http://github.com/clofresh/Paradigm_Shift · Lua · 544 lines · 471 code · 43 blank · 30 comment · 88 complexity · 334315b1e80401eba489625a592eda50 MD5 · raw file
- --[[ CAMERA
- -- Description: Supplies an interface for scrolling, scaling, and rotating a scene.
- -- Contributors: Osuf Oboys
- -- Version:3d, April 24, 2009
- -- This product is released under the Lovely Public Community License v. 1.0.
- -- Provided that you do not alter this file and call your project a new version of CAMERA,
- -- then you are free to do whatever you want, including removing this header and the
- -- accompanying license. Otherwise, see the accompanying license.
- --]]
- -- TODO: particle system scaling
- -- TODO: negative scales should substitute a position with the corner that is in the upper upper left after the scaling.
- -- TODO:
- camera = {love={graphics={},mouse={}}}
- camera.class = {}
- camera.class.__index = camera.class
- local twopi = math.pi + math.pi
- -- (screenox, screenoy): the position of (ox, oy) on the screen
- -- (0,0): upper left (until the next LÖVE version)
- -- (1,0): upper right, (0,1): lower left, (1,1): lower right
- -- (0.5, 0.5): center of screen
- -- TODO: rotation
- function camera.new(scalex, scaley, ox, oy, screenox, screenoy, rotation)
- local cam = {}
- setmetatable(cam, camera.class)
- cam.scalex = scalex or 1
- cam.scaley = scaley or 1
- cam.ox = ox or 0
- cam.oy = oy or 0
- cam.screenox = screenox or 0
- cam.screenoy = screenoy or 0
- cam.rotation = rotation or 0
- cam.cosrot = 1
- cam.sinrot = 0
- return cam
- end
- function camera.stretchToResolution(fromwidth, fromheight, towidth, toheight, ox, oy, screenox, screenoy, rotation)
- fromwidth = fromwidth or love.graphics.getWindowWidth()
- fromheight = fromheight or love.graphics.getWindowHeight()
- towidth = towidth or love.graphics.getWindowWidth()
- toheight = toheight or love.graphics.getWindowHeight()
- return camera.new(towidth / fromwidth, toheight / fromheight, ox, oy, screenox, screenoy, rotation)
- end
- function camera.class:pos(x, y)
- x = x or 0
- y = y or 0
- x,y = ((x - self.ox) * self.cosrot - (y - self.oy) * self.sinrot) * self.scalex + love.graphics.getWindowWidth() * self.screenox,
- ((y - self.oy) * self.cosrot + (x - self.ox) * self.sinrot) * self.scaley + love.graphics.getWindowHeight() * self.screenoy
- return x, y
- end
- function camera.class:unpos(x, y)
- x = (x or 0)
- y = (y or 0)
- x = (x - love.graphics.getWindowWidth() * self.screenox) / self.scalex
- y = (y - love.graphics.getWindowHeight() * self.screenoy) / self.scaley
- return self.ox + x * self.cosrot + y * self.sinrot, self.oy + y * self.cosrot - x * self.sinrot
- end
- function camera.class:transformBox(x, y, w, h)
- x, y = self:pos(x,y)
- w = w * self.scalex
- h = h * self.scaley
- if w < 0 then x = x + w; w = -w; end
- if h < 0 then y = y + h; h = -h; end
- return x, y, w, h
- end
- function camera.class:untransformBox(x, y, w, h)
- x, y = self:unpos(x,y)
- w = w / self.scalex
- h = h / self.scaley
- if w < 0 then x = x + w; w = -w; end
- if h < 0 then y = y + h; h = -h; end
- return x, y, w, h
- end
- -- How should scaling work for rotations?
- function camera.class:scaleSym(s)
- return s * (self.scalex^2 / 2 + self.scaley^2 / 2)^0.5
- end
- function camera.class:unscaleSym(s)
- return s / (self.scalex^2 / 2 + self.scaley^2 / 2)^0.5
- end
- function camera.class:scale(x, y)
- return math.abs(x * self.scalex), math.abs(y * self.scaley)
- end
- function camera.class:getRotationSizeFactors(x,y)
- return math.abs(x * self.cosrot) + math.abs(y * self.sinrot),
- math.abs(y * self.cosrot) + math.abs(x * self.sinrot)
- end
- function camera.class:scaleWithRot(x, y)
- return math.abs(x * self.scalex * self.cosrot) + math.abs(y * self.scaley * self.sinrot),
- math.abs(y * self.scaley * self.cosrot) + math.abs(x * self.scalex * self.sinrot)
- end
- function camera.class:scaleX(x)
- return math.abs(x * self.scalex)
- end
- function camera.class:scaleY(y)
- return math.abs(y * self.scaley)
- end
- function camera.class:unscale(x, y)
- return math.abs(x / self.scalex), math.abs(y / self.scaley)
- end
- -- This cannot be determined if the rotation is 0.5pi or 1.5 pi.
- function camera.class:unscaleWithRot(x, y)
- local z = self.scalex * self.scaley * (self.cosrot^2 - self.sinrot^2)
- if z == 0 then
- -- Not a bug, should say 'x' on both sides.
- return self.scalex * x / (self.scalex + self.scaley), self.scaley * x / (self.scalex + self.scaley)
- end
- return (math.abs(x * self.cosrot * self.scaley) - math.abs(y * self.sinrot * self.scalex)) / z,
- (math.abs(y * self.cosrot * self.scalex) - math.abs(x * self.sinrot * self.scaley)) / z
- end
- function camera.class:unscaleX(x)
- return math.abs(x / self.scalex)
- end
- function camera.class:unscaleY(y)
- return math.abs(y / self.scaley)
- end
- function camera.class:setOrigin(ox,oy)
- self.ox = ox; self.oy = oy
- end
- function camera.class:getOrigin()
- return self.ox, self.oy
- end
- function camera.class:setRotation(rot)
- self.rotation = rot
- self.cosrot = math.cos(math.rad(self.rotation))
- self.sinrot = math.sin(math.rad(self.rotation))
- end
- function camera.class:rotateBy(rot, ox, oy)
- if ox then
- self.ox = self.ox + (ox - self.ox) * (1 - self.cosrot) + (oy - self.oy) * self.sinrot
- self.oy = self.oy + (oy - self.oy) * (1 - self.cosrot) - (ox - self.ox) * self.sinrot
- end
- self:setRotation((rot + self.rotation) % 360)
- end
- function camera.class:getRotation()
- return self.rotation
- end
- function camera.class:setScreenOrigin(ox,oy)
- self.screenox = ox; self.screenoy = oy
- end
- function camera.class:getScreenOrigin()
- return self.screenox, self.screenoy
- end
- function camera.class:setScaleFactor(sx, sy)
- self.scalex = sx; self.scaley = sy
- end
- function camera.class:scaleBy(sx, sy)
- sx = sx or 1
- sy = sy or sx
- self.scalex = self.scalex * sx
- self.scaley = self.scaley * sy
- end
- function camera.class:scaleXToAspectRatio()
- --self.scalex = love.graphics.getWindowWidth() / love.graphics.getWindowHeight() * self.scaley
- self.scalex = self.scaley
- end
- function camera.class:scaleYToAspectRatio()
- --self.scaley = love.graphics.getWindowHeight() / love.graphics.getWindowWidth() * self.scalex
- self.scaley = self.scalex
- end
- function camera.class:getScaleFactor()
- return self.scalex, self.scaley
- end
- camera.present = camera.new()
- camera.mouseCamera = nil
- function setCamera(cam)
- if cam then camera.present = cam end
- end
- function getCamera()
- return camera.present
- end
- function setMouseCamera(cam)
- camera.mouseCamera = cam
- end
- function getMouseCamera()
- return camera.mouseCamera
- end
- ---- Superseding ----
- camera.love.graphics.getWidth = love.graphics.getWidth
- love.graphics.getWindowWidth = love.graphics.getWidth
- function love.graphics.getWidth()
- return camera.present:unscaleX(love.graphics.getWindowWidth())
- end
- function love.graphics.getWidthWithRot()
- end
- camera.love.graphics.getHeight = love.graphics.getHeight
- love.graphics.getWindowHeight = love.graphics.getHeight
- function love.graphics.getHeight()
- return camera.present:unscaleY(love.graphics.getWindowHeight())
- end
- camera.love.graphics.setScissor = love.graphics.setScissor
- function love.graphics.setScissor(x, y, w, h)
- if x and y then
- x, y, w, h = camera.present:transformBox(x, y, w, h)
- camera.love.graphics.setScissor(x, y, math.ceil(w), math.ceil(h)) --needed by Leif GUI
- else
- camera.love.graphics.setScissor()
- end
- end
- camera.love.graphics.getScissor = love.graphics.getScissor
- function love.graphics.getScissor()
- local x, y, w, h = camera.love.graphics.getScissor()
- if not x then return nil; end
- x, y, w, h = camera.present:untransformBox(x, y, w, h)
- return x, y, w, h
- end
- -- TODO: count line CRs?
