55 if (isset($_POST['dept'])) {$deptArray = implode(",",$_POST['dept']);} 56 elseif (isset($_GET['dept'])) {$deptArray = $_GET['dept'];} 57 $arrayName = $deptArray; 86 87 $grossR = mysql_query($grossQ); 88 $row = mysql_fetch_row($grossR); 122 123$result = mysql_query($subdeptQ); 124$num = mysql_num_rows($result);profile.php https://bitbucket.org/thomascherian91/online-hostel-manager.git | PHP | 172 lines
18<?php 19$id=$_GET['id']; 20$aid=$_GET['id']; 20$aid=$_GET['id']; 21$sid=$_GET['id']; 22$gid=$_GET['id']; 22$gid=$_GET['id']; 23$inmate=$_GET['inmate']; 24if($inmate=='student') 26$query="SELECT * FROM student WHERE uid='$id'"; 27 $result=mysql_query($query); 28?> 66{ 67$sqlquery=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM admin WHERE aid = '$aid';"); 68 $row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlquery);mahara_login.php https://github.com/atutor/mahara.git | PHP | 199 lines
60 $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."config"; 61 $result = mysql_query($sql, $db); 62 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { 77 $myLang->saveToSession(); 78 if (isset($_GET['lang']) && $_SESSION['valid_user']) { 79 if ($_SESSION['course_id'] == -1) { 117$sql = "SELECT password FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."mahara WHERE at_login='".$usr["at_login"]."' AND username='".$usr["username"]."' AND SHA1(password)='".$usr["password"]."'"; 118$result = mysql_query($sql, $db); 119if (!($row = @mysql_fetch_array($result))) { 156 157 $result = mysql_query($sql, $db_atutor); 158themes.php http://novaboard.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | PHP | 487 lines
92 93elseif (isset($_GET['alter']) && ($_GET['alter']=='rss')){ 94 114 115elseif (isset($_GET['func']) && ($_GET['func']=='remote')){ 116 180} 181elseif (isset($_GET['func']) && ($_GET['func']=='install')){ 182 236} 237elseif (isset($_GET['func']) && ($_GET['func']=='remove')){ 238 289} 290elseif (isset($_GET['func']) && ($_GET['func']=='delete')){ 291index.php https://github.com/ovnis/Mepsol.git | PHP | 138 lines
4 function execute(){ 5 $action = $_GET["action"]; 6 switch ($action){ 8 $serviceid = $_SESSION["serviceid"]; 9 $qr = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM states WHERE checked = 'checked' AND serviceid=$serviceid LIMIT 1"); 10 $_SESSION["states_open"] = array(); 35 if($_SESSION["states_open"][$i]["id"] == $_SESSION["current_state"]){ 36 $_SESSION["states_open"][$i]["answer"] = $_GET["answer"]; 37 $_SESSION["states_open"][$i]["advanced"] = false; 70 $_SESSION["states_open"][$i]["advanced"] = true; 71 $qr = mysql_query("SELECT connections.expr, id2 FROM connections INNER JOIN states ON states.id=connections.id2 WHERE id1 = ".$_SESSION["states_open"][$i]["id"]); 72 while($r = mysql_fetch_array($qr)){ 98 print_jason_records(true, "SELECT connections.expr FROM connections INNER JOIN states ON states.id=connections.id2 WHERE id1 = $id", "answers"); 99 $r = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT ".build_field_list(array("description", "info", "document", "video_link"), $this->language)." FROM states WHERE id = $id")); 100 echo ", \"video_links\":".json_encode(explode("|", $r["video_link"]));inc.openup.php http://dj-r-old-admin.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | PHP | 251 lines
1<? 2if (!$_GET['mois_ouverture']) 3{$_SESSION['mois_ouverture']=date("m");} 39 40 $res_openup=mysql_query($sql_openup,$db); 41 while($ligne_openup=mysql_fetch_object($res_openup)) 113 ORDER BY date_out DESC, etat_num"; 114 $res_events=mysql_query($sql_events,$db); 115 $total_loc_out=0;main.php https://bitbucket.org/ihoney/project_honey.git | PHP | 162 lines
20"; 21 $rs = mysql_query($sql); 22 ?> 34 35$rs = mysql_query($sql); 36$Num_Rows = mysql_num_rows($rs); 41 42$Page = $_GET["Page"]; 43if (!$_GET["Page"]) { 60$sql .=" order by user.user_id ASC LIMIT $Page_Start , $Per_Page"; 61$objQuery = mysql_query($sql); 62?>ppc_accounts.php https://github.com/ClickBooth/XTracks.git | PHP | 291 lines
