Pascal | 848 lines | 774 code | 68 blank | 6 comment | 0 complexity | 557ff25812761fd0d3cfb5466e74033c MD5 | raw file
- unit Taskschd;
- {***************************************************
- * *
- * Microsoft Windows TaskScheduler API v.2.0 *
- * for Delphi *
- * *
- ***************************************************}
- interface
- uses
- Windows, ActiveX;
- const
- TaskSchedulerMajorVersion = 2;
- TaskSchedulerMinorVersion = 0;
- IID_IAction: TGUID = '{BAE54997-48B1-4CBE-9965-D6BE263EBEA4}';
- IID_IActionCollection: TGUID = '{02820E19-7B98-4ED2-B2E8-FDCCCEFF619B}';
- IID_IBootTrigger: TGUID = '{2A9C35DA-D357-41F4-BBC1-207AC1B1F3CB}';
- IID_IComHandlerAction: TGUID = '{6D2FD252-75C5-4F66-90BA-2A7D8CC3039F}';
- IID_IDailyTrigger: TGUID = '{126C5CD8-B288-41D5-8DBF-E491446ADC5C}';
- IID_IEmailAction: TGUID = '{10F62C64-7E16-4314-A0C2-0C3683F99D40}';
- IID_IEventTrigger: TGUID = '{D45B0167-9653-4EEF-B94F-0732CA7AF251}';
- IID_IExecAction: TGUID = '{4C3D624D-FD6B-49A3-B9B7-09CB3CD3F047}';
- IID_IIdleSettings: TGUID = '{84594461-0053-4342-A8FD-088FABF11F32}';
- IID_IIdleTrigger: TGUID = '{D537D2B0-9FB3-4D34-9739-1FF5CE7B1EF3}';
- IID_ILogonTrigger: TGUID = '{72DADE38-FAE4-4B3E-BAF4-5D009AF02B1C}';
- IID_IMonthlyDOWTrigger: TGUID = '{77D025A3-90FA-43AA-B52E-CDA5499B946A}';
- IID_IMonthlyTrigger: TGUID = '{97C45EF1-6B02-4A1A-9C0E-1EBFBA1500AC}';
- IID_INetworkSettings: TGUID = '{9F7DEA84-C30B-4245-80B6-00E9F646F1B4}';
- IID_IPrincipal: TGUID = '{D98D51E5-C9B4-496A-A9C1-18980261CF0F}';
- IID_IRegisteredTask: TGUID = '{9C86F320-DEE3-4DD1-B972-A303F26B061E}';
- IID_IRegisteredTaskCollection: TGUID = '{86627EB4-42A7-41E4-A4D9-AC33A72F2D52}';
- IID_IRegistrationInfo: TGUID = '{416D8B73-CB41-4EA1-805C-9BE9A5AC4A74}';
- IID_IRegistrationTrigger: TGUID = '{4C8FEC3A-C218-4E0C-B23D-629024DB91A2}';
- IID_IRepetitionPattern: TGUID = '{7FB9ACF1-26BE-400E-85B5-294B9C75DFD6}';
- IID_IRunningTask: TGUID = '{653758FB-7B9A-4F1E-A471-BEEB8E9B834E}';
- IID_IRunningTaskCollection: TGUID = '{6A67614B-6828-4FEC-AA54-6D52E8F1F2DB}';
- IID_ISessionStateChangeTrigger: TGUID = '{754DA71B-4385-4475-9DD9-598294FA3641}';
- IID_IShowMessageAction: TGUID = '{505E9E68-AF89-46B8-A30F-56162A83D537}';
- IID_ITaskDefinition: TGUID = '{F5BC8FC5-536D-4F77-B852-FBC1356FDEB6}';
- IID_ITaskFolder: TGUID = '{8CFAC062-A080-4C15-9A88-AA7C2AF80DFC}';
- IID_ITaskFolderCollection: TGUID = '{79184A66-8664-423F-97F1-637356A5D812}';
- IID_ITaskHandler: TGUID = '{839D7762-5121-4009-9234-4F0D19394F04}';
- IID_ITaskHandlerStatus: TGUID = '{EAEC7A8F-27A0-4DDC-8675-14726A01A38A}';
- IID_ITaskNamedValueCollection: TGUID = '{B4EF826B-63C3-46E4-A504-EF69E4F7EA4D}';
- IID_ITaskNamedValuePair: TGUID = '{39038068-2B46-4AFD-8662-7BB6F868D221}';
- IID_ITaskService: TGUID = '{2FABA4C7-4DA9-4013-9697-20CC3FD40F85}';
- IID_ITaskSettings: TGUID = '{8FD4711D-2D02-4C8C-87E3-EFF699DE127E}';
- IID_ITaskSettings2: TGUID = '{2C05C3F0-6EED-4C05-A15F-ED7D7A98A369}';
- IID_ITaskVariables: TGUID = '{3E4C9351-D966-4B8B-BB87-CEBA68BB0107}';
- IID_ITimeTrigger: TGUID = '{B45747E0-EBA7-4276-9F29-85C5BB300006}';
- IID_ITrigger: TGUID = '{09941815-EA89-4B5B-89E0-2A773801FAC3}';
- IID_ITriggerCollection: TGUID = '{85DF5081-1B24-4F32-878A-D9D14DF4CB77}';
- IID_IWeeklyTrigger: TGUID = '{5038FC98-82FF-436D-8728-A512A57C9DC1}';
- LIBID_TaskScheduler: TGUID = '{E34CB9F1-C7F7-424C-BE29-027DCC09363A}';
- CLSID_TaskHandlerStatusPS: TGUID = '{9F15266D-D7BA-48F0-93C1-E6895F6FE5AC}';
- CLSID_TaskHandlerPS: TGUID = '{F2A69DB7-DA2C-4352-9066-86FEE6DACAC9}';
- CLSID_TaskScheduler: TGUID = '{0F87369F-A4E5-4CFC-BD3E-73E6154572DD}';
- SCHED_S_TASK_READY = $00041300; // The task is ready to run at its next scheduled time.
