PageRenderTime 1918ms queryTime 81ms sortTime 223ms getByIdsTime 1402ms findMatchingLines 27ms

33+ results for '"i don't know"' (1918 ms)

Not the results you expected?
VTXReader.cpp | C++ | 425 lines
53    // (it seems that only one model is supposed to be seen at a given time,
54    // but I don't know the mechanism in the engine that selects a desired
55    // model)
142            // Set the ranges on the previous LOD (now that we know the
143            // switch point for this one)
        | Python | 197 lines
49#There's a bit in here about some btau tags that the code looks for. I don't know if this is significant, however. I'm going to ignore it for now.
136#process.makeTopologyNtupleMiniAOD.btagParameterizationMode = cms.vstring()
137#Don't actually do cuts
138process.makeTopologyNtupleMiniAOD.doCuts=cms.bool(False) # if set to false will skip ALL cuts. Z veto still applies electron cuts.
185#Removing pat output (coz we really don't need it now)
186#del process.out
SnackbarManager.cs | C# | 236 lines
227        /// </summary>
228        /// <returns>True. I don't know why I put that return line below, and I'm too tired to figure out why now.</returns>
229        public static bool OnSnackbarCompleted()
        | Perl | 487 lines
9  warning_is    {foo(-dri => "/")} "Unknown Parameter 'dri'", "dri != dir gives warning";
10  warnings_are  {bar(1,1)} ["Width very small", "Height very small"];
15  warning_like  {foo(-dri => "/")} qr/unknown param/i, "an unknown parameter test";
16  warnings_like {bar(1,1)} [qr/width.*small/i, qr/height.*small/i];
94C<warning_like {bar()} qr/at line 5/, "Testname">.
95I don't know whether it's sensful to do such a test :-(
96However, you should be prepared as a matching with 'at', 'file', '\d'
481    my $re = _warning_category_regexp($category) or 
482        carp("Unknown warning category '$category'"),return undef;
483    my $ok = $warning =~ /$re/;
events.h | C Header | 323 lines
76  or'd with 0x8000, this is what all those blue buttons on a
77  Microsoft keyboard will do. I don't know how to get those
78  buttons on Windows.
core.clj | Clojure | 398 lines
69  "Creates the specified path at node. All subdirectories will be created if
70   the don't already exist."
71  [node path]
131;;      a sequence, so the caller will need to call first
132;;      to get just the result. But I don't know if I like having
133;;      one function that expects a single node, and another
        | Markdown | 61 lines
12- **Everyone in the team helps.** Responding to social media is a task of all of us. Every team member is expected to contribute, especially if you have a leadership position.
13- **Delegate to the experts.** Nobody knows everything. Send the most relevant team member that is available a link over chat so they can respond. Make sure they can follow up quickly or find someone else.
14- **Answer yourself.**  We should be personable and human. So if something is delegated to you don't answer the question and have someone else post it. Engage yourself. Make or create an account for the service if needed.
15- **Continue the conversation by providing meaningful responses instead of just upvoting or saying a one word “Thanks!”** If a post will add to a discussion, post it. If someone has given you feedback, link them to a relevant issue showing the feedback has been received. You can even provide people with links to non-GitLab things such as Git guides or DevOps guides. There is always a feature to mention or gratitude to express 'Thanks you so much for spreading the word about GitLab.'. For an example see the first three responses to [a HN post where the first three comments where positive but no questions]( Or see [this response]( that links to the actual issue and therefore a reply that the original 'thank you' didn't get.
16- **Stay positive.** Don't feel the need to defend GitLab when someone says something negative (see "Assume good faith" below). Negative feedback is a great chance to learn or consider something new, so thank them for their feedback, document it in the issue tracker (add a comment to the issue if one is already open), and invite them to leave more comments if they wish.
17- **Remember that you’re speaking to a human being.** The people behind the comments are real, so treat them how you’d want to be treated if the roles were reversed. Try to find their real name so that you can personalize your message to them.
19- **Assume good faith**. Remember, people are commenting on the product, not the people. The line can get blurry, but it’s important to stay objective.
20- **Address any and all points the user has made.** If they made 4 points/requests, respond to each. If you don’t know the answer, don’t be afraid to tell them you don’t know but will look into it.
21- **You’re allowed to disagree with people.** Try to inform the person (respectfully) why they might be misguided and provide any links they may need to make a more informed decision. Don’t say “you’re wrong” or “that’s stupid.” Instead try to say “I disagree because…” or “I don’t think that’s accurate because…”
24- **Open issues!** If someone has a point they’d like to discuss, feel free to open an issue and link them to it. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the point, you should be inviting the community to participate in GitLab’s direction. Be sure to link to the relevant post in the issue for easier tracking. This won’t work for all cases, so use your best judgment.
25- **Provide details.** If the request or the question is opened to more than just a straight answer, don't be afraid to detail it as much as possible.
26If there is already an opened issue or merge request for that case, link it to your answer. Do the same if there are other
27sources of information to support your statement, such as [blog posts]( and [webpages](
28- **Do what you say you will.** If you say you'll look into something, set a reminder to circle back with the person or link them to an issue on the issue tracker. Saying you'll look into something makes it impossible to continue the conversation until you do so, so it is essential that you continue the conversation at some later point. If this is too much work just say 'I don't know' and leave it at that.
29- **It is a disclosure**. Mentioning that you work at GitLab is not a disclaimer, actually your comment will rightfully be vetted more critically. If you post a lot on certain forums prefacing everything with 'GitLab CEO here' becomes annoying. Everyone should ensure that if you comment on Hacker News your profile mentions that you work at GitLab. And a subtle disclosure is possible by speaking in the we form (we shipped, we messed up, we will make that).
ex22.c | C | 281 lines
90  ierr = VecGetSize(X,&mx);CHKERRQ(ierr);
91  dt   = .1 * PetscMax(user.a[0],user.a[1]) / mx; /* Advective CFL, I don't know why it needs so much safety factor. */
92  ierr = TSSetInitialTimeStep(ts,0.0,dt);CHKERRQ(ierr);
Factory.scala | Scala | 250 lines
28      case java.sql.ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable => Some(true);
29      case java.sql.ResultSetMetaData.columnNullableUnknown => None;
30    }
231      /* Undefined cases. */
232      case OTHER => new datatype.Unknown {
233        override val nullable = isNullable(metadata, index);
236      case REF | ARRAY | STRUCT =>
237        sys.error ("I don't support composite data types yet.");
242        sys.error ("I don't support binary string data types yet.");
243      /* Unsupported date and time data types. */
246      /* Default case */
247      case x => sys.error ("I don't know about this ("+metadata.getColumnTypeName(index)+") JDBC type.")
248    }
        | Markdown | 230 lines
35time" or how "Linux is important" and "we love Linux". It's usually
36something that's said with the unspoken caveat "but I don't know much
37about it, and I'm not going to learn". The larger message is that
88Don't get me wrong: it makes me happy to see a tutorial site using a
89screenshot of Ubuntu when providing a tutorial, and it warms my heart
89screenshot of Ubuntu when providing a tutorial, and it warms my heart
90when sites acknowledge that yes! Linux exists, and that people use it for
91real life, everyday things!
140If you don't use something, you don't know it; if you don't know
141something, you can't advocate for it. You can recommend that someone investigate it as a possible solution, but you should not position it as their Problem Solved.
212hand, if you're uninformed about Linux and only want to mention it
213because you know that it exists and want to acknowledge it, then
214qualify your statements so that people understand that you are not
des_enc.c | C | 294 lines
31 * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
32 *    must display the following acknowledgement:
33 *    "This product includes cryptographic software written by
37 * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from
38 *    the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement:
39 *    "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson ("
93	s=ks->ks.deslong;
94	/* I don't know if it is worth the effort of loop unrolling the
95	 * inner loop */
189	s=ks->ks.deslong;
190	/* I don't know if it is worth the effort of loop unrolling the
191	 * inner loop */
checkbox.cpp | C++ | 213 lines
87    {
88        // VZ: as I don't know a way to create a right aligned checkbox with
89        //     GTK we will create a checkbox without label and a label at the
foll-vfork.exp | Expect | 408 lines
22# NOTE drow/2002-12-06: I don't know what the referenced kernel problem
23# is, but it appears to be fixed in recent HP/UX versions.
