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Markdown | 148 lines | 124 code | 24 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | 1a35a584e13ade46f9657ed093438ae2 MD5 | raw file
  1. ---
  2. layout: post
  3. category: vimmagazine
  4. title: Vim Magazine 4 月号
  5. redirect_from:
  6. - /blog/2012/04/30/vimmagazine.html
  7. ---
  8. ## 話題
  9. - [jscomplete-vim - hogehoge @teramako](
  10. JavaScript 用の賢い補完プラグイン jscomplete-vim が登場しました
  11. 式をパースして型情報を読み取ってその型に合った補完候補を出してくれます
  12. - [Vimコマンドを定期的に解説してくれるTwitterボットを作りました - ITは芸術だ](
  13. ボットのアカウントはこちら: <!/be_vimmer_jp>
  14. - [VIM Adventures](
  15. Vim を学習するためのアドベンチャーゲーム
  16. - [TokyoVim#6](
  17. Vim に関する何かをやる会 5月12日 東京
  18. - [普段遣いが3倍楽しくなるイマドキVimプラグインまとめ - jus 2012.5 Benkyokai](
  19. 勉強会 5月26日 東京
  20. ## リリース情報
  21. - [7.3.481 : changing 'virtualedit' in an operator function does not work](
  22. - [7.3.482 : with 'cursorbind' set moving up/down does not keep the column](
  23. - [7.3.483 : (after 7.3.477) more prompt shows up too ofte.](
  24. - [7.3.484 : "vim --help" does not mention -E and --echo-wid](
  25. - [7.3.485 : LDFLAGS isn't passed on to building xxd](
  26. - [7.3.486 : build error with mingw64 on Windows 7](
  27. - [7.3.487 : column position is reset unnecessarily when setting an option](
  28. - [7.3.488 : ":help!" in a help file does not work as documented](
  29. - [7.3.489 : Insert mode CTRL-\] does not expand abbr. from a mapping](
  30. - [7.3.490 : Lua interface: Member confusion, missing luaeval()](
  31. - [7.3.491 : no tests for Lua](
  32. - [7.3.492 : can't indent conditions separately from function arguments](
  33. - [7.3.493 : (after 7.3.492) two unused variables](
  34. - [7.3.494 : (after 7.3.491) can't build with Lua 9.1 or dynamic Lua](
  35. - [7.3.495 : (after 7.3.492) compiler warnings](
  36. - [7.3.496 : MS-DOS: tests fail when "diff" trips over line separators](
  37. - [7.3.497 : crash when doing ":python print", compiled with gcc -O2](
  38. - [7.3.498 : the behavior of "- register changes depending on 'clipboard'](
  39. - [7.3.499 : may wait for the wrong child process to terminate](
  40. - [7.3.500 : Ming makefile unconditionally sets WINVER](
  41. - [7.3.501 : error for "flush" not being defined when using Ruby command](
  42. - [7.3.502 : Netbeans insert halfway a line actually appends to the line](
  43. - [7.3.503 : (after 7.3.501) warning for unused argument](
  44. - [7.3.504 : commands in help files are not highlighted](
  45. - [7.3.505 : test 11 fails on MS-Windows in some versions](
  46. - [7.3.506 : GTK gives an error when selecting a non-existent file](
  47. - [7.3.507 : overwriting existing file without question from file dialog](
  48. - [7.3.508 : default for v:register is not set](
  49. - [7.3.509 : 'autochdir' causes :vimgrep to fail](
  50. ## 新着スクリプト
  51. - [phpqa : Run PHP QA tools and show highlighted results](
  52. - [TaskMotions : Motions to task and TODO markers.](
  53. - [ConflictMotions : Motions to and inside SCM conflict markers.](
  54. - [Sauce : Manage multiple vimrc files dynamically](
  55. - [gitvimrc.vim : Source .vimrc file from git repository's root](
  56. - [instant-markdown.vim : Real-time Markdown previews from Vim!](
  57. - [vroom : Helps you run your Ruby tests](
  58. - [portmon : 分析portmon的输出文件](
  59. - [spacebox.vim : Select a Visual block of indentation whitespace](
  60. - [paredit.vim : Paredit Mode: Structured Editing of Lisp S-expressions](
  61. - [Ayumi : A color scheme like my favorite singer ayumi with colors defined by HighlightTag](
  62. - [Clam : A lightweight plugin for working with shell commands.](
  63. - [vim\_movement : Movement over Vim functions with \]m etc. ](
  64. - [vbs\_movement : Movement over VBScript classes / functions / properties / subs with \]m etc. ](
  65. - [dosbatch\_movement : Movement over MSDOS batch file functions / labels with \]m etc. ](
  66. - [TextTransform : Create text transformation mappings and commands.](
