# · OCaml · 239 lines · 121 code · 48 blank · 70 comment · 6 complexity · aeeff8750bd37c52c276eaccc8ca813c MD5 · raw file
- (*
- Copyright (c) 2000
- Cambridge University Technical Services Limited
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *)
- (*
- TODO: This duplicates some of the Word structure although it adds certain
- "unsafe" and Poly-specific functions. It probably should be rewritten now
- that we have the standard basis library. DCJM June 2000.
- *)
- structure Address :>
- (*****************************************************************************)
- (* Address export signature *)
- (*****************************************************************************)
- sig
- type machineWord
- type address
- type handler
- type short = Word.word
- val wordEq : 'a * 'a -> bool
- val isShort : 'a -> bool
- exception Cast of string;
- val unsafeCast: 'a -> 'b
- val toMachineWord : 'a -> machineWord
- val toShort : 'a -> short
- val toAddress : 'a -> address
- val loadByte: (address * Word.word) -> Word8.word
- val loadWord: (address * Word.word) -> machineWord
- val assignByte: (address * Word.word * Word8.word) -> unit
- val assignWord: (address * Word.word * machineWord) -> unit
- val alloc: (short * Word8.word * machineWord) -> address
- val maxAllocation: word
- val lock: address -> unit
- val length: address -> short
- val flags: address -> Word8.word
- val setFlags: address * Word8.word -> unit
- val getFlags: address -> Word8.word
- val wordSize: int
- val F_words : Word8.word
- val F_bytes : Word8.word
- val F_code : Word8.word
- val F_stack : Word8.word
- val F_negative : Word8.word
- val F_mutable : Word8.word
- val F_gc : Word8.word
- val F_noOverwrite : Word8.word
- val F_weak : Word8.word
- val isWords : address -> bool;
- val isBytes : address -> bool;
- val isCode : address -> bool;
- val isStack : address -> bool;
- val isMutable:address -> bool;
- val call: (address * machineWord) -> machineWord
- val isIoAddress : address -> bool
- (* The following function is VERY unsafe and should only be *)
- (* used by the Poly/ML code generator (ML version). *)
- val offsetAddr : address * short -> handler
- end =
- let
- open RuntimeCalls;
- in
- (*****************************************************************************)
- (* Address structure body *)
- (*****************************************************************************)
- struct
- type machineWord = word (* a legal ML object (tag = 0 or 1) *)
- and address = word (* a normal pointer (tag = 0) *)
- and handler = word (* pointer to exception handler (tag = 2!) *)
- and short = word; (* a 31/63-bit int (tag = 1) *)
- (* pointer equality *)
- val wordEq = PolyML.pointerEq
- val unsafeCast : 'a -> 'b = RunCall.unsafeCast;
- local
- val short : machineWord->bool = RunCall.run_call1 POLY_SYS_is_short
- in
- fun isShort (x:'a): bool = unsafeCast short x
- end
- (* The following cast is always safe *)
- val toMachineWord : 'a -> machineWord = unsafeCast;
- (* The following casts need checking *)
- exception Cast of string;
- fun toShort (w:'a) : short =
- if isShort w then unsafeCast w else raise Cast "toShort";
- fun toAddress (w:'a) : address =
- if isShort w then raise Cast "toAddress" else unsafeCast w;
- (* Note:
- assignByte should *not* be used with word-objects
- (we might copy half a pointer into the object,
- then call the garbage collector)
- loadWord should *not* be used with byte-objects
- (we might load something that's not a valid ML value,
- then call the garbage collector)
- Violating these assertions may corrupt the heap and cause unpredictable
- behaviour.
- It's safe to use assignWord with a byte-object or loadByte
- with a word-object but it may not do what you expect.
- One difference is that loadWord / assignWord leave the tag bits
- unchanged but loadByte / assignByte strip and replace them.
- Another difference is that the offset for the
- "Word" functions is in words, whereas the offset for the
- "Byte" functions is in bytes.
- *)
- val loadByte: (address * Word.word) -> Word8.word =
- RunCall.run_call2 POLY_SYS_load_byte;
- val loadWord: (address * Word.word) -> machineWord =
- RunCall.run_call2 POLY_SYS_load_word;
- val assignByte: (address * Word.word * Word8.word) -> unit =
- RunCall.run_call3 POLY_SYS_assign_byte;
- val assignWord: (address * Word.word * machineWord) -> unit =
- RunCall.run_call3 POLY_SYS_assign_word;
- val maxAllocation: word = RunCall.run_call2 POLY_SYS_process_env(100, ())
- fun alloc(len: word, flags: Word8.word, initial: machineWord): address =
- (* Zero sized-objects are not allowed. Check that the size is within
- the acceptable range. *)
- if len = 0w0 orelse len >= maxAllocation
- then raise Size
- else RunCall.run_call3 POLY_SYS_alloc_store(len, flags, initial)
- val lock: address -> unit =
- RunCall.run_call1 POLY_SYS_lockseg;
- val getFlags: address -> Word8.word =
- RunCall.run_call1 POLY_SYS_get_flags;
- val setFlags: address * Word8.word -> unit =
- RunCall.run_call2 POLY_SYS_code_flags;
- val wordSize: int =
- RunCall.run_call0 POLY_SYS_bytes_per_word ();
- val length: address -> Word.word =
- RunCall.run_call1 POLY_SYS_get_length;
- val flags: address -> Word8.word =
- RunCall.run_call1 POLY_SYS_get_flags;
- (* "call" added SPF 7/7/94, corrected 13/7/94, 8/9/94 *)
- (* call takes the address of the code of a function [N.B. *NOT* *)
- (* the closure for the function] that uses Poly parameter *)
- (* conventions (values in registers e.g. an ML secondary entry *)
- (* point) and applies it to the address of a single ML tuple. *)
- (* N.B. it MUST be a tuple, even if there's only one parameter. *)
- (* However, since unit is a "short" not an "address", the type *)
- (* of the second parameter has to be "word" (not "address"). *)
- (* The run-time system functions all use Poly convention. *)
- val call: (address * machineWord) -> machineWord =
- RunCall.run_call1 POLY_SYS_callcode_tupled;
- val F_words : Word8.word = 0wx00 (* word object - contains pointers and/or tagged values. *)
- val F_bytes : Word8.word = 0wx01 (* byte object (contains no pointers) *)
- val F_code : Word8.word = 0wx02 (* code object (mixed bytes and words) *)
- val F_stack : Word8.word = 0wx03 (* stack object - may contain internal pointers *)
- val F_noOverwrite : Word8.word = 0wx08 (* don't overwrite when loading - mutables only. *)
- val F_negative : Word8.word = 0wx10 (* sign bit for arbitrary precision ints *)
- val F_weak : Word8.word = 0wx20 (* object contains weak references to option values. *)
- val F_mutable : Word8.word = 0wx40 (* object is mutable *)
- val F_gc : Word8.word = 0wx80 (* object is (pointer or depth) tombstone *)
- local
- val doCall: int*address -> bool
- = RunCall.run_call2 RuntimeCalls.POLY_SYS_process_env
- in
- fun isIoAddress (a: address) : bool = doCall(102, a)
- end
- (* The following function is VERY unsafe and should only be *)
- (* used by the Poly/ML code generator (ML version). *)
- val offsetAddr : address * short -> handler =
- RunCall.run_call2 POLY_SYS_offset_address;
- local
- val typeMask : Word8.word = 0wx03;
- fun isType (t: Word8.word) (a: address):bool =
- Word8.andb(flags a, typeMask) = t
- in
- val isWords = isType F_words;
- val isBytes = isType F_bytes;
- val isCode = isType F_code;
- val isStack = isType F_stack;
- (* The mutable flag may be used with any of the others. *)
- fun isMutable a = Word8.andb(flags a, F_mutable) = F_mutable
- end;
- end
- end; (* open RuntimeCalls *)