- SCHED_S_TASK_RUNNING = $00041301; // The task is currently running.
- SCHED_S_TASK_DISABLED = $00041302; // The task will not run at the scheduled times because it has been disabled.
- SCHED_S_TASK_HAS_NOT_RUN = $00041303; // The task has not yet run.
- SCHED_S_TASK_NO_MORE_RUNS = $00041304; // There are no more runs scheduled for this task.
- SCHED_S_TASK_NOT_SCHEDULED = $00041305; // One or more of the properties that are needed to run this task on a schedule have not been set.
- SCHED_S_TASK_TERMINATED = $00041306; // The last run of the task was terminated by the user.
- SCHED_S_TASK_NO_VALID_TRIGGERS = $00041307; // Either the task has no triggers or the existing triggers are disabled or not set.
- SCHED_S_EVENT_TRIGGER = $00041308; // Event triggers do not have set run times.
- SCHED_E_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND = $80041309; // A task's trigger is not found.
- SCHED_E_TASK_NOT_READY = $8004130A; // One or more of the properties required to run this task have not been set.
- SCHED_E_TASK_NOT_RUNNING = $8004130B; // There is no running instance of the task.
- SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_INSTALLED = $8004130C; // The Task Scheduler service is not installed on this computer.
- SCHED_E_CANNOT_OPEN_TASK = $8004130D; // The task object could not be opened.
- SCHED_E_INVALID_TASK = $8004130E; // The object is either an invalid task object or is not a task object.
- SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION_NOT_SET = $8004130F; // No account information could be found in the Task Scheduler security database for the task indicated.
- SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_NAME_NOT_FOUND = $80041310; // Unable to establish existence of the account specified.
- SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_DBASE_CORRUPT = $80041311; // Corruption was detected in the Task Scheduler security database; the database has been reset.
- SCHED_E_NO_SECURITY_SERVICES = $80041312; // Task Scheduler security services are available only on Windows NT.
- SCHED_E_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_VERSION = $80041313; // The task object version is either unsupported or invalid.
- SCHED_E_UNSUPPORTED_ACCOUNT_OPTION = $80041314; // The task has been configured with an unsupported combination of account settings and run time options.
- SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING = $80041315; // The Task Scheduler Service is not running.
- SCHED_E_UNEXPECTEDNODE = $80041316; // The task XML contains an unexpected node.
- SCHED_E_NAMESPACE = $80041317; // The task XML contains an element or attribute from an unexpected namespace.
- SCHED_E_INVALIDVALUE = $80041318; // The task XML contains a value which is incorrectly formatted or out of range.
- SCHED_E_MISSINGNODE = $80041319; // The task XML is missing a required element or attribute.
- SCHED_E_MALFORMEDXML = $8004131A; // The task XML is malformed.
- SCHED_S_SOME_TRIGGERS_FAILED = $0004131B; // The task is registered, but not all specified triggers will start the task.
- SCHED_S_BATCH_LOGON_PROBLEM = $0004131C; // The task is registered, but may fail to start. Batch logon privilege needs to be enabled for the task principal.
- SCHED_E_TOO_MANY_NODES = $8004131D; // The task XML contains too many nodes of the same type.
- SCHED_E_PAST_END_BOUNDARY = $8004131E; // The task cannot be started after the trigger end boundary.
- SCHED_E_ALREADY_RUNNING = $8004131F; // An instance of this task is already running.
- SCHED_E_USER_NOT_LOGGED_ON = $80041320; // The task will not run because the user is not logged on.
- SCHED_E_INVALID_TASK_HASH = $80041321; // The task image is corrupt or has been tampered with.
- SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE = $80041322; // The Task Scheduler service is not available.
- SCHED_E_SERVICE_TOO_BUSY = $80041323; // The Task Scheduler service is too busy to handle your request. Please try again later.
- SCHED_E_TASK_ATTEMPTED = $80041324; // The Task Scheduler service attempted to run the task, but the task did not run due to one of the constraints in the task definition.
- SCHED_S_TASK_QUEUED = $00041325; // The Task Scheduler service has asked the task to run.
- SCHED_E_TASK_DISABLED = $80041326; // The task is disabled.
- SCHED_E_TASK_NOT_V1_COMPAT = $80041327; // The task has properties that are not compatible with earlier versions of Windows.
- SCHED_E_START_ON_DEMAND = $80041328; // The task settings do not allow the task to start on demand.
