100+ results results for 'MongoDBObject find lang:Scala' (2027 ms)
32 { 33 if (organizationServiceLocator.byDomain.isAdmin(configuration.orgId, connectedUser) || Group.dao.count(MongoDBObject("users" -> connectedUser, "grantType" -> CMSPlugin.ROLE_CMS_ADMIN.key)) > 0) { 34 action(request) 86 implicit request => 87 def menuEntries = MenuEntry.dao.findEntries(menu) 88 92 case Some(key) => 93 val versions = CMSPage.dao.findByKeyAndLanguage(key, language) 94 if (versions.isEmpty) { 167 implicit request => 168 CMSPage.dao.find(MongoDBObject("key" -> key, "lang" -> language)).$orderby(MongoDBObject("_id" -> -1)).limit(1).toList.headOption match { 169 case None => NotFound(key) 190 def apply(cmsPage: CMSPage, menu: String)(implicit configuration: OrganizationConfiguration): CMSPageViewModel = { 191 // we only allow linking once to a CMSPage so we can be sure that we will only ever find at most one MenuEntry for it 192 val (menuEntryPosition, menuKey) = MenuEntry.dao.findOneByTargetPageKey(cmsPage.key).map { e =>DataStoreOperations.scala https://github.com/SINTEF-9012/sensapp.git | Scala | 181 lines
48import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._ 49import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObjectBuilder 50import com.mongodb.util.JSON 84 def pull(id: Criterion): Option[T] = { 85 val dbResult = _collection.findOne(MongoDBObject(id._1 -> id._2)) 86 dbResult match { 115 def retrieve(criteria: List[(String, Any)]): List[T] = { 116 val prototype = MongoDBObject.newBuilder 117 criteria foreach { c => prototype += (c._1 -> c._2) } 117 criteria foreach { c => prototype += (c._1 -> c._2) } 118 _collection.find(prototype.result).toList map { toDomainObject(_) } 119 }ResponseServiceTest.scala https://github.com/cyrusinnovation/inquisition.git | Scala | 128 lines
6import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, FunSuite} 7import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 8import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoConnection 25 override def beforeEach() { 26 db("questions").remove(MongoDBObject()) 27 } 101 102 test("can find question by id") { 103 val question = createSavedQuestion() 105 106 val retrievedResponse = service.findById(response.id.get) 107 112 evaluating { 113 service.findById(null) 114 } should produce[IllegalArgumentException]MongoTagRepository.scala https://github.com/cyrusinnovation/inquisition.git | Scala | 93 lines
17 tags.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 1)) 18 questions.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("tags" -> 1)) 19 24 25 def findUniqueTagNamesOrderedByTagName(): List[String] = { 26 questions.distinct("tags").map(x => x.toString).sortBy(x => x).toList 29 def findQuestionsByTag(tag: String): List[Question] = { 30 val results = questions.find(MongoDBObject("tags" -> tag)) 31 results.map(db2question).toList 58 59 val commandBuilder = MongoDBObject.newBuilder 60 commandBuilder += "mapreduce" -> "questions" 65 66 val tagList = tags.find().sort(MongoDBObject("value" -> -1)).limit(numberToRetreive) 67 val map = tagList map { t => t.getAs[String]("_id").get -> t.getAs[Double]("value").get }MongoTagsRepositoryTest.scala https://github.com/cyrusinnovation/inquisition.git | Scala | 176 lines
9import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner 10import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 11 20 override def beforeEach() { 21 db("tags").remove(MongoDBObject()) 22 db("questions").remove(MongoDBObject()) 29 30 test("find all unqiue question tags") { 31 questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("java", "spring"))); 32 questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("scala", "spring"))); 33 questionRepository.findQuestionCount() should equal(2) 34 val uniqueTags = tagRepository.findUniqueTagNamesOrderedByTagName() 38 39 test("find most popular tags") { 40 val correctQuestion = questionRepository.save(uniqueQuestion().copy(tags = List("java", "spring")));GenericGridFS.scala git://github.com/mongodb/casbah.git | Scala | 195 lines
58 /** Find by query */ 59 def find[A <% DBObject](query: A): mutable.Buffer[MongoGridFSDBFile] = underlying.find(query).asScala 60 61 /** Find by query - returns a single item */ 62 def find(id: ObjectId): MongoGridFSDBFile = underlying.find(id) 63 64 /** Find by query */ 65 def find(filename: String): mutable.Buffer[MongoGridFSDBFile] = underlying.find(filename).asScala 66 89@BeanInfo 90abstract class GenericGridFSFile(override val underlying: MongoGridFSFile) extends MongoDBObject with Logging { 91 type DateTypeMongoQuestionRepositoryTest.scala https://github.com/cyrusinnovation/inquisition.git | Scala | 324 lines
9import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner 10import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 11import java.lang.String 21 override def beforeEach() { 22 db("questions").remove(MongoDBObject()) 23 } 34 savedQuestion.id should be('defined) 35 val retrievedQuestion = repository.findById(savedQuestion.id.get).get 36 retrievedQuestion.id should be(savedQuestion.id) 44 45 val questionCount = repository.findQuestionCount() 46 questionCount should be(3) 54 val updatedQuestion = repository.save(savedQuestion.copy(title = "Updated Title")) 55 val questionCount = repository.findQuestionCount() 56User.scala https://gitlab.com/guodman/webcbv | Scala | 122 lines
60 def save = { 61 var builder = MongoDBObject.newBuilder 62 builder += "_id" -> _id 93 def get(id: ObjectId): User = { 94 dbCollection.findOneByID(id).map({ dbobj => factory(dbobj) }).getOrElse[User](null) 95 } 105 def getByUsername(username: String): User = { 106 val r = dbCollection.findOne(MongoDBObject("username" -> ("(?i)" + username).r)) 107 return r.map(factory(_)).headOption.getOrElse[User](null) 110 def all: List[User] = { 111 dbCollection.find.map({ dbobj => factory(dbobj) }).toList 112 }MongoDB.scala https://github.com/SINTEF-9012/sensapp.git | Scala | 238 lines
60 def content: List[String] = { 61 val data = metadata.find(MongoDBObject.empty, MongoDBObject("s" -> 1)) 62 val it = data map {e => e.getAs[String]("s").get } 66 def exists(sensor: String): Boolean = { 67 metadata.findOne(MongoDBObject("s" -> sensor), MongoDBObject("s" -> 1)) != None 68 } 77 def describe(sensor: String, prefix: String): Option[SensorDatabaseDescriptor] = { 78 metadata.findOne(MongoDBObject("s" -> sensor)) match { 79 case None => None 81 val schema = getSchema(sensor) 82 val size = data.find(MongoDBObject("s" -> sensor)).size 83 val obj = SensorDatabaseDescriptor(sensor, schema, size, prefix+sensor) 148 case "asc" => {data.find(query).sort(MongoDBObject("t" -> 1)) } 149 case "desc" => {data.find(query).sort(MongoDBObject("t" -> -1))} 150 }Mr00.scala http://scaly.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Scala | 131 lines
32import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoConnection 33import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 34import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCursor 84 85 val portfsQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> portfId) 86 86 87 val portfsCursor : MongoCursor = portfsCollecton.find(portfsQuery) 88 95 val value = bondIds.foldLeft(0.0) { (sum, id) => 96 val bondsQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> id) 97 97 98 val bondsCursor: MongoCursor = bondsCollection.find(bondsQuery) 99MongoQuestionRepository.scala https://github.com/cyrusinnovation/inquisition.git | Scala | 81 lines
15 val questions = db("questions") 16 questions.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("responses.id" -> 1)) 17 questions.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("tags.name" -> 1)) 27 val dbObj = grater[Question].asDBObject(question) 28 questions.update(MongoDBObject("_id" -> new ObjectId(id)), dbObj, false, false, WriteConcern.Safe) 29 question.copy(id = Some(dbObj("id").toString)) 38 39 def findById(id: String): Option[Question] = { 40 val result: Option[DBObject] = questions.findOneByID(new ObjectId(id)) 46 def findRecent(limit: Int): List[Question] = { 47 val results = questions.find().limit(limit) map (db2question) 48 results.toList 71 def findResponseQuestion(responseId: String): Option[Question] = { 72 questions.findOne(MongoDBObject("responses.id" -> responseId)) 73 .map(db2question(_))Par05.scala http://scaly.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Scala | 220 lines
33import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoConnection 34import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 35import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCursor 142 143 val portfsQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> portfId) 144 144 145 val portfsCursor : MongoCursor = portfsCollecton.find(portfsQuery) 146 158 // Get the bond from the bond collection 159 val bondQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> bondId.portfId) 160 160 161 val bondCursor: MongoCursor = bondsCollection.find(bondQuery) 162RRDBaseRegistry.scala https://github.com/SINTEF-9012/sensapp.git | Scala | 177 lines
92 val result = new ArrayList[String]() 93 val q = MongoDBObject.empty 94 val fields = MongoDBObject("path" -> 1) 94 val fields = MongoDBObject("path" -> 1) 95 val res = rrd4jcollection.find(q, fields) 96 105 // Had to query the DB . No method in the RRD4J APIs. 106 val query = MongoDBObject("path" -> path) 107 val rrdObject = rrd4jcollection.findOne(query);MongoDBPersistence.scala https://github.com/andreaskc/orbeon-forms.git | Scala | 305 lines
