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#! | 10 lines | 10 code | 0 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | 9b4bd126015cde538fa3b17534f7ebe8 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0
  1. Function: polisirreducible
  2. Section: polynomials
  3. C-Name: gisirreducible
  4. Prototype: G
  5. Help: polisirreducible(pol): true(1) if pol is an irreducible non-constant
  6. polynomial, false(0) if pol is reducible or constant.
  7. Doc: \var{pol} being a polynomial (univariate in the present version \vers),
  8. returns 1 if \var{pol} is non-constant and irreducible, 0 otherwise.
  9. Irreducibility is checked over the smallest base field over which \var{pol}
  10. seems to be defined.