- type
- TTaskRunFlags = (
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- );
- DAILY = packed record
- DaysInterval: Word;
- end;
- MONTHLYDATE = packed record
- rgfDays: DWORD;
- rgfMonths: WORD;
- end;
- MONTHLYDOW = packed record
- wWhichWeek: WORD;
- rgfDaysOfTheWeek: WORD;
- rgfMonths: WORD;
- end;
- WEEKLY = packed record
- WeeksInterval: WORD;
- rgfDaysOfTheWeek: WORD;
- end;
- case Integer of
- 0:
- ( Daily: DAILY; );
- 1:
- ( Weekly: WEEKLY; );
- 2:
- ( MonthlyDate: MONTHLYDATE; );
- 3:
- ( MonthlyDOW: MONTHLYDOW; );
- end;
- type
- IActionCollection = interface;
- ITaskFolderCollection = interface;
- IRepetitionPattern = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{7FB9ACF1-26BE-400E-85B5-294B9C75DFD6}']
- function get_Interval: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Interval(pInterval: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Duration: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Duration(pDuration: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_StopAtDurationEnd: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_StopAtDurationEnd(pStop: WordBool); safecall;
- property Interval: TBStr read get_Interval write set_Interval;
- property Duration: TBStr read get_Duration write set_Duration;
- property StopAtDurationEnd: WordBool read get_StopAtDurationEnd write set_StopAtDurationEnd;
- end;
- ITaskNamedValuePair = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{39038068-2B46-4AFD-8662-7BB6F868D221}']
- function get_Name: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Name(pName: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Value: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Value(pValue: TBStr); safecall;
- property Name: TBStr read get_Name write set_Name;
- property Value: TBStr read get_Value write set_Value;
- end;
- ITaskNamedValueCollection = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{B4EF826B-63C3-46E4-A504-EF69E4F7EA4D}']
- function get_Count: Integer; safecall;
- function get_Item(index: Integer): ITaskNamedValuePair; safecall;
- function get__NewEnum: IUnknown; safecall;
- function Create(Name: TBStr; Value: TBStr; out ppPair: ITaskNamedValuePair): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function Remove(index: LONG): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function Clear: HRESULT; stdcall;
- property Count: Integer read get_Count;
- property Item[index: Integer]: ITaskNamedValuePair read get_Item; default;
- property _NewEnum: IUnknown read get__NewEnum;
- end;
- IRegistrationInfo = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{416D8B73-CB41-4EA1-805C-9BE9A5AC4A74}']
- function get_Description: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Description(pDescription: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Author: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Author(pAuthor: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Version: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Version(pVersion: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Date: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Date(pDate: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Documentation: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Documentation(pDocumentation: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_XmlText: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_XmlText(pText: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_URI: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_URI(pUri: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_SecurityDescriptor: OleVariant; safecall;
- procedure set_SecurityDescriptor(pSddl: OleVariant); safecall;
- function get_Source: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Source(pSource: TBStr); safecall;
- property Description: TBStr read get_Description write set_Description;
- property Author: TBStr read get_Author write set_Author;
- property Version: TBStr read get_Version write set_Version;
- property Date: TBStr read get_Date write set_Date;
- property Documentation: TBStr read get_Documentation write set_Documentation;
- property XmlText: TBStr read get_XmlText write set_XmlText;
- property URI: TBStr read get_URI write set_URI;
- property SecurityDescriptor: OleVariant read get_SecurityDescriptor write set_SecurityDescriptor;
- property Source: TBStr read get_Source write set_Source;
- end;
- ITrigger = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{09941815-EA89-4B5B-89E0-2A773801FAC3}']
- function get_type: TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE2; safecall;
- function get_Id: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Id(pId: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Repetition: IRepetitionPattern; safecall;
- procedure set_Repetition(ppRepeat: IRepetitionPattern); safecall;
- function get_ExecutionTimeLimit: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_ExecutionTimeLimit(pTimeLimit: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_StartBoundary: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_StartBoundary(pStart: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_EndBoundary: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_EndBoundary(pEnd: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Enabled: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_Enabled(pEnabled: WordBool); safecall;
- property TriggerType: TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE2 read get_type;
- property Id: TBStr read get_Id write set_Id;
- property Repetition: IRepetitionPattern read get_Repetition write set_Repetition;
- property ExecutionTimeLimit: TBStr read get_ExecutionTimeLimit write set_ExecutionTimeLimit;
- property StartBoundary: TBStr read get_StartBoundary write set_StartBoundary;
- property EndBoundary: TBStr read get_EndBoundary write set_EndBoundary;