25##if [istarget "hppa2.0w-hp-hpux*"] {
26##  warning "Don't run gdb.base/foll-vfork.exp until JAGaa43495 kernel problem is fixed."
27##  return 0
        | C++ | 536 lines
205      0,
206      ""); // This should be the filename. I don't know if it is a problem to leave it empty.
219    xmlParseChunk(context_, line.c_str(), line.size() /* This is a std::string, not a ustring, so this is the number of bytes. */, 0 /* don't terminate */);
220  }
240      0,
241      ""); // This should be the filename. I don't know if it is a problem to let it empty
246  if(!exception_)
247    xmlParseChunk(context_, chunk.c_str(), chunk.bytes(), 0 /* don't terminate */);
266      0,
267      ""); // This should be the filename. I don't know if it is a problem to leave it empty
268  }
really-simple-captcha.php | PHP | 200 lines
57		/* Coordinates for a text in an image. I don't know the meaning. Just adjust. */
58		$this->base = array( 6, 18 );
vikgoto.c | C | 190 lines
90  GtkWidget *goto_label = gtk_label_new(_("I don't know that place. Do you want another goto?"));
91  gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), goto_label, FALSE, FALSE, 5 );
economy.c | C | 432 lines
245              OBJ_DATA *obj;
246              int store_cost = 0; /* temp variable for storage costs... don't want stuff to change on us - Ahsile */
429	send_to_char(AT_WHITE, "I don't know what you mean.\n\r", ch);
430	do_bank( ch, "" );		/* Generate Instructions */
pcbios.c | C | 430 lines
51 * Physical address of the service directory.  I don't know if we're
52 * allowed to have more than one of these or not, so just in case
        | Markdown | 273 lines
27  I don't know why this special value exists, but perhaps old client code uses it.
174  appended to them as a convenience. If you find yourself using this keyword
175  to add to hooks of different names, or just don't want such appending done,
176  you can change the text to an empty string.
204  definitions in the `:preface` to not be visible to the byte-compiler,
205  leading to possible warnings about unknown functions, or functions that may
206  not be available at run-time (which can generally be ignored, since
270- When byte-compiling, correctly output declare-function directives.
271- Append to *use-package* when debugging, don't clear it.
272- Don't allow :commands, :bind, etc., to be given an empty list.
button.cpp | C++ | 435 lines
124            //
125            // Don't leave the panel with invalid default item
126            //
200        // NB2: the extra +1/+2 were needed to get the size be the same as the
201        //      size of the buttons in the standard dialog - I don't know how
202        //      this happens, but on my system this size is 75x23 in pixels and
285    //
286    // First, let DefDlgProc() know about the new default button
287    //
293        //
294        // In OS/2 the dialog/panel doesn't really know it has a default
295        // button, the default button simply has that style.  We'll just
xpad.rst | ReStructuredText | 234 lines
25- if you are using a known controller
26- if you are using a known dance pad
27- if using an unknown device (one not listed below), what you set in the
28  module configuration for "Map D-PAD to buttons rather than axes for unknown
29  pads" (module option dpad_to_buttons)
31If you set dpad_to_buttons to N and you are using an unknown device
32the driver will map the directional pad to axes (X/Y).
38This is not true. Both dpad_to_buttons and triggers_to_buttons only affect
39unknown controllers.
