PageRenderTime 1355ms queryTime 82ms sortTime 28ms getByIdsTime 1172ms findMatchingLines 30ms

32+ results for 'pythonexception' (1355 ms)

Not the results you expected?
swig.cpp | C++ | 390 lines
154    std::string type, value, traceback;
155    if (!ParsePythonException(type, value, traceback))
156      UncheckedException::SetMessage("Strange: No Python exception occured");
168  bool PythonToCppException::ParsePythonException(std::string &exceptionType, std::string &exceptionValue, std::string &exceptionTraceback)
169  {
richcomparisons.hpp | C++ Header | 341 lines
28    {
29        throw PythonException();
30    }
42    {
43        throw PythonException();
44    }
56    {
57        throw PythonException();
58    }
70    {
71        throw PythonException();
72    }
84    {
85        throw PythonException();
86    }
jellybeans.vim | Vim Script | 150 lines
104hi pythonimport guifg=#009000 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=28 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
105hi pythonexception guifg=#f00000 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=196 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
106hi pythonbuiltinfunction guifg=#009000 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=28 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
python.vim | Vim Script | 295 lines
75syn keyword pythonOperator	and in is not or
76syn keyword pythonException	except finally raise try
77syn keyword pythonInclude	from import
196  " builtin base exceptions (only used as base classes for other exceptions)
197  syn keyword pythonExceptions	BaseException Exception
198  syn keyword pythonExceptions	ArithmeticError EnvironmentError
198  syn keyword pythonExceptions	ArithmeticError EnvironmentError
199  syn keyword pythonExceptions	LookupError
200  " builtin base exception removed in Python 3.0
200  " builtin base exception removed in Python 3.0
201  syn keyword pythonExceptions	StandardError
202  " builtin exceptions (actually raised)
202  " builtin exceptions (actually raised)
203  syn keyword pythonExceptions	AssertionError AttributeError BufferError
204  syn keyword pythonExceptions	EOFError FloatingPointError GeneratorExit
main.cpp | C++ | 158 lines
72		printf("Typeinfo of FXException in EXE is %p,%p (%s)\n", &typeid(FXException), typeid(FXException).name(), typeid(FXException).name());
73		printf("Typeinfo of FXPythonException in EXE is %p,%p (%s)\n", &typeid(FXPythonException), typeid(FXPythonException).name(), typeid(FXPythonException).name());
90				"raise IOError, 'A parameter to a python exception'");
91			FXPythonException f("Test", 0);
Tomorrow-Night-Bright.vim | Vim Script | 378 lines
319call <SID>X("pythonRepeat", s:purple, "", "")
320call <SID>X("pythonException", s:purple, "", "")
321call <SID>X("pythonFunction", s:blue, "", "")
pydobject.html | HTML | 593 lines
21Nearly all of these member functions may throw a PythonException if the
22 underlying Python API raises a Python exception.
fruity-molokai.vim | Vim Script | 216 lines
70hi pythonBuiltinFunc    	guifg=#F6D76B           	gui=bold
71hi pythonException      	guifg=#F4C118           	gui=bold
72hi pythonExClass        	guifg=#82C100           	gui=bold
Contracts.ts | TypeScript | 222 lines
209export interface IPythonException {
210    TypeName: string;
_warnings.cs | C# | 262 lines
43            if (context.PythonOptions.WarnPython30) {
44                defaultFilters.AddNoLock(PythonTuple.MakeTuple("ignore", null, PythonExceptions.DeprecationWarning, null, 0));
45            }
45            }
46            defaultFilters.AddNoLock(PythonTuple.MakeTuple("ignore", null, PythonExceptions.PendingDeprecationWarning, null, 0));
47            defaultFilters.AddNoLock(PythonTuple.MakeTuple("ignore", null, PythonExceptions.ImportWarning, null, 0));
47            defaultFilters.AddNoLock(PythonTuple.MakeTuple("ignore", null, PythonExceptions.ImportWarning, null, 0));
48            defaultFilters.AddNoLock(PythonTuple.MakeTuple("ignore", null, PythonExceptions.BytesWarning, null, 0));
65            if (PythonOps.IsInstance(message, PythonExceptions.Warning)) {
66                category = DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(message);
68            if (category == null) {
69                category = PythonExceptions.UserWarning;
70            }
python.vim | Vim Script | 350 lines
111syn keyword pythonPreCondit	import from
112syn keyword pythonException	try except finally
113syn keyword pythonOperator	and in is not or
297  HiLink pythonRepeat		Repeat
298  HiLink pythonException	Exception
299  HiLink pythonOperator		Operator
        | Python | 142 lines
68def test_GetPythonException_nonexistant():
69    success = False
88def test_CreateExceptionMapping_Py2CLR_NoMapping():
89    pyex1 = EC.CreatePythonException("PythonException1")
90    success = False
100def test_CreateExceptionMapping_Py2CLR_WithMapping():
101    pyex2 = EC.CreatePythonException("PythonException2")
114def test_CreateExceptionMapping_CLR2Py_NoMapping():