- property Enabled: WordBool read get_Enabled write set_Enabled;
- end;
- IBootTrigger = interface(ITrigger)
- ['{2A9C35DA-D357-41F4-BBC1-207AC1B1F3CB}']
- function get_Delay: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Delay(pDelay: TBStr); safecall;
- property Delay: TBStr read get_Delay write set_Delay;
- end;
- IDailyTrigger = interface(ITrigger)
- ['{126C5CD8-B288-41D5-8DBF-E491446ADC5C}']
- function get_DaysInterval: Smallint; safecall;
- procedure set_DaysInterval(pDays: Smallint); safecall;
- function get_RandomDelay: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_RandomDelay(pRandomDelay: TBStr); safecall;
- property DaysInterval: Smallint read get_DaysInterval write set_DaysInterval;
- property RandomDelay: TBStr read get_RandomDelay write set_RandomDelay;
- end;
- IEventTrigger = interface(ITrigger)
- ['{D45B0167-9653-4EEF-B94F-0732CA7AF251}']
- function get_Subscription: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Subscription(pQuery: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Delay: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Delay(pDelay: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_ValueQueries: ITaskNamedValueCollection; safecall;
- procedure set_ValueQueries(ppNamedXPaths: ITaskNamedValueCollection); safecall;
- property Subscription: TBStr read get_Subscription write set_Subscription;
- property Delay: TBStr read get_Delay write set_Delay;
- property ValueQueries: ITaskNamedValueCollection read get_ValueQueries write set_ValueQueries;
- end;
- IIdleTrigger = interface(ITrigger)
- ['{D537D2B0-9FB3-4D34-9739-1FF5CE7B1EF3}']
- end;
- ILogonTrigger = interface(ITrigger)
- ['{72DADE38-FAE4-4B3E-BAF4-5D009AF02B1C}']
- function get_Delay: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Delay(pDelay: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_UserId: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_UserId(pUser: TBStr); safecall;
- property Delay: TBStr read get_Delay write set_Delay;
- property UserId: TBStr read get_UserId write set_UserId;
- end;
- IMonthlyTrigger = interface(ITrigger)
- ['{97C45EF1-6B02-4A1A-9C0E-1EBFBA1500AC}']
- function get_DaysOfMonth: Integer; safecall;
- procedure set_DaysOfMonth(pDays: Integer); safecall;
- function get_MonthsOfYear: Smallint; safecall;
- procedure set_MonthsOfYear(pMonths: Smallint); safecall;
- function get_RunOnLastDayOfMonth: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_RunOnLastDayOfMonth(pLastDay: WordBool); safecall;
- function get_RandomDelay: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_RandomDelay(pRandomDelay: TBStr); safecall;
- property DaysOfMonth: Integer read get_DaysOfMonth write set_DaysOfMonth;
- property MonthsOfYear: Smallint read get_MonthsOfYear write set_MonthsOfYear;
- property RunOnLastDayOfMonth: WordBool read get_RunOnLastDayOfMonth write set_RunOnLastDayOfMonth;
- property RandomDelay: TBStr read get_RandomDelay write set_RandomDelay;
- end;
- IMonthlyDOWTrigger = interface(ITrigger)
- ['{77D025A3-90FA-43AA-B52E-CDA5499B946A}']
- function get_DaysOfWeek: Smallint; safecall;
- procedure set_DaysOfWeek(pDays: Smallint); safecall;
- function get_WeeksOfMonth: Smallint; safecall;
- procedure set_WeeksOfMonth(pWeeks: Smallint); safecall;
- function get_MonthsOfYear: Smallint; safecall;
- procedure set_MonthsOfYear(pMonths: Smallint); safecall;
- function get_RunOnLastWeekOfMonth: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_RunOnLastWeekOfMonth(pLastWeek: WordBool); safecall;
- function get_RandomDelay: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_RandomDelay(pRandomDelay: TBStr); safecall;
- property DaysOfWeek: Smallint read get_DaysOfWeek write set_DaysOfWeek;
- property WeeksOfMonth: Smallint read get_WeeksOfMonth write set_WeeksOfMonth;
- property MonthsOfYear: Smallint read get_MonthsOfYear write set_MonthsOfYear;
- property RunOnLastWeekOfMonth: WordBool read get_RunOnLastWeekOfMonth write set_RunOnLastWeekOfMonth;
- property RandomDelay: TBStr read get_RandomDelay write set_RandomDelay;
- end;
- IRegistrationTrigger = interface(ITrigger)
- ['{4C8FEC3A-C218-4E0C-B23D-629024DB91A2}']
- function get_Delay: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Delay(pDelay: TBStr); safecall;
- property Delay: TBStr read get_Delay write set_Delay;
- end;
- ISessionStateChangeTrigger = interface(ITrigger)
- ['{754DA71B-4385-4475-9DD9-598294FA3641}']
- function get_Delay: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Delay(pDelay: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_UserId: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_UserId(pUser: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_StateChange: TASK_SESSION_STATE_CHANGE_TYPE; safecall;
- procedure set_StateChange(pType: TASK_SESSION_STATE_CHANGE_TYPE); safecall;
- property Delay: TBStr read get_Delay write set_Delay;
- property UserId: TBStr read get_UserId write set_UserId;
- property StateChange: TASK_SESSION_STATE_CHANGE_TYPE read get_StateChange write set_StateChange;
- end;
- ITimeTrigger = interface(ITrigger)
- ['{B45747E0-EBA7-4276-9F29-85C5BB300006}']
- function get_RandomDelay: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_RandomDelay(pRandomDelay: TBStr); safecall;
- property RandomDelay: TBStr read get_RandomDelay write set_RandomDelay;
- end;
- IWeeklyTrigger = interface(ITrigger)
- ['{5038FC98-82FF-436D-8728-A512A57C9DC1}']
- function get_DaysOfWeek: Smallint; safecall;
- procedure set_DaysOfWeek(pDays: Smallint); safecall;
- function get_WeeksInterval: Smallint; safecall;
- procedure set_WeeksInterval(pWeeks: Smallint); safecall;
- function get_RandomDelay: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_RandomDelay(pRandomDelay: TBStr); safecall;
- property DaysOfWeek: Smallint read get_DaysOfWeek write set_DaysOfWeek;
