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- <properties>
- <title>Application Server Specific Configuration Guide</title>
- </properties>
- <body>
- <h1>Application Server Specific Configuration Guide</h1>
- <p>This document provides configuration information required for
- your Application Server to run Apache Axis2 to its fullest
- potential.</p>
- <section name="WebLogic">
- <subsection name="Use exploded configuration to deploy Axis2 WAR">
- <p>We recommend using the exploded configuration to deploy Axis2
- WAR in WebLogic application server to support the
- hotupdate/ hotdeployment features in Axis2. However, if you want to
- deploy custom WARs, say in a clustering environment, you need to
- add two additional files into the WEB-INF named "services.list" and
- "modules.list" under the modules and services directory
- respectively.</p>
- <ul>
- <li><b>WEB-INF/services/services.list</b> : should list all the
- services (aar files) that you want to expose.</li>
- <li><b>WEB-INF/modules/modules.list</b> : should list all the
- modules (mar files) that you want to use.</li>
- </ul>
- NOTE: In both cases, please list one entry per line.
- <p>WebLogic ships with JARs that conflict with JARs present in
- Axis2. Therefore use <prefer-web-inf-classes> to ensure that
- JARs packaged in Axis2 WAR are picked up from WEB-INF/lib. You can
- do this by setting the <prefer-web-inf-classes> element in
- WEB-INF/weblogic.xml to true. An example of weblogic.xml is shown
- below:</p>
- <pre>
- <weblogic-web-app>
- <container-descriptor>
- <prefer-web-inf-classes>true</prefer-web-inf-classes>
- </container-descriptor>
- </weblogic-web-app>
- </pre>
- <p>If set to true, the <prefer-web-inf-classes> element will
- force WebLogic's classloader to load classes located in the WEB-INF
- directory of a Web application in preference to application or
- system classes. This is a recommended approach since it only
- impacts a single Web module.</p>
- <p>Please refer to the following documents in WebLogic
- for more information:</p>
- <ul>
- <li><a href=
- "http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/docs81/programming/classloading.html">WebLogic
- ServerApplication Classloading</a>- For more information on how
- WebLogic's class loader works</li>
- <li><a href=
- "http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/docs81/webapp/deployment.html">Redeploying
- a Web Application in Exploded Directory Format</a></li>
- </ul>
- </subsection>
- <subsection name="Lack of namespacing on serialised items">
- <p>BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 comes with its own StAX implementation.
- This results in lack of namespacing on serialised items. In turn,
- WebLogic server (WLS) breaks with AXIOM on the WLS classpath. Hence
- a filtering classloader is required:</p>
- <p>Adding the following to weblogic-application.xml should resolve
- this issue:</p>
- <pre>
- <prefer-application-packages>
- <package-name>com.ctc.wstx.*</package-name>
- <package-name>javax.xml.*</package-name>
- <package-name>org.apache.*</package-name>
- </prefer-application-packages>
- </pre>
- <p>Note that the libraries listed--Xerces, StAX API, Woodstox--need
- to be on the application classpath.</p>
- </subsection>
- </section>
- <section name="WebSphere">
- <subsection name="Avoiding conflicts with WebSphere's JAX-WS runtime">
- <p>
- The JAX-WS runtime in WebSphere Application Server is based on a modified version of Axis2 and these
- classes are visible to application class loaders. This means that when deploying
- a standard version of Axis2 on WAS 7.0 (and WAS 6.1 with the Web Services feature pack installed),
- special configuration is required to avoid conflicts with the Axis2 classes used internally by WebSphere.
- In particular it is necessary to change the class loader policy of the Web module to parent last. However,
- this is not sufficient because Axis2 creates additional class loaders for modules and services, and
- these use parent first class loading by default. Therefore, two things must be done to make a standard
- Axis2 distribution work with WebSphere:
- </p>
- <ol>
- <li>
- Before deploying the Axis2 WAR, edit the <tt>axis2.xml</tt> file and set the
- <tt>EnableChildFirstClassLoading</tt> parameter to <tt>true</tt>.
- Please note that this parameter is only supported in Axis2 1.5.5 or higher.
- The parameter is already present in the default <tt>axis2.xml</tt> file included in the
- WAR distribution, but its value is set to <tt>false</tt>. Therefore it is enough to change
- the parameter value.
- </li>
- <li>
- After deployment, modify the application configuration to enable parent last class loading
- for the Web module: in the WebSphere admin console, go the the configuration page for
- the enterprise application, click on <em>Manage Modules</em> and locate the WAR containing
- Axis2 (in the default WAR distribution, the module is called <em>Apache-Axis2</em>), then
- change the <em>Class loader order</em> option to <em>Classes loaded with local class
- loader first (parent last)</em>. Note that the class loader policy for the enterprise
- application itself (which can be specified under <em>Class loading and update detection</em>)
- is irrelevant, unless a custom EAR distribution is used that includes the Axis2 libraries
- in the EAR instead of the WAR.
- </li>
- </ol>
- </subsection>
- <subsection name="Deploying services and modules">
- <p>
- By default (i.e. if the <em>Distribute application</em> option has not been disabled explicitly)
- WebSphere will deploy the application in exploded form. The standard location for these files is
- in the <tt>installedApps</tt> subdirectory in the WebSphere profile directory. This means that AAR
- and MAR files can simply be deployed by dropping them into the corresponding folders. In this
- scenario, hot deployment is supported and there is no need to update the <tt>services.list</tt>
- and <tt>modules.list</tt> files.
- </p>
- <p>
- However, the directory is still under control of WebSphere and manually deployed AAR and MAR files
- will be removed e.g. when the application is upgraded. It may therefore be a good idea to configure
- Axis2 to use a repository location outside of the <tt>installedApps</tt> directory.
- </p>
- </subsection>
- <subsection name="Deploying older Axis2 versions">
- <p>
- The instructions given above apply to Axis2 1.5.5 or higher. Older versions don't support
- the <tt>EnableChildFirstClassLoading</tt> parameter, and we don't provide any support for
- deploying these versions on WAS 6.1 (with the Web Services feature pack installed) or 7.0.
- However, IBM has published a <a href="https://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21315686">technote</a>
- with an alternative approach that may work for older Axis2 versions.
- </p>
- </subsection>
- <subsection name="Known issues">
- <p>
- On some WAS versions the following error may occur, e.g. when accessing a WSDL exposed by Axis2:
- </p>
- <pre>java.lang.VerifyError: JVMVRFY013 class loading constraint violated;
- class=org/apache/xerces/dom/CoreDocumentImpl, method=getDomConfig()Lorg/w3c/dom/DOMConfiguration</pre>
- <p>
- This is caused by the XmlBeans library
- packaged with Axis2. This library contains a set of interfaces in the <code>org.w3c.dom</code> package
- and this may cause issues with class loaders that don't use a simple parent-first policy.
- To avoid this issue, upgrade your WAS to a more recent fix pack level, remove the XmlBeans library
- from the Axis2 WAR or remove the content of the <code>org.w3c.dom</code> package from the XmlBeans library.
- </p>
- </subsection>
- </section>
- </body>
- </document>