C++ | 425 lines | 387 code | 31 blank | 7 comment | 15 complexity | 2ab68918e09e3c22cde421505dbe0b6b MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * This is a demo of Nana C++ Library
- * Author: Jinhao
- * The demo requires Nana 0.2.5 and C++03 compiler
- * Screenshot at http://sourceforge.net/projects/stdex
- */
- #include <nana/gui/wvl.hpp>
- #include <nana/gui/layout.hpp>
- #include <nana/gui/widgets/button.hpp>
- #include <nana/gui/widgets/categorize.hpp>
- #include <nana/gui/widgets/combox.hpp>
- #include <nana/gui/widgets/label.hpp>
- #include <nana/gui/widgets/progress.hpp>
- #include <nana/gui/widgets/tabbar.hpp>
- #include <nana/gui/widgets/panel.hpp>
- #include <nana/gui/widgets/listbox.hpp>
- #include <nana/gui/widgets/treebox.hpp>
- #include <nana/gui/widgets/checkbox.hpp>
- #include <nana/filesystem/file_iterator.hpp>
- #include <nana/gui/widgets/date_chooser.hpp>
- #include <nana/gui/widgets/textbox.hpp>
- #include <nana/gui/timer.hpp>
- #include <nana/gui/tooltip.hpp>
- #include <memory>
- #include <vector>
- namespace demo
- {
- using namespace nana::gui;
- class tab_page_listbox
- : public panel<false>
- {
- public:
- tab_page_listbox(window wd)
- : panel<false>(wd)
- {
- gird_.bind(*this);
- listbox_.create(*this);
- listbox_.append_header(STR("Supported compilers"), 200);
- listbox_.append_categ(STR("Nana.C++03"));
- listbox_.append_item(1, STR("GCC 3.4 and later"));
- listbox_.append_item(1, STR("Visual C++ 2003 and later"));
- listbox_.append_categ(STR("Nana.C++11"));
- listbox_.append_item(2, STR("GCC 4.6 and later"));
- listbox_.append_item(2, STR("Visual C++ 2012 and later"));
- checkbox_.create(*this);
- checkbox_.caption(STR("Checkable Listbox"));
- checkbox_.make_event<events::click>(nana::make_fun(*this, &tab_page_listbox::_m_checked));
- gird_.add(listbox_, 0, 0);
- gird * vgird = gird_.add(10, 140);
- vgird->push(checkbox_, 0, 40);
- }
- private:
- void _m_checked()
- {
- this->listbox_.checkable(this->checkbox_.checked());
- }
- private:
- gird gird_;
- listbox listbox_;
- checkbox checkbox_;
- };
- class tab_page_treebox
- : public panel<false>
- {
- public:
- typedef treebox<int>::node_type node_type;
- tab_page_treebox(window wd)
- : panel<false>(wd)
- {
- gird_.bind(*this);
- treebox_.create(*this);
- gird_.push(treebox_, 0, 0);
- #if defined(NANA_WINDOWS)
- node_type node = treebox_.insert(STR("C:"), STR("Local Drive(C:)"), 0);
- nana::filesystem::file_iterator i(STR("C:\\")), end;
- #elif defined(NANA_LINUX)
- //Use a whitespace for the root key string under Linux
- node_type node = treebox_.insert(STR(" "), STR("Root"), 0);
- nana::filesystem::file_iterator i(STR("/")), end;
- #endif
- for(; i != end; ++i)
- {
- if(false == i->directory) continue;
- treebox_.insert(node, i->name, i->name, 0);
- break;
- }
- treebox_.ext_event().expand = nana::make_fun(*this, &tab_page_treebox::_m_expand);
- }
- private:
- void _m_expand(nana::gui::window, node_type node, bool exp)
- {
- if(!exp) return; //If this is contracted.
- nana::string path = treebox_.make_key_path(node, STR("/")) + STR("/");
- //Trim the head of whitespace, more portable, because the root
- //under Linux is a whitespace
- nana::string::size_type path_start_pos = path.find_first_not_of(STR(" "));
- if(path_start_pos != nana::string::npos)
- path.erase(0, path_start_pos);
- //Walk in the path directory for sub directories.
- nana::filesystem::file_iterator i(path), end;
- for(; i != end; ++i)
- {
- if(false == i->directory) continue; //If it is not a directory.
- node_type child = treebox_.insert(node, i->name, i->name, 0);
- if(0 == child) continue;
- //Find a directory in child directory, if there is a directory,
- //insert it into the child, just insert one node to indicate the
- //node has a child and an arrow symbol will be displayed in the
- //front of the node.
- nana::filesystem::file_iterator u(path + i->name);
- for(; u != end; ++u)
- {
- if(false == u->directory) continue; //If it is not a directory.
- treebox_.insert(child, u->name, u->name, 0);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- private:
- gird gird_;
- treebox<int> treebox_;
- };
- class tab_page_datechooser
- : public panel<false>
- {
- public:
- tab_page_datechooser(window wd)
- : panel<false>(wd)
- {
- date_.create(*this, nana::rectangle(10, 10, 260, 200));
- textbox_.create(*this, nana::rectangle(280, 10, 170, 23));
- textbox_.tip_string(STR("Input a date:"));
- }
- private:
- date_chooser date_;
- textbox textbox_;
- };
- class tab_page_radiogroup
- : public panel<false>
- {
- public:
- tab_page_radiogroup(window wd)
- : panel<false>(wd)
- {
- gird_.bind(*this);
- gird * gdcontext = gird_.add(10, 0);
- gird * gdbox = gdcontext->push(0, 0);
- const nana::string str[6] = {
- STR("Airbus"), STR("AHTOHOB"),
- STR("Boeing"), STR("Bombardier"),
- STR("Cessna"), STR("EMBRAER")};
- for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
- {
- box_[i].create(*this);
- //Add the checkbox to the radio group. The radio group does not
- //manage the life of checkboxs.
- group_.add(box_[i]);
- gdbox->push(box_[i], 5, 20);
- box_[i].caption(str[i]);
- box_[i].make_event<events::click>(nana::make_fun(*this, &tab_page_radiogroup::_m_selected));
- }
- gird_.add(0, 10);
- label_.create(*this);
- label_.caption(STR("Select an airplane manufacturer"));
- gdcontext->push(label_, 10, 20);
- categorize_.create(*this);
- gdcontext->push(categorize_, 10, 22);
- gdcontext->push(0, 10);
- std::map<nana::string, std::vector<nana::string> > map;
- std::vector<nana::string>* p = &(map[str[0]]);
- p->push_back(STR("320"));
- p->push_back(STR("330"));
- p = &(map[str[1]]);
- p->push_back(STR("An-124"));
- p->push_back(STR("An-225"));
- p = &(map[str[2]]);
- p->push_back(STR("737"));
- p->push_back(STR("747"));
- p->push_back(STR("757"));
- p->push_back(STR("767"));
- p->push_back(STR("777"));
- p->push_back(STR("787"));
- p = &(map[str[3]]);
- p->push_back(STR("CRJ"));
- p->push_back(STR("Dash 8"));
- p = &(map[str[4]]);
- p->push_back(STR("C-170"));
- p->push_back(STR("C-172"));
- p = &(map[str[5]]);
- p->push_back(STR("ERJ-145"));
- p->push_back(STR("E-195"));
- for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
- {
- categorize_.caption(STR("Manufacturer"));
- categorize_.insert(str[i], 0);
- std::vector<nana::string> & v = map[str[i]];
- for(std::vector<nana::string>::iterator i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i)
- categorize_.childset(*i, 0);
- }
- }
- private:
- void _m_selected()
- {
- std::size_t index = group_.checked();
- nana::string str = box_[index].caption();
- label_.caption(STR("You have selected ") + str);
- categorize_.caption(STR("Manufacturer\\") + str);
- }
- private:
- gird gird_;
- radio_group group_;
- checkbox box_[6];
- label label_;
- categorize<int> categorize_;
- };
- class widget_show
- : public form
- {
- public:
- widget_show()
- : form(API::make_center(500, 400), appear::decorate<appear::sizable>())
- {
- this->caption(STR("This is a demo of Nana C++ Library"));
- gird_.bind(*this);
- _m_init_buttons();
- _m_init_comboxs();
- _m_init_labels();
- _m_init_progresses();
- _m_init_tabbar();
- this->make_event<events::unload>(nana::make_fun(*this, &widget_show::_m_ask_for_quit));
- }
- ~widget_show()
- {
- for(std::vector<panel<false>*>::iterator i = this->tabpages_.begin(); i != this->tabpages_.end(); ++i)
- delete (*i);
- }
- private:
- void _m_ask_for_quit(const eventinfo& ei)
- {
- msgbox mb(this->handle(), STR("Question"), msgbox::yes_no);
- mb.icon(mb.icon_question);
- mb<<STR("Are you sure you want to exit the demo?");
- ei.unload.cancel = (mb.pick_no == mb());
- }
- private:
- void _m_init_buttons()
