100+ results results for 'email validate lang:java' (5896 ms)
55 Scopes.DRIVE_APPFOLDER, 56 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email"}; 57 131 132 static void invalidateAuthToken(final Context context) { 133 GoogleAuthUtil.invalidateToken(context, getAuthToken(context)); 191 public static void refreshAuthToken(Context mContext) { 192 invalidateAuthToken(mContext); 193 tryAuthenticateWithErrorNotification(mContext, ScheduleContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY);TestDescriptor.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 528 lines
52 * reporter's 53 * name (or Email address), the date of the report and of the 54 * fix, 166 * bug fix, including the reporter's 167 * name (or Email address), the date of the report and of the 168 * fix, 300 try { 301 validate(); 302 } catch (org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException vex) { 395 * fix, including the reporter's 396 * name (or Email address), the date of the report and of the 397 * fix, 520 */ 521 public void validate( 522 )PinEntryViewModel.java https://gitlab.com/github-cloud-corporation/My-Wallet-V3-Android | Java | 385 lines
96 if (extras.containsKey(KEY_INTENT_EMAIL)) { 97 email = extras.getString(KEY_INTENT_EMAIL); 98 } 104 105 if (password != null && password.length() > 0 && email != null && !email.isEmpty()) { 106 // Previous page was CreateWalletFragment 156 public void onNegativeClicked() { 157 validateAndConfirmPin(); 158 } 160 } else { 161 validateAndConfirmPin(); 162 } 306 mPrefsUtil.setValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_EMAIL, email); 307 mPayloadManager.setEmail(email); 308 mPayloadManager.setTempPassword(password);BaseCmsConfig.java https://gitlab.com/lyc/kl_search | Java | 467 lines
111 private java.lang.Integer downloadTime; 112 private java.lang.Boolean emailValidate; 113 private java.lang.String officeHome; 120 com.jeecms.core.entity.MarkConfig m_markConfig; 121 com.jeecms.core.entity.EmailConfig m_emailConfig; 122 342 343 public java.lang.Boolean getEmailValidate() { 344 return emailValidate; 346 347 public void setEmailValidate(java.lang.Boolean emailValidate) { 348 this.emailValidate = emailValidate; 411 */ 412 public void setEmailConfig (com.jeecms.core.entity.EmailConfig m_emailConfig) { 413 this.m_emailConfig = m_emailConfig;JobportalForm.java https://gitlab.com/techgenius/mycampus | Java | 258 lines
109 110 if(!isValidEmailAddress(getText(emailIdEdt))){ 111 return "Enter valid mail ID"; 174 reqJson.put("emailAddress", dto.getEmailAddress()); 175 System.out.println("emailAddress" + dto.getEmailAddress()); 176 reqJson.put("resumeHeadline", dto.getResumeHeadline()); 186 reqJson.put("campus_emailid", dto.getCampus_emailid()); 187 System.out.println("campus_emailid" + localObject.getEmailId()); 188 } catch (JSONException e) { 205 dto.setMobileNumber(getText(mobileNoEdt)); 206 dto.setEmailAddress(getText(emailIdEdt)); 207 dto.setPreferedLocation(getText(preferedlocation)); 212 dto.setKeySkills(getText(KeySkillEdt)); 213dto.setCampus_emailid(localObject.getEmailId()); 214PubServiceImpl.java https://gitlab.com/trungkien963/be-java | Java | 215 lines
43 pubLoginResponse.setOrganizationName(wsPubLoginResponse.getOrganization_name()); 44 pubLoginResponse.setDeveloperEmail(wsPubLoginResponse.getDeveloper_email()); 45 pubLoginResponse.setTokenType(wsPubLoginResponse.getToken_type()); 117 pubFormDetails.setCallBackUrl(wsPubFormDetails.getCallBackUrl()); 118 pubFormDetails.setValidateOnly(wsPubFormDetails.getValidateOnly()); 119 144 PubFormDistributions pubFormDistributions = new PubFormDistributions(); 145 pubFormDistributions.setEmail(wsPubFormPackage.getDistributions().getEmail()); 146 pubFormDistributions.setArchive(wsPubFormPackage.getDistributions().getArchive());SudoPanel.java https://github.com/jponge/izpack-full-svn-history-copy.git | Java | 188 lines
7 * Description : A panel doing a linux/unix/macosx 'sudo' for administrator (native (sub)) installs. 8 * Author's email : jblok@profdata.nl 9 * Author's Website : http://www.profdata.nl 171 /** 172 * Indicates wether the panel has been validated or not. 173 * 175 */ 176 public boolean isValidated() 177 {EmailRecipientUtils.java https://gitlab.com/github-cloud-corp/email-ext-plugin | Java | 189 lines
44 final Set<InternetAddress> bcc = new LinkedHashSet<>(); 45 final String defaultSuffix = ExtendedEmailPublisher.descriptor().getDefaultSuffix(); 46 79 if(u != null) { 80 userEmail = getUserConfiguredEmail(u); 81 if(userEmail != null){ 92 if(address.getPersonal() != null) { 93 address.setPersonal(address.getPersonal(), ExtendedEmailPublisher.descriptor().getCharset()); 94 } 99 100 public static String getUserConfiguredEmail(User user) { 101 String addr = null; 137 public static boolean isExcludedRecipient(String userName, TaskListener listener) { 138 ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor descriptor = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getDescriptorByType(ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor.class); 139 if(descriptor.getExcludedCommitters() != null) {Validator.java https://gitlab.com/xMythycle/moo | Java | 291 lines
11{ 12 private static EmailValidator ev = EmailValidator.getInstance(false); 13 private static UrlValidator uv = new UrlValidator(); 204 * @param name Configuration item name. 205 * @param emails List of email addresses. 206 * @throws ConfigurationException When an email is invalid. 207 */ 208 public static void validateEmailList(final String name, final List<String> emails) throws ConfigurationException 209 { 210 for (String email : emails) 211 validateEmail(name, email); 212 } 219 */ 220 public static void validateEmail(final String name, final String email) throws ConfigurationException 221 {UserServlet.java https://gitlab.com/CORP-RESELLER/rest-api-sample-app-java | Java | 412 lines
155 try { 156 user = Dao.getUser(email); 157 } catch (SQLException sqlex) { 244 HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { 245 String email = request.getParameter("user_email"); 246 String password = request.getParameter("user_password"); 288 session.setAttribute("isSessionActive", true); 289 session.setAttribute("user", email); 290 301 // validate User 302 String email = request.getParameter("user_email"); 303 String password = request.getParameter("user_password"); 333 // validate User existence 334 String email = request.getParameter("user_email"); 335 String password = request.getParameter("user_current_password");UserInner.java git://github.com/WindowsAzure/azure-sdk-for-java.git | Java | 171 lines
73 /** 74 * Get the email property: Email address of the user. 75 * 82 /** 83 * Set the email property: Email address of the user. 84 * 84 * 85 * @param email the email value to set. 86 * @return the UserInner object itself. 87 */ 88 public UserInner withEmail(String email) { 89 if (this.innerProperties() == null) { 91 } 92 this.innerProperties().withEmail(email); 93 return this;MemberAct.java https://gitlab.com/MetadataDev/mcms | Java | 258 lines
181 * 新密码 182 * @param email 183 * 邮箱 192 @RequestMapping(value = "/member/pwd.jspx", method = RequestMethod.POST) 193 public String passwordSubmit(String origPwd, String newPwd, String email, 194 String nextUrl, HttpServletRequest request, 206 } 207 WebErrors errors = validatePasswordSubmit(user.getId(), origPwd, 208 newPwd, email, request); 214 } 215 cmsUserMng.updatePwdEmail(user.getId(), newPwd, email); 216 return FrontUtils.showSuccess(request, model, nextUrl); 243 } 244 if (errors.ifNotEmail(email, "email", 100)) { 245 return errors;ReportFragmentRightPresenter.java https://gitlab.com/ahmadrosid/TrackinsAndroid | Java | 122 lines
26 * @Author Ahmad Rosid 27 * @Email ocittwo@gmail.com 28 * @Github https://github.com/ar-android 71 72 private boolean validate() { 73 boolean isValidate = true; 77 if (TextUtils.isEmpty(formInputImage.getText())) { 78 isValidate = false; 79 if (!isShowEmpty) { 85 } 86 return isValidate; 87 } 113 public boolean finish() { 114 return validate(); 115 }CmsAdminGlobalAct.java https://gitlab.com/spiderworts/ab_pc_cms | Java | 281 lines
48 model.addAttribute("queryUsername", queryUsername); 49 model.addAttribute("queryEmail", queryEmail); 50 model.addAttribute("queryGroupId", queryGroupId); 78 "queryUsername"); 79 String queryEmail = RequestUtils.getQueryParam(request, "queryEmail"); 80 CmsUser currUser = CmsUtils.getUser(request); 100 model.addAttribute("queryUsername", queryUsername); 101 model.addAttribute("queryEmail", queryEmail); 102 model.addAttribute("queryGroupId", queryGroupId); 156 "queryUsername"); 157 String queryEmail = RequestUtils.getQueryParam(request, "queryEmail"); 158 WebErrors errors = validateDelete(ids, request); 195 public void checkEmail(String email, HttpServletResponse response) { 196 checkEmailJson(email, response); 197 }LComponent.java http://loon-simple.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Java | 634 lines