137 withCollection(app, form) { coll => 138 coll.findOne(MongoDBObject(DOCUMENT_ID_KEY -> documentId)) match { 139 case Some(result: DBObject) => 196 withCollection(app, form) { coll => 197 coll.findOne(MongoDBObject(FORM_KEY -> form)) match { 198 case Some(result: DBObject) => 256 // Keyword search 257 coll.find(MongoDBObject(KEYWORDS_KEY -> fullQuery)) 258 } else { 259 // Structured search: gather all non-empty <query name="$NAME">$VALUE</query> 260 coll.find(MongoDBObject(searchElem.tail filter (elemValue(_) nonEmpty) map (e => (attValue(e, "name") -> elemValue(e))) toList)) 261 } 264 val resultsToSkip = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize 265 val rows = find sort MongoDBObject(LAST_UPDATE_KEY -> -1) skip resultsToSkip limit pageSize 266QuestionServiceImplTest.scala https://github.com/cyrusinnovation/inquisition.git | Scala | 203 lines
9import com.cyrusinnovation.inquisition.questions.mongodb.{MongoTestConstants, MongoQuestionRepository} 10import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 11import java.security.InvalidParameterException 24 override def beforeEach() { 25 db("questions").remove(MongoDBObject()) 26 } 37 savedQuestion.id should be('defined) 38 val retrievedQuestion = service.findById(savedQuestion.id.get) 39 retrievedQuestion.id should be(savedQuestion.id) 43 evaluating { 44 service.findById(MongoTestConstants.DeadObjectIdString) 45 } should produce[IllegalArgumentException] 54 savedQuestion.id should be('defined) 55 repository.findById(savedQuestion.id.get) should be('defined) 56MaxTimeSpec.scala git://github.com/mongodb/casbah.git | Scala | 131 lines
49 MongoDBObject("$match" -> ("score" $gte 7)), 50 MongoDBObject("$project" -> MongoDBObject("score" -> 1)) 51 ), 58 "be supported by findAndModify" in { 59 lazy val findAndModify = collection.findAndModify(query = MongoDBObject("_id" -> 1), fields = MongoDBObject(), 60 sort = MongoDBObject(), remove = false, update = MongoDBObject("a" -> 1), 66 "be supported by cursors" in { 67 val cursor = collection.find().maxTime(oneSecond) 68 cursor.next() should throwA[MongoExecutionTimeoutException] 72 "be supported when calling findOne" in { 73 lazy val op = collection.findOne(MongoDBObject.empty, MongoDBObject.empty, 74 MongoDBObject.empty, ReadPreference.Primary, 94 "be supported when calling a chained count" in { 95 lazy val op = collection.find().maxTime(oneSecond).count() 96 op should throwA[MongoExecutionTimeoutException]Books.scala https://github.com/koduki/eBookSearch.git | Scala | 224 lines
35 36 val another = BookDao.find(MongoDBObject("isbn" -> isbn)).toList 37 debug("books count is %s".format(another.size)) 59 def select(item: Item): Book = { 60 val books = BookDao.find(MongoDBObject("items" -> grater[Item].asDBObject(item))) toList 61 val result = if (books.isEmpty) { 76 FeedItemDao 77 .find((MongoDBObject("_id.provider" -> grater[Provider].asDBObject(provider)))) 78 .sort(orderBy = MongoDBObject("createdAt" -> -1)) 137 val result = selectBestFitBook(item, results) 138 val books = BookDao.find(MongoDBObject("isbn" -> result.isbn)).toList 139 if (books.isEmpty) { 214 nativeBooks.distinct("isbn", "isbn" $ne "").foreach { (isbn) => 215 val books = BookDao.find(MongoDBObject("isbn" -> isbn)).toList 216 info("isbn is %s, count %d".format(isbn, books.size))NPortfolio02.scala http://scaly.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Scala | 179 lines
33import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoConnection 34import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 35import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCursor 143 144 val portfsQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> portfId) 145 145 146 val portfsCursor : MongoCursor = portfsCollecton.find(portfsQuery) 147 156 // Get the bond from the bond collection 157 val bondQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> id) 158 158 159 val bondCursor: MongoCursor = bondsCollection.find(bondQuery) 160storage.scala https://github.com/scalaby/oauth.git | Scala | 87 lines
16 override def getConsumer(key: String) = { 17 self.consumers.findOne(MongoDBObject("consumerKey" -> key)).map((request) => { 18 Consumer(key, request("consumerSecret").toString) 24 case TokenRequest(consumer, callback, token, tokenSecret) => { 25 MongoDBObject("consumerKey" -> consumer.consumerKey, 26 "callback" -> callback, 31 case VerificationRequest(consumer, callback, verifier, token, tokenSecret) => { 32 MongoDBObject("consumerKey" -> consumer.consumerKey, 33 "callback" -> callback, 52 override def get(key: String) = { 53 val p = self.requests.find(MongoDBObject("token" -> key)) 54 .sort(MongoDBObject("_id" -> -1)).limit(1) 82 override def getNonces(timestamp: String): Set[String] = { 83 nonces.find(MongoDBObject("timestamp" -> timestamp)).map( (resp) => { 84 resp("nonce").toStringMongoResponseRepository.scala https://github.com/cyrusinnovation/inquisition.git | Scala | 80 lines
6import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired 7import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 8import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository 28 def save(questionId: String, response: Response): Response = { 29 questionRepository.findById(questionId) match { 30 case None => { 60 def getResponse(responseId: String): Option[(Question, Response)] = { 61 questionRepository.findResponseQuestion(responseId) match { 62 case Some(x: Question) => {ReminderSnips.scala https://bitbucket.org/ta_jim/lift_userlogin_template.git | Scala | 167 lines
22import net.liftweb.mapper.Like 23import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 24import java.util.regex.Pattern 37 38 val user = User.findCurrentUser 39 39 40 override def count = Reminder.findAllNotes( 41 user.userIdAsString).size 44 45 override def page = Reminder.findAllNotes(user.userIdAsString, 46 sortOrder, 131 val pattern = Pattern.compile("^" + current, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) 132 User.findAll(MongoDBObject("name" -> pattern)).map { 133 _.name.isLibraries.scala git://github.com/softprops/ls-server.git | Scala | 196 lines
10 import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.Imports.ObjectId 11 import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.{ MongoDBObject => Obj, MongoDBList => ObjList } 12 import com.mongodb.casbah.{ MongoCollection } 25 log.info("getting libraries for author %s" format ghuser) 26 f(cct(c.find( 27 $or("ghuser" -> anycase(ghuser), "contributors.login" -> anycase(ghuser)) 36 log.info("getting libraries for terms %s" format terms.mkString(", ")) 37 val possiblies = (MongoDBObject().empty /: terms)( 38 (a, e) => a += ("name" -> anycase(e)) 42 log.info("any query: %s" format query) 43 f(cct( paginate(c.find(query), page, lim).sort(Obj("updated" -> -1)) )) 44 } 50 log.info("getting libraries (page: %s, lim: %s)" format(page, lim)) 51 f(cct( paginate(c.find(), page, lim).sort(Obj("updated" -> -1)) )) 52 }ReminderTest.scala https://bitbucket.org/ta_jim/lift_userlogin_template.git | Scala | 185 lines
95 Reminder.createReminder(user.id.toString, "Have to play cricket in morning", "03/12/2013") 96 val reminder = Reminder.find(MongoDBObject("description" -> "Have to play cricket in morning")) 97 val validate = Reminder.deleteReminder(reminder.open_!) 111 Reminder.createReminder(user.id.toString, "Have to play cricket in morning", "03/12/2013") 112 val reminder = Reminder.find(MongoDBObject("description" -> "Have to play cricket in morning")) 113 val validate = Reminder.updateReminder(reminder.open_!, "Have to play cricket in morning", "03/12/2013") 123 Reminder.createReminder(user.id.toString, "Have to play cricket in morning", "03/12/2013") 124 val reminder = Reminder.find(MongoDBObject("description" -> "Have to play cricket in morning")) 125 val validate = Reminder.updateReminder(reminder.open_!, "", "03/12/2013") 135 Reminder.createReminder(user.id.toString, "Have to play cricket in morning", "03/12/2013") 136 val reminder = Reminder.find(MongoDBObject("description" -> "Have to play cricket in morning")) 137 val validate = Reminder.updateReminder(reminder.open_!, "Have to play cricket in morning", "") 147 Reminder.createReminder(user.id.toString, "Have to play cricket in morning", "03/12/2013") 148 val reminder = Reminder.find(MongoDBObject("description" -> "Have to play cricket in morning")) 149 val validate = Reminder.updateReminder(reminder.open_!, "", "")MongoRepositoryTest.scala http://tratata.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Scala | 64 lines
1package com.minosiants.dann.repository 2import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 3import org.junit.Assert._ 24 @Test 25 def find(){ 26 val status=createStatus(); 26 val status=createStatus(); 27 val result=doFind(Map("id_str"->status.idStr),status) 28 assertTrue(result.size>0) 31 @Test 32 def find_No_result(){ 33 val status=createStatus(); 33 val status=createStatus(); 34 val result=doFind(Map("id_str"->"lala"),status) 35 assertTrue(result.size==0)MongoResponseRepositoryTest.scala https://github.com/cyrusinnovation/inquisition.git | Scala | 113 lines
12import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner 13import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 14import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject._ 25 override def beforeEach() { 26 db("questions").remove(MongoDBObject()) 27 } 37 38 val updatedQuestion = questionRepository.findById(savedQuestion.id.get).get 39 val savedResponse = updatedQuestion.responses.head; 50 51 questionRepository.findQuestionCount() should equal(1) 52 } 59 60 val retrievedQuestion = questionRepository.findById(question.id.get) 61 val answers = retrievedQuestion.get.responsesCoreWrappersSpec.scala git://github.com/mongodb/casbah.git | Scala | 457 lines
136 collection.insert(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")) 137 val basicFind = collection.find(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")) 138 140 141 val findOne = collection.findOne() 142 144 145 val findOneMatch = collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")) 146 417 // when 418 val findAndModify = Try(collection.findAndModify(MongoDBObject("{x: 10}"), MongoDBObject("{$inc: {x: 1000}}"))) 419 423 // when 424 val findAndModifyWithBypass = Try(collection.findAndModify(MongoDBObject("{x: 10}"), MongoDBObject("{}"), 425 MongoDBObject("{}"), false, MongoDBObject("{$inc: {x: 100}}"), true, false, true, Duration(10, "seconds")))User.scala https://github.com/Bochenski/stackcanon.git | Scala | 246 lines
