100+ results results for 'api duckduckgo com' (51 ms)
48(defcustom helm-google-suggest-url 49 "http://google.com/complete/search?output=toolbar&q=" 50 "URL used for looking up Google suggestions." 66(defcustom helm-yahoo-suggest-url 67 "http://search.yahooapis.com/WebSearchService/V1/relatedSuggestion?appid=Generic&query=" 68 "Url used for looking up Yahoo suggestions." 78(defcustom helm-surfraw-duckduckgo-url 79 "https://duckduckgo.com/lite/?q=%s&kp=1" 80 "The duckduckgo url. 82If you have personal settings saved on duckduckgo you should have 83a personal url, see your settings on duckduckgo." 84 :type 'string 262(defvar helm-browse-url-default-browser-alist 263 `((,(or (and (boundp 'w3m-command) w3m-command) 264 "/usr/bin/w3m") . w3m-browse-url)QSObject_URLHandling.m https://github.com/quicksilver/Quicksilver.git | Objective C | 265 lines
32 33 NSString *favIconString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"https://icons.duckduckgo.com/ip3/%@.ico", [favIconURL host]]; 34 NSImage *favicon = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:favIconString]]; 47 NSSize imageSize = [image size]; 48 NSBitmapImageRep *bitmap = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithBitmapDataPlanes:NULL 49 pixelsWide:imageSize.width 61 } 62 NSGraphicsContext *graphicsContext = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep:bitmap]; 63 71 [image setSize:rect.size]; 72 [image drawInRect:rect fromRect:rectFromSize([image size]) operation:NSCompositingOperationSourceOver fraction:1.0]; 73 NSImage *findImage = [[QSResourceManager imageNamed:@"Find"] copy]; 80 [favIcon setSize:rect.size]; 81 [favIcon drawInRect:NSMakeRect(rect.origin.x+NSWidth(rect)*0.48, rect.origin.y+NSWidth(rect)*0.32, 30, 30) fromRect:rect operation:NSCompositingOperationSourceOver fraction:1.0]; 82 }search.py https://github.com/schallis/phenny.git | Python | 152 lines
16 web.urllib.URLopener.__init__(self, *args) 17 self.addheader('Referer', 'https://github.com/sbp/phenny') 18 def http_error_default(self, url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers): 22 """Search using AjaxSearch, and return its JSON.""" 23 uri = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web' 24 args = '?v=1.0&safe=off&q=' + web.urllib.quote(query.encode('utf-8')) 87 if not input.group(2): 88 return phenny.reply("Nothing to compare.") 89 queries = r_query.findall(input.group(2)) 103 phenny.say(reply) 104gcs.commands = ['gcs', 'comp'] 105 138 query = web.urllib.quote(query.encode('utf-8')) 139 uri = 'http://duckduckgo.com/html/?q=%s&kl=uk-en' % query 140 bytes = web.get(uri)modes.md https://bitbucket.org/ybozkurt12/n11keytorc.git | Markdown | 53 lines
9 10WebdriverIO can be used for various purposes. It implements the Webdriver protocol API and can run browser in an automated way. The framework is designed to work in any arbitrary environment and for any kind of task. It is independent from any 3rd party frameworks and only requires Node.js to run. 11 13 14The probably simplest form to run WebdriverIO is in standalone mode. This has nothing to do with the Selenium server file which is usually called `selenium-server-standalone`. It basically just means that you require the `webdriverio` package in your project and use the API behind it to run your automation. Here is a simple example: 15 22 .init() 23 .url('https://duckduckgo.com/') 24 .setValue('#search_form_input_homepage', 'WebdriverIO') 27 console.log('Title is: ' + title); 28 // outputs: "Title is: WebdriverIO (Software) at DuckDuckGo" 29 }) 41 it('searches for WebdriverIO', function() { 42 browser.url('https://duckduckgo.com/'); 43 browser.setValue('#search_form_input_homepage', 'WebdriverIO');index.html https://github.com/brettterpstra/brettterpstra.github.com.git | HTML | 140 lines
23 24 <p>I usually get up an hour or two before I start my work day and “play.” Playtime usually results in half-finished scripts and deleted git branches, but sometimes I do something simple and useful (to me). Wednesday was <a href="http://brettterpstra.com/quick-calculations-in-bash/">Bash fun</a>, and here’s this morning’s project: <a href="http://www.obdev.at/products/launchbar/index.html">LaunchBar</a> actions to url encode and decode strings<sup id="fnref:fn1"><a href="#fn:fn1" rel="footnote">1</a></sup>. If you run them outside of LaunchBar, they’ll encode/decode your clipboard, replacing what’s in your clipboard with the result, so they have multiple applications. These have probably been done before, but my quick DuckDuckGo search didn’t yield any immediate results.</p> 25 25 26<p>I find it especially useful to be able to quickly encode and decode urls and strings when I’m testing online APIs out, but there are many times when I find I need this. I usually use a shell function or the very handy <a href="http://www.apple.com/downloads/dashboard/developer/hashwidget.html">Hash Widget</a> for Dashboard, but as a LaunchBar user, this is faster.</p> 27 29 30<p>To use with LaunchBar, open the script in your Script Editor (instant-open links provided) and save it to <code>~/Library/Application Support/LaunchBar/Actions</code>, creating the folder if it doesn’t already exist. Then, assuming you have Actions enabled in your indexing preferences, you can just type “urle” to get the action, then hit space to enter or paste the text to encode/decode. Alternatively, you can paste first or use Instant Send on a selection, then hit Tab and select the encode or decode action. To use elsewhere, such as in <a href="http://www.red-sweater.com/fastscripts/">FastScripts</a>, just save them as scripts in your <code>~/Library/Scripts</code> folder. Using them outside of LaunchBar won’t be interactive; they will encode or decode your clipboard in place.</p> 31 33 34<p>The LaunchBar actions copy the resulting text to the clipboard, but you may prefer to have it passed back to LaunchBar for subsequent processing. There are commented lines in the scripts for doing so, just comment out the last line in the handle_string function and uncomment the line above it. </p> 35 39 40<p>Open this script in your AppleScript editor: <a href="applescript://com.apple.scripteditor?action=new&script=on%20handle_string(lbText)%0A%09set%20_res%20to%20urlencode(lbText)%0A%09--%20to%20return%20the%20result%20to%20launchbar%20instead%20of%20copying%20it%20substitute%0A%09--%20the%20next%20line%20for%20the%20line%20after%20it%20(set%20the%20clipboard%20to%20_res)%0A%09--%20open%20location%20%22x-launchbar:select?string=%22%20&%20urlencode(_res)%0A%09set%20the%20clipboard%20to%20_res%0Aend%20handle_string%0A%0Aon%20run%0A%09set%20the%20clipboard%20to%20urlencode(the%20clipboard%20as%20text)%0Aend%20run%0A%0Aon%20urlencode(theText)%20--%20http://harvey.nu/applescript_url_encode_routine.html%0A%09set%20theTextEnc%20to%20%22%22%0A%09repeat%20with%20eachChar%20in%20characters%20of%20theText%0A%09%09set%20useChar%20to%20eachChar%0A%09%09set%20eachCharNum%20to%20ASCII%20number%20of%20eachChar%0A%09%09if%20eachCharNum%20=%2032%20then%0A%09%09%09set%20useChar%20to%20%22+%22%0A%09%09else%20if%20(eachCharNum%20%E2%89%A0%2042)%20and%20(eachCharNum%20%E2%89%A0%2095)%20and%20(eachCharNum%20%3C%2045%20or%20eachCharNum%20%3E%2046)%20and%20(eachCharNum%20%3C%2048%20or%20eachCharNum%20%3E%2057)%20and%20(eachCharNum%20%3C%2065%20or%20eachCharNum%20%3E%2090)%20and%20(eachCharNum%20%3C%2097%20or%20eachCharNum%20%3E%20122)%20then%0A%09%09%09set%20firstDig%20to%20round%20(eachCharNum%20/%2016)%20rounding%20down%0A%09%09%09set%20secondDig%20to%20eachCharNum%20mod%2016%0A%09%09%09if%20firstDig%20%3E%209%20then%0A%09%09%09%09set%20aNum%20to%20firstDig%20+%2055%0A%09%09%09%09set%20firstDig%20to%20ASCII%20character%20aNum%0A%09%09%09end%20if%0A%09%09%09if%20secondDig%20%3E%209%20then%0A%09%09%09%09set%20aNum%20to%20secondDig%20+%2055%0A%09%09%09%09set%20secondDig%20to%20ASCII%20character%20aNum%0A%09%09%09end%20if%0A%09%09%09set%20numHex%20to%20(%22%25%22%20&%20(firstDig%20as%20string)%20&%20(secondDig%20as%20string))%20as%20string%0A%09%09%09set%20useChar%20to%20numHex%0A%09%09end%20if%0A%09%09set%20theTextEnc%20to%20theTextEnc%20&%20useChar%20as%20string%0A%09end%20repeat%0A%09return%20theTextEnc%0Aend%20urlencode">URLEncode.applescript</a></p> 41index.html https://github.com/brettterpstra/brettterpstra.github.com.git | HTML | 56 lines
27 <li><strong><a href="http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Events-bind">Backbone.js</a></strong><br />What's not to love about key-value models, custom events, collections and enumeration, views with declarative event handling, and a RESTful JSON interface? … My doctor says I have an MVC deficiency, anyway.</li> 28 <li><strong><a href="http://duckduckgo.com/api.html">Duck Duck Go Zero-click Info API</a></strong><br />Duck Duck Go is my new default search engine. I love it to death. The API for topic summaries and categories is pretty cool, too. Also see the <a href="http://dhruvbird.com/ddb/zc.html">Zero Click jQuery plugin</a> for example usage.</li> 29 <li> 33 <td>**[Eight Ways to Combine Typefaces</td> 34 <td>Webdesigner Depot](http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2011/02/eight-ways-to-combine-typefaces/)**<br />Speaking of font combinations, there's a great article today on Webdesigner Depot on the matter.</td> 35 </tr> 38 </li> 39 <li><strong><a href="http://kwisatz.hadera.ch/">Kwisatz Haderach is the new Lorem Ipsum</a></strong><br />Gotta love truly creative random text. Hat tip to <a href="http://thebananaverse.com/">Kelly</a>!</li> 40 <li> 44 <td>**[Icon Search Engine</td> 45 <td>Iconfinder](http://www.iconfinder.com/)**<br />Found this thanks to my Pinboard.in network. Seriously, if you're not using Pinboard… anyway, this is the absolute best icon search I've ever seen. Awesome. And neat… they have an API.</td> 46 </tr> 49 </li> 50 <li><strong><a href="http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/3708/custom-taxonomy-wp-query-for-all-terms-in-a-taxonomy">wp query - Custom Taxonomy WP_Query for All Terms in a Taxonomy? - WordPress - Stack Exchange</a></strong><br />A class to extend WP_Query called PostsByTaxonomy which uses the 'posts_join' hook. Kind of self-explanatory, in a not-at-all sort of way.</li> 51</ul>README.md https://gitlab.com/nguyenthehiep3232/marius | Markdown | 148 lines
5[![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/follow-redirects.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/follow-redirects) 6[![Build Status](https://github.com/follow-redirects/follow-redirects/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/follow-redirects/follow-redirects/actions) 7[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/follow-redirects/follow-redirects/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/follow-redirects/follow-redirects?branch=master) 10 11`follow-redirects` provides [request](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [get](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_get_options_callback) 12 methods that behave identically to those found on the native [http](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [https](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_https_request_options_callback) 35 console.log(response.responseUrl); 36 // 'http://duckduckgo.com/robots.txt' 37}); 76 77In addition to the [standard HTTP](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [HTTPS options](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_https_request_options_callback), 78the following per-request options are supported: 129 130Pull Requests are always welcome. Please [file an issue](https://github.com/follow-redirects/follow-redirects/issues) 131 detailing your proposal before you invest your valuable time. Additional features and bug fixes should be accompaniedmain.py https://gitlab.com/seanbehan/duckduckgo-bot | Python | 180 lines
56def shorten_url(long_url): 57 """Puts your URL through the PTPB API to shorten it""" 58 response = requests.post( 69 # feel free to fork and change the base url 70 base = "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=" 71 end = quote_plus(query) 85 thumb_url= 86 'https://duckduckgo.com/assets/icons/meta/DDG-iOS-icon_60x60.png', 87 url=convert_to_url(query), 105 thumb_url= 106 'https://duckduckgo.com/assets/icons/meta/DDG-iOS-icon_60x60.png', 107 url=lmddgtfy_url(query), 121 config = {} 122 config['config'] = {'token': input('API Key: ')} 123 if input('Save? [Y/n]') not in ['n', 'N']:index.html https://github.com/adamobeng/adamobeng.com.git | HTML | 48 lines
1<!-- 2https://encrypted.google.com/search?hl=en&q=CSS%20side%20by%20side%20divs 3http://my.opera.com/GreyWyvern/blog/show.dml/1725165 4http://www.webdevelopersnotes.com/tutorials/javascript/javascript_for_loop.php3 5http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1134976/how-may-i-sort-a-list-alphabetically-using-jquery 6http://www.pageresource.com/html/link3.htm 6http://www.pageresource.com/html/link3.htm 7https://duckduckgo.com/?q=center+div 8http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4123067/animating-slider-handle-when-altering-the-jquery-ui-slider-value-option 8http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4123067/animating-slider-handle-when-altering-the-jquery-ui-slider-value-option 9https://duckduckgo.com/?q=floating+div+CSS 10http://weblogs.asp.net/jaredroberts/archive/2010/01/12/add-label-to-jquery-slider-handle.aspx 13http://docs.jquery.com/Tutorials:How_jQuery_Works 14http://api.jquery.com/multiple-selector/ 15http://docs.jquery.com/UI/SliderREADME.md https://gitlab.com/unofficial-mirrors/pelican-plugins | Markdown | 99 lines
3 4> :warning: **Instead of this plugin, please use the [Pelican Search](https://github.com/pelican-plugins/search) plugin.** 5 19 20 python -m pip install -e "git+https://github.com/getpelican/pelican-plugins/#egg=pelican-tipue-search&subdirectory=tipue_search" 21 25 26Static sites do not offer search feature out of the box. [Tipue Search](https://web.archive.org/web/20200703134724/https://tipue.com/search/) 27is a jQuery plugin that search the static site without using any third party service, like DuckDuckGo or Google. 40 { 41 "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero.", 42 "tags": "Example Category", 42 "tags": "Example Category", 43 "url" : "http://oncrashreboot.com/plugin-example.html", 44 "title": "Everything you want to know about Lorem Ipsum"README.md https://gitlab.com/dongrvtop/angularcomponent | Markdown | 145 lines
9 10`follow-redirects` provides [request](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [get](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_get_options_callback) 11 methods that behave identically to those found on the native [http](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [https](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_https_request_options_callback) 34 console.log(response.responseUrl); 35 // 'http://duckduckgo.com/robots.txt' 36}); 73 74In addition to the [standard HTTP](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [HTTPS options](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_https_request_options_callback), 75the following per-request options are supported: 90By default, `follow-redirects` will use the Node.js default implementations 91of [`http`](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html) 92and [`https`](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html). 126 127Pull Requests are always welcome. Please [file an issue](https://github.com/follow-redirects/follow-redirects/issues) 128 detailing your proposal before you invest your valuable time. Additional features and bug fixes should be accompaniedresponses.yml git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies.git | YAML | 244 lines
