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- % Master File: language.tex
- \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}Preface}
- \vspace{4in}
- {\Huge\bf Preface}\linebreak
- \vspace{.75in}
- %\chapter{Preface}
- This report presents a description of the \pvs\ specification language,
- as implemented in Version 1.0 beta of the \pvs\ specification and
- verification environment. It is intended to provide a reference of all
- of the features of the language, including the complete grammar, some
- examples, and an informal semantics. This report is one of several
- needed to effectively use \pvs. Companion documents are devoted to the
- use of the system~\cite{PVS:userguide}, the user of the
- prover~\cite{PVS:prover}, a tutorial introduction~\cite{PVS:tutorial},
- and a semantics~\cite{PVS:semantics}.
- \memo{Give prerequisites to using \pvs.}
- The \pvs\ system is the culmination of the effort of a large number of
- people over many years, drawing heavily from the research and experience
- gained from E{\sc
- hdm}~\cite{EHDM:Userguide,EHDM:Language,EHDM:semantics,EHDM:supplement,EHDM:tutorial}.
- The primary contributers to E{\sc hdm} in rough chronological order
- were Michael Melliar-Smith, Richard Schwartz, Rob Shostak, Judith Crow,
- Friedrich von Henke, Stan Jefferson, Rosanna Lee, John Rushby, Mark
- Stickel, Natarajan Shankar, Sam Owre, David Cyrluk, Steven Phillips,
- and Carl Witty.
- %In addition to those named above, valuable contributions were made by
- %Dorothy Denning, Brian Fromme, Allen van Gelder, Dwight Hare, Peter
- %Ladkin, Sheralyn Listgarten, Jeff Miner, Paul Oppenheimer, Jeff
- %Reninger, and Lorna Shinkle.
- \pvs\ is primarily the work of John Rushby, Natarajan Shankar, Sam Owre,
- Friedrich von Henke, David Cyrluk, and Carl Witty.
- The present version of the \pvs\ Language Description was assembled by
- Sam Owre, Natarajan Shankar, and John Rushby.