100+ results results for 'email validate lang:java' (518 ms)
55 Scopes.DRIVE_APPFOLDER, 56 "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email"}; 57 131 132 static void invalidateAuthToken(final Context context) { 133 GoogleAuthUtil.invalidateToken(context, getAuthToken(context)); 191 public static void refreshAuthToken(Context mContext) { 192 invalidateAuthToken(mContext); 193 tryAuthenticateWithErrorNotification(mContext, ScheduleContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY);TestDescriptor.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 528 lines
52 * reporter's 53 * name (or Email address), the date of the report and of the 54 * fix, 166 * bug fix, including the reporter's 167 * name (or Email address), the date of the report and of the 168 * fix, 300 try { 301 validate(); 302 } catch (org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException vex) { 395 * fix, including the reporter's 396 * name (or Email address), the date of the report and of the 397 * fix, 520 */ 521 public void validate( 522 )RecentMailboxManagerTest.java https://bitbucket.org/camcory/android_packages_apps_email.git | Java | 253 lines
16 17package com.android.email.activity; 18 23 24import com.android.email.Controller; 25import com.android.email.DBTestHelper; 25import com.android.email.DBTestHelper; 26import com.android.email.MockClock; 27import com.android.email.provider.ContentCache; 28import com.android.email.provider.ProviderTestUtils; 29import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.MailboxColumns; 30import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Mailbox; 39 * You can run this entire test case with: 40 * runtest -c com.android.email.activity.RecentMailboxManagerTest email 41 */BirtEmailServices.java https://github.com/thanhvc/ofbiz.git | Java | 255 lines
18 *******************************************************************************/ 19package org.ofbiz.birt.email; 20 43import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc; 44import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate; 45import org.ofbiz.base.util.collections.MapStack; 48import org.ofbiz.birt.container.BirtContainer; 49import org.ofbiz.common.email.NotificationServices; 50import org.ofbiz.entity.Delegator; 59 60public class BirtEmailServices { 61 61 62 public static final String module = BirtEmailServices.class.getName(); 63PayPalNotificationAction.java https://github.com/viktorkovacs/liferay-portal-trunk.git | Java | 202 lines
109 request, "receiver_email"); 110 String payerEmail = ParamUtil.getString(request, "payer_email"); 111 120 _log.debug("Receiver email " + receiverEmail); 121 _log.debug("Payer email " + payerEmail); 122 } 123 124 if (payPalStatus.equals("VERIFIED") && validate(request)) { 125 ShoppingOrderLocalServiceUtil.completeOrder( 157 158 String payPalEmailAddress = shoppingPrefs.getPayPalEmailAddress(); 159 159 160 if (!payPalEmailAddress.equals(ppReceiverEmail)) { 161 return false;MemberRequestLocalServiceImpl.java https://github.com/l15k4/liferay-plugins.git | Java | 362 lines
85 try { 86 sendEmail(receiverEmailAddress, memberRequest, themeDisplay); 87 } 106 107 String emailAddress = user.getEmailAddress(); 108 119 120 for (String emailAddress : emailAddresses) { 121 if (!Validator.isEmailAddress(emailAddress)) { 125 addMemberRequest( 126 userId, groupId, 0, emailAddress, invitedRoleId, invitedTeamId, 127 themeDisplay); 253 254 protected void sendEmail( 255 String emailAddress, MemberRequest memberRequest,TextFieldPanel.java https://github.com/DarioGT/Modelibra-Family.git | Java | 254 lines
31import org.modelibra.wicket.type.DateConverter; 32import org.modelibra.wicket.type.EmailConverter; 33import org.modelibra.wicket.type.UrlConverter; 183 } else if (propertyConfig.getPropertyClass().equals( 184 PropertyClass.getEmail())) { 185 textField = new TextField("propertyValue", entityModel 189 public IConverter getConverter(final Class type) { 190 return new EmailConverter(); 191 } 192 }; 193 textField.setType(PropertyClass.getEmailClass()); 194 } 201 .getModelConfig(); 202 if (modelConfig.getDomainConfig().isValidateForm()) { 203 if (propertyConfig.isRequired() && propertyConfig.isUpdate()MBMailingListLocalServiceImpl.java https://github.com/lululiferay/liferay-portal.git | Java | 272 lines
88 mailingList.setInReadInterval(inReadInterval); 89 mailingList.setOutEmailAddress(outEmailAddress); 90 mailingList.setOutCustom(outCustom); 154 validate( 155 emailAddress, inServerName, inUserName, outEmailAddress, outCustom, 156 outServerName, outUserName, active); 161 mailingList.setModifiedDate(serviceContext.getModifiedDate(null)); 162 mailingList.setEmailAddress(emailAddress); 163 mailingList.setInProtocol(inUseSSL ? inProtocol + "s" : inProtocol); 169 mailingList.setInReadInterval(inReadInterval); 170 mailingList.setOutEmailAddress(outEmailAddress); 171 mailingList.setOutCustom(outCustom); 249 250 if (!Validator.isEmailAddress(emailAddress)) { 251 throw new MailingListEmailAddressException();DAO.java https://bitbucket.org/simplexproject/simplex-development.git | Java | 353 lines
121 * @brief Deletes the user by its email. 122 * @param email 123 * - the id of the wanted user. 130 /** 131 * @brief Validate user finds the user in the databse (by it's email) and 132 * validates. That the given password is like the one iin the 140 */ 141 public User validateUser(String email, String password) { 142 Objectify objectify = ObjectifyService.begin(); 143 144 if (email != null && !email.equals("") && password != null 145 && !password.equals("")) { // Checks for valid parameters, and 158 159 System.out.println("Failed login attempt:\n" + "email: " + email 160 + " Password:" + password);PinEntryViewModel.java https://gitlab.com/admin-github-cloud/My-Wallet-V3-Android | Java | 385 lines
96 if (extras.containsKey(KEY_INTENT_EMAIL)) { 97 email = extras.getString(KEY_INTENT_EMAIL); 98 } 104 105 if (password != null && password.length() > 0 && email != null && !email.isEmpty()) { 106 // Previous page was CreateWalletFragment 156 public void onNegativeClicked() { 157 validateAndConfirmPin(); 158 } 160 } else { 161 validateAndConfirmPin(); 162 } 306 mPrefsUtil.setValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_EMAIL, email); 307 mPayloadManager.setEmail(email); 308 mPayloadManager.setTempPassword(password);BaseCmsConfig.java https://gitlab.com/lyc/kl_search | Java | 467 lines
111 private java.lang.Integer downloadTime; 112 private java.lang.Boolean emailValidate; 113 private java.lang.String officeHome; 120 com.jeecms.core.entity.MarkConfig m_markConfig; 121 com.jeecms.core.entity.EmailConfig m_emailConfig; 122 342 343 public java.lang.Boolean getEmailValidate() { 344 return emailValidate; 346 347 public void setEmailValidate(java.lang.Boolean emailValidate) { 348 this.emailValidate = emailValidate; 411 */ 412 public void setEmailConfig (com.jeecms.core.entity.EmailConfig m_emailConfig) { 413 this.m_emailConfig = m_emailConfig;ConfigurationActionImpl.java https://github.com/stevenjiancao/liferay-plugins.git | Java | 326 lines
216 217 protected void validateFields(ActionRequest actionRequest) 218 throws Exception { 226 boolean sendAsEmail = GetterUtil.getBoolean( 227 getParameter(actionRequest, "sendAsEmail")); 228 String subject = getParameter(actionRequest, "subject"); 248 if (sendAsEmail) { 249 String[] emailAdresses = WebFormUtil.split( 250 getParameter(actionRequest, "emailAddress")); 251 252 for (String emailAdress : emailAdresses) { 253 emailAdress = emailAdress.trim(); 257 } 258 else if (!Validator.isEmailAddress(emailAdress)) { 259 SessionErrors.add(actionRequest, "emailAddressInvalid");JobportalForm.java https://gitlab.com/swarupa/mycampus | Java | 258 lines
109 110 if(!isValidEmailAddress(getText(emailIdEdt))){ 111 return "Enter valid mail ID"; 174 reqJson.put("emailAddress", dto.getEmailAddress()); 175 System.out.println("emailAddress" + dto.getEmailAddress()); 176 reqJson.put("resumeHeadline", dto.getResumeHeadline()); 186 reqJson.put("campus_emailid", dto.getCampus_emailid()); 187 System.out.println("campus_emailid" + localObject.getEmailId()); 188 } catch (JSONException e) { 205 dto.setMobileNumber(getText(mobileNoEdt)); 206 dto.setEmailAddress(getText(emailIdEdt)); 207 dto.setPreferedLocation(getText(preferedlocation)); 212 dto.setKeySkills(getText(KeySkillEdt)); 213dto.setCampus_emailid(localObject.getEmailId()); 214PubServiceImpl.java https://gitlab.com/trungkien963/be-java | Java | 215 lines
43 pubLoginResponse.setOrganizationName(wsPubLoginResponse.getOrganization_name()); 44 pubLoginResponse.setDeveloperEmail(wsPubLoginResponse.getDeveloper_email()); 45 pubLoginResponse.setTokenType(wsPubLoginResponse.getToken_type()); 117 pubFormDetails.setCallBackUrl(wsPubFormDetails.getCallBackUrl()); 118 pubFormDetails.setValidateOnly(wsPubFormDetails.getValidateOnly()); 119 144 PubFormDistributions pubFormDistributions = new PubFormDistributions(); 145 pubFormDistributions.setEmail(wsPubFormPackage.getDistributions().getEmail()); 146 pubFormDistributions.setArchive(wsPubFormPackage.getDistributions().getArchive());SudoPanel.java https://github.com/jponge/izpack-full-svn-history-copy.git | Java | 188 lines