5 6if ($_GET['edit_ppc_account_id']) { 7 $editing = true; 25 `ppc_network_time`='".$mysql['ppc_network_time']."'"; 26 $ppc_network_result = _mysql_query($ppc_network_sql) ; //($ppc_network_sql); 27 $add_success = true; 44 $ppc_network_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `202_ppc_networks` WHERE `user_id`='".$mysql['user_id']."' AND `ppc_network_id`='".$mysql['ppc_network_id']."'"; 45 $ppc_network_result = _mysql_query($ppc_network_sql) ; //($ppc_network_sql); 46 if (mysql_result($ppc_network_result,0,0) == 0 ) { 53 if ($editing == true) { 54 $mysql['ppc_account_id'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['edit_ppc_account_id']); 55 $mysql['user_id'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['user_id']); 56 $ppc_account_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `202_ppc_accounts` WHERE `user_id`='".$mysql['user_id']."' AND `ppc_account_id`='".$mysql['ppc_account_id']."'"; 57 $ppc_account_result = _mysql_query($ppc_account_sql) ; //($ppc_account_sql); 58 if (mysql_result($ppc_account_result,0,0) == 0 ) {edit-subject.php https://github.com/warrentang/learning-php.git | PHP | 97 lines
2<?php 3 if(intval($_GET['subj']) == 0) { 4 redirect_to("content.php"); 23 if(empty($errors)) { 24 $id = mysql_prepare($_GET['subj']); 25 $menu_name = mysql_prepare($_POST["menu-name"]); 33 where id = {$id}"; 34 $result = mysql_query($query); 35 if(mysql_affected_rows() == 1) {server.php https://github.com/iamamused/Apress-Beginning-Google-Maps-Applications.git | PHP | 161 lines
23 serialize($rect).'|'. 24 $_GET['x'].'|'. 25 $_GET['y'].'|'. 50 $extend = 0; 51 $z = (int)$_GET['zoom']; 52 $swlat=$rect->y + $extend; 143 //write some info about the tile to the image for testing 144 imagestring($im,1,-1,0, "$count points in tile ({$_GET['x']},{$_GET['y']}) @ zoom $z ",$white); 145 imagestring($im,1,0,1, "$count points in tile ({$_GET['x']},{$_GET['y']}) @ zoom $z ",$white); 145 imagestring($im,1,0,1, "$count points in tile ({$_GET['x']},{$_GET['y']}) @ zoom $z ",$white); 146 imagestring($im,1,0,-1, "$count points in tile ({$_GET['x']},{$_GET['y']}) @ zoom $z ",$white); 147 imagestring($im,1,1,0, "$count points in tile ({$_GET['x']},{$_GET['y']}) @ zoom $z ",$white); 147 imagestring($im,1,1,0, "$count points in tile ({$_GET['x']},{$_GET['y']}) @ zoom $z ",$white); 148 imagestring($im,1,0,0, "$count points in tile ({$_GET['x']},{$_GET['y']}) @ zoom $z ",$black); 149 imagestring($im,1,0,9, date('r'),$black);print.php https://github.com/web-gpambrosio/VMC.git | PHP | 144 lines
2include('../../includes/conn.php'); 3$txt1=$_GET['txt1']; 4$txt2=$_GET['txt2']; 4$txt2=$_GET['txt2']; 5$txt3=$_GET['txt3']; 6 11$sr = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE ".$ex4se." and testdate between '$txt1' and '$txt2' ORDER BY exam, fname desc"; 12$SearchResult=mysql_query($sr) or die(mysql_error()); 13 80 81 $stypeofexam = mysql_query("select type from type where id='".$row->exam."'") or die(mysql_error()); 82 $rwtypeofexam = mysql_num_rows($stypeofexam); 90//----------- 91$qexamtype_ue=mysql_query("select examtype.totalno As totalnoexam from users, examtype, type 92 where type.id = users.exam and type.type=examtype.examname and users.crewcode='".$row->crewcode."'");enroll_credit_bank_charge.php https://bitbucket.org/deba666/accitsoftware.git | PHP | 250 lines