113 114 def login(username: String, password: String) = findOneBy(MongoDBObject("username" -> username.toLowerCase, "password" -> Codec.hexMD5(password))) 115 115 116 def findByUsername(username: String) = findOneBy("username", username.toLowerCase) 117 117 118 def findByGoogleOpenID(id: String) = findOneBy("google_open_id", id) 119 119 120 def findByFacebookID(id: String) = findOneBy("facebook_id", id) 121 164 def getUsersInRole(role: String) = { 165 findManyByMatchingArrayContent("roles", MongoDBObject(role -> 1)) 166 }MongoHelper.scala http://scaly.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Scala | 292 lines
34import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoConnection 35import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 36import scala.actors._ 66 // Retrieve the portfolio 67 val portfsQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> lottery) 68 68 69 val portfsCursor = portfsCollecton.find(portfsQuery) 70 78 // Get the bond from the bond collection 79 val bondQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> id) 80 80 81 val bondCursor: MongoCursor = bondsCollection.find(bondQuery) 82casbah_iteration_example.scala https://github.com/bwmcadams/presentations.git | Scala | 28 lines
1val mongoColl = MongoConnection()("casbah_test")("test_data") 2val user1 = MongoDBObject("user" -> "bwmcadams", 3 "email" -> "~~bmcadams~~<AT>novusDOTcom") 3 "email" -> "~~bmcadams~~<AT>novusDOTcom") 4val user2 = MongoDBObject("user" -> "someOtherUser") 5mongoColl += user1 6mongoColl += user2 7mongoColl.find() 8// com.novus.casbah.mongodb.MongoCursor = 19 20mongoColl.findOne(q).foreach { x => 21 // do some work if you found the user... 25// Or limit the fields returned 26val q = MongoDBObject.empty 27val fields = MongoDBObject("user" -> 1)MongoUserRepository.scala https://github.com/cyrusinnovation/inquisition.git | Scala | 74 lines
20 try { 21 users.update(MongoDBObject("_id" -> user.id), grater[User].asDBObject(user.user), false, false, WriteConcern.Safe) 22 } catch { 32 try { 33 users.insert(MongoDBObject("_id" -> newId) ++ dbObject, WriteConcern.Safe) 34 } catch { 41 42 def findById(id: String): Option[SavedUser] = { 43 val lowerCaseId = id.toLowerCase 44 val query = MongoDBObject("_id" -> lowerCaseId) 45 users.findOne(query) match { 46 case None => None 55 def findByUsername(username: String) = { 56 users.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> username.toLowerCase)) match { 57 case None => NoneReminder.scala https://bitbucket.org/ta_jim/lift_userlogin_template.git | Scala | 120 lines
15import java.text.ParsePosition 16import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 17 62 63 def findAllNotes(userId: String) = Reminder.findAll((("owner" -> userId))) 64 64 65 def findAllNotes(userId: String, sortOrder: Int, limit: Int, skip: Int) = 66 { 67 sortOrder match { 68 case 0 => Reminder.findAll((("owner" -> userId)), ("created" -> -1), Skip(skip), Limit(limit)) 69 case _ => Reminder.findAll((("owner" -> userId)), ("dob" -> sortOrder), Skip(skip), Limit(limit)) 116 val end_date = new Date(new Date().getYear(), new Date().getMonth(), new Date().getDate() + 1) 117 Reminder.findAll(MongoDBObject("dob" -> MongoDBObject("$gte" -> start_date, "$lt" -> end_date), "owner" -> new ObjectId(userID))) 118 }SlugMapping.scala https://gitlab.com/guodman/webcbv | Scala | 67 lines
14 def save = { 15 var builder = MongoDBObject.newBuilder 16 builder += "_id" -> _id 43 def getByKey(key: String): SlugMapping = { 44 val r = dbCollection.findOne(MongoDBObject("key" -> key)) 45 return r.map(factory).orNull 48 def getByPath(path: String): SlugMapping = { 49 val r = dbCollection.findOne(MongoDBObject("path" -> path)) 50 return r.map(factory).orNull$actor_name$.scala https://github.com/itam/scala_akka_mongo.g8.git | Scala | 43 lines
4import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._ 5import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 6import akka.actor.Actor._ 32 println("POSTing some random text.") 33 collection.insert(MongoDBObject("randomText" -> "POSTING some random text")) 34 } 35 case f: Fetch[ObjectId] => { 36 val dbo = collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> f.value)) 37DAOTest.scala git://github.com/havocp/mongo-scala-thingy.git | Scala | 80 lines
1import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 2import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCollection 19 def customQuery[E : Manifest]() = { 20 syncDAO[E].find(BObject("intField" -> 23)) 21 } 31 def customQuery[E : Manifest]() = { 32 syncDAO[E].find(BObject("intField" -> 23)) 33 } 41 def setup() { 42 MongoUtil.collection("foo").remove(MongoDBObject()) 43 MongoUtil.collection("fooWithIntId").remove(MongoDBObject()) 46 @Test 47 def testSaveAndFindOneCaseClass() { 48 val foo = Foo(new ObjectId(), 23, "woohoo") 49 Foo.caseClassSyncDAO.save(foo) 50 val maybeFound = Foo.caseClassSyncDAO.findOneByID(foo._id) 51 assertTrue(maybeFound.isDefined)Mr06.scala http://scaly.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Scala | 175 lines
33import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoConnection 34import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 35import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCursor 146 147 val portfsQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> portfId) 148 148 149 val portfsCursor : MongoCursor = portfsCollecton.find(portfsQuery) 150 154 155 val entry = MongoDBObject("id" -> portfId, "instruments" -> ids, "value" -> price) 156MetadataCache.scala https://github.com/delving/culture-hub.git | Scala | 124 lines
73 def saveOrUpdate(item: MetadataItem) { 74 val mappings = item.xml.foldLeft(MongoDBObject()) { (r, c) => r + (c._1 -> c._2) } 75 val schemaVersions = item.schemaVersions.foldLeft(MongoDBObject()) { (r, c) => r + (c._1 -> c._2) } 76 update( 77 q = MongoDBObject("collection" -> item.collection, "itemType" -> item.itemType, "itemId" -> item.itemId), 78 o = $set( 102 103 val cursor = find(q).sort(MongoDBObject("index" -> 1)) 104 if (limit.isDefined) { 116 117 def findOne(itemId: String): Option[MetadataItem] = findOne(MongoDBObject("collection" -> col, "itemType" -> itemType, "itemId" -> itemId)) 118 118 119 def findMany(itemIds: Seq[String]): Seq[MetadataItem] = find(MongoDBObject("collection" -> col, "itemType" -> itemType) ++ ("itemId" $in itemIds)).toSeq 120Role.scala https://github.com/Bochenski/stackcanon.git | Scala | 77 lines
33 def create(name: String) = { 34 val builder = MongoDBObject.newBuilder 35 builder += "name" -> name 41 def destroy(id: String) = { 42 remove(MongoDBObject("_id" -> new ObjectId(id))) 43 } 48 49 def findByName(name: String) = { 50 findOneBy("name", name) 65 private def CreateRoleIfMissing(role: String) = { 66 findByName(role) match { 67 case None => { 68 create(role) 69 var newRole = findByName(role) 70 newRole.get.getIdStringPar00.scala http://scaly.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Scala | 178 lines
33import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoConnection 34import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 35import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCursor 142 143 val portfsQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> portfId) 144 144 145 val portfsCursor : MongoCursor = portfsCollecton.find(portfsQuery) 146 155 // Get the bond from the bond collection by its key id 156 val bondQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> id) 157 157 158 val bondCursor: MongoCursor = bondsCollection.find(bondQuery) 159MongoWriter.scala https://github.com/tackley/travel-map.git | Scala | 27 lines
3import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._ 4import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 5import org.joda.time.DateTime 14 def mostRecentLastModified = { 15 ContentItem.find(MongoDBObject()) 16 .sort(orderBy = MongoDBObject("lastModified" -> -1))MongoCollection.scala git://github.com/mongodb/casbah.git | Scala | 1208 lines
163 */ 164 def find(): CursorType = _newCursor(underlying.find) 165 170 */ 171 def find[A <% DBObject](ref: A): CursorType = _newCursor(underlying.find(ref)) 172 194 */ 195 def find[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](ref: A, keys: B): CursorType = _newCursor(underlying.find(ref, keys)) 196 214 */ 215 def findOne(): Option[T] = _typedValue(underlying.findOne()) 216 251 */ 252 def findOneByID(id: AnyRef): Option[T] = _typedValue(underlying.findOne(id)) 253MuddlApp.scala https://github.com/jorgeortiz85/muddl-sample.git | Scala | 36 lines
21 // which blow up on deserialization, so we'll avoid them 22 val nonEmptyVenues = MongoDBObject("userid" -> MongoDBObject("$exists" -> true)) 23 24 val venues: Seq[NiceVenue] = databases.venues.find(nonEmptyVenues, 10) 25 val checkins: Seq[Checkin] = databases.checkins.find(MongoDBObject(), 10) 26QueryIntegrationSpec.scala git://github.com/mongodb/casbah.git | Scala | 519 lines
52 collection.update(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "baz"), set) 53 collection.find(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")).count must beEqualTo(1) 54 } 63 collection.update(MongoDBObject(), $setOnInsert("foo" -> "baz"), upsert = true) 64 collection.find(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "baz")).count must beEqualTo(1) 65 } catch { 78 collection.update(MongoDBObject(), set, upsert = true) 79 collection.find(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "baz")).count must beEqualTo(1) 80 } catch { 93 collection.find(MongoDBObject("x" -> 1)).count must beEqualTo(1) 94 collection.find(MongoDBObject("a" -> "b")).count must beEqualTo(1) 95 } catch { 370 collection.update(MongoDBObject("_id" -> "xyz"), pull) 371 collection.findOne().get.as[MongoDBList]("answers") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(MongoDBObject("name" -> "No"))) 372 }BulkWriteOperationSpec.scala git://github.com/mongodb/casbah.git | Scala | 406 lines