- {
- gird * gdbutton = gird_.push(10, 22);
- msgbox mb(*this, STR("Msgbox"));
- mb.icon(mb.icon_information);
- mb<<STR("Button Clicked");
- for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- {
- buttons_[i].create(*this);
- gdbutton->add(buttons_[i], 10, 0);
- buttons_[i].make_event<events::click>(mb);
- }
- gdbutton->add(0, 10);
- button * ptr = &(buttons_[0]);
- ptr->caption(STR("Normal Button"));
- ptr = &(buttons_[1]);
- ptr->icon(STR("image.ico"));
- ptr->caption(STR("Button with An Image"));
- ptr = &(buttons_[2]);
- ptr->caption(STR("Pushed Button"));
- ptr->enable_pushed(true);
- }
- void _m_init_comboxs()
- {
- gird * gd = gird_.push(10, 24);
- for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- comboxs_[i].create(*this);
- gd->add(comboxs_[i], 10, 0);
- comboxs_[i].push_back(STR("Item 0"));
- comboxs_[i].push_back(STR("Item 1"));
- }
- gd->add(0, 10);
- combox* ptr = &(comboxs_[0]);
- ptr->editable(true);
- ptr->caption(STR("This is an editable combox"));
- ptr->ext_event().selected = nana::make_fun(*this, &widget_show::_m_combox_selected);
- ptr = &(comboxs_[1]);
- ptr->caption(STR("This is an uneditable combox"));
- ptr->ext_event().selected = nana::make_fun(*this, &widget_show::_m_combox_selected);
- }
- void _m_combox_selected(combox & cmb)
- {
- msgbox mb(*this, STR("Item Selected"));
- mb.icon(mb.icon_information);
- mb<<STR("The item ")<<cmb.option()<<(cmb.editable() ?
- STR(" is selected in editable combox") : STR(" is selected in uneditable combox"));
- mb();
- }
- void _m_init_labels()
- {
- gird * gd = gird_.push(10, 20);
- for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- labels_[i].create(*this);
- gd->add(labels_[i], 10, 0);
- }
- label * wd = &(labels_[0]);
- wd->caption(STR("This is a normal label"));
- wd = &(labels_[1]);
- wd->format(true);
- wd->caption(STR("This is a <bold, color=0xFF0000, font=\"Consolas\">formatted label</>"));
- }
- void _m_init_progresses()
- {
- gird * gd = gird_.push(10, 20);
- const nana::string tipstr[] = {STR("Unknwon in progress"), STR("Known in progress")};
- for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- progresses_[i].create(*this);
- gd->add(progresses_[i], 10, 0);
- progresses_[i].unknown(i == 0); //The first progress is known style, the second is unknown.
- tooltip_.set(progresses_[i], tipstr[i]);
- }
- gd->add(0, 10);
- timer_.make_tick(nana::make_fun(*this, &widget_show::_m_timer_tick));
- timer_.interval(80);
- }
- void _m_timer_tick()
- {
- for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- progress * p = &(progresses_[i]);
- if(false == p->unknown())
- {
- if(p->value() == p->amount())
- p->value(0);
- }
- p->inc();
- }
- }
- void _m_init_tabbar()
- {
- tabbar_.create(*this);
- gird_.push(tabbar_, 10, 24);
- tabbar_.push_back(STR("listbox"));
- tabpages_.push_back(new tab_page_listbox(*this));
- tabbar_.push_back(STR("treebox"));
- tabpages_.push_back(new tab_page_treebox(*this));
- tabbar_.push_back(STR("date_chooser"));
- tabpages_.push_back(new tab_page_datechooser(*this));
- tabbar_.push_back(STR("radio_group"));
- tabpages_.push_back(new tab_page_radiogroup(*this));
- gird * gd_tabpage = gird_.push(0, 0);
- std::size_t index = 0;
- for(std::vector<panel<false>*>::iterator i = tabpages_.begin(); i != tabpages_.end(); ++i)
- {
- tabbar_.relate(index++, (*i)->handle());
- gd_tabpage->fasten((*i)->handle());
- }
- }
- private:
- //A gird layout management
- gird gird_;
- nana::gui::timer timer_;
- nana::gui::tooltip tooltip_;
- button buttons_[3];
- combox comboxs_[2];
- label labels_[2];
- progress progresses_[2];
- tabbar<nana::string> tabbar_;
- std::vector<panel<false>*> tabpages_;
- };//end class nana_demo
- void go()
- {
- widget_show wdshow;
- wdshow.show();
- exec();
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- demo::go();
- }