23 subtitle: "Learn more about the DuckDuckGo Instant Answer API" 24 url: https://duckduckgo.com/api 25app: 83 subtitle: "View them on GitHub" 84 url: https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies 85help: 150 subtitle: "Visit the DuckDuckGo settings page" 151 url: https://duckduckgo.com/settings 152short: 165 subtitle: "Visit DuckDuckGo's Spread page" 166 url: https://duckduckgo.com/spread 167swag: 200 subtitle: "Visit the DuckDuckGo traffic page" 201 url: https://duckduckgo.com/traffic.html 202translation:setup.py https://gitlab.com/unofficial-mirrors/pelican-plugins | Python | 32 lines
19 'description': 'Serialize generated HTML content to a JS variable for use by the Tipue static search jQuery plugin', 20 'long_description': 'Tipue Search\n============\n\nA Pelican plugin to serialize generated HTML to a JS variable that can be used by jQuery plugin - Tipue Search.\n\nCopyright (c) Talha Mansoor\n\nAuthor | Talha Mansoor\n----------------|-----\nAuthor Email | talha131@gmail.com \nAuthor Homepage | http://onCrashReboot.com \nGithub Account | https://github.com/talha131 \n\nWhy do you need it?\n===================\n\nStatic sites do not offer search feature out of the box. [Tipue Search](http://www.tipue.com/search/)\nis a jQuery plugin that search the static site without using any third party service, like DuckDuckGo or Google.\n\nTipue search requires the textual content of site in a JS variable.\n\nRequirements\n============\n\nTipue Search requires BeautifulSoup.\n\n```bash\npip install beautifulsoup4\n```\n\nHow Tipue Search works\n=========================\n\nTipue Search serializes the generated HTML into JSON and saves it into a JS variable. Format of JSON is as follows\n\n```javascript\nvar tipuesearch = {\n "pages": [\n { \n "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero.",\n "tags": "Example Category",\n "url" : "http://oncrashreboot.com/plugin-example.html",\n "title": "Everything you want to know about Lorem Ipsum"\n },\n { \n "text": "Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet. Mauris ipsum. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh.",\n "tags": "Example Category",\n "url" : "http://oncrashreboot.com/plugin-example-2.html",\n "title": "Review of the book Lorem Ipsum"\n }\n ]\n};\n```\n\nJS variable is written to file `tipuesearch_content.js` which is created in the root of `output` directory.\n\nHow to use\n==========\n\nYour theme needs to have Tipue Search properly configured in it. [Official documentation](http://www.tipue.com/search/help/) has the required details.\n\nIn addition to the instructions from Tipue, the following has to be added in `pelicanconf.py`.\n\n```python\nPLUGIN_PATH = \'plugins\'\nPLUGINS = [\'tipue_search\']\nDIRECT_TEMPLATES = [\'index\', \'tags\', \'categories\', \'authors\', \'archives\', \'search\']\n```\n\nFurthermore, the generated JavaScript variable has to be sourced in the relevant html pages.\n\n```html\n<script src="{{ SITEURL }}tipuesearch_content.js"></script>\n```\n\nPelican [Elegant Theme](https://github.com/talha131/pelican-elegant) and [Plumage theme](https://github.com/kdeldycke/plumage) have Tipue Search configured. You can view their code to understand the configuration.\n\nBackward Compatibility\n======================\n\nThis plugin requires Tipue Search Version 7.0 or higher.\n\nTipue used to expect content in a json file. Around Version 7.0, Tipue maintainers made a switch to JavaScript variable. tipue_search plugin was updated to reflect this change in commit `4a5f171fc`. Latest version of tipue_search plugin will not work with older versions of Tipue Search.\n\nIf you are using older Tipue Search, prior to 7.0 release, then you will find old version of tipue_search plugin in commit `2dcdca8c8`. \n', 21 'author': 'Talha Mansoor', 21 'author': 'Talha Mansoor', 22 'author_email': 'talha131@gmail.com', 23 'url': 'https://github.com/getpelican/pelican-plugins/tree/master/tipue_search',index2ddg.py https://github.com/p12tic/cppreference-doc.git | Python | 605 lines
2''' 3 Copyright (C) 2013 Povilas Kanapickas <povilas@radix.lt> 4 33from ddg_parse_html import get_short_description 34from index_transform.common import IndexTransform 35 129 130class Index2DuckDuckGoList(IndexTransform): 131 182 183# returns the version number common to all declarations. Returns none if two 184# declarations have different version numbers or if no version number is 208 # limit the number of code snippets to be included so that total number 209 # of lines is less than max_code_lines. The limit becomes active only 210 # for the second and subsequent snippets.responses.yml https://gitlab.com/jslee1/zeroclickinfo-goodies | YAML | 242 lines
23 subtitle: "Learn more about the DuckDuckGo Instant Answer API" 24 url: https://duckduckgo.com/api 25app: 31 title: "Looking for our app?" 32 url: https://duckduckgo.com/app/ 33bangs: 163 subtitle: "Visit the DuckDuckGo settings page" 164 url: https://duckduckgo.com/settings 165short: 174 subtitle: "Visit our documentation" 175 url: https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice 176spread: 178 subtitle: "Visit DuckDuckGo's Spread page" 179 url: https://duckduckgo.com/spread 180swag:links.rb https://gitlab.com/jcsilkey/homebrew-core | Ruby | 51 lines
2 desc "Lynx-like WWW browser that supports tables, menus, etc." 3 homepage "http://links.twibright.com/" 4 # Switch url & mirror back over when twibright is responsive. 5 url "https://mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu/debian/pool/main/l/links2/links2_2.13.orig.tar.bz2" 6 mirror "http://links.twibright.com/download/links-2.13.tar.bz2" 7 sha256 "c252095334a3b199fa791c6f9a9affe2839a7fbd536685ab07851cb7efaa4405" 10 cellar :any 11 sha256 "72f73ee61f9b16ae1e8bbe1306900a1fb17cfd49576f166bb88ab574ec8b0925" => :el_capitan 12 sha256 "490a0aa8d1116268d3a431d9c1442dc9a2bd94fb00a74f0cab3767622ea119ac" => :yosemite 16 depends_on "pkg-config" => :build 17 depends_on "openssl" => :recommended 18 depends_on "libressl" => :optional 48 test do 49 system bin/"links", "-dump", "https://duckduckgo.com" 50 endresume.html https://bitbucket.org/mayank_gupta/resume-generator.git | HTML | 84 lines
67 <script type="text/javascript"> 68 var obj = {"details":[{"list":[{"description":["B.Tech - Information Technology","CGPA - 8.77/10"],"end_time":"May, 2012","start_time":"July, 2008","title":"Vellore Institute of Technology, India"}],"type":"education"},{"list":[{"demo":"https://duckduckgo.com/?q=chuck+norris+jokes&kp=-1","description":["Wrote a Instant result plugin which shows a random \"Chuck Norris\" joke whenever searched for \"Chuck Norris joke/s fact/s.\"","Please turn safe search off or append \"!safeoff\" to your query."],"repo":"https://github.com/mr-mayank-gupta/zeroclickinfo-spice","title":"DuckDuckGo Zero Click Plugin"},{"description":["Implemented the basic encryption/description of numbers using RSA on CUDA as a mini project in fall 2011. Used exponential squaring to calculate modulo."],"repo":"https://bitbucket.org/mayank_gupta/rsa-simulation-on-cuda","title":"R.S.A. encryption using C.U.D.A."}],"type":"projects"},{"list":[{"description":["My work involved rapidly implementing design prototype related to the research on a new generation SIEM product.","Implemented a log normaliser which would support plugins for parsing and filtering system logs and save to mongoDB using C++.","Modified the source code of CLIPS to query MongoDB using CLIPS specified rules dynamically, which was used in log correlation. C/C++","Wrote a multithreaded listener based on inotify which listened to a write on log files and saved raw logs to MongoDB."],"end_time":"May, 2012","index":1,"start_time":"Dec, 2011","title":"Pivotal Security","position":"Summer Intern"},{"description":["Wrote an agent-manager system with SSL-based authentication in C.","The manager supported fetching remote system details, uploading/downloading files, fetching SHA-256 hash of files, and remote command execution."],"end_time":"May, 2011","index":0,"start_time":"April, 2011","title":"Pivotal Security", "position":"Engineering Intern"},{"title": "Sourcebits","start_time": "July, 2012","end_time": "*","description": ["Design, development and deployment of APIs for mobile applications.","Currently working on the backend for a RSS reader app with social network integration.","Wrote a scraper which can be run in multiple batches with different frequencies to fetch and process new articles in NodeJS.","Wrote other batch jobs for trend calculation and channel suggestions generation in NodeJS.","Wrote the API server for interacting with mobile applications in NodeJS backed by MongoDB.","Provided search powered with SOLR.","Handled deployment of SOLR, API and DB server on EC2."],'position':'Software Engineer'}],"type":"work"}],"info": {"name":"Mayank Gupta","email":"iammayankg@gmail.com","phone":"+919739495041"}}; 69w3m.rb https://gitlab.com/0072016/homebrew-core | Ruby | 54 lines
7 bottle do 8 sha256 "c6443287699a058e58ff0e378a8f6459370de79f89246ac7217e11f9f748abed" => :el_capitan 9 sha256 "57a644921789316e92cbc37d2e0c51eaf5591876992626a9bcf9f4a56c0e3897" => :yosemite 26 # Race condition in build reported in: 27 # https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/issues/12854 28 ENV.j1 32 test do 33 assert_match /DuckDuckGo/, shell_output("#{bin}/w3m -dump https://duckduckgo.com") 34 endREADME.md https://gitlab.com/jslee1/zeroclickinfo-goodies | Markdown | 75 lines
8 9Instant Answers appear on DuckDuckGo.com above ads and organic links, on [millions of searches](https://duckduckgo.com/traffic.html). Instant Answers are created by an open source community of developers [around the world](http://duckduckgo.meetup.com/) like you. Welcome! 10 10 11You can find the [full documentation here](http://docs.duckduckhack.com). This is the repository for [one type of Instant Answers](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/welcome/determining-ia-type.html), called Goodies. 12 22 23We welcome new contributors to dive in and improve live Instant Answers. It's a great, hands-on way to learn how things work. Start by [setting up your development environment](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/welcome/setup-dev-environment.html). 24 70 71[![slack](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/assets/slack.png) Talk to us on Slack](mailto:QuackSlack@duckduckgo.com?subject=AddMe) or [email us](mailto:open@duckduckgo.com). 72 72 73We're a digital community, but real people - we frequently meet up to hack together. Check out our [global meetups](http://duckduckgo.meetup.com/). 74README.md https://gitlab.com/IvettGeorge/tecnicassanacion | Markdown | 155 lines
10 11`follow-redirects` provides [request](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [get](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_get_options_callback) 12 methods that behave identically to those found on the native [http](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [https](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_https_request_options_callback) 36 console.log(response.responseUrl); 37 // 'http://duckduckgo.com/robots.txt' 38}); 69 70In addition to the [standard HTTP](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [HTTPS options](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_https_request_options_callback), 71the following per-request options are supported: 85of [`http`](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html) 86and [`https`](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html). 87To enable features such as caching and/or intermediate request tracking, 136 137Pull Requests are always welcome. Please [file an issue](https://github.com/follow-redirects/follow-redirects/issues) 138 detailing your proposal before you invest your valuable time. Additional features and bug fixes should be accompaniedindex.html https://gitlab.com/stanjanssen/homepage | HTML | 66 lines
6 <title>Home</title> 7 <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> 8 <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Jaldi" rel="stylesheet"> 15 <div class="row"> 16 <form method="GET" action="https://duckduckgo.com/"> 17 <input type="text" name="q" placeholder="Search DuckDuckGo..." id="duck" /> 23 <ul class="column"> 24 <li><a href="https://reddit.com">Reddit</a></li> 25 <li><a href="https://tweakers.net">Tweakers</a></li> 25 <li><a href="https://tweakers.net">Tweakers</a></li> 26 <li><a href="http://encide.com">Encide</a></li> 27 <li><a href="https://gmail.com">Gmail</a></li> 27 <li><a href="https://gmail.com">Gmail</a></li> 28 <li><a href="https://calendar.google.com">Google Calendar</a></li> 29 </ul>CONTRIBUTING.md https://gitlab.com/jslee1/zeroclickinfo-goodies | Markdown | 42 lines
1# Contributing an Instant Answer to DuckDuckGo.com 2 2 3> You can find the full [DuckDuckHack documentation here](http://docs.duckduckhack.com) 4 8 9 > Instant Answer Pages are the "home base" for each Instant Answer. They are where the community plans, collaborates, and tracks the [life cycle](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/submitting/long-term.html) of all Instant Answers. It's where we aggregate pull requests, issues, attribution, and feedback. 10 10 112. **Hack away, keeping the [Instant Answer Production Guidelines](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/submitting/checklist.html) in mind.** 12 16 17We're excited to meet you and support you along the way - and it's never too early to say hello. Join us on [Slack](mailto:QuackSlack@duckduckgo.com?subject=AddMe) or [email](mailto:open@duckduckgo.com). 18 36 37 - "**Fixes #2038.** The images used by the API are very large and don't change often. I've but a smaller version of each image (and a 2x version for retina screens) in the share directory. The callback will try and load a local image based on the astronauts name and fallback to using the API's image if one does not exist." 38completion_engines.coffee git://github.com/philc/vimium.git | CoffeeScript | 179 lines
79 super 80 engineUrl: "http://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?client=youtube&ds=yt&xml=t&q=%s" 81 regexps: "^https?://[a-z]+\\.youtube\\.com/results" 99 super 100 engineUrl: "http://api.bing.com/osjson.aspx?query=%s" 101 regexps: "^https?://www\\.bing\\.com/search" 110 super 111 engineUrl: "https://completion.amazon.com/search/complete?method=completion&search-alias=aps&client=amazon-search-ui&mkt=1&q=%s" 112 regexps: "^https?://www\\.amazon\\.(com|co\\.uk|ca|de|com\\.au)/s/" 145 super 146 engineUrl: "https://api.qwant.com/api/suggest?q=%s" 147 regexps: "^https?://www\\.qwant\\.com/" 177root = exports ? window 178root.CompletionEngines = CompletionEngines 179PackageTracking.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 306 lines
