83+ results for '@microsoft.com' (10 ms)

Not the results you expected?
shared_any.h https://gitlab.com/jslee1/omaha | C Header | 412 lines
15//  Author:     Eric Niebler ( ericne@microsoft.com )
FileTest.cs https://github.com/thomo13/ironruby.git | C# | 211 lines
7 * you cannot locate the  Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to 
8 * ironruby@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
9 * by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Protocol1RuntimeClientTest.php https://bitbucket.org/kurniawanchan83/azure-sdk-for-php.git | PHP | 304 lines
18 * @package   Tests\Unit\WindowsAzure\ServiceRuntime\Internal
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
43 * @package   Tests\Unit\WindowsAzure\ServiceRuntime\Internal
44 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
45 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
ListInitExpression.cs https://github.com/adborden/mono.git | C# | 237 lines
7 * you cannot locate the  Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to 
8 * dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
9 * by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Player.py https://github.com/dsblank/main.git | Python | 188 lines
7# you cannot locate the  Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to 
8# ironpy@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
9# by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
ServiceBusSettingsTest.php https://bitbucket.org/skudatech/azure-sdk-for-php.git | PHP | 250 lines
18 * @package   Tests\Unit\WindowsAzure\Common\Internal
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
33 * @package   Tests\Unit\WindowsAzure\Common\Internal
34 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
35 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
ParseReader.cs https://github.com/QuickJack/mono.git | C# | 448 lines
1// HtmlAgilityPack V1.3.1.0 - Simon Mourier <simonm@microsoft.com>
2using System;
CollectionExtensions.cs https://github.com/e-tobi/mono.git | C# | 195 lines
7 * you cannot locate the  Microsoft Public License, please send an email to 
8 * dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
9 * by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
Utils.fs https://hg01.codeplex.com/boogie | F# | 368 lines
4///   author: Aleksandar Milicevic (t-alekm@microsoft.com)
5//  ####################################################################
WinClass.cs https://IronPython.svn.codeplex.com/svn | C# | 224 lines
✨ Summary

This C# code is a test automation script for a Windows application. It simulates user interactions, such as clicking buttons and selecting options, to verify the application’s behavior under different scenarios. The script uses UI Automation to interact with the application and checks for specific conditions, such as button clicks and window appearances, to validate its functionality.

7 * you cannot locate the  Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to 
8 * ironpy@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
9 * by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
SelectionListener.cs https://github.com/kumaryu/IronLanguages-main.git | C# | 148 lines
7 * you cannot locate the Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to 
8 * ironpy@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
9 * by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
CsToken.cs https://github.com/StyleCop/StyleCop.git | C# | 439 lines
8//   file at the root of this distribution. If you cannot locate the  
9//   Microsoft Public License, please send an email to dlr@microsoft.com. 
10//   By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
CreateContainerOptionsTest.php https://bitbucket.org/skudatech/azure-sdk-for-php.git | PHP | 142 lines
18 * @package   Tests\Unit\WindowsAzure\Blob\Models
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
33 * @package   Tests\Unit\WindowsAzure\Blob\Models
34 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
35 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
IReplWindow.cs https://gitlab.com/SplatoonModdingHub/PTVS | C# | 182 lines
7 * you cannot locate the Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to 
8 * vspython@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
9 * by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
indexerdefinitionsvb.vb https://github.com/Jaharmi/main.git | Visual Basic | 156 lines
7'  you cannot locate the  Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to 
8'  ironpy@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
9'  by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
StorageServiceSettings.php https://bitbucket.org/cesarmedrano/cesarmedrano.git | PHP | 485 lines
18 * @package   WindowsAzure\Common\Internal
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
35 * @package   WindowsAzure\Common\Internal
36 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
37 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
ExecuteInReplCommand.cs https://github.com/rpattabi/ironruby.git | C# | 145 lines
7 * you cannot locate the Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to 
8 * ironruby@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
9 * by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Exceptions.cs https://github.com/mattsnyder/ironruby.git | C# | 282 lines
7 * you cannot locate the  Microsoft Public License, please send an email to 
8 * ironruby@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
9 * by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
test_array.py https://bitbucket.org/mdavid/dlr.git | Python | 237 lines
7# you cannot locate the  Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to
8# ironpy@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
9# by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
test_set.py https://IronPython.svn.codeplex.com/svn | Python | 206 lines
✨ Summary

This Python code tests various aspects of sets and other data structures, including comparison, removal, and singleton checks. It verifies that sets behave as expected when compared to different types, removed elements, and checked for equality with themselves. The test suite ensures the correctness of set operations and behavior in different scenarios.

