JavaScript | 300 lines | 210 code | 10 blank | 80 comment | 39 complexity | 32179992e63d11eab820a75d3f1c94a1 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * jQuery TinySort 1.3.27
- * A plugin to sort child nodes by (sub) contents or attributes.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Ron Valstar http://www.sjeiti.com/
- *
- * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
- * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
- *
- * contributors:
- * brian.gibson@gmail.com
- * michael.thornberry@gmail.com
- *
- * Usage:
- * $("ul#people>li").tsort();
- * $("ul#people>li").tsort("span.surname");
- * $("ul#people>li").tsort("span.surname",{order:"desc"});
- * $("ul#people>li").tsort({place:"end"});
- *
- * Change default like so:
- * $.tinysort.defaults.order = "desc";
- *
- * in this update:
- * - replaced pushStack with actual replace so initial jQ object is reordered (not only the returned object)
- * - fixed non-latin character ordering
- *
- * in last update:
- * - removed isNum
- * - fixed mixed literal/numeral values
- * - refactored fn contains()
- * - revision number now corresponds to svn revision
- *
- * Todos:
- * - todo: uppercase vs lowercase
- * - todo: 'foobar' != 'foobars' in non-latin
- *
- */
- ;(function($) {
- // private vars
- var fls = !1 // minify placeholder
- ,nll = null // minify placeholder
- ,prsflt = parseFloat // minify placeholder
- ,frCrCd = String.fromCharCode // minify placeholder
- ,mathmn = Math.min // minify placeholder
- ,rxLastNr = /(-?\d+\.?\d*)$/g // regex for testing strings ending on numbers
- //
- // character specific ordering is off by default for speed
- ,sCharOrder // equals the input oSettings.charOrder so we can test any changes
- ,aAllChars = [] // all latin chars 32-255
- ,aOrderChar // similar to sAllChars but with the changed char order
- ,bDoubles // boolean indicating double-non-latin chars, ie: lj, dž, Aa, ch, ss etc...
- ,iReplace = 0x2500 // doubles are replaced with Unicode char starting at 0x2500
- ,oReplace = {} // replacement object
- ,rxNotLatin // regular expression to test for non-latin chars
- ;
- // create basic latin string chars 32-255
- for (var i=32,s=frCrCd(i),len=255;i<len;i++,s=frCrCd(i).toLowerCase()) { // using lowerCase instead of upperCase so _ will sort before
- if ($.inArray(s, aAllChars) < 0) {
- aAllChars.push(s);
- }
- }
- aAllChars.sort();
- //
- // init plugin
- $.tinysort = {
- id: 'TinySort'
- ,version: '1.3.27'
- ,copyright: 'Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Ron Valstar'
- ,uri: 'http://tinysort.sjeiti.com/'
- ,licenced: {
- MIT: 'http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php'
- ,GPL: 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html'
- }
- ,defaults: { // default settings
- order: 'asc' // order: asc, desc or rand
- ,attr: nll // order by attribute value
- ,data: nll // use the data attribute for sorting
- ,useVal: fls // use element value instead of text
- ,place: 'start' // place ordered elements at position: start, end, org (original position), first
- ,returns: fls // return all elements or only the sorted ones (true/false)
- ,cases: fls // a case sensitive sort orders [aB,aa,ab,bb]
- ,forceStrings:fls // if false the string '2' will sort with the value 2, not the string '2'
- ,sortFunction: nll // override the default sort function
- ,charOrder: sCharOrder // the order of non-latin characters
- }
- };
- $.fn.extend({
- tinysort: function(_find,_settings) {
- if (_find&&typeof(_find)!='string') {
- _settings = _find;
- _find = nll;
- }
- var oSettings = $.extend({}, $.tinysort.defaults, _settings)
- ,sParent
- ,oThis = this
- ,iLen = $(this).length
- ,oElements = {} // contains sortable- and non-sortable list per parent
- ,bFind = !(!_find||_find=='')
- ,bAttr = !(oSettings.attr===nll||oSettings.attr=="")
- ,bData = oSettings.data!==nll
- // since jQuery's filter within each works on array index and not actual index we have to create the filter in advance
- ,bFilter = bFind&&_find[0]==':'
- ,$Filter = bFilter?oThis.filter(_find):oThis
- ,fnSort = oSettings.sortFunction
- ,iAsc = oSettings.order=='asc'?1:-1
- ,aNewOrder = [];
- // check charOrder (non latin chars)
- // sCharOrder only to check wether other vars are set
- // variables used on sort
- // - oSettings.charOrder to test
- // - bDoubles to test
- // - oReplace for doubles
- // - rxNotLatin to test
- // - aOrderChar to order
- //
- if (oSettings.charOrder!=sCharOrder) {
- sCharOrder = oSettings.charOrder;
- if (!oSettings.charOrder) {
- bDoubles = false;
- iReplace = 0x2500;
- oReplace = {};
- rxNotLatin = aOrderChar = nll;
- } else {
- aOrderChar = aAllChars.slice(0); // first set to entire 32-255 charlist
- bDoubles = false;
- // then loop through the sCharOrder rule
- for (var
- aCharNotLatin = []
- ,fnAddNonLatinChar = function(key,nonLatin){
- aCharNotLatin.push(nonLatin);
- oReplace[oSettings.cases?key:key.toLowerCase()] = nonLatin;
- }
- ,sAllCharNotLatin = ''
- ,sCharLatin = 'z' // if oSettings.charOrder has no [a-z] characters are appended to z
- ,l = sCharOrder.length
- ,j,m // init
- ,i=0;i<l;i++) { // loop through chars to set 'rxNotLatin' and 'sOrderChar'
- var sChar = sCharOrder[i]
- ,iChar = sChar.charCodeAt()
- ,bIsLatin = iChar>96&&iChar<123; // 'a'.charCodeAt()===97 'z'.charCodeAt()===122
- if (!bIsLatin){
- if (sChar=='[') { // find replace chars: ë will sort similar to e
- var iCharNotLatin = aCharNotLatin.length
- ,sLastChar = iCharNotLatin?aCharNotLatin[iCharNotLatin-1]:sCharLatin
- ,sReplaces = sCharOrder.substr(i+1).match(/[^\]]*/)[0]
- ,aDoubles = sReplaces.match(/{[^}]*}/g); // find doubles: dž, ss, lj ...
