http://github.com/rchouinard/phpass · PHP · 159 lines · 57 code · 21 blank · 81 comment · 12 complexity · f518519fc537e956e3138fa15fff9e4c MD5 · raw file
- <?php
- /**
- * PHP Password Library
- *
- * @package PHPass\Hashes
- * @category Cryptography
- * @author Ryan Chouinard <rchouinard at gmail.com>
- * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License
- * @link https://github.com/rchouinard/phpass Project at GitHub
- */
- /**
- * @namespace
- */
- namespace Phpass\Hash\Adapter;
- /**
- * PBKDF2 hash adapter
- *
- * @package PHPass\Hashes
- * @category Cryptography
- * @author Ryan Chouinard <rchouinard at gmail.com>
- * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License
- * @link https://github.com/rchouinard/phpass Project at GitHub
- */
- class Pbkdf2 extends Base
- {
- /**
- * Hashing algorithm used by the PBKDF2 implementation.
- *
- * @var string
- */
- protected $_algo = 'sha256';
- /**
- * Return a hashed string.
- *
- * @param string $password
- * The string to be hashed.
- * @param string $salt
- * An optional salt string to base the hashing on. If not provided, the
- * adapter will generate a new secure salt value.
- * @return string
- * Returns the hashed string.
- * @see Adapter::crypt()
- */
- public function crypt($password, $salt = null)
- {
- $setting = $salt;
- if (!$setting) {
- $setting = $this->genSalt();
- }
- // Return blowfish error string *0 or *1 on failure
- // Portable adapter does this, so we do it here to remain consistent
- $output = '*0';
- if (substr($setting, 0, 2) == $output) {
- $output = '*1';
- }
- if (substr($setting, 0, 6) != '$p5v2$') {
- return $output;
- }
- $countLog2 = $countLog2 = strpos($this->_itoa64, $setting[6]);
- if ($countLog2 < 0 || $countLog2 > 30) {
- return $output;
- }
- $count = 1 << $countLog2;
- $salt = substr($setting, 7, 8);
- if (strlen($salt) != 8) {
- return $output;
- }
- $hash = $this->_pbkdf2($password, $salt, $count, 24, $this->_algo);
- $output = substr($setting, 0, 16);
- $output .= $this->_encode64($hash, 24);
- return $output;
- }
- /**
- * Generate a salt string suitable for the crypt() method.
- *
- * Pbkdf2::genSalt() generates a 16-character salt string which can be
- * passed to crypt(). The salt consists of a string beginning with a
- * compatible hash identifier, one byte of iteration count, and an
- * 8-byte encoded salt followed by "$".
- *
- * @param string $input
- * Optional random data to be used when generating the salt. Must contain
- * at least 6 bytes of data.
- * @return string
- * Returns the generated salt string.
- * @see Adapter::genSalt()
- */
- public function genSalt($input = null)
- {
- if (!$input) {
- $input = $this->_getRandomBytes(6);
- }
- // PKCS #5, version 2
- // Python implementation uses $p5k2$, but we're not using a compatible
- // string. https://www.dlitz.net/software/python-pbkdf2/
- $output = '$p5v2$';
- // Iteration count between 1 and 1,073,741,824
- $output .= $this->_itoa64[min(max($this->_iterationCountLog2, 0), 30)];
- // 8-byte (64-bit) salt value, as recommended by the standard
- $output .= $this->_encode64($input, 6);
- // $p5v2$CSSSSSSSS$
- return $output . '$';
- }
- /**
- * Internal implementation of PKCS #5 v2.0.
- *
- * This implementation passes tests using vectors given in RFC 6070 s.2,
- * PBKDF2 HMAC-SHA1 Test Vectors. Vectors given for PBKDF2 HMAC-SHA2 at
- * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5130513 also pass.
- *
- * @param string $password
- * The string to be hashed.
- * @param string $salt
- * Salt value used by the HMAC function.
- * @param integer $iterationCount
- * Number of iterations for key stretching.
- * @param integer $keyLength
- * Length of derived key.
- * @param string $algo
- * Algorithm to use when generating HMAC digest.
- * @return string
- * Returns the raw hash string.
- */
- protected function _pbkdf2($password, $salt, $iterationCount = 1000, $keyLength = 20, $algo = 'sha1')
- {
- $hashLength = strlen(hash($algo, null, true));
- $keyBlocks = ceil($keyLength / $hashLength);
- $derivedKey = '';
- for ($block = 1; $block <= $keyBlocks; ++$block) {
- $iteratedBlock = $currentBlock = hash_hmac($algo, $salt . pack('N', $block), $password, true);
- for ($iteration = 1; $iteration < $iterationCount; ++$iteration) {
- $iteratedBlock ^= $currentBlock = hash_hmac($algo, $currentBlock, $password, true);
- }
- $derivedKey .= $iteratedBlock;
- }
- return substr($derivedKey, 0, $keyLength);
- }
- }