Java | 2782 lines | 1988 code | 399 blank | 395 comment | 588 complexity | 09fef185f02459fa6e4611a4ff7c2a06 MD5 | raw file
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- /*
- * $Id$
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- package org.apache.commons.ognl;
- import org.apache.commons.ognl.enhance.ExpressionCompiler;
- import org.apache.commons.ognl.enhance.OgnlExpressionCompiler;
- import org.apache.commons.ognl.internal.ClassCache;
- import org.apache.commons.ognl.internal.ClassCacheImpl;
- import java.beans.BeanInfo;
- import java.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor;
- import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
- import java.beans.Introspector;
- import java.beans.MethodDescriptor;
- import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
- import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;
- import java.lang.reflect.Array;
- import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
- import java.lang.reflect.Field;
- import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType;
- import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
- import java.lang.reflect.Member;
- import java.lang.reflect.Method;
- import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
- import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
- import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
- import java.lang.reflect.Type;
- import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;
- import java.math.BigDecimal;
- import java.math.BigInteger;
- import java.security.Permission;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Arrays;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.Collections;
- import java.util.Enumeration;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Set;
- /**
- * Utility class used by internal OGNL API to do various things like:
- *
- * <ul>
- * <li>Handles majority of reflection logic / caching. </li>
- * <li>Utility methods for casting strings / various numeric types used by {@link OgnlExpressionCompiler}.</li.
- * <li>Core runtime configuration point for setting/using global {@link TypeConverter} / {@link OgnlExpressionCompiler} /
- * {@link NullHandler} instances / etc.. </li>
- *</ul>
- *
- * @author Luke Blanshard (blanshlu@netscape.net)
- * @author Drew Davidson (drew@ognl.org)
- */
- public class OgnlRuntime {
- /**
- * Constant expression used to indicate that a given method / property couldn't be found
- * during reflection operations.
- */
- public static final Object NotFound = new Object();
- public static final List NotFoundList = new ArrayList();
- public static final Map NotFoundMap = new HashMap();
- public static final Object[] NoArguments = new Object[]{};
- public static final Class[] NoArgumentTypes = new Class[]{};
- /**
- * Token returned by TypeConverter for no conversion possible
- */
- public static final Object NoConversionPossible = "ognl.NoConversionPossible";
- /**
- * Not an indexed property
- */
- public static int INDEXED_PROPERTY_NONE = 0;
- /**
- * JavaBeans IndexedProperty
- */
- public static int INDEXED_PROPERTY_INT = 1;
- /**
- * OGNL ObjectIndexedProperty
- */
- public static int INDEXED_PROPERTY_OBJECT = 2;
- /**
- * Constant string representation of null string.
- */
- public static final String NULL_STRING = "" + null;
- /**
- * Java beans standard set method prefix.
- */
- private static final String SET_PREFIX = "set";
- /**
- * Java beans standard get method prefix.
- */
- private static final String GET_PREFIX = "get";
- /**
- * Java beans standard is<Foo> boolean getter prefix.
- */
- private static final String IS_PREFIX = "is";
- /**
- * Prefix padding for hexadecimal numbers to HEX_LENGTH.
- */
- private static final Map HEX_PADDING = new HashMap();
- private static final int HEX_LENGTH = 8;
- /**
- * Returned by <CODE>getUniqueDescriptor()</CODE> when the object is <CODE>null</CODE>.
- */
- private static final String NULL_OBJECT_STRING = "<null>";
- /**
- * Used to store the result of determining if current jvm is 1.5 language compatible.
- */
- private static boolean _jdk15 = false;
- private static boolean _jdkChecked = false;
- static final ClassCache _methodAccessors = new ClassCacheImpl();
- static final ClassCache _propertyAccessors = new ClassCacheImpl();
- static final ClassCache _elementsAccessors = new ClassCacheImpl();
- static final ClassCache _nullHandlers = new ClassCacheImpl();
- static final ClassCache _propertyDescriptorCache = new ClassCacheImpl();
- static final ClassCache _constructorCache = new ClassCacheImpl();
- static final ClassCache _staticMethodCache = new ClassCacheImpl();
- static final ClassCache _instanceMethodCache = new ClassCacheImpl();
- static final ClassCache _invokePermissionCache = new ClassCacheImpl();
- static final ClassCache _fieldCache = new ClassCacheImpl();
- static final List _superclasses = new ArrayList(); /* Used by fieldCache lookup */
- static final ClassCache[] _declaredMethods = new ClassCache[]{new ClassCacheImpl(), new ClassCacheImpl()};
- static final Map _primitiveTypes = new HashMap(101);
- static final ClassCache _primitiveDefaults = new ClassCacheImpl();
- static final Map _methodParameterTypesCache = new HashMap(101);
- static final Map _genericMethodParameterTypesCache = new HashMap(101);
- static final Map _ctorParameterTypesCache = new HashMap(101);
- static SecurityManager _securityManager = System.getSecurityManager();
- static final EvaluationPool _evaluationPool = new EvaluationPool();
- static final ObjectArrayPool _objectArrayPool = new ObjectArrayPool();
- static final IntHashMap _methodAccessCache = new IntHashMap();
- static final IntHashMap _methodPermCache = new IntHashMap();
- static ClassCacheInspector _cacheInspector;
- /**
- * Expression compiler used by {@link Ognl#compileExpression(OgnlContext, Object, String)} calls.
- */
- private static OgnlExpressionCompiler _compiler;
- /**
- * Lazy loading of Javassist library
- */
- static {
- try {
- Class.forName("javassist.ClassPool");
- _compiler = new ExpressionCompiler();
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Javassist library is missing in classpath! Please add missed dependency!",e);
- }
- }
- private static IdentityHashMap PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_CLASSES = new IdentityHashMap();
- /**
- * Used to provide primitive type equivalent conversions into and out of
- * native / object types.
- */
- static {
- PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_CLASSES.put(Boolean.TYPE, Boolean.class);
- PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_CLASSES.put(Boolean.class, Boolean.TYPE);
- PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_CLASSES.put(Character.TYPE, Character.class);
- PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_CLASSES.put(Character.class, Character.TYPE);
- PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_CLASSES.put(Integer.TYPE, Integer.class);
- PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_CLASSES.put(Integer.class, Integer.TYPE);
- PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_CLASSES.put(Double.TYPE, Double.class);
- PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_CLASSES.put(Double.class, Double.TYPE);
- }
- private static final Map NUMERIC_CASTS = new HashMap();
- /**
- * Constant strings for casting different primitive types.
- */
- static {
- NUMERIC_CASTS.put(Double.class, "(double)");
- NUMERIC_CASTS.put(Float.class, "(float)");
- NUMERIC_CASTS.put(Integer.class, "(int)");
- NUMERIC_CASTS.put(Long.class, "(long)");
- NUMERIC_CASTS.put(BigDecimal.class, "(double)");
- NUMERIC_CASTS.put(BigInteger.class, "");
- }
- private static final Map NUMERIC_VALUES = new HashMap();
- /**
- * Constant strings for getting the primitive value of different
- * native types on the generic {@link Number} object interface. (or the less
- * generic BigDecimal/BigInteger types)
- */
- static {
- NUMERIC_VALUES.put(Double.class, "doubleValue()");
- NUMERIC_VALUES.put(Float.class, "floatValue()");
- NUMERIC_VALUES.put(Integer.class, "intValue()");
- NUMERIC_VALUES.put(Long.class, "longValue()");
- NUMERIC_VALUES.put(Short.class, "shortValue()");
- NUMERIC_VALUES.put(Byte.class, "byteValue()");
- NUMERIC_VALUES.put(BigDecimal.class, "doubleValue()");
- NUMERIC_VALUES.put(BigInteger.class, "doubleValue()");
- NUMERIC_VALUES.put(Boolean.class, "booleanValue()");
- }
- private static final Map NUMERIC_LITERALS = new HashMap();
- /**
- * Numeric primitive literal string expressions.
- */
- static {
- NUMERIC_LITERALS.put(Integer.class, "");
- NUMERIC_LITERALS.put(Integer.TYPE, "");
- NUMERIC_LITERALS.put(Long.class, "l");
- NUMERIC_LITERALS.put(BigInteger.class, "d");
- NUMERIC_LITERALS.put(Float.class, "f");
- NUMERIC_LITERALS.put(Float.TYPE, "f");
- NUMERIC_LITERALS.put(Double.class, "d");
- NUMERIC_LITERALS.put(Double.TYPE, "d");
- NUMERIC_LITERALS.put(BigInteger.class, "d");
- NUMERIC_LITERALS.put(BigDecimal.class, "d");
- }
- private static final Map NUMERIC_DEFAULTS = new HashMap();
- static {
- NUMERIC_DEFAULTS.put(Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
- NUMERIC_DEFAULTS.put(Byte.class, new Byte((byte) 0));
- NUMERIC_DEFAULTS.put(Short.class, new Short((short) 0));
- NUMERIC_DEFAULTS.put(Character.class, new Character((char) 0));
- NUMERIC_DEFAULTS.put(Integer.class, new Integer(0));
- NUMERIC_DEFAULTS.put(Long.class, new Long(0L));
- NUMERIC_DEFAULTS.put(Float.class, new Float(0.0f));
- NUMERIC_DEFAULTS.put(Double.class, new Double(0.0));
- NUMERIC_DEFAULTS.put(BigInteger.class, new BigInteger("0"));
- NUMERIC_DEFAULTS.put(BigDecimal.class, new BigDecimal(0.0));
- }
- static {
- PropertyAccessor p = new ArrayPropertyAccessor();
- setPropertyAccessor(Object.class, new ObjectPropertyAccessor());
- setPropertyAccessor(byte[].class, p);
- setPropertyAccessor(short[].class, p);
- setPropertyAccessor(char[].class, p);
- setPropertyAccessor(int[].class, p);
