TCL | 1346 lines | 1030 code | 195 blank | 121 comment | 180 complexity | c59e810618edb7e72a2c69507c5811bb MD5 | raw file
- #
- # Copyright (C) 1997-99 Kare Sjolander <kare@speech.kth.se>
- #
- # This file is part of the Snack sound extension for Tcl/Tk.
- # The latest version can be found at http://www.speech.kth.se/snack/
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- #
- package provide snack 2.2
- # Set playback latency according to the environment variable PLAYLATENCY
- if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
- if {[info exists env(PLAYLATENCY)] && $env(PLAYLATENCY) > 0} {
- snack::audio playLatency $env(PLAYLATENCY)
- }
- }
- namespace eval snack {
- namespace export gainBox get* add* menu* frequencyAxis timeAxis \
- createIcons mixerDialog sound audio mixer debug
- #
- # Gain control dialog
- #
- proc gainBox flags {
- variable gainbox
- catch {destroy .snackGainBox}
- toplevel .snackGainBox
- wm title .snackGainBox {Gain Control Panel}
- if {[string match *p* $flags]} {
- set gainbox(play) [snack::audio play_gain]
- pack [scale .snackGainBox.s -label {Play volume} -orient horiz \
- -variable snack::gainbox(play) \
- -command {snack::audio play_gain} \
- -length 200]
- }
- if {[snack::mixer inputs] != ""} {
- if {[string match *r* $flags]} {
- set gainbox(rec) [snack::audio record_gain]
- pack [scale .snackGainBox.s2 -label {Record gain} \
- -orient horiz \
- -variable snack::gainbox(rec) \
- -command {snack::audio record_gain} \
- -length 200]
- }
- }
- pack [button .snackGainBox.exitB -text Close -command {destroy .snackGainBox}]
- }
- #
- # Snack mixer dialog
- #
- proc flipScaleValue {scaleVar var args} {
- set $var [expr 100-[set $scaleVar]]
- }
- proc mixerDialog {} {
- set wi .snackMixerDialog
- catch {destroy $wi}
- toplevel $wi
- wm title $wi "Mixer"
- # pack [frame $wi.f0]
- # label $wi.f0.l -text "Mixer device:"
- # set outDevList [snack::mixer devices]
- # eval tk_optionMenu $wi.f0.om mixerDev $outDevList
- # pack $wi.f0.l $wi.f0.om -side left
- pack [frame $wi.f] -expand yes -fill both
- foreach line [snack::mixer lines] {
- pack [frame $wi.f.g$line -bd 1 -relief solid] -side left \
- -expand yes -fill both
- pack [label $wi.f.g$line.l -text $line]
- if {[snack::mixer channels $line] == "Mono"} {
- snack::mixer volume $line snack::v(r$line)
- } else {
- snack::mixer volume $line snack::v(l$line) snack::v(r$line)
- if {[info exists tile::version]} {
- pack [ttk::scale $wi.f.g$line.e -from 0 -to 100 -show no -orient vertical \
- -var snack::v(lI$line) -command [namespace code [list flipScaleValue ::snack::v(lI$line) ::snack::v(l$line)]]] -side left -expand yes -fill y
- set snack::v(lI$line) [expr 100-[lindex [snack::mixer volume $line] end]]
- $wi.f.g$line.e set $snack::v(lI$line)
- } else {
- pack [scale $wi.f.g$line.e -from 100 -to 0 -show no -orient vertical \
- -var snack::v(l$line)] -side left -expand yes -fill both
- }
- }
- if {[info exists tile::version]} {
- pack [ttk::scale $wi.f.g$line.s -from 0 -to 100 -show no -orient vertical \
- -var snack::v(rI$line) -command [namespace code [list flipScaleValue ::snack::v(rI$line) ::snack::v(r$line)]]] -expand yes -fill y
- set snack::v(rI$line) [expr 100-[lindex [snack::mixer volume $line] end]]
- $wi.f.g$line.s set $snack::v(rI$line)
- } else {
- pack [scale $wi.f.g$line.s -from 100 -to 0 -show no -orient vertical \
- -var snack::v(r$line)] -expand yes -fill both
- }
- }
- pack [frame $wi.f.f2] -side left
- if {[snack::mixer inputs] != ""} {
- pack [label $wi.f.f2.li -text "Input jacks:"]
- foreach jack [snack::mixer inputs] {
- snack::mixer input $jack [namespace current]::v(in$jack)
- pack [checkbutton $wi.f.f2.b$jack -text $jack \
- -variable [namespace current]::v(in$jack)] \
- -anchor w
- }
- }
- if {[snack::mixer outputs] != ""} {
- pack [label $wi.f.f2.lo -text "Output jacks:"]
- foreach jack [snack::mixer outputs] {
- snack::mixer output $jack [namespace current]::v(out$jack)
- pack [checkbutton $wi.f.f2.b$jack -text $jack \
- -variable [namespace current]::v(out$jack)] \
- -anchor w
- }
- }
- pack [button $wi.b1 -text Close -command "destroy $wi"]
- }
- #
- # Snack filename dialog
- #
- proc getOpenFile {args} {
- upvar #0 __snack_args data
- set specs {
- {-title "" "" "Open file"}
- {-initialdir "" "" "."}
- {-initialfile "" "" ""}
- {-multiple "" "" 0}
- {-format "" "" "none"}
- }
- tclParseConfigSpec __snack_args $specs "" $args
- if {$data(-format) == "none"} {
- if {$data(-initialfile) != ""} {
- set data(-format) [ext2fmt [file extension $data(-initialfile)]]
- } else {
- set data(-format) WAV
- }
- }
- if {$data(-format) == ""} {
- set data(-format) RAW
- }
- set data(-format) [string toupper $data(-format)]
- if {$data(-initialdir) == ""} {
- set data(-initialdir) "."
