92+ results for 'username' (4633 ms)

Not the results you expected?
rewriter_spec.rb https://github.com/marshluca/twitter-text-rb.git | Ruby | 558 lines
21  describe "rewrite usernames" do #{{{
22    before do
22    before do
23      @rewritten_text = Twitter::Rewriter.rewrite_usernames_or_lists(original_text, &method(:block))
24    end
26    context "username preceded by a space" do
27      def original_text; "hello @jacob"; end
35    context "username at beginning of line" do
36      def original_text; "@jacob you're cool"; end
44    context "username preceded by word character" do
45      def original_text; "meet@the beach"; end
grade_natural_exclude_empty.feature https://github.com/vadimonus/moodle.git | Gherkin Specification | 270 lines
11    And the following "users" exist:
12      | username | firstname | lastname | email                | idnumber |
13      | teacher1 | Teacher   | 1        | teacher1@example.com | t1       |
user_agent.php https://github.com/jarednipper/HSU-common-code.git | PHP | 333 lines
37        var $_proxy = false;
38        var $_proxy_username = false;
39        var $_proxy_password = false;
167         *    @param string $proxy        Proxy URL.
168         *    @param string $username     Proxy username for authentication.
169         *    @param string $password     Proxy password for authentication.
171         */
172        function useProxy($proxy, $username, $password) {
173            if (! $proxy) {
180            $this->_proxy = &new SimpleUrl($proxy);
181            $this->_proxy_username = $username;
182            $this->_proxy_password = $password;
198         *    @param string $realm       Full name of realm.
199         *    @param string $username    Username for realm.
200         *    @param string $password    Password for realm.
pw_user_groups.sql https://gitlab.com/wuhang2003/phpwind | SQL | 763 lines
113(3, 'invite_limit_24h', 'basic', '1000', 'string'),
114(3, 'login_types', 'basic', 'a:1:{s:8:"username";s:1:"1";}', 'array'),
115(3, 'max_bookmarks', 'basic', '2', 'string'),
395(8, 'invite_limit_24h', 'basic', '10', 'string'),
396(8, 'login_types', 'basic', 'a:1:{s:8:"username";s:1:"1";}', 'array'),
397(8, 'max_title_length', 'basic', '100', 'string'),
446(9, 'invite_limit_24h', 'basic', '10', 'string'),
447(9, 'login_types', 'basic', 'a:1:{s:8:"username";s:1:"1";}', 'array'),
448(9, 'max_title_length', 'basic', '50', 'string'),
ResultMap.scala https://github.com/mnesarco/Mybatis-For-Scala.git | Scala | 396 lines
85 *    In both cases you can use complex property navigation using the usual dot notation.
86 *    For example, you can map to something simple like: “username”,
87 *    or to something more complicated like: “address.street.number”.
120 *    In both cases you can use complex property navigation using the usual dot notation.
121 *    For example, you can map to something simple like: “username”,
122 *    or to something more complicated like: “address.street.number”.
157 *    In both cases you can use complex property navigation using the usual dot notation.
158 *    For example, you can map to something simple like: “username”,
159 *    or to something more complicated like: “address.street.number”.
201 *    In both cases you can use complex property navigation using the usual dot notation.
202 *    For example, you can map to something simple like: “username”,
203 *    or to something more complicated like: “address.street.number”.
257 *    In both cases you can use complex property navigation using the usual dot notation.
258 *    For example, you can map to something simple like: “username”,
259 *    or to something more complicated like: “address.street.number”.
UserManager.java https://bitbucket.org/Lloir/miragebase.git | Java | 371 lines
67     */
68    public String getUserName() {
69        try {
243     */
244    public void setUserName(int userHandle, String name) {
245        try {
245        try {
246            mService.setUserName(userHandle, name);
247        } catch (RemoteException re) {
DLFileShortcutWrapper.java https://github.com/acs/liferay-portal.git | Java | 501 lines
171	*/
172	public java.lang.String getUserName() {
173		return _dlFileShortcut.getUserName();
178	*
179	* @param userName the user name of this document library file shortcut
180	*/
180	*/
181	public void setUserName(java.lang.String userName) {
182		_dlFileShortcut.setUserName(userName);
335	*/
336	public java.lang.String getStatusByUserName() {
337		return _dlFileShortcut.getStatusByUserName();
344	*/
345	public void setStatusByUserName(java.lang.String statusByUserName) {
346		_dlFileShortcut.setStatusByUserName(statusByUserName);
jboss-ejb-client_1_3.xsd https://github.com/ochaloup/jboss-as.git | XML Schema | 330 lines
224        </xsd:attribute>
225        <xsd:attribute name="username" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
226            <xsd:annotation>
227                <xsd:documentation>
228                    The username that will be used for authentication during connection creation for nodes in the
229                    cluster
273        </xsd:attribute>
274        <xsd:attribute name="username" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
275            <xsd:annotation>
276                <xsd:documentation>
277                    The username that will be used for authentication during connection creation for the node
278                </xsd:documentation>
SCProductEntryModel.java https://github.com/spreddy/liferay-portal.git | Java | 347 lines
141	@AutoEscape
142	public String getUserName();
146	 *
147	 * @param userName the user name of this s c product entry
148	 */
148	 */
149	public void setUserName(String userName);
Kubernetes.groovy https://gitlab.com/CORP-RESELLER/kubernetes-pipeline-plugin | Groovy | 358 lines
210            this.timeout = timeout
211            this.username = username
212            this.password = password
248            kubernetes.node {
249                kubernetes.script.buildImage(name: name, rm: rm, path: path, timeout: timeout, username: username, password: password, email: email, ignorePatterns: ignorePatterns)
250            }
318            this.timeout = timeout
319            this.username = username
320            this.password = password
336        PushImage withUsername(String username) {
337            return new PushImage(kubernetes, name, tagName, timeout, username, password, email)
349            kubernetes.node {
350                kubernetes.script.pushImage(name: name, tagName: tagName, timeout: timeout, registry: registry, username: username, password: password, email: email)
351            }
style.css https://github.com/WeMake-IT/Hosting-Service.git | CSS | 235 lines
198.form_username {
199    background-color: #eeeeee;
200    border: 1px solid #333333;
201    background-image: url(images/username.gif);
202    background-repeat: no-repeat;
SlackHandler.php https://gitlab.com/judielsm/Handora | PHP | 293 lines
40     */
41    private $username;
74     * @param string      $channel                Slack channel (encoded ID or name)
75     * @param string      $username               Name of a bot
76     * @param bool        $useAttachment          Whether the message should be added to Slack as attachment (plain text otherwise)
82     */
83    public function __construct($token, $channel, $username = 'Monolog', $useAttachment = true, $iconEmoji = null, $level = Logger::CRITICAL, $bubble = true, $useShortAttachment = false, $includeContextAndExtra = false)
84    {
92        $this->channel = $channel;
93        $this->username = $username;
94        $this->iconEmoji = trim($iconEmoji, ':');
139            'channel'     => $this->channel,
140            'username'    => $this->username,
141            'text'        => '',
PollsQuestionModel.java https://github.com/spreddy/liferay-portal.git | Java | 433 lines
158	@AutoEscape
159	public String getUserName();
163	 *
164	 * @param userName the user name of this polls question
165	 */
165	 */
166	public void setUserName(String userName);
tests.py https://github.com/nvbn/djang0byte.git | Python | 366 lines
30        self.root = User.objects.create(
31            username='root',
32            is_staff=True,
256        self.root = User.objects.create(
257            username='root',
258            is_staff=True,
simpletest.php https://github.com/yonpols/ypframework.git | PHP | 391 lines
123     *    @param string $proxy     Proxy host as URL.
124     *    @param string $username  Proxy username for authentication.
125     *    @param string $password  Proxy password for authentication.
126     */
127    static function useProxy($proxy, $username = false, $password = false) {
128        $registry = &SimpleTest::getRegistry();
129        $registry['DefaultProxy'] = $proxy;
130        $registry['DefaultProxyUsername'] = $username;
131        $registry['DefaultProxyPassword'] = $password;
143    /**
144     *    Accessor for default proxy username.
145     *    @return string    Proxy username for authentication.
146     */
147    static function getDefaultProxyUsername() {
148        $registry = &SimpleTest::getRegistry();
POP35.php https://github.com/ECP-Black/ECP.git | PHP | 365 lines
66		}
67		if (!is_string($user)) $err[] = 'invalid username type';
68		else if (($user = FUNC5::str_clear($user)) == '') $err[] = 'invalid username value';
103		if (!is_resource($conn)) $err[] = 'invalid resource connection';
104		if (!is_string($user)) $err[] = 'invalid username type';
105		else if (($user = FUNC5::str_clear($user)) == '') $err[] = 'invalid username value';
SettingsForm.cs https://github.com/killerbonzai/BlueVex2.git | C# | 305 lines
186            {
187                BlueVex2.Properties.Settings.Default.Accounts.Add(newAccount.Username + "," + newAccount.Password + "," + newAccount.CharSlot + "," + newAccount.Master + "," + newAccount.Realm);
188                PopulateAccountsListView();