- function string.linecount(s)
- local count = 0
- local lf = string.byte("\n", 1)
- for i=1,s:len() do
- if s:byte(i) == lf then count = count + 1; end
- end
- return count+1
- end
- function string.lineiter(s)
- s = s.."\n"
- return s:gmatch("([^\r\n]*)\r*\n\r*")
- end
- function camera.isShapeVisible(shape)
- local minvisx, minvisy, maxvisx, maxvisy = camera.love.graphics.getScissor()
- if minvisx then
- maxvisx = minvisx + maxvisx
- maxvisy = minvisy + maxvisy
- else
- minvisx = 1; maxvisx = love.graphics.getWindowWidth()
- minvisy = 1; maxvisy = love.graphics.getWindowHeight()
- end
- local x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4 = shape:getBoundingBox()
- x1, y1 = getCamera():pos(x1, y1)
- x3, y3 = getCamera():pos(x3, y3)
- if getCamera().rotation ~= 0 then
- x2, y2 = getCamera():pos(x2, y2)
- x4, y4 = getCamera():pos(x4, y4)
- minx = math.min(x1, x2, x3, x4)
- miny = math.min(y1, y2, y3, y4)
- maxx = math.max(x1, x2, x3, x4)
- maxy = math.max(y1, y2, y3, y4)
- else
- minx = math.min(x1, x3)
- miny = math.min(y1, y3)
- maxx = math.max(x1, x3)
- maxy = math.max(y1, y3)
- end
- return maxx >= minvisx and minx <= maxvisx and maxy >= minvisy and miny <= maxvisy
- end
- -- Supports newlines
- function camera.getTextWidth(text, font)
- font = font or love.graphics.getFont()
- local maxwidth = 0
- for line in string.lineiter(text) do
- maxwidth = math.max(maxwidth, font:getWidth(line))
- end
- return maxwidth
- end
- function camera.getFontWidth(font, text)
- return camera.getTextWidth(text, font)
- end
- function camera.getTextHeight(text, limit, font)
- font = font or love.graphics.getFont()
- if limit then
- text = camera.splitTextByTextWidth(text, limit, font)
- end
- return text:linecount() * font:getHeight() * font:getLineHeight()
- end
- -- Height of text besides the first line.
- function camera.getTextTailHeight(text, limit, font)
- font = font or love.graphics.getFont()
- if limit then
- text = camera.splitTextByTextWidth(text, limit, font)
- end
- return (text:linecount() - 1) * font:getHeight() * font:getLineHeight()
- end
- function camera.splitTextByTextWidth(text, width, font)
- font = font or love.graphics.getFont()
- local s = ""
- for line in string.lineiter(text) do
- if camera.getTextWidth(line, font) <= width then
- s = s..line.."\n"
- else
- local tmps = ""
- for token in line:gmatch("%s*[^%s]+") do
- if tmps:len() == 0 or camera.getTextWidth(tmps..token, font) <= width then
- tmps = tmps..token
- else
- s = s..tmps.."\n"
- --TODO remove preceding whitespaces
- tmps = token
- end
- end
- s = s..tmps.."\n"
- end
- end
- return s:sub(1,s:len()-1)
- end
- --TODO: particle system
- camera.love.graphics.draw = love.graphics.draw
- function love.graphics.draw(elem, x, y, angle, sx, sy)
- x, y = camera.present:pos(x,y)
- angle = (angle or 0) + camera.present.rotation
- sx = sx or 1
- sy = sy or sx
- sx = sx * (math.abs(math.cos(math.rad(angle))^2 * camera.present.scalex) +
- math.abs(math.sin(math.rad(angle))^2 * camera.present.scaley))
- sy = sy * (math.abs(math.cos(math.rad(angle))^2 * camera.present.scaley) +
- math.abs(math.sin(math.rad(angle))^2 * camera.present.scalex))
- if camera.present.scalex * camera.present.scaley < 0 then
- angle = -angle
- end
- local nextElem = elem
- if type(elem) == "string" then
- local c = love.graphics:getFont():getHeight() * love.graphics:getFont():getLineHeight()
- if camera.present.scaley < 0 then
- x = x - sx * c * math.sin(math.rad(angle))
- y = y + sy * c * math.sin(math.rad(angle))
- end
- for line in string.lineiter(elem) do
- camera.love.graphics.draw(line, x, y, angle, sx, sy)
- x = x - sx * c * math.sin(math.rad(angle))
- y = y + sy * c * math.cos(math.rad(angle))
- end
- else
- if not pcall(camera.love.graphics.draw, elem, x, y, angle, sx, sy) then
- camera.love.graphics.draw(elem, x, y)
- end
- end
- end
- function love.graphics.drawParticles(system, x, y)
- x, y = camera.present:pos(x,y)
- camera.love.graphics.draw(system, x, y)
- end
- camera.love.graphics.drawf = love.graphics.drawf
- function love.graphics.drawf(s, x, y, limit, align, sx, sy)
- x, y = camera.present:pos(x,y)
- align = align or love.align_left
- s = camera.splitTextByTextWidth(s, limit * math.abs(camera.present.scalex))
- sx = sx or 1
- sy = sy or sx
- sx = sx * math.abs(camera.present.scalex)
- sy = sy * math.abs(camera.present.scaley)
- local angle = camera.present.rotation
- local cosrot = camera.present.cosrot
- local sinrot = camera.present.sinrot
- if camera.present.scalex * camera.present.scaley < 0 then
- sinrot = -sinrot
- angle = -angle
- end
- limit = limit * math.abs(camera.present.scalex)
- local mul = align == love.align_center and 0.5 or align == love.align_right and 1 or 0
- for line in string.lineiter(s) do
- local width = sx * camera.getTextWidth(line)
- camera.love.graphics.draw(line, x + (limit - width) * mul * cosrot, y + (limit - width) * mul * sinrot, angle, sx, sy)
- x = x - sx * love.graphics:getFont():getHeight() * love.graphics:getFont():getLineHeight() * sinrot
- y = y + sy * love.graphics:getFont():getHeight() * love.graphics:getFont():getLineHeight() * cosrot
- end
- end
- --TODO ox, oy local or not?
- camera.love.graphics.draws = love.graphics.draws
- function love.graphics.draws(image, x, y, cx, cy, w, h, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy)
- angle = (angle or 0) + camera.present.rotation
- sx = sx or 1
- sy = sy or sx
- x, y = camera.present:pos(x,y)
- if ox and oy then
- ox, oy = camera.present:pos(ox,oy)
- end
- sx = sx * math.abs(camera.present.scalex)
- sy = sy * math.abs(camera.present.scaley)
- if camera.present.scalex * camera.present.scaley < 0 then
- angle = -angle
- end
- if ox and oy then
- camera.love.graphics.draws(image, x, y, cx, cy, w, h, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy)
- else
- camera.love.graphics.draws(image, x, y, cx, cy, w, h, angle, sx, sy)
- end
- end
- camera.love.graphics.point = love.graphics.point
- function love.graphics.point(x, y)
- x, y = camera.present:pos(x,y)
- camera.love.graphics.point(x, y)
- end
- camera.love.graphics.line = love.graphics.line
- function love.graphics.line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- x1, y1 = camera.present:pos(x1, y1)
- x2, y2 = camera.present:pos(x2, y2)
- camera.love.graphics.line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- end
- camera.love.graphics.triangle = love.graphics.triangle
- function love.graphics.triangle(t, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
- x1, y1 = camera.present:pos(x1, y1)
- x2, y2 = camera.present:pos(x2, y2)
- x3, y3 = camera.present:pos(x3, y3)
- camera.love.graphics.triangle(t, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
- end
- camera.love.graphics.rectangle = love.graphics.rectangle
- function love.graphics.rectangle(t, x, y, w, h)
- love.graphics.polygon(t, x, y, x + w, y, x + w, y + h, x, y + h)
- end
- camera.love.graphics.quad = love.graphics.quad
- function love.graphics.quad(t, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)
- x1, y1 = camera.present:pos(x1, y1)
- x2, y2 = camera.present:pos(x2, y2)
- x3, y3 = camera.present:pos(x3, y3)
- x4, y4 = camera.present:pos(x4, y4)
- camera.love.graphics.quad(t, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)
- end
- -- Ovals not supported
- camera.love.graphics.circle = love.graphics.circle
- function love.graphics.circle(t, x, y, r, points)
- x, y = camera.present:pos(x, y)
- r = camera.present:scaleSym(r)
- if points then
- camera.love.graphics.circle(t, x, y, r, points)
- else
- camera.love.graphics.circle(t, x, y, r)
- end
- end
- camera.love.graphics.polygon = love.graphics.polygon
- function love.graphics.polygon(t, ...)
- if #arg > 0 then
- if (type((arg[1])) == "table") then
- arg = arg[1]
- end
- if camera.present then
- for i=1,#arg/2 do
- arg[2*i-1],arg[2*i] = camera.present:pos(arg[2*i-1], arg[2*i])
- end
- end
- camera.love.graphics.polygon(t, unpack(arg))
- end
- end
- camera.love.graphics.setLineWidth = love.graphics.setLineWidth
- function love.graphics.setLineWidth(width)
- camera.love.graphics.setLineWidth(camera.present:scaleX(width))
- end
- camera.love.graphics.setLine = love.graphics.setLine
- function love.graphics.setLine(width, ...)
- camera.love.graphics.setLine(camera.present:scaleX(width), ...)
- end
- camera.love.graphics.getLineWidth = love.graphics.getLineWidth
- function love.graphics.getLineWidth()
- return camera.present:unscaleX(camera.love.graphics.getLineWidth())
- end
- camera.love.graphics.setPointSize = love.graphics.setPointSize
- function love.graphics.setPointSize(size)
- camera.love.graphics.setPointSize(camera.present:scaleSym(size))
- end
- camera.love.graphics.setPoint = love.graphics.setPoint
- function love.graphics.setPoint(size, ...)
- camera.love.graphics.setPoint(camera.present:scaleSym(size), ...)
- end
- camera.love.graphics.getPointSize = love.graphics.getPointSize
- function love.graphics.getPointSize()
- return camera.present:unscaleSym(camera.love.graphics.getPointSize())
- end
- camera.love.graphics.getMaxPointSize = love.graphics.getMaxPointSize
- function love.graphics.getMaxPointSize()
- return camera.present:unscaleSym(camera.love.graphics.getMaxPointSize())
- end
- function camera.lateInit()
- camera.mousepressed_default = mousepressed or function() end
- camera.mousereleased_default = mousereleased or function() end
- camera.love.mouse.getX = love.mouse.getX
- camera.love.mouse.getY = love.mouse.getY
- camera.love.mouse.getPosition = love.mouse.getPosition
- camera.love.mouse.setPosition = love.mouse.setPosition
- function mousepressed(x, y, ...)
- local oldCamera = getCamera()
- if camera.mouseCamera then
- setCamera(camera.mouseCamera)
- end
- x, y = camera.present:unpos(x,y)
- setCamera(oldCamera)
- local ret = camera.mousepressed_default(x, y, ...)
- return ret
- end
- function mousereleased(x, y, ...)
- local oldCamera = getCamera()
- if camera.mouseCamera then
- setCamera(camera.mouseCamera)
- end
- x, y = camera.present:unpos(x, y)
- setCamera(oldCamera)
- local ret = camera.mousereleased_default(x, y, ...)
- return ret
- end
- function love.mouse.getX()
- local x, y = camera.present:unpos(camera.love.mouse.getX(), camera.love.mouse.getY())
- return x
- end
- function love.mouse.getY()
- local x, y = camera.present:unpos(camera.love.mouse.getX(), camera.love.mouse.getY())
- return y
- end
- function love.mouse.getPosition()
- return camera.present:unpos(camera.love.mouse.getPosition())
- end
- function love.mouse.setPosition(x, y)
- return camera.love.mouse.setPosition(unpack(camera.present:scale(x,y)))
- end
- end