http://princess.codeplex.com · Lua · 645 lines · 606 code · 28 blank · 11 comment · 5 complexity · 0704e4207cd353d763b8ca3b5710263e MD5 · raw file
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- -- write by xerysherry
- -- ??View?
- local View = getClass("Object.View");
- local Rect = getClass("Object.Rect");
- local ViewMouseEnum = getClass("Object.ViewMouseEnum");
- local Graphics = getClass("Object.Graphics");
- local lg = love.graphics;
- local tinsert = table.insert;
- local mfloor = math.floor;
- local mabs = math.abs;
- local msqrt = math.sqrt;
- local DrawTool = {
- Point=0, -- ?
- Line=1, -- ?,?????
- Rectangle=2, -- ??
- Circle=3 -- ?,?????
- };
- -- ????(?????????)
- local Pixelcv = class("Pixelcv", View,
- {
- click = false,
- -- ????
- cv_w = 32,
- cv_h = 32,
- cv = nil,
- -- ??
- rb_eraser_mode = true,
- -- ????
- zoom = 8, -- 1.0?? ??1pixel=??1pixel
- -- ??
- offset_x = 0,
- offset_y = 0,
- -- ????
- bg_color = nil, -- ????
- cvbg_color = nil, -- ????
- line_color = nil, -- ??????
- cvclear_color = nil,-- ??clear??
- -- ????
- draw_color = nil,
- points_list = nil,
- draw_tool = DrawTool.Point,
- eraser = false,
- fill = false,
- draw_quality = "rough",
- draw_size = 1,
- -- ???/???
- start_pt = nil,
- end_pt = nil,
- });
- function Pixelcv:initialize(w, h)
- View.initialize(self, w, h);
- self.bg_color = {128, 128, 128};
- self.cvbg_color = {255, 255, 255, 255};
- self.line_color = {0, 0, 0, 255};
- self.draw_color = {0, 0, 0, 255};
- self.cvclear_color = {255, 255, 255, 0};
- end
- function Pixelcv:setNewCanvas(w, h)
- self.cv_w = w;
- self.cv_h = h;
- self.cv = lg.newCanvas(self.cv_w, self.cv_h);
- self.cv:setFilter("nearest", "nearest");
- self:clearCv();
- end
- function Pixelcv:setDrawQuality(quality)
- self.draw_quality = quality;
- end
- function Pixelcv:setDrawSize(size)
- self.draw_size = size;
- end
- function Pixelcv:setCanvas(cv)
- self.cv_w = cv:getWidth();
- self.cv_h = cv:getHeight();
- self.cv = cv;
- self.cv:setFilter("nearest", "nearest");
- end
- function Pixelcv:setCanvasFilter(min, mag)
- self.cv:setFilter(min, mag);
- end
- function Pixelcv:getDrawQuality()
- return self.draw_quality;
- end
- function Pixelcv:getDrawSize()
- return self.draw_size;
- end
- function Pixelcv:getCanvas(cv)
- return self.cv;
- end
- function Pixelcv:getCanvasFilter(min, mag)
- return self.cv:getFilter();
- end
- function Pixelcv:setBgColor(color)
- self.bg_color = color or {128, 128, 128};
- end
- function Pixelcv:setCvColor(color)
- self.cvbg_color = color or {255, 255, 255, 255};
- end
- function Pixelcv:setLineColor(color)
- self.line_color = color or {0, 0, 0, 255};
- end
- function Pixelcv:setDrawColor(color)
- self.draw_color = color or {0, 0, 0, 255};
- end
- function Pixelcv:setEraseColor(color)
- self.cvclear_color = color or {255, 255, 255, 0};
- end
- function Pixelcv:setDrawTool(tool)
- assert(DrawTool[tool]~=nil, "the tool's name of \""..tool.."\" is not exist");
- self.draw_tool = DrawTool[tool];
- end
- function Pixelcv:setEraser(v)
- self.eraser = v or false;
- end
- function Pixelcv:setFill(v)
- self.fill = v or false;
- end
- function Pixelcv:setZoom(zoom)
- self.zoom = zoom;
- end
- function Pixelcv:setOffsetX(offset)
- self.offset_x = offset;
- if self.offset_x>0 then
- self.offset_x = -self.offset_x;
- end
- end
- function Pixelcv:setOffsetY(offset)
- self.offset_y = offset;
- if self.offset_y>0 then
- self.offset_y = -self.offset_y;
- end
- end
- function Pixelcv:getZoomWidth()
- return self.zoom*self.cv_w;
- end
- function Pixelcv:getZoomHeight()
- return self.zoom*self.cv_h;
- end
- function Pixelcv:clearCv()
- self.cv:clear(unpack(self.cvclear_color));
- end
- function Pixelcv:getCanvasLocAndSize()
- local fx = self.offset_x;
- local fy = self.offset_y;
- local fw = self.cv_w * self.zoom;
- local fh = self.cv_h * self.zoom;
- if fw<self.rect.width then
- fx = (self.rect.width - fw)/2;
- end
- if fh<self.rect.height then
- fy = (self.rect.height - fh)/2;
- end
- return fx, fy, fw, fh;
- end
- function Pixelcv:getLinePoints(ex, ey)
- self.points_list = {};
- local dx = ex-self.start_pt[1];
- local dy = ey-self.start_pt[2];
- if mabs(dx)>mabs(dy) then
- local k = (ey-self.start_pt[2])/(ex-self.start_pt[1]);
- local ax = 1;
- if dx<0 then
- ax=-1;
- end
- for i=0, dx, ax do
- local ix = self.start_pt[1]+i;
- local iy = self.start_pt[2]+mfloor(k*i);
- table.insert(self.points_list, {ix*self.zoom, iy*self.zoom});
- end
- else
- local k = (ex-self.start_pt[1])/(ey-self.start_pt[2]);
- local ay = 1;
- if dy<0 then
- ay=-1;
- end
- for i=0, dy, ay do
- local ix = self.start_pt[1]+mfloor(k*i);
- local iy = self.start_pt[2]+i;
- table.insert(self.points_list, {ix*self.zoom, iy*self.zoom});
- end
- end
- end
- function Pixelcv:saveCanvas(...)
- Graphics.encodeCanvas(self.cv, ...);
- end
- function Pixelcv:drawCvPoint(x, y)
- lg.setCanvas(self.cv);
- local p1, p2 = lg.getLineWidth(), lg.getLineStyle();
- lg.setLine(self.draw_size, self.draw_quality)
- lg.setColor(self.draw_color);
- lg.line(x, y, x+1, y+1);
- lg.setLine(p1, p2);
- lg.setCanvas();
- end
- function Pixelcv:drawCvLine(x, y)
- lg.setCanvas(self.cv);
- lg.setColor(self.draw_color);
- local sx=self.start_pt[1];
- if x<self.start_pt[1] then
- dx=x;
- end
- local dy=self.start_pt[2];
- if y<self.start_pt[2] then
- dy=y;
- end
- local p1, p2 = lg.getLineWidth(), lg.getLineStyle();
- lg.setLine(self.draw_size, self.draw_quality)
- lg.line(self.start_pt[1], self.start_pt[2], x, y);
- lg.setLine(p1, p2);
- lg.setCanvas();
- end
- function Pixelcv:drawCvRectangle(x, y)
- lg.setCanvas(self.cv);
- lg.setColor(self.draw_color);
- local dx=self.start_pt[1];
- if x<self.start_pt[1] then
- dx=x;
- end
- local dy=self.start_pt[2];
- if y<self.start_pt[2] then
- dy=y;
- end
- if self.fill then
- lg.rectangle("fill", dx, dy,
- mabs(self.start_pt[1]-x)+1, mabs(self.start_pt[2]-y)+1);
- else
- local p1, p2 = lg.getLineWidth(), lg.getLineStyle();
- lg.setLine(self.draw_size, self.draw_quality)
- lg.rectangle("line", dx+1, dy+1,
- mabs(self.start_pt[1]-x), mabs(self.start_pt[2]-y));
- lg.setLine(p1, p2);
- end
- lg.setCanvas();
- end
- function Pixelcv:drawCvCircle(x, y)
- lg.setCanvas(self.cv);
- lg.setColor(self.draw_color);
- local dx=self.start_pt[1];
- local dy=self.start_pt[2];
- local da=dx-x;
- local db=dy-y;
- local r=msqrt(da*da+db*db)
- if self.fill then
- lg.circle("fill", dx, dy, r);
- else
- local p1, p2 = lg.getLineWidth(), lg.getLineStyle();
- lg.setLine(self.draw_size, self.draw_quality)
- lg.circle("line", dx, dy, r);
- lg.setLine(p1, p2);
- end
- lg.setCanvas();
- end
- function Pixelcv:eraseCvPoint(x, y)
- lg.setCanvas(self.cv);
- local ds2rd = mfloor(self.draw_size/2);
- if ds2rd==self.draw_size/2 then
- y=y+1;
- end
- lg.setScissor(x-ds2rd, y-ds2rd, self.draw_size, self.draw_size);
- self.cv:clear(unpack(self.cvclear_color));
- lg.setScissor();
- lg.setCanvas();
- end
- function Pixelcv:eraseCvRectangle(x, y)
- local dx=self.start_pt[1];
- if x<self.start_pt[1] then
- dx=x;
- end
- local dy=self.start_pt[2];
- if y<self.start_pt[2] then
- dy=y;
- end
- lg.setCanvas(self.cv);
- lg.setScissor(dx, dy,
- mabs(self.start_pt[1]-x)+1, mabs(self.start_pt[2]-y)+1);
- self.cv:clear(unpack(self.cvclear_color));
- lg.setScissor();
- lg.setCanvas();
- end
- function Pixelcv:drawFakePoint(color)
- if self.start_pt==nil then
- return;
- end
- local vl, vt, vw, vh = self.rect:getRect();
- local cx, cy, cw, ch = self:getCanvasLocAndSize();
- local sx, sy, sw, sh = MergeRect(0, 0, vw, vh, cx, cy, cw, ch);
- if sx==nil then
- return;
- end
- --?????
- self.gui.graph._setScissor(sx+vl, sy+vt, sw, sh);
- --??
- self.gui.graph._push();
- self.gui.graph._translate(cx, cy);
- lg.setColor(color);
- lg.rectangle("fill", self.start_pt[1]*self.zoom,
- self.start_pt[2]*self.zoom, self.zoom, self.zoom);
- self.gui.graph._setScissor(vl, vt, vw, vh);
- self.gui.graph._pop();
- end
- function Pixelcv:drawFakeLine(color)
- if self.start_pt==nil then
- return;
- end
- local vl, vt, vw, vh = self.rect:getRect();
- local cx, cy, cw, ch = self:getCanvasLocAndSize();
- local sx, sy, sw, sh = MergeRect(0, 0, vw, vh, cx, cy, cw, ch);
- if sx==nil then
- return;
- end
- --?????
- self.gui.graph._setScissor(sx+vl, sy+vt, sw, sh);
- --??
- self.gui.graph._push();
- self.gui.graph._translate(cx, cy);
- local dx=self.start_pt[1];
- if self.end_pt[1]<self.start_pt[1] then
- dx=self.end_pt[1];
- end
- local dy=self.start_pt[2];
- if self.end_pt[2]<self.start_pt[2] then
- dy=self.end_pt[2];
- end
- local p1, p2 = lg.getLineWidth(), lg.getLineStyle();
- lg.setColor(color);
- lg.line(self.start_pt[1]*self.zoom,
- self.start_pt[2]*self.zoom,
- self.end_pt[1]*self.zoom,
- self.end_pt[2]*self.zoom);
- lg.setLine(p1, p2);
- self.gui.graph._setScissor(vl, vt, vw, vh);
- self.gui.graph._pop();
- end
- function Pixelcv:drawFakeRectangle(color)
- if self.start_pt==nil then
- return;
- end
- local vl, vt, vw, vh = self.rect:getRect();
- local cx, cy, cw, ch = self:getCanvasLocAndSize();
- local sx, sy, sw, sh = MergeRect(0, 0, vw, vh, cx, cy, cw, ch);
- if sx==nil then
- return;
- end
- --?????
- self.gui.graph._setScissor(sx+vl, sy+vt, sw, sh);
- --??
- self.gui.graph._push();
- self.gui.graph._translate(cx, cy);
- local dx=self.start_pt[1];
- if self.end_pt[1]<self.start_pt[1] then
- dx=self.end_pt[1];
- end
- local dy=self.start_pt[2];
- if self.end_pt[2]<self.start_pt[2] then
- dy=self.end_pt[2];
- end
- lg.setColor(color);
- lg.rectangle("line", dx*self.zoom, dy*self.zoom,
- mabs(self.start_pt[1]-self.end_pt[1])*self.zoom+self.zoom,
- mabs(self.start_pt[2]-self.end_pt[2])*self.zoom+self.zoom);
- self.gui.graph._setScissor(vl, vt, vw, vh);
- self.gui.graph._pop();
- end
- function Pixelcv:drawFakeCircle(color)
- if self.start_pt==nil then
- return;
- end
- local vl, vt, vw, vh = self.rect:getRect();
- local cx, cy, cw, ch = self:getCanvasLocAndSize();
- local sx, sy, sw, sh = MergeRect(0, 0, vw, vh, cx, cy, cw, ch);
- if sx==nil then
- return;
- end
- --?????
- self.gui.graph._setScissor(sx+vl, sy+vt, sw, sh);
- --??
- self.gui.graph._push();
- self.gui.graph._translate(cx, cy);
- local dx=self.start_pt[1];
- local dy=self.start_pt[2];
- local da=self.end_pt[1]-dx;
- local db=self.end_pt[2]-dy;
- local r=msqrt(da*da+db*db)
- lg.setColor(color);
- lg.circle("line", dx*self.zoom, dy*self.zoom, r*self.zoom)
- self.gui.graph._setScissor(vl, vt, vw, vh);
- self.gui.graph._pop();
- end
- function Pixelcv:drawBackground()
- self.gui.graph._setColor(self.bg_color);
- self.gui.graph._rectangle("fill", 0, 0, self.rect.width, self.rect.height);
- end
- function Pixelcv:drawCanvasBackground(x, y, w, h)
- self.gui.graph._setColor(self.cvbg_color);
- self.gui.graph._rectangle("fill", x, y, w, h);
- end
- function Pixelcv:drawLine(x, y, w, h)
- if self.zoom < 8 then
- return;
- end
- self.gui.graph._setColor(self.line_color);
- for ox=0, w, self.zoom do
- local ix = ox + x;
- if ox>=0 then
- self.gui.graph._rectangle("fill", ix-1, y, 1, h);
- elseif ix>self.rect.width then
- break;
- end
- end
- for oy=0, h, self.zoom do
- local iy = oy + y;
- if oy>=0 then
- self.gui.graph._rectangle("fill", x-1, iy-1, w, 1);
- elseif iy>self.rect.height then
- break;
- end
- end
- end
- function Pixelcv:drawCanvas(x, y, w, h)
- self.gui.graph._setColor({255,255,255});
- self.gui.graph._draw(self.cv, x, y, 0, w/self.cv_w, h/self.cv_h);
- end
- function Pixelcv:onDraw()
- local fx, fy, fw, fh = self:getCanvasLocAndSize();
- self:drawBackground();
- self:drawCanvasBackground(fx, fy, fw, fh);
- self:drawCanvas(fx, fy, fw, fh);
- if not self.eraser then
- if self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Point and self.click then
- self:drawFakePoint(self.draw_color);
- elseif self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Line and self.click then