23{ 24 mysql_query("update `due_history` set `DELETE_DATE`='".date('Y-m-d')."' where `IND_NO`='".$_POST['IND_NO'][$i]."'");//update due history table after make psayment 25} 25} 26 mysql_query("update `due` set `AMOUNT`='".$due_amount."' where `IND_NO`='".$_POST['IND_NO'][$i]."'"); 27 $_SESSION['s_msg']="<strong>Fine!</strong>Payment Credited Successfully"; 87 <input id="when" name="user" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['user_no']?>"> 88 <input id="when" name="enrol_no" type="hidden" value="<?=$_GET['enrol_no']?>"> 89 <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="instalment"> 104 $i=1; 105 $cond20="where `ENROL_NO`=".$_GET['enrol_no']; 106 $std_row20=getRows($cond20,'invoice'); 113 $i++; 114 $add1a=mysql_query("SELECT * from due where `IND_NO`=".$std_row23['IND_NO']); 115 while($row2a = mysql_fetch_array($add1a))hourlySales.php https://github.com/maxolasersquad/FLOSS-POS.git | PHP | 116 lines
7}else{ 8 foreach ($_GET AS $key => $value) { 9 $$key = $value; 72 73$result1 = mysql_query($query1); 74$result2 = mysql_query($query2); 74$result2 = mysql_query($query2); 75$result3 = mysql_query($transCountQ); 76$num1 = mysql_num_rows($result1);patronage_detail.php https://github.com/joelbrock/is4c_nofc.git | PHP | 167 lines
3 4$ryear = $_GET['ryear']; 5$fyear = $ryear - 1; 16$cardq = "SELECT card_no FROM " . DB_LOGNAME . ".PR_redeemed WHERE YEAR(datetime) = '$ryear'"; 17$cardr = mysql_query($cardq) OR die(mysql_error() . "<br />" . $cardq); 18while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($cardr)) { 27 28if (isset($_GET['popup'])) { 29 29 30 if ($_GET['popup'] == 'redeemed') { 31 $query = "SELECT DATE(p.datetime) as date, 44 // echo $query; 45 $result = mysql_query($query) OR die(mysql_error() . "<br />" . $query); 46 $num = mysql_num_rows($result);db_info.php https://github.com/shafiqissani/ASTRA-College-Website.git | PHP | 163 lines
28// used variables 29if (!isset($_GET['table'])) $_GET['table']=FALSE; 30 42// tables info popUp 43if ($_GET['table']) { 44 45 // select the db 46 mysql_select_db($_GET['table']); 47 47 48 $stati=mysql_query("show table status"); 49 while($status=mysql_fetch_array($stati)) { 58 foreach($table_names as $table) { 59 mysql_query("show columns from `".$table."`"); 60 $table_fields[]=mysql_affected_rows();functions-troubleshooting.php https://bitbucket.org/kenaku/karate.git | PHP | 254 lines
18 19 if($_GET['nonce'] == wp_create_nonce('dbdump') && is_admin() && current_user_can('manage_options')){ 20 54 55 $result= mysql_query($sql); 56 if( $result) 220 foreach($icl_tables as $icl_table){ 221 mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $icl_table); 222 }events2_prev.php https://bitbucket.org/isanneh/campus-pages.git | PHP | 273 lines
47 48$month=$_GET["month"]; 49$year=$_GET["year"]; 50 51$free=$_GET["free"]; 52$refreshments=$_GET["refreshments"]; 52$refreshments=$_GET["refreshments"]; 53$giveaways=$_GET["giveaways"]; 54 119SELECT DAY(GETDATE()) as "Day"; */ 120$result=@mysql_query($qry); 121?> 143<?php 144$result_pro=mysql_query($qry_pro); 145if($result_pro)index.php https://github.com/crsven/showslow.git | PHP | 382 lines
10 ); 11 $result = mysql_query($query); 12 17 18if (array_key_exists('u', $_GET)) { 19 $url_id = getUrlId($_GET['u']); 76 77 if (!is_null($pageSpeedOnlineAPIKey) && array_key_exists('api', $_GET) ) { 78 // map of rule => metric relationships 109 // making an API call 110 $apicall = 'https://www.googleapis.com/pagespeedonline/v1/runPagespeed?url='.urlencode(validateURL($_GET['u'])).'&key='.$pageSpeedOnlineAPIKey; 111 232 $got_data = true; 233 } else if (array_key_exists('v', $_GET) 234 && array_key_exists('w', $_GET)search_plus.php https://github.com/kaz6120/P_BLOG.git | PHP | 332 lines
25//===================================================== 26if (isset($_GET['f'], $_GET['k'], $_GET['ao'], $_GET['p'], $_GET['ds'], $_GET['d'], $_GET['d1'], $_GET['d2'], $_GET['c'], $_GET['pn'])) { 27 // To check if keyword value is not too short 27 // To check if keyword value is not too short 28 if (($_GET['k'] != '') && (strlen($_GET['k']) <= 2 )) { 29 $contents = keyword_error($mode = 'file', $error_type = '2'); 36 } else { 37 $keyword = trim($_GET['k']); 38 } 116 // Category 117 if ((isset($_GET['cat'])) && ($_GET['cat'] != '')) { 118 $cat = array($_GET['cat']); 200 // Category 201 if ((isset($_GET['cat'])) && ($_GET['cat'] != '')) { 202 $cat = array($_GET['cat']);upload.php https://github.com/harriswong/ATutor.git | PHP | 179 lines