7# you cannot locate the  Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
8# ironpy@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
9# by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
run_interactive.py https://IronPython.svn.codeplex.com/svn | Python | 140 lines
✨ Summary

This Python script runs a test file in interactive mode using IronPython, a Python implementation for .NET. It takes a test file as input and executes it in an interactive environment, printing any errors that occur during execution. The script can run multiple tests from the same directory, displaying a summary of all errors encountered.

7# you cannot locate the  Microsoft Public License, please send an email to 
8# ironpy@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
9# by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
sbs_simple_compare.py https://IronPython.svn.codeplex.com/svn | Python | 187 lines
✨ Summary

The code tests various data types (int, float, str, complex, dict) for comparison and boolean equality with themselves and other instances of the same type, as well as with None and each other’s instances. It ensures that comparisons work correctly across different types, including when one type is converted to another.

7# root of this distribution. If  you cannot locate the  Microsoft Public
8# License, please send an email to  dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source
9# code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of the 
AtomLink.php https://bitbucket.org/cesarmedrano/cesarmedrano.git | PHP | 343 lines
18 * @package   WindowsAzure\Common\Internal\Atom
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
34 * @package   WindowsAzure\Common\Internal\Atom
35 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
36 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
WeakHash.cs https://IronPython.svn.codeplex.com/svn | C# | 295 lines
✨ Summary

This C# code implements a custom dictionary class called WeakHash that uses a hybrid mapping approach to store and retrieve values. It combines strong and weak references to manage memory efficiently, allowing for garbage collection while maintaining data integrity. The class provides methods for adding, removing, and retrieving values, as well as handling cleanup and rehashing of the underlying dictionary.

