PageRenderTime 672ms queryTime 283ms sortTime 1ms getByIdsTime 81ms findMatchingLines 230ms

100+ results results for 'autohotkey' (672 ms)

Not the results you expected?
ext-modelist.js | JavaScript | 205 lines
44    Assembly_x86:["asm|a"],
45    AutoHotKey:  ["ahk"],
46    BatchFile:   ["bat|cmd"],
Edit.htm | HTML | 80 lines
18<p>This command  has no effect when operating from within a compiled script.</p>
19<p>On a related note, AutoHotkey syntax highlighting can be enabled for various editors - see below. In addition, context sensitive help for AutoHotkey commands can be enabled in any editor via <a href="../scripts/ContextSensitiveHelp.htm">this example</a>. Finally, your productivity may be improved by using an auto-completion utility like  <a href="">ISense</a>, which works in almost any editor. It watches what you type and displays menus and parameter lists, which does some of the typing for you and reminds you of the order of parameters.</p>
49<p>SciTE4AutoHotkey can be found here: <a href=""></a></p>
50<p><b>AHK Studio</b> is a script editor built using AutoHotkey, for editing AutoHotkey scripts. See the following forum thread for details, demonstration videos and an ever-growing list of features: <a href=""></a></p>
51<p><b>AutoGUI</b> is an integrated development environment for AutoHotkey which combines a GUI designer with a script editor. It can be found here: <a href=";t=10157">;t=10157</a></p>
58  <li>Notepad++ - <a href=""></a></li>
59  <li>Notepad2 - <a href=""></a></li>
60  <li>PSPad - <a href=""></a></li>
60  <li>PSPad - <a href=""></a></li>
61  <li>SciTE and possibly other Scintilla based editors - <a href=""></a></li>
62  <li>Sublime Text Editor - <a href=""></a></li>
65<p>Additionally, the zip download of AutoHotkey Basic (<a href=""></a>) includes files for enabling syntax highlighting in the following editors. However, some of these files are badly out of date and may or may not work:</p>
init_functions.el | Emacs Lisp | 169 lines
88AutoHotKey • xahk-mode
89BBCode • xbbcode-mode
Menus.pas | Pascal | 212 lines
91    property Action: TBasicAction read GetAction write SetAction;
92    property AutoHotkeys: TMenuItemAutoFlag read FAutoHotkeys write SetAutoHotkeys default maParent;
93    property AutoLineReduction: TMenuItemAutoFlag read FAutoLineReduction write SetAutoLineReduction default maParent;
126    function IsShortCut(var Message: TWMKey): Boolean; dynamic;
127    property AutoHotkeys: TMenuAutoFlag read GetAutoHotkeys write SetAutoHotkeys default maAutomatic;
128    property AutoLineReduction: TMenuAutoFlag read GetAutoLineReduction write SetAutoLineReduction default maAutomatic;
139  published
140    property AutoHotkeys;
141    property AutoLineReduction;
162    property Alignment: TPopupAlignment read FAlignment write FAlignment default paLeft;
163    property AutoHotkeys;
164    property AutoLineReduction;
ErrorLevel.htm git:// | HTML | 116 lines
4<title>ErrorLevel - Definition &amp; Usage | AutoHotkey</title>
5<meta name="description" content="ErrorLevel is a built-in variable that is set to indicate the success or failure of some of the commands, functions and GUI/Control events." />
ComObjActive.htm | HTML | 176 lines
4<title>ComObjActive() - Syntax &amp; Usage | AutoHotkey</title>
5<meta name="description" content="The ComObjActive function retrieves a running object that has been registered with OLE." />
102<em>; Preamble - ScriptControl requires a 32-bit version of AutoHotkey.</em>
103code =
st.ahk | AutoHotkey | 141 lines
1; ST - Stack Library by Banane
Benchmarks v1.0.95.00.html git:// | HTML | 20 lines
1<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"><title>AutoHotkey Benchmarks</title><style>body{background:#F3F3F3;font-family:Constantia,"Lucida Serif",Lucida,"DejaVu Serif","Bitstream Vera Serif","Liberation Serif",Georgia,serif;margin:2em;font-size:1em;color:#BBBBBB;}table{width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;color:#707070;}h1{font-size:2.8em;text-shadow:#555555 0 -1px 0.04em;color:#D5D5D5;text-align:center;}h2{font-size:1.9em;text-shadow:#555555 0 -1px 0.035em;}td,th{background:#D0D0D0;text-shadow:#FFFFFF 0 0.5px 0.3em;border:1px solid #D5D5D5;padding:0.2em;}th{font-size:1.2em;text-align:left;background-color:#E0E0E0;text-shadow:#888888 0 -1px 0.04em;color:#AAAAAA;}tr.alt td{background-color:#BFBFBF;}pre{background-color:#6F6F6F;margin:0.1em;padding:0.4em;font-size:0.8em;font-family:"Courier New",Courier,monospace;color:#FFFFFF;-webkit-border-radius:0.2em;-moz-border-radius:0.2em;border-radius:0.2em;}ul{padding:1em;background-color:#E5E5E5;-webkit-box-shadow:inset 1px 2px 0.3em #555555;-moz-box-shadow:inset 1px 2px 0.3em #555555;box-shadow:inset 1px 2px 0.3em #555555;line-height:1.5;width:13em;list-style-type:none;}a{text-shadow:#FFFFFF 0 0.5px 0.3em;}a:link{color:#A0A0A0;}a:visited{color:#B8B8B8;}a:hover{color:#FFFFFF;}</style></head><body><h1>AutoHotkey Benchmarks</h1><h2 id="Contents">Contents</h2><ul><li><a href="#ControlGroup">Control Group</a></li><li><a href="#Assignment">Assignment</a></li><li><a href="#Comparison">Comparison</a></li><li><a href="#StringSearching">String Searching</a></li><li><a href="#RegularExpressions">Regular Expressions</a></li><li><a href="#StringManipulation">String Manipulation</a></li><li><a href="#StringOperations">String Operations</a></li><li><a href="#Files">Files</a></li><li><a href="#ControlFlow">Control Flow</a></li><li><a href="#EnvironmentVariables">Environment Variables</a></li><li><a href="#Keyboardandmouse">Keyboard and mouse</a></li><li><a href="#DynamicVariables">Dynamic Variables</a></li><li><a href="#SystemInformation">System Information</a></li></ul><h2 id="ControlGroup">Control Group</h2><table><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Blank Run</td><td><pre>(None)</pre></td><td>0.001087</td></tr></table><p>1,000,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="Assignment">Assignment</h2><table><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Classic</td><td><pre>Variable = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</pre></td><td>0.001364</td></tr><tr><td>Classic with variable</td><td><pre>Variable = Lorem ipsum %OtherVariable% dolor sit amet</pre></td><td>0.001633</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Expression</td><td><pre>Variable := &quot;Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet&quot;</pre></td><td>0.001841</td></tr><tr><td>Expression with variable</td><td><pre>Variable := &quot;Lorem ipsum&quot; . OtherVariable . &quot; dolor sit amet&quot;</pre></td><td>0.002050</td></tr></table><p>1,000,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="Comparison">Comparison</h2><table><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Classic If statement</td><td><pre>If Variable = abcdef
2 Return</pre></td><td>0.001950</td></tr><tr><td>Expression If statement</td><td><pre>If (Variable = &quot;abcdef&quot;)
20} Return</pre></td><td>0.006666</td></tr><tr><td>Blank subroutine call</td><td><pre>Gosub, BlankLabel</pre></td><td>0.004600</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Blank function call</td><td><pre>BlankFunction()</pre></td><td>0.005466</td></tr></table><p>1,000,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="EnvironmentVariables">Environment Variables</h2><table><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Set environment variable</td><td><pre>EnvSet, EnvVar, abcdeg</pre></td><td>0.008376</td></tr><tr><td>Get environment variable</td><td><pre>EnvGet, Temp1, EnvVar</pre></td><td>0.006029</td></tr></table><p>500,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="Keyboardandmouse">Keyboard and mouse</h2><table><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Get mouse position</td><td><pre>MouseGetPos, Temp1, Temp2</pre></td><td>0.010096</td></tr><tr><td>Move mouse</td><td><pre>MouseMove, 0, 0, 0, R</pre></td><td>0.062577</td></tr></table><p>5,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="DynamicVariables">Dynamic Variables</h2><table><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Dynamic variable access</td><td><pre>% %Variable%</pre></td><td>0.006276</td></tr><tr><td>Dynamic variable assignment</td><td><pre>%Variable% = abcdeg</pre></td><td>0.006069</td></tr></table><p>1000000 iterations each</p><h2 id="SystemInformation">System Information</h2><table><tr><th>Field</th><th>Value</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>AutoHotkey Version</td><td>AutoHotkey v1.0.95.00 Unicode (x86)</td></tr><tr><td>OS Name</td><td>Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise </td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>OS Version</td><td>6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601</td></tr><tr><td>OS Configuration</td><td>Standalone Workstation</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>OS Build Type</td><td>Multiprocessor Free</td></tr><tr><td>System Manufacturer</td><td>Dell Inc.</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>System Model</td><td>Latitude D620                   </td></tr><tr><td>System Type</td><td>X86-based PC</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Processor(s)</td><td>1 Processor(s) Installed.,[01]: x86 Family 6 Model 14 Stepping 8 GenuineIntel ~1319 Mhz</td></tr><tr><td>BIOS Version</td><td>Dell Inc. A04, 8/28/2006</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Total Physical Memory</td><td>3,062 MB</td></tr><tr><td>Available Physical Memory</td><td>1,496 MB</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Virtual Memory: Max Size</td><td>6,123 MB</td></tr><tr><td>Virtual Memory: Available</td><td>4,334 MB</td></tr></table></body></html>
        | Properties File | 190 lines
1# AutoHotkey keyword definitions for SciTE
uPSC_menus.pas | Pascal | 215 lines
85    RegisterMethod('procedure ProcessMenuChar(var Message: TWMMenuChar)');
86    RegisterProperty('AutoHotkeys', 'TMenuAutoFlag', iptrw);
87    RegisterProperty('AutoLineReduction', 'TMenuAutoFlag', iptrw);
130    {$ENDIF}
131    RegisterProperty('AutoHotkeys', 'TMenuItemAutoFlag', iptrw);
132    RegisterProperty('AutoLineReduction', 'TMenuItemAutoFlag', iptrw);
ext-modelist.js | JavaScript | 178 lines
42    Assembly_x86:["asm"],
43    AutoHotKey:  ["ahk"],
44    BatchFile:   ["bat|cmd"],
_Include.htm | HTML | 55 lines
35<p>A script behaves as though the included file's contents are physically present at the exact position of the #Include directive (as though a copy-and-paste were done from the included file). Consequently, it generally cannot merge two isolated scripts together into one functioning script (to achieve that, see <a href=""></a>).</p>
36<p>#Include ensures that <em>FileName</em> is included only once, even if multiple inclusions are encountered for it. By contrast, #IncludeAgain allows multiple inclusions of the same file, while being the same as #Include in all other respects.</p>
software.html | HTML | 131 lines
84<a href="">geted2k.exe</a> - <a href="">geted2k.ahk</a><br />
85Es un pequeño programita hecho en <a href="">AutoHotkey</a> que lo que hace es sacar las direcciones a links de Edonkey de un texto en particular.  Lo devuelve en la misma ventana y ademas te lo guarda en el portapapeles, directo para pegar en el eMule. (código fuente incluido)<br />
components.js | JavaScript | 681 lines
100		},
101		"autohotkey": {
102			"title": "AutoHotkey",
        git:// | Markdown | 142 lines
40The above would silently generate a page for the user "Uberi" at the AutoHotkey Forums with a blue color scheme, and then upload it to over FTP. Any errors encountered would be reported in Log.txt
50* _ForumUsername_ - The forum username to generate the website for.