292 collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 7)) must beSome(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 7)) 293 collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 8)) must beSome(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 8)) 294 } 335 collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 1)) must beSome(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 1, "x" -> 2)) 336 collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 2)) must beSome(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 2, "x" -> 3)) 337 collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 3)) must beNone 338 collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 4)) must beNone 339 collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 5)) must beSome(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 5, "x" -> 4)) 340 collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 6)) must beSome(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 6, "x" -> 5)) 340 collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 6)) must beSome(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 6, "x" -> 5)) 341 collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 7)) must beSome(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 7)) 342 collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 8)) must beSome(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 8)) 350 operation.insert(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 1)) 351 operation.find(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 2)).updateOne(MongoDBObject("$set" -> MongoDBObject("x" -> 3))) 352 operation.insert(MongoDBObject("_id" -> 3))KmlGenerator.scala https://github.com/tackley/travel-map.git | Scala | 41 lines
3import loader.ContentItem 4import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 5import xml.{NodeSeq, Unparsed} 17 for { 18 c <- ContentItem.find(MongoDBObject()) 19 lat <- c.lattest.scala git://github.com/ochafik/Scalaxy.git | Scala | 91 lines
81 val dict = MongoConnection("localhost")("appdb")("dict") 82 val index = MongoDBObject("_id" -> "_index") 83 dict.update(index, makeEntry("applaud"), true, false) 87 88 val entry = dict.findOne(index ++ ("a.p.p" $exists true)) 89 println(entry)Mr04.scala http://scaly.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Scala | 204 lines
33import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoConnection 34import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 35import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCursor 91 // Retrieve the portfolio 92 val portfsQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> r) 93 93 94 val portfsCursor: MongoCursor = portfsCollecton.find(portfsQuery) 95 173 174 val bondQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> bondId) 175 175 176 val bondCursor: MongoCursor = bondsCollection.find(bondQuery) 177ConversionsSpec.scala git://github.com/mongodb/casbah.git | Scala | 328 lines
49 50 collection += MongoDBObject("some" -> Some("foo"), "none" -> None) 51 51 52 val optDoc = collection.findOne().getOrElse( 53 throw new IllegalArgumentException("No document") 69 lazy val saveDate = { 70 collection += MongoDBObject("date" -> jodaDate, "type" -> "joda") 71 } 74 75 collection += MongoDBObject("date" -> jdkDate, "type" -> "jdk") 76 76 77 val jdkEntry = collection.findOne( 78 MongoDBObject("type" -> "jdk"),NPortfolio00.scala http://scaly.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Scala | 171 lines
28import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoConnection 29import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 30import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCursor 92 93 val portfsQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> portfId) 94 94 95 val portfsCursor: MongoCursor = portfsCollecton.find(portfsQuery) 96 105 // Get the bond from the bond collection 106 val bondQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> id) 107 107 108 val bondCursor: MongoCursor = bondsCollection.find(bondQuery) 109PrefixIndexer.scala https://gitlab.com/18runt88/twofishes | Scala | 148 lines
76 def getRecordsByPrefix(prefix: String, limit: Int) = { 77 val nameCursor = NameIndexDAO.find( 78 MongoDBObject( 80 "excludeFromPrefixIndex" -> false) 81 ).sort(orderBy = MongoDBObject("pop" -> -1)).limit(limit) 82 nameCursor.option = Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT 82 nameCursor.option = Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT 83 val prefixCursor = NameIndexDAO.find( 84 MongoDBObject( 84 MongoDBObject( 85 "name" -> MongoDBObject("$regex" -> "^%s".format(prefix)), 86 "excludeFromPrefixIndex" -> false) 86 "excludeFromPrefixIndex" -> false) 87 ).sort(orderBy = MongoDBObject("pop" -> -1)).limit(limit) 88 prefixCursor.option = Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUTOpLog.scala git://github.com/mongodb/casbah.git | Scala | 199 lines
62 // scalastyle:off public.methods.have.type 63 val cursor = oplog.find(q) 64 cursor.option = Bytes.QUERYOPTION_TAILABLE 76 // Verify the oplog exists 77 val last = oplog.find().sort(MongoDBObject("$natural" -> 1)).limit(1) 78 assume( 89 case Some(ts) => { 90 oplog.findOne(MongoDBObject("ts" -> ts)).orElse( 91 throw new Exception("No oplog entry for requested start timestamp.") 102 // scalastyle:off public.methods.have.type 103 def apply(entry: MongoDBObject) = entry("op") match { 104 case InsertOp.typeCode => 186case class MongoUpdateOperation(timestamp: BSONTimestamp, opID: Option[Long], namespace: String, 187 document: MongoDBObject, documentID: MongoDBObject) extends MongoOpLogEntry { 188 val opType = UpdateOpDefRepo.scala git://github.com/ornicar/scalex.git | Scala | 32 lines
16 def byIds(ids: Seq[String]): List[Def] = { 17 val defs = find("_id" $in ids) toList 18 val sorted = ids map { id => defs.find(_.id == id) } 22 def removePack(pack: String) { 23 collection remove MongoDBObject("pack" -> pack) 24 } 25 26 def findAll: List[Def] = find(MongoDBObject()).toList 27 27 28 def findByDeclaration(dec: String) = findOne(MongoDBObject( 29 "declaration" -> decLazyDecodingSpec.scala git://github.com/mongodb/casbah.git | Scala | 191 lines
40 coll must haveClass[LazyMongoCollection] 41 coll.find() must haveClass[LazyMongoCursor] 42 coll.find().next() must haveClass[OptimizedLazyDBObject] 70 def runSum(c: MongoCollection) = 71 c.find().map(doc => fetchBook(doc)).sum 72 98 val testOid = new ObjectId 99 val testRefOid = mongoInt("books").findOne().get.getAs[ObjectId]("_id") 100 val testDoc = MongoDBObject("abc" -> "12345") 107 val testRE = "^test.*regex.*xyz$".r 108 val inDoc = MongoDBObject("_id" -> oid , 109 "null" -> null , 144 coll += inDoc 145 coll.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> oid)) match { 146 case None =>ReadResource.scala http://sample-scala.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Scala | 48 lines
4import org.steve.utils.CommonConversions._ 5import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 6 9 get("/") { 10 val names = PersonDAO.find(MongoDBObject()) map { _.name } 11 <html> 26 val id = params("id") 27 PersonDAO.findOneByID(id.toObjectId).toJson 28 }ApplicationSetting.scala https://github.com/Bochenski/stackcanon.git | Scala | 77 lines
22 23 def findByKey(key: String) = findOneBy("key", key) 24 28 //check whether the user exists 29 val setting = findByKey(key) 30 setting match { 32 case None => { 33 val builder = MongoDBObject.newBuilder 34 builder += "key" -> key 44 def update(key: String, value: String): Boolean = { 45 val setting = findByKey(key) 46 setting match { 51 case Some(_) => { 52 ApplicationSetting.update(MongoDBObject("_id" -> setting.get.oid.get), $set("value" -> value)) 53 if (settings.contains(key)) {FileManager.scala https://github.com/Bochenski/stackcanon.git | Scala | 75 lines
28 fh.contentType = "image/" + extension.get.toString 29 fh.metaData = MongoDBObject("parentType" -> parentType, "parentId" -> parentId, "sequence" -> sequence) 30 } 52 def getFile(parentType: String, parentId: String, sequence: Int): Option[GridFSDBFile] = { 53 MongoDB.getGridFS.findOne(MongoDBObject("metadata.parentType" -> parentType, "metadata.parentId" -> parentId, "metadata.sequence" -> sequence)) 54 } 56 def getFileCount(parentType: String, parentId: String) = { 57 val count = MongoDB.getDB("fs.files").count(MongoDBObject("metadata.parentType" -> parentType, "metadata.parentId" -> parentId)) 58 Logger.info("found " + count.toString + " files") 71 72 MongoDB.getGridFS.remove(MongoDBObject("metadata.parentType" -> parentType, "metadata.parentId" -> parentId, "metadata.sequence" -> sequence)) 73 }MongoTest.scala git://github.com/btarbox/Log4ScalaFugue.git | Scala | 69 lines
44 loadSomeData(mongo) 45 find(mongo) 46 } 48 def removeOldData(mongo: MongoDataGetter) = { 49 for ( x <- mongo.conn.find()) { 50 mongo.conn.remove(x) 55 for(x <- 1 to 20) { 56 val newObj = MongoDBObject("timestamp" -> x.toString, 57 "category" -> "general", 63 def find(mongo: MongoDataGetter) = { 64 for { x <- mongo.conn.find().sort(MongoDBObject("timeColumn" -> "1")); thisTime = x.get("timestamp"); if(thisTime != null)} { 65 println(x)DataSetEventLog.scala https://github.com/delving/culture-hub.git | Scala | 52 lines
26 def initIndexes(collection: MongoCollection) { 27 addIndexes(collection, Seq(MongoDBObject("orgId" -> 1))) 28 addIndexes(collection, Seq(MongoDBObject("transientEvent" -> 1))) 36 def findRecent = { 37 val nonTransient = find(MongoDBObject("transientEvent" -> false)).limit(10).sort(MongoDBObject("_id" -> -1)).toList 38 val transient = find(MongoDBObject("transientEvent" -> true)).limit(40).sort(MongoDBObject("_id" -> -1)).toList 43 def removeTransient() { 44 val recent = find(MongoDBObject("transientEvent" -> true)).limit(10).sort(MongoDBObject("_id" -> -1)).toList.reverse.headOption 45 recent.map { r => 45 recent.map { r => 46 remove(MongoDBObject("transientEvent" -> true) ++ ("_id" $lt r._id)) 47 }.getOrElse { 47 }.getOrElse { 48 remove(MongoDBObject("transientEvent" -> true)) 49 }Version.scala https://github.com/Bochenski/stackcanon.git | Scala | 119 lines
26 def create(version: Int) = { 27 val builder = MongoDBObject.newBuilder 28 builder += "version" -> version 34 def check() = { 35 //first find our current DB version 36 Logger.info("checking DB version and updating if required)") 38 Logger.info("appVersion " + appVersion.toString) 39 findOne match { 40 case Some(entry) => { 69 user.getUserRoleIdStrings foreach { role => 70 models.Role.findByName(role) match { 71 case Some(dbRole) => { 76 models.Role.create(role) 77 val dbRole = models.Role.findByName(role).get 78 currentRoles = migrateRoleNamesToRoleIds(user,role,dbRole,currentRoles)ContentEntry.scala https://bitbucket.org/wbillingsley/ibmongo-2012-old-version-duct-tape-not-maintained.git | Scala | 250 lines
109 */ 110 val u = MongoDBObject("$set" -> MongoDBObject( 111 "book" -> ce._book, "addedBy" -> ce._addedBy, 137 case Some(bid) => { 138 val cursor = sdao.find(MongoDBObject("book" -> bid, "topics" -> topic, "inTrash" -> false)) // TODO check whether we need a $in 139 cursor.toSeq 222 EntryCommentDAO.save(c) 223 val update = MongoDBObject("$inc" -> MongoDBObject("ncomments" -> 1)) 224 val query = MongoDBObject("_id" -> entry.id) 233 val dbV = grater[Vote].asDBObject(v) 234 val update = MongoDBObject("$push" -> MongoDBObject("votes" -> dbV), "$inc" -> MongoDBObject("nvotes" -> 1, "score" -> 1)) 235 val query = MongoDBObject("_id" -> ceId, "votes.addedBy" -> MongoDBObject("$ne" -> rId)) 243 val dbV = grater[Vote].asDBObject(v) 244 val update = MongoDBObject("$push" -> MongoDBObject("votes" -> dbV), "$inc" -> MongoDBObject("nvotes" -> 1, "score" -> -1)) 245 val query = MongoDBObject("_id" -> ceId, "votes.addedBy" -> MongoDBObject("$ne" -> rId))OnePortfolio00.scala http://scaly.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Scala | 96 lines
36import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoConnection 37import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 38import com.mongodb.BasicDBList 57 58 val portfsQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> 1) 59 59 60 val portfsCursor : MongoCursor = portfsCollecton.find(portfsQuery) 61 68 val value = bondIds.foldLeft(0.0) { (sum, id) => 69 val bondsQuery = MongoDBObject("id" -> id) 70 70 71 val bondsCursor: MongoCursor = bondsCollection.find(bondsQuery) 72ArchiveRepository.scala https://github.com/kufi/Filefarmer.git | Scala | 64 lines
3import ch.filefarmer.database.connection.IConnection 4import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 5import ch.filefarmer.poso._ 14 def getArchive(identity:String) = { 15 val search = MongoDBObject("identity" -> identity) 16 16 17 archiveConnection.findOne(search) match { 18 case Some(ret) => { 46 def getArchiveTree(parent:String = ""): Option[ArchiveTree] = { 47 var search = MongoDBObject("parentArchiveId" -> parent) 48 50 51 val results = archiveConnection.find(search) 52SalatExamples.scala https://bitbucket.org/Tolsi/scala-school-2018-2.git | Scala | 39 lines
16 17 val entity: Option[Entity] = dao.findOneById("333") 18 18 19 val queryResult: SalatMongoCursor[Entity] = dao.find(MongoDBObject("params.x" -> 15)) 20 32 33 val removeByQueryResult = dao.remove(MongoDBObject("_id" -> "5")) 34 36 37 val updateResult: WriteResult = dao.update(MongoDBObject("_id" -> "4"), $set("params.x" -> 18), upsert = false) 38Article.scala https://github.com/ngocdaothanh/tivua.git | Scala | 125 lines
60 61 val cur = articleColl.find().sort(MongoDBObject("sticky" -> -1, "thread_updated_at" -> -1)).skip((p - 1) * ITEMS_PER_PAGE).limit(ITEMS_PER_PAGE) 62 val buffer = ArrayBuffer[Article]() 82 83 def first(id: String): Option[Article] = articleColl.findOneByID(new ObjectId(id)).map(mongoToScala) 84 85 def categoryPage(categoryId: String, page: Int): (Int, Iterable[Article]) = { 86 val count = articleCategoryColl.count(MongoDBObject("category_id" -> categoryId)).toInt 87 val numPages = (count / ITEMS_PER_PAGE) + (if (count % ITEMS_PER_PAGE == 0) 0 else 1) 88 89 val cur = articleCategoryColl.find(MongoDBObject("category_id" -> categoryId)).sort(MongoDBObject("sticky" -> -1, "thread_updated_at" -> -1)).skip((page - 1) * ITEMS_PER_PAGE).limit(ITEMS_PER_PAGE) 90 val buffer = ArrayBuffer[Article]() 113 val categories = { 114 val cur = articleCategoryColl.find(MongoDBObject("article_id" -> id)) 115 val buffer = ArrayBuffer[Category]()Groups.scala https://github.com/delving/culture-hub.git | Scala | 260 lines
49 } else { 50 val group: Option[Group] = groupId.flatMap(Group.dao.findOneById(_)) 51 val usersAsTokens = group match { 75 } else { 76 Group.dao.remove(MongoDBObject("_id" -> groupId, "orgId" -> configuration.orgId)) 77 Ok 102 103 if (role == Role.OWN && (groupForm.id == None || groupForm.id != None && Group.dao.findOneById(groupForm.id.get) == None)) { 104 reportSecurity("User %s tried to create an owners team!".format(connectedUser)) 127 128 Group.dao.findOneById(groupForm.id.get) match { 129 case None => return MultitenantAction { 139 groupForm.resources.flatMap { resourceToken => 140 lookup.findResourceByKey(configuration.orgId, resourceToken.id) 141 }MovieActor.scala https://bitbucket.org/tdrobinson/traktor.git | Scala | 87 lines
9import org.bson.types.ObjectId 10import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 11 35 def listAll(implicit dbObject2JObject: DBObject => JValue) = 36 JArray(collection.find().toList.map(db => dbObject2JObject(db))) 37 38 def listAllPending(implicit dbObject2JObject: DBObject => JValue) = 39 JArray(collection.find("results" $exists true).toList.map(db => dbObject2JObject(db))) 40 42 val result = jValue2DBObject(obj) 43 collection.findOneByID(new ObjectId(result.removeField("movie_id").asInstanceOf[String])) match { 44 case Some(movie) => 68 { 69 val forRemoval = ms.map(m => collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("filename" -> m))).filter(m => { 70 m.isDefined && !m.get.containsField("results")DbObject.scala http://scaly.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Scala | 158 lines
28import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoConnection 29import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.{ MongoDBObject, MongoDBList } 30import scala.io.Source 55 56 // Creating an empty MongoDBObject List 57 var list = List(MongoDBObject()) 69 70 val entry = MongoDBObject("id" -> id, "coupon" -> details(1).trim.toDouble, "freq" -> details(2).trim.toInt, "tenor" -> details(3).trim.toInt, "maturity" -> details(4).trim.toDouble) 71 77 // Print the current size of Bond Collection in DB 78 println(mongo.find().size + " documents inserted into collection: "+COLL_BONDS) 79 } 86 87 // Creating an empty MongoDBObject List 88 var list = List(MongoDBObject())ManageSpecies.scala git://github.com/JanxSpirit/mycotrack_mongo.git | Scala | 169 lines
64 "allSpecies" -> { 65 for (species <- Species.findAll) yield <li> 66 <a href={"speciesInfo/" + species.id.toString}> 122 "image" -> { 123 val photo = MycoMongoDb.gridFs.findOne(MongoDBObject("species_id" -> species.id)) 124 photo match { 140 141 val files = MycoMongoDb.gridFs.find(MongoDBObject("species_id" -> species.id)).map(_.get("filename")).distinct 142 println(files) 145 println(fn) 146 val thumbnail_id = MycoMongoDb.gridFs.findOne(MongoDBObject("filename" -> fn, "species_id" -> species.id, "size" -> "thumbnail")).map(_.id).getOrElse("404") 147 val original_id = MycoMongoDb.gridFs.findOne(MongoDBObject("filename" -> fn, "species_id" -> species.id, "size" -> "original")).map(_.id).getOrElse("404") 147 val original_id = MycoMongoDb.gridFs.findOne(MongoDBObject("filename" -> fn, "species_id" -> species.id, "size" -> "original")).map(_.id).getOrElse("404") 148 val display_id = MycoMongoDb.gridFs.findOne(MongoDBObject("filename" -> fn, "species_id" -> species.id, "size" -> "display")).map(_.id).getOrElse("404") 149 val thumbnail_url = "/images/%s" format thumbnail_idFileStorage.scala https://github.com/delving/culture-hub.git | Scala | 186 lines
26 def listFiles(bucketId: String, fileType: Option[String] = None)(implicit configuration: OrganizationConfiguration): List[StoredFile] = { 27 val query = MongoDBObject(ITEM_POINTER_FIELD -> bucketId) ++ fileType.map(t => MongoDBObject(ITEM_TYPE -> t)).getOrElse(MongoDBObject()) 28 fileStore(configuration). 28 fileStore(configuration). 29 find(query). 30 map(f => fileToStoredFile(f)).toList 56 57 fileStore(configuration).findOne(f._id.get).map { f => 58 fileToStoredFile(f) 76 // remove thumbnails 77 fileStore(configuration).find(MongoDBObject(FILE_POINTER_FIELD -> id)) foreach { t => 78 fileStore(configuration).remove(t.getId.asInstanceOf[ObjectId]) 86 def renameBucket(oldBucketId: String, newBucketId: String)(implicit configuration: OrganizationConfiguration) { 87 val files: Seq[com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSDBFile] = fileStore(configuration).find(MongoDBObject(ITEM_POINTER_FIELD -> oldBucketId)) 88 files.foreach { file =>demoMongoDb.scala http://findataweb.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Scala | 167 lines
