C | 1044 lines | 621 code | 99 blank | 324 comment | 146 complexity | 606ce4b005c42ac8415ef1f774967bf4 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * ALIST.C - Bitmap allocator/deallocator, using a radix tree with hinting.
- * Unlimited-size allocations, power-of-2 only, power-of-2
- * aligned results only.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007 The DragonFly Project. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is derived from software contributed to The DragonFly Project
- * by Matthew Dillon <dillon@backplane.com>
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
- * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
- * distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The DragonFly Project nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- * from this software without specific, prior written permission.
- *
- */
- /*
- * This module has been adapted from the BLIST module, which was written
- * by Matthew Dillon many years ago.
- *
- * This module implements a general power-of-2 bitmap allocator/deallocator.
- * All allocations must be in powers of 2 and will return similarly aligned
- * results. The module does not try to interpret the meaning of a 'block'
- * other then to return ALIST_BLOCK_NONE on an allocation failure.
- *
- * A maximum of 2 billion blocks is supported so, for example, if one block
- * represented 64 bytes a maximally sized ALIST would represent
- * 128 gigabytes.
- *
- * A radix tree is used to maintain the bitmap and layed out in a manner
- * similar to the blist code. Meta nodes use a radix of 16 and 2 bits per
- * block while leaf nodes use a radix of 32 and 1 bit per block (stored in
- * a 32 bit bitmap field). Both meta and leaf nodes have a hint field.
- * This field gives us a hint as to the largest free contiguous range of
- * blocks under the node. It may contain a value that is too high, but
- * will never contain a value that is too low. When the radix tree is
- * searched, allocation failures in subtrees update the hint.
- *
- * The radix tree is layed out recursively using a linear array. Each meta
- * node is immediately followed (layed out sequentially in memory) by
- * ALIST_META_RADIX lower level nodes. This is a recursive structure but one
- * that can be easily scanned through a very simple 'skip' calculation. In
- * order to support large radixes, portions of the tree may reside outside our
- * memory allocation. We handle this with an early-terminate optimization
- * in the meta-node. The memory allocation is only large enough to cover
- * the number of blocks requested at creation time even if it must be
- * encompassed in larger root-node radix.
- *
- * This code can be compiled stand-alone for debugging.
- */
- #ifdef _KERNEL
- #include <sys/param.h>
- #include <sys/systm.h>
- #include <sys/lock.h>
- #include <sys/kernel.h>
- #include <sys/alist.h>
- #include <sys/malloc.h>
- #include <vm/vm.h>
- #include <vm/vm_object.h>
- #include <vm/vm_kern.h>
- #include <vm/vm_extern.h>
- #include <vm/vm_page.h>
- #else
- #ifndef ALIST_NO_DEBUG
- #define ALIST_DEBUG
- #endif
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #define kmalloc(a,b,c) malloc(a)
- #define kfree(a,b) free(a)
- #define kprintf printf
- #define KKASSERT(exp) assert(exp)
- struct malloc_type;
- #include <sys/alist.h>
- void panic(const char *ctl, ...);
- #endif
- /*
- * static support functions
- */
- static alist_blk_t alst_leaf_alloc(almeta_t *scan, alist_blk_t blk,
- alist_blk_t start, alist_blk_t count);
- static alist_blk_t alst_meta_alloc(almeta_t *scan, alist_blk_t blk,
- alist_blk_t start, alist_blk_t count,
- alist_blk_t radix, alist_blk_t skip);
- static void alst_leaf_free(almeta_t *scan, alist_blk_t relblk,
- alist_blk_t count);
- static void alst_meta_free(almeta_t *scan, alist_blk_t freeBlk,
- alist_blk_t count, alist_blk_t radix,
- alist_blk_t skip, alist_blk_t blk);
- static alist_blk_t alst_radix_init(almeta_t *scan, alist_blk_t blk,
- alist_blk_t radix, alist_blk_t skip,
- alist_blk_t count);
- #ifndef _KERNEL
- static void alst_radix_print(almeta_t *scan, alist_blk_t blk,
- alist_blk_t radix, alist_blk_t skip,
- int tab);
- #endif
- /*
- * Create a alist capable of handling up to the specified number of blocks.
- * Blocks must be greater then 0 but does not have to be a power of 2.
- *
- * The smallest alist consists of a single leaf node capable of
- * managing ALIST_BMAP_RADIX blocks.