- self:drawFakeLine(self.draw_color);
- elseif self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Rectangle and self.click then
- self:drawFakeRectangle(self.draw_color);
- elseif self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Circle and self.click then
- self:drawFakeCircle(self.draw_color);
- else
- self:drawFakePoint(self.draw_color);
- end
- else
- if self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Point and self.click then
- self:drawFakePoint(self.cvclear_color);
- elseif self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Rectangle and self.click then
- self:drawFakeRectangle({128,128,128});
- else
- self:drawFakePoint(self.cvclear_color);
- end
- end
- self:drawLine(fx, fy, fw, fh);
- end
- function Pixelcv:onMousePressed(x, y, button)
- local fx, fy, fw, fh = self:getCanvasLocAndSize();
- if x<fx or y<fy then
- return;
- end
- local dx = mfloor((x-fx)/self.zoom);
- local dy = mfloor((y-fy)/self.zoom);
- if button==ViewMouseEnum.LB then
- self.start_pt = {dx, dy};
- if self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Point then
- self:drawCvPoint(dx, dy);
- elseif self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Line or
- self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Rectangle or
- self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Circle then
- self.end_pt = {dx, dy};
- else
- return;
- end
- self.click = true;
- self:grab();
- elseif button==ViewMouseEnum.RB then
- if not self.rb_eraser_mode then
- return;
- end
- self.start_pt = {dx, dy};
- if self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Point then
- self:eraseCvPoint(dx, dy);
- elseif self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Rectangle then
- self.end_pt = {dx, dy};
- else
- return;
- end
- self.click = true;
- self.eraser = true;
- self:grab();
- end
- end
- function Pixelcv:onMouseMove(x, y)
- local fx, fy, fw, fh = self:getCanvasLocAndSize();
- if self.click then
- if x<fx or y<fy then
- return;
- end
- local dx = mfloor((x-fx)/self.zoom);
- local dy = mfloor((y-fy)/self.zoom);
- if self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Point then
- if not self.eraser then
- self:drawCvPoint(dx, dy);
- else
- self:eraseCvPoint(dx, dy);
- end
- elseif self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Line or
- self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Rectangle or
- self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Circle then
- self.end_pt = {dx, dy};
- end
- else
- if x<fx or y<fy then
- self.start_pt = nil;
- return;
- else
- local dx = mfloor((x-fx)/self.zoom);
- local dy = mfloor((y-fy)/self.zoom);
- self.start_pt = {dx, dy};
- end
- end
- end
- function Pixelcv:onMouseReleased(x, y, button)
- if not self.click then
- return;
- end
- local fx, fy, fw, fh = self:getCanvasLocAndSize();
- if x<fx or y<fy then
- return;
- end
- local dx = mfloor((x-fx)/self.zoom);
- local dy = mfloor((y-fy)/self.zoom);
- if self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Line then
- if not self.eraser then
- -- ????
- self:drawCvLine(dx, dy);
- end
- elseif self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Rectangle then
- if not self.eraser then
- -- ????
- self:drawCvRectangle(dx, dy);
- else
- -- ????
- self:eraseCvRectangle(dx, dy);
- end
- elseif self.draw_tool==DrawTool.Circle then
- if not self.eraser then
- -- ????
- self:drawCvCircle(dx, dy);
- end
- end
- self.click = false;
- self.start_pt = nil;
- self.eraser = false;
- self:ungrab();
- end
- function Pixelcv:onLeave()
- self.start_pt = nil;
- end
- return Pixelcv;