C++ | 1478 lines | 1019 code | 209 blank | 250 comment | 172 complexity | a27256703fb7e66fac3dd1513956d444 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * mt63base.cxx -- MT63 transmitter and receiver in C++ for LINUX
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Pawel Jalocha, SP9VRC
- * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Dave Freese, W1HKJ
- *
- * base class for use by fldigi
- * modified from original
- * excluded CW_ID which is a part of the base modem class for fldigi
- * changed all floats to double and removed all float functions/methods
- * changed from int* to double* for all sound card buffer transfers
- *
- * Modified base class for rx and tx to allow variable center frequency
- * for baseband signal
- *
- * based on mt63 code by Pawel Jalocha
- *
- * This file is part of fldigi.
- *
- * Fldigi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Fldigi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with fldigi. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- */
- #include <config.h>
- #include <stdio.h> // only for control printf's
- // #include <alloc.h>
- #include <iostream>
- #include "dsp.h"
- #include "mt63base.h"
- #include "symbol.dat" // symbol shape
- #include "mt63intl.dat" // interleave patterns
- // W1HKJ
- // fixed filter shapes replaced by maximally flat blackman3 filters
- // that are generated as required as signal center frequency is changed
- //#include "alias_k5.dat" // anti-alias filter shapes
- //#include "alias_1k.dat" // for 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz modes
- //#include "alias_2k.dat"
- // ==========================================================================
- // MT63 transmitter code
- MT63tx::MT63tx()
- {
- TxVect = NULL;
- dspPhaseCorr = NULL;
- }
- MT63tx::~MT63tx()
- {
- free(TxVect);
- free(dspPhaseCorr);
- }
- void MT63tx::Free(void)
- {
- free(TxVect);
- TxVect = NULL;
- free(dspPhaseCorr);
- dspPhaseCorr = NULL;
- Encoder.Free();
- FFT.Free();
- Window.Free();
- Comb.Free();
- WindowBuff.Free();
- }
- // W1HKJ
- // added freq paramter to Preset
- int MT63tx::Preset(double freq, int BandWidth, int LongInterleave)
- {
- int i, p, step, incr, mask;
- // W1HKJ
- // values used to computer the blackman3 passband filter shape
- double hbw = 1.5*BandWidth / 2;
- double omega_low = (freq - hbw);
- double omega_high = (freq + hbw);
- if (omega_low < 100) omega_low = 100;
- if (omega_high > 4000) omega_high = 4000;
- omega_low *= (M_PI / 4000);
- omega_high *= (M_PI / 4000);
- mask = FFT.Size - 1;
- DataCarriers = 64;
- switch(BandWidth) {
- case 500:
- FirstDataCarr = (int)floor((freq - BandWidth / 2.0) * 256 / 500 + .5);
- AliasFilterLen = 128;
- DecimateRatio = 8;
- break;
- case 1000:
- FirstDataCarr = (int)floor((freq - BandWidth / 2.0) * 128 / 500 + 0.5);
- AliasFilterLen = 64;
- DecimateRatio = 4;
- break;
- case 2000:
- FirstDataCarr = (int)floor((freq - BandWidth / 2.0) * 64 / 500 + 0.5);
- AliasFilterLen = 64;
- DecimateRatio = 2;
- break;
- default:
- return -1;
- }
- WindowLen = SymbolLen;
- TxWindow = SymbolShape;
- TxAmpl = 4.0 / DataCarriers; // for maximum output level we can set TxAmpl=4.0/DataCarriers
- CarrMarkCode = 0x16918BBEL;
- CarrMarkAmpl = 0;
- if (LongInterleave) {
- DataInterleave = 64;
- InterleavePattern = LongIntlvPatt;
- }
- else {
- DataInterleave = 32;
- InterleavePattern = ShortIntlvPatt;
- }
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&TxVect, DataCarriers))
- goto Error;
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&dspPhaseCorr, DataCarriers))
- goto Error;
- if (WindowBuff.EnsureSpace(2 * WindowLen))
- goto Error;
- WindowBuff.Len = 2 * WindowLen;
- if (Encoder.Preset(DataCarriers, DataInterleave, InterleavePattern, 1))
- goto Error;
- if (FFT.Preset(WindowLen))
- goto Error;
- if (Window.Preset(WindowLen, SymbolSepar / 2, TxWindow))
- goto Error;
- // W1HKJ
- // Preset the combining instance, NULL pointers in lieu of fixed filter shapes
- // blackman3 filter provides flat passband and sufficient out-of-band rejection
- // to insure that all unwanted FFT components (periodic signal) are suppressed
- // by 70 dB or more
- if ( Comb.Preset( AliasFilterLen, NULL, NULL, DecimateRatio ) )
- goto Error;
- // compute new combining filter shape
- Comb.ComputeShape(omega_low, omega_high, dspWindowBlackman3);
- // Preset the initial dspPhase for each data carrier.
- // Here we only compute indexes to the FFT twiddle factors
- // so the actual vector is FFT.Twiddle[TxVect[i]]
- for (step = 0, incr = 1, p = 0, i = 0; i < DataCarriers; i++) {
- TxVect[i] = p;
- step += incr;
- p = (p + step) & mask;
- }
- // compute dspPhase correction between successive FFTs separated by SymbolSepar
- // Like above we compute indexes to the FFT.Twiddle[]
- incr = (SymbolSepar * DataCarrSepar) & mask;
- for (p = (SymbolSepar * FirstDataCarr) & mask, i = 0; i < DataCarriers; i++) {
- dspPhaseCorr[i] = p;
- p = (p + incr) & mask;
- }
- return 0;
- Error:
- Free();
- return -1;
- }
- // W1HKJ
- // SendTune and ProcessTxVect are both modified to allow the FirstDataCarr
- // to be other than WindowLen / 2 as in the original design
- // The peridocity of the FFT is taken advantage of by computing the positions
- // of the bit indices modulo FFT.size, i.e. r = FFT.BitRevIdx[c & (FFT.Size - 1)]
- int MT63tx::SendTune(bool twotones)
- {
- int i, c, r, mask;
- double Ampl;
- mask = FFT.Size - 1;
- Ampl = TxAmpl * sqrt(DataCarriers / 2);
- for (i = 0; i < DataCarriers; i++)
- TxVect[i] = (TxVect[i] + dspPhaseCorr[i]) & mask;
- for (i = 0; i < 2 * WindowLen; i++)
- WindowBuff.Data[i].im = WindowBuff.Data[i].re = 0.0;
- // W1HKJ
- // first tone at the lowest most MT63 carrier
- i = 0;
- c = FirstDataCarr;
- r = FFT.BitRevIdx[c & mask];
- WindowBuff.Data[r].re = Ampl * FFT.Twiddle[TxVect[i]].re;
- WindowBuff.Data[r].im = (-Ampl) * FFT.Twiddle[TxVect[i]].im;