51* _AutoHotkeyNetUsername_ - The account username. Leave blank if it is the same as the forum username.
54* _UploadWebsite_ - Upload the website to after it has been generated.
55* _AutoHotkeyNetPassword_ - The account password. Necessary only if _UploadWebsite_ is set.
127This file is part of Website Generator. Source code is available at <>.
142[AutoHotkey Forums]:
faskNavKeys.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 238 lines
198Gui,99:Add,Text,x+10 yp+10,AutoHotkey
201Gui,99:Font,CBlue Underline
202Gui,99:Add,Text,y+5 GAUTOHOTKEY,
219  Run,,,UseErrorLevel
Affinity.html | HTML | 105 lines
13<link rel="prev" href=";view=previous" title="View previous topic">
14<link rel="next" href=";view=next" title="View next topic">
14<link rel="next" href=";view=next" title="View next topic">
15<link rel="up" href="" title="Scripts &amp; Functions">
16<link rel="chapter forum" href="" title="Ask for Help">
16<link rel="chapter forum" href="" title="Ask for Help">
17<link rel="chapter forum" href="" title="Scripts &amp; Functions">
18<link rel="chapter forum" href="" title="Bug Reports">
18<link rel="chapter forum" href="" title="Bug Reports">
19<link rel="chapter forum" href="" title="Wish List">
20<link rel="chapter forum" href="" title="Announcements">
26<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="AutoHotkey Forum RSS" href="">
index.htm | HTML | 145 lines
18<p><a href="">LiveWindows: Watch Dialog-boxes in Thumbnail -- by Holomind</a>: This script allows you to monitor the progress of downloads, file-copying, and other dialogs by displaying a small replica of each dialog and its progress bar (dialogs are automatically detected, even if they're behind other windows). The preview window stays always-on-top but uses very little screen space (it can also be resized by dragging its edges). You can also monitor any window by dragging a selection rectangle around the area of interest (with control-shift-drag), then press Win+W to display that section in the preview window with real-time updates.
22<p><a href="ContextSensitiveHelp.htm">Context Sensitive Help in Any Editor -- by Rajat</a>:  This script makes Ctrl+2 (or another hotkey of your choice) show the help file
23 page for the selected AutoHotkey command or keyword. If nothing is selected,
24 the command name will be extracted from the beginning of the current line.
127<p><a href="">Toralf's Scripts</a>: This collection includes useful scripts such as:<br>
1281) AHK Window Info: Reveals information on windows, controls, etc.<br>
140<p><a href="">Scripts &amp; Functions Forum</a> ( This is a searchable collection of nearly 1000 ready-to-run scripts and functions. Built and maintained by AutoHotkey users, this archive grows and improves daily, but also has many old or obsolete (AutoHotkey v1.0) scripts.
142<p><a href="">Scripts &amp; Functions Forum</a> ( Another forum full of scripts, mostly for AutoHotkey v1.1 and v2.</p>
143<p><a href="">-- Home --</a></p>
        | Properties File | 87 lines
1# SciTE settings for AutoHotkey files
3# where is AutoHotkey program installed 
4autohotkeydir=C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey
66# api file for AutoHotkey can be found in Extras\Editors\Notepad++ directory
67api.$(file.patterns.ahk)=$(autohotkeydir)\Extras\Editors\Notepad++\AHK Autohotkey.api
82# commands to run script and help invocation
83command.go.$(file.patterns.ahk)=cmd /c start "$(autohotkeydir)\AutoHotkey.exe" $(FileNameExt)
Benchmarks v1.0.92.02 (Nameless-js).html git:// | HTML | 14 lines
1<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"><title>AutoHotkey Benchmarks</title><style>body{background:#F3F3F3;font-family:Constantia,"Lucida Serif",Lucida,"DejaVu Serif","Bitstream Vera Serif","Liberation Serif",Georgia,serif;margin:2em;font-size:1em;color:#BBBBBB;}table{width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;color:#707070;}h1{font-size:2.8em;text-shadow:#555555 0 -1px 0.04em;color:#D5D5D5;text-align:center;}h2{font-size:1.9em;text-shadow:#555555 0 -1px 0.035em;}td,th{background:#D0D0D0;text-shadow:#FFFFFF 0 0.5px 0.3em;border:1px solid #D5D5D5;padding:0.2em;}th{font-size:1.2em;text-align:left;background-color:#E0E0E0;text-shadow:#888888 0 -1px 0.04em;color:#AAAAAA;}tr.alt td{background-color:#BFBFBF;}pre{background-color:#6F6F6F;margin:0.1em;padding:0.4em;font-size:0.8em;font-family:"Courier New",Courier,monospace;color:#FFFFFF;-webkit-border-radius:0.2em;-moz-border-radius:0.2em;border-radius:0.2em;}ul{padding:1em;background-color:#E5E5E5;-webkit-box-shadow:inset 1px 2px 0.3em #555555;-moz-box-shadow:inset 1px 2px 0.3em #555555;box-shadow:inset 1px 2px 0.3em #555555;line-height:1.5;width:13em;list-style-type:none;}a{text-shadow:#FFFFFF 0 0.5px 0.3em;}a:link{color:#A0A0A0;}a:visited{color:#B8B8B8;}a:hover{color:#FFFFFF;}</style></head><body><h1>AutoHotkey v1.0.92.02 Benchmarks</h1><h2 id="Contents">Contents</h2><ul><li><a href="#ControlGroup">Control Group</a></li><li><a href="#Assignment">Assignment</a></li><li><a href="#Comparison">Comparison</a></li><li><a href="#StringSearching">String Searching</a></li><li><a href="#RegularExpressions">Regular Expressions</a></li><li><a href="#StringManipulation">String Manipulation</a></li><li><a href="#StringOperations">String Operations</a></li><li><a href="#Files">Files</a></li><li><a href="#ControlFlow">Control Flow</a></li><li><a href="#EnvironmentVariables">Environment Variables</a></li><li><a href="#Keyboardandmouse">Keyboard and mouse</a></li><li><a href="#SystemInformation">System Information</a></li></ul><h2 id="ControlGroup">Control Group</h2><table><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Blank Run</td><td><pre>(None)</pre></td><td>0.000387</td></tr></table><p>1,000,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="Assignment">Assignment</h2><table><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Classic</td><td><pre>Variable = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</pre></td><td>0.000549</td></tr><tr><td>Expression</td><td><pre>Variable := &quot;Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet&quot;</pre></td><td>0.000656</td></tr></table><p>1,000,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="Comparison">Comparison</h2><table><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Classic If statement</td><td><pre>If Variable = abcdef
2 Return</pre></td><td>0.000695</td></tr><tr><td>Expression If statement</td><td><pre>If (Variable = &quot;abcdef&quot;)
13 Return</pre></td><td>0.001890</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Parsing loop</td><td><pre>Loop, Parse, Variable
14 Return</pre></td><td>0.002562</td></tr><tr><td>Blank subroutine call</td><td><pre>Gosub, BlankLabel</pre></td><td>0.002100</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Blank function call</td><td><pre>BlankFunction()</pre></td><td>0.002192</td></tr></table><p>1,000,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="EnvironmentVariables">Environment Variables</h2><table><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Set environment variable</td><td><pre>EnvSet, EnvVar, abcdeg</pre></td><td>0.004121</td></tr><tr><td>Get environment variable</td><td><pre>EnvGet, Temp1, EnvVar</pre></td><td>0.002128</td></tr></table><p>500,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="Keyboardandmouse">Keyboard and mouse</h2><table><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Get mouse position</td><td><pre>MouseGetPos, Temp1, Temp2</pre></td><td>0.004747</td></tr><tr><td>Move mouse</td><td><pre>MouseMove, 0, 0, 0, R</pre></td><td>10.109600</td></tr></table><p>5,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="SystemInformation">System Information</h2><table><tr><th>Field</th><th>Value</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>AutoHotkey Version</td><td>AutoHotkey v1.0.92.02</td></tr><tr><td>OS Name</td><td>Not Available</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>OS Version</td><td>Not Available</td></tr><tr><td>OS Configuration</td><td>Not Available</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>OS Build Type</td><td>Not Available</td></tr><tr><td>System Manufacturer</td><td>Not Available</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>System Model</td><td>Not Available</td></tr><tr><td>System Type</td><td>Not Available</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Processor(s)</td><td>Not Available</td></tr><tr><td>BIOS Version</td><td>Not Available</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Total Physical Memory</td><td>Not Available</td></tr><tr><td>Available Physical Memory</td><td>Not Available</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Virtual Memory: Max Size</td><td>Not Available</td></tr><tr><td>Virtual Memory: Available</td><td>Not Available</td></tr></table></body></html>
Extensions.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 410 lines
66LV_GetText(extIntlName, extToExport, 4)
67FileSelectFile, expFile, S16, %extIntlName%.s4x, Export Extension, SciTE4AutoHotkey Extension (*.s4x)
68if ErrorLevel
72if ExportExtension(extIntlName, expFile)
73	MsgBox, 64, SciTE4AutoHotkey, Extension exported successfully!
75	MsgBox, 16, SciTE4AutoHotkey, Failed to export the extension!
181Gui +OwnDialogs
182FileSelectFile, extFile, 1,, Install Extension, SciTE4AutoHotkey Extension (*.s4x)
