100+ results for 'sqlalchemy tornado'
Not the results you expected?
Alerts.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 160 lines
Story.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 113 lines
env.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 86 lines
2 from alembic import context
3 from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config, pool
4 from logging.config import fileConfig
5 from tornado.options import define, options, parse_config_file
52 """
53 #url = config.get_main_option("sqlalchemy.url")
54 url = get_database_url()
69 config_section = config.get_section(config.config_ini_section)
70 config_section["sqlalchemy.url"] = get_database_url()
73 config_section,
74 prefix='sqlalchemy.',
75 poolclass=pool.NullPool)
Comments.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 203 lines
createPlots.sh (https://gitlab.com/wurssb/NG-Tax) Shell · 25 lines
3 #As galaxy runs in a virtual env the user python path is reset... therefor I (jasper) used this uqly hacky solution... (for now...)
4 PYTHONPATH=/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/qiime-galaxy-0.0.1-repository-c2814c3c/lib/:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/qiime-1.8.0-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/tax2tree-1.0-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/biom-format-1.3.1-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/pynast-1.2.2-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/pprospector-1.0.1-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/qiime-1.8.0-release/lib/:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/emperor-0.9.3-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/matplotlib-1.3.1-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/sphinx-1.0.4-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/pyqi-0.3.1-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/pycogent-1.5.3-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/MySQL-python-1.2.3-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/mpi4py-1.2.2-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/setuptools-0.6c11-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/gdata-2.0.17-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/pysqlite-2.6.3-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/tornado-3.1.1-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/qcli-0.1.0-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/ipython-latest-repository-126bd580/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/pyzmq-2.1.11-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/SQLAlchemy-0.7.1-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/pysqlite-2.6.3-release/lib/:/home/QIIME_deploy/qiime_180/numpy-1.7.1-release/lib/python2.7/site-packages:
GlobalOptions.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 118 lines
__init__.py (https://github.com/thecowboy/apollo.git) Python · 103 lines
index.py (https://gitlab.com/sphaso/weiqi.gs) Python · 79 lines
README.rst (https://gitlab.com/carmes/aiomysql) ReStructuredText · 146 lines
20 to async, basically ``yield from`` and ``asyncio.coroutine`` added in
21 proper places)). `sqlalchemy` support ported from aiopg_.
97 Example of SQLAlchemy optional integration
98 ------------------------------------------
99 Sqlalchemy support has been ported from aiopg_ so api should be very familiar
100 for aiopg_ user.:
105 from aiomysql.sa import create_engine
106 import sqlalchemy as sa
145 .. _PyMySQL: https://github.com/PyMySQL/PyMySQL
146 .. _Tornado-MySQL: https://github.com/PyMySQL/Tornado-MySQL
install.sh (https://github.com/mkb218/wub-machine.git) Shell · 133 lines
47 # Install server-specific stuff: SQLAlchemy, Tornadio, Tornadio from HEADs
48 apt-get install python-mysqldb
49 pip install sqlalchemy
51 git clone https://github.com/facebook/tornado.git
52 cd tornado
54 cd ..