7 * Description : A panel doing a linux/unix/macosx 'sudo' for administrator (native (sub)) installs. 8 * Author's email : jblok@profdata.nl 9 * Author's Website : http://www.profdata.nl 171 /** 172 * Indicates wether the panel has been validated or not. 173 * 175 */ 176 public boolean isValidated() 177 {EmailRecipientUtils.java https://gitlab.com/github-cloud-corp/email-ext-plugin | Java | 189 lines
44 final Set<InternetAddress> bcc = new LinkedHashSet<>(); 45 final String defaultSuffix = ExtendedEmailPublisher.descriptor().getDefaultSuffix(); 46 79 if(u != null) { 80 userEmail = getUserConfiguredEmail(u); 81 if(userEmail != null){ 92 if(address.getPersonal() != null) { 93 address.setPersonal(address.getPersonal(), ExtendedEmailPublisher.descriptor().getCharset()); 94 } 99 100 public static String getUserConfiguredEmail(User user) { 101 String addr = null; 137 public static boolean isExcludedRecipient(String userName, TaskListener listener) { 138 ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor descriptor = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getDescriptorByType(ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor.class); 139 if(descriptor.getExcludedCommitters() != null) {Preferences.java https://github.com/rue/eclim.git | Java | 431 lines
47 public static final String USERNAME_PREFERENCE = "org.eclim.user.name"; 48 public static final String USEREMAIL_PREFERENCE = "org.eclim.user.email"; 49 315 }else{ 316 validateValue(options.get(name), name, value); 317 364 if (project == null){ 365 validateValue(pref, name, value); 366 globalPrefs.put(name, value); 379 }else{ 380 validateValue(pref, name, value); 381 projectPrefs.put(name, value); 407 /** 408 * Validates that the supplied value is valid for the specified 409 * option/preference.PortScan.java https://github.com/quietbamboo/MobiPerfUmich.git | Java | 328 lines
5 * The package is distributed under license GPLv3. 6 * If you have any feedbacks or suggestions, don't hesitate to send us emails (3gtest@umich.edu). 7 * The server suite source code is not included in this package, if you have specific questions related with servers, please also send us emails 117 //measure latency of establishing TCP connection, is it RTT? 118 //validated by trace 119UserServlet.java https://gitlab.com/CORP-RESELLER/rest-api-sample-app-java | Java | 412 lines
155 try { 156 user = Dao.getUser(email); 157 } catch (SQLException sqlex) { 244 HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { 245 String email = request.getParameter("user_email"); 246 String password = request.getParameter("user_password"); 288 session.setAttribute("isSessionActive", true); 289 session.setAttribute("user", email); 290 301 // validate User 302 String email = request.getParameter("user_email"); 303 String password = request.getParameter("user_password"); 333 // validate User existence 334 String email = request.getParameter("user_email"); 335 String password = request.getParameter("user_current_password");UserInner.java git://github.com/WindowsAzure/azure-sdk-for-java.git | Java | 171 lines
73 /** 74 * Get the email property: Email address of the user. 75 * 82 /** 83 * Set the email property: Email address of the user. 84 * 84 * 85 * @param email the email value to set. 86 * @return the UserInner object itself. 87 */ 88 public UserInner withEmail(String email) { 89 if (this.innerProperties() == null) { 91 } 92 this.innerProperties().withEmail(email); 93 return this;Validator.java https://gitlab.com/pandame/moo | Java | 291 lines
11{ 12 private static EmailValidator ev = EmailValidator.getInstance(false); 13 private static UrlValidator uv = new UrlValidator(); 204 * @param name Configuration item name. 205 * @param emails List of email addresses. 206 * @throws ConfigurationException When an email is invalid. 207 */ 208 public static void validateEmailList(final String name, final List<String> emails) throws ConfigurationException 209 { 210 for (String email : emails) 211 validateEmail(name, email); 212 } 219 */ 220 public static void validateEmail(final String name, final String email) throws ConfigurationException 221 {MemberAct.java https://gitlab.com/MetadataDev/mcms | Java | 258 lines
181 * 新密码 182 * @param email 183 * 邮箱 192 @RequestMapping(value = "/member/pwd.jspx", method = RequestMethod.POST) 193 public String passwordSubmit(String origPwd, String newPwd, String email, 194 String nextUrl, HttpServletRequest request, 206 } 207 WebErrors errors = validatePasswordSubmit(user.getId(), origPwd, 208 newPwd, email, request); 214 } 215 cmsUserMng.updatePwdEmail(user.getId(), newPwd, email); 216 return FrontUtils.showSuccess(request, model, nextUrl); 243 } 244 if (errors.ifNotEmail(email, "email", 100)) { 245 return errors;QuickContactBadge.java https://bitbucket.org/festevezga/xobotos.git | Java | 302 lines
168 * the contact's URI is not available, as an extra query will have to be 169 * performed to lookup the URI based on the email. 170 * 170 * 171 * @param emailAddress The email address of the contact. 172 * @param lazyLookup If this is true, the lookup query will not be performed 175 public void assignContactFromEmail(String emailAddress, boolean lazyLookup) { 176 mContactEmail = emailAddress; 177 if (!lazyLookup) { 178 mQueryHandler.startQuery(TOKEN_EMAIL_LOOKUP, null, 179 Uri.withAppendedPath(Email.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI, Uri.encode(mContactEmail)), 180 EMAIL_LOOKUP_PROJECTION, null, null, null); 218 mQueryHandler.startQuery(TOKEN_EMAIL_LOOKUP_AND_TRIGGER, mContactEmail, 219 Uri.withAppendedPath(Email.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI, Uri.encode(mContactEmail)), 220 EMAIL_LOOKUP_PROJECTION, null, null, null);MemberRequestLocalServiceImpl.java https://github.com/christine-huang/liferay-plugins.git | Java | 426 lines
101 try { 102 sendEmail(receiverEmailAddress, memberRequest, serviceContext); 103 } 129 130 String emailAddress = user.getEmailAddress(); 131 144 for (String emailAddress : emailAddresses) { 145 if (!Validator.isEmailAddress(emailAddress)) { 146 continue; 149 addMemberRequest( 150 userId, groupId, 0, emailAddress, invitedRoleId, invitedTeamId, 151 serviceContext); 211 212 validate(memberRequest, userId); 213ReportFragmentRightPresenter.java https://gitlab.com/ahmadrosid/TrackinsAndroid | Java | 122 lines
26 * @Author Ahmad Rosid 27 * @Email ocittwo@gmail.com 28 * @Github https://github.com/ar-android 71 72 private boolean validate() { 73 boolean isValidate = true; 77 if (TextUtils.isEmpty(formInputImage.getText())) { 78 isValidate = false; 79 if (!isShowEmpty) { 85 } 86 return isValidate; 87 } 113 public boolean finish() { 114 return validate(); 115 }CmsAdminGlobalAct.java https://gitlab.com/spiderworts/ab_pc_cms | Java | 281 lines
48 model.addAttribute("queryUsername", queryUsername); 49 model.addAttribute("queryEmail", queryEmail); 50 model.addAttribute("queryGroupId", queryGroupId); 78 "queryUsername"); 79 String queryEmail = RequestUtils.getQueryParam(request, "queryEmail"); 80 CmsUser currUser = CmsUtils.getUser(request); 100 model.addAttribute("queryUsername", queryUsername); 101 model.addAttribute("queryEmail", queryEmail); 102 model.addAttribute("queryGroupId", queryGroupId); 156 "queryUsername"); 157 String queryEmail = RequestUtils.getQueryParam(request, "queryEmail"); 158 WebErrors errors = validateDelete(ids, request); 195 public void checkEmail(String email, HttpServletResponse response) { 196 checkEmailJson(email, response); 197 }LComponent.java http://loon-simple.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Java | 634 lines
32 * @author chenpeng 33 * @email?ceponline@yahoo.com.cn 34 * @version 0.1.1 387 388 this.validatePosition(); 389 } 401 super.setLocation(dx, dy); 402 this.validatePosition(); 403 } 412 } 413 this.validateSize(); 414 } 419 super.setLocation(dx, dy); 420 this.validatePosition(); 421 }JobRepositoryTest.java https://gitlab.com/AERIUS/AERIUS | Java | 244 lines
53 private static final String TEST_API_KEY = "wnaR9FavGRGv8RXCmdfXKEqeIt1DTZUS"; 54 private static final String TEST_EMAIL = "test@example.com"; 55 74 final JobProgress jp = JobRepository.getProgress(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier); 75 validateEmptyProgress(jp); 76 assertSame(JobState.INITIALIZED, jp.getState(), "State may must be initialized"); 88 final JobProgress jp = JobRepository.getProgress(getCalcConnection(), correlationIdentifier); 89 validateEmptyProgress(jp); 90 assertEquals(JobState.RUNNING, jp.getState(), "State must be initialized"); 224 user.setApiKey(TEST_API_KEY); 225 user.setEmailAddress(TEST_EMAIL); 226 ConnectUserRepository.createUser(getCalcConnection(), user); 233 234 private void validateEmptyProgress(final JobProgress jp) throws SQLException { 235 assertNotNull(jp, "Job progress should be found");QuoteServices.java https://github.com/thanhvc/ofbiz.git | Java | 283 lines