183if ErrorLevel
193	FileRemoveDir, %tempDir%, 1
194	MsgBox, 16, SciTE4AutoHotkey, Error while extracting extension! %rc%.
195	return
MinimizeToTrayMenu.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 250 lines
1; Minimize Window to Tray Menu
3; This script assigns a hotkey of your choice to hide any window so that
Storage.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 323 lines
17	AutoHotkey - AHK v2 alpha
18	OS - Windows 2000 Professional / Windows 2000 Server or higher
edit-post.jade | Jade | 150 lines
51                {text: "autoit", value: "autoit"},
52                {text: "autohotkey", value: "autohotkey"},
53                {text: "bash", value: "bash"},
TProjectManagerMenuItem.pas | Pascal | 180 lines
7   FDefault            :Boolean;
8   FAutoHotkeys        :TMenuItemAutoFlag;
9   FAutoLineReduction  :TMenuItemAutoFlag;
156   property AutoCheck: Boolean;
157   property AutoHotkeys: TMenuItemAutoFlag;
158   property AutoLineReduction: TMenuItemAutoFlag;
91-projects.vim | Vim Script | 361 lines
46function! SetSettingsForProject(size_of_tab, autohotkey_file, tags)
47	execute 'setlocal tabstop=' . a:size_of_tab
49	execute 'setlocal softtabstop=' . a:size_of_tab
50    if (len(a:autohotkey_file) == 0)
51        execute "nnoremap <buffer> <leader>m <nop>"
52    else
53        execute "nnoremap <buffer> <leader>m :call AutoHotkeyMake('" . a:autohotkey_file . "')\<CR>"
54    endif
get-cursor-pos-color-ahk.html | HTML | 206 lines
13    <title>カーソル位置の色を取得するAutoHotkeyスクリプト - Weblog -</title>
29      <meta content="カーソル位置の色を取得するAutoHotkeyスクリプト" property="og:title">
30      <meta content="" property="og:image">
143          <ul>
144            <li class="twitter-tweet"><a href=";;via=hail2unet&amp;related=hail2u_">Tweet</a></li>
145            <li class="facebook-share"><a href="">Share</a></li>
145            <li class="facebook-share"><a href="">Share</a></li>
146            <li class="hatena-bookmark"><a href=";">Bookmark</a></li>
147          </ul>
Zip.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 134 lines
6        Supports AutoHotkey_L and AutoHotkey v2 Alpha
7    Author: infogulch
80        ### See also
81            [AutoHotkey Forum topic](
HotkeyFeatures.htm git:// | HTML | 102 lines
4<title>Advanced Hotkey Features | AutoHotkey</title>
5<meta name="description" content="Learn advanced hotkey features such as using any keys as modifiers or automating game actions on the screen." />
OperationsProgressDialog.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 209 lines
16	AutoHotkey - AHK v2 alpha
17	OS - Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP, Windows 2000 Server or higher
bkit_main_form.ahk | AutoHotkey | 865 lines
4#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
5SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
        git:// | Python | 95 lines
1# by Irh9 
11DLL_TYPES = ("Win32a", "Win32w", "X64W")
12DLL_NAMES = ("AutoHotkey.dll", "AutoHotkeyMini.dll")
29set_library('Win32a', 'AutoHotkey.dll')
        | Python | 340 lines
114            force_underline=len(_("CHANGE")) + 2,
115            autohotkey=True,
116            function=self.parent.parent.build_item,
170                                    anchor = constants.BOTTOM_CENTER,
171                                    text=_("&BACK"), autohotkey=True)
macro.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 246 lines
1#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
28Ini := new Ini(A_ScriptDir . "\res\settings.ini")
29ahkDll := A_ScriptDir . "\res\dll\AutoHotkey.dll"
176    FileInstall, lib\PlayMacro.ahk, lib\PlayMacro.ahk, 1
177    FileInstall, res\dll\AutoHotkey.dll, res\dll\AutoHotkey.dll, 1
178    FileInstall, res\dll\SciLexer.dll, res\dll\SciLexer.dll, 1
187    UrlDownloadToFile,, % A_ScriptDir . "\v.txt"
188    FileRead, ver, % A_ScriptDir . "\v.txt"
index.js | JavaScript | 195 lines
16hljs.registerLanguage('aspectj', require('./languages/aspectj'));
17hljs.registerLanguage('autohotkey', require('./languages/autohotkey'));
18hljs.registerLanguage('autoit', require('./languages/autoit'));
CSysLinkControl.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 211 lines
46;                    This class is using Class_Notification.ahk from 
47;                    because I think it makes things easier. If you want to handle other notifications in your script, 
mg.ahk | AutoHotkey | 159 lines
6AHK forum:
47You can find more informations about this type of mouse gestures in Radial menu help file. You will find Radial menu here:
geshi_languages.php | PHP | 251 lines
48	'autoconf' => 'autoconf',
49	'autohotkey' => 'Autohotkey',
50	'autoit' => 'AutoIT',
DoOver.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 486 lines
31  currentid=%oldcurrentid%
32If currentid=AutoHotkey
33  currentid=%oldcurrentid%
443Gui,99:Add,Text,x+10 yp+10,AutoHotkey
446Gui,99:Font,CBlue Underline
447Gui,99:Add,Text,y+5 GAUTOHOTKEY,
464  Run,,,UseErrorLevel
autohotkey.vim | Vim Script | 278 lines
246hi def link autohotkeyComment             Comment
247hi def link autohotkeyCommentStart        autohotkeyComment
248hi def link autohotkeyEscape              Special
256hi def link autohotkeyString              String
257hi def link autohotkeyStringDelimiter     autohotkeyString
258hi def link autohotkeyVariable            Identifier
258hi def link autohotkeyVariable            Identifier
259hi def link autohotkeyVariableDelimiter   autohotkeyVariable
260hi def link autohotkeyBuiltinVariable     Macro
262hi def link autohotkeyFunction            Function
263hi def link autohotkeyStatement           autohotkeyCommand
264hi def link autohotkeyRepeat              Repeat
271hi def link autohotkeyInteger             autohotkeyNumber
272hi def link autohotkeyFloat               autohotkeyNumber
273hi def link autohotkeyType                Type
prism-show-language.js | JavaScript | 38 lines
7// The languages map is built automatically with gulp
8var Languages = /*languages_placeholder[*/{"css":"CSS","clike":"C-like","javascript":"JavaScript","abap":"ABAP","actionscript":"ActionScript","apacheconf":"Apache Configuration","apl":"APL","applescript":"AppleScript","asciidoc":"AsciiDoc","aspnet":"ASP.NET (C#)","autoit":"AutoIt","autohotkey":"AutoHotkey","basic":"BASIC","csharp":"C#","cpp":"C++","coffeescript":"CoffeeScript","css-extras":"CSS Extras","fsharp":"F#","glsl":"GLSL","http":"HTTP","inform7":"Inform 7","json":"JSON","latex":"LaTeX","lolcode":"LOLCODE","matlab":"MATLAB","mel":"MEL","nasm":"NASM","nginx":"nginx","nsis":"NSIS","objectivec":"Objective-C","ocaml":"OCaml","parigp":"PARI/GP","php":"PHP","php-extras":"PHP Extras","powershell":"PowerShell","jsx":"React JSX","rest":"reST (reStructuredText)","sas":"SAS","sass":"Sass (Sass)","scss":"Sass (Scss)","sql":"SQL","typescript":"TypeScript","vhdl":"VHDL","vim":"vim","wiki":"Wiki markup","yaml":"YAML"}/*]*/;
9Prism.hooks.add('before-highlight', function(env) {
ControlGetText.htm | HTML | 58 lines
45<p>Note: To retrieve text from a ListView, ListBox, or ComboBox, use <a href="ControlGet.htm#List">ControlGet List</a> instead.</p>
46<p>If the retrieved text appears to be truncated (incomplete), try using <code><a href="VarSetCapacity.htm">VarSetCapacity(OutputVar, 55)</a></code> prior to ControlGetText [replace 55 with a size that is considerably longer than the truncated text]. This is necessary because some applications do not respond properly to the WM_GETTEXTLENGTH message, which causes AutoHotkey to make the output variable too small to fit all the text.</p>
47<p>The amount of text retrieved is limited to a variable's maximum capacity (which can be changed via the <a href="_MaxMem.htm">#MaxMem</a> directive). As a result, this command might use a large amount RAM if the target control (e.g. an editor with a large document open) contains a large quantity of text. However, a variable's memory can be freed after use by assigning it to nothing, i.e. <code>OutputVar =</code>.</p>
        | Markdown | 38 lines
8* Works on Windows 8, XP and should ideally work on all Windows and Linux platforms. Not tested for Mac support and primarily meant for Windows.
9* I have set up Caps Lock to act as Ctrl key inside of Emacs using [AutoHotKey](, after reading [Emacs Wiki](
10* Only for using Emacs as a text editor for programming in various languages. Not meant to be an All-in-One package. I don't advocate using Emacs to replace your browser/twitter client and everything under the sun.
FileRead.htm git:// | HTML | 78 lines
4<title>FileRead - Syntax &amp; Usage | AutoHotkey</title>
5<meta name="description" content="The FileRead command reads a file's contents into a variable." />
47<p>Note that once the data has been read into <em>OutputVar</em>, only the text before the first binary zero (if any are present) will be &quot;seen&quot; by most AutoHotkey commands and functions. However, the entire contents are still present and can be accessed by advanced methods such as <a href="NumGet.htm">NumGet()</a>.</p>
48<p>Finally, <a href="FileOpen.htm">FileOpen()</a> and <a href="../objects/File.htm#RawRead">File.RawRead()</a> or <a href="../objects/File.htm#ReadNum">File.Read<i>Num</i>()</a> may be used to read binary data without first reading the entire file into memory.</p>
candy.ahk | AutoHotkey | 378 lines
1;This is the autohotkey version.
