http://github.com/playframework/Play20 · Scala · 306 lines · 184 code · 94 blank · 28 comment · 2 complexity · 11ddb0d5e38721e081446c6d3a7b5e67 MD5 · raw file
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com>
- */
- package play
- import sbt.{ Project => SbtProject, _ }
- import sbt.Keys._
- import Keys._
- import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtNativePackager._
- import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.Keys._
- import java.io.{ Writer, PrintWriter }
- import play.console.Colors
- trait Settings {
- this: PlayCommands with PlayPositionMapper with PlayRun with PlaySourceGenerators =>
- lazy val defaultJavaSettings = Seq[Setting[_]](
- templatesImport ++= defaultJavaTemplatesImport,
- routesImport ++= Seq(
- "play.libs.F"
- ),
- ebeanEnabled := true
- )
- lazy val defaultScalaSettings = Seq[Setting[_]](
- templatesImport ++= defaultScalaTemplatesImport
- )
- def closureCompilerSettings(optionCompilerOptions: com.google.javascript.jscomp.CompilerOptions) = Seq[Setting[_]](
- resourceGenerators in Compile <<= JavascriptCompiler(Some(optionCompilerOptions))(Seq(_)),
- resourceGenerators in Compile <+= LessCompiler,
- resourceGenerators in Compile <+= CoffeescriptCompiler
- )
- /** Ask SBT to manage the classpath for the given configuration. */
- def manageClasspath(config: Configuration) = managedClasspath in config <<= (classpathTypes in config, update) map { (ct, report) =>
- Classpaths.managedJars(config, ct, report)
- }
- lazy val defaultSettings = Seq[Setting[_]](
- scalaVersion := play.core.PlayVersion.scalaVersion,
- playPlugin := false,
- resolvers ++= Seq(
- "Typesafe Releases Repository" at "http://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/releases/"
- ),
- target <<= baseDirectory / "target",
- sourceDirectory in Compile <<= baseDirectory / "app",
- sourceDirectory in Test <<= baseDirectory / "test",
- confDirectory <<= baseDirectory / "conf",
- resourceDirectory in Compile <<= baseDirectory / "conf",
- scalaSource in Compile <<= baseDirectory / "app",
- scalaSource in Test <<= baseDirectory / "test",
- javaSource in Compile <<= baseDirectory / "app",
- javaSource in Test <<= baseDirectory / "test",
- javacOptions in (Compile, doc) := List("-encoding", "utf8"),
- libraryDependencies <+= (playPlugin) { isPlugin =>
- val d = "com.typesafe.play" %% "play" % play.core.PlayVersion.current
- if (isPlugin)
- d % "provided"
- else
- d
- },
- libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.play" %% "play-test" % play.core.PlayVersion.current % "test",
- ivyConfigurations += DocsApplication,
- libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.play" %% "play-docs" % play.core.PlayVersion.current % DocsApplication.name,
- manageClasspath(DocsApplication),
- parallelExecution in Test := false,
- fork in Test := true,
- testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.Specs2, "sequential", "true", "junitxml", "console"),
- testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.JUnit, "--ignore-runners=org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner"),
- // Make sure Specs2 is at the end of the list of test frameworks, so that it gets priority over
- // JUnit. This is a hack/workaround to prevent Specs2 tests with @RunsWith annotations being
- // picked up by JUnit. We don't want JUnit to run the tests since JUnit ignores the Specs2
- // runnner, which means the tests run but their results are ignored by SBT.
- testFrameworks ~= { tf => tf.filter(_ != TestFrameworks.Specs2).:+(TestFrameworks.Specs2) },
- testListeners <<= (target, streams).map((t, s) => Seq(new eu.henkelmann.sbt.JUnitXmlTestsListener(t.getAbsolutePath, s.log))),
- testResultReporter <<= testResultReporterTask,
- testResultReporterReset <<= testResultReporterResetTask,
- generateReverseRouter := true,
- namespaceReverseRouter := false,
- sourceGenerators in Compile <+= (state, confDirectory, sourceManaged in Compile, routesImport, generateReverseRouter, namespaceReverseRouter) map { (s, cd, sm, ri, grr, nrr) =>
- RouteFiles(s, Seq(cd), sm, ri, grr, nrr)
- },
- // Adds config directory's source files to continuous hot reloading
- watchSources <+= confDirectory map { all => all },
- sourceGenerators in Compile <+= (state, unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile, sourceManaged in Compile, templatesTypes, templatesImport, excludeFilter in unmanagedSources) map ScalaTemplates,
- // Adds app directory's source files to continuous hot reloading
- watchSources <++= baseDirectory map { path => ((path / "app") ** "*" --- (path / "app/assets") ** "*").get },
- commands ++= Seq(shCommand, playCommand, playStartCommand, h2Command, classpathCommand, licenseCommand, computeDependenciesCommand),
- // THE `in Compile` IS IMPORTANT!
