# · C · 1689 lines · 1343 code · 276 blank · 70 comment · 304 complexity · 77ea94e8fe28943350de5e9a7b424c11 MD5 · raw file
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- /* winspector.c - window attribute inspector
- *
- * Window Maker window manager
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Alfredo K. Kojima
- * Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Dan Pascu
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
- #include "wconfig.h"
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <strings.h>
- #include "WindowMaker.h"
- #include "screen.h"
- #include "wcore.h"
- #include "framewin.h"
- #include "window.h"
- #include "workspace.h"
- #include "funcs.h"
- #include "defaults.h"
- #include "dialog.h"
- #include "icon.h"
- #include "stacking.h"
- #include "application.h"
- #include "appicon.h"
- #include "actions.h"
- #include "winspector.h"
- #include "dock.h"
- #include "client.h"
- #include "wmspec.h"
- #include "xinerama.h"
- #include <WINGs/WUtil.h>
- typedef struct InspectorPanel {
- struct InspectorPanel *nextPtr;
- WWindow *frame;
- WWindow *inspected; /* the window that's being inspected */
- WMWindow *win;
- Window parent;
- /* common stuff */
- WMButton *revertBtn;
- WMButton *applyBtn;
- WMButton *saveBtn;
- WMPopUpButton *pagePopUp;
- /* first page. general stuff */
- WMFrame *specFrm;
- WMButton *instRb;
- WMButton *clsRb;
- WMButton *bothRb;
- WMButton *defaultRb;
- WMButton *selWinB;
- WMLabel *specLbl;
- /* second page. attributes */
- WMFrame *attrFrm;
- WMButton *attrChk[11];
- /* 3rd page. more attributes */
- WMFrame *moreFrm;
- WMButton *moreChk[12];
- #else
- WMButton *moreChk[11];
- #endif
- /* 4th page. icon and workspace */
- WMFrame *iconFrm;
- WMLabel *iconLbl;
- WMLabel *fileLbl;
- WMTextField *fileText;
- WMButton *alwChk;
- /*
- WMButton *updateIconBtn;
- */
- WMButton *browseIconBtn;
- WMFrame *wsFrm;
- WMPopUpButton *wsP;
- /* 5th page. application wide attributes */
- WMFrame *appFrm;
- WMButton *appChk[3];
- unsigned int done:1;
- unsigned int destroyed:1;
- unsigned int choosingIcon:1;
- } InspectorPanel;
- extern Cursor wCursor[WCUR_LAST];
- extern WDDomain *WDWindowAttributes;
- extern WPreferences wPreferences;
- static InspectorPanel *panelList = NULL;
- static WMPropList *ANoTitlebar = NULL;
- static WMPropList *ANoResizebar;
- static WMPropList *ANoMiniaturizeButton;
- static WMPropList *ANoCloseButton;
- static WMPropList *ANoBorder;
- static WMPropList *ANoHideOthers;
- static WMPropList *ANoMouseBindings;
- static WMPropList *ANoKeyBindings;
- static WMPropList *ANoAppIcon;
- static WMPropList *AKeepOnTop;
- static WMPropList *AKeepOnBottom;
- static WMPropList *AOmnipresent;
- static WMPropList *ASkipWindowList;
- static WMPropList *ASkipSwitchPanel;
- static WMPropList *AKeepInsideScreen;
- static WMPropList *AUnfocusable;
- static WMPropList *AFocusAcrossWorkspace;
- static WMPropList *AAlwaysUserIcon;
- static WMPropList *AStartMiniaturized;
- static WMPropList *AStartMaximized;
- static WMPropList *ADontSaveSession;
- static WMPropList *AEmulateAppIcon;
- static WMPropList *AFullMaximize;
- static WMPropList *ASharedAppIcon;
- static WMPropList *ANoMiniaturizable;
- static WMPropList *ANoLanguageButton;
- #endif
- static WMPropList *AStartWorkspace;
- static WMPropList *AIcon;
- /* application wide options */
- static WMPropList *AStartHidden;
- static WMPropList *AnyWindow;
- static WMPropList *EmptyString;
- static WMPropList *Yes, *No;
- #define PWIDTH 290
- #define PHEIGHT 360
- static char *spec_text;
- static void applySettings(WMButton * button, InspectorPanel * panel);
- #define UNDEFINED_POS 0xffffff
- static InspectorPanel *createInspectorForWindow(WWindow * wwin, int xpos, int ypos, Bool showSelectPanel);
- static void make_keys(void)
- {
- if (ANoTitlebar != NULL)
- return;
- AIcon = WMCreatePLString("Icon");
- ANoTitlebar = WMCreatePLString("NoTitlebar");
- ANoResizebar = WMCreatePLString("NoResizebar");
- ANoMiniaturizeButton = WMCreatePLString("NoMiniaturizeButton");
- ANoCloseButton = WMCreatePLString("NoCloseButton");
- ANoBorder = WMCreatePLString("NoBorder");
- ANoHideOthers = WMCreatePLString("NoHideOthers");
- ANoMouseBindings = WMCreatePLString("NoMouseBindings");
- ANoKeyBindings = WMCreatePLString("NoKeyBindings");
- ANoAppIcon = WMCreatePLString("NoAppIcon");
- AKeepOnTop = WMCreatePLString("KeepOnTop");
- AKeepOnBottom = WMCreatePLString("KeepOnBottom");
- AOmnipresent = WMCreatePLString("Omnipresent");
- ASkipWindowList = WMCreatePLString("SkipWindowList");
- ASkipSwitchPanel = WMCreatePLString("SkipSwitchPanel");
- AKeepInsideScreen = WMCreatePLString("KeepInsideScreen");
- AUnfocusable = WMCreatePLString("Unfocusable");
- AFocusAcrossWorkspace = WMCreatePLString("FocusAcrossWorkspace");
- AAlwaysUserIcon = WMCreatePLString("AlwaysUserIcon");
- AStartMiniaturized = WMCreatePLString("StartMiniaturized");
- AStartMaximized = WMCreatePLString("StartMaximized");
- AStartHidden = WMCreatePLString("StartHidden");
- ADontSaveSession = WMCreatePLString("DontSaveSession");
- AEmulateAppIcon = WMCreatePLString("EmulateAppIcon");
- AFullMaximize = WMCreatePLString("FullMaximize");
- ASharedAppIcon = WMCreatePLString("SharedAppIcon");
- ANoMiniaturizable = WMCreatePLString("NoMiniaturizable");
- ANoLanguageButton = WMCreatePLString("NoLanguageButton");
- #endif
- AStartWorkspace = WMCreatePLString("StartWorkspace");
- AnyWindow = WMCreatePLString("*");
- EmptyString = WMCreatePLString("");
- Yes = WMCreatePLString("Yes");
- No = WMCreatePLString("No");
- }
- static void freeInspector(InspectorPanel * panel)
- {
- panel->destroyed = 1;
- if (panel->choosingIcon)
- return;
- WMDestroyWidget(panel->win);
- XDestroyWindow(dpy, panel->parent);
- wfree(panel);
- }
- static void destroyInspector(WCoreWindow * foo, void *data, XEvent * event)
- {
- InspectorPanel *panel;
- InspectorPanel *tmp;
- panel = panelList;
- while (panel->frame != data)
- panel = panel->nextPtr;
- if (panelList == panel)
- panelList = panel->nextPtr;
- else {
- tmp = panelList;
- while (tmp->nextPtr != panel) {
- tmp = tmp->nextPtr;
- }
- tmp->nextPtr = panel->nextPtr;
- }
- panel->inspected->flags.inspector_open = 0;
- panel->inspected->inspector = NULL;
- WMRemoveNotificationObserver(panel);
- wWindowUnmap(panel->frame);
- wUnmanageWindow(panel->frame, True, False);
- freeInspector(panel);
- }
- void wDestroyInspectorPanels(void)
- {
- InspectorPanel *panel;
- while (panelList != NULL) {
- panel = panelList;
- panelList = panelList->nextPtr;
- wUnmanageWindow(panel->frame, False, False);
- WMDestroyWidget(panel->win);
- panel->inspected->flags.inspector_open = 0;
- panel->inspected->inspector = NULL;
- wfree(panel);
- }
- }
- static void changePage(WMPopUpButton * bPtr, InspectorPanel * panel)
- {
- int page;
- page = WMGetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(bPtr);
- if (page == 0) {
- WMMapWidget(panel->specFrm);
- WMMapWidget(panel->specLbl);
- } else if (page == 1) {
- WMMapWidget(panel->attrFrm);
- } else if (page == 2) {
- WMMapWidget(panel->moreFrm);
- } else if (page == 3) {
- WMMapWidget(panel->iconFrm);
- WMMapWidget(panel->wsFrm);
- } else {
- WMMapWidget(panel->appFrm);
- }
- if (page != 0) {
- WMUnmapWidget(panel->specFrm);
- WMUnmapWidget(panel->specLbl);
- }
- if (page != 1)
- WMUnmapWidget(panel->attrFrm);
- if (page != 2)
- WMUnmapWidget(panel->moreFrm);
- if (page != 3) {
- WMUnmapWidget(panel->iconFrm);
- WMUnmapWidget(panel->wsFrm);
- }
- if (page != 4 && panel->appFrm)
- WMUnmapWidget(panel->appFrm);
- }
- #define USE_TEXT_FIELD 1
- static int showIconFor(WMScreen * scrPtr, InspectorPanel * panel, char *wm_instance, char *wm_class, int flags)
- {
- WMPixmap *pixmap = (WMPixmap *) NULL;
- char *file = NULL, *path = NULL;
- char *db_icon = NULL;
- if ((flags & USE_TEXT_FIELD) != 0) {
- file = WMGetTextFieldText(panel->fileText);
- if (file && file[0] == 0) {
- wfree(file);
- file = NULL;
- }
- } else {
- db_icon = wDefaultGetIconFile(panel->inspected->screen_ptr, wm_instance, wm_class, False);
- if (db_icon != NULL)
- file = wstrdup(db_icon);
- }
- if (db_icon != NULL && (flags & REVERT_TO_DEFAULT) != 0) {
- if (file)
- file = wstrdup(db_icon);
- }
- if ((flags & UPDATE_TEXT_FIELD) != 0) {
- WMSetTextFieldText(panel->fileText, file);
- }
- if (file) {
- path = FindImage(wPreferences.icon_path, file);
- if (!path) {
- char *buf;
- int len = strlen(file) + 80;
- buf = wmalloc(len);
- snprintf(buf, len, _("Could not find icon \"%s\" specified for this window"), file);
- wMessageDialog(panel->frame->screen_ptr, _("Error"), buf, _("OK"), NULL, NULL);
- wfree(buf);
- wfree(file);
- return -1;
- }
- pixmap = WMCreatePixmapFromFile(scrPtr, path);
- wfree(path);
- if (!pixmap) {
- char *buf;
- int len = strlen(file) + 80;
- buf = wmalloc(len);
- snprintf(buf, len, _("Could not open specified icon \"%s\":%s"),
- file, RMessageForError(RErrorCode));
- wMessageDialog(panel->frame->screen_ptr, _("Error"), buf, _("OK"), NULL, NULL);
- wfree(buf);
- wfree(file);
- return -1;
- }
- wfree(file);
- }
- WMSetLabelImage(panel->iconLbl, pixmap);
- if (pixmap)
- WMReleasePixmap(pixmap);
- return 0;
- }
- #if 0
- static void updateIcon(WMButton * button, InspectorPanel * panel)
- {
- showIconFor(WMWidgetScreen(button), panel, NULL, NULL, USE_TEXT_FIELD);
- }
- #endif
- static int getBool(WMPropList * value)
- {
- char *val;
- if (!WMIsPLString(value)) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (!(val = WMGetFromPLString(value))) {
- return 0;
- }
- if ((val[1] == '\0' && (val[0] == 'y' || val[0] == 'Y' || val[0] == 'T' || val[0] == 't' || val[0] == '1'))
- || (strcasecmp(val, "YES") == 0 || strcasecmp(val, "TRUE") == 0)) {
- return 1;
- } else if ((val[1] == '\0'
- && (val[0] == 'n' || val[0] == 'N' || val[0] == 'F' || val[0] == 'f' || val[0] == '0'))
- || (strcasecmp(val, "NO") == 0 || strcasecmp(val, "FALSE") == 0)) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- wwarning(_("can't convert \"%s\" to boolean"), val);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- #define IS_BOOLEAN 2
- /*
- * Will insert the attribute = value; pair in window's list,
- * if it's different from the defaults.
- * Defaults means either defaults database, or attributes saved
- * for the default window "*". This is to let one revert options that are
- * global because they were saved for all windows ("*").