2Process Priority,,High
main.js | JavaScript | 424 lines
29  var wDir = GetWorkingDir();
30  var header  = '<div class="header"><table class="hdr-table"><tr><td class="hdr-image"><a href="' + wDir + '/"><img src="' + wDir + '/static/ahk_logo_no_text.png" width="217" height="70" alt="AutoHotkey"></a></td><td class="hdr-search"><form id="search-form"><input id="q" size="30" type="text" placeholder="' + translate.hdSearchTxt + '"></form><div id="search-btn">' + translate.hdSearchBtn + '</div></td><td class="hdr-language"><ul><li>Language<ul class="second"><li id="lng-btn-en">English</li><li id="lng-btn-de">Deutsch</li><li id="lng-btn-cn">&#20013;&#25991;</li></ul></li></ul></td></tr></table></div>';
31  var main_1  = '<div class="main-content"><div id="app-body"><div id="headerbar"></div><div class="left-col"><ul class="nav"><li id="sb_content" class="selected"><span>' + translate.sbContent + '</span></li><li id="sb_index"><span>' + translate.sbIndex + '</span></li></ul><div id="sidebar"></div><div id="keywords" style="display: none;"><input id="IndexEntry" type="text"><select id="indexcontainer" name="IndexListbox" class="docstyle" size="20"></select></div></div><div class="right-col"><div id="main-content">';
RegisterCallback.htm | HTML | 160 lines
39      <p>An integer that <em>FunctionName</em> will see in <a href="../Variables.htm#EventInfo">A_EventInfo</a> whenever it is called via this <em>Address</em>. This is useful when <em>FunctionName</em> is called by more than one <em>Address</em>. If omitted, it defaults to <em>Address</em>. Note: Unlike other global settings, the <a href="../misc/Threads.htm">current thread</a>'s A_EventInfo is not disturbed by the <a href="#Fast">fast mode</a>.</p>
40      <p>If the exe running the script is 32-bit, this parameter must be between 0 and 4294967295. If the exe is 64-bit, this parameter can be a 64-bit integer. Although <a href="../Variables.htm#EventInfo">A_EventInfo</a> usually returns an unsigned integer, AutoHotkey does not fully support unsigned 64-bit integers and therefore some operations may cause the value to wrap into the signed range.</p></dd>
45<p>A <a href="../Functions.htm">function</a> assigned to a callback address may accept up to 31 parameters. <a href="../Functions.htm#optional">Optional parameters</a> are permitted, which is useful when the function is called by more than one caller.</p>
46<p>Interpreting the parameters correctly requires some understanding of how the x86 calling conventions work. Since AutoHotkey does not have typed parameters, the callback's parameter list is assumed to consist of integers, and some reinterpretation may be required.</p>
48<p><strong>AutoHotkey 32-bit:</strong> All incoming parameters are unsigned 32-bit integers. Smaller types are padded out to 32 bits, while larger types are split into a series of 32-bit parameters.</p>
49<p>If an incoming parameter is intended to be a signed integer, any negative numbers can be revealed by following either of the following examples:</p>
57<p><strong>AutoHotkey 64-bit:</strong> All incoming parameters are signed 64-bit integers. AutoHotkey does not natively support unsigned 64-bit integers. Smaller types are padded out to 64 bits, while larger types are always passed by address.</p>
83<h3>What the Function Should <em>Return</em></h3>
84<p>If the function uses <a href="Return.htm">Return</a> without any parameters, or it specifies a blank value such as &quot;&quot; (or it never uses Return at all), 0 is returned to the caller of the callback. Otherwise, the function should return an integer, which is then returned to the caller. AutoHotkey 32-bit truncates return values to 32-bit, while AutoHotkey 64-bit supports 64-bit return values. Returning structs larger than this (by value) is not supported.</p>
nPad.ahk | AutoHotkey | 532 lines
5; WindowPad - multi-monitor window-moving tool
8; transparent GUI over notepad
8; transparent GUI over notepad
10; Add ToolTips to controls.
20;	=> looks OK so far
21; detect the better location on title bar to dock by WM_NCHITTEST
22; 	Exclude list, more efficiently exclude tool menu and so on...
32	; do not move un-moveable window
33; if need implement "SetParent" or so ...
34; INI setting
        | Org | 54 lines
11general automation on Windows, there's
50to use keyboard macros, then using Lisp. For Excel, learn different
51functions (I use CONCATENATE and IF a lot). For AutoHotkey, try using it
52for abbreviations, then expand.
grammars.yml | YAML | 538 lines
26- source.alloy
28- source.ahk
ComInterface.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 400 lines
4; COM interface for SciTE4AutoHotkey
5;     version 1.0 - fincs
366	{
367		MsgBox, 16, SciTE4AutoHotkey, Can't create COM interface!`nSome program functions may not work.
368		if IsPortable
FileGetVersion.htm | HTML | 42 lines
38<pre class="NoIndent">FileGetVersion, version, C:\My Application.exe
39FileGetVersion, version, %A_ProgramFiles%\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe</pre>
        | Markdown | 145 lines
5An Autohotkey_L [] stand-alone library
ComObjQuery.htm | HTML | 123 lines
4<title>ComObjQuery() - Syntax &amp; Usage | AutoHotkey</title>
5<meta name="description" content="The ComObjQuery function queries a COM object for an interface or service." />
82<p><a class="ex_number" href="#ExIE"></a> Automates an existing Internet Explorer window.</p>
83<pre>sURL := ""
84if WebBrowser := GetWebBrowser()
notas_instalació | Markdown | 122 lines
17  y lo agrego al path.
18* Instalo AutoHotKey y agrego la ruta a la variable de entorno del sistema PATH
19* Establezco la configuración del puntero Windows a "Aero Extra Grande"
Macros.htm | HTML | 33 lines
16<p>A macro is a series of scripted actions that is &quot;played&quot; upon demand. The most common activity of a macro is to send <a href="../commands/Send.htm">simulated keystrokes</a> and <a href="../commands/Click.htm">mouse clicks</a> to one or more windows. Such windows respond to each keystroke and mouse click as though you had performed it manually, which allows repetitive tasks to be automated with high speed and reliability.</p>
17<p>Although macros can be written by hand, you might find it easier to write long ones with the aid of a macro recorder such as the <a href="">Recorder script</a> written by Titan/polyethene. It watches what you type and where you click, and keeps track of which window is <a href="../commands/WinActivate.htm">active</a>. It transcribes these actions into a working macro that can later be &quot;played back&quot; at a faster speed.</p>
18<p>One of the most convenient ways to play back a macro is to assign it to a <a href="../Hotkeys.htm">hotkey</a> or <a href="../Hotstrings.htm">hotstring</a>.  For example, the following hotkey would create an empty e-mail message and prepare it for a certain type recipient, allowing you to personalize it prior to sending:</p>
31<p><a href="../AutoHotkey.htm">-- Home --</a></p>
        git:// | Markdown | 20 lines
3Ahk2Exe is the official AutoHotkey script to EXE converter, which is written itself in AutoHotkey.
10Ahk2Exe must be compiled with itself as it uses compiler directives. (Make sure to use a recent AutoHotkey self-contained binary, version 1.1.)
14The resulting Ahk2Exe.exe file should be copied to the Compiler sub-folder under the folder containing AutoHotkey.exe for proper operation.
autohotkey.vim | Vim Script | 320 lines
279if exists("g:autohotkey_syntax_sync_minlines")
280  let b:autohotkey_syntax_sync_minlines = g:autohotkey_syntax_sync_minlines
284exec "syn sync ccomment autohotkeyComment minlines=" . b:autohotkey_syntax_sync_minlines
287hi def link autohotkeyComment             Comment
288hi def link autohotkeyCommentStart        autohotkeyComment
289hi def link autohotkeyEscape              Special
294hi def link autohotkeyHotstring           Type
295hi def link autohotkeyHotstringDelimiter  autohotkeyDelimiter
296hi def link autohotkeyHotstringOptions    Special
297hi def link autohotkeyString              String
298hi def link autohotkeyStringDelimiter     autohotkeyString
299hi def link autohotkeyVariable            Identifier
autohotkey.js | JavaScript | 84 lines
2Language: AutoHotkey
3Author: Seongwon Lee <>
3Author: Seongwon Lee <>
4Description: AutoHotkey language definition
5Category: scripting
8/** @type LanguageFn */
9function autohotkey(hljs) {
10  const BACKTICK_ESCAPE = {
14  return {
15    name: 'AutoHotkey',
16    case_insensitive: true,
50        // symbol would be most accurate however is highlighted just like
51        // built_in and that makes up a lot of AutoHotkey code meaning that it
52        // would fail to highlight anything
        | Python | 288 lines
55                                  anchor=constants.TOP_CENTER,
56                                  text=_("&OPEN BASE"), autohotkey=True,
57                                  function=self.open_base)
60                                  anchor=constants.TOP_CENTER,
61                                  text=_("&POWER STATE"), autohotkey=True,
62                                  function=self.power_state)
65            button.FunctionButton(self, (0, -.91), (-.3, -.09),
66                                  text=_("&NEW BASE"), autohotkey=True,
67                                  function=self.new_base)
70                                  anchor=constants.TOP_CENTER,
71                                  text=_("&DESTROY BASE"), autohotkey=True,
72                                  function=self.destroy_base)
74                                                   anchor=constants.TOP_RIGHT,
75                                                   text=_("&BACK"), autohotkey=True)
index.js | JavaScript | 74 lines
45hljs.registerLanguage('ocaml', require('./languages/ocaml.js'));
46hljs.registerLanguage('autohotkey', require('./languages/autohotkey.js'));
47hljs.registerLanguage('objectivec', require('./languages/objectivec.js'));
WinLIRC.htm | HTML | 297 lines
22<p><a href="WinLIRC.ahk">Download This Script</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="index.htm">Other Sample Scripts</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="../AutoHotkey.htm">Home</a></p>
34<em>; This script requires AutoHotkey or later.
113; To learn the basics of AutoHotkey, check out the Quick-start Tutorial
114; at <a href=""></a></em>
145DetectHiddenWindows On
146ScriptMainWindowId := WinExist(&quot;ahk_class AutoHotkey ahk_pid &quot; . ErrorLevel)
147DetectHiddenWindows Off
EasyWindowDrag_(KDE).htm | HTML | 165 lines
21<p><a href="EasyWindowDrag_(KDE).ahk">Download This Script</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="index.htm">Other Sample Scripts</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="../AutoHotkey.htm">Home</a></p>
47    MsgBox,20,,This script may not work properly with your version of AutoHotkey. Continue?
48    IfMsgBox,No
BlockInput.htm | HTML | 60 lines
46<p>Input blocking is automatically and momentarily disabled whenever an ALT event is sent (then re-enabled afterward).</p>
47<p>When BlockInput is in effect, user input is blocked but AutoHotkey can simulate keystrokes and mouse clicks. However, pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del will re-enable input due to a Windows API feature.</p>
48<p>Certain types of <a href="_UseHook.htm">hook hotkeys</a> can still be triggered when BlockInput is on. Examples include <code>MButton</code> (mouse hook) and <code>LWin &amp; Space</code> (keyboard hook with explicit prefix rather than modifiers <code>$#</code>).</p>
Transform.htm | HTML | 91 lines
29<p>The <em>Cmd</em>, <em>Value1</em> and <em>Value2</em> parameters are dependent upon each other and their usage is described below.</p>
30<p id="Unicode"><strong>Unicode [, String]</strong>: <em>(This command is not available in Unicode versions of AutoHotkey.)</em> Retrieves or stores Unicode text on the clipboard. Note: The entire clipboard may be saved and restored by means of <a href="../misc/Clipboard.htm#ClipboardAll">ClipboardAll</a>, which allows &quot;Transform Unicode&quot; to operate without losing the original contents of the clipboard.</p>
31<p>There are two modes of operation as illustrated in the following examples:</p>
cv2.0.0.tex | LaTeX | 70 lines
34\cvitem{Langages}{C++, Java, Ruby, Bash, Python, CoffeeScript, Javascript, Assembleur MIPS, AutoHotkey (macros)}
35\cvitem{Développement}{Extreme Programming (ensemble de pratiques agiles), Pair Programming, Tests automatisé (unitaires, fonctionnels), Injection de dépendance, Intégration continue, MVC, Concurrence (Synchronisation, ressources critiques)} %removed Impératif Objet
VolumeOSD.htm | HTML | 143 lines
18<p><a href="VolumeOSD.ahk">Download This Script</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="index.htm">Other Sample Scripts</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="../AutoHotkey.htm">Home</a></p>
CCFramework.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 241 lines
191	Credits:
192		Inspired by Bentschi's A_LastError() (<>)
193	*/
215	Credits:
216		Thanks jaco0646 for this code! (<>)
217	*/
autohotkey.js | JavaScript | 62 lines
44var TextMode = require("./text").Mode;
45var AutoHotKeyHighlightRules = require("./autohotkey_highlight_rules").AutoHotKeyHighlightRules;
46// TODO: pick appropriate fold mode
49var Mode = function() {
50    this.HighlightRules = AutoHotKeyHighlightRules;
51    this.foldingRules = new FoldMode();
57    this.blockComment = {start: "/*", end: "*/"};
58    this.$id = "ace/mode/autohotkey";
autohotkey.vim | Vim Script | 292 lines
251if exists("g:autohotkey_syntax_sync_minlines")
252  let b:autohotkey_syntax_sync_minlines = g:autohotkey_syntax_sync_minlines
269hi def link autohotkeyString              String
270hi def link autohotkeyStringDelimiter     autohotkeyString
271hi def link autohotkeyVariable            Identifier
271hi def link autohotkeyVariable            Identifier
272hi def link autohotkeyVariableDelimiter   autohotkeyVariable
273hi def link autohotkeyBuiltinVariable     Macro
275hi def link autohotkeyFunction            Function
276hi def link autohotkeyStatement           autohotkeyCommand
277hi def link autohotkeyRepeat              Repeat
284hi def link autohotkeyInteger             autohotkeyNumber
285hi def link autohotkeyFloat               autohotkeyNumber
286hi def link autohotkeyType                Type
ObjAddRef.htm | HTML | 56 lines
30<p>Although the following articles discuss reference counting as it applies to COM, they cover some important concepts and rules which generally also apply to AutoHotkey objects: <a href="">IUnknown::AddRef</a>, <a href="">IUnknown::Release</a>, <a href="">Reference Counting Rules</a>.</p>
ComObjType.htm | HTML | 95 lines
77<h3>General Remarks</h3>
78<p>In most common cases, return values from methods or properties of COM objects are converted to an appropriate data type supported by AutoHotkey. Types which aren't specifically handled are coerced to strings via <a href="">VariantChangeType</a>; if this fails or if the variant type contains the VT_ARRAY or VT_BYREF flag, an object containing both the value and its type is returned instead.</p>
79<p>For any variable <i>x</i>, if <code>ComObjType(x)</code> returns an integer, <i>x</i> contains a COM object wrapper.</p>
        | Properties File | 268 lines
247# SciTE4AutoHotkey settings
           *=SciTE4AutoHotkey settings...
252# SciTE4AutoHotkey diag util
           *=SciTE4AutoHotkey Diagnostics Utility
257# Enable/disable SciTE4AutoHotkey automatic updates
index.php | PHP | 105 lines
20<optgroup label="#"><option>4cs</option>
21<optgroup label="A"><option>abap</option> <option>actionscript3</option> <option>actionscript</option> <option>ada</option> <option>apache</option> <option>applescript</option> <option>apt_sources</option> <option>asm</option> <option>asp</option> <option>autoconf</option> <option>autohotkey</option> <option>autoit</option> <option>avisynth</option> <option>awk</option>
22<optgroup label="B"><option>basic4gl</option> <option>bf</option> <option>bibtex</option> <option>blitzbasic</option> <option>bnf</option> <option>boo</option> 
Threads.htm git:// | HTML | 32 lines
4<title>Threads - Behaviour &amp; Priority | AutoHotkey</title>
5<meta name="description" content="The &quot;current thread&quot; is defined as the flow of execution invoked by the most recent event; examples include hotkeys, SetTimer subroutines, custom menu items, and GUI events." />
15<p>The <em>current thread</em> is defined as the flow of execution invoked by the most recent event; examples include <a href="../Hotkeys.htm">hotkeys</a>, <a href="../commands/SetTimer.htm">SetTimer subroutines</a>, <a href="../commands/Menu.htm">custom menu items</a>, and <a href="../commands/Gui.htm#Events">GUI events</a>. The <em>current thread</em> can be executing commands within its own subroutine or within other subroutines called by that subroutine.</p>
16<p>Although AutoHotkey doesn't actually use multiple threads, it simulates some of that behavior: If a second thread is started -- such as by pressing another hotkey while the previous is still running -- the <em>current thread</em> will be interrupted (temporarily halted) to allow the new thread to become <em>current</em>. If a third thread is started while the second is still running, both the second and first will be in a dormant state, and so on.</p>
17<p>When the <em>current thread</em> finishes, the one most recently interrupted will be resumed, and so on, until all the threads finally finish. When resumed, a thread's settings for things such as <a href="ErrorLevel.htm">ErrorLevel</a> and <a href="../commands/SendMode.htm">SendMode</a> are automatically restored to what they were just prior to its interruption; in other words, a thread will experience no side-effects from having been interrupted (except for a possible change in the <a href="../commands/WinActivate.htm">active window</a>).</p>
JoystickTest.htm | HTML | 104 lines
21<p><a href="JoystickTest.ahk">Download This Script</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="index.htm">Other Sample Scripts</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="../AutoHotkey.htm">Home</a></p>
_MaxThreadsBuffer.htm | HTML | 40 lines
27<p>This directive is rarely used because this type of buffering, which is OFF by default, usually does more harm than good. For example, if you accidentally press a hotkey twice, having this setting ON would cause that hotkey's subroutine to automatically run a second time if its first <a href="../misc/Threads.htm">thread</a> takes less than 1 second to finish (this type of buffer expires after 1 second, by design). Note that AutoHotkey  buffers hotkeys in several other ways (such as <code><a href="Thread.htm">Thread Interrupt</a></code> and <code><a href="Critical.htm">Critical</a></code>). It's just that this particular way can be detrimental, thus it is OFF by default.</p>
28<p>The main use for this directive is to increase the responsiveness of the keyboard's auto-repeat feature. For example, when you hold down a hotkey whose <a href="_MaxThreadsPerHotkey.htm">#MaxThreadsPerHotkey</a> setting is 1 (the default), incoming keypresses  are ignored if that hotkey subroutine is already running. Thus, when the subroutine finishes, it must wait for the next auto-repeat keypress to come in, which might take 50ms or more due to being caught in between keystrokes of the auto-repeat cycle. This 50ms delay can be avoided by enabling this directive for any hotkey that needs the best possible response time while it is being auto-repeated.</p>
ext-modelist.js | JavaScript | 237 lines
45    Assembly_x86:["asm|a"],
46    AutoHotKey:  ["ahk"],
47    Apex:        ["apex|cls|trigger|tgr"],
211    Perl6: "Perl 6",
212    AutoHotKey: "AutoHotkey / AutoIt"
PARAMDESC.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 112 lines
16	AutoHotkey - AHK v2 alpha
17	Base classes - _CCF_Error_Handler_, StructBase
EasyWindowDrag.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 46 lines
1; Easy Window Dragging (requires XP/2k/NT)
3; Normally, a window can only be dragged by clicking on its title bar.
Functor.htm | HTML | 78 lines
53<p>The work can also be done directly in __Call. However, having __Call redirect to Call is recommended to ease the transition to AutoHotkey v2, which will change the behaviour of <code>%this%()</code> and method calls to call the Call method directly.</p>
AhkDllFlat.cs | C# | 55 lines
6    /// <summary>
7    /// These functions serve as a flat wrapper for AutoHotkey.dll.
8    /// They assume AutoHotkey.dll is in the same directory as your
12    {
13        private const string DLLPATH = "AutoHotkey.dll";
Benchmarks v1.1.05.06 (Rseding91 Desktop).html git:// | HTML | 22 lines
2<!-- saved from url=(0100) -->