- setPropertyAccessor(long[].class, p);
- setPropertyAccessor(float[].class, p);
- setPropertyAccessor(double[].class, p);
- setPropertyAccessor(Object[].class, p);
- setPropertyAccessor(List.class, new ListPropertyAccessor());
- setPropertyAccessor(Map.class, new MapPropertyAccessor());
- setPropertyAccessor(Set.class, new SetPropertyAccessor());
- setPropertyAccessor(Iterator.class, new IteratorPropertyAccessor());
- setPropertyAccessor(Enumeration.class, new EnumerationPropertyAccessor());
- ElementsAccessor e = new ArrayElementsAccessor();
- setElementsAccessor(Object.class, new ObjectElementsAccessor());
- setElementsAccessor(byte[].class, e);
- setElementsAccessor(short[].class, e);
- setElementsAccessor(char[].class, e);
- setElementsAccessor(int[].class, e);
- setElementsAccessor(long[].class, e);
- setElementsAccessor(float[].class, e);
- setElementsAccessor(double[].class, e);
- setElementsAccessor(Object[].class, e);
- setElementsAccessor(Collection.class, new CollectionElementsAccessor());
- setElementsAccessor(Map.class, new MapElementsAccessor());
- setElementsAccessor(Iterator.class, new IteratorElementsAccessor());
- setElementsAccessor(Enumeration.class, new EnumerationElementsAccessor());
- setElementsAccessor(Number.class, new NumberElementsAccessor());
- NullHandler nh = new ObjectNullHandler();
- setNullHandler(Object.class, nh);
- setNullHandler(byte[].class, nh);
- setNullHandler(short[].class, nh);
- setNullHandler(char[].class, nh);
- setNullHandler(int[].class, nh);
- setNullHandler(long[].class, nh);
- setNullHandler(float[].class, nh);
- setNullHandler(double[].class, nh);
- setNullHandler(Object[].class, nh);
- MethodAccessor ma = new ObjectMethodAccessor();
- setMethodAccessor(Object.class, ma);
- setMethodAccessor(byte[].class, ma);
- setMethodAccessor(short[].class, ma);
- setMethodAccessor(char[].class, ma);
- setMethodAccessor(int[].class, ma);
- setMethodAccessor(long[].class, ma);
- setMethodAccessor(float[].class, ma);
- setMethodAccessor(double[].class, ma);
- setMethodAccessor(Object[].class, ma);
- _primitiveTypes.put("boolean", Boolean.TYPE);
- _primitiveTypes.put("byte", Byte.TYPE);
- _primitiveTypes.put("short", Short.TYPE);
- _primitiveTypes.put("char", Character.TYPE);
- _primitiveTypes.put("int", Integer.TYPE);
- _primitiveTypes.put("long", Long.TYPE);
- _primitiveTypes.put("float", Float.TYPE);
- _primitiveTypes.put("double", Double.TYPE);
- _primitiveDefaults.put(Boolean.TYPE, Boolean.FALSE);
- _primitiveDefaults.put(Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE);
- _primitiveDefaults.put(Byte.TYPE, new Byte((byte) 0));
- _primitiveDefaults.put(Byte.class, new Byte((byte) 0));
- _primitiveDefaults.put(Short.TYPE, new Short((short) 0));
- _primitiveDefaults.put(Short.class, new Short((short) 0));
- _primitiveDefaults.put(Character.TYPE, new Character((char) 0));
- _primitiveDefaults.put(Integer.TYPE, new Integer(0));
- _primitiveDefaults.put(Long.TYPE, new Long(0L));
- _primitiveDefaults.put(Float.TYPE, new Float(0.0f));
- _primitiveDefaults.put(Double.TYPE, new Double(0.0));
- _primitiveDefaults.put(BigInteger.class, new BigInteger("0"));
- _primitiveDefaults.put(BigDecimal.class, new BigDecimal(0.0));
- }
- /**
- * Clears all of the cached reflection information normally used
- * to improve the speed of expressions that operate on the same classes
- * or are executed multiple times.
- *
- * <p>
- * <strong>Warning:</strong> Calling this too often can be a huge performance
- * drain on your expressions - use with care.
- * </p>
- */
- public static void clearCache()
- {
- _methodParameterTypesCache.clear();
- _ctorParameterTypesCache.clear();
- _propertyDescriptorCache.clear();
- _constructorCache.clear();
- _staticMethodCache.clear();
- _instanceMethodCache.clear();
- _invokePermissionCache.clear();
- _fieldCache.clear();
- _superclasses.clear();
- _declaredMethods[0].clear();
- _declaredMethods[1].clear();
- _methodAccessCache.clear();
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the current jvm is java language >= 1.5 compatible.
- *
- * @return True if jdk15 features are present.