- *
- */
- static int
- insertAttribute(WMPropList * dict, WMPropList * window, WMPropList * attr, WMPropList * value, int flags)
- {
- WMPropList *def_win, *def_value = NULL;
- int update = 0;
- int modified = 0;
- if (!(flags & UPDATE_DEFAULTS) && dict) {
- if ((def_win = WMGetFromPLDictionary(dict, AnyWindow)) != NULL) {
- def_value = WMGetFromPLDictionary(def_win, attr);
- }
- }
- /* If we could not find defaults in database, fall to hardcoded values.
- * Also this is true if we save defaults for all windows
- */
- if (!def_value)
- def_value = ((flags & IS_BOOLEAN) != 0) ? No : EmptyString;
- if ((flags & IS_BOOLEAN))
- update = (getBool(value) != getBool(def_value));
- else {
- update = !WMIsPropListEqualTo(value, def_value);
- }
- if (update) {
- WMPutInPLDictionary(window, attr, value);
- modified = 1;
- }
- return modified;
- }
- static void saveSettings(WMButton * button, InspectorPanel * panel)
- {
- WWindow *wwin = panel->inspected;
- WDDomain *db = WDWindowAttributes;
- WMPropList *dict = db->dictionary;
- WMPropList *winDic, *appDic, *value, *key, *key2;
- char *icon_file;
- int flags = 0;
- int different = 0, different2 = 0;
- /* Save will apply the changes and save them */
- applySettings(panel->applyBtn, panel);
- if (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->instRb) != 0)
- key = WMCreatePLString(wwin->wm_instance);
- else if (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->clsRb) != 0)
- key = WMCreatePLString(wwin->wm_class);
- else if (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->bothRb) != 0) {
- char *buffer;
- buffer = StrConcatDot(wwin->wm_instance, wwin->wm_class);
- key = WMCreatePLString(buffer);
- wfree(buffer);
- } else if (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->defaultRb) != 0) {
- key = WMRetainPropList(AnyWindow);
- } else
- key = NULL;
- if (!key)
- return;
- if (!dict) {
- dict = WMCreatePLDictionary(NULL, NULL);
- if (dict) {
- db->dictionary = dict;
- } else {
- WMReleasePropList(key);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (showIconFor(WMWidgetScreen(button), panel, NULL, NULL, USE_TEXT_FIELD) < 0)
- return;
- WMPLSetCaseSensitive(True);
- winDic = WMCreatePLDictionary(NULL, NULL);
- appDic = WMCreatePLDictionary(NULL, NULL);
- /* Update icon for window */
- icon_file = WMGetTextFieldText(panel->fileText);
- if (icon_file) {
- if (icon_file[0] != 0) {
- value = WMCreatePLString(icon_file);
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AIcon, value, flags);
- different2 |= insertAttribute(dict, appDic, AIcon, value, flags);
- WMReleasePropList(value);
- }
- wfree(icon_file);
- }
- {
- int i = WMGetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(panel->wsP);
- i--;
- if (i >= 0 && i < panel->frame->screen_ptr->workspace_count) {
- value = WMCreatePLString(panel->frame->screen_ptr->workspaces[i]->name);
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AStartWorkspace, value, flags);
- WMReleasePropList(value);
- }
- }
- flags |= IS_BOOLEAN;
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->alwChk) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AAlwaysUserIcon, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[0]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoTitlebar, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[1]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoResizebar, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[2]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoCloseButton, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[3]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoMiniaturizeButton, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[4]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoBorder, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[5]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AKeepOnTop, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[6]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AKeepOnBottom, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[7]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AOmnipresent, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[8]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AStartMiniaturized, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[9]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AStartMaximized, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[10]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AFullMaximize, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[0]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoKeyBindings, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[1]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoMouseBindings, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[2]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ASkipWindowList, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[3]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ASkipSwitchPanel, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[4]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AUnfocusable, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[5]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AKeepInsideScreen, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[6]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoHideOthers, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[7]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ADontSaveSession, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[8]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AEmulateAppIcon, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[9]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AFocusAcrossWorkspace, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[10]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoMiniaturizable, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[11]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoLanguageButton, value, flags);
- #endif
- if (wwin->main_window != None && wApplicationOf(wwin->main_window) != NULL) {
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[0]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different2 |= insertAttribute(dict, appDic, AStartHidden, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[1]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different2 |= insertAttribute(dict, appDic, ANoAppIcon, value, flags);
- value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[2]) != 0) ? Yes : No;
- different2 |= insertAttribute(dict, appDic, ASharedAppIcon, value, flags);
- }
- if (wwin->fake_group) {
- key2 = WMCreatePLString(wwin->fake_group->identifier);
- if (WMIsPropListEqualTo(key, key2)) {
- WMMergePLDictionaries(winDic, appDic, True);
- different |= different2;
- } else {
- WMRemoveFromPLDictionary(dict, key2);
- if (different2) {
- WMPutInPLDictionary(dict, key2, appDic);
- }
- }
- WMReleasePropList(key2);
- WMReleasePropList(appDic);
- } else if (wwin->main_window != wwin->client_win) {
- WApplication *wapp = wApplicationOf(wwin->main_window);
- if (wapp) {
- char *instance = wapp->main_window_desc->wm_instance;
- char *class = wapp->main_window_desc->wm_class;
- char *buffer;
- buffer = StrConcatDot(instance, class);
- key2 = WMCreatePLString(buffer);
- wfree(buffer);
- if (WMIsPropListEqualTo(key, key2)) {
- WMMergePLDictionaries(winDic, appDic, True);
- different |= different2;
- } else {
- WMRemoveFromPLDictionary(dict, key2);
- if (different2)
- WMPutInPLDictionary(dict, key2, appDic);
- }
- WMReleasePropList(key2);
