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  1. % Master File: language.tex
  2. \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}Preface}
  3. \vspace{4in}
  4. {\Huge\bf Preface}\linebreak
  5. \vspace{.75in}
  6. %\chapter{Preface}
  7. This report presents a description of the \pvs\ specification language,
  8. as implemented in Version 1.0 beta of the \pvs\ specification and
  9. verification environment. It is intended to provide a reference of all
  10. of the features of the language, including the complete grammar, some
  11. examples, and an informal semantics. This report is one of several
  12. needed to effectively use \pvs. Companion documents are devoted to the
  13. use of the system~\cite{PVS:userguide}, the user of the
  14. prover~\cite{PVS:prover}, a tutorial introduction~\cite{PVS:tutorial},
  15. and a semantics~\cite{PVS:semantics}.
  16. \memo{Give prerequisites to using \pvs.}
  17. The \pvs\ system is the culmination of the effort of a large number of
  18. people over many years, drawing heavily from the research and experience
  19. gained from E{\sc
  20. hdm}~\cite{EHDM:Userguide,EHDM:Language,EHDM:semantics,EHDM:supplement,EHDM:tutorial}.
  21. The primary contributers to E{\sc hdm} in rough chronological order
  22. were Michael Melliar-Smith, Richard Schwartz, Rob Shostak, Judith Crow,
  23. Friedrich von Henke, Stan Jefferson, Rosanna Lee, John Rushby, Mark
  24. Stickel, Natarajan Shankar, Sam Owre, David Cyrluk, Steven Phillips,
  25. and Carl Witty.
  26. %In addition to those named above, valuable contributions were made by
  27. %Dorothy Denning, Brian Fromme, Allen van Gelder, Dwight Hare, Peter
  28. %Ladkin, Sheralyn Listgarten, Jeff Miner, Paul Oppenheimer, Jeff
  29. %Reninger, and Lorna Shinkle.
  30. \pvs\ is primarily the work of John Rushby, Natarajan Shankar, Sam Owre,
  31. Friedrich von Henke, David Cyrluk, and Carl Witty.
  32. The present version of the \pvs\ Language Description was assembled by
  33. Sam Owre, Natarajan Shankar, and John Rushby.