32 * @author chenpeng 33 * @email?ceponline@yahoo.com.cn 34 * @version 0.1.1 387 388 this.validatePosition(); 389 } 401 super.setLocation(dx, dy); 402 this.validatePosition(); 403 } 412 } 413 this.validateSize(); 414 } 419 super.setLocation(dx, dy); 420 this.validatePosition(); 421 }JobRepositoryTest.java https://gitlab.com/AERIUS/AERIUS | Java | 244 lines
53 private static final String TEST_API_KEY = "wnaR9FavGRGv8RXCmdfXKEqeIt1DTZUS"; 54 private static final String TEST_EMAIL = "test@example.com"; 55 74 final JobProgress jp = JobRepository.getProgress(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier); 75 validateEmptyProgress(jp); 76 assertSame(JobState.INITIALIZED, jp.getState(), "State may must be initialized"); 88 final JobProgress jp = JobRepository.getProgress(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier); 89 validateEmptyProgress(jp); 90 assertEquals(JobState.RUNNING, jp.getState(), "State must be initialized"); 224 user.setApiKey(TEST_API_KEY); 225 user.setEmailAddress(TEST_EMAIL); 226 ConnectUserRepository.createUser(getCalcConnection(), user); 233 234 private void validateEmptyProgress(final JobProgress jp) throws SQLException { 235 assertNotNull(jp, "Job progress should be found");TopicForm.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 450 lines
59 * Revision 1.3 2004/02/10 19:57:24 colinmacleod 60 * Changed email address. 61 * 441 * validation errors, or <code>null</code> if there were no errors. 442 * @see com.ivata.mask.web.struts.MaskForm#validate(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession) 443 */ 443 */ 444 public ValidationErrors validate(final HttpServletRequest request, 445 final HttpSession session) { 447 session.getAttribute("securitySession"); 448 return library.validate(securitySession, topic); 449 }InputMethod.java https://github.com/zewt/android_frameworks_base.git | Java | 217 lines
24 * The InputMethod interface represents an input method which can generate key 25 * events and text, such as digital, email addresses, CJK characters, other 26 * language characters, and etc., while handling various input events, and send 77 * unique token for the session it has with the system service. It is 78 * needed to identify itself with the service to validate its operations. 79 * This token <strong>must not</strong> be passed to applications, sinceLComponent.java http://loon-simple.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Java | 645 lines
34 * @author chenpeng 35 * @email?ceponline@yahoo.com.cn 36 * @version 0.1.1 312 313 this.validatePosition(); 314 } 334 super.setLocation(dx, dy); 335 this.validatePosition(); 336 } 347 this.createUI(); 348 this.validateSize(); 349 } 354 super.setLocation(dx, dy); 355 this.validatePosition(); 356 }CallTypeIconsView.java https://gitlab.com/Atomic-ROM/packages_apps_Dialer | Java | 224 lines
61 mHeight = 0; 62 invalidate(); 63 } 70 mHeight = Math.max(mHeight, drawable.getIntrinsicHeight()); 71 invalidate(); 72 } 83 mHeight = Math.max(mHeight, mResources.videoCall.getIntrinsicHeight()); 84 invalidate(); 85 } 114 return mResources.missed; 115 case Calls.VOICEMAIL_TYPE: 116 return mResources.voicemail; 204 205 voicemail = r.getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_call_voicemail_holo_dark); 206PWDValidator.java https://bitbucket.org/jorgenio/gvsig.git | Java | 77 lines
6 * Description : Example implementation of a password validator 7 * Author's email : elmar@grom.net 8 * Author's Website : http://www.izforge.com 42 /** 43 * Validates the contend of multiple password fields. The test 44 * 49 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 50 public boolean validate (ProcessingClient client) 51 {PduComposer.java https://gitlab.com/adam.lukaitis/TextSecure | Java | 1184 lines
36 static private final int PDU_PHONE_NUMBER_ADDRESS_TYPE = 1; 37 static private final int PDU_EMAIL_ADDRESS_TYPE = 2; 38 static private final int PDU_IPV4_ADDRESS_TYPE = 3; 45 static final String REGEXP_PHONE_NUMBER_ADDRESS_TYPE = "\\+?[0-9|\\.|\\-]+"; 46 static final String REGEXP_EMAIL_ADDRESS_TYPE = "[a-zA-Z| ]*\\<{0,1}[a-zA-Z| ]+@{1}" + 47 "[a-zA-Z| ]+\\.{1}[a-zA-Z| ]+\\>{0,1}"; 204 * This implementation doesn't check the validity of parameter, since it 205 * assumes that the values are validated in the GenericPdu setter methods. 206 */ 224 * This implementation doesn't check the validity of parameter, since it 225 * assumes that the values are validated in the GenericPdu setter methods. 226 */ 233 * This implementation doesn't check the validity of parameter, since it 234 * assumes that the values are validated in the GenericPdu setter methods. 235 */ValidatorUtil.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 418 lines
49 50 public final static String EMAIL_VALIDATION_REGEX = 51 "^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4})$"; 54 /** 55 * Helper function to validate that a number is greater than the 56 * low limit value. 63 */ 64 public static void validateMinNumber(Errors aErrors, Number aNumber, Number aLowLimit, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) { 65 if (aNumber != null) { 72 /** 73 * Helper function to validate the length of a string input field. 74 * @param aErrors the errors object to populate 80 */ 81 public static void validateStringMaxLength(Errors aErrors, String aField, int aMaxLength, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) { 82 if (aField != null && !aField.trim().equals("")) {DefaultActionValidatorManagerTest.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 349 lines
168 user.setEmail("bad_email"); 169 user.setEmail2("bad_email"); 170 209 // UserMarker-validation.xml 210 user.setEmail("mark_bad_email_for_field_val@foo.com"); 211 user.setEmail2("mark_bad_email_for_field_val@foo.com"); 217 // check field errors 218 // we have an error in this field level, email does not ends with mycompany.com 219 List l = (List) context.getFieldErrors().get("email"); 245 user.setName(null); 246 user.setEmail("tmjee(at)yahoo.co.uk"); 247 user.setEmail("tm_jee(at)yahoo.co.uk"); 264 assertEquals(1, l.size()); 265 assertEquals("Email not the same as email2", l.get(0)); 266 }Validator.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 490 lines
196 * </field-validator> 197 * <field-validator type="email"> 198 * <message>The email address you entered is not valid.</message> 230 * <field-validator type="required" short-circuit="true"> 231 * <message>You must enter a value for email.</message> 232 * </field-validator> 247 * <validator type="expression"> 248 * <param name="expression">email.equals(email2)</param> 249 * <message>Email not the same as email2</message> 278 * <p>Since Plain Validator 2 is short-circuited, if its validation failed, 279 * it will causes Field validators for email field and Field validators for email2 280 * field to not be validated as well.</p> 282 * <p><b>Usefull Information:</b> 283 * More complicated validation should probably be done in the validate() 284 * method on the action itself (assuming the action implements ValidatableScalarMerger.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 459 lines
33 int[] vscores = tally(meth); // tally integer accesses 34 skipArgs(meth, vscores); // invalidate entries of incoming args 35 int ix1 = best(vscores); // get best integer candidate 110 /** 111 * Invalidates tally entries that correspond to method arguments. 112 */ 397 */ 398 public java.lang.String getAuthorEmail() { 399 return "gmt@cs.arizona.edu";BloggerAPIHandler.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 501 lines
92 93 validate(entry.getWebsite().getHandle(), userid, password); 94 137 138 validate(blogid, userid, password); 139 180 181 validate(blogid, userid,password); 182 199 /** 200 * Authenticates a user and returns basic user info (name, email, userid, etc.) 201 * 214 215 validateUser(userid, password); 216Register.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 426 lines
115 } 116 if (attr.getName().equals(OpenIDUserAttribute.Attributes.email.toString())) { 117 getBean().setEmailAddress(attr.getValue()); 177 178 myValidate(); 179 196 197 // are we using email activation? 198 boolean activationEnabled = WebloggerRuntimeConfig.getBooleanProperty( 242 243 // now send activation email if necessary 244 if (activationEnabled && ud.getActivationCode() != null) { 248 } catch (WebloggerException ex) { 249 log.error("Error sending activation email to - "+ud.getEmailAddress(), ex); 250 }CommentServlet.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 378 lines
59 * 60 * We validate each incoming comment based on various comment settings and 61 * if all checks are passed then the comment is saved. 65 * 66 * If email notification is turned on, each new comment will result in an 67 * email sent to the blog owner and all who have commented on the same post. 229 // collect input from request params and construct new comment object 230 // fields: name, email, url, content, notify 231 // TODO: data validation on collected comment data 233 comment.setName(commentRequest.getName()); 234 comment.setEmail(commentRequest.getEmail()); 235 comment.setUrl(commentRequest.getUrl()); 279 280 int validationScore = commentValidationManager.validateComment(comment, messages); 281 log.debug("Comment Validation score: " + validationScore);NewStoreWizardController.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 365 lines
22 public void checkStateTransition(String oldState, String newState) throws PropertyValueVetoException { 23 getEditorPane().validateProperty(oldState); 24 if (newState.equals("userInfo") && oldState.equals("storeConfig")) { 237 returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".SSL", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.SSL", "none")); 238 returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".useMaildir", "true"); 239 /*MemberWebHandler.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 847 lines
154 String memberEmail = GenericParamUtil.getParameterEmail(request, "MemberEmail"); 155 String memberEmailConfirm = GenericParamUtil.getParameterEmail(request, "MemberEmailConfirm"); 156 if (!memberEmail.equals(memberEmailConfirm)) { 158 throw new BadInputException(localizedMessage); 159 //throw new BadInputException("Email and confirmed email are not the same, please try again."); 160 } 166 String memberFirstEmail = memberEmail; 167 InterceptorService.getInstance().validateMail(memberFirstEmail); 168 168 169 int memberEmailVisible = MemberBean.MEMBER_EMAIL_INVISIBLE; 170 int memberNameVisible = MemberBean.MEMBER_NAME_VISIBLE; 184 DAOFactory.getMemberDAO().create(memberName, memberPassword, memberFirstEmail, 185 memberEmail, memberEmailVisible, memberNameVisible, 186 memberFirstIP, memberLastIP, 0/*memberViewCount*/,URI.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 1672 lines
16/* 17 * $Id: URI.java,v 2005/09/15 08:16:00 suresh_emailid Exp $ 18 */ 231 * Construct a new URI that follows the generic URI syntax from its 232 * component parts. Each component is validated for syntax and some 233 * basic semantic checks are performed as well. See the individual 258 * Construct a new URI that follows the generic URI syntax from its 259 * component parts. Each component is validated for syntax and some 260 * basic semantic checks are performed as well. See the individualQName.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 707 lines
99 * @param localName The local name 100 * @param validate If true the new QName will be validated and an IllegalArgumentException will 101 * be thrown if it is invalid. 196 * @param localName Local part of qualified name 197 * @param validate If true the new QName will be validated and an IllegalArgumentException will 198 * be thrown if it is invalid. 241 * @param namespaces Namespace stack to use to resolve namespace 242 * @param validate If true the new QName will be validated and an IllegalArgumentException will 243 * be thrown if it is invalid. 335 * @param resolver Prefix resolver for this context 336 * @param validate If true the new QName will be validated and an IllegalArgumentException will 337 * be thrown if it is invalid. 421 * @param resolver Prefix resolver for this context 422 * @param validate If true the new QName will be validated and an IllegalArgumentException will 423 * be thrown if it is invalid.URI.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 1652 lines
16/* 17 * $Id: URI.java,v 2005/09/08 11:03:20 suresh_emailid Exp $ 18 */ 234 * Construct a new URI that follows the generic URI syntax from its 235 * component parts. Each component is validated for syntax and some 236 * basic semantic checks are performed as well. See the individual 261 * Construct a new URI that follows the generic URI syntax from its 262 * component parts. Each component is validated for syntax and some 263 * basic semantic checks are performed as well. See the individualMailAddress.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 448 lines
24/** 25 * A representation of an email address. 26 * <p>This class encapsulates functionalities to access to different 26 * <p>This class encapsulates functionalities to access to different 27 * parts of an email address without dealing with its parsing.</p> 28 * 36 * 37 * <p>MailAddress parses an email address as defined in RFC 821 38 * (SMTP) p. 30 and 31 where addresses are defined in BNF convention. 43 * 44 * <p>This class is a good way to validate email addresses as there are 45 * some valid addresses which would fail with a simpler approach 77 * 78 * @param address the email address compliant to the RFC822 format 79 * @throws ParseException if the parse failedMailBean.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 850 lines
69 * Revision 1.3 2004/02/10 19:57:26 colinmacleod 70 * Changed email address. 71 * 116 * Revision 1.18 2003/06/20 18:31:03 peter 117 * added incorrectly composed mail forwards and self contained attachment like email handling 118 * 146 * Revision 1.8 2003/03/25 16:18:30 peter 147 * fixed email address validation 148 * 150 * if there is no message in folder -> return null 151 * and validate the email addresses 152 * 195 * Revision 1.32 2002/10/25 08:31:44 peter 196 * mailFolderSent setting name changed to emailFolderSent 197 *AddressBookBean.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 713 lines
134 * Revision 1.8 2003/05/23 13:04:46 peter 135 * uncommented email address validation 136 * 140 * Revision 1.6 2003/05/02 15:14:57 peter 141 * added email address validation 142 * 146 * Revision 1.4 2003/04/02 09:04:05 jano 147 * again, fixing bug with wrong keys in validate method 148 * 149 * Revision 1.3 2003/03/31 15:44:04 jano 150 * mistake in validate method, using wrong key of applicationResources 151 * 275 * <p><strong>Note</strong>, however that whilst the addressbook may react on which 276 * people are users (it checks those people always have an email address), this 277 * <em>EJB</em> is not responsible for adding, removing or amending users or theirX_AD_WF_Node.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 976 lines
279 public static final String ACTION_SubWorkflow = X_Ref_WF_Action.SUB_WORKFLOW.getValue(); 280 /** EMail = M */ 281 public static final String ACTION_EMail = X_Ref_WF_Action.E_MAIL.getValue(); 398 /** Invalidate = IN */ 399 public static final String DOCACTION_Invalidate = X_Ref__Document_Action.INVALIDATE.getValue(); 400 /** Post = PO */UsimPhoneBookManager.java https://gitlab.com/brian0218/rk3066_r-box_android4.2.2_sdk | Java | 453 lines
216 // SIM record numbers are 1 based 217 emails[0] = readEmailRecord(recNum - 1); 218 AdnRecord rec = mPhoneBookRecords.get(i); 251 String[] emails = new String[emailList.size()]; 252 System.arraycopy(emailList.toArray(), 0, emails, 0, emailList.size()); 253 rec.setEmails(emails); 275 276 if (email == null || email.equals("")) { 277 continue; 293 try { 294 emailRec = mEmailFileRecord.get(recNum); 295 } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { 299 // The length of the record is X+2 byte, where X bytes is the email address 300 String email = IccUtils.adnStringFieldToString(emailRec, 0, emailRec.length - 2); 301 return email;AppUserWritePlatformServiceJpaRepositoryImpl.java https://gitlab.com/skylabase/incubator-fineract | Java | 338 lines
34import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.core.exception.PlatformDataIntegrityException; 35import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.core.service.PlatformEmailSendException; 36import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.security.service.PlatformPasswordEncoder; 112 113 this.fromApiJsonDeserializer.validateForCreate(command.json()); 114 147 148 final Boolean sendPasswordToEmail = command.booleanObjectValueOfParameterNamed("sendPasswordToEmail"); 149 this.userDomainService.create(appUser, sendPasswordToEmail); 161 162 final String email = command.stringValueOfParameterNamed("email"); 163 final ApiParameterError error = ApiParameterError.parameterError("error.msg.user.email.invalid", 163 final ApiParameterError error = ApiParameterError.parameterError("error.msg.user.email.invalid", 164 "The parameter email is invalid.", "email", email); 165 dataValidationErrors.add(error);AccountResource.java https://gitlab.com/cortizqgitlab/test-first | Java | 275 lines
70 .map(user -> new ResponseEntity<>("login already in use", textPlainHeaders, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)) 71 .orElseGet(() -> userRepository.findOneByEmail(userDTO.getEmail()) 72 .map(user -> new ResponseEntity<>("e-mail address already in use", textPlainHeaders, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)) 74 User user = userService.createUserInformation(userDTO.getLogin(), userDTO.getPassword(), 75 userDTO.getFirstName(), userDTO.getLastName(), userDTO.getEmail().toLowerCase(), 76 userDTO.getLangKey()); 83 84 mailService.sendActivationEmail(user, baseUrl); 85 return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.CREATED); 146 public ResponseEntity<String> saveAccount(@RequestBody UserDTO userDTO) { 147 Optional<User> existingUser = userRepository.findOneByEmail(userDTO.getEmail()); 148 if (existingUser.isPresent() && (!existingUser.get().getLogin().equalsIgnoreCase(userDTO.getLogin()))) { 148 if (existingUser.isPresent() && (!existingUser.get().getLogin().equalsIgnoreCase(userDTO.getLogin()))) { 149 return ResponseEntity.badRequest().headers(HeaderUtil.createFailureAlert("user-management", "emailexists", "Email already in use")).body(null); 150 }UpdateUserRolesMVCActionCommand.java git://github.com/liferay/liferay-portal.git | Java | 275 lines
20import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.RequiredRoleException; 21import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.UserEmailAddressException; 22import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.UserScreenNameException; 98 99 _validate(user, roleIds); 100 128 user.isPasswordReset(), null, null, user.getScreenName(), 129 user.getEmailAddress(), user.getLanguageId(), 130 user.getTimeZoneId(), user.getGreeting(), user.getComments(), 155 RequiredRoleException.MustNotRemoveLastAdministator || 156 exception instanceof UserEmailAddressException || 157 exception instanceof UserScreenNameException) { 234 235 private void _validate(User user, long[] roleIds) throws Exception { 236IdentitySpiderBean.java https://gitlab.com/manoj-makkuboy/magnetism | Java | 1418 lines
128 public User lookupUserByEmail(Viewpoint viewpoint, String email) throws NotFoundException { 129 EmailResource res = lookupEmail(email); 130 // lookupEmail will normally throw a NotFoundException if the resource is not found, 200 201 public EmailResource getEmail(final String emailRaw) throws ValidationException, RetryException { 202 // well, we could do a little better here with the validation... 202 // well, we could do a little better here with the validation... 203 final String email = EmailResource.canonicalize(emailRaw); 204 311 try { 312 email = EmailResource.canonicalize(email); 313 } catch (ValidationException e) { 315 } 316 return lookupResourceByName(EmailResource.class, "email", email); 317 }HttpMethodsServlet2.java https://gitlab.com/manoj-makkuboy/magnetism | Java | 1321 lines
31import com.dumbhippo.identity20.Guid.ParseException; 32import com.dumbhippo.persistence.EmailResource; 33import com.dumbhippo.persistence.Group; 241 242 marshallers.put(EmailResource.class, new Marshaller<EmailResource>() { 243 243 244 public EmailResource marshal(Viewpoint viewpoint, String s) throws XmlMethodException, RetryException { 245 if (s == null) 249 try { 250 return identitySpider.getEmail(s); 251 } catch (ValidationException e) { 251 } catch (ValidationException e) { 252 throw new XmlMethodException(XmlMethodErrorCode.PARSE_ERROR, "bad email address " + s); 253 }MessengerGlueBean.java https://gitlab.com/manoj-makkuboy/magnetism | Java | 487 lines
195 196 public void setEmail(String username, String email) 197 throws JabberUserNotFoundException { 207 208 String email = null; 209 if (view.getEmail() != null) 209 if (view.getEmail() != null) 210 email = view.getEmail().getEmail(); 211 211 212 JabberUser user = new JabberUser(username, account.getOwner().getNickname(), email); 213 395 } catch (ValidationException e) { 396 logger.debug("Remote JID doesn't validate, ignoring", remoteJid); 397 return; // IgnoreIdentitySpiderBean.java https://gitlab.com/manoj-makkuboy/magnetism | Java | 1158 lines
113 public User lookupUserByEmail(Viewpoint viewpoint, String email) throws NotFoundException { 114 EmailResource res = lookupEmail(email); 115 // lookupEmail will normally throw a NotFoundException if the resource is not found, 185 186 public EmailResource getEmail(final String emailRaw) throws ValidationException, RetryException { 187 // well, we could do a little better here with the validation... 193 194 q = em.createQuery("from EmailResource e where e.email = :email"); 195 q.setParameter("email", email); 289 try { 290 email = EmailResource.canonicalize(email); 291 } catch (ValidationException e) { 293 } 294 return lookupResourceByName(EmailResource.class, "email", email); 295 }IdentitySpiderBean.java https://gitlab.com/manoj-makkuboy/magnetism | Java | 961 lines
102 public User lookupUserByEmail(Viewpoint viewpoint, String email) { 103 EmailResource res = lookupEmail(email); 104 if (res == null) 161 162 public EmailResource getEmail(final String emailRaw) 163 throws ValidationException { 164 // well, we could do a little better here with the validation... 165 final String email = EmailResource.canonicalize(emailRaw); 166 261 try { 262 email = EmailResource.canonicalize(email); 263 } catch (ValidationException e) { 265 } 266 return lookupResourceByName(EmailResource.class, "email", email); 267 }IdentitySpiderBean.java https://gitlab.com/manoj-makkuboy/magnetism | Java | 932 lines
99 public User lookupUserByEmail(Viewpoint viewpoint, String email) throws NotFoundException { 100 EmailResource res = lookupEmail(email); 101 if (res == null) 158 159 public EmailResource getEmail(final String emailRaw) throws ValidationException, RetryException { 160 // well, we could do a little better here with the validation... 160 // well, we could do a little better here with the validation... 161 final String email = EmailResource.canonicalize(emailRaw); 162 237 try { 238 email = EmailResource.canonicalize(email); 239 } catch (ValidationException e) { 241 } 242 return lookupResourceByName(EmailResource.class, "email", email); 243 }HttpMethods.java https://gitlab.com/manoj-makkuboy/magnetism | Java | 365 lines
97 @HttpParams( { "email" }) 98 public void doAddContact(OutputStream out, HttpResponseData contentType, UserViewpoint viewpoint, String email) throws IOException; 99 180 @HttpParams( { "userId" }) 181 public void doSendRepairEmail(UserViewpoint viewpoint, String userId); 182 291 /** 292 * Given an email address, try to lookup the associated flickr account information. 293 * 295 * @param viewpoint 296 * @param email the flickr email address 297 * @throws XmlMethodException 317 @HttpParams( { "nsid", "email" }) 318 public void doSetFlickrAccount(XmlBuilder xml, UserViewpoint viewpoint, String nsid, String email) throws XmlMethodException; 319RegistrationActivity.java https://gitlab.com/techgenius/mycampus | Java | 775 lines
107 mobileNoEdt = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.reg_mobile); 108 emailIdEdt = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.reg_email); 109 addressEdt = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.reg_addr); 288 289 String str = "http://bighand.in/reg.php?name=" + dto.getName() + "&cellno=" + dto.getMobileNo() + "&gender=" + dto.getGender() + "&longitude=78.4006983&lattitude=17.4590091&emailid=" + dto.getEmailId() + "&deviseid=" + Utility.getDeviceId(RegistrationActivity.this); 290 375 376 public boolean isValidEmailAddress(String email) { 377 String ePattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@((\\[[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\])|(([a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$"; 386 InternetAddress emailAddr = new InternetAddress(email); 387 emailAddr.validate(); 388 } catch (AddressException ex) { 395 Intent intent = new Intent(RegistrationActivity.this, OTPActivity.class); 396 intent.putExtra("email", getText(emailIdEdt)); 397 finish();EditProfileFragment.java https://gitlab.com/techgenius/mycampus | Java | 725 lines
172 System.out.println("preferedLocation"+ dto.getPreferedLocation()); 173 reqJson.put("emailAddress", dto.getEmailAddress()); 174 System.out.println("emailAddress"+dto.getEmailAddress()); 263 dto.setMobileNumber(getText(mobileNoEdt)); 264 dto.setEmailAddress(getText(emailIdEdt)); 265 dto.setPreferedLocation(getText(preferedlocation)); 292 293 if(!isValidEmailAddress(getText(emailIdEdt))){ 294 return "Enter valid mail ID"; 335 336 public boolean isValidEmailAddress(String email) { 337 String ePattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@((\\[[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\])|(([a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$"; 346 InternetAddress emailAddr = new InternetAddress(email); 347 emailAddr.validate(); 348 } catch (AddressException ex) {UserProfileTag.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 295 lines
45 * Returns user profile attributes, or empty strings if the user has not been 46 * validated. This tag has a single attribute, "property." 47 * The <code>property</code> attribute may contain one of the following 51 * <li><code>created</code> - creation date</li> 52 * <li><code>email</code> - user's e-mail address</li> 53 * <li><code>fullname</code> - user's full name</li> 84 85 private static final String EMAIL = "email"; 86 141 } 142 else if ( EMAIL.equals( m_prop ) ) 143 { 143 { 144 result = profile.getEmail(); 145 }AuthDataManager.java https://gitlab.com/admin-github-cloud/My-Wallet-V3-Android | Java | 219 lines
56 57 public Observable<CharSequenceX> validatePin(String pin) { 58 return Observable.fromCallable(() -> mAccessState.validatePIN(pin)) 120 121 public Observable<Integer> createCheckEmailTimer() { 122 timer = 2 * 60; 163 public void onCompleted() { 164 mPrefsUtil.setValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_EMAIL_VERIFIED, true); 165 listener.onSuccess();DataRowHandler.java https://gitlab.com/Atomic-ROM/packages_providers_ContactsProvider | Java | 376 lines
21import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; 22import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email; 23import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Nickname; 91 || Organization.COMPANY != Data.DATA1 || Phone.NUMBER != Data.DATA1 92 || Email.DATA != Data.DATA1) { 93 throw new AssertionError("Some of ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds class primary" 135 if (containsSearchableColumns(values)) { 136 txContext.invalidateSearchIndexForRawContact(rawContactId); 137 } 142 /** 143 * Validates data and updates a {@link Data} row using the cursor, which contains 144 * the current data. 160 if (containsSearchableColumns(values)) { 161 txContext.invalidateSearchIndexForRawContact(rawContactId); 162 }SignUpController.java https://gitlab.com/darioegb/esperanza | Java | 429 lines
103 public String activateUser(@RequestParam(value = "activate", required = true) String activationKey,@RequestParam(value = "emailAddress", required = true) String emailAddress,Model model, HttpServletRequest request) { 104 TypedQuery<User> query = User.findUsersByActivationKeyAndEmailAddress(activationKey, emailAddress); 105 User user=query.getSingleResult(); 111 HttpSession sessionObj = request.getSession(); 112 sessionObj.setAttribute("emailAddress" , user.getEmailAddress()); 113 sessionObj.setAttribute("roleId" , user.getRol().getId().toString()); 159 mail.setSubject("Activación de usuario - Esperanza"); 160 mail.setText("Hola "+user.getEmailAddress()+",\n. Usted ha registrado con nosotros. Por favor, haga clic en este enlace para activar tu cuenta - <a href=\"http://localhost:8080/Esperanza/signup?emailAddress="+user.getEmailAddress()+"&activate="+activationKey+"\">Enlace de activación</a>. \n Muchas Gracias Administración de Esperanza"); 161 mailSender.send(mail); 207 BindingResult bindingResult, Model model, HttpServletRequest request, final RedirectAttributes redirectAttrs) { 208 TypedQuery<User> query = User.findUsersByEmailAddress(personForm.getEmailAddress()); 209 User user = query.getSingleResult(); 240 BindingResult bindingResult, Model model, HttpServletRequest request) { 241 TypedQuery<User> query = User.findUsersByEmailAddress(institutionForm.getEmailAddress()); 242 User user = query.getSingleResult();QuickContactBadge.java https://gitlab.com/AvayKumar/android_frameworks_base | Java | 395 lines
192 * 193 * @param emailAddress The email address of the contact. 194 * @param lazyLookup If this is true, the lookup query will not be performed 205 206 @param emailAddress The email address of the contact. 207 @param lazyLookup If this is true, the lookup query will not be performed 215 public void assignContactFromEmail(String emailAddress, boolean lazyLookup, Bundle extras) { 216 mContactEmail = emailAddress; 217 mExtras = extras; 219 mQueryHandler.startQuery(TOKEN_EMAIL_LOOKUP, null, 220 Uri.withAppendedPath(Email.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI, Uri.encode(mContactEmail)), 221 EMAIL_LOOKUP_PROJECTION, null, null, null); 293 mQueryHandler.startQuery(TOKEN_EMAIL_LOOKUP_AND_TRIGGER, extras, 294 Uri.withAppendedPath(Email.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI, Uri.encode(mContactEmail)), 295 EMAIL_LOOKUP_PROJECTION, null, null, null);TestSession.java https://gitlab.com/varunkothamachu/yelo-android | Java | 519 lines
21import com.facebook.internal.Utility; 22import com.facebook.internal.Validate; 23import com.facebook.model.GraphObject; 89 90 Validate.notNull(permissions, "permissions"); 91 91 92 // Validate these as if they were arguments even though they are statics. 93 Validate.notNullOrEmpty(testApplicationId, "testApplicationId"); 93 Validate.notNullOrEmpty(testApplicationId, "testApplicationId"); 94 Validate.notNullOrEmpty(testApplicationSecret, "testApplicationSecret"); 95 107 * @param permissions list of strings containing permissions to request; nil will result in 108 * a common set of permissions (email, publish_actions) being requested 109 * @return a new TestSession that is in the CREATED state, ready to be openedAction.java https://gitlab.com/tuandung.bui/javamelody | Java | 525 lines
57 /** Invalidations des sessions http. */ 58 INVALIDATE_SESSIONS("systeminfo"), 59 60 /** Invalidation d'une session http. */ 61 INVALIDATE_SESSION(""), 62 198 break; 199 case INVALIDATE_SESSIONS: 200 // invalidation des sessions http 200 // invalidation des sessions http 201 SessionListener.invalidateAllSessionsExceptCurrentSession(currentSession); 202 messageForReport = I18N.getString("sessions_http_invalidees"); 286 throw new IllegalStateException( 287 "admin-emails has no value: add the admin-emails parameter"); 288 }PublishRequest.java https://gitlab.com/github-cloud-corp/aws-sdk-java | Java | 1451 lines
129 * <p> 130 * Failure to parse or validate any key or value in the message will cause 131 * the <code>Publish</code> call to return an error (no partial delivery). 139 * Optional parameter to be used as the "Subject" line when the message is 140 * delivered to email endpoints. This field will also be included, if 141 * present, in the standard JSON messages delivered to other endpoints. 154 * publish action, you can send a short message to your SMS subscribers and 155 * a longer message to your email subscribers. If you set 156 * <code>MessageStructure</code> to <code>json</code>, the value of the 283 * <p> 284 * Failure to parse or validate any key or value in the message will 285 * cause the <code>Publish</code> call to return an error (no partial 375 * <p> 376 * Failure to parse or validate any key or value in the message will 377 * cause the <code>Publish</code> call to return an error (no partialResendValidationEmailRequest.java https://gitlab.com/github-cloud-corp/aws-sdk-java | Java | 556 lines
209 * @return The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the certificate that 210 * needs to be validated. 211 */ 275 * The base validation domain that will act as the suffix of the 276 * email addresses that are used to send the emails. This must be the 277 * same as the <code>Domain</code> value or a superdomain of the 355 * @return The base validation domain that will act as the suffix of the 356 * email addresses that are used to send the emails. This must be 357 * the same as the <code>Domain</code> value or a superdomain of the 403 * <b>ValidationDomain</b> of <code>subdomain.example.com</code>, ACM sends 404 * email to the domain registrant, technical contact, and administrative 405 * contact in WHOIS and the following five addresses: 436 * The base validation domain that will act as the suffix of the 437 * email addresses that are used to send the emails. This must be the 438 * same as the <code>Domain</code> value or a superdomain of theUserResourceIntTest.java https://gitlab.com/bourd0n/zakupki | Java | 660 lines
130 user.setActivated(true); 131 user.setEmail(DEFAULT_EMAIL); 132 user.setFirstName(DEFAULT_FIRSTNAME); 271 DEFAULT_LASTNAME, 272 DEFAULT_EMAIL, // this email should already be used 273 true, 307 .andExpect(jsonPath("$.[*].lastName").value(hasItem(DEFAULT_LASTNAME))) 308 .andExpect(jsonPath("$.[*].email").value(hasItem(DEFAULT_EMAIL))) 309 .andExpect(jsonPath("$.[*].imageUrl").value(hasItem(DEFAULT_IMAGEURL))) 326 .andExpect(jsonPath("$.lastName").value(DEFAULT_LASTNAME)) 327 .andExpect(jsonPath("$.email").value(DEFAULT_EMAIL)) 328 .andExpect(jsonPath("$.imageUrl").value(DEFAULT_IMAGEURL)) 378 assertThat(testUser.getLastName()).isEqualTo(UPDATED_LASTNAME); 379 assertThat(testUser.getEmail()).isEqualTo(UPDATED_EMAIL); 380 assertThat(testUser.getImageUrl()).isEqualTo(UPDATED_IMAGEURL);TestJobUtility.java https://gitlab.com/CORP-RESELLER/blazemeter-plugin | Java | 181 lines
57 public void getUserEmail_positive() throws IOException,JSONException{ 58 String email= JobUtility.getUserEmail(TestConstants.MOCKED_USER_KEY_VALID, TestConstants.mockedApiUrl); 59 Assert.assertEquals(email, "dzmitry.kashlach@blazemeter.com"); 63 public void getUserEmail_negative() throws IOException,JSONException{ 64 String email= JobUtility.getUserEmail(TestConstants.MOCKED_USER_KEY_INVALID, TestConstants.mockedApiUrl); 65 Assert.assertEquals(email,""); 69 public void getUserEmail_exception() throws IOException,JSONException{ 70 String email= JobUtility.getUserEmail(TestConstants.MOCKED_USER_KEY_EXCEPTION, TestConstants.mockedApiUrl); 71 Assert.assertEquals(email,""); 75 public void validateUserKey_positive() throws IOException,JSONException{ 76 FormValidation validation= JobUtility.validateUserKey(TestConstants.MOCKED_USER_KEY_VALID, 77 TestConstants.mockedApiUrl); 83 public void validateUserKey_negative() throws IOException,JSONException{ 84 FormValidation validation= JobUtility.validateUserKey(TestConstants.MOCKED_USER_KEY_INVALID, 85 TestConstants.mockedApiUrl);RegisterUserForm.java https://gitlab.com/Balun/jaganjci | Java | 250 lines
58 this.lastName = prepare(req.getParameter("lastName")); 59 this.email = prepare(req.getParameter("email")); 60 this.password = prepareWithoutTrim(req.getParameter("password")); 78 user.setLastName(lastName); 79 user.setEmail(email); 80 if (!password.isEmpty()) { 115 116 if (email.isEmpty() || !isEmailValid(email)) { 117 errors.put("email", "Krivi format e-mail adrese."); 158 159 if (email.isEmpty() || !isEmailValid(email)) { 160 errors.put("email", "Krivi format e-mail adrese."); 203 */ 204 public static boolean isEmailValid(String email) { 205 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".+@.+\\..+");UserDatabase.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 232 lines
115 */ 116 public UserProfile findByEmail( String index ) throws NoSuchPrincipalException; 117 229 */ 230 public boolean validatePassword( String loginName, String password ); 231EmailServiceImpl.java https://bitbucket.org/smitdevel/delta.git | Java | 363 lines
57 @Override 58 public void sendEmail(List<String> toEmails, List<String> toNames, String fromEmail, String subject, String content, boolean isHtml, NodeRef document, 59 List<EmailAttachment> attachments) throws EmailException { 59 List<EmailAttachment> attachments) throws EmailException { 60 sendEmail(toEmails, toNames, null, null, fromEmail, subject, content, isHtml, document, attachments); 61 } 63 @Override 64 public void sendEmail(List<String> toEmails, List<String> toNames, List<String> toBccEmails, List<String> toBccNames, String fromEmail, String subject, 65 String content, boolean isHtml, NodeRef document, List<EmailAttachment> attachments) throws EmailException { 69 if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(toEmails) && CollectionUtils.isEmpty(toBccEmails)) { 70 throw new EmailException("At least one of toEmails and toBccEmails is mandatory."); 71 } 267 268 private MimeMessageHelper addEmailRecipients(List<String> toEmails, List<String> toNames, MimeMessageHelper helper, boolean asBcc) throws EmailException { 269 String encoding = helper.getEncoding();PayloadManager.java https://gitlab.com/github-cloud-corporation/My-Wallet-V3-jar | Java | 885 lines
54 private static boolean syncPubKeys = true; 55 private static String email = null; 56 149 /** 150 * Set temporary password for user once it has been validated. Read password from here rather than reprompting user. 151 * 151 * 152 * @param temp_password Validated user password 153 */ 388 389 if (email != null && email.length() > 0) { 390 try { 441 442 public void setEmail(String email) { 443 PayloadManager.email = email;AuthDataManagerTest.java https://gitlab.com/github-cloud-corporation/My-Wallet-V3-Android | Java | 472 lines
103 @Test 104 public void validatePin() throws Exception { 105 // Arrange 107 CharSequenceX charSequenceX = new CharSequenceX("1234567890"); 108 when(mAccessState.validatePIN(anyString())).thenReturn(charSequenceX); 109 // Act 109 // Act 110 mSubject.validatePin(anyString()).toBlocking().subscribe(subscriber); 111 // Assert 111 // Assert 112 verify(mAccessState).validatePIN(anyString()); 113 subscriber.assertCompleted(); 277 @Test 278 public void createCheckEmailTimer() throws Exception { 279 // ArrangePinEntryViewModelTest.java https://gitlab.com/admin-github-cloud/My-Wallet-V3-Android | Java | 593 lines
85 // Arrange 86 String email = "example@email.com"; 87 String password = "1234567890"; 88 Intent intent = new Intent(); 89 intent.putExtra(KEY_INTENT_EMAIL, email); 90 intent.putExtra(KEY_INTENT_PASSWORD, password); 98 verify(mActivity).dismissProgressDialog(); 99 verify(mPrefsUtil).setValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_EMAIL, email); 100 verify(mPayloadManager).setEmail(email); 109 Intent intent = new Intent(); 110 intent.putExtra(KEY_INTENT_EMAIL, email); 111 intent.putExtra(KEY_INTENT_PASSWORD, password); 126 // Arrange 127 String email = "example@email.com"; 128 String password = "1234567890";MailEntityProcessor.java https://github.com/simplegeo/lucene-solr.git | Java | 600 lines
40/** 41 * An EntityProcessor instance which can index emails along with their attachments from POP3 or IMAP sources. Refer to 42 * <a href="http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler">http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler</a> for more 63 folderNames = getStringFromContext("folders", null); 64 // validate 65 if (host == null || protocol == null || user == null || password == nullHtmlEmail.java https://github.com/milin/Patient-Data-Exchange-Server.git | Java | 695 lines
61 * <pre><code> 62 * HtmlEmail he = new HtmlEmail(); 63 * File img = new File("my/image.gif"); 126 */ 127 public HtmlEmail setTextMsg(String aText) throws EmailException 128 { 146 */ 147 public HtmlEmail setHtmlMsg(String aHtml) throws EmailException 148 { 172 */ 173 public Email setMsg(String msg) throws EmailException 174 { 323 { 324 String cid = EmailUtils.randomAlphabetic(HtmlEmail.CID_LENGTH).toLowerCase(); 325 return embed(file, cid);AccessibleContext.java https://github.com/penberg/classpath.git | Java | 619 lines
57 * 58 * @author Eric Blake (ebb9@email.byu.edu) 59 * @since 1.2 264 */ 265 public static final String ACCESSIBLE_INVALIDATE_CHILDREN 266 = "accessibleInvalidateChildren";Polygon.java https://github.com/penberg/classpath.git | Java | 611 lines
60 * @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com) 61 * @author Eric Blake (ebb9@email.byu.edu) 62 * @since 1.0 96 * The bounding box of this polygon. This is lazily created and cached, so 97 * it must be invalidated after changing points. 98 * 142 * 143 * @see #invalidate() 144 * @since 1.4 148 npoints = 0; 149 invalidate(); 150 } 152 /** 153 * Invalidate or flush all cached data. After direct manipulation of the 154 * public member fields, this is necessary to avoid inconsistent resultsContainer.java https://github.com/penberg/classpath.git | Java | 1609 lines
72 * @author original author unknown 73 * @author Eric Blake (ebb9@email.byu.edu) 74 * @author Andrew John Hughes (gnu_andrew@member.fsf.org) 366 367 // Invalidate the layout of this container. 368 if (valid) 368 if (valid) 369 invalidate(); 370 449 if (valid) 450 invalidate(); 451ContactCardTest.java https://gitlab.com/jaragan/jersey | Java | 305 lines
87 CARD_2.setFullName("Jersey Bar"); 88 CARD_2.setEmail("jersey@bar.com"); 89 } 103 config.register(MoxyJsonFeature.class); 104 // Turn off BV otherwise the entities on client would be validated as well. 105 config.register(new MoxyJsonConfig() 241 @Test 242 public void testSearchByEmailEmpty() throws Exception { 243 final Response response = target() 244 .path("contact") 245 .path("search/email") 246 .queryParam("q", "er")FormPanel.java http://spiffyui.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Java | 387 lines
137 m_feedbacks.add(m_emailFeedback); 138 add(m_emailFeedback, "emailRow"); 139 312 /** 313 * Validate that the email field is filled in with a valid email address. 314 */ 314 */ 315 private void validateEmail() 316 { 316 { 317 if (JSUtil.validateEmail(m_email.getText())) { 318 m_emailFeedback.setStatus(FormFeedback.VALID); 321 m_emailFeedback.setStatus(FormFeedback.ERROR); 322 m_emailFeedback.setTitle(Index.getStrings().email_tt()); 323 }InstallPanel.java https://github.com/jponge/izpack-full-svn-history-copy.git | Java | 256 lines
7 * Description : A panel to launch the installation process. 8 * Author's email : julien@izforge.com 9 * Author's Website : http://www.izforge.com 69 /** True if the installation has been done. */ 70 private volatile boolean validated = false; 71 152 /** 153 * Indicates wether the panel has been validated or not. 154 * 156 */ 157 public boolean isValidated() 158 { 158 { 159 return this.validated; 160 }WebProcess_FamilyRequisition.java https://gitlab.com/accsys/netbeansprojects | Java | 617 lines
33 * @param telCell - String 34 * @param EMail - String 35 */ 38 String gender, String relation, String birthDate, String telHome, String telWork, 39 String telCell, String EMail, String medAidDependent, int commitType) { 40 super(processDefinition, owner, employee); 52 this.telCell = telCell; 53 this.EMail = EMail; 54 this.commitType = commitType; 208 } 209 if (isDifferent(getEMail(), family.getEMail())) { 210 result.append("<tr><td>E-mail:</td><td>From '").append(family.getEMail()).append("'</td><td>To '").append(getEMail()).append("'</td></tr>"); 256 } 257 if (isDifferent(getEMail(), family.getEMail())) { 258 result.append(lineBreak).append("E-mail: From '").append(family.getEMail()).append("' To '").append(getEMail()).append("'");WebProcess_EmployeeContact.java https://gitlab.com/accsys/netbeansprojects | Java | 549 lines
35 // Is this a valid leave request? 36 ValidationResult valid = validate(); 37 if (!valid.isValid()) { 50 @Override 51 public ValidationResult validate() { 52 if (isActive()) { 157 } 158 if (isDifferent(newContact.getEMail(), oldContact.getEMail())) { 159 result.append("<tr><td>E-Mail:</td><td>From '").append(oldContact.getEMail()).append("'</td><td>To '").append(newContact.getEMail()).append("'</td></tr>");LoadingRenderer.java https://gitlab.com/santoshvarma4u/chefmonster-Android | Java | 124 lines
27 computeRender((float) animation.getAnimatedValue()); 28 invalidateSelf(); 29 } 82 // it will always call the method onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) 83 // why ? if you know why please send email to me (dinus_developer@163.com) 84 mRenderAnimator.removeUpdateListener(mAnimatorUpdateListener); 119 120 private void invalidateSelf() { 121 mCallback.invalidateDrawable(null);OutgoingEmail.java https://gitlab.com/chenfengxu/gerrit | Java | 617 lines
75 76 protected OutgoingEmail(EmailArguments ea, String mc) { 77 args = ea; 260 String email = account.get().getPreferredEmail(); 261 if ((name != null && !name.isEmpty()) || (email != null && !email.isEmpty())) { 262 f.append("From"); 265 } 266 if (email != null && !email.isEmpty()) { 267 f.append(" <").append(email).append(">"); 363 String name = account.get().getFullName(); 364 String email = account.get().getPreferredEmail(); 365 if (name != null && email != null) { 390 String name = account.getFullName(); 391 String email = account.getPreferredEmail(); 392 if (name != null && email != null) {ChangeInserter.java https://gitlab.com/chenfengxu/gerrit | Java | 576 lines
42import com.google.gerrit.server.PatchSetUtil; 43import com.google.gerrit.server.config.SendEmailExecutor; 44import com.google.gerrit.server.events.CommitReceivedEvent; 99 private final CreateChangeSender.Factory createChangeSenderFactory; 100 private final ExecutorService sendEmailExecutor; 101 private final CommitValidators.Factory commitValidatorsFactory; 148 CreateChangeSender.Factory createChangeSenderFactory, 149 @SendEmailExecutor ExecutorService sendEmailExecutor, 150 CommitValidators.Factory commitValidatorsFactory, 163 this.createChangeSenderFactory = createChangeSenderFactory; 164 this.sendEmailExecutor = sendEmailExecutor; 165 this.commitValidatorsFactory = commitValidatorsFactory; 247 248 public ChangeInserter setValidate(boolean validate) { 249 this.validate = validate;Dispatcher.java https://gitlab.com/chenfengxu/gerrit | Java | 879 lines
58import com.google.gerrit.client.account.RegisterScreen; 59import com.google.gerrit.client.account.ValidateEmailScreen; 60import com.google.gerrit.client.admin.AccountGroupAuditLogScreen;TestSession.java https://gitlab.com/hemaprabhu/Final_sonar_app | Java | 528 lines
26import com.facebook.internal.Utility; 27import com.facebook.internal.Validate; 28import org.json.JSONException; 87 88 Validate.notNull(permissions, "permissions"); 89 89 90 // Validate these as if they were arguments even though they are statics. 91 Validate.notNullOrEmpty(testApplicationId, "testApplicationId"); 91 Validate.notNullOrEmpty(testApplicationId, "testApplicationId"); 92 Validate.notNullOrEmpty(testApplicationSecret, "testApplicationSecret"); 93 105 * @param permissions list of strings containing permissions to request; nil will result in 106 * a common set of permissions (email, publish_actions) being requested 107 * @return a new TestSession that is in the CREATED state, ready to be openedTDClientApi.java https://gitlab.com/github-cloud-corp/td-client-java | Java | 326 lines
55 * Return a TDClientApi implementation that uses the given api key. 56 * This instance will share the same internal http client, so closing the returned client will invalidate the current instance. 57 * 63 /** 64 * Perform user email and password based authentication and return a new client that will use apikey based authentication. 65 * Similary to {@link #withApiKey(String)} method, closing the returned client will invalidate the current instance. 66 * 67 * @param email 68 * @param password 70 */ 71 ClientImpl authenticate(String email, String password); 72ValidateOnExecutionBasicTest.java https://gitlab.com/jaragan/jersey | Java | 482 lines
73@RunWith(ConcurrentRunner.class) 74public class ValidateOnExecutionBasicTest extends ValidateOnExecutionAbstractTest { 75 130 @ValidateOnExecution 131 public static class ValidateExecutableOnTypeDefault extends ValidateExecutableOnType { 132 } 342 @Test 343 public void testOnTypeValidateInputFailValidateExecutableDefault() throws Exception { 344 _testOnType("default", 15, 400); 348 @RunSeparately 349 public void testOnTypeValidateResultFailValidateExecutableDefault() throws Exception { 350 _testOnType("default", -15, 500); 440 @Test 441 public void testBeansValidateGetterInvalidEmail() throws Exception { 442 final WebTarget target = target("getter-on-beans");PublishRequest.java https://gitlab.com/github-cloud-corp/aws-sdk-android | Java | 1414 lines
149 * <p> 150 * Failure to parse or validate any key or value in the message will cause 151 * the <code>Publish</code> call to return an error (no partial delivery). 160 * Optional parameter to be used as the "Subject" line when the message is 161 * delivered to email endpoints. This field will also be included, if 162 * present, in the standard JSON messages delivered to other endpoints. 176 * publish action, you can send a short message to your SMS subscribers and 177 * a longer message to your email subscribers. If you set 178 * <code>MessageStructure</code> to <code>json</code>, the value of the 309 * <p> 310 * Failure to parse or validate any key or value in the message 311 * will cause the <code>Publish</code> call to return an error 405 * <p> 406 * Failure to parse or validate any key or value in the message 407 * will cause the <code>Publish</code> call to return an errorAdminCmd.java https://bitbucket.org/bekkers/portalis.git | Java | 729 lines
98 if (serviceFullName != null) { 99 if (!CoreServiceNameValidator.getInstance().validate( 100 serviceFullName)) { 322 323 public static LoginReponse login(String email, String password, 324 HttpSession httpSession) { 344 345 LOGGER.info(new StringBuffer("email = ").append(email) 346 .append(" password = ").append(password).append(")") 371 String mess = new StringBuffer("login impossible : ") 372 .append(e.getMessage()).append(" email = ").append(email) 373 .append("password = ").append(password) 379 String mess = new StringBuffer("login impossible : ") 380 .append(t.getMessage()).append(" email = ").append(email) 381 .append("password = ").append(password).append(")")Profile.java https://gitlab.com/jsr38/intermine | Java | 924 lines
155 for (Entry<String, InterMineBag> pair: savedInvalidBags.entrySet()) { 156 this.savedInvalidBags.put(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue().invalidate()); 157 } 218 /** 219 * Get this user's preferred email address. 220 * @return This user's email address. 221 */ 222 public String getEmailAddress() { 223 if (prefers(UserPreferences.EMAIL)) { 223 if (prefers(UserPreferences.EMAIL)) { 224 return preferences.get(UserPreferences.EMAIL); 225 }DetailForm.java https://gitlab.com/gecgooden/ark | Java | 488 lines