- WMReleasePropList(appDic);
- }
- } else {
- WMMergePLDictionaries(winDic, appDic, True);
- different |= different2;
- WMReleasePropList(appDic);
- }
- WMRemoveFromPLDictionary(dict, key);
- if (different) {
- WMPutInPLDictionary(dict, key, winDic);
- }
- WMReleasePropList(key);
- WMReleasePropList(winDic);
- UpdateDomainFile(db);
- /* clean up */
- WMPLSetCaseSensitive(False);
- }
- static void makeAppIconFor(WApplication * wapp)
- {
- WScreen *scr = wapp->main_window_desc->screen_ptr;
- if (wapp->app_icon)
- return;
- if (!WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, no_appicon))
- wapp->app_icon = wAppIconCreate(wapp->main_window_desc);
- else
- wapp->app_icon = NULL;
- if (wapp->app_icon) {
- WIcon *icon = wapp->app_icon->icon;
- WDock *clip = scr->workspaces[scr->current_workspace]->clip;
- int x = 0, y = 0;
- wapp->app_icon->main_window = wapp->main_window;
- if (clip && clip->attract_icons && wDockFindFreeSlot(clip, &x, &y)) {
- wapp->app_icon->attracted = 1;
- if (!wapp->app_icon->icon->shadowed) {
- wapp->app_icon->icon->shadowed = 1;
- wapp->app_icon->icon->force_paint = 1;
- }
- wDockAttachIcon(clip, wapp->app_icon, x, y);
- } else {
- PlaceIcon(scr, &x, &y, wGetHeadForWindow(wapp->main_window_desc));
- wAppIconMove(wapp->app_icon, x, y);
- }
- if (!clip || !wapp->app_icon->attracted || !clip->collapsed)
- XMapWindow(dpy, icon->core->window);
- if (wPreferences.auto_arrange_icons && !wapp->app_icon->attracted)
- wArrangeIcons(wapp->main_window_desc->screen_ptr, True);
- }
- }
- static void removeAppIconFor(WApplication * wapp)
- {
- if (!wapp->app_icon)
- return;
- if (wapp->app_icon->docked && !wapp->app_icon->attracted) {
- wapp->app_icon->running = 0;
- /* since we keep it, we don't care if it was attracted or not */
- wapp->app_icon->attracted = 0;
- wapp->app_icon->icon->shadowed = 0;
- wapp->app_icon->main_window = None;
- wapp->app_icon->pid = 0;
- wapp->app_icon->icon->owner = NULL;
- wapp->app_icon->icon->icon_win = None;
- wapp->app_icon->icon->force_paint = 1;
- wAppIconPaint(wapp->app_icon);
- } else if (wapp->app_icon->docked) {
- wapp->app_icon->running = 0;
- wDockDetach(wapp->app_icon->dock, wapp->app_icon);
- } else {
- wAppIconDestroy(wapp->app_icon);
- }
- wapp->app_icon = NULL;
- if (wPreferences.auto_arrange_icons)
- wArrangeIcons(wapp->main_window_desc->screen_ptr, True);
- }
- static void applySettings(WMButton * button, InspectorPanel * panel)
- {
- WWindow *wwin = panel->inspected;
- WApplication *wapp = wApplicationOf(wwin->main_window);
- int floating, sunken, skip_window_list;
- int old_omnipresent;
- int old_no_bind_keys;
- int old_no_bind_mouse;
- old_omnipresent = WFLAGP(wwin, omnipresent);
- old_no_bind_keys = WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_keys);
- old_no_bind_mouse = WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_mouse);
- showIconFor(WMWidgetScreen(button), panel, NULL, NULL, USE_TEXT_FIELD);
- /* Attributes... --> Window Attributes */
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_titlebar, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[0]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_resizebar, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[1]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_close_button, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[2]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_miniaturize_button, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[3]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_border, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[4]));
- floating = WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[5]);
- sunken = WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[6]);
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, omnipresent, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[7]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, start_miniaturized, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[8]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, start_maximized, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[9]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, full_maximize, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[10]));
- /* Attributes... --> Advanced Options */
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_bind_keys, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[0]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_bind_mouse, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[1]));
- skip_window_list = WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[2]);
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, skip_switchpanel, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[3]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_focusable, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[4]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, dont_move_off, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[5]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_hide_others, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[6]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, dont_save_session, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[7]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, emulate_appicon, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[8]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, focus_across_wksp, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[9]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_miniaturizable, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[10]));
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_language_button, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[11]));
- #endif
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, always_user_icon, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->alwChk));
- if (WFLAGP(wwin, no_titlebar) && wwin->flags.shaded)
- wUnshadeWindow(wwin);
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_shadeable, WFLAGP(wwin, no_titlebar));
- if (floating) {
- if (!WFLAGP(wwin, floating))
- ChangeStackingLevel(wwin->frame->core, WMFloatingLevel);
- } else if (sunken) {
- if (!WFLAGP(wwin, sunken))
- ChangeStackingLevel(wwin->frame->core, WMSunkenLevel);
- } else {
- if (WFLAGP(wwin, floating) || WFLAGP(wwin, sunken))
- ChangeStackingLevel(wwin->frame->core, WMNormalLevel);
- }
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, sunken, sunken);
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, floating, floating);
- wwin->flags.omnipresent = 0;
- if (WFLAGP(wwin, skip_window_list) != skip_window_list) {
- WSETUFLAG(wwin, skip_window_list, skip_window_list);
- UpdateSwitchMenu(wwin->screen_ptr, wwin, skip_window_list ? ACTION_REMOVE : ACTION_ADD);
- } else {
- if (WFLAGP(wwin, omnipresent) != old_omnipresent) {
- WMPostNotificationName(WMNChangedState, wwin, "omnipresent");
- }
- }
- if (WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_keys) != old_no_bind_keys) {
- if (WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_keys)) {
- XUngrabKey(dpy, AnyKey, AnyModifier, wwin->frame->core->window);
- } else {
- wWindowSetKeyGrabs(wwin);
- }
- }
- if (WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_mouse) != old_no_bind_mouse) {
- wWindowResetMouseGrabs(wwin);
- }
- wwin->frame->flags.need_texture_change = 1;
- wWindowConfigureBorders(wwin);
- wFrameWindowPaint(wwin->frame);
- wNETWMUpdateActions(wwin, False);
- /*
- * Can't apply emulate_appicon because it will probably cause problems.
- */
- if (wapp) {
- /* do application wide stuff */
- WSETUFLAG(wapp->main_window_desc, start_hidden, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[0]));
- WSETUFLAG(wapp->main_window_desc, no_appicon, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[1]));
- WSETUFLAG(wapp->main_window_desc, shared_appicon, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[2]));
- if (WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, no_appicon))
- removeAppIconFor(wapp);
- else
- makeAppIconFor(wapp);
- if (wapp->app_icon && wapp->main_window == wwin->client_win) {
- char *file = WMGetTextFieldText(panel->fileText);
- if (file[0] == 0) {
- wfree(file);
- file = NULL;
- }
- wIconChangeImageFile(wapp->app_icon->icon, file);
- if (file)
- wfree(file);
- wAppIconPaint(wapp->app_icon);
- }
- }
- }
- static void revertSettings(WMButton * button, InspectorPanel * panel)
- {
- WWindow *wwin = panel->inspected;
- WApplication *wapp = wApplicationOf(wwin->main_window);
- int i, n;
- char *wm_instance = NULL;
- char *wm_class = NULL;
- int workspace, level;
- if (panel->instRb && WMGetButtonSelected(panel->instRb) != 0)
- wm_instance = wwin->wm_instance;
- else if (panel->clsRb && WMGetButtonSelected(panel->clsRb) != 0)
- wm_class = wwin->wm_class;
- else if (panel->bothRb && WMGetButtonSelected(panel->bothRb) != 0) {
- wm_instance = wwin->wm_instance;
- wm_class = wwin->wm_class;
- }
- memset(&wwin->defined_user_flags, 0, sizeof(WWindowAttributes));
- memset(&wwin->user_flags, 0, sizeof(WWindowAttributes));
- memset(&wwin->client_flags, 0, sizeof(WWindowAttributes));
- wWindowSetupInitialAttributes(wwin, &level, &workspace);
- for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
- int flag = 0;
- switch (i) {
- case 0:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_titlebar);
- break;
- case 1:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_resizebar);
- break;
- case 2:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_close_button);
- break;
- case 3:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_miniaturize_button);
- break;
- case 4:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_border);
- break;
- case 5:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, floating);
- break;
- case 6:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, sunken);
- break;
- case 7:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, omnipresent);
- break;
- case 8:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, start_miniaturized);
- break;
- case 9:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, start_maximized != 0);
- break;
- case 10:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, full_maximize);
- break;
- }
- WMSetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[i], flag);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
- int flag = 0;
- switch (i) {
- case 0:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_keys);
- break;
- case 1:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_mouse);
- break;
- case 2:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, skip_window_list);
- break;
- case 3:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, skip_switchpanel);
- break;
- case 4:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_focusable);
- break;
- case 5:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, dont_move_off);
- break;
- case 6:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_hide_others);
- break;
- case 7:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, dont_save_session);
- break;
- case 8:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, emulate_appicon);
- break;
- case 9:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, focus_across_wksp);
- break;
- case 10:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_miniaturizable);
- break;
- case 11:
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_language_button);
- break;
- #endif
- }
- WMSetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[i], flag);
- }
- if (panel->appFrm && wapp) {
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- int flag = 0;
- switch (i) {
- case 0:
- flag = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, start_hidden);
- break;
- case 1:
- flag = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, no_appicon);
- break;
- case 2:
- flag = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, shared_appicon);
- break;
- }
- WMSetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[i], flag);
- }
- }
- WMSetButtonSelected(panel->alwChk, WFLAGP(wwin, always_user_icon));
- showIconFor(WMWidgetScreen(panel->alwChk), panel, wm_instance, wm_class, REVERT_TO_DEFAULT);
- n = wDefaultGetStartWorkspace(wwin->screen_ptr, wm_instance, wm_class);
- if (n >= 0 && n < wwin->screen_ptr->workspace_count) {
- WMSetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(panel->wsP, n + 1);
- } else {
- WMSetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(panel->wsP, 0);
- }
- /* must auto apply, so that there wno't be internal
- * inconsistencies between the state in the flags and
- * the actual state of the window */
- applySettings(panel->applyBtn, panel);
- }
- static void chooseIconCallback(WMWidget * self, void *clientData)
- {
- char *file;
- InspectorPanel *panel = (InspectorPanel *) clientData;
- int result;
- panel->choosingIcon = 1;
- WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->browseIconBtn, False);
- result = wIconChooserDialog(panel->frame->screen_ptr, &file,
- panel->inspected->wm_instance, panel->inspected->wm_class);
- panel->choosingIcon = 0;
- if (!panel->destroyed) { /* kluge */
- if (result) {
- WMSetTextFieldText(panel->fileText, file);
- showIconFor(WMWidgetScreen(self), panel, NULL, NULL, USE_TEXT_FIELD);
- wfree(file);
- }
- WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->browseIconBtn, True);
- } else {
- freeInspector(panel);
- }
- }
- static void textEditedObserver(void *observerData, WMNotification * notification)
- {
- InspectorPanel *panel = (InspectorPanel *) observerData;
- if ((long)WMGetNotificationClientData(notification) != WMReturnTextMovement)
- return;
- showIconFor(WMWidgetScreen(panel->win), panel, NULL, NULL, USE_TEXT_FIELD);
- /*
- WMPerformButtonClick(panel->updateIconBtn);
- */
- }
- static void selectSpecification(WMWidget * bPtr, void *data)
- {
- InspectorPanel *panel = (InspectorPanel *) data;
- char *str;
- WWindow *wwin = panel->inspected;
- int len;
- if (bPtr == panel->defaultRb && (wwin->wm_instance || wwin->wm_class))
- WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->applyBtn, False);
- else
- WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->applyBtn, True);
- len = 16 + strlen(wwin->wm_instance ? wwin->wm_instance : "?")