- }
- if {[string match Darwin $::tcl_platform(os)]} {
- return [tk_getOpenFile -title $data(-title) \
- -multiple $data(-multiple) \
- -filetypes [loadTypes $data(-format)] \
- -defaultextension [fmt2ext $data(-format)] \
- -initialdir $data(-initialdir)]
- }
- # Later Tcl's allow multiple files returned as a list
- if {$::tcl_version <= 8.3} {
- set res [tk_getOpenFile -title $data(-title) \
- -filetypes [loadTypes $data(-format)] \
- -defaultextension [fmt2ext $data(-format)] \
- -initialdir $data(-initialdir) \
- -initialfile $data(-initialfile)]
- } else {
- set res [tk_getOpenFile -title $data(-title) \
- -multiple $data(-multiple) \
- -filetypes [loadTypes $data(-format)] \
- -defaultextension [fmt2ext $data(-format)] \
- -initialdir $data(-initialdir) \
- -initialfile $data(-initialfile)]
- }
- return $res
- }
- set loadTypes ""
- proc addLoadTypes {typelist fmtlist} {
- variable loadTypes
- variable filebox
- set loadTypes $typelist
- set i 9 ; # Needs updating when adding new formats
- foreach fmt $fmtlist {
- set filebox(l$fmt) $i
- incr i
- }
- }
- proc loadTypes fmt {
- variable loadTypes
- variable filebox
- if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
- set l [concat {{{MS Wav Files} {.wav}} {{Smp Files} {.smp}} {{Snd Files} {.snd}} {{AU Files} {.au}} {{AIFF Files} {.aif}} {{AIFF Files} {.aiff}} {{Waves Files} {.sd}} {{MP3 Files} {.mp3}} {{CSL Files} {.nsp}}} $loadTypes {{{All Files} * }}]
- } else {
- set l [concat {{{MS Wav Files} {.wav .WAV}} {{Smp Files} {.smp .SMP}} {{Snd Files} {.snd .SND}} {{AU Files} {.au .AU}} {{AIFF Files} {.aif .AIF}} {{AIFF Files} {.aiff .AIFF}} {{Waves Files} {.sd .SD}} {{CSL Files} {.nsp .NSP}}} $loadTypes {{{All Files} * }}]
- }
- return [swapListElem $l $filebox(l$fmt)]
- }
- variable filebox
- set filebox(RAW) .raw
- set filebox(SMP) .smp
- set filebox(AU) .au
- set filebox(WAV) .wav
- set filebox(SD) .sd
- set filebox(SND) .snd
- set filebox(AIFF) .aif
- set filebox(CSL) .nsp
- set filebox(lWAV) 0
- set filebox(lSMP) 1
- set filebox(lSND) 2
- set filebox(lAU) 3
- set filebox(lAIFF) 4
- # skip 2 because of aif and aiff
- set filebox(lSD) 6
- # skip 1 because of mp3
- set filebox(lCSL) 8
- set filebox(lRAW) end
- # Do not forget to update indexes
- set filebox(sWAV) 0
- set filebox(sSMP) 1
- set filebox(sSND) 2
- set filebox(sAU) 3
- set filebox(sAIFF) 4
- # skip 2 because of aif and aiff
- set filebox(sCSL) 6
- set filebox(sRAW) end
- proc fmt2ext fmt {
- variable filebox
- return $filebox($fmt)
- }
- proc addExtTypes extlist {
- variable filebox
- foreach pair $extlist {
- set filebox([lindex $pair 0]) [lindex $pair 1]
- }
- }
- proc getSaveFile args {
- upvar #0 __snack_args data
- set specs {
- {-title "" "" "Save file"}
- {-initialdir "" "" "."}
- {-initialfile "" "" ""}
- {-format "" "" "none"}
- }
- tclParseConfigSpec __snack_args $specs "" $args
- if {$data(-format) == "none"} {
- if {$data(-initialfile) != ""} {
- set data(-format) [ext2fmt [file extension $data(-initialfile)]]
- } else {
- set data(-format) WAV
- }
- }
- if {$data(-format) == ""} {
- set data(-format) RAW
- }
- set data(-format) [string toupper $data(-format)]
- if {$data(-initialdir) == ""} {
- set data(-initialdir) "."