79 try { 80 productStoreEmail = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ProductStoreEmailSetting", UtilMisc.toMap("productStoreId", quote.get("productStoreId"), "emailType", emailType)); 81 } catch (GenericEntityException e) { 81 } catch (GenericEntityException e) { 82 Debug.logError(e, "Problem getting the ProductStoreEmailSetting for productStoreId=" + quote.get("productStoreId") + " and emailType=" + emailType, module); 83 } 94 UtilMisc.toMap("productStoreId", quote.get("productStoreId"), 95 "emailType", emailType), locale)); 96 } 119 sendMap.put("sendTo", sendTo); 120 if ((sendCc != null) && UtilValidate.isEmail(sendCc)) { 121 sendMap.put("sendCc", sendCc); 188 189 if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(quoteOut) && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(quoteOut.get("quoteId"))) { 190 String quoteId = (String)quoteOut.get("quoteId");EntityBridge.java https://github.com/DarioGT/Modelibra-Family.git | Java | 128 lines
20 21 public static final String DEFAULT_EMAIL = "modelibra.swing@email.org"; 22 50 PropertyClass.getString())) { 51 if (propertyConfig.isValidateClassType()) { 52 if (propertyConfig.getValidationType().equals( 56 } else if (propertyConfig.getValidationType().equals( 57 PropertyClass.getEmail())) { 58 newEntity.setProperty(propertyConfig.getCode(), 58 newEntity.setProperty(propertyConfig.getCode(), 59 DEFAULT_EMAIL); 60 } 86 newEntity.setProperty(propertyConfig.getCode(), Transformer 87 .email(DEFAULT_EMAIL)); 88 }TopicForm.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 450 lines
59 * Revision 1.3 2004/02/10 19:57:24 colinmacleod 60 * Changed email address. 61 * 441 * validation errors, or <code>null</code> if there were no errors. 442 * @see com.ivata.mask.web.struts.MaskForm#validate(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession) 443 */ 443 */ 444 public ValidationErrors validate(final HttpServletRequest request, 445 final HttpSession session) { 447 session.getAttribute("securitySession"); 448 return library.validate(securitySession, topic); 449 }InputMethod.java https://github.com/zewt/android_frameworks_base.git | Java | 217 lines
24 * The InputMethod interface represents an input method which can generate key 25 * events and text, such as digital, email addresses, CJK characters, other 26 * language characters, and etc., while handling various input events, and send 77 * unique token for the session it has with the system service. It is 78 * needed to identify itself with the service to validate its operations. 79 * This token <strong>must not</strong> be passed to applications, sinceLComponent.java http://loon-simple.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | Java | 645 lines
34 * @author chenpeng 35 * @email?ceponline@yahoo.com.cn 36 * @version 0.1.1 312 313 this.validatePosition(); 314 } 334 super.setLocation(dx, dy); 335 this.validatePosition(); 336 } 347 this.createUI(); 348 this.validateSize(); 349 } 354 super.setLocation(dx, dy); 355 this.validatePosition(); 356 }MessageInterpolationValidationTestCase.java https://bitbucket.org/cprenzberg/wildfly.git | Java | 75 lines
17import org.hibernate.validator.cfg.ConstraintMapping; 18import org.hibernate.validator.cfg.defs.EmailDef; 19import org.hibernate.validator.messageinterpolation.ValueFormatterMessageInterpolator; 52 mapping.type(Employee.class).property("firstName", FIELD) 53 .constraint(new EmailDef().message("Invalid Email!You have entered:--\\{${validatedValue}\\}")); 54 65 emp.setFirstName("MADHUMITA"); 66 String email = "MADHUMITA"; 67 67 68 Set<ConstraintViolation<Employee>> constraintViolations = validator.validate(emp); 69 70 Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of constraints", constraintViolations.size(), 1); 71 Assert.assertEquals("Invalid Email!You have entered:--{" + email + "}", constraintViolations.iterator().next() 72 .getMessage());S3ClientLiveTest.java https://github.com/regularfry/jclouds.git | Java | 501 lines
20 21import static org.jclouds.s3.internal.StubS3AsyncClient.TEST_ACL_EMAIL; 22import static org.jclouds.s3.internal.StubS3AsyncClient.TEST_ACL_ID; 45import org.jclouds.s3.domain.AccessControlList.CanonicalUserGrantee; 46import org.jclouds.s3.domain.AccessControlList.EmailAddressGrantee; 47import org.jclouds.s3.domain.AccessControlList.GroupGranteeURI; 117 addBlobToContainer(containerName, sourceKey); 118 validateContent(containerName, sourceKey); 119 122 123 validateContent(destinationContainer, destinationKey); 124 277 278 protected S3Object validateObject(String sourceContainer, String key) throws InterruptedException, 279 ExecutionException, TimeoutException, IOException {SamlProfileSamlNameIdBuilder.java https://github.com/frett/cas.git | Java | 345 lines
80 81 if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(NameIDType.EMAIL, fmt)) { 82 return NameIDType.EMAIL; 141 val requiredNameFormat = getRequiredNameIdFormatIfAny(authnRequest); 142 validateRequiredNameIdFormatIfAny(authnRequest, adaptor, supportedNameFormats, requiredNameFormat); 143 val nameid = determineNameId(authnRequest, assertion, supportedNameFormats, service, adaptor); 180 /** 181 * Validate required name id format if any. 182 * 187 */ 188 protected void validateRequiredNameIdFormatIfAny(final RequestAbstractType authnRequest, 189 final SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade adaptor,XMLWorkflowModelParser.java https://github.com/l15k4/liferay-plugins.git | Java | 669 lines
69 70 public void setValidate(boolean validate) { 71 _validate = validate; 74 protected Definition doParse(InputStream inputStream) throws Exception { 75 Document document = SAXReaderUtil.read(inputStream, _validate); 76 253 "screen-name"); 254 String emailAddress = userAssignmentElement.elementText( 255 "email-address"); 257 UserAssignment userAssignment = new UserAssignment( 258 userId, screenName, emailAddress); 259 436 String screenName = userRecipientElement.elementText("screen-name"); 437 String emailAddress = userRecipientElement.elementText( 438 "email-address");CallTypeIconsView.java https://gitlab.com/Atomic-ROM/packages_apps_Dialer | Java | 224 lines
61 mHeight = 0; 62 invalidate(); 63 } 70 mHeight = Math.max(mHeight, drawable.getIntrinsicHeight()); 71 invalidate(); 72 } 83 mHeight = Math.max(mHeight, mResources.videoCall.getIntrinsicHeight()); 84 invalidate(); 85 } 114 return mResources.missed; 115 case Calls.VOICEMAIL_TYPE: 116 return mResources.voicemail; 204 205 voicemail = r.getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_call_voicemail_holo_dark); 206PWDValidator.java https://bitbucket.org/jorgenio/gvsig.git | Java | 77 lines
6 * Description : Example implementation of a password validator 7 * Author's email : elmar@grom.net 8 * Author's Website : http://www.izforge.com 42 /** 43 * Validates the contend of multiple password fields. The test 44 * 49 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 50 public boolean validate (ProcessingClient client) 51 {ERXEmailValidator.java https://bitbucket.org/molequedeideias/wonder.git | Java | 305 lines
164 */ 165 public boolean isValidEmailString(String email) { 166 /* 258 /** 259 * Convenience method to validate email address string and domain. If a 260 * timeout occurs, the default boolean value is returned. 271 */ 272 public boolean isValidEmailAddress(String email, long timeout, boolean def) { 273 if (isValidEmailString(email)) { 273 if (isValidEmailString(email)) { 274 String hostName = hostNameForEmailString(email); 275 Boolean value = ERXEmailValidator.isValidDomainString(hostName, timeout); 287 */ 288 public static String hostNameForEmailString(String email) { 289 String hostName = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(email, "@");PduComposer.java https://gitlab.com/adam.lukaitis/TextSecure | Java | 1184 lines
36 static private final int PDU_PHONE_NUMBER_ADDRESS_TYPE = 1; 37 static private final int PDU_EMAIL_ADDRESS_TYPE = 2; 38 static private final int PDU_IPV4_ADDRESS_TYPE = 3; 45 static final String REGEXP_PHONE_NUMBER_ADDRESS_TYPE = "\\+?[0-9|\\.|\\-]+"; 46 static final String REGEXP_EMAIL_ADDRESS_TYPE = "[a-zA-Z| ]*\\<{0,1}[a-zA-Z| ]+@{1}" + 47 "[a-zA-Z| ]+\\.{1}[a-zA-Z| ]+\\>{0,1}"; 204 * This implementation doesn't check the validity of parameter, since it 205 * assumes that the values are validated in the GenericPdu setter methods. 206 */ 224 * This implementation doesn't check the validity of parameter, since it 225 * assumes that the values are validated in the GenericPdu setter methods. 226 */ 233 * This implementation doesn't check the validity of parameter, since it 234 * assumes that the values are validated in the GenericPdu setter methods. 235 */ValidatorUtil.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 418 lines
49 50 public final static String EMAIL_VALIDATION_REGEX = 51 "^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4})$"; 54 /** 55 * Helper function to validate that a number is greater than the 56 * low limit value. 63 */ 64 public static void validateMinNumber(Errors aErrors, Number aNumber, Number aLowLimit, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) { 65 if (aNumber != null) { 72 /** 73 * Helper function to validate the length of a string input field. 74 * @param aErrors the errors object to populate 80 */ 81 public static void validateStringMaxLength(Errors aErrors, String aField, int aMaxLength, String aErrorCode, Object[] aValues, String aFailureMessage) { 82 if (aField != null && !aField.trim().equals("")) {DefaultActionValidatorManagerTest.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 349 lines
168 user.setEmail("bad_email"); 169 user.setEmail2("bad_email"); 170 209 // UserMarker-validation.xml 210 user.setEmail("mark_bad_email_for_field_val@foo.com"); 211 user.setEmail2("mark_bad_email_for_field_val@foo.com"); 217 // check field errors 218 // we have an error in this field level, email does not ends with mycompany.com 219 List l = (List) context.getFieldErrors().get("email"); 245 user.setName(null); 246 user.setEmail("tmjee(at)yahoo.co.uk"); 247 user.setEmail("tm_jee(at)yahoo.co.uk"); 264 assertEquals(1, l.size()); 265 assertEquals("Email not the same as email2", l.get(0)); 266 }Validator.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 490 lines
196 * </field-validator> 197 * <field-validator type="email"> 198 * <message>The email address you entered is not valid.</message> 230 * <field-validator type="required" short-circuit="true"> 231 * <message>You must enter a value for email.</message> 232 * </field-validator> 247 * <validator type="expression"> 248 * <param name="expression">email.equals(email2)</param> 249 * <message>Email not the same as email2</message> 278 * <p>Since Plain Validator 2 is short-circuited, if its validation failed, 279 * it will causes Field validators for email field and Field validators for email2 280 * field to not be validated as well.</p> 282 * <p><b>Usefull Information:</b> 283 * More complicated validation should probably be done in the validate() 284 * method on the action itself (assuming the action implements ValidatableScalarMerger.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 459 lines
33 int[] vscores = tally(meth); // tally integer accesses 34 skipArgs(meth, vscores); // invalidate entries of incoming args 35 int ix1 = best(vscores); // get best integer candidate 110 /** 111 * Invalidates tally entries that correspond to method arguments. 112 */ 397 */ 398 public java.lang.String getAuthorEmail() { 399 return "gmt@cs.arizona.edu";BloggerAPIHandler.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 501 lines
92 93 validate(entry.getWebsite().getHandle(), userid, password); 94 137 138 validate(blogid, userid, password); 139 180 181 validate(blogid, userid,password); 182 199 /** 200 * Authenticates a user and returns basic user info (name, email, userid, etc.) 201 * 214 215 validateUser(userid, password); 216Register.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 426 lines
115 } 116 if (attr.getName().equals(OpenIDUserAttribute.Attributes.email.toString())) { 117 getBean().setEmailAddress(attr.getValue()); 177 178 myValidate(); 179 196 197 // are we using email activation? 198 boolean activationEnabled = WebloggerRuntimeConfig.getBooleanProperty( 242 243 // now send activation email if necessary 244 if (activationEnabled && ud.getActivationCode() != null) { 248 } catch (WebloggerException ex) { 249 log.error("Error sending activation email to - "+ud.getEmailAddress(), ex); 250 }CommentServlet.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 378 lines
59 * 60 * We validate each incoming comment based on various comment settings and 61 * if all checks are passed then the comment is saved. 65 * 66 * If email notification is turned on, each new comment will result in an 67 * email sent to the blog owner and all who have commented on the same post. 229 // collect input from request params and construct new comment object 230 // fields: name, email, url, content, notify 231 // TODO: data validation on collected comment data 233 comment.setName(commentRequest.getName()); 234 comment.setEmail(commentRequest.getEmail()); 235 comment.setUrl(commentRequest.getUrl()); 279 280 int validationScore = commentValidationManager.validateComment(comment, messages); 281 log.debug("Comment Validation score: " + validationScore);NewStoreWizardController.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 365 lines
22 public void checkStateTransition(String oldState, String newState) throws PropertyValueVetoException { 23 getEditorPane().validateProperty(oldState); 24 if (newState.equals("userInfo") && oldState.equals("storeConfig")) { 237 returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".SSL", getManager().getCurrentProperty("NewStoreWizard.editors.store.SSL", "none")); 238 returnValue.setProperty("Store." + accountName + ".useMaildir", "true"); 239 /*MemberWebHandler.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 847 lines
154 String memberEmail = GenericParamUtil.getParameterEmail(request, "MemberEmail"); 155 String memberEmailConfirm = GenericParamUtil.getParameterEmail(request, "MemberEmailConfirm"); 156 if (!memberEmail.equals(memberEmailConfirm)) { 158 throw new BadInputException(localizedMessage); 159 //throw new BadInputException("Email and confirmed email are not the same, please try again."); 160 } 166 String memberFirstEmail = memberEmail; 167 InterceptorService.getInstance().validateMail(memberFirstEmail); 168 168 169 int memberEmailVisible = MemberBean.MEMBER_EMAIL_INVISIBLE; 170 int memberNameVisible = MemberBean.MEMBER_NAME_VISIBLE; 184 DAOFactory.getMemberDAO().create(memberName, memberPassword, memberFirstEmail, 185 memberEmail, memberEmailVisible, memberNameVisible, 186 memberFirstIP, memberLastIP, 0/*memberViewCount*/,URI.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 1672 lines
16/* 17 * $Id: URI.java,v 2005/09/15 08:16:00 suresh_emailid Exp $ 18 */ 231 * Construct a new URI that follows the generic URI syntax from its 232 * component parts. Each component is validated for syntax and some 233 * basic semantic checks are performed as well. See the individual 258 * Construct a new URI that follows the generic URI syntax from its 259 * component parts. Each component is validated for syntax and some 260 * basic semantic checks are performed as well. See the individualQName.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 707 lines
99 * @param localName The local name 100 * @param validate If true the new QName will be validated and an IllegalArgumentException will 101 * be thrown if it is invalid. 196 * @param localName Local part of qualified name 197 * @param validate If true the new QName will be validated and an IllegalArgumentException will 198 * be thrown if it is invalid. 241 * @param namespaces Namespace stack to use to resolve namespace 242 * @param validate If true the new QName will be validated and an IllegalArgumentException will 243 * be thrown if it is invalid. 335 * @param resolver Prefix resolver for this context 336 * @param validate If true the new QName will be validated and an IllegalArgumentException will 337 * be thrown if it is invalid. 421 * @param resolver Prefix resolver for this context 422 * @param validate If true the new QName will be validated and an IllegalArgumentException will 423 * be thrown if it is invalid.URI.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 1652 lines
16/* 17 * $Id: URI.java,v 2005/09/08 11:03:20 suresh_emailid Exp $ 18 */ 234 * Construct a new URI that follows the generic URI syntax from its 235 * component parts. Each component is validated for syntax and some 236 * basic semantic checks are performed as well. See the individual 261 * Construct a new URI that follows the generic URI syntax from its 262 * component parts. Each component is validated for syntax and some 263 * basic semantic checks are performed as well. See the individualMailAddress.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 448 lines
24/** 25 * A representation of an email address. 26 * <p>This class encapsulates functionalities to access to different 26 * <p>This class encapsulates functionalities to access to different 27 * parts of an email address without dealing with its parsing.</p> 28 * 36 * 37 * <p>MailAddress parses an email address as defined in RFC 821 38 * (SMTP) p. 30 and 31 where addresses are defined in BNF convention. 43 * 44 * <p>This class is a good way to validate email addresses as there are 45 * some valid addresses which would fail with a simpler approach 77 * 78 * @param address the email address compliant to the RFC822 format 79 * @throws ParseException if the parse failedMailBean.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 850 lines
69 * Revision 1.3 2004/02/10 19:57:26 colinmacleod 70 * Changed email address. 71 * 116 * Revision 1.18 2003/06/20 18:31:03 peter 117 * added incorrectly composed mail forwards and self contained attachment like email handling 118 * 146 * Revision 1.8 2003/03/25 16:18:30 peter 147 * fixed email address validation 148 * 150 * if there is no message in folder -> return null 151 * and validate the email addresses 152 * 195 * Revision 1.32 2002/10/25 08:31:44 peter 196 * mailFolderSent setting name changed to emailFolderSent 197 *AddressBookBean.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 713 lines
134 * Revision 1.8 2003/05/23 13:04:46 peter 135 * uncommented email address validation 136 * 140 * Revision 1.6 2003/05/02 15:14:57 peter 141 * added email address validation 142 * 146 * Revision 1.4 2003/04/02 09:04:05 jano 147 * again, fixing bug with wrong keys in validate method 148 * 149 * Revision 1.3 2003/03/31 15:44:04 jano 150 * mistake in validate method, using wrong key of applicationResources 151 * 275 * <p><strong>Note</strong>, however that whilst the addressbook may react on which 276 * people are users (it checks those people always have an email address), this 277 * <em>EJB</em> is not responsible for adding, removing or amending users or theirX_AD_WF_Node.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 976 lines
279 public static final String ACTION_SubWorkflow = X_Ref_WF_Action.SUB_WORKFLOW.getValue(); 280 /** EMail = M */ 281 public static final String ACTION_EMail = X_Ref_WF_Action.E_MAIL.getValue(); 398 /** Invalidate = IN */ 399 public static final String DOCACTION_Invalidate = X_Ref__Document_Action.INVALIDATE.getValue(); 400 /** Post = PO */BiSliderPresentation.java https://bitbucket.org/haris_peco/debrief.git | Java | 1437 lines
69 * contact Frederic Vernier, 19 butte aux cailles street, Paris, 75013, France. 70 * Tel: (+33) 871 747 387. eMail: Frederic.Vernier@laposte.net / Web site: 71 * http://vernier.frederic.free.fr <br> 265 JSlider1.setOpaque(true); 266 JPanel1.revalidate(); 267UsimPhoneBookManager.java https://gitlab.com/brian0218/rk3066_r-box_android4.2.2_sdk | Java | 453 lines
216 // SIM record numbers are 1 based 217 emails[0] = readEmailRecord(recNum - 1); 218 AdnRecord rec = mPhoneBookRecords.get(i); 251 String[] emails = new String[emailList.size()]; 252 System.arraycopy(emailList.toArray(), 0, emails, 0, emailList.size()); 253 rec.setEmails(emails); 275 276 if (email == null || email.equals("")) { 277 continue; 293 try { 294 emailRec = mEmailFileRecord.get(recNum); 295 } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { 299 // The length of the record is X+2 byte, where X bytes is the email address 300 String email = IccUtils.adnStringFieldToString(emailRec, 0, emailRec.length - 2); 301 return email;AppUserWritePlatformServiceJpaRepositoryImpl.java https://gitlab.com/skylabase/incubator-fineract | Java | 338 lines
34import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.core.exception.PlatformDataIntegrityException; 35import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.core.service.PlatformEmailSendException; 36import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.security.service.PlatformPasswordEncoder; 112 113 this.fromApiJsonDeserializer.validateForCreate(command.json()); 114 147 148 final Boolean sendPasswordToEmail = command.booleanObjectValueOfParameterNamed("sendPasswordToEmail"); 149 this.userDomainService.create(appUser, sendPasswordToEmail); 161 162 final String email = command.stringValueOfParameterNamed("email"); 163 final ApiParameterError error = ApiParameterError.parameterError("error.msg.user.email.invalid", 163 final ApiParameterError error = ApiParameterError.parameterError("error.msg.user.email.invalid", 164 "The parameter email is invalid.", "email", email); 165 dataValidationErrors.add(error);AccountResource.java https://gitlab.com/cortizqgitlab/test-first | Java | 275 lines
70 .map(user -> new ResponseEntity<>("login already in use", textPlainHeaders, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)) 71 .orElseGet(() -> userRepository.findOneByEmail(userDTO.getEmail()) 72 .map(user -> new ResponseEntity<>("e-mail address already in use", textPlainHeaders, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)) 74 User user = userService.createUserInformation(userDTO.getLogin(), userDTO.getPassword(), 75 userDTO.getFirstName(), userDTO.getLastName(), userDTO.getEmail().toLowerCase(), 76 userDTO.getLangKey()); 83 84 mailService.sendActivationEmail(user, baseUrl); 85 return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.CREATED); 146 public ResponseEntity<String> saveAccount(@RequestBody UserDTO userDTO) { 147 Optional<User> existingUser = userRepository.findOneByEmail(userDTO.getEmail()); 148 if (existingUser.isPresent() && (!existingUser.get().getLogin().equalsIgnoreCase(userDTO.getLogin()))) { 148 if (existingUser.isPresent() && (!existingUser.get().getLogin().equalsIgnoreCase(userDTO.getLogin()))) { 149 return ResponseEntity.badRequest().headers(HeaderUtil.createFailureAlert("user-management", "emailexists", "Email already in use")).body(null); 150 }PKIXCertPathValidatorSpi.java https://bitbucket.org/festevezga/xobotos.git | Java | 521 lines
63 private static final byte[][] PUBLIC_KEY_SHA1_BLACKLIST = { 64 // C=NL, O=DigiNotar, CN=DigiNotar Root CA/emailAddress=info@diginotar.nl 65 {(byte)0x41, (byte)0x0f, (byte)0x36, (byte)0x36, (byte)0x32, (byte)0x58, (byte)0xf3, (byte)0x0b, (byte)0x34, (byte)0x7d, 101 102 public CertPathValidatorResult engineValidate( 103 CertPath certPath,AccountAdminImpl.java https://bitbucket.org/amdatu/amdatu-security.git | Java | 500 lines
130 131 validateAccount(account, credentials); 132 233 234 // Notify other of this (for example, send an email or something)... 235 postEvent(TOPIC_ACCOUNT_REMOVED, KEY_ACCOUNT_ID, accountId, KEY_ACCOUNT_STATE, account.getState(), 262 263 // Notify other of this (for example, send an email or something)... 264 postEvent(TOPIC_ACCOUNT_RESET_CREDENTIALS, KEY_ACCOUNT_ID, accountId, KEY_ACCOUNT_STATE, account.getState(),TestSession.java https://bitbucket.org/mobileup/facebook-android-sdk.git | Java | 516 lines
26import com.facebook.internal.Utility; 27import com.facebook.internal.Validate; 28import org.json.JSONException; 86 87 Validate.notNull(permissions, "permissions"); 88 88 89 // Validate these as if they were arguments even though they are statics. 90 Validate.notNullOrEmpty(testApplicationId, "testApplicationId"); 90 Validate.notNullOrEmpty(testApplicationId, "testApplicationId"); 91 Validate.notNullOrEmpty(testApplicationSecret, "testApplicationSecret"); 92 104 * @param permissions list of strings containing permissions to request; nil will result in 105 * a common set of permissions (email, publish_actions) being requested 106 * @return a new TestSession that is in the CREATED state, ready to be openedLDAPUserInfoImpl.java https://github.com/mariofusco/jbpm.git | Java | 390 lines
55 56 public static final String EMAIL_ATTR_ID = "ldap.email.attr.id"; 57 public static final String NAME_ATTR_ID = "ldap.name.attr.id"; 75 config = readProperties(propertiesLocation, DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_NAME); 76 validate(); 77 } 80 this.config = config; 81 validate(); 82 } 149 150 public boolean hasEmail(Group group) { 151 InitialLdapContext ctx = null; 172 173 if (ldapGroupEmail != null && ldapGroupEmail.get() != null) { 174 exists = true;Validator.java https://github.com/viktorkovacs/liferay-portal-trunk.git | Java | 976 lines
188 /** 189 * Determines if the string is an email address. The only requirements are 190 * that the string consist of two parts separated by an @ symbol, and that 193 * @param address the string to check 194 * @return <code>true</code> if the string is an email address; 195 * <code>false</code> otherwise 399 /** 400 * Determines if the string is a valid email address. 401 * 401 * 402 * @param emailAddress the string to check 403 * @return <code>true</code> if the string is a valid email address; 405 */ 406 public static boolean isEmailAddress(String emailAddress) { 407 Matcher matcher = _emailAddressPattern.matcher(emailAddress);WikiUtil.java https://github.com/viktorkovacs/liferay-portal-trunk.git | Java | 610 lines
108 109 public static String getEmailFromAddress(PortletPreferences preferences) { 110 String emailFromAddress = PropsUtil.get( 110 String emailFromAddress = PropsUtil.get( 111 PropsKeys.WIKI_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS); 112 112 113 return preferences.getValue("emailFromAddress", emailFromAddress); 114 } 116 public static String getEmailFromName(PortletPreferences preferences) { 117 String emailFromName = PropsUtil.get(PropsKeys.WIKI_EMAIL_FROM_NAME); 118 118 119 return preferences.getValue("emailFromName", emailFromName); 120 }MediaWikiImporter.java https://github.com/viktorkovacs/liferay-portal-trunk.git | Java | 690 lines
131 132 String emailAddress = usersMap.get(author); 133 134 try { 135 if (Validator.isNull(emailAddress)) { 136 user = UserLocalServiceUtil.getUserByScreenName( 139 else { 140 user = UserLocalServiceUtil.getUserByEmailAddress( 141 node.getCompanyId(), emailAddress); 224 try { 225 DLLocalServiceUtil.validate(fileName, true, bytes); 226 }MBCategoryLocalServiceImpl.java https://github.com/viktorkovacs/liferay-portal-trunk.git | Java | 575 lines
47 long userId, long parentCategoryId, String name, String description, 48 String displayStyle, String emailAddress, String inProtocol, 49 String inServerName, int inServerPort, boolean inUseSSL, 50 String inUserName, String inPassword, int inReadInterval, 51 String outEmailAddress, boolean outCustom, String outServerName, 52 int outServerPort, boolean outUseSSL, String outUserName, 63 64 validate(name); 65 101 mbMailingListLocalService.addMailingList( 102 userId, groupId, category.getCategoryId(), emailAddress, inProtocol, 103 inServerName, inServerPort, inUseSSL, inUserName, inPassword, 103 inServerName, inServerPort, inUseSSL, inUserName, inPassword, 104 inReadInterval, outEmailAddress, outCustom, outServerName, 105 outServerPort, outUseSSL, outUserName, outPassword,JournalArticleLocalServiceImpl.java https://github.com/viktorkovacs/liferay-portal-trunk.git | Java | 1655 lines
175 176 validate( 177 user.getCompanyId(), groupId, articleId, autoArticleId, version, 281 282 // Email 283 287 try { 288 sendEmail(article, articleURL, preferences, "requested"); 289 } 430 try { 431 sendEmail(article, articleURL, preferences, "review"); 432 }EditServerAction.java https://github.com/viktorkovacs/liferay-portal-trunk.git | Java | 622 lines
154 } 155 else if (cmd.equals("updateMail")) { 156 updateMail(actionRequest, preferences); 389 390 validateCaptcha(actionRequest); 391UserServiceImpl.java https://github.com/viktorkovacs/liferay-portal-trunk.git | Java | 989 lines
155 boolean sendEmail, List<Address> addresses, 156 List<EmailAddress> emailAddresses, List<Phone> phones, 157 List<Website> websites, 216 boolean sendEmail, List<Address> addresses, 217 List<EmailAddress> emailAddresses, List<Phone> phones, 218 List<Website> websites, 354 355 public User getUserByEmailAddress(long companyId, String emailAddress) 356 throws PortalException, SystemException { 389 390 public long getUserIdByEmailAddress(long companyId, String emailAddress) 391 throws PortalException, SystemException { 392 393 User user = getUserByEmailAddress(companyId, emailAddress); 394OrganizationLocalServiceImpl.java https://github.com/viktorkovacs/liferay-portal-trunk.git | Java | 1075 lines
103 104 validate( 105 user.getCompanyId(), parentOrganizationId, name, type, countryId, 262 263 // Email addresses 264 264 265 emailAddressLocalService.deleteEmailAddresses( 266 organization.getCompanyId(), Organization.class.getName(),CompanyLocalServiceImpl.java https://github.com/viktorkovacs/liferay-portal-trunk.git | Java | 861 lines
95 96 validate(webId, virtualHostname, mx); 97 196 preferences.setValue( 197 PropsKeys.ADMIN_EMAIL_FROM_NAME, "Liferay Demo"); 198 preferences.setValue( 198 preferences.setValue( 199 PropsKeys.ADMIN_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS, "test@liferay.net"); 200 252 defaultUser.setScreenName(String.valueOf(defaultUser.getUserId())); 253 defaultUser.setEmailAddress("default@" + company.getMx()); 254 defaultUser.setLanguageId(LocaleUtil.getDefault().toString()); 321 String screenName = PropsValues.DEFAULT_ADMIN_SCREEN_NAME; 322 String emailAddress = 323 PropsValues.DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS_PREFIX + "@" + mx;Contact.java https://github.com/MIPS/packages-apps-Mms.git | Java | 804 lines
56 } 57 invalidateCache(); 58 } 280 // care about(which probably won't happen for a long time), we probably should just 281 // invalidate cache peoridically, or surgically. 282 /* 322 323 // query params for contact lookup by email 324 private static final Uri EMAIL_WITH_PRESENCE_URI = Data.CONTENT_URI; 325 326 private static final String EMAIL_SELECTION = "UPPER(" + Email.DATA + ")=UPPER(?) AND " 327 + Data.MIMETYPE + "='" + Email.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE + "'"; 337 private static final int EMAIL_ID_COLUMN = 2; 338 private static final int EMAIL_CONTACT_NAME_COLUMN = 3; 339MApplication.java https://bitbucket.org/molequedeideias/wonder.git | Java | 474 lines
49 String additionalArgs; 50 Boolean notificationEmailEnabled; 51 String notificationEmailAddr; 100 public Integer startingPort() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("startingPort"); } 101 public void setStartingPort(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "startingPort"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } 102 133 public Integer listenQueueSize() { return (Integer) values.valueForKey("listenQueueSize"); } 134 public void setListenQueueSize(Integer value) { values.takeValueForKey(MObject.validatedInteger(value), "listenQueueSize"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } 135 171 172 public Boolean notificationEmailEnabled() { return (Boolean) values.valueForKey("notificationEmailEnabled"); } 173 public void setNotificationEmailEnabled(Boolean value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "notificationEmailEnabled"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } 175 public String notificationEmailAddr() { return (String) values.valueForKey("notificationEmailAddr"); } 176 public void setNotificationEmailAddr(String value) { values.takeValueForKey(value, "notificationEmailAddr"); _siteConfig.dataHasChanged(); } 177ERJavaMail.java https://bitbucket.org/molequedeideias/wonder.git | Java | 870 lines
79 /** 80 * <span class="en"> <code>EMAIL_VALIDATION_PATTERN</code> is a regexp pattern that is used to validate emails. 81 * </span> 84 */ 85 // RFC 2822 token definitions for valid email - only used together to form a java Pattern object: 86 private static final String sp = "!#$%&'*+\\-/=?^_`{|}~"; 132 133 String adminEmail = System.getProperty("er.javamail.adminEmail"); 134 if (isValidEmail(adminEmail)) { 135 setAdminEmail(adminEmail); 136 log.debug("er.javamail.adminEmail: " + _adminEmail); 137 } 138 else if (centralize) { 139 throw new IllegalArgumentException("When 'er.javamail.centralize' is true (default)," + " all outgoing mails will get sent to 'er.javamail.adminEmail'" + " instead of the normal TO addresses, but you did not provide a valid email for that property."); 140 }ERXEntityClassDescription.java https://bitbucket.org/molequedeideias/wonder.git | Java | 1063 lines
77 * // these keys are evaluated on validateForSave, they don't correspond to properties 78 * additionalValidationKeys = ("validateEmailPassword"); 79 * 129 * // multi-step page and need to do validation before validateForSave 130 * "validateEmailPassword" = 131 * ( 136 * // For this to work, your corresponding localized String should be 137 * // User.email,password.stupidTestWithEmailAndPassword = "Stupid test failed"; 138 * keyPaths = "email,password"; 145 * // These get checked when the object gets saved, additionally to "additionalValidations" 146 * // The structure of "validateForInsert", "validateForUpdate" and "validateForDelete" is the same. 147 * validateForSave = 242 243 public static final String ValidateEntityClassAvailability = "ERXEntityClassDescription.validateEntityClassAvailability"; 244AccessibleContext.java https://bitbucket.org/pizzafactory/pf-gcc.git | Java | 619 lines
57 * 58 * @author Eric Blake (ebb9@email.byu.edu) 59 * @since 1.2 264 */ 265 public static final String ACCESSIBLE_INVALIDATE_CHILDREN 266 = "accessibleInvalidateChildren";Polygon.java https://bitbucket.org/pizzafactory/pf-gcc.git | Java | 611 lines
60 * @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com) 61 * @author Eric Blake (ebb9@email.byu.edu) 62 * @since 1.0 96 * The bounding box of this polygon. This is lazily created and cached, so 97 * it must be invalidated after changing points. 98 * 142 * 143 * @see #invalidate() 144 * @since 1.4 148 npoints = 0; 149 invalidate(); 150 } 152 /** 153 * Invalidate or flush all cached data. After direct manipulation of the 154 * public member fields, this is necessary to avoid inconsistent resultsContainer.java https://bitbucket.org/pizzafactory/pf-gcc.git | Java | 1609 lines
72 * @author original author unknown 73 * @author Eric Blake (ebb9@email.byu.edu) 74 * @author Andrew John Hughes (gnu_andrew@member.fsf.org) 366 367 // Invalidate the layout of this container. 368 if (valid) 368 if (valid) 369 invalidate(); 370 449 if (valid) 450 invalidate(); 451UpdateUserRolesMVCActionCommand.java git://github.com/liferay/liferay-portal.git | Java | 275 lines
20import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.RequiredRoleException; 21import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.UserEmailAddressException; 22import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.UserScreenNameException; 98 99 _validate(user, roleIds); 100 128 user.isPasswordReset(), null, null, user.getScreenName(), 129 user.getEmailAddress(), user.getLanguageId(), 130 user.getTimeZoneId(), user.getGreeting(), user.getComments(), 155 RequiredRoleException.MustNotRemoveLastAdministator || 156 exception instanceof UserEmailAddressException || 157 exception instanceof UserScreenNameException) { 234 235 private void _validate(User user, long[] roleIds) throws Exception { 236HttpMethodsServlet2.java https://gitlab.com/manoj-makkuboy/magnetism | Java | 1321 lines
31import com.dumbhippo.identity20.Guid.ParseException; 32import com.dumbhippo.persistence.EmailResource; 33import com.dumbhippo.persistence.Group; 241 242 marshallers.put(EmailResource.class, new Marshaller<EmailResource>() { 243 243 244 public EmailResource marshal(Viewpoint viewpoint, String s) throws XmlMethodException, RetryException { 245 if (s == null) 249 try { 250 return identitySpider.getEmail(s); 251 } catch (ValidationException e) { 251 } catch (ValidationException e) { 252 throw new XmlMethodException(XmlMethodErrorCode.PARSE_ERROR, "bad email address " + s); 253 }IdentitySpiderBean.java https://gitlab.com/manoj-makkuboy/magnetism | Java | 1418 lines
128 public User lookupUserByEmail(Viewpoint viewpoint, String email) throws NotFoundException { 129 EmailResource res = lookupEmail(email); 130 // lookupEmail will normally throw a NotFoundException if the resource is not found, 200 201 public EmailResource getEmail(final String emailRaw) throws ValidationException, RetryException { 202 // well, we could do a little better here with the validation... 202 // well, we could do a little better here with the validation... 203 final String email = EmailResource.canonicalize(emailRaw); 204 311 try { 312 email = EmailResource.canonicalize(email); 313 } catch (ValidationException e) { 315 } 316 return lookupResourceByName(EmailResource.class, "email", email); 317 }MessengerGlueBean.java https://gitlab.com/manoj-makkuboy/magnetism | Java | 487 lines
195 196 public void setEmail(String username, String email) 197 throws JabberUserNotFoundException { 207 208 String email = null; 209 if (view.getEmail() != null) 209 if (view.getEmail() != null) 210 email = view.getEmail().getEmail(); 211 211 212 JabberUser user = new JabberUser(username, account.getOwner().getNickname(), email); 213 395 } catch (ValidationException e) { 396 logger.debug("Remote JID doesn't validate, ignoring", remoteJid); 397 return; // IgnoreIdentitySpiderBean.java https://gitlab.com/manoj-makkuboy/magnetism | Java | 1158 lines
113 public User lookupUserByEmail(Viewpoint viewpoint, String email) throws NotFoundException { 114 EmailResource res = lookupEmail(email); 115 // lookupEmail will normally throw a NotFoundException if the resource is not found, 185 186 public EmailResource getEmail(final String emailRaw) throws ValidationException, RetryException { 187 // well, we could do a little better here with the validation... 193 194 q = em.createQuery("from EmailResource e where e.email = :email"); 195 q.setParameter("email", email); 289 try { 290 email = EmailResource.canonicalize(email); 291 } catch (ValidationException e) { 293 } 294 return lookupResourceByName(EmailResource.class, "email", email); 295 }IdentitySpiderBean.java https://gitlab.com/manoj-makkuboy/magnetism | Java | 961 lines
102 public User lookupUserByEmail(Viewpoint viewpoint, String email) { 103 EmailResource res = lookupEmail(email); 104 if (res == null) 161 162 public EmailResource getEmail(final String emailRaw) 163 throws ValidationException { 164 // well, we could do a little better here with the validation... 165 final String email = EmailResource.canonicalize(emailRaw); 166 261 try { 262 email = EmailResource.canonicalize(email); 263 } catch (ValidationException e) { 265 } 266 return lookupResourceByName(EmailResource.class, "email", email); 267 }IdentitySpiderBean.java https://gitlab.com/manoj-makkuboy/magnetism | Java | 932 lines
99 public User lookupUserByEmail(Viewpoint viewpoint, String email) throws NotFoundException { 100 EmailResource res = lookupEmail(email); 101 if (res == null) 158 159 public EmailResource getEmail(final String emailRaw) throws ValidationException, RetryException { 160 // well, we could do a little better here with the validation... 160 // well, we could do a little better here with the validation... 161 final String email = EmailResource.canonicalize(emailRaw); 162 237 try { 238 email = EmailResource.canonicalize(email); 239 } catch (ValidationException e) { 241 } 242 return lookupResourceByName(EmailResource.class, "email", email); 243 }HttpMethods.java https://gitlab.com/manoj-makkuboy/magnetism | Java | 365 lines
97 @HttpParams( { "email" }) 98 public void doAddContact(OutputStream out, HttpResponseData contentType, UserViewpoint viewpoint, String email) throws IOException; 99 180 @HttpParams( { "userId" }) 181 public void doSendRepairEmail(UserViewpoint viewpoint, String userId); 182 291 /** 292 * Given an email address, try to lookup the associated flickr account information. 293 * 295 * @param viewpoint 296 * @param email the flickr email address 297 * @throws XmlMethodException 317 @HttpParams( { "nsid", "email" }) 318 public void doSetFlickrAccount(XmlBuilder xml, UserViewpoint viewpoint, String nsid, String email) throws XmlMethodException; 319RegistrationActivity.java https://gitlab.com/techgenius/mycampus | Java | 775 lines
107 mobileNoEdt = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.reg_mobile); 108 emailIdEdt = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.reg_email); 109 addressEdt = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.reg_addr); 288 289 String str = "http://bighand.in/reg.php?name=" + dto.getName() + "&cellno=" + dto.getMobileNo() + "&gender=" + dto.getGender() + "&longitude=78.4006983&lattitude=17.4590091&emailid=" + dto.getEmailId() + "&deviseid=" + Utility.getDeviceId(RegistrationActivity.this); 290 375 376 public boolean isValidEmailAddress(String email) { 377 String ePattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@((\\[[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\])|(([a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$"; 386 InternetAddress emailAddr = new InternetAddress(email); 387 emailAddr.validate(); 388 } catch (AddressException ex) { 395 Intent intent = new Intent(RegistrationActivity.this, OTPActivity.class); 396 intent.putExtra("email", getText(emailIdEdt)); 397 finish();EditProfileFragment.java https://gitlab.com/techgenius/mycampus | Java | 725 lines
172 System.out.println("preferedLocation"+ dto.getPreferedLocation()); 173 reqJson.put("emailAddress", dto.getEmailAddress()); 174 System.out.println("emailAddress"+dto.getEmailAddress()); 263 dto.setMobileNumber(getText(mobileNoEdt)); 264 dto.setEmailAddress(getText(emailIdEdt)); 265 dto.setPreferedLocation(getText(preferedlocation)); 292 293 if(!isValidEmailAddress(getText(emailIdEdt))){ 294 return "Enter valid mail ID"; 335 336 public boolean isValidEmailAddress(String email) { 337 String ePattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@((\\[[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\])|(([a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$"; 346 InternetAddress emailAddr = new InternetAddress(email); 347 emailAddr.validate(); 348 } catch (AddressException ex) {MailboxTests.java https://bitbucket.org/camcory/android_packages_apps_email.git | Java | 598 lines
19import com.android.email.provider.ContentCache; 20import com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider; 21import com.android.email.provider.ProviderTestUtils; 22import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.MailboxColumns; 23import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Message; 24import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.MessageColumns; 53 public MailboxTests() { 54 super(EmailProvider.class, EmailContent.AUTHORITY); 55 } 216 217 public void testRestoreMailboxWithId() { 218 final Context c = mMockContext; 225 ProviderTestUtils.assertMailboxEqual( 226 "x", testMailbox, Mailbox.restoreMailboxWithId(c, testMailbox.mId)); 227 // Unknown IDsControllerProviderOpsTests.java https://bitbucket.org/camcory/android_packages_apps_email.git | Java | 532 lines
23import com.android.email.provider.ContentCache; 24import com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider; 25import com.android.email.provider.ProviderTestUtils; 27import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent; 28import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Body; 29import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Message; 43 * You can run this entire test case with: 44 * runtest -c com.android.email.ControllerProviderOpsTests email 45 */ 53 public ControllerProviderOpsTests() { 54 super(EmailProvider.class, EmailContent.AUTHORITY); 55 } 111 */ 112 public void testCreateMailbox() { 113 // safety check that system mailboxes don't exist ...ContentCache.java https://bitbucket.org/camcory/android_packages_apps_email.git | Java | 850 lines
28 29import com.android.email.Email; 30import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; 39 * An LRU cache for EmailContent (Account, HostAuth, Mailbox, and Message, thus far). The intended 40 * user of this cache is EmailProvider itself; caching is entirely transparent to users of the 41 * provider. 186 /*package*/ int invalidateTokens(String id) { 187 if (Email.DEBUG && DEBUG_TOKENS) { 188 Log.d(mLogTag, "============ Invalidate tokens for: " + id); 193 if (token.getId().equals(id)) { 194 token.invalidate(); 195 removeList.add(token); 204 205 /*package*/ void invalidate() { 206 if (Email.DEBUG && DEBUG_TOKENS) {AccountSetupExchangeFragment.java https://bitbucket.org/camcory/android_packages_apps_email.git | Java | 490 lines
36 37import com.android.email.Email; 38import com.android.email.R; 40import com.android.email.provider.AccountBackupRestore; 41import com.android.email.service.EmailServiceUtils; 42import com.android.email.view.CertificateSelector; 87 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 88 if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) { 89 Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "AccountSetupExchangeFragment onCreate"); 121 122 // Calls validateFields() which enables or disables the Next button 123 // based on the fields' validity. 126 public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { 127 validateFields(); 128 }EmailServiceProxy.java https://bitbucket.org/camcory/android_packages_apps_email.git | Java | 471 lines