210                    BlueVex2.Properties.Settings.Default.Accounts.Remove(itemString);
211                    BlueVex2.Properties.Settings.Default.Accounts.Add(newAccount.Username + "," + newAccount.Password + "," + newAccount.CharSlot + "," + newAccount.Master + "," + newAccount.Realm);
212                    PopulateAccountsListView();
test_nifty_authentication_generator.rb https://github.com/loucal/nifty-generators.git | Ruby | 274 lines
224          assert_match "class CreateAccounts", body
225          assert_match "t.string :username", body
226          assert_match "t.string :email", body
GManagerTester.cs https://github.com/abhishek-kumar/AIGA.git | C# | 395 lines
61			users[0] = new UserStorageView("username1", "password1", groupId);
69			SecurityCredentials sc = new SecurityCredentials("username1", HashUtil.GetHash("password1", HashUtil.HashType.MD5));
73			m_managerStorage.AddApplication(new ApplicationStorageView("username1"));
74			m_managerStorage.AddApplication(new ApplicationStorageView("username2"));
74			m_managerStorage.AddApplication(new ApplicationStorageView("username2"));
75			m_managerStorage.AddApplication(new ApplicationStorageView("username3"));		
76		}
106		{
107			ApplicationStorageView application = new ApplicationStorageView("username1");
AnnouncementsEntryWrapper.java https://github.com/spreddy/liferay-portal.git | Java | 494 lines
153	*/
154	public java.lang.String getUserName() {
155		return _announcementsEntry.getUserName();
160	*
161	* @param userName the user name of this announcements entry
162	*/
162	*/
163	public void setUserName(java.lang.String userName) {
164		_announcementsEntry.setUserName(userName);
ConfirmForgotPasswordRequest.java https://gitlab.com/github-cloud-corp/aws-sdk-android | Java | 478 lines
248     */
249    public void setUsername(String username) {
250        this.username = username;
419        if (getUsername() != null)
420            sb.append("Username: " + getUsername() + ",");
421        if (getConfirmationCode() != null)
435        hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getSecretHash() == null) ? 0 : getSecretHash().hashCode());
436        hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getUsername() == null) ? 0 : getUsername().hashCode());
437        hashCode = prime * hashCode
462            return false;
463        if (other.getUsername() == null ^ this.getUsername() == null)
464            return false;
464            return false;
465        if (other.getUsername() != null && other.getUsername().equals(this.getUsername()) == false)
466            return false;
UriInterface.php https://gitlab.com/Georgiy.Zhegusov/museum_documents | PHP | 323 lines
74     *
75     * @return string The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format.
76     */
EditTaskPageTest.java https://github.com/deas/alfresco.git | Java | 201 lines
57    private SiteFinderPage siteFinder;
58    private String testUserName;
59    private String fileName;
69        taskName = siteName;
70        testUserName = "reviewer" + System.currentTimeMillis();
71        createEnterpriseUser(testUserName);
74        // add site with item for selectItem test
75        loginAs(testUserName, "password");
76        File file = SiteUtil.prepareFile();
85        createTask(testUserName, "password");
86        pageUnderTest = myTasksPage.navigateToEditTaskPage(taskName, testUserName).render();
131        pageUnderTest = myTasksPage.navigateToEditTaskPage(taskName).render();
132        myTasksPage = pageUnderTest.selectReassign(testUserName).render();
133        ShareUtil.logout(drone);
KaleoNotificationRecipientWrapper.java https://github.com/l15k4/liferay-plugins.git | Java | 407 lines
159	*/
160	public java.lang.String getUserName() {
161		return _kaleoNotificationRecipient.getUserName();
166	*
167	* @param userName the user name of this kaleo notification recipient
168	*/
168	*/
169	public void setUserName(java.lang.String userName) {
170		_kaleoNotificationRecipient.setUserName(userName);
security.php https://github.com/jarednipper/HSU-common-code.git | PHP | 123 lines
7    $temp = new admin_settingpage('sitepolicies', get_string('sitepolicies', 'admin'));
8    $temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('protectusernames', get_string('protectusernames', 'admin'), get_string('configprotectusernames', 'admin'), 1));
9    $temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('forcelogin', get_string('forcelogin', 'admin'), get_string('configforcelogin', 'admin'), 0));
32                                              'firstname' => get_string('firstname'))));
33    $temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('extendedusernamechars', get_string('extendedusernamechars', 'admin'), get_string('configextendedusernamechars', 'admin'), 0));
34    $temp->add(new admin_setting_configtext('sitepolicy', get_string('sitepolicy', 'admin'), get_string('configsitepolicy', 'admin'), '', PARAM_RAW));
PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServicesTest.php https://github.com/stedekay/symfony.git | PHP | 329 lines
17use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag;
18use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UsernameNotFoundException;
19use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\RememberMe\PersistentToken;
85            ->expects($this->once())
86            ->method('loadUserByUsername')
87            ->will($this->throwException(new UsernameNotFoundException('user not found')))
135            ->with($this->equalTo('fooseries'))
136            ->will($this->returnValue(new PersistentToken('fooclass', 'username', 'fooseries', 'foovalue', new \DateTime('yesterday'))))
137        ;
155            ->expects($this->once())
156            ->method('loadUserByUsername')
157            ->with($this->equalTo('foouser'))
267            ->expects($this->once())
268            ->method('getUsername')
269            ->will($this->returnValue('foo'))
ContactModel.java https://github.com/spreddy/liferay-portal.git | Java | 555 lines
123	@AutoEscape
124	public String getUserName();
128	 *
129	 * @param userName the user name of this contact
130	 */
130	 */
131	public void setUserName(String userName);
index.cshtml https://bitbucket.org/v_jli/jean0306case1346.git | Razor | 166 lines
40                        <li class="active"><a href="#profile" data-toggle="tab"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i>Profile</a></li>
41                        <li><a href="#changeUsername" data-toggle="tab"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i>Username</a></li>
42                        <li><a href="#changePassword" data-toggle="tab"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i>Password</a></li>
75                        <div class="account-details-body">
76                            <form class="form-horizontal" action="@Url.Content("~/account/changeusername")#changeUsername" method="POST">
77                                @Html.ValidationSummary()
78                                <div class="control-group">
79                                    <label class="control-label" for="username">Username</label>
80                                    <div class="controls">
80                                    <div class="controls">
81                                        @Html.TextBox("username", "input-xlarge", "Username")
82                                    </div>
84                                <div class="control-group">
85                                    <label class="control-label" for="confirmUsername">Confirm Username</label>
86                                    <div class="controls">
active_record_helpers.rb https://github.com/GunioRobot/wnetpbcore.git | Ruby | 338 lines
54      # Example:
55      #   should_require_unique_attributes :keyword, :username
56      def should_require_unique_attributes(*attributes)
sqlvalidator.class.php https://github.com/ranjanprasad/openemr.git | PHP | 412 lines
48        var $username;
49        var $password;
85         * @param  object   Service object
86         * @param  string   Username
87         * @param  string   Password
99         */
100        function _openSession($obj, $username, $password,
101                                      $calling_program, $calling_program_version,
105        {
106    $use_array = array("a_userName" => $username, "a_password" => $password, "a_callingProgram" => $calling_program, "a_callingProgramVersion" => $calling_program_version, "a_targetDbms" => $target_dbms, "a_targetDbmsVersion" => $target_dbms_version, "a_connectionTechnology" => $connection_technology, "a_connectionTechnologyVersion" => $connection_technology_version, "a_interactive" => $interactive);
107            $ret = $obj->call("openSession", $use_array);
203        {
204            $this->username = $username;
205            $this->password = $password;
bootstrap.php https://github.com/brikou/mandango.git | PHP | 405 lines
179        'fields' => array(
180            'username' => 'string',
181        ),
en.php https://github.com/masuman/elgg-1.git | PHP | 217 lines
29			'dgroups:name' => 'group name',
30			'dgroups:username' => 'group short name (displayed in URLs, alphanumeric characters only)',
31			'dgroups:description' => 'Description',
SecurityManagerBase.cs https://github.com/bertvan/CruiseControl.NET.git | C# | 382 lines
161            {
162                userName = authentication.GetUserName(credentials);
163                // Attempt to authenticate
166                    // Start a new session
167                    sessionToken = sessionCache.AddToCache(userName);
168                    displayName = authentication.GetDisplayName(credentials);
174            {
175                Log.Debug(string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,"{0} [{1}] has logged in", displayName, userName));
176                LogEvent(null, userName, SecurityEvent.Login, SecurityRight.Allow, null);
180                Log.Warning(string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,"Login failure: {0} has failed to login", userName));
181                LogEvent(null, userName, SecurityEvent.Login, SecurityRight.Deny, null);
182            }
217            if (sessionToken == null) return false;
218            string userName = sessionCache.RetrieveFromCache(sessionToken);
219            return (userName != null);
service.py https://bitbucket.org/jasonrglasgow/gdata.git | Python | 264 lines
42  def _serviceUrl(self, setting_id, username, domain=None):
43    if domain is None:
44      domain = self.domain
45    return '/a/feeds/emailsettings/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (API_VER, domain, username,
46                                                   setting_id)
48  def CreateLabel(self, username, label):
49    """Create a label.
51    Args:
52      username: User to create label for.
53      label: Label to create.
57    """
58    uri = self._serviceUrl('label', username)
59    properties = {'label': label}
__init__.py https://github.com/liaowang11/v2ex.git | Python | 270 lines
13    deactivated = db.IntegerProperty(required=True, default=0)
14    username = db.StringProperty(required=False, indexed=True)
15    username_lower = db.StringProperty(required=False, indexed=True)
activities_visibility_icons.feature https://github.com/markn86/moodle.git | Gherkin Specification | 180 lines
9    Given the following "users" exist:
10      | username | firstname | lastname | email |
11      | teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | teacher1@example.com |
69    Given the following "users" exist:
70      | username | firstname | lastname | email |
71      | teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | teacher1@example.com |
128    Given the following "users" exist:
129      | username | firstname | lastname | email |
130      | teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | teacher1@example.com |
User.java https://github.com/oburakevych/Integration-Payments.git | Java | 257 lines
42     *
43     * @param username the username presented to the
44     *        <code>DaoAuthenticationProvider</code>
65        if (((username == null) || "".equals(username)) || (password == null)) {
66            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot pass null or empty values to constructor");
104        if (((username == null) || "".equals(username)) || (password == null)) {
105            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot pass null or empty values to constructor");
194        if (rhs instanceof User) {
195            return username.equals(((User) rhs).username);
196        }
211        sb.append(super.toString()).append(": ");
212        sb.append("Username: ").append(this.username).append("; ");
213        sb.append("Password: [PROTECTED]; ");
AccountModel.java https://github.com/stevenjiancao/liferay-plugins.git | Java | 521 lines
126	@AutoEscape
127	public String getUserName();
131	 *
132	 * @param userName the user name of this account
133	 */
133	 */
134	public void setUserName(String userName);
ShoppingCouponWrapper.java https://github.com/kevincho/liferay-portal.git | Java | 515 lines
156	*/
157	public java.lang.String getUserName() {
158		return _shoppingCoupon.getUserName();
163	*
164	* @param userName the user name of this shopping coupon
165	*/
165	*/
166	public void setUserName(java.lang.String userName) {
167		_shoppingCoupon.setUserName(userName);
SubscriptionEntry.php https://bitbucket.org/tschrock52/ethodeshare.git | PHP | 446 lines
230        case $this->lookupNamespace('yt') . ':' . 'username':
231            $username = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube_Extension_Username();
232            $username->transferFromDOM($child);
232            $username->transferFromDOM($child);
233            $this->_username = $username;
234            break;
435     *
436     * @param Zend_Gdata_YouTube_Extension_Username $username The username of
437     *        the channel to which to subscribe to.
439     */
440    public function setUsername($username = null)
441    {
441    {
442        $this->_username = $username;
443        return $this;
0009_auto__add_field_configuration_is_main_esf__add_field_configuration_gra.py https://github.com/lizardsystem/lizard-esf.git | Python | 180 lines
54            'user_permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}),
55            'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '30'})
56        },
DataSource.java https://gitlab.com/essere.lab.public/qualitas.class-corpus | Java | 308 lines
259   * 
260   * @param userName user name to be used to connect C-JDBC controller(s).
261   */
261   */
262  public void setUser(String userName)
263  {
263  {
264    user = userName;
265  }
bidi.css https://github.com/Lurttinen/customisation-db.git | CSS | 750 lines
382.rtl blockquote cite {
383	/* Username/source of quoter */
384	margin-right: 20px;
KaleoDefinitionWrapper.java https://github.com/l15k4/liferay-plugins.git | Java | 550 lines
156	*/
157	public java.lang.String getUserName() {
158		return _kaleoDefinition.getUserName();
163	*
164	* @param userName the user name of this kaleo definition
165	*/
165	*/
166	public void setUserName(java.lang.String userName) {
167		_kaleoDefinition.setUserName(userName);
view.py https://gitlab.com/IDNatte/flask-codepolitan | Python | 223 lines
111                if dataStatusAuth == False:
112                    session['username'] = username
113                    session['logged_in'] = True
115                elif dataStatusAuth == True:
116                    error3 = 'User with username "%s" has been login in other device' %(username)
117                    return render_template('login.html', error3=error3)
121                if dataStatusAuth == False:
122                    session['username'] = username
123                    session['logged_in'] = True
125                elif dataStatusAuth == True:
126                    error3 = 'User with username "%s" has been login in other device' %(username)
127                    return render_template('login.html', error3=error3)
165def logout():
166    username = session.get('username')
167    userLogin.resetLoginStatus(username)
AssetCategoryPersistenceTest.java https://github.com/spreddy/liferay-portal.git | Java | 299 lines
81		newAssetCategory.setUserName(randomString());
111			newAssetCategory.getUserId());
112		assertEquals(existingAssetCategory.getUserName(),
113			newAssetCategory.getUserName());
275		assetCategory.setUserName(randomString());
MBMailingListLocalServiceImpl.java https://github.com/spreddy/liferay-portal.git | Java | 272 lines
85		mailingList.setInUseSSL(inUseSSL);
86		mailingList.setInUserName(inUserName);
87		mailingList.setInPassword(inPassword);
93		mailingList.setOutUseSSL(outUseSSL);
94		mailingList.setOutUserName(outUserName);
95		mailingList.setOutPassword(outPassword);
166		mailingList.setInUseSSL(inUseSSL);
167		mailingList.setInUserName(inUserName);
168		mailingList.setInPassword(inPassword);
174		mailingList.setOutUseSSL(outUseSSL);
175		mailingList.setOutUserName(outUserName);
176		mailingList.setOutPassword(outPassword);
221		mailingListRequest.setInUseSSL(mailingList.getInUseSSL());
222		mailingListRequest.setInUserName(mailingList.getInUserName());
223		mailingListRequest.setInPassword(mailingList.getInPassword());
ManyToManyBasicAssociationTest.php https://github.com/proclamo/txinbometro.git | PHP | 380 lines
167    {
168        $countDql = "SELECT count(g.id) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u JOIN u.groups g WHERE u.username = 'gblanco'";
169        $this->assertEquals(
171            $this->_em->createQuery($countDql)->getSingleScalarResult(),
172            "Failed to verify that CmsUser with username 'gblanco' has a group count of 10 with a DQL count query."
173        );
286        $user->name = 'Guilherme';
287        $user->username = 'gblanco';
288        $user->status = 'developer';
user_spec.rb https://gitlab.com/andyli/gitlab-ee | Ruby | 325 lines
41      before { stub_omniauth_config({ allow_single_sign_on: ['saml'], auto_link_saml_user: true }) }
42      let!(:existing_user) { create(:user, email: 'john@mail.com', username: 'john') }
43      context 'and should bind with SAML' do
196              allow(ldap_user).to receive(:uid) { uid }
197              allow(ldap_user).to receive(:username) { uid }
198              allow(ldap_user).to receive(:email) { %w(john@mail.com john2@example.com) }
208                expect(gl_user).to be_valid
209                expect(gl_user.username).to eql uid
210                expect(gl_user.email).to eql 'john@mail.com'
224                       provider: 'ldapmain',
225                       username: 'john')
226              end
231                expect(gl_user).to be_valid
232                expect(gl_user.username).to eql 'john'
233                expect(gl_user.email).to eql 'john@mail.com'
Pop3.php https://bitbucket.org/baruffaldi/cms-php-bfcms.git | PHP | 461 lines
252     *
253     * @param  string $user      username
254     * @param  string $password  password
ImapAccountAdapter.cpp https://bitbucket.org/kasimling/app-services.git | C++ | 270 lines
86	MojString username;
87	in.getRequired(USERNAME, username);
88	ErrorToException(err);
180	bool hasUsername = false;
181	err = config.get(ImapAccountAdapter::USERNAME, username, hasUsername);
182	ErrorToException(err);
184	{
185		err = accountObj.getRequired(ImapAccountAdapter::USERNAME, username);
186		ErrorToException(err);
249	MojString serverUsername;
250	err = config.get(ImapAccountAdapter::USERNAME, serverUsername, hasServerUsername);
251	ErrorToException(err);
252	if(hasServerUsername) {
253		login.SetUsername(serverUsername.data());
254	}
CmisBrowserFolderAspectsTests.java https://github.com/deas/alfresco.git | Java | 358 lines