9// use casbah 10:cp Documents/findataweb/scala/demos/lib/mongo-2.5.1.jar 11:cp Documents/findataweb/scala/demos/lib/casbah-core_2.8.1-2.1.0.jar 11:cp Documents/findataweb/scala/demos/lib/casbah-core_2.8.1-2.1.0.jar 12:cp Documents/findataweb/scala/demos/lib/casbah-commons_2.8.1-2.1.0.jar 13:cp Documents/findataweb/scala/demos/lib/casbah-query_2.8.1-2.1.0.jar 14 15:cp Documents/findataweb/scala/demos/lib/joda-time-1.6.jar 16:cp Documents/findataweb/scala/demos/lib/scalaj-collection_2.8.0-1.0.jar 16:cp Documents/findataweb/scala/demos/lib/scalaj-collection_2.8.0-1.0.jar 17:cp Documents/findataweb/scala/demos/lib/slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar 18:cp Documents/findataweb/scala/demos/lib/slf4j-jdk14-1.6.1.jar 26 27val newObj = MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar", 28 "x" -> "y",Domain.scala git://github.com/olim7t/mongo-scala.git | Scala | 74 lines
29 30 def findById(id: ObjectId): Option[Event] = mongoDb("events").findOneByID(id).map(dbToEvent) 31 37 38 def removeById(id: ObjectId) = mongoDb("events").remove(MongoDBObject("_id" -> id)) 39 41 42 def countWithName(name: String) = mongoDb("events").count(MongoDBObject("name" -> name)) 43 45 val dbObject = sessionToDb(session) 46 mongoDb("events").update(MongoDBObject("_id" -> eventId), $push("sessions" -> dbObject)) 47 } 54 55 def findLast10By(town: String, descriptionContains: String) = { 56 val descriptionRegexp = (".*" + descriptionContains + ".*").rConversionsSpec.scala git://github.com/ymasory/scala-corpus.git | Scala | 180 lines
64 65 val jdkEntry = mongo.findOne(MongoDBObject("type" -> "jdk"), 66 MongoDBObject("date" -> 1)) 84 85 val jodaEntry = mongo.findOne(MongoDBObject("type" -> "joda"), 86 MongoDBObject("date" -> 1)) 112 113 val jdkEntry = mongo.findOne(MongoDBObject("type" -> "jdk"), 114 MongoDBObject("date" -> 1)) 132 133 val jdkEntry = mongo.findOne(MongoDBObject("type" -> "jdk"), 134 MongoDBObject("date" -> 1)) 147 148 val jodaEntry = mongo.findOne(MongoDBObject("type" -> "jdk"), 149 MongoDBObject("date" -> 1))FeedBotSpec.scala git://github.com/HendraWijaya/syndor.git | Scala | 77 lines
11import syndor.model.Feed 12import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 13import java.text.SimpleDateFormat 58 val title = "Spain, Italy under pressure as EU frames bank deal" 59 val cursor = FeedItem.find(ref = MongoDBObject("title" -> title)) 60 val item = cursor.nextcasbah_dbobject_sample1.scala https://github.com/bwmcadams/presentations.git | Scala | 60 lines
33// "Factory" method 34val constructed: DBObject = MongoDBObject( 35 "foo" -> "bar", 47// We showed the builder before 48val builder = MongoDBObject.newBuilder 49builder += "foo" -> "bar" 58built += "x" -> "y" 59built.getOrElse("x", throw new Error("Can't find value for X")) 60/* res15: AnyRef = y */MongoStorageBackend.scala https://github.com/yllan/akka.git | Scala | 230 lines
48 db.safely { db => 49 val q: DBObject = MongoDBObject(KEY -> name) 50 coll.findOne(q) match { 54 case None => 55 val builder = MongoDBObject.newBuilder 56 builder += KEY -> name 63 def removeMapStorageFor(name: String): Unit = { 64 val q: DBObject = MongoDBObject(KEY -> name) 65 db.safely { db => coll.remove(q) } 68 69 private def queryFor[T](name: String)(body: (MongoDBObject, Option[DBObject]) => T): T = { 70 val q = MongoDBObject(KEY -> name) 70 val q = MongoDBObject(KEY -> name) 71 body(q, coll.findOne(q)) 72 }MycotrackUrlRewriter.scala git://github.com/JanxSpirit/mycotrack_mongo.git | Scala | 49 lines
21 ParsePath("projects" :: key :: Nil, "", true, false), _, _) => { 22 val project = Project.find(MongoDBObject("key" -> key)) 23 SelectedProject(project) 35 ParsePath("speciesInfo" :: id :: Nil, "", true, false), _, _) => { 36 val species = Species.find(id) 37 theSpecies(species) 42 ParsePath("splitProject" :: id :: Nil, "", true, false), _, _) => { 43 val project = Project.find(id) 44 SelectedProject(project)Task.scala git://github.com/Mironor/Play-2.0-Scala-MongoDb-Salat-exemple.git | Scala | 38 lines
23 .getOrElse(throw new PlayException("Configuration error", 24 "Could not find mongodb.default.db in settings")) 25 )("tasks")) 28object Task { 29 def all(): List[Task] = TaskDAO.find(MongoDBObject.empty).toList 30 35 def delete(id: String) { 36 TaskDAO.remove(MongoDBObject("_id" -> new ObjectId(id))) 37 }g8.scala git://github.com/softprops/ls-server.git | Scala | 143 lines
4 import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.Imports.ObjectId 5 import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.{MongoDBObject => Obj, MongoDBList => ObjList} 6 import com.mongodb.casbah.{MongoCollection, MongoCursor} 28 import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.Imports.ObjectId 29 import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.{ MongoDBObject => Obj, MongoDBList => ObjList } 30 import com.mongodb.casbah.{ MongoCollection } 52 log.info("getting templates (page: %s, limit: %s)" format(page, limit)) 53 f(cct(paginate(c.find(), page, limit).sort( 54 Obj("username" -> 1, "name"-> 1)))) 78 f(cct( 79 paginate(c.find(q), page, limit).sort( 80 Obj("username" -> 1, "name"-> 1)) 93 log.info("create or update selection query %s" format query) 94 col.findAndModify( 95 query, // queryPlainCasbah.scala git://github.com/havocp/beaucatcher.git | Scala | 96 lines
40 41 private def convertObject(obj : Map[String, Any]) : MongoDBObject = { 42 val builder = MongoDBObject.newBuilder 62 63 override def findOne(collection : MongoCollection) = { 64 val maybeOne = collection.findOne() 68 69 override def findAll(collection : MongoCollection, numberExpected : Int) = { 70 val all = collection.find() 80 81 override def findAllAsync(collection : MongoCollection, numberExpected : Int) : BenchmarkFuture = { 82 BenchmarkFuture(threads.submit(new Runnable() { 83 override def run() = { 84 findAll(collection, numberExpected) 85 }ManageProject.scala git://github.com/JanxSpirit/mycotrack_mongo.git | Scala | 62 lines
3import xml.NodeSeq 4import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 5import _root_.net.liftweb.util.Helpers 8import Helpers._ 9import net.liftweb.http.{RequestVar, S, TemplateFinder, SHtml} 10import com.mycotrack.model.{Species, Project, User} 27 "image" -> { 28 val photo = MycoMongoDb.gridFs.findOne(MongoDBObject("mapped_id" -> project.id)) 29 photo match {DataSets.scala https://github.com/delving/culture-hub.git | Scala | 80 lines
28 case Accepts.Json() => 29 val sets = DataSet.dao.findAll() 30 val smallSets = sets.map { set => 41 implicit request => 42 val maybeDataSet = DataSet.dao.findBySpecAndOrgId(spec, configuration.orgId) 43 if (maybeDataSet.isEmpty) { 69 val formats = maybeFormats.map(_.split(",").toSeq.map(_.trim).filterNot(_.isEmpty)).getOrElse(Seq.empty) 70 val query = MongoDBObject("spec" -> Pattern.compile(q, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)) 71 val sets = DataSet.dao.find(query).filter { set =>DataObjectConverter.scala https://code.google.com/p/sgine/ | Scala | 108 lines
6import annotation.tailrec 7import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.{MongoDBList, MongoDBListBuilder, MongoDBObject} 8import collection.mutable.ListBuffer 16trait DataObjectConverter { 17 def fromDBObject(db: MongoDBObject): AnyRef 18 24 25 def fromDBObject[T](db: MongoDBObject) = { 26 val clazz = Class.forName(db.as[String]("class")) 26 val clazz = Class.forName(db.as[String]("class")) 27 val converter = findConverter(clazz) 28 converter.fromDBObject(db).asInstanceOf[T] 31 def toDBObject(obj: AnyRef) = { 32 val converter = findConverter(obj.getClass) 33 converter.toDBObject(obj)UserRepositoryTests.scala https://github.com/kufi/Filefarmer.git | Scala | 87 lines
2import ch.filefarmer.repositories.UserRepository 3import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 4import ch.filefarmer.poso.User 21 22 val q = MongoDBObject("_id" -> user.id) 23 23 24 mongoDB("users").findOne(q) should be('defined) 25 }NameIndexer.scala https://gitlab.com/18runt88/twofishes | Scala | 76 lines
29 val nameSize = NameIndexDAO.collection.count() 30 val nameCursor = NameIndexDAO.find(MongoDBObject()) 31 .sort(orderBy = MongoDBObject("name" -> 1)) // sort by nameBytes ascConversionsSpec.scala https://github.com/etorreborre/casbah.git | Scala | 192 lines
78 79 val jdkEntry = mongo.findOne(MongoDBObject("type" -> "jdk"), 80 MongoDBObject("date" -> 1)) 98 99 val jodaEntry = mongo.findOne(MongoDBObject("type" -> "joda"), 100 MongoDBObject("date" -> 1)) 126 127 val jdkEntry = mongo.findOne(MongoDBObject("type" -> "jdk"), 128 MongoDBObject("date" -> 1)) 146 147 val jdkEntry = mongo.findOne(MongoDBObject("type" -> "jdk"), 148 MongoDBObject("date" -> 1)) 160 161 val jodaEntry = mongo.findOne(MongoDBObject("type" -> "jdk"), 162 MongoDBObject("date" -> 1))CasbahExamples.scala https://bitbucket.org/brainoutsource/scala-school-2017-1.git | Scala | 64 lines
29 30 val cursor = collectionClient.find(MongoDBObject("params.x" -> 15)) 31 45 46 val writeResult: WriteResult = collectionClient.insert(MongoDBObject("_id" -> "0011", "params" -> MongoDBObject("x" -> 1, "y" -> List(0, 0, 1)))) 47 writeResult.getN 50 51 val removedDoc: Option[DBObject] = collectionClient.findAndRemove(MongoDBObject("_id" -> "001")) 52 print(removedDoc) 54 55 val removeResult: WriteResult = collectionClient.remove(MongoDBObject("_id" -> "0011", "params" -> MongoDBObject("x" -> 1, "y" -> List(0, 0, 1)))) 56 61 62 val saveResult: WriteResult = collectionClient.save(MongoDBObject("_id" -> "9", "params" -> MongoDBObject("x" -> 1, "y" -> List(0, 0, 1)))) 63ShapefileWriter.scala https://gitlab.com/18runt88/twofishes | Scala | 107 lines
75 76 val total = MongoGeocodeDAO.count(MongoDBObject("hasPoly" -> true)) 77 78 val records = 79 MongoGeocodeDAO.find(MongoDBObject("hasPoly" -> true)) 80Logs.scala https://github.com/delving/culture-hub.git | Scala | 44 lines