- */
- alist_t
- alist_create(alist_blk_t blocks, struct malloc_type *mtype)
- {
- alist_t bl;
- alist_blk_t radix;
- alist_blk_t skip = 0;
- /*
- * Calculate radix and skip field used for scanning.
- */
- while (radix < blocks) {
- radix *= ALIST_META_RADIX;
- skip = (skip + 1) * ALIST_META_RADIX;
- }
- bl = kmalloc(sizeof(struct alist), mtype, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
- bl->bl_blocks = blocks;
- bl->bl_radix = radix;
- bl->bl_skip = skip;
- bl->bl_rootblks = 1 + alst_radix_init(NULL, 0, bl->bl_radix,
- bl->bl_skip, blocks);
- bl->bl_root = kmalloc(sizeof(almeta_t) * bl->bl_rootblks,
- mtype, M_WAITOK);
- #if defined(ALIST_DEBUG)
- kprintf(
- "ALIST representing %d blocks (%d MB of swap)"
- ", requiring %dK (%d bytes) of ram\n",
- bl->bl_blocks,
- bl->bl_blocks * 4 / 1024,
- (bl->bl_rootblks * sizeof(almeta_t) + 1023) / 1024,
- (bl->bl_rootblks * sizeof(almeta_t))
- );
- kprintf("ALIST raw radix tree contains %d records\n", bl->bl_rootblks);
- #endif
- alst_radix_init(bl->bl_root, 0, bl->bl_radix, bl->bl_skip, blocks);
- return(bl);
- }
- void
- alist_init(alist_t bl, alist_blk_t blocks,
- almeta_t *records, alist_blk_t nrecords)
- {
- alist_blk_t radix;
- alist_blk_t skip = 0;
- /*
- * Calculate radix and skip field used for scanning.
- */
- while (radix < blocks) {
- radix *= ALIST_META_RADIX;
- skip = (skip + 1) * ALIST_META_RADIX;
- }
- bzero(bl, sizeof(*bl));
- bl->bl_blocks = blocks;
- bl->bl_radix = radix;
- bl->bl_skip = skip;
- bl->bl_rootblks = 1 + alst_radix_init(NULL, 0, bl->bl_radix,
- bl->bl_skip, blocks);
- KKASSERT(bl->bl_rootblks <= nrecords);
- bl->bl_root = records;
- #if defined(ALIST_DEBUG)
- kprintf(
- "ALIST representing %d blocks (%d MB of swap)"
- ", requiring %dK (%d bytes) of ram\n",
- bl->bl_blocks,
- bl->bl_blocks * 4 / 1024,
- (bl->bl_rootblks * sizeof(almeta_t) + 1023) / 1024,
- (bl->bl_rootblks * sizeof(almeta_t))
- );
- kprintf("ALIST raw radix tree contains %d records\n", bl->bl_rootblks);
- #endif
- alst_radix_init(bl->bl_root, 0, bl->bl_radix, bl->bl_skip, blocks);
- }
- void
- alist_destroy(alist_t bl, struct malloc_type *mtype)
- {
- kfree(bl->bl_root, mtype);
- kfree(bl, mtype);
- }
- /*
- * Reserve space in the block bitmap. Return the base of a contiguous
- * region or ALIST_BLOCK_NONE if space could not be allocated.
- *
- * This nominally allocates a power-of-2 number of blocks. However,
- * non-powers of 2 are accepted and implemented by first allocating
- * the nearest power of 2 and then freeing the remainder.
- */
- alist_blk_t
- alist_alloc(alist_t bl, alist_blk_t start, alist_blk_t count)
- {
- alist_blk_t blk = ALIST_BLOCK_NONE;
- /*
- * Check non power-of-2
- */
- KKASSERT(count);
- if ((count | (count - 1)) != (count << 1) - 1) {
- alist_blk_t ncount = (count < 256) ? 1 : 256;
- while (ncount < count)
- ncount <<= 1;
- blk = alist_alloc(bl, start, ncount);
- if (blk != ALIST_BLOCK_NONE)
- alist_free(bl, blk + count, ncount - count);
- return (blk);
- }
- /*
- * Power of 2
- */
- if (bl && count < bl->bl_radix) {
- if (bl->bl_radix == ALIST_BMAP_RADIX) {
- blk = alst_leaf_alloc(bl->bl_root, 0, start, count);
- } else {
- blk = alst_meta_alloc(bl->bl_root, 0, start, count,
- bl->bl_radix, bl->bl_skip);
- }
- if (blk != ALIST_BLOCK_NONE)
- bl->bl_free -= count;
- }
- return(blk);
- }
- /*
- * Free up space in the block bitmap. The starting block and count do not
- * need to be power-of-2 aligned. The related blocks must be in an allocated
- * state.
