http://cing.googlecode.com/ · Python · 673 lines · 616 code · 22 blank · 35 comment · 31 complexity · c06404b64a5fb196b8903dcea8474a50 MD5 · raw file
- """
- Adds x3dna method to analyze DNA structures. The x3dna program is included as binaries for Mac OSX in the bin directory.
- """
- import cing
- from cing.Libs.NTplot import * #@UnusedWildImport
- from cing.Libs.NTutils import * #@UnusedWildImport
- from cing.PluginCode.required.reqMatplib import MATPLIB_STR
- from cing.PluginCode.required.reqX3dna import * #@UnusedWildImport
- from cing.core.classes import Coplanar
- from cing.core.classes import CoplanarList
- from cing.core.parameters import cingPaths
- from cing import plugins
- from cing.definitions import validationDirectories
- useModule = True
- if cing.systemDefinitions.osType == OS_TYPE_MAC: # only installed for mac os currently.
- if not os.path.exists(cingPaths.x3dna): # cingPaths.x3dna gets set in __init__ for MAC.
- nTdebug("Missing x3dna directory which is a dep for x3dna; currently only tested for mac and disabled for other os")
- useModule = False
- else:
- useModule = False
- if not useModule:
- raise ImportWarning('x3dna')
- contentFile = 'content.xml'
- X3DNA_NAN_START = '--' # or that starts with this. sometimes it's 3 sometimes it's 4.
- class X3dna(NTdict):
- # Dictionary describing the identifier strings in x3dna output file, with shortKeys
- outputInfoDict = {
- 'baseRmsds':
- '''RMSD of the bases (----- for WC bp, + for isolated bp, x for helix change)''',
- 'hbondInfo':
- '''Detailed H-bond information: atom-name pair and length [ON]''',
- 'polygonOverlapArea':
- '''
- Overlap area in Angstrom^2 between polygons defined by atoms on successive
- bases. Polygons projected in the mean plane of the designed base-pair step.
- Values in parentheses measure the overlap of base ring atoms only. Those
- outside parentheses include exocyclic atoms on the ring. Intra- and
- inter-strand overlap is designated according to the following diagram:
- i2 3' 5' j2
- /|\ |
- | |
- Strand I | | II
- | |
- | |
- | \|/
- i1 5' 3' j1
- ''',
- 'originAndMNVector':
- '''
- Origin (Ox, Oy, Oz) and mean normal vector (Nx, Ny, Nz) of each base-pair in
- the coordinate system of the given structure
- ''',
- 'localBPPars':
- '''Local base-pair parameters''',
- 'localBPStepPars':
- '''Local base-pair step parameters''',
- 'localBPHelicalPars':
- '''Local base-pair helical parameters''',
- 'structureClass':
- '''Structure classification:''',
- 'lambda':
- '''
- lambda: virtual angle between C1'-YN1 or C1'-RN9 glycosidic bonds and the
- base-pair C1'-C1' line
- C1'-C1': distance between C1' atoms for each base-pair
- RN9-YN1: distance between RN9-YN1 atoms for each base-pair
- RC8-YC6: distance between RC8-YC6 atoms for each base-pair
- ''',
- 'diNucStepClassRHelix':
- '''
- Classification of each dinucleotide step in a right-handed nucleic acid
- structure: A-like; B-like; TA-like; intermediate of A and B, or other cases
- ''',
- 'grooveWidthsPPDist':
- '''
- Minor and major groove widths: direct P-P distances and refined P-P distances
- which take into account the directions of the sugar-phosphate backbones
- (Subtract 5.8 Angstrom from the values to take account of the vdw radii
- of the phosphate groups, and for comparison with FreeHelix and Curves.)
- Ref: M. A. El Hassan and C. R. Calladine (1998). `Two Distinct Modes of
- Protein-induced Bending in DNA.' J. Mol. Biol., v282, pp331-343.