14spice from => '([^/]+)/?.+?$'; 15spice to => 'https://api.packagetrackr.com/ddg/v1/track/simple?n=$1&api_key={{ENV{DDG_SPICE_PACKAGETRACKR_API_KEY}}}'; 16 41 ## UPS 42 # Soure: https://www.ups.com/content/ca/en/tracking/help/tracking/tnh.html 43 # To Do: Some additional formats exist 53 ## Fedex 54 # Source: https://www.trackingex.com/fedex-tracking.html 55 # https://www.trackingex.com/fedexuk-tracking.html 55 # https://www.trackingex.com/fedexuk-tracking.html 56 # https://www.trackingex.com/fedex-poland-domestic-tracking.html 57 fedex => qr/^ 73 # Note: May need to restrict pattern #3 if overtriggering 74 # https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies/issues/3900 75 parcelforce => qr/^README.md https://gitlab.com/vitalii.dr/ohmyzsh | Markdown | 75 lines
42| cssflow | `http://www.cssflow.com/search?q=` | 43| dartlang | `https://api.dartlang.org/apidocs/channels/stable/dartdoc-viewer/dart:` | 44| emberjs | `https://www.google.com/search?as_sitesearch=emberjs.com/&as_q=` | 49| jestjs | `https://www.google.com/search?as_sitesearch=jestjs.io&as_q=` | 50| jquery | `https://api.jquery.com/?s=` | 51| lodash | `https://devdocs.io/lodash/index#` | 55| packagephobia | `https://packagephobia.now.sh/result?p=` | 56| qunit | `https://api.qunitjs.com/?s=` | 57| reactjs | `https://google.com/search?as_sitesearch=facebook.github.io/react&as_q=` | 57| reactjs | `https://google.com/search?as_sitesearch=facebook.github.io/react&as_q=` | 58| smacss | `https://google.com/search?as_sitesearch=smacss.com&as_q=` | 59| stackoverflow | `https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=` | 67 68The plugin will use Google as a fallback if the docs site for a search context does not have a search function. You can set the fallback search engine to DuckDuckGo by setting `FRONTEND_SEARCH_FALLBACK='duckduckgo'` in your `~/.zshrc` file before Oh My Zsh is sourced. 69OTRImages.m https://github.com/chrisballinger/ChatSecure-iOS.git | Objective C | 699 lines
13@import JSQMessagesViewController; 14#import "OTRComposingImageView.h" 15#import "NSString+ChatSecure.h" 25NSString *const OTRMicrophoneImageKey = @"OTRMicrophoneImageKey"; 26NSString *const OTRDuckDuckGoImageKey = @"OTRMicrophoneImageKey"; 27 95 UIImage * bubbleImage = nil; 96 bubbleImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"bubble-min-tailless" inBundle:[OTRAssets resourcesBundle] compatibleWithTraitCollection:nil]; 97 101 CGPoint center = CGPointMake((bubbleImage.size.width / 2.0f), bubbleImage.size.height / 2.0f); 102 UIEdgeInsets capInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(center.y, center.x, center.y, center.x); 103 103 104 bubbleImage = [bubbleImage resizableImageWithCapInsets:capInsets 105 resizingMode:UIImageResizingModeStretch];tools.html https://github.com/crazedpsyc/crazedpsyc.github.com.git | HTML | 486 lines
57<td class="ctd" style="padding-right:15px;" align="right" valign="top"> 58<a href="http://nfriedly.com/stuff/duckduckgoogle/"><img src="tools/ddgoogle.png"></a> 59</td> 287<td class="ctd" style="padding-right:15px;" align="right" valign="top"> 288<a href="https://market.android.com/details?id=com.duckduckgo.mobile.android&feature=search_result"><img src="tools/qr.png"></a> 289</td> 341<td class="ctd" style="padding-right:15px;" align="right" valign="top"> 342<a href="http://vaporstun.com/files/duckduckgo-safari-extension/DuckDuckGoBar.safariextz"><img src="tools/safari.png"></a> 343</td> 344<td class="ctd"> 345<a href="http://vaporstun.com/files/duckduckgo-safari-extension/DuckDuckGoBar.safariextz">Safari Extension</a> 346<div style="margin-top:5px;"></div> 346<div style="margin-top:5px;"></div> 347<span class="clu">By <a href="http://victorquinn.com/">Victor Quinn</a>; <a href="https://github.com/vaporstun/duckduckgo-safari-extension">open source</a></span> 348<div style="margin-top:5px;"></div>qutebrowser.org https://gitlab.com/csantosb/wikidata | Org | 1731 lines
23 - [[#code-2][Code]] 24 - [[#completion][Completion]] 25 - [[#code-3][Code]] 50 - [[#hint][Hint]] 51 - [[#command][Command]] 52 - [[#prompt][Prompt]] 52 - [[#prompt][Prompt]] 53 - [[#command-prompt][Command, prompt]] 54 - [[#caret][Caret]] 106The default page(s) to open at the start, separated by commas. 107Default: https://duckduckgo.com 108 486 cmd-history-max-items (Int): 487 How many commands to save in the command history. 488 0: no history / -1: unlimitedhelm-net.el https://gitlab.com/csagedy/prelude | Emacs Lisp | 521 lines
50(defcustom helm-google-suggest-url 51 "http://google.com/complete/search?output=toolbar&q=" 52 "URL used for looking up Google suggestions." 71(defcustom helm-surfraw-duckduckgo-url 72 "https://duckduckgo.com/lite/?q=%s&kp=1" 73 "The duckduckgo url. 80(defcustom helm-wikipedia-suggest-url 81 "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=opensearch&search=" 82 "Url used for looking up Wikipedia suggestions." 99(defcustom helm-search-suggest-action-youtube-url 100 "http://www.youtube.com/results?aq=f&search_query=%s" 101 "The Youtube search url. 373(defvar helm-browse-url-default-browser-alist 374 `((,(or (and (boundp 'w3m-command) w3m-command) 375 "/usr/bin/w3m") . w3m-browse-url)main.js https://bitbucket.org/EMPulseGaming/firefox-zeroclickinfo.git | JavaScript | 611 lines
146 worker.port.on('load-results', function(query){ 147 var url = 'https://api.duckduckgo.com?q=' + encodeURIComponent(query.query) + '&format=json'; 148 if (ss.storage.meanings == false) { 180 worker.port.on('load-results', function(query){ 181 var url = 'https://api.duckduckgo.com?q=' + encodeURIComponent(query.query) + '&format=json'; 182 275 let oldSearch = urlbar.getAttribute("autocompletesearch"); 276 urlbar.setAttribute("autocompletesearch", oldSearch + " duckduckgo"); 277 urlbar.mSearchNames = null; 338 contractID: "@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=duckduckgo", 339 searchURL: "https://api.duckduckgo.com/%SEARCH_TERM%&format=json&no_html=1", 340 resultsURL: "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%SEARCH_TERM%", 456 457function registerComponent(comp) { 458 let registrar = Cm.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar);majuscules.md https://gitlab.com/CodeursEnLiberte/www | Markdown | 89 lines
2date = "2022-03-17T18:19:00+01:00" 3title = "Les majuscules, c’est compliqué" 4author = "Thibaut" 17 18En résumé, le cerveau doit fournir plus d'efforts pour les interpréter au delà de l'équivalent d'une phrase. Donc à la fin d'une journée à travailler de la matière texte en majuscules, nous sommes plus fatigué(e)s que si elle était composée de minuscules. Pour comprendre pourquoi, nous allons voir comment fonctionne la lecture d'un texte, et faire un test pour faire l'expérience de la différence entre minuscules et majuscules à l'échelle d'une liste de mots. 19 21 22Contrairement à la fluidité qu'on ressent en lisant, que vous ressentez sans doutes à l'instant même, le regard progresse par à -coups dans les lignes en faisant des sauts d'un groupe de lettres à l'autre. Recherchez les termes « [eye tracking text](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=eye+tracking+text&iar=videos&iax=videos&ia=videos) » sur la plateforme vidéo de votre choix et vous pourrez en voir la démonstration. L'efficacité de la reconnaissance des mots en coups d'œil est donc déterminante pour la vitesse et le confort de lecture. 23 25 26Il y a encore un peu de controverse sur la façon précise dont on reconnait les mots, mais pour résumer sans fâcher personne disons que nous utilisons l'habitude et la mémoire pour reconnaitre un ensemble de lettres comme étant un mot en particulier. On a longtemps pensé que le dessin global d'un mot écrit primait sur la lecture des lettres qui le composent, mais des études remettent ce fonctionnement en question. Il s'avère en tous cas que ces mots-visages en majuscules sont mieux reconnus que ceux en minuscules lorsqu'ils sont seuls et isolés. Mais l'inverse est vrai quand les mots sont regroupés sur une longue ligne ou en paragraphes. 27 86 87Une note finale pour nos collègues développeurs. Une bonne pratique à adopter est de ne pas utiliser de majuscules dans les données enregistrées en base. Si un service demande à ce que les noms de famille soient affichés en majuscules, il vaut mieux avoir `Dupont` en base pour avoir le choix de l'afficher comme « DUPONT » pour ce service, puis dans un autre contexte pouvoir l'afficher comme  « Dupont » avec quelques règles de présentation. 88README.md https://gitlab.com/pelican-plugins/tipue_search | Markdown | 67 lines
9----------------|----- 10Author Email | talha131@gmail.com 11Author Homepage | http://onCrashReboot.com 11Author Homepage | http://onCrashReboot.com 12Github Account | https://github.com/talha131 13 16 17Static sites do not offer search feature out of the box. [Tipue Search](http://www.tipue.com/search/) 18is a jQuery plugin that search the static site without using any third party service, like DuckDuckGo or Google. 19 20Tipue Search offers 4 search modes. Its [JSON search mode](http://www.tipue.com/search/docs/json/) is the best search mode 21especially for large sites. 42 { 43 "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero.", 44 "tags": "Example Category",beats.py https://gitlab.com/kalix/beats | Python | 317 lines
113 return # do nothing 114 command, sep, rest = message.lstrip('!').partition(' ') 115 # Get the function corresponding to the command given. 115 # Get the function corresponding to the command given. 116 command = command.replace("ö","o") 117 func = getattr(self, 'command_' + command, None) 170 return next(res.results).text.encode('utf8').replace("\\:0e3f","") 171 def command_g(self, rest): 172 172 173 url = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?' 174 186 return rtStr.decode('utf8').encode('iso-8859-1') 187 def command_duck(self, rest): 188 return duckduckgo.get_zci(str(rest)).encode('iso-8859-1')search.py https://gitlab.com/hekel/sopel-extras-pandorah | Python | 158 lines
38 39r_duck = re.compile(r'nofollow" class="[^"]+" href="(?!(?:https?:\/\/r\.search\.yahoo)|(?:https?:\/\/duckduckgo\.com\/y\.js)(?:\/l\/\?kh=-1&uddg=))(.*?)">') 40 59 if '!bang' in query.lower(): 60 return 'https://duckduckgo.com/bang.html' 61 62 # This fixes issue #885 (https://github.com/sopel-irc/sopel/issues/885) 63 # It seems that duckduckgo api redirects to its Instant answer API html page 64 # if the query constains special charactares that aren't urlencoded. 66 query = quote_plus(query) 67 uri = 'https://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&format=json&no_html=1&no_redirect=1' % query 68 results = json.loads(web.get(uri)) 148 # an alternative suggestion API. 149 uri = 'https://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?output=toolbar&hl=en&q=' 150 answer = xmltodict.parse(web.get(uri + query.replace('+', '%2B')))['toplevel']TestMessageList.qml https://gitlab.com/blacksailer/sailfish-vk | QML | 154 lines
33 last_name:"Ivanov" 34 user_photo:"https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia01.money4invest.com%2F2010%2F01%2Ffaceyourmanga-female-avatar.jpg&f=1" 35 date:19000000 76 { 77 vkapi.messages_getHistory(chat_id,listView.count,20,-1) 78 } 102 console.log(Attachments) 103 // vkapi.messages_send(chat_id,text,Attachments) 104 c_Model.clear(); 124 } 125 Component.onCompleted: { 126 historyModel.clear_Messages(); 126 historyModel.clear_Messages(); 127 globalSettings.companionId=chat_id; 128 vkapi.messages_getHistory(chat_id,0,20,-1);helm-net.el https://gitlab.com/ngnigha/emacs.d | Emacs Lisp | 572 lines
38 39(defcustom helm-home-url "https://www.google.com" 40 "Default url to use as home url." 50(defcustom helm-google-suggest-url 51 "https://encrypted.google.com/complete/search?output=toolbar&q=%s" 52 "URL used for looking up Google suggestions. 73(defcustom helm-surfraw-duckduckgo-url 74 "https://duckduckgo.com/lite/?q=%s&kp=1" 75 "The duckduckgo url. 77If you have personal settings saved on duckduckgo you should have 78a personal url, see your settings on duckduckgo." 79 :type 'string 82(defcustom helm-wikipedia-suggest-url 83 "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=opensearch&search=%s" 84 "Url used for looking up Wikipedia suggestions.assertion-libraries.md https://github.com/FluentLenium/FluentLenium.git | Markdown | 129 lines
12## Supported Assertions Libraries 13- [AssertJ (recommended)](#assertj) 14- [Junit](#junit) 19 20We recommend to use AssertJ because we extend it with FluentWebElement and FluentList custom assertions. 21 35```java 36import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*; 37import static org.fluentlenium.assertj.FluentLeniumAssertions.*; 128 129check the [example](https://github.com/FluentLenium/FluentLenium/blob/develop/examples/kotest/src/test/kotlin/org/fluentlenium/example/kotest/DuckDuckGoSpec.kt) and the [tests](../../fluentlenium-kotest-assertions) for usage examples. 130README.md https://github.com/jevinskie/oh-my-zsh.git | Markdown | 74 lines
42| cssflow | `http://www.cssflow.com/search?q=` | 43| dartlang | `https://api.dartlang.org/apidocs/channels/stable/dartdoc-viewer/dart:` | 44| emberjs | `https://www.google.com/search?as_sitesearch=emberjs.com/&as_q=` | 49| jestjs | `https://www.google.com/search?as_sitesearch=jestjs.io&as_q=` | 50| jquery | `https://api.jquery.com/?s=` | 51| lodash | `https://devdocs.io/lodash/index#` | 54| npmjs | `https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=` | 55| qunit | `https://api.qunitjs.com/?s=` | 56| reactjs | `https://google.com/search?as_sitesearch=facebook.github.io/react&as_q=` | 56| reactjs | `https://google.com/search?as_sitesearch=facebook.github.io/react&as_q=` | 57| smacss | `https://google.com/search?as_sitesearch=smacss.com&as_q=` | 58| stackoverflow | `https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=` | 66 67The plugin will use Google as a fallback if the docs site for a search context does not have a search function. You can set the fallback search engine to DuckDuckGo by setting `FRONTEND_SEARCH_FALLBACK='duckduckgo'` in your `~/.zshrc` file before Oh My Zsh is sourced. 68Solved Media Plus.user.js https://gitlab.com/coffee-coated/dotfiles-mobile | JavaScript | 1881 lines
2// @name Solved Media Plus 3// @icon https://icons.duckduckgo.com/ip2/solvemedia.com.ico 4// @version 0.4.2 9// @include * 10// @match *api-secure.solvemedia.com* 11// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/37236-monkeyconfig/code/MonkeyConfig.js 289 "come along pond", 290 "come back", 291 "come clean", 291 "come clean", 292 "come on down", 293 "come what may", 294 "comfort zone", 295 "comma comma", 296 "common law",2020-02-15-meetup-api-multiple-redirect-uris.md https://gitlab.com/jamietanna/jvt.me | Markdown | 51 lines