- }
- if {[string match macintosh $::tcl_platform(platform)]} {
- set tmp [tk_getSaveFile -title $data(-title) \
- -initialdir $data(-initialdir) -initialfile $data(-initialfile)]
- if {[string compare [file ext $tmp] ""] == 0} {
- append tmp [fmt2ext $data(-format)]
- }
- return $tmp
- } else {
- return [tk_getSaveFile -title $data(-title) \
- -filetypes [saveTypes $data(-format)] \
- -defaultextension [fmt2ext $data(-format)] \
- -initialdir $data(-initialdir) -initialfile $data(-initialfile)]
- }
- }
- set saveTypes ""
- proc addSaveTypes {typelist fmtlist} {
- variable saveTypes
- variable filebox
- set saveTypes $typelist
- set j 7 ; # Needs updating when adding new formats
- foreach fmt $fmtlist {
- set filebox(s$fmt) $j
- incr j
- }
- }
- proc saveTypes fmt {
- variable saveTypes
- variable filebox
- if {[info exists filebox(s$fmt)] == 0} {
- set fmt RAW
- }
- if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
- set l [concat {{{MS Wav Files} {.wav}} {{Smp Files} {.smp}} {{Snd Files} {.snd}} {{AU Files} {.au}} {{AIFF Files} {.aif}} {{AIFF Files} {.aiff}} {{CSL Files} {.nsp}}} $saveTypes {{{All Files} * }}]
- } else {
- set l [concat {{{MS Wav Files} {.wav .WAV}} {{Smp Files} {.smp .SMP}} {{Snd Files} {.snd .SND}} {{AU Files} {.au .AU}} {{AIFF Files} {.aif .AIF}} {{AIFF Files} {.aiff .AIFF}} {{CSL Files} {.nsp .NSP}}} $saveTypes {{{All Files} * }}]
- }
- return [swapListElem $l $filebox(s$fmt)]
- }
- proc swapListElem {l n} {
- set tmp [lindex $l $n]
- set l [lreplace $l $n $n]
- return [linsert $l 0 $tmp]
- }
- set filebox(.wav) WAV
- set filebox(.smp) SMP
- set filebox(.au) AU
- set filebox(.raw) RAW
- set filebox(.snd) SND
- set filebox(.sd) SD
- set filebox(.aif) AIFF
- set filebox(.aiff) AIFF
- set filebox(.nsp) CSL
- set filebox() WAV
- proc ext2fmt ext {
- variable filebox
- return $filebox($ext)
- }
- #
- # Menus
- #
- proc menuInit { {m .menubar} } {
- variable menu
- menu $m
- [winfo parent $m] configure -menu $m
- set menu(menubar) $m
- set menu(uid) 0
- }
- proc menuPane {label {u 0} {postcommand ""}} {
- variable menu
- if [info exists menu(menu,$label)] {
- error "Menu $label already defined"
- }
- if {$label == "Help"} {
- set name $menu(menubar).help
- } else {
- set name $menu(menubar).mb$menu(uid)
- }
- set m [menu $name -tearoff 1 -postcommand $postcommand]
- $menu(menubar) add cascade -label $label -menu $name -underline $u
- incr menu(uid)
- set menu(menu,$label) $m
- return $m
- }
- proc menuDelete {menuName label} {
- variable menu
- set m [menuGet $menuName]
- if [catch {$m index $label} index] {
- error "$label not in menu $menuName"
- }
- [menuGet $menuName] delete $index
- }
- proc menuDeleteByIndex {menuName index} {
- [menuGet $menuName] delete $index
- }
- proc menuGet menuName {
- variable menu
- if [catch {set menu(menu,$menuName)} m] {
- return -code error "No such menu: $menuName"
- }
- return $m
- }
- proc menuCommand {menuName label command} {
- [menuGet $menuName] add command -label $label -command $command
- }
- proc menuCheck {menuName label var {command {}} } {
- variable menu
- [menuGet $menuName] add check -label $label -command $command \
- -variable $var
- }
- proc menuRadio {menuName label var {val {}} {command {}} } {
- variable menu
- if {[string length $val] == 0} {
- set val $label
- }
- [menuGet $menuName] add radio -label $label -command $command \
- -value $val -variable $var
- }
- proc menuSeparator menuName {
- variable menu
- [menuGet $menuName] add separator
- }
- proc menuCascade {menuName label} {
- variable menu
- set m [menuGet $menuName]
- if [info exists menu(menu,$label)] {
- error "Menu $label already defined"
- }
- set sub $m.sub$menu(uid)
- incr menu(uid)
- menu $sub -tearoff 0
- $m add cascade -label $label -menu $sub
- set menu(menu,$label) $sub
- return $sub
- }
- proc menuBind {what char menuName label} {
- variable menu
- set m [menuGet $menuName]
- if [catch {$m index $label} index] {
- error "$label not in menu $menuName"
- }
- set command [$m entrycget $index -command]
- if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
- bind $what <Alt-$char> $command
- $m entryconfigure $index -accelerator Alt-$char
- } else {
- bind $what <Control-$char> $command
- set char [string toupper $char]