- ''',
- 'globalHelixAxis':
- '''
- Global linear helical axis defined by equivalent C1' and RN9/YN1 atom pairs
- Deviation from regular linear helix: 2.85(0.76)
- ''',
- 'mainChainAndChiAngles':
- '''
- Main chain and chi torsion angles:
- Note: alpha: O3'(i-1)-P-O5'-C5'
- beta: P-O5'-C5'-C4'
- gamma: O5'-C5'-C4'-C3'
- delta: C5'-C4'-C3'-O3'
- epsilon: C4'-C3'-O3'-P(i+1)
- zeta: C3'-O3'-P(i+1)-O5'(i+1)
- chi for pyrimidines(Y): O4'-C1'-N1-C2
- chi for purines(R): O4'-C1'-N9-C4
- ''',
- 'sugarConfParameters':
- '''
- Sugar conformational parameters:
- Note: v0: C4'-O4'-C1'-C2'
- v1: O4'-C1'-C2'-C3'
- v2: C1'-C2'-C3'-C4'
- v3: C2'-C3'-C4'-O4'
- v4: C3'-C4'-O4'-C1'
- tm: amplitude of pseudorotation of the sugar ring
- P: phase angle of pseudorotation of the sugar ring
- ''',
- 'intraStrandDist':
- '''Same strand P--P and C1'--C1' virtual bond distances''',
- 'helixRadius':
- '''
- Helix radius (radial displacement of P, O4', and C1' atoms in local helix
- frame of each dimer)
- ''',
- 'diNucStepPosition':
- '''
- Position (Px, Py, Pz) and local helical axis vector (Hx, Hy, Hz)
- for each dinucleotide step
- '''
- }
- def __init__(self, project, parseOnly = False, modelNum = None, **kwds):
- NTdict.__init__(self, __CLASS__ = 'X3dna', **kwds)
- self.project = project
- self.coplanars = project.coplanars
- self.molecule = project.molecule # love this one.
- self.modelCount = project.molecule.modelCount
- def x3dnaPath(self, *args):
- """
- Return x3dna path from active molecule of project
- Creates directory if does not exist
- """
- return self.project.validationPath(validationDirectories['x3dna'], *args)
- def doX3dna(self):
- """
- Runs x3dna on all models found in the project file.
- The input file for X3DNA is a pdbFile
- The routine writes all the models found in the project file to separate pdb file, which are analyzed using x3dna:
- - x3dna.csh (cingPaths.x3dna) is a shell script that calls the various subroutines of the x3dna package and writes
- output files in rootPath:
- - find_pair
- Return None on error and True on success.
- """
- if not self.molecule:
- nTerror('X3dna: no molecule defined')
- return
- root = self.project.mkdir(self.project.molecule.name, self.project.moleculeDirectories.x3dna)
- rootPath = root
- # if not project.molecule.hasDNA():
- if not self.project.molecule.hasNucleicAcid():
- nTdebug("Not running x3dna for molecule has no DNA")
- return True # return true to notify caller that there is no error
- x3dnascript = os.path.join(cingPaths.x3dna, 'x3dna.csh')
- x3dnaMainDir = os.path.join(cingPaths.x3dna, 'x3dna_MacOS_intel')
- appendPathList = [ os.path.join(x3dnaMainDir, 'bin') ]
- appendEnvVariableDict = {}
- appendEnvVariableDict[ 'X3DNA' ] = x3dnaMainDir
- x3dna = ExecuteProgram(pathToProgram = x3dnascript, rootPath = root, redirectOutput = True,
- appendPathList = appendPathList, appendEnvVariableDict = appendEnvVariableDict)
- # Storage of results for later
- self.project.x3dnaStatus.completed = False
- self.project.x3dnaStatus.parsed = False
- self.project.x3dnaStatus.version = cing.cingVersion
- self.project.x3dnaStatus.moleculeName = self.project.molecule.name # just to have it
- # project.x3dnaStatus.models = models
- # project.x3dnaStatus.baseName = baseName
- self.project.x3dnaStatus.path = root
- self.project.x3dnaStatus.contentFile = contentFile
- self.project.x3dnaStatus.chains = NTlist() # list of (chainNames, outputFile) tuples to be parsed
- self.project.x3dnaStatus.keysformat()
- # The input file for is a pdb file