18 implicit request => 19 val cursor: SalatMongoCursor[Log] = Log.dao.find(MongoDBObject("task_id" -> taskId)).limit(500).sort(MongoDBObject("date" -> 1)) 20 val (logs, skipped) = if (lastCount != None && lastCount.get > 0) { 38 { 39 val cursor: SalatMongoCursor[Log] = Log.dao.find(MongoDBObject("task_id" -> taskId)).sort(MongoDBObject("date" -> 1)) 40 Ok(cursor.map(log => log.date + "\t" + s"[${log.orgId}] " + log.level.name.toUpperCase + "\t" + log.node + "\t" + log.message).mkString("\n"))MongoRepository.scala http://tratata.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Scala | 42 lines
10import com.mongodb.DBObject 11import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject; import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._; object MongoDataSource { 12 //val mongodbConfigPrefix = "akka.remote.server.server.client.storage.mongodb" 22 23 def findOne[T](qr:Query[T]):Option[BasicData]={ 24 collection(qr.collectionName).findOne(qr.queryObject).map(create(_,qr.clazz)) 25 }; 26 def find[T](qr:Query[T]):List[BasicData]={ 27 collection(qr.collectionName).find(qr.queryObject).map(create(_,qr.clazz)).toListMongoDataGetter.scala git://github.com/btarbox/Log4ScalaFugue.git | Scala | 44 lines
34 try { 35 for { x <- conn.find().sort(MongoDBObject("timeColumn" -> "1")); thisTime = x.get(timeColumn); if(thisTime != null)} { 36 val line = x.get(timeColumn).toStringCoreWrappersSpec.scala git://github.com/ymasory/scala-corpus.git | Scala | 178 lines
132 coll.drop() 133 coll.insert(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")) 134 coll must notBeNull 150 151 "findOne operations" should { 152 shareVariables() 158 coll.insert(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")) 159 val basicFind = coll.find(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")) 160 163 164 val findOne = coll.findOne() 165 167 168 val findOneMatch = coll.findOne(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")) 169Mongo.scala https://github.com/mostlygeek/PlayByExample.git | Scala | 50 lines
28 /** 29 * looks for a document within mongo, if it can't find it 30 * it will create it and tell the user to reload the page. 32 def create(id: String) = Action { 33 col.findOneByID(id) match { 34 case None => { 35 // the += operator allows Docs to be added to mongo easily 36 col += MongoDBObject("_id" -> id, "created" -> true) 37 Ok("created: " + id + ", refresh to load record") 43 def show(id: String) = Action { 44 col.findOneByID(id) match { 45 case None => Ok("Not, Found")GridFS.scala git://github.com/mongodb/casbah.git | Scala | 247 lines
212 213 def findOne[A <% DBObject](query: A): Option[GridFSDBFile] = { 214 filesCollection.findOne(query) match { 223 224 def findOne(id: ObjectId): Option[GridFSDBFile] = findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> id)) 225 225 226 def findOne(filename: String): Option[GridFSDBFile] = findOne(MongoDBObject("filename" -> filename)) 227user.scala git://github.com/whiter4bbit/oauth.git | Scala | 51 lines
22 val user = User(login, password, generateKey, generateKey) 23 if (self.users.find(MongoDBObject("login" -> login)).size == 0) { 24 self.users.insert(MongoDBObject("login" -> login, 35 36 def find(consumerKey: String): Validation[String, User] = { 37 (for { 37 (for { 38 found <- self.users.findOne(MongoDBObject("consumerKey" -> consumerKey)); 39 login <- found.getAs[String]("login");MediaSpec.scala git://github.com/leodagdag/persistance.git | Scala | 135 lines
46 running(FakeApplication()) { 47 val newPost = Media.findOne(MongoDBObject("title" -> "titre")) 48 newPost mustNotEqual None 53 running(FakeApplication()) { 54 val newPost = Media.findOneByID(savedId) 55 newPost mustNotEqual None 70 71 "find all" in { 72 running(FakeApplication()) { 72 running(FakeApplication()) { 73 val all = Media.find(MongoDBObject()).toList 74 all.size mustEqual 13 83 84 "find by page" in { 85 running(FakeApplication()) {BeerDemo.scala git://github.com/bfritz/mongodb-from-scala.git | Scala | 57 lines
10 11 // we need some beer; let's start with Casbah's MongoDBObject... 12 val guinness: DBObject = MongoDBObject( 18 // ...more beer via Scala 2.8 builder 19 val builder =MongoDBObject.newBuilder 20 builder += "name" -> "Bully Porter" 32 // let's add a beer to pick on... 33 val keystoneLight: DBObject = MongoDBObject( 34 "name" -> "Keystone Light", 44 // now where did I put that beer!? 45 fridge.find().foreach { b => 46 println("Let's drink a %s!".format(b("name"))) 48 49 // let's find a good US beer 50 val query = (S2CoveringAkkaWorkers.scala https://gitlab.com/18runt88/twofishes | Scala | 192 lines
45 def calculateCoverFromMongo(msg: CalculateCoverFromMongo) { 46 val records = PolygonIndexDAO.find(MongoDBObject("_id" -> MongoDBObject("$in" -> msg.polyIds))) 47 records.option = Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUTCasbahQuerying.scala git://github.com/bwmcadams/mongoScalaWebinar.git | Scala | 54 lines
14 15 // What about querying? Lets find all the non-US events 16 16 17 for (x <- mongo.find(MongoDBObject("location.country" -> 18 MongoDBObject("$ne" -> "USA")))) println(x) 24 25 for (x <- mongo.find(MongoDBObject("location.country" -> MongoDBObject( 26 "$ne" -> "USA", 36 37 for (x <- mongo.find(q)) println(x) 38 49 50 for (x <- mongo.find(dateQ, MongoDBObject("name" -> true, "date" -> true))) println(x) 51MongoPersister.scala git://github.com/etaoins/choonweb.git | Scala | 109 lines
12 // Create our indexes 13 trackColl.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("path" -> 1), null, true) 14 trackColl.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("tag.artist" -> 1)) 14 trackColl.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("tag.artist" -> 1)) 15 trackColl.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("tag.album" -> 1)) 16 trackColl.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("tag.title" -> 1)) 16 trackColl.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("tag.title" -> 1)) 17 trackColl.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("keywords" -> 1)) 18 18 19 scanColl.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject("finished" -> -1)) 20 27 case AudioFileScanned(relativePath, audioFile) => 28 def tagInformation(tag : org.jaudiotagger.tag.Tag) : MongoDBObject = { 29 val tagBuilder = MongoDBObject.newBuilderFeed.scala git://github.com/HendraWijaya/syndor.git | Scala | 92 lines
43 def grabForFetching: Option[Feed] = { 44 return collection.findAndModify( 45 query = MongoDBObject("fetchStatus.fetching" -> false), 45 query = MongoDBObject("fetchStatus.fetching" -> false), 46 fields = MongoDBObject(), 47 sort = MongoDBObject(), 81 entries.foreach { entry => 82 FeedItem.findOne(MongoDBObject("link" -> entry.getLink)) orElse { 83 FeedItem.insert(FeedItem.make(feed, entry)) 89 // Resetting fetching status 90 update(MongoDBObject("fetchStatus.fetching" -> true), $set("fetchStatus.fetching" -> false)) 91 }SprayMongoAuthenticator.scala https://github.com/ctcarrier/ouchload.git | Scala | 35 lines
7import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoConnection 8import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 9import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.Imports._ 25 val db = MongoConnection()("mycotrack")("users") 26 val userResult = db.findOne(MongoDBObject("username" -> user) ++ ("password" -> pass)) 27 userResult.map(grater[BasicUserContext].asObject(_))DataSetStatistics.scala https://github.com/delving/culture-hub.git | Scala | 113 lines
23 def getStatisticsFile = { 24 hubFileStores.getResource(OrganizationConfigurationHandler.getByOrgId(context.orgId)).findOne(MongoDBObject("orgId" -> context.orgId, "spec" -> context.spec, "uploadDate" -> context.uploadDate)) 25 } 27 def getHistogram(path: String)(implicit configuration: OrganizationConfiguration): Option[Histogram] = DataSetStatistics.dao.frequencies. 28 findByParentId(_id, MongoDBObject("context.orgId" -> context.orgId, "context.spec" -> context.spec, "context.uploadDate" -> context.uploadDate, "path" -> path)).toList.headOption. 29 map(_.histogram) 110 111 def getMostRecent(orgId: String, spec: String, schema: String) = find(MongoDBObject("context.orgId" -> orgId, "context.spec" -> spec, "context.schema" -> schema)).$orderby(MongoDBObject("_id" -> -1)).limit(1).toList.headOption 112event.scala git://github.com/whiter4bbit/oauth.git | Scala | 64 lines
17 def add(event: Event, consumerKey: String): Validation[String, Event] = { 18 if (self.events.find(MongoDBObject("name" -> event.name)).size == 0) { 19 self.events.insert(MongoDBObject("name" -> event.name, 32 def mine(consumerKey: String): Validation[String, List[Event]] = { 33 self.events.find(MongoDBObject("consumerKey" -> consumerKey)).map((event) => { 34 for { 56 id <- objectId(eventId); 57 modified <- self.events.findAndModify(MongoDBObject("_id" -> id), 58 MongoDBObject("$addToSet" -> MongoDBObject("attendees" -> consumerKey)))SlugIndexer.scala https://gitlab.com/18runt88/twofishes | Scala | 184 lines
64 def findFeature(fid: StoredFeatureId): Option[GeocodeServingFeature] = { 65 val ret = MongoGeocodeDAO.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> fid.longId)).map(_.toGeocodeServingFeature) 66 if (ret.isEmpty) { 66 if (ret.isEmpty) { 67 println("couldn't find %s".format(fid)) 68 } 71 72 def findParent(fid: StoredFeatureId): Option[GeocodeFeature] = { 73 parentMap.getOrElseUpdate(fid, findFeature(fid).map(_.feature)) 103 }) 104 // println("failed to find any slug") 105 return None 114 fid <- StoredFeatureId.fromHumanReadableString(id) 115 servingFeature <- findFeature(fid) 116 if (servingFeature.scoringFeatures.population > 0 ||User.scala git://github.com/leodagdag/persistance.git | Scala | 35 lines
27 def authenticate(username: String, password: String): Option[User] = { 28 this.findOne(MongoDBObject("username" -> username, "password" -> password)) 29 } 31 def byUsername(username: String): Option[User] = { 32 this.findOne(MongoDBObject("username" -> username)) 33 }Database.scala https://gitlab.com/williamhogman/checklist.git | Scala | 64 lines