- property WeeksInterval: Smallint read get_WeeksInterval write set_WeeksInterval;
- property RandomDelay: TBStr read get_RandomDelay write set_RandomDelay;
- end;
- ITriggerCollection = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{85DF5081-1B24-4F32-878A-D9D14DF4CB77}']
- function get_Count: Integer; safecall;
- function get_Item(index: Integer): ITrigger; safecall;
- function get__NewEnum: IUnknown; safecall;
- function Create(triggerType: TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE2; out ppTrigger: ITrigger): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function Remove(index: OleVariant): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function Clear: HRESULT; stdcall;
- property Count: Integer read get_Count;
- property Item[index: Integer]: ITrigger read get_Item; default;
- property _NewEnum: IUnknown read get__NewEnum;
- end;
- IIdleSettings = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{84594461-0053-4342-A8FD-088FABF11F32}']
- function get_IdleDuration: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_IdleDuration(pDelay: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_WaitTimeout: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_WaitTimeout(pTimeout: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_StopOnIdleEnd: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_StopOnIdleEnd(pStop: WordBool); safecall;
- function get_RestartOnIdle: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_RestartOnIdle(pRestart: WordBool); safecall;
- property IdleDuration: TBStr read get_IdleDuration write set_IdleDuration;
- property WaitTimeout: TBStr read get_WaitTimeout write set_WaitTimeout;
- property StopOnIdleEnd: WordBool read get_StopOnIdleEnd write set_StopOnIdleEnd;
- property RestartOnIdle: WordBool read get_RestartOnIdle write set_RestartOnIdle;
- end;
- INetworkSettings = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{9F7DEA84-C30B-4245-80B6-00E9F646F1B4}']
- function get_Name: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Name(pName: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Id: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Id(pId: TBStr); safecall;
- property Name: TBStr read get_Name write set_Name;
- property Id: TBStr read get_Id write set_Id;
- end;
- ITaskSettings = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{8FD4711D-2D02-4C8C-87E3-EFF699DE127E}']
- function get_AllowDemandStart: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_AllowDemandStart(pAllowDemandStart: WordBool); safecall;
- function get_RestartInterval: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_RestartInterval(pRestartInterval: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_RestartCount: SYSINT; safecall;
- procedure set_RestartCount(pRestartCount: SYSINT); safecall;
- function get_MultipleInstances: TASK_INSTANCES_POLICY; safecall;
- procedure set_MultipleInstances(pPolicy: TASK_INSTANCES_POLICY); safecall;
- function get_StopIfGoingOnBatteries: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_StopIfGoingOnBatteries(pStopIfOnBatteries: WordBool); safecall;
- function get_DisallowStartIfOnBatteries: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_DisallowStartIfOnBatteries(pDisallowStart: WordBool); safecall;
- function get_AllowHardTerminate: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_AllowHardTerminate(pAllowHardTerminate: WordBool); safecall;
- function get_StartWhenAvailable: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_StartWhenAvailable(pStartWhenAvailable: WordBool); safecall;
- function get_XmlText: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_XmlText(pText: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable(pRunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable: WordBool); safecall;
- function get_ExecutionTimeLimit: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_ExecutionTimeLimit(pExecutionTimeLimit: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Enabled: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_Enabled(pEnabled: WordBool); safecall;
- function get_DeleteExpiredTaskAfter: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_DeleteExpiredTaskAfter(pExpirationDelay: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Priority: SYSINT; safecall;
- procedure set_Priority(pPriority: SYSINT); safecall;
- function get_Compatibility: TASK_COMPATIBILITY; safecall;
- procedure set_Compatibility(pCompatLevel: TASK_COMPATIBILITY); safecall;
- function get_Hidden: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_Hidden(pHidden: WordBool); safecall;
- function get_IdleSettings: IIdleSettings; safecall;
- procedure set_IdleSettings(ppIdleSettings: IIdleSettings); safecall;
- function get_RunOnlyIfIdle: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_RunOnlyIfIdle(pRunOnlyIfIdle: WordBool); safecall;
- function get_WakeToRun: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_WakeToRun(pWake: WordBool); safecall;
- function get_NetworkSettings: INetworkSettings; safecall;
- procedure set_NetworkSettings(ppNetworkSettings: INetworkSettings); safecall;
- property AllowDemandStart: WordBool read get_AllowDemandStart write set_AllowDemandStart;
- property RestartInterval: TBStr read get_RestartInterval write set_RestartInterval;
- property RestartCount: SYSINT read get_RestartCount write set_RestartCount;
- property MultipleInstances: TASK_INSTANCES_POLICY read get_MultipleInstances write set_MultipleInstances;
- property StopIfGoingOnBatteries: WordBool read get_StopIfGoingOnBatteries write set_StopIfGoingOnBatteries;
- property DisallowStartIfOnBatteries: WordBool read get_DisallowStartIfOnBatteries write set_DisallowStartIfOnBatteries;
- property AllowHardTerminate: WordBool read get_AllowHardTerminate write set_AllowHardTerminate;
- property StartWhenAvailable: WordBool read get_StartWhenAvailable write set_StartWhenAvailable;