- $m entryconfigure $index -accelerator Ctrl-$char
- }
- }
- proc menuEntryOff {menuName label} {
- variable menu
- set m [menuGet $menuName]
- if [catch {$m index $label} index] {
- error "$label not in menu $menuName"
- }
- $m entryconfigure $index -state disabled
- }
- proc menuEntryOn {menuName label} {
- variable menu
- set m [menuGet $menuName]
- if [catch {$m index $label} index] {
- error "$label not in menu $menuName"
- }
- $m entryconfigure $index -state normal
- }
- #
- # Vertical frequency axis
- #
- proc frequencyAxis {canvas x y width height args} {
- array set a [list \
- -tags snack_y_axis \
- -font {Helvetica 8} \
- -topfr 8000 \
- -fill black \
- -draw0 0
- ]
- if {[string match unix $::tcl_platform(platform)] } {
- set a(-font) {Helvetica 10}
- }
- array set a $args
- if {$height <= 0} return
- set ticklist [list 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 \
- 10000 20000 50000 100000 200000 500000 1000000]
- set npt 10
- set dy [expr {double($height * $npt) / $a(-topfr)}]
- while {$dy < [font metrics $a(-font) -linespace]} {
- foreach elem $ticklist {
- if {$elem <= $npt} {
- continue
- }
- set npt $elem
- break
- }
- set dy [expr {double($height * $npt) / $a(-topfr)}]
- }
- if {$npt < 1000} {
- set hztext Hz
- } else {
- set hztext kHz
- }
- if $a(-draw0) {
- set i0 0
- set j0 0
- } else {
- set i0 $dy
- set j0 1
- }
- for {set i $i0; set j $j0} {$i < $height} {set i [expr {$i+$dy}]; incr j} {
- set yc [expr {$height + $y - $i}]
- if {$npt < 1000} {
- set t [expr {$j * $npt}]
- } else {
- set t [expr {$j * $npt / 1000}]
- }
- if {$yc > [expr {8 + $y}]} {
- if {[expr {$yc - [font metrics $a(-font) -ascent]}] > \
- [expr {$y + [font metrics $a(-font) -linespace]}] ||
- [font measure $a(-font) $hztext] < \
- [expr {$width - 8 - [font measure $a(-font) $t]}]} {
- $canvas create text [expr {$x +$width - 8}] [expr {$yc-2}]\
- -text $t -fill $a(-fill)\
- -font $a(-font) -anchor e -tags $a(-tags)
- }
- $canvas create line [expr {$x + $width - 5}] $yc \
- [expr {$x + $width}]\
- $yc -tags $a(-tags) -fill $a(-fill)
- }
- }
- $canvas create text [expr {$x + 2}] [expr {$y + 1}] -text $hztext \
- -font $a(-font) -anchor nw -tags $a(-tags) -fill $a(-fill)
- return $npt
- }
- #
- # Horizontal time axis
- #
- proc timeAxis {canvas ox oy width height pps args} {
- array set a [list \
- -tags snack_t_axis \
- -font {Helvetica 8} \
- -starttime 0.0 \
- -fill black \
- -format time \
- -draw0 0 \
- -drawvisible 0
- ]
- if {[string match unix $::tcl_platform(platform)] } {
- set a(-font) {Helvetica 10}
- }
- array set a $args
- if {$pps <= 0.004} return
- switch -- $a(-format) {
- time -
- seconds {
- set deltalist [list .0001 .0002 .0005 .001 .002 .005 \
- .01 .02 .05 .1 .2 .5 1 2 5 \
- 10 20 30 60 120 240 360 600 900 1800 3600 7200 14400]
- }
- "PAL frames" {
- set deltalist [list .04 .08 .4 .8 2 4 \
- 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000]
- }
- "NTSC frames" {
- set deltalist [list .03333333333334 .0666666666667 \
- .3333333333334 .666666666667 1 2 4 \
- 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000]
- }
- "10ms frames" {
- set deltalist [list .01 .02 .05 .1 .2 .5 1 2 5 \
- 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000]
- }
- }
- set majTickH [expr {$height - [font metrics $a(-font) -linespace]}]
- set minTickH [expr {$majTickH / 2}]
- # Create a typical time label
- set maxtime [expr {double($width) / $pps + $a(-starttime)}]
- if {$maxtime < 60} {
- set wtime 00
- } elseif {$maxtime < 3600} {
- set wtime 00:00
- } else {
- set wtime 00:00:00
- }
- if {$pps > 50} {
- append wtime .0
- } elseif {$pps > 500} {
- append wtime .00
- } elseif {$pps > 5000} {
- append wtime .000
- } elseif {$pps > 50000} {
- append wtime .0000
- }
- # Compute the distance in pixels (and time) between tick marks
- set dx [expr {10+[font measure $a(-font) $wtime]}]
- set dt [expr {double($dx) / $pps}]
- foreach elem $deltalist {
- if {$elem <= $dt} {
- continue
- }
- set dt $elem
- break
- }
- set dx [expr {$pps * $dt}]
- if {$dt < 0.00099} {
- set ndec 4
- } elseif {$dt < 0.0099} {
- set ndec 3
- } elseif {$dt < 0.099} {
- set ndec 2
- } else {
- set ndec 1
- }
- if {$a(-starttime) > 0.0} {
- set ft [expr {(int($a(-starttime) / $dt) + 1) * $dt}]