115    pyex3 = EC.CreatePythonException("PythonException3")
116    success = False
126def test_CreateExceptionMapping_CLR2Py_WithMapping():
127    pyex4 = EC.CreatePythonException("PythonException4")
python.vim | Vim Script | 323 lines
80syn keyword pythonOperator	and in is not or
81syn keyword pythonException	except finally raise try
82syn keyword pythonInclude	from import
206  " builtin base exceptions (used mostly as base classes for other exceptions)
207  syn keyword pythonExceptions	BaseException Exception
208  syn keyword pythonExceptions	ArithmeticError BufferError
208  syn keyword pythonExceptions	ArithmeticError BufferError
209  syn keyword pythonExceptions	LookupError
210  " builtin base exceptions removed in Python 3
210  " builtin base exceptions removed in Python 3
211  syn keyword pythonExceptions	EnvironmentError StandardError
212  " builtin exceptions (actually raised)
212  " builtin exceptions (actually raised)
213  syn keyword pythonExceptions	AssertionError AttributeError
214  syn keyword pythonExceptions	EOFError FloatingPointError GeneratorExit
sourcerer.vim | Vim Script | 216 lines
103" python
104hi pythonException  guifg=#90b0d1 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
105hi pythonExClass    guifg=#996666 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
185hi pythonExClass          cterm=NONE             ctermbg=NONE  ctermfg=95
186hi pythonException        cterm=NONE             ctermbg=NONE  ctermfg=110
187hi pythonFunc             cterm=NONE             ctermbg=NONE  ctermfg=fg
python.vim | Vim Script | 327 lines
88syn keyword pythonOperator	and in is not or
89syn keyword pythonException	except finally raise try
90syn keyword pythonInclude	from import
223  " builtin base exceptions (used mostly as base classes for other exceptions)
224  syn keyword pythonExceptions	BaseException Exception
225  syn keyword pythonExceptions	ArithmeticError BufferError LookupError
226  " builtin exceptions (actually raised)
227  syn keyword pythonExceptions	AssertionError AttributeError EOFError
228  syn keyword pythonExceptions	FloatingPointError GeneratorExit ImportError
228  syn keyword pythonExceptions	FloatingPointError GeneratorExit ImportError
229  syn keyword pythonExceptions	IndentationError IndexError KeyError
230  syn keyword pythonExceptions	KeyboardInterrupt MemoryError
230  syn keyword pythonExceptions	KeyboardInterrupt MemoryError
231  syn keyword pythonExceptions	ModuleNotFoundError NameError
232  syn keyword pythonExceptions	NotImplementedError OSError OverflowError
ReflectedField.cs | C# | 244 lines
219            } else if (!suppressWarning && instance != null && instance.GetType().IsValueType) {
220                PythonOps.Warn(context, PythonExceptions.RuntimeWarning, UpdateValueTypeFieldWarning, _info.Name, _info.DeclaringType.Name);
221            }
swig.h | C Header | 212 lines
185    static bool ParsePythonException(std::string &exceptionType, std::string &exceptionValue, std::string &exceptionTraceback);
exceptions.hpp | C++ Header | 468 lines
146    PythonException( PyObject *exception, PyTracebackObject *traceback )
147    {
156    PythonException( PyObject *exception, PyObject *value, PyTracebackObject *traceback )
157    {
167    PythonException( const PythonException &other )
168    {
193    ~PythonException()
194    {
229                    PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed" );
230                    throw PythonException();
231                }
fruity.vim | Vim Script | 147 lines
60hi pythonBuiltinFunc    guifg=#2b6ba2           gui=bold
61hi pythonException      guifg=#ee0000           gui=bold
62hi pythonExClass        guifg=#66cd66           gui=bold
python.vim | Vim Script | 171 lines
100  " builtin exceptions and warnings
101  syn keyword pythonException	ArithmeticError AssertionError AttributeError
102  syn keyword pythonException	DeprecationWarning EOFError EnvironmentError
102  syn keyword pythonException	DeprecationWarning EOFError EnvironmentError
103  syn keyword pythonException	Exception FloatingPointError IOError
104  syn keyword pythonException	ImportError IndentationError IndexError
104  syn keyword pythonException	ImportError IndentationError IndexError
105  syn keyword pythonException	KeyError KeyboardInterrupt LookupError
106  syn keyword pythonException	MemoryError NameError NotImplementedError
106  syn keyword pythonException	MemoryError NameError NotImplementedError
107  syn keyword pythonException	OSError OverflowError OverflowWarning
108  syn keyword pythonException	ReferenceError RuntimeError RuntimeWarning
108  syn keyword pythonException	ReferenceError RuntimeError RuntimeWarning
109  syn keyword pythonException	StandardError StopIteration SyntaxError
110  syn keyword pythonException	SyntaxWarning SystemError SystemExit TabError
BindingWarnings.cs | C# | 95 lines
43                info = new WarningInfo(
44                    PythonExceptions.DeprecationWarning,
45                    String.Format("{0}.{1} has been obsoleted.  {2}",
58                    info = new WarningInfo(
59                        PythonExceptions.DeprecationWarning,
60                        py3kwarnings[0].Message
71                    info = new WarningInfo(
72                        PythonExceptions.RuntimeWarning,
73                        "Calling Thread.Sleep on an STA thread doesn't pump messages.  Use Thread.CurrentThread.Join instead.",
        | Python | 288 lines
200catch ( PythonException &_exception )
265    }
266    catch ( PythonException &_exception )
267    {
pylong.cs | C# | 291 lines
63            if (obj == IntPtr.Zero) {
64                throw new PythonException();
65            }
80            if (obj == IntPtr.Zero) {
81                throw new PythonException();
82            }
96            if (obj == IntPtr.Zero) {
97                throw new PythonException();
98            }
113            if (obj == IntPtr.Zero) {
114                throw new PythonException();
115            }
129            if (obj == IntPtr.Zero) {
130                throw new PythonException();
131            }
sorcerer.vim | Vim Script | 208 lines
97" Python
98hi pythonException  guifg=#90b0d1 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
99hi pythonExClass    guifg=#996666 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
182hi pythonExClass          cterm=NONE             ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=95
183hi pythonException        cterm=NONE             ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=110
184hi pythonFunc             cterm=NONE             ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=fg
variables_locals.hpp | C++ Header | 212 lines
112            PyErr_Format( PyExc_UnboundLocalError, "local variable '%s' referenced before assignment", Nuitka_String_AsString( this->var_name ) );
113            throw PythonException();
114        }
137                PyErr_Format( PyExc_UnboundLocalError, "local variable '%s' referenced before assignment", Nuitka_String_AsString( this->var_name ) );
138                throw PythonException();
139            }
175            {
176                throw PythonException();
177            }
195            {
196                throw PythonException();
197            }
slices.hpp | C++ Header | 236 lines
66        {
67            throw PythonException();
68        }
77        {
78            throw PythonException();
79        }
85        {
86            throw PythonException();
87        }
102    {
103        throw PythonException();
104    }
139        {
140            throw PythonException();
141        }
tomorrow-night-eighties.vim | Vim Script | 365 lines
320	call <SID>X("pythonRepeat", s:purple, "", "")
321	call <SID>X("pythonException", s:purple, "", "")
322	call <SID>X("pythonFunction", s:blue, "", "")
python.vim | Vim Script | 148 lines
82if exists("python_highlight_exceptions")
83  syn keyword pythonException    ArithmeticError AssertionError AttributeError
84  syn keyword pythonException    BaseException DeprecationWarning EOFError
84  syn keyword pythonException    BaseException DeprecationWarning EOFError
85  syn keyword pythonException    EnvironmentError Exception FloatingPointError
86  syn keyword pythonException    FutureWarning GeneratorExit IOError ImportError
86  syn keyword pythonException    FutureWarning GeneratorExit IOError ImportError
87  syn keyword pythonException    ImportWarning IndentationError IndexError
88  syn keyword pythonException    KeyError KeyboardInterrupt LookupError
88  syn keyword pythonException    KeyError KeyboardInterrupt LookupError
89  syn keyword pythonException    MemoryError NameError NotImplementedError
90  syn keyword pythonException    OSError OverflowError PendingDeprecationWarning
90  syn keyword pythonException    OSError OverflowError PendingDeprecationWarning
91  syn keyword pythonException    ReferenceError RuntimeError RuntimeWarning
92  syn keyword pythonException    StandardError StopIteration SyntaxError
TypeCache.Generated.cs | C# | 283 lines
265            get {
266                if (baseException == null) baseException = DynamicHelpers.GetPythonTypeFromType(typeof(PythonExceptions.BaseException));
267                return baseException;
_ttconv.cpp | C++ | 328 lines
16class PythonExceptionOccurred
54            if (decoded == NULL) {
55                throw PythonExceptionOccurred();
56            }
60            {
61                throw PythonExceptionOccurred();
62            }
162    }
163    catch (PythonExceptionOccurred&)
164    {
193        {
194            throw PythonExceptionOccurred();
195        }
python.vim | Vim Script | 323 lines
96syn keyword pythonImport	import from as
97syn keyword pythonException	try except finally
98syn keyword pythonOperator	and in is not or
258  HiLink pythonRepeat		Repeat
259  HiLink pythonException	Exception
260  HiLink pythonOperator		Operator
CMakeLists.txt | CMake | 320 lines
89  NumPyImporter.h
90  PythonException.h
91  PyTrilinos_Util.h
97  NumPyImporter.cpp
98  PythonException.cpp
99  PyTrilinos_Util.cpp