- // W1HKJ
- // 2nd tone at the highest most MT63 carrier + 1
- // MT63 is specified as 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz wide signal format, but in
- // fact are narrower by one carrier spacing, i.e. 0 to N-1 carriers where
- // N = 64
- if (twotones) {
- i = DataCarriers - 1;
- c = (FirstDataCarr + i * DataCarrSepar);
- r = WindowLen + FFT.BitRevIdx[c & mask];
- WindowBuff.Data[r].re = Ampl * FFT.Twiddle[TxVect[i]].re;
- WindowBuff.Data[r].im = (-Ampl) * FFT.Twiddle[TxVect[i]].im;
- }
- // inverse FFT: WindowBuff is already scrambled
- FFT.CoreProc(WindowBuff.Data);
- FFT.CoreProc(WindowBuff.Data + WindowLen);
- // negate the imaginary part for the IFFT
- for (i = 0; i < 2 * WindowLen; i++)
- WindowBuff.Data[i].im *= (-1.0);
- // process the FFT values to produce a complex time domain vector
- Window.Process(&WindowBuff);
- // W1HKJ
- // convert the complex time domain vector to a real time domain signal
- // suitably filtered by the anti-alias filter used in the combiner
- Comb.Process(&Window.Output);
- return 0;
- }
- int MT63tx::SendChar(char ch)
- {
- int i,mask,flip;
- Encoder.Process(ch); // encode and interleave the character
- // print the character and the DataBlock being sent
- // printf("0x%02x [%c] => ", ch, ch>=' ' ? ch : '.');
- // for (i=0; i<DataCarriers; i++) printf("%c",'0'+Encoder.Output[i]);
- // printf("\n");
- // here we encode the Encoder.Output into dspPhase flips
- mask = FFT.Size - 1;
- flip = FFT.Size / 2;
- for (i = 0; i < DataCarriers; i++) {
- // data bit = 1 => only dspPhase correction
- if (Encoder.Output[i])
- TxVect[i] = (TxVect[i] + dspPhaseCorr[i]) & mask;
- // data bit = 0 => dspPhase flip + dspPhase correction
- else
- TxVect[i] = (TxVect[i] + dspPhaseCorr[i] + flip) & mask;
- }
- ProcessTxVect();
- return 0;
- }
- int MT63tx::SendJam(void)
- {
- int i,mask,left,right;
- int j = 0;
- mask = FFT.Size-1;
- left = FFT.Size / 4;
- right = 3 * (FFT.Size / 4);
- for (i = 0; i < DataCarriers; i++) {
- j = i & mask;
- if (rand() & 0x100) // turn left 90 degrees
- TxVect[j] = (TxVect[j] + dspPhaseCorr[j] + left) & mask;
- else // turn right 90 degrees
- TxVect[j] = (TxVect[j] + dspPhaseCorr[j] + right) & mask;
- }
- ProcessTxVect();
- return 0;
- }
- // W1HKJ
- // principal change from original is modulo arithmetic used to creat
- // WindowBuff.Data vectors
- int MT63tx::ProcessTxVect(void)
- {
- int i, c, r, mask;
- mask = FFT.Size - 1;
- for (i = 0; i < 2 * WindowLen; i++)
- WindowBuff.Data[i].im = WindowBuff.Data[i].re = 0.0;
- for ( i = 0, c = FirstDataCarr; i < DataCarriers; i++, c += DataCarrSepar) {
- r = FFT.BitRevIdx[c & mask] + WindowLen * (i & 1);
- WindowBuff.Data[r].re = TxAmpl*FFT.Twiddle[TxVect[i]].re;
- WindowBuff.Data[r].im = (-TxAmpl)*FFT.Twiddle[TxVect[i]].im;
- }
- FFT.CoreProc(WindowBuff.Data);
- FFT.CoreProc(WindowBuff.Data + WindowLen);
- // negate the imaginary part for the IFFT
- for (i = 0; i < 2 * WindowLen; i++)
- WindowBuff.Data[i].im *= (-1.0);
- Window.Process(&WindowBuff);
- // W1HKJ
- // audio output to be sent out is in Comb.Output
- Comb.Process(&Window.Output);
- return 0;
- }
- int MT63tx::SendSilence(void)
- {
- Window.ProcessSilence(2);
- Comb.Process(&Window.Output);
- return 0;
- }
- // ==========================================================================
- // Character encoder and block interleave for the MT63 modem
- MT63encoder::MT63encoder()
- {
- IntlvPipe = NULL;
- WalshBuff = NULL;
- Output = NULL;
- IntlvPatt=NULL;
- }
- MT63encoder::~MT63encoder()
- {
- free(IntlvPipe);
- free(WalshBuff);
- free(Output);
- free(IntlvPatt);
- }
- void MT63encoder::Free()
- {
- free(IntlvPipe);
- free(WalshBuff);
- free(Output);
- free(IntlvPatt);
- IntlvPipe = NULL;
- WalshBuff = NULL;
- Output = NULL;
- IntlvPatt = NULL;
- }
- int MT63encoder::Preset(int Carriers, int Intlv, int *Pattern, int PreFill)
- {
- int i, p;
- if (!dspPowerOf2(Carriers)) goto Error;
- DataCarriers = Carriers;
- IntlvLen = Intlv;
- IntlvSize = IntlvLen * DataCarriers;
- if (IntlvLen) {
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&IntlvPipe, IntlvSize)) goto Error;
- if (PreFill)
- for (i = 0; i < IntlvSize; i++)
- IntlvPipe[i] = rand() & 1;
- else
- dspClearArray(IntlvPipe,IntlvSize);
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&IntlvPatt, DataCarriers)) goto Error;
- IntlvPtr = 0;
- }
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&WalshBuff, DataCarriers)) goto Error;
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&Output, DataCarriers)) goto Error;
- CodeMask = 2 * DataCarriers - 1;
- for (p = 0, i = 0; i < DataCarriers; i++) {
- IntlvPatt[i] = p * DataCarriers;
- p += Pattern[i];
- if (p >= IntlvLen) p -= IntlvLen;
- }
- return 0;
- Error:
- Free();
- return -1;
- }
- int MT63encoder::Process(char code) // encode an ASCII character "code"
- {
- int i, k;
- code &= CodeMask;
- for (i = 0; i < DataCarriers; i++)
- WalshBuff[i] = 0;
- if (code < DataCarriers)
- WalshBuff[(int)code] = 1.0;
- else WalshBuff[code-DataCarriers] = (-1.0);
- dspWalshInvTrans(WalshBuff, DataCarriers);
- if (IntlvLen) {
- for (i = 0; i < DataCarriers; i++)
- IntlvPipe[IntlvPtr + i] = (WalshBuff[i] < 0.0);
- for (i = 0; i < DataCarriers; i++) {
- k = IntlvPtr + IntlvPatt[i];
- if (k >= IntlvSize)
- k -= IntlvSize;
- Output[i] = IntlvPipe[k+i];
- }
- IntlvPtr += DataCarriers;
- if (IntlvPtr >= IntlvSize)
- IntlvPtr -= IntlvSize;
- } else
- for (i = 0; i < DataCarriers; i++)
- Output[i] = (WalshBuff[i] < 0.0);
- return 0;
- }
- // After encoding the "Output" array contains the bits to be transmitted
- // ==========================================================================
- // MT63 decoder and deinterleaver
- MT63decoder::MT63decoder()
- {
- IntlvPipe = NULL;
- IntlvPatt = NULL;
- WalshBuff = NULL;
- DecodeSnrMid = NULL;
- DecodeSnrOut = NULL;
- DecodePipe = NULL;
- }