- set fx [expr {$pps * ($ft - $a(-starttime))}]
- } else {
- set ft 0
- set fx 0.0
- }
- set lx [expr {($ox + $width) * [lindex [$canvas xview] 0] - 50}]
- set rx [expr {($ox + $width) * [lindex [$canvas xview] 1] + 50}]
- set jinit 0
- if {$a(-drawvisible)} {
- set jinit [expr {int($lx/$dx)}]
- set fx [expr {$fx + $jinit * $dx}]
- }
- for {set x $fx;set j $jinit} {$x < $width} \
- {set x [expr {$x+$dx}];incr j} {
- if {$a(-drawvisible) && $x < $lx} continue
- if {$a(-drawvisible) && $x > $rx} break
- switch -- $a(-format) {
- time {
- set t [expr {$j * $dt + $ft}]
- if {$maxtime < 60} {
- set tmp [expr {int($t)}]
- } elseif {$maxtime < 3600} {
- set tmp x[clock format [expr {int($t)}] -format "%M:%S" -gmt 1]
- regsub x0 $tmp "" tmp
- regsub x $tmp "" tmp
- } else {
- set tmp [clock format [expr {int($t)}] -format "%H:%M:%S" -gmt 1]
- }
- if {$dt < 1.0} {
- set t $tmp[string trimleft [format "%.${ndec}f" \
- [expr {($t-int($t))}]] 0]
- } else {
- set t $tmp
- }
- }
- "PAL frames" {
- set t [expr {int($j * $dt * 25.0 + $ft)}]
- }
- "NTSC frames" {
- set t [expr {int($j * $dt * 30.0 + $ft)}]
- }
- "10ms frames" {
- set t [expr {int($j * $dt * 100.0 + $ft)}]
- }
- seconds {
- set t [expr {double($j * $dt * 1.0 + $ft)}]
- }
- }
- if {$a(-draw0) == 1 || $j > 0 || $a(-starttime) > 0.0} {
- $canvas create text [expr {$ox+$x}] [expr {$oy+$height}] \
- -text $t -font $a(-font) -anchor s -tags $a(-tags) \
- -fill $a(-fill)
- }
- $canvas create line [expr {$ox+$x}] $oy [expr {$ox+$x}] \
- [expr {$oy+$majTickH}] -tags $a(-tags) -fill $a(-fill)
- if {[string match *5 $dt] || [string match 5* $dt]} {
- set nt 5
- } else {
- set nt 2
- }
- for {set k 1} {$k < $nt} {incr k} {
- set xc [expr {$k * $dx / $nt}]
- $canvas create line [expr {$ox+$x+$xc}] $oy \
- [expr {$ox+$x+$xc}] [expr {$oy+$minTickH}]\
- -tags $a(-tags) -fill $a(-fill)
- }
- }
- }
- #
- # Snack icons
- #
- variable icon
- set icon(new) R0lGODlhEAAQALMAAAAAAMbGxv///////////////////////////////////////////////////////yH5BAEAAAEALAAAAAAQABAAAAQwMMhJ6wQ4YyuB+OBmeeDnAWNpZhWpmu0bxrKAUu57X7VNy7tOLxjIqYiapIjDbDYjADs=
- set icon(open) R0lGODlhEAAQALMAAAAAAISEAMbGxv//AP///////////////////////////////////////////////yH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQABAAAAQ4UMhJq6Ug3wpm7xsHZqBFCsBADGTLrbCqllIaxzSKt3wmA4GgUPhZAYfDEQuZ9ByZAVqPF6paLxEAOw==
- set icon(save) R0lGODlhEAAQALMAAAAAAISEAMbGxv///////////////////////////////////////////////////yH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQABAAAAQ3UMhJqwQ4a30DsJfwiR4oYt1oASWpVuwYm7NLt6y3YQHe/8CfrLfL+HQcGwmZSXWYKOWpmDSBIgA7
- set icon(print) R0lGODlhEAAQALMAAAAAAISEhMbGxv//AP///////////////////////////////////////////////yH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQABAAAAQ5UMhJqwU450u67wCnAURYkZ9nUuRYbhKalkJoj1pdYxar40ATrxIoxn6WgTLGC4500J6N5Vz1roIIADs=
- # set icon(open) R0lGODlhFAATAOMAAAAAAFeEAKj/AYQAV5o2AP8BqP9bAQBXhC8AhJmZmWZmZszMzAGo/1sB/////9zc3CH5BAEAAAsALAAAAAAUABMAQARFcMlJq13ANc03uGAoTp+kACWpAUjruum4nAqI3hdOZVtz/zoS6/WKyY7I4wlnPKIqgB7waet1VqHoiliE+riw3PSXlEUAADs=
- # set icon(paste) R0lGODlhFAATAOMAAAAAAFeEAKj/AYQAV5o2AP8BqP9bAQBXhC8AhJmZmWZmZszMzAGo/1sB/////9zc3CH5BAEAAAsALAAAAAAUABMAQARTcMlJq11A6c01uFXjAGNJNpMCrKvEroqVcSJ5NjgK7tWsUr5PryNyGB04GdHE1PGe0OjrGcR8qkPPCwsk5nLCLu1oFCUnPk2RfHSqXms2cvetJyMAOw==
- set icon(cut) R0lGODlhEAAQALMAAAAAAAAAhMbGxv///////////////////////////////////////////////////yH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQABAAAAQvUMhJqwUTW6pF314GZhjwgeXImSrXTgEQvMIc3ONtS7PV77XNL0isDGs9YZKmigAAOw==
- set icon(copy) R0lGODlhEAAQALMAAAAAAAAAhMbGxv///////////////////////////////////////////////////yH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQABAAAAQ+UMhJqwA4WwqGH9gmdV8HiKYZrCz3ecG7TikWf3EwvkOM9a0a4MbTkXCgTMeoHPJgG5+yF31SLazsTMTtViIAOw==
- set icon(undo) R0lGODlhEAAQALMAAAAAhMbGxv///////////////////////////////////////////////////////yH5BAEAAAEALAAAAAAQABAAAAQgMMhJq704622BB93kUSAJlhUafJj6qaLJklxc33iuXxEAOw==
- set icon(record) R0lGODlhFQAVAKEAANnZ2f8AAP///////yH+FUNyZWF0ZWQgd2l0aCBUaGUgR0lNUAAh+QQBCgAAACwAAAAAFQAVAAACJoSPqcvtDyMINMhZM8zcuq41ICeOVWl6S0p95pNu4BVe9o3n+lIAADs=
- proc createIcons {} {
- variable icon
- image create photo snackOpen -data $icon(open)
- image create photo snackSave -data $icon(save)