- property XmlText: TBStr read get_XmlText write set_XmlText;
- property RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable: WordBool read get_RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable write set_RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable;
- property ExecutionTimeLimit: TBStr read get_ExecutionTimeLimit write set_ExecutionTimeLimit;
- property Enabled: WordBool read get_Enabled write set_Enabled;
- property DeleteExpiredTaskAfter: TBStr read get_DeleteExpiredTaskAfter write set_DeleteExpiredTaskAfter;
- property Priority: SYSINT read get_Priority write set_Priority;
- property Compatibility: TASK_COMPATIBILITY read get_Compatibility write set_Compatibility;
- property Hidden: WordBool read get_Hidden write set_Hidden;
- property IdleSettings: IIdleSettings read get_IdleSettings write set_IdleSettings;
- property RunOnlyIfIdle: WordBool read get_RunOnlyIfIdle write set_RunOnlyIfIdle;
- property WakeToRun: WordBool read get_WakeToRun write set_WakeToRun;
- property NetworkSettings: INetworkSettings read get_NetworkSettings write set_NetworkSettings;
- end;
- ITaskSettings2 = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{2C05C3F0-6EED-4C05-A15F-ED7D7A98A369}']
- function get_DisallowStartOnRemoteAppSession: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_DisallowStartOnRemoteAppSession(pDisallowStart: WordBool); safecall;
- function get_UseUnifiedSchedulingEngine: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_UseUnifiedSchedulingEngine(pUseUnifiedEngine: WordBool); safecall;
- property DisallowStartOnRemoteAppSession: WordBool read get_DisallowStartOnRemoteAppSession write set_DisallowStartOnRemoteAppSession;
- property UseUnifiedSchedulingEngine: WordBool read get_UseUnifiedSchedulingEngine write set_UseUnifiedSchedulingEngine;
- end;
- IPrincipal = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{D98D51E5-C9B4-496A-A9C1-18980261CF0F}']
- function get_Id: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Id(pId: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_DisplayName: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_DisplayName(pName: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_UserId: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_UserId(pUser: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_LogonType: TASK_LOGON_TYPE; safecall;
- procedure set_LogonType(pLogon: TASK_LOGON_TYPE); safecall;
- function get_GroupId: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_GroupId(pGroup: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_RunLevel: TASK_RUNLEVEL_TYPE; safecall;
- procedure set_RunLevel(pRunLevel: TASK_RUNLEVEL_TYPE); safecall;
- property Id: TBStr read get_Id write set_Id;
- property DisplayName: TBStr read get_DisplayName write set_DisplayName;
- property UserId: TBStr read get_UserId write set_UserId;
- property LogonType: TASK_LOGON_TYPE read get_LogonType write set_LogonType;
- property GroupId: TBStr read get_GroupId write set_GroupId;
- property RunLevel: TASK_RUNLEVEL_TYPE read get_RunLevel write set_RunLevel;
- end;
- IAction = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{BAE54997-48B1-4CBE-9965-D6BE263EBEA4}']
- function get_Id: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Id(pId: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_type: TASK_ACTION_TYPE; safecall;
- property Id: TBStr read get_Id write set_Id;
- property ActionType: TASK_ACTION_TYPE read get_type;
- end;
- IComHandlerAction = interface(IAction)
- ['{6D2FD252-75C5-4F66-90BA-2A7D8CC3039F}']
- function get_ClassId: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_ClassId(pClsid: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Data: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Data(pData: TBStr); safecall;
- property ClassId: TBStr read get_ClassId write set_ClassId;
- property Data: TBStr read get_Data write set_Data;
- end;
- IEmailAction = interface(IAction)
- ['{10F62C64-7E16-4314-A0C2-0C3683F99D40}']
- function get_Server: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Server(pServer: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Subject: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Subject(pSubject: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_To_: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_To_(pTo: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Cc: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Cc(pCc: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Bcc: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Bcc(pBcc: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_ReplyTo: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_ReplyTo(pReplyTo: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_From: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_From(pFrom: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_HeaderFields: ITaskNamedValueCollection; safecall;
- procedure set_HeaderFields(ppHeaderFields: ITaskNamedValueCollection); safecall;
- function get_Body: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Body(pBody: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Attachments: PSafeArray; safecall;
- procedure set_Attachments(pAttachements: PSafeArray); safecall;
- property Server: TBStr read get_Server write set_Server;
- property Subject: TBStr read get_Subject write set_Subject;
- property To_: TBStr read get_To_ write set_To_;
- property Cc: TBStr read get_Cc write set_Cc;
- property Bcc: TBStr read get_Bcc write set_Bcc;
- property ReplyTo: TBStr read get_ReplyTo write set_ReplyTo;
- property From: TBStr read get_From write set_From;
- property HeaderFields: ITaskNamedValueCollection read get_HeaderFields write set_HeaderFields;
- property Body: TBStr read get_Body write set_Body;
