#! | 51 lines | 46 code | 5 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | e7052fba2509fd99af4b6030896e9692 MD5 | raw file
- cmdlist.c..
- 309 error(FATAL, "bad variable spec in command list for %s", dep->dn_Node.ln_Name);
- 361 printf(" %s\n", cmd);
- convert.c..
- 32 error(FATAL, "maximum recursion reached in WildConvert");
- parse.c..
- 67 error(FATAL, "Unable to open %S", fileName);
- 90 error(FATAL, "Expected a symbol!");
- 304 error(FATAL, "%d items on the left, %d on the right of colon!", nlhs, nrhs);
- 397 error(FATAL, "Variable %s does not exist", AltBuf);
- 410 error(FATAL, "Bad variable specification after name");
- 442 error(FATAL, "Bad variable replacement spec %c", c);
- 459 error(FATAL, "Bad variable replacement spec: %c", c);
- 492 error(FATAL, "Variable %s does not exist", altBuf);
- 505 error(FATAL, "Bad variable specification after name");
- 542 error(FATAL, "Bad variable replacement spec %c", c);
- 562 error(FATAL, "Bad variable replacement spec: %c", c);
- 585 error(FATAL, "Too many levels of variable recursion");
- 651 error(FATAL, "Variable %s does not exist", AltBuf);
- 662 error(FATAL, "Bad variable specification after name");
- 694 error(FATAL, "Bad variable replacement spec %c", c);
- 711 error(FATAL, "Bad variable replacement spec: %c", c);
- 777 error(FATAL, "newline in control string");
- 786 error(FATAL, "Symbol overflow: %s", SymBuf);
- 788 error(FATAL, "Expected closing quote");
- 809 error(FATAL, "Symbol overflow: %s", SymBuf);
- 819 error(FATAL, "Unexpected token");
- 825 static char *TypeString[] = { "Fatal", "Warning", "Debug" };
- 829 printf("%s: %s Line %d: ", FileName, TypeString[type], LineNo);
- 833 puts("");
- main.c..
- 50 printf("DMAKE Done.\n");
- 52 printf("All Targets up to date.\n");
- 105 sprintf(buf, "Bad ToolType: %s", ptr);
- 106 switch(AutoRequest(NULL, ITextOf(ptr), ITextOf("Ignore"), ITextOf("Abort"), 0, 0, 300, 40)) {
- 176 puts("DMake V2.1 " __DATE__);
- 179 error(FATAL, "Expected argument to command line option");
- 201 error(FATAL, "Unable to find %s", node->rn_Node.ln_Name);
- 237 puts("DMAKE V2.1 (c)Copyright 1991 Matthew Dillon, All Rights Reserved");
- 238 puts("DMAKE [-f file] [-n]");
- run.c..
- 130 printf("Unable to cd %s\n", ptr);
- 140 printf("Unable to cd %s\n", ptr);
- 173 sprintf(cmdArgs, "%s\n\r", cmd + ci);
- 237 printf("Exit code %d %s\n", err, (ignore) ? "(Ignored)":"");
- 257 printf("Exit code %d %s\n", err, (ignore) ? "(Ignored)":"");