49 50public class EmailServiceProxy extends ServiceProxy implements IEmailService { 51 private static final String TAG = "EmailServiceProxy"; 84 85 public EmailServiceProxy(Context _context, Class<?> _class, IEmailServiceCallback _callback) { 86 super(_context, new Intent(_context, _class)); 92 // a known action or by a prebuilt intent 93 public EmailServiceProxy(Context _context, Intent _intent, IEmailServiceCallback _callback) { 94 super(_context, _intent); 103 104 public EmailServiceProxy(Context _context, String _action, IEmailServiceCallback _callback) { 105 super(_context, new Intent(_action)); 226 bundle.setClassLoader(Policy.class.getClassLoader()); 227 Log.v(TAG, "validate returns " + bundle.getInt(VALIDATE_BUNDLE_RESULT_CODE)); 228 return bundle;Contact.java https://bitbucket.org/ProuDroid/packages_apps_mms.git | Java | 1197 lines
23import android.os.Parcelable; 24import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email; 25import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone; 42 public static final int CONTACT_METHOD_TYPE_PHONE = 1; 43 public static final int CONTACT_METHOD_TYPE_EMAIL = 2; 44 public static final int CONTACT_METHOD_TYPE_SELF = 3; // the "Me" or profile contact 55// if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { 56// log("contact changed, invalidate cache"); 57// } 57// } 58// invalidateCache(); 59// } 65 if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { 66 log("presence changed, invalidate cache"); 67 }CallLogFragment.java https://bitbucket.org/ProuDroid/packages_apps_contacts.git | Java | 615 lines
53import com.android.contacts.voicemail.VoicemailStatusHelper; 54import com.android.contacts.voicemail.VoicemailStatusHelper.StatusMessage; 55import com.android.contacts.voicemail.VoicemailStatusHelperImpl; 80 81 private VoicemailStatusHelper mVoicemailStatusHelper; 82 private View mStatusMessageView; 180 181 int activeSources = mVoicemailStatusHelper.getNumberActivityVoicemailSources(statusCursor); 182 setVoicemailSourcesAvailable(activeSources != 0); 197 if (mVoicemailSourcesAvailable == voicemailSourcesAvailable) return; 198 mVoicemailSourcesAvailable = voicemailSourcesAvailable; 199 209 View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.call_log_fragment, container, false); 210 mVoicemailStatusHelper = new VoicemailStatusHelperImpl(); 211 mStatusMessageView = view.findViewById(R.id.voicemail_status);AdminJsonUnitTests.java https://github.com/gvpinto/leopin.git | Java | 453 lines
156 NewCompanyWrapper newCompanyWrapper = AdminDomain.getNewCompanyWrapper(); 157 newCompanyWrapper.getCompany().setEmail("gpintobbant.com"); 158 177 company.setUrl("https://www.goodcompany.com"); 178 company.setEmail("goodcompany@gmail.com"); 179 company.setPriPhone("9194553262"); 183 184 Set<ConstraintViolation<Company>> result = validator.validate(company); 185 LOGGER.error("Result Size[" + result.size() + "]"); 190 @Test 191 public void testCompanyInvalidEmail() throws Exception { 192 LocalValidatorFactoryBean validator = new LocalValidatorFactoryBean(); 197 company.setUrl("https://www.goodcompany.com"); 198 company.setEmail("goodcompany@gmailcom"); 199 company.setPriPhone("9194553262");UserProfileTag.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 295 lines
45 * Returns user profile attributes, or empty strings if the user has not been 46 * validated. This tag has a single attribute, "property." 47 * The <code>property</code> attribute may contain one of the following 51 * <li><code>created</code> - creation date</li> 52 * <li><code>email</code> - user's e-mail address</li> 53 * <li><code>fullname</code> - user's full name</li> 84 85 private static final String EMAIL = "email"; 86 141 } 142 else if ( EMAIL.equals( m_prop ) ) 143 { 143 { 144 result = profile.getEmail(); 145 }AuthDataManager.java https://gitlab.com/github-cloud-corporation/My-Wallet-V3-Android | Java | 219 lines
56 57 public Observable<CharSequenceX> validatePin(String pin) { 58 return Observable.fromCallable(() -> mAccessState.validatePIN(pin)) 120 121 public Observable<Integer> createCheckEmailTimer() { 122 timer = 2 * 60; 163 public void onCompleted() { 164 mPrefsUtil.setValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_EMAIL_VERIFIED, true); 165 listener.onSuccess();DataRowHandler.java https://gitlab.com/Atomic-ROM/packages_providers_ContactsProvider | Java | 376 lines
21import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; 22import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email; 23import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Nickname; 91 || Organization.COMPANY != Data.DATA1 || Phone.NUMBER != Data.DATA1 92 || Email.DATA != Data.DATA1) { 93 throw new AssertionError("Some of ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds class primary" 135 if (containsSearchableColumns(values)) { 136 txContext.invalidateSearchIndexForRawContact(rawContactId); 137 } 142 /** 143 * Validates data and updates a {@link Data} row using the cursor, which contains 144 * the current data. 160 if (containsSearchableColumns(values)) { 161 txContext.invalidateSearchIndexForRawContact(rawContactId); 162 }SignUpController.java https://gitlab.com/darioegb/esperanza | Java | 429 lines
103 public String activateUser(@RequestParam(value = "activate", required = true) String activationKey,@RequestParam(value = "emailAddress", required = true) String emailAddress,Model model, HttpServletRequest request) { 104 TypedQuery<User> query = User.findUsersByActivationKeyAndEmailAddress(activationKey, emailAddress); 105 User user=query.getSingleResult(); 111 HttpSession sessionObj = request.getSession(); 112 sessionObj.setAttribute("emailAddress" , user.getEmailAddress()); 113 sessionObj.setAttribute("roleId" , user.getRol().getId().toString()); 159 mail.setSubject("Activación de usuario - Esperanza"); 160 mail.setText("Hola "+user.getEmailAddress()+",\n. Usted ha registrado con nosotros. Por favor, haga clic en este enlace para activar tu cuenta - <a href=\"http://localhost:8080/Esperanza/signup?emailAddress="+user.getEmailAddress()+"&activate="+activationKey+"\">Enlace de activación</a>. \n Muchas Gracias Administración de Esperanza"); 161 mailSender.send(mail); 207 BindingResult bindingResult, Model model, HttpServletRequest request, final RedirectAttributes redirectAttrs) { 208 TypedQuery<User> query = User.findUsersByEmailAddress(personForm.getEmailAddress()); 209 User user = query.getSingleResult(); 240 BindingResult bindingResult, Model model, HttpServletRequest request) { 241 TypedQuery<User> query = User.findUsersByEmailAddress(institutionForm.getEmailAddress()); 242 User user = query.getSingleResult();QuickContactBadge.java https://gitlab.com/AvayKumar/android_frameworks_base | Java | 395 lines
192 * 193 * @param emailAddress The email address of the contact. 194 * @param lazyLookup If this is true, the lookup query will not be performed 205 206 @param emailAddress The email address of the contact. 207 @param lazyLookup If this is true, the lookup query will not be performed 215 public void assignContactFromEmail(String emailAddress, boolean lazyLookup, Bundle extras) { 216 mContactEmail = emailAddress; 217 mExtras = extras; 219 mQueryHandler.startQuery(TOKEN_EMAIL_LOOKUP, null, 220 Uri.withAppendedPath(Email.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI, Uri.encode(mContactEmail)), 221 EMAIL_LOOKUP_PROJECTION, null, null, null); 293 mQueryHandler.startQuery(TOKEN_EMAIL_LOOKUP_AND_TRIGGER, extras, 294 Uri.withAppendedPath(Email.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI, Uri.encode(mContactEmail)), 295 EMAIL_LOOKUP_PROJECTION, null, null, null);TestSession.java https://gitlab.com/varunkothamachu/yelo-android | Java | 519 lines
21import com.facebook.internal.Utility; 22import com.facebook.internal.Validate; 23import com.facebook.model.GraphObject; 89 90 Validate.notNull(permissions, "permissions"); 91 91 92 // Validate these as if they were arguments even though they are statics. 93 Validate.notNullOrEmpty(testApplicationId, "testApplicationId"); 93 Validate.notNullOrEmpty(testApplicationId, "testApplicationId"); 94 Validate.notNullOrEmpty(testApplicationSecret, "testApplicationSecret"); 95 107 * @param permissions list of strings containing permissions to request; nil will result in 108 * a common set of permissions (email, publish_actions) being requested 109 * @return a new TestSession that is in the CREATED state, ready to be openedAction.java https://gitlab.com/tuandung.bui/javamelody | Java | 525 lines
57 /** Invalidations des sessions http. */ 58 INVALIDATE_SESSIONS("systeminfo"), 59 60 /** Invalidation d'une session http. */ 61 INVALIDATE_SESSION(""), 62 198 break; 199 case INVALIDATE_SESSIONS: 200 // invalidation des sessions http 200 // invalidation des sessions http 201 SessionListener.invalidateAllSessionsExceptCurrentSession(currentSession); 202 messageForReport = I18N.getString("sessions_http_invalidees"); 286 throw new IllegalStateException( 287 "admin-emails has no value: add the admin-emails parameter"); 288 }