- property Attachments: PSafeArray read get_Attachments write set_Attachments;
- end;
- IExecAction = interface(IAction)
- ['{4C3D624D-FD6B-49A3-B9B7-09CB3CD3F047}']
- function get_Path: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Path(pPath: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_Arguments: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Arguments(pArgument: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_WorkingDirectory: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_WorkingDirectory(pWorkingDirectory: TBStr); safecall;
- property Path: TBStr read get_Path write set_Path;
- property Arguments: TBStr read get_Arguments write set_Arguments;
- property WorkingDirectory: TBStr read get_WorkingDirectory write set_WorkingDirectory;
- end;
- IShowMessageAction = interface(IAction)
- ['{505E9E68-AF89-46B8-A30F-56162A83D537}']
- function get_Title: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Title(pTitle: TBStr); safecall;
- function get_MessageBody: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_MessageBody(pMessageBody: TBStr); safecall;
- property Title: TBStr read get_Title write set_Title;
- property MessageBody: TBStr read get_MessageBody write set_MessageBody;
- end;
- IActionCollection = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{02820E19-7B98-4ED2-B2E8-FDCCCEFF619B}']
- function get_Count: Integer; safecall;
- function get_Item(index: Integer): IAction; safecall;
- function get__NewEnum: IUnknown; safecall;
- function get_XmlText: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_XmlText(pText: TBStr); safecall;
- function Create(ActionType: TASK_ACTION_TYPE; out ppAction: IAction): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function Remove(index: OleVariant): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function Clear: HRESULT; stdcall;
- function get_Context: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Context(pContext: TBStr); safecall;
- property Count: Integer read get_Count;
- property Item[index: Integer]: IAction read get_Item; default;
- property _NewEnum: IUnknown read get__NewEnum;
- property XmlText: TBStr read get_XmlText write set_XmlText;
- property Context: TBStr read get_Context write set_Context;
- end;
- ITaskVariables = interface(IUnknown)
- ['{3E4C9351-D966-4B8B-BB87-CEBA68BB0107}']
- function GetInput(out pInput: TBStr): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function SetOutput(input: TBStr): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function GetContext(out pContext: TBStr): HRESULT; stdcall;
- end;
- ITaskDefinition = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{F5BC8FC5-536D-4F77-B852-FBC1356FDEB6}']
- function get_RegistrationInfo: IRegistrationInfo; safecall;
- procedure set_RegistrationInfo(ppRegistrationInfo: IRegistrationInfo); safecall;
- function get_Triggers: ITriggerCollection; safecall;
- procedure set_Triggers(ppTriggers: ITriggerCollection); safecall;
- function get_Settings: ITaskSettings; safecall;
- procedure set_Settings(ppSettings: ITaskSettings); safecall;
- function get_Data: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_Data(pData: TBStr); stdcall;
- function get_Principal: IPrincipal; safecall;
- procedure set_Principal(ppPrincipal: IPrincipal); safecall;
- function get_Actions: IActionCollection; safecall;
- procedure set_Actions(ppActions: IActionCollection); safecall;
- function get_XmlText: TBStr; safecall;
- procedure set_XmlText(pXml: TBStr); safecall;
- property RegistrationInfo: IRegistrationInfo read get_RegistrationInfo write set_RegistrationInfo;
- property Triggers: ITriggerCollection read get_Triggers write set_Triggers;
- property Settings: ITaskSettings read get_Settings write set_Settings;
- property Data: TBStr read get_Data write set_Data;
- property Principal: IPrincipal read get_Principal write set_Principal;
- property Actions: IActionCollection read get_Actions write set_Actions;
- property XmlText: TBStr read get_XmlText write set_XmlText;
- end;
- IRunningTask = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{653758FB-7B9A-4F1E-A471-BEEB8E9B834E}']
- function get_Name: TBStr; safecall;
- function get_InstanceGuid: TBStr; safecall;
- function get_Path: TBStr; safecall;
- function get_State: TASK_STATE; safecall;
- function get_CurrentAction: TBStr; safecall;
- function Stop: HRESULT; stdcall;
- function Refresh: HRESULT; stdcall;
- function get_EnginePID: LongWord; safecall;
- property Name: TBStr read get_Name;
- property InstanceGuid: TBStr read get_InstanceGuid;
- property Path: TBStr read get_Path;
- property State: TASK_STATE read get_State;
- property CurrentAction: TBStr read get_CurrentAction;
- property EnginePID: LongWord read get_EnginePID;
- end;
- IRunningTaskCollection = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{6A67614B-6828-4FEC-AA54-6D52E8F1F2DB}']
- function get_Count: Integer; safecall;
- function get_Item(index: OleVariant): IRunningTask; safecall;
- function get__NewEnum: IUnknown; safecall;
- property Count: Integer read get_Count;
- property Item[index: OleVariant]: IRunningTask read get_Item; default;
- property _NewEnum: IUnknown read get__NewEnum;
- end;
- IRegisteredTask = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{9C86F320-DEE3-4DD1-B972-A303F26B061E}']
- function get_Name: TBStr; safecall;
- function get_Path: TBStr; safecall;
- function get_State: TASK_STATE; safecall;
- function get_Enabled: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure set_Enabled(pEnabled: WordBool); safecall;
- function Run(params: OleVariant;
- out ppRunningTask: IRunningTask): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function RunEx(params: OleVariant; flags: LONG; sessionID: Integer;
- user: TBStr; out ppRunningTask: IRunningTask): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function GetInstances(flags: LONG;