113 $msg->printErrors('FILE_NOT_SAVED'); 114 echo '<a href="../mods/_core/file_manager/index.php?pathext=' . $_POST['pathext'] . SEP . 'popup=' . $_GET['popup'] . SEP. 'framed='.$framed.SEP.'cp='.$_GET['cp'].SEP.'pid='.$_GET['pid'].SEP.'cid='.$_GET['cid'].SEP.'a_type='.$_GET['a_type'].'">' . _AT('back') . '</a>'; 115 require(AT_INCLUDE_PATH.'footer.inc.php'); 134 if ($_GET['a_type'] > 0) { 135 header('Location: index.php?pathext=' . $_POST['pathext'] . SEP . 'popup=' . $_GET['popup'].SEP. 'framed='.$framed.SEP.'cp='.$_GET['cp'].SEP.'pid='.$_GET['pid'].SEP.'cid='.$_GET['cid'].SEP.'a_type='.$_GET['a_type'].SEP.'uploadfile='.urlencode($_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'])); 136 } 153 else 154 header('Location: index.php?pathext=' . $_POST['pathext'] . SEP . 'popup=' . $_GET['popup'].SEP. 'framed='.$framed.SEP.'cp='.$_GET['cp'].SEP.'pid='.$_GET['pid'].SEP.'cid='.$_GET['cid'].SEP.'a_type='.$_GET['a_type']); 155 163 else 164 header('Location: index.php?pathext=' . $_POST['pathext'] . SEP . 'popup=' . $_GET['popup'].SEP. 'framed='.$framed.SEP.'cp='.$_GET['cp'].SEP.'pid='.$_GET['pid'].SEP.'cid='.$_GET['cid'].SEP.'a_type='.$_GET['a_type']); 165 173 else 174 header('Location: index.php?pathext=' . $_POST['pathext'] . SEP . 'popup=' . $_GET['popup'].SEP. 'framed='.$framed.SEP.'cp='.$_GET['cp'].SEP.'pid='.$_GET['pid'].SEP.'cid='.$_GET['cid'].SEP.'a_type='.$_GET['a_type']); 175 exit;install.php https://github.com/benbruscella/Grammafone.git | PHP | 393 lines
129 $step = 1; 130 if($_GET[step]) 131 $step = $_GET[step]; 146 $query = "SELECT user_id FROM mp3act_users"; 147 $result = @mysql_query($query); 148 if(@mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){ 330foreach($querys as $key=>$query){ 331 if(mysql_query($query)){ 332 366 $query = "UPDATE mp3act_settings SET invite_mode=$_POST[invite],sample_mode=$_POST[sample_mode],downloads=$_POST[downloads],amazonid=\"$_POST[amazonid]\",upload_path=\"$_POST[upload_path]\",mp3bin=\"$_POST[mp3bin]\",lamebin=\"$_POST[lamebin]\",phpbin=\"$_POST[phpbin]\" WHERE id=1"; 367 mysql_query($query); 368 echo "<strong>Settings Saved....</strong><br/><br/>"; 379 $query = "INSERT INTO `mp3act_users` VALUES (NULL, 'admin', 'Admin', 'User', PASSWORD(\"$random_password\"), 10, NOW(), 1, '', 'streaming', 0, 's', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1)"; 380 mysql_query($query); 381 echo "<br/><strong>Username:</strong> Admin<br/><strong>Password:</strong> $random_password (Please change this password as soon as you login.)<br/><br/>";employees.php https://github.com/tlezotte/HCR.git | PHP | 178 lines
46 $v = ($_GET['v'] != 'all') ? "AND e.status='0'" : $blank; 47 $l = ($_GET['l'] == 'on') ? "INNER JOIN Users u ON u.eid=e.eid" : $blank; 48 $query="SELECT * 53 ORDER BY e.lst LIMIT 10"; 54 $result=mysql_query($query); 55 $num=mysql_numrows($result); 79 /* ------------------ START DATABASE CONNECTIONS ----------------------- */ 80 if (is_numeric($_GET['eid'])) { 81 $data_sql = "SELECT *, e.eid AS _eid, p.name AS _location, d.name AS _dept, e.status AS _status 87 } else { 88 if (strlen($_GET['fst']) >= 1 AND strlen($_GET['lst']) >= 1) { 89 $how_to_search = ($_GET['fst'] == $_GET['lst']) ? 'OR' : 'AND'; 94 LEFT JOIN Department d ON d.id=e.dept 95 WHERE e.fst LIKE '" . $_GET['fst'] . "%' " . $how_to_search . " e.lst LIKE '" . $_GET['lst'] . "%'"; 96 } elseif (strlen($_GET['fst']) >= 1) {config-catalogue-edit.php https://gitlab.com/manuperazafa/habbofa2 | PHP | 155 lines