105 resercherMobileTxtFld = new TextField<String>(Constants.RESEARCHER_MOBILE); 106 resercherEmailTxtFld = new TextField<String>(Constants.RESEARCHER_EMAIL); 107 resercherFaxTxtFld = new TextField<String>(Constants.RESEARCHER_FAX); 243 @Override 244 protected void onValidate(IValidatable<String> validatable) { 245 super.onValidate(new NumberValidatable(validatable,ValidatableItemType.PHONE_NUMBER)); 254 @Override 255 protected void onValidate(IValidatable<String> validatable) { 256 super.onValidate(new NumberValidatable(validatable,ValidatableItemType.MOBILE_NUMBER)); 265 @Override 266 protected void onValidate(IValidatable<String> validatable) { 267 super.onValidate(new NumberValidatable(validatable,ValidatableItemType.FAX_NUMBER)); 271 resercherEmailTxtFld.add(StringValidator.lengthBetween(1, 45)).setLabel( 272 new StringResourceModel(Constants.ERROR_WORK_RESEARCHER_EMAIL_LENGTH, resercherEmailTxtFld, new Model<String>(Constants.RESEARCHER_EMAIL_TAG))); 273Constants.java https://gitlab.com/gecgooden/ark | Java | 484 lines
30 public static final String UPLOAD_STATUS_OF_STATUS_NOT_DEFINED = "STATUS_NOT_DEFINED"; 31 public static final String UPLOAD_STATUS_OF_VALIDATED = "VALIDATED"; 32 public static final String ADMIN_TAB = "Administration"; 46 public static final String LAST_NAME = "lastName"; 47 public static final String EMAIL = "email"; 48 public static final String PHONE_NUMBER = "phoneNumber"; 70 /* Person */ 71 public static final String PERSON_PREFERRED_EMAIL = "linkSubjectStudy.person.preferredEmail"; 72 public static final String PERSON_PREFERRED_EMAIL_STATUS = "linkSubjectStudy.person.preferredEmailStatus"; 72 public static final String PERSON_PREFERRED_EMAIL_STATUS = "linkSubjectStudy.person.preferredEmailStatus"; 73 public static final String PERSON_OTHER_EMAIL_STATUS = "linkSubjectStudy.person.otherEmailStatus"; 74 public static final String PERSON_OTHER_EMAIL = "linkSubjectStudy.person.otherEmail";IStudyService.java https://gitlab.com/gecgooden/ark | Java | 520 lines
57import au.org.theark.core.model.study.entity.CustomFieldType; 58import au.org.theark.core.model.study.entity.EmailStatus; 59import au.org.theark.core.model.study.entity.FamilyCustomFieldData; 283 284 public SubjectUploadValidator validateSubjectFileFormat(File file, String fileFormat, char delimChar); 285 285 286 public SubjectUploadValidator validateSubjectFileFormat(InputStream inputStream, String fileFormat, char delimChar); 287 287 288 public SubjectUploadValidator validateSubjectFileFormat(UploadVO uploadVo); 289 289 290 public SubjectUploadValidator validateSubjectFileData(InputStream inputStream, String fileFormat, char delimChar, List<String> referenceOfListStringsToUpdate); 291Constants.java https://gitlab.com/gecgooden/ark | Java | 248 lines
27 public static final String UPLOAD_STATUS_OF_STATUS_NOT_DEFINED = "STATUS_NOT_DEFINED"; 28 public static final String UPLOAD_STATUS_OF_VALIDATED = "VALIDATED"; 29 66 public static final String LAST_NAME = "lastName"; 67 public static final String EMAIL = "email"; 68 public static final String PHONE_NUMBER = "phoneNumber"; 90 /* Person */ 91 public static final String PERSON_PREFERRED_EMAIL = "linkSubjectStudy.person.preferredEmail"; 92 public static final String PERSON_OTHER_EMAIL = "linkSubjectStudy.person.otherEmail";LDAPTest.java https://gitlab.com/gecgooden/ark | Java | 447 lines
26 * 27 * @author Adam Retter <adam.retter@googlemail.com> 28 */ 50 51 public static Boolean validateLogin(String userName, String userPassword) { 52 Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<String, String>(); 93 94 // User Exists, Validate the Password 95 130 public static void main2(String[] args) { 131 boolean result=LDAPTest.validateLogin("arksuperuser@ark.org.au", "password"); 132// boolean result=LDAPTest.validateLogin("tranaweera@unimelb.edu.au", "Sunimal_3");CompilePanel.java https://bitbucket.org/jorgenio/gvsig.git | Java | 697 lines
7 * Description : A panel to compile files after installation 8 * Author's email : julien@izforge.com 9 * Author's Website : http://www.izforge.com 102 /** True if the compilation has been done. */ 103 private boolean validated = false; 104 281 /** 282 * Indicates wether the panel has been validated or not. 283 * 285 */ 286 public boolean isValidated() 287 { 287 { 288 return validated; 289 }IzPanel.java https://bitbucket.org/jorgenio/gvsig.git | Java | 575 lines
7 * Description : The class for the panels. 8 * Author's email : julien@izforge.com 9 * Author's Website : http://www.izforge.com 94 /** 95 * Indicates wether the panel has been validated or not. The installer won't 96 * let the user go further through the installation process until the panel 96 * let the user go further through the installation process until the panel 97 * is validated. Default behaviour is to return <code>true</code>. 98 * 98 * 99 * @return A boolean stating wether the panel has been validated or not. 100 */ 100 */ 101 public boolean isValidated() 102 {Compiler.java https://bitbucket.org/jorgenio/gvsig.git | Java | 1475 lines
7 * Description : The IzPack compiler. 8 * Author's email : julien@izforge.com 9 * Author's Website : http://www.izforge.com 383 XMLElement uninstallInfo = root.getFirstChildNamed("uninstaller"); 384 if (validateYesNoAttribute(uninstallInfo, "write", YES)) 385 { 423 pack.setOsConstraints(OsConstraint.getOsList(el)); // TODO: unverified 424 pack.setPreselected(validateYesNoAttribute(el, "preselected", YES)); 425QtNguoiDungApiController.java https://gitlab.com/truongnv9xbn/spring-boot-project | Java | 1226 lines
88 @RequestParam(value = "taiKhoan", required = false) String taiKhoan, 89 @RequestParam(value = "sEmail", required = false) String sEmail, 90 @RequestParam(value = "sDiDong", required = false) String sDiDong, 112 113 lstQtNguoiDung = qtService.listQtNguoiDungs(strfilter, hoTen, taiKhoan, sEmail, sDiDong, sMaNguoiDung, 114 pageNo, pageSize, keySort, desc, trangThai, nhomNguoiDungId, loaiNguoiDung); 156 // Send Mail 157// if (dto.getEmail() != null && !dto.getEmail().equals("")) { 158// String emailTo = dto.getEmail(); 165// + "<a href='http://scms.tinhvan.com/scms/login'><b>tại đây</b></a> và <b>ĐỔI MẬT KHẨU</b> ngay lập tức để chủ động bảo vệ tài khoản của bạn!.</p><p><i>Mọi thắc mắc liên quan đến tài khoản, vui lòng liên hệ với quản trị hệ thống.</i></p></div></div><div style=\"text-align:left\"><div style=\"font-family:Roboto-Regular,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;color:rgba(0,0,0,0.54);font-size:11px;line-height:18px;padding-top:12px;text-align:center\"><div>Vui lòng giữ bảo mật thông tin tài khoản đã được cấp</div><div style=\"direction:ltr\">© 2020 SCMS - Ủy ban chứng khoán nhà nước</div></div></div></td><td width=\"8\" style=\"width:8px\"></td></tr></tbody></table>"; 166// SendMail.SendMail(emailTo, tieuDe, noiDung); 167// } 313 if (qtService.isExistById(id)) { 314 String validateStr = validateData(id, matKhauCu, matKhauMoi, matKhauMoiConfirm); 315 if (validateStr.equals("")) {HTMLInfoPanel.java https://github.com/jponge/izpack-full-svn-history-copy.git | Java | 150 lines
7 * Description : A panel to show some HTML information. 8 * Author's email : julien@izforge.com 9 * Author's Website : http://www.izforge.com 123 /** 124 * Indicates wether the panel has been validated or not. 125 * 127 */ 128 public boolean isValidated() 129 {UserServiceTest.java https://gitlab.com/unofficial-mirrors/eclipse-che | Java | 426 lines
247 assertEquals(fetchedUser.getName(), testUser.getName()); 248 assertEquals(fetchedUser.getEmail(), testUser.getEmail()); 249 } 253 final UserImpl testUser = copySubject(); 254 when(userManager.getByEmail(testUser.getEmail())).thenReturn(testUser); 255 258 .when() 259 .get(SECURE_PATH + "/user/find?email=" + testUser.getEmail()); 260 281 assertEquals(fetchedUser.getName(), testUser.getName()); 282 assertEquals(fetchedUser.getEmail(), testUser.getEmail()); 283 } 294 "name=" + testUser.getName() + 295 "&email=" + testUser.getEmail()); 296FactoryBaseValidatorTest.java https://gitlab.com/unofficial-mirrors/eclipse-che | Java | 483 lines
87 .withCreator(newDto(AuthorDto.class).withUserId("userid")); 88 final UserImpl user = new UserImpl("userid", "email", "name"); 89 94 @Test 95 public void shouldBeAbleToValidateFactoryUrlObject() throws ApiException { 96 factory = prepareFactoryWithGivenStorage("git", VALID_REPOSITORY_URL, VALID_PROJECT_PATH); 96 factory = prepareFactoryWithGivenStorage("git", VALID_REPOSITORY_URL, VALID_PROJECT_PATH); 97 validator.validateProjects(factory); 98 validator.validateProjects(factory); 101 @Test 102 public void shouldBeAbleToValidateFactoryUrlObjectIfStorageIsESBWSO2() throws ApiException { 103 factory = prepareFactoryWithGivenStorage("esbwso2", VALID_REPOSITORY_URL, VALID_PROJECT_PATH); 103 factory = prepareFactoryWithGivenStorage("esbwso2", VALID_REPOSITORY_URL, VALID_PROJECT_PATH); 104 validator.validateProjects(factory); 105 validator.validateProjects(factory);