19 def deref() = { 20 val findable = implicitly[IdFindable[T]] 21 findable.byId(id) 27 28 protected def find(query: MongoDBObject): Iterator[MongoDBObject] = 29 mdbcol.find(query) map(wrapDBObj) 30 31 protected def findOne(query: MongoDBObject) : Option[MongoDBObject] = 32 mdbcol.findOne(query) map(wrapDBObj) 36 37 protected def update(query: MongoDBObject, to: MongoDBObject) = 38 mdbcol.update(query, to) 47 def byId[T: IdFindable](id: ObjectId) = { 48 val findable = implicitly[IdFindable[T]] 49 findable.byId(id)MongoDBDatastore.scala https://code.google.com/p/sgine/ | Scala | 86 lines
9import org.sgine.reflect.EnhancedClass 10import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.{MongoDBObjectBuilder, MongoDBObject} 11import com.mongodb.DBObject 26 27 protected def deleteInternal(id: UUID) = collection.findAndRemove(MongoDBObject("_id" -> id)) != None 28 46 }.toMap 47 val builder = MongoDBObject.newBuilder 48 ec.caseValues.foreach(cv => if (cv.name != "id" && defaults(cv.name) != cv[Any](example)) { 52 val query = toDotNotation("", wrapDBObj(builder.result())) 53 collection.find(query).map(entry => { 54 DataObjectConverter.fromDBValue(entry) 66 67 private def toDotNotation(pre: String, values: MongoDBObject, builder: MongoDBObjectBuilder = MongoDBObject.newBuilder): DBObject = { 68 if (values.isEmpty) {PollResponse.scala https://bitbucket.org/wbillingsley/ibmongo-2012-old-version-duct-tape-not-maintained.git | Scala | 77 lines
58 59 def findVote(pollRef: Ref[Poll], readerRef: Ref[Reader], sessionOpt: Option[String]) = { 60 readerRef.fetch match { 61 case RefItself(r) => { 62 val ccOpt = sdao.findOne(MongoDBObject("poll" -> pollRef.getId, "reader" -> r.id)) 63 ccOpt 65 case _ => { 66 val ccOpt = sdao.findOne(MongoDBObject("poll" -> pollRef.getId, "session" -> sessionOpt)) 67 ccOpt 72 def getPollResponses(pollRef:Ref[Poll]) = { 73 val res = sdao.find(MongoDBObject("poll" -> pollRef.getId)) 74 res.toSeqUserDAO.scala https://github.com/michel-kraemer/spamihilator-setup-wizard.git | Scala | 70 lines
42 * @return the database object */ 43 private implicit def userToDBObject(user: User): DBObject = MongoDBObject( 44 "userName" -> user.userName, 50 51 override def find(): Iterable[User] = coll map toUser 52 52 53 /** Finds a user with the given name 54 * @param userName the user's name 57 def find(userName: String): Option[User] = 58 coll.findOne(MongoDBObject("userName" -> userName)) map toUser 59 67 def update(user: User) { 68 coll.update(MongoDBObject("_id" -> user.id), user) 69 }PolygonIndexer.scala https://gitlab.com/18runt88/twofishes | Scala | 59 lines
23 val polygonSize = PolygonIndexDAO.collection.count() 24 val usedPolygonSize = MongoGeocodeDAO.count(MongoDBObject("hasPoly" -> true)) 25 26 val hasPolyCursor = 27 MongoGeocodeDAO.find(MongoDBObject("hasPoly" -> true)) 28 .sort(orderBy = MongoDBObject("_id" -> 1)) // sort by _id asc 41 toFindPolys: Map[Long, ObjectId] = group.filter(f => f.hasPoly).map(r => (r._id, r.polyId)).toMap 42 polyMap: Map[ObjectId, PolygonIndex] = PolygonIndexDAO.find(MongoDBObject("_id" -> MongoDBObject("$in" -> toFindPolys.values.toList))) 43 .toListUser.scala https://gitlab.com/Memoria/Memoria | Scala | 66 lines
16 17 def findAll () : mutable.Set[UserModel] = { 18 val result : mutable.Set[UserModel] = mutable.Set[UserModel]() 18 val result : mutable.Set[UserModel] = mutable.Set[UserModel]() 19 val users = User.coll.find() 20 for(user <- users) { 32 33 def findUser (login : String, password : String) : Option[UserModel] = { 34 var result : Option[UserModel] = None 34 var result : Option[UserModel] = None 35 val q = MongoDBObject("login" -> login, "password" -> password ) 36 val cursor = User.coll.findOne(q) 51 val coll = User.db("users") 52 val builder = MongoDBObject.newBuilder 53 builder += "login" -> userModel.loginJodaGridFS.scala git://github.com/mongodb/casbah.git | Scala | 253 lines
218 219 def findOne[A <% DBObject](query: A): Option[JodaGridFSDBFile] = { 220 filesCollection.findOne(query) match { 229 230 def findOne(id: ObjectId): Option[JodaGridFSDBFile] = findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> id)) 231 231 232 def findOne(filename: String): Option[JodaGridFSDBFile] = findOne(MongoDBObject("filename" -> filename)) 233mongo.scala git://github.com/timperrett/helix.git | Scala | 145 lines
17 def listProjectsAlphabetically(limit: Int, offset: Int): List[Project] = 18 ProjectDAO.find(MongoDBObject("setupComplete" -> true)) 19 .limit(limit) 24 def listFiveNewestProjects: List[Project] = 25 ProjectDAO.find(MongoDBObject("setupComplete" -> true) 26 ).limit(5).sort(orderBy = MongoDBObject("_id" -> -1)).toList 28 def listFiveMostActiveProjects: List[Project] = 29 ProjectDAO.find(MongoDBObject("setupComplete" -> true) 30 ).limit(5).sort(orderBy = MongoDBObject("activityScore" -> -1)).toList 32 /** global lists **/ 33 def listScalaVersions = ScalaVersionDAO.find(MongoDBObject() 34 ).sort(orderBy = MongoDBObject( 75 def findContributorByLogin(login: String): Option[Contributor] = 76 ContributorDAO.findOne(MongoDBObject("login" -> login)) 77MongoDAO.scala https://bitbucket.org/marcromera/dsbw-1213t.git | Scala | 61 lines
8import com.novus.salat.Context 9import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 10import dsbw.mongo.SalatContext.ctx 31 32 def findOne[T<: AnyRef](query:Map[String,T]): Option[ObjectType] = salatDao.findOne(query) 33 33 34 def findOneByID(id:ObjectId): Option[ObjectType] = salatDao.findOneByID(id) 35 35 36 def findByIds(ids:Set[ObjectId]) = salatDao.find("_id" $in ids).toSet 37 37 38 def findAll = salatDao.find((MongoDBObject.empty)) 39EntityMentionAlignmentService.scala https://github.com/riedelcastro/cmon-noun.git | Scala | 102 lines
4import org.riedelcastro.cmonnoun.clusterhub.EntityService.ByIds 5import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 6import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._ 22 def entityIdsFor(mentionId: Any): TraversableOnce[Any] = { 23 for (dbo <- coll.find(MongoDBObject("mention" -> mentionId))) yield { 24 dbo.as[String]("entity") 28 def entities(): TraversableOnce[Any] = { 29 for (dbo <- coll.find()) yield { 30 dbo.as[String]("entity") 35 def mentionIdsFor(entityId: Any): TraversableOnce[Any] = { 36 for (dbo <- coll.find(MongoDBObject("entity" -> entityId))) yield { 37 dbo.as[Any]("mention") 41 def mentionsIdsFor(entityIds: Stream[Any]): TraversableOnce[Alignment] = { 42 for (dbo <- coll.find(MongoDBObject("entity" -> MongoDBObject("$in" -> entityIds)))) yield { 43 val m = dbo.as[Any]("mention")DeviceController.scala git://github.com/joakim666/simple-scheduler.git | Scala | 34 lines
4import org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateEngine 5import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 6import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory 21 devices.foreach(d => { 22 val events = EventDao.find(ref = MongoDBObject("deviceId" -> d.id)).toList 23 deviceEvents += d -> eventsPost.scala git://github.com/leodagdag/persistance.git | Scala | 76 lines
42 def addComment(id: ObjectId, comment: Comment) { 43 val post = this.findOneByID(id) 44 post match { 55 56 def featured: Option[Post] = Post.findOne(MongoDBObject("featured" -> true)) 57 73 def updateFeatured() { 74 collection.updateMulti(MongoDBObject("featured" -> true), $set("featured" -> false)) 75 }ProcessJobPosting.scala https://gitlab.com/thugside/sync | Scala | 176 lines
8import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCollection 9import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject 10import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._ 44 def toWords(lines: List[String]) = lines flatMap { line => 45 "[a-zA-Z]+".r findAllIn line map (_.toLowerCase) 46 } 76 def getSkills(content: String): List[String] = { 77 skillsPattern.findFirstMatchIn(content).map(_ group 1) match { 78 case Some(skills) => (skills replaceAll(" ", "")).split(",").toList 84 emailPattern 85 .findAllMatchIn(content) 86 .map(s => s.toString()) 93 phonePattern 94 .findAllMatchIn(content) 95 .map(s => s.toString())Registration.scala https://bitbucket.org/wbillingsley/ibmongo-2012-old-version-duct-tape-not-maintained.git | Scala | 66 lines
55 def findByReader(rid:ObjectId) = { 56 val cursor = sdao.find(MongoDBObject("reader" -> rid)) 57 cursor.toSeq 59 60 def findByReaderAndBook(r:Ref[Reader], b:Ref[Book]):TraversableOnce[Registration] = { 61 (for (rid <- r.getId; bid <- b.getId) yield { 61 (for (rid <- r.getId; bid <- b.getId) yield { 62 sdao.find(MongoDBObject("reader" -> rid, "book" -> bid)) 63 }) getOrElse Seq.empty[Registration]Presentation.scala https://bitbucket.org/wbillingsley/ibmongo-2012-old-version-duct-tape-not-maintained.git | Scala | 71 lines
53 val result = idOpt map { oid => 54 val ccSeq = sdao.find(MongoDBObject("entries" -> oid)) 55 ccSeq.toSeqServiceRegister.scala https://gitlab.com/SharkyLV/Mirio.git | Scala | 40 lines
23 case RegisterServiceEvent(service, id) => 24 serviceCol.insert(MongoDBObject("service"->id,"path"->service.path.toString)) 25 println("Registered "+service.toString()) 27 case ListServicesEvent() => 28 val toList = serviceCol.find("path" $exists true) 29 val strings: Iterator[String] = for (x <- toList) yield x.getAsOrElse[String]("path", "").toStringTemplatedDao.scala https://github.com/nexus49/invsys.git | Scala | 99 lines
14 15 def findAll(): List[Templated] = { 16 val templates = Template.findAll 22 23 for (result <- collection.find) { 24 val item = fac(result, t) 31 32 def findAll(template: Template): List[Templated] = { 33 val collection = CollectionFactory.getCollection(template.collectionName) 34 val values = new mutable.ListBuffer[Templated] 35 val query = MongoDBObject.apply(CollectionFactory.templateIdColumn -> template.id) 36 val rslt = collection.find(query) 44 45 def findFirstById[T](id: ObjectId, template: Template): Templated = { 46 val collection = CollectionFactory.getCollection(template.collectionName)