- MT63decoder::~MT63decoder()
- {
- free(IntlvPipe);
- free(IntlvPatt);
- free(WalshBuff);
- free(DecodeSnrMid);
- free(DecodeSnrOut);
- free(DecodePipe);
- }
- void MT63decoder::Free()
- {
- free(IntlvPipe);
- IntlvPipe = NULL;
- free(IntlvPatt);
- IntlvPatt = NULL;
- free(WalshBuff);
- WalshBuff = NULL;
- free(DecodeSnrMid);
- free(DecodeSnrOut);
- DecodeSnrMid = NULL;
- DecodeSnrOut = NULL;
- free(DecodePipe);
- DecodePipe = NULL;
- }
- int MT63decoder::Preset(int Carriers, int Intlv, int *Pattern, int Margin, int Integ)
- {
- int i,p;
- if (!dspPowerOf2(Carriers)) goto Error;
- DataCarriers = Carriers;
- ScanLen = 2 * Margin + 1;
- ScanSize = DataCarriers + 2 * Margin;
- dspLowPass2Coeff(Integ,W1,W2,W5);
- DecodeLen = Integ / 2;
- DecodeSize = DecodeLen * ScanLen;
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&DecodePipe, DecodeSize)) goto Error;
- dspClearArray(DecodePipe, DecodeSize);
- DecodePtr = 0;
- IntlvLen = Intlv; // printf("%d:",IntlvLen);
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&IntlvPatt, DataCarriers)) goto Error;
- for (p = 0, i = 0; i < DataCarriers; i++) {
- IntlvPatt[i] = p * ScanSize; // printf(" %2d",p);
- p += Pattern[i];
- if (p >= IntlvLen) p -= IntlvLen;
- }
- // printf("\n");
- IntlvSize = (IntlvLen + 1) * ScanSize;
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&IntlvPipe, IntlvSize)) goto Error;
- dspClearArray(IntlvPipe, IntlvSize);
- IntlvPtr = 0;
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&WalshBuff, DataCarriers)) goto Error;
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&DecodeSnrMid, ScanLen)) goto Error;
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&DecodeSnrOut, ScanLen)) goto Error;
- dspClearArray(DecodeSnrMid, ScanLen);
- dspClearArray(DecodeSnrOut, ScanLen);
- SignalToNoise = 0.0;
- CarrOfs = 0;
- return 0;
- Error:
- Free();
- return -1;
- }
- int MT63decoder::Process(double *data)
- {
- int s, i, k;
- double Min, Max, Sig, Noise, SNR;
- int MinPos,MaxPos,code;
- dspCopyArray(IntlvPipe + IntlvPtr, data, ScanSize);
- // printf("Decoder [%d/%d/%d]: \n",IntlvPtr,IntlvSize,ScanSize);
- for (s = 0; s < ScanLen; s++) {
- // printf(" %2d:",s);
- for (i = 0; i < DataCarriers; i++) {
- k = IntlvPtr - ScanSize - IntlvPatt[i];
- if (k < 0) k += IntlvSize;
- if ((s & 1) && (i & 1)) {
- k += ScanSize;
- if (k >= IntlvSize) k-=IntlvSize;
- }
- WalshBuff[i] = IntlvPipe[k + s + i];
- // printf(" %4d",k/ScanSize);
- }
- // printf("\n");
- dspWalshTrans(WalshBuff, DataCarriers);
- Min = dspFindMin(WalshBuff, DataCarriers, MinPos);
- Max = dspFindMax(WalshBuff, DataCarriers, MaxPos);
- if (fabs(Max) > fabs(Min)) {
- code = MaxPos + DataCarriers;
- Sig = fabs(Max);
- WalshBuff[MaxPos] = 0.0;
- } else {
- code = MinPos;
- Sig = fabs(Min);
- WalshBuff[MinPos] = 0.0;
- }
- Noise = dspRMS(WalshBuff, DataCarriers);
- if (Noise > 0.0)
- SNR = Sig/Noise;
- else SNR = 0.0;
- dspLowPass2(SNR, DecodeSnrMid[s], DecodeSnrOut[s], W1, W2, W5);
- // printf("%2d: %02x => %c, %5.2f/%5.2f=>%5.2f <%5.2f>\n",
- // s,code,code<' ' ? '.' : (char)code,
- // Sig,Noise,SNR,DecodeSnrOut[s]);
- DecodePipe[DecodePtr+s]=code;
- }
- IntlvPtr += ScanSize;
- if (IntlvPtr >= IntlvSize) IntlvPtr = 0;
- DecodePtr += ScanLen;
- if (DecodePtr >= DecodeSize) DecodePtr = 0;
- Max = dspFindMax(DecodeSnrOut, ScanLen, MaxPos);
- Output = DecodePipe[DecodePtr + MaxPos];
- SignalToNoise = Max;
- CarrOfs = MaxPos - (ScanLen - 1) / 2;
- /*
- code=Output;
- if ((code>=' ')||(code=='\n')||(code=='\r')) printf("%c",code);
- else if (code!='\0') printf("<%02X>",code);
- */
- return 0;
- }
- // ==========================================================================
- // MT63 receiver code
- MT63rx::MT63rx()
- {
- int s;
- FFTbuff = NULL;
- FFTbuff2 = NULL;
- for (s = 0; s < 4; s++)
- SyncPipe[s] = NULL;
- SyncPhCorr = NULL;
- for (s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
- CorrelMid[s] = NULL;
- CorrelOut[s] = NULL;
- }
- dspPowerMid = NULL;
- dspPowerOut = NULL;
- for (s = 0; s < 4; s++)
- CorrelNorm[s] = NULL;
- for (s = 0; s < 4; s++)
- CorrelAver[s] = NULL;
- SymbFit = NULL;
- SymbPipe = NULL;
- FreqPipe = NULL;
- RefDataSlice = NULL;
- DataPipeLen = 0;
- DataPipe = NULL;
- DataPwrMid = NULL;
- DataPwrOut = NULL;
- DataSqrMid = NULL;
- DataSqrOut = NULL;
- DataVect = NULL;
- DatadspPhase = NULL;
- DatadspPhase2 = NULL;
- SpectradspPower = NULL;
- }
- MT63rx::~MT63rx()
- {
- int s;
- free(FFTbuff);
- free(FFTbuff2);
- for (s = 0; s < 4; s++)
- free(SyncPipe[s]);
- free(SyncPhCorr);
- for (s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
- free(CorrelMid[s]);
- free(CorrelOut[s]);
- }
- free(dspPowerMid);
- free(dspPowerOut);
- for (s = 0; s < 4; s++)
- free(CorrelNorm[s]);
- for (s = 0; s < 4; s++)
- free(CorrelAver[s]);
- free(SymbFit);
- free(SymbPipe);
- free(FreqPipe);
- free(RefDataSlice);
- dspFreeArray2D(DataPipe, DataPipeLen);
- // for (s=0; s<DataPipeLen; s++) free(DataPipe[s]); free(DataPipe);
- free(DataPwrMid);
- free(DataPwrOut);
- free(DataSqrMid);
- free(DataSqrOut);
- free(DataVect);
- free(DatadspPhase);
- free(DatadspPhase2);
- free(SpectradspPower);
- }
- void MT63rx::Free(void)
- {
- int s;
- FFT.Free();
- InpSplit.Free();
- TestOfs.Free();
- ProcLine.Free();
- free(FFTbuff);
- FFTbuff = NULL;
- free(FFTbuff2);
- FFTbuff2 = NULL;
- for (s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
- free(SyncPipe[s]);
- SyncPipe[s] = NULL;
- }
- free(SyncPhCorr);
- SyncPhCorr = NULL;
- for (s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
- free(CorrelMid[s]);
- CorrelMid[s] = NULL;
- free(CorrelOut[s]);
- CorrelOut[s] = NULL;
- }
- free(dspPowerMid);
- dspPowerMid = NULL;
- free(dspPowerOut);
- dspPowerOut = NULL;
- for (s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
- free(CorrelNorm[s]);
- CorrelNorm[s] = NULL;
- }
- for (s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
- free(CorrelAver[s]);
- CorrelAver[s] = NULL;
- }
- free(SymbFit);
- SymbFit = NULL;
- free(SymbPipe);
- SymbPipe = NULL;
- free(FreqPipe);
- FreqPipe = NULL;
- free(RefDataSlice);
- RefDataSlice = NULL;
- dspFreeArray2D(DataPipe, DataPipeLen);
- // for (s=0; s<DataPipeLen; s++) free(DataPipe[s]); free(DataPipe);
- DataPipeLen = 0;
- DataPipe = NULL;
- free(DataPwrMid);
- free(DataPwrOut);
- DataPwrMid = NULL;
- DataPwrOut = NULL;
- free(DataSqrMid);
- free(DataSqrOut);
- DataSqrMid = NULL;
- DataSqrOut = NULL;
- free(DataVect);
- DataVect = NULL;
- free(DatadspPhase);
- DatadspPhase = NULL;
- free(DatadspPhase2);
- DatadspPhase2 = NULL;
- Decoder.Free();
- free(SpectradspPower);
- SpectradspPower = NULL;
- }
- // added freq parameter to Preset
- int MT63rx::Preset(double freq, int BandWidth, int LongInterleave, int Integ,
- void (*Display)(double *Spectra, int Len))
- {
- int err,s,i,c;
- // W1HKJ
- // variables used for generating the anti-alias filter
- double hbw = 1.5*BandWidth / 2;
- double omega_low = (freq - hbw);
- double omega_high = (freq + hbw);
- if (omega_low < 100) omega_low = 100;
- if (omega_high > 4000) omega_high = 4000;
- omega_low *= (M_PI / 4000);
- omega_high *= (M_PI/ 4000);
- switch(BandWidth) {
- case 500:
- FirstDataCarr = (int)floor((freq - BandWidth / 2.0) * 256 / 500 + 0.5);
- AliasFilterLen = 128;
- DecimateRatio = 8;
- break;
- case 1000:
- FirstDataCarr = (int)floor((freq - BandWidth / 2.0) * 128 / 500 + 0.5);
- AliasFilterLen = 64;
- DecimateRatio = 4;
- break;
- case 2000:
- FirstDataCarr = (int)floor((freq - BandWidth / 2.0) * 64 / 500 + 0.5);
- AliasFilterLen = 64;
- DecimateRatio = 2;
- break;
- default:
- return -1;
- }
- DataCarriers = 64; // 64 carriers
- WindowLen = SymbolLen; // the symbol length
- RxWindow = SymbolShape; // the symbol shape
- // RxWindow, WindowLen, SymbolSepar, DataCarrSepar are tuned one for another
- // to minimize inter-symbol interference (ISI) and one should not change
- // them independently or ISI will increase.
- CarrMarkCode = 0x16918BBEL;
- IntegLen = Integ; // sync. integration period
- SymbolDiv = 4; // don't change this
- ScanMargin = 8; // we look 8 data carriers up and down
- SyncStep = SymbolSepar/SymbolDiv;
- ProcdspDelay = IntegLen * SymbolSepar;
- TrackPipeLen = IntegLen;
- if (LongInterleave) {
- DataInterleave = 64;
- InterleavePattern = LongIntlvPatt;
- } else {
- DataInterleave = 32;
- InterleavePattern = ShortIntlvPatt;
- }
- DataScanMargin = 8;
- err = FFT.Preset(WindowLen);
- if (err) goto Error;
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&FFTbuff, WindowLen)) goto Error;
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&FFTbuff2, WindowLen)) goto Error;
- WindowLenMask = WindowLen - 1;
- // W1HKJ
- // InpSplit is the anti-aliasing filter that converts a real time domain
- // signal into a complex time domain signal with pre-filtering.
- // the black3man3 filter provides very sharp skirts with a flat
- // passband.
- err = InpSplit.Preset(AliasFilterLen, NULL, NULL, DecimateRatio);
- if (err) goto Error;
- err = InpSplit.ComputeShape(omega_low, omega_high, dspWindowBlackman3);
- if (err) goto Error;
- err = TestOfs.Preset(-0.25 * (2.0 * M_PI / WindowLen)); // for decoder tests only
- if (err) goto Error;
- err = ProcLine.Preset(ProcdspDelay + WindowLen + SymbolSepar);
- if (err) goto Error;
- SyncProcPtr = 0;
- ScanFirst = FirstDataCarr - ScanMargin * DataCarrSepar; // first FFT bin to scan
- if (ScanFirst < 0) ScanFirst += WindowLen;
- ScanLen = (DataCarriers + 2 * ScanMargin) * DataCarrSepar; // number of FFT bins to scan
- for (s = 0; s < SymbolDiv; s++) {
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&SyncPipe[s], ScanLen)) goto Error;
- dspClearArray(SyncPipe[s], ScanLen);
- }
- SyncPtr = 0;
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&SyncPhCorr, ScanLen)) goto Error;
- for (c = (ScanFirst * SymbolSepar) & WindowLenMask, i = 0; i < ScanLen; i++) {
- SyncPhCorr[i].re = FFT.Twiddle[c].re * FFT.Twiddle[c].re -
- FFT.Twiddle[c].im * FFT.Twiddle[c].im;
- SyncPhCorr[i].im = 2 * FFT.Twiddle[c].re * FFT.Twiddle[c].im;
- c = (c + SymbolSepar) & WindowLenMask;
- }
- for (s = 0; s < SymbolDiv; s++) {
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&CorrelMid[s], ScanLen)) goto Error;
- dspClearArray(CorrelMid[s], ScanLen);
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&CorrelOut[s], ScanLen)) goto Error;
- dspClearArray(CorrelOut[s], ScanLen);
- }
- dspLowPass2Coeff(IntegLen, W1, W2, W5);
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&dspPowerMid, ScanLen)) goto Error;
- dspClearArray(dspPowerMid, ScanLen);
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&dspPowerOut, ScanLen)) goto Error;
- dspClearArray(dspPowerOut, ScanLen);
- dspLowPass2Coeff(IntegLen * SymbolDiv, W1p, W2p, W5p);
- for (s = 0; s < SymbolDiv; s++) {
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&CorrelNorm[s], ScanLen)) goto Error;
- }
- FitLen = 2 * ScanMargin * DataCarrSepar;
- for (s = 0; s < SymbolDiv; s++) {
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&CorrelAver[s], FitLen)) goto Error;
- }
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&SymbFit, FitLen)) goto Error;
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&SymbPipe, TrackPipeLen)) goto Error;
- dspClearArray(SymbPipe, TrackPipeLen);
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&FreqPipe, TrackPipeLen)) goto Error;
- dspClearArray(FreqPipe, TrackPipeLen);
- TrackPipePtr = 0;
- SymbFitPos = ScanMargin * DataCarrSepar;
- SyncLocked = 0;
- SyncSymbConf = 0.0;
- SyncFreqOfs = 0.0;
- SyncFreqDev = 0.0;
- SymbPtr = 0;
- SyncSymbShift = 0.0;
- SyncHoldThres = 1.5 * sqrt(1.0 / (IntegLen * DataCarriers));
- SyncLockThres = 1.5 * SyncHoldThres;
- DataProcPtr = (-ProcdspDelay);
- DataScanLen = DataCarriers + 2 * DataScanMargin;
- DataScanFirst = FirstDataCarr - DataScanMargin * DataCarrSepar;
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&RefDataSlice, DataScanLen)) goto Error;
- dspClearArray(RefDataSlice, DataScanLen);
- dspFreeArray2D(DataPipe, DataPipeLen);
- DataPipeLen = IntegLen / 2;
- dspLowPass2Coeff(IntegLen, dW1, dW2, dW5);
- if (dspAllocArray2D(&DataPipe, DataPipeLen, DataScanLen)) {
- DataPipeLen = 0;
- goto Error;
- }
- dspClearArray2D(DataPipe, DataPipeLen, DataScanLen);
- DataPipePtr = 0;
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&DataPwrMid, DataScanLen)) goto Error;
- dspClearArray(DataPwrMid, DataScanLen);
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&DataPwrOut, DataScanLen)) goto Error;
- dspClearArray(DataPwrOut, DataScanLen);
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&DataSqrMid, DataScanLen)) goto Error;
- dspClearArray(DataSqrMid, DataScanLen);
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&DataSqrOut, DataScanLen)) goto Error;
- dspClearArray(DataSqrOut, DataScanLen);
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&DataVect, DataScanLen)) goto Error;
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&DatadspPhase, DataScanLen)) goto Error;
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&DatadspPhase2, DataScanLen)) goto Error;
- err = Decoder.Preset(DataCarriers, DataInterleave,
- InterleavePattern, DataScanMargin, IntegLen);
- if (err) goto Error;
- SpectraDisplay = Display;
- if (SpectraDisplay) {
- if (dspRedspAllocArray(&SpectradspPower, WindowLen))
- goto Error;
- }
- return 0;
- Error:
- Free();
- return -1;
- }
- int MT63rx::Process(double_buff *Input)
- {
- int s1,s2;
- // TestOfs.Omega+=(-0.005*(2.0*M_PI/512)); // simulate frequency drift
- Output.Len = 0;
- // W1HKJ
- // convert the real data input into a complex time domain signal,
- // anti-aliased using the blackman3 filter
- // subsequent rx signal processing takes advantage of the periodic nature
- // of the resultant FFT of the anti-aliased input signal. Actual decoding
- // is at baseband.
- InpSplit.Process(Input);
- ProcLine.Process(&InpSplit.Output);
- // TestOfs.Process(&InpSplit.Output);
- // ProcLine.Process(&TestOfs.Output);
- // printf("New input, Len=%d/%d\n",Input->Len,ProcLine.InpLen);
- while((SyncProcPtr+WindowLen) < ProcLine.InpLen) {
- SyncProcess(ProcLine.InpPtr + SyncProcPtr);
- // printf("SyncSymbConf=%5.2f, SyncLock=%d, SyncProcPtr=%d, SyncPtr=%d, SymbPtr=%d, SyncSymbShift=%5.1f, SyncFreqOfs=%5.2f =>",
- // SyncSymbConf,SyncLocked,SyncProcPtr,SyncPtr,SymbPtr,SyncSymbShift,SyncFreqOfs);
- if (SyncPtr == SymbPtr) {
- s1 = SyncProcPtr - ProcdspDelay +
- ((int)SyncSymbShift - SymbPtr * SyncStep);
- s2 = s1 + SymbolSepar / 2;
- // printf(" Sample at %d,%d (SyncProcPtr-%d), time diff.=%d\n",s1,s2,SyncProcPtr-s1,s1-DataProcPtr);
- DataProcess(ProcLine.InpPtr + s1, ProcLine.InpPtr + s2,
- SyncFreqOfs, s1 - DataProcPtr);
- DataProcPtr = s1;
- }
- // printf("\n");
- SyncProcPtr += SyncStep;
- }
- SyncProcPtr -= ProcLine.InpLen;
- DataProcPtr -= ProcLine.InpLen;
- return 0;
- }
- void MT63rx::DoCorrelSum(dspCmpx *Correl1, dspCmpx *Correl2, dspCmpx *Aver)
- {
- dspCmpx sx;
- int i, s, d;
- s = 2 * DataCarrSepar;
- d = DataCarriers * DataCarrSepar;
- sx.re = sx.im = 0.0;
- for (i = 0; i < d; i+=s) {
- sx.re += Correl1[i].re;
- sx.im += Correl1[i].im;
- sx.re += Correl2[i].re;
- sx.im += Correl2[i].im;
- }
- Aver[0].re = sx.re / DataCarriers;
- Aver[0].im = sx.im / DataCarriers;
- for (i = 0; i < (FitLen-s); ) {
- sx.re -= Correl1[i].re;
- sx.im -= Correl1[i].im;
- sx.re -= Correl2[i].re;
- sx.im -= Correl2[i].im;
- sx.re += Correl1[i+d].re;
- sx.im -= Correl1[i+d].im;
- sx.re += Correl2[i+d].re;
- sx.im -= Correl2[i+d].im;
- i += s;
- Aver[i].re = sx.re / DataCarriers;
- Aver[i].im = sx.im / DataCarriers; }
- }
- void MT63rx::SyncProcess(dspCmpx *Slice)
- {
- int i, j, k, r, s, s2;
- double pI, pQ;
- dspCmpx Correl;
- dspCmpx *PrevSlice;
- double I, Q;
- double dI, dQ;
- double P,A;
- double w0, w1;
- double Fl, F0, Fu;
- dspCmpx SymbTime;
- double SymbConf, SymbShift, FreqOfs;
- double dspRMS;
- int Loops, Incl;
- SyncPtr = (SyncPtr + 1) & (SymbolDiv - 1); // increment the correlators pointer
- for (i = 0; i < WindowLen; i++) {
- r = FFT.BitRevIdx[i];
- FFTbuff[r].re = Slice[i].re * RxWindow[i];
- FFTbuff[r].im = Slice[i].im * RxWindow[i];
- }
- FFT.CoreProc(FFTbuff);
- if (SpectraDisplay) {
- for ( i = 0,
- j = FirstDataCarr + (DataCarriers / 2) * DataCarrSepar -
- WindowLen / 2;
- (i < WindowLen) && ( j <WindowLen); i++,j++)
- SpectradspPower[i] = dspPower(FFTbuff[j]);
- for (j = 0; (i < WindowLen) && (j < WindowLen); i++,j++)
- SpectradspPower[i] = dspPower(FFTbuff[j]);
- (*SpectraDisplay)(SpectradspPower, WindowLen);
- }
- // EnvSync.Process(FFTbuff); // experimental synchronizer
- PrevSlice = SyncPipe[SyncPtr];
- for (i = 0; i < ScanLen; i++) {
- k = (ScanFirst+i) & WindowLenMask;
- I = FFTbuff[k].re;
- Q = FFTbuff[k].im;
- P = I * I + Q * Q;
- A = sqrt(P);
- if (P > 0.0) {
- dI = (I * I - Q * Q) / A;
- dQ = (2 * I * Q) / A;
- } else {
- dI = dQ = 0.0;
- }
- dspLowPass2(P, dspPowerMid[i], dspPowerOut[i], W1p, W2p, W5p);
- pI = PrevSlice[i].re * SyncPhCorr[i].re -
- PrevSlice[i].im * SyncPhCorr[i].im;
- pQ = PrevSlice[i].re * SyncPhCorr[i].im +
- PrevSlice[i].im * SyncPhCorr[i].re;
- Correl.re = dQ * pQ + dI * pI;
- Correl.im = dQ * pI - dI * pQ;
- dspLowPass2(&Correl, CorrelMid[SyncPtr] + i,
- CorrelOut[SyncPtr] + i, W1, W2, W5);
- PrevSlice[i].re = dI;
- PrevSlice[i].im = dQ;
- }
- if (SyncPtr == (SymbPtr^2)) {
- for (s = 0; s < SymbolDiv; s++) { // normalize the correlations
- for (i = 0; i < ScanLen; i++) {
- if (dspPowerOut[i] > 0.0) {
- CorrelNorm[s][i].re = CorrelOut[s][i].re / dspPowerOut[i];
- CorrelNorm[s][i].im = CorrelOut[s][i].im / dspPowerOut[i];
- } else
- CorrelNorm[s][i].im = CorrelNorm[s][i].re = 0.0;
- }
- }
- /*
- // another way to normalize - a better one ?
- for (i=0; i<ScanLen; i++)
- { for (P=0.0,s=0; s<SymbolDiv; s++)
- P+=dspPower(CorrelOut[s][i]);
- if (P>0.0)
- { for (s=0; s<SymbolDiv; s++)
- { CorrelNorm[s][i].re=CorrelOut[s][i].re/P;
- CorrelNorm[s][i].im=CorrelOut[s][i].im/P; }
- } else
- { for (s=0; s<SymbolDiv; s++)
- CorrelNorm[s][i].re=CorrelNorm[s][i].im=0.0; }
- }
- */
- // make a sum for each possible carrier positions
- for (s = 0; s < SymbolDiv; s++) {
- s2 = (s + SymbolDiv / 2) & (SymbolDiv - 1);
- for (k = 0; k < 2 * DataCarrSepar; k++)
- DoCorrelSum( CorrelNorm[s] + k,
- CorrelNorm[s2] + k + DataCarrSepar,
- CorrelAver[s] + k);
- }
- // symbol-shift dspPhase fitting
- for (i = 0; i < FitLen; i++) {
- SymbFit[i].re = dspAmpl(CorrelAver[0][i]) -
- dspAmpl(CorrelAver[2][i]);
- SymbFit[i].im = dspAmpl(CorrelAver[1][i]) -
- dspAmpl(CorrelAver[3][i]);
- }
- // P=dspFindMaxdspPower(SymbFit+30,4,j); j+=30;
- P = dspFindMaxdspPower(SymbFit + 2, FitLen- 4 , j);
- j += 2;
- // printf("[%2d,%2d]",j,SymbFitPos);
- k = (j - SymbFitPos) / DataCarrSepar;
- if (k > 1)
- j -= (k - 1) * DataCarrSepar;
- else if (k < (-1))
- j -= (k + 1) * DataCarrSepar;
- SymbFitPos = j;
- // printf(" => %2d",j);
- if (P > 0.0) {
- SymbConf = dspAmpl(SymbFit[j]) +
- 0.5 * (dspAmpl(SymbFit[j + 1]) + dspAmpl(SymbFit[j - 1]));
- SymbConf *= 0.5;
- I = SymbFit[j].re + 0.5 * (SymbFit[j - 1].re + SymbFit[j + 1].re);
- Q = SymbFit[j].im + 0.5 * (SymbFit[j - 1].im + SymbFit[j + 1].im);
- SymbTime.re = I;
- SymbTime.im = Q;
- SymbShift = (dspPhase(SymbTime) / (2 * M_PI)) * SymbolDiv;
- if (SymbShift < 0)
- SymbShift += SymbolDiv;
- // for (i=j-1; i<=j+1; i++) printf(" [%+5.2f,%+5.2f]",SymbFit[i].re,SymbFit[i].im);
- // make first estimation of FreqOfs
- // printf(" -> [%+5.2f,%+5.2f] =>",I,Q);
- // for (i=j-2; i<=j+2; i++) printf(" %+6.3f",I*SymbFit[i].re+Q*SymbFit[i].im);
- pI = dspScalProd(I, Q, SymbFit[j])
- + 0.7 * dspScalProd(I, Q, SymbFit[j - 1])
- + 0.7 * dspScalProd(I, Q, SymbFit[j + 1]);
- pQ = 0.7 * dspScalProd(I, Q, SymbFit[j + 1])
- - 0.7 * dspScalProd(I, Q, SymbFit[j - 1])
- + 0.5 * dspScalProd(I, Q, SymbFit[j + 2])
- - 0.5 * dspScalProd(I, Q, SymbFit[j - 2]);
- FreqOfs = j + dspPhase(pI, pQ) / (2.0 * M_PI / 8);
- /* SYNC TEST */
- // refine the FreqOfs
- i = (int)floor(FreqOfs + 0.5);
- s = (int)floor(SymbShift);
- s2 = (s + 1) & (SymbolDiv - 1);
- // printf(" [%5.2f,%2d,%d,%d] ",FreqOfs,i,s,s2);
- w0 = (s + 1 - SymbShift);
- w1 = (SymbShift - s);
- // printf(" [%4.2f,%4.2f] ",w0,w1);
- A = (0.5 * WindowLen) / SymbolSepar;
- I = w0 * CorrelAver[s][i].re + w1 * CorrelAver[s2][i].re;
- Q = w0 * CorrelAver[s][i].im + w1 * CorrelAver[s2][i].im;
- // printf(" [%5.2f,%2d] -> [%+5.2f,%+5.2f]",FreqOfs,i,I,Q);
- // FreqOfs=i+dspPhase(I,Q)/(2.0*M_PI)*0.5*A;
- // printf(" => %5.2f",FreqOfs);
- F0 = i + dspPhase(I, Q) / (2.0 * M_PI) * A - FreqOfs;
- Fl = F0 - A;
- Fu = F0 + A;
- if (fabs(Fl) < fabs(F0))
- FreqOfs += (fabs(Fu) < fabs(Fl)) ? Fu : Fl;
- else
- FreqOfs += (fabs(Fu) < fabs(F0)) ? Fu : F0;
- // printf(" => (%5.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f) => %5.2f",Fl,F0,Fu,FreqOfs);
- } else {
- SymbTime.re = SymbTime.im = 0.0;
- SymbConf = 0.0;
- SymbShift = 0.0;
- FreqOfs = 0.0;
- }
- // here we have FreqOfs and SymbTime.re/im
- // printf("FreqOfs=%5.2f",FreqOfs);
- if (SyncLocked) { // flip the SymbTime if it doesn't agree with the dspAverage