- */
- void
- alist_free(alist_t bl, alist_blk_t blkno, alist_blk_t count)
- {
- if (bl) {
- KKASSERT(blkno + count <= bl->bl_blocks);
- if (bl->bl_radix == ALIST_BMAP_RADIX) {
- alst_leaf_free(bl->bl_root, blkno, count);
- } else {
- alst_meta_free(bl->bl_root, blkno, count,
- bl->bl_radix, bl->bl_skip, 0);
- }
- bl->bl_free += count;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Returns the current total number of free blocks and the
- * approximate trailing largest contiguous free block available.
- */
- alist_blk_t
- alist_free_info(alist_t bl, alist_blk_t *startp, alist_blk_t *countp)
- {
- alist_blk_t radix = bl->bl_radix;
- alist_blk_t skip = bl->bl_skip;
- alist_blk_t next_skip;
- alist_blk_t i;
- alist_bmap_t mask;
- almeta_t *scan = bl->bl_root;
- *startp = 0;
- *countp = 0;
- while (radix != ALIST_BMAP_RADIX) {
- radix /= ALIST_META_RADIX;
- next_skip = skip / ALIST_META_RADIX;
- /*
- * Find the biggest fully allocated chunk.
- */
- for (i = ALIST_META_RADIX - 1; i != ALIST_BLOCK_NONE; --i) {
- mask = (scan->bm_bitmap >> (i * 2)) & 3;
- if (mask == 0) {
- /*
- * All allocated, continue the loop
- */
- continue;
- }
- if (mask == 1) {
- /*
- * Partially allocated, push into this guy
- */
- break;
- }
- if (mask == 2) {
- /*
- * Unknown state
- */
- return(bl->bl_free);
- }
- /*
- * All free, we can return the chunk.
- */
- *startp += i * radix;
- *countp = radix;
- return(bl->bl_free);
- }
- /*
- * If we failed to find anything stop here, otherwise push
- * in.
- */
- if (i == ALIST_BLOCK_NONE)
- return(bl->bl_free);
- *startp += i * radix;
- scan += 1 + next_skip * i;
- skip = next_skip - 1;
- }
- /*
- * If we got all the way down to a leaf node locate the last block,
- * power-of-2 aligned and power-of-2 sized. Well, the easiest way
- * to deal with this is to just return 1 block.
- */
- if (radix == ALIST_BMAP_RADIX) {
- mask = scan->bm_bitmap;
- for (i = ALIST_BMAP_RADIX - 1; i != ALIST_BLOCK_NONE; --i) {
- if ((mask & ((alist_bmap_t)1U << i)))
- break;
- }
- /*
- * did not find free entry
- */
- if (i == ALIST_BLOCK_NONE)
- return(bl->bl_free);
- /*
- * Return one block.
- */
- *startp += i;
- *countp = 1;
- return(bl->bl_free);
- }
- return(bl->bl_free);
- }
- #ifdef ALIST_DEBUG
- /*
- * alist_print() - dump radix tree
- */
- void
- alist_print(alist_t bl)
- {
- kprintf("ALIST {\n");
- alst_radix_print(bl->bl_root, 0, bl->bl_radix, bl->bl_skip, 4);
- kprintf("}\n");
- }
- #endif
- /************************************************************************
- ************************************************************************
- *
- * These support functions do all the actual work. They may seem
- * rather longish, but that's because I've commented them up. The
- * actual code is straight forward.
- *
- */
- /*
- * alist_leaf_alloc() - allocate at a leaf in the radix tree (a bitmap).
- *
- * This is the core of the allocator and is optimized for the 1 block
- * and the ALIST_BMAP_RADIX block allocation cases. Other cases are
- * somewhat slower. The 1 block allocation case is log2 and extremely
- * quick.
- *
- * mask bit is 0 allocated, not available
- * mask bit is 1 free, available for allocation
- */
- static alist_blk_t
- alst_leaf_alloc(almeta_t *scan, alist_blk_t blk, alist_blk_t start,
- alist_blk_t count)
- {
- alist_bmap_t orig = scan->bm_bitmap;
- /*
- * Allocate only beyond the start point. Mask to 0 the low bits
- * below start. If start == blk no bits get cleared so don't
- * bother.
- */
- if (start >= blk + ALIST_BMAP_RADIX)
- if (start > blk && start < blk + ALIST_BMAP_RADIX)
- orig &= ~(((alist_bmap_t)1U << (start - blk)) - 1);
- start &= ALIST_BMAP_RADIX - 1;
- /*
- * Optimize bitmap all-allocated case. Also, count = 1
- * case assumes at least 1 bit is free in the bitmap, so
- * we have to take care of this case here.
- */
- if (orig == 0) {
- if (start <= blk)
- scan->bm_bighint = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Optimized code to allocate one bit out of the bitmap
- */
- if (count == 1) {
- alist_bmap_t mask;
- alist_blk_t j = ALIST_BMAP_RADIX/2;
- alist_blk_t r = 0;
- mask = (alist_bmap_t)-1 >> (ALIST_BMAP_RADIX/2);
- while (j) {
- if ((orig & mask) == 0) {
- r += j;
- orig >>= j;
- }
- j >>= 1;
- mask >>= j;
- }
- scan->bm_bitmap &= ~(1 << r);
- return(blk + r);
- }
- /*
- * non-optimized code to allocate N bits out of the bitmap.
- * The more bits, the faster the code runs. It will run
- * the slowest allocating 2 bits, but since there aren't any
- * memory ops in the core loop (or shouldn't be, anyway),
- * you probably won't notice the difference.
- *
- * Similar to the blist case, the alist code also requires
- * allocations to be power-of-2 sized and aligned to the
- * size of the allocation, which simplifies the algorithm.
- */
- {
- alist_blk_t j;
- alist_blk_t n = ALIST_BMAP_RADIX - count;
- alist_bmap_t mask;
- mask = (alist_bmap_t)-1 >> n;
- for (j = 0; j <= n; j += count) {
- if ((orig & mask) == mask) {
- scan->bm_bitmap &= ~mask;
- return(blk + j);
- }
- mask = mask << count;
- }
- }
- /*
- * We couldn't allocate count in this subtree, update bighint
- * if we were able to check the entire node.
- */
- if (start <= blk)
- scan->bm_bighint = count - 1;
- }
- /*
- * Attempt to allocate at a meta node. If we can't, we update
- * bighint and return a failure. Updating bighint optimize future
- * calls that hit this node. We have to check for our collapse cases
- * and we have a few optimizations strewn in as well.
- */
- static alist_blk_t
- alst_meta_alloc(almeta_t *scan, alist_blk_t blk, alist_blk_t start,
- alist_blk_t count, alist_blk_t radix, alist_blk_t skip)
- {
- alist_blk_t i;
- alist_bmap_t mask;
- alist_bmap_t pmask;
- alist_blk_t next_skip = ((u_int)skip / ALIST_META_RADIX);
- alist_blk_t orig_blk;
- /*
- * ALL-ALLOCATED special case
- */
- if (scan->bm_bitmap == 0) {
- scan->bm_bighint = 0;
- }
- radix /= ALIST_META_RADIX;
- /*
- * Radix now represents each bitmap entry for this meta node. If
- * the number of blocks being allocated can be fully represented,
- * we allocate directly out of this meta node.
- *
- * Meta node bitmaps use 2 bits per block.
- *
- * 10 (RESERVED)
- * 11 ALL-FREE
- */
- if (count >= radix) {
- alist_blk_t n = count / radix * 2; /* number of bits */
- alist_blk_t j;
- mask = (alist_bmap_t)-1 >> (ALIST_BMAP_RADIX - n);
- for (j = 0; j < ALIST_META_RADIX; j += n / 2) {
- if ((scan->bm_bitmap & mask) == mask &&
- blk + j * radix >= start) {
- scan->bm_bitmap &= ~mask;
- return(blk + j * radix);
- }
- mask <<= n;
- }
- if (scan->bm_bighint >= count && start <= blk)
- scan->bm_bighint = count >> 1;
- }
- /*
- * If not we have to recurse.
- */
- mask = 0x00000003;
- pmask = 0x00000001;
- orig_blk = blk;
- for (i = 1; i <= skip; i += next_skip) {
- if (scan[i].bm_bighint == (alist_blk_t)-1) {
- /*
- * Terminator
- */
- break;
- }
- /*
- * If the element is marked completely free (11), initialize
- * the recursion.
- */
- if ((scan->bm_bitmap & mask) == mask) {
- scan[i].bm_bitmap = (alist_bmap_t)-1;
- scan[i].bm_bighint = radix;
- }
- if ((scan->bm_bitmap & mask) == 0) {
- /*
- * Object marked completely allocated, recursion
- * contains garbage.
- */
- /* Skip it */
- } else if (blk + radix <= start) {
- /*
- * Object does not contain or is not beyond our
- * start point.
- */
- /* Skip it */
- } else if (count <= scan[i].bm_bighint) {
- /*
- * count fits in object. If successful and the
- * deeper level becomes all allocated, mark our
- * level as all-allocated.
- */
- alist_blk_t r;
- if (next_skip == 1) {
- r = alst_leaf_alloc(&scan[i], blk, start,
- count);
- } else {
- r = alst_meta_alloc(&scan[i], blk, start,
- count,
- radix, next_skip - 1);
- }
- if (r != ALIST_BLOCK_NONE) {
- if (scan[i].bm_bitmap == 0) {
- scan->bm_bitmap &= ~mask;
- } else {
- scan->bm_bitmap &= ~mask;
- scan->bm_bitmap |= pmask;
- }
- return(r);
- }
- }
- blk += radix;
- mask <<= 2;
- pmask <<= 2;
- }
- /*
- * We couldn't allocate count in this subtree, update bighint
- * if we were able to check the entire node.
- */
- if (scan->bm_bighint >= count && start <= orig_blk)
- scan->bm_bighint = count >> 1;
- }
- /*
- * Free allocated block from leaf bitmap
- */
- static void
- alst_leaf_free(almeta_t *scan, alist_blk_t blk, alist_blk_t count)
- {
- /*
- * free some data in this bitmap
- *
- * e.g.
- * 0000111111111110000
- * \_________/\__/
- * v n
- */
- alist_blk_t n = blk & (ALIST_BMAP_RADIX - 1);
- alist_bmap_t mask;
- mask = ((alist_bmap_t)-1 << n) &
- ((alist_bmap_t)-1 >> (ALIST_BMAP_RADIX - count - n));
- if (scan->bm_bitmap & mask)
- panic("alst_radix_free: freeing free block");
- scan->bm_bitmap |= mask;
- /*
- * We could probably do a better job here. We are required to make
- * bighint at least as large as the biggest contiguous block of
- * data. If we just shoehorn it, a little extra overhead will
- * be incured on the next allocation (but only that one typically).
- */
- scan->bm_bighint = ALIST_BMAP_RADIX;
- }
- /*
- * Free allocated blocks from radix tree meta info. This support routine
- * frees a range of blocks from the bitmap. The range must be entirely
- * enclosed by this radix node. If a meta node, we break the range down
- * recursively to free blocks in subnodes (which means that this code
- * can free an arbitrary range whereas the allocation code cannot allocate
- * an arbitrary range).
- */
- static void
- alst_meta_free(almeta_t *scan, alist_blk_t freeBlk, alist_blk_t count,
- alist_blk_t radix, alist_blk_t skip, alist_blk_t blk)
- {
- alist_blk_t next_skip = ((u_int)skip / ALIST_META_RADIX);
- alist_bmap_t mask;
- alist_bmap_t pmask;
- alist_blk_t i;
- /*
- * Break the free down into its components. Because it is so easy
- * to implement, frees are not limited to power-of-2 sizes.
- *
- * Each block in a meta-node bitmap takes two bits.
- */
- radix /= ALIST_META_RADIX;
- i = (freeBlk - blk) / radix;
- blk += i * radix;
- mask = 0x00000003 << (i * 2);
- pmask = 0x00000001 << (i * 2);
- i = i * next_skip + 1;
- while (i <= skip && blk < freeBlk + count) {
- alist_blk_t v;
- v = blk + radix - freeBlk;
- if (v > count)
- v = count;
- if (scan->bm_bighint == (alist_blk_t)-1)
- panic("alst_meta_free: freeing unexpected range");
- /*
- * WARNING on bighint updates. When we free an element in
- * a chunk if the chunk becomes wholely free it is possible
- * that the whole node is now free, so bighint must be set
- * to cover the whole node. Otherwise address-specific
- * allocations may fail.
- *
- * We don't bother figuring out how much of the node is
- * actually free in this case.
- */
- if (freeBlk == blk && count >= radix) {
- /*
- * The area being freed covers the entire block,
- * assert that we are marked all-allocated and
- * then mark it all-free.
- */
- KKASSERT((scan->bm_bitmap & mask) == 0);
- scan->bm_bitmap |= mask;
- scan->bm_bighint = radix * ALIST_META_RADIX;
- } else {
- /*
- * If we were previously marked all-allocated, fix-up
- * the next layer so we can recurse down into it.
- */
- if ((scan->bm_bitmap & mask) == 0) {
- scan[i].bm_bitmap = (alist_bmap_t)0;
- scan[i].bm_bighint = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Recursion case, then either mark all-free or
- * partially free.
- */
- if (next_skip == 1) {
- alst_leaf_free(&scan[i], freeBlk, v);
- } else {
- alst_meta_free(&scan[i], freeBlk, v,
- radix, next_skip - 1, blk);
- }
- if (scan[i].bm_bitmap == (alist_bmap_t)-1) {
- scan->bm_bitmap |= mask;
- scan->bm_bighint = radix * ALIST_META_RADIX;
- } else {
- scan->bm_bitmap &= ~mask;
- scan->bm_bitmap |= pmask;
- if (scan->bm_bighint < scan[i].bm_bighint)
- scan->bm_bighint = scan[i].bm_bighint;
- }
- }
- mask <<= 2;
- pmask <<= 2;
- count -= v;
- freeBlk += v;
- blk += radix;
- i += next_skip;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Initialize our meta structures and bitmaps and calculate the exact
- * amount of space required to manage 'count' blocks - this space may
- * be considerably less then the calculated radix due to the large
- * RADIX values we use.
- */
- static alist_blk_t
- alst_radix_init(almeta_t *scan, alist_blk_t blk, alist_blk_t radix,
- alist_blk_t skip, alist_blk_t count)
- {
- alist_blk_t i;
- alist_blk_t next_skip;
- alist_bmap_t mask;
- alist_bmap_t pmask;
- alist_blk_t memindex;
- /*
- * Leaf node
- */
- if (radix == ALIST_BMAP_RADIX) {
- if (scan) {
- scan->bm_bighint = 0;
- scan->bm_bitmap = 0;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * Meta node. If allocating the entire object we can special
- * case it. However, we need to figure out how much memory
- * is required to manage 'count' blocks, so we continue on anyway.
- */
- if (scan) {
- scan->bm_bighint = 0;
- scan->bm_bitmap = 0;
- }
- memindex = 0;
- radix /= ALIST_META_RADIX;
- next_skip = skip / ALIST_META_RADIX;
- mask = 0x00000003;
- pmask = 0x00000001;
- for (i = 1; i <= skip; i += next_skip) {
- if (count >= blk + radix) {
- /*
- * Allocate the entire object
- */
- memindex += alst_radix_init(((scan) ? &scan[i] : NULL),
- blk, radix,
- next_skip - 1, count);
- /* already marked as wholely allocated */
- } else if (count > blk) {
- /*
- * Allocate a partial object, well it's really
- * all-allocated, we just aren't allowed to
- * free the whole thing.
- */
- memindex += alst_radix_init(((scan) ? &scan[i] : NULL),
- blk, radix,
- next_skip - 1, count);
- /* already marked as wholely allocated */
- } else {
- /*
- * Add terminator but continue the loop. Populate
- * all terminators.
- */
- if (scan) {
- scan[i].bm_bighint = (alist_blk_t)-1;
- scan[i].bm_bitmap = 0;
- }
- /* already marked as wholely allocated */
- }
- mask <<= 2;
- pmask <<= 2;
- blk += radix;
- }
- memindex += ALIST_META_RADIX;
- return(memindex);
- }
- #ifdef ALIST_DEBUG
- static void
- alst_radix_print(almeta_t *scan, alist_blk_t blk, alist_blk_t radix,
- alist_blk_t skip, int tab)
- {
- alist_blk_t i;
- alist_blk_t next_skip;
- alist_bmap_t mask;
- if (radix == ALIST_BMAP_RADIX) {
- kprintf(
- "%*.*s(%04x,%d): bitmap %08x big=%d\n",
- tab, tab, "",
- blk, radix,
- scan->bm_bitmap,
- scan->bm_bighint
- );
- return;
- }
- if (scan->bm_bitmap == 0) {
- kprintf(
- "%*.*s(%04x,%d) ALL ALLOCATED\n",
- tab, tab, "",
- blk,
- radix
- );
- return;
- }
- if (scan->bm_bitmap == (alist_bmap_t)-1) {
- kprintf(
- "%*.*s(%04x,%d) ALL FREE\n",
- tab, tab, "",
- blk,
- radix
- );
- return;
- }
- kprintf(
- "%*.*s(%04x,%d): subtree (%d) bitmap=%08x big=%d {\n",
- tab, tab, "",
- blk, radix,
- radix,
- scan->bm_bitmap,
- scan->bm_bighint
- );
- radix /= ALIST_META_RADIX;
- next_skip = skip / ALIST_META_RADIX;
- tab += 4;
- mask = 0x00000003;
- for (i = 1; i <= skip; i += next_skip) {
- if (scan[i].bm_bighint == (alist_blk_t)-1) {
- kprintf(
- "%*.*s(%04x,%d): Terminator\n",
- tab, tab, "",
- blk, radix
- );
- break;
- }
- if ((scan->bm_bitmap & mask) == mask) {
- kprintf(
- "%*.*s(%04x,%d): ALL FREE\n",
- tab, tab, "",
- blk, radix
- );
- } else if ((scan->bm_bitmap & mask) == 0) {
- kprintf(
- "%*.*s(%04x,%d): ALL ALLOCATED\n",
- tab, tab, "",
- blk, radix
- );
- } else {
- alst_radix_print(
- &scan[i],
- blk,
- radix,
- next_skip - 1,
- tab
- );
- }
- blk += radix;
- mask <<= 2;
- }
- tab -= 4;
- kprintf("%*.*s}\n", tab, tab, "");
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef ALIST_DEBUG
- int
- main(int ac, char **av)
- {
- alist_blk_t size = 1024;
- alist_blk_t da = 0;
- alist_blk_t count = 0;
- alist_t bl;
- int i;
- for (i = 1; i < ac; ++i) {
- const char *ptr = av[i];
- if (*ptr != '-') {
- size = strtol(ptr, NULL, 0);
- continue;
- }
- ptr += 2;
- fprintf(stderr, "Bad option: %s\n", ptr - 2);
- exit(1);
- }
- bl = alist_create(size, NULL);
- alist_free(bl, 0, size);
- for (;;) {
- char buf[1024];
- alist_blk_t bfree;
- kprintf("%d/%d/%d> ", bl->bl_free, size, bl->bl_radix);
- fflush(stdout);
- if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) == NULL)
- break;
- switch(buf[0]) {
- case 'p':
- alist_print(bl);
- break;
- case 'a':
- if (sscanf(buf + 1, "%x %d", &da, &count) == 2) {
- da = alist_alloc(bl, da, count);
- kprintf(" R=%04x\n", da);
- } else if (sscanf(buf + 1, "%d", &count) == 1) {
- da = alist_alloc(bl, 0, count);
- kprintf(" R=%04x\n", da);
- } else if (count) {
- kprintf("alloc 0x%04x/%d\n", da, count);
- alist_blk_t blk = alist_alloc(bl, da, count);
- kprintf(" R=%04x\n", blk);
- } else {
- kprintf("?\n");
- }
- break;
- case 'f':
- if (sscanf(buf + 1, "%x %d", &da, &count) == 2) {
- alist_free(bl, da, count);
- } else if (count) {
- kprintf("free 0x%04x/%d\n", da, count);
- alist_free(bl, da, count);
- } else {
- kprintf("?\n");
- }
- break;
- case '?':
- case 'h':
- puts("p -print\n"
- "a %d -allocate\n"
- "f %x %d -free\n"
- "h/? -help");
- break;
- case 'i':
- bfree = alist_free_info(bl, &da, &count);
- kprintf("info: %d free trailing: 0x%04x/%d\n",
- bfree, da, count);
- break;
- default:
- kprintf("?\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- void
- panic(const char *ctl, ...)
- {
- __va_list va;
- __va_start(va, ctl);
- vfprintf(stderr, ctl, va);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- __va_end(va);
- exit(1);
- }
- #endif