49All 8 axes work, though they all have the same range (-32768..32767)
50and the zero-setting is not correct for the triggers (I don't know if that
51is some limitation of jstest, since the input device setup should be fine. I
site-positions.css | CSS | 758 lines
238	margin-left:		10px;
239	/* IE seems to ignore margin-bottom, I don't know why,
240	 * since we don't set any heights padding works too
242	padding-bottom:		10px;
243	/* if we have a fixed width, don't exceed it */
244	overflow:			hidden;
SDL_dspaudio.c | C | 340 lines
57/* Open the audio device for playback, and don't block if busy */
171    /* Make sure fragment size stays a power of 2, or OSS fails. */
172    /* I don't know which of these are actually legal values, though... */
173    if (spec->channels > 8)
Default.css | CSS | 540 lines
228    .CBulletList {
229        /*  I don't know why CBody's margin doesn't apply, but it's consistent across browsers so whatever.
230             Reapply it here as padding.  */
248        .CDLDescription {
249            font-size: 10pt;  /*  For browsers that don't inherit correctly, like Opera 5.  */
250            padding-bottom: .5em; padding-left: 5ex }
        | Python | 267 lines
68        try:
69            # I don't know why I put this in, but it doesn't work, because it
70            # doesn't call doNick or doQuit.
204                self.doLog(irc, channel,
205                           '*** %s is now known as %s\n', oldNick, newNick)
206    def doJoin(self, irc, msg):
Moultrie citizen_dialog.h | C Header | 173 lines
25"What's going on around here lately?",
26"I've been at sea - I'm interested in anything I don't know yet.",
27"I could use some directions.",
45"I could use some directions.",
46"I need help. I don't know the town very well.",
47"I'd like to ask you about someone you may know.",
55"Thanks for your help. That's all I need for now.",
56"What else would you like to know,",
63"What's going on around here lately?",
64"I've been at sea - I'm interested in anything I don't know yet.",
65"Do you know the town well?",
66"I could use some directions.",
67"I need help - I don't know the town well.",
68"I need some information on one of the locals.",
Config.lua | Lua | 306 lines
43		-- I don't know if this is used at all
44		value = "CYCLONE",
44		value = "CYCLONE",
46	},
47	--[[[LOSS_OF_CONTROL_DISPLAY_DAZE] = { -- "Dazed"
48		-- I don't think this is used at all
49		value = "DAZE",
49		value = "DAZE",
51	},]]
56		value = "DISORIENT",
58	},
States.cpp | C++ | 399 lines
152            merror(M_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_DOMAIN, "Invalid parent variable context");
153            //throw("I don't know what will happen here yet...");
154            //local_variable_context = new ScopedVariableContext();// DEAL WITH THIS EVENTUALLY
        | Java | 315 lines
135	    	  // For some reason, some peers send flags as longs. I haven't seen
136	    	  // it myself, so I don't know how to extract data from it. So we'll
137	    	  // just stick to byte arrays.
localcharset.c | C | 369 lines
94   and everything will be ok if the two assignments to 'charset_aliases'
95   are atomic. But I don't know what will happen if the two assignments mix.  */
96#if __STDC__ != 1
259  /* But most old systems don't have a complete set of locales.  Some
260     (like SunOS 4 or DJGPP) have only the C locale.  Therefore we don't
362  /* Don't return an empty string.  GNU libc and GNU libiconv interpret
363     the empty string as denoting "the locale's character encoding",
        | Java | 483 lines
85            new Path(localPrefix + "/user/" + System.getProperty("")));
86        // I don't know why, but the unit tests expect the default
87        // working dir to be /user/username, so satisfy them!
default-implementations.lisp | Lisp | 335 lines
86  may not be used for very much."
87  ;; In CLIM-SYS this is a freshly consed list (NIL). I don't know if
88  ;; there's some good reason it should be said structure or that it
265BODY does not complete within `TIMEOUT' seconds. On implementations which do not
266support WITH-TIMEOUT natively and don't support threads either it has no effect."
267  (declare (ignorable timeout))
vtkPChacoReader.cxx | C++ | 580 lines
206    {
207    // I don't know if this situation can occur, but we'll try to handle it.