- if (aDoubles) {
- for (j=0,m=aDoubles.length;j<m;j++) {
- var sCode = aDoubles[j];
- i += sCode.length; // increment i because of .replace(...
- sReplaces = sReplaces.replace(sCode,'');
- fnAddNonLatinChar(sCode.replace(/[{}]/g,''),sLastChar);
- bDoubles = true;
- }
- }
- for (j=0,m=sReplaces.length;j<m;j++) fnAddNonLatinChar(sLastChar,sReplaces[j]);
- i += sReplaces.length+1;
- } else if (sChar=='{') { // find doubles: dž, ss, lj ...
- var sDouble = sCharOrder.substr(i+1).match(/[^}]*/)[0];
- fnAddNonLatinChar(sDouble,frCrCd(iReplace++)); // replace the double with single Unicode 0x2500+
- i += sDouble.length+1;
- bDoubles = true;
- } else {
- aCharNotLatin.push(sChar);
- }
- }
- if (aCharNotLatin.length&&(bIsLatin||i===l-1)) {
- var sCharNotLatin = aCharNotLatin.join('');
- sAllCharNotLatin += sCharNotLatin;
- // first remove non latin chars
- $.each(sCharNotLatin,function(j,s){
- aOrderChar.splice(aOrderChar.indexOf(s),1);
- });
- // then append chars to latin char
- var aParse = aCharNotLatin.slice(0);
- aParse.splice(0,0,aOrderChar.indexOf(sCharLatin)+1,0);
- Array.prototype.splice.apply(aOrderChar,aParse);
- //
- aCharNotLatin.length = 0;
- }
- if (i+1===l) rxNotLatin = new RegExp('['+sAllCharNotLatin+']','gi'); // make regex to test for chars
- else if (bIsLatin) sCharLatin = sChar;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!fnSort) fnSort = oSettings.order=='rand'?function() {
- return Math.random()<.5?1:-1;
- }:function(a,b) {
- var bNumeric = fls
- // maybe toLower
- ,sA = !oSettings.cases?toLowerCase(a.s):a.s
- ,sB = !oSettings.cases?toLowerCase(b.s):b.s;
- // maybe force Strings
- // var bAString = typeof(sA)=='string';
- // var bBString = typeof(sB)=='string';
- // if (!oSettings.forceStrings&&(bAString||bBString)) {
- // if (!bAString) sA = ''+sA;
- // if (!bBString) sB = ''+sB;
- if (!oSettings.forceStrings) {
- // maybe mixed
- var aAnum = sA&&sA.match(rxLastNr)
- ,aBnum = sB&&sB.match(rxLastNr);
- if (aAnum&&aBnum) {
- var sAprv = sA.substr(0,sA.length-aAnum[0].length)
- ,sBprv = sB.substr(0,sB.length-aBnum[0].length);
- if (sAprv==sBprv) {
- bNumeric = !fls;
- sA = prsflt(aAnum[0]);
- sB = prsflt(aBnum[0]);
- }
- }
- }
- // return sort-integer
- var iReturn = iAsc*(sA<sB?-1:(sA>sB?1:0));
- // test for non latin chars
- if (!bNumeric&&oSettings.charOrder) {
- if (bDoubles) { // first replace doubles
- for (var s in oReplace) {
- var o = oReplace[s];
- sA = sA.replace(s,o);
- sB = sB.replace(s,o);
- }
- }
- // then test if either word has non latin chars
- // we're using the slower string.match because strangely regex.test sometimes fails
- if (sA.match(rxNotLatin)!==nll||sB.match(rxNotLatin)!==nll) {
- for (var k=0,l=mathmn(sA.length,sB.length);k<l;k++) {
- var iAchr = aOrderChar.indexOf(sA[k])
- ,iBchr = aOrderChar.indexOf(sB[k]);
- if (iReturn=iAsc*(iAