PageRenderTime 2915ms queryTime 62ms sortTime 0ms getByIdsTime 39ms findMatchingLines 100ms

100+ results results for 'email address regex' (2915 ms)

Not the results you expected?
Validation.scala git:// | Scala | 226 lines
68  /**
69   * Defines an ‘emailAddress’ constraint for `String` values which will validate email addresses.
70   *
74  private val emailRegex = """^[a-zA-Z0-9\.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$""".r
75  def emailAddress: Constraint[String] = Constraint[String]("") { e =>
76    if (e == null) Invalid(ValidationError(""))
77    else if (e.trim.isEmpty) Invalid(ValidationError(""))
78    else emailRegex.findFirstMatchIn(e)
79      .map(_ => Valid)
148   */
149  def pattern(regex: => scala.util.matching.Regex, name: String = "constraint.pattern", error: String = "error.pattern"): Constraint[String] = Constraint[String](name, () => regex) { o =>
150    require(regex != null, "regex must not be null")
154    if (o == null) Invalid(ValidationError(error, regex)) else regex.unapplySeq(o).map(_ => Valid).getOrElse(Invalid(ValidationError(error, regex)))
155  }
MailAddress.cs | C# | 299 lines
17		{
18			public static Regex DisplayName_MailAddress = new Regex("(?<DisplayName>.*)<(?<MailAddress>[^>]*)>");
19			public static Regex MailAddressWithBracket = new Regex("<(?<MailAddress>[^>]*)>");
103			Match m = RegexList.MailAddressWithBracket.Match(mailAddress);
104			if (m.Success == true)
178            }
179            return MailAddress.ToMailAddressText(Encoding.ASCII, TransferEncoding.Base64, mailAddress, displayName, doubleQuote);
180        }
223        {
224            Regex rx = RegexList.DisplayName_MailAddress;
225            Match m = null;
280        /// <returns></returns>
281        public static List<MailAddress> CreateMailAddressList(String mailAddressListText)
282        {
newuser.php | PHP | 228 lines
83	// Simplified version that does not do dns validation
84	if(!$userQueries->emailExist($email) && !empty($email)) {
85		if(preg_match("/^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9._%-]+\.[A-Z]{2,6}$/i", $email)) {
92	// Check if it matches the email address
93	if($vemail == $email) {
94		$valid['vemail'] = true;
128// Redirect if everything works
129if($valid['username'] && $valid['email'] && $valid['vemail'] && $valid['password'] && $valid['steamId'] && $valid['userCode']) {
130  // Always add the user as a member
191  			<td class="rowColor1">*<?php echo $LAN_NEWUSER_012; ?>:</td>
192  			<td class="rowColor1"><input type="text" name="email" value="<?php if(!empty($email)) { echo $email; } ?>" size="60" maxlength="80" />
193  			<?php if(!$valid['email'] && !$nopost) { ?><span class="error"><?php echo $LAN_NEWUSER_013; ?></span><?php } ?></td>
197  			<td class="rowColor2"><input type="text" name="vemail" value=""  size="60" maxlength="80" />
198  			<?php if(!$valid['vemail'] && !empty($email) && !$nopost) { ?><span class="error"><?php echo $LAN_NEWUSER_015; ?></span><?php } ?></td>
199  		</tr>
devise.rb | Ruby | 152 lines
4  # ==> Mailer Configuration
5  # Configure the e-mail address which will be shown in DeviseMailer.
6  config.mailer_sender = ""
8  ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
9    :address => '',
10    :port => 25,
27  # Configure which keys are used when authenticating an user. By default is
28  # just :email. You can configure it to use [:username, :subdomain], so for
29  # authenticating an user, both parameters are required. Remember that those
83  # Regex to use to validate the email address
84  # config.email_regexp = /^([\w\.%\+\-]+)@([\w\-]+\.)+([\w]{2,})$/i
97  # Defines which strategy will be used to unlock an account.
98  # :email = Sends an unlock link to the user email
99  # :time  = Re-enables login after a certain amount of time (see :unlock_in below)
        | Python | 396 lines
77    'Exists', 'exists',
78    'IPAddress', 'ip_address',
79    'Length', 'length',
82    'Required', 'required',
83    'Regexp', 'regexp',
84    'URL', 'url',
292    """
293    Validates an email address. Note that this uses a very primitive regular
294    expression and should only be used in instances where you later verify by
384exists = Exists
385ip_address = IPAddress
386length = Length
389required = Required
390regexp = Regexp
391# TODO: unique = Unique
        | Perl | 289 lines
17# This program is designed to run as the .git/hooks/post-commit hook. It takes
18# the commit information, massages it and mails it to the address given below.
43use strict;
44use vars qw ($project $from_email $dest_email $noisy $rpc_uri $sendmail
45		$xml_rpc $ignore_regexp $alt_local_message_target);
55# The from address in generated mails.
56$from_email = '';
58# Mail all reports to this address.
59$dest_email = '';
81# This variable should contain a regexp, against which each file will be
82# checked, and if the regexp is matched, the file is ignored. This can be
html.php git:// | PHP | 428 lines
143	 *
144	 * @param   string  email address
145	 * @return  string
146	 */
147	public static function email($email)
148	{
168	 *
169	 * @param   string  email address to send to
170	 * @param   string  link text
181		{
182			// Extract the parameters from the email address
183			list ($email, $params) = explode('?', $email, 2);
197		// Title defaults to the encoded email address
198		empty($title) and $title = $safe;
Valid.php git:// | PHP | 551 lines
100	/**
101	 * Check an email address for correct format.
102	 *
105	 *
106	 * @param   string  $email  email address
107	 * @param   boolean $strict strict RFC compatibility
141	/**
142	 * Validate the domain of an email address by checking if the domain has a
143	 * valid MX record.
146	 *
147	 * @param   string  $email  email address
148	 * @return  boolean
149	 */
150	public static function email_domain($email)
151	{
archetype_editor.js git:// | JavaScript | 440 lines
100    editEmail: function( linkElement ) {
101        this.createEmailLink( linkElement.href, true, linkElement );
105    mailtoRegexp: /^mailto:/i,
116        url = prompt( Editor.strings.enterEmailAddress, url );
117        if( !url )
431        path = path.replace(/(.*)editor-content.html.*/, "$1");
432        var regex = new RegExp(path, "g");
433        html = html.replace(regex, "");
434        /* XXX for save on ff */
435        regex = new RegExp(path.replace(/~/, "%7E"), "g");
436        html = html.replace(regex, "");
TaQLNodeHandler.h | C Header | 311 lines
19//# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20//#        Internet email:
20//#        Internet email:
21//#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22//#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
105  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitConstNode    (const TaQLConstNodeRep& node);
106  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitRegexNode    (const TaQLRegexNodeRep& node);
107  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitUnaryNode    (const TaQLUnaryNodeRep& node);
        git:// | Perl | 476 lines
118			if ($1 eq "No-Autoreply-Regexp") {
119				push(@no_regexp, $2);
120				}
120				}
121			elsif ($1 eq "Must-Autoreply-Regexp") {
122				push(@must_regexp, $2);
197# Check if there is a deny list, and if so don't send a reply
198@fromsplit = &split_addresses($header{'from'});
199if (@fromsplit) {
215# Check if message matches one of the deny regexps, or doesn't match a
216# required regexp
372# split_addresses(string)
373# Splits a comma-separated list of addresses into [ email, real-name, original ]
374# triplets
jquery.mb.mediaEmbedder.js | JavaScript | 202 lines
30    },
31    regEx:/\[(.*?)\]/g,
32    mb_setMovie:function(context,address,string){
34        var skip = 0;
35        if(address.indexOf("&AMP;")!=-1) address=address.replace(/&AMP;/g,"&");
36        if (node.nodeType == 3) {
64      var movies= $(this).html().match($.mb_videoEmbedder.regEx);
65      if(!movies) return;
66      $(movies).each(function(i){
67        var address=movies[i];
171      var audiofiles= $(this).html().match($.mb_audioEmbedder.regEx);
172      if(!audiofiles) return;
        git:// | Perl | 376 lines
60reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly 
61address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem 
62with code and data examples if at all possible.
74Email hlapp at
104BEGIN {
105    # the below is an optimized regex obj. from J. Freidl's Mastering Reg Exp.
106    $LOCREG = qr{
mstats.fillups.tests.js | JavaScript | 225 lines
11// The example companies, organizations, products, domain names,
12// e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted
13// herein are fictitious.  No association with any real company,
13// herein are fictitious.  No association with any real company,
14// organization, product, domain name, email address, logo, person,
15// places, or events is intended or should be inferred.
17/*jslint onevar: true, undef: true, newcap: true, regexp: true, plusplus: true, bitwise: true, devel: true, maxerr: 50 */
18(function ($) {
lang_user_search.php | PHP | 109 lines
23$lang['SEARCH_INVALID_USERNAME'] = 'Invalid username entered to Search';
24$lang['SEARCH_INVALID_EMAIL'] = 'Invalid email address entered to Search';
25$lang['SEARCH_INVALID_IP'] = 'Invalid IP address entered to Search';
41$lang['SEARCH_FOR_USERNAME'] = 'Searching usernames matching %s';
42$lang['SEARCH_FOR_EMAIL'] = 'Searching email addresses matching %s';
43$lang['SEARCH_FOR_IP'] = 'Searching IP addresses matching %s';
69$lang['SEARCH_USERNAME_EXPLAIN'] = 'Here you can perform a case insensitive search for usernames. If you would like to match part of the username, use * (an asterix) as a wildcard. Checking the Regular Expressions box will allow you to search based on your regex pattern.';
70$lang['SEARCH_EMAIL_EXPLAIN'] = 'Enter an expression to match a user\'s email address. This is case insensitive. If you want to do a partial match, use * (an asterix) as a wildcard. Checking the Regular Expressions box will allow you to search based on your regex pattern.';
71$lang['SEARCH_IP_EXPLAIN'] = 'Search for users by a specific IP address (, wildcard (*) or range ( Note: the last quad .255 is considered the range of all the IPs in that quad. If you enter, it is just like entering 10.0.0.* (No IP is assigned .255 for that matter, it is reserved). Where you may encounter this is in ranges, is the same as "10.0.0.*" . You should really enter .';
84$lang['USERS_DISABLED_PMS'] = 'Users with disabled PMs';
85$lang['SEARCH_USERS_MISC_EXPLAIN'] = 'Administrators - All users with Administrator powers; Moderators - All forum moderators; Banned Users - All accounts that have been banned on these forums; Disabled Users - All users with disabled accounts (either manually disabled or never verified their email address); Users with disabled PMs - Selects users who have the Private Messages priviliges removed (Done via User Management)';
86$lang['POSTCOUNT'] = 'Postcount';
104$lang['NOT_BANNED'] = 'Not Banned';
105$lang['SEARCH_NO_RESULTS'] = 'No users match your selected criteria. Please try another search. If you\'re searching the username or email address fields, for partial matches you must use the wildcard * (an asterix).';
106$lang['ACCOUNT_STATUS'] = 'Account Status';
        git:// | Perl | 561 lines
36 # Get a regular expression that matches all possible sequences
37 my $regexp = $iupac->regexp();
142reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly 
143address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem 
144with code and data examples if at all possible.
508=head2 regexp
510 Title   : regexp
511 Usage   : my $re = $iupac->regexp();
AnnotationReaderTest.cfc git:// | ColdFusion CFScript | 0 lines
62				if (Validation.ValType eq "required" and Validation.PropertyName eq "UserName") {
63					assertEquals(Validation.PropertyDesc,"Email Address");
64				}
65				if (Validation.ValType eq "email" and Validation.PropertyName eq "UserName") {
66					assertEquals(Validation.PropertyDesc,"Email Address");
67					assertEquals(Validation.FailureMessage,"Hey, buddy, you call that an Email Address?");
126				if (Validation.ValType eq "required" and Validation.PropertyName eq "UserName") {
127					assertEquals(Validation.PropertyDesc,"Email Address");
128				}
129				if (Validation.ValType eq "email" and Validation.PropertyName eq "UserName") {
130					assertEquals(Validation.PropertyDesc,"Email Address");
131					assertEquals(Validation.FailureMessage,"Hey, buddy, you call that an Email Address?");
189			assertEquals(arguments.PropertyDescs.UserGroup,"User Group");
190			assertEquals(arguments.PropertyDescs.UserName,"Email Address");
191			assertEquals(arguments.PropertyDescs.UserPass,"Password");
        git:// | Perl | 237 lines
73reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly 
74address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem 
75with code and data examples if at all possible.
87Email -
220  Function: The default Fastq ID parser for
221            Returns $1 from applying the regexp /^>\s*(\S+)/
222            to $header.
        | Perl | 466 lines
37use Email::Address;
38use Socket;
47@Bugzilla::Config::Common::EXPORT =
48    qw(check_multi check_numeric check_regexp check_url check_group
49       check_sslbase check_priority check_severity check_platform
53       check_bug_status check_smtp_auth check_theschwartz_available
54       check_maxattachmentsize check_email
92sub check_regexp {
93    my ($value) = (@_);
99    my ($value) = @_;
100    if ($value !~ $Email::Address::mailbox) {
101        return "must be a valid email address.";
re.h | C Header | 0 lines
11* other questions related to licensing please contact Trustwave Holdings, Inc.
12* directly using the email address
134    apr_ipsubnet_t *ipsubnet;
135    const char * address;
136    struct  msre_ipmatch *next;
167    ap_regex_t              *sub_regex;
168    char                    *sub_str;
264    msre_var_metadata       *metadata;
265    msc_regex_t             *param_regex;
266    unsigned int             is_negated;
fck_link.js | JavaScript | 291 lines
33var oRegex = new Object() ; 
34oRegex.UriProtocol = new RegExp('') ; oRegex.UriProtocol.compile( '^(((http|https|ftp|news):\/\/)|mailto:)', 'gi' ) ; 
35oRegex.UrlOnChangeProtocol = new RegExp('') ; oRegex.UrlOnChangeProtocol.compile( '^(http|https|ftp|news)://(?=.)', 'gi' ) ; 
35oRegex.UrlOnChangeProtocol = new RegExp('') ; oRegex.UrlOnChangeProtocol.compile( '^(http|https|ftp|news)://(?=.)', 'gi' ) ; 
36oRegex.UrlOnChangeTestOther = new RegExp('') ; oRegex.UrlOnChangeTestOther.compile( '^((javascript:)|[#/\.])', 'gi' ) ; 
37oRegex.ReserveTarget = new RegExp('') ; oRegex.ReserveTarget.compile( '^_(blank|self|top|parent)$', 'i' ) ; 
42oParser.ParseEMailUrl = function( emailUrl )
43{ var oEMailInfo = new Object() ; oEMailInfo.Address	= '' ; oEMailInfo.Subject	= '' ; oEMailInfo.Body		= '' ; 
44var oParts = emailUrl.match( /^([^\?]+)\??(.+)?/ ) ; if ( oParts )
109{ sType = 'email' ; 
110var oEMailInfo = oParser.ParseEMailUrl( sUrl ) ; GetE('txtEMailAddress').value	= oEMailInfo.Address ; GetE('txtEMailSubject').value	= oEMailInfo.Subject ; GetE('txtEMailBody').value		= oEMailInfo.Body ; }
280var oUploadAllowedExtRegex	= new RegExp( FCKConfig.LinkUploadAllowedExtensions, 'i' ) ; var oUploadDeniedExtRegex	= new RegExp( FCKConfig.LinkUploadDeniedExtensions, 'i' ) ; 
281function CheckUpload()
        | C++ | 425 lines
19//# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20//#        Internet email:
20//#        Internet email:
21//#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22//#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
31#include <casa/Utilities/MUString.h>
32#include <casa/Utilities/Regex.h>
33#include <casa/iostream.h>
243Unit UnitMap::fromFITS(const Unit &un) {
244  static Regex sepa("[^a-zA-Z]");
245  MUString mus(un.getName());
266Unit UnitMap::toFITS(const Unit &un) {
267  static Regex sepa("[^a-zA-Z]");
268  MUString mus(un.getName());
LinkElementGenerator.cs | C# | 144 lines
34		// (this allows accepting punctuation inside links but not at the end)
35		internal readonly static Regex defaultLinkRegex = new Regex(@"\b(https?://|ftp://|www\.)[\w\d\._/\-~%@()+:?&=#!]*[\w\d/]");
37		// try to detect email addresses
38		internal readonly static Regex defaultMailRegex = new Regex(@"\b[\w\d\.\-]+\@[\w\d\.\-]+\.[a-z]{2,6}\b");
40		readonly Regex linkRegex;
52		{
53			this.linkRegex = defaultLinkRegex;
54			this.RequireControlModifierForClick = true;
59		/// </summary>
60		protected LinkElementGenerator(Regex regex) : this()
61		{
filepost_com.php | PHP | 270 lines
22            is_present($this->page, "File not found");
23            is_present($this->page, "This IP address has been blocked on our service due to some fraudulent activity.");
24            $this->Cookies = GetCookiesArr($this->page);
91        // Let's play with the regex
92        if (!preg_match('@"js":\{"(\w+)":\{?"([^"]+)"?:?"?([^|\r|\n|"]+)?"\}@i', $check, $match)) html_error("Error: Unknown Post Data [FREE] page response!");
130        $email = ($_REQUEST["premium_user"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_user"]) : $premium_acc ["filepost_com"] ["user"]);
131        $password = ($_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_pass"]) : $premium_acc ["filepost_com"] ["pass"]);
131        $password = ($_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_pass"]) : $premium_acc ["filepost_com"] ["pass"]);
132        if (empty($email) || empty($password)) html_error("Login failed, username or password is empty!");
134        $post = array();
135        $post['email'] = $email;
136        $post['password'] = $password;
en_US.php | PHP | 77 lines
48	'val.matches'       => 'The %s field must match the %s field.',
49	'val.valid_email'   => 'The %s field must contain a valid email address.',
50	'val.in_range'      => 'The %s field must be between %s and %s .',
50	'val.in_range'      => 'The %s field must be between %s and %s .',
51	'val.regex'         => 'The %s field does not match accepted input.',
52	'val.unique'	    => 'The %s field must be unique, there is another field with this value.',
mstats.imminent-reminders.js | JavaScript | 116 lines
11// The example companies, organizations, products, domain names,
12// e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted
13// herein are fictitious.  No association with any real company,
13// herein are fictitious.  No association with any real company,
14// organization, product, domain name, email address, logo, person,
15// places, or events is intended or should be inferred.
17/*jslint onevar: true, undef: true, newcap: true, regexp: true, plusplus: true, bitwise: true, devel: true, maxerr: 50 */
18/*global jQuery */
        | Python | 230 lines
13    cRegEx = re.compile(regEx)
90    else:
91        email = rawContact[emailBracketIdx:]
208            email = g_email(rawContact)
209            if (email.lower() in emails):
210                continue
210                continue
211            emails.add(email.lower())
215            folder = g_folder(file, emlFolder)
216            contact = {'name':name, 'email':email, 'date':date, 'subject':subject, 'folder':folder}
217            contacts.append(contact)
CommentViewBase.cs | C# | 0 lines
36        /// <summary>
37        /// The link regex.
38        /// </summary>
38        /// </summary>
39        private static readonly Regex LinkRegex =
40            new Regex(
41                "((http://|www\\.)([A-Z0-9.-]{1,})\\.[0-9A-Z?;~&#=\\-_\\./]{2,})", 
42                RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
93                    var sb = new StringBuilder();
94                    sb.AppendFormat(" | <a class=\"email\" href=\"mailto:{0}\">{0}</a>", this.Comment.Email);
95                    sb.AppendFormat(
152        ///     <remarks>
153        ///         If the country hasn't been resolved from the authors IP address or
154        ///         the flag does not exist for that country, nothing is displayed.
MYAddressField.m git:// | Objective C | 223 lines
22@synthesize defaultAddresses=_defaultAddresses, addressProperty=_property, selectedAddress=_selectedAddress;
168- (id) initWithPerson: (ABPerson*)person
169          addressType: (NSString*)addressType address: (NSString*)address
175    self = [self initWithName: name addressType: addressType address: address];
176    if( self )
197    }
198    return [self initWithName: name addressType: addressType address: address];
201@synthesize name=_name, addressType=_addressType, address=_address;
        | Python | 159 lines
124class RegexField(DojoFieldMixin, fields.RegexField):
125    widget = widgets.ValidationTextInput
128    def __init__(self, js_regex=None, *args, **kwargs):
129        self.js_regex = js_regex
130        super(RegexField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
147class EmailField(DojoFieldMixin, fields.EmailField):
148    widget = widgets.EmailTextInput
150class IPAddressField(DojoFieldMixin, fields.IPAddressField):
151    widget = widgets.IPAddressTextInput
157    widget = widgets.ValidationTextInput
158    js_regex = '^[-\w]+$' # we cannot extract the original regex input from the python regex
        | Autoconf | 0 lines
68# Make the version into a regex
69if (defined $opt{v}) {
90	if ($opt{d}) {
91		print STDERR "Using version regex: $opt{v}\n";
92	}
128  -e addr  NotifyEmail     Notify via email on update (comma separated list).
129  -f addr  NotifyEmailFrom From address for notification email.
130  -u       Unpack          Unpack into LocalRules/version path.
192		elsif ($var eq "timeout")          { $cfg{t} = $val }
193		elsif ($var eq "notifyemail")      { $cfg{e} = $val }
194		elsif ($var eq "notifyemailfrom")  { $cfg{f} = $val }
194		elsif ($var eq "notifyemailfrom")  { $cfg{f} = $val }
195		elsif ($var eq "notifyemaildiff")  { $cfg{E} = $val }
196		elsif ($var eq "unpack")           { $cfg{u} = $val }
        git:// | Perl | 277 lines
50reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly 
51address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem 
52with code and data examples if at all possible.
64Email: andrew at
146# set up the regexes
148# add whitespace parsing and precompile regexes
149#foreach (values %line_is) {
150#	$_ =~ s/\s+/\\s+/g;
151#	print STDERR "Regex is $_\n";
152#	#$_ = qr/$_/x;
registration.html.php | PHP | 343 lines
97	      <label for="email"><?php echo T_('E-mail:'); ?> *</label>
98          <input type="text" id="email" name="email" size="40" value="<?php echo $email; ?>" class="inputbox" />
99          </div>
102	      <label for="email2"><?php echo T_('Verify E-mail:'); ?> *</label>
103          <input type="text" name="email2" class="inputbox" id="email2" value="<?php echo $email; ?>" size="40" />
104          </div>
196    			var email       = YAHOO.miacms.base.trim(YAHOO.util.Dom.get("email").value);
197    			var email2      = YAHOO.miacms.base.trim(YAHOO.util.Dom.get("email2").value);
198    			var password    = YAHOO.miacms.base.trim(YAHOO.util.Dom.get("password").value);
232    				YAHOO.util.Dom.get("password").focus();
233    			} else if ((password !== "") && (email !== email2)){
234    				alert( "$emailMatchMsg" );
277          <td><?php echo T_('E-mail:'); ?> </td>
278          <td><strong><?php echo $email;?></strong><input type="hidden" name="email" size="40" value="<?php echo $email;?>" /></td>
279        </tr>
        | Perl | 382 lines
197    my $username = $c->req->param('username');
198    my $email    = $c->req->param('email');
260    # validation
261    my $email = $c->req->param('email');
262    if ( $email eq $c->user->email ) {
262    if ( $email eq $c->user->email ) {
263        return $c->set_invalid_form( email => 'EMAIL_DUPLICATION' );
264    }
264    }
265    my $err = $c->model('DBIC::User')->validate_email($email);
266    if ($err) {
270    $c->model('DBIC::User')->update_user( $c->user, { email => $email } );
271    $c->res->redirect('/profile/edit');
utils.js git:// | JavaScript | 418 lines
107	/**
108	 * Is the value inside the element a valid emailaddress
109	 *
112	 */
113	isEmail: function(element)
114	{
114	{
115		var regexp = /^[a-z0-9!#\$%&'*+-\/=?^_`{|}\.~]+@([a-z0-9]+([\-]+[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,7}$/i;
116		return regexp.test(element.val());
148	{
149		var regexp = /^((http|ftp|https):\/{2})?(([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+\.)+[0-9a-zA-Z]+)((:[0-9]+)?)((\/([~0-9a-zA-Z\#%@\.\/_-]+)?(\?[0-9a-zA-Z%@\/&=_-]+)?)?)$/i;
150		return regexp.test(element.val());
245		if(value == undefined) return '';
246		return value.replace(new RegExp(needle, 'g'), replacement);
247	},
        | Java | 106 lines
40	public EmailAddress(JSONObject phonesJSON) throws JSONException {
41		if(phonesJSON.has("emailAddresses")) address = phonesJSON.getString("emailAddresses");
42	}
49	public final static List<EmailAddress> createEmailAddressListFromJsonPartResponse(String jsonPart) { 
50		List<EmailAddress> emailAddresses = new ArrayList<EmailAddress>();
51		if(jsonPart!=null &! jsonPart.equals("")) {
55				String gId = ParsingUtil.removeUninterestingParts(emailAddressesStrings[j], "\"", "\"", false);
56				emailAddresses.add(new EmailAddress(gId));
57			}
77			for (int i = 0; i < addresses.length(); i++) {
78				ret[i] = new EmailAddress(addresses.getString(i));
79			}
82				String lAddress = settingsJSON.getString("emailAddresses");
83				ret = new EmailAddress[]{new EmailAddress(lAddress)};
84			} catch (JSONException e2) {
class.error.php git:// | PHP | 274 lines
157        // Does a value match a given regex?
158        public function regex($val, $regex, $id, $msg)
159        {
159        {
160            if(preg_match($regex, $val) === 0)
161            {
169        // Is an email address valid?
170        public function email($val, $id = 'email')
173            {
174                $this->add($id, 'The email address you entered is not valid.');
175                return false;
xml_js_filter.js | JavaScript | 0 lines
19		// {{{ add filters
20		// email
21		var regEmail = /^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)*@[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+$/;
22		this.cast('ADD_RULE', ['email', regEmail]);
23		this.cast('ADD_RULE', ['email_address', regEmail]);
189		if ($.isFunction(rules[name])) return rules[name](value);
190		if (rules[name] instanceof RegExp) return rules[name].test(value);
Messages.Designer.cs git:// | C# | 246 lines
74        /// <summary>
75        ///   Looks up a localized string similar to &apos;{PropertyName}&apos; is not a valid email address..
76        /// </summary>
76        /// </summary>
77        public static string email_error {
78            get {
78            get {
79                return ResourceManager.GetString("email_error", resourceCulture);
80            }
229        /// </summary>
230        public static string regex_error {
231            get {
231            get {
232                return ResourceManager.GetString("regex_error", resourceCulture);
233            }
        | Python | 207 lines
13    """
14    username = forms.RegexField(label=_("Username"), max_length=30, regex=r'^\w+$',
15        help_text = _("Required. 30 characters or fewer. Alphanumeric characters only (letters, digits and underscores)."),
45class UserChangeForm(forms.ModelForm):
46    username = forms.RegexField(label=_("Username"), max_length=30, regex=r'^\w+$',
47        help_text = _("Required. 30 characters or fewer. Alphanumeric characters only (letters, digits and underscores)."),
98class PasswordResetForm(forms.Form):
99    email = forms.EmailField(label=_("E-mail"), max_length=75)
104        """
105        email = self.cleaned_data["email"]
106        self.users_cache = User.objects.filter(email__iexact=email)
111    def save(self, domain_override=None, email_template_name='registration/password_reset_email.html',
112             use_https=False, token_generator=default_token_generator):
        | Python | 195 lines
90    simple_bounce_pats = (
91        (regex.compile('.*451 %s.*' % email_regexp), BOUNCE),
92        (regex.compile('.*554 %s.*' % email_regexp), BOUNCE),
93        (regex.compile('.*552 %s.*' % email_regexp), BOUNCE),
94        (regex.compile('.*501 %s.*' % email_regexp), BOUNCE),
95        (regex.compile('.*553 %s.*' % email_regexp), BOUNCE),
95        (regex.compile('.*553 %s.*' % email_regexp), BOUNCE),
96        (regex.compile('.*550 %s.*' % email_regexp), BOUNCE),
97        (regex.compile('%s .bounced.*' % email_regexp), BOUNCE),
100        (regex.compile('.*%s: User unknown.*' % email_regexp), REMOVE),
101        (regex.compile('.*%s\.\.\. User unknown' % email_regexp), REMOVE))
102    # patterns we can't directly extract the email (special case these)
113        '^554 [^ ]+\.\.\. unknown mailer error.*$', re.I)
114    separate_addr_1 = regex.compile('expanded from: %s' % email_regexp)
CORElist.php | PHP | 349 lines
6$regexp = $GLOBALS['regexp'];
7$dbstruct = $GLOBALS['dbstruct'];
70										'username'=>'account_uname',
71										'email'=>'account_email',
72										'phone'=>'account_phone',
188		$query_end = str_replace("and project_id ".$regexp." '".$user_project_list."'", "and subject = entity and object = 'UID' and s3db_rule.project_id = s3db_resource.project_id and (s3db_rule.project_id ".$regexp." '".$user_project_list."' or s3db_rule.permission ".$regexp." '".$user_permission_list."')", $query_end);
209	$query_end = str_replace("and project_id ".$regexp." '".$user_project_list."'", "and resource_class_id ".$regexp." '".$classes_list."'", $query_end);
241			$query_end = str_replace("and project_id ".$regexp." '".$user_project_list."'", " and (project_id ".$regexp." '".$user_project_list."' or permission ".$regexp." '".$user_permission_list."')", $query_end);
CoreTest.php | PHP | 463 lines
147					'digit'         => ':field must be a digit',
148					'email'         => ':field must be a email address',
149					'email_domain'  => ':field must contain a valid email domain',
151					'in_array'      => ':field must be one of the available options',
152					'ip'            => ':field must be an ip address',
153					'matches'       => ':field must be the same as :param1',
158					'range'         => ':field must be within the range of :param1 to :param2',
159					'regex'         => ':field does not match the required format',
160					'url'           => ':field must be a url',
text.php git:// | PHP | 420 lines
197			// Just using \b isn't sufficient when we need to replace a badword that already contains word boundaries itself
198			$regex = '(?<=\b|\s|^)'.$regex.'(?=\b|\s|$)';
199		}
201		$regex = '!'.$regex.'!ui';
237	/**
238	 * Converts text email addresses and anchors into links.
239	 *
290	/**
291	 * Converts text email addresses into links.
292	 *
297	{
298		// Finds all email addresses that are not part of an existing html mailto anchor
299		// Note: The "58;" negative lookbehind prevents matching of existing encoded html mailto anchors
StringToolsImplUnitTests.cpp | C++ | 342 lines
17	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Missing String_Trim", NULL != GetProcAddress(h, "String_Trim"));
18	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Missing String_LTrim", NULL != GetProcAddress(h, "String_LTrim"));
19	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Missing String_RTrim", NULL != GetProcAddress(h, "String_RTrim"));
195void StringToolsImplUnitTests::Test_RegexMatch()
226		std::string regexMatchResult = msiInstall.GetProperty("REGEX_MATCH_RESULT");
227		std::stringstream message;
229		message << "RegexMatch('" << testData[i].testInputString <<
230			"', '" << testData[i].testExpression << "') returned '" << regexMatchResult <<
265		std::string regexReplaceResult = msiInstall.GetProperty("REGEX_REPLACE_RESULT");
266		std::stringstream message;
Funtions.m | Objective C | 326 lines
83BOOL IsValidEmail(NSString *emailAddress) 
85	if (!emailAddress.length) return NO;
87	NSString *emailRegEx =
88    @"(?:[a-z0-9!#$%\\&'*+/=?\\^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-z0-9!#$%\\&'*+/=?\\^_`{|}"
96	return [[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@", emailRegEx] evaluateWithObject:emailAddress];
171OSStatus GetCertificateRefForEmail(NSString *email, SecKeychainItemRef *itemRef) 
Person.cs | C# | 284 lines
19        public const string AgeMember = "Age";
20        public const string EmailAddressMember = "EmailAddress";
21        public const string CardTypeMember = "CardType";
30        private int age;
31        private string emailAddress;
32        private CardType? cardType;
51		[IsValidValidatorAttribute]
52        public Address Address
53        {
130            {
131                return emailAddress;
132            }
134            {
135                if (value != emailAddress)
136                {
UtilControl.cs | C# | 243 lines
121        {
122            Regex enteroRegex = new Regex("[^0-9]");
123            // verificamos si no es numero, quitamos el caracter
123            // verificamos si no es numero, quitamos el caracter
124            if (enteroRegex.IsMatch(TextBox.Text))
125            {
175        }
176        public static bool ValidateEmail(string text)
177        {
190        }
191        public static bool ValidateAddress(string text)
192        {
        | Java | 1574 lines
151"Usage: #{123} [--key keypair_file] name\n"	+
152"  name ... ex. /C=JP/O=RRR/OU=CA/CN=NaHi/\n" +
161                            new TestingCommonToken(HERE_DOC_AFTER_EXPRESSION_SUBSTITUTION, " [--key keypair_file] name\n" +
162                            "  name ... ex. /C=JP/O=RRR/OU=CA/CN=NaHi/\n"),
163                            new TestingCommonToken(LINE_BREAK, "\n", 4),
212                            new TestingCommonToken(LITERAL_unless, "unless", 4),
213                            new TestingCommonToken(REGEX, "{$1}\\z/o", 4),
214                            new TestingCommonToken(MATCH, "=~", 4),
226                            new TestingCommonToken(LITERAL_when, "when"),
227                            new TestingCommonToken(REGEX, "^#/"),
228                            new TestingCommonToken(FUNCTION, "raise"),
resolv.rb git:// | Ruby | 1931 lines
231  def getaddress(name)
232    each_address(name) {|address| return address}
233    raise"no address for #{name}")
237    ret = []
238    each_address(name) {|address| ret << address}
239    return ret
330    def getaddress(name)
331      each_address(name) {|address| return address}
332      raise"#{@filename} has no name: #{name}")
336      ret = []
337      each_address(name) {|address| ret << address}
338      return ret
416      ret = []
417      each_address(name) {|address| ret << address}
418      return ret
        git:// | Python | 1249 lines
9import sys, os, re
10from email import message_from_file
27# Regex to define acceptable Distutils command names.  This is not *quite*
28# the same as a Python NAME -- I don't allow leading underscores.  The fact
86        ('author-email', None,
87         "print the author's email address"),
88        ('maintainer', None,
90        ('maintainer-email', None,
91         "print the maintainer's email address"),
92        ('contact', None,
94        ('contact-email', None,
95         "print the maintainer's email address if known, else the author's"),
96        ('url', None,
macros.rb git:// | Ruby | 458 lines
31      # * <tt>:message</tt> - value the test expects to find in <tt>errors.on(:attribute)</tt>.
32      #   Regexp or string.  Default = <tt>I18n.translate('activerecord.errors.messages.blank')</tt>
33      #
52      # * <tt>:message</tt> - value the test expects to find in <tt>errors.on(:attribute)</tt>.
53      #   Regexp or string.  Default = <tt>I18n.translate('activerecord.errors.messages.taken')</tt>
54      # * <tt>:scoped_to</tt> - field(s) to scope the uniqueness to.
60      #   should_validate_uniqueness_of :name, :message => "O NOES! SOMEONE STOELED YER NAME!"
61      #   should_validate_uniqueness_of :email, :scoped_to => :name
62      #   should_validate_uniqueness_of :address, :scoped_to => [:first_name, :last_name]
62      #   should_validate_uniqueness_of :address, :scoped_to => [:first_name, :last_name]
63      #   should_validate_uniqueness_of :email, :case_sensitive => false
64      #
129      # * <tt>:message</tt> - value the test expects to find in <tt>errors.on(:attribute)</tt>.
130      #   Regexp or string. If omitted, the test will pass if there is ANY error in
131      #   <tt>errors.on(:attribute)</tt>.
        git:// | Perl | 7766 lines
134    'Name'            => 'Name',
135    'Email Address'   => 'E-Mail-Adresse',
136    'URL'             => 'URL',
146    'Case sensitive' => 'Groß/Kleinschreibung beachten',
147    'Regex search'   => 'Reguläre Ausdrücke verwenden',
148    'Tags'           => 'Tags',
162    'Message from Sender:' => 'Nachricht des Absenders:',
163    'You are receiving this email either because you have elected to receive notifications about new content on [_1], or the author of the post thought you would be interested. If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please contact the following person:'
164      => 'Sie erhalten diese E-Mail, da Sie entweder Nachrichten über Aktualisierungen von [_1] bestellt haben oder da der Autor dachte, daß dieser Eintrag für Sie von Interesse sein könnte. Wenn Sie solche Mitteilungen nicht länger erhalten wollen, wenden Sie sich bitte an ',
223## default_templates/commenter_notify.mtml
224    'This email is to notify you that a new user has successfully registered on the blog \'[_1]\'. Listed below you will find some useful information about this new user.'
225      => 'Ein neuer Benutzer hat sich erfolgreich für das Blog \'[_1]\' registriert. Unten finden Sie nähere Informationen über diesen Benutzer.',
228    'Full Name: [_1]'       => 'Voller Name: [_1]',
229    'Email: [_1]'           => 'E-Mail-Adresse:',
230    'To view or edit this user, please click on or cut and paste the following URL into a web browser:'
        git:// | Python | 1433 lines
43    def __init__(self, regex=None, max_length=None, min_length=None, **kwargs):
44        self.regex = re.compile(regex) if regex else None
45        self.max_length = max_length
68        if self.regex is not None and self.regex.match(value) is None:
69            self.error('String value did not match validation regex')
89            elif op == 'exact':
90                regex = r'^%s$'
136    EMAIL_REGEX = re.compile(
137        r"(^[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+(\.[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+)*"  # dot-atom
142    def validate(self, value):
143        if not EmailField.EMAIL_REGEX.match(value):
144            self.error('Invalid Mail-address: %s' % value)
        | Python | 488 lines
7from test.lib.testing import eq_
8from test.lib.assertsql import AllOf, RegexSQL, ExactSQL, CompiledSQL
9from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import base as postgresql
108                          Column('last_name', String(30)),
109                          Column('email_address', String(30)))
110        employees.create()
117        i2 = Index('employee_email_index',
118                   employees.c.email_address, unique=True)
119        i2.create()
128                          Column('lastName', String(30)),
129                          Column('emailAddress', String(30)))
137        i = Index('employeeEmailIndex',
138                  employees.c.emailAddress, unique=True)
139        i.create()
        | Python | 322 lines
48    last_name = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs=attrs_dict),label=_(u'Last Name'))
49    email = forms.EmailField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs=dict(attrs_dict,size=50,maxlength=128)),label=_(u'Email Address'))
200                    send_mail(subject, body, from_email, to_email)
201                    aMemToken = {'subject':subject,'body':body,'from_email':from_email,'to_email':to_email}
202                    memcache.add(aMemKey, aMemToken, 60*60*24)
211    """
212    email = forms.EmailField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs=dict(attrs_dict,size=50,maxlength=128)),label=_(u'Email Address'))
213    password1 = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput(attrs=attrs_dict, render_value=False),label=_(u'Password'))
256                    send_mail(subject, body, from_email, to_email)
257                    aMemToken = {'subject':subject,'body':body,'from_email':from_email,'to_email':to_email}
258                    memcache.add(aMemKey, aMemToken, 60*60*24)
293        if User.all().filter('email =', email).count(1):
294            raise forms.ValidationError(_(u'This email address is already in use. Please supply a different email address.'))
295        return email
        | Python | 566 lines
24    'VerticalSliderInput', 'ValidationTextInput', 'ValidationPasswordInput',
25    'EmailTextInput', 'IPAddressTextInput', 'URLTextInput', 'NumberTextInput',
26    'RangeBoundTextInput', 'NumberSpinnerInput', 'RatingInput', 'DateInputAnim',
60        'decimal_places':'constraints.places',
61        'js_regex':'regExp',
62        'multiple':'multiple',
361        'help_text',
362        'js_regex',
363        'max_length',
368        if self.js_regex_func:
369            attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, regExpGen=self.js_regex_func)
370        return super(ValidationTextInput, self).render(name, value, attrs)
384    ]
385    js_regex_func = "dojox.validate.regexp.emailAddress"
        git:// | Perl | 493 lines
77   secstructure - entire description line (in case the regex used for
78                  sequence ID doesn't adequately catch the name
111reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly 
112address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem 
113with code and data examples if at all possible.
125Email cjfields-at-uiuc-dot-edu
        git:// | Perl | 958 lines
41  -- Expanding patterns containing ambiguity codes
42  -- Checking for invalid regexp characters
43  -- Untainting yet preserving special characters in the pattern
58against both sense and anti-sense versions of a sequence.
59It is entirely equivalent to test a regexp containing both sense and
60anti-sense versions of the *pattern* against one copy of the sequence.
63   1) You need only one copy of the sequence.
64   2) Only one regexp is executed.
65   3) Regexp patterns are typically much smaller than sequences.
68generate the reverse complement pattern. The Bioperl
69addresses this problem, providing a convenient set of tools
70for working with biological sequence regular expressions.
220my $ZED      = 'EQ';
221my $Regexp_chars = '\w,.\*()\[\]<>\{\}^\$';  # quoted for use in regexps
        | Java | 1179 lines
74import javax.slee.ActivityEndEvent;
75import javax.slee.Address;
76import javax.slee.AddressPlan;
186				EndpointIdentifier endpointID = new EndpointIdentifier(
187						PRE_ENDPOINT_NAME, mmsBindAddress + ":"
188								+ MGCP_PEER_PORT);
334			String localAddress = getSipFactoryProvider().getListeningPoints()[0].getIPAddress();
335			int localPort = getSipFactoryProvider().getListeningPoints()[0].getPort();
337			javax.sip.address.Address contactAddress = null;
338			try {
338			try {
339				contactAddress = getAddressFactory().createAddress("sip:" + localAddress + ":" + localPort);
340			} catch (ParseException ex) {
cregex.h | C Header | 308 lines
2    cregex.h: Extended regular expression matching and search library
3    Copyright (C) 1993,1994,1995,1997,1999,2001
20    Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
21           Internet email:
21           Internet email:
22           Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
23                           National Radio Astronomy Observatory
27    $Id: cregex.h 20901 2010-06-09 07:23:37Z gervandiepen $
30#ifndef CASA_CREGEX_H
31#define CASA_CREGEX_H
createNewPerson.jsp | JavaServer Pages | 142 lines
58                    <div>
59                        <label for="email">Email:</label>
60                        <form:input cssStyle="width:250px" maxlength="30" path="email" size="30"/>
61                        <form:errors path="email" cssClass="errors"/><br/>
62                        <script type="text/javascript">Spring.addDecoration(new Spring.ElementDecoration({elementId : "email", widgetType : "dijit.form.ValidationTextBox", widgetAttrs : {invalidMessage: "Enter Email (numbers only)", regExp: "[a-z0-9!#$%&amp;'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&amp;'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?", required : true}})); </script>
63                    </div>
67                        <label for="streetName">Street Name:</label>
68                        <form:input cssStyle="width:250px" maxlength="30" path="address.streetName" id="streetName"
69                                    size="30"/>
69                                    size="30"/>
70                        <form:errors path="address.streetName" cssClass="errors"/><br/>
71                        <script type="text/javascript">Spring.addDecoration(new Spring.ElementDecoration({elementId : "streetName", widgetType : "dijit.form.ValidationTextBox", widgetAttrs : {promptMessage: "Enter Street Name", required : true}})); </script>
85                        <label for="city">City:</label>
86                        <form:input cssStyle="width:250px" maxlength="30" path="" id="city" size="30"/>
87                        <form:errors path="" cssClass="errors"/><br/>
ADUser.cs | C# | 381 lines
232        /// <param name="pLoginNameWithDomain">LDAP User Login Name (Domain Name Included)</param>
233        /// <param name="pStreetAddress">LDAp User Street Address</param>
234        /// <param name="pCity">LDAP User City</param>
241        /// <param name="pFax">LDAP User Fax Number</param>
242        /// <param name="pEmailAddress">LDAP User Email Address</param>
243        /// <param name="pTitle">LDAP User Position Title</param>
249            string pLoginNameWithDomain, string pStreetAddress, string pCity, string pState, string pPostalCode,
250            string pCountry, string pHomePhone, string pExtension, string pMobile, string pFax, string pEmailAddress,
251            string pTitle, string pCompany, string pManager, string pManagerName, string pDepartment)
266            this.fax = pFax;
267            this.emailAddress = pEmailAddress;
268            this.title = pTitle;
333            fax = GetProperty(directoryEntry, ADProperties.FAX);
334            emailAddress = GetProperty(directoryEntry, ADProperties.EMAILADDRESS);
335            title = GetProperty(directoryEntry, ADProperties.TITLE);
        git:// | Markdown | 172 lines
65          * Optionally hide backtrace-headers in message() and show() (applied in 'showqueries')
66      * Email
67          * MimeType-fallback (from /etc/mime.types)
67          * MimeType-fallback (from /etc/mime.types)
68          * Improved validation in is_valid_address()
69      * FieldSet
119      * Fix insert flash
120      * Fix version regex for release candidates
121      * Fix delete in Files and Images section
139      * The Link for a RedirectorPage points to its target
140      * Add SQL_ prefix in place it was missing in Email
141      * Added a check to make sure record exists before calling hasMethod on it in CheckboxSetField
147      * Fixed renaming of .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 files
148      * Fixed validation of DateField, EmailField and NumericField
149      * Fix livesite bug for visibility handling difference between PHP5.2.0 and PHP5.1.6
        | Python | 149 lines
39        if 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' in request.META:
40            for user_agent_regex in settings.DISALLOWED_USER_AGENTS:
41                if['HTTP_USER_AGENT']):
84        if response.status_code == 404:
85            if settings.SEND_BROKEN_LINK_EMAILS:
86                # If the referrer was from an internal link or a non-search-engine site,
95                    mail_managers("Broken %slink on %s" % ((is_internal and 'INTERNAL ' or ''), domain),
96                        "Referrer: %s\nRequested URL: %s\nUser agent: %s\nIP address: %s\n" \
97                                  % (referer, request.get_full_path(), ua, ip))
Main.cs git:// | C# | 296 lines
62				webView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
63				var urlAddress = "";
64				var url = new NSUrl(urlAddress);
111			#region Regular Expressions (RegEx)
112			/*var emailRegex = @"^([0-9a-zA-Z]([-\.\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*@([0-9a-zA-Z][-\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z]\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,9})$";
113			var realEmail = "";
113			var realEmail = "";
114			var fakeEmail = "";
115			var formatString = "{0} is a real e-mail = {1}";
115			var formatString = "{0} is a real e-mail = {1}";
116			Console.WriteLine ((String.Format(formatString, realEmail, Regex.IsMatch(realEmail, emailRegex))));			
117			Console.WriteLine ((String.Format(formatString, fakeEmail, Regex.IsMatch(fakeEmail, emailRegex))));*/
pm-japop3.rc git:// | Windows Resource File | 416 lines
60#           becaus that may exceed the quota.
61#	o   `JA_POP3_TO_MUST_MATCH' must contain regexp that match the email
62#	    addresses where the pop3 messages are allowed to send. BE SURE
63#	    TO DEFINE this. If you have account X,Y,Z where you want to receive
64#	    pop3 messages, set this regexp to match those site's email addresses.
65#	o   `JA_POP3_LOGFILE' is the log where you can see how the forked
126JA_POP3_SUBJECT_CMD	= ${JA_POP3_SUBJECT_CMD:-"XyZ-yourPop3-cmd"}
127JA_POP3_TO_MUST_MATCH	= ${JA_POP3_TO_MUST_MATCH:-"Allowed-address-regexp"}
167    keyword = "forwarded to"
168    address = `$FORMAIL -rt -x To:`
172    xloop   = "X-Loop: $keyword $address from $HOST"
        | Python | 417 lines
85            and 'resend' in request.POST and request.user):
86            send_email_verification(request, request.user)
87            return HttpResponse('{"resent": true}',
95                              {'verification_user': user,
96                               'is_verified': user and user.email_verified,
97                               'error': error})
160        if request.POST.get('email', '') == '':
161            raise ValidationError().add_error('email', "Email address is required.")
168                    username=username,
169                    email=request.POST['email'],
170                    password=request.POST.get('secret', ''))
230    # TODO: Enable changing email address - send to old and new
231    # and record last verified address - puts account into unverified state?
NonKeyColumnProcessor.cs | C# | 225 lines
112                case "emailaddress":
113                    returnValue = EmailAddressGenerator.GenerateEmailAddress();
114                    break;
115                case "regex":
116                    returnValue = RegexProcessor.GenerateValue(property.ReadAttributeValue(Tokens.RegexPattern));
117                    break;
136                    {
137                        returnValue = AddressGenerator.Addressline2(maxCharacters);
138                    }
145                    if (entries.Length > 1 && int.TryParse(entries[1], out maxCharacters))
146                    { returnValue = AddressGenerator.Addressline3(maxCharacters); }
147                    else
148                    {
149                        throw new Exception("The value for the addressline3 hint must follow the following pattern addressline3-5 Where the number signifies the maximum string length.");
150                    }
llpanelsnapshotpostcard.cpp | C++ | 270 lines
96	// pick up the user's up-to-date email address
97	gAgent.sendAgentUserInfoRequest();
131	{
132		mAgentEmail = info["agent-email"].asString();
133	}
246	boost::regex email_format("[A-Za-z0-9.%+-_]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,}(,[ \t]*[A-Za-z0-9.%+-_]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,})*");
248	if (to.empty() || !boost::regex_match(to, email_format))
249	{
254	if (mAgentEmail.empty() || !boost::regex_match(mAgentEmail, email_format))
255	{
        git:// | Python | 1134 lines
41INVALID_USERNAME_CHAR_REGEX = re.compile(r'[^\w.@+-]')
53    supports_change_name = False
54    supports_change_email = False
55    supports_change_password = False
99    def update_email(self, user):
100        """Update the user's e-mail address on the backend.
408                email = '%s@%s' % (username, settings.NIS_EMAIL_DOMAIN)
413                            last_name=last_name or '',
414                            email=email)
415                user.is_staff = False
git_modified_models.diff git:// | diff | 1609 lines
58@@ -79,25 +79,25 @@ class Group(models.Model):
59     all review requests and replies to that address. If that e-mail address is
60     blank, e-mails are sent individually to each member of that group.
63-    display_name = models.CharField(_("display name"), max_length=64)
64-    mailing_list = models.EmailField(_("mailing list"), blank=True,
65-        help_text=_("The mailing list review requests and discussions "
67+    display_name ^ models.CharField(_("display name"), max_length^64)
68+    mailing_list ^ models.EmailField(_("mailing list"), blank^True,
69+        help_text^_("The mailing list review requests and discussions "
135-    name = models.CharField(_("name"), max_length=64)
136-    file_regex = models.CharField(_("file regex"), max_length=256,
137-        help_text=_("File paths are matched against this regular expression "
138+    name ^ models.CharField(_("name"), max_length^64)
139+    file_regex ^ models.CharField(_("file regex"), max_length^256,
140+        help_text^_("File paths are matched against this regular expression "
        git:// | Python | 1954 lines
40    Each group can have an e-mail address associated with it, sending
41    all review requests and replies to that address. If that e-mail address is
42    blank, e-mails are sent individually to each member of that group.
45    display_name = models.CharField(_("display name"), max_length=64)
46    mailing_list = models.EmailField(
47        _("mailing list"),
107    A default reviewer entry automatically adds default reviewers to a
108    review request when the diff modifies a file matching the ``file_regex``
109    pattern specified.
115    A ``file_regex`` of ``".*"`` will add the specified reviewers by
116    default for every review request.
365            try:
366                regex = re.compile(default.file_regex)
367            except:
        | Python | 1104 lines
69    Each group can have an e-mail address associated with it, sending
70    all review requests and replies to that address.
73    display_name = models.CharField(_("display name"), max_length=64)
74    mailing_list = models.EmailField(_("mailing list"), blank=True,
75        help_text=_("The mailing list review requests and discussions "
95    A default reviewer entry automatically adds default reviewers to a
96    review request when the diff modifies a file matching the ``file_regex``
97    pattern specified.
106    name = models.CharField(_("name"), max_length=64)
107    file_regex = models.CharField(_("file regex"), max_length=256,
108        help_text=_("File paths are matched against this regular expression "
316        for default in DefaultReviewer.objects.all():
317            regex = re.compile(default.file_regex)
        | Python | 1146 lines
20# Regex to define acceptable Distutils command names.  This is not *quite*
21# the same as a Python NAME -- I don't allow leading underscores.  The fact
77        ('author-email', None,
78         "print the author's email address"),
79        ('maintainer', None,
81        ('maintainer-email', None,
82         "print the maintainer's email address"),
83        ('contact', None,
85        ('contact-email', None,
86         "print the maintainer's email address if known, else the author's"),
87        ('url', None,
MailboxReader.cs | C# | 481 lines
74                            {
75                                messageFrom = string.Join("; ", mailHeader.From.ToList().Select(p => p.Address).ToArray()).Trim();
76                            }
86                            {
87                                recipients.AddRange(mailHeader.Bcc.Mailboxes.Select(mailbox => mailbox.Address));
88                            }
90                            // loop through the mailboxes
91                            foreach (var address in recipients)
92                            {
138                                    // strip the <body> out of the message (using code from below)
139                                    var bodyExtractor = new Regex("<body.*?>(?<content>.*)</body>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
140                                    var match = bodyExtractor.Match(mailbody.BodyHtmlText);
142                                    var emailContent = match.Success && match.Groups["content"] != null
143                                        ? match.Groups["content"].Value
Utility.cs | C# | 677 lines
127        public static bool IsEmailAddress(String s)
128        {
128        {
129            // Doesn't hurt to UrlDecode the string since we're looking for an email address
130            s = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(s);
130            s = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(s);
131            return (Regex.IsMatch(s, "\\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,4}\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));
132        }
137            // However it's slower than the simpler regex above.
138            if (Regex.IsMatch(s, "\\b(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?|5[1-5][0-9]{14}|6(?:011|5[0-9][0-9])[0-9]{12}|3[47][0-9]{13}|3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}|(?:2131|1800|35\\d{3})\\d{11})\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
139            {
155            // Matches a US Social Security Number provided it has dashes.
156            return (Regex.IsMatch(s, "\\b[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));
157        }
        git:// | Java | 1182 lines
36    static private final int PDU_PHONE_NUMBER_ADDRESS_TYPE = 1;
37    static private final int PDU_EMAIL_ADDRESS_TYPE = 2;
38    static private final int PDU_IPV4_ADDRESS_TYPE = 3;
45    static final String REGEXP_PHONE_NUMBER_ADDRESS_TYPE = "\\+?[0-9|\\.|\\-]+";
46    static final String REGEXP_EMAIL_ADDRESS_TYPE = "[a-zA-Z| ]*\\<{0,1}[a-zA-Z| ]+@{1}" +
47            "[a-zA-Z| ]+\\.{1}[a-zA-Z| ]+\\>{0,1}";
47            "[a-zA-Z| ]+\\.{1}[a-zA-Z| ]+\\>{0,1}";
48    static final String REGEXP_IPV6_ADDRESS_TYPE =
49        "[a-fA-F]{4}\\:{1}[a-fA-F0-9]{4}\\:{1}[a-fA-F0-9]{4}\\:{1}" +
51        "[a-fA-F0-9]{4}\\:{1}[a-fA-F0-9]{4}";
52    static final String REGEXP_IPV4_ADDRESS_TYPE = "[0-9]{1,3}\\.{1}[0-9]{1,3}\\.{1}" +
53            "[0-9]{1,3}\\.{1}[0-9]{1,3}";
455    private EncodedStringValue appendAddressType(EncodedStringValue address) {
456        EncodedStringValue temp = null
smarty-mode.el git:// | Emacs Lisp | 2745 lines
39  (require 'regexp-opt))
40(when smarty-is-xemacs
107  <filename>    : replaced by the name of the buffer
108  <author>      : replaced by the user name and email address
109                  \(`user-full-name',`mail-host-address', `user-mail-address')
343      ["nl2br" smarty-template-nl2br t]
344      ["regex_replace" smarty-template-regex-replace t]
345      ["replace" smarty-template-replace t]
test_x509name.rb git:// | Ruby | 469 lines
69      ["CN", "GOTOU Yuuzou"],
70      ["emailAddress", ""],
71      ["serialNumber", "123"],
78    assert_equal("CN", ary[2][0])
79    assert_equal("emailAddress", ary[3][0])
80    assert_equal("serialNumber", ary[4][0])
182        ["CN", "GOTOU Yuuzou"],
183        ["emailAddress", ""],
184      ],
186        ",CN=GOTOU Yuuzou,"+
187        "DC=ruby-lang,DC=org")
214        "," +
215        "," +
Markdown.cs git:// | C# | 1775 lines
116        /// <summary>
117        /// when false, email addresses will never be auto-linked  
118        /// WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec
155        ///     Markdown.EmptyElementSuffix (">" or " />" without the quotes)
156        ///     Markdown.LinkEmails (true/false)
157        ///     Markdown.AutoNewLines (true/false)
201            _encodeProblemUrlCharacters = options.EncodeProblemUrlCharacters;
202            _linkEmails = options.LinkEmails;
203            _strictBoldItalic = options.StrictBoldItalic;
217        /// <summary>
218        /// when false, email addresses will never be auto-linked  
219        /// WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec
334            _backslashEscapes = new Regex(backslashPattern.Substring(0, backslashPattern.Length - 1), RegexOptions.Compiled);
335        }
PageValidate.cs | C# | 0 lines
16        private static Regex RegPhone = new Regex("^[0-9]+[-]?[0-9]+[-]?[0-9]$");
17        private static Regex RegNumber = new Regex("^[0-9]+$");
18        private static Regex RegNumberSign = new Regex("^[+-]?[0-9]+$");
18        private static Regex RegNumberSign = new Regex("^[+-]?[0-9]+$");
19        private static Regex RegDecimal = new Regex("^[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]+$");
20        private static Regex RegDecimalSign = new Regex("^[+-]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]+$"); //等价于^[+-]?\d+[.]?\d+$
20        private static Regex RegDecimalSign = new Regex("^[+-]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]+$"); //等价于^[+-]?\d+[.]?\d+$
21        private static Regex RegEmail = new Regex("^[\\w-]+@[\\w-]+\\.(com|net|cn|org|edu|mil|tv|biz|info)$");//w 英文字母或数字的字符串,和 [a-zA-Z0-9] 语法一样 
22        private static Regex RegCHZN = new Regex("[\u4e00-\u9fa5]");
134        {
135            Match m = RegEmail.Match(inputData);
136            return m.Success;
430            {
431                Regex RegNumber = new Regex(string.Format("^([{0}])+$", charInput));
432                //Regex RegNumber = new Regex(string.Format("^([{0}]{{1}})+$", charInput,lenI
        | Python | 332 lines
3#In Part 1 of this series, I described some of the motivation, and the components being used to build a new blog for myself. In this (lengthy) post, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll address the solution I used to move my content archives from WordPress to the new app.
34                                    content=com.findtext(self.wpns+'comment_content'),
35                                    email=com.findtext(self.wpns+'comment_author_email'),
36                                    weburl=com.findtext(self.wpns+'comment_author_url'),
63    def get_slug(self,linkstr):
64        #        regex=ur'^.*/(.*)$'
65        #        match =, subject)
205                                  author =users.get_current_user(),
206                                  authorEmail =users.get_current_user().email(),
207                                  slug =item['slug'],
265#                                author = users.User(comment_dict['email']),
266                                authorEmail = comment_dict['email'] or '',
267                                authorWebsite = comment_dict['weburl'],
Strings.cs git:// | C# | 758 lines
196            const string pattern = @"<(.|\n)*?>";
197            string sOut = Regex.Replace(htmlString, pattern, htmlPlaceHolder);
198            sOut = sOut.Replace("&nbsp;", String.Empty);
205        [Obsolete("Will be removed in future versions. Use Validation.IsEmail instead")]
206        public static bool IsValidEmail(string emailAddressString)
207        {
207        {
208            return Validation.IsEmail(emailAddressString);
209        }
323                    if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceString))
324                        sourceString = Regex.Replace(sourceString, replace[i], String.Empty);
325                }
Validation.cs git:// | C# | 488 lines
78        /// </summary>
79        /// <param name="emailAddressString">The email address string.</param>
80        /// <returns>
82        /// </returns>
83        public static bool IsEmail(string emailAddressString)
84        {
84        {
85            return Regex.IsMatch(emailAddressString, RegexPattern.EMAIL);
86        }
180        {
181            return Regex.IsMatch(ipAddress, RegexPattern.IP_ADDRESS);
182        }
264                       Regex.IsMatch(creditCard, RegexPattern.CREDIT_CARD_DINERS_CLUB) ||
265                       Regex.IsMatch(creditCard, RegexPattern.CREDIT_CARD_DISCOVER) ||
266                       Regex.IsMatch(creditCard, RegexPattern.CREDIT_CARD_EN_ROUTE) ||
git.el git:// | Emacs Lisp | 1588 lines
69(defcustom git-committer-email nil
70  "Email address to use for commits.
71The default is to fall back to the git repository config,
71The default is to fall back to the git repository config,
72then to `add-log-mailing-address' and then to `user-mail-address'."
73  :group 'git
275(defun git-get-committer-email ()
276  "Return the email address to use as GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL."
277  ; copied from log-edit
279      (git-config "")
280      (and (boundp 'add-log-mailing-address) add-log-mailing-address)
281      (and (fboundp 'user-mail-address) (user-mail-address))
281      (and (fboundp 'user-mail-address) (user-mail-address))
282      (and (boundp 'user-mail-address) user-mail-address)))
admin_user_search.php | PHP | 1296 lines
188			$username = ( isset($_GET['username']) ) ? $_GET['username'] : $_POST['username'];
189			$regex = ( @$_POST['search_username_regex'] ) ? true : ( @$_GET['regex'] ) ? true : false;
198			$email = ( isset($_GET['email']) ) ? $_GET['email'] : $_POST['email'];
199			$regex = ( @$_POST['search_email_regex'] ) ? true : ( @$_GET['regex'] ) ? true : false;
207		case 'search_ip':
208			$ip_address = ( isset($_POST['ip_address'] ) ) ? $_POST['ip_address'] : $_GET['ip_address'];
251			$userfield_value = ( isset($_POST['userfield_value'] ) ) ? $_POST['userfield_value'] : $_GET['userfield_value'];
252			$regex = ( @$_POST['search_userfield_regex'] ) ? true : ( @$_GET['regex'] ) ? true : false;
396		case 'search_email':
397			$base_url .= '&search_email=true&email='.rawurlencode(stripslashes($email));
validations.cfm git:// | ColdFusion | 645 lines
5<cffunction name="validatesConfirmationOf" returntype="void" access="public" output="false" hint="Validates that the value of the specified property also has an identical confirmation value. (This is common when having a user type in their email address a second time to confirm, confirming a password by typing it a second time, etc.) The confirmation value only exists temporarily and never gets saved to the database. By convention, the confirmation property has to be named the same as the property with ""Confirmation"" appended at the end. Using the password example, to confirm our `password` property, we would create a property called `passwordConfirmation`."
6	examples=
50<cffunction name="validatesFormatOf" returntype="void" access="public" output="false" hint="Validates that the value of the specified property is formatted correctly by matching it against a regular expression using the `regEx` argument and/or against a built-in CFML validation type using the `type` argument (`creditcard`, `date`, `email`, etc.)."
51	examples=
56		<!--- Make sure that the user has entered an email address ending with the `.se` domain when the `ipCheck()` method returns `true`, and it''s not Sunday. Also supply a custom error message that overrides the Wheels default one --->
57		<cfset validatesFormatOf(property="email", regEx="^.*@.*\.se$", condition="ipCheck()", unless="DayOfWeek() IS 1", message="Sorry, you must have a Swedish email address to use this website.")>
58	'
60	<cfargument name="properties" type="string" required="false" default="" hint="See documentation for @validatesConfirmationOf.">
61	<cfargument name="regEx" type="string" required="false" default="" hint="Regular expression to verify against.">
62	<cfargument name="type" type="string" required="false" default="" hint="One of the following types to verify against: `creditcard`, `date`, `email`, `eurodate`, `guid`, `social_security_number`, `ssn`, `telephone`, `time`, `URL`, `USdate`, `UUID`, `variableName`, `zipcode` (will be passed through to your CFML engine's `IsValid()` function).">
75		{
76			if (Len(arguments.type) && !ListFindNoCase("creditcard,date,email,eurodate,guid,social_security_number,ssn,telephone,time,URL,USdate,UUID,variableName,zipcode", arguments.type))
77				$throw(type="Wheels.IncorrectArguments", message="The `#arguments.type#` type is not supported.", extendedInfo="Use one of the supported types: `creditcard`, `date`, `email`, `eurodate`, `guid`, `social_security_number`, `ssn`, `telephone`, `time`, `URL`, `USdate`, `UUID`, `variableName`, `zipcode`");
fck_link.js | JavaScript | 665 lines
80	var oEMailInfo = new Object() ;
81	oEMailInfo.Address	= '' ;
82	oEMailInfo.Subject	= '' ;
249			var oEMailInfo = oParser.ParseEMailUrl( sUrl ) ;
250			GetE('txtEMailAddress').value	= oEMailInfo.Address ;
251			GetE('txtEMailSubject').value	= oEMailInfo.Subject ;
326	ShowE('divLinkTypeAnchor'	, (linkType == 'anchor') ) ;
327	ShowE('divLinkTypeEMail'	, (linkType == 'email') ) ;
473		case 'email' :
474			sUri = GetE('txtEMailAddress').value ;
523			case 'url':
524				var oLinkPathRegEx = new RegExp("//?([^?\"']+)([?].*)?$") ;
525				var asLinkPath = oLinkPathRegEx.exec( sUri ) ;
        | Python | 3845 lines
27regex_isint = re.compile('^[+-]?\d+$')
48    'IS_EMAIL',
58    'IS_IPV6',
60    'IS_LENGTH',
194                expression = expression.decode('utf8')
195            self.regex = re.compile(expression,re.UNICODE)
196        else:
196        else:
197            self.regex = re.compile(expression)
198        self.error_message = error_message
        | Java | 216 lines
29    @NamedQuery(name = "Akun.findByPassword", query = "SELECT a FROM Akun a WHERE a.password = :password"),
30    @NamedQuery(name = "Akun.findByEmail", query = "SELECT a FROM Akun a WHERE = :email"),
31    @NamedQuery(name = "Akun.findByNamaakun", query = "SELECT a FROM Akun a WHERE a.namaakun = :namaakun"),
50    private String password;
51    // @Pattern(regexp="[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?", message="Invalid email")//if the field contains email address consider using this annotation to enforce field validation
52    @Basic(optional = false)
54    @Size(min = 1, max = 30)
55    @Column(name = "email")
56    private String email;
99        this.password = password;
100 = email;
101        this.namaakun = namaakun;
130    public void setEmail(String email) {
131 = email;
fr git:// | Forth | 594 lines
2acl_arp=Client ethernet addresses
3acl_asnum=AS Numbers
3acl_asnum=AS Numbers
4acl_bregexp=Browser Regexp
30acl_pusers=Utilisateurs Proxy
31acl_regexp=Expressions rationnelles
32acl_reqmethods=Methodes de la demande
147eadm_cap=Cache announce port
148eadm_cmemail=Adresse email de l'administrateur de la m&#233;moire cache
351emisc_return=squid index
352emisc_sdta=Startup DNS test addresses
353emisc_slr=SIGUSR1 logfile rotations
Html2Text.php git:// | PHP | 487 lines
37 *  Thanks to Alexander Krug ( to pointing out and
38 *  correcting an error in the regexp search array. Fixed 7/30/03.
39 *
54 *  Thanks to Mathieu Collas ( for finding a
55 *  display/formatting bug in the _build_link_list() function: email
56 *  readers would show the left bracket and number ("[1") as part of the
56 *  readers would show the left bracket and number ("[1") as part of the
57 *  rendered email address.
58 *  Updated 12/16/04.
88 *  Thanks to Jeffrey Silverman ( for pointing
89 *  out that extra spaces should be compressed--a problem addressed with
90 *  Marcus Bointon's fixes but that I had not yet incorporated.
267    /**
268     *  Contains URL addresses from links to be rendered in plain text.
269     *
install.php git:// | PHP | 969 lines
172		/* Email error checking */
173		if(!$site_email || strlen($site_email = trim($site_email)) == 0){
174			$form->set_error("site_email", "Please enter a <strong>site email address</strong>.");
180			if(!preg_match($regex,$site_email)){
181				$form->set_error("site_email", "Please enter a valid email address. ex:");
182			}
182			}
183			$site_email = stripslashes($site_email);
184		}
228		//check for empty fields
229		if(!$alert_email || strlen($alert_email = trim($alert_email)) == 0 ){
230			$form->set_error("site_alert_email", "Please make sure to " .
230			$form->set_error("site_alert_email", "Please make sure to " .
231					"enter a <strong>site alert email address</strong>.");
232		}
        | Java | 1003 lines
40import java.util.logging.Logger;
41import java.util.regex.Matcher;
42import java.util.regex.Pattern;
89  private static final String FIELD_USERNAME = "username_edit";
90  private static final String FIELD_EMAIL = "email";
91  private static final String FIELD_LEVEL = "profile_field_10_2";
98  private static final Pattern s_usernamePattern = fieldTextPattern( FIELD_USERNAME );
99  private static final Pattern s_emailPattern = fieldTextPattern( FIELD_EMAIL );
100  private static final Pattern s_jabberPattern = fieldTextPattern( FIELD_JABBER );
104  private static final Pattern s_notifQtyPattern = fieldSelectPattern( FIELD_FMG_NOTIF_QTY );
105  private static final Pattern s_sendEmailPattern = fieldRadioPattern( "viewemail" );
110  {
111    s_fieldPatternMap.put( "viewemail", fieldRadioPattern( "viewemail" ) );
112    s_fieldPatternMap.put( "newsletter", fieldRadioPattern( "newsletter" ) );
        | Python | 1706 lines
144    'Server',
145    'id, host_id, ip_address, egress_ip_address, '+
146    'propagation_channel_id, is_embedded, discovery_date_range, '+
207            'twitter' : PropagationMechanism('twitter'),
208            'email-autoresponder' : PropagationMechanism('email-autoresponder'),
209            'static-download' : PropagationMechanism('static-download')
282                len(self.__servers),
283                self.__email_server_account.ip_address if self.__email_server_account else 'None',
284                self.__stats_server_account.ip_address if self.__stats_server_account else 'None',
320                                                         for region, home_pages in sorted(s.home_pages.items())]),
321                    'page_view_regexes': '\n                         '.join(['%s -> %s' % (page_view_regex.regex, page_view_regex.replace)
322                                                                             for page_view_regex in s.page_view_regexes]),
322                                                                             for page_view_regex in s.page_view_regexes]),
323                    'https_request_regexes': '\n                         '.join(['%s -> %s' % (https_request_regex.regex, https_request_regex.replace)
324                                                                                 for https_request_regex in s.https_request_regexes]),
validations.cfm git:// | ColdFusion | 483 lines
5<cffunction name="validatesConfirmationOf" returntype="void" access="public" output="false" hint="Validates that the value of the specified property also has an identical confirmation value (common when having a user type in their email address, choosing a password etc). The confirmation value only exists temporarily and never gets saved to the database. By convention the confirmation property has to be named the same as the property with ""Confirmation"" appended at the end. Using the password example, to confirm our `password` property we would create a property called `passwordConfirmation`."
6	examples=
40<cffunction name="validatesFormatOf" returntype="void" access="public" output="false" hint="Validates that the value of the specified property is formatted correctly by matching it against a regular expression using the `regEx` argument and/or against a built-in CFML validation type (`creditcard`, `date`, `email` etc) using the `type` argument."
41	examples=
46		<!--- Make sure that the user has entered an email address ending with the `.se` domain when the `ipCheck` methods returns `true` and it''s not Sunday, also supply a custom error message that overrides the Wheels default one --->
47		<cfset validatesFormatOf(property="email", regEx="^.*@.*\.se$", if="ipCheck()", unless="DayOfWeek() IS 1" message="Sorry, you must have a Swedish email address to use this website")>
48	'
50	<cfargument name="properties" type="string" required="false" default="" hint="See documentation for @validatesConfirmationOf.">
51	<cfargument name="regEx" type="string" required="false" default="" hint="Regular expression to verify against.">
52	<cfargument name="type" type="string" required="false" default="" hint="One of the following types to verify against: `creditcard`, `date`, `email`, `eurodate`, `guid`, `social_security_number`, `ssn`, `telephone`, `time`, `URL`, `USdate`, `UUID`, `variableName`, `zipcode` (will be passed through to CFML's `isValid` function).">
134	'
135		<!--- Make sure that the user data can not be saved to the database without the `emailAddress` property (it has to exist and not be an empty string) --->
136		<cfset validatesPresenceOf("emailAddress")>
mstats.vehicle-list.js | JavaScript | 529 lines
11// The example companies, organizations, products, domain names,
12// e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted
13// herein are fictitious.  No association with any real company,
13// herein are fictitious.  No association with any real company,
14// organization, product, domain name, email address, logo, person,
15// places, or events is intended or should be inferred.
17/*jslint onevar: true, undef: true, newcap: true, regexp: true, 
18plusplus: true, bitwise: true, devel: true, maxerr: 50 */
mstats.charts.js | JavaScript | 576 lines
11// The example companies, organizations, products, domain names,
12// e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted
13// herein are fictitious.  No association with any real company,
13// herein are fictitious.  No association with any real company,
14// organization, product, domain name, email address, logo, person,
15// places, or events is intended or should be inferred.
17/*jslint onevar: true, undef: true, newcap: true, regexp: true, plusplus: true, bitwise: true, devel: true, maxerr: 50 */
18/*global jQuery:false */
        | Python | 1291 lines
3import email.mime.text
4from email.message import EmailMessage
5from email.base64mime import body_encode as encode_base64
81    def testSourceAddress(self):
82        mock_socket.reply_with(b"220 Hola mundo")
243    def testSourceAddress(self):
244        # connect
247            smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, self.port, local_hostname='localhost',
248                    timeout=3, source_address=('', port))
249            self.assertEqual(smtp.source_address, ('', port))
420        # Make sure nothing breaks if not all of the three 'to' headers exist
421        m = email.mime.text.MIMEText('A test message')
422        m['From'] = ''
        | Python | 1237 lines
9import re
10from email import message_from_file
23# Regex to define acceptable Distutils command names.  This is not *quite*
24# the same as a Python NAME -- I don't allow leading underscores.  The fact
82        ('author-email', None,
83         "print the author's email address"),
84        ('maintainer', None,
86        ('maintainer-email', None,
87         "print the maintainer's email address"),
88        ('contact', None,
90        ('contact-email', None,
91         "print the maintainer's email address if known, else the author's"),
92        ('url', None,
mlogc.c | C | 0 lines
11* other questions related to licensing please contact Trustwave Holdings, Inc.
12* directly using the email address
88/* -- Regex Patterns -- */
149static const char            *log_repository = NULL;
150static void                  *logline_regex = NULL;
151static int                    max_connections = 10;
160/* static apr_time_t             queue_time = 0; */
161static void                  *requestline_regex = NULL;
162static int                    running = 0;
apache2_config.c | C | 0 lines
11* other questions related to licensing please contact Trustwave Holdings, Inc.
12* directly using the email address
78    dcfg->auditlog_parts = NOT_SET_P;
79    dcfg->auditlog_relevant_regex = NOT_SET_P;
167                            int rc = msc_regexec(exceptions[j]->param_data,
168                                    rule->actionset->msg, strlen(rule->actionset->msg),
187                                    int rc = msc_regexec(exceptions[j]->param_data,
188                                            action->param, strlen(action->param),
modsecurity.h | C Header | 0 lines
11* other questions related to licensing please contact Trustwave Holdings, Inc.
12* directly using the email address
181#define REGEX_CAPTURE_BUFLEN            1024
re_operators.c | C | 0 lines
11* other questions related to licensing please contact Trustwave Holdings, Inc.
12* directly using the email address
313                (ignore_case ? AP_REG_ICASE : 0));
314        rule->sub_regex = regex;
315    } else {
418    for (offset = data; !ap_regexec(rule->sub_regex,  offset, 1, pmatch, 0); ) {
419        p_len = pmatch [0].rm_eo - pmatch [0].rm_so;
483    int erroffset;
484    msc_regex_t *regex;
485    const char *pattern = rule->op_param;
503static int msre_op_rx_execute(modsec_rec *msr, msre_rule *rule, msre_var *var, char **error_msg) {
504    msc_regex_t *regex = (msc_regex_t *)rule->op_param_data;
505    const char *target;
fck_link.js | JavaScript | 894 lines
204				var oEMailParams = oParser.ParseEMailParams( aMatch[2] ) ;
205				oEMailInfo.Subject = oEMailParams.Subject ;
206				oEMailInfo.Body = oEMailParams.Body ;
214oParser.CreateEMailUri = function( address, subject, body )
224				{
225					alert('EMailProtection alert!\nNo function defined. Please set "FCKConfig.EMailProtectionFunction"') ;
226				}
417	// Search for a protected email link.
418	var oEMailInfo = oParser.ParseEMailUri( sHRef );
424		GetE('txtEMailAddress').value = oEMailInfo.Address ;
425		GetE('txtEMailSubject').value = oEMailInfo.Subject ;
        | Python | 0 lines
134 = name
135 = email
136        self.libraries = list()
410        lib_maintainer_regex = re.compile('(\S+)\s*(.*)')
411        name_email_regex = re.compile('\s*(\w*(\s*\w+)+)\s*<\s*(\S*(\s*\S+)+)\S*>')
412        at_regex = re.compile('\s*-\s*at\s*-\s*')
425                            email =
426                            email = at_regex.sub('@', email)
427                            maintainer = self.getMaintainer(name, email)
446        platform_maintainer_regex = re.compile('([A-Za-z0-9_.-]*|"[^"]*")\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)')
447        name_email_regex = re.compile('\s*(\w*(\s*\w+)+)\s*<\s*(\S*(\s*\S+)+)\S*>')
448        at_regex = re.compile('\s*-\s*at\s*-\s*')
457                    for person in re.split('\s*,\s*',
458                        nmm = name_email_regex.match(person)
459                        if nmm:
history.html | HTML | 0 lines
6<meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.74.0">
7<link rel="home" href="../../index.html" title="Boost.Regex">
8<link rel="up" href="../background_information.html" title="Background Information">
29        New issues should be submitted at <a href="" target="_top"></a>
30        - don't forget to include your email address in the ticket!
31      </p>
137<a name="id1153341"></a>
138        <a class="link" href="history.html#boost_regex.background_information.history.boost_1_34">Boost
139        1.34</a>
278            types used previously - bad_expression and bad_pattern - are now just
279            typedefs for regex_error. Type regex_error has a couple of new members:
280            code() to report an error code rather than a string, and position() to
293<a name="id1153647"></a>
294        <a class="link" href="history.html#boost_regex.background_information.history.boost_1_31_0">Boost
295        1.31.0</a>
sb-rmail.el git:// | Emacs Lisp | 157 lines
22;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23;; along with this program; if not, you can either send email to this
24;; program's author (see below) or write to:
36;; files are displayed.  These functions provide rmail specific support,
37;; showing links and addresses in the side-bar.
50;;; Code:
51(defvar rmail-speedbar-match-folder-regexp "^[A-Z0-9]+\\(\\.[A-Z0-9]+\\)?$"
52  "*This regex is used to match folder names to be displayed in speedbar.
88  "Create buttons for BUFFER containing rmail messages.
89Click on the address under Reply to: to reply to this person.
90Under Folders: Click a name to read it, or on the <M> to move the
117						  default-directory)
118				  nil rmail-speedbar-match-folder-regexp)))
119	(while df
meetup_group_modify.js | JavaScript | 270 lines
76					//bValid = bValid && checkRegexp(name,/^[a-z]([0-9a-z_])+$/i,"Username may consist of a-z, 0-9, underscores, begin with a letter.");
77					// From jquery.validate.js (by joern), contributed by Scott Gonzalez:
78					//bValid = bValid && checkRegexp(email,/^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?$/i,"eg.");
78					//bValid = bValid && checkRegexp(email,/^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?$/i,"eg.");
79					//bValid = bValid && checkRegexp(password,/^([0-9a-zA-Z])+$/,"Password field only allow : a-z 0-9");
176function checkRegexp(o,regexp,n) {
178	if ( !( regexp.test( o.val() ) ) ) {
179		o.addClass('ui-state-error');
micrite-base-lang-en.js | JavaScript | 335 lines
136    blankText     : "This field is required",
137    regexText     : "",
138    emptyText     : null
172  Ext.apply(Ext.form.VTypes, {
173    emailText    : 'This field should be an e-mail address in the format ""',
174    urlText      : 'This field should be a URL in the format "http:/'+'/"',
gnus-mlspl.el git:// | Emacs Lisp | 231 lines
133\((to-address . \"\")
134 (split-regexp . \".*@femail\\\\.com\"))
176	      ;; Let's deduce split-spec from other params
177	      (let ((to-address (cdr (assoc 'to-address params)))
178		    (to-list (cdr (assoc 'to-list params)))
179		    (extra-aliases (cdr (assoc 'extra-aliases params)))
180		    (split-regexp (cdr (assoc 'split-regexp params)))
181		    (split-exclude (cdr (assoc 'split-exclude params))))
190			  (append
191			   (and to-address (list (regexp-quote to-address)))
192			   (and to-list (list (regexp-quote to-list)))
196				  (list extra-aliases)))
197			   (and split-regexp (list split-regexp)))
198			  "\\|")
        git:// | Perl | 237 lines
52reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly 
53address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem 
54with code and data examples if at all possible.
66 Bbased on the Bio::SeqIO modules by Ewan Birney and others
67 Email:
139        }
140        # The first regexp is for version 3, the second is for version 4
141        elsif ( $line =~ /^(\S+)\s+([+-]?)\s+(\d+)\s+
        | C++ | 578 lines
19//# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20//#        Internet email:
20//#        Internet email:
21//#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22//#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
30#include <casa/BasicSL/RegexBase.h>
31#include <algorithm>
315// RegexBase related functions
316String::size_type String::find(const RegexBase &r, size_type pos) const {
321String::size_type String::rfind(const RegexBase &r, size_type pos) const {
322  Int unused;
        git:// | Perl | 540 lines
43  pos - current position get/set. Returns an integer.
44  regexp - construct a regular expression based on IUPAC consensus.
45      For example AGWV will be [Aa][Gg][AaTt][AaCcGg]
89reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly 
90address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem 
91with code and data examples if at all possible.
319 Title   : regexp
320 Usage   : my $regexp=$site->regexp;
321 Function: Returns a regular expression which matches the IUPAC convention.
337 Title   : regexp_array
338 Usage   : my @regexp=$site->regexp;
339 Function: Returns a regular expression which matches the IUPAC convention.
344 Args    :
345 To do   : I have separated regexp and regexp_array, but
346           maybe they can be rewritten as one - just check what
s3list.php | PHP | 379 lines
5function s3list($s3ql)
6{$regexp = $GLOBALS['regexp'];
7$dbstruct = $GLOBALS['dbstruct'];
79										'username'=>'account_uname',
80										'email'=>'account_email',
81										'phone'=>'account_phone',
236		$query_end = str_replace("and project_id ".$regexp." '".$user_project_list."'", "and subject = entity and object = 'UID' and s3db_rule.project_id = s3db_resource.project_id and (s3db_rule.project_id ".$regexp." '".$user_project_list."' or s3db_rule.permission ".$regexp." '".$user_permission_list."')", $query_end);
257	$query_end = str_replace("and project_id ".$regexp." '".$user_project_list."'", "and resource_class_id ".$regexp." '".$classes_list."'", $query_end);
288			$query_end = str_replace("and project_id ".$regexp." '".$user_project_list."'", " and (project_id ".$regexp." '".$user_project_list."' or permission ".$regexp." '".$user_permission_list."')", $query_end);
        | Java | 380 lines
14 *	gni																			
15 * Email address:
16 *	gni at
31 *		1154253												
32 * User Email address:
33 *									
88import net.sf.snowball.SnowballProgram;
89import java.util.regex.*;
        | C++ | 347 lines
19//# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20//#        Internet email:
20//#        Internet email:
21//#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22//#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
51#include <casa/BasicSL/String.h>
52#include <casa/Utilities/Regex.h>
63  String s = msg;
64  s.gsub (Regex("/.*/t"), "t");
65  return s;
        git:// | Properties File | 45 lines
3required=The field {property} must contain a value.
4email=The field {property} is not a valid email address.
5unique=The field {property} is not a unique value.
10range=The range was not met for the field {property}.
11regex=The field {property} does not follow the regular expression pattern {pattern}.
12numeric=The field {property} is not a valid number.
            field {property} is not a valid date.
            field {property} is not a valid email address.
26type.eurodate=The field {property} is not a valid euro date.
        | Python | 196 lines
22USERNAME_REGEX_MATCH = re.compile('^%s$' % settings.USERNAME_REGEX).match
90                "Username must end with a letter or number.")
91        if not USERNAME_REGEX_MATCH(username):
92            raise forms.ValidationError(
104        widget=forms.PasswordInput(render_value=False), required=False)
105    email = forms.EmailField(max_length=75, label="Email address")
106    tos = forms.BooleanField(
129                    username=username,
130                    email=self.cleaned_data['email'],
131                    password=self.cleaned_data['password'])
141                               widget=Static)
142    email = forms.EmailField(max_length=75, label="Email address",
143                             widget=Static)
check.js | JavaScript | 477 lines
189		   {
191			   Field.focus();
199	this.CheckEmail = function (Field){
200	//	var e = document.getElementById("mailaddress").value;
201		this.checkNullField(Field);
206	//			var email = document.getElementById ( "mailaddress" );
207	//	        email.value = "";
233				if   (RegExp.$1   <=   255   &&   RegExp.$1   >=   0     
234						&&   RegExp.$2   <=   255   &&   RegExp.$2   >=   0     
235						&&   RegExp.$3   <=   255   &&   RegExp.$3   >=   0     
235						&&   RegExp.$3   <=   255   &&   RegExp.$3   >=   0     
236						&&   RegExp.$4   <=   255   &&   RegExp.$4   >=   0)   {   
237					return   true;   
        | Python | 247 lines
42# If a re, it should contain at least a group (?P<email>...) which
43# should refer to the email address.  The re can also contain a group
44# (?P<reason>...) which should refer to the reason (error message).
48# location, the second re is repeated one or more times to find
49# multiple email addresses.  The second re is matched (not searched)
50# where the previous match ended.
85# list of re's used to find reasons (error messages).
86# if a string, "<>" is replaced by a copy of the email address.
87# The expressions are searched for in order.  After the first match,
139                    email = emails[i]
140                    exp = re.compile(re.escape(email).join(regexp.split('<>')), re.MULTILINE)
141                    res =
149                break
150    for email in emails:
151        errors.append(' '.join((email.strip()+': '+reason).split()))
update.jsp | JavaServer Pages | 145 lines
57                    <div>
58                        <label for="email">Email:</label>
59                        <form:input cssStyle="width:250px" maxlength="30" path="email" size="30"/>
60                        <form:errors path="email" cssClass="errors"/>
61                        <script type="text/javascript">Spring.addDecoration(new Spring.ElementDecoration({elementId : "email", widgetType : "dijit.form.ValidationTextBox", widgetAttrs : {invalidMessage: "Enter Email (numbers only)", regExp: "[a-z0-9!#$%&amp;'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&amp;'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?", required : true}})); </script>
62                    </div>
74                        <label for="streetName">Street Name:</label>
75                        <form:input cssStyle="width:250px" maxlength="30" path="address.streetName" id="streetName"
76                                    size="30"/>
76                                    size="30"/>
77                        <form:errors path="address.streetName" cssClass="errors"/>
78                        <script type="text/javascript">Spring.addDecoration(new Spring.ElementDecoration({elementId : "streetName", widgetType : "dijit.form.ValidationTextBox", widgetAttrs : {promptMessage: "Enter Street Name", required : true}})); </script>
92                        <label for="city">City:</label>
93                        <form:input cssStyle="width:250px" maxlength="30" path="" id="city" size="30"/>
94                        <form:errors path="" cssClass="errors"/>
IsEmailAddress.cs | C# | 88 lines
34    /// <summary>
35    /// Email address
36    /// </summary>
36    /// </summary>
37    public class IsEmailAddress<ObjectType> : Rule<ObjectType, string>
38    {
45        /// <param name="ErrorMessage">Error message</param>
46        public IsEmailAddress(Func<ObjectType, string> ItemToValidate, string ErrorMessage)
47            : base(ItemToValidate, ErrorMessage)
59                return;
60            System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex TempReg = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}" +
61                  @"\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\" +
70    /// <summary>
71    /// IsEmailAddress attribute
72    /// </summary>
        | Python | 323 lines
16    'RegexField', 'EmailField', 'URLField', 'BooleanField',
17    'ChoiceField', 'MultipleChoiceField',
173class RegexField(Field):
174    def __init__(self, regex, error_message=None, required=True, widget=None, label=None):
175        """
181        if isinstance(regex, basestring):
182            regex = re.compile(regex)
183        self.regex = regex
205class EmailField(RegexField):
206    def __init__(self, required=True, widget=None, label=None):
206    def __init__(self, required=True, widget=None, label=None):
207        RegexField.__init__(self, email_re, gettext(u'Enter a valid e-mail address.'), required, widget, label)
        | Java | 362 lines
44    @NamedQuery(name = "RegisteredUser.findByUserType", query = "SELECT r FROM RegisteredUser r WHERE r.userType = :userType"),
45    @NamedQuery(name = "RegisteredUser.findByEmail", query = "SELECT r FROM RegisteredUser r WHERE = :email"),
46    @NamedQuery(name = "RegisteredUser.findByName", query = "SELECT r FROM RegisteredUser r WHERE = :name"),
84    private String userType;
85    // @Pattern(regexp="[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?", message="Invalid email")//if the field contains email address consider using this annotation to enforce field validation
86    @Basic(optional = false)
129     */
130    public RegisteredUser(Integer id, String username, String streetName, String password, int zip, String surname, String userType, String email, String name) {
131 = id;
137        this.userType = userType;
138 = email;
139 = name;
266    public void setEmail(String email) {
267 = email;
268    }