6 7$user_id = $_GET['user']; 8$user_edit_a = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM catalog_pages WHERE id='$user_id'"); 25$page_strings_2 = $_POST['page_strings_2']; 26mysql_query ("UPDATE catalog_pages SET id='$id', parent_id='$parent_id', caption='$caption', icon_image='$icon_image', visible='$visible', enabled='$enabled', min_rank='$min_rank', order_num='$order_num', page_link='$page_link', page_layout='$page_layout', page_strings_1='$page_strings_1', page_strings_2='$page_strings_2' WHERE id=$user_edit_q[id]"); 27header ("Location: config-catalogue.php?saved=$w"); 27header ("Location: config-catalogue.php?saved=$w"); 28mysql_query("INSERT INTO stafflogs (action, message, note, userid, timestamp) VALUES ('Catálogo', 'Ha editado el catálogo (". $user_edit_q['caption'] .").', '". $user_q['rank'] ."', '". $user_q['id'] ."', '". time() ."')"); 29} 120 <td style="font-size: 12px;"><b>RANGO</b></td> 121 <td><select name="min_rank"><?php $b = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ranks"); while($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($b)){ ?><option value="<?php echo $a['id']; ?>"><?php echo $a['name']; ?></option><?php } ?></select></td> 122 </tr>google_map_functions.php https://github.com/wesleyzhao/wheremyfriendsbe.git | PHP | 307 lines
5 6$oauth_id = $_GET['oauth_id']; 7 $oauth_arr = explode(",",$oauth_id); 8 9$access_token = $_GET['access_token']; 10$access_token = mysql_escape_string($access_token); 10$access_token = mysql_escape_string($access_token); 11$user_oauth_id = $_GET['user_oauth_id']; 12$user_oauth_id = mysql_escape_string($user_oauth_id); 13 14$is_sql_friends = intval($_GET['is_sql_friends']); 15 28 $formattedAddress = mysql_escape_string($formattedAddress); 29 //$res = mysql_query("SELECT `lat`,`lng` FROM `geocodes` WHERE `location`='$formattedAddress'"); 30 $res = mysql_query_cache("SELECT `lat`,`lng` FROM `geocodes` WHERE `location`='$formattedAddress'");room_edit.php https://bitbucket.org/deba666/accitsoftware.git | PHP | 144 lines
3 { 4 if(mysql_query("UPDATE `room` SET `ROOM_CODE`='".$_POST['room_code']."', `ROOM_DESC`='".$_POST['room_name']."', `ROOM_CAPACITY`='".$_POST['capacity']."', `LOCATION_NO`='".$_POST['location']."', `STATUS`='".$_POST['is_active']."' WHERE `ROOM_NO`=".$_GET['rid'])) 5 $_SESSION['s_msg']="<strong>Well done!</strong> room successfully updated"; 8 } 9if($_GET['rid']) 10{ 10{ 11 $cond="where `ROOM_NO`=".$_GET['rid']; 12 $row=getRows($cond,'room');nodes.php https://github.com/gunf/novo-isaak.local.git | PHP | 207 lines
9 // save folderstate 10 if (isset($_GET['opened'])) $_SESSION['openedArray'] = $_GET['opened']; 11 if (isset($_GET['savestateonly'])) { 15 16 $indent = $_GET['indent']; 17 $parent = $_GET['parent']; 17 $parent = $_GET['parent']; 18 $expandAll = $_GET['expandAll']; 19 $output = ""; 74 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $dbase.`".$table_prefix."site_content` WHERE deleted=1"; 75 $rs = mysql_query($sql); 76 $row = mysql_fetch_row($rs); 125 ORDER BY {$orderby}"; 126 $result = mysql_query($sql, $modxDBConn); 127 if(mysql_num_rows($result)==0) {payrolldetail.php https://github.com/joelbrock/is4c_nofc.git | PHP | 116 lines
12 13if (is_numeric($_GET['periodID']) && is_numeric($_GET['emp_no'])) { // If submitted. 14 $emp_no = $_GET['emp_no']; 14 $emp_no = $_GET['emp_no']; 15 $periodID = $_GET['periodID']; 16 $query = "SELECT ROUND(SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, t.time_in, t.time_out))/60, 2), 57 58 $weekoneR = mysql_query($weekoneQ); 59 $weektwoR = mysql_query($weektwoQ); 59 $weektwoR = mysql_query($weektwoQ); 60 $vacationR = mysql_query($vacationQ); 61 73 74 $result = mysql_query($query); 75 if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {crew_page_add.php https://github.com/web-gpambrosio/VMC.git | PHP | 294 lines