7 * at the root of this distribution. If you can not locate the Shared Source License
8 * for IronPython, please send an email to ironpy@microsoft.com.
9 * By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
ring_buffer.c https://bitbucket.org/Neos/tf101-kernel2.git | C | 619 lines
18 * Authors:
19 *   Haiyang Zhang <haiyangz@microsoft.com>
20 *   Hank Janssen  <hjanssen@microsoft.com>
AccessCondition.php https://github.com/Canuckaholic/Pop-Digital.git | PHP | 247 lines
18 * @package   WindowsAzure\Blob\Models
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
35 * @package   WindowsAzure\Blob\Models
36 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
37 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
Gears.cs https://github.com/Wiladams/NewTOAPIA.git | C# | 212 lines
11 * 2008: Converted to C# by William Adams (wiladams@microsoft.com)
12 * 1996: "written" by Danny Sung <dannys@ucla.edu>
check_gpu_count.py https://github.com/Microsoft/DLWorkspace.git | Python | 192 lines
35            "vcName": vc_name,
36            "userName": str(args.alias + "@microsoft.com"),
37        })
0d71f4f1-efc1-127e-5edc-263a3a2a30fb.md https://gitlab.com/mixedup/VBA-content | Markdown | 258 lines
25INSERT INTO tblCustomers 
26    VALUES (1, Kelly, 'Jill', '555-1040', 'someone@microsoft.com') 
153INSERT INTO tblCustomers 
154    VALUES (1, Kelly, 'Jill', '555-1040', 'someone@microsoft.com') 
HttpCallContext.php https://bitbucket.org/cesarmedrano/cesarmedrano.git | PHP | 446 lines
18 * @package   WindowsAzure\Common\Internal\Http
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
35 * @package   WindowsAzure\Common\Internal\Http
36 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
37 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
StorageAuthScheme.php https://gitlab.com/pankajmohale/chef2go | PHP | 215 lines
18 * @package   WindowsAzure\Common\Internal\Authentication
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
35 * @package   WindowsAzure\Common\Internal\Authentication
36 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
37 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
README-vfsi.html https://github.com/pblasucci/Giftee.git | HTML | 89 lines
86<p>Please contact fsbugs@microsoft.com with feedback on this documentation.</p>
vop.hpp https://github.com/stsquad/mpeg4ip.git | C++ Header | 144 lines
5	Ming-Chieh Lee (mingcl@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
6	Wei-ge Chen (wchen@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
6	Wei-ge Chen (wchen@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
7	Bruce Lin (blin@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
8	Chuang Gu (chuanggu@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
QueryEntitiesResult.php https://bitbucket.org/cesarmedrano/cesarmedrano.git | PHP | 150 lines
18 * @package   WindowsAzure\Table\Models
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
33 * @package   WindowsAzure\Table\Models
34 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
35 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
ConcurrencyAmp.cpp https://bitbucket.org/wcom/wcom-public.git | C++ | 365 lines
6// If you cannot locate the  Microsoft Public License, please send an email to 
7// dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
8//  by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
SubscriptionDescriptionTest.php https://bitbucket.org/skudatech/azure-sdk-for-php.git | PHP | 255 lines
18 * @package   Tests\Unit\WindowsAzure\ServiceBus\Models
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
32 * @package   Tests\Unit\WindowsAzure\ServiceBus\Models
33 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
34 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
test_change_self.rb https://github.com/kumaryu/IronLanguages-main.git | Ruby | 176 lines
7# you cannot locate the  Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to 
8# ironruby@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
9# by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
ASR-AddSingleNSGPublicIp.ps1 https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates.git | Powershell | 136 lines
26    .NOTES 
27        AUTHOR: RuturajD@microsoft.com 
28        LASTEDIT: 27 January, 2017 
ring_buffer.c https://bitbucket.org/abdulhadif/android_kernel_samsung_espresso10.git | C | 524 lines
18 * Authors:
19 *   Haiyang Zhang <haiyangz@microsoft.com>
20 *   Hank Janssen  <hjanssen@microsoft.com>
20 *   Hank Janssen  <hjanssen@microsoft.com>
21 *   K. Y. Srinivasan <kys@microsoft.com>
22 *
hv_apic.c https://bitbucket.org/updatelee/v4l-updatelee.git | C | 256 lines
7 *
8 * Author : K. Y. Srinivasan <kys@microsoft.com>
9 *
HelixTestBase.cs https://github.com/grendello/mono.git | C# | 100 lines
4// Authors:
5//	Alexander Köplinger  <alkpli@microsoft.com>
w32semaphore-unix.c https://github.com/pruiz/mono.git | C | 375 lines
5 * Author:
6 *	Ludovic Henry (luhenry@microsoft.com)
7 *
CHANGELOG.md https://github.com/markstory/hubot-scripts.git | Markdown | 133 lines
124* fix wolfram version to support heroku's node - Simon Horne <soulware@gmail.com>
125* add bing search support - Brandon Satrom <brsatrom@microsoft.com>
126* add github issues support - Assaf Arkin <assaf@labnotes.org>
ListQueuesResultTest.php https://bitbucket.org/skudatech/azure-sdk-for-php.git | PHP | 268 lines
18 * @package   Tests\Unit\WindowsAzure\Queue\Models
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
33 * @package   Tests\Unit\WindowsAzure\Queue\Models
34 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
35 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
SubInstruction.cs https://github.com/cobbr/InsecurePowerShell.git | C# | 284 lines
7 * you cannot locate the Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to
8 * dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
9 * by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
bf-ms-layout-2.c https://bitbucket.org/Underworld79/toolchain_gcc-4.8.git | C | 236 lines
3/* Test for MS bitfield layout */
4/* Adapted from Donn Terry <donnte@microsoft.com> testcase
5   posted to GCC-patches
DotNetCoreSdkLocationWidget.UI.cs https://github.com/directhex/monodevelop.git | C# | 246 lines
4// Author:
5//       Matt Ward <matt.ward@microsoft.com>
caption-methods.html https://github.com/chromium/chromium.git | HTML | 276 lines
5  <title>Creating and deleting captions</title>
6  <link rel="author" title="Erika Navara" href="mailto:edoyle@microsoft.com">
7  <link rel="help" href="https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#the-table-element" />
AppendBlockResult.php https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-php.git | PHP | 244 lines
18 * @package   MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Blob\Models
19 * @author    Azure Storage PHP SDK <dmsh@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2017 Microsoft Corporation
34 * @package   MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Blob\Models
35 * @author    Azure Storage PHP SDK <dmsh@microsoft.com>
36 * @copyright 2016 Microsoft Corporation
README.md https://gitlab.com/pymevirtual/azure-sdk-for-ruby | Markdown | 106 lines
106Send email to the azsdkteam@microsoft.com or file new issue in this repository.
VariableCollection.cs https://github.com/Visual-Stylecop/Visual-StyleCop.git | C# | 295 lines
8//   file at the root of this distribution. If you cannot locate the
9//   Microsoft Public License, please send an email to dlr@microsoft.com.
10//   By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
SubscriptionDescription.php https://bitbucket.org/cesarmedrano/cesarmedrano.git | PHP | 413 lines
18 * @package   WindowsAzure\ServiceBus\Models
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
33 * @package   WindowsAzure\ServiceBus\Models
34 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
35 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
IngestManifestFile.php git://github.com/WindowsAzure/azure-sdk-for-php.git | PHP | 576 lines
18 *
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright Microsoft Corporation
34 *
35 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
36 * @copyright Microsoft Corporation
DeTest.cs https://IronPython.svn.codeplex.com/svn | C# | 253 lines
✨ Summary