- + strlen(wwin->wm_class ? wwin->wm_class : "?");
- str = wmalloc(len);
- snprintf(str, len, _("Inspecting %s.%s"),
- wwin->wm_instance ? wwin->wm_instance : "?", wwin->wm_class ? wwin->wm_class : "?");
- wFrameWindowChangeTitle(panel->frame->frame, str);
- wfree(str);
- }
- static void selectWindow(WMWidget * bPtr, void *data)
- {
- InspectorPanel *panel = (InspectorPanel *) data;
- WWindow *wwin = panel->inspected;
- WScreen *scr = wwin->screen_ptr;
- XEvent event;
- WWindow *iwin;
- if (XGrabPointer(dpy, scr->root_win, True,
- ButtonPressMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None,
- wCursor[WCUR_SELECT], CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) {
- wwarning("could not grab mouse pointer");
- return;
- }
- WMSetLabelText(panel->specLbl, _("Click in the window you wish to inspect."));
- WMMaskEvent(dpy, ButtonPressMask, &event);
- XUngrabPointer(dpy, CurrentTime);
- iwin = wWindowFor(event.xbutton.subwindow);
- if (iwin && !iwin->flags.internal_window && iwin != wwin && !iwin->flags.inspector_open) {
- iwin->flags.inspector_open = 1;
- iwin->inspector = createInspectorForWindow(iwin,
- panel->frame->frame_x, panel->frame->frame_y, True);
- wCloseInspectorForWindow(wwin);
- } else {
- WMSetLabelText(panel->specLbl, spec_text);
- }
- }
- static InspectorPanel *createInspectorForWindow(WWindow * wwin, int xpos, int ypos, Bool showSelectPanel)
- {
- WScreen *scr = wwin->screen_ptr;
- InspectorPanel *panel;
- Window parent;
- int i;
- int x, y;
- int btn_width, frame_width;
- WMButton *selectedBtn = NULL;
- #ifdef wrong_behaviour
- WMPixmap *pixmap;
- #endif
- spec_text = _("The configuration will apply to all\n"
- "windows that have their WM_CLASS\n"
- "property set to the above selected\n" "name, when saved.");
- panel = wmalloc(sizeof(InspectorPanel));
- memset(panel, 0, sizeof(InspectorPanel));
- panel->destroyed = 0;
- panel->inspected = wwin;
- panel->nextPtr = panelList;
- panelList = panel;
- panel->win = WMCreateWindow(scr->wmscreen, "windowInspector");
- WMResizeWidget(panel->win, PWIDTH, PHEIGHT);
- /**** create common stuff ****/
- /* command buttons */
- /* (PWIDTH - (left and right margin) - (btn interval)) / 3 */
- btn_width = (PWIDTH - (2 * 15) - (2 * 10)) / 3;
- panel->saveBtn = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->win);
- WMSetButtonAction(panel->saveBtn, (WMAction *) saveSettings, panel);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->saveBtn, (2 * (btn_width + 10)) + 15, PHEIGHT - 40);
- WMSetButtonText(panel->saveBtn, _("Save"));
- WMResizeWidget(panel->saveBtn, btn_width, 28);
- if (wPreferences.flags.noupdates || !(wwin->wm_class || wwin->wm_instance))
- WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->saveBtn, False);
- panel->applyBtn = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->win);
- WMSetButtonAction(panel->applyBtn, (WMAction *) applySettings, panel);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->applyBtn, btn_width + 10 + 15, PHEIGHT - 40);
- WMSetButtonText(panel->applyBtn, _("Apply"));
- WMResizeWidget(panel->applyBtn, btn_width, 28);
- panel->revertBtn = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->win);
- WMSetButtonAction(panel->revertBtn, (WMAction *) revertSettings, panel);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->revertBtn, 15, PHEIGHT - 40);
- WMSetButtonText(panel->revertBtn, _("Reload"));
- WMResizeWidget(panel->revertBtn, btn_width, 28);
- /* page selection popup button */
- panel->pagePopUp = WMCreatePopUpButton(panel->win);
- WMSetPopUpButtonAction(panel->pagePopUp, (WMAction *) changePage, panel);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->pagePopUp, 25, 15);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->pagePopUp, PWIDTH - 50, 20);
- WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->pagePopUp, _("Window Specification"));
- WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->pagePopUp, _("Window Attributes"));
- WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->pagePopUp, _("Advanced Options"));
- WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->pagePopUp, _("Icon and Initial Workspace"));
- WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->pagePopUp, _("Application Specific"));
- /**** window spec ****/
- frame_width = PWIDTH - (2 * 15);
- panel->specFrm = WMCreateFrame(panel->win);
- WMSetFrameTitle(panel->specFrm, _("Window Specification"));
- WMMoveWidget(panel->specFrm, 15, 65);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->specFrm, frame_width, 145);
- panel->defaultRb = WMCreateRadioButton(panel->specFrm);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->defaultRb, 10, 78);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->defaultRb, frame_width - (2 * 10), 20);
- WMSetButtonText(panel->defaultRb, _("Defaults for all windows"));
- WMSetButtonSelected(panel->defaultRb, False);
- WMSetButtonAction(panel->defaultRb, selectSpecification, panel);
- if (wwin->wm_class && wwin->wm_instance) {
- char *str, *tmp;
- tmp = wstrconcat(wwin->wm_instance, ".");
- str = wstrconcat(tmp, wwin->wm_class);
- panel->bothRb = WMCreateRadioButton(panel->specFrm);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->bothRb, 10, 18);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->bothRb, frame_width - (2 * 10), 20);
- WMSetButtonText(panel->bothRb, str);
- wfree(tmp);
- wfree(str);
- WMGroupButtons(panel->defaultRb, panel->bothRb);
- if (!selectedBtn)
- selectedBtn = panel->bothRb;
- WMSetButtonAction(panel->bothRb, selectSpecification, panel);
- }
- if (wwin->wm_instance) {
- panel->instRb = WMCreateRadioButton(panel->specFrm);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->instRb, 10, 38);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->instRb, frame_width - (2 * 10), 20);
- WMSetButtonText(panel->instRb, wwin->wm_instance);
- WMGroupButtons(panel->defaultRb, panel->instRb);
- if (!selectedBtn)
- selectedBtn = panel->instRb;
- WMSetButtonAction(panel->instRb, selectSpecification, panel);
- }
- if (wwin->wm_class) {
- panel->clsRb = WMCreateRadioButton(panel->specFrm);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->clsRb, 10, 58);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->clsRb, frame_width - (2 * 10), 20);
- WMSetButtonText(panel->clsRb, wwin->wm_class);
- WMGroupButtons(panel->defaultRb, panel->clsRb);
- if (!selectedBtn)
- selectedBtn = panel->clsRb;
- WMSetButtonAction(panel->clsRb, selectSpecification, panel);
- }
- panel->selWinB = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->specFrm);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->selWinB, 20, 145 - 24 - 10);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->selWinB, frame_width - 2 * 10 - 20, 24);
- WMSetButtonText(panel->selWinB, _("Select window"));
- WMSetButtonAction(panel->selWinB, selectWindow, panel);
- panel->specLbl = WMCreateLabel(panel->win);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->specLbl, 15, 210);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->specLbl, frame_width, 100);
- WMSetLabelText(panel->specLbl, spec_text);
- WMSetLabelWraps(panel->specLbl, True);
- WMSetLabelTextAlignment(panel->specLbl, WALeft);
- /**** attributes ****/
- panel->attrFrm = WMCreateFrame(panel->win);
- WMSetFrameTitle(panel->attrFrm, _("Attributes"));
- WMMoveWidget(panel->attrFrm, 15, 45);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->attrFrm, frame_width, 250);
- for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
- char *caption = NULL;
- int flag = 0;
- char *descr = NULL;
- switch (i) {
- case 0:
- caption = _("Disable titlebar");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_titlebar);
- descr = _("Remove the titlebar of this window.\n"
- "To access the window commands menu of a window\n"
- "without it's titlebar, press Control+Esc (or the\n"
- "equivalent shortcut, if you changed the default\n" "settings).");
- break;
- case 1:
- caption = _("Disable resizebar");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_resizebar);
- descr = _("Remove the resizebar of this window.");
- break;
- case 2:
- caption = _("Disable close button");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_close_button);
- descr = _("Remove the `close window' button of this window.");
- break;
- case 3:
- caption = _("Disable miniaturize button");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_miniaturize_button);
- descr = _("Remove the `miniaturize window' button of the window.");
- break;
- case 4:
- caption = _("Disable border");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_border);
- descr = _("Remove the 1 pixel black border around the window.");
- break;
- case 5:
- caption = _("Keep on top (floating)");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, floating);
- descr = _("Keep the window over other windows, not allowing\n" "them to cover it.");
- break;
- case 6:
- caption = _("Keep at bottom (sunken)");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, sunken);
- descr = _("Keep the window under all other windows.");
- break;
- case 7:
- caption = _("Omnipresent");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, omnipresent);
- descr = _("Make window present in all workspaces.");
- break;
- case 8:
- caption = _("Start miniaturized");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, start_miniaturized);
- descr = _("Make the window be automatically miniaturized when it's\n" "first shown.");
- break;
- case 9:
- caption = _("Start maximized");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, start_maximized != 0);
- descr = _("Make the window be automatically maximized when it's\n" "first shown.");
- break;
- case 10:
- caption = _("Full screen maximization");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, full_maximize);
- descr = _("Make the window use the whole screen space when it's\n"
- "maximized. The titlebar and resizebar will be moved\n"
- "to outside the screen.");
- break;
- }
- panel->attrChk[i] = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->attrFrm);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->attrChk[i], 10, 20 * (i + 1));
- WMResizeWidget(panel->attrChk[i], frame_width - 15, 20);
- WMSetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[i], flag);
- WMSetButtonText(panel->attrChk[i], caption);
- WMSetBalloonTextForView(descr, WMWidgetView(panel->attrChk[i]));
- }
- /**** more attributes ****/
- panel->moreFrm = WMCreateFrame(panel->win);
- WMSetFrameTitle(panel->moreFrm, _("Advanced"));
- WMMoveWidget(panel->moreFrm, 15, 45);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->moreFrm, frame_width, 265);
- for (i = 0;
- i < 12;
- #else
- i < 11;
- #endif
- i++) {
- char *caption = NULL;
- int flag = 0;
- char *descr = NULL;
- switch (i) {
- case 0:
- caption = _("Do not bind keyboard shortcuts");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_keys);
- descr = _("Do not bind keyboard shortcuts from Window Maker\n"
- "when this window is focused. This will allow the\n"
- "window to receive all key combinations regardless\n"
- "of your shortcut configuration.");
- break;
- case 1:
- caption = _("Do not bind mouse clicks");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_mouse);
- descr = _("Do not bind mouse actions, such as `Alt'+drag\n"
- "in the window (when alt is the modifier you have\n" "configured).");
- break;
- case 2:
- caption = _("Do not show in the window list");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, skip_window_list);
- descr = _("Do not list the window in the window list menu.");
- break;
- case 3:
- caption = _("Do not show in the switch panel");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, skip_switchpanel);
- descr = _("Do not include in switchpanel while alternating windows.");
- break;
- case 4:
- caption = _("Do not let it take focus");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_focusable);
- descr = _("Do not let the window take keyboard focus when you\n" "click on it.");
- break;
- case 5:
- caption = _("Keep inside screen");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, dont_move_off);
- descr = _("Do not allow the window to move itself completely\n"
- "outside the screen. For bug compatibility.\n");
- break;
- case 6:
- caption = _("Ignore 'Hide Others'");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_hide_others);
- descr = _("Do not hide the window when issuing the\n" "`HideOthers' command.");
- break;
- case 7:
- caption = _("Ignore 'Save Session'");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, dont_save_session);
- descr = _("Do not save the associated application in the\n"
- "session's state, so that it won't be restarted\n"
- "together with other applications when Window Maker\n" "starts.");
- break;
- case 8:
- caption = _("Emulate application icon");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, emulate_appicon);
- descr = _("Make this window act as an application that provides\n"
- "enough information to Window Maker for a dockable\n"
- "application icon to be created.");
- break;
- case 9:
- caption = _("Focus across workspaces");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, focus_across_wksp);
- descr = _("Allow Window Maker to switch workspace to satisfy\n"
- "a focus request (annoying).");
- break;
- case 10:
- caption = _("Do not let it be minimized");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_miniaturizable);
- descr = _("Do not let the window of this application be\n"
- "minimized.\n");
- break;
- case 11:
- caption = _("Disable language button");
- flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_language_button);
- descr = _("Remove the `toggle language' button of the window.");
- break;
- #endif
- }
- panel->moreChk[i] = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->moreFrm);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->moreChk[i], 10, 20 * (i + 1));
- WMResizeWidget(panel->moreChk[i], frame_width - 15, 20);
- WMSetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[i], flag);
- WMSetButtonText(panel->moreChk[i], caption);
- WMSetBalloonTextForView(descr, WMWidgetView(panel->moreChk[i]));
- }
- /* miniwindow/workspace */
- panel->iconFrm = WMCreateFrame(panel->win);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->iconFrm, 15, 50);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->iconFrm, PWIDTH - (2 * 15), 170);
- WMSetFrameTitle(panel->iconFrm, _("Miniwindow Image"));
- panel->iconLbl = WMCreateLabel(panel->iconFrm);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->iconLbl, PWIDTH - (2 * 15) - 22 - 64, 20);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->iconLbl, 64, 64);
- WMSetLabelRelief(panel->iconLbl, WRGroove);
- WMSetLabelImagePosition(panel->iconLbl, WIPImageOnly);
- panel->browseIconBtn = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->iconFrm);
- WMSetButtonAction(panel->browseIconBtn, chooseIconCallback, panel);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->browseIconBtn, 22, 32);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->browseIconBtn, 120, 26);