  67. - [HyperList : Everything. Concise and precise.](
  68. - [python-imports.vim : Scripted insertion of import statements](
  69. - [youdao.dict : a translation tools use youdao dict](
  70. - [XDebug (DBGp) client (for PHP) : minimal php debug client for XDebug (DBGp)](
  71. - [Vim-Gromacs : Plugin Vim to manipulate Gromacs files (syntax highlighting, macros)](
  72. - [vimux : effortless vim and tmux interaction](
  73. - [Vimpy : Write Vim scripts in Python. Not Vimscript.](
  74. - [readnovel : 看中文txt小说插件](
  75. - [Vitality : Make Vim play nicely with iTerm 2 and tmux.](
  76. - [close-duplicate-tabs : A plugin for closing duplicate tab pages.](
  77. - [StripWhiteSpaces : Strip White Space on save file](
  78. - [vim-jsbeautify : Simple javascript formater base on js-beautify](
  79. - [clean\_imports : Makes use of the Java checkstyle tool to clean your Java file of unused imports](
  80. - [WebAPI.vim : vimscript for gist](
  81. - [flipwords.vim : Provides the command Flip that changes the order of two delimited words](
  82. - [restore\_view.vim : A plugin for automatically restoring file's cursor position and folding](
  83. - [SpaceBetween : This plugin fix spaces between = { } in your \*.rb file before save it automat](
  84. - [autolink : find and insert URLs for links in Markdown and ReST](
  85. - [vim-addon-rdebug : minimal ruby rdebug implementation](
  86. - [DBGp X client : a real remote debugger (tested only with XDebug/PHP)](
  87. - [Splice : Initial stable release.](
  88. - [vim-htmldjango\_omnicomplete : htmldjango filetype omnicomplete - completes template tags/filters/variables ](
  89. - [vim-addon-ruby-debug-ide : ruby-debug-ide implementation](
  90. - [a new txt2tags syntax : a new version of txt2tags syntax file](
  91. - [vim-cpp-auto-include : Automatically insert or delete `#include`s for C++ code](
  92. - [rstatusline : show buffer list on statusline with highlight](
  93. - [muxmate : An easy way to send shell commands to tmux from vim.](
  94. - [vim4rally : Rally ALM Integration for Vim](
  95. - [SAS Indent : Indent Script for SAS 9.1/9.2/9.3](
  96. - [modx : Highlights MODX template tags within HTML.](
  97. - [ucpp-vim-syntax : uC++ Syntax Highlighting](
  98. - [bestfriend.vim : How long did you spend your time with your friend?](
  99. - [vim-dasm : Syntax highlighting for dasm & dasm16](
  100. ## 月間ダウンロードランキング
  101. 1. [taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc)]( (3299)
  102. 2. [The NERD tree : A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem]( (3166)
  103. 3. [snipMate : TextMate-style snippets for Vim]( (1804)
  104. 4. [Color Sampler Pack : \*NEW\* Jan 2010 Update Top 100 Themes, GUI Menu]( (1424)
  105. 5. [python.vim : Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script]( (1418)
  106. 6. [c.vim : C/C++ IDE --  Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc.]( (1354)
  107. 7. [molokai : A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate]( (1263)
  108. 8. [ : Buffer Explorer / Browser]( (1258)
  109. 9. [minibufexpl.vim : Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space]( (1243)
  110. 10. [OmniCppComplete : C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database]( (1240)
  111. ## vim-jp issues
  112. Open : 117 (+6) | Closed : 76 (+6)
  113. - [Issue #182 : sign placeされた状態だとfolding部分がsignカラムに食い込んですごく不格好](
  114. - [Issue #183 : コマンドモードでの単語のコピーが正常に動作しない](
  115. - [Issue #184 : ファイナライザが欲しい](
  116. - [Issue #185 : home\_replaceが正しく動作していない](
  117. - [Issue #186 : メタヘルプが欲しい](
  118. - [Issue #187 : system() を呼んだ際に終了した全ての子プロセスが回収されてしまう](
  119. - [Issue #188 : system()の実装がwait()することによりvimprocのwaitpid()内でエラーになることがある](
  120. - [Issue #189 : WinコンソールでIMEからの入力が化ける](
  121. - [Issue #190 : セキュリティソフトに引っかかるらしい](
  122. - [Issue #191 :の動作をlessに近づける](
  123. - [Issue #192 : curly-braces-names autoload を組み合わせると無効な変数名でも実行できる](
  124. - [Issue #193 : Ubuntu 12.04 gvim がまともに動かない](