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- # Setup
- ## Platform
- |setting |value |
- |:--------|:----------------------------|
- |version |R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16) |
- |system |x86_64, darwin13.4.0 |
- |ui |RStudio (0.99.584) |
- |language |(EN) |
- |collate |en_US.UTF-8 |
- |tz |America/Chicago |
- ## Packages
- |package |* |version |date |source |
- |:----------|:--|:-------|:----------|:--------------|
- |abind | |1.4-3 |2015-03-13 |CRAN (R 3.2.0) |
- |doParallel | |1.0.8 |2014-02-28 |CRAN (R 3.2.0) |
- |foreach | |1.4.2 |2014-04-11 |CRAN (R 3.2.0) |
- |iterators | |1.0.7 |2014-04-11 |CRAN (R 3.2.0) |
- |itertools | |0.1-3 |2014-03-12 |CRAN (R 3.2.0) |
- |Rcpp | |0.11.6 |2015-05-01 |CRAN (R 3.2.0) |
- |testthat |* |0.10.0 |2015-05-22 |CRAN (R 3.2.0) |
- # Check results
- 311 checked out of 312 dependencies
- ## abctools (1.0.2)
- Maintainer: Matt Nunes <m.nunes@lancaster.ac.uk>
- Bug reports: http://github.com/dennisprangle/abctools/issues
- ```
- checking whether package ‘abctools’ can be installed ... ERROR
- Installation failed.
- See ‘/private/tmp/RtmptMRFsQ/check_cran118e525d401b7/abctools.Rcheck/00install.out’ for details.
- Status: 1 ERROR
- ```
- ## abd (0.2-7)
- Maintainer: Kevin M. Middleton <middletonk@missouri.edu>
- __OK__
- ## acs (1.2)
- Maintainer: Ezra Haber Glenn <eglenn@mit.edu>
- ```
- checking S3 generic/method consistency ... NOTE
- Found the following apparent S3 methods exported but not registered:
- confint.acs dim.acs length.acs prompt.acs
- See section ‘Registering S3 methods’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’
- manual.
- ```
- ```
- checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
- geo.lookup: no visible binding for global variable ‘fips.state’
- geo.lookup: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘fips.county.subdivision’
- geo.lookup: no visible binding for global variable ‘fips.school’
- geo.make : .geo.unit.make: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘fips.american.indian.area’
- geo.make : .geo.unit.make: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘fips.state’
- geo.make : .geo.unit.make: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘fips.county’
- geo.make : .geo.unit.make: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘fips.county.subdivision’
- geo.make : .geo.unit.make: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘fips.place’
- geo.make : .geo.unit.make: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘fips.school’
- ```
- ```
- Status: 2 NOTEs
- ```
- ## afex (0.13-145)
- Maintainer: Henrik Singmann <singmann+afex@gmail.com>
- __OK__
- ## aLFQ (1.3.2)
- Maintainer: George Rosenberger <rosenberger@imsb.biol.ethz.ch>
- ```
- checking whether package ‘aLFQ’ can be installed ... ERROR
- Installation failed.
- See ‘/private/tmp/RtmptMRFsQ/check_cran118e525d401b7/aLFQ.Rcheck/00install.out’ for details.
- Status: 1 ERROR
- ```
- ## alm (0.4.0)
- Maintainer: Scott Chamberlain <myrmecocystus@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: http://www.github.com/ropensci/alm/issues
- __OK__
- ## AntWeb (0.7)
- Maintainer: 'Karthik Ram' <karthik.ram@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/ropensci/AntWeb/issues
- __OK__
- ## AppliedPredictiveModeling (1.1-6)
- Maintainer: Max Kuhn <mxkuhn@gmail.com>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences.
- ```
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- 'library' or 'require' calls in package code:
- ‘ellipse’ ‘lattice’
- Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
- See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
- ```
- ```
- checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
- bookTheme: no visible global function definition for ‘trellis.par.set’
- transparentTheme: no visible global function definition for
- ‘trellis.par.set’
- upperp: no visible global function definition for ‘ellipse’
- upperp: no visible global function definition for ‘panel.xyplot’
- upperp: no visible global function definition for ‘trellis.par.get’
- ```
- ```
- Status: 3 NOTEs
- ```
- ## APSIM (0.8.0)
- Maintainer: Justin Fainges <Justin.Fainges@csiro.au>
- __OK__
- ## aqp (1.8-6)
- Maintainer: Dylan Beaudette <debeaudette@ucdavis.edu>
- __OK__
- ## ARPobservation (1.1)
- Maintainer: James E. Pustejovsky <jepusto@gmail.com>
- __OK__
- ## ARTool (0.9.5)
- Maintainer: Matthew Kay <mjskay@uw.edu>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/mjskay/ARTool/issues/new
- __OK__
- ## asVPC (1.0.2)
- Maintainer: Eun-Kyung Lee <lee.eunk@gmail.com>
- __OK__
- ## bams (1.6)
- Maintainer: Toby Dylan Hocking <toby@sg.cs.titech.ac.jp>
- ```
- checking package dependencies ... NOTE
- Packages suggested but not available for checking: ‘GLAD’ ‘DNAcopy’ ‘gada’
- ```
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- 'library' or 'require' calls in package code:
- ‘DNAcopy’ ‘GLAD’ ‘cghseg’ ‘changepoint’ ‘gada’ ‘grid’ ‘proto’
- Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
- See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
- Missing or unexported object: ‘ggplot2::coord_transform’
- Unexported objects imported by ':::' calls:
- ‘cghseg:::segmeanCO’ ‘ggplot2:::GeomRect’
- See the note in ?`:::` about the use of this operator.
- ```
- ```
- checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
- dnacopy.smoothvec : <anonymous>: no visible global function definition
- for ‘smooth.CNA’
- dnacopy.smoothvec : <anonymous>: no visible global function definition
- for ‘segment’
- dnacopy.smoothvec : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘segment’
- gada.results : <anonymous> : <anonymous>: no visible global function
- definition for ‘WextIextToSegments’
- geom_tallrect: no visible global function definition for ‘proto’
- geom_tallrect : draw_groups: no visible global function definition for
- ‘unit’
- run.pelt: no visible binding for global variable ‘cpt.mean’
- runglad: no visible global function definition for ‘as.profileCGH’
- runglad : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global variable ‘daglad’
- runglad : <anonymous> : <anonymous>: no visible binding for global
- variable ‘glad’
- ```
- ```
- checking line endings in Makefiles ... NOTE
- Found the following Makefile(s) without a final LF:
- inst/article/Makefile
- Some ‘make’ programs ignore lines not ending in LF.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 4 NOTEs
- ```
- ## BatchExperiments (1.4.1)
- Maintainer: Michel Lang <michellang@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/tudo-r/BatchExperiments/issues
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- Unexported objects imported by ':::' calls:
- ‘BatchJobs:::addIntModulo’ ‘BatchJobs:::buffer’
- ‘BatchJobs:::checkDir’ ‘BatchJobs:::checkId’ ‘BatchJobs:::checkIds’
- ‘BatchJobs:::checkPart’ ‘BatchJobs:::createShardedDirs’
- ‘BatchJobs:::dbConnectToJobsDB’ ‘BatchJobs:::dbCreateJobStatusTable’
- ‘BatchJobs:::dbDoQuery’ ‘BatchJobs:::dbFindDone’
- ‘BatchJobs:::dbFindRunning’ ‘BatchJobs:::dbRemoveJobs’
- ‘BatchJobs:::dbSelectWithIds’ ‘BatchJobs:::getJobDirs’
- ‘BatchJobs:::getJobInfoInternal’ ‘BatchJobs:::getKillJob’
- ‘BatchJobs:::getListJobs’ ‘BatchJobs:::getRandomSeed’
- ‘BatchJobs:::getResult’ ‘BatchJobs:::isRegistryDir’
- ‘BatchJobs:::makeRegistryInternal’ ‘BatchJobs:::saveRegistry’
- ‘BatchJobs:::seeder’ ‘BatchJobs:::syncRegistry’
- See the note in ?`:::` about the use of this operator.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## bayesGDS (0.6.1)
- Maintainer: Michael Braun <braunm@smu.edu>
- __OK__
- ## bayesPop (5.3-4)
- Maintainer: Hana Sevcikova <hanas@uw.edu>
- __OK__
- ## bcpa (1.1)
- Maintainer: Eliezer Gurarie <eliezg@uw.edu>
- __OK__
- ## bdvis (0.1.0)
- Maintainer: Vijay Barve <vijay.barve@gmail.com>
- __OK__
- ## bear (2.6.4)
- Maintainer: Yung-jin Lee <mobilepk@gmail.com>
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- 'library' or 'require' call to ‘plyr’ in package code.
- Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
- See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## benchmark (0.3-6)
- Maintainer: Manuel J. A. Eugster <manuel@mjae.net>
- ```
- checking package dependencies ... NOTE
- Package suggested but not available for checking: ‘Rgraphviz’
- ```
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- 'library' or 'require' call to ‘multcomp’ in package code.
- Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
- See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
- ```
- ```
- checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
- boxplot.AlgorithmPerformance: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘algorithms’
- boxplot.AlgorithmPerformance: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘value’
- boxplot.AlgorithmPerformance: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘samples’
- bsgraph0.dist: no visible global function definition for ‘addEdge’
- bsgraph0.graphNEL: no visible global function definition for
- ‘getDefaultAttrs’
- bsgraph0.graphNEL: no visible global function definition for ‘agopen’
- densityplot.AlgorithmPerformance: no visible binding for global
- variable ‘value’
- densityplot.AlgorithmPerformance: no visible binding for global
- variable ‘algorithms’
- mi: no visible global function definition for ‘mi.plugin’
- patch.relation_class_ids: no visible global function definition for
- ‘relation_is_strict_weak_order’
- plot.DatasetCharacterization: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘characteristics’
- plot.DatasetCharacterization: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘value’
- plot.DatasetCharacterization: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘samples’
- plot.TestResult: no visible binding for global variable ‘samples’
- plot.TestResult: no visible binding for global variable ‘value’
- stripchart.AlgorithmPerformance: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘algorithms’
- stripchart.AlgorithmPerformance: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘value’
- stripchart.AlgorithmPerformance: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘samples’
- ```
- ```
- checking Rd cross-references ... NOTE
- Package unavailable to check Rd xrefs: ‘graph’
- ```
- ```
- Status: 4 NOTEs
- ```
- ## BEQI2 (2.0-0)
- Maintainer: Dennis Walvoort <dennis.Walvoort@wur.nl>
- __OK__
- ## bigml (0.1.2)
- Maintainer: Leon Hwang <hwang@bigml.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/bigmlcom/bigml-r/issues
- __OK__
- ## Biograph (2.0.4)
- Maintainer: Frans Willekens <willekens@demogr.mpg.de>
- __OK__
- ## biom (0.3.12)
- Maintainer: Paul J. McMurdie <mcmurdie@stanford.edu>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/joey711/biom/issues
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Title field: should not end in a period.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## bmk (1.0)
- Maintainer: Matthew Krachey <matthewkrachey@yahoo.com>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences.
- ```
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- 'library' or 'require' calls to packages already attached by Depends:
- ‘coda’ ‘functional’ ‘plyr’
- Please remove these calls from your code.
- Packages in Depends field not imported from:
- ‘coda’ ‘functional’ ‘plyr’
- These packages need to be imported from (in the NAMESPACE file)
- for when this namespace is loaded but not attached.
- ```
- ```
- checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
- bmkconverge: no visible global function definition for ‘Compose’
- bmksensitive: no visible global function definition for ‘Compose’
- bmksummary: no visible global function definition for ‘Compose’
- bmksummary: no visible global function definition for ‘Curry’
- bmksummary: no visible global function definition for ‘mcmc’
- bmksummary: no visible global function definition for ‘mcmc.list’
- bmksummary: no visible global function definition for ‘effectiveSize’
- bmksummary: no visible global function definition for ‘gelman.diag’
- ```
- ```
- Status: 3 NOTEs
- ```
- ## bold (0.2.6)
- Maintainer: Scott Chamberlain <myrmecocystus@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/ropensci/bold/issues
- ```
- checking package dependencies ... NOTE
- Package suggested but not available for checking: ‘sangerseqR’
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## boottol (2.0)
- Maintainer: Garrett Schiltgen <garrett.schiltgen@gmail.com>
- __OK__
- ## broom (0.3.7)
- Maintainer: David Robinson <admiral.david@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: http://github.com/dgrtwo/broom/issues
- __OK__
- ## BSGS (1.0)
- Maintainer: Kuo-Jung Lee <kuojunglee@mail.ncku.edu.tw>
- __OK__
- ## BTSPAS (2014.0901)
- Maintainer: Carl J Schwarz <cschwarz@stat.sfu.ca>
- ```
- checking package dependencies ... NOTE
- Package suggested but not available for checking: ‘BRugs’
- ```
- ```
- checking whether package ‘BTSPAS’ can be installed ... ERROR
- Installation failed.
- See ‘/private/tmp/RtmptMRFsQ/check_cran118e525d401b7/BTSPAS.Rcheck/00install.out’ for details.
- Status: 1 ERROR, 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## caret (6.0-47)
- Maintainer: Max Kuhn <Max.Kuhn@pfizer.com>
- __OK__
- ## caretEnsemble (1.0.0)
- Maintainer: Zachary A. Mayer <zach.mayer@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/zachmayer/caretEnsemble/issues
- ```
- checking tests ... ERROR
- Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
- Last 13 lines of output:
- 3 - 2 == 1
- testthat results ================================================================
- OK: 348 SKIPPED: 0 FAILED: 6
- 1. Error: Warnings issued for missing data correctly
- 2. Error: NA preservation and standard errors work right
- 3. Error: We can ensemble models and handle missingness across predictors
- 4. Failure (at test-optimizers.R#122): Warnings and fallbacks in degenerate cases
- 5. Failure (at test-optimizers.R#129): Warnings and fallbacks in degenerate cases
- 6. Failure (at test-optimizers.R#130): Warnings and fallbacks in degenerate cases
- Error: testthat unit tests failed
- Execution halted
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 ERROR
- ```
- ## cda (1.5.1)
- Maintainer: Baptiste Auguie <baptiste.auguie@gmail.com>
- ```
- checking whether package ‘cda’ can be installed ... ERROR
- Installation failed.
- See ‘/private/tmp/RtmptMRFsQ/check_cran118e525d401b7/cda.Rcheck/00install.out’ for details.
- Status: 1 ERROR
- ```
- ## CDM (4.3-0)
- Maintainer: Alexander Robitzsch <a.robitzsch@bifie.at>
- ```
- checking whether package ‘CDM’ can be installed ... [26s/26s] ERROR
- Installation failed.
- See ‘/private/tmp/RtmptMRFsQ/check_cran118e525d401b7/CDM.Rcheck/00install.out’ for details.
- Status: 1 ERROR
- ```
- ## chemosensors (0.7.8)
- Maintainer: Andrey Ziyatdinov <andrey.ziyatdinov@upc.edu>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Title field: should not end in a period.
- ```
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- 'library' or 'require' call to ‘doMC’ in package code.
- Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
- See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 2 NOTEs
- ```
- ## ChemoSpec (4.0.1)
- Maintainer: Bryan A. Hanson <hanson@depauw.edu>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/bryanhanson/ChemoSpec/issues
- ```
- checking package dependencies ... NOTE
- Package suggested but not available for checking: ‘speaq’
- ```
- ```
- checking examples ... ERROR
- Running examples in ‘ChemoSpec-Ex.R’ failed
- The error most likely occurred in:
- > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
- > ### Name: clupaSpectra
- > ### Title: Conduct Hierarchical Cluster-Based Peak Alignment on a Spectra
- > ### Object
- > ### Aliases: clupaSpectra
- > ### Keywords: utilities
- >
- > ### ** Examples
- >
- > data(alignMUD)
- > plotSpectra(alignMUD, which = 1:20, lab.pos = 4.5, offset = 0.1,
- + yrange = c(0, 1900), amp = 500, xlim = c(1.5, 1.8),
- + main = "Misaligned NMR Spectra (alignMUD)")
- > aMUD <- clupaSpectra(alignMUD)
- Error in clupaSpectra(alignMUD) :
- You need to install package speaq to use this function
- Execution halted
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 ERROR, 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## classifly (0.4)
- Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <h.wickham@gmail.com>
- ```
- checking package dependencies ... NOTE
- Package suggested but not available for checking: ‘rggobi’
- ```
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- 'library' or 'require' call to ‘rggobi’ in package code.
- Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
- See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 2 NOTEs
- ```
- ## classify (1.3)
- Maintainer: Dr Chris Wheadon <chris.wheadon@gmail.com>
- ```
- checking whether package ‘classify’ can be installed ... ERROR
- Installation failed.
- See ‘/private/tmp/RtmptMRFsQ/check_cran118e525d401b7/classify.Rcheck/00install.out’ for details.
- Status: 1 ERROR
- ```
- ## clhs (0.5-4)
- Maintainer: Pierre Roudier <roudierp@landcareresearch.co.nz>
- __OK__
- ## clickstream (1.1.4)
- Maintainer: Michael Scholz <michael.scholz@uni-passau.de>
- __OK__
- ## clusterfly (0.4)
- Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <h.wickham@gmail.com>
- ```
- checking package dependencies ... ERROR
- Package required but not available: ‘rggobi’
- See section ‘The DESCRIPTION file’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’
- manual.
- Status: 1 ERROR
- ```
- ## coefplot (1.2.0)
- Maintainer: Jared P. Lander <packages@jaredlander.com>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences.
- Deprecated license: BSD
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## confidence (1.1-0)
- Maintainer: Dennis J. J. Walvoort <dennis.Walvoort@wur.nl>
- __OK__
- ## cpca (0.1.2)
- Maintainer: Andrey Ziyatdinov <andrey.ziyatdinov@upc.edu>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## CPMCGLM (1.1)
- Maintainer: Jeremie Riou <jeremie.riou@isped.u-bordeaux2.fr>
- __OK__
- ## cshapes (0.4-2)
- Maintainer: Nils B. Weidmann <nils.weidmann@uni-konstanz.de>
- ```
- checking installed package size ... NOTE
- installed size is 5.3Mb
- sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
- shp 5.2Mb
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## d3Network (
- Maintainer: Christopher Gandrud <christopher.gandrud@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/christophergandrud/d3Network/issues
- __OK__
- ## data.table (1.9.4)
- Maintainer: Matt Dowle <mdowle@mdowle.plus.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/issues
- __OK__
- ## dataRetrieval (2.2.1)
- Maintainer: Laura DeCicco <ldecicco@usgs.gov>
- ```
- checking tests ... ERROR
- Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
- Last 13 lines of output:
- > library(testthat)
- > library(dataRetrieval)
- > test_check("dataRetrieval")
- 1. Failure (at tests_imports.R#107): External importWaterML1 test --------------
- ncol(data) == 10 isn't true
- Read 7 items
- testthat results ================================================================
- 1. Failure (at tests_imports.R#107): External importWaterML1 test
- Error: testthat unit tests failed
- Execution halted
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 ERROR
- ```
- ## dcmr (1.0)
- Maintainer: Diane Losardo <dlosardo@amplify.com>
- __OK__
- ## decctools (0.2.1)
- Maintainer: James Keirstead <j.keirstead@imperial.ac.uk>
- __OK__
- ## Deducer (0.7-7)
- Maintainer: Ian Fellows <ian@fellstat.com>
- ```
- checking S3 generic/method consistency ... NOTE
- Found the following apparent S3 methods exported but not registered:
- as.matrix.cor.matrix plot.cor.matrix print.contin.table
- print.contin.tests print.contingency.tables print.cor.matrix
- print.freq.table print.multi.test sort.data.frame summary.lm
- See section ‘Registering S3 methods’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’
- manual.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## demi (1.1.2)
- Maintainer: Sten Ilmjarv <sten.ilmjarv@gmail.com>
- ```
- checking package dependencies ... ERROR
- Packages required but not available: ‘affxparser’ ‘affy’ ‘oligo’
- See section ‘The DESCRIPTION file’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’
- manual.
- Status: 1 ERROR
- ```
- ## dendextend (0.18.3)
- Maintainer: Tal Galili <tal.galili@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/talgalili/dendextend/issues
- ```
- checking package dependencies ... NOTE
- Package which this enhances but not available for checking: ‘labeltodendro’
- ```
- ```
- checking Rd cross-references ... NOTE
- Packages unavailable to check Rd xrefs: ‘WGCNA’, ‘moduleColor’, ‘distory’
- ```
- ```
- Status: 2 NOTEs
- ```
- ## DescribeDisplay (0.2.4)
- Maintainer: Di Cook <dicook@iastate.edu>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences.
- Deprecated license: BSD
- ```
- ```
- checking top-level files ... NOTE
- Non-standard files/directories found at top level:
- ‘ggobi-xml’ ‘load.r’ ‘write-xml.rnw’
- ```
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- Package in Depends field not imported from: ‘proto’
- These packages need to be imported from (in the NAMESPACE file)
- for when this namespace is loaded but not attached.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 3 NOTEs
- ```
- ## discreteRV (1.2.1)
- Maintainer: Eric Hare <erichare@iastate.edu>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/erichare/discreteRV/issues
- __OK__
- ## dostats (1.3.2)
- Maintainer: Andrew Redd <Andrew.Redd@hsc.utah.edu>
- __OK__
- ## dropR (0.1)
- Maintainer: Matthias Bannert <bannert@kof.ethz.ch>
- __OK__
- ## dynsurv (0.2-2)
- Maintainer: Jun Yan <jun.yan@uconn.edu>
- __OK__
- ## EBMAforecast (0.42)
- Maintainer: Jacob Montgomery <jacob.montgomery@wustl.edu>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences.
- ```
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- Packages in Depends field not imported from:
- ‘Hmisc’ ‘abind’ ‘ensembleBMA’ ‘methods’ ‘plyr’ ‘separationplot’
- These packages need to be imported from (in the NAMESPACE file)
- for when this namespace is loaded but not attached.
- ```
- ```
- checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
- plot,FDatFitLogit: no visible binding for global variable ‘y’
- plot,FDatFitNormal: no visible binding for global variable ‘y’
- ```
- ```
- Status: 3 NOTEs
- ```
- ## ecoengine (1.9.1)
- Maintainer: Karthik Ram <karthik.ram@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/ropensci/ecoengine/issues
- __OK__
- ## eeptools (0.3.1)
- Maintainer: Jared E. Knowles <jknowles@gmail.com>
- ```
- checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
- moves_calc: no visible binding for global variable ‘id’
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## EIAdata (0.0.3)
- Maintainer: Matthew Brigida <matt@complete-markets.com>
- __OK__
- ## emdatr (0.3)
- Maintainer: Gopi Goteti <my.ration.shop@gmail.com>
- __OK__
- ## emdbook (1.3.8)
- Maintainer: Ben Bolker <bolker@mcmaster.ca>
- __OK__
- ## enigma (0.1.1)
- Maintainer: Scott Chamberlain <myrmecocystus@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/ropengov/enigma/issues
- __OK__
- ## EpiContactTrace (0.8.8)
- Maintainer: Stefan Widgren <stefan.widgren@sva.se>
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- 'library' or 'require' calls in package code:
- ‘animation’ ‘ggmap’
- Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
- See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
- ```
- ```
- checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
- Animate : create_map: no visible global function definition for ‘ggmap’
- Animate : create_map: no visible global function definition for
- ‘geom_segment’
- Animate : create_map: no visible global function definition for
- ‘aes_string’
- Animate : create_map: no visible global function definition for ‘labs’
- Animate : create_map: no visible global function definition for
- ‘ggtitle’
- Animate : create_map: no visible global function definition for
- ‘ani.pause’
- Animate: no visible global function definition for ‘saveHTML’
- ```
- ```
- Status: 2 NOTEs
- ```
- ## eurostat (1.0.16)
- Maintainer: Lahti Leo <louhos@googlegroups.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/ropengov/eurostat/issues
- __OK__
- ## evolqg (0.1-5)
- Maintainer: Diogo Melo <diogro@usp.br>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/lem-usp/evolqg/issues
- __OK__
- ## extracat (1.7-1)
- Maintainer: Alexander Pilhoefer <alexander.pilhoefer@math.uni-augsburg.de>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## ez (4.2-2)
- Maintainer: Michael A. Lawrence <mike.lwrnc@gmail.com>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Title field: should not end in a period.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## ezsim (0.5.5)
- Maintainer: TszKin Julian Chan <ctszkin@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: TszKin Julian Chan <ctszkin@gmail.com>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## FAOSTAT (2.0)
- Maintainer: Filippo Gheri <filippo.gheri@fao.org>
- ```
- checking data for non-ASCII characters ... NOTE
- Note: found 179 marked UTF-8 strings
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## fishmove (0.3-3)
- Maintainer: Johannes Radinger <jradinger@igb-berlin.de>
- __OK__
- ## freqweights (1.0.1)
- Maintainer: Emilio Torres-Manzanera <torres@uniovi.es>
- __OK__
- ## fSRM (0.6.1)
- Maintainer: Felix Schönbrodt <felix@nicebread.de>
- __OK__
- ## gcbd (0.2.5)
- Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>
- ```
- checking package dependencies ... NOTE
- Package suggested but not available for checking: ‘gputools’
- ```
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- Packages in Depends field not imported from:
- ‘RSQLite’ ‘lattice’ ‘plyr’ ‘reshape’
- These packages need to be imported from (in the NAMESPACE file)
- for when this namespace is loaded but not attached.
- ```
- ```
- checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
- createDatabase: no visible global function definition for ‘dbDriver’
- createDatabase: no visible global function definition for
- ‘dbBuildTableDefinition’
- createDatabase: no visible global function definition for ‘dbConnect’
- createDatabase: no visible global function definition for ‘dbGetQuery’
- createDatabase: no visible global function definition for
- ‘dbDisconnect’
- databaseResult: no visible global function definition for ‘dbConnect’
- databaseResult: no visible global function definition for ‘dbDriver’
- databaseResult: no visible global function definition for
- ‘dbWriteTable’
- databaseResult: no visible global function definition for
- ‘dbDisconnect’
- figure_Lattice: no visible global function definition for ‘melt’
- figure_Lattice: no visible global function definition for
- ‘trellis.par.get’
- figure_Lattice: no visible global function definition for
- ‘trellis.par.set’
- figure_LatticeByArch: no visible global function definition for ‘melt’
- figure_LatticeByArch: no visible global function definition for
- ‘trellis.par.get’
- figure_LatticeByArch: no visible global function definition for
- ‘trellis.par.set’
- figure_LogLogIntercept: no visible global function definition for
- ‘trellis.par.get’
- figure_LogLogIntercept: no visible global function definition for
- ‘trellis.par.set’
- figure_LogLogLattice: no visible global function definition for ‘melt’
- figure_LogLogLattice: no visible global function definition for
- ‘trellis.par.get’
- figure_LogLogLattice: no visible global function definition for
- ‘trellis.par.set’
- figure_LogLogSlopes: no visible global function definition for
- ‘trellis.par.get’
- figure_LogLogSlopes: no visible global function definition for
- ‘trellis.par.set’
- getBenchmarkData: no visible global function definition for ‘dbConnect’
- getBenchmarkData: no visible global function definition for ‘dbDriver’
- getBenchmarkData: no visible global function definition for
- ‘dbGetQuery’
- getBenchmarkData: no visible global function definition for
- ‘dbDisconnect’
- loglogAnalysis: no visible global function definition for ‘dbConnect’
- loglogAnalysis: no visible global function definition for ‘dbDriver’
- loglogAnalysis: no visible global function definition for ‘dbGetQuery’
- loglogAnalysis: no visible global function definition for
- ‘dbDisconnect’
- loglogAnalysis: no visible global function definition for ‘ddply’
- loglogAnalysis: no visible global function definition for ‘melt’
- luBenchmark: no visible global function definition for ‘lu’
- matmultBenchmarkgputools: no visible global function definition for
- ‘gpuMatMult’
- qrBenchmarkgputools: no visible global function definition for ‘gpuQr’
- svdBenchmarkgputools: no visible global function definition for
- ‘gpuSvd’
- ```
- ```
- checking re-building of vignette outputs ... NOTE
- Error in re-building vignettes:
- ...
- Loading required package: RSQLite
- Loading required package: DBI
- Loading required package: plyr
- Loading required package: reshape
- Attaching package: ‘reshape’
- The following objects are masked from ‘package:plyr’:
- rename, round_any
- Loading required package: lattice
- Warning in packageDescription("gputools") :
- no package 'gputools' was found
- Error: processing vignette 'gcbd.Rnw' failed with diagnostics:
- at gcbd.Rnw:860, subscript out of bounds
- Execution halted
- ```
- ```
- Status: 4 NOTEs
- ```
- ## gcookbook (1.0)
- Maintainer: Winston Chang <winston@stdout.org>
- __OK__
- ## GDELTtools (1.2)
- Maintainer: Stephen R. Haptonstahl <srh@haptonstahl.org>
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- Package in Depends field not imported from: ‘tools’
- These packages need to be imported from (in the NAMESPACE file)
- for when this namespace is loaded but not attached.
- ```
- ```
- checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
- IsValidGDELT: no visible global function definition for ‘md5sum’
- ```
- ```
- Status: 2 NOTEs
- ```
- ## gdm (1.0)
- Maintainer: Matthew C. Fitzpatrick <mfitzpatrick@al.umces.edu>
- __OK__
- ## gems (1.0.0)
- Maintainer: Luisa Salazar Vizcaya <luisa.salazar@ispm.unibe.ch>
- __OK__
- ## gemtc (0.6-2)
- Maintainer: Gert van Valkenhoef <g.h.m.van.valkenhoef@rug.nl>
- ```
- checking package dependencies ... NOTE
- Package suggested but not available for checking: ‘BRugs’
- ```
- ```
- checking examples ... ERROR
- Running examples in ‘gemtc-Ex.R’ failed
- The error most likely occurred in:
- > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
- > ### Name: mtc.hy.prior
- > ### Title: Set priors for the heterogeneity parameter
- > ### Aliases: mtc.hy.prior mtc.hy.empirical.lor
- >
- > ### ** Examples
- >
- > file <- system.file("extdata/luades-smoking.gemtc", package="gemtc")
- > network <- read.mtc.network(file)
- >
- > # NOTE: the mtc.run commands below are for illustrative purposes, such a small
- > # number of iterations should obviously not be used in practice.
- >
- > # set a uniform prior standard deviation
- > model1 <- mtc.model(network, hy.prior=mtc.hy.prior("std.dev", "dunif", 0, 2))
- > result <- mtc.run(model1, n.adapt=10, n.iter=10)
- Warning: running command 'which wine' had status 1
- WARNING: The locate database (/var/db/locate.database) does not exist.
- To create the database, run the following command:
- sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.locate.plist
- Please be aware that the database can take some time to generate; once
- the database has been created, this message will no longer appear.
- Warning: running command 'locate wine | grep bin/wine$' had status 1
- Error in findUnixBinary(x = "wine") : couldn't find wine binary file
- Calls: mtc.run ... mtc.sample -> as.mcmc.list -> <Anonymous> -> findUnixBinary
- Execution halted
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 ERROR, 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## geospt (1.0-1)
- Maintainer: Alí Santacruz <amsantac@unal.edu.co>
- __OK__
- ## gfcanalysis (1.2)
- Maintainer: Alex Zvoleff <azvoleff@conservation.org>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/azvoleff/gfcanalysis/issues
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## GGally (0.5.0)
- Maintainer: Barret Schloerke <schloerke@gmail.com>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Title field: should not end in a period.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## ggenealogy (0.1.0)
- Maintainer: Lindsay Rutter <lrutter@iastate.edu>
- __OK__
- ## ggmap (2.4)
- Maintainer: David Kahle <david.kahle@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/dkahle/ggmap/issues
- ```
- checking examples ... ERROR
- Running examples in ‘ggmap-Ex.R’ failed
- The error most likely occurred in:
- > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
- > ### Name: geocode
- > ### Title: Geocode
- > ### Aliases: geocode geocodeQueryCheck
- >
- > ### ** Examples
- >
- > # Types of input
- > geocode('Baylor University')
- Information from URL : http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=Baylor+University&sensor=false
- lon lat
- 1 -97.11844 31.54822
- > geocode('1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC')
- Information from URL : http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=1600+Pennsylvania+Avenue,+Washington+DC&sensor=false
- lon lat
- 1 -76.98168 38.87866
- > geocode('the white house')
- Information from URL : http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=the+white+house&sensor=false
- lon lat
- 1 -77.03653 38.89768
- > geocode(c('baylor university', 'salvation army waco'))
- Information from URL : http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=baylor+university&sensor=false
- Information from URL : http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=salvation+army+waco&sensor=false
- lon lat
- 1 -97.11844 31.54822
- 2 -97.12858 31.54158
- >
- > # Types of output
- > geocode('Baylor University', output = "latlona")
- lon lat
- 1 -97.11844 31.54822
- address
- 1 baylor university, 1311 south 5th street, waco, tx 76706, usa
- > geocode('Baylor University', output = "more")
- Error in data.frame(long_name = "Baylor University", short_name = "Baylor University", :
- arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0
- Calls: geocode ... as.data.frame -> as.data.frame.list -> eval -> eval -> data.frame
- Execution halted
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 ERROR
- ```
- ## ggparallel (0.1.1)
- Maintainer: Heike Hofmann <hofmann@iastate.edu>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- License components which are templates and need '+ file LICENSE':
- ```
- ```
- checking top-level files ... NOTE
- Non-standard file/directory found at top level:
- ‘ggparallel.Rproj’
- ```
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- Packages in Depends field not imported from:
- ‘ggplot2’ ‘plyr’ ‘reshape2’
- These packages need to be imported from (in the NAMESPACE file)
- for when this namespace is loaded but not attached.
- ```
- ```
- checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
- ggparallel : getRibbons: no visible global function definition for
- ‘melt’
- ggparallel : getRibbons: no visible global function definition for
- ‘geom_ribbon’
- ggparallel : getRibbons: no visible global function definition for
- ‘aes’
- ggparallel : getRibbons: no visible binding for global variable ‘id’
- ggparallel : getRibbons: no visible global function definition for
- ‘ddply’
- ggparallel : getRibbons: no visible global function definition for ‘.’
- ggparallel : getRibbons: no visible global function definition for
- ‘geom_line’
- ggparallel : getRibbons: no visible global function definition for
- ‘scale_size’
- ggparallel : getRibbons: no visible binding for global variable
- ‘summarise’
- ggparallel: no visible global function definition for ‘melt’
- ggparallel: no visible global function definition for ‘ddply’
- ggparallel: no visible global function definition for ‘.’
- ggparallel: no visible binding for global variable ‘summarize’
- ggparallel: no visible global function definition for ‘geom_text’
- ggparallel: no visible global function definition for ‘aes’
- ggparallel: no visible global function definition for ‘theme’
- ggparallel: no visible global function definition for ‘ggplot’
- ggparallel: no visible global function definition for ‘geom_bar’
- ggparallel: no visible global function definition for ‘xlab’
- ggparallel: no visible global function definition for
- ‘scale_x_discrete’
- ```
- ```
- checking Rd line widths ... NOTE
- Rd file 'genes.Rd':
- \examples lines wider than 100 characters:
- ggparallel(list("path", "chrom"), text.offset=c(0.03, 0,-0.03), data = genes, width=0.1, order=c(1,0), angle=0, color="white",
- scale_colour_manual(values = c( brewer.pal("YlOrRd", n = 9), rep("grey80", 24)), guide="none") +
- Rd file 'ggparallel.Rd':
- \examples lines wider than 100 characters:
- ggparallel(names(titanic)[c(1,4,2,3)], titanic, weight=1, asp=0.5, method="hammock", ratio=0.2, order=c(0,0)) +
- ggparallel(names(titanic)[c(1,4,2,3)], titanic, weight="Freq", asp=0.5, method="hammock", order=c(0,0)) +
- ggparallel(list("path", "chrom"), text.offset=c(0.03, 0,-0.03), data = genes, width=0.1, order=c(1,0), text.angle=0, color="white",
- scale_colour_manual(values = c( brewer.pal("YlOrRd", n = 9), rep("grey80", 24)), guide="none") +
- These lines will be truncated in the PDF manual.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 5 NOTEs
- ```
- ## ggplot2 (1.0.1)
- Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <h.wickham@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/hadley/ggplot2/issues
- __OK__
- ## ggsubplot (0.3.2)
- Maintainer: Garrett Grolemund <garrett@rstudio.com>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Title field: should not end in a period.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## ggswissmaps (0.0.2)
- Maintainer: Sandro Petrillo Burri <gibo.gaf@gmail.com>
- __OK__
- ## ggtern (
- Maintainer: Nicholas Hamilton <nick@ggtern.com>
- __OK__
- ## ggthemes (2.1.2)
- Maintainer: Jeffrey B. Arnold <jeffrey.arnold@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: http://github.com/jrnold/ggthemes
- __OK__
- ## gpmap (0.1.1)
- Maintainer: Arne B. Gjuvsland <arne.gjuvsland@nmbu.no>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences.
- ```
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- Packages in Depends field not imported from:
- ‘foreach’ ‘ggplot2’ ‘isotone’ ‘plyr’
- These packages need to be imported from (in the NAMESPACE file)
- for when this namespace is loaded but not attached.
- ```
- ```
- checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
- decompose_monotone: no visible global function definition for ‘%dopar%’
- decompose_monotone: no visible global function definition for ‘foreach’
- decompose_monotone: no visible global function definition for ‘%do%’
- decompose_monotone_single: no visible global function definition for
- ‘%dopar%’
- decompose_monotone_single: no visible global function definition for
- ‘foreach’
- decompose_monotone_single: no visible global function definition for
- ‘laply’
- degree_of_monotonicity: no visible global function definition for
- ‘%do%’
- degree_of_monotonicity: no visible global function definition for
- ‘foreach’
- degree_of_monotonicity_single: no visible global function definition
- for ‘aaply’
- monotone_regression: no visible global function definition for
- ‘activeSet’
- partial_genotype_order: no visible global function definition for
- ‘aaply’
- plot1_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘%do%’
- plot1_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘foreach’
- plot1_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘ggplot’
- plot1_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘aes_string’
- plot1_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘geom_point’
- plot1_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘facet_wrap’
- plot1_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘labs’
- plot1_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘%do%’
- plot1_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘foreach’
- plot1_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘ggplot’
- plot1_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘aes_string’
- plot1_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘geom_line’
- plot1_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘labs’
- plot2_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘%do%’
- plot2_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘foreach’
- plot2_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘ggplot’
- plot2_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘aes_string’
- plot2_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘geom_line’
- plot2_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘facet_wrap’
- plot2_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘labs’
- plot2_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘%do%’
- plot2_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘foreach’
- plot2_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘ggplot’
- plot2_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘aes_string’
- plot2_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘geom_line’
- plot2_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘labs’
- plot3_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘%do%’
- plot3_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘foreach’
- plot3_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘ggplot’
- plot3_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘aes_string’
- plot3_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘geom_line’
- plot3_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘facet_grid’
- plot3_dec: no visible global function definition for ‘labs’
- plot3_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘%do%’
- plot3_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘foreach’
- plot3_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘ggplot’
- plot3_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘aes_string’
- plot3_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘geom_line’
- plot3_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘facet_wrap’
- plot3_orig: no visible global function definition for ‘labs’
- ```
- ```
- Status: 3 NOTEs
- ```
- ## gProfileR (0.5.3)
- Maintainer: Tambet Arak <tambet.arak@gmail.com>
- __OK__
- ## granovaGG (1.3)
- Maintainer: Brian A. Danielak <brian@briandk.com>
- __OK__
- ## gsDesign (2.9-3)
- Maintainer: Keaven Anderson <keaven_anderson@merck.com>
- ```
- checking S3 generic/method consistency ... NOTE
- Found the following apparent S3 methods exported but not registered:
- plot.binomialSPRT plot.gsBinomialExact plot.gsDesign
- plot.gsProbability plot.ssrCP print.eEvents print.gsBoundSummary
- print.gsDesign print.gsProbability print.gsSurv print.nSurv
- print.nSurvival summary.gsDesign summary.spendfn xtable.gsSurv
- See section ‘Registering S3 methods’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’
- manual.
- ```
- ```
- checking line endings in Makefiles ... NOTE
- Found the following Makefile(s) without a final LF:
- inst/unitTests/Makefile
- Some ‘make’ programs ignore lines not ending in LF.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 2 NOTEs
- ```
- ## GSIF (0.4-6)
- Maintainer: Tomislav Hengl <tom.hengl@isric.org>
- __OK__
- ## gtable (0.1.2)
- Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <h.wickham@gmail.com>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Title field: should not end in a period.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## h2o (
- Maintainer: Tom Kraljevic <tomk@0xdata.com>
- ```
- checking installed package size ... NOTE
- installed size is 40.5Mb
- sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
- java 39.6Mb
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## harvestr (0.6.0)
- Maintainer: Andrew Redd <andrew.redd@hsc.utah.edu>
- __OK__
- ## HighDimOut (1.0.0)
- Maintainer: Cheng Fan <raja8885@hotmail.com>
- __OK__
- ## hillmakeR (0.2)
- Maintainer: David Gilinson <dgilinson@reefpointgroup.com>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## HistData (0.7-5)
- Maintainer: Michael Friendly <friendly@yorku.ca>
- ```
- checking Rd cross-references ... NOTE
- Packages unavailable to check Rd xrefs: ‘Guerry’, ‘alr3’, ‘agridat’
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## HiveR (0.2-28)
- Maintainer: Bryan A. Hanson <hanson@depauw.edu>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/bryanhanson/HiveR/issues
- __OK__
- ## HLMdiag (0.2.5)
- Maintainer: Adam Loy <loyad01@gmail.com>
- ```
- checking whether package ‘HLMdiag’ can be installed ... [29s/29s] ERROR
- Installation failed.
- See ‘/private/tmp/RtmptMRFsQ/check_cran118e525d401b7/HLMdiag.Rcheck/00install.out’ for details.
- Status: 1 ERROR
- ```
- ## hydrostats (0.2.3)
- Maintainer: Nick Bond <n.bond@griffith.edu.au>
- __OK__
- ## intsvy (1.6)
- Maintainer: Daniel Caro <daniel.caro@education.ox.ac.uk>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/eldafani/intsvy/issues
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences.
- ```
- ```
- checking S3 generic/method consistency ... NOTE
- Found the following apparent S3 methods exported but not registered:
- plot.intsvy.mean plot.intsvy.reg plot.intsvy.table
- See section ‘Registering S3 methods’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’
- manual.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 2 NOTEs
- ```
- ## IsingSampler (0.2)
- Maintainer: Sacha Epskamp <mail@sachaepskamp.com>
- __OK__
- ## ivlewbel (1.1)
- Maintainer: Alan Fernihough <alan.fernihough@gmail.com>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences.
- ```
- ```
- checking S3 generic/method consistency ... NOTE
- Found the following apparent S3 methods exported but not registered:
- print.lewbel.model
- See section ‘Registering S3 methods’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’
- manual.
- ```
- ```
- checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
- clusterVCV: no visible global function definition for ‘estfun’
- covc: no visible global function definition for ‘sandwich’
- ftest: no visible global function definition for ‘vcovHC’
- ```
- ```
- Status: 3 NOTEs
- ```
- ## JAGUAR (2.0)
- Maintainer: Chaitanya Acharya <c.acharya@duke.edu>
- __OK__
- ## jsonlite (0.9.16)
- Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms <jeroen.ooms@stat.ucla.edu>
- Bug reports: http://github.com/jeroenooms/jsonlite/issues
- __OK__
- ## Kernelheaping (0.5)
- Maintainer: Marcus Gross <marcus.gross@fu-berlin.de>
- __OK__
- ## kimisc (0.2-1)
- Maintainer: Kirill Mueller <mail@kirill-mueller.de>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/krlmlr/kimisc/issues
- __OK__
- ## Kmisc (0.5.0)
- Maintainer: Kevin Ushey <kevinushey@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/kevinushey/Kmisc/issues
- __OK__
- ## knitrBootstrap (0.9.0)
- Maintainer: Jim Hester <james.f.hester@gmail.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/jimhester/knitrBootstrap/issues
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Title field: should not end in a period.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## kobe (1.3.2)
- Maintainer: Laurence Kell <laurie.kell@iccat.int>
- __OK__
- ## Lahman (3.0-1)
- Maintainer: Michael Friendly <friendly@yorku.ca>
- ```
- checking installed package size ... NOTE
- installed size is 7.4Mb
- sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
- data 7.2Mb
- ```
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- 'library' or 'require' call to ‘plyr’ in package code.
- Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
- See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 2 NOTEs
- ```
- ## LakeMetabolizer (1.3.3)
- Maintainer: Luke Winslow <lawinslow@gmail.com>
- __OK__
- ## learningr (0.29)
- Maintainer: Richie Cotton <richierocks@gmail.com>
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Title field: should not end in a period.
- ```
- ```
- checking Rd cross-references ... NOTE
- Package unavailable to check Rd xrefs: ‘pracma’
- ```
- ```
- checking data for non-ASCII characters ... NOTE
- Note: found 78 marked UTF-8 strings
- ```
- ```
- Status: 3 NOTEs
- ```
- ## lfl (1.1)
- Maintainer: Michal Burda <michal.burda@osu.cz>
- __OK__
- ## likert (1.2)
- Maintainer: Jason Bryer <jason@bryer.org>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/jbryer/likert/issues
- ```
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
- Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences.
- ```
- ```
- checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
- 'library' or 'require' call to ‘shiny’ in package code.
- Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
- See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
- ```
- ```
- checking data for non-ASCII characters ... NOTE
- Note: found 7 marked UTF-8 strings
- ```
- ```
- Status: 3 NOTEs
- ```
- ## lint (0.3)
- Maintainer: Andrew Redd <andrew.redd@hsc.utah.edu>
- ```
- checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
- autotest_style: no visible global function definition for ‘test_that’
- test_style: no visible global function definition for
- ‘expect_equivalent’
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## lllcrc (1.2)
- Maintainer: Zach Kurtz <zkurtz@gmail.com>
- __OK__
- ## lmerTest (2.0-25)
- Maintainer: Alexandra Kuznetsova <alku@dtu.dk>
- __OK__
- ## loopr (1.0.1)
- Maintainer: Brandon Taylor <Brandon.Taylor221@gmail.com>
- __OK__
- ## lsbclust (1.0.2)
- Maintainer: Pieter Schoonees <schoonees@gmail.com>
- __OK__
- ## lsmeans (2.18)
- Maintainer: Russ Lenth <russell-lenth@uiowa.edu>
- ```
- checking package dependencies ... NOTE
- Packages suggested but not available for checking: ‘glmmADMB’ ‘lme4.0’
- ```
- ```
- Status: 1 NOTE
- ```
- ## lubridate (1.3.3)
- Maintainer: Garrett Grolemund <garrett@rstudio.com>
- Bug reports: https://github.com/hadley/lubridate/issues
- ```
- checking package dependencies ... NOTE
- Packages which this enhances but not available for checking: ‘its’ ‘fts’
- ```
- ```
- checking S3 generic/method consistency ... NOTE
- Found the following apparent S3 methods exported but not registered:
- pretty.day pretty.hour pretty.min pretty.month pretty.point
- pretty.sec pretty.unit pretty.year
- See section ‘Registering S3 methods’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’
- manual.
- ```
- ```
- Status: 2 NOTEs
- ```
- ## marked (1.1.8)
- Maintainer: Jeff Laake <Jeff.Laake@noaa.gov>
- ```
- checking whether package ‘marked’ can be installed ... ERROR
- Installation failed.
- See ‘/private/tmp/RtmptMRFsQ/check_cran118e525d401b7/marked.Rcheck/00install.out’ for details.
- Status: 1 ERROR
- ```
- ## medicalrisk (1.1)
- Maintainer: Patrick McCormick <patrick.mccormick@alum.mit.edu>
- __OK__…