4+ results for 'python automation' (298 ms)
3[Marionette](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Marionette) is a 4Mozilla project to enable remote automation in Gecko-based projects, 5including desktop Firefox, mobile Firefox, and Boot-to-Gecko. 35 cd mozbase 36 python setup_development.py 37 38Other than that, there are no special requirements, unless you're using the Selenium proxy, in which 39case you'll need to install the Selenium Python bindings using: 40trigger_srvs_cob4-10.py https://github.com/ipa-fmw/cob_robots.git | Python | 41 lines
1#!/usr/bin/env python 2# 2# 3# Copyright 2017 Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA) 4#parsers.rst https://github.com/intelchen/bibserver.git | ReStructuredText | 53 lines
12 13 python bibserver/ingest.py -d 14 42 43Even though Bibserver is written in Python, it is not necessary to write a parser in Python - it can be written in any programming language. At the time of writing there is one example parser written in Perl to support the MARC format, which is commonly found in library automation systems. 44run.sh https://gitlab.com/surajraghuvanshi/Privlage-Esclator | Shell | 56 lines
8echo "" 9echo "ICMP Shell Automation Script for" 10echo "" 43echo "" 44python icmpsh_m.py "$IP" "$VICTIM" 45if [ "$ICMPDIS" = "disabled" ]