- if (dspScalProd(SymbTime, AverSymb) < 0.0) {
- SymbTime.re = (-SymbTime.re);
- SymbTime.im = (-SymbTime.im);
- FreqOfs -= DataCarrSepar;
- }
- // reduce the freq. offset towards the dspAverage offset
- A = 2 * DataCarrSepar;
- k = (int)floor((FreqOfs - AverFreq) / A + 0.5);
- FreqOfs -= k * A;
- /* SYNC TEST */
- A = (0.5 * WindowLen) / SymbolSepar;
- F0 = FreqOfs - AverFreq; // correct freq. auto-correlator wrap
- Fl = F0 - A;
- Fu = F0 + A;
- if (fabs(Fl) < fabs(F0))
- FreqOfs += (fabs(Fu) < fabs(Fl)) ? A : -A;
- else
- FreqOfs += (fabs(Fu) < fabs(F0)) ? A : 0.0;
- // printf(" => (%5.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f) => %5.2f",Fl,F0,Fu,FreqOfs);
- } else { // of if (SyncLocked)
- // flip SymbTime if it doesn't agree with the previous
- if (dspScalProd(SymbTime, SymbPipe[TrackPipePtr]) < 0.0) {
- SymbTime.re = (-SymbTime.re);
- SymbTime.im = (-SymbTime.im);
- FreqOfs -= DataCarrSepar;
- }
- // reduce the FreqOfs towards zero
- A = 2 * DataCarrSepar;
- k = (int)floor(FreqOfs / A + 0.5);
- FreqOfs -= k * A;
- /* SYNC TEST */
- F0 = FreqOfs - FreqPipe[TrackPipePtr];
- Fl = F0 - A;
- Fu = F0 + A;
- if (fabs(Fl) < fabs(F0))
- FreqOfs += (fabs(Fu) < fabs(Fl)) ? A : -A;
- else
- FreqOfs += (fabs(Fu) < fabs(F0)) ? A : 0.0;
- }
- // printf(" => [%+5.2f,%+5.2f], %5.2f",SymbTime.re,SymbTime.im,FreqOfs);
- TrackPipePtr += 1;
- if (TrackPipePtr >= TrackPipeLen)
- TrackPipePtr -= TrackPipeLen;
- SymbPipe[TrackPipePtr] = SymbTime; // put SymbTime and FreqOfs into pipes
- FreqPipe[TrackPipePtr] = FreqOfs; // for averaging
- // find dspAverage symbol time
- Loops = dspSelFitAver( SymbPipe,
- TrackPipeLen,
- (double)3.0,
- 4,
- AverSymb,
- dspRMS,
- Incl);
- // printf(" AverSymb=[%+5.2f,%+5.2f], dspRMS=%5.3f/%2d",
- // AverSymb.re,AverSymb.im,dspRMS,Incl);
- // find dspAverage freq. offset
- Loops = dspSelFitAver( FreqPipe,
- TrackPipeLen,
- (double)2.5,
- 4,
- AverFreq,
- dspRMS,
- Incl);
- SyncFreqDev = dspRMS;
- // printf(" AverFreq=%+5.2f, dspRMS=%5.3f/%2d",AverFreq,dspRMS,Incl);
- SymbConf = dspAmpl(AverSymb);
- SyncSymbConf = SymbConf;
- SyncFreqOfs = AverFreq;
- if (SymbConf > 0.0) {
- SymbShift = dspPhase(AverSymb) / (2 * M_PI) * SymbolSepar;
- if (SymbShift < 0.0)
- SymbShift += SymbolSepar;
- SymbPtr = (int)floor((dspPhase(AverSymb) / (2 * M_PI)) * SymbolDiv);
- if (SymbPtr < 0)
- SymbPtr += SymbolDiv;
- SyncSymbShift = SymbShift;
- }
- if (SyncLocked) {
- if ((SyncSymbConf < SyncHoldThres) || (SyncFreqDev > 0.250))
- SyncLocked = 0;
- } else {
- if ((SyncSymbConf > SyncLockThres) && (SyncFreqDev < 0.125))
- SyncLocked = 1;
- }
- SyncSymbConf *= 0.5;
- // printf(" => SyncLocked=%d, SyncSymbShift=%5.1f, SymbPtr=%d",
- // SyncLocked,SyncSymbShift,SymbPtr);
- // printf("\n");
- } // enf of if (SyncPtr==(SymbPtr^2))
- }
- void MT63rx::DataProcess(dspCmpx *EvenSlice, dspCmpx *OddSlice, double FreqOfs, int TimeDist)
- {
- int i, c, r;
- dspCmpx Freq, Phas;
- int incr, p;
- double I, Q, P;
- dspCmpx Dtmp;
- dspCmpx Ftmp;
- // double Aver,dspRMS; int Loops,Incl;
- // Here we pickup a symbol in the data history. The time/freq. synchronizer
- // told us where it is in time and at which frequency offset (FreqOfs)
- // TimeDist is the distance in samples from the symbol we analyzed
- // in the previous call to this routine
- // FreqOfs=0.0; // for DEBUG only !