- run in Compile <<= playRunSetting,
- shellPrompt := playPrompt,
- copyResources in Compile <<= (copyResources in Compile, playCopyAssets) map { (r, pr) => r ++ pr },
- mainClass in (Compile, run) := Some("play.core.server.NettyServer"),
- compile in (Compile) <<= PostCompile(scope = Compile),
- compile in Test <<= PostCompile(Test),
- computeDependencies <<= computeDependenciesTask,
- playVersion := play.core.PlayVersion.current,
- // all dependencies from outside the project (all dependency jars)
- playDependencyClasspath <<= externalDependencyClasspath in Runtime,
- // all user classes, in this project and any other subprojects that it depends on
- playReloaderClasspath <<= Classpaths.concatDistinct(exportedProducts in Runtime, internalDependencyClasspath in Runtime),
- playCommonClassloader <<= playCommonClassloaderTask,
- playDependencyClassLoader := createURLClassLoader,
- playReloaderClassLoader := createDelegatedResourcesClassLoader,
- playCopyAssets <<= playCopyAssetsTask,
- playCompileEverything <<= playCompileEverythingTask,
- playReload <<= playReloadTask,
- sourcePositionMappers += playPositionMapper,
- ivyLoggingLevel := UpdateLogging.DownloadOnly,
- routesImport := Seq.empty[String],
- playMonitoredFiles <<= playMonitoredFilesTask,
- playDefaultPort := 9000,
- // Default hooks
- playOnStarted := Nil,
- playOnStopped := Nil,
- playRunHooks := Nil,
- playRunHooks <++= playOnStarted map { funcs =>
- funcs map play.PlayRunHook.makeRunHookFromOnStarted
- },
- playRunHooks <++= playOnStopped map { funcs =>
- funcs map play.PlayRunHook.makeRunHookFromOnStopped
- },
- playInteractionMode := play.PlayConsoleInteractionMode,
- // Assets
- playAssetsDirectories := Seq.empty[File],
- playExternalAssets := Seq.empty[(File, File => PathFinder, String)],
- playAssetsDirectories <+= baseDirectory / "public",
- requireJs := Nil,
- requireJsFolder := "",
- requireJsShim := "",
- requireNativePath := None,
- buildRequire <<= buildRequireTask,
- packageBin in Compile <<= (packageBin in Compile).dependsOn(buildRequire),
- resourceGenerators in Compile <+= LessCompiler,
- resourceGenerators in Compile <+= CoffeescriptCompiler,
- resourceGenerators in Compile <+= JavascriptCompiler(fullCompilerOptions = None),
- lessEntryPoints <<= (sourceDirectory in Compile)(base => ((base / "assets" ** "*.less") --- base / "assets" ** "_*")),
- coffeescriptEntryPoints <<= (sourceDirectory in Compile)(base => base / "assets" ** "*.coffee"),
- javascriptEntryPoints <<= (sourceDirectory in Compile)(base => ((base / "assets" ** "*.js") --- (base / "assets" ** "_*"))),
- lessOptions := Seq.empty[String],
- coffeescriptOptions := Seq.empty[String],
- closureCompilerOptions := Seq.empty[String],
- // Settings
- devSettings := Nil,
- // Templates
- templatesImport := defaultTemplatesImport,
- templatesTypes := Map(
- "html" -> "play.api.templates.HtmlFormat",
- "txt" -> "play.api.templates.TxtFormat",
- "xml" -> "play.api.templates.XmlFormat",
- "js" -> "play.api.templates.JavaScriptFormat"
- ),
- // Native packaging
- sourceDirectory in Universal <<= baseDirectory(_ / "dist"),
- mainClass in Compile := Some("play.core.server.NettyServer"),
- mappings in Universal <++= (confDirectory) map {
- confDirectory: File =>
- val confDirectoryLen = confDirectory.getCanonicalPath.length
- val pathFinder = confDirectory ** ("*" -- "routes")
- pathFinder.get map {
- confFile: File =>
- confFile -> ("conf/" + confFile.getCanonicalPath.substring(confDirectoryLen))
- }
- },
- mappings in Universal <++= (doc in Compile) map {
- docDirectory: File =>
- val docDirectoryLen = docDirectory.getCanonicalPath.length
- val pathFinder = docDirectory ** "*"
- pathFinder.get map {
- docFile: File =>
- docFile -> ("share/doc/api/" + docFile.getCanonicalPath.substring(docDirectoryLen))
- }
- },
- mappings in Universal <++= (baseDirectory) map {
- baseDirectory: File =>
- val pathFinder = baseDirectory * "README*"
- pathFinder.get map {
- readmeFile: File =>
- readmeFile -> readmeFile.getName
- }
- },
- // Adds the Play application directory to the command line args passed to Play
- bashScriptExtraDefines += "addJava \"-Duser.dir=$(cd \"${app_home}/..\"; pwd -P)\"\n"
- )
- /**
- * Add this to your build.sbt, eg:
- *
- * {{{
- * play.Project.emojiLogs
- * }}}
- *
- * Note that this setting is not supported and may break or be removed or changed at any time.
- */
- lazy val emojiLogs = logManager ~= { lm =>
- new LogManager {
- def apply(data: sbt.Settings[Scope], state: State, task: Def.ScopedKey[_], writer: java.io.PrintWriter) = {
- val l = lm.apply(data, state, task, writer)
- val FailuresErrors = "(?s).*(\\d+) failures?, (\\d+) errors?.*".r
- new Logger {
- def filter(s: String) = {
- val filtered = s.replace("\033[32m+\033[0m", "\u2705 ")
- .replace("\033[33mx\033[0m", "\u274C ")
- .replace("\033[31m!\033[0m", "\uD83D\uDCA5 ")
- filtered match {
- case FailuresErrors("0", "0") => filtered + " \uD83D\uDE04"
- case FailuresErrors(_, _) => filtered + " \uD83D\uDE22"
- case _ => filtered
- }
- }
- def log(level: Level.Value, message: => String) = l.log(level, filter(message))
- def success(message: => String) = l.success(message)
- def trace(t: => Throwable) = l.trace(t)
- override def ansiCodesSupported = l.ansiCodesSupported
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }