PageRenderTime 793ms queryTime 459ms sortTime 6ms getByIdsTime 66ms findMatchingLines 88ms

100+ results results for 'php trigger_error' (793 ms)

Not the results you expected?
php.js | JavaScript | 129 lines
23    atoms: keywords("true false null TRUE FALSE NULL __CLASS__ __DIR__ __FILE__ __LINE__ __METHOD__ __FUNCTION__ __NAMESPACE__"),
24    builtin: keywords("func_num_args func_get_arg func_get_args strlen strcmp strncmp strcasecmp strncasecmp each error_reporting define defined trigger_error user_error set_error_handler restore_error_handler get_declared_classes get_loaded_extensions extension_loaded get_extension_funcs debug_backtrace constant bin2hex sleep usleep time mktime gmmktime strftime gmstrftime strtotime date gmdate getdate localtime checkdate flush wordwrap htmlspecialchars htmlentities html_entity_decode md5 md5_file crc32 getimagesize image_type_to_mime_type phpinfo phpversion phpcredits strnatcmp strnatcasecmp substr_count strspn strcspn strtok strtoupper strtolower strpos strrpos strrev hebrev hebrevc nl2br basename dirname pathinfo stripslashes stripcslashes strstr stristr strrchr str_shuffle str_word_count strcoll substr substr_replace quotemeta ucfirst ucwords strtr addslashes addcslashes rtrim str_replace str_repeat count_chars chunk_split trim ltrim strip_tags similar_text explode implode setlocale localeconv parse_str str_pad chop strchr sprintf printf vprintf vsprintf sscanf fscanf parse_url urlencode urldecode rawurlencode rawurldecode readlink linkinfo link unlink exec system escapeshellcmd escapeshellarg passthru shell_exec proc_open proc_close rand srand getrandmax mt_rand mt_srand mt_getrandmax base64_decode base64_encode abs ceil floor round is_finite is_nan is_infinite bindec hexdec octdec decbin decoct dechex base_convert number_format fmod ip2long long2ip getenv putenv getopt microtime gettimeofday getrusage uniqid quoted_printable_decode set_time_limit get_cfg_var magic_quotes_runtime set_magic_quotes_runtime get_magic_quotes_gpc get_magic_quotes_runtime import_request_variables error_log serialize unserialize memory_get_usage var_dump var_export debug_zval_dump print_r highlight_file show_source highlight_string ini_get ini_get_all ini_set ini_alter ini_restore get_include_path set_include_path restore_include_path setcookie header headers_sent connection_aborted connection_status ignore_user_abort parse_ini_file is_uploaded_file move_uploaded_file intval floatval doubleval strval gettype settype is_null is_resource is_bool is_long is_float is_int is_integer is_double is_real is_numeric is_string is_array is_object is_scalar ereg ereg_replace eregi eregi_replace split spliti join sql_regcase dl pclose popen readfile rewind rmdir umask fclose feof fgetc fgets fgetss fread fopen fpassthru ftruncate fstat fseek ftell fflush fwrite fputs mkdir rename copy tempnam tmpfile file file_get_contents stream_select stream_context_create stream_context_set_params stream_context_set_option stream_context_get_options stream_filter_prepend stream_filter_append fgetcsv flock get_meta_tags stream_set_write_buffer set_file_buffer set_socket_blocking stream_set_blocking socket_set_blocking stream_get_meta_data stream_register_wrapper stream_wrapper_register stream_set_timeout socket_set_timeout socket_get_status realpath fnmatch fsockopen pfsockopen pack unpack get_browser crypt opendir closedir chdir getcwd rewinddir readdir dir glob fileatime filectime filegroup fileinode filemtime fileowner fileperms filesize filetype file_exists is_writable is_writeable is_readable is_executable is_file is_dir is_link stat lstat chown touch clearstatcache mail ob_start ob_flush ob_clean ob_end_flush ob_end_clean ob_get_flush ob_get_clean ob_get_length ob_get_level ob_get_status ob_get_contents ob_implicit_flush ob_list_handlers ksort krsort natsort natcasesort asort arsort sort rsort usort uasort uksort shuffle array_walk count end prev next reset current key min max in_array array_search extract compact array_fill range array_multisort array_push array_pop array_shift array_unshift array_splice array_slice array_merge array_merge_recursive array_keys array_values array_count_values array_reverse array_reduce array_pad array_flip array_change_key_case array_rand array_unique array_intersect array_intersect_assoc array_diff array_diff_assoc array_sum array_filter array_map array_chunk array_key_exists pos sizeof key_exists assert assert_options version_compare ftok str_rot13 aggregate session_name session_module_name session_save_path session_id session_regenerate_id session_decode session_register session_unregister session_is_registered session_encode session_start session_destroy session_unset session_set_save_handler session_cache_limiter session_cache_expire session_set_cookie_params session_get_cookie_params session_write_close preg_match preg_match_all preg_replace preg_replace_callback preg_split preg_quote preg_grep overload ctype_alnum ctype_alpha ctype_cntrl ctype_digit ctype_lower ctype_graph ctype_print ctype_punct ctype_space ctype_upper ctype_xdigit virtual apache_request_headers apache_note apache_lookup_uri apache_child_terminate apache_setenv apache_response_headers apache_get_version getallheaders mysql_connect mysql_pconnect mysql_close mysql_select_db mysql_create_db mysql_drop_db mysql_query mysql_unbuffered_query mysql_db_query mysql_list_dbs mysql_list_tables mysql_list_fields mysql_list_processes mysql_error mysql_errno mysql_affected_rows mysql_insert_id mysql_result mysql_num_rows mysql_num_fields mysql_fetch_row mysql_fetch_array mysql_fetch_assoc mysql_fetch_object mysql_data_seek mysql_fetch_lengths mysql_fetch_field mysql_field_seek mysql_free_result mysql_field_name mysql_field_table mysql_field_len mysql_field_type mysql_field_flags mysql_escape_string mysql_real_escape_string mysql_stat mysql_thread_id mysql_client_encoding mysql_get_client_info mysql_get_host_info mysql_get_proto_info mysql_get_server_info mysql_info mysql mysql_fieldname mysql_fieldtable mysql_fieldlen mysql_fieldtype mysql_fieldflags mysql_selectdb mysql_createdb mysql_dropdb mysql_freeresult mysql_numfields mysql_numrows mysql_listdbs mysql_listtables mysql_listfields mysql_db_name mysql_dbname mysql_tablename mysql_table_name pg_connect pg_pconnect pg_close pg_connection_status pg_connection_busy pg_connection_reset pg_host pg_dbname pg_port pg_tty pg_options pg_ping pg_query pg_send_query pg_cancel_query pg_fetch_result pg_fetch_row pg_fetch_assoc pg_fetch_array pg_fetch_object pg_fetch_all pg_affected_rows pg_get_result pg_result_seek pg_result_status pg_free_result pg_last_oid pg_num_rows pg_num_fields pg_field_name pg_field_num pg_field_size pg_field_type pg_field_prtlen pg_field_is_null pg_get_notify pg_get_pid pg_result_error pg_last_error pg_last_notice pg_put_line pg_end_copy pg_copy_to pg_copy_from pg_trace pg_untrace pg_lo_create pg_lo_unlink pg_lo_open pg_lo_close pg_lo_read pg_lo_write pg_lo_read_all pg_lo_import pg_lo_export pg_lo_seek pg_lo_tell pg_escape_string pg_escape_bytea pg_unescape_bytea pg_client_encoding pg_set_client_encoding pg_meta_data pg_convert pg_insert pg_update pg_delete pg_select pg_exec pg_getlastoid pg_cmdtuples pg_errormessage pg_numrows pg_numfields pg_fieldname pg_fieldsize pg_fieldtype pg_fieldnum pg_fieldprtlen pg_fieldisnull pg_freeresult pg_result pg_loreadall pg_locreate pg_lounlink pg_loopen pg_loclose pg_loread pg_lowrite pg_loimport pg_loexport echo print global static exit array empty eval isset unset die include require include_once require_once"),
25    multiLineStrings: true,
54    var htmlMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "text/html");
55    var phpMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, phpConfig);
82        return style;
83      } else if (isPHP && state.php.tokenize == null && stream.match("?>")) {
84        state.curMode = htmlMode;
103        var html = state.html, htmlNew = CodeMirror.copyState(htmlMode, html),
104            php = state.php, phpNew = CodeMirror.copyState(phpMode, php), cur;
105        if (state.curMode == htmlMode) cur = htmlNew;
127  CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/x-httpd-php-open", {name: "php", startOpen: true});
128  CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-php", phpConfig);
php.js | JavaScript | 132 lines
23    atoms: keywords("true false null TRUE FALSE NULL __CLASS__ __DIR__ __FILE__ __LINE__ __METHOD__ __FUNCTION__ __NAMESPACE__ __TRAIT__"),
24    builtin: keywords("func_num_args func_get_arg func_get_args strlen strcmp strncmp strcasecmp strncasecmp each error_reporting define defined trigger_error user_error set_error_handler restore_error_handler get_declared_classes get_loaded_extensions extension_loaded get_extension_funcs debug_backtrace constant bin2hex hex2bin sleep usleep time mktime gmmktime strftime gmstrftime strtotime date gmdate getdate localtime checkdate flush wordwrap htmlspecialchars htmlentities html_entity_decode md5 md5_file crc32 getimagesize image_type_to_mime_type phpinfo phpversion phpcredits strnatcmp strnatcasecmp substr_count strspn strcspn strtok strtoupper strtolower strpos strrpos strrev hebrev hebrevc nl2br basename dirname pathinfo stripslashes stripcslashes strstr stristr strrchr str_shuffle str_word_count strcoll substr substr_replace quotemeta ucfirst ucwords strtr addslashes addcslashes rtrim str_replace str_repeat count_chars chunk_split trim ltrim strip_tags similar_text explode implode setlocale localeconv parse_str str_pad chop strchr sprintf printf vprintf vsprintf sscanf fscanf parse_url urlencode urldecode rawurlencode rawurldecode readlink linkinfo link unlink exec system escapeshellcmd escapeshellarg passthru shell_exec proc_open proc_close rand srand getrandmax mt_rand mt_srand mt_getrandmax base64_decode base64_encode abs ceil floor round is_finite is_nan is_infinite bindec hexdec octdec decbin decoct dechex base_convert number_format fmod ip2long long2ip getenv putenv getopt microtime gettimeofday getrusage uniqid quoted_printable_decode set_time_limit get_cfg_var magic_quotes_runtime set_magic_quotes_runtime get_magic_quotes_gpc get_magic_quotes_runtime import_request_variables error_log serialize unserialize memory_get_usage var_dump var_export debug_zval_dump print_r highlight_file show_source highlight_string ini_get ini_get_all ini_set ini_alter ini_restore get_include_path set_include_path restore_include_path setcookie header headers_sent connection_aborted connection_status ignore_user_abort parse_ini_file is_uploaded_file move_uploaded_file intval floatval doubleval strval gettype settype is_null is_resource is_bool is_long is_float is_int is_integer is_double is_real is_numeric is_string is_array is_object is_scalar ereg ereg_replace eregi eregi_replace split spliti join sql_regcase dl pclose popen readfile rewind rmdir umask fclose feof fgetc fgets fgetss fread fopen fpassthru ftruncate fstat fseek ftell fflush fwrite fputs mkdir rename copy tempnam tmpfile file file_get_contents stream_select stream_context_create stream_context_set_params stream_context_set_option stream_context_get_options stream_filter_prepend stream_filter_append fgetcsv flock get_meta_tags stream_set_write_buffer set_file_buffer set_socket_blocking stream_set_blocking socket_set_blocking stream_get_meta_data stream_register_wrapper stream_wrapper_register stream_set_timeout socket_set_timeout socket_get_status realpath fnmatch fsockopen pfsockopen pack unpack get_browser crypt opendir closedir chdir getcwd rewinddir readdir dir glob fileatime filectime filegroup fileinode filemtime fileowner fileperms filesize filetype file_exists is_writable is_writeable is_readable is_executable is_file is_dir is_link stat lstat chown touch clearstatcache mail ob_start ob_flush ob_clean ob_end_flush ob_end_clean ob_get_flush ob_get_clean ob_get_length ob_get_level ob_get_status ob_get_contents ob_implicit_flush ob_list_handlers ksort krsort natsort natcasesort asort arsort sort rsort usort uasort uksort shuffle array_walk count end prev next reset current key min max in_array array_search extract compact array_fill range array_multisort array_push array_pop array_shift array_unshift array_splice array_slice array_merge array_merge_recursive array_keys array_values array_count_values array_reverse array_reduce array_pad array_flip array_change_key_case array_rand array_unique array_intersect array_intersect_assoc array_diff array_diff_assoc array_sum array_filter array_map array_chunk array_key_exists pos sizeof key_exists assert assert_options version_compare ftok str_rot13 aggregate session_name session_module_name session_save_path session_id session_regenerate_id session_decode session_register session_unregister session_is_registered session_encode session_start session_destroy session_unset session_set_save_handler session_cache_limiter session_cache_expire session_set_cookie_params session_get_cookie_params session_write_close preg_match preg_match_all preg_replace preg_replace_callback preg_split preg_quote preg_grep overload ctype_alnum ctype_alpha ctype_cntrl ctype_digit ctype_lower ctype_graph ctype_print ctype_punct ctype_space ctype_upper ctype_xdigit virtual apache_request_headers apache_note apache_lookup_uri apache_child_terminate apache_setenv apache_response_headers apache_get_version getallheaders mysql_connect mysql_pconnect mysql_close mysql_select_db mysql_create_db mysql_drop_db mysql_query mysql_unbuffered_query mysql_db_query mysql_list_dbs mysql_list_tables mysql_list_fields mysql_list_processes mysql_error mysql_errno mysql_affected_rows mysql_insert_id mysql_result mysql_num_rows mysql_num_fields mysql_fetch_row mysql_fetch_array mysql_fetch_assoc mysql_fetch_object mysql_data_seek mysql_fetch_lengths mysql_fetch_field mysql_field_seek mysql_free_result mysql_field_name mysql_field_table mysql_field_len mysql_field_type mysql_field_flags mysql_escape_string mysql_real_escape_string mysql_stat mysql_thread_id mysql_client_encoding mysql_get_client_info mysql_get_host_info mysql_get_proto_info mysql_get_server_info mysql_info mysql mysql_fieldname mysql_fieldtable mysql_fieldlen mysql_fieldtype mysql_fieldflags mysql_selectdb mysql_createdb mysql_dropdb mysql_freeresult mysql_numfields mysql_numrows mysql_listdbs mysql_listtables mysql_listfields mysql_db_name mysql_dbname mysql_tablename mysql_table_name pg_connect pg_pconnect pg_close pg_connection_status pg_connection_busy pg_connection_reset pg_host pg_dbname pg_port pg_tty pg_options pg_ping pg_query pg_send_query pg_cancel_query pg_fetch_result pg_fetch_row pg_fetch_assoc pg_fetch_array pg_fetch_object pg_fetch_all pg_affected_rows pg_get_result pg_result_seek pg_result_status pg_free_result pg_last_oid pg_num_rows pg_num_fields pg_field_name pg_field_num pg_field_size pg_field_type pg_field_prtlen pg_field_is_null pg_get_notify pg_get_pid pg_result_error pg_last_error pg_last_notice pg_put_line pg_end_copy pg_copy_to pg_copy_from pg_trace pg_untrace pg_lo_create pg_lo_unlink pg_lo_open pg_lo_close pg_lo_read pg_lo_write pg_lo_read_all pg_lo_import pg_lo_export pg_lo_seek pg_lo_tell pg_escape_string pg_escape_bytea pg_unescape_bytea pg_client_encoding pg_set_client_encoding pg_meta_data pg_convert pg_insert pg_update pg_delete pg_select pg_exec pg_getlastoid pg_cmdtuples pg_errormessage pg_numrows pg_numfields pg_fieldname pg_fieldsize pg_fieldtype pg_fieldnum pg_fieldprtlen pg_fieldisnull pg_freeresult pg_result pg_loreadall pg_locreate pg_lounlink pg_loopen pg_loclose pg_loread pg_lowrite pg_loimport pg_loexport http_response_code get_declared_traits getimagesizefromstring socket_import_stream stream_set_chunk_size trait_exists header_register_callback class_uses session_status session_register_shutdown echo print global static exit array empty eval isset unset die include require include_once require_once"),
25    multiLineStrings: true,
54    var htmlMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "text/html");
55    var phpMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, phpConfig);
82        return style;
83      } else if (isPHP && state.php.tokenize == null && stream.match("?>")) {
84        state.curMode = htmlMode;
103        var html = state.html, htmlNew = CodeMirror.copyState(htmlMode, html),
104            php = state.php, phpNew = CodeMirror.copyState(phpMode, php), cur;
105        if (state.curMode == htmlMode) cur = htmlNew;
130  CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/x-httpd-php-open", {name: "php", startOpen: true});
131  CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-php", phpConfig);
class-wpb-map.php | PHP | 563 lines
12 * This class maps shortcodes settings to VC editors. You can manage add new shortcodes or manage default shortcodes
13 * mapped in config/map.php. For developers it is possible to use API functions to add update settings attributes.
14 *
14 *
15 * @see config/map.php
16 * @see include/helpers/helpers_api.php
126	 * You need to shortcode's tag and  settings to map correctly.
127	 * Default shortcodes are mapped in config/map.php file.
128	 * The best way is to call this method with "init" action callback function of WP.
144			if ( empty( $attributes['name'] ) ) {
145				trigger_error( sprintf( __( "Wrong name for shortcode:%s. Name required", "js_composer" ), $tag ) );
146			} elseif ( empty( $attributes['base'] ) ) {
146			} elseif ( empty( $attributes['base'] ) ) {
147				trigger_error( sprintf( __( "Wrong base for shortcode:%s. Base required", "js_composer" ), $tag ) );
148			} else {
cache.php | PHP | 541 lines
124			$cacheEngine = new CacheEngineNone();
125			trigger_error("Cache engine is not found", E_USER_WARNING);
126		}
130			$cacheEngine = new CacheEngineNone();
131			trigger_error("Cache engine is not available", E_USER_WARNING);
132		}
197		$scriptName = $server->get("SCRIPT_NAME");
198		if ($scriptName == "/bitrix/urlrewrite.php" && (($v = $server->get("REAL_FILE_PATH")) != null))
199		{
201		}
202		elseif ($scriptName == "/404.php" && (($v = $server->get("REAL_FILE_PATH")) != null))
203		{
257		$un = md5($uniqueString);
258		return mb_substr($un, 0, 2)."/".$un.".php";
259	}
Lexer.php | PHP | 357 lines
72            $lexer = $config;
73            trigger_error(
74                "Passing a prototype to
137        // once PHP DOM implements native line numbers, or we
138        // hack out something using XSLT, remove this stipulation
224    {
225        trigger_error('Call to abstract class', E_USER_ERROR);
226    }
2-5-migration-guide.rst | ReStructuredText | 289 lines
51- :php:class:`CookieComponent` peut utiliser le nouveau chiffrement AES-256
52  offert par :php:class:`Security`. Vous pouvez activer ceci en appelant
53  :php:meth:`CookieComponent::type()` avec 'aes'.
162- :php:meth:`Router::mapResources()` accepte la clé ``connectOptions`` dans
163  l'argument ``$options``. Regardez :ref:`custom-rest-routing` pour plus de
179- :php:meth:`Hash::insert()` et :php:meth:`Hash::remove()` supportent maintenant
180  les expressions de matcher dans les selecteurs de chemin.
198- :php:meth:`Security::encrypt()` et :php:meth:`Security::decrypt()` ont été
199  ajoutées. Ces méthodes montrent une API très simple pour accéder au
271  sécuriser les formulaires avec SecurityComponent.
272- :php:meth:`FormHelper::end()` et :php:meth:`FormHelper::secure()` vous
273  permettent de passer des options supplémentaires qui sont changées en
MigrationPluginManager.php git:// | PHP | 272 lines
75        if (is_dir($directory . '/migration_templates')) {
76          @trigger_error('Use of the /migration_templates directory to store migration configuration files is deprecated in Drupal 8.1.0 and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
77        }
atomlib.php | PHP | 354 lines
3 * Atom Syndication Format PHP Library
4 *
5 * @package AtomLib
6 * @link
7 *
85    var $FILE = "php://input";
132            if(!xml_parse($parser, $data, feof($fp))) {
133                trigger_error(sprintf(__('XML error: %s at line %d')."\n",
134                    xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)),
174            if($this->is_html || $this->is_text)
175                trigger_error("Invalid content in element found. Content must not be of type text or html if it contains markup.");
ms-default-constants.php | PHP | 151 lines
3 * Defines constants and global variables that can be overridden, generally in wp-config.php.
4 *
13 * Exists for backward compatibility with legacy file-serving through
14 * wp-includes/ms-files.php (wp-content/blogs.php in MU).
15 *
21	// This filter is attached in ms-default-filters.php but that file is not included during SHORTINIT.
22	add_filter( 'default_site_option_ms_files_rewriting', '__return_true' );
65	if ( !defined( 'ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH' ) ) {
66		if ( ! is_subdomain_install() || trim( parse_url( get_option( 'siteurl' ), PHP_URL_PATH ), '/' ) ) {
87 * Exists for backward compatibility with legacy file-serving through
88 * wp-includes/ms-files.php (wp-content/blogs.php in MU).
89 *
MethodTable.php | PHP | 554 lines
35	 * this constructor should be made private. Unfortunately, this is not possible
36	 * in PHP4.
37	 *
61			$className = substr($className, strrpos($className, '/') + 1);
62			$className = str_replace('.php', '', $className);
63		}
65		{
66			$className = str_replace('.php', '', $className);
67			$fullPath = str_replace('.', '/', $className);
75			{
76				if(isset($GLOBALS['amfphp']['classPath']))
77				{
77				{
78					$servicePath = $GLOBALS['amfphp']['classPath'];
79				}
UserManager.php | PHP | 243 lines
139    {
140        trigger_error('Using the UserManager as user provider is deprecated. Use FOS\UserBundle\Security\UserProvider instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
171    {
172        trigger_error('Using the UserManager as user provider is deprecated. Use FOS\UserBundle\Security\UserProvider instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
238    {
239        trigger_error('Using the UserManager as user provider is deprecated. Use FOS\UserBundle\Security\UserProvider instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
MDB2Store.php | PHP | 413 lines
5 *
6 * PHP versions 4 and 5
7 *
16require_once 'MDB2.php';
20 */
21require_once 'Auth/OpenID/Interface.php';
25 */
26require_once 'Auth/OpenID.php';
30 */
31require_once 'Auth/OpenID/Nonce.php';
opcache.php | PHP | 438 lines
19if( version_compare( get_bloginfo('version'), '3.8', '<') ) {
20	require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php');
21	deactivate_plugins( __FILE__ );
31	const PHP_URL = '';
171		);
172		if( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.5.5') >= 0)
173			$this->hooks[] = add_submenu_page(
293	function render_widget_info_widget() {
294		$this->load_view('widgets/info.php');
295	}
426				'<a href="%s">%s</a>',
427				( is_network_admin() ? network_admin_url('admin.php?page=opcache') : admin_url('admin.php?page=opcache') ),
428				__('Dashboard', 'opcache')
HTMLModuleManager.php | PHP | 403 lines
159                if (!class_exists($module)) {
160                    trigger_error($original_module . ' module does not exist',
161                        E_USER_ERROR);
167        if (empty($module->name)) {
168            trigger_error('Module instance of ' . get_class($module) . ' must have name');
169            return;
171        if (!$overload && isset($this->registeredModules[$module->name])) {
172            trigger_error('Overloading ' . $module->name . ' without explicit overload parameter', E_USER_WARNING);
173        }
ucp_pm.php | PHP | 424 lines
83		include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_privmsgs.' . $phpEx);
143				include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/ucp/ucp_pm_options.' . $phpEx);
144				message_options($id, $mode, $global_privmsgs_rules, $global_rule_conditions);
154				// Call another module... please do not try this at home... Hoochie Coochie Man
155				include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/ucp/ucp_main.' . $phpEx);
382				{
383					include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/ucp/ucp_pm_viewfolder.' . $phpEx);
384					view_folder($id, $mode, $folder_id, $folder);
400					include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/ucp/ucp_pm_viewmessage.' . $phpEx);
401					view_message($id, $mode, $folder_id, $msg_id, $folder, $message_row);
Renderer.php | PHP | 174 lines
5    use ManaPHP\Mvc\View\Renderer\EngineInterface;
6    use ManaPHP\Mvc\View\Renderer\Exception;
21        {
22            $this->_registeredEngines['.phtml'] = 'ManaPHP\Mvc\View\Renderer\Engine\Php';
23            $this->_registeredEngines['.tpl'] = 'ManaPHP\Mvc\View\Renderer\Engine\Smarty';
30         * @return \ManaPHP\Mvc\View\Renderer\EngineInterface
31         * @throws \ManaPHP\Mvc\View\Renderer\Exception
32         */
43            if (!$engine instanceof EngineInterface) {
44                throw new Exception('Invalid template engine: it is not implements \ManaPHP\Mvc\Renderer\EngineInterface');
45            }
147         *$renderer->registerEngines(array(
148         *  ".phtml" => "ManaPHP\Mvc\View\Renderer\Engine\Php",
149         *  ".html" => "ManaPHP\Mvc\View\Renderer\Engine\Html",
DefaultFormRenderer.php git:// | PHP | 515 lines
160	{
161		trigger_error(__METHOD__ . '() is deprecated; use unobstructive JavaScript instead.', E_USER_WARNING);
162		return $this;
Lexer.php | PHP | 345 lines
74            $lexer = $config;
75            trigger_error("Passing a prototype to
76              HTMLPurifier_Lexer::create() is deprecated, please instead
145     // once PHP DOM implements native line numbers, or we
146        // hack out something using XSLT, remove this stipulation
217    {
218        trigger_error('Call to abstract class', E_USER_ERROR);
219    }
password.php | PHP | 279 lines
3 * A Compatibility library with PHP 5.5's simplified password hashing API.
4 *
4 *
5 * @author Anthony Ferrara <>
6 * @license MIT License
27        if (!function_exists('crypt')) {
28            trigger_error("Crypt must be loaded for password_hash to function", E_USER_WARNING);
29            return null;
31        if (!is_string($password)) {
32            trigger_error("password_hash(): Password must be a string", E_USER_WARNING);
33            return null;
35        if (!is_int($algo)) {
36            trigger_error("password_hash() expects parameter 2 to be long, " . gettype($algo) . " given", E_USER_WARNING);
37            return null;
IRI.php | PHP | 1238 lines
4 *
5 * A PHP-Based RSS and Atom Feed Framework.
6 * Takes the hard work out of managing a complete RSS/Atom solution.
41 * @link SimplePie
42 * @license BSD License
43 */
53 * @copyright 2007-2012 Geoffrey Sneddon, Steve Minutillo, Ryan McCue
54 * @license
55 */
206		{
207			trigger_error('Undefined property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name, E_USER_NOTICE);
208			$return = null;
rss.php | PHP | 939 lines
16 * Deprecated. Use SimplePie (class-simplepie.php) instead.
17 */
17 */
18_deprecated_file( basename( __FILE__ ), '3.0', WPINC . '/class-simplepie.php' );
56		# if PHP xml isn't compiled in, die
57		#
58		if ( !function_exists('xml_parser_create') )
59			trigger_error( "Failed to load PHP's XML Extension." );
63		if ( !is_resource($parser) )
64			trigger_error( "Failed to create an instance of PHP's XML parser.");
php.js | JavaScript | 233 lines
97  var phpAtoms = "true false null TRUE FALSE NULL __CLASS__ __DIR__ __FILE__ __LINE__ __METHOD__ __FUNCTION__ __NAMESPACE__ __TRAIT__";
98  var phpBuiltin = "func_num_args func_get_arg func_get_args strlen strcmp strncmp strcasecmp strncasecmp each error_reporting define defined trigger_error user_error set_error_handler restore_error_handler get_declared_classes get_loaded_extensions extension_loaded get_extension_funcs debug_backtrace constant bin2hex hex2bin sleep usleep time mktime gmmktime strftime gmstrftime strtotime date gmdate getdate localtime checkdate flush wordwrap htmlspecialchars htmlentities html_entity_decode md5 md5_file crc32 getimagesize image_type_to_mime_type phpinfo phpversion phpcredits strnatcmp strnatcasecmp substr_count strspn strcspn strtok strtoupper strtolower strpos strrpos strrev hebrev hebrevc nl2br basename dirname pathinfo stripslashes stripcslashes strstr stristr strrchr str_shuffle str_word_count strcoll substr substr_replace quotemeta ucfirst ucwords strtr addslashes addcslashes rtrim str_replace str_repeat count_chars chunk_split trim ltrim strip_tags similar_text explode implode setlocale localeconv parse_str str_pad chop strchr sprintf printf vprintf vsprintf sscanf fscanf parse_url urlencode urldecode rawurlencode rawurldecode readlink linkinfo link unlink exec system escapeshellcmd escapeshellarg passthru shell_exec proc_open proc_close rand srand getrandmax mt_rand mt_srand mt_getrandmax base64_decode base64_encode abs ceil floor round is_finite is_nan is_infinite bindec hexdec octdec decbin decoct dechex base_convert number_format fmod ip2long long2ip getenv putenv getopt microtime gettimeofday getrusage uniqid quoted_printable_decode set_time_limit get_cfg_var magic_quotes_runtime set_magic_quotes_runtime get_magic_quotes_gpc get_magic_quotes_runtime import_request_variables error_log serialize unserialize memory_get_usage var_dump var_export debug_zval_dump print_r highlight_file show_source highlight_string ini_get ini_get_all ini_set ini_alter ini_restore get_include_path set_include_path restore_include_path setcookie header headers_sent connection_aborted connection_status ignore_user_abort parse_ini_file is_uploaded_file move_uploaded_file intval floatval doubleval strval gettype settype is_null is_resource is_bool is_long is_float is_int is_integer is_double is_real is_numeric is_string is_array is_object is_scalar ereg ereg_replace eregi eregi_replace split spliti join sql_regcase dl pclose popen readfile rewind rmdir umask fclose feof fgetc fgets fgetss fread fopen fpassthru ftruncate fstat fseek ftell fflush fwrite fputs mkdir rename copy tempnam tmpfile file file_get_contents stream_select stream_context_create stream_context_set_params stream_context_set_option stream_context_get_options stream_filter_prepend stream_filter_append fgetcsv flock get_meta_tags stream_set_write_buffer set_file_buffer set_socket_blocking stream_set_blocking socket_set_blocking stream_get_meta_data stream_register_wrapper stream_wrapper_register stream_set_timeout socket_set_timeout socket_get_status realpath fnmatch fsockopen pfsockopen pack unpack get_browser crypt opendir closedir chdir getcwd rewinddir readdir dir glob fileatime filectime filegroup fileinode filemtime fileowner fileperms filesize filetype file_exists is_writable is_writeable is_readable is_executable is_file is_dir is_link stat lstat chown touch clearstatcache mail ob_start ob_flush ob_clean ob_end_flush ob_end_clean ob_get_flush ob_get_clean ob_get_length ob_get_level ob_get_status ob_get_contents ob_implicit_flush ob_list_handlers ksort krsort natsort natcasesort asort arsort sort rsort usort uasort uksort shuffle array_walk count end prev next reset current key min max in_array array_search extract compact array_fill range array_multisort array_push array_pop array_shift array_unshift array_splice array_slice array_merge array_merge_recursive array_keys array_values array_count_values array_reverse array_reduce array_pad array_flip array_change_key_case array_rand array_unique array_intersect array_intersect_assoc array_diff array_diff_assoc array_sum array_filter array_map array_chunk array_key_exists pos sizeof key_exists assert assert_options version_compare ftok str_rot13 aggregate session_name session_module_name session_save_path session_id session_regenerate_id session_decode session_register session_unregister session_is_registered session_encode session_start session_destroy session_unset session_set_save_handler session_cache_limiter session_cache_expire session_set_cookie_params session_get_cookie_params session_write_close preg_match preg_match_all preg_replace preg_replace_callback preg_split preg_quote preg_grep overload ctype_alnum ctype_alpha ctype_cntrl ctype_digit ctype_lower ctype_graph ctype_print ctype_punct ctype_space ctype_upper ctype_xdigit virtual apache_request_headers apache_note apache_lookup_uri apache_child_terminate apache_setenv apache_response_headers apache_get_version getallheaders mysql_connect mysql_pconnect mysql_close mysql_select_db mysql_create_db mysql_drop_db mysql_query mysql_unbuffered_query mysql_db_query mysql_list_dbs mysql_list_tables mysql_list_fields mysql_list_processes mysql_error mysql_errno mysql_affected_rows mysql_insert_id mysql_result mysql_num_rows mysql_num_fields mysql_fetch_row mysql_fetch_array mysql_fetch_assoc mysql_fetch_object mysql_data_seek mysql_fetch_lengths mysql_fetch_field mysql_field_seek mysql_free_result mysql_field_name mysql_field_table mysql_field_len mysql_field_type mysql_field_flags mysql_escape_string mysql_real_escape_string mysql_stat mysql_thread_id mysql_client_encoding mysql_get_client_info mysql_get_host_info mysql_get_proto_info mysql_get_server_info mysql_info mysql mysql_fieldname mysql_fieldtable mysql_fieldlen mysql_fieldtype mysql_fieldflags mysql_selectdb mysql_createdb mysql_dropdb mysql_freeresult mysql_numfields mysql_numrows mysql_listdbs mysql_listtables mysql_listfields mysql_db_name mysql_dbname mysql_tablename mysql_table_name pg_connect pg_pconnect pg_close pg_connection_status pg_connection_busy pg_connection_reset pg_host pg_dbname pg_port pg_tty pg_options pg_ping pg_query pg_send_query pg_cancel_query pg_fetch_result pg_fetch_row pg_fetch_assoc pg_fetch_array pg_fetch_object pg_fetch_all pg_affected_rows pg_get_result pg_result_seek pg_result_status pg_free_result pg_last_oid pg_num_rows pg_num_fields pg_field_name pg_field_num pg_field_size pg_field_type pg_field_prtlen pg_field_is_null pg_get_notify pg_get_pid pg_result_error pg_last_error pg_last_notice pg_put_line pg_end_copy pg_copy_to pg_copy_from pg_trace pg_untrace pg_lo_create pg_lo_unlink pg_lo_open pg_lo_close pg_lo_read pg_lo_write pg_lo_read_all pg_lo_import pg_lo_export pg_lo_seek pg_lo_tell pg_escape_string pg_escape_bytea pg_unescape_bytea pg_client_encoding pg_set_client_encoding pg_meta_data pg_convert pg_insert pg_update pg_delete pg_select pg_exec pg_getlastoid pg_cmdtuples pg_errormessage pg_numrows pg_numfields pg_fieldname pg_fieldsize pg_fieldtype pg_fieldnum pg_fieldprtlen pg_fieldisnull pg_freeresult pg_result pg_loreadall pg_locreate pg_lounlink pg_loopen pg_loclose pg_loread pg_lowrite pg_loimport pg_loexport http_response_code get_declared_traits getimagesizefromstring socket_import_stream stream_set_chunk_size trait_exists header_register_callback class_uses session_status session_register_shutdown echo print global static exit array empty eval isset unset die include require include_once require_once json_decode json_encode json_last_error json_last_error_msg curl_close curl_copy_handle curl_errno curl_error curl_escape curl_exec curl_file_create curl_getinfo curl_init curl_multi_add_handle curl_multi_close curl_multi_exec curl_multi_getcontent curl_multi_info_read curl_multi_init curl_multi_remove_handle curl_multi_select curl_multi_setopt curl_multi_strerror curl_pause curl_reset curl_setopt_array curl_setopt curl_share_close curl_share_init curl_share_setopt curl_strerror curl_unescape curl_version mysqli_affected_rows mysqli_autocommit mysqli_change_user mysqli_character_set_name mysqli_close mysqli_commit mysqli_connect_errno mysqli_connect_error mysqli_connect mysqli_data_seek mysqli_debug mysqli_dump_debug_info mysqli_errno mysqli_error_list mysqli_error mysqli_fetch_all mysqli_fetch_array mysqli_fetch_assoc mysqli_fetch_field_direct mysqli_fetch_field mysqli_fetch_fields mysqli_fetch_lengths mysqli_fetch_object mysqli_fetch_row mysqli_field_count mysqli_field_seek mysqli_field_tell mysqli_free_result mysqli_get_charset mysqli_get_client_info mysqli_get_client_stats mysqli_get_client_version mysqli_get_connection_stats mysqli_get_host_info mysqli_get_proto_info mysqli_get_server_info mysqli_get_server_version mysqli_info mysqli_init mysqli_insert_id mysqli_kill mysqli_more_results mysqli_multi_query mysqli_next_result mysqli_num_fields mysqli_num_rows mysqli_options mysqli_ping mysqli_prepare mysqli_query mysqli_real_connect mysqli_real_escape_string mysqli_real_query mysqli_reap_async_query mysqli_refresh mysqli_rollback mysqli_select_db mysqli_set_charset mysqli_set_local_infile_default mysqli_set_local_infile_handler mysqli_sqlstate mysqli_ssl_set mysqli_stat mysqli_stmt_init mysqli_store_result mysqli_thread_id mysqli_thread_safe mysqli_use_result mysqli_warning_count";
99  CodeMirror.registerHelper("hintWords", "php", [phpKeywords, phpAtoms, phpBuiltin].join(" ").split(" "));
141      "{": function(_stream, state) {
142        if (state.phpEncapsStack && state.phpEncapsStack.length > 0)
143          state.phpEncapsStack[state.phpEncapsStack.length - 1]++;
147        if (state.phpEncapsStack && state.phpEncapsStack.length > 0)
148          if (--state.phpEncapsStack[state.phpEncapsStack.length - 1] == 0)
149            state.tokenize = stringWithEscapes;
156    var htmlMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "text/html");
157    var phpMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, phpConfig);
159    function dispatch(stream, state) {
160      var isPHP = state.curMode == phpMode;
161      if (stream.sol() && state.pending && state.pending != '"' && state.pending != "'") state.pending = null;
hash.php | PHP | 245 lines
4 *
5 * An open source application development framework for PHP
6 *
41 * PHP ext/hash compatibility package
42 *
47 * @link
48 * @link
49 */
53if (is_php('5.6'))
64	 *
65	 * @link
66	 * @param	string	$known_string
2-5-migration-guide.rst | ReStructuredText | 268 lines
49- :php:class:`CookieComponent` can use the new AES-256 encryption offered by
50  :php:class:`Security`. You can enable this by calling
51  :php:meth:`CookieComponent::type()` with 'aes'.
169- :php:meth:`Hash::insert()` and :php:meth:`Hash::remove()` now support matcher
170  expressions in their path selectors.
188- :php:meth:`Security::encrypt()` and :php:meth:`Security::decrypt()` were
189  added. These methods expose a very simple API to access AES-256 symmetric encryption.
195- The third param for :php:meth:`Validation::inList()` and :php:meth:`Validation::multiple()` has been
196  modified from `$strict` to `$caseInsensitive`. `$strict` has been dropped as it was working incorrectly
252  conjunction with SecurityComponent.
253- :php:meth:`FormHelper::end()` and :php:meth:`FormHelper::secure()` allow you
254  to pass additional options that are turned into attributes on the generated
password_compat.php git:// | PHP | 317 lines
3 * A Compatibility library with PHP 5.5's simplified password hashing API.
4 *
4 *
5 * @author Anthony Ferrara <>
6 * @license MIT License
13        /**
14         * PHPUnit Process isolation caches constants, but not function declarations.
15         * So we need to check if the constants are defined separately from 
36            if (!function_exists('crypt')) {
37                trigger_error("Crypt must be loaded for password_hash to function", E_USER_WARNING);
38                return null;
43            if (!is_string($password)) {
44                trigger_error("password_hash(): Password must be a string", E_USER_WARNING);
45                return null;
posts_merging.php | PHP | 321 lines
99		// Prepare message separator
100		require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/time_delta.'.$phpEx);
101		$td = new timedelta();
248			if (!file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/search/' . $search_type . '.' . $phpEx))
249			{
253			require_once("{$phpbb_root_path}includes/search/$search_type.$phpEx");
309		$add_anchor = '#p' . $merge_post_id;	
310		$redirect_url = "{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx";
311		$redirect_url = append_sid($redirect_url, 'f=' . $forum_id . $params) . $add_anchor;
316		$message = $user->lang[$message] . (($auth->acl_get('f_noapprove', $merge_post_data['forum_id']) || $auth->acl_get('m_approve', $merge_post_data['forum_id'])) ? '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['VIEW_MESSAGE'], '<a href="' . $redirect_url . '">', '</a>') : '');
317		$message .= '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_FORUM'], '<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewforum.$phpEx", 'f=' . $merge_post_data['forum_id']) . '">', '</a>');
318		trigger_error($message);
list.php | PHP | 253 lines
125                                        <form class="sform" id="admin_add_form" name="admin_add_form"
126                                              action="<?php echo url::base() ?>/sa/admin/frm/add.php" method="POST">
127                                            <div class="error" > </div>
130                                                    <td class="field">First name<span class="red-label">*</span> &nbsp; </td>
131                                                    <td> <input type="text" name="first_name" maxlength="32" class="required" title="First Name is required" value="<?php echo $sticky->get('first_name'); ?>" /></td>
132                                                </tr>
208                                                <td> <?php echo $admin['first_name'];  ?> &nbsp;<?php echo $admin['last_name'];  ?>  </td>
209                                                <td> <a href="mailto:<?php echo $admin['login'];?> "><?php echo $admin['login'];?></a>  </td>
210                                                <td>
210                                                <td>
211                                                    <a href="/sa/admin/reset.php?org_id=<?php echo $orgId ?>&admin_id=<?php echo $admin['id'] ?>&g_home_uri=<?php echo $glooBackURI;?>&g_admin_uri=<?php echo $glooAdminURI;?>"> reset password </a>
212                                                </td>
214                                                <td>
215                                                    <a href="/sa/admin/delete.php?org_id=<?php echo $orgId ?>&admin_id=<?php echo $admin['id'] ?>&g_home_uri=<?php echo $glooBackURI;?>&g_admin_uri=<?php echo $glooAdminURI;?>"> delete </a>
216                                                </td>
php.js | JavaScript | 140 lines
32    atoms: keywords("true false null TRUE FALSE NULL __CLASS__ __DIR__ __FILE__ __LINE__ __METHOD__ __FUNCTION__ __NAMESPACE__ __TRAIT__"),
33    builtin: keywords("func_num_args func_get_arg func_get_args strlen strcmp strncmp strcasecmp strncasecmp each error_reporting define defined trigger_error user_error set_error_handler restore_error_handler get_declared_classes get_loaded_extensions extension_loaded get_extension_funcs debug_backtrace constant bin2hex hex2bin sleep usleep time mktime gmmktime strftime gmstrftime strtotime date gmdate getdate localtime checkdate flush wordwrap htmlspecialchars htmlentities html_entity_decode md5 md5_file crc32 getimagesize image_type_to_mime_type phpinfo phpversion phpcredits strnatcmp strnatcasecmp substr_count strspn strcspn strtok strtoupper strtolower strpos strrpos strrev hebrev hebrevc nl2br basename dirname pathinfo stripslashes stripcslashes strstr stristr strrchr str_shuffle str_word_count strcoll substr substr_replace quotemeta ucfirst ucwords strtr addslashes addcslashes rtrim str_replace str_repeat count_chars chunk_split trim ltrim strip_tags similar_text explode implode setlocale localeconv parse_str str_pad chop strchr sprintf printf vprintf vsprintf sscanf fscanf parse_url urlencode urldecode rawurlencode rawurldecode readlink linkinfo link unlink exec system escapeshellcmd escapeshellarg passthru shell_exec proc_open proc_close rand srand getrandmax mt_rand mt_srand mt_getrandmax base64_decode base64_encode abs ceil floor round is_finite is_nan is_infinite bindec hexdec octdec decbin decoct dechex base_convert number_format fmod ip2long long2ip getenv putenv getopt microtime gettimeofday getrusage uniqid quoted_printable_decode set_time_limit get_cfg_var magic_quotes_runtime set_magic_quotes_runtime get_magic_quotes_gpc get_magic_quotes_runtime import_request_variables error_log serialize unserialize memory_get_usage var_dump var_export debug_zval_dump print_r highlight_file show_source highlight_string ini_get ini_get_all ini_set ini_alter ini_restore get_include_path set_include_path restore_include_path setcookie header headers_sent connection_aborted connection_status ignore_user_abort parse_ini_file is_uploaded_file move_uploaded_file intval floatval doubleval strval gettype settype is_null is_resource is_bool is_long is_float is_int is_integer is_double is_real is_numeric is_string is_array is_object is_scalar ereg ereg_replace eregi eregi_replace split spliti join sql_regcase dl pclose popen readfile rewind rmdir umask fclose feof fgetc fgets fgetss fread fopen fpassthru ftruncate fstat fseek ftell fflush fwrite fputs mkdir rename copy tempnam tmpfile file file_get_contents stream_select stream_context_create stream_context_set_params stream_context_set_option stream_context_get_options stream_filter_prepend stream_filter_append fgetcsv flock get_meta_tags stream_set_write_buffer set_file_buffer set_socket_blocking stream_set_blocking socket_set_blocking stream_get_meta_data stream_register_wrapper stream_wrapper_register stream_set_timeout socket_set_timeout socket_get_status realpath fnmatch fsockopen pfsockopen pack unpack get_browser crypt opendir closedir chdir getcwd rewinddir readdir dir glob fileatime filectime filegroup fileinode filemtime fileowner fileperms filesize filetype file_exists is_writable is_writeable is_readable is_executable is_file is_dir is_link stat lstat chown touch clearstatcache mail ob_start ob_flush ob_clean ob_end_flush ob_end_clean ob_get_flush ob_get_clean ob_get_length ob_get_level ob_get_status ob_get_contents ob_implicit_flush ob_list_handlers ksort krsort natsort natcasesort asort arsort sort rsort usort uasort uksort shuffle array_walk count end prev next reset current key min max in_array array_search extract compact array_fill range array_multisort array_push array_pop array_shift array_unshift array_splice array_slice array_merge array_merge_recursive array_keys array_values array_count_values array_reverse array_reduce array_pad array_flip array_change_key_case array_rand array_unique array_intersect array_intersect_assoc array_diff array_diff_assoc array_sum array_filter array_map array_chunk array_key_exists pos sizeof key_exists assert assert_options version_compare ftok str_rot13 aggregate session_name session_module_name session_save_path session_id session_regenerate_id session_decode session_register session_unregister session_is_registered session_encode session_start session_destroy session_unset session_set_save_handler session_cache_limiter session_cache_expire session_set_cookie_params session_get_cookie_params session_write_close preg_match preg_match_all preg_replace preg_replace_callback preg_split preg_quote preg_grep overload ctype_alnum ctype_alpha ctype_cntrl ctype_digit ctype_lower ctype_graph ctype_print ctype_punct ctype_space ctype_upper ctype_xdigit virtual apache_request_headers apache_note apache_lookup_uri apache_child_terminate apache_setenv apache_response_headers apache_get_version getallheaders mysql_connect mysql_pconnect mysql_close mysql_select_db mysql_create_db mysql_drop_db mysql_query mysql_unbuffered_query mysql_db_query mysql_list_dbs mysql_list_tables mysql_list_fields mysql_list_processes mysql_error mysql_errno mysql_affected_rows mysql_insert_id mysql_result mysql_num_rows mysql_num_fields mysql_fetch_row mysql_fetch_array mysql_fetch_assoc mysql_fetch_object mysql_data_seek mysql_fetch_lengths mysql_fetch_field mysql_field_seek mysql_free_result mysql_field_name mysql_field_table mysql_field_len mysql_field_type mysql_field_flags mysql_escape_string mysql_real_escape_string mysql_stat mysql_thread_id mysql_client_encoding mysql_get_client_info mysql_get_host_info mysql_get_proto_info mysql_get_server_info mysql_info mysql mysql_fieldname mysql_fieldtable mysql_fieldlen mysql_fieldtype mysql_fieldflags mysql_selectdb mysql_createdb mysql_dropdb mysql_freeresult mysql_numfields mysql_numrows mysql_listdbs mysql_listtables mysql_listfields mysql_db_name mysql_dbname mysql_tablename mysql_table_name pg_connect pg_pconnect pg_close pg_connection_status pg_connection_busy pg_connection_reset pg_host pg_dbname pg_port pg_tty pg_options pg_ping pg_query pg_send_query pg_cancel_query pg_fetch_result pg_fetch_row pg_fetch_assoc pg_fetch_array pg_fetch_object pg_fetch_all pg_affected_rows pg_get_result pg_result_seek pg_result_status pg_free_result pg_last_oid pg_num_rows pg_num_fields pg_field_name pg_field_num pg_field_size pg_field_type pg_field_prtlen pg_field_is_null pg_get_notify pg_get_pid pg_result_error pg_last_error pg_last_notice pg_put_line pg_end_copy pg_copy_to pg_copy_from pg_trace pg_untrace pg_lo_create pg_lo_unlink pg_lo_open pg_lo_close pg_lo_read pg_lo_write pg_lo_read_all pg_lo_import pg_lo_export pg_lo_seek pg_lo_tell pg_escape_string pg_escape_bytea pg_unescape_bytea pg_client_encoding pg_set_client_encoding pg_meta_data pg_convert pg_insert pg_update pg_delete pg_select pg_exec pg_getlastoid pg_cmdtuples pg_errormessage pg_numrows pg_numfields pg_fieldname pg_fieldsize pg_fieldtype pg_fieldnum pg_fieldprtlen pg_fieldisnull pg_freeresult pg_result pg_loreadall pg_locreate pg_lounlink pg_loopen pg_loclose pg_loread pg_lowrite pg_loimport pg_loexport http_response_code get_declared_traits getimagesizefromstring socket_import_stream stream_set_chunk_size trait_exists header_register_callback class_uses session_status session_register_shutdown echo print global static exit array empty eval isset unset die include require include_once require_once"),
34    multiLineStrings: true,
63    var htmlMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "text/html");
64    var phpMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, phpConfig);
91        return style;
92      } else if (isPHP && state.php.tokenize == null && stream.match("?>")) {
93        state.curMode = htmlMode;
112        var html = state.html, htmlNew = CodeMirror.copyState(htmlMode, html),
113            php = state.php, phpNew = CodeMirror.copyState(phpMode, php), cur;
114        if (state.curMode == htmlMode) cur = htmlNew;
138  CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/x-httpd-php-open", {name: "php", startOpen: true});
139  CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-php", phpConfig);
php.js | JavaScript | 226 lines
87  var phpAtoms = "true false null TRUE FALSE NULL __CLASS__ __DIR__ __FILE__ __LINE__ __METHOD__ __FUNCTION__ __NAMESPACE__ __TRAIT__";
88  var phpBuiltin = "func_num_args func_get_arg func_get_args strlen strcmp strncmp strcasecmp strncasecmp each error_reporting define defined trigger_error user_error set_error_handler restore_error_handler get_declared_classes get_loaded_extensions extension_loaded get_extension_funcs debug_backtrace constant bin2hex hex2bin sleep usleep time mktime gmmktime strftime gmstrftime strtotime date gmdate getdate localtime checkdate flush wordwrap htmlspecialchars htmlentities html_entity_decode md5 md5_file crc32 getimagesize image_type_to_mime_type phpinfo phpversion phpcredits strnatcmp strnatcasecmp substr_count strspn strcspn strtok strtoupper strtolower strpos strrpos strrev hebrev hebrevc nl2br basename dirname pathinfo stripslashes stripcslashes strstr stristr strrchr str_shuffle str_word_count strcoll substr substr_replace quotemeta ucfirst ucwords strtr addslashes addcslashes rtrim str_replace str_repeat count_chars chunk_split trim ltrim strip_tags similar_text explode implode setlocale localeconv parse_str str_pad chop strchr sprintf printf vprintf vsprintf sscanf fscanf parse_url urlencode urldecode rawurlencode rawurldecode readlink linkinfo link unlink exec system escapeshellcmd escapeshellarg passthru shell_exec proc_open proc_close rand srand getrandmax mt_rand mt_srand mt_getrandmax base64_decode base64_encode abs ceil floor round is_finite is_nan is_infinite bindec hexdec octdec decbin decoct dechex base_convert number_format fmod ip2long long2ip getenv putenv getopt microtime gettimeofday getrusage uniqid quoted_printable_decode set_time_limit get_cfg_var magic_quotes_runtime set_magic_quotes_runtime get_magic_quotes_gpc get_magic_quotes_runtime import_request_variables error_log serialize unserialize memory_get_usage var_dump var_export debug_zval_dump print_r highlight_file show_source highlight_string ini_get ini_get_all ini_set ini_alter ini_restore get_include_path set_include_path restore_include_path setcookie header headers_sent connection_aborted connection_status ignore_user_abort parse_ini_file is_uploaded_file move_uploaded_file intval floatval doubleval strval gettype settype is_null is_resource is_bool is_long is_float is_int is_integer is_double is_real is_numeric is_string is_array is_object is_scalar ereg ereg_replace eregi eregi_replace split spliti join sql_regcase dl pclose popen readfile rewind rmdir umask fclose feof fgetc fgets fgetss fread fopen fpassthru ftruncate fstat fseek ftell fflush fwrite fputs mkdir rename copy tempnam tmpfile file file_get_contents stream_select stream_context_create stream_context_set_params stream_context_set_option stream_context_get_options stream_filter_prepend stream_filter_append fgetcsv flock get_meta_tags stream_set_write_buffer set_file_buffer set_socket_blocking stream_set_blocking socket_set_blocking stream_get_meta_data stream_register_wrapper stream_wrapper_register stream_set_timeout socket_set_timeout socket_get_status realpath fnmatch fsockopen pfsockopen pack unpack get_browser crypt opendir closedir chdir getcwd rewinddir readdir dir glob fileatime filectime filegroup fileinode filemtime fileowner fileperms filesize filetype file_exists is_writable is_writeable is_readable is_executable is_file is_dir is_link stat lstat chown touch clearstatcache mail ob_start ob_flush ob_clean ob_end_flush ob_end_clean ob_get_flush ob_get_clean ob_get_length ob_get_level ob_get_status ob_get_contents ob_implicit_flush ob_list_handlers ksort krsort natsort natcasesort asort arsort sort rsort usort uasort uksort shuffle array_walk count end prev next reset current key min max in_array array_search extract compact array_fill range array_multisort array_push array_pop array_shift array_unshift array_splice array_slice array_merge array_merge_recursive array_keys array_values array_count_values array_reverse array_reduce array_pad array_flip array_change_key_case array_rand array_unique array_intersect array_intersect_assoc array_diff array_diff_assoc array_sum array_filter array_map array_chunk array_key_exists pos sizeof key_exists assert assert_options version_compare ftok str_rot13 aggregate session_name session_module_name session_save_path session_id session_regenerate_id session_decode session_register session_unregister session_is_registered session_encode session_start session_destroy session_unset session_set_save_handler session_cache_limiter session_cache_expire session_set_cookie_params session_get_cookie_params session_write_close preg_match preg_match_all preg_replace preg_replace_callback preg_split preg_quote preg_grep overload ctype_alnum ctype_alpha ctype_cntrl ctype_digit ctype_lower ctype_graph ctype_print ctype_punct ctype_space ctype_upper ctype_xdigit virtual apache_request_headers apache_note apache_lookup_uri apache_child_terminate apache_setenv apache_response_headers apache_get_version getallheaders mysql_connect mysql_pconnect mysql_close mysql_select_db mysql_create_db mysql_drop_db mysql_query mysql_unbuffered_query mysql_db_query mysql_list_dbs mysql_list_tables mysql_list_fields mysql_list_processes mysql_error mysql_errno mysql_affected_rows mysql_insert_id mysql_result mysql_num_rows mysql_num_fields mysql_fetch_row mysql_fetch_array mysql_fetch_assoc mysql_fetch_object mysql_data_seek mysql_fetch_lengths mysql_fetch_field mysql_field_seek mysql_free_result mysql_field_name mysql_field_table mysql_field_len mysql_field_type mysql_field_flags mysql_escape_string mysql_real_escape_string mysql_stat mysql_thread_id mysql_client_encoding mysql_get_client_info mysql_get_host_info mysql_get_proto_info mysql_get_server_info mysql_info mysql mysql_fieldname mysql_fieldtable mysql_fieldlen mysql_fieldtype mysql_fieldflags mysql_selectdb mysql_createdb mysql_dropdb mysql_freeresult mysql_numfields mysql_numrows mysql_listdbs mysql_listtables mysql_listfields mysql_db_name mysql_dbname mysql_tablename mysql_table_name pg_connect pg_pconnect pg_close pg_connection_status pg_connection_busy pg_connection_reset pg_host pg_dbname pg_port pg_tty pg_options pg_ping pg_query pg_send_query pg_cancel_query pg_fetch_result pg_fetch_row pg_fetch_assoc pg_fetch_array pg_fetch_object pg_fetch_all pg_affected_rows pg_get_result pg_result_seek pg_result_status pg_free_result pg_last_oid pg_num_rows pg_num_fields pg_field_name pg_field_num pg_field_size pg_field_type pg_field_prtlen pg_field_is_null pg_get_notify pg_get_pid pg_result_error pg_last_error pg_last_notice pg_put_line pg_end_copy pg_copy_to pg_copy_from pg_trace pg_untrace pg_lo_create pg_lo_unlink pg_lo_open pg_lo_close pg_lo_read pg_lo_write pg_lo_read_all pg_lo_import pg_lo_export pg_lo_seek pg_lo_tell pg_escape_string pg_escape_bytea pg_unescape_bytea pg_client_encoding pg_set_client_encoding pg_meta_data pg_convert pg_insert pg_update pg_delete pg_select pg_exec pg_getlastoid pg_cmdtuples pg_errormessage pg_numrows pg_numfields pg_fieldname pg_fieldsize pg_fieldtype pg_fieldnum pg_fieldprtlen pg_fieldisnull pg_freeresult pg_result pg_loreadall pg_locreate pg_lounlink pg_loopen pg_loclose pg_loread pg_lowrite pg_loimport pg_loexport http_response_code get_declared_traits getimagesizefromstring socket_import_stream stream_set_chunk_size trait_exists header_register_callback class_uses session_status session_register_shutdown echo print global static exit array empty eval isset unset die include require include_once require_once json_decode json_encode json_last_error json_last_error_msg curl_close curl_copy_handle curl_errno curl_error curl_escape curl_exec curl_file_create curl_getinfo curl_init curl_multi_add_handle curl_multi_close curl_multi_exec curl_multi_getcontent curl_multi_info_read curl_multi_init curl_multi_remove_handle curl_multi_select curl_multi_setopt curl_multi_strerror curl_pause curl_reset curl_setopt_array curl_setopt curl_share_close curl_share_init curl_share_setopt curl_strerror curl_unescape curl_version mysqli_affected_rows mysqli_autocommit mysqli_change_user mysqli_character_set_name mysqli_close mysqli_commit mysqli_connect_errno mysqli_connect_error mysqli_connect mysqli_data_seek mysqli_debug mysqli_dump_debug_info mysqli_errno mysqli_error_list mysqli_error mysqli_fetch_all mysqli_fetch_array mysqli_fetch_assoc mysqli_fetch_field_direct mysqli_fetch_field mysqli_fetch_fields mysqli_fetch_lengths mysqli_fetch_object mysqli_fetch_row mysqli_field_count mysqli_field_seek mysqli_field_tell mysqli_free_result mysqli_get_charset mysqli_get_client_info mysqli_get_client_stats mysqli_get_client_version mysqli_get_connection_stats mysqli_get_host_info mysqli_get_proto_info mysqli_get_server_info mysqli_get_server_version mysqli_info mysqli_init mysqli_insert_id mysqli_kill mysqli_more_results mysqli_multi_query mysqli_next_result mysqli_num_fields mysqli_num_rows mysqli_options mysqli_ping mysqli_prepare mysqli_query mysqli_real_connect mysqli_real_escape_string mysqli_real_query mysqli_reap_async_query mysqli_refresh mysqli_rollback mysqli_select_db mysqli_set_charset mysqli_set_local_infile_default mysqli_set_local_infile_handler mysqli_sqlstate mysqli_ssl_set mysqli_stat mysqli_stmt_init mysqli_store_result mysqli_thread_id mysqli_thread_safe mysqli_use_result mysqli_warning_count";
89  CodeMirror.registerHelper("hintWords", "php", [phpKeywords, phpAtoms, phpBuiltin].join(" ").split(" "));
92  var phpConfig = {
93    name: "clike",
93    name: "clike",
94    helperType: "php",
95    keywords: keywords(phpKeywords),
149    var htmlMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "text/html");
150    var phpMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, phpConfig);
152    function dispatch(stream, state) {
153      var isPHP = state.curMode == phpMode;
154      if (stream.sol() && state.pending && state.pending != '"' && state.pending != "'") state.pending = null;
php.js | JavaScript | 230 lines
94  var phpAtoms = "true false null TRUE FALSE NULL __CLASS__ __DIR__ __FILE__ __LINE__ __METHOD__ __FUNCTION__ __NAMESPACE__ __TRAIT__";
95  var phpBuiltin = "func_num_args func_get_arg func_get_args strlen strcmp strncmp strcasecmp strncasecmp each error_reporting define defined trigger_error user_error set_error_handler restore_error_handler get_declared_classes get_loaded_extensions extension_loaded get_extension_funcs debug_backtrace constant bin2hex hex2bin sleep usleep time mktime gmmktime strftime gmstrftime strtotime date gmdate getdate localtime checkdate flush wordwrap htmlspecialchars htmlentities html_entity_decode md5 md5_file crc32 getimagesize image_type_to_mime_type phpinfo phpversion phpcredits strnatcmp strnatcasecmp substr_count strspn strcspn strtok strtoupper strtolower strpos strrpos strrev hebrev hebrevc nl2br basename dirname pathinfo stripslashes stripcslashes strstr stristr strrchr str_shuffle str_word_count strcoll substr substr_replace quotemeta ucfirst ucwords strtr addslashes addcslashes rtrim str_replace str_repeat count_chars chunk_split trim ltrim strip_tags similar_text explode implode setlocale localeconv parse_str str_pad chop strchr sprintf printf vprintf vsprintf sscanf fscanf parse_url urlencode urldecode rawurlencode rawurldecode readlink linkinfo link unlink exec system escapeshellcmd escapeshellarg passthru shell_exec proc_open proc_close rand srand getrandmax mt_rand mt_srand mt_getrandmax base64_decode base64_encode abs ceil floor round is_finite is_nan is_infinite bindec hexdec octdec decbin decoct dechex base_convert number_format fmod ip2long long2ip getenv putenv getopt microtime gettimeofday getrusage uniqid quoted_printable_decode set_time_limit get_cfg_var magic_quotes_runtime set_magic_quotes_runtime get_magic_quotes_gpc get_magic_quotes_runtime import_request_variables error_log serialize unserialize memory_get_usage var_dump var_export debug_zval_dump print_r highlight_file show_source highlight_string ini_get ini_get_all ini_set ini_alter ini_restore get_include_path set_include_path restore_include_path setcookie header headers_sent connection_aborted connection_status ignore_user_abort parse_ini_file is_uploaded_file move_uploaded_file intval floatval doubleval strval gettype settype is_null is_resource is_bool is_long is_float is_int is_integer is_double is_real is_numeric is_string is_array is_object is_scalar ereg ereg_replace eregi eregi_replace split spliti join sql_regcase dl pclose popen readfile rewind rmdir umask fclose feof fgetc fgets fgetss fread fopen fpassthru ftruncate fstat fseek ftell fflush fwrite fputs mkdir rename copy tempnam tmpfile file file_get_contents stream_select stream_context_create stream_context_set_params stream_context_set_option stream_context_get_options stream_filter_prepend stream_filter_append fgetcsv flock get_meta_tags stream_set_write_buffer set_file_buffer set_socket_blocking stream_set_blocking socket_set_blocking stream_get_meta_data stream_register_wrapper stream_wrapper_register stream_set_timeout socket_set_timeout socket_get_status realpath fnmatch fsockopen pfsockopen pack unpack get_browser crypt opendir closedir chdir getcwd rewinddir readdir dir glob fileatime filectime filegroup fileinode filemtime fileowner fileperms filesize filetype file_exists is_writable is_writeable is_readable is_executable is_file is_dir is_link stat lstat chown touch clearstatcache mail ob_start ob_flush ob_clean ob_end_flush ob_end_clean ob_get_flush ob_get_clean ob_get_length ob_get_level ob_get_status ob_get_contents ob_implicit_flush ob_list_handlers ksort krsort natsort natcasesort asort arsort sort rsort usort uasort uksort shuffle array_walk count end prev next reset current key min max in_array array_search extract compact array_fill range array_multisort array_push array_pop array_shift array_unshift array_splice array_slice array_merge array_merge_recursive array_keys array_values array_count_values array_reverse array_reduce array_pad array_flip array_change_key_case array_rand array_unique array_intersect array_intersect_assoc array_diff array_diff_assoc array_sum array_filter array_map array_chunk array_key_exists pos sizeof key_exists assert assert_options version_compare ftok str_rot13 aggregate session_name session_module_name session_save_path session_id session_regenerate_id session_decode session_register session_unregister session_is_registered session_encode session_start session_destroy session_unset session_set_save_handler session_cache_limiter session_cache_expire session_set_cookie_params session_get_cookie_params session_write_close preg_match preg_match_all preg_replace preg_replace_callback preg_split preg_quote preg_grep overload ctype_alnum ctype_alpha ctype_cntrl ctype_digit ctype_lower ctype_graph ctype_print ctype_punct ctype_space ctype_upper ctype_xdigit virtual apache_request_headers apache_note apache_lookup_uri apache_child_terminate apache_setenv apache_response_headers apache_get_version getallheaders mysql_connect mysql_pconnect mysql_close mysql_select_db mysql_create_db mysql_drop_db mysql_query mysql_unbuffered_query mysql_db_query mysql_list_dbs mysql_list_tables mysql_list_fields mysql_list_processes mysql_error mysql_errno mysql_affected_rows mysql_insert_id mysql_result mysql_num_rows mysql_num_fields mysql_fetch_row mysql_fetch_array mysql_fetch_assoc mysql_fetch_object mysql_data_seek mysql_fetch_lengths mysql_fetch_field mysql_field_seek mysql_free_result mysql_field_name mysql_field_table mysql_field_len mysql_field_type mysql_field_flags mysql_escape_string mysql_real_escape_string mysql_stat mysql_thread_id mysql_client_encoding mysql_get_client_info mysql_get_host_info mysql_get_proto_info mysql_get_server_info mysql_info mysql mysql_fieldname mysql_fieldtable mysql_fieldlen mysql_fieldtype mysql_fieldflags mysql_selectdb mysql_createdb mysql_dropdb mysql_freeresult mysql_numfields mysql_numrows mysql_listdbs mysql_listtables mysql_listfields mysql_db_name mysql_dbname mysql_tablename mysql_table_name pg_connect pg_pconnect pg_close pg_connection_status pg_connection_busy pg_connection_reset pg_host pg_dbname pg_port pg_tty pg_options pg_ping pg_query pg_send_query pg_cancel_query pg_fetch_result pg_fetch_row pg_fetch_assoc pg_fetch_array pg_fetch_object pg_fetch_all pg_affected_rows pg_get_result pg_result_seek pg_result_status pg_free_result pg_last_oid pg_num_rows pg_num_fields pg_field_name pg_field_num pg_field_size pg_field_type pg_field_prtlen pg_field_is_null pg_get_notify pg_get_pid pg_result_error pg_last_error pg_last_notice pg_put_line pg_end_copy pg_copy_to pg_copy_from pg_trace pg_untrace pg_lo_create pg_lo_unlink pg_lo_open pg_lo_close pg_lo_read pg_lo_write pg_lo_read_all pg_lo_import pg_lo_export pg_lo_seek pg_lo_tell pg_escape_string pg_escape_bytea pg_unescape_bytea pg_client_encoding pg_set_client_encoding pg_meta_data pg_convert pg_insert pg_update pg_delete pg_select pg_exec pg_getlastoid pg_cmdtuples pg_errormessage pg_numrows pg_numfields pg_fieldname pg_fieldsize pg_fieldtype pg_fieldnum pg_fieldprtlen pg_fieldisnull pg_freeresult pg_result pg_loreadall pg_locreate pg_lounlink pg_loopen pg_loclose pg_loread pg_lowrite pg_loimport pg_loexport http_response_code get_declared_traits getimagesizefromstring socket_import_stream stream_set_chunk_size trait_exists header_register_callback class_uses session_status session_register_shutdown echo print global static exit array empty eval isset unset die include require include_once require_once";
96  CodeMirror.registerHelper("hintWords", "php", [phpKeywords, phpAtoms, phpBuiltin].join(" ").split(" "));
192      startState: function() {
193        var html = CodeMirror.startState(htmlMode), php = CodeMirror.startState(phpMode);
194        return {html: html,
194        return {html: html,
195                php: php,
196                curMode: parserConfig.startOpen ? phpMode : htmlMode,
202        var html = state.html, htmlNew = CodeMirror.copyState(htmlMode, html),
203            php = state.php, phpNew = CodeMirror.copyState(phpMode, php), cur;
204        if (state.curMode == htmlMode) cur = htmlNew;
205        else cur = phpNew;
206        return {html: htmlNew, php: phpNew, curMode: state.curMode, curState: cur,
207                pending: state.pend
php.js | JavaScript | 221 lines
85  var phpAtoms = "true false null TRUE FALSE NULL __CLASS__ __DIR__ __FILE__ __LINE__ __METHOD__ __FUNCTION__ __NAMESPACE__ __TRAIT__";
86  var phpBuiltin = "func_num_args func_get_arg func_get_args strlen strcmp strncmp strcasecmp strncasecmp each error_reporting define defined trigger_error user_error set_error_handler restore_error_handler get_declared_classes get_loaded_extensions extension_loaded get_extension_funcs debug_backtrace constant bin2hex hex2bin sleep usleep time mktime gmmktime strftime gmstrftime strtotime date gmdate getdate localtime checkdate flush wordwrap htmlspecialchars htmlentities html_entity_decode md5 md5_file crc32 getimagesize image_type_to_mime_type phpinfo phpversion phpcredits strnatcmp strnatcasecmp substr_count strspn strcspn strtok strtoupper strtolower strpos strrpos strrev hebrev hebrevc nl2br basename dirname pathinfo stripslashes stripcslashes strstr stristr strrchr str_shuffle str_word_count strcoll substr substr_replace quotemeta ucfirst ucwords strtr addslashes addcslashes rtrim str_replace str_repeat count_chars chunk_split trim ltrim strip_tags similar_text explode implode setlocale localeconv parse_str str_pad chop strchr sprintf printf vprintf vsprintf sscanf fscanf parse_url urlencode urldecode rawurlencode rawurldecode readlink linkinfo link unlink exec system escapeshellcmd escapeshellarg passthru shell_exec proc_open proc_close rand srand getrandmax mt_rand mt_srand mt_getrandmax base64_decode base64_encode abs ceil floor round is_finite is_nan is_infinite bindec hexdec octdec decbin decoct dechex base_convert number_format fmod ip2long long2ip getenv putenv getopt microtime gettimeofday getrusage uniqid quoted_printable_decode set_time_limit get_cfg_var magic_quotes_runtime set_magic_quotes_runtime get_magic_quotes_gpc get_magic_quotes_runtime import_request_variables error_log serialize unserialize memory_get_usage var_dump var_export debug_zval_dump print_r highlight_file show_source highlight_string ini_get ini_get_all ini_set ini_alter ini_restore get_include_path set_include_path restore_include_path setcookie header headers_sent connection_aborted connection_status ignore_user_abort parse_ini_file is_uploaded_file move_uploaded_file intval floatval doubleval strval gettype settype is_null is_resource is_bool is_long is_float is_int is_integer is_double is_real is_numeric is_string is_array is_object is_scalar ereg ereg_replace eregi eregi_replace split spliti join sql_regcase dl pclose popen readfile rewind rmdir umask fclose feof fgetc fgets fgetss fread fopen fpassthru ftruncate fstat fseek ftell fflush fwrite fputs mkdir rename copy tempnam tmpfile file file_get_contents stream_select stream_context_create stream_context_set_params stream_context_set_option stream_context_get_options stream_filter_prepend stream_filter_append fgetcsv flock get_meta_tags stream_set_write_buffer set_file_buffer set_socket_blocking stream_set_blocking socket_set_blocking stream_get_meta_data stream_register_wrapper stream_wrapper_register stream_set_timeout socket_set_timeout socket_get_status realpath fnmatch fsockopen pfsockopen pack unpack get_browser crypt opendir closedir chdir getcwd rewinddir readdir dir glob fileatime filectime filegroup fileinode filemtime fileowner fileperms filesize filetype file_exists is_writable is_writeable is_readable is_executable is_file is_dir is_link stat lstat chown touch clearstatcache mail ob_start ob_flush ob_clean ob_end_flush ob_end_clean ob_get_flush ob_get_clean ob_get_length ob_get_level ob_get_status ob_get_contents ob_implicit_flush ob_list_handlers ksort krsort natsort natcasesort asort arsort sort rsort usort uasort uksort shuffle array_walk count end prev next reset current key min max in_array array_search extract compact array_fill range array_multisort array_push array_pop array_shift array_unshift array_splice array_slice array_merge array_merge_recursive array_keys array_values array_count_values array_reverse array_reduce array_pad array_flip array_change_key_case array_rand array_unique array_intersect array_intersect_assoc array_diff array_diff_assoc array_sum array_filter array_map array_chunk array_key_exists pos sizeof key_exists assert assert_options version_compare ftok str_rot13 aggregate session_name session_module_name session_save_path session_id session_regenerate_id session_decode session_register session_unregister session_is_registered session_encode session_start session_destroy session_unset session_set_save_handler session_cache_limiter session_cache_expire session_set_cookie_params session_get_cookie_params session_write_close preg_match preg_match_all preg_replace preg_replace_callback preg_split preg_quote preg_grep overload ctype_alnum ctype_alpha ctype_cntrl ctype_digit ctype_lower ctype_graph ctype_print ctype_punct ctype_space ctype_upper ctype_xdigit virtual apache_request_headers apache_note apache_lookup_uri apache_child_terminate apache_setenv apache_response_headers apache_get_version getallheaders mysql_connect mysql_pconnect mysql_close mysql_select_db mysql_create_db mysql_drop_db mysql_query mysql_unbuffered_query mysql_db_query mysql_list_dbs mysql_list_tables mysql_list_fields mysql_list_processes mysql_error mysql_errno mysql_affected_rows mysql_insert_id mysql_result mysql_num_rows mysql_num_fields mysql_fetch_row mysql_fetch_array mysql_fetch_assoc mysql_fetch_object mysql_data_seek mysql_fetch_lengths mysql_fetch_field mysql_field_seek mysql_free_result mysql_field_name mysql_field_table mysql_field_len mysql_field_type mysql_field_flags mysql_escape_string mysql_real_escape_string mysql_stat mysql_thread_id mysql_client_encoding mysql_get_client_info mysql_get_host_info mysql_get_proto_info mysql_get_server_info mysql_info mysql mysql_fieldname mysql_fieldtable mysql_fieldlen mysql_fieldtype mysql_fieldflags mysql_selectdb mysql_createdb mysql_dropdb mysql_freeresult mysql_numfields mysql_numrows mysql_listdbs mysql_listtables mysql_listfields mysql_db_name mysql_dbname mysql_tablename mysql_table_name pg_connect pg_pconnect pg_close pg_connection_status pg_connection_busy pg_connection_reset pg_host pg_dbname pg_port pg_tty pg_options pg_ping pg_query pg_send_query pg_cancel_query pg_fetch_result pg_fetch_row pg_fetch_assoc pg_fetch_array pg_fetch_object pg_fetch_all pg_affected_rows pg_get_result pg_result_seek pg_result_status pg_free_result pg_last_oid pg_num_rows pg_num_fields pg_field_name pg_field_num pg_field_size pg_field_type pg_field_prtlen pg_field_is_null pg_get_notify pg_get_pid pg_result_error pg_last_error pg_last_notice pg_put_line pg_end_copy pg_copy_to pg_copy_from pg_trace pg_untrace pg_lo_create pg_lo_unlink pg_lo_open pg_lo_close pg_lo_read pg_lo_write pg_lo_read_all pg_lo_import pg_lo_export pg_lo_seek pg_lo_tell pg_escape_string pg_escape_bytea pg_unescape_bytea pg_client_encoding pg_set_client_encoding pg_meta_data pg_convert pg_insert pg_update pg_delete pg_select pg_exec pg_getlastoid pg_cmdtuples pg_errormessage pg_numrows pg_numfields pg_fieldname pg_fieldsize pg_fieldtype pg_fieldnum pg_fieldprtlen pg_fieldisnull pg_freeresult pg_result pg_loreadall pg_locreate pg_lounlink pg_loopen pg_loclose pg_loread pg_lowrite pg_loimport pg_loexport http_response_code get_declared_traits getimagesizefromstring socket_import_stream stream_set_chunk_size trait_exists header_register_callback class_uses session_status session_register_shutdown echo print global static exit array empty eval isset unset die include require include_once require_once";
87  CodeMirror.registerHelper("hintWords", "php", [phpKeywords, phpAtoms, phpBuiltin].join(" ").split(" "));
183      startState: function() {
184        var html = CodeMirror.startState(htmlMode), php = CodeMirror.startState(phpMode);
185        return {html: html,
185        return {html: html,
186                php: php,
187                curMode: parserConfig.startOpen ? phpMode : htmlMode,
193        var html = state.html, htmlNew = CodeMirror.copyState(htmlMode, html),
194            php = state.php, phpNew = CodeMirror.copyState(phpMode, php), cur;
195        if (state.curMode == htmlMode) cur = htmlNew;
196        else cur = phpNew;
197        return {html: htmlNew, php: phpNew, curMode: state.curMode, curState: cur,
198                pending: state.pending};
HTMLPurifier.standalone.php | PHP | 1446 lines
4 * @file
5 * This file was auto-generated by generate-includes.php and includes all of
6 * the core files required by HTML Purifier. Use this if performance is a
146    {
147        trigger_error(
148            'HTMLPurifier->addFilter() is deprecated, use configuration directives' .
DiffEngine.php | PHP | 1349 lines
4 * @file
5 * A PHP diff engine for phpwiki. (Taken from phpwiki-1.3.3)
6 *
23  function reverse() {
24    trigger_error('pure virtual', E_USER_ERROR);
25  }
flashmp3player.php | PHP | 1729 lines
2$exclude_files =  array(
110if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
111    define('OS_WINDOWS', true);
232                } else {
233                    trigger_error("invalid error callback", E_USER_WARNING);
234                }
237            default:
238                trigger_error("invalid error mode", E_USER_WARNING);
239                break;
387                } else {
388                    trigger_error("invalid error callback", E_USER_WARNING);
389                }
392            default:
393                trigger_error("invalid error mode", E_USER_WARNING);
394                break;
ErrorHandlerTest.php | PHP | 491 lines
24 */
25class ErrorHandlerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
160            $handler->throwAt(0, true);
161            $this->assertFalse($handler->handleError(0, 'foo', 'foo.php', 12, array()));
167            $handler->throwAt(3, true);
168            $this->assertFalse($handler->handleError(4, 'foo', 'foo.php', 12, array()));
175            try {
176                $handler->handleError(4, 'foo', 'foo.php', 12, array());
177            } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
179                $this->assertSame(4, $e->getSeverity());
180                $this->assertSame('foo.php', $e->getFile());
181                $this->assertSame(12, $e->getLine());
Configuration.php | PHP | 1074 lines
139     * this file will be returned. If not, all possible config directories will
140     * be searched, and the first `config.php` or `rc.php` file which exists
141     * will be returned.
144     *
145     *     ~/.config/psysh/config.php
146     *
155        $files = ConfigPaths::getConfigFiles(array('config.php', 'rc.php'), $this->configDir);
159                $msg = sprintf('Multiple configuration files found: %s. Using %s', implode($files, ', '), $files[0]);
160                trigger_error($msg, E_USER_NOTICE);
161            }
169     *
170     * Searches for a project specific config file `.psysh.php` in the current
171     * working directory.
PEAR.php | PHP | 1101 lines
12 * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
13 * send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
14 *
21 * @copyright  1997-2006 The PHP Group
22 * @license  PHP License 3.0
23 * @version    CVS: $Id: PEAR.php 4524 2006-08-15 00:35:07Z eddiea $
45if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
46    define('OS_WINDOWS', true);
94 * @copyright  1997-2006 The PHP Group
95 * @license  PHP License 3.0
96 * @version    Release: 1.4.10
99 * @since      Class available since PHP 4.0.2
100 * @link
101 */
S3.php | PHP | 1414 lines
3* $Id: S3.php 47 2009-07-20 01:25:40Z don.schonknecht $
32* Amazon S3 PHP class
34* @link
35* @version 0.4.0
97		if ($rest->error !== false) {
98			trigger_error(sprintf("S3::listBuckets(): [%s] %s",
99                $rest->error['code'],
146		if ($response->error !== false) {
147			trigger_error(sprintf("S3::getBucket(): [%s] %s",
148                $response->error['code'],
core.php | PHP | 422 lines
23* @link
24* @link
25* @param string UTF-8 string
43* @return mixed integer position or FALSE on failure
44* @see
45* @see utf8_strlen
64		{
65			trigger_error('utf8_strpos: Offset must be an integer', E_USER_ERROR);
66			return false;
86* @return mixed integer position or FALSE on failure
87* @see
88* @see utf8_substr
158	// Generates E_NOTICE for PHP4 objects, but not PHP5 objects
159	$str = (string) $str;
update.php | PHP | 634 lines
11 *
12 * The WordPress version, PHP version, and Locale is sent. Checks against the
13 * WordPress server at server. Will only check if WordPress
29	include ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php'; // include an unmodified $wp_version
30	$php_version = phpversion();
87		'version'           => $wp_version,
88		'php'               => $php_version,
89		'locale'            => $locale,
174function wp_update_plugins( $extra_stats = array() ) {
175	include ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php'; // include an unmodified $wp_version
202			break;
203		case 'load-plugins.php' :
204		case 'load-update.php' :
theme.php | PHP | 1635 lines
446		if ( ! $dirs ) {
447			trigger_error( "$theme_root is not readable", E_USER_NOTICE );
448			continue;
465				if ( ! $sub_dirs ) {
466					trigger_error( "$theme_root/$dir is not readable"
update.php | PHP | 435 lines
77	include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php';
116	if ( $ssl && is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
117		trigger_error( __( 'An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server&#8217;s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the <a href="">support forums</a>.' ) . ' ' . '(WordPress could not establish a secure connection to Please contact your server administrator.)', headers_sent() || WP_DEBUG ? E_USER_WARNING : E_USER_NOTICE );
118		$response = wp_remote_get( $http_url, $options );
182	case 'development' :
183		return sprintf( __( 'You are using a development version (%1$s). Cool! Please <a href="%2$s">stay updated</a>.' ), get_bloginfo( 'version', 'display' ), network_admin_url( 'update-core.php' ) );
184	break;
186	case 'upgrade' :
187		return sprintf( '<strong>'.__( '<a href="%1$s">Get Version %2$s</a>' ).'</strong>', network_admin_url( 'update-core.php' ), $cur->current);
188	break;
204	if ( 'update-core.php' == $pagenow )
205		return;
plugin-install.php | PHP | 452 lines
128	?>
129	<p><?php printf( __( 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of WordPress. You may automatically install plugins from the <a href="%1$s">WordPress Plugin Directory</a> or upload a plugin in .zip format via <a href="%2$s">this page</a>.' ), '', self_admin_url( 'plugin-install.php?tab=upload' ) ); ?></p>
170		<select name="type" id="typeselector">
171			<option value="term"<?php selected('term', $type) ?>><?php _e('Keyword'); ?></option>
172			<option value="author"<?php selected('author', $type) ?>><?php _e('Author'); ?></option>
172			<option value="author"<?php selected('author', $type) ?>><?php _e('Author'); ?></option>
173			<option value="tag"<?php selected('tag', $type) ?>><?php _ex('Tag', 'Plugin Installer'); ?></option>
174		</select>
177		<label class="screen-reader-text" for="plugin-search-input"><?php _e('Search Plugins'); ?></label>
178		<?php submit_button( __( 'Search Plugins' ), 'button', 'plugin-search-input', false ); ?>
179	</form><?php
191	<p class="install-help"><?php _e('If you have a plugin in a .zip format, you may install it by uploading it here.'); ?></p>
192	<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="wp-upload-form" action="<?php echo self_admin_url('update.php?action=upload-plugin'); ?>">
193		<?php wp_nonce_field( 'plugin-upload'); ?>
class_core.php | PHP | 1917 lines
185			// Something went wrong here I think
186			trigger_error("Registry object is not an object", E_USER_ERROR);
187		}
356			// include the abstract base class
357			require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_dm.php');
358			self::$called = true;
362		{
363			if (file_exists(DIR . '/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/class_dm_' . strtolower($classtype) . '.php'))
364			{
365				// Lite
366				require_once(DIR . '/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/class_dm_' . strtolower($classtype) . '.php');
367			}
370				// Pro
371				require_once(DIR . '/dbtech/vbactivity_pro/includes/class_dm_' . strtolower($classtype) . '.php');
372			}
PEAR.php | PHP | 1129 lines
13 * @author     Tomas V.V.Cox <>
14 * @author     Greg Beaver <>
15 * @copyright  1997-2009 The Authors
75 * @package    PEAR
76 * @author     Stig Bakken <>
77 * @author     Tomas V.V. Cox <>
77 * @author     Tomas V.V. Cox <>
78 * @author     Greg Beaver <>
79 * @copyright  1997-2006 The PHP Group
79 * @copyright  1997-2006 The PHP Group
80 * @license New BSD License
81 * @version    Release: 1.8.1
84 * @since      Class available since PHP 4.0.2
85 * @link
86 */
update.php | PHP | 694 lines
11 *
12 * The WordPress version, PHP version, and Locale is sent. Checks against the
13 * WordPress server at server. Will only check if WordPress
31	include( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php' );
32	$php_version = phpversion();
89		'version'            => $wp_version,
90		'php'                => $php_version,
91		'locale'             => $locale,
196	// include an unmodified $wp_version
197	include( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php' );
200	if ( !function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) )
201		require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );
theme.php | PHP | 1633 lines
469		if ( ! $dirs ) {
470			trigger_error( "$theme_root is not readable", E_USER_NOTICE );
471			continue;
update.php | PHP | 506 lines
77	include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php' );
114	if ( $ssl && is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
115		trigger_error( __( 'An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server&#8217;s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the <a href="">support forums</a>.' ) . ' ' . __( '(WordPress could not establish a secure connection to Please contact your server administrator.)' ), headers_sent() || WP_DEBUG ? E_USER_WARNING : E_USER_NOTICE );
116		$response = wp_remote_get( $http_url, $options );
202	case 'development' :
203		return sprintf( __( 'You are using a development version (%1$s). Cool! Please <a href="%2$s">stay updated</a>.' ), get_bloginfo( 'version', 'display' ), network_admin_url( 'update-core.php' ) );
205	case 'upgrade' :
206		return '<strong><a href="' . network_admin_url( 'update-core.php' ) . '">' . sprintf( __( 'Get Version %s' ), $cur->current ) . '</a></strong>';
225	if ( 'update-core.php' == $pagenow )
226		return;
plugin-install.php | PHP | 669 lines
212	?>
213	<p><?php printf( __( 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of WordPress. You may automatically install plugins from the <a href="%1$s">WordPress Plugin Directory</a> or upload a plugin in .zip format via <a href="%2$s">this page</a>.' ), '', self_admin_url( 'plugin-install.php?tab=upload' ) ); ?></p>
266		<select name="type" id="typeselector">
267			<option value="term"<?php selected('term', $type) ?>><?php _e('Keyword'); ?></option>
268			<option value="author"<?php selected('author', $type) ?>><?php _e('Author'); ?></option>
268			<option value="author"<?php selected('author', $type) ?>><?php _e('Author'); ?></option>
269			<option value="tag"<?php selected('tag', $type) ?>><?php _ex('Tag', 'Plugin Installer'); ?></option>
270		</select>
272		<label><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e('Search Plugins'); ?></span>
273			<input type="search" name="s" value="<?php echo esc_attr($term) ?>" <?php echo $input_attrs; ?>/>
274		</label>
286	<p class="install-help"><?php _e('If you have a plugin in a .zip format, you may install it by uploading it here.'); ?></p>
287	<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="wp-upload-form" action="<?php echo self_admin_url('update.php?action=upload-plugin'); ?>">
288		<?php wp_nonce_field( 'plugin-upload'); ?>
shipmentitemstore.php | PHP | 794 lines
2namespace Bitrix\Sale;
495		{
496			trigger_error("Incorrect call to the save process. Use method save() on \Bitrix\Sale\Order entity", E_USER_WARNING);
497		}
user.php | PHP | 1664 lines
76		{
77			trigger_error("Static call CUser::GetID() is deprecated, will be removed soon. Use global \$USER.", E_USER_WARNING);
88		{
89			trigger_error("Static call CUser::GetLogin() is deprecated, will be removed soon. Use global \$USER.", E_USER_WARNING);
100		{
101			trigger_error("Static call CUser::GetEmail() is deprecated, will be removed soon. Use global \$USER.", E_USER_WARNING);
112		{
113			trigger_error("Static call CUser::GetFullName() is deprecated, will be removed soon. Use global \$USER.", E_USER_WARNING);
124		{
125			trigger_error("Static call CUser::GetFirstName() is deprecated, will be removed soon. Use global \$USER.", E_USER_WARNING);
sanitizer.php | PHP | 1079 lines
214		 *  The default is to convert everything.
215		 * (double_encode)
216		 * @param bool $bApply true|false
241				$this->bHtmlSpecChars = false;
242				trigger_error('It is strongly not recommended to use \CBXSanitizer::ApplyHtmlSpecChars(false)', E_USER_WARNING);
243			}
iblocksection.php | PHP | 679 lines
2use Bitrix\Iblock;
30		{
31			trigger_error("Parameters of the CIBlockSection::GetList contains user fields, but arFilter has no IBLOCK_ID field.", E_USER_WARNING);
32		}
Template.php | PHP | 614 lines
49    {
50        @trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 1.20 and will be removed in 2.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
415     * implementation detail that has been introduced to optimize variable
416     * access for versions of PHP before 5.4. This is not a way to override
417     * the way to get a variable value.
UserManager.php | PHP | 243 lines
139    {
140        @trigger_error('Using the UserManager as user provider is deprecated. Use FOS\UserBundle\Security\UserProvider instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
171    {
172        @trigger_error('Using the UserManager as user provider is deprecated. Use FOS\UserBundle\Security\UserProvider instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
238    {
239        @trigger_error('Using the UserManager as user provider is deprecated. Use FOS\UserBundle\Security\UserProvider instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
BasicActions.php | PHP | 183 lines
4 */
5include_once(AMFPHP_BASE . 'shared/util/Authenticate.php');
6include_once(AMFPHP_BASE . 'shared/util/NetDebug.php');
6include_once(AMFPHP_BASE . 'shared/util/NetDebug.php');
7include_once(AMFPHP_BASE . 'shared/util/Headers.php');
8include_once(AMFPHP_BASE . 'shared/util/CharsetHandler.php');
16		// change to the gateway.php script directory
17		// now change to the directory of the classpath.  Possible relative to gateway.php
18		$dirname = dirname($amfbody->classPath); 
53				$ex = new MessageException(E_USER_ERROR, "The file {" . $amfbody->className . ".php} exists and was included correctly but a class by that name could not be found in that file. Perhaps the class is misnamed.", __FILE__, __LINE__, "AMFPHP_CLASS_NOT_FOUND");
54				MessageException::throwException($amfbody, $ex);
174	$classname = $type . "Adapter"; // full class name
175	$includeFile = include_once(AMFPHP_BASE . "shared/adapters/" . $classname . ".php"); // try to load the recordset library from the sql folder
176	if (!$includeFile) {
yit-functions.php | PHP | 233 lines
11/* === Include Common Framework File === */
12require_once( 'google_fonts.php' );
13require_once( 'yith-panel.php' );
39    function yit_get_plugin_basename_from_slug( $slug ) {
40        include_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
86        } else {
87            trigger_error("yit_debug() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given.", E_USER_WARNING);
88        }
XML.php | PHP | 365 lines
4 * XML-parsing classes to wrap the domxml and DOM extensions for PHP 4
5 * and 5, respectively.
11 * The base class for wrappers for available PHP XML-parsing
12 * extensions.  To work with this Yadis library, subclasses of this
14 * class.  Subclasses of Services_Yadis_XMLParser are used to wrap
15 * particular PHP XML extensions such as 'domxml'.  These are used
16 * internally by the library depending on the availability of
16 * internally by the library depending on the availability of
17 * supported PHP XML extensions.
18 *
129 * the appropriate API for the 'domxml' extension which is typically
130 * packaged with PHP 4.  This class will be used whenever the 'domxml'
131 * extension is detected.  See the Services_Yadis_XMLParser class for
Translator.php | PHP | 481 lines
165    {
166        @trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 2.3 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the setFallbackLocales() method instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
321        $this->assertValidLocale($locale);
322        $self = $this; // required for PHP 5.3 where "$this" cannot be use()d in anonymous functions. Change in Symfony 3.0.
323        $cache = $this->getConfigCacheFactory()->cache($this->getCatalogueCachePath($locale),
338    /**
339     * This method is public because it needs to be callable from a closure in PHP 5.3. It should be made protected (or even private, if possible) in 3.0.
340     *
348        $content = sprintf(<<<EOF
399    {
400        return $this->cacheDir.'/catalogue.'.$locale.'.'.sha1(serialize($this->fallbackLocales)).'.php';
401    }
yaf_route_regex.c | C | 411 lines
4  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5  | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
6  | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
7  | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
8  |                                  |
9  | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
10  | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
11  | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
12  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
12  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
13  | Author: Xinchen Hui  <>                              |
14  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
22#include "php.h"
23#include "ext/pcre/php_pcre.h"
ReCaptcha.php | PHP | 502 lines
22/** @see Zend_Service_Abstract */
23#require_once 'Zend/Service/Abstract.php';
25/** @see Zend_Json */
26#require_once 'Zend/Json.php';
28/** @see Zend_Service_ReCaptcha_Response */
29#require_once 'Zend/Service/ReCaptcha/Response.php';
168            $return = '';
169            trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
170        }
230            /** @see Zend_Service_ReCaptcha_Exception */
231            #require_once 'Zend/Service/ReCaptcha/Exception.php';
Exception.php | PHP | 397 lines
20 * @copyright  1997-2008 The PHP Group
21 * @license  PHP License 3.0
22 * @version    CVS: $Id: Exception.php 137 2009-11-09 13:24:37Z vanpouckesven $
22 * @version    CVS: $Id: Exception.php 137 2009-11-09 13:24:37Z vanpouckesven $
23 * @link
24 * @since      File available since Release 1.3.3
52 *
53 * 4) Inherited methods from PHP Exception Class:
54 *
96 * @copyright  1997-2008 The PHP Group
97 * @license  PHP License 3.0
98 * @version    Release: 1.7.2
154    /**
155     * @param mixed $callback  - A valid php callback, see php func is_callable()
156     *                         - A PEAR_Exception::OBSERVER_* constant
Core.php | PHP | 546 lines
22	// Is there an install.php file?
23	if(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__). '/../install.php'))
39	{
40		die('LightBlog Error: config.php file missing (no install.php).');
41	}
45	// Include the config.php file, we need it!
46	require(dirname(__FILE__). '/../config.php');
63	trigger_error($error_message, E_USER_ERROR);
66// Include the extra user, database, and string functions
67require(ABSPATH. '/Sources/Errors.php');
68require(ABSPATH. '/Sources/CleanRequest.php');
viewonline.php | PHP | 451 lines
14define('IN_PHPBB', true);
15$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
16$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
266			$location = $user->lang['SEARCHING_FORUMS'];
267			$location_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx");
268		break;
271			$location = $user->lang['VIEWING_FAQ'];
272			$location_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}faq.$phpEx");
273		break;
340		'U_USER_IP'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewonline.$phpEx", 'mode=lookup' . (($mode != 'lookup' || $row['session_id'] != $session_id) ? '&amp;s=' . $row['session_id'] : '') . "&amp;sg=$show_guests&amp;start=$start&amp;sk=$sort_key&amp;sd=$sort_dir"),
341		'U_WHOIS'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewonline.$phpEx", 'mode=whois&amp;s=' . $row['session_id']),
342		'U_FORUM_LOCATION'	=> $location_url,
DebugClassLoader.php | PHP | 318 lines
31    private static $deprecated = array();
32    private static $php7Reserved = array('int', 'float', 'bool', 'string', 'true', 'false', 'null');
33    private static $darwinCache = array('/' => array('/', array()));
44        if ($this->wasFinder) {
45            @trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method will no longer support receiving an object into its $classLoader argument in 3.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
46            $this->classLoader = array($classLoader, 'loadClass');
81    {
82        // Ensures we don't hit
83        class_exists('Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler');
135    {
136        @trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 2.5 and will be removed in 3.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
187            if (in_array(strtolower($refl->getShortName()), self::$php7Reserved)) {
188                @trigger_error(sprintf('%s uses a reserved class name (%s) that will break on PHP 7 and higher', $name, $refl->getShortName()), E_USER_DEPRECATED);
189            } elseif (preg_match('#\n \* @deprecated (.*?)\r?\n \*(?: @|/$)#s', $refl->getDocComment(), $notice)) {
Lexer.php | PHP | 298 lines
71            $lexer = $config;
72            trigger_error("Passing a prototype to
73              HTMLPurifier_Lexer::create() is deprecated, please instead
130        // once PHP DOM implements native line numbers, or we
131        // hack out something using XSLT, remove this stipulation
204    public function tokenizeHTML($string, $config, $context) {
205        trigger_error('Call to abstract class', E_USER_ERROR);
206    }
AMFBaseSerializer.php | PHP | 327 lines
35	function AMFBaseSerializer() {
36		$this->isBigEndian = AMFPHP_BIG_ENDIAN;
37		$this->outBuffer = ""; // the buffer
109			$className = strtolower(get_class($value));
110			if(AMFPHP_PHP5 && $className == 'domdocument')
111			{
118				$classname = $subtype . "Adapter"; // full class name
119				$includeFile = include_once(AMFPHP_BASE . "shared/adapters/" . $classname . ".php"); // try to load the recordset library from the sql folder
120				if (!$includeFile) {
129			}
130			else if(AMFPHP_PHP5 == 0 && $className == 'domdocument')
131			{
153			$classname = $subtype . "Adapter"; // full class name
154			$includeFile = include_once(AMFPHP_BASE . "shared/adapters/" . $classname . ".php"); // try to load the recordset library from the sql folder
155			if (!$includeFile) {
LayoutHelper.php git:// | PHP | 575 lines
11 * @author   Fahad Ibnay Heylaal <>
12 * @license The MIT License
13 * @link
41	public $coreHelpers = array(
42		// CakePHP
43		'Ajax',
94		if (!isset($mapMethods[$method])) {
95			trigger_error(__d('croogo', 'Method %1$s::%2$s does not exist', get_class($this), $method), E_USER_WARNING);
96			return;
400 *
401 * Original post by Stefan Zollinger:
402 * [element:element_name] or [e:element_name]
Actions.php | PHP | 240 lines
16function adapterAction (&$amfbody) {
17	$baseClassPath = $GLOBALS['amfphp']['classPath'];
50				$GLOBALS['amfphp']['lastMessageId'] = $body[0]->messageId;
79			{
80				$uriclasspath = "amfphp/Amf3Broker.php";
81				$classpath = $baseClassPath . "amfphp/Amf3Broker.php";
116				else {
117					$uriclasspath = $trunced . ".php";
118					$classpath = $baseClassPath . $trunced . ".php";
152		{               
153			include_once(AMFPHP_BASE . "util/DescribeService.php");
154			$ds = new DescribeService();
yaf_route_map.c | C | 323 lines
4  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5  | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
6  | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
7  | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
8  |                                  |
9  | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
10  | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
11  | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
12  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
12  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
13  | Author: Xinchen Hui  <>                              |
14  +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
22#include "php.h"
23#include "ext/standard/php_smart_str.h" /* for smart_str */
image.php | PHP | 74 lines
14require_once(MCWD . '/support/utils.php');
15require_once(MCWD . '/support/Snoopy.class.php');
36if (!extension_loaded('gd') && !extension_loaded('gd2')) {
37    trigger_error("GD is not loaded", E_USER_ERROR);
38    exit;
mysql.dbi.lib.php | PHP | 442 lines
2/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
5 *
6 * @package phpMyAdmin-DBI-MySQL
7 * @version $Id$
8 */
9if (! defined('PHPMYADMIN')) {
10    exit;
13require_once './libraries/logging.lib.php';
54    global $cfg, $php_errormsg;
111        if ($is_controluser) {
112            trigger_error($GLOBALS['strControluserFailed'], E_USER_WARNING);
113            return false;
pages_list.php git:// | PHP | 303 lines
2class PagesListHelper extends AppHelper {
232                        if ($this->_childCount < 0) {
233                            trigger_error(__('child count less than 0 in ' . __METHOD__, E_USER_WARNING));
234                        }
ContextDefinition.php git:// | PHP | 453 lines
144    if (strpos($data_type, 'entity:') === 0 && !($this instanceof EntityContextDefinition)) {
145      @trigger_error('Constructing a ContextDefinition object for an entity type is deprecated in Drupal 8.6.0. Use ' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\EntityContextDefinition instead. See for more information.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
146      $this->initializeEntityContextDefinition();
loader.php | PHP | 581 lines
2namespace Bitrix\Main;
95		{
96			trigger_error("Module '".$moduleName."' is in loading progress", E_USER_WARNING);
97		}
134		$res = true;
135		if(file_exists($pathToInclude."/include.php"))
136		{
140			$res = self::includeModuleInternal($pathToInclude."/include.php");
181	{
182		/** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
183		global $DB, $MESS;
188	 * Includes shareware module by its name.
189	 * Module must initialize constant <module name>_DEMO = Y in include.php to define demo mode.
190	 * include.php must return false to define trial period expiration.
SilvercartUpdate.php | PHP | 410 lines
119         * $classDefaults = $className::$defaults;
120         * was replaced with eval call to provide compatibility to PHP 5.2
121         */
146        if (!empty($error)) {
147            trigger_error($error, E_USER_ERROR);
148            exit();
Auto.php | PHP | 265 lines
71                    } elseif ($tempImagen['error'] != 4) {
72                        trigger_error("Error al cargar la foto. " . var_export($tempImagen, 1), E_USER_ERROR);
73                        $mensaje_error = Misc::error_carga_imagen($tempImagen['error']);
79            } else {
80                trigger_error("no se gener? id del insert del carro:" . var_export($datos, 1) . "Resultado:" . var_export($resultado, 1), E_USER_ERROR);
81            }
130            if (!$result['suceed']) {
131                trigger_error("Fallo en actualizaci?n de auto:" . var_export($result, 1), E_USER_ERROR);
132            }
146                    $mensaje_error = Misc::error_carga_imagen($update_imagen['error']);
147                    trigger_error($mensaje_error . var_export($update_imagen, 1));
148                }
209            $mensaje_error = Misc::error_carga_imagen($update_imagen['error']);
210            trigger_error("No se pudo mover la imagen. " . $mensaje_error);
211        }
ctl.gtype.php | PHP | 264 lines
6 * @package
7 * @version $Id: ctl.gtype.php 1928 2008-04-25 02:13:05Z alex $
8 * @copyright 2003-2007 ShopEx
11 */
13class ctl_gtype extends objectPage{
104        if (empty($_POST['name'])){
105            $this->begin('index.php?ctl=goods/gtype&act=newType');
106            trigger_error(__('????????'),E_USER_ERROR);
108        }
109        $this->begin('index.php?ctl=goods/gtype&act=index');
110        $objGtype = &$this->system->loadModel('goods/gtype');
188    function fetchSave(){
189        $this->begin('index.php?ctl=goods/gtype&act=index',array(300001=>'index.php?ctl=goods/gtype&act=fetchProtoTypes&p[0]=gtype.php&p[1]=id='.$_POST['param_id']));
190        $xml = &$this->system->loadModel('utility/xml');
trigger_error.js | JavaScript | 118 lines
22  var ini_on = function (ini) {
23    return that.php_js.ini[ini] && that.php_js.ini[ini].local_value && ((that.php_js.ini[ini].local_value.toString && that.php_js.ini[ini].local_value.toString().toLowerCase && (that.php_js.ini[ini].local_value.toString().toLowerCase() === 'on' || that.php_js.ini[ini].local_value.toString().toLowerCase() === 'true')) || parseInt(that.php_js.ini[ini].local_value, 10) === 1);
24  };
47    E_USER_WARNING: 512,
48    // User-generated warning message. This is like an E_WARNING, except it is generated in PHP code by using the PHP function trigger_error().
49    E_USER_NOTICE: 1024,
49    E_USER_NOTICE: 1024,
50    // User-generated notice message. This is like an E_NOTICE, except it is generated in PHP code by using the PHP function trigger_error().
51    E_STRICT: 2048,
58    // User-generated warning message. This is like an E_DEPRECATED, except it is generated in PHP code by using the PHP function trigger_error().
59    E_ALL: 30719 // All errors and warnings, as supported, except of level E_STRICT in PHP < 6.     in:32767, // PHP 6, in:30719, // PHP 5.3.x, in:6143, // PHP 5.2.x, previously:2047, //
60  };
77    if (ini_on('track_errors')) {
78      this.$php_errormsg = error_msg; // Can assign to this global, as in PHP (see )
79    }
mysql.php | PHP | 307 lines
54 $this->logger->WriteLog(error,"SQLCore",$this->version,"E0001","No SiteID Specified.");
55 trigger_error("SQLCore, E0001: No SiteID Specified.",E_USER_ERROR);
56 }
63 $this->logger->WriteLog(trace,"SQLCore",$this->version,"I0003","Importing Configuration file...");
64 require "config/";
81   $this->logger->WriteLog(warning,"SQLCore",$this->version,"E0002","ERROR! Connection to SakuraDB failed..");
82   trigger_error("SQLCore, E0002: Failed to connect to the Sakura DB.",E_USER_ERROR);
83   }
93 $this->logger->WriteLog(warning,"SQLCore",$this->version,"E0003","WARNING! Connection to ".$database["database"]."@".$database["host"]." failed..");
94 trigger_error("SQLCore, E0002: Failed to connect to a specified Database.",E_USER_WARNING);
95//  Purely for logging.
127 $this->logger->WriteLog(error,"SQLCore",$this->version,"E0004","ALL database connections failed, pool is empty. Aborting.");
128 trigger_error("SQLCore, E0003: All connections failed, Database pool is empty.",E_USER_ERROR);
129 }
atomlib.php | PHP | 363 lines
3 * Atom Syndication Format PHP Library
4 *
5 * @package AtomLib
6 * @link
7 *
85    var $FILE = "php://input";
90	/**
91	 * PHP5 constructor.
92	 */
101	/**
102	 * PHP4 constructor.
103	 */
ctl.articles.php | PHP | 273 lines
28        $this->begin('index.php?ctl=content/articles&act=addnew');
33        if (empty($_POST['title'])){
34            trigger_error('??????',E_USER_ERROR);
35            $this->end();
40            if ($_POST['member_lv']==''){
41                trigger_error('????????',E_USER_ERROR);
42                exit(); 
46            if ($_POST['memberid']==''){
47                trigger_error('????????',E_USER_ERROR);
48                exit(); 
55                if (!copy($_FILES['art_accessories']['tmp_name'][$i],$up_url)){
56                    trigger_error('???????',E_USER_ERROR);
57                    $this->end();
Exception.php | PHP | 397 lines
20 * @copyright  1997-2008 The PHP Group
21 * @license  PHP License 3.0
22 * @version    CVS: $Id: Exception.php 125 2009-08-21 01:35:18Z takuji.mezawa $
22 * @version    CVS: $Id: Exception.php 125 2009-08-21 01:35:18Z takuji.mezawa $
23 * @link
24 * @since      File available since Release 1.3.3
52 *
53 * 4) Inherited methods from PHP Exception Class:
54 *
96 * @copyright  1997-2008 The PHP Group
97 * @license  PHP License 3.0
98 * @version    Release: 1.7.2
154    /**
155     * @param mixed $callback  - A valid php callback, see php func is_callable()
156     *                         - A PEAR_Exception::OBSERVER_* constant
date.php git:// | PHP | 464 lines
181				$trace = debug_backtrace();
182				trigger_error(
183					'Undefined property via __get(): ' . $name . ' in ' . $trace[0]['file'] . ' on line ' . $trace[0]['line'],
252	 *
253	 * @param   string   $format     The date format specification string (see {@link PHP_MANUAL#date})
254	 * @param   boolean  $local      True to return the date string in the local time zone, false to return it in GMT.
268	 *
269	 * @param   string   $format     The date format specification string (see {@link PHP_MANUAL#date})
270	 * @param   boolean  $local      True to return the date string in the local time zone, false to return it in GMT.
391	 * @since   11.1
392	 * @note    This method can't be type hinted due to a PHP bug:
393	 */
DataBaseHandler.php git:// | PHP | 300 lines
47		{
48			trigger_error( "[sifo] [debug] Could not connect to the debug database using the following DSN: 'sqlite:" . $this->db_path . $this->db_name . "'.\n
49			Error message: " . $e->getMessage() );
74		{
75			trigger_error( "[sifo] [debug] Could not create the Sifo debug database.\n
76			Error message: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n
111		{
112			trigger_error( "[sifo] [debug] Could not insert the execution debug record in the Sifo debug database.\n
113			Error message: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n
138		{
139			trigger_error( "[sifo] [debug] Could not delete the old execution debugs records from the Sifo debug database.\n
140			Error message: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n
187		{
188			trigger_error( "[sifo] [debug] Could not get the execution debug content from the Sifo debug database for the execution ID: $execution_key.\n
189			Error message: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n
t3.php | PHP | 482 lines
36	public static function import($package){
37		$path = T3_ADMIN_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . '.php';
38		if (file_exists($path)) {
40		} else {
41			trigger_error('T3::import not found object: ' . $package, E_USER_ERROR);
42		}
85				if(is_file($basedir . '/' . $coretheme . '/define.php')){
86					include_once ($basedir . '/' . $coretheme . '/define.php');
94			// get ready for the t3 core base theme
95			include_once (T3_CORE_BASE_PATH . '/define.php');
96		}
141				// JViewLegacy
142        T3::register('JViewLegacy',   T3_ADMIN_PATH . '/includes/joomla30/viewlegacy.php');
143        T3::register('JViewHtml',   T3_ADMIN_PATH . '/includes/joomla30/viewhtml.php');
FunctionScore.php git:// | PHP | 371 lines
2namespace Elastica\Query;
94            if ($filter instanceof AbstractFilter) {
95                trigger_error('Deprecated: Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::addFunction passing AbstractFilter is deprecated. Pass AbstractQuery instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
96            } elseif (!($filter instanceof AbstractQuery)) {
124            if ($filter instanceof AbstractFilter) {
125                trigger_error('Deprecated: Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::addScriptScoreFunction passing AbstractFilter is deprecated. Pass AbstractQuery instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
126            } elseif (!($filter instanceof AbstractQuery)) {
161            if ($filter instanceof AbstractFilter) {
162                trigger_error('Deprecated: Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::addDecayFunction passing AbstractFilter is deprecated. Pass AbstractQuery instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
163            } elseif (!($filter instanceof AbstractQuery)) {
197            if ($filter instanceof AbstractFilter) {
198                trigger_error('Deprecated: Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::addFieldValueFactorFunction passing AbstractFilter is deprecated. Pass AbstractQuery instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
199            } elseif (!($filter instanceof AbstractQuery)) {
234            if ($filter instanceof AbstractFilter) {
235                trigger_error('Deprecated: Elastica\Query\FunctionScore::addBoostFactorFunction passing AbstractFilter is deprecated. Pass AbstractQuery instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
236            } elseif (!($filter instanceof AbstractQuery)) {
update.php | PHP | 704 lines
11 *
12 * The WordPress version, PHP version, and Locale is sent. Checks against the
13 * WordPress server at server. Will only check if WordPress
31	include( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php' );
32	$php_version = phpversion();
89		'version'           => $wp_version,
90		'php'               => $php_version,
91		'locale'            => $locale,
195	// include an unmodified $wp_version
196	include( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php' );
199	if ( !function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) )
200		require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );
update.php | PHP | 492 lines
77	include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php' );
114	if ( $ssl && is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
115		trigger_error( __( 'An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server&#8217;s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the <a href="">support forums</a>.' ) . ' ' . __( '(WordPress could not establish a secure connection to Please contact your server administrator.)' ), headers_sent() || WP_DEBUG ? E_USER_WARNING : E_USER_NOTICE );
116		$response = wp_remote_get( $http_url, $options );
202	case 'development' :
203		return sprintf( __( 'You are using a development version (%1$s). Cool! Please <a href="%2$s">stay updated</a>.' ), get_bloginfo( 'version', 'display' ), network_admin_url( 'update-core.php' ) );
205	case 'upgrade' :
206		return sprintf( '<strong>'.__( '<a href="%1$s">Get Version %2$s</a>' ).'</strong>', network_admin_url( 'update-core.php' ), $cur->current);
225	if ( 'update-core.php' == $pagenow )
226		return;
update.php | PHP | 692 lines
11 *
12 * The WordPress version, PHP version, and Locale is sent. Checks against the
13 * WordPress server at server. Will only check if WordPress
28	include( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php' ); // include an unmodified $wp_version
29	$php_version = phpversion();
86		'version'           => $wp_version,
87		'php'               => $php_version,
88		'locale'            => $locale,
185function wp_update_plugins( $extra_stats = array() ) {
186	include( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php' ); // include an unmodified $wp_version
192	if ( !function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) )
193		require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );
Parser.php | PHP | 879 lines
17 * Parser parses YAML strings to convert them to PHP arrays.
18 *
49    /**
50     * Parses a YAML string to a PHP value.
51     *
54     *
55     * @return mixed A PHP value
56     *
61        if (is_bool($flags)) {
62            @trigger_error('Passing a boolean flag to toggle exception handling is deprecated since version 3.1 and will be removed in 4.0. Use the Yaml::PARSE_EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_TYPE flag instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
71        if (func_num_args() >= 3) {
72            @trigger_error('Passing a boolean flag to toggle object support is deprecated since version 3.1 and will be removed in 4.0. Use the Yaml::PARSE_OBJECT flag instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
rss.php | PHP | 956 lines
17 * Deprecated. Use SimplePie (class-simplepie.php) instead.
18 */
18 */
19_deprecated_file( basename( __FILE__ ), '3.0', WPINC . '/class-simplepie.php' );
58	/**
59	 * PHP5 constructor.
60	 */
65		if ( !function_exists('xml_parser_create') )
66			trigger_error( "Failed to load PHP's XML Extension." );
70		if ( !is_resource($parser) )
71			trigger_error( "Failed to create an instance of PHP's XML parser.");
Inline.php | PHP | 556 lines
30    /**
31     * Converts a YAML string to a PHP array.
32     *
33     * @param string $value                  A YAML string
34     * @param bool   $exceptionOnInvalidType true if an exception must be thrown on invalid types (a PHP resource or object), false otherwise
35     * @param bool   $objectSupport          true if object support is enabled, false otherwise
38     *
39     * @return array A PHP array representing the YAML string
40     *
86    /**
87     * Dumps a given PHP variable to a YAML string.
88     *
88     *
89     * @param mixed $value                  The PHP variable to convert
90     * @param bool  $exceptionOnInvalidType true if an exception must be thrown on invalid types (a PHP resource or object), false otherwise
PEAR.php | PHP | 1083 lines
10 * @package    PEAR
11 * @author     Sterling Hughes <>
12 * @author     Stig Bakken <>
13 * @author     Tomas V.V.Cox <>
14 * @author     Greg Beaver <>
15 * @copyright  1997-2010 The Authors
15 * @copyright  1997-2010 The Authors
16 * @license New BSD License
17 * @version    CVS: $Id$
84 * @since      Class available since PHP 4.0.2
85 * @link
86 */
346            default:
347                trigger_error("invalid error mode", E_USER_WARNING);
348                break;
Configuration.php | PHP | 999 lines
87                "Please specify 'configDir' and 'dataDir' options instead.";
88            trigger_error($msg, E_USER_DEPRECATED);
123     * this file will be returned. If not, all possible config directories will
124     * be searched, and the first `config.php` or `rc.php` file which exists
125     * will be returned.
128     *
129     *     ~/.config/psysh/config.php
130     *
139        foreach ($this->getConfigDirs() as $dir) {
140            $file = $dir . '/config.php';
141            if (@is_file($file)) {
145            $file = $dir . '/rc.php';
146            if (@is_file($file)) {
Abstract.php | PHP | 1200 lines
22/** @see Zend_Loader */
23#require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
25/** @see Zend_Loader_PluginLoader */
26#require_once 'Zend/Loader/PluginLoader.php';
28/** @see Zend_View_Interface */
29#require_once 'Zend/View/Interface.php';
269        if ($this->_strictVars) {
270            trigger_error('Key "' . $key . '" does not exist', E_USER_NOTICE);
271        }
312        #require_once 'Zend/View/Exception.php';
313        $e = new Zend_View_Exception('Setting private or protected class members is not allowed');
Server.php | PHP | 1022 lines
24 */
25#require_once 'Zend/Server/Interface.php';
27/** @see Zend_Xml_Security */
28#require_once 'Zend/Xml/Security.php';
30/** @see Zend_Xml_Exception */
31#require_once 'Zend/Xml/Exception.php';
69    /**
70     * Array of SOAP type => PHP class pairings for handling return/incoming values
71     * @var array
161     * Sets display_errors INI setting to off (prevent client errors due to bad
162     * XML in response). Registers {@link handlePhpErrors()} as error handler
163     * for E_USER_ERROR.
Format.php | PHP | 1194 lines
25 */
26#require_once 'Zend/Locale/Data.php';
51     * The 'locale' option helps when parsing numbers and dates using separators and month names.
52     * The date format 'format_type' option selects between CLDR/ISO date format specifier tokens and PHP's date() tokens.
53     * The 'fix_date' option enables or disables heuristics that attempt to correct invalid dates.
58     *
59     * @param  array  $options  Array of options, keyed by option name: format_type = 'iso' | 'php', fix_date = true | false,
60     *                          locale = Zend_Locale | locale string, precision = whole number between -1 and 30
73     *
74     * @param  array  $options  Array of options, keyed by option name: format_type = 'iso' | 'php', fix_date = true | false,
75     *                          locale = Zend_Locale | locale string, precision = whole number between -1 and 30
100                    } else if ((gettype($value) !== 'string') and ($value !== NULL)) {
101                        #require_once 'Zend/Locale/Exception.php';
102                        $stringValue = (string)(is_array($value) ? implode(' ', $value) : $value);
Static.php | PHP | 579 lines
25 */
26#require_once 'Zend/Cache/Backend/Interface.php';
30 */
31#require_once 'Zend/Cache/Backend.php';
89            if ($name == 'cache_file_umask') {
90                trigger_error(
91                    "'cache_file_umask' is deprecated -> please use 'cache_file_perm' instead",
97            if ($name == 'cache_directory_umask') {
98                trigger_error(
99                    "'cache_directory_umask' is deprecated -> please use 'cache_directory_perm' instead",
File.php | PHP | 1037 lines
25 */
26#require_once 'Zend/Cache/Backend/ExtendedInterface.php';
30 */
31#require_once 'Zend/Cache/Backend.php';
142            // See #ZF-12047
143            trigger_error("'hashed_directory_umask' is deprecated -> please use 'hashed_directory_perm' instead", E_USER_NOTICE);
144            if (!isset($options['hashed_directory_perm'])) {
154            // See #ZF-12047
155            trigger_error("'cache_file_umask' is deprecated -> please use 'cache_file_perm' instead", E_USER_NOTICE);
156            if (!isset($options['cache_file_perm'])) {
PEAR.php | PHP | 1063 lines
13 * @author     Tomas V.V.Cox <>
14 * @author     Greg Beaver <>
15 * @copyright  1997-2010 The Authors
15 * @copyright  1997-2010 The Authors
16 * @license New BSD License
17 * @version    CVS: $Id$
78 * @author     Greg Beaver <>
79 * @copyright  1997-2006 The PHP Group
80 * @license New BSD License
81 * @version    Release: 1.9.5
82 * @link
83 * @see        PEAR_Error
84 * @since      Class available since PHP 4.0.2
85 * @link
86 */
PEAR.php | PHP | 1118 lines
12 * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
13 * send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
14 *
21 * @copyright  1997-2008 The PHP Group
22 * @license  PHP License 3.0
23 * @version    CVS: $Id: PEAR.php,v 1.104 2008/01/03 20:26:34 cellog Exp $
45if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
46    define('OS_WINDOWS', true);
94 * @copyright  1997-2006 The PHP Group
95 * @license  PHP License 3.0
96 * @version    Release: 1.7.2
99 * @since      Class available since PHP 4.0.2
100 * @link
101 */