5 6if ((!isset($_GET['empno']) || trim($_GET['empno']) == '')) 7{ header("location:../index.php"); } 8 9$empno=$_GET['empno']; 10 54 { 55 $empno_admin_duplicate=mysql_query("select crewcode from crew where crewcode='".$txtempno."'",$conn); 56 $empno_admin_duplicate_row=mysql_num_rows($empno_admin_duplicate); 82$queryv = "insert into crew (crewcode, fname, gname, mname, contact, bdate) values ('$txtempno', '$txtlname', '$txtfname', '$txtmname', '$txtcontact', '$date_formatx')"; 83$resultv = mysql_query($queryv) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error()); 84html_list.inc.php https://bitbucket.org/cfraunholz/big-red-button.git | PHP | 509 lines
130 $sql = "DELETE FROM ' . $tableName . ' WHERE ' . $pkDelCode . '; 131 mysql_query($sql) or error_log(mysql_error()); 132} 211// refresh memcache if necessary 212$rl = isset($_SESSION[$modul][\'rl\']) || isset($_GET[\'rl\']); 213if (!$listResult || $rl) { 213if (!$listResult || $rl) { 214 $r = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); 215 unset($listResult); 224 $code .= ' 225$listResult = mysql_query($sql); 226'; 388$sql = "SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as rownum"; 389$row = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($sql)); 390$totalRows = $row[0];repstatisticaldata.php https://github.com/web-gpambrosio/VMC.git | PHP | 336 lines
13 14$getdoccode=$_GET["doccode"]; 15$getvesselcode=$_GET["vesselcode"]; 20 21 $qrygetlist = mysql_query(" 22 SELECT VESSEL,COUNT(*) AS TOTALCREW,SUM(HASDOCS) AS TOTALDOCS 67 68 $qrygetlist = mysql_query(" 69 SELECT * FROM ( 111 112$qrygetdocument=mysql_query("SELECT DOCUMENT FROM crewdocuments WHERE DOCCODE='$getdoccode'") or die(mysql_error()); 113$rowgetdocument=mysql_fetch_array($qrygetdocument); 161 $style = "font-size:8pt;font-family:Arial;font-weight:Bold;"; 162 $qrydocstat=mysql_query("SELECT IDNO FROM crewdocstatus 163 WHERE DOCCODE='$getdoccode' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());rezervare_sejur_succes.php https://bitbucket.org/ocaziituristice/ocaziituristice.ro.git | PHP | 269 lines
13 14$id_rezervare=$_GET['rez']; 15$rezervare = new REZERVARE(); 18 19//$id_oferta=$_GET['oferta']; 20//$id_hotel=$_GET['hotel']; 32$id_hotel=$row_rez['id_hotel']; 33//$id_user=$_GET['usr']; 34$GLOBALS['make_vizualizata']='nu'; 47$sel_bnr="SELECT * FROM curs_valutar "; 48$que_bnr=mysql_query($sel_bnr) or die(mysql_error()); 49$row_bnr=mysql_fetch_array($que_bnr);enviar_fotos_form.php https://github.com/dericksaga/ibsite.git | PHP | 131 lines
22<? 23$id = $_GET[id]; 24if(empty($id)){ 24if(empty($id)){ 25$sql= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM galeria where destaque='S' order by data desc"); 26?> 34<? } else { 35$dados=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM galeria where destaque='S' AND id='$id'")); 36?> 74<? 75$sql= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM galeria where destaque='S' order by data desc"); 76while ($dados=mysql_fetch_array($sql)){?>contest.lib.php https://github.com/akash6190/pragyan.git | PHP | 179 lines
42 $subaction = ''; 43 if (isset($_GET['subaction'])) 44 $subaction = $_GET['subaction']; 62 $problemQuery = "SELECT * FROM `contest_problem` WHERE `cid` = '$contestId' AND `testable` = 1 ORDER BY `pid`"; 63 $problemResult = mysql_query($problemQuery); 64 82 $idQuery = "SELECT `pid` FROM `contest_problem` WHERE `cid` = '$contestId' AND `pcode` = '$pcode'"; 83 $idResult = mysql_query($idQuery); 84 if (!$idResult) { 94 $pcode = ''; 95 if (isset($_GET['pcode'])) 96 $pcode = $_GET['pcode']; 125 126 $itemCountResult = mysql_query($countQuery); 127 if (!$itemCountResult) return false;ajax_send_mess.php https://bitbucket.org/posportteam/posport.git | PHP | 185 lines
7 8switch ($_GET['action']){ 9 //отправка sms при регистрации 10 case "reg": 11 if($_GET[telephone]){ 12 $pass=gen_pass(5);// Процесс генерации пароля 12 $pass=gen_pass(5);// Процесс генерации пароля 13 $tel=reform_mobile_phone($_GET[telephone]); // Отформатируем номер телефона 14 if($tel){ 37 38// if(isset($_GET[list_mess])){ 39 39 40 // if($_GET[list_mess]=='out' || $_GET[list_mess]=='in'){ 41 // list_mess($_GET[list_mess]);songtrash.php https://gitlab.com/phamngsinh/baitaplon_sinhvien | PHP | 226 lines