3<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>AutoHotkey Benchmarks</title><style>body{background:#F3F3F3;font-family:Constantia,"Lucida Serif",Lucida,"DejaVu Serif","Bitstream Vera Serif","Liberation Serif",Georgia,serif;margin:2em;font-size:1em;color:#BBBBBB;}table{width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;color:#707070;}h1{font-size:2.8em;text-shadow:#555555 0 -1px 0.04em;color:#D5D5D5;text-align:center;}h2{font-size:1.9em;text-shadow:#555555 0 -1px 0.035em;}td,th{background:#D0D0D0;text-shadow:#FFFFFF 0 0.5px 0.3em;border:1px solid #D5D5D5;padding:0.2em;}th{font-size:1.2em;text-align:left;background-color:#E0E0E0;text-shadow:#888888 0 -1px 0.04em;color:#AAAAAA;}tr.alt td{background-color:#BFBFBF;}pre{background-color:#6F6F6F;margin:0.1em;padding:0.4em;font-size:0.8em;font-family:"Courier New",Courier,monospace;color:#FFFFFF;-webkit-border-radius:0.2em;-moz-border-radius:0.2em;border-radius:0.2em;}ul{padding:1em;background-color:#E5E5E5;-webkit-box-shadow:inset 1px 2px 0.3em #555555;-moz-box-shadow:inset 1px 2px 0.3em #555555;box-shadow:inset 1px 2px 0.3em #555555;line-height:1.5;width:13em;list-style-type:none;}a{text-shadow:#FFFFFF 0 0.5px 0.3em;}a:link{color:#A0A0A0;}a:visited{color:#B8B8B8;}a:hover{color:#FFFFFF;}</style></head><body><h1>AutoHotkey Benchmarks</h1><h2 id="Contents">Contents</h2><ul><li><a href="">Control Group</a></li><li><a href="">Assignment</a></li><li><a href="">Comparison</a></li><li><a href="">String Searching</a></li><li><a href="">Regular Expressions</a></li><li><a href="">String Manipulation</a></li><li><a href="">String Operations</a></li><li><a href="">Files</a></li><li><a href="">Control Flow</a></li><li><a href="">Environment Variables</a></li><li><a href="">Keyboard and mouse</a></li><li><a href="">Dynamic Variables</a></li><li><a href="">System Information</a></li></ul><h2 id="ControlGroup">Control Group</h2><table><tbody><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Blank Run</td><td><pre>(None)</pre></td><td>0.000413</td></tr></tbody></table><p>1,000,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="Assignment">Assignment</h2><table><tbody><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Classic</td><td><pre>Variable = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</pre></td><td>0.000557</td></tr><tr><td>Classic with variable</td><td><pre>Variable = Lorem ipsum %OtherVariable% dolor sit amet</pre></td><td>0.000623</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Expression</td><td><pre>Variable := "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"</pre></td><td>0.000754</td></tr><tr><td>Expression with variable</td><td><pre>Variable := "Lorem ipsum" . OtherVariable . " dolor sit amet"</pre></td><td>0.000935</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Expression explicit concatenation</td><td><pre>Variable := "Lorem ipsum" . " dolor sit amet"</pre></td><td>0.000883</td></tr><tr><td>Expression implicit concatenation</td><td><pre>Variable := "Lorem ipsum" " dolor sit amet"</pre></td><td>0.000918</td></tr></tbody></table><p>1,000,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="Comparison">Comparison</h2><table><tbody><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Classic If statement</td><td><pre>If Variable = abcdef
4 Return</pre></td><td>0.000834</td></tr><tr><td>Expression If statement</td><td><pre>If (Variable = "abcdef")
22}</pre></td><td>0.002288</td></tr><tr><td>Blank subroutine call</td><td><pre>Gosub, BlankLabel</pre></td><td>0.002104</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Blank function call</td><td><pre>BlankFunction()</pre></td><td>0.002170</td></tr></tbody></table><p>1,000,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="EnvironmentVariables">Environment Variables</h2><table><tbody><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Set environment variable</td><td><pre>EnvSet, EnvVar, abcdeg</pre></td><td>0.004068</td></tr><tr><td>Get environment variable</td><td><pre>EnvGet, Temp1, EnvVar</pre></td><td>0.002338</td></tr></tbody></table><p>500,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="Keyboardandmouse">Keyboard and mouse</h2><table><tbody><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Get mouse position</td><td><pre>MouseGetPos, Temp1, Temp2</pre></td><td>0.002928</td></tr><tr><td>Move mouse</td><td><pre>MouseMove, 0, 0, 0, R</pre></td><td>0.022701</td></tr></tbody></table><p>10,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="DynamicVariables">Dynamic Variables</h2><table><tbody><tr><th>Benchmark</th><th>Code</th><th>Average time per run (ms)</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Dynamic variable access</td><td><pre>% %Variable%</pre></td><td>0.002465</td></tr><tr><td>Dynamic variable assignment</td><td><pre>%Variable% = abcdeg</pre></td><td>0.002347</td></tr></tbody></table><p>1,000,000 iterations each</p><h2 id="SystemInformation">System Information</h2><table><tbody><tr><th>Field</th><th>Value</th></tr><tr class="alt"><td>AutoHotkey Version</td><td>AutoHotkey v1.1.05.06 Unicode (x86)</td></tr><tr><td>OS Name</td><td>Microsoft Windows 7 Professional </td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>OS Version</td><td>6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601</td></tr><tr><td>OS Configuration</td><td>Standalone Workstation</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>OS Build Type</td><td>Multiprocessor Free</td></tr><tr><td>System Manufacturer</td><td>Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>System Model</td><td>P55-USB3</td></tr><tr><td>System Type</td><td>x64-based PC</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Processor(s)</td><td>1 Processor(s) Installed.,[01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 30 Stepping 5 GenuineIntel ~2798 Mhz</td></tr><tr><td>BIOS Version</td><td>Award Software International, Inc. F9, 11/1/2010</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Total Physical Memory</td><td>16,375 MB</td></tr><tr><td>Available Physical Memory</td><td>12,970 MB</td></tr><tr class="alt"><td>Virtual Memory: Max Size</td><td>40,923 MB</td></tr><tr><td>Virtual Memory: Available</td><td>36,886 MB</td></tr></tbody></table></body></html>
Compile.ahk | AutoHotkey | 36 lines
2; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
3; Language:       English
11#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
12SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
18RegRead, VSExec, HKCU, Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0_Config, InstallDir
19RegRead, AHKExec, HKLM, Software\AutoHotkey, InstallDir
20RegRead, NSISExec, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, NSIS.Script\shell\compile\command
TutorialLaunch.htm | HTML | 40 lines
6<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
7<title>AutoHotkey Tutorial - Launch a program or document (continued)</title>
8<link href="static/theme.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
SetFormat.htm | HTML | 77 lines
24  <dd><p>For <em>NumberType</em> Integer or IntegerFast, specify H or HEX for hexadecimal, or D for decimal. Hexadecimal numbers all start with the prefix 0x (e.g. 0xFF). <span class="ver">[AHK_L 42+]:</span> Hexadecimal integers are formatted with digits A-F in lowercase when this parameter is <code>h</code> and uppercase when it is <code>H</code>.</p>
25      <p id="sci">For <em>NumberType</em> Float or FloatFast, specify <code>TotalWidth<strong>.</strong>DecimalPlaces</code> (e.g. <code>0.6</code>). In v1.0.46.11+, the letter &quot;e&quot; may be appended to produce scientific notation; e.g. <code>0.6e</code> or <code>0.6E</code> (using uppercase produces an uppercase E in each number instead of lowercase). Note: In AutoHotkey 1.x, scientific notation must include a decimal point; e.g. <code>1.0e1</code> is valid but not <code>1e1</code>.</p>
26      <p><em>TotalWidth</em> is typically  0 to indicate that number should not have any blank or zero padding. If a higher value is used, numbers  will be padded with spaces or zeroes (see <a href="#Float">remarks</a>) to make them that wide.</p>
46<p>Literal integers specified in a script may be written as either hexadecimal or decimal. Hexadecimal integers all start with the prefix 0x (e.g. <code>0xA9</code>). They may be used anywhere a numerical value is expected. For example, <code>Sleep 0xFF</code> is equivalent to <code>Sleep 255</code> regardless of the current integer format set by SetFormat.</p>
47<p>AutoHotkey supports 64-bit signed integers, which range from -9223372036854775808 (-0x8000000000000000) to 9223372036854775807 (0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF).</p>
48<p>The built-in variable <strong>A_FormatInteger</strong> contains the current integer format (H or D).</p>
autohotkey.js | JavaScript | 65 lines
2Language: AutoHotkey
3Author: Seongwon Lee <>
3Author: Seongwon Lee <>
4Description: AutoHotkey language definition
_InstallMouseHook.htm | HTML | 29 lines
18<p>The mouse hook monitors mouse clicks for the purpose of activating mouse <a href="../Hotkeys.htm">hotkeys</a> and <a href="../Hotstrings.htm#NoMouse">facilitating hotstrings</a>.</p>
19<p>AutoHotkey does not install the keyboard and mouse hooks unconditionally because together they consume at least 500 KB of memory (but if the keyboard hook is installed, installing the mouse hook only requires about 50 KB of additional memory; and vice versa). Therefore, the mouse hook is normally installed only when the script contains one or more mouse <a href="../Hotkeys.htm">hotkeys</a>. It is also installed for <a href="../Hotstrings.htm">hotstrings</a>, but that can be disabled via <a href="_Hotstring.htm">#Hotstring NoMouse</a>.</p>
20<p>By contrast, the #InstallMouseHook directive will unconditionally install the mouse hook, which might be useful to allow <a href="KeyHistory.htm">KeyHistory</a> to monitor mouse clicks.</p>
AutoHotkeyInit.cs | C# | 72 lines
2 * All code in 'static AutoHotkey()' is taken from here:
3 *
13    public partial class AutoHotkey
14    {
14    {
15        static AutoHotkey()
16        {
16        {
17            if (File.Exists("AutoHotkey.dll"))
18            {
18            {
19                IntPtr h = Win32.LoadLibrary("AutoHotkey.dll");
20                return;
RemapJoystick.htm | HTML | 67 lines
9name=keywords><LINK title="AutoHotkey Forum RSS" href="../../forum/rss.php" 
10type=application/rss+xml rel=alternate><LINK href="../css/default.css" 
27  href="">PPJoy</A> 来实现。 
28  <LI>AutoHotkey 用 1 至 32 之间一个唯一的数字来定义游戏杆上的每个按钮。要确定这些数字,请用<A 
29  href="../scripts/JoystickTest.htm">游戏杆测试脚本</A>。 </LI></UL>
Input.htm | HTML | 147 lines
29      <p><strong>C</strong>: Case sensitive. Normally, <em>MatchList</em> is not case sensitive (in versions prior to, only the letters A-Z are recognized as having varying case, not letters like &uuml;/&Uuml;).</p>
30      <p><strong>I</strong>: Ignore input generated by any AutoHotkey script, such as the <a href="Send.htm#SendEvent">SendEvent</a> command. However, the <a href="Send.htm#SendInput">SendInput</a> and <a href="Send.htm#SendPlay">SendPlay</a> methods are always ignored, regardless of this setting.</p>      
31      <p><strong>L</strong>: Length limit (e.g. <code>L5</code>). The maximum allowed length of the input. When the text reaches this length, the Input will be terminated and <a href="../misc/ErrorLevel.htm">ErrorLevel</a> will be set to the word Max unless the text matches one of the <em>MatchList</em> phrases, in which case <a href="../misc/ErrorLevel.htm">ErrorLevel</a> is set to the word Match. If unspecified, the length limit is 16383, which is also the absolute maximum.</p>
142else if (UserInput = "ahk")
143    Run,
KeyboardOnScreen.htm | HTML | 246 lines
20<p><a href="KeyboardOnScreen.ahk">Download This Script</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="index.htm">Other Sample Scripts</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="../AutoHotkey.htm">Home</a></p>
RegExCallout.htm | HTML | 117 lines
20<p>The syntax for a callout in AutoHotkey is <span class="Syntax">(?C<em>Number</em>:<em>Function</em>)</span>, where both <em>Number</em> and <em>Function</em> are optional. Colon ':' is allowed only if <em>Function</em> is specified, and is optional if <em>Number</em> is omitted. If <em>Function</em> is specified but is not the name of a user-defined function, a compile error occurs and pattern-matching does not begin.</p>