50        testName = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
51        testUser = getUserNameFreeDomain(testName);
52        String[] testUserInfo = new String[] { testUser };
54        CreateUserAPI.CreateActivateUser(drone, ADMIN_USERNAME, testUserInfo);
manage.html https://github.com/tbarbugli/sentry.git | HTML | 170 lines
104                                    <td>
105                                        <a href="{% url sentry-edit-team-member team.slug member.pk %}">{{ user.username }}</a><br>
106                                        {{ user.email }}
HttpAuthHeader.java https://gitlab.com/AvayKumar/android_frameworks_base | Java | 424 lines
56     * with a new encrypted response, without reprompting the user for a
57     * new username and password.
58     */
61    /**
62     * A string to be displayed to users so they know which username and
63     * password to use.
102    /**
103     * Username string we get from the user.
104     */
104     */
105    private String mUsername;
147     */
148    public void setUsername(String username) {
149        mUsername = username;
LoginForm.cs https://bitbucket.org/bborad/rfidmobile.git | C# | 246 lines
64                {
65                    Pref.UserName = UsrNameTxtBx.Text.Trim();
66                    Pref.Passwd = PwdTxtBx.Text.Trim();
196            if (Pref.UserName == null || Pref.UserName.Length == 0)
197                return true;
197                return true;
198            if (String.Compare(Pref.UserName, UsrNameTxtBx.Text, true) != 0)
199            {
240            UsrNameTxtBx.Text = Pref.UserName;
241            PwdTxtBx.Text = Pref.Passwd;
Ldap.php https://bitbucket.org/baruffaldi/cms-php-bfcms.git | PHP | 296 lines
69     * @param  array  $options  An array of arrays of Zend_Ldap options
70     * @param  string $username The username of the account being authenticated
71     * @param  string $password The password of the account being authenticated
121     *
122     * @param  string $username The username for binding
123     * @return Zend_Auth_Adapter_Ldap Provides a fluent interface
124     */
125    public function setUsername($username)
126    {
126    {
127        $this->_username = (string) $username;
128        return $this;
188        $username = $this->_username;
189        $password = $this->_password;
api_helpers_spec.rb https://gitlab.com/sacuiu.andy/gitlab-ce | Ruby | 264 lines
108      expect(current_user).to eq(user)
109      set_env(admin, user.username)
110      expect(current_user).to eq(user)
119      expect { current_user }.to raise_error(Exception)
120      set_env(user, admin.username)
121      expect { current_user }.to raise_error(Exception)
121      expect { current_user }.to raise_error(Exception)
122      set_param(user, admin.username)
123      expect { current_user }.to raise_error(Exception)
137    it "throws an error when the user cannot be found for a given username" do
138      username = "#{user.username}#{admin.username}"
139      expect(user.username).not_to eq(username)
139      expect(user.username).not_to eq(username)
140      expect(admin.username).not_to eq(username)
141      set_env(admin, username)
Configuration.php https://gitlab.com/freebird/WebApp | PHP | 270 lines
54                ->booleanNode('use_listener')->defaultTrue()->end()
55                ->booleanNode('use_username_form_type')->defaultTrue()->end()
56                ->arrayNode('from_email')
223                            ->scalarNode('token_generator')->defaultValue('fos_user.util.token_generator.default')->end()
224                            ->scalarNode('username_canonicalizer')->defaultValue('fos_user.util.canonicalizer.default')->end()
225                            ->scalarNode('user_manager')->defaultValue('fos_user.user_manager.default')->end()
WorkflowDefinitionLinkWrapper.java https://github.com/lululiferay/liferay-portal.git | Java | 500 lines
51		attributes.put("userId", getUserId());
52		attributes.put("userName", getUserName());
53		attributes.put("createDate", getCreateDate());
91		String userName = (String)attributes.get("userName");
93		if (userName != null) {
94			setUserName(userName);
95		}
256	*/
257	public java.lang.String getUserName() {
258		return _workflowDefinitionLink.getUserName();
265	*/
266	public void setUserName(java.lang.String userName) {
267		_workflowDefinitionLink.setUserName(userName);
KaleoInstanceWrapper.java https://github.com/stevenjiancao/liferay-plugins.git | Java | 483 lines
153	*/
154	public java.lang.String getUserName() {
155		return _kaleoInstance.getUserName();
160	*
161	* @param userName the user name of this kaleo instance
162	*/
162	*/
163	public void setUserName(java.lang.String userName) {
164		_kaleoInstance.setUserName(userName);
Server.c https://bitbucket.org/schnika/chat-server-client.git | C | 475 lines
16    strncpy(name, CL_CON_REQ + 3, name_length);
17    /* Check if username already in list */
19    if(find_username(name) == 1)
20    {
184 * checks wether username exists
185 * @param name - the username to look for
185 * @param name - the username to look for
186 * return 1 - username doesn't exist
187 * return 0 - username already exists
190find_username(char *name)
award_emoji_spec.rb https://gitlab.com/certik/gitlab-ce | Ruby | 315 lines
154        expect(json_response['name']).to eq('blowfish')
155        expect(json_response['user']['username']).to eq(user.username)
156      end
200        expect(json_response['name']).to eq('blowfish')
201        expect(json_response['user']['username']).to eq(user.username)
202      end
214      expect(response).to have_http_status(201)
215      expect(json_response['user']['username']).to eq(user.username)
216    end
visual_tokens_spec.rb https://gitlab.com/certik/gitlab-ce | Ruby | 356 lines
7  let!(:project) { create(:project) }
8  let!(:user) { create(:user, name: 'administrator', username: 'root') }
9  let!(:user_rock) { create(:user, name: 'The Rock', username: 'rock') }
71      before do
72        filter_author_dropdown.find('.filter-dropdown-item .dropdown-light-content', text: "@#{user_rock.username}").click
73      end
RSClient.h https://github.com/rackerlabs/ios-cloudfiles.git | C Header | 277 lines
30 Your username is the username you use to login to http://manage.rackspacecloud.com, and your API Key 
31 is available in the My Account section of http://manage.rackspacecloud.com.  If you are a UK user, 
78 *  @provider The cloud provider to use
79 *  @param username Your username
80 *  @param apiKey Your API key, available in the My Account section of http://manage.rackspacecloud.com for Rackspace Cloud accounts
81 */
82- (id)initWithProvider:(RSProviderType)provider username:(NSString *)username apiKey:(NSString *)apiKey;
85 *  @param authURL The URL to use for authentication
86 *  @param username Your username
87 *  @param apiKey Your API key, available in the My Account section of http://manage.rackspacecloud.com for Rackspace Cloud accounts
88 */
89- (id)initWithAuthURL:(NSURL *)authURL username:(NSString *)username apiKey:(NSString *)apiKey;
AbstractFtpAdapter.php https://gitlab.com/techniconline/kmc | PHP | 613 lines
29     */
30    protected $username;
216    /**
217     * Returns the ftp username.
218     *
222    {
223        return empty($this->username) ? 'anonymous' : $this->username;
224    }
232     */
233    public function setUsername($username)
234    {
234    {
235        $this->username = $username;
users_spec.rb https://github.com/mizzy/instagram-ruby-gem.git | Ruby | 400 lines
70          users.should be_a Array
71          users.first.username.should == "shayne"
72        end
94            follows.should be_a Array
95            follows.first.username.should == "heartsf"
96          end
135            followed_by.should be_a Array
136            followed_by.first.username.should == "bojieyang"
137          end
208            recent_media.should be_a Array
209            recent_media.first.user.username.should == "shayne"
210          end
247          users.should be_a Array
248          users.first.username.should == "shayne"
249        end
SSCMCheckin.cs https://github.com/dguder/nantcontrib.git | C# | 382 lines
219        /// <summary>
220        /// The TestTrack Pro username and password.
221        /// </summary>
UploadFromUrlTest.php https://github.com/daevid/MWFork.git | PHP | 348 lines
49			'action' => 'login',
50			'lgname' => $this->user->userName,
51			'lgpassword' => $this->user->passWord ) );
59			"lgtoken" => $token,
60			'lgname' => $this->user->userName,
61			'lgpassword' => $this->user->passWord ) );
sfMessageSource.class.php https://github.com/frhumanes/PLM.git | PHP | 330 lines
48 * <code>
49 *   $dsn = 'mysql://username:password@localhost/messages';
50 *   $source = sfMessageSource::factory('MySQL', $dsn);
Quickauth.php https://bitbucket.org/earnest-tekkies/sample-php-ci.git | PHP | 345 lines
11    var $CI;
12    var $_username;
13	var $_language=1;// global variable for handling language
179    */
180    function _username_exists( $username )
181    {
181    {
182        $this->CI->db->where('username', $username);
183        $this->CI->db->limit(1);
191        {
192            $this->_username = $username;
193            return TRUE;
209        $this->CI->db->select('password');
210        $this->CI->db->where('username', $this->_username);
211        $this->CI->db->limit(1);
RepositoryData.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 80 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class represents a repository’s data, including its name, URL, username, and password. It provides methods to create instances with default values, copy existing instances, and access the repository’s details through getter and setter methods. The class extends another CheckoutData class, suggesting it might be part of a larger system for managing version control systems like SVN.

32 * Data object for information about a repository: a name for the repository,
33 * url for the repository, and username/password to connect to the repository.
34 */
40    public RepositoryData( String name, String url,
41            String username,
42            String password ) {
45        setURL( url );
46        setUsername( username );
47        setPassword( password );
54            setURL(new String(data.getURL()));
55            setUsername(data.getUsername() == null ? null : new String(data.getUsername()));
56            setPassword(data.getPassword() == null ? null : new String(data.getPassword()));
60    public String toString() {
61        return "RepositoryData[name=" + getName() + ", url=" + getURL() + ", username=" + getUsername() + ", password=" + getPassword() + "]";
62    }
Lock.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 123 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class provides a plugin for Subversion (SVN) that allows users to lock and unlock files or URLs in their SVN repository. It validates input data, sets up an SVN client manager, and uses the client to perform lock/unlock operations on specified paths. The operation’s success is reported through output streams.

74        // use the svnkit client manager
75        SVNClientManager clientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance( options, SVNWCUtil.createDefaultAuthenticationManager(SVNPlugin.getSvnStorageDir(), data.getUsername(), data.getDecryptedPassword() ));
overview.html http://fest.googlecode.com/svn/ | HTML | 49 lines
✨ Summary

This HTML document is an API specification for the FEST Swing Module, a library that provides tools for creating and maintaining GUI functional tests in Swing applications. It describes the module’s features, including simulation of user-generated events, reliable GUI component lookup, support for JUnit and TestNG, and screenshot embedding capabilities.

23  dialog.comboBox(&quot;domain&quot;).select(&quot;Users&quot;);
24  dialog.textBox(&quot;username&quot;).enterText(&quot;alex.ruiz&quot;);
25  dialog.button(&quot;ok&quot;).click();
appsforyourdomain.xml http://gdata-java-client.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | XML | 140 lines
95    <java fork="true" classname="${sample.appsforyourdomain.migration.main}">
96      <arg line="--username ${sample.appsforyourdomain.migration.username} --password ${sample.appsforyourdomain.migration.password} --domain ${sample.appsforyourdomain.migration.domain}"/>
97      <classpath>
107    <java fork="true" classname="${sample.appsforyourdomain.gmailsettings.AppsForYourDomainGmailFilterClient}">
108      <arg line="--username ${sample.appsforyourdomain.admin_email} --password ${sample.appsforyourdomain.admin_password} --domain ${sample.appsforyourdomain.domain} --destination_user ${sample.appsforyourdomain.user_email}"/>
109      <classpath>
119    <java fork="true" classname="${sample.appsforyourdomain.gmailsettings.GmailSettingsClient}">
120      <arg line="--username ${sample.appsforyourdomain.admin_email} --password ${sample.appsforyourdomain.admin_password} --domain ${sample.appsforyourdomain.domain} --destination_user ${sample.appsforyourdomain.user_email} --setting pop"/>
121      <classpath>
Delete.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 160 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class implements a command to delete files and directories from a Subversion repository using the SVNKit library. It takes input data containing paths to be deleted, output streams for success and error messages, and a commit message. The class uses an SVN client manager to perform the deletion and returns a DeleteResults object with the results of the operation.

71        // use the svnkit client manager
72        SVNClientManager clientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance( options, data.getUsername(), data.getDecryptedPassword() );
AddDialog.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 232 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code creates a graphical user interface (GUI) dialog for adding files and directories to a Subversion (SVN) repository. The dialog allows users to select files, set recursive options, and enter login credentials. It also includes buttons for “OK” and “Cancel”, which trigger the submission of the selected files and credentials to the SVN server.

172                        addData.setUsername( login.getUsername() );
173                        addData.setPassword( login.getPassword() );
FtpPlugin.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 175 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code implements an FTP plugin for a text editor, providing functionality such as browsing and saving files on FTP servers, displaying login dialogs, and managing saved passwords. It integrates with the editor’s virtual file system (VFS) to allow users to interact with FTP servers within the editor.

105		String host = (String)session.get(VFSSession.HOSTNAME_KEY);
106		String user = (String)session.get(VFSSession.USERNAME_KEY);
107		String password = (String)session.get(VFSSession.PASSWORD_KEY);
117					user = login.user;
118					session.put(VFSSession.USERNAME_KEY,user);
119				}
144		session.put(VFSSession.HOSTNAME_KEY,host);
145		session.put(VFSSession.USERNAME_KEY,user);
146		session.put(VFSSession.PASSWORD_KEY,password);
RepositoryComboBox.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 238 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class, RepositoryComboBox, is a custom JComboBox that allows users to select a repository from a dropdown list. It populates the list from jEdit properties and saves changes back to the properties file. The combo box displays friendly names of repositories and allows users to add, remove, and save repository data.

40 * propertyPrefix.url.1=repository url
41 * propertyPrefix.username.1=username for repository, can be null
42 * propertyPrefix.password.1=password for username
71            url = jEdit.getProperty( propertyPrefix + "url." + i );
72            String username = jEdit.getProperty( propertyPrefix + "username." + i );
73            String password = jEdit.getProperty( propertyPrefix + "password." + i );
87            if ( names.search( name ) == -1 ) {
88                RepositoryData data = new RepositoryData( name, url, username, password );
89                propertyMap.put( name, data );
202            jEdit.unsetProperty( propertyPrefix + "url." + i );
203            jEdit.unsetProperty( propertyPrefix + "username." + i );
204            jEdit.unsetProperty( propertyPrefix + "password." + i );
225                    if ( value.getUsername() != null ) {
226                        jEdit.setProperty( propertyPrefix + "username." + i, value.getUsername() );
227                    }
RevertAction.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 191 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class implements an ActionListener for a “Revert” action in a Subversion (SVN) plugin. It allows users to select paths and revert changes made to those files, with optional recursive and confirmation prompts. The action uses a SwingWorker to perform the revert operation in the background, displaying output in a console panel and updating the project viewer with the results.

61     * @param paths a list of paths to be added
62     * @param username the username for the svn repository
63     * @param password the password for the username
64     */
65    public RevertAction( View view, List<String> paths, String username, String password ) {
66        super( view, jEdit.getProperty( "ips.Revert", "Revert" ) );
69        this.paths = paths;
70        setUsername( username );
71        setPassword( password );
113                }
114                data.setUsername( getUsername() );
115                data.setPassword( getPassword() );
117            else {
118                setUsername( data.getUsername() );
119                setPassword( data.getPassword() );
db_queues.rb git://github.com/37signals/37s_cookbooks.git | Ruby | 103 lines
✨ Summary

This Ruby script checks the size of a database queue by executing a MySQL query and comparing its result to user-defined thresholds for warning and critical values. It outputs Nagios-compatible performance data, indicating whether the query result is within acceptable limits or not, and exits with an appropriate status code (OK, WARNING, CRITICAL, or UNKNOWN).

45  option :username do
46    short '-u'
46    short '-u'
47    long '--username=VALUE'
48    desc 'MySQL DB username'
81  conn = Mysql::connect(c[:host], c[:username], c[:password], c[:database], c[:port].to_i)
82  res = conn.query(c[:query])
FtpClient.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 1046 lines
✨ Summary

This Java code implements a basic FTP client and server framework. It provides methods for sending and receiving FTP commands, handling responses, and managing socket connections. The code includes classes for reading and writing data, as well as logging and debugging functionality. It appears to be a foundation for building a full-featured FTP application or library.

124    **/
125    public void userName(String userName) throws IOException {
126        sendCommand("USER " + userName);
ParsedURL.h https://bitbucket.org/ultra_iter/qt-vtl.git | C Header | 62 lines
42    String scheme() const;
43    String username() const;
44    String password() const;
windows.rb git://github.com/opscode/chef.git | Ruby | 76 lines
✨ Summary

This Ruby code provides a Chef provider for managing Windows environment variables. It uses WMI to interact with the Windows registry and sends a broadcast message to notify applications of changes to environment variables, ensuring they are updated in real-time. The provider allows creating, deleting, and retrieving environment variables on Windows systems.

33            obj.name = @new_resource.key_name
34            obj.username = "<System>"
35          end
AutoSaveManager.cs http://uniquestudiocms.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | C# | 145 lines
✨ Summary

This C# code defines a class AutoSaveManager that handles auto-saving of posts to a database. It provides methods for saving, retrieving, and checking if a post is saved, as well as setting the effectiveness of auto-save functionality. The class uses an AutoSaveProvider instance to interact with the database, logging errors and exceptions along the way.

44            }
45            if (post.AddUserName == null)
46            {
46            {
47                post.AddUserName = string.Empty;
48            }
top.aspx.cs http://uniquestudiocms.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | C# | 33 lines
✨ Summary

This C# code defines a web page for an administrative interface, specifically the top section of the admin panel. It displays the current user’s username and enables/disables a time display based on server configuration settings. The page also lists all sites managed by the system, retrieved from a SiteManager class.

22                {
23                    ltlUserName.Text = CurrentUser.UserName;
24                    ltlEnableTime.Visible = ServerConfig.IsDisplayTime;
login.js http://forceworkbench.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/workbench/ | JavaScript | 165 lines
✨ Summary

This JavaScript code defines a WorkbenchLogin object that initializes and configures a login form for a web application. It handles various events, such as radio button changes, key presses, and form submissions, to enable or disable fields, update server URLs, and validate user input. The code also includes functionality for handling different login types and interacting with Salesforce services.

25        bindEvent(form.un, "keyup", toggleUsernamePasswordSessionDisabled);
26        bindEvent(form.pw, "keyup", toggleUsernamePasswordSessionDisabled);
26        bindEvent(form.pw, "keyup", toggleUsernamePasswordSessionDisabled);
27        bindEvent(form.sid, "keyup", toggleUsernamePasswordSessionDisabled);
28        bindEvent(form.sid, "keyup", fuzzyServerUrlSelect);
30        bindEvent(form.un, "change", toggleUsernamePasswordSessionDisabled);
31        bindEvent(form.pw, "change", toggleUsernamePasswordSessionDisabled);
31        bindEvent(form.pw, "change", toggleUsernamePasswordSessionDisabled);
32        bindEvent(form.sid, "change", toggleUsernamePasswordSessionDisabled);
33        bindEvent(form.sid, "change", fuzzyServerUrlSelect);
117    function toggleUsernamePasswordSessionDisabled() {
118        if (form.sid.value) {
accountFeed.cs http://google-gdata.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ | C# | 269 lines
✨ Summary

The C# code retrieves data from the Google Analytics API using Client Login authentication and prints various information about the account feed, including feed details, advanced segments, custom variables, goals, and profile entries. It displays this data in a console output, providing insights into the user’s analytics settings and configuration.

29    private static String CLIENT_USERNAME = "INSERT_LOGIN_EMAIL_HERE";
30    private static String CLIENT_PASS = "INSERT_PASSWORD_HERE";
76      // Client Login Authorization.
77      asv.setUserCredentials(CLIENT_USERNAME, CLIENT_PASS);
Lock.java https://jedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jedit | Java | 122 lines
✨ Summary

This Java class provides a plugin for Subversion (SVN) that allows users to lock and unlock files or URLs. It takes in commit data, validates its contents, and uses SVNKit to interact with the SVN server. The class can either lock or unlock specified paths, and returns the results of the operation, including any errors that occurred.

73        // use the svnkit client manager
74        SVNClientManager clientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance( options, data.getUsername(), data.getPassword() );
Register.cshtml https://hg01.codeplex.com/openforum | Razor | 62 lines
✨ Summary

This Razor code generates a web form for user registration, including fields for username, email, password, and confirmation password. It uses ASP.NET MVC validation to ensure data integrity and displays error messages if necessary. The form is wrapped in a BeginForm tag, which enables client-side validation using jQuery Validate.

24            <div class="editor-label">
25                @Html.LabelFor(m => m.UserName)
26            </div>
27            <div class="editor-field">
28                @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.UserName)
29                @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.UserName)
auth.js git://github.com/OpenRTMFP/ArcusNode.git | JavaScript | 36 lines
✨ Summary

This JavaScript code creates a new instance of an ArcusNode, which is likely a Node.js server for real-time communication. It sets up an event listener to handle connections, authenticating users with a username and password. If credentials are correct, the connection is accepted; otherwise, it’s rejected with an error message. The server then starts running, waiting for incoming connections.

6arc.on('connect', function(nc, options, username, password){
7  // Let the connection wait for auth, 
16  //Make sure the username and password are given
17  if(typeof(username) == 'undefined' || typeof(password) == 'undefined'){
23  //Check the credentials
24  if(users[username] === password){
25    //Accept the connection if credentials are correct -> NetConnection.Connect.Success
README.md git://github.com/OpenRTMFP/ArcusNode.git | Markdown | 19 lines
✨ Summary

This is an example of using ArcusNode for user authentication in a Node.js application. It demonstrates how to connect to a server, failing if credentials are not provided, rejecting if credentials do not match, and accepting if they are correct. The example can be run with the FLDev Flash project, which allows specifying arguments for a NetConnection.

5Here you find an example for a possible user authentication,
6failing the connection if the username and password are not given,
7rejecting the connection if the given credentials do not match
close.js git://github.com/OpenRTMFP/ArcusNode.git | JavaScript | 27 lines
✨ Summary

This JavaScript code creates a new ArcusNode instance and sets up an event listener for when a connection is established. When a connection is closed, it logs a message to the console. It then closes the connection after 30 seconds, logging success or error messages accordingly. The server starts running once the setup is complete.

9arc.on('connect', function(nc, options, username, password){
10	nc.on('close', function(){