53<?php 54$page = $_GET['p']; 55$getErr = $_GET['getErr']; 59$limit=40; 60$kw = khongdau( $_GET["kw"] ); 61if ( empty($kw) ) { 82 if($action=='') { 83 mysql_query("DELETE FROM song WHERE sID in (".implode(",",$_POST['element2']).")"); 84 mysql_query("DELETE FROM comment WHERE sID in (".implode(",",$_POST['element2']).")"); 95$querythumuc = "SELECT sID FROM song AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN category AS b ON a.catID = b.catID LEFT OUTER JOIN singer AS c ON a.singerID = c.singerID LEFT OUTER JOIN trash AS d ON a.sID = d.songid WHERE a.sStatus=3"; 96$numresults = mysql_query ($querythumuc); 97$numrows=mysql_num_rows($numresults); 106$query .= " ORDER BY sID DESC , m_time DESC limit $offset,$limit"; 107$result = mysql_query ($query); 108?>edit_marks.php https://github.com/harriswong/ATutor.git | PHP | 426 lines
133// generate test array 134if (($_GET["filter"] || $_GET["download"]) && $_GET["gradebook_test_id"]<>0) 135{ 149// generate students array 150if (($_GET["filter"] || $_GET["download"]) && $_GET["member_id"]<>0) 151{ 160 } 161 $_GET["member_id"] = intval($_GET["member_id"]); 162 $sql_students = "SELECT first_name, last_name, member_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."members WHERE member_id=" . $_GET["member_id"]; 178// sort grade 179if ((isset($_GET["asc"]) || isset($_GET["desc"])) && $order_col <> "name") 180{ 275 276 if ($_GET["edit"]=="c_".$selected_test["gradebook_test_id"] || $_GET["edit"]=="r_".$selected_students[$i]["member_id"] && ($selected_test["type"]=="External" || $selected_test["type"]=="ATutor Assignment")) 277 {search.php https://gitlab.com/phamngsinh/baitaplon_sinhvien | PHP | 138 lines
36$search_post = isset($_POST['search']) ? trim($_POST['search']) : false; 37$search_get = isset($_GET['search']) ? rawurldecode(trim($_GET['search'])) : false; 38$search = $search_post ? $search_post : $search_get; 65 $query = mysql_real_escape_string($search); 66 $total = mysql_result(mysql_query(" 67 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forum` 74 if ($total) { 75 $req = mysql_query(" 76 SELECT *, MATCH (`text`) AGAINST ('$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE) as `rel` 87 // Поиск только в тексте 88 $req_t = mysql_query("SELECT `id`,`text` FROM `forum` WHERE `id` = '" . $res['refid'] . "' AND `website` = '$website'"); 89 $res_t = mysql_fetch_assoc($req_t); 92 // Поиск в названиях тем 93 $req_p = mysql_query("SELECT `text` FROM `forum` WHERE `refid` = '" . $res['id'] . "' AND `website` = '$website' ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 1"); 94 $res_p = mysql_fetch_assoc($req_p);nomina_txt_banco_vzla.php https://gitlab.com/merintec/merintec_iapmce | PHP | 210 lines
3<?php include ('../comunes/mensajes.php'); ?> 4<title>Nomina <?php echo $_GET['mes_nom'].'/'.$_GET['ano_nom'].' - '; if ($_GET['por_nom']==1) { echo '1ra quincena'; $q = '1ra_quincena';} if ($_GET['por_nom']==2) { echo '2da quincena'; $q = '2da_quincena';} if ($_GET['por_nom']==3) { echo 'Mes'; $q = 'Mes_completo';} ?></title> 5<?php if (! $_COOKIE[usnombre]) { echo '<b><center>'.$msg_usr_noidentificado.'</center></b>'; 10<?php 11$sql="select * from vista_nominas_pagadas where ano_nom=".$_GET['ano_nom']." AND mes_nom=".$_GET['mes_nom']." AND por_nom=".$_GET['por_nom']; 12if ($_GET['por_nom']==3) { $sql="select * from vista_nominas_pagadas where ano_nom=".$_GET['ano_nom']." AND mes_nom=".$_GET['mes_nom']; } 12if ($_GET['por_nom']==3) { $sql="select * from vista_nominas_pagadas where ano_nom=".$_GET['ano_nom']." AND mes_nom=".$_GET['mes_nom']; } 13if ($prenomina==1){ $add='pre'; $add_titulo = " (PRE-NOMINA)"; $sql="select * from vista_nominapre_proc where ano_nom=".$_GET['ano_nom']." AND mes_nom=".$_GET['mes_nom']." AND por_nom=".$_GET['por_nom']; } else { $add=""; } 14 $busq=mysql_query($sql); 21<?php 22 $sql2="select n.* from nomina".$add."_pagar n WHERE n.ano_nom=".$_GET['ano_nom']." AND n.mes_nom=".$_GET['mes_nom']." AND n.por_nom=".$_GET['por_nom']. " ORDER BY n.ape_per, n.nom_per, n.ced_per"; 23 $busq2=mysql_query($sql2); 68 69 $sql2="select n.* from nomina".$add."_pagar n WHERE n.ano_nom=".$_GET['ano_nom']." AND n.mes_nom=".$_GET['mes_nom']." AND n.por_nom=".$_GET['por_nom']. " ORDER BY n.ape_per, n.nom_per, n.ced_per"; 70 $busq2=mysql_query($sql2);index.php https://github.com/damanlovett/SEAHO.git | PHP | 192 lines
