13+ results for 'matt wells gigablast' (65 ms)
1// Copyright Matt Wells Nov 2000 2 95 int32_t *bytesSent = NULL ); 96 bool sendErrorReply ( class GigablastRequest *gr ); 97 // xml and json uses this 97 // xml and json uses this 98 bool sendSuccessReply ( class GigablastRequest *gr, const char *addMsg=NULL); 99 bool sendSuccessReply (TcpSocket *s, char format, const char *addMsg=NULL); 99 bool sendSuccessReply (TcpSocket *s, char format, const char *addMsg=NULL); 100 // send a "prettier" error reply, formatted in XML if necessary 101 bool sendQueryErrorReply ( TcpSocket *s , int32_t error , const char *errmsg,udptest.cpp https://github.com/privacore/open-source-search-engine.git | C++ | 162 lines
1// Matt Wells, copyright Sep 2001 2 76 // default conf filename 77 char *confFilename = "./gigablast.conf"; 78 if ( ! g_conf.init ( confFilename ) ) {HttpRequest.h https://github.com/privacore/open-source-search-engine.git | C Header | 259 lines
1// Matt Wells, copyright Sep 2001 2 92 93 // for gigablast's own rendering of squid 94 bool m_isSquidProxyRequest;README.md https://github.com/privacore/open-source-search-engine.git | Markdown | 112 lines
7 8# Gigablast - an open source search engine 9 11 12This is a fork of the original Gigablast project available at https://github.com/gigablast/open-source-search-engine/. This version is heavily modified by Privacore, and tailored for our use. It is *not* a drop-in replacement for the original Gigablast. 13 15 16Our aim is *not* to maintain backwards compatibility with the original Gigablast data files. 17 29| Code removed | About half of the original source has been removed, e.g. diffbot/eventguru/buzzlogic/seo specific integrations.| 30| Disk space | Lots of 'junk' removed from the Posdb data files, reducing space usage significantly. This means that if you use our version with old Gigablast data files, data will not be deleted up correctly when re-indexing a page. You will need to rebuild the Posdb data files.| 31| Ranking | Ranking weights made configurable. | 109## SUPPORT 110Privacore does not provide paid support for Gigablast. We refer you to the original project at https://github.com/gigablast/open-source-search-engine/ and the owner Matt Wells. He has a Pro version you can buy which include support options. 111Log.h https://github.com/privacore/open-source-search-engine.git | C Header | 175 lines
1// Matt Wells, copyright Feb 2001 2 74// example log: 75//456456454 0 INIT Gigablast Version 1.234 76//454544444 0 INIT thread Allocated 435333 bytes for thread stacks.Msg13.h https://github.com/privacore/open-source-search-engine.git | C Header | 177 lines
1// Matt Wells, copyright Oct 2001 2 94 // does m_url represent a FULL http request mime and NOT just a url? 95 // this happens when gigablast is being used like a squid proxy. 96 unsigned m_isSquidProxiedUrl:1;Msg13.h https://github.com/acchou/open-source-search-engine.git | C Header | 193 lines
1// Matt Wells, copyright Oct 2001 2 95 // does m_url represent a FULL http request mime and NOT just a url? 96 // this happens when gigablast is being used like a squid proxy. 97 long m_isSquidProxiedUrl:1;dnstest.cpp https://github.com/gigablast/open-source-search-engine.git | C++ | 152 lines
1// Matt Wells, copyright Jan 2002 2 40 // use default 41 //if ( argc < 3 ) confFilename = "/gigablast/gigablast.conf"; 42 // start up log fileREADME.md https://github.com/gigablast/open-source-search-engine.git | Markdown | 44 lines
3 4An open source web and enterprise search engine and spider/crawler. As can be seen on http://www.gigablast.com/ . 5 5 6RUNNING GIGABLAST 7----------------- 12 13Alternatively, visit http://www.gigablast.com/faq.html 14 22 23Alternatively, visit http://www.gigablast.com/developer.html 24 30Contact me for feature requests or help in general. I will work for free 31for good use cases. mattdwells@hotmail.com. 32about.html https://github.com/gigablast/open-source-search-engine.git | HTML | 34 lines
8 9<p>As of 2013, Gigablast is one of the remaining four search engines in the United States that maintains its own searchable index of over a billion pages. 10</p> 11<br> 12<p>Founded in 2000, <a href=/bio.html>Matt Wells</a> created Gigablast to index up to 200 Billion pages 13with the least amount of hardware possible. Gigablast provides large-scale, 24<p> 25For more information, <a href=/contact.html>contact Gigablast</a>. 26</P>init.gb.conf https://github.com/gigablast/open-source-search-engine.git | Config | 23 lines
1# Gigablast Search Engine Service 2 3description "Gigablast Search Engine Service" 4author "Matt Wells <gigablast@mail.com>" 5 11 12env HOME=/var/gigablast/data0/ 13umask 007 17 18# this will read /etc/gigablast/hosts.conf and start up the 19# hosts in there that are local on this machine based on its ip address. 21# port and just exit right away without doing any harm. 22exec /var/gigablast/data0/gb 23README.md https://github.com/acchou/open-source-search-engine.git | Markdown | 34 lines
3 4An open source web and enterprise search engine. As can be seen on http://www.gigablast.com/ . 5 5 6RUNNING GIGABLAST 7----------------- 11 12Alternatively, visit http://www.gigablast.com/admin.html 13 13 14See html/compare.html for a comparison of Gigablast to SOLR. Although this 15is very sparse right now, it does include some useful commands. 31Contact me for feature requests or help in general. I will work for free 32for good use cases. mattdwells@hotmail.com. 33about.html https://github.com/balajin-cse/open-source-search-engine.git | HTML | 73 lines
2<head> 3<title>About Gigablast</title> 4 21<font color=33dcff> 22About Gigablast</font> 23</th> 32 33 <p>As of 2013, Gigablast is one of the remaining four search engines in the United States that maintains its own searchable index of over a billion pages. 34 36 37 <p>Founded in 2000, <a href=/bio.html>Matt Wells</a> created Gigablast to index up to 200 Billion pages 38 with the least amount of hardware possible. Gigablast provides large-scale, 49<p> 50Matt Wells is currently the sole maintainer and programmer of Gigablast and is open for <u>consulting work</u>. <a href=/contact.html>Contact</a> for more information. 51</p>