1--- 2title: "Setting up Multiple `redirect_uri`s on the Meetup.com API" 3description: "How to allow multiple `redirect_uri`s on your Meetup.com (OAuth2) API consumer." 13--- 14Since roughly September, I've been on-and-off working on [contributing a feature request](https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/873) to allow [Bridgy](https://brid.gy) to send RSVPs events from my personal website straight to Meetup.com. 15 21 22However, the Meetup.com API does _not_ allow for multiple `redirect_uri`s, which has made this process much more complicated than it needed to be, and has been quite a painful learning experience. 23 23 24Getting quite annoyed with the complexity overhead of this approach, I set about trying my DuckDuckGo-fu and seeing if I could find anything online, but to no avail. 25 50 51Hopefully this helps those of you still creating Meetup.com APIs, but I do wish that the API documentation would make it known that it's possible! 52duckduck.go git://github.com/ajanicij/goduckgo.git | Go | 183 lines
1// Package goduckgo provides the functionality for using 2// DuckDuckGo API. For the description of the API, visit 3// http://duckduckgo.com/api.html. 16 17var baseUrl = "https://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&format=json&pretty=1%s" 18 152 153// Do the HTTP requests against API and handle errors 154func Do(url string) ([]byte, error) { 167 168// Query the API given a text query, returns a Message 169func Query(query string) (*Message, error) {getDDG.java https://github.com/mivanov/Iris-Voice-Automation.git | Java | 138 lines
1package com.samir_ahmed.Iris; 2 5 6import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; 7 7 8import com.google.gson.JsonObject; 9import com.google.gson.JsonParser; 12/** 13 * getDDG : Callable class for querying duckduckgo.com 14 * 77 78 // Straight forward escaping of any html residue 79 else{ 99 xQuery = URLEncoder.encode(Query,"UTF-8"); 100 ddgURL = "http://api.duckduckgo.com/?q="+xQuery+"&format=json"; 101useragents.py https://gitlab.com/kissarat/wowenginecmd | Python | 30 lines
9 spider crawler bot slurp fetcher fetch proxy perl checker check checkup index indexer 10 wordpress python mail.ru apple-pubsub java/1 wget httpclient bsalsa.com 11 butterfly larbin w3c_validator ia_archiver bsalsa.com nutch 12 screenshot-generator yandexblogs sitetruth.com yandexdirect crawler4j 13 webagent.wise-guys.nl intraweb webmaster@livejournal.com linkdex.com 14 linkpeek.com appengine-google hourlypress curl twitturls strawberryj.am 17 movabletype mechanize ruby libwww lynx w3m ostrovok lwp- metauri 18 mailchimp.com openwave pagepeeker.com readability rss-harvester quicktime 19 seostats scraping safarizator webcollage loadimpact.com 20 publisher links webdav websitevila webcolars unrecognized voyager.exe dwnloadmnger 21 .. watchmouse.com sniffer bodyground.ru anonymouse.org yandexmarket facebookplatform 22 ichiro parser resolver pingadmin ping-admin nmap embedly yahooysmcm pipes heritrix 22 ichiro parser resolver pingadmin ping-admin nmap embedly yahooysmcm pipes heritrix 23 duckduckgo.com typhoeus /etc rivva docomo enterprise_search kaz.kz ahrefsbot 24 urlsearchhook search.bot google-site user-agent verificationsurfraw.rb https://gitlab.com/jcsilkey/homebrew-core | Ruby | 37 lines
9 revision 1 10 sha256 "df27f0dc82f9f2f4efa5fc33244d66063592d0c7afd3d2dd8db0466ec10492d0" => :el_capitan 11 sha256 "cf0dd3b14c4e8034f0d0766fb09978eac0f19fa41730d72ed1422a67c0b0d0b3" => :yosemite 34 output = shell_output("#{bin}/surfraw -p duckduckgo homebrew") 35 assert_equal "https://www.duckduckgo.com/lite/?q=homebrew\n", output 36 endabstract.coffee https://gitlab.com/0072016/github-adsbot-app | CoffeeScript | 45 lines
9# 10# Commands: 11# hubot abstract <topic> - Prints a nice abstract of the given topic 17 robot.respond /(abs|abstract) (.+)/i, (res) -> 18 abstract_url = "http://api.duckduckgo.com/?format=json&q=#{encodeURIComponent(res.match[2])}" 19 res.http(abstract_url) 34 # Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial objects. 35 # http://duckduckgo.com/Astronomy 36 res.send topic.Text 40 # contumacious definition: stubbornly disobedient. 41 # http://merriam-webster.com/dictionary/contumacious 42 res.send data.Definitionin_theaters.js git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | JavaScript | 131 lines
3 4 // A change in the Rotten Tomatoes API returns images that end in _tmb. 5 // This changes this to _det. 6 function toDetail(img) { 7 if(/resizing\.flixster\.com/.test(img)) { 8 // Everything before the size of the image can be removed and it would still work. 28 env.ddg_spice_in_theaters = function(api_result) { 29 if(!api_result || api_result.error) { 30 return Spice.failed('in_theaters'); 32 33 var mod_api_result = []; 34 var filter_rating; 105 var image = "https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185" + data.movie_results[0].poster_path; 106 item.$html.find(".tile__media__img").attr("src", "https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?f=1&u=" + encodeURIComponent(image)); 107 $.extend(item, {CHANGELOG.md https://github.com/neutralinsomniac/uzbl.git | Markdown | 61 lines
3### v0.9.1 / 2016-10-27 4- [#321](https://github.com/uzbl/uzbl/pull/321) fix QA issues in *.desktop files (@rindeal) 5- [#317](https://github.com/uzbl/uzbl/pull/317) Load uri with auth (@keis) 9- [#269](https://github.com/uzbl/uzbl/pull/269) No empty strings in parser (@keis) 10- [#282](https://github.com/uzbl/uzbl/pull/282) Adding string escaping for the DuckDuckGo search engine. (@everton1984) 11- [#278](https://github.com/uzbl/uzbl/pull/278) Fix segfault upon toggling builtin string variable (@hofheinz) 22- [#248](https://github.com/uzbl/uzbl/pull/248) Use version tag when used from archive (@keis) 23- [#244](https://github.com/uzbl/uzbl/pull/244) comm: fix appending doubles to events (@mathstuf) 24- [#247](https://github.com/uzbl/uzbl/pull/247) status-bar: call the parent class' size_allocate (@mathstuf) 25- [#245](https://github.com/uzbl/uzbl/pull/245) config: fix <Space> bindings (@mathstuf) 26- [#229](https://github.com/uzbl/uzbl/pull/229) Use GIOStream to do command input (@keis) 27- [#241](https://github.com/uzbl/uzbl/pull/241) Rework authentication (@keis) 48- [#103](https://github.com/uzbl/uzbl/pull/103) Add support for local settings (@mathstuf, @bct, @pawelz, @TaylanUB, @djpohly, @dylex, @lucab, @keis, @dmedvinsky, @igoralmeida) 49- [#106](https://github.com/uzbl/uzbl/pull/106) Make scheme.py python3 compatible. (@mhrheaume) 50- [#105](https://github.com/uzbl/uzbl/pull/105) Tab reordering for uzbl-tabbed (@moorchegue)2019-12-17-xml-pretty-print.md https://gitlab.com/jamietanna/jvt.me | Markdown | 58 lines
1--- 2title: "Pretty Printing XML on the Command-Line" 3description: "How to use `xmllint` to pretty-print XML/HTML files." 8- pretty-print 9- command-line 10license_code: Apache-2.0 14--- 15A couple of times recently I've found that I need to pretty-print XML - be that HTML or actual XML, but haven't found a great way from the command-line. 16 16 17Fortunately [DuckDuckGo has an HTML Beautify setup](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=html+beautify&ia=answer) but that's not super safe for proprietary content, nor for automating the pretty-printing. 18 23```xml 24<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>me.jvt.www</groupId> <artifactId>www-api</artifactId> <version>0.5.0-SNAPSHOT</version> <modules> <module>www-api-web</module> <module>www-api-acceptance</module> <module>www-api-core</module> <module>indieauth-spring-security</module> </modules> <packaging>pom</packaging> </project> 25```isync.rb https://gitlab.com/jcsilkey/homebrew-core | Ruby | 42 lines
9 revision 1 10 sha256 "38fb0d21a245178886acb1262f57ddde284adbf889039baf3401bf2028d7cba7" => :el_capitan 11 sha256 "074b9295e7ac9773eafac5bdc20e32d42d8023ffccd275235d0cb72ff09574cf" => :yosemite 39 test do 40 system bin/"get-cert", "duckduckgo.com:443" 41 endinit-emacs-w3m.el https://github.com/redguardtoo/emacs.d.git | Emacs Lisp | 201 lines
13 w3m-cookie-accept-bad-cookies t 14 w3m-home-page "https://www.duckduckgo.com" 15 w3m-command-arguments '("-F" "-cookie") 36 (setq w3m-search-engine-alist 37 '(("g" "https://www.duckduckgo.com/search?q=%s" utf-8) 38 ;; stackoverflow search 38 ;; stackoverflow search 39 ("q" "https://www.duckduckgo.com?q=%s+site:stackoverflow.com" utf-8) 40 ;; wikipedia 108 ;; google 109 (browse-url-generic (concat "https://www.duckduckgo.com/?q=%22" 110 keyword 115 ;; stackoverflow.com 116 (browse-url-generic (concat "https://www.duckduckgo.com/?q=" 117 keywordCONTRIBUTING.md https://gitlab.com/0072016/zeroclickinfo-goodies | Markdown | 72 lines
6 7Before you can do anything, you first need a [GitHub account](https://github.com/signup/free). This is required because we use GitHub to handle all incoming *Pull Requests* (code modifications) and *Issues* (bug reports) which cannot be made without a GitHub account. 8 10 11- Firstly, please make sure the bug is related to the Goodie repository. If this bug is about the DuckDuckGo API, or the relevancy of our search results, please visit our feedback page at <https://duckduckgo.com/feedback>. If you're unsure, its best to use the feedback page (your message will be passed along to the correct people). 12 12 13- Check the Goodie [issues](https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies/issues) to see if an issue already exists for the given bug or suggestion 14 - If one doesn't exist, create a GitHub issue in the Goodie repository 50 512. Get your commit history [how you like it](http://book.git-scm.com/4_interactive_rebasing.html). 52 71 725. Go into GitHub and submit a [pull request!](http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/) to the Goodie repository, making sure to use the Goodie repository's **[Pull Request Template](https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies/blob/master/pull_request_template_goodie.md)**. This will let us know about your changes and start the conversation about integrating it into the live code. 73responses.yml https://gitlab.com/0072016/zeroclickinfo-goodies | YAML | 201 lines
19 base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [API]" 20 info_url: https://duckduckgo.com/api 21app: 84 - instantanswers 85 html: DuckDuckGo's instant answers display helpful information at the top of the search page (like this box).<br>Suggest or develop them on <a href='http://duckduckhack.com/'>DuckDuckHack</a> and see all the current instant answers on the <a href='https://duckduckgo.com/goodies'>Goodies page</a>. 86 text: |- 87 DuckDuckGo's instant answers display helpful information at the top of the search page (like this box). 88 Suggest or develop them on http://duckduckhack.com and see all the current instant answers on the Goodies page (https://duckduckgo.com/goodies). 89ie: 94irc: 95 html: "DuckDuckGo's official IRC channel is <a href='http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=duckduckgo'>#duckduckgo</a> on <a href='http://freenode.net/'>irc.freenode.net</a>" 96 text: "DuckDuckGo's official IRC channel is #duckduckgo on irc.freenode.net." 119 html: "To remove DuckDuckGo from your browser, take a look <a href='https://duck.co/help/desktop'>here</a>. Please <a href='https://duckduckgo.com/feedback'>let us know</a> why you are leaving!" 120 text: 'To remove DuckDuckGo from your browser, take a look at https://duck.co/help/desktop. Please let us know why you are leaving at https://duckduckgo.com/feedback!' 121roboduck:Namecheap.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 66 lines
11 12my $namecheap_endpoint = 'http://api.namecheap.com/xml.response'; 13 15# DDG_SPICE_NAMECHEAP_USERNAME : Namecheap API username 16# DDG_SPICE_NAMECHEAP_APIKEY : Namecheap API key 17# DDG_SPICE_NAMECHEAP_IP_ADDR : Allowed end-User IP address 19 ApiUser => '{{ENV{DDG_SPICE_NAMECHEAP_USERNAME}}}', # Username required to access the API 20 ApiKey => '{{ENV{DDG_SPICE_NAMECHEAP_APIKEY}}}', # Password required used to access the API 21 UserName => '{{ENV{DDG_SPICE_NAMECHEAP_USERNAME}}}', # same as ApiUser 21 UserName => '{{ENV{DDG_SPICE_NAMECHEAP_USERNAME}}}', # same as ApiUser 22 Command => 'namecheap.domains.check', # API method 23 ClientIp => '', # End-user IP address 33 } @query_list ); 34spice to => "https://duckduckgo.com/x.js?u=" . $query_url; 35README.md https://bitbucket.org/leihouchao/pi-liang-zhao-hui-she-bei-dian-hua.git | Markdown | 155 lines
12 13`follow-redirects` provides [request](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [get](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_get_options_callback) 14 methods that behave identically to those found on the native [http](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [https](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_https_request_options_callback) 38 console.log(response.responseUrl); 39 // 'http://duckduckgo.com/robots.txt' 40}); 71 72In addition to the [standard HTTP](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [HTTPS options](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_https_request_options_callback), 73the following per-request options are supported: 84By default, `follow-redirects` will use the Node.js default implementations 85of [`http`](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html) 86and [`https`](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html). 136 137Pull Requests are always welcome. Please [file an issue](https://github.com/olalonde/follow-redirects/issues) 138 detailing your proposal before you invest your valuable time. Additional features and bug fixes should be accompaniedcasperjs.rb https://gitlab.com/jcsilkey/homebrew-core | Ruby | 36 lines
3 homepage "http://www.casperjs.org/" 4 url "https://github.com/casperjs/casperjs/archive/1.1.3.tar.gz" 5 sha256 "3e9c385a2e3124a44728b24d3b4cad05a48e2b3827e9350bdfe11c9a6d4a4298" 5 sha256 "3e9c385a2e3124a44728b24d3b4cad05a48e2b3827e9350bdfe11c9a6d4a4298" 6 head "https://github.com/casperjs/casperjs.git" 7 9 cellar :any_skip_relocation 10 sha256 "b71c26fc5d2d6da94cc95554defbe5db1c6e0213d64ec09fea99755ffd529df4" => :el_capitan 11 sha256 "3ca3351236ac827a5cd745087e7763dbd7445e05e4ce05aa11c5bbc7d62d75a6" => :yosemite 26 var casper = require("casper").create(); 27 casper.start("https://duckduckgo.com/about", function() { 28 this.download("https://duckduckgo.com/assets/dax-alt.svg", "dax-alt.svg");check_api.c git://github.com/sahib/glyr.git | C | 236 lines
2 * This file is part of glyr 3 * + a command-line tool and library to download various sort of musicrelated metadata. 4 * + Copyright (C) [2011-2016] [Christopher Pahl] 4 * + Copyright (C) [2011-2016] [Christopher Pahl] 5 * + Hosted at: https://github.com/sahib/glyr 6 * 20 21#include "test_common.h" 22#include <check.h> 191 atexit (glyr_cleanup); 192 GlyrMemCache * c = glyr_download ("www.duckduckgo.com",NULL); 193 fail_unless (c != NULL,"Could not load www.google.de"); 201{ 202 Suite *s = suite_create ("Libglyr API"); 203searchengine_query.rb https://bitbucket.org/King_DuckZ/assobiotech.git | Ruby | 82 lines