PropertyStore.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 114 lines
16	AutoHotkey - AHK v2 alpha
17	OS - Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008 or higher
IfBetween.htm git:// | HTML | 67 lines
4<title>If Var between Low and High - Syntax &amp; Usage | AutoHotkey</title>
5<meta name="description" content="The &quot;if Var between Low and High&quot; statement checks whether a variable's contents are numerically or alphabetically between two values (inclusive)." />
VolumeOSD.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 128 lines
1; Volume On-Screen-Display (OSD) -- by Rajat
3; This script assigns hotkeys of your choice to raise and lower the
Threads.htm | HTML | 31 lines
14<p>The <em>current thread</em> is defined as the flow of execution invoked by the most recent event; examples include <a href="../Hotkeys.htm">hotkeys</a>, <a href="../commands/SetTimer.htm">SetTimer subroutines</a>, <a href="../commands/Menu.htm">custom menu items</a>, and <a href="../commands/Gui.htm#Events">GUI events</a>. The <em>current thread</em> can be executing commands within its own subroutine or within other subroutines called by that subroutine.</p>
15<p>Although AutoHotkey doesn't actually use multiple threads, it simulates some of that behavior: If a second thread is started -- such as by pressing another hotkey while the previous is still running -- the <em>current thread</em> will be interrupted (temporarily halted) to allow the new thread to become <em>current</em>. If a third thread is started while the second is still running, both the second and first will be in a dormant state, and so on.</p>
16<p>When the <em>current thread</em> finishes, the one most recently interrupted will be resumed, and so on, until all the threads finally finish. When resumed, a thread's settings for things such as <a href="ErrorLevel.htm">ErrorLevel</a> and <a href="../commands/SendMode.htm">SendMode</a> are automatically restored to what they were just prior to its interruption; in other words, a thread will experience no side-effects from having been interrupted (except for a possible change in the <a href="../commands/WinActivate.htm">active window</a>).</p>
default.css | CSS | 125 lines
1/* styles tweaked from the original AutoHotkey css */
exec_windows.go | Go | 187 lines
135				// use "Prior to 2008" rule from
136				//
137				// section 5.2 to deal with double double quotes
160// strings, following the Windows conventions documented
161// at
162func commandLineToArgv(cmd string) []string {
        | Org | 154 lines
80- [[file:+lang/asciidoc/][asciidoc]]
81- [[file:+lang/autohotkey/][autohotkey]]
82- [[file:+lang/c-c++/][c-c++]]
application.h | C Header | 106 lines
4Copyright 2003-2009 Chris Mallett (
file_icon_map.js | JavaScript | 610 lines
246  mxml: 'mxml',
247  ahk: 'autohotkey',
248  swf: 'flash',
FileAppend.htm | HTML | 91 lines
29    <p id="stdout"><strong>Standard Output (stdout)</strong>: Specifying an asterisk (*) for <em>Filename</em> causes <em>Text</em> to be sent to standard output (stdout). Such text can be redirected to a file, piped to another EXE, or captured by <a href="_ErrorStdOut.htm">fancy text editors</a>. For example, the following would be valid if typed at a command prompt:</p>
30      <pre>&quot;%ProgramFiles%\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe&quot; &quot;My Script.ahk&quot; &gt;&quot;Error Log.txt&quot;</pre>
31    <p>However, text sent to stdout will not appear at the command prompt it was launched from. This can be worked around by piping a script's output to another command or program. For example:</p>
31    <p>However, text sent to stdout will not appear at the command prompt it was launched from. This can be worked around by piping a script's output to another command or program. For example:</p>
32      <pre>&quot;%ProgramFiles%\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe&quot; &quot;My Script.ahk&quot; |more</pre>
33      <pre>For /F &quot;tokens=*&quot; %L in ('&quot;&quot;%ProgramFiles%\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe&quot; &quot;My Script .ahk&quot;&quot;') do @Echo %L</pre>
StringLower.htm | HTML | 64 lines
4<title>StringLower / StringUpper - Syntax &amp; Usage | AutoHotkey</title>
5<meta name="description" content="The StringLower and StringUpper commands convert a string to lowercase or uppercase." />
SetExpression.htm | HTML | 70 lines
4<title>Var := Expression - Syntax &amp; Usage | AutoHotkey</title>
5<meta name="description" content="The &quot;Var := Expression&quot; statement evaluates an expression and stores the result in a variable." />
index.html git:// | HTML | 44 lines
4<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
6<link href="../primary.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
11<div id="page">
11<div id="page">
12  <p>While scripts will function identically to AutoHotkey in almost all cases there are several underlying changes and enhancements.</p>
13  <h2 id="syntax">Syntax</h2>
13  <h2 id="syntax">Syntax</h2>
14  <p>The script compiler automatically makes the following conversions to ease transition from AutoHotkey:</p>
15  <ul>
36  <h2 id="security">Security</h2>
37  <p>When scripts are <a href="../overview/compiling/">compiled</a> the source code is not attached to the  binary file so it cannot be decompiled. This is unlike AutoHotkey which stores a full copy of the script with the compiled .exe which can be extracted and decrypted or read from process memory when it is executed. </p>
38  <h2 id="portability">Portability</h2>
FavoriteFolders.htm | HTML | 202 lines
24<p><a href="FavoriteFolders.ahk">Download This Script</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="index.htm">Other Sample Scripts</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="../AutoHotkey.htm">Home</a></p>
_If.htm | HTML | 59 lines
34<p>当按下了按键组合的其中一种形式的热键, #If 表达式的计算结果决定了是否应该激活热键. 只有在表达式计算完成或 <a href="_IfTimeout.htm">超时</a> 后系统才会响应键盘输入.</p>
35<p>由于 AutoHotkey 设计上的怪癖, #If 表达式在某些情况下可能被计算两次. 因此, #If 表达式应该设计为没有副作用.</p>
36<p><span class="ver">[AHK_L 53+]:</span> <a href="../Variables.htm#ThisHotkey">A_ThisHotkey</a> 包含了当前正在求值的 #If 表达式的热键名称</p>
URLDownloadToFile.htm | HTML | 54 lines
29      <P><STRONG>下载到一个变量</STRONG>: 在 <A 
30      href=""></A>&nbsp;有一个可调用的函数,你可以复制并粘贴到你的脚本中。</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
50<P><A href="FileRead.htm">FileRead</A>, <A href="FileCopy.htm">FileCopy</A></P>
51<h3>示例</h3><PRE class=NoIndent>UrlDownloadToFile,, C:\AutoHotkey Latest Version.txt
52UrlDownloadToFile,, C:\SomeOrg's</PRE>
KeyHistory.htm | HTML | 33 lines
21<p>此特性旨在帮助 <a href="../Scripts.htm#debug">调试脚本和热键</a>. 通过使用 <a href="../KeyList.htm#SpecialKeys">按键列表</a> 页面底部描述的步骤, 它还可以用来检测非标准键盘按键的扫描码 (知道按键的扫描码就可以把这个按键用在热键中).</p>
22<p>滚轮事件 (WheelDown, WheelUp, WheelLeft 和 WheelRight) 的虚拟键 (VK) 是一些在 AutoHotkey 外没有任何意义的占位符值. 此外, 滚轮事件的扫描码实际上是滚轮转动的格数 (通常为 1).</p>
23<p>如果脚本没有安装 <a href="_InstallKeybdHook.htm">键盘钩子</a>, 那么 KeyHistory 窗口将只显示由脚本自己 (即不包含用户的) 生成的按键事件. 如果脚本没有安装 <a href="_InstallMouseHook.htm">鼠标钩子</a>, 那么将不显示鼠标按钮事件. 如果您的脚本使用了其中的一种钩子, 那么可以通过脚本主窗口  (可通过托盘图标的 "Open" 菜单打开) 的菜单项 "View-&gt;Key History" 找到它. 通过添加下面两行语句中的任何一行或同时添加两行到脚本中, 您可以强制安装钩子:<br>
config.js | JavaScript | 26 lines
14var TYPES_STRING = 'unknown, JavaScript, HTML, Ruby, Java, PHP, Python, C, C++, CSS, Shell, C#, Objective-C, Perl, CoffeeScript, Go, Scala, VimL, R, Haskell, Clojure, Lua, Groovy, Emacs Lisp, Erlang, Puppet, TeX, Swift, Matlab, ActionScript, Arduino, Batchfile, GLSL, OCaml, Tcl, Visual Basic, TypeScript, D, Assembly, Common Lisp, Dart, Prolog, XSLT, PowerShell, Scheme, FORTRAN, Rust, ASP, Processing, Julia, F#, Elixir, ColdFusion, Vala, Apex, Racket, VHDL, Pascal, Smalltalk, Haxe, Verilog, Logos, Delphi, Makefile, Kotlin, AutoHotkey, CMake, QMake, UnrealScript, LiveScript, HaXe, BlitzBasic, IDL, Standard ML, XML, SQL, OpenEdge ABL, Objective-C++, AppleScript, SuperCollider, PureScript, Eiffel, Elm, Gosu, M, Smarty, Pure Data, nesC, XQuery, SQF, Scilab, DOT, Postscript, Cuda, Slash, Max, Game Maker Language, AutoIt, Mathematica, SourcePawn, Groff';
15var TYPES = TYPES_STRING.split(', ');
Test Background.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 105 lines
34If !FileExist("zizorz2 bg.png")
35UrlDownloadToFile,, background.png
recorder.ahk git:// | AutoHotkey | 76 lines
1#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
ini.ahk | AutoHotkey | 593 lines
10		License:
11			- Version 1.08 by Titan <>
12			- zlib License <>
SendMessage.htm | HTML | 74 lines
22Requirements: AutoHotkey v1.0.09+ and Winspector Spy (<a href=""></a>)</p>
23<p>As a first example, note that <a href="../commands/WinMenuSelectItem.htm">WinMenuSelectItem</a> fails to work with the menu bar on Outlook Express's &quot;New Message&quot; window. In other words, this code will not work:</p>
41<p>For the next example I'm taking Paint because possibly everyone will have that. Now let's say it's an app where you have to select a tool from a toolbar using AutoHotkey; say the dropper tool is to be selected.</p>
42<p>What will you do? Most probably a mouse click at the toolbar button, right? But toolbars can be moved and hidden! This one can be moved/hidden too. So if the target user has done any of this then your script will fail at that point. But the following command will still work:</p>
56SetTitleMatchMode, 2
57<a href="../commands/PostMessage.htm">PostMessage</a>, 0x111, 65305,,, MyScript.ahk - AutoHotkey <em>; Use 65306 to Pause vs. Suspend.</em></pre>
58<p>This above was for PostMessage. <a href="../commands/PostMessage.htm">SendMessage</a> works the same way but additionally waits for a return value, which can be used for things such as getting the currently playing track in Winamp (see <a href="Winamp.htm">Automating Winamp</a> for an example).</p>
69<p>Note: There are apps with which this technique doesn't work. I've had mixed luck with VB and Delphi apps. This technique is best used with C, C++ apps. With VB apps the 'LParam' of the same command keeps changing from one run to another. With Delphi apps... the GUI of some apps doesn't even use wm_command. It probably uses mouse pos &amp; clicks.</p>
70<p>Go and explore.... and share your experiences in the AutoHotkey Forum. Feedback is welcome!</p>
71<p>This tutorial is not meant for total newbies (no offense meant) since these commands are considered advanced features. So if after reading the above you've not made heads or tails of it, please forget it.</p>
languages.yml | YAML | 3766 lines
244  type: programming
251  tm_scope: source.ahk
252  ace_mode: autohotkey
263  tm_scope: source.autoit.3
264  ace_mode: autohotkey
AHKL_Features.htm | HTML | 104 lines
5<title>AutoHotkey_L Features</title>
6<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
9<body><h1>AutoHotkey_L 特性 <a href="" style="float:right;font-size:12px">[主页]</a></h1>
26<tr><th id="directives">指令</th><th></th></tr>
27<tr><td><a href="commands/_If.htm">#If <i>expression</i></a></td><td>类似于 <a href="">#IfWinActive</a>, 但可以是任意类型的表达式.</td></tr>
28<tr><td><a href="commands/_IfTimeout.htm">#IfTimeout</a></td><td>设置计算单个 #If 表达式可以使用的最大时间.</td></tr>
78<tr><td><a href="Compat.htm#Other">其他变化</a></td><td>影响脚本兼容性的改变.</td></tr>
79<tr><td><a href="AHKL_ChangeLog.htm">版本历史</a></td><td>AutoHotkey_L 的修订历史.</td></tr>
AutoHotkey.htm | HTML | 62 lines
5<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
12<a id="ahklogo" href="./"><img src="static/ahk_logo.png" alt="AutoHotkey"></a>
13<h1>Version <a href="AHKL_ChangeLog.htm">v<!--ver--><!--/ver--></a></h1>
13<h1>Version <a href="AHKL_ChangeLog.htm">v<!--ver--><!--/ver--></a></h1>
14<p><a href=""></a></p>
15<p>&copy;2003-2014 Chris Mallett, portions &copy;<a href="">AutoIt Team</a> and the AHK community</p>
18<h2>Important Note</h2>
19<p>Due to some fundamental differences between AutoHotkey 1.0 and AutoHotkey 1.1 (particularly Unicode and x64 executables), scripts written for AutoHotkey 1.0 may not work as expected on AutoHotkey 1.1. For details of known compatibility problems and solutions, refer to the following:</p>
51  <li><a href="misc/RegEx-QuickRef.htm">RegEx quick reference</a></li>
52  <li><a href="AHKL_Features.htm">AutoHotkey_L (AutoHotkey 1.1) features</a></li>
MinimizeToTrayMenu.htm | HTML | 267 lines
6<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
7<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="AutoHotkey Forum RSS" href="/forum/rss.php">
8<link href="/docs/css/default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
21<p><a href="MinimizeToTrayMenu.ahk">Download This Script</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="index.htm">Other Sample Scripts</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="">Home</a></p>
synmenu.vim | Vim Script | 621 lines
78an 50.10.500 &Syntax.AB.Atlas :cal SetSyn("atlas")<CR>
79an 50.10.510 &Syntax.AB.AutoHotKey :cal SetSyn("autohotkey")<CR>
80an 50.10.520 &Syntax.AB.AutoIt :cal SetSyn("autoit")<CR>
css-classes-reference.rst | ReStructuredText | 410 lines
146| AutoHotkey              | autohotkey                                        |
data_toc.js | JavaScript | 434 lines
1toc = [
2  {label:"AutoHotkey",path:"AutoHotkey.htm"},
3  {label:"Tutorial (quick start)",path:"Tutorial.htm"},
30  ]},
31  {label:"Moving to AutoHotkey 1.1 (AutoHotkey_L)",children:
32  [
32  [
33    {label:"AutoHotkey_L New Features",path:"AHKL_Features.htm"},
34    {label:"Script Compatibility",path:"Compat.htm"}
Seek_(SearchTheStartMenu).htm | HTML | 840 lines
23<p><a href="Seek_(SearchTheStartMenu).ahk">Download This Script</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="index.htm">Other Sample Scripts</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="../AutoHotkey.htm">Home</a></p>
54; 1. 'Seek' is an AutoHotkey script. You can either run it
55;    as Seek.ahk (original script) or Seek.exe (compiled
61;    Otherwise, you can compile Seek.ahk on your own by
62;    using AutoHotkey's Ahk2Exe.exe compiler, or you can
63;    ask me for a copy via email. The filesize is small at
67;    To use Seek.ahk, first, you'll need to install
68;    AutoHotkey v1.0.25 or higher on your PC (download from
69; Next, run the command:
71;    X:\myTools\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe Y:\myAHK\Seek.ahk
NumpadMouse.htm | HTML | 767 lines
20<p><a href="NumpadMouse.ahk">Download This Script</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="index.htm">Other Sample Scripts</a> &nbsp;| &nbsp;<a href="../AutoHotkey.htm">Home</a></p>
26| By deguix           / A Script file for AutoHotkey 1.0.22+ |
27|                    ----------------------------------------|
28|                                                            |
29|    This script is an example of use of AutoHotkey. It uses |
30| the remapping of numpad keys of a keyboard to transform it |
86; them from interfering with the generation of ANSI characters such
87; as &agrave;.  This is because AutoHotkey generates such characters
88; by holding down ALT and sending a series of Numpad keystrokes.
Remap.htm | HTML | 181 lines
17<p><strong>Limitation</strong>: AutoHotkey's remapping feature described below is generally not as pure and effective as remapping directly via the Windows registry. For the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, see <a href="#registry">registry remapping</a>.</p>
18<h2 id="Remap">Remapping the Keyboard and Mouse</h2>
161  <li>Registry remapping is generally more pure and effective than <a href="#Remap">AutoHotkey's remapping</a>. For example, it works in a broader variety of games, it has no known <a href="#AltTab">alt-tab issues</a>, and it is capable of firing AutoHotkey's hook hotkeys  (whereas AutoHotkey's remapping requires a <a href="#HookHotkeys">workaround</a>).</li>
162  <li>If you choose to make the registry entries manually (explained below), absolutely no external software is needed to remap your keyboard. Even if you use <a href="">KeyTweak</a> to make the registry entries for you, KeyTweak does not need to stay running all the time (unlike AutoHotkey).</li>
168  <li>It cannot send keystrokes that are modified by Shift, Control, Alt, or AltGr. For example, it cannot remap a lowercase character to an uppercase one.</li>
169  <li>It supports only the keyboard (AutoHotkey has <a href="#RemapMouse">mouse remapping</a> and some <a href="RemapJoystick.htm">limited joystick remapping</a>).</li>
173  <li>Use a program like <a href="">KeyTweak</a> (freeware) to visually remap your keys. It will change the registry for you.</li>
174  <li>Remap keys manually by creating a .reg file (plain text) and loading it into the registry. This is demonstrated at <a href="
OnMessage.htm | HTML | 241 lines
20  <dt>MsgNumber</dt>
21  <dd><p>The number of the message to monitor or query, which should be between 0 and 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF). If you do not wish to monitor a <a href="../misc/SendMessageList.htm">system message</a> (that is, one below 0x400), it is best to choose a number greater than 4096 (0x1000) to the extent you have a choice. This reduces the chance of interfering with messages used internally by current and future versions of AutoHotkey.</p></dd>
Menu.htm | HTML | 256 lines
75<h2 id="MenuIcon">Set or Remove a Menu Item's Icon <span class="ver">[AHK_L 17+]</span></h2>
76<p><strong>Icon, MenuItemName, FileName [, IconNumber, IconWidth]</strong>: Sets <em>MenuItemName</em>'s icon. <em>FileName</em> can either be an icon file or any image in a format supported by AutoHotkey. To use an icon group other than the first one in the file, specify its number for <em>IconNumber</em> (if omitted, it defaults to 1). If <em>IconNumber</em> is negative, its absolute value is assumed to be the resource ID of an icon within an executable file. Specify the desired width of the icon in <em>IconWidth</em>. If the icon group indicated by <em>IconNumber</em> contains multiple icon sizes, the closest match is used and the icon is scaled to the specified size. See the Examples section for usage examples.</p>
77<p>Currently it is necessary to specify "actual size" when setting the icon to preserve transparency on Windows Vista and later. For example:</p>
DllCall.htm | HTML | 419 lines
25      <p id="std"><em>DllFile</em> may be omitted when calling a function that resides in User32.dll, Kernel32.dll, ComCtl32.dll, or Gdi32.dll. For example, <code>&quot;User32\IsWindowVisible&quot;</code> produces the same result as <code>&quot;IsWindowVisible&quot;</code>.</p>
26      <p>If no function can be found by the given name, an A (ANSI) or W (Unicode) suffix is automatically appended based on which version of AutoHotkey is running the script. For example, <code>&quot;MessageBox&quot;</code> is the same as <code>&quot;MessageBoxA&quot;</code> in ANSI versions and <code>&quot;MessageBoxW&quot;</code> in Unicode versions.</p>
27      <p>Performance can be dramatically improved when making <em>repeated</em> calls to a DLL by <a href="#load">loading it beforehand</a>.</p>
35      <p>If present, the word <em>Cdecl</em> should be listed before the return type (if any). Separate each word from the next with a space or tab. For example: <code>&quot;Cdecl Str&quot;</code>.</p>
36      <p><span class="ver">[AHK_L 53+]:</span> Since a separate "C" calling convention does not exist in 64-bit code, <i>Cdecl</i> may be specified but has no effect on 64-bit builds of AutoHotkey.</p>
37      <p><em>ReturnType</em>: If the function returns a 32-bit signed integer (Int), BOOL, or nothing at all, <em>ReturnType</em> may be omitted. Otherwise, specify one of the argument types from the <a href="#types">types table</a> below. The <a href="#asterisk">asterisk suffix</a> is also supported.</p></dd>
84  <p><i>Ptr</i> can also be used with the * or P suffix; it should be used with functions that output a pointer via LPVOID* or similar.</p>
85  <p><i>UPtr</i> is also valid, but is only unsigned in 32-bit builds as AutoHotkey does not support unsigned 64-bit integers.</p>
86  <p>If compatibility with older versions of AutoHotkey is required, use a variable type as shown below:</p>
95    <p>In general, an asterisk is used whenever a function has an argument type or return type that starts with &quot;LP&quot;. The most common example is LPDWORD, which is a pointer to a DWORD. Since a DWORD is an unsigned 32-bit integer, use &quot;UInt*&quot; or &quot;UintP&quot; to represent LPDWORD. An asterisk should not be used for string types such as LPTSTR, pointers to structures such as LPRECT, or arrays; for these, <a href="#str">&quot;Str&quot;</a> or &quot;Ptr&quot; should be used, depending on whether you pass a variable or its address.</p>
96    <p>Note: &quot;Char*&quot; is not the same as <a href="#str">&quot;Str&quot;</a> because &quot;Char*&quot; passes the address of an 8-bit number, whereas <a href="#str">&quot;Str&quot;</a> passes the address of a series of characters which may be either 8-bit (ANSI) or 16-bit (Unicode), depending on the version of AutoHotkey. Similarly, &quot;UInt*&quot; passes the address of a 32-bit number, so should not be used if the function expects an array of values or a structure larger than 32 bits.</p>
97    <p>Since variables in AutoHotkey have no fixed type, the address passed to the function points to temporary memory rather than the variable itself. It is not necessary to call <a href="VarSetCapacity.htm">VarSetCapacity</a> on the variable as DllCall will update it correctly after the function returns.</p>
114<p><strong>-2</strong>: The <a href="#types">return type</a> or one of the specified <a href="#types">arg types</a> is invalid. This error can also be caused by passing an <a href="../Variables.htm#Expressions">expression</a> that evaluates to a number to a string (<a href="#str">str</a>) argument.</p>
115<p><strong>-3</strong>: The specified <em>DllFile</em> could not be accessed or loaded. If no explicit path was specified for <em>DllFile</em>, the file must exist in the system's PATH or <a href="../Variables.htm#WorkingDir">A_WorkingDir</a>. This error might also occur if the user lacks permission to access the file, or if AutoHotkey is 32-bit and the DLL is 64-bit or vice versa.</p>
116<p><strong>-4</strong>: The specified function could not be found inside the DLL.</p>