- */
- public static boolean isJdk15()
- {
- if (_jdkChecked)
- return _jdk15;
- try
- {
- Class.forName("java.lang.annotation.Annotation");
- _jdk15 = true;
- } catch (Exception e) { /* ignore */ }
- _jdkChecked = true;
- return _jdk15;
- }
- public static String getNumericValueGetter(Class type)
- {
- return (String) NUMERIC_VALUES.get(type);
- }
- public static Class getPrimitiveWrapperClass(Class primitiveClass)
- {
- return (Class) PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_CLASSES.get(primitiveClass);
- }
- public static String getNumericCast(Class type)
- {
- return (String) NUMERIC_CASTS.get(type);
- }
- public static String getNumericLiteral(Class type)
- {
- return (String) NUMERIC_LITERALS.get(type);
- }
- public static void setCompiler(OgnlExpressionCompiler compiler)
- {
- _compiler = compiler;
- }
- public static OgnlExpressionCompiler getCompiler()
- {
- return _compiler;
- }
- public static void compileExpression(OgnlContext context, Node expression, Object root)
- throws Exception
- {
- _compiler.compileExpression(context, expression, root);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the "target" class of an object for looking up accessors that are registered on the
- * target. If the object is a Class object this will return the Class itself, else it will
- * return object's getClass() result.
- */
- public static Class getTargetClass(Object o)
- {
- return (o == null) ? null : ((o instanceof Class) ? (Class) o : o.getClass());
- }
- /**
- * Returns the base name (the class name without the package name prepended) of the object
- * given.
- */
- public static String getBaseName(Object o)
- {
- return (o == null) ? null : getClassBaseName(o.getClass());
- }
- /**
- * Returns the base name (the class name without the package name prepended) of the class given.
- */
- public static String getClassBaseName(Class c)
- {
- String s = c.getName();
- return s.substring(s.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
- }
- public static String getClassName(Object o, boolean fullyQualified)
- {
- if (!(o instanceof Class))
- {
- o = o.getClass();
- }
- return getClassName((Class) o, fullyQualified);
- }
- public static String getClassName(Class c, boolean fullyQualified)
- {
- return fullyQualified ? c.getName() : getClassBaseName(c);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the package name of the object's class.
- */
- public static String getPackageName(Object o)
- {
- return (o == null) ? null : getClassPackageName(o.getClass());
- }
- /**
- * Returns the package name of the class given.
- */
- public static String getClassPackageName(Class c)
- {
- String s = c.getName();
- int i = s.lastIndexOf('.');
- return (i < 0) ? null : s.substring(0, i);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a "pointer" string in the usual format for these things - 0x<hex digits>.
- */
- public static String getPointerString(int num)
- {
- StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
- String hex = Integer.toHexString(num), pad;
- Integer l = new Integer(hex.length());
- // result.append(HEX_PREFIX);
- if ((pad = (String) HEX_PADDING.get(l)) == null) {
- StringBuffer pb = new StringBuffer();
- for (int i = hex.length(); i < HEX_LENGTH; i++) {
- pb.append('0');
- }
- pad = new String(pb);
- HEX_PADDING.put(l, pad);
- }
- result.append(pad);
- result.append(hex);
- return new String(result);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a "pointer" string in the usual format for these things - 0x<hex digits> for the
- * object given. This will always return a unique value for each object.
- */
- public static String getPointerString(Object o)
- {
- return getPointerString((o == null) ? 0 : System.identityHashCode(o));
- }
- /**
- * Returns a unique descriptor string that includes the object's class and a unique integer
- * identifier. If fullyQualified is true then the class name will be fully qualified to include
- * the package name, else it will be just the class' base name.
- */
- public static String getUniqueDescriptor(Object object, boolean fullyQualified)
- {
- StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
- if (object != null) {
- if (object instanceof Proxy) {
- Class interfaceClass = object.getClass().getInterfaces()[0];
- result.append(getClassName(interfaceClass, fullyQualified));
- result.append('^');
- object = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(object);
- }
- result.append(getClassName(object, fullyQualified));
- result.append('@');
- result.append(getPointerString(object));
- } else {
- result.append(NULL_OBJECT_STRING);
- }
- return new String(result);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a unique descriptor string that includes the object's class' base name and a unique
- * integer identifier.
- */
- public static String getUniqueDescriptor(Object object)
- {
- return getUniqueDescriptor(object, false);
- }
- /**
- * Utility to convert a List into an Object[] array. If the list is zero elements this will
- * return a constant array; toArray() on List always returns a new object and this is wasteful
- * for our purposes.
- */
- public static Object[] toArray(List list)
- {
- Object[] result;
- int size = list.size();
- if (size == 0) {
- result = NoArguments;
- } else {
- result = getObjectArrayPool().create(list.size());
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- result[i] = list.get(i);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the parameter types of the given method.
- */
- public static Class[] getParameterTypes(Method m)
- {
- synchronized (_methodParameterTypesCache)
- {
- Class[] result;
- if ((result = (Class[]) _methodParameterTypesCache.get(m)) == null)
- {
- _methodParameterTypesCache.put(m, result = m.getParameterTypes());
- }
- return result;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Finds the appropriate parameter types for the given {@link Method} and
- * {@link Class} instance of the type the method is associated with. Correctly
- * finds generic types if running in >= 1.5 jre as well.
- *
- * @param type The class type the method is being executed against.
- * @param m The method to find types for.
- * @return Array of parameter types for the given method.
- */
- public static Class[] findParameterTypes(Class type, Method m)
- {
- if (type == null)
- {
- return getParameterTypes(m);
- }
- if (!isJdk15()
- || type.getGenericSuperclass() == null
- || !ParameterizedType.class.isInstance(type.getGenericSuperclass())
- || m.getDeclaringClass().getTypeParameters() == null)
- {
- return getParameterTypes(m);
- }
- synchronized (_genericMethodParameterTypesCache)
- {
- Class[] types;
- if ((types = (Class[]) _genericMethodParameterTypesCache.get(m)) != null)
- {
- ParameterizedType genericSuperclass = (ParameterizedType) type.getGenericSuperclass();
- if (Arrays.equals(types, genericSuperclass.getActualTypeArguments())) {
- return types;
- }
- }
- ParameterizedType param = (ParameterizedType)type.getGenericSuperclass();
- Type[] genTypes = m.getGenericParameterTypes();
- TypeVariable[] declaredTypes = m.getDeclaringClass().getTypeParameters();
- types = new Class[genTypes.length];
- typeSearch:
- for (int i=0; i < genTypes.length; i++)
- {
- TypeVariable paramType = null;
- if (TypeVariable.class.isInstance(genTypes[i]))
- {
- paramType = (TypeVariable)genTypes[i];
- } else if (GenericArrayType.class.isInstance(genTypes[i]))
- {
- paramType = (TypeVariable) ((GenericArrayType)genTypes[i]).getGenericComponentType();
- }
- else if (ParameterizedType.class.isInstance(genTypes[i]))
- {
- types[i] = (Class) ((ParameterizedType) genTypes[i]).getRawType();
- continue;
- } else if (Class.class.isInstance(genTypes[i]))
- {
- types[i] = (Class) genTypes[i];
- continue;
- }
- Class resolved = resolveType(param, paramType, declaredTypes);
- if (resolved != null)
- {
- if (GenericArrayType.class.isInstance(genTypes[i]))
- {
- resolved = Array.newInstance(resolved, 0).getClass();
- }
- types[i] = resolved;
- continue;
- }
- types[i] = m.getParameterTypes()[i];
- }
- _genericMethodParameterTypesCache.put(m, types);
- return types;
- }
- }
- static Class resolveType(ParameterizedType param, TypeVariable var, TypeVariable[] declaredTypes)
- {
- if (param.getActualTypeArguments().length < 1)
- return null;
- for (int i=0; i < declaredTypes.length; i++)
- {
- if (!TypeVariable.class.isInstance( param.getActualTypeArguments()[i])
- && declaredTypes[i].getName().equals(var.getName()))
- {
- return (Class) param.getActualTypeArguments()[i];
- }
- }
- /*
- for (int i=0; i < var.getBounds().length; i++)
- {
- Type t = var.getBounds()[i];
- Class resolvedType = null;
- if (ParameterizedType.class.isInstance(t))
- {
- ParameterizedType pparam = (ParameterizedType)t;
- for (int e=0; e < pparam.getActualTypeArguments().length; e++)
- {
- if (!TypeVariable.class.isInstance(pparam.getActualTypeArguments()[e]))
- continue;
- resolvedType = resolveType(pparam, (TypeVariable)pparam.getActualTypeArguments()[e], declaredTypes);
- }
- } else
- {
- resolvedType = findType(param.getActualTypeArguments(), (Class)t);
- }
- if (resolvedType != null)
- return resolvedType;
- }
- */
- return null;
- }
- static Class findType(Type[] types, Class type)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++)
- {
- if (Class.class.isInstance(types[i]) && type.isAssignableFrom((Class)types[i]))
- return (Class)types[i];
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the parameter types of the given method.
- */
- public static Class[] getParameterTypes(Constructor c)
- {
- synchronized (_ctorParameterTypesCache) {
- Class[] result;
- if ((result = (Class[]) _ctorParameterTypesCache.get(c)) == null) {
- _ctorParameterTypesCache.put(c, result = c.getParameterTypes());
- }
- return result;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gets the SecurityManager that OGNL uses to determine permissions for invoking methods.
- *
- * @return SecurityManager for OGNL
- */
- public static SecurityManager getSecurityManager()
- {
- return _securityManager;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the SecurityManager that OGNL uses to determine permissions for invoking methods.
- *
- * @param value SecurityManager to set
- */
- public static void setSecurityManager(SecurityManager value)
- {
- _securityManager = value;
- }
- /**
- * Permission will be named "invoke.<declaring-class>.<method-name>".