18 19 strPage = getPage(getGoogleApiQuery()) 20 hResult = JSON.parse(strPage) 35 def getDuckDuckGoQuery() 36 return "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=" + getCleanText(@searchTerm) 37 end 39 def getDuckDuckGoOfficialPage() 40 strPage = getPage(getDuckDuckGoApiQuery()) 41 #puts "Parsing " + getDuckDuckGoApiQuery() + "..." 57 def getDuckDuckGoApiQuery() 58 return "https://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=#{getCleanText(@searchTerm)}&format=json&pretty=0" 59 end 61 def getGoogleApiQuery() 62 return "https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=#{@googleDevKey}&q=#{getCleanText(@searchTerm)}&cx=017576662512468239146:omuauf_lfve&num=1&oe=utf8" 63 endengine-mode.el https://github.com/budevg/emacs-conf.git | Emacs Lisp | 178 lines
29;; (defengine duckduckgo 30;; "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s" 31;; :keybinding "d") 33;; `C-x / d' is now bound to the new function 34;; engine/search-duckduckgo'! Nifty. 35 52(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-macs)) 53(eval-when-compile (require 'format-spec)) 54 146\(defengine duckduckgo 147 \"https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s\" 148 :term-transformation-hook 'upcase) 150In this case, searching for \"foobar\" will hit the url 151\"https://duckduckgo.com/?q=FOOBAR\". 152changing-the-default-search-engine.patch https://gitlab.com/parabola/abslibre_abslibre | Patch | 40 lines
16+browser.search.order.1=searx 17+browser.search.order.2=DuckDuckGo HTML 18+browser.search.order.3=DuckDuckGo Lite 20 # To make mapit buttons to disappear in the addressbook, specify empty string. For example: 21 # mail.addr_book.mapit_url.format= 22@@ -23,14 +23,12 @@ browser.search.order.3= 25 # Default map service: 26-mail.addr_book.mapit_url.format=http://maps.google.com/maps?q=@A1%20@A2%20@CI%20@ST%20@ZI%20@CO 27+mail.addr_book.mapit_url.format=http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search.php?polygon=1&q=@A1%2C@A2%2C@CI%2C@ST%2C@ZI%2C@CO 29-mail.addr_book.mapit_url.1.name=Google Maps 30-mail.addr_book.mapit_url.1.format=http://maps.google.com/maps?q=@A1%20@A2%20@CI%20@ST%20@ZI%20@CO 31-mail.addr_book.mapit_url.2.name=OpenStreetMap 31-mail.addr_book.mapit_url.2.name=OpenStreetMap 32-mail.addr_book.mapit_url.2.format=http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search.php?polygon=1&q=@A1%2C@A2%2C@CI%2C@ST%2C@ZI%2C@CO 33+mail.addr_book.mapit_url.1.name=OpenStreetMapMacAddress.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies.git | Perl | 77 lines
25 label => $query, 26 url => 'https://duckduckgo.com/?q=' . (join '+', @split) . '&ia=answer', 27 }; 46 47 # If the info is all capitals, then try to add in some best guesses for 48 # capitalization to make it more readable.README.md https://gitlab.com/josephm9/304CEM-CW | Markdown | 59 lines
10 11To use the agent instance, set it in the `agent` field of the options passed to `http.request()` or `http.get()`. See the [http.request() documentation](http://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) for details. 12 23var getOptions = { 24 hostname: 'twitter.com', 25 port: 80, 41var getOptions = { 42 hostname: 'www.duckduckgo.com', 43 port: 443, 54 55For other implementations, see [agentkeepalive](https://github.com/TBEDP/agentkeepalive) and the [request](https://github.com/mikeal/request) module's [ForeverAgent](https://github.com/mikeal/request/blob/master/forever.js). 56parse.py git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-fathead.git | Python | 186 lines
11__MODULE__ = "apple_discussions" 12__AUTHOR__ = "DuckDuckGo [https://duckduckgo.com]" 13__SOURCE__ = "https://discussions.apple.com/" 79 temp_title = title.strip().replace("Q: ", "") 80 parsed_doc["title"] = temp_title[0].capitalize() + temp_title[1:] # Capitalizes first word 81 print("Parsing", parsed_doc["title"]) 90 91 # Get's the most 'Recommended Answer' 92 if soup.find("div", {"class": "recommended-answers"}): 104 105 posted = soup.find("div", {"class", "recommended-answers"}).find("p", {"class": "meta-posted"}).text 106 posted = posted.strip().replace("Posted on ", "") 109 110 content = soup.find("div", {"class", "recommended-answers"}).find("section").find("div", {"class": "jive-rendered-content"}) 111Goodreads.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 61 lines
11# Goodreads API endpoint 12my $api_key = '{{ENV{DDG_SPICE_GOODREADS_APIKEY}}}'; 13my $book_search_endpoint = 13my $book_search_endpoint = 14 uri_escape('https://www.goodreads.com/search/index.xml?key=') 15 . $api_key 18 19spice to => 'https://duckduckgo.com/x.js?u=' . $book_search_endpoint; 20spice wrap_jsonp_callback => 1; 24 goodreads_book_details => { 25 to => 'https://duckduckgo.com/x.js?u=' 26 . uri_escape("https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/") . '$1' 33 proxy_cache_valid => '200 30d', 34 to => 'https://duckduckgo.com/m.js?q=$1' 35 }navigation.html https://gitlab.com/janninematt/janninematt | HTML | 55 lines
3 {% if FEED_FEEDBURNER %} 4 <li><a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/{{ FEED_FEEDBURNER }}" rel="subscribe-rss">RSS</a></li> 5 {% else %} 16{% if SEARCH_BOX %} 17<form action="{{ SITESEARCH|default('https://www.google.com/search') }}" method="get"> 18 <fieldset role="search"> 18 <fieldset role="search"> 19 {% if 'duckduckgo.com' in SITESEARCH|lower %} 20 <input type="hidden" name="sites" value="{{ SITEURL|replace('https://','')|replace('http://','') }}" /> 45 <li {% if cat == category %}class="active"{% endif %}> 46 <a href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ cat.url }}">{{ cat | capitalize }}</a> 47 </li>index.html https://gitlab.com/whilefalse/whilefalse.net | HTML | 133 lines
3<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" 4 xmlns:foaf="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/" 5 xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" 22 <!-- CSS stuff --> 23 <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> 24 <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Droid+Sans:400,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> 31 32 <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script> 33 <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.jslatex.js"></script> 87 <span class="dc:description"> 88 I was recently a victim of the [timthumb vulnerability](http://duckduckgo.com/?q=timthumb+vulnerability). At first I noticed some rogue PHP in all my index.php files, which I cleaned up. But it turned out they had already got in enough to re-hack in no time at all. This time it was my javascript files which all had some obstruficated code in them, causing every page load to make a request to some random site. 89 108 <div class="copyrights"> 109 All content licensed under <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution</a> (unless otherwise stated). 110 <br/>Please reference <strong>Steven Anderson</strong> if youQuixey.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 122 lines
14source "Quixey"; 15code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/Quixey.pm"; 16icon_url "/i/www.quixey.com.ico"; 18topics "everyday", "special_interest"; 19attribution github => ['https://github.com/duckduckgo', 'DuckDuckGo'], 20 twitter => ['http://twitter.com/duckduckgo', 'DuckDuckGo']; 53 54spice to => 'https://api.quixey.com/1.0/search?partner_id=2073823582&partner_secret={{ENV{DDG_SPICE_QUIXEY_APIKEY}}}&q=$1&platform_ids=$2&max_cents=$3&custom_id=$4&limit=50&skip=0&format=json&callback={{callback}}'; 55 99 # if platform restiction(s) detected 100 # return query, specify proper ids for API 101 if (defined $restriction) {Getartistid.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 37 lines
14topics "entertainment", "everyday", "music"; 15# FIXME Point to the duckduckgo repository on pull. 16code_url "https://github.com/bradcater/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/Songkick/Artists.pm"; 16code_url "https://github.com/bradcater/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/Songkick/Artists.pm"; 17attribution github => ["https://github.com/bradcater", "Brad Cater"], 18 twitter => ["https://twitter.com/bradcater", "Brad Cater"]; 21 22spice to => 'http://api.songkick.com/api/3.0/search/artists.json?apikey={{ENV{DDG_SPICE_SONGKICK_APIKEY}}}&per_page=1&query=$1&jsoncallback={{callback}}'; 23 24handle remainder => sub { 25 # If the query isn't blank, then use it for the API query. 26 if (length($_) > 0) {search.py https://gitlab.com/garheade/garbot.git | Python | 223 lines
17 query = query.encode('utf-8') 18 uri = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web' 19 args = '?v=1.0&safe=off&q=' + web.quote(query) 101 willie.say(reply) 102gcs.commands = ['gcs', 'comp'] 103gcs.example = '.gcs foo bar' 139 query = web.quote(query) 140 uri = 'http://duckduckgo.com/html/?q=%s&kl=uk-en' % query 141 bytes = web.get(uri) 146 if '!bang' in query.lower(): 147 return 'https://duckduckgo.com/bang.html' 148 149 uri = web.quote(query) 150 uri = 'http://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&format=json&no_html=1&no_redirect=1'%query 151 results = json.loads(web.get(uri))content.html https://gitlab.com/codingrights/radarlegislativo | HTML | 51 lines
35 <div class="after-projetos text-center"> 36 <p>Feeds RSS das tramitações: <em><a href="https://duckduckgo.com/?q=o+que+são+feeds">(o que são feeds?)</a></em><br /> 37 <a href="feed/todos.xml"> 48 <hr /> 49 <p>Dados extraÃdos do <a href="http://www2.camara.leg.br/transparencia/dados-abertos/dados-abertos-legislativo">WebServices da Câmara</a>, do serviço de <a href="http://dadosabertos.senado.gov.br/">Dados Abertos</a> do Senado<br /> e através de raspagem / <em>scraping</em> de alguns dados indisponÃveis nos serviços.</p> 50 </div>README.md https://gitlab.com/xanium4332/atom-config | Markdown | 112 lines
6[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/olalonde/follow-redirects/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/olalonde/follow-redirects?branch=master) 7[![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/olalonde/follow-redirects/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/olalonde/follow-redirects) 8[![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/olalonde/follow-redirects.svg)](https://david-dm.org/olalonde/follow-redirects) 12 13`follow-redirects` provides [request](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [get](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_get_options_callback) 14 methods that behave identically to those found on the native [http](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [https](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_https_request_options_callback) 51 console.log(res.fetchedUrls); 52 // [ 'http://duckduckgo.com/robots.txt', 'http://bitly.com/UHfDGO' ] 53}); 80 module when running in the browser. If you are experiencing problems, you may want to check out 81 [browserify-http-2](https://www.npmjs.com/package/http-browserify-2). It is more actively maintained and 82 attempts to address a few of the shortcomings of `browserify-http`. In that case, your browserify config should 93 94Pull Requests are always welcome. Please [file an issue](https://github.com/olalonde/follow-redirects/issues) 95 detailing your proposal before you invest your valuable time. Additional features and bug fixes should be accompaniedinc-form_duckduckgo.html https://bitbucket.org/pombredanne/spip-zone-treemap.git | HTML | 14 lines
1<div class="recherche duckduckgo muted"> 2 <strong class="h3-like"><:sarkaspip:sstitre_recherche_web:> <small><a href="http://www.duckduckgo.fr"><img class="moteur" src="#CHEMIN{images/logo-duckduckgo.png}" alt="duckduckgo" /></a></small></strong> 3 <div class="formulaire_spip formulaire_recherche form-search duckduckgo"> 4 [(#REM) <!-- duckduckgo Search --> ] 5 <form method="get" action="https://duckduckgo.com/"><div> 6 <input type="hidden" name="kl" value="fr-fr" /> 8 <div class="input-append"> 9 <input type="search" class="search text search-query" placeholder="<:sarkaspip:requete:>" maxlength="255" name="q" id="q"[ value="(#ENV{recherche})"] autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off" /> 10 <button type="submit" class="btn" title="<:info_rechercher|attribut_html:>" >>></button>Zipcode.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 153 lines
14source "MapQuest"; 15code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/Zipcode.pm"; 16category "geography"; 17topics "everyday", "geography", "travel"; 18attribution github => ["https://github.com/almanackist", "Almanackist"], 19 twitter => ["https://twitter.com/cajoyce", "Almanackist"]; 26spice from => '([A-Z0-9\-]+)(?:/([A-Z]+)?)?'; 27spice to => '"http://where.yahooapis.com/v1/places{{dollar}}and(.q($1,$2),.type(11));count=0?appid={{ENV{DDG_SPICE_ZIPCODE_APIKEY}}}&format=json&callback={{callback}}"'; 28 29# Definitions 30my %countries = ("afghanistan" => "af", "albania" => "al", "algeria" => "dz", "american samoa" => "as", "andorra" => "ad", "angola" => "ao", "anguilla" => "ai", "antarctica" => "aq", "antigua & barbuda" => "ag", "antigua and barbuda" => "ag", "antigua barbuda" => "ag", "antigua" => "ag", "argentina" => "ar", "armenia" => "am", "aruba" => "aw", "australia" => "au", "austria" => "at", "azerbaijan" => "az", "bahama" => "bs", "bahamas" => "bs", "bahrain" => "bh", "bangladesh" => "bd", "barbados" => "bb", "belarus" => "by", "belgium" => "be", "belize" => "bz", "benin" => "bj", "bermuda" => "bm", "bhutan" => "bt", "bolivia" => "bo", "bosnia and herzegovina" => "ba", "bosnia herzegovina" => "ba", "bosnia" => "ba", "botswana" => "bw", "bouvet island" => "bv", "brazil" => "br", "british indian ocean territory" => "io", "british virgin islands" => "vg", "brunei darussalam" => "bn", "brunei" => "bn", "bulgaria" => "bg", "burkina faso" => "bf", "burma" => "bu", "burundi" => "bi", "cambodia" => "kh", "cameroon" => "cm", "canada" => "ca", "cape verde" => "cv", "cayman islands" => "ky", "central african republic" => "cf", "chad" => "td", "chile" => "cl", "china" => "cn", "christmas island" => "cx", "cocos islands" => "cc", "colombia" => "co", "comoros" => "km", "congo" => "cg", "cook islands" => "ck", "costa rica" => "cr", "cote d'ivoire" => "ci", "cote divoire" => "ci", "croatia" => "hr", "cuba" => "cu", "curacao" => "cw", "curaรงao" => "cw", "cyprus" => "cy", "czech republic" => "cz", "czechoslovakia" => "cs", "democratic republic of congo" => "cg", "democratic yemen" => "yd", "denmark" => "dk", "djibouti" => "dj", "dominica" => "dm", "dominican republic" => "do", "east timor" => "tp", "ecuador" => "ec", "egypt" => "eg", "el salvador" => "sv", "equatorial guinea" => "gq", "eritrea" => "er", "estonia" => "ee", "ethiopia" => "et", "falkland islands" => "fk", "faroe islands" => "fo", "fiji" => "fj", "finland" => "fi", "france metropolitan" => "fx", "france" => "fr", "french guiana" => "gf", "french polynesia" => "pf", "french southern and antarctic territories" => "tf", "gabon" => "ga", "gambia" => "gm", "georgia" => "ge", "germany" => "de", "ghana" => "gh", "gibraltar" => "gi", "great britain" => "gb", "greece" => "gr", "greenland" => "gl", "grenada" => "gd", "guadeloupe" => "gp", "guam" => "gu", "guatemala" => "gt", "guinea bissau" => "gw", "guinea" => "gn", "guinea-bissau" => "gw", "guyana" => "gy", "haiti" => "ht", "heard & mcdonald islands" => "hm", "heard and mcdonald islands" => "hm", "heard mcdonald islands" => "hm", "honduras" => "hn", "hong kong" => "hk", "hungary" => "hu", "iceland" => "is", "india" => "in", "indonesia" => "id", "iran" => "ir", "iraq" => "iq", "ireland" => "ie", "israel" => "il", "italy" => "it", "jamaica" => "jm", "japan" => "jp", "jordan" => "jo", "kazakhstan" => "kz", "kenya" => "ke", "kiribati" => "ki", "korea" => "kp", "korea" => "kr", "kuwait" => "kw", "kyrgyzstan" => "kg", "laos" =>"la", "latvia" => "lv", "lebanon" => "lb", "lesotho" => "ls", "liberia" => "lr", "libya" => "ly", "libyan arab jamahiriya" => "ly", "liechtenstein" => "li", "lithuania" => "lt", "luxembourg" => "lu", "macedonia" => "mk", "macau" => "mo", "madagascar" => "mg", "malawi" => "mw", "malaysia" => "my", "maldives" => "mv", "mali" => "ml", "malta" => "mt", "marshall islands" => "mh", "martinique" => "mq", "mauritania" => "mr", "mauritius" => "mu", "mayotte" => "yt", "mexico" => "mx", "micronesia" => "fm", "moldova" => "md", "monaco" => "mc", "mongolia" => "mn", "monserrat" => "ms", "morocco" => "ma", "mozambique" => "mz", "myanmar" => "mm", "nambia" => "na", "nauru" => "nr", "nepal" => "np", "netherlands antilles" => "an", "netherlands" => "nl", "neutral zone" => "nt", "new caledonia" => "nc", "new zealand" => "nz", "newzealand" => "nz", "nicaragua" => "ni", "niger" => "ne", "nigeria" => "ng", "niue" => "nu", "norfolk island" => "nf", "northern mariana islands" => "mp", "norway" => "no", "oman" => "om", "pakistan" => "pk", "palau" => "pw", "panama" => "pa", "papua new guinea" => "pg", "paraguay" => "py", "peru" => "pe", "philippines" => "ph", "pitcairn" => "pn", "poland" => "pl", "portugal" => "pt", "puerto rico" => "pr", "qatar" => "qa", "reunion" => "re", "romania" => "ro", "russia" => "ru", "russian federation" => "ru", "rwanda" => "rw", "saint helena" => "sh", "saint kitts and nevis" => "kn", "saint kitts nevis" => "kn", "saint kitts" => "kn", "saint lucia" => "lc", "saint pierre miquelon" => "pm", "saint vincent grenadines" => "vc", "saint vincent" => "vc", "samoa" => "ws", "san marino" => "sm", "sao tome & principe" => "st", "sao tome and principe" => "st", "sao tome principe" => "st", "saudi arabia" => "sa", "senegal" => "sn", "seychelles" => "sc", "sierra leone" => "sl", "singapore" => "sg", "slovakia" => "sk", "slovenia" => "si", "solomon islands" => "sb", "somalia" => "so", "south africa" => "za", "south georgia and the south sandwich islands" => "gs", "south georgia" => "gs", "south sandwich islands" => "gs", "spain" => "es", "sri lanka" => "lk", "srilanka" => "lk", "st helena" => "sh", "st kitts and nevis" => "kn", "st kitts nevis" => "kn", "st kitts" => "kn", "st pierre & miquelon" => "pm", "st pierre and miquelon" => "pm", "st pierre miquelon" => "pm", "st vincent & the grenadines" => "vc", "st vincent and the grenadines" => "vc", "st vincent grenadines" => "vc", "st vincent" => "vc", "sudan" => "sd", "suriname" => "sr", "svalbard & jan mayen islands" => "sj", "svalbard and jan mayen islands" => "sj", "svalbard jan mayen islands" => "sj", "swaziland" => "sz", "sweden" => "se", "switzerland" => "ch", "syria" => "sy", "syrian arab republic" => "sy", "taiwan province of china" => "tw", "taiwan" => "tw", "tajikistan" => "tj", "tanzania" => "tz", "thailand" => "th", "togo" => "tg", "tokelau" => "tk", "tonga" => "to", "trinidad & tobago" => "tt", "trinidad and tobago" => "tt", "trinidad tobago" => "tt", "tunisia" => "tn", "turkey" => "tr", "turkmenistan" => "tm", "turks & caicos islands" => "tc", "turks and caicos islands" => "tc", "turks caicos islands" => "tc", "turks caicos" => "tc", "tuvalu" => "tv", "uganda" => "ug", "ukraine" => "ua", "united arab emirates" => "ae", "united kingdom" => "gb", "united republic of tanzania" => "tz", "united states minor outlying islands" => "um", "united states of america" => "us", "united states virgin islands" => "vi", "united states" => "us", "uruguay" => "uy", "us minor outlying islands" => "um", "us of a" => "us", "us virgin islands" => "vi", "us" => "us", "usa" => "us", "uzbekistan" => "uz", "vanuatu" => "vu", "vatican city" => "va", "vatican" => "va", "venezuela" => "ve", "viet nam" => "vn", "vietnam" => "vn", "virgin islands" => "vg", "wallis & futuna islands" => "wf", "wallis and futuna islands" => "wf", "wallis futuna islands" => "wf", "western sahara" => "eh", "yemen" => "ye", "yugoslavia" => "yu", "zaire" => "zr", "zambia" => "zm", "zimbabwe" => "zw"); 31my @names = reverse keys %countries;index.html https://github.com/uthark/uthark.github.com.git | HTML | 188 lines
23<meta property="og:url" content="https://uthark.github.io/2014/03/17/reading-list-2014-march-17/"> 24<meta property="og:description" content="General Life is a game. This is your strategy guide Happy 25th Birthday, Web! or: Honoring the web by embracing It Is the Internet good or bad? Yes. Josh Timonen — My Brain Has No Space For Your User Interface Inside DuckDuckGo, Google’s Tiniest, Fiercest Competitor âš™ Co."> 25</head> 55<li><a href=http://j.mp/1hnxOOt>Josh Timonen — My Brain Has No Space For Your User Interface</a></li> 56<li><a href=http://j.mp/1hnxPlx>Inside DuckDuckGo, Google’s Tiniest, Fiercest Competitor âš™ Co.Labs âš™ code + community</a></li> 57<li><a href=http://j.mp/1cKFkFM>7 Data Presentation Tips: Think, Focus, Simplify, Calibrate, Visualize++</a></li> 136<div id=disqus_thread></div> 137<script type=application/javascript>var disqus_config=function(){};(function(){if(["localhost",""].indexOf(window.location.hostname)!=-1){document.getElementById('disqus_thread').innerHTML='Disqus comments not available by default when the website is previewed locally.';return}var b=document,a=b.createElement('script');a.async=!0,a.src='//uthark.disqus.com/embed.js',a.setAttribute('data-timestamp',+new Date),(b.head||b.body).appendChild(a)})()</script> 138<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href=https://disqus.com/?ref_noscript>comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript> 175<li class=sidebar-nav-item> <a target=_blank href=https://bitbucket.org/uthark/ title=https://bitbucket.org/uthark/><i class="fa fa-bitbucket fa-2x"></i></a> 176<li class=sidebar-nav-item><a target=_blank href=https://twitter.com/real_atamanenko title=https://twitter.com/real_atamanenko><i class="fa fa-twitter fa-2x"></i></a> 177<li class=sidebar-nav-item><a target=_blank href=https://keybase.io/uthark/ title=https://keybase.io/uthark/><i class="fa fa-key fa-2x"></i></a> 177<li class=sidebar-nav-item><a target=_blank href=https://keybase.io/uthark/ title=https://keybase.io/uthark/><i class="fa fa-key fa-2x"></i></a> 178<li class=sidebar-nav-item><a target=_blank href=http://stackoverflow.com/users/216764/uthark title=http://stackoverflow.com/users/216764/uthark><i class="fa fa-stack-overflow fa-2x"></i></a> 179</li>CONTRIBUTING.md git://github.com/ajanicij/goduckgo.git | Markdown | 82 lines
17- Firstly, please make sure the bug is related to the **GoDuckGo** package. If this bug 18is about the DuckDuckGo API, or the relevancy of the search results, please visit DuckDuckGo's 19feedback page at <https://duckduckgo.com/feedback>. 20 21- Check the **GoDuckGo** [issues](https://github.com/ajanicij/goduckgo/issues) to see if 22an issue already exists for the given bug or suggestion: 35- Make sure your commits are of a reasonable size. They shouldn't be too big. 36- Make sure your commit messages effectively explain what changes have been made. 37 56 ```shell 57 git commit -am "My first commit!" 58 ``` 59 602. Get your commit history [how you like it](http://book.git-scm.com/4_interactive_rebasing.html). 61YogaAsanas.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 33 lines
7 8spice to => 'http://longtail.duckduckgo.com:8000/solr/prod/select?version=2.2&defType=edismax&qt=dismax&q=$1+source_match:yoga_asanas_api&fq=&wt=json&start=0&rows=75&sort=p_count+asc&json.wrf={{callback}}'; 9region.properties https://gitlab.com/parabola/abslibre_abslibre | Properties File | 27 lines
9browser.search.order.1=searx 10browser.search.order.2=DuckDuckGo HTML 11browser.search.order.3=DuckDuckGo Lite 12 13# To make mapit buttons to disappear in the addressbook, specify empty string. For example: 14# mail.addr_book.mapit_url.format= 14# mail.addr_book.mapit_url.format= 15# The format for "mail.addr_book.mapit_url.format" is: 16# @A1 == address, part 1 21# @CO == country 22mail.addr_book.mapit_url.format= 23mailnews.messageid_browser.url= 25# Recognize non-standard versions of "Re:" in subjects from localized versions of MS Outlook et al. 26# Specify a comma-separated list without spaces. For example: mailnews.localizedRe=AW,SV 27mailnews.localizedRe=spice_overview.md https://gitlab.com/Guy1394/duckduckgo-documentation | Markdown | 64 lines
4 5Spice Instant Answers are triggered by a backend Perl component that then calls the JSON API of an upstream service. The API response is wrapped in a JavaScript function call. You, the Instant Answer author, define this callback function and handle the API's response on the client side, generating the display from the data returned by the API. 6 12 13- APIs called by Spice Instant Answers **must use the JSON or JSONP formats**. We do not support the use of XML (it's coming soon though!), HTML, or plain text responses. 14- APIs should respond to requests in **less than one second** (< 1s). 26 27If you're not sure about whether the API you'd like to use fits these criteria, we're happy to help figure it out. Email us over at [open@duckduckgo.com](mailto:open@duckduckgo.com). 28 30 31The Spice frontend is the code that is triggered by the Perl backend for your spice Instant Answer. It mainly consists of a function (the Spice "callback" function) that takes a JSON formatted, API response as its input and uses the data to display a Spice result at the top of the DuckDuckGo search results page. 32 63 64Email us at [open@duckduckgo.com](mailto:open@duckduckgo.com) with what idea you're working on and how you're thinking of going about it. 65http.test.js https://bitbucket.org/zurimokato/pqr_app.git | JavaScript | 334 lines
8beforeEach(() => { 9 api = nock('https://api.jdxcode.com'); 10}); 187 test('follows redirect', async () => { 188 api.get('/foo1').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo2' }); 189 api.get('/foo2').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo3' }); 203 api.get('/foo10').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo11' }); 204 api.get('/foo11').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo12' }); 205 expect.assertions(1); 225 test('faithfully passes custom-encoded content-types', async () => { 226 let apiEncoded = nock('https://api.jdxcode.com', { 227 reqheaders: { 326 test('streams a response', async (done) => { 327 api = nock('http://api.jdxcode.com'); 328 api.get('/').reply(200, { message: 'ok' });isync.rb https://gitlab.com/0072016/homebrew-core | Ruby | 34 lines
8 cellar :any 9 sha256 "b236f25f8fb6f2285fb6775deba1e61b89df904fc2fc933f2546bb69d0bb9ec6" => :el_capitan 10 sha256 "a4406974110a2f4ea3aaa81f0232c00f8aa9b572fab8709f1e16c7dc2d6ab6f6" => :yosemite 31 test do 32 system bin/"get-cert", "duckduckgo.com:443" 33 endSnow.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 79 lines
12source "Is it snowing yet?"; 13code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/Snow.pm"; 14topics "everyday"; 15category "facts"; 16attribution web => [ 'https://www.duckduckgo.com', 'DuckDuckGo' ], 17 github => [ 'https://github.com/duckduckgo', 'DuckDuckGo'], 17 github => [ 'https://github.com/duckduckgo', 'DuckDuckGo'], 18 twitter => ['http://twitter.com/duckduckgo', 'DuckDuckGo']; 19 19 20spice to => 'http://isitsnowingyet.org/api/check/$1/key/{{ENV{DDG_SPICE_SNOW_APIKEY}}}'; 21Geteventid.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 42 lines
8name "Songkick Events"; 9description "See upcoming concerts."; 10source "Songkick"; 14topics "entertainment", "everyday", "music"; 15# FIXME Point to the duckduckgo repository on pull. 16code_url "https://github.com/bradcater/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/Songkick/Events.pm"; 16code_url "https://github.com/bradcater/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/Songkick/Events.pm"; 17attribution github => ["https://github.com/bradcater", "Brad Cater"], 18 twitter => ["https://twitter.com/bradcater", "Brad Cater"]; 21 22spice to => 'http://api.songkick.com/api/3.0/search/locations.json?apikey={{ENV{DDG_SPICE_SONGKICK_APIKEY}}}&per_page=1&query=$1&jsoncallback={{callback}}'; 23 24handle remainder => sub { 25 # If the query isn't blank, then use it for the API query. 26 if (length($_) > 0) {CurrencyIn.pm https://gitlab.com/0072016/zeroclickinfo-goodies | Perl | 90 lines
9# In some countries there are more than one currency. 10# For that reason values in hash are stored as arrays. (loaded from .txt as comma separated values ) 11# Example: %countries( "Zimbabwe"=>["A","B"], "Slovakia"=>["A"], ... )" 29name 'CurrencyIn'; 30code_url 'https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies/blob/master/lib/DDG/Goodie/CurrencyIn.pm'; 31category 'facts'; 32topics 'travel'; 33attribution github => ['http://github.com/Alchymista', 'Alchymista']; 34 37# Countries are lowercased but input from user, too ... so those always match... 38# ...country is capitalized on output... 39 67 my $output_country = $country; # Pass country name to the output_country 68 $output_country =~ s/\b(\w)/\U$1/g; # so it can by capitalized 69InTheaters.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 109 lines
10name "InTheaters"; 11code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/InTheaters.pm"; 12icon_url "/i/www.rottentomatoes.com.ico"; 14category "entertainment"; 15attribution github => ['https://github.com/jagtalon','jagtalon'], 16 twitter => ['http://twitter.com/juantalon','jagtalon']; 20spice from => '(.*?)/(.*)'; 21spice to => 'http://api.rottentomatoes.com/api/public/v1.0/lists/movies/$1.json?country=$2&apikey={{ENV{DDG_SPICE_ROTTEN_APIKEY}}}&callback={{callback}}&page_limit=30&limit=30'; 22board_game_geek_search.js git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | JavaScript | 152 lines
3 4 env.ddg_spice_board_game_geek_search = function(api_result){ 5 6 // Validate the response (customize for your Spice) 7 if (!api_result || api_result.error || !api_result.items || !api_result.items.item) { 8 return Spice.failed('board_game_geek'); 11 12 var items = api_result.items.item, 13 50 itemType: "Board Games", 51 searchTerm: decodeURIComponent(query), 52 sourceName: "BoardGameGeek", 112 * 113 * They'll be proxied via https://images.duckduckgo.com anyway so it's not a problem 114 */duckduck_test.go git://github.com/ajanicij/goduckgo.git | Go | 66 lines
13 query := "New York City" 14 expectedUrl := "https://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=New+York+City&format=json&pretty=1" 15 expectedBody := `{ 51 query := "!gi New York City" 52 expectedUrl := "https://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=%21gi+New+York+City&format=json&pretty=1&no_redirect=1" 53 59 query = "New York City" 60 expectedUrl = "https://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=New+York+City&format=json&pretty=1" 61 url = EncodeUrl(query)duckduckgo_definitions.py https://gitlab.com/lanodan/searx.git | Python | 149 lines