This C# code defines a class DeTest that demonstrates event handling and delegate usage. It creates various delegates for different types of events, including string, integer, float, double, enum, and complex data types. The class provides methods to set up and run these events, showcasing how to attach and invoke event handlers.

7 * you cannot locate the  Microsoft Public License, please send an email to 
8 * ironpy@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound 
9 * by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
active-directory-app-gallery-listing.md https://gitlab.com/yeah568/azure-content | Markdown | 98 lines
32To integrate your application with Azure AD, following the [developer instructions](active-directory-authentication-scenarios.md). Then complete the questions below and send to waadpartners@microsoft.com.
68Any app that supports SAML 2.0 can be integrated directly with an Azure AD tenant using [these instructions to add a custom application](active-directory-saas-custom-apps.md). Once you have tested that your application integration works with Azure AD, send the following information to <waadpartners@microsoft.com>.
0013-fru-sdr-Fix-id_string-buffer-overflows.patch https://gitlab.com/cronmod-dev/buildroot | Patch | 141 lines
1From bf3ded3a474d85da99eb717acdcd8ff4f89f9879 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
2From: Chrostoper Ertl <chertl@microsoft.com>
3Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2019 17:13:45 +0000
hv_snapshot.c https://bitbucket.org/bdas/linux.git | C | 281 lines
5 * Copyright (C) 2013, Microsoft, Inc.
6 * Author : K. Y. Srinivasan <kys@microsoft.com>
7 *
sbs_simple_ops.py https://IronPython.svn.codeplex.com/svn | Python | 224 lines
✨ Summary

The code tests various mathematical operations on different data types, including integers, floats, and complex numbers, with both normal and reflected operators (e.g., +, -, *, /). It compares results from different operator implementations, such as old-style, new-style, and inplace operators. The output shows which operations produce the same result for each data type.