- out ppRunningTasks: IRunningTaskCollection): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function get_LastRunTime: TDateTime; safecall;
- function get_LastTaskResult: Integer; safecall;
- function get_NumberOfMissedRuns: Integer; safecall;
- function get_NextRunTime: TDateTime; safecall;
- function get_Definition: ITaskDefinition; safecall;
- function get_Xml: TBStr; safecall;
- function GetSecurityDescriptor(securityInformation: Integer; out pSddl: TBStr): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function SetSecurityDescriptor(sddl: TBStr; flags: LONG): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function Stop(flags: LONG): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function GetRunTimes(pstStart, pstEnd: PSystemTime; var pCount: DWORD;
- out pRunTimes: PSystemTime): HRESULT; stdcall;
- property Name: TBStr read get_Name;
- property Path: TBStr read get_Path;
- property State: TASK_STATE read get_State;
- property Enabled: WordBool read get_Enabled write set_Enabled;
- property LastRunTime: TDateTime read get_LastRunTime;
- property LastTaskResult: Integer read get_LastTaskResult;
- property NumberOfMissedRuns: Integer read get_NumberOfMissedRuns;
- property NextRunTime: TDateTime read get_NextRunTime;
- property Definition: ITaskDefinition read get_Definition;
- property XML: TBStr read get_Xml;
- end;
- IRegisteredTaskCollection = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{86627EB4-42A7-41E4-A4D9-AC33A72F2D52}']
- function get_Count: Integer; safecall;
- function get_Item(index: OleVariant): IRegisteredTask; safecall;
- function get__NewEnum: IUnknown; safecall;
- property Count: Integer read get_Count;
- property Item[index: OleVariant]: IRegisteredTask read get_Item; default;
- property _NewEnum: IUnknown read get__NewEnum;
- end;
- ITaskHandler = interface(IUnknown)
- ['{839D7762-5121-4009-9234-4F0D19394F04}']
- function Start(pHandlerServices: IUnknown; data: TBStr): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function Stop(out pRetCode: HRESULT): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function Pause: HRESULT; stdcall;
- function Resume: HRESULT; stdcall;
- end;
- ITaskHandlerStatus = interface(IUnknown)
- ['{EAEC7A8F-27A0-4DDC-8675-14726A01A38A}']
- function UpdateStatus(percentComplete: SHORT; statusMessage: TBStr): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function TaskCompleted(taskErrCode: HRESULT): HRESULT; stdcall;
- end;
- ITaskFolder = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{8CFAC062-A080-4C15-9A88-AA7C2AF80DFC}']
- function get_Name: TBStr; safecall;
- function get_Path: TBStr; safecall;
- function GetFolder(Path: TBStr; out ppFolder: ITaskFolder): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function GetFolders(flags: LONG; out ppFolders: ITaskFolderCollection): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function CreateFolder(subFolderName: TBStr; sddl: OleVariant; out ppFolder: ITaskFolder): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function DeleteFolder(subFolderName: TBStr; flags: LONG): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function GetTask(path: TBStr; out ppTask: IRegisteredTask): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function GetTasks(flags: LONG; out ppTasks: IRegisteredTaskCollection): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function DeleteTask(Name: TBStr; flags: LONG): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function RegisterTask(Path: TBStr; XmlText: TBStr; flags: LONG; UserId: OleVariant;
- password: OleVariant; LogonType: TASK_LOGON_TYPE; sddl: OleVariant; out ppTask: IRegisteredTask): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function RegisterTaskDefinition(path: TBStr; pDefinition: ITaskDefinition; flags: LONG;
- TASK_CREATION: OleVariant; password: OleVariant; logonType: TASK_LOGON_TYPE;
- sddl: OleVariant; out ppTask: IRegisteredTask): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function GetSecurityDescriptor(securityInformation: Integer; out pSddl: TBStr): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function SetSecurityDescriptor(sddl: TBStr; flags: LONG): HRESULT; stdcall;
- property Name: TBStr read get_Name;
- property Path: TBStr read get_Path;
- end;
- ITaskFolderCollection = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{79184A66-8664-423F-97F1-637356A5D812}']
- function get_Count: Integer; safecall;
- function get_Item(index: OleVariant): ITaskFolder; safecall;
- function get__NewEnum: IUnknown; safecall;
- property Count: Integer read get_Count;
- property Item[index: OleVariant]: ITaskFolder read get_Item; default;
- property _NewEnum: IUnknown read get__NewEnum;
- end;
- ITaskService = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{2FABA4C7-4DA9-4013-9697-20CC3FD40F85}']
- function GetFolder(Path: TBStr; out ppFolder: ITaskFolder): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function GetRunningTasks(flags: LONG; out ppRunningTasks: IRunningTaskCollection): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function NewTask(flags: DWORD; out ppDefinition: ITaskDefinition): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function Connect(serverName: OleVariant; user: OleVariant;
- domain: OleVariant; password: OleVariant): HRESULT; stdcall;
- function get_Connected: WordBool; safecall;
- function get_TargetServer: TBStr; safecall;
- function get_ConnectedUser: TBStr; safecall;
- function get_ConnectedDomain: TBStr; safecall;
- function get_HighestVersion: LongWord; safecall;
- property Connected: WordBool read get_Connected;
- property TargetServer: TBStr read get_TargetServer;
- property ConnectedUser: TBStr read get_ConnectedUser;
- property ConnectedDomain: TBStr read get_ConnectedDomain;
- property HighestVersion: LongWord read get_HighestVersion;
- end;
- implementation
- end.