55 rm -rf tornado/
89 # Install server-specific stuff: SQLAlchemy, Tornadio, Tornadio from HEADs
90 pip install python-mysqldb
Activation.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 118 lines
README.rst (https://github.com/fhats/partify.git) ReStructuredText · 21 lines
13 * Flask-WTF, a Flask extension for WTForms supporpt
14 * Flask-SQLAlchemy, a Flask extension for SQLAlchemy support
15 * SQLAlchemy, a SQL abstraction framework
17 * CoffeeScript (optional), required to build the javascript assets
18 * Tornado (recommended), a fast Python web server
19 * Testify (optional), to run the unit tests
OAuthService.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 91 lines
TwitterService.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 53 lines
FacebookService.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 103 lines
Dockerfile (https://gitlab.com/rbax81/VisTrails) Dockerfile · 54 lines
13 python-mako python-matplotlib python-mysqldb python-numpy python-paramiko \
14 python-pip python-scipy python-setuptools python-sphinx python-sqlalchemy \
15 python-suds python-tz python-unittest2 python-virtualenv \
19 imagemagick xvfb
20 # Install IPython deps. python-tornado is too old, so we'll get it from pip
21 RUN \
38 pip install -r requirements.txt && \
39 pip install 'tornado>=4.0' jsonschema
setup.py (https://gitlab.com/e0/luigi) Python · 90 lines
GoogleService.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 80 lines
app_frontend_base.pp (https://gitlab.com/karambir/zulip) Puppet · 136 lines
base.py (https://gitlab.com/forevercat/Project) Python · 75 lines
Drafts.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 281 lines
talk.rst (https://bitbucket.org/pypy/extradoc/) ReStructuredText · 202 lines
__init__.py (https://gitlab.com/Xylol/weiqi.gs) Python · 42 lines
setup.py (https://bitbucket.org/marcelm/exomate.git) Python · 69 lines
index.html (https://bitbucket.org/frank418/tblog.git) HTML · 123 lines
index.py (https://gitlab.com/duonggit/weiqi.gs) Python · 82 lines
create_database.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 38 lines
sessionHelper.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 35 lines
web_server.py (https://github.com/kramer314/sagecell.git) Python · 64 lines
10 from trusted_kernel_manager import TrustedMultiKernelManager as TMKM
11 from db_sqlalchemy import DB
13 # Tornado / zmq imports
14 import zmq
15 from zmq.eventloop import ioloop
16 import tornado.web
24 # Tornado Web Server
25 import handlers
27 class SageCellServer(tornado.web.Application):
28 def __init__(self):
index.rst (https://gitlab.com/carmes/aiomysql) ReStructuredText · 141 lines
11 .. _aiopg: https://github.com/aio-libs/aiopg
12 .. _Tornado-MySQL: https://github.com/PyMySQL/Tornado-MySQL
13 .. _aio-libs: https://github.com/aio-libs
22 to async, basically ``yield from`` and ``asyncio.coroutine`` added in
23 proper places. :term:`sqlalchemy` support ported from aiopg_.
31 :ref:`aiomysql-cursors` and :ref:`aiomysql-pool` objects.
32 * Implements *optional* support for charming :term:`sqlalchemy`
33 functional sql layer.
83 .. _aiomysql-install-sqlalchemy:
85 :mod:`aiomysql.sa` module is **optional** and requires
86 :term:`sqlalchemy`. You can install *sqlalchemy* by running::
setup.py (https://github.com/fhats/partify.git) Python · 34 lines
GithubService.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 112 lines
1 import tornado
2 import tornado.web
3 from .GithubMixin import GithubOAuth2Mixin
4 from tornado.web import RequestHandler
5 from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import MultipleResultsFound, NoResultFound
7 from api.model.models import User
8 from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient
9 from urllib.parse import urlencode
17 @tornado.gen.coroutine
18 def get(self, auth_code, redirect_url):
69 def get_auth_http_client(self):
70 http_headers = tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders({"Accept": "application/json"})
71 AsyncHTTPClient.configure(None, defaults=dict(headers=http_headers))
74 @tornado.gen.coroutine
75 def handle_token_response(response):
main.py (https://gitlab.com/forevercat/Project) Python · 60 lines
4 import types
5 import tornado.ioloop
6 import tornado.web
7 import sqlalchemy
8 from sqlalchemy import create_engine
9 from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
10 from sqlalchemy import func
16 class ESApplication(tornado.web.Application):
17 def __init__(self, api_entry, **settings):
56 application.listen(port)
57 tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
models.py (https://github.com/priyaank/python-social-auth.git) Python · 86 lines
1 """Tornado SQLAlchemy ORM models for Social Auth"""
2 from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey
3 from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref
4 from sqlalchemy.schema import UniqueConstraint
6 from social.utils import setting_name, module_member
7 from social.storage.sqlalchemy_orm import SQLAlchemyUserMixin, \
8 SQLAlchemyAssociationMixin, \
9 SQLAlchemyNonceMixin, \
10 SQLAlchemyCodeMixin, \
11 BaseSQLAlchemyStorage
12 from social.apps.tornado_app.fields import JSONType
15 class TornadoStorage(BaseSQLAlchemyStorage):
16 user = None
TwitterRedirect.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 63 lines
NoticiaViews.py (https://hg.codeplex.com/hackathon) Python · 97 lines
Categories.py (https://gitlab.com/fdemian/Shelob) Python · 201 lines
README.md (https://gitlab.com/lcp0578/FrameworkBenchmarks.git) Markdown · 126 lines
HOWTO.md (https://bitbucket.org/mixedpower/tordos.git) Markdown · 51 lines
README.rst (https://github.com/thecowboy/apollo.git) ReStructuredText · 47 lines
activity.py (https://github.com/bcampbell/unsourced.git) Python · 62 lines
run_server.py (https://gitlab.com/lotaku/tornado_jinja.git) Python · 69 lines
UsuarioViews.py (https://hg.codeplex.com/hackathon) Python · 116 lines
Slides.js (https://bitbucket.org/benluo/shlug_slides_201205) JavaScript · 113 lines
18 {content:"Python Web 框架选型"},
19 {content:"Enyo + Zerkzeug + SQLAlchemy 框架"},
20 {content:"问答"}
68 {content: 'Pyride 有 template, 有zope 血统'},
69 {content: 'Tornado 介绍中太强悍,而且用了 eventloop, 有点担心'},
70 {tag:'h2', content: '最终选择 Zerkzurg -- Flask 底层的库'},
72 {content: '够轻量'},
73 {content: '和 SQLAlchemy 配合'},
74 {content: 'URL 分发经过封装可以比较好看'}
89 {tag: 'br'},
90 {tag: "a href='http://http://www.tornadoweb.org/'", content:"Tornado -- 从 FaceBook 来的 Python Web 框架"},
91 {tag: 'br'},
93 {tag: 'br'},
94 {tag: "a href='http://http://www.sqlalchemy.org/'", content:"SQLAlchemy -- Python 中最流行的 ORM 库"}
95 ]
INSTALL.sh (https://github.com/hisaki/nova-scripts.git) Shell · 141 lines
45 echo 'tornado-1.1'
46 wget http://github.com/downloads/facebook/tornado/tornado-1.1.tar.gz
47 echo 'gflags'
53 echo 'python-sqlalchemy'
54 wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy/0.6.5/SQLAlchemy-0.6.5.tar.gz
55 popd
57 #echo "- Manual Install for python-redis, tornado, gflags and python-gflags" >> $TODO_FILE
58 echo "- Manual Install for tornado, gflags, python-gflags,
59 python-eventlet and python-sqlalchemy from $TEMP_DIR
60 If you use Ubuntu 10.10, you can install with apt-get" >> $TODO_FILE
DESCRIPTION.rst (https://bitbucket.org/lina_wang_veeva/vone.git) ReStructuredText · 75 lines
app.py (https://github.com/araddon/demisauce.git) Python · 111 lines
2 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 import tornado.auth
4 import tornado.httpserver
5 import tornado.ioloop
6 import tornado.options
7 import tornado.web
8 import tornado.escape
9 from tornado.options import define, options
14 import demisauce
15 tornado.options.parse_command_line() # must force load of options for metaclass
16 from demisaucepy import cache_setup
72 "facebook_secret":options.facebook_secret,
73 "sqlalchemy_default_url":options.sqlalchemy_default_url,
74 "sqlalchemy_default_echo":options.sqlalchemy_default_echo,
root.py (https://github.com/LamCiuLoeng/BookStore.git) Python · 132 lines
README.rst (https://github.com/marcelnicolay/torneira.git) ReStructuredText · 69 lines
4 Torneira is a lightweight web framework build on top of Tornado_. It's name
5 came from the idea of getting rapid and fluid development ('torneira' is the
55 * Tornado_ (tested with 2.3 and 2.4)
59 * Mako_ (if you want to use Mako templates instead of built-in tornado.template)
60 * `SQL Alchemy`_ (only if using torneira.models)
66 .. _PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/package/torneira/
67 .. _SQL Alchemy: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/
68 .. _simplejson: http://code.google.com/p/simplejson/
69 .. _Tornado: http://www.tornadoweb.org/
ubuntu_first_install.sh (https://bitbucket.org/daherssein/linuxtools) Shell · 71 lines
SuperManagerModel.py (https://gitlab.com/CloudPrintTech/CloudPrintBackend) Python · 195 lines
4 from Model.BaseModel import BaseModel
5 from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import and_
6 import hashlib
8 from Model.ORM import *
9 import tornado.web
27 except KeyError:
28 raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400)
29 except Exception as emsg:
153 except KeyError:
154 raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400)
155 except Exception as emsg:
172 except KeyError:
173 raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400)
174 except Exception as emsg:
setup.py (https://bitbucket.org/bendikro/deluge-yarss-plugin.git) Python · 86 lines
environment.yml (https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DIRAC.git) YAML · 104 lines
40 - six >=1.10
41 - sqlalchemy
42 - stomp.py =4.1.23
88 - simplejson >=3.8.1
89 #- tornado >=5.0.0,<6.0.0
90 - typing >=3.6.6
97 - pyjwt
98 # This is a fork of tornado with a patch to allow for configurable iostream
99 # It should eventually be part of DIRACGrid
100 - git+https://github.com/DIRACGrid/tornado.git@iostreamConfigurable
101 # This is an extension of Tornado to use M2Crypto
102 # It should eventually be part of DIRACGrid
103 - git+https://github.com/DIRACGrid/tornado_m2crypto
104 - -e .
setup.py (https://gitlab.com/18runt88/pyspider) Python · 124 lines
login.py (https://github.com/marcelnicolay/twitter-face-rank.git) Python · 60 lines
kali-python.sh (https://github.com/0x0mar/kali-scripts.git) Shell · 108 lines
README.rst (https://github.com/pixlie/tornado-generic-handlers.git) ReStructuredText · 96 lines
5 Django's CBVs adapted to be used with Tornado along with SQLAlchemy and WTForms.
6 It's highly recomended to read the docs here first: https://github.com/BeardyBear/tornado-generic-handlers
13 The only requirement is SQLAlchemy's session stored in application's db attribute.
17 from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker
19 class Application(tornado.web.Application):
20 def __init__(self):
72 class BlogHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
73 @property
__init__.py (https://github.com/araddon/demisauce.git) Python · 23 lines
README.md (https://github.com/nuance/roaring-tofu.git) Markdown · 33 lines
4 Source code for mhjones.org. It's a pretty simple blog + some social stuff. Written with tornado + sqlite (via sqlalchemy orm... not happy about that choice, but it's not worth replacing).
33 * ui module https handling for external assets. The tornado ui module code explicitly checks for http (and not https) when including 3rd party js. So using https google analytics doesn't work quite right. This would be really easy to fix, but I'm not actually serving https for anything, so this doesn't really matter.
README.rst (https://github.com/marcelnicolay/nginx-monitor.git) ReStructuredText · 74 lines
requirements.sh (https://github.com/Haizhi/docker-brew-datacanvas-base.git) Shell · 110 lines
db.py (https://gitlab.com/qb1t/mitro) Python · 49 lines
1 from tornado.options import define, options
3 from sqlalchemy import create_engine
4 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
5 from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
6 from sqlalchemy.pool import StaticPool
7 from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool
32 def connect_to_database():
33 '''Connects SQLAlchemy to the database. Call this after command-line parsing.'''
40 def connect_to_test_database():
41 '''Connects SQLAlchemy to the test database. Call this after command-line
42 parsing.'''
README.rst (https://github.com/araddon/demisauce.git) ReStructuredText · 67 lines
10 Powered By `Tornado <http://www.tornadoweb.org>`_, MySql, `Gearman <http://www.gearman.org>`_, `Redis <http://www.tornadoweb.org>`_
28 ======================
29 After making changes to the model, if you are using SQLAlchemy to
30 create db, you can write changes to db using: (runs websetup.py setup_config())::
models2.py (https://gitlab.com/qb1t/mitro) Python · 48 lines
9 import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative
10 # import sqlalchemy.orm
11 # from sqlalchemy.pool import StaticPool
14 # import tornado.options
26 id = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True, nullable=False)
27 type_string = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.Text, nullable=False)
28 arg_string = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.Text, nullable=False)
29 attempted_time = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.DateTime)
30 template_name = sqlalchemy.Column('mandrill_template_name', sqlalchemy.Text, nullable=True)
31 template_params_string = sqlalchemy.Column(
about.html (https://github.com/sebdelsol/ComicStreamer.git) HTML · 85 lines
crawler.py (https://github.com/xinzhengzhang/ssdut_news_server.git) Python · 155 lines
5 import traceback
6 from sqlalchemy import func
7 import db
9 import config
10 from utils import TornadoFormatter
11 import time
132 console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
133 # console_handler.setFormatter(TornadoFormatter(color=True))
136 file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
137 # file_handler.setFormatter(TornadoFormatter(color=False))
README.rst (https://github.com/adamchainz/Dash.py.git) ReStructuredText · 52 lines
12-12-is-short-of.rst (https://github.com/akolechkin/tonysu.git) ReStructuredText · 34 lines
ana_env.yml (https://github.com/chichulapiuka/python-fundamentals.git) YAML · 43 lines
default.nix (https://codeberg.org/matthiasbeyer/nixpkgs.git) Nix · 52 lines
test_resolver.py (https://bitbucket.org/vionika/spin.android.git) Python · 144 lines
18 # We should return a normal release version if prereleases is False
19 (['SQLAlchemy'],
20 ['sqlalchemy==0.9.9']),
22 # We should return the prerelease version if prereleases is True
23 (['SQLAlchemy'],
24 ['sqlalchemy==1.0.0b5'],
36 'jinja2==2.7.3',
37 'tornado==3.2.2',
38 'markupsafe==0.23',
48 'jinja2==2.7.3',
49 'tornado==3.2.2',
50 'markupsafe==0.23',
62 'jinja2==2.7.3',
63 'tornado==3.2.2',
64 'markupsafe==0.23',
test_fake_index.py (https://bitbucket.org/vionika/spin.android.git) Python · 63 lines
20 def test_find_best_match_incl_prereleases(from_line, repository):
21 ireq = from_line('SQLAlchemy')
22 assert str(repository.find_best_match(ireq, prereleases=False)) == 'sqlalchemy==0.9.9'
23 assert str(repository.find_best_match(ireq, prereleases=True)) == 'sqlalchemy==1.0.0b5'
46 assert ({str(req) for req in dependencies} ==
47 {'gnureadline', 'pyzmq>=2.1.11', 'tornado>=3.1', 'jinja2'})
51 assert ({str(req) for req in dependencies} ==
52 {'gnureadline', 'pyzmq>=2.1.11', 'tornado>=3.1', 'jinja2', 'pygments', 'Sphinx>=0.3'})
version.py (https://github.com/araddon/demisauce.git) Python · 107 lines
1 import logging, json
2 from sqlalchemy import Column, MetaData, ForeignKey, Table, \
3 func, UniqueConstraint
4 from sqlalchemy import Integer, String as DBString, DateTime, Boolean, \
5 Text as DBText
6 from sqlalchemy import engine, orm
7 from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation, class_mapper, synonym, dynamic_loader
8 from sqlalchemy.sql import and_, text
9 from datetime import datetime
15 from wtforms.validators import ValidationError
16 from tornado import escape
17 from tornado.options import options
wsgi.py (https://github.com/nuance/roaring-tofu.git) Python · 24 lines
main.py (https://bitbucket.org/martijnbb/mbastiaan) Python · 110 lines
40 except ImportError:
41 print("You can define Tornado options in settings.py. Use"\
42 " the variable {APP,LISTEN}_OPTIONS")
49 if __name__ == '__main__':
50 import tornado.web
51 import os.path
53 from sqlalchemy.orm.session import sessionmaker
54 from mbastiaan.utils import urldispatch, model
55 from sqlalchemy import create_engine
93 app_options.update(extra_app_options)
94 application = tornado.web.Application(patterns, **app_options)
setup.py (https://gitlab.com/tlevine/urllib3) Python · 57 lines
README.md (https://github.com/mrowl/filmdata.git) Markdown · 31 lines
4 Technically I use this to import lots of film data for my site, [filmlust](http://filmlust.com), but it's mostly just a playground for me. I see something that looks interesting and I bring it in here and build a prototype to experiment with it (mainly because that's how I learn). For instance, buried deep in the bowels of the code lies at least 3 implementations for scrapers (using tornado, gevent, and twisted. I think I'm going to settle on gevent, btw).
6 Sometimes things will reach a quiescent point and I clean it up a bit (e.g. the dynamic sqlalchemy models for automagically making tables for plugins). I guess what I'm saying is use at your own risk and feel free to contribute because there are probably many superior solutions out there and I'd like to see them.
20 * [SQLAlchemy](http://www.sqlalchemy.org) (use your preferred relational db behind it)
22 Coming soon: freebase source? box office data? sqlalchemy working?
python-libs.yaml (https://github.com/afgane/cloudbiolinux.git) YAML · 83 lines
mysql-sqlalchemy.rst (https://github.com/SAKev/lepture.com.git) ReStructuredText · 90 lines
1 MySQL and SQLAlchemy in tornado
2 ================================
5 :date: 2012-02-09 21:15
6 :github: lepture/tornado.ext
7 :tags:
9 - mysql
10 - tornado
16 I just started a new project, which is built on tornado with database of mysql.
21 I am using SQLAlchemy as the ORM engine, according to the document_ , I added ``pool_recycle=3600`` , but it didn't work. And I don't know why. It seems that many a people has such a problem
22 when I searched Stack Overflow.
27 I have written a `wrap for SQLAlchemy <http://lepture.com/work/tornado-ext/>`_ to make it a
28 little Django like. Then I add this feature to it.
defaults.vim (https://github.com/cristibalan/.vim.git) Vim Script · 46 lines
setup.py (https://bitbucket.org/angryshortone/grump-o-nado.git) Python · 51 lines
README.md (https://bitbucket.org/engored/experiments.md) Markdown · 81 lines
1 One of the new features in [SQLAlchemy] 0.9 is event removal API. Basically, if
2 you've added an event listener, this change makes you able to remove it.
74 possible. I also found it to be really easy to use in integration tests for
75 [Tornado] without any need to modify actual handlers or monkey-patching
76 anything. (It's easier to try yourself, but in case you're wondering it simply
79 [SQLAlchemy]: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/
80 [Tornado]: http://www.tornadoweb.org/
models.py (https://github.com/haftrine/python-social-auth.git) Python · 62 lines
1 """Tornado SQLAlchemy ORM models for Social Auth"""
2 from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey
5 from social.utils import setting_name, module_member
6 from social.storage.sqlalchemy_orm import SQLAlchemyUserMixin, \
7 SQLAlchemyAssociationMixin, \
8 SQLAlchemyNonceMixin, \
9 SQLAlchemyCodeMixin, \
10 BaseSQLAlchemyStorage
13 class TornadoStorage(BaseSQLAlchemyStorage):
14 user = None
46 class Nonce(_AppSession, Base, SQLAlchemyNonceMixin):
47 """One use numbers"""
setup.py (https://github.com/AdamBSteele/suite-front-end.git) Python · 42 lines
index.rst (https://github.com/dalibo/powa.git) ReStructuredText · 98 lines
appbase.py (https://github.com/peter-the-tea-drinker/tornado-base.git) Python · 57 lines
1 import config
2 import sqlalchemy
3 import sqlalchemy.orm
4 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
18 self.engine = None
19 self.Session = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker()
20 self.Base = declarative_base()
26 orm = ORM()
27 orm.initialize(sqlalchemy.create_engine(config.DB))#, encoding='utf-8'))
29 sql = sqlalchemy
setup.py (https://gitlab.com/Chedi/airflow.git) Python · 72 lines
IpAddress.py (https://github.com/moloch--/RootTheBox.git) Python · 106 lines
global_settings.py (https://github.com/akun/workin.git) Python · 46 lines
standalone.py (https://github.com/nuance/roaring-tofu.git) Python · 30 lines