- WMSetButtonText(panel->browseIconBtn, _("Browse..."));
- #ifdef wrong_behaviour
- WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->updateIconBtn, WIPRight);
- pixmap = WMGetSystemPixmap(scr->wmscreen, WSIReturnArrow);
- WMSetButtonImage(panel->updateIconBtn, pixmap);
- WMReleasePixmap(pixmap);
- pixmap = WMGetSystemPixmap(scr->wmscreen, WSIHighlightedReturnArrow);
- WMSetButtonAltImage(panel->updateIconBtn, pixmap);
- WMReleasePixmap(pixmap);
- #endif
- panel->fileLbl = WMCreateLabel(panel->iconFrm);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->fileLbl, 20, 85);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->fileLbl, PWIDTH - (2 * 15) - (2 * 20), 14);
- WMSetLabelText(panel->fileLbl, _("Icon filename:"));
- panel->fileText = WMCreateTextField(panel->iconFrm);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->fileText, 20, 105);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->fileText, PWIDTH - (2 * 20) - (2 * 15), 20);
- WMSetTextFieldText(panel->fileText, NULL);
- WMAddNotificationObserver(textEditedObserver, panel, WMTextDidEndEditingNotification, panel->fileText);
- panel->alwChk = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->iconFrm);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->alwChk, 20, 130);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->alwChk, PWIDTH - (2 * 15) - (2 * 15), 30);
- WMSetButtonText(panel->alwChk, _("Ignore client supplied icon"));
- WMSetButtonSelected(panel->alwChk, WFLAGP(wwin, always_user_icon));
- panel->wsFrm = WMCreateFrame(panel->win);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->wsFrm, 15, 225);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->wsFrm, PWIDTH - (2 * 15), 70);
- WMSetFrameTitle(panel->wsFrm, _("Initial Workspace"));
- WMSetBalloonTextForView(_("The workspace to place the window when it's"
- "first shown."), WMWidgetView(panel->wsFrm));
- panel->wsP = WMCreatePopUpButton(panel->wsFrm);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->wsP, 20, 30);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->wsP, PWIDTH - (2 * 15) - (2 * 20), 20);
- WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->wsP, _("Nowhere in particular"));
- for (i = 0; i < wwin->screen_ptr->workspace_count; i++) {
- WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->wsP, scr->workspaces[i]->name);
- }
- i = wDefaultGetStartWorkspace(wwin->screen_ptr, wwin->wm_instance, wwin->wm_class);
- if (i >= 0 && i <= wwin->screen_ptr->workspace_count) {
- WMSetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(panel->wsP, i + 1);
- } else {
- WMSetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(panel->wsP, 0);
- }
- /* application wide attributes */
- if (wwin->main_window != None) {
- WApplication *wapp = wApplicationOf(wwin->main_window);
- panel->appFrm = WMCreateFrame(panel->win);
- WMSetFrameTitle(panel->appFrm, _("Application Attributes"));
- WMMoveWidget(panel->appFrm, 15, 50);
- WMResizeWidget(panel->appFrm, frame_width, 240);
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- char *caption = NULL;
- int flag = 0;
- char *descr = NULL;
- switch (i) {
- case 0:
- caption = _("Start hidden");
- flag = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, start_hidden);
- descr = _("Automatically hide application when it's started.");
- break;
- case 1:
- caption = _("No application icon");
- flag = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, no_appicon);
- descr = _("Disable the application icon for the application.\n"
- "Note that you won't be able to dock it anymore,\n"
- "and any icons that are already docked will stop\n"
- "working correctly.");
- break;
- case 2:
- caption = _("Shared application icon");
- flag = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, shared_appicon);
- descr = _("Use a single shared application icon for all of\n"
- "the instances of this application.\n");
- break;
- }
- panel->appChk[i] = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->appFrm);
- WMMoveWidget(panel->appChk[i], 10, 20 * (i + 1));
- WMResizeWidget(panel->appChk[i], 205, 20);
- WMSetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[i], flag);
- WMSetButtonText(panel->appChk[i], caption);
- WMSetBalloonTextForView(descr, WMWidgetView(panel->appChk[i]));
- }
- if (WFLAGP(wwin, emulate_appicon)) {
- WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->appChk[1], False);
- WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->moreChk[7], True);
- } else {
- WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->appChk[1], True);
- WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->moreChk[7], False);
- }
- } else {
- int tmp;
- if ((wwin->transient_for != None && wwin->transient_for != scr->root_win)
- || !wwin->wm_class || !wwin->wm_instance)
- tmp = False;
- else
- tmp = True;
- WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->moreChk[7], tmp);
- WMSetPopUpButtonItemEnabled(panel->pagePopUp, 4, False);
- panel->appFrm = NULL;
- }
- /* if the window is a transient, don't let it have a miniaturize
- * button */
- if (wwin->transient_for != None && wwin->transient_for != scr->root_win)
- WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->attrChk[3], False);
- else
- WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->attrChk[3], True);
- if (!wwin->wm_class && !wwin->wm_instance) {
- WMSetPopUpButtonItemEnabled(panel->pagePopUp, 0, False);
- }
- WMRealizeWidget(panel->win);
- WMMapSubwidgets(panel->win);
- WMMapSubwidgets(panel->specFrm);
- WMMapSubwidgets(panel->attrFrm);
- WMMapSubwidgets(panel->moreFrm);
- WMMapSubwidgets(panel->iconFrm);
- WMMapSubwidgets(panel->wsFrm);
- if (panel->appFrm)
- WMMapSubwidgets(panel->appFrm);
- if (showSelectPanel) {
- WMSetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(panel->pagePopUp, 0);
- changePage(panel->pagePopUp, panel);
- } else {
- WMSetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(panel->pagePopUp, 1);
- changePage(panel->pagePopUp, panel);
- }
- parent = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, scr->root_win, 0, 0, PWIDTH, PHEIGHT, 0, 0, 0);
- XSelectInput(dpy, parent, KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask);
- panel->parent = parent;
- XReparentWindow(dpy, WMWidgetXID(panel->win), parent, 0, 0);
- WMMapWidget(panel->win);
- XSetTransientForHint(dpy, parent, wwin->client_win);
- if (xpos == UNDEFINED_POS) {
- x = wwin->frame_x + wwin->frame->core->width / 2;
- y = wwin->frame_y + wwin->frame->top_width * 2;
- if (y + PHEIGHT > scr->scr_height)
- y = scr->scr_height - PHEIGHT - 30;
- if (x + PWIDTH > scr->scr_width)
- x = scr->scr_width - PWIDTH;
- } else {
- x = xpos;
- y = ypos;
- }
- panel->frame = wManageInternalWindow(scr, parent, wwin->client_win, "Inspector", x, y, PWIDTH, PHEIGHT);
- if (!selectedBtn)
- selectedBtn = panel->defaultRb;
- WMSetButtonSelected(selectedBtn, True);
- selectSpecification(selectedBtn, panel);
- /* kluge to know who should get the key events */
- panel->frame->client_leader = WMWidgetXID(panel->win);
- WSETUFLAG(panel->frame, no_closable, 0);
- WSETUFLAG(panel->frame, no_close_button, 0);
- wWindowUpdateButtonImages(panel->frame);
- wFrameWindowShowButton(panel->frame->frame, WFF_RIGHT_BUTTON);
- panel->frame->frame->on_click_right = destroyInspector;
- wWindowMap(panel->frame);
- showIconFor(WMWidgetScreen(panel->alwChk), panel, wwin->wm_instance, wwin->wm_clas…