- skippedAtoms = [] # Keep a list of skipped atoms for later
- skippedResidues = []
- skippedChains = []
- for chain in self.project.molecule.allChains():
- skippChain = True
- for res in chain.allResidues():
- if not res.hasProperties('nucleic'):
- skippedResidues.append(res)
- for atm in res.allAtoms():
- atm.pdbSkipRecord = True
- skippedAtoms.append(atm)
- #end for
- else:
- res.x3dna = NTlist()
- skippChain = False
- #end if
- if skippChain:
- skippedChains.append(chain)
- #end for
- #end for
- if skippedResidues:
- nTmessage('x3dna: non-nucleotides %s will be skipped.', skippedResidues)
- # We do not specify any output files, these are set based on the input filename in the x3dna.csh script
- # pdbFile=project.molecule.toPDB()
- nModels = self.project.molecule.modelCount
- name = self.project.molecule.name
- if not self.coplanars:
- self.coplanars.append(CoplanarList('x3dna-made'))
- for modelNum in NTprogressIndicator(range(nModels)):
- nTmessage('Running X3DNA on modelNum %i of %s' % (modelNum, name))
- baseName = '%s_model_%i' % (name, modelNum)
- pdbFilePath = os.path.join(rootPath, baseName + '.pdb')
- self.project.molecule.toPDB(pdbFilePath, model = modelNum)
- status = x3dna(rootPath, baseName)
- if status:
- nTerror("Failed to run x3dna for modelNum %d" % modelNum)
- return None
- fileNameOut = os.path.join(rootPath, baseName + '.out')
- if self.parseX3dnaOutput(fileNameOut, modelNum):
- nTerror("Failed to parseX3dnaOutput for model id %d" % modelNum)
- return None
- # end for models
- # Restore the 'default' state
- for atm in skippedAtoms:
- atm.pdbSkipRecord = False
- self.project.x3dnaStatus.completed = True
- self.project.x3dnaStatus.parsed = True
- return True
- def parseX3dnaOutput(self, fileName, modelNum):
- """
- Parse x3dna generated output, we only parse the ".out" file.
- Store result in dictionary keyed by 'step' / suite.
- Currently, without reading the residue ids this might vary between models. TODO: fix this bug.
- """
- # Read in the output file, and split into the different parameter blocks
- x3dnaOutput = open(fileName, 'r').read()
- parameterBlocks = x3dnaOutput.split('****************************************************************************')
- for parameterBlock in parameterBlocks:
- # identify the parameter block type
- # Parse the block
- results = self.parseX3dnaParameterBlock(parameterBlock, modelNum)
- if results == None: # may be an empty dictionary.
- nTerror("Failed to parseX3dnaParameterBlock(parameterBlock) for %s" % parameterBlock)
- return True
- if self.storeX3dnaParameterBlock(results, modelNum):
- nTerror("Failed to parseX3dnaOutput for model id %d" % modelNum)
- return None
- return None
- def identifyParameterBlock(self, block):
- # Identify the block by the first line
- # print '#',block.split('\n')[1]
- found = False
- infoText = None # Helping pylint.
- parameterBlockId = None
- for parameterBlockId, infoText in self.outputInfoDict.iteritems():
- # print parameterBlockId, infoText
- try:
- if block.split('\n')[1].strip() in infoText:
- found = True
- break
- except IndexError:
- pass
- if found:
- return parameterBlockId, infoText
- else:
- return None, None
- def step2bp(self, step):
- '''
- converts "GA/TC" to "G-C"
- '''
- return step[0] + '-' + step[-1]
- def storeX3dnaParameterBlock(self, results, modelNum):
- '''
- stores results for one model and one block into CING data model
- For now; also link this to the first residues in the molecule; totally wrong but
- waiting for correspondence to handle this perfectly correct. TODO: finish correspondence.