web_server_SQL.py (https://github.com/darkness3560/import_private_key_dogecoin_website.git) Python · 84 lines
1 import sqlalchemy as sql
3 import tornado.ioloop
4 import tornado.web
5 import tornado
6 import os
9 import uuid
10 from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
11 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
13 Base = declarative_base()
14 from sqlalchemy import Column, String,Float, Boolean
15 class priv_key(Base):
30 class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
31 def get(self):
__init__.py (https://github.com/fengluo/july.git) Python · 87 lines
emailer2.py (https://gitlab.com/qb1t/mitro) Python · 78 lines
22 import sqlalchemy
23 import sqlalchemy.exc
24 import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative
25 import sqlalchemy.orm
26 from sqlalchemy.pool import StaticPool
27 from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool
29 import tornado.options
45 engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(url, poolclass=sqlalchemy.pool.NullPool, echo=False)
46 Session.configure(bind=engine)
forms.py (https://github.com/872409/redis-admin.git) Python · 97 lines
default.nix (https://codeberg.org/matthiasbeyer/nixpkgs.git) Nix · 39 lines
config.py (https://github.com/shannonzylstra/sagecell.git) Python · 72 lines
16 #db = "sqlalchemy"
17 #db_config = {"uri": "sqlite:///sqlite.db"}
26 permalink_server = {
27 'db': 'sqlalchemy',
28 'db_config': {'uri': 'sqlite:///sqlite.db'}
69 systemlog_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s %(process)d: %(message)r'))
70 logging.getLogger("tornado.application").addHandler(systemlog_handler)
71 logging.getLogger('sagecell.system').addHandler(systemlog_handler)
README.md (https://github.com/sebdelsol/ComicStreamer.git) Markdown · 61 lines
setup.py (https://github.com/blampe/Testify.git) Python · 41 lines
install_conda.sh (https://github.com/id774/scripts.git) Shell · 116 lines
README.rst (https://github.com/872409/lixian.xunlei.git) ReStructuredText · 88 lines
Makefile (https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports.git) Makefile · 25 lines
app.py (https://github.com/priyaank/python-social-auth.git) Python · 71 lines
5 from sqlalchemy import create_engine
6 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
7 from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker
9 import tornado.httpserver
10 import tornado.ioloop
11 import tornado.options
12 import tornado.web
14 from social.apps.tornado_app.models import init_social
15 from social.apps.tornado_app.routes import SOCIAL_AUTH_ROUTES
models.py (https://github.com/yetone/june.git) Python · 126 lines
python-libs.yaml (https://github.com/chapmanb/cloudbiolinux.git) YAML · 83 lines
requirements.sh (https://github.com/Haizhi/docker-brew-datacanvas-base.git) Shell · 107 lines
setting.py (https://github.com/LamCiuLoeng/BookStore.git) Python · 42 lines
__init__.py (https://github.com/stan1y/MrHide.git) Python · 50 lines
Ciclos.py (https://github.com/sgip/ultimo-repo.git) Python · 115 lines
permalink_server.py (https://github.com/sagemath/sagecell.git) Python · 91 lines
4 This Tornado server provides a permalink service with a convenient
5 post/get api for storing and retrieving code.
11 import psutil
12 import tornado.httpserver
13 import tornado.ioloop
14 import tornado.web
20 PERMALINK_DB = "sqlalchemy"
21 PERMALINK_URI = "sqlite:///permalinks.db"
25 class PermalinkServer(tornado.web.Application):
26 def __init__(self):