- */
- public static Permission getPermission(Method method)
- {
- Permission result = null;
- Class mc = method.getDeclaringClass();
- synchronized (_invokePermissionCache) {
- Map permissions = (Map) _invokePermissionCache.get(mc);
- if (permissions == null) {
- _invokePermissionCache.put(mc, permissions = new HashMap(101));
- }
- if ((result = (Permission) permissions.get(method.getName())) == null) {
- result = new OgnlInvokePermission("invoke." + mc.getName() + "." + method.getName());
- permissions.put(method.getName(), result);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- public static Object invokeMethod(Object target, Method method, Object[] argsArray)
- throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException
- {
- boolean syncInvoke = false;
- boolean checkPermission = false;
- int mHash = method.hashCode();
- // only synchronize method invocation if it actually requires it
- synchronized(method) {
- if (_methodAccessCache.get(mHash) == null
- || _methodAccessCache.get(mHash) == Boolean.TRUE) {
- syncInvoke = true;
- }
- if (_securityManager != null && _methodPermCache.get(mHash) == null
- || _methodPermCache.get(mHash) == Boolean.FALSE) {
- checkPermission = true;
- }
- }
- Object result;
- boolean wasAccessible = true;
- if (syncInvoke)
- {
- synchronized(method)
- {
- if (checkPermission)
- {
- try
- {
- _securityManager.checkPermission(getPermission(method));
- _methodPermCache.put(mHash, Boolean.TRUE);
- } catch (SecurityException ex) {
- _methodPermCache.put(mHash, Boolean.FALSE);
- throw new IllegalAccessException("Method [" + method + "] cannot be accessed.");
- }
- }
- if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers()) || !Modifier.isPublic(method.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers()))
- {
- if (!(wasAccessible = ((AccessibleObject) method).isAccessible()))
- {
- ((AccessibleObject) method).setAccessible(true);
- _methodAccessCache.put(mHash, Boolean.TRUE);
- } else
- {
- _methodAccessCache.put(mHash, Boolean.FALSE);
- }
- } else
- {
- _methodAccessCache.put(mHash, Boolean.FALSE);
- }
- result = method.invoke(target, argsArray);
- if (!wasAccessible)
- {
- ((AccessibleObject) method).setAccessible(false);
- }
- }
- } else
- {
- if (checkPermission)
- {
- try
- {
- _securityManager.checkPermission(getPermission(method));
- _methodPermCache.put(mHash, Boolean.TRUE);
- } catch (SecurityException ex) {
- _methodPermCache.put(mHash, Boolean.FALSE);
- throw new IllegalAccessException("Method [" + method + "] cannot be accessed.");
- }
- }
- result = method.invoke(target, argsArray);
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the class for a method argument that is appropriate for looking up methods by
- * reflection, by looking for the standard primitive wrapper classes and exchanging for them
- * their underlying primitive class objects. Other classes are passed through unchanged.
- *
- * @param arg an object that is being passed to a method
- * @return the class to use to look up the method
- */
- public static final Class getArgClass(Object arg)
- {
- if (arg == null)
- return null;
- Class c = arg.getClass();
- if (c == Boolean.class)
- return Boolean.TYPE;
- else if (c.getSuperclass() == Number.class) {
- if (c == Integer.class)
- return Integer.TYPE;
- if (c == Double.class)
- return Double.TYPE;
- if (c == Byte.class)
- return Byte.TYPE;
- if (c == Long.class)
- return Long.TYPE;
- if (c == Float.class)
- return Float.TYPE;
- if (c == Short.class)
- return Short.TYPE;
- } else if (c == Character.class)
- return Character.TYPE;
- return c;
- }
- /**
- * Tells whether the given object is compatible with the given class ---that is, whether the
- * given object can be passed as an argument to a method or constructor whose parameter type is
- * the given class. If object is null this will return true because null is compatible with any
- * type.
- */
- public static final boolean isTypeCompatible(Object object, Class c)
- {
- boolean result = true;
- if (object != null) {
- if (c.isPrimitive()) {
- if (getArgClass(object) != c) {
- result = false;
- }
- } else if (!c.isInstance(object)) {
- result = false;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Tells whether the given array of objects is compatible with the given array of classes---that
- * is, whether the given array of objects can be passed as arguments to a method or constructor
- * whose parameter types are the given array of classes.
- */
- public static boolean areArgsCompatible(Object[] args, Class[] classes)
- {
- return areArgsCompatible(args, classes, null);
- }
- public static boolean areArgsCompatible(Object[] args, Class[] classes, Method m)
- {
- boolean result = true;
- boolean varArgs = m != null && isJdk15() && m.isVarArgs();
- if (args.length != classes.length && !varArgs) {
- result = false;
- } else if (varArgs) {
- for (int index = 0, count = args.length; result && (index < count); ++index) {
- if (index >= classes.length){
- break;
- }
- result = isTypeCompatible(args[index], classes[index]);
- if (!result && classes[index].isArray()) {
- result = isTypeCompatible(args[index], classes[index].getComponentType());
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (int index = 0, count = args.length; result && (index < count); ++index) {
- result = isTypeCompatible(args[index], classes[index]);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Tells whether the first array of classes is more specific than the second. Assumes that the
- * two arrays are of the same length.
- */
- public static final boolean isMoreSpecific(Class[] classes1, Class[] classes2)
- {
- for (int index = 0, count = classes1.length; index < count; ++index) {
- Class c1 = classes1[index], c2 = classes2[index];
- if (c1 == c2)
- continue;
- else if (c1.isPrimitive())
- return true;
- else if (c1.isAssignableFrom(c2))
- return false;
- else if (c2.isAssignableFrom(c1))
- return true;
- }
- // They are the same! So the first is not more specific than the second.
- return false;
- }
- public static String getModifierString(int modifiers)
- {
- String result;
- if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers))
- result = "public";
- else if (Modifier.isProtected(modifiers))
- result = "protected";
- else if (Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers))
- result = "private";
- else
- result = "";
- if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers))
- result = "static " + result;
- if (Modifier.isFinal(modifiers))
- result = "final " + result;
- if (Modifier.isNative(modifiers))
- result = "native " + result;
- if (Modifier.isSynchronized(modifiers))
- result = "synchronized " + result;
- if (Modifier.isTransient(modifiers))
- result = "transient " + result;
- return result;
- }
- public static Class classForName(OgnlContext context, String className)
- throws ClassNotFoundException
- {
- Class result = (Class) _primitiveTypes.get(className);
- if (result == null) {
- ClassResolver resolver;
- if ((context == null) || ((resolver = context.getClassResolver()) == null)) {
- resolver = OgnlContext.DEFAULT_CLASS_RESOLVER;
- }
- result = resolver.classForName(className, context);
- }
- if (result == null)
- throw new ClassNotFoundException("Unable to resolve class: " + className);
- return result;
- }
- public static boolean isInstance(OgnlContext context, Object value, String className)
- throws OgnlException
- {
- try {
- Class c = classForName(context, className);
- return c.isInstance(value);
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- throw new OgnlException("No such class: " + className, e);
- }
- }
- public static Object getPrimitiveDefaultValue(Class forClass)
- {
- return _primitiveDefaults.get(forClass);
- }
- public static Object getNumericDefaultValue(Class forClass)
- {
- return NUMERIC_DEFAULTS.get(forClass);
- }
- public static Object getConvertedType(OgnlContext context, Object target, Member member, String propertyName,
- Object value, Class type)
- {
- return context.getTypeConverter().convertValue(context, target, member, propertyName, value, type);
- }
- public static boolean getConvertedTypes(OgnlContext context, Object target, Member member, String propertyName,
- Class[] parameterTypes, Object[] args, Object[] newArgs)
- {
- boolean result = false;
- if (parameterTypes.length == args.length) {
- result = true;
- for (int i = 0, ilast = parameterTypes.length - 1; result && (i <= ilast); i++) {
- Object arg = args[i];
- Class type = parameterTypes[i];
- if (isTypeCompatible(arg, type)) {
- newArgs[i] = arg;
- } else {
- Object v = getConvertedType(context, target, member, propertyName, arg, type);
- if (v == OgnlRuntime.NoConversionPossible) {
- result = false;
- } else {
- newArgs[i] = v;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- public static Method getConvertedMethodAndArgs(OgnlContext context, Object target, String propertyName,
- List methods, Object[] args, Object[] newArgs)
- {
- Method result = null;
- TypeConverter converter = context.getTypeConverter();
- if ((converter != null) && (methods != null))
- {
- for (int i = 0, icount = methods.size(); (result == null) && (i < icount); i++)
- {
- Method m = (Method) methods.get(i);
- Class[] parameterTypes = findParameterTypes(target != null ? target.getClass() : null, m);//getParameterTypes(m);
- if (getConvertedTypes(context, target, m, propertyName, parameterTypes, args, newArgs))
- {
- result = m;
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- public static Constructor getConvertedConstructorAndArgs(OgnlContext context, Object target, List constructors,
- Object[] args, Object[] newArgs)
- {
- Constructor result = null;
- TypeConverter converter = context.getTypeConverter();
- if ((converter != null) && (constructors != null)) {
- for (int i = 0, icount = constructors.size(); (result == null) && (i < icount); i++) {
- Constructor ctor = (Constructor) constructors.get(i);
- Class[] parameterTypes = getParameterTypes(ctor);
- if (getConvertedTypes(context, target, ctor, null, parameterTypes, args, newArgs)) {
- result = ctor;
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the appropriate method to be called for the given target, method name and arguments. If
- * successful this method will return the Method within the target that can be called and the
- * converted arguments in actualArgs. If unsuccessful this method will return null and the
- * actualArgs will be empty.
- *
- * @param context The current execution context.
- * @param source Target object to run against or method name.
- * @param target Instance of object to be run against.
- * @param propertyName Name of property to get method of.
- * @param methods List of current known methods.
- * @param args Arguments originally passed in.
- * @param actualArgs Converted arguments.
- *
- * @return Best method match or null if none could be found.
- */
- public static Method getAppropriateMethod(OgnlContext context, Object source, Object target, String propertyName,
- List methods, Object[] args, Object[] actualArgs)
- {
- Method result = null;
- Class[] resultParameterTypes = null;
- if (methods != null)
- {
- for (int i = 0, icount = methods.size(); i < icount; i++)
- {
- Method m = (Method) methods.get(i);
- Class typeClass = target != null ? target.getClass() : null;
- if (typeClass == null && source != null && Class.class.isInstance(source))
- {
- typeClass = (Class)source;
- }
- Class[] mParameterTypes = findParameterTypes(typeClass, m);
- if (areArgsCompatible(args, mParameterTypes, m)
- && ((result == null) || isMoreSpecific(mParameterTypes, resultParameterTypes)))
- {
- result = m;
- resultParameterTypes = mParameterTypes;
- System.arraycopy(args, 0, actualArgs, 0, args.length);
- for (int j = 0; j < mParameterTypes.length; j++)
- {
- Class type = mParameterTypes[j];
- if (type.isPrimitive() && (actualArgs[j] == null))
- {
- actualArgs[j] = getConvertedType(context, source, result, propertyName, null, type);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (result == null)
- {
- result = getConvertedMethodAndArgs(context, target, propertyName, methods, args, actualArgs);
- }
- return result;
- }
- public static Object callAppropriateMethod(OgnlContext context, Object source, Object target, String methodName,
- String propertyName, List methods, Object[] args)
- throws MethodFailedException
- {
- Throwable reason = null;
- Object[] actualArgs = _objectArrayPool.create(args.length);
- try {
- Method method = getAppropriateMethod(context, source, target, propertyName, methods, args, actualArgs);
- if ((method == null) || !isMethodAccessible(context, source, method, propertyName))
- {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- String className = "";
- if (target != null)
- {
- className = target.getClass().getName() + ".";
- }
- for (int i = 0, ilast = args.length - 1; i <= ilast; i++)
- {
- Object arg = args[i];
- buffer.append((arg == null) ? NULL_STRING : arg.getClass().getName());
- if (i < ilast)
- {
- buffer.append(", ");
- }
- }
- throw new NoSuchMethodException(className + methodName + "(" + buffer + ")");
- }
- Object[] convertedArgs = actualArgs;
- if (isJdk15() && method.isVarArgs())
- {
- Class[] parmTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
- // split arguments in to two dimensional array for varargs reflection invocation
- // where it is expected that the parameter passed in to invoke the method
- // will look like "new Object[] { arrayOfNonVarArgsArguments, arrayOfVarArgsArguments }"
- for (int i=0; i < parmTypes.length; i++)
- {
- if (parmTypes[i].isArray())
- {
- convertedArgs = new Object[i + 1];
- System.arraycopy(actualArgs, 0, convertedArgs, 0, convertedArgs.length);
- Object[] varArgs;
- // if they passed in varargs arguments grab them and dump in to new varargs array
- if (actualArgs.length > i)
- {
- ArrayList varArgsList = new ArrayList();
- for (int j=i; j < actualArgs.length; j++)
- {
- if (actualArgs[j] != null)
- {
- varArgsList.add(actualArgs[j]);
- }
- }
- varArgs = varArgsList.toArray();
- } else
- {
- varArgs = new Object[0];
- }
- convertedArgs[i] = varArgs;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return invokeMethod(target, method, convertedArgs);
- } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- reason = e;
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- reason = e;
- } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
- reason = e.getTargetException();
- } finally {
- _objectArrayPool.recycle(actualArgs);
- }
- throw new MethodFailedException(source, methodName, reason);
- }
- public static Object callStaticMethod(OgnlContext context, String className, String methodName, Object[] args)
- throws OgnlException
- {
- try {
- Class targetClass = classForName(context, className);
- if (targetClass == null)
- throw new ClassNotFoundException("Unable to resolve class with name " + className);
- MethodAccessor ma = getMethodAccessor(targetClass);
- return ma.callStaticMethod(context, targetClass, methodName, args);
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
- throw new MethodFailedException(className, methodName, ex);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Invokes the specified method against the target object.
- *
- * @param context
- * The current execution context.
- * @param target
- * The object to invoke the method on.
- * @param methodName
- * Name of the method - as in "getValue" or "add", etc..
- * @param propertyName
- * Name of the property to call instead?
- * @param args
- * Optional arguments needed for method.
- * @return Result of invoking method.
- *
- * @deprecated Use {@link #callMethod(OgnlContext, Object, String, Object[])} instead.
- * @throws OgnlException For lots of different reasons.
- */
- public static Object callMethod(OgnlContext context, Object target, String methodName, String propertyName, Object[] args)
- throws OgnlException
- {
- return callMethod(context, target, methodName == null ? propertyName : methodName, args);
- }
- /**
- * Invokes the specified method against the target object.
- *
- * @param context
- * The current execution context.
- * @param target
- * The object to invoke the method on.
- * @param methodName
- * Name of the method - as in "getValue" or "add", etc..
- * @param args
- * Optional arguments needed for method.
- * @return Result of invoking method.
- *
- * @throws OgnlException For lots of different reasons.
- */
- public static Object callMethod(OgnlContext context, Object target, String methodName, Object[] args)
- throws OgnlException
- {
- if (target == null)
- throw new NullPointerException("target is null for method " + methodName);
- return getMethodAccessor(target.getClass()).callMethod(context, target, methodName, args);
- }
- public static Object callConstructor(OgnlContext context, String className, Object[] args)
- throws OgnlException
- {
- Throwable reason = null;
- Object[] actualArgs = args;
- try {
- Constructor ctor = null;
- Class[] ctorParameterTypes = null;
- Class target = classForName(context, className);
- List constructors = getConstructors(target);
- for (int i = 0, icount = constructors.size(); i < icount; i++) {
- Constructor c = (Constructor) constructo…
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