7#  at the root of this distribution. If you can not locate the Shared Source License
8#  for IronPython, please send an email to ironpy@microsoft.com.
9#  By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
cmWin32ProcessExecution.h https://github.com/okuoku/CMake.git | C Header | 169 lines
28 *
29 * Written by Bill Tutt <billtut@microsoft.com>.  Minor tweaks and 2.0
30 * integration by Fredrik Lundh <fredrik@pythonware.com> Return code
IMediaServices.php https://gitlab.com/vietdhtn/myweb | PHP | 446 lines
18 * @package   WindowsAzure\MediaServices\Internal
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright Microsoft Corporation
32 * @package   WindowsAzure\MediaServices\Internal
33 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
34 * @copyright Microsoft Corporation
EditorThemeColors.cs https://github.com/directhex/monodevelop.git | C# | 184 lines
4// Author:
5//       Mike Krüger <mikkrg@microsoft.com>
Deployment.php https://gitlab.com/vietdhtn/myweb | PHP | 560 lines
18 * @package   WindowsAzure\ServiceManagement\Models
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
33 * @package   WindowsAzure\ServiceManagement\Models
34 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
35 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
SurveyForm.js https://gitlab.com/fbi/birs | JavaScript | 140 lines
13      let valid = true;
14      if (~['bobby@gmail.com', 'timmy@microsoft.com'].indexOf(data.email)) {
15        errors.email = 'Email address already used';
CognitiveServiceTextAnalytics.cs https://github.com/Microsoft/mwt-ds.git | C# | 129 lines
28        {
29            // Based on email thread with Arvind Krishnaa Jagannathan <arjagann@microsoft.com>
30            if (text.Length >= Constants.MaxRequestSizeUtf16)
dirent.c https://bitbucket.org/thelearninglabs/uclinux-distro-tll-public.git | C | 277 lines
14 *  Ported to Windows NT 22 May 91 
15 *    other mods Summer '92 brianmo@microsoft.com 
16 *  opendirx() was horribly written, very inefficient, and did not take care
hyperv-iommu.c https://github.com/srikard/linux.git | C | 199 lines
7 *
8 * Author : Lan Tianyu <Tianyu.Lan@microsoft.com>
9 */
GetOperationStatusResultTest.php https://bitbucket.org/skudatech/azure-sdk-for-php.git | PHP | 133 lines
18 * @package   Tests\Unit\WindowsAzure\ServiceManagement\Models
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
34 * @package   Tests\Unit\WindowsAzure\ServiceManagement\Models
35 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
36 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
trace.h https://github.com/srikard/linux.git | C Header | 920 lines
4 *
5 *   Author(s): Steve French <stfrench@microsoft.com>
6 */
Protocol1RuntimeGoalStateClient.php https://bitbucket.org/cesarmedrano/cesarmedrano.git | PHP | 225 lines
18 * @package   WindowsAzure\ServiceRuntime\Internal
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
31 * @package   WindowsAzure\ServiceRuntime\Internal
32 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
33 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
QueryEntitiesOptionsTest.php https://bitbucket.org/skudatech/azure-sdk-for-php.git | PHP | 165 lines
18 * @package   Tests\Unit\WindowsAzure\Table\Models
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
34 * @package   Tests\Unit\WindowsAzure\Table\Models
35 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
36 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
leaky_bucket.c https://github.com/c444b774/jm-decision.git | C | 314 lines
10 *    Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details)
11 *    - Shankar Regunathan                   <shanre@microsoft.com>
12 ***************************************************************************
35 * \author
36 *    Shankar Regunathan                   shanre@microsoft.com
37 *  \date
78 * \author
79 *    Shankar Regunathan                   shanre@microsoft.com
80 *  \date
111 * \author
112 *    Shankar Regunathan                   shanre@microsoft.com
113 *  \date
157 * \author
158 *    Shankar Regunathan                   shanre@microsoft.com
159 *  \date
msg00154.html https://github.com/Famicoman/cypherpunks-mailing-list-archives.git | HTML | 118 lines
11<TITLE>Re: THOUGHT:  Internation</TITLE>
12<LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:blancw@microsoft.com">
30<LI><em>Subject</em>: Re: THOUGHT:  Internation</LI>