6 7url = 'https://api.duckduckgo.com/'\ 8 + '?{query}&format=json&pretty=0&no_redirect=1&d=1' 117 # TODO artist / playwright : ?? 118 # TODO compagny : ?? 119 # TODO software / os : ??index2ddg.py git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-fathead.git | Python | 563 lines
2''' 3 Copyright (C) 2013 Povilas Kanapickas <povilas@radix.lt> 4 128 129class Index2DuckDuckGoList(IndexTransform): 130 132 self.ident_map = ident_map 133 super(Index2DuckDuckGoList, self).__init__(ignore_typedefs=True) 134 177 178# returns the version number common to all declarations. Returns none if two 179# declarations have different version numbers or if no version number is 201 # limit the number of code snippets to be included so that total number 202 # of lines is less than max_code_lines. The limit becomes active only 203 # for the second and subsequent snippets.do-servers-breath.html https://bitbucket.org/nithinsanjey/nithinsanjey.bitbucket.io.git | HTML | 84 lines
4 <meta charset="utf-8"> 5 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> 6 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> 8 <meta name="description" content="Well, its an old fact that a typical google search emits 7g of carbon-dioxide. Of course, machine learning is computationally expensive :P. Personally, I hat..."> 9 <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Mono|Roboto:300,400,900,400italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> 10 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/main.css"> 41 <div class="c-article__main"> 42 <p>Well, its an old fact that a typical google search emits 7g of carbon-dioxide. Of course, machine learning is computationally expensive :P. Personally, I hate to use google reference here and I wish everyone uses <a href="https://duckduckgo.com">duckduckgo</a>.</p> 43 45 46<p>This is true for our personal devices as well. Running applications consume power - depending on the CPU usage. Just like one got more electricity bill for running bittorrent as it <a href="https://torrentfreak.com/utorrent-quietly-installs-riskware-bitcoin-miner-users-report-150306/">quietly installed a cryptocurrency miner</a> with an ‘update’. This is where <a href="https://www.fsf.org/about/what-is-free-software">free software’s</a> philosophy comes in.</p> 47 75 <!-- <p>✉ nithinsanjey@tutanota.com</p> --> 76 <p>✉ nithinsanjey@tutanota.com<span class="u-separate"></span><a href="https://twitter.com/nithinsanjey">Twitter</a></p> 77</footer>TitleCase.pm https://gitlab.com/0072016/zeroclickinfo-goodies | Perl | 45 lines
5 6triggers startend => 'titlecase', 'ucfirst', 'title case', 'capitalize'; 7 10name 'Title Case'; 11code_url 'https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies/blob/master/lib/DDG/Goodie/TitleCase.pm'; 12category 'transformations'; 14 15attribution github => ['https://github.com/moollaza', 'moollaza'], 16 github => ['https://github.com/maxluzuriaga', 'Max Luzuriaga']; 20 21# http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2012/03/title-case-and-sentence-case-capitalization-in-apa-style.html 22my @exceptions = ("a", "an", "and", "the", "by", "but", "for", "or", "nor", "yet", "so", "as", "at", "in", "of", "on", "per", "to"); 31 if ($_ == 0) { 32 ucfirst $word # Capitalize first word 33 } else {travis_status.js git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | JavaScript | 57 lines
2 "use strict"; 3 env.ddg_spice_travis_status = function(api_result) { 4 if (!api_result) { 8 var relevantDetails = { 9 status: api_result.status.indicator, 10 description: api_result.status.description, 13 14 for(var i=0,max=api_result.incidents.length; i<max; i++) { 15 var incident = api_result.incidents[i]; 27 meta: { 28 sourceName: api_result.page.name, 29 sourceUrl: api_result.page.url, 29 sourceUrl: api_result.page.url, 30 sourceIconUrl: "https://icons.duckduckgo.com/ip2/docs.travis-ci.com.ico" 31 },duckduckgo.py git://github.com/mikejs/python-duckduckgo.git | Python | 164 lines
8 9def query(query, useragent='python-duckduckgo 0.1'): 10 """ 23 params = urllib.urlencode({'q': query, 'o': 'x'}) 24 url = 'http://duckduckgo.com/?' + params 25 40 41 self.api_version = xml.attrib.get('version', None) 42 122 123 webbrowser.open("http://duckduckgo.com/?%s" % urllib.urlencode( 124 dict(q=q)), new=2)sample-iframe.html https://bitbucket.org/mad3linux/bigbox.git | HTML | 133 lines
71 <br> 72 The <kbd>Toggle tree</kbd> button in the embedded welcome page also gives 73 an example on how to access a tree that exists outside the own frame. 90 <ul> 91 <li><a href="//duckduckgo.com" target="contentFrame">DuckDuckGo</a> 92 <li><a href="//duckduckgo.com" target="_self">DuckDuckGo (target='_self')</a> 92 <li><a href="//duckduckgo.com" target="_self">DuckDuckGo (target='_self')</a> 93 <li><a href="http://duckduckgo.com" target="_top" title="This link replaces the current page">DuckDuckGo (target='_top')</a> 94 <li><a href="//www.bing.com" target="contentFrame">Bing</a> 94 <li><a href="//www.bing.com" target="contentFrame">Bing</a> 95 <li><a href="//www.wolframalpha.com/" target="contentFrame">WolframAlpha</a> 96 </ul> 100 <li><a href="//ui.jquery.com/" target="contentFrame">jQuery UI</a> 101 <li><a href="//api.jquery.com/" target="contentFrame">API browser</a> 102 <li><a href="//wwwendt.de/tech/fancytree/doc/jsdoc/index.html" target="contentFrame">Fancytree</a>slides.md https://gitlab.com/DLWillson/aghi_ansible | Markdown | 349 lines
30# Assumptions 31* You have a reasonable grasp of the linux/unix command line 32* what is a pipe? 47# Assumptions 48* [DDG](https://duckduckgo.com/) 49* [Ansible Documentation](http://docs.ansible.com/) 52* This courseware is freely available 53* [https://gitlab.com/cfedde/aghi_ansible](https://gitlab.com/cfedde/aghi_ansible) 54 82 83# "Server Complex" 84## "Administrative Domain" 89 90# "Server Complex" 91## "Administrative Domain"TeamInfo.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 41 lines
2 3# ABSTRACT: Get info on teams in the FIRST Robotics Competition 4 11 12spice to => 'https://www.thebluealliance.com/api/v2/team/frc$1?X-TBA-App-Id=duckduckgo:search-engine:1'; 13 13 14# Obtain the years a team has competed 15spice alt_to => { 15spice alt_to => { 16 years_competed => { 17 is_cached => 1, 18 proxy_cache_valid => "200 1d", 19 to => 'https://www.thebluealliance.com/api/v2/team/frc$1/years_participated?X-TBA-App-Id=duckduckgo:search-engine:1' 20 }Search.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 32 lines
1package DDG::Spice::BoardGameGeek::Search; 2# ABSTRACT: Get information on a board game from the BoardGameGeek API 3 11# Need to escape string passed to &u= param, except $1 12my $search_url = uri_esc("http://www.boardgamegeek.com/xmlapi2/search?type=boardgame&query="); 13my $detail_url = uri_esc("http://www.boardgamegeek.com/xmlapi2/thing?stats=1&id="); 14 15spice to => 'https://duckduckgo.com/x.js?u=' . $search_url . '$1'; 16 18 get_details => { 19 to => 'https://duckduckgo.com/x.js?u=' . $detail_url . '$1', 20 is_cached => 1,duckduckgo.cpp git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/kdeplasma-addons | C++ | 170 lines
28 29DuckDuckGo::DuckDuckGo(QObject *parent, const QVariantList& args) 30 : Plasma::AbstractRunner(parent, args) 35 36 addSyntax(Plasma::RunnerSyntax(QLatin1String( "duckduckgo :q:" ), i18n("Lists the search entries matching the query, using DuckDuckGo search"))); 37 addSyntax(Plasma::RunnerSyntax(QLatin1String( "wolfram :q:" ), i18n("Searches using Wolfram Alpha, powered by DuckDuckGo"))); 43 44 KUrl url = KUrl("http://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=futurama+characters&format=json&pretty=1"); 45 // "http://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=define+ostensibly&format=json&pretty=1"); 51 52DuckDuckGo::~DuckDuckGo() 53{ 106 107void DuckDuckGo::startDuckDuckGoJob(Plasma::RunnerContext *context) 108{BitcoinAddress.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 39 lines
1package DDG::Spice::BitcoinAddress; 2# ABSTRACT: Displays information about a bitcoin block using the biteasy.com API. 3 12name "Bitcoin Address Info"; 13source "https://api.biteasy.com"; 14code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/BitcoinAddress.pm"; 18 19attribution github => ['https://github.com/biteasy','biteasy.com'], 20 email => ['support@biteasy.com','biteasy.com'], 21 twitter => ["biteasy", 'biteasy.com'], 22 web => ['https://biteasy.com','biteasy.com']; 23 26 27spice to => 'https://api.biteasy.com/blockchain/v1/addresses/$1?api_key={{ENV{DDG_SPICE_BITEASY_APIKEY}}}'; 28index.html https://github.com/sbates/Bratty-Redhead.git | HTML | 276 lines
28 <!--Fonts from Google"s Web font directory at http://google.com/webfonts --> 29<link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=PT+Serif:regular,italic,bold,bolditalic" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> 30<link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=PT+Sans:regular,italic,bold,bolditalic" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> 49 50<form action="http://www.duckduckgo.com/" method="get"> 51 <fieldset role="search"> 93<div class="entry-content"><p>I’m a professional services consultant for a truly enormous corporation; for two more weeks. I turned in my two week notice today. I think I’m all done working for big companies. I spent 8 years at a major retail chain doing web architecture, middleware and ops and the last 5 years consulting for the hosting, management and monitoring portion of a megacorp. </p> 94<p>When I took this job, it was with a group that had been a much smaller, recently acquired company. The feel was still pretty casual, annual reviews were barely a formality, attitudes were laid back and friendly and we rarely had to interact externally to our area. We had separate time tracking, VPN and client systems access. I was told that it still had a small-company feel and they were right mostly. I used a separate VPN for email, travel booking and expense reporting. I was sheltered from the corporation. All the engineers were.</p> 95<p>This isn’t a rant about why corporations suck. They’ve got a lot going for them. This one kept me in a 6 figure salary, great benefits and a 6% 401k match. I got paid even when I was benched, although that wasn’t often. If you’re traditionally ambitious(re: mgmt chain), I hear they’re great for that too. If you’re a slacker, you get a pass at a big company. It’s hard to be noticed.</p> 96<p>Yeah. It’s hard to be noticed. We’ve been through several re-orgs since I was hired. ProServ was moved out of management and monitoring. The work started getting monotonous. Half of ProServ was re-orgd out of our group. We kept getting moved around. All our dedicated PMs were moved to a central PMO. The ProServ team was largely forgotten except by a few folks who managed our existing client base. Senior management probably forgot we existed. We haven’t had a team meeting in a year. My manager’s manager thinks I’m a man.</p> 97<p>About a year ago I realized I was bored. I realized that, if I had to architect one more WebSphere install, I might scream. No interesting work was coming in. Very little work at all was coming in, for that matter. I never lacked for work myself, but half my team was benched. I started thinking about quitting. Then a call came in.</p> 98<p>A friend working at one of our current clients was starting a continuous integration project. He used to work for the same megacorp and we’d been friends for years. The work was outside my immediate realm of experience. Learn Ruby, learn a new configuration management tool called Chef and start figuring out how to automate the existing infrastructure at this client. I was skeptical. I’m pretty smart but I have a realistic assessment of my own abilities and I had no coding experience beyond some bash and python scripting.</p> 133 134 <a href="http://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="http://brattyredhead.com/blog/2011/06/23/another-chapter-done/" data-via="sascha_d" data-counturl="http://brattyredhead.com/blog/2011/06/23/another-chapter-done/" >Tweet</a> 135BitcoinTransaction.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 39 lines
1package DDG::Spice::BitcoinTransaction; 2# ABSTRACT: Displays information about a bitcoin transaction using the biteasy.com API. 3 12name "Bitcoin Transaction Info"; 13source "https://api.biteasy.com"; 14code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/BitcoinTransaction.pm"; 18 19attribution github => ['https://github.com/biteasy','biteasy.com'], 20 email => ['support@biteasy.com','biteasy.com'], 21 twitter => ["biteasy", 'biteasy.com'], 22 web => ['https://biteasy.com','biteasy.com']; 23 26 27spice to => 'https://api.biteasy.com/blockchain/v1/transactions/$1?api_key={{ENV{DDG_SPICE_BITEASY_APIKEY}}}'; 28pull_request_template_spice.md git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Markdown | 94 lines
2 3Using this template will help us better understand your Instant Answer and assist you when necessary. Simply copy and paste the markdown below into the description of your GitHub pull request and complete as appropriate. 4 22 23**Which communities will this Instant Answer be especially useful for? (gamers, book lovers, etc)** 24 34 35**What are the terms of use for the API? Will DuckDuckGo need specific authorization (e.g. an API key)? Are there any costs associated with API usage?** 36 51[] Verified that instant answer adheres to code styleguide (https://duck.co/duckduckhack/code_styleguide) 52[] Tested cross-browser compatibility 53test.py https://bitbucket.org/datatheorem/dt-api-client.git | Python | 220 lines
170 multiple_output_print('Try to Build Xcode project duckduckgo App and extracting UI testing bundle...') 171 helper = XCUITestBuilder(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'duckduckgo/DuckDuckGo.xcodeproj')) 172 multiple_output_print('Extracting xctest bundle for Scheme : DuckDuckGo...') 182 """ 183 with extract_zip_project('duckduckgo.zip', 'duckduckgo'): 184 multiple_output_print('Try to Build Xcode project duckduckgo App and extracting UI testing bundle...') 184 multiple_output_print('Try to Build Xcode project duckduckgo App and extracting UI testing bundle...') 185 helper = XCUITestBuilder(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'duckduckgo/DuckDuckGo.xcodeproj')) 186 with patch.object(subprocess, 'check_output', new=patched_subprocess): 186 with patch.object(subprocess, 'check_output', new=patched_subprocess): 187 file_to_upload, app_bundle_id, app_version = helper.build_xctest("DuckDuckGoUITests", "DuckDuckGo") 188 188 189 multiple_output_print('Extracting xctest bundle for product DuckDuckGoUITests and for Scheme : DuckDuckGo...') 190 assert "DuckDuckGoUITests.xctest.zip" in file_to_uploadresponses.yml https://gitlab.com/phora/zeroclickinfo-goodies | YAML | 212 lines
