http://github.com/meshula/LabWeb · C · 253 lines · 196 code · 42 blank · 15 comment · 59 complexity · 39a409ca059a453b7401970a4ec3e190 MD5 · raw file
- /*
- Copyright (c) 2009 NetAllied Systems GmbH
- This file is part of Common libftoa.
- Licensed under the MIT Open Source License,
- for details please see LICENSE file or the website
- http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- */
- #include "ftoa.h"
- #include "itoa.h"
- #include <float.h>
- #include <stdbool.h>
- #include <math.h>
- typedef union {
- long L;
- float F;
- } LF_t;
- _Bool isPositiveInfinity(float v)
- {
- LF_t x;
- x.F = v;
- return x.L == 0x7F800000L;
- }
- _Bool isNegativeInfinity(float v)
- {
- LF_t x;
- x.F = v;
- return x.L == (long)0xFF800000L;
- }
- _Bool isNaN(float v)
- {
- return v!=v;
- }
- float roundingSummand(float f, int maxLength, int* dezmialPointPos)
- {
- float fabs = abs(f);
- *dezmialPointPos = 0;
- if ( fabs < 0.00001 )
- *dezmialPointPos = -6;
- else if ( fabs < 0.0001 )
- *dezmialPointPos = -5;
- else if ( fabs < 0.001 )
- *dezmialPointPos = -4;
- else if ( fabs < 0.01 )
- *dezmialPointPos = -3;
- else if ( fabs < 0.1 )
- *dezmialPointPos = -2;
- else if ( fabs < 1 )
- *dezmialPointPos = -1;
- else if ( fabs < 10 )
- *dezmialPointPos = 0;
- else if ( fabs < 100 )
- *dezmialPointPos = 1;
- else if ( fabs < 1000 )
- *dezmialPointPos = 2;
- else if ( fabs < 10000 )
- *dezmialPointPos = 3;
- else if ( fabs < 100000 )
- *dezmialPointPos = 4;
- else if ( fabs < 1000000 )
- *dezmialPointPos = 5;
- static const float roundingSummands[] = { 0.5e-11f, // < 0.00001
- 0.5e-10f, // 0.00001 - 0.0001
- 0.5e-9f, // 0.0001 - 0.001
- 0.5e-8f, // 0.001 - 0.01
- 0.5e-7f, // 0.01 - 0.1
- 0.5e-6f, // 0.1 - 1
- 0.5e-5f, // 1 - 10 : 0.000005
- 0.5e-4f, // 10 - 100
- 0.5e-3f, // 100 - 1000
- 0.5e-2f, // 1000 - 10000
- 0.5e-1f, // 10000 - 100000
- 0.5e0f, // 100000 - 1000000
- };
- float rS = roundingSummands[*dezmialPointPos + 12 - maxLength];
- return (f > 0) ? rS : -rS;
- }
- char* ftoa_no_exponent(float f, char* buffer, int maxLength)
- {
- long mantissa, int_part, frac_part;
- short exp2;
- LF_t x;
- char *p = buffer;
- int dezmialPointPos = 0;
- float rS = roundingSummand(f, maxLength, &dezmialPointPos);
- if ( dezmialPointPos < 0 )
- {
- maxLength = maxLength - dezmialPointPos;
- }
- x.F = f + rS;
- exp2 = (unsigned char)(x.L >> 23) - 127;
- mantissa = (x.L & 0xFFFFFF) | 0x800000;
- frac_part = 0;
- int_part = 0;
- // handle numbers in non exponential representation
- if (exp2 >= 23)
- int_part = mantissa << (exp2 - 23);
- else if (exp2 >= 0)
- {
- int_part = mantissa >> (23 - exp2);
- frac_part = (mantissa << (exp2 + 1)) & 0xFFFFFF;
- }
- else /* if (exp2 < 0) */
- frac_part = (mantissa & 0xFFFFFF) >> -(exp2 + 1);
- p = buffer;
- if (x.L < 0)
- {
- *p++ = '-';
- maxLength++;
- }
- if (int_part == 0)
- *p++ = '0';
- else
- {
- size_t bytesWritten = itoa( int_part, p, 10);
- p += bytesWritten;
- }
- char m = (char)(p - buffer);
- if ((frac_part != 0) && (maxLength > m))
- {
- *p++ = '.';
- char max;
- max = (char)(FTOA_BUFFER_SIZE - (p - buffer) - 1);
- if (max > maxLength)
- max = maxLength;
- /* print BCD */
- for (; m < max; m++)
- {
- /* frac_part *= 10; */
- frac_part *= 10;// (frac_part << 3) + (frac_part << 1);
- *p++ = (char)(frac_part >> 24) + '0';
- frac_part &= 0xFFFFFF;
- }
- /* delete ending zeros and decimal point if necessary */
- for (--p; p[0] == '0' ; --p)
- {
- if ( p[-1] == '.' )
- {
- p -= 2;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( p[0] == '.' )
- {
- --p;
- }
- ++p;
- }
- return p;
- }
- int ftoa(float f, char* buffer)
- {
- static const float lowerLimitForNonExponetialNotation = 0.001f; // Positive numbers smaller will be expressed in exponential representation
- static const float upperLimitForNonExponetialNotation = 999999; // Positive numbers bigger will be expressed in exponential representation
- static const float negativeLowerLimitForNonExponetialNotation = -999999; // Negative numbers smaller will be expressed in exponential representation
- static const float negativeUpperLimitForNonExponetialNotation = -0.001f; // Negative numbers bigger will be expressed in exponential representation
- int exp10 = 0;
- char *p = 0;
- if (f == 0.0)
- {
- buffer[0] = '0';
- buffer[1] = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- else if ( isNaN(f) )
- {
- buffer[0] = 'N';
- buffer[1] = 'a';
- buffer[2] = 'N';
- buffer[3] = 0;
- return 3;
- }
- else if ( isPositiveInfinity(f) )
- {
- buffer[0] = 'I';
- buffer[1] = 'N';
- buffer[2] = 'F';
- buffer[3] = 0;
- return 3;
- }
- else if ( isNegativeInfinity(f) )
- {
- buffer[0] = '-';
- buffer[1] = 'I';
- buffer[2] = 'N';
- buffer[3] = 'F';
- buffer[4] = 0;
- return 4;
- }
- if ( ((f > 0) && ((f > upperLimitForNonExponetialNotation) || (f < lowerLimitForNonExponetialNotation)))
- || ((f < 0) && ((f > negativeUpperLimitForNonExponetialNotation) || (f < negativeLowerLimitForNonExponetialNotation))) )
- {
- // handle big numbers in exponential representation
- // we determine the exponent in exponential representation
- exp10 = (int)log10(f > 0 ? f : -f);
- if ( exp10 < 0)
- exp10--;
- float factor = pow((float)10, -exp10);
- p = ftoa_no_exponent(f*factor, buffer,6);
- *p++ = 'e';
- size_t bytesWritten = itoa( exp10, p, 10);
- p += bytesWritten;
- }
- else
- {
- p = ftoa_no_exponent(f, buffer,7);
- }
- *p = 0;
- return (int)(p - buffer);
- }