- image create photo snackPrint -data $icon(print)
- image create photo snackCut -data $icon(cut)
- image create photo snackCopy -data $icon(copy)
- image create photo snackPaste -data $icon(paste)
- image create photo snackUndo -data $icon(undo)
- image create photo snackRedo -data $icon(redo)
- image create photo snackGain -data $icon(gain)
- image create photo snackZoom -data $icon(zoom)
- image create photo snackZoomIn -data $icon(zoomIn)
- image create photo snackZoomOut -data $icon(zoomOut)
- image create photo snackPlay -data $icon(play)
- image create photo snackPause -data $icon(pause)
- image create photo snackStop -data $icon(stop)
- image create photo snackRecord -data $icon(record)
- }
- #
- # Support routines for shape files
- #
- proc deleteInvalidShapeFile {fileName} {
- if {$fileName == ""} return
- if ![file exists $fileName] return
- set shapeName ""
- if [file exists [file rootname $fileName].shape] {
- set shapeName [file rootname $fileName].shape
- }
- if [file exists [file rootname [file tail $fileName]].shape] {
- set shapeName [file rootname [file tail $fileName]].shape
- }
- if {$shapeName != ""} {
- set fileTime [file mtime $fileName]
- set shapeTime [file mtime $shapeName]
- if {$fileTime > $shapeTime} {
- # Delete shape file if older than sound file
- file delete -force $shapeName
- } else {
- set s [snack::sound]
- $s config -file $fileName
- set soundSize [expr {200 * [$s length -unit seconds] * \
- [$s cget -channels]}]
- set shapeSize [file size $shapeName]
- if {[expr {$soundSize*0.95}] > $shapeSize || \
- [expr {$soundSize*1.05}] < $shapeSize} {
- # Delete shape file with incorrect size
- file delete -force $shapeName
- }
- $s destroy
- }
- }
- }
- proc makeShapeFileDeleteable {fileName} {
- if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
- if [file exists [file rootname $fileName].shape] {
- set shapeName [file rootname $fileName].shape
- catch {file attributes $shapeName -permissions 0777}
- }
- if [file exists [file rootname [file tail $fileName]].shape] {
- set shapeName [file rootname [file tail $fileName]].shape
- catch {file attributes $shapeName -permissions 0777}
- }
- }
- }
- #
- # Snack default progress callback
- #
- proc progressCallback {message fraction} {
- set w .snackProgressDialog
- # if {$fraction == 0.0} return
- if {$fraction == 1.0} {
- # Task is finished close dialog
- destroy $w
- return
- }
- if {![winfo exists $w]} {
- # Open progress dialog if not currently shown
- toplevel $w
- pack [label $w.l]
- pack [canvas $w.c -width 200 -height 20 -relief sunken \
- -borderwidth 2]
- $w.c create rect 0 0 0 20 -fill black -tags bar
- pack [button $w.b -text Stop -command "destroy $w.b"]
- wm title $w "Please wait..."
- wm transient $w .
- wm withdraw $w
- set x [expr {[winfo screenwidth $w]/2 - [winfo reqwidth $w]/2 \
- - [winfo vrootx [winfo parent $w]]}]
- set y [expr {[winfo screenheight $w]/2 - [winfo reqheight $w]/2 \
- - [winfo vrooty [winfo parent $w]]}]
- wm geom $w +$x+$y
- wm deiconify $w
- update idletasks
- } elseif {![winfo exists $w.b]} {
- # User hit Stop button, close dialog
- destroy $w
- return -code error
- }
- switch -- $message {
- "Converting rate" {
- set message "Converting sample rate..."
- }
- "Converting encoding" {
- set message "Converting sample encoding format..."
- }
- "Converting channels" {
- set message "Converting number of channels..."
- }
- "Computing pitch" {
- set message "Computing pitch..."
- }
- "Reading sound" {
- set message "Reading sound..."
- }
- "Writing sound" {
- set message "Writing sound..."
- }
- "Computing waveform" {
- set message "Waveform is being precomputed and\
- stored on disk..."
- }
- "Reversing sound" {
- set message "Reversing sound..."
- }
- "Filtering sound" {
- set message "Filtering sound..."
- }
- }
- $w.l configure -text $message
- $w.c coords bar 0 0 [expr {$fraction * 200}] 20
- update
- }
- #
- # Convenience function to create dialog boxes, derived from tk_messageBox
- #
- proc makeDialogBox {toplevel args} {
- variable tkPriv
- set w tkPrivMsgBox
- upvar #0 $w data
- #
- # The default value of the title is space (" ") not the empty string
- # because for some window managers, a
- # wm title .foo ""
- # causes the window title to be "foo" instead of the empty string.