37$pageNum_rsSQL = 0; 38if (isset($_GET['pageNum_rsSQL'])) { 39 $pageNum_rsSQL = $_GET['pageNum_rsSQL']; 45$query_limit_rsSQL = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_rsSQL, $startRow_rsSQL, $maxRows_rsSQL); 46$rsSQL = mysql_query($query_limit_rsSQL, $CMS) or die(mysql_error()); 47$row_rsSQL = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsSQL); 48 49if (isset($_GET['totalRows_rsSQL'])) { 50 $totalRows_rsSQL = $_GET['totalRows_rsSQL']; 51} else { 52 $all_rsSQL = mysql_query($query_rsSQL); 53 $totalRows_rsSQL = mysql_num_rows($all_rsSQL);index_public.php https://github.com/harriswong/ATutor.git | PHP | 127 lines
26//paginator settings 27$page = intval($_GET['p']); 28if (!$page) { 34 35//if $_GET['q'] is set, handle Ajax. 36if (isset($_GET['q'])){ 36if (isset($_GET['q'])){ 37 $query = $addslashes($_GET['q']); 38 62/* 63if (isset($_GET['id'])){ 64 $id = intval($_GET['id']); 68 $sql_notify = "SELECT first_name, last_name, email FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."members WHERE member_id=$id"; 69 $result_notify = mysql_query($sql_notify, $db); 70 $row_notify = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_notify);adminbans.php https://github.com/xlr8or/echelon.git | PHP | 149 lines
13$pageNum_rs_activebans = 0; 14if (isset($_GET['pageNum_rs_activebans'])) { 15 $pageNum_rs_activebans = $_GET['pageNum_rs_activebans']; 20if (isset($_GET['orderby'])) { 21 $xlorderby_rs_activebans = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_GET['orderby'] : addslashes($_GET['orderby']); 22} 24if (isset($_GET['order'])) { 25 $xlorder_rs_activebans = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_GET['order'] : addslashes($_GET['order']); 26} 29$query_limit_rs_activebans = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_rs_activebans, $startRow_rs_activebans, $maxRows_rs_activebans); 30$rs_activebans = mysql_query($query_limit_rs_activebans, $b3connect) or die(mysql_error()); 31$row_rs_activebans = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_activebans); 32 33if (isset($_GET['totalRows_rs_activebans'])) { 34 $totalRows_rs_activebans = $_GET['totalRows_rs_activebans'];ajustesemail.php https://gitlab.com/manuperazafa/habbofa2 | PHP | 216 lines
4require_once ('web/templates/header.php'); 5if ($_GET['save'] == "$w") { 6$message = '<div class="msg"><b>EXITO!</b> has actualizado tu perfil correctamente</div>'; 7} 8$profilevisible_a = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM heliocms_profilesettings WHERE email='$user_q[mail]'"); 9$profilevisible_q = mysql_fetch_assoc($profilevisible_a); 12$email = $_POST['emailAddress']; 13$password_verify = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE mail='$user_q[mail]' AND password='".MD5($password)."'"); 14$emailaddress_verify = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE mail='$email'"); 40if ($error <> 1) { 41mysql_query ("UPDATE users SET mail='$email' WHERE mail='$user_q[mail]'"); 42mysql_query ("UPDATE heliocms_avatars SET parent_email='$email' WHERE parent_email='$user_q[mail]'"); 42mysql_query ("UPDATE heliocms_avatars SET parent_email='$email' WHERE parent_email='$user_q[mail]'"); 43mysql_query ("UPDATE heliocms_safetyquestions SET email='$email' WHERE email='$user_q[mail]'"); 44mysql_query ("UPDATE heliocms_profilesettings SET email='$email' WHERE email='$user_q[mail]'");