31<LI><em>From</em>: Blanc Weber &lt;<A HREF="mailto:blancw@microsoft.com">blancw@microsoft.com</A>&gt;</LI>
32<LI><em>Date</em>: Mon,  4 Apr 94 20:18:14 PDT</LI>
WebOperation.cs https://github.com/kumpera/mono.git | C# | 344 lines
4// Author:
5//       Martin Baulig <mabaul@microsoft.com>
IServiceManagement.php https://bitbucket.org/cesarmedrano/cesarmedrano.git | PHP | 552 lines
18 * @package   WindowsAzure\ServiceManagement\Internal
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
32 * @package   WindowsAzure\ServiceManagement\Internal
33 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
34 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
QueueRestProxy.php https://bitbucket.org/cesarmedrano/cesarmedrano.git | PHP | 778 lines
18 * @package   WindowsAzure\Queue
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
53 * @package   WindowsAzure\Queue
54 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
55 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
IBlob.php https://bitbucket.org/cesarmedrano/cesarmedrano.git | PHP | 492 lines
18 * @package   WindowsAzure\Blob\Internal
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
32 * @package   WindowsAzure\Blob\Internal
33 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
34 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
WindowsAzure.php https://bitbucket.org/cesarmedrano/cesarmedrano.git | PHP | 303 lines
18 * @package   WindowsAzure
19 * @author    Azure PHP SDK <azurephpsdk@microsoft.com>
20 * @copyright 2012 Microsoft Corporation
WebConnectionStream.cs https://github.com/grendello/mono.git | C# | 264 lines
5//	Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com)
6//      Martin Baulig <mabaul@microsoft.com>
data-lake-analytics-documentation-backlog.md https://github.com/Huachao/azure-content.git | Markdown | 57 lines
56* Submit a pull request on this document in the [Azure Content Repo](https://github.com/Azure/azure-content/blob/master/articles/data-lake-analytics/data-lake-analytics-documentation-backlog.md)
57* Send an email to [adlafeedback at microsoft.com](mailto:adlafeedback@microsoft.com?subject=DocBacklog)
user.drush.inc.patch https://github.com/pcolemonts/nginx-for-drupal.git | Patch | 551 lines
43+    'examples' => array(
44+      'drush user-information 2,3,someguy,somegal,billgates@microsoft.com' => 
45+        'Display information about any users with uids, names, or mail addresses matching the strings between commas.',
62+    'examples' => array(
63+      'drush user-block 5,user3 --uid=2,3 --name=someguy,somegal --mail=billgates@microsoft.com' => 
64+        'Block the users with name, id, or email 5 or user3, uids 2 and 3, names someguy and somegal, and email address of billgates@microsoft.com',
79+    'examples' => array(
80+      'drush user-unblock 5,user3 --uid=2,3 --name=someguy,somegal --mail=billgates@microsoft.com' => 
81+        'Unblock the users with name, id, or email 5 or user3, uids 2 and 3, names someguy and somegal, and email address of billgates@microsoft.com',
97+    'examples' => array(
98+      'drush user-add-role "power user" 5,user3 --uid=2,3 --name=someguy,somegal --mail=billgates@microsoft.com' => 
99+        'Add the "power user" role to the accounts with name, id, or email 5 or user3, uids 2 and 3, names someguy and somegal, and email address of billgates@microsoft.com',
115+    'examples' => array(
116+      'drush user-remove-role "power user" 5,user3 --uid=2,3 --name=someguy,somegal --mail=billgates@microsoft.com' => 
117+        'Remove the "power user" role from the accounts with name, id, or email 5 or user3, uids 2 and 3, names someguy and somegal, and email address of billgates@microsoft.com',
MixedCodeDocument.cs https://github.com/iainlane/mono.git | C# | 799 lines
1// HtmlAgilityPack V1.0 - Simon Mourier <simonm@microsoft.com>
2using System;
README.md https://github.com/microsoftgraph/contoso-airlines-teams-sample.git | Markdown | 83 lines
71This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/). For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) or contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments.
CP852%UCS.src https://bitbucket.org/freebsd/freebsd-head/ | Unknown | 162 lines
20#    Date:          04/24/96
21#    Authors:       Lori Brownell <loribr@microsoft.com>
22#                   K.D. Chang    <a-kchang@microsoft.com>