- #
- set specs {
- {-default "" "" ""}
- {-message "" "" ""}
- {-parent "" "" .}
- {-title "" "" " "}
- {-type "" "" "okcancel"}
- }
- tclParseConfigSpec $w $specs "" $args
- if {![winfo exists $data(-parent)]} {
- error "bad window path name \"$data(-parent)\""
- }
- switch -- $data(-type) {
- abortretryignore {
- set buttons {
- {abort -width 6 -text Abort -under 0}
- {retry -width 6 -text Retry -under 0}
- {ignore -width 6 -text Ignore -under 0}
- }
- }
- ok {
- set buttons {
- {ok -width 6 -text OK -under 0}
- }
- if {![string compare $data(-default) ""]} {
- set data(-default) "ok"
- }
- }
- okcancel {
- set buttons {
- {ok -width 6 -text OK -under 0}
- {cancel -width 6 -text Cancel -under 0}
- }
- }
- retrycancel {
- set buttons {
- {retry -width 6 -text Retry -under 0}
- {cancel -width 6 -text Cancel -under 0}
- }
- }
- yesno {
- set buttons {
- {yes -width 6 -text Yes -under 0}
- {no -width 6 -text No -under 0}
- }
- }
- yesnocancel {
- set buttons {
- {yes -width 6 -text Yes -under 0}
- {no -width 6 -text No -under 0}
- {cancel -width 6 -text Cancel -under 0}
- }
- }
- default {
- error "bad -type value \"$data(-type)\": must be abortretryignore, ok, okcancel, retrycancel, yesno, or yesnocancel"
- }
- }
- if {[string compare $data(-default) ""]} {
- set valid 0
- foreach btn $buttons {
- if {![string compare [lindex $btn 0] $data(-default)]} {
- set valid 1
- break
- }
- }
- if {!$valid} {
- error "invalid default button \"$data(-default)\""
- }
- }
- # 2. Set the dialog to be a child window of $parent
- #
- #
- if {[string compare $data(-parent) .]} {
- set w $data(-parent)$toplevel
- } else {
- set w $toplevel
- }
- # 3. Create the top-level window and divide it into top
- # and bottom parts.
- # catch {destroy $w}
- # toplevel $w -class Dialog
- wm title $w $data(-title)
- wm iconname $w Dialog
- wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW { }
- # Message boxes should be transient with respect to their parent so that
- # they always stay on top of the parent window. But some window managers
- # will simply create the child window as withdrawn if the parent is not
- # viewable (because it is withdrawn or iconified). This is not good for
- # "grab"bed windows. So only make the message box transient if the parent
- # is viewable.
- #
- if { [winfo viewable [winfo toplevel $data(-parent)]] } {
- wm transient $w $data(-parent)
- }
- if {![string compare $::tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"]} {
- unsupported1 style $w dBoxProc
- }
- frame $w.bot
- pack $w.bot -side bottom -fill both
- if {[string compare $::tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"]} {
- $w.bot configure -relief raised -bd 1
- }
- # 4. Fill the top part with bitmap and message (use the option
- # database for -wraplength and -font so that they can be
- # overridden by the caller).
- option add *Dialog.msg.wrapLength 3i widgetDefault
- if {![string compare $::tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"]} {
- option add *Dialog.msg.font system widgetDefault
- } else {
- option add *Dialog.msg.font {Times 18} widgetDefault
- }
- # 5. Create a row of buttons at the bottom of the dialog.
- set i 0
- foreach but $buttons {
- set name [lindex $but 0]
- set opts [lrange $but 1 end]
- if {![llength $opts]} {
- # Capitalize the first letter of $name
- set capName [string toupper \
- [string index $name 0]][string range $name 1 end]
- set opts [list -text $capName]
- }
- eval button [list $w.$name] $opts [list -command \
- [list set [namespace current]::tkPriv(button) $name]]
- if {![string compare $name $data(-default)]} {
- $w.$name configure -default active
- }
- pack $w.$name -in $w.bot -side left -expand 1 -padx 3m -pady 2m
- # create the binding for the key accelerator, based on the underline
- #
- set underIdx [$w.$name cget -under]
- if {$underIdx >= 0} {
- set key [string index [$w.$name cget -text] $underIdx]
- bind $w <Alt-[string tolower $key]> [list $w.$name invoke]
- bind $w <Alt-[string toupper $key]> [list $w.$name invoke]
- }
- incr i
- }
- if {[string compare {} $data(-default)]} {
- bind $w <FocusIn> {
- if {0 == [string compare Button [winfo class %W]]} {
- %W configure -default active
- }
- }
- bind $w <FocusOut> {
- if {0 == [string compare Button [winfo class %W]]} {
- %W configure -default normal
- }
- }
- }
- # 6. Create a binding for <Return> on the dialog
- bind $w <Return> {
- if {0 == [string compare Button [winfo class %W]]} {
- if {$::tcl_version <= 8.3} {
- tkButtonInvoke %W
- } else {
- tk::ButtonInvoke %W
- }
- }
- }
- # 7. Withdraw the window, then update all the geometry information
- # so we know how big it wants to be, then center the window in the
- # display and de-iconify it.
- wm withdraw $w
- update idletasks
- set x [expr {[winfo screenwidth $w]/2 - [winfo reqwidth $w]/2 \
- - [winfo vrootx [winfo parent $w]]}]
- set y [expr {[winfo screenheight $w]/2 - [winfo reqheight $w]/2 \
- - [winfo vrooty [winfo parent $w]]}]
- wm geom $w +$x+$y
- wm deiconify $w
- # 8. Set a grab and claim the focus too.
- set oldFocus [focus]
- set oldGrab [grab current $w]
- if {[string compare $oldGrab ""]} {
- set grabStatus [grab status $oldGrab]
- }
- grab $w
- if {[string compare $data(-default) ""]} {
- focus $w.$data(-default)
- } else {
- focus $w
- }
- # 9. Wait for the user to respond, then restore the focus and
- # return the index of the selected button. Restore the focus
- # before deleting the window, since otherwise the window manager
- # may take the focus away so we can't redirect it. Finally,
- # restore any grab that was in effect.
- tkwait variable [namespace current]::tkPriv(button)
- catch {focus $oldFocus}
- destroy $w
- if {[string compare $oldGrab ""]} {
- if {![string compare $grabStatus "global"]} {
- grab -global $oldGrab
- } else {
- grab $oldGrab
- }
- }
- return $tkPriv(button)
- }
- #
- # Snack level meter implemented as minimal mega widget
- #
- proc levelMeter {w args} {
- array set a [list \
- -oncolor red \
- -offcolor grey10 \
- -background black \
- -width 6 \
- -length 80 \
- -level 0.0 \
- -orient horizontal \
- -type log \
- ]
- array set a $args
- # Widget specific storage
- namespace eval [namespace current]::$w {
- variable levelmeter
- }
- upvar [namespace current]::${w}::levelmeter lm
- set lm(level) 0
- set lm(orient) $a(-orient)
- set lm(oncolor) $a(-oncolor)
- set lm(offcolor) $a(-offcolor)
- set lm(bg) $a(-background)
- set lm(type) $a(-type)
- if {[string match horiz* $lm(orient)]} {
- set lm(height) $a(-width)
- set lm(width) $a(-length)
- } else {
- set lm(height) $a(-length)
- set lm(width) $a(-width)
- }
- set lm(maxtime) [clock seconds]
- set lm(maxlevel) 0.0
- proc drawLevelMeter {w} {
- upvar [namespace current]::${w}::levelmeter lm
- set c ${w}_levelMeter
- $c configure -width $lm(width) -height $lm(height)
- $c delete all
- $c create rectangle 0 0 $lm(width) $lm(height) \
- -fill $lm(oncolor) -outline ""
- $c create rectangle 0 0 0 0 -outline "" -fill $lm(offcolor) \
- -tag mask1
- $c create rectangle 0 0 0 0 -outline "" -fill $lm(offcolor) \
- -tag mask2
- $c create rectangle 0 0 [expr $lm(width)-1] [expr $lm(height)-1] \
- -outline $lm(bg)
- if {[string match horiz* $lm(orient)]} {
- $c coords mask1 [expr {$lm(level)*$lm(width)}] 0 \
- $lm(width) $lm(height)
- $c coords mask2 [expr {$lm(level)*$lm(width)}] 0 \
- $lm(width) $lm(height)
- for {set x 5} {$x < $lm(width)} {incr x 5} {
- $c create line $x 0 $x [expr $lm(width)-1] -fill black \
- -width 2
- }
- } else {
- $c coords mask1 0 0 $lm(width) \
- [expr {$lm(height)-$lm(level)*$lm(height)}]
- $c coords mask2 0 0 $lm(width) \
- [expr {$lm(height)-$lm(level)*$lm(height)}]
- for {set y 5} {$y < $lm(height)} {incr y 5} {
- $c create line 0 [expr $lm(height)-$y] \
- [expr $lm(width)-1] [expr $lm(height)-$y] \
- -fill black -width 2
- }
- }
- }
- proc levelMeterHandler {w cmd args} {
- upvar [namespace current]::${w}::levelmeter lm
- if {[string match conf* $cmd]} {
- switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
- -level {
- set arg [lindex $args 1]
- if {$arg < 1} { set arg 1 }
- if {$lm(type)=="linear"} {
- set lm(level) [expr {$arg/32760.0}]
- } else {
- set lm(level) [expr {log($arg)/10.3972}]
- }
- if {[clock seconds] - $lm(maxtime) > 2} {
- set lm(maxtime) [clock seconds]
- set lm(maxlevel) 0.0
- }
- if {$lm(level) > $lm(maxlevel)} {
- set lm(maxlevel) $lm(level)
- }
- if {[string match horiz* $lm(orient)]} {
- set l1 [expr {5*int($lm(level)*$lm(width)/5)}]
- set l2 [expr {5*int($lm(maxlevel)*$lm(width)/5)}]
- ${w}_levelMeter coords mask1 $l2 0 \
- $lm(width) $lm(height)
- ${w}_levelMeter coords mask2 [expr {$l2-5}] 0 \
- $l1 $lm(height)
- } else {
- set l1 [expr {5*int($lm(level)*$lm(height)/5)}]
- set l2 [expr {5*int($lm(maxlevel)*$lm(height)/5)}]
- ${w}_levelMeter coords mask1 0 0 $lm(width) \
- [expr {$lm(height)-$l2}]
- ${w}_levelMeter coords mask2 0 [expr {$lm(height)-$l2+5}] \
- $lm(width) [expr {$lm(height)-$l1}]
- }
- }
- -length {
- if {[string match horiz* $lm(orient)]} {
- set lm(width) [lindex $args 1]
- } else {
- set lm(height) [lindex $args 1]
- }
- drawLevelMeter $w
- }
- -width {
- if {[string match horiz* $lm(orient)]} {
- set lm(height) [lindex $args 1]
- } else {
- set lm(width) [lindex $args 1]
- }
- drawLevelMeter $w
- }
- default {
- error "unknown option \"[lindex $args 0]\""
- }
- }
- } else {
- error "bad option \"$cmd\": must be configure"
- }
- }
- # Create a canvas where the widget is to be rendered
- canvas $w -highlightthickness 0
- # Replave the canvas widget command
- rename $w ${w}_levelMeter
- # Draw level meter
- drawLevelMeter $w
- # Create level meter widget command
- proc ::$w {cmd args} \
- "return \[eval snack::levelMeterHandler $w \$cmd \$args\]"
- return $w
- }
- }