19 base_format: "DuckDuckGo's [API]" 20 info_url: https://duckduckgo.com/api 21app: 105irc: 106 html: "DuckDuckGo's official IRC channel is <a href='http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=duckduckgo'>#duckduckgo</a> on <a href='http://freenode.net/'>irc.freenode.net</a>" 107 text: "DuckDuckGo's official IRC channel is #duckduckgo on irc.freenode.net." 129 - removal 130 html: "To remove DuckDuckGo from your browser, take a look <a href='https://duck.co/help/desktop'>here</a>. Please <a href='https://duckduckgo.com/feedback'>let us know</a> why you are leaving!" 131 text: 'To remove DuckDuckGo from your browser, take a look at https://duck.co/help/desktop. Please let us know why you are leaving at https://duckduckgo.com/feedback!' 142 base_format: "Add a DuckDuckGo [search box] to your site!" 143 info_url: https://duckduckgo.com/search_box 144settings: 195 html: Help <a href='https://duck.co/translate'>translate DuckDuckGo</a> or adjust your language in the <a href='https://duckduckgo.com/settings'>settings menu</a>. 196 text: Help translate DuckDuckGo (https://duck.co/translate) or adjust your language in the settings menu (https://duckduckgo.com/settings). 197twitter:BitcoinBlock.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 37 lines
1package DDG::Spice::BitcoinBlock; 2# ABSTRACT: Displays information about a bitcoin block using the biteasy.com API. 3 12name "Bitcoin Block Info"; 13source "https://api.biteasy.com"; 14code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/BitcoinBlock.pm"; 18 19attribution github => ['https://github.com/biteasy','biteasy.com'], 20 email => ['support@biteasy.com','biteasy.com'], 21 twitter => ["biteasy", 'biteasy.com'], 22 web => ['https://biteasy.com','biteasy.com']; 23 26 27spice to => 'https://api.biteasy.com/blockchain/v1/blocks/$1?api_key={{ENV{DDG_SPICE_BITEASY_APIKEY}}}'; 28README.md https://bitbucket.org/slimdll/botphp.git | Markdown | 74 lines
8 9## Comandos 10 27- JS {COMANDO} 28 + Busca o comando no site da [MDN](http://mdn/.io) e retorna a URL 29 + Exemplo: js map 33 + Exemplo: gme como se faz café? 34 + Retorno: http://pt-br.lmgtfy.com/?q=como+se+faz+caf%C3%A9%3F 35- {ARRAY}.map({CALLBACK}) 35- {ARRAY}.map({CALLBACK}) 36 + Executa o comando map 37 + Exemplo: [1,2,3,4].map( num => num*2 ) 68- [JS]{COMANDO} // Busca em mdn.io/{COMANDO} 69- Integração com a API Luis.ai com tradução automática 70testapi.js https://bitbucket.org/bilboteam2018/borrador_backend01.git | JavaScript | 82 lines
15 16// Se comprueba con la llamada a esta http nos devuelve los resultados del test// 17describe('First test', 18 function(){ 19 it('Test tahat DuckDuckGo works', 20 function(done){ 20 function(done){ 21 chai.request('http://www.duckduckgo.com') 22 .get('/') 27 //console.log(res);// 28 res.should.have.status(200);//se guarda la respuesta como código 200 para saber que lo ha hecho bien// 29 //el codigo de rectorno ok es 200, se comprueba que ho hace bien y no hay falsos positivos// 40 41 describe('Test de API de usuarios TechU', 42 function(){index.html https://github.com/sbates/Bratty-Redhead.git | HTML | 274 lines
20 21 <link rel="canonical" href="http://brattyredhead.com/blog/2012/04/01/weekend-chef-and-puppet-projects"> 22 <link href="/favicon.png" rel="icon"> 28 <!--Fonts from Google"s Web font directory at http://google.com/webfonts --> 29<link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=PT+Serif:regular,italic,bold,bolditalic" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> 30<link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=PT+Sans:regular,italic,bold,bolditalic" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> 49 50<form action="http://www.duckduckgo.com/" method="get"> 51 <fieldset role="search"> 95<p><br />Another call was from someone I do work for from time to time. Their projects source my “Puppet for Chef” series, if 2 blog posts can be called a series. In my head I have a 3rd one on templates but haven’t gotten around to it yet. This 3wk run may source some if I’m lucky. I agreed to do some ad hoc sysadmin work for these guys because they’re in a swivet, getting ready for a PCI audit in 3 weeks.</p> 96<p>The job: There are about 150 Centos 5 servers. Caveat: some of the servers on the list may be retired already. Examine all of the configuration files for ConfigServer Firewall, bring them under Puppet control. Individual node config sets are ok (ugh). All servers are running a puppet client. I don’t know if it’s the same client. The master was at 2.7.9 last I checked, I think.<p />I have a mini Chef project too for the weekend, but I think I’ll save that for another blog post. I actually wrote post of this post on Saturday morning and am just finishing it up. I haven’t actually started my Puppet stuff except to wonder if they have some command line tools and think I’d better get to writing some tcp testers and comparison scripts if there isn’t such a thing.</p> 97<p><br />I actually spent a chunk of time working on my Chef thing which was an exercise in frustration. It’s for a Windows Ohai plugin and the actual ruby work was a piece of cake. Testing has made me crazy though. Windows servers don’t fire up as fast as Linux for one and they are a huge pain in the ass to interact with. On my todo list is an SSH server for Windows cookbook, unless my ultimate wish of hoping that all Windows servers DIAF happens prior to that. The ssh cookbook is half done, like so many things.</p> 129 130 <a href="http://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="http://brattyredhead.com/blog/2012/04/01/weekend-chef-and-puppet-projects/" data-via="sascha_d" data-counturl="http://brattyredhead.com/blog/2012/04/01/weekend-chef-and-puppet-projects/" >Tweet</a> 131README.rst https://gitlab.com/lanodan/searx.git | ReStructuredText | 158 lines
35- edit your 36 `settings.yml <https://github.com/asciimoo/searx/blob/master/settings.yml>`__ 37 (set your ``secret_key``!) 40For all the details, follow this `step by step 41installation <https://github.com/asciimoo/searx/wiki/Installation>`__ 42 55``versions.cfg`` to produce most stable build. Also remember, NO make 56command should be run as root, not even ``make production`` 57 89Runs tests. You can write tests 90`here <https://github.com/asciimoo/searx/tree/master/searx/tests>`__ and 91remember 'untested code is broken code'. 156 157.. |Flattr searx| image:: http://api.flattr.com/button/flattr-badge-large.png 158 :target: https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=asciimoo&url=https://github.com/asciimoo/searx&title=searx&language=&tags=github&category=softwarelddg.py http://stuffpack.googlecode.com/svn/ | Python | 24 lines
16 print "DuckDuckGoing for "+wordStr 17 endUrl = urllib.urlopen('http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=http://lmddgtfy.com/?q='+wordStr).read() 18 print endUrl 18 print endUrl 19 xchat.command("PRIVMSG " + xchat.get_info("channel") + " " + endUrl) 20 20 21xchat.hook_command('ddg', letmeduckit, help="pick your search terms and type /ddg terms") 22testapi.js https://bitbucket.org/leortizto/mk-pa-m1-e1-rest-restful.git | JavaScript | 62 lines
13 it('Tests that DuckDuckGo works', function(done) { 14 chai.request('http://www.duckduckgo.com') 15 .get('/') 28 29describe('Test de API Usuarios', 30 function() { 30 function() { 31 it('Prueba que la API de usuarios responde correctamente.', 32 function(done) { 33 chai.request('http://localhost:3000') 34 .get('/apitechu/v1') 35 .end( 37 res.should.have.status(200); 38 res.body.msg.should.be.eql("Bienvenido al API"); 39 done();IsItUp.t git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 53 lines
10 [qw( DDG::Spice::IsItUp )], 11 'is duckduckgo.com up' => test_spice( 12 '/js/spice/is_it_up/duckduckgo.com', 15 ), 16 'is http://duckduckgo.com up?' => test_spice( 17 '/js/spice/is_it_up/duckduckgo.com', 20 ), 21 'is http://duckduckgo.com online' => test_spice( 22 '/js/spice/is_it_up/duckduckgo.com', 25 ), 26 'http://duckduckgo.com status???????????' => test_spice( 27 '/js/spice/is_it_up/duckduckgo.com', 30 ), 31 'is http://duckduckgo.com down?' => test_spice( 32 '/js/spice/is_it_up/duckduckgo.com',Mtg.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 28 lines
12topics "entertainment", "gaming"; 13code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/mtg/lib/DDG/Spice/Mtg.pm"; 14attribution github => ["https://github.com/puskin94", "puskin"]; 16triggers start => 'mtg', 'magic card', 'magic cards', 'magic the gathering'; 17spice to => 'http://api.mtgdb.info/cards/$1'; 18spice wrap_jsonp_callback => 1;settings.yml https://gitlab.com/lanodan/searx.git | YAML | 274 lines
74 75# api-key required: http://www.faroo.com/hp/api/api.html#key 76# - name : faroo 78# shortcut : fa 79# api_key : 'apikey' # required! 80 98 shortcut : fl 99# You can use the engine using the official stable API, but you need an API key 100# See : https://www.flickr.com/services/apps/create/ 101# engine : flickr 102# api_key: 'apikey' # required! 103# Or you can use the html non-stable engine, activated by default 103# Or you can use the html non-stable engine, activated by default 104 engine : flickr_noapi 105WGHA.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 35 lines
11name "WGHA Events"; 12code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/WGHA.pm"; 13topics "entertainment", "special_interest"; 21 22spice to => 'http://ddg.wasgehtheuteab.de/duckduckgo/events.json?q=$1&callback={{callback}}&api_key={{ENV{DDG_SPICE_WGHA_APIKEY}}}'; 23spice proxy_cache_valid => "200 60m";README.md https://bitbucket.org/alan_doyle/movie.git | Markdown | 135 lines
7[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/olalonde/follow-redirects/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/olalonde/follow-redirects?branch=master) 8[![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/olalonde/follow-redirects/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/olalonde/follow-redirects) 9[![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/olalonde/follow-redirects.svg)](https://david-dm.org/olalonde/follow-redirects) 13 14`follow-redirects` provides [request](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [get](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_get_options_callback) 15 methods that behave identically to those found on the native [http](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [https](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_https_request_options_callback) 39 console.log(response.responseUrl); 40 // 'http://duckduckgo.com/robots.txt' 41}); 69 70In addition to the [standard HTTP](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback) and [HTTPS options](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_https_request_options_callback), 71the following per-request options are supported: 116 117Pull Requests are always welcome. Please [file an issue](https://github.com/olalonde/follow-redirects/issues) 118 detailing your proposal before you invest your valuable time. Additional features and bug fixes should be accompaniedREADME.rst git://github.com/mikejs/python-duckduckgo.git | ReStructuredText | 48 lines
1================== 2python-duckduckgo 3================== 4 5A Python library for querying the Duck Duck Go API. 6 8 9Source: http://github.com/mikejs/python-duckduckgo 10 27 >>> r.results[0].url 28 'http://duckduckgo.com/' 29 >>> r.abstract.url 39 >>> r.related[6].url 40 'http://duckduckgo.com/Python_(programming_language)' 41SimilarSites.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 33 lines
5 6primary_example_queries "similar sites to facebook.com", "similar to youtube.com"; 7secondary_example_queries "sites like twitter.com", "pages like github.com"; 10source "SimilarSites"; 11code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/SimilarWeb.pm"; 12icon_url "/i/www.similarsitesearch.com.ico"; 14topics "everyday", "special_interest"; 15attribution github => ['https://github.com/Adman', 'Adman'], 16 twitter => ['http://twitter.com/adman_X', 'adman_X']; 19 20spice to => 'http://www.similarsitesearch.com/api/similar/$1'; 2111.html https://codeberg.org/nokoru/nokos_almanac.git | HTML | 119 lines
23privacy and they "don't track you", but there's no point in criticize g00gle if you 24recommend other spyware platforms. It's just replacing crap with crap.</p> 25<blockquote> 28<p>Well, that's actually true. google doesn't just track you on their site, but 29they also track you on any site that uses googleapis/googlefonts/google analytics/reCaptcha or 30any "free" or paid service provided by them, but fortunately there's a good 57</blockquote> 58<p>Apparently looks like they recommend Apple Maps because it's easier to use. Well, the reason cause 59small projects like OpenStreetMap are small and "not so good" projects it's because people don't care about those 65to remember that people should use their own HDDs/SSDs to store their data. Your files are 66not safe in others' computers. Not even if you're using "end-to-end encryption". After all, who's generating 67the encryption keys? If you want to use a "cloud" service, use it for non-secret files 77app stores like Aptoide or F-Droid. If you really care about your privacy, use <a href="https://www.replicant.us/">Replicant</a> or 78just don't use a mobile phone, but I don't really recommend that since communication is important.</p> 79<blockquote>Getid.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 56 lines
9name "Guidebox"; 10code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/Guidebox/Getid.pm"; 11icon_url "/i/www.guidebox.com.ico"; 13category "entertainment"; 14attribution github => ['https://github.com/adman','Adman'], 15 twitter => ['http://twitter.com/adman_X','Adman']; 18 19spice to => 'http://api-public.guidebox.com/v1.3/json/{{ENV{DDG_SPICE_GUIDEBOX_APIKEY}}}/search/title/$1'; 20BitcoinBalance.pm git://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice.git | Perl | 36 lines
1package DDG::Spice::BitcoinBalance; 2# ABSTRACT: Displays the balance of a Bitcoin address from the Chain.com API. 3 10source "http://chain.com"; 11code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/BitcoinBalance.pm"; 12topics "economy_and_finance"; 15 16attribution github => ['https://github.com/chain-engineering','chain.com'], 17 email => ['hello@chain.com','chain.com'], 18 twitter => ["chain", 'chain.com'], 19 web => ['https://chain.com','chain.com']; 20 23 24spice to => 'https://api.chain.com/v1/bitcoin/addresses/$1?key={{ENV{DDG_SPICE_BITCOIN_APIKEY}}}'; 25# The Chain API requires an API key. Chain has granted the spice a free account with unlimited access. We can provide this to DuckDuckGo before release.settings.php git://github.com/sjparkinson/isitup.git | PHP | 169 lines
14 // The default input value 15 $setting["default"] = "duckduckgo.com"; 16 31 "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; ICS)", 32 "Rackspace Monitoring/1.1 (https://monitoring.api.rackspacecloud.com)", 33 "Python-urllib/1.17", 42 "http://gang.yulewangzhan.cn/*", 43 "http://hao.dangqian.com/hao/*", 44 "http://tlapple.com/*", 60 "http://www.bjnanmo.com/*", 61 "http://www.craneceo.com/*", 62 "http://www.dangqian.com/*", 82 "http://www.90kis.com/*", 83 "http://www.zyruide.com/*", 84 "http://www.bmizg.com/*",