- '''
- # generalized storing mechanism; see Whatif (here there's one level less).
- coplanarList = self.coplanars[0]
- coplanarIdList = results.keys()
- coplanarIdList.sort()
- for coplanarIdStr in coplanarIdList:
- # nTdebug("Working on coplanarIdStr: %s" % coplanarIdStr)
- coplanarId = int(coplanarIdStr) - 1 # should start at zero.
- # NB This code assumes that the x3dna analysis is done first and will create the coplanars
- # In future look up by residue ids.
- if len(coplanarList) <= coplanarId:
- coplanar = Coplanar(name = coplanarIdStr)
- x3dnaCoplanar = NTdict()
- coplanar[X3DNA_STR] = x3dnaCoplanar
- # TODO: Fix this.
- bogusResidueToLinkForNow = self.molecule.allResidues()[coplanarId]
- bogusResidueToLinkForNow[X3DNA_STR] = x3dnaCoplanar
- nTdebug("Added coplanar to bogus residue TODO")
- coplanarList.append(coplanar)
- # end if
- # take a short cut name.
- x3dnaCoplanar = getDeepByKeys(coplanarList, coplanarId, X3DNA_STR)
- for entity in results[coplanarIdStr].keys():
- # nTdebug("Working on entity: %s" % entity)
- valueList = getDeepByKeysOrDefault(x3dnaCoplanar, nTfill(None, self.modelCount), entity)
- valueList[modelNum] = results[coplanarIdStr][entity]
- # nTdebug("Set value for coplanarIdStr %s entity %s modelNum: %s to be: %s" % (coplanarIdStr,
- #entity, modelNum, valueList[modelNum]))
- # end for entity
- # end for coplanar
- return
- def parseX3dnaParameterBlock(self, parameterBlock, modelNum):
- '''
- Parses various parameter blocks in X3DNA output.
- Results are stored on basis of base pairs.
- In case of step parameters, the result is stored as an attribute of the first base pair
- i.e.
- 1 GA/TC -0.86 0.54 2.99 -4.13 2.08 31.35
- is stored as in bp "1 G-C"
- Example of processed data structure in a dictionary object of class Coplanar:
- x3dna.rise : [ 4.73, 3.99 ] for the first and second model.
- '''
- parameterBlockId, _infoText = self.identifyParameterBlock(parameterBlock) #@UnusedVariable
- splitLines = parameterBlock.split('\n')
- parseLine = False
- results = {}
- if parameterBlockId == 'localBPPars':
- # bp Shear Stretch Stagger Buckle Propeller Opening
- # 1 G-C -0.44 -0.22 -0.62 -2.36 3.15 -3.95
- # 2 A-T -0.09 -0.22 -0.19 12.78 -7.95 -0.93
- # ......
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ave. 0.02 -0.24 3.33 0.20 4.00 33.41
- # s.d. 0.71 0.90 0.26 3.68 8.17 6.97
- for line in splitLines:
- wordList = line.split()
- if line.strip() == '':
- continue
- elif wordList[0] == 'bp':
- parseLine = True
- continue
- elif wordList[0] == '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~':
- break
- elif parseLine == True:
- bp = int(wordList[0])
- results[bp] = results.get(bp, {})
- results[bp].update(dict(
- bp_str = wordList[1],
- shear = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[2]),
- stretch = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[3]),
- stagger = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[4]),
- buckle = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[5]),
- propeller = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[6]),
- opening = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[7])
- )
- )
- if parameterBlockId == 'localBPStepPars':
- # step Shift Slide Rise Tilt Roll Twist
- # 1 GA/TC -0.86 0.54 2.99 -4.13 2.08 31.35
- # 2 AA/TT -0.88 -0.27 3.34 -4.59 3.92 39.72
- # ......
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ave. 0.02 -0.24 3.33 0.20 4.00 33.41
- # s.d. 0.71 0.90 0.26 3.68 8.17 6.97
- for line in splitLines:
- wordList = line.split()
- if line.strip() == '':
- continue
- elif wordList[0] == 'step':
- parseLine = True
- continue
- elif wordList[0] == '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~':
- break
- elif parseLine == True:
- step = int(wordList[0])
- bp = step
- step_str = wordList[1]
- bp_str = self.step2bp(step_str)
- results[bp] = results.get(bp, {})
- results[bp].update(dict(
- step = step,
- step_str = step_str,
- bp_str = bp_str,
- shift = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[2]),
- slide = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[3]),
- rise = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[4]),
- tilt = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[5]),
- roll = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[6]),
- twist = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[7])
- )
- )
- if parameterBlockId == 'grooveWidthsPPDist':
- # Minor Groove Major Groove
- # P-P Refined P-P Refined
- # 1 GA/TC --- --- --- ---
- # 2 AA/TT --- --- --- ---
- # 3 AT/AT 11.2 --- 15.9 ---
- # 4 TT/AA 11.1 11.0 16.1 15.3
- # 5 TG/CA 13.2 13.1 18.5 17.5
- for line in splitLines:
- wordList = line.split()
- if line.strip() == '':
- continue
- elif wordList[0] == 'P-P':
- parseLine = True
- continue
- elif parseLine == True:
- # line = line.replace('---', '-0') # watch out these are not zero but NAN
- wordList = line.split()
- # nTdebug('wordList %r' % wordList)
- step = int(wordList[0])
- bp = step
- step_str = wordList[1]
- bp_str = self.step2bp(step_str)
- results[bp] = results.get(bp, {})
- results[bp].update(dict(
- step = step,
- step_str = step_str,
- bp_str = bp_str,
- minPP = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[2]),
- minPP_ref = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[3]),
- majPP = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[4]),
- majPP_ref = self.parseX3dnaFloat(wordList[5])
- )
- )
- if parameterBlockId == 'sugarConfParameters':
- # function can be replaced by built in functions in CING except this might
- # be nice and easy for puckering amplitude and phase to be harvested.
- #Strand I
- # base v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 tm P Puckering
- # 1 G -39.9 46.9 -36.6 14.9 15.5 46.3 142.2 C1'-exo
- # 2 A -36.8 46.6 -38.5 18.5 11.3 45.8 147.3 C2'-endo
- # 3 A -25.3 38.1 -36.2 22.8 1.3 38.6 159.4 C2'-endo
- #Strand II
- # base v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 tm P Puckering
- # 1 C -15.9 -11.7 32.7 -42.2 37.6 42.6 39.9 C4'-exo
- # 2 T -39.3 30.4 -11.4 -10.8 31.2 38.0 107.4 O4'-endo
- # 3 T -40.8 40.2 -24.8 2.1 24.2 41.7 126.5 C1'-exo
- pass
- if parameterBlockId == 'diNucStepClassRHelix':
- # step Xp Yp Zp XpH YpH ZpH Form
- # 1 GA/TC -2.80 9.22 -0.29 -2.10 9.21 0.32 B
- # 2 AA/TT -2.96 8.85 0.08 -3.60 8.80 0.85 B
- # 3 AT/AT -3.26 9.19 -0.04 -5.33 9.19 0.23 B
- # 4 TT/AA -3.16 8.94 0.32 -4.07 8.92 0.76 B
- # 5 TG/CA -2.87 9.09 0.20 -3.91 8.88 1.92 B
- # 6 GT/AC -2.57 9.40 0.01 -2.32 9.36 -0.90 B
- # 7 TG/CA -2.15 9.15 0.59 -3.21 9.11 1.13
- # 8 GA/TC -2.51 9.25 0.94 -5.66 9.06 2.10
- pass
- if parameterBlockId == 'baseRmsds':
- # Strand I Strand II Helix
- # 1 (0.037) ....>A:...1_:[.DG]G-----C[.DC]:..22_:B<.... (0.022) |
- # 2 (0.030) ....>A:...2_:[.DA]A-----T[.DT]:..21_:B<.... (0.023) |
- pass
- if parameterBlockId == 'hbondInfo':
- # 1 G-----C [3] N2 - O2 2.80 N1 - N3 2.97 O6 - N4 2.91
- # 2 A-----T [2] N1 - N3 2.80 N6 - O4 2.88
- # 3 A-----T [2] N1 - N3 2.87 N6 - O4 2.80
- pass
- if parameterBlockId == 'polygonOverlapArea':
- # step i1-i2 i1-j2 j1-i2 j1-j2 sum
- # 1 GA/TC 3.94( 0.99) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 7.62( 2.29) 11.56( 3.28)
- # 2 AA/TT 1.42( 0.26) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 6.89( 1.23) 8.31( 1.49)
- pass
- if parameterBlockId == 'originAndMNVector':
- # bp Ox Oy Oz Nx Ny Nz
- # 1 G-C 77.18 44.78 39.96 -0.80 -0.58 -0.16
- # 2 A-T 74.85 43.25 38.47 -0.84 -0.51 -0.17
- pass
- if parameterBlockId == 'localBPHelicalPars':
- # step X-disp Y-disp h-Rise Incl. Tip h-Twist
- # 1 GA/TC 0.63 0.86 3.11 3.82 7.60 31.68
- # 2 AA/TT -0.85 0.75 3.37 5.73 6.71 40.15
- pass
- if parameterBlockId == 'structureClass':
- # This is a right-handed nucleic acid structure
- pass
- if parameterBlockId == 'lambda':
- # bp lambda(I) lambda(II) C1'-C1' RN9-YN1 RC8-YC6
- # 1 G-C 49.6 55.2 10.8 9.0 9.8
- # 2 A-T 53.5 53.6 10.5 8.8 9.6
- pass
- if parameterBlockId == 'globalHelixAxis':
- # Deviation from regular linear helix: 3.17(0.91)
- pass
- if parameterBlockId == 'mainChainAndChiAngles':
- #Strand I
- # base alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta chi
- # 1 G --- --- 57.6 138.6 -104.4 179.4 -104.7
- # 2 A -64.7 125.2 48.1 141.5 -150.0 -149.0 -110.9
- #Strand II
- # base alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta chi
- # 1 C -72.7 151.6 50.1 79.4 --- --- -125.3
- # 2 T -68.6 168.3 51.7 105.8 -148.7 -91.0 -121.7
- pass
- if parameterBlockId == 'intraStrandDist':
- # Strand I Strand II
- # base P--P C1'--C1' base P--P C1'--C1'
- # 1 G/A --- 5.1 1 C/T 6.1 4.9
- # 2 A/A 6.9 5.2 2 T/T 6.7 5.1
- pass
- if parameterBlockId == 'diNucStepPosition':
- # bp Px Py Pz Hx Hy Hz
- # 1 GA/TC 76.62 43.18 39.13 -0.79 -0.54 -0.30
- # 2 AA/TT 73.14 42.30 39.01 -0.80 -0.51 -0.31
- pass
- if parameterBlockId == 'helixRadius':
- # Strand I Strand II
- # step P O4' C1' P O4' C1'
- # 1 GA/TC 10.0 7.3 6.4 8.9 5.6 4.7
- # 2 AA/TT 9.7 7.7 6.8 9.4 6.2 5.6
- pass
- return results
- # end def
- def parseX3dnaFloat(self, str):
- # nTdebug("Found X3dnaFloat wannabe: %s" % str)
- if str.startswith(X3DNA_NAN_START):
- # nTdebug("Parsed X3dnaFloat as NAN")
- return NaN
- return float(str)
- # end class
- def createHtmlX3dna(project, ranges = None):
- """ Read out wiPlotList to see what get's created. """
- if not getDeepByKeysOrAttributes(plugins, MATPLIB_STR, IS_INSTALLED_STR):
- nTdebug('Skipping createHtmlWattos because no matplib installed.')
- return
- from cing.PluginCode.matplib import MoleculePlotSet #@UnresolvedImport
- # The following object will be responsible for creating a (png/pdf) file with
- # possibly multiple pages
- # Level 1: row
- # Level 2: against main or alternative y-axis
- # Level 3: plot parameters dictionary (extendible).
- keyLoLoL = []
- plotAttributesRowMain = NTdict()
- plotAttributesRowMain[ KEY_LIST_STR] = [ X3DNA_STR, SHIFT_STR]
- plotAttributesRowMain[ KEY_LIST2_STR] = [ X3DNA_STR, SLIDE_STR]
- plotAttributesRowMain[ KEY_LIST3_STR] = [ X3DNA_STR, RISE_STR]
- plotAttributesRowMain[ YLABEL_STR] = shortNameDict[ SHIFT_STR ]
- keyLoLoL.append([ [plotAttributesRowMain] ])
- plotAttributesRowMain = NTdict()
- plotAttributesRowMain[ KEY_LIST_STR] = [ X3DNA_STR, TILT_STR]
- plotAttributesRowMain[ KEY_LIST2_STR] = [ X3DNA_STR, ROLL_STR]
- plotAttributesRowMain[ KEY_LIST3_STR] = [ X3DNA_STR, TWIST_STR]
- plotAttributesRowMain[ YLABEL_STR] = shortNameDict[ TILT_STR ]
- keyLoLoL.append([ [plotAttributesRowMain] ])
- plotAttributesRowMain = NTdict()
- plotAttributesRowMain[ KEY_LIST_STR] = [ X3DNA_STR, SHEAR_STR]
- plotAttributesRowMain[ KEY_LIST2_STR] = [ X3DNA_STR, STRETCH_STR]
- plotAttributesRowMain[ KEY_LIST3_STR] = [ X3DNA_STR, STAGGER_STR]
- plotAttributesRowMain[ YLABEL_STR] = shortNameDict[ SHEAR_STR ]
- keyLoLoL.append([ [plotAttributesRowMain] ])
- plotAttributesRowMain = NTdict()
- plotAttributesRowMain[ KEY_LIST_STR] = [ X3DNA_STR, BUCKLE_STR]
- plotAttributesRowMain[ KEY_LIST2_STR] = [ X3DNA_STR, PROPELLER_STR]
- plotAttributesRowMain[ KEY_LIST3_STR] = [ X3DNA_STR, OPENING_STR]
- plotAttributesRowMain[ YLABEL_STR] = shortNameDict[ BUCKLE_STR ]
- keyLoLoL.append([ [plotAttributesRowMain] ])
- plotAttributesRowMain = NTdict()
- plotAttributesRowMain[ KEY_LIST_STR] = [ X3DNA_STR, MINPP_STR]
- plotAttributesRowMain[ KEY_LIST2_STR] = [ X3DNA_STR, MAJPP_STR]
- plotAttributesRowMain[ YLABEL_STR] = shortNameDict[ MINPP_STR ]
- plotAttributesRowMain[ USE_ZERO_FOR_MIN_VALUE_STR] = True
- plotAttributesRowMain[ USE_MAX_VALUE_STR] = 30.0
- keyLoLoL.append([ [plotAttributesRowMain] ])
- printLink = project.moleculePath(X3DNA_STR, project.molecule.name + x3dnaPlotList[0][0] + ".pdf")
- moleculePlotSet = MoleculePlotSet(project = project, ranges = ranges, keyLoLoL = keyLoLoL)
- moleculePlotSet.renderMoleculePlotSet(printLink, createPngCopyToo = True)
- #end def
- def runX3dna(project, parseOnly = False, modelNum = None):
- x3dna = X3dna(project, parseOnly = parseOnly, modelNum = modelNum)
- return x3dna.doX3dna()
- # register the functions
- methods = [(runX3dna, None),
- ]
- #saves = []
- #restores = [
- # (restoreX3dna, None),
- # ]
- #exports = []