- // printf("DataProcess: FreqOfs=%5.3f, TimeDist=%d, Locked=%d\n",
- // FreqOfs,TimeDist,SyncLocked);
- P = (-2 * M_PI * FreqOfs) / WindowLen; // make ready for frequency correction
- Freq.re = cos(P);
- Freq.im = sin(P);
- Phas.re = 1.0;
- Phas.im = 0.0;
- for (i = 0; i < WindowLen; i++) { // prepare slices for the FFT
- r = FFT.BitRevIdx[i]; // multiply by window and pre-scramble
- // if (i==2*ScanMargin)
- // printf("%3d: [%5.2f,%5.2f] [%5.2f,%5.2f]\n",
- // i, dspPhase.re,dspPhase.im, EvenSlice[i].re,EvenSlice[i].im);
- CdspcmpxMultAxB(I, Q, EvenSlice[i], Phas);
- FFTbuff[r].re = I * RxWindow[i];
- FFTbuff[r].im = Q * RxWindow[i];
- CdspcmpxMultAxB(I, Q, OddSlice[i], Phas);
- FFTbuff2[r].re = I * RxWindow[i];
- FFTbuff2[r].im = Q * RxWindow[i];
- CdspcmpxMultAxB(Dtmp, Phas, Freq);
- Phas = Dtmp;
- }
- FFT.CoreProc(FFTbuff);
- FFT.CoreProc(FFTbuff2);
- /*
- printf("FFTbuff [%3d...]:",FirstDataCarr-16);
- for (i=FirstDataCarr-16; i<=FirstDataCarr+32; i++)
- printf(" %+3d/%4.2f",i-FirstDataCarr,dspAmpl(FFTbuff[i]));
- printf("\n");
- printf("FFTbuff2[%3d...]:",FirstDataCarr-16);
- for (i=FirstDataCarr-16; i<=FirstDataCarr+32; i++)
- printf(" %+3d/%4.2f",i-FirstDataCarr,dspAmpl(FFTbuff2[i]));
- printf("\n");
- */
- // printf(" FreqOfs=%5.2f: ",FreqOfs);
- // printf("Symbol vectors:\n");
- incr = (TimeDist * DataCarrSepar) & WindowLenMask; // correct FFT dspPhase shift
- p = (TimeDist * DataScanFirst) & WindowLenMask; // due to time shift by
- for (c = DataScanFirst, i = 0; i < DataScanLen; ) { // TimeDist
- // printf("%2d,%3d:",i,c);
- // printf(" [%6.3f,%6.3f] [%6.3f,%6.3f]",
- // FFTbuff[c].re,FFTbuff[c].im,
- // FFTbuff2[c+DataCarrSepar].re,FFTbuff2[c+DataCarrSepar].im);
- // printf(" [%6.3f,%6.3f]/[%6.3f,%6.3f]",
- // FFTbuff2[c].re,FFTbuff2[c].im,
- // FFTbuff[c+DataCarrSepar].re,FFTbuff[c+DataCarrSepar].im);
- // printf(" %5.3f/%5.3f",dspAmpl(FFTbuff[c]),dspAmpl(FFTbuff[c+DataCarrSepar]));
- // printf(" %5.3f/%5.3f",dspAmpl(FFTbuff2[c+DataCarrSepar]),dspAmpl(FFTbuff2[c]));
- // printf("\n");
- Phas = FFT.Twiddle[p];
- CdspcmpxMultAxB(Dtmp, RefDataSlice[i], Phas);
- CdspcmpxMultAxBs(DataVect[i], FFTbuff[c], Dtmp);
- // printf("%3d,%2d: [%8.5f,%8.5f] / %8.5f\n",
- // c,i,FFTbuff[c].re,FFTbuff[c].im,DataPwrOut[i]);
- dspLowPass2( dspPower(FFTbuff[c]),
- DataPwrMid[i],
- DataPwrOut[i], dW1, dW2, dW5);
- RefDataSlice[i++] = FFTbuff[c];
- c = (c + DataCarrSepar) & WindowLenMask;
- p = (p + incr) & WindowLenMask;
- Phas = FFT.Twiddle[p];
- CdspcmpxMultAxB(Dtmp, RefDataSlice[i], Phas);
- CdspcmpxMultAxBs(DataVect[i], FFTbuff2[c], Dtmp);
- // printf("%3d,%2d: [%8.5f,%8.5f] / %8.5f\n",
- // c,i,FFTbuff2[c].re,FFTbuff2[c].im,DataPwrOut[i]);
- dspLowPass2( dspPower(FFTbuff2[c]),
- DataPwrMid[i],
- DataPwrOut[i], dW1, dW2, dW5);
- RefDataSlice[i++] = FFTbuff2[c];
- c = (c + DataCarrSepar) & WindowLenMask;
- p = (p + incr) & WindowLenMask;
- }
- P = (-TimeDist * 2 * M_PI * FreqOfs) / WindowLen;
- Freq.re = cos(P);
- Freq.im = sin(P);
- for (i = 0; i < DataScanLen; i++) {
- CdspcmpxMultAxB(Ftmp, DataVect[i], Freq);
- // dspLowPass2(dspPower(Ftmp),DataPwrMid[i],DataPwrOut[i],dW1,dW2,dW5);
- // CdspcmpxMultAxB(Dtmp,Ftmp,Ftmp);
- // Dtmp.re=Ftmp.re*Ftmp.re-Ftmp.im*Ftmp.im; Dtmp.im=2*Ftmp.re*Ftmp.im;
- // dspLowPass2(&Dtmp,DataSqrMid+i,DataSqrOut+i,dW1,dW2,dW5);
- DataVect[i] = DataPipe[DataPipePtr][i];
- DataPipe[DataPipePtr][i] = Ftmp;
- }
- DataPipePtr += 1;
- if (DataPipePtr >= DataPipeLen)
- DataPipePtr = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < DataScanLen; i++) {
- if (DataPwrOut[i] > 0.0) {
- P = DataVect[i].re / DataPwrOut[i];
- if (P > 1.0)
- P = 1.0;
- else if (P < (-1.0))
- P = (-1.0);
- DatadspPhase[i] = P;
- } else
- DatadspPhase[i] = 0.0;
- }
- Decoder.Process(DatadspPhase);
- Output.EnsureSpace(Output.Len + 1);
- Output.Data[Output.Len] = Decoder.Output;
- Output.Len += 1;
- /*
- printf("Demodulator output vectors:\n");
- for (i=0; i<DataScanLen; i++)
- { printf("%2d: [%8.5f,%8.5f] / %8.5f => %8.5f\n",
- i,DataVect[i].re,DataVect[i].im,DataPwrOut[i], DatadspPhase[i]);
- }
- */
- /*
- for (i=0; i<DataScanLen; i++)
- { // printf("%2d: [%8.5f,%8.5f]\n",i,DataVect[i].re,DataVect[i].im);
- if (dspPower(DataVect[i])>0.0) P=dspPhase(DataVect[i]); else P=0.0;
- DatadspPhase[i]=P;
- P*=2; if (P>M_PI) P-=2*M_PI; else if (P<(-M_PI)) P+=2*M_PI;
- DatadspPhase2[i]=P;
- printf("%2d: %6.3f [%6.3f,%6.3f] [%8.5f,%8.5f], %5.2f, %5.2f",
- i, DataPwrOut[i], DataSqrOut[i].re,DataSqrOut[i].im,
- DataVect[i].re,DataVect[i].im, DatadspPhase[i],DatadspPhase2[i]);
- if (DataPwrOut[i]>0.0)
- printf(" %6.3f",dspAmpl(DataSqrOut[i])/DataPwrOut[i]);
- printf("\n");
- }
- Loops=dspSelFitAver(DatadspPhase2,DataScanLen,(double)2.5,4,Aver,dspRMS,Incl);
- printf("Aver=%5.2f, dspRMS=%5.2f, Incl=%d\n",Aver,dspRMS,Incl);
- */
- }
- int MT63rx::SYNC_LockStatus(void) {
- return SyncLocked;
- }
- double MT63rx::SYNC_Confidence(void) {
- return SyncSymbConf <= 1.0 ? SyncSymbConf : 1.0;
- }
- double MT63rx::SYNC_FreqOffset(void) {
- return SyncFreqOfs / DataCarrSepar;
- }
- double MT63rx::SYNC_FreqDevdspRMS(void) {
- return SyncFreqDev / DataCarrSepar;
- }
- double MT63rx::SYNC_TimeOffset(void) {
- return SyncSymbShift / SymbolSepar;
- }
- double MT63rx::FEC_SNR(void) {
- return Decoder.SignalToNoise;
- }
- int MT63rx::FEC_CarrOffset(void) {
- return Decoder.CarrOfs;
- }
- double MT63rx::TotalFreqOffset(void) {
- return ( SyncFreqOfs + DataCarrSepar * Decoder.CarrOfs) *
- (8000.0 / DecimateRatio) / WindowLen;
- }