# · Unknown · 204 lines · 165 code · 39 blank · 0 comment · 0 complexity · 586fe36736888d2f60fa4ce9391a1053 MD5 · raw file
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // GBuffer
- //
- // Vertex shader and pixel shader for filling the G-Buffer of a classic
- // deferred renderer
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- cbuffer Transforms
- {
- matrix WorldMatrix;
- matrix WorldViewMatrix;
- matrix WorldViewProjMatrix;
- };
- struct VSInput
- {
- float4 Position : POSITION;
- float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORDS0;
- float3 Normal : NORMAL;
- float4 Tangent : TANGENT;
- };
- struct VSOutput
- {
- float4 PositionCS : SV_Position;
- float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD;
- float3 NormalWS : NORMALWS;
- float3 PositionWS : POSITIONWS;
- float3 TangentWS : TANGENTWS;
- float3 BitangentWS : BITANGENTWS;
- };
- struct VSOutputOptimized
- {
- float4 PositionCS : SV_Position;
- float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD;
- float3 NormalVS : NORMALVS;
- float3 TangentVS : TANGENTVS;
- float3 BitangentVS : BITANGENTVS;
- };
- struct PSInput
- {
- float4 PositionSS : SV_Position;
- float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD;
- float3 NormalWS : NORMALWS;
- float3 PositionWS : POSITIONWS;
- float3 TangentWS : TANGENTWS;
- float3 BitangentWS : BITANGENTWS;
- };
- struct PSOutput
- {
- float4 Normal : SV_Target0;
- float4 DiffuseAlbedo : SV_Target1;
- float4 SpecularAlbedo : SV_Target2;
- float4 Position : SV_Target3;
- };
- struct PSInputOptimized
- {
- float4 PositionSS : SV_Position;
- float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD;
- float3 NormalVS : NORMALVS;
- float3 TangentVS : TANGENTVS;
- float3 BitangentVS : BITANGENTVS;
- };
- struct PSOutputOptimized
- {
- float4 Normal : SV_Target0;
- float4 DiffuseAlbedo : SV_Target1;
- float4 SpecularAlbedo : SV_Target2;
- };
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Textures
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Texture2D DiffuseMap : register( t0 );
- Texture2D NormalMap : register( t1 );
- SamplerState AnisoSampler : register( s0 );
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Basic vertex shader, no optimizations
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VSOutput VSMain( in VSInput input )
- {
- VSOutput output;
- // Convert position and normals to world space
- output.PositionWS = mul( input.Position, WorldMatrix ).xyz;
- float3 normalWS = normalize( mul( input.Normal, (float3x3)WorldMatrix ) );
- output.NormalWS = normalWS;
- // Reconstruct the rest of the tangent frame
- float3 tangentWS = normalize( mul( input.Tangent.xyz, (float3x3)WorldMatrix ) );
- float3 bitangentWS = normalize( cross( normalWS, tangentWS ) ) * input.Tangent.w;
- output.TangentWS = tangentWS;
- output.BitangentWS = bitangentWS;
- // Calculate the clip-space position
- output.PositionCS = mul( input.Position, WorldViewProjMatrix );
- // Pass along the texture coordinate
- output.TexCoord = input.TexCoord;
- return output;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Vertex shader, with optimizations
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VSOutputOptimized VSMainOptimized( in VSInput input )
- {
- VSOutputOptimized output;
- // Convert normals to view space
- float3 normalVS = normalize( mul( input.Normal, (float3x3)WorldViewMatrix ) );
- output.NormalVS = normalVS;
- // Reconstruct the rest of the tangent frame
- float3 tangentVS = normalize( mul( input.Tangent.xyz, (float3x3)WorldViewMatrix ) );
- float3 bitangentVS = normalize( cross( normalVS, tangentVS ) ) * input.Tangent.w;
- output.TangentVS = tangentVS;
- output.BitangentVS = bitangentVS;
- // Calculate the clip-space position
- output.PositionCS = mul( input.Position, WorldViewProjMatrix );
- // Pass along the texture coordinate
- output.TexCoord = input.TexCoord;
- return output;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Basic pixel shader, no optimizations
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PSOutput PSMain( in PSInput input )
- {
- PSOutput output;
- // Sample the diffuse map
- float3 diffuseAlbedo = DiffuseMap.Sample( AnisoSampler, input.TexCoord ).rgb;
- // Normalize the tangent frame after interpolation
- float3x3 tangentFrameWS = float3x3( normalize( input.TangentWS ),
- normalize( input.BitangentWS ),
- normalize( input.NormalWS ) );
- // Sample the tangent-space normal map and decompress
- float3 normalTS = normalize( NormalMap.Sample( AnisoSampler, input.TexCoord ).rgb * 2.0f - 1.0f );
- // Convert to world space
- float3 normalWS = mul( normalTS, tangentFrameWS );
- // Output our G-Buffer values
- output.Normal = float4( normalWS, 1.0f );
- output.DiffuseAlbedo = float4( diffuseAlbedo, 1.0f );
- output.SpecularAlbedo = float4( 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 64.0f );
- output.Position = float4( input.PositionWS, 1.0f );
- return output;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Function for encoding normals using a spheremap transform
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- float2 SpheremapEncode( float3 normalVS )
- {
- return normalize( normalVS.xy ) * ( sqrt( -normalVS.z * 0.5f + 0.5f ) );
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Pixel shader, with optimizations
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PSOutputOptimized PSMainOptimized( in PSInputOptimized input )
- {
- PSOutputOptimized output;
- // Sample the diffuse map
- float3 diffuseAlbedo = DiffuseMap.Sample( AnisoSampler, input.TexCoord ).rgb;
- // Normalize the tangent frame after interpolation
- float3x3 tangentFrameVS = float3x3( normalize( input.TangentVS ),
- normalize( input.BitangentVS ),
- normalize( input.NormalVS ) );
- // Sample the tangent-space normal map and decompress
- float3 normalTS = normalize( NormalMap.Sample( AnisoSampler, input.TexCoord ).rgb * 2.0f - 1.0f );
- // Convert to view space
- float3 normalVS = mul( normalTS, tangentFrameVS );
- // Output our G-Buffer values
- output.Normal = float4( SpheremapEncode( normalVS ), 1.0f, 1.0f );
- output.DiffuseAlbedo = float4( diffuseAlbedo, 1.0f );
- output.SpecularAlbedo = float4( 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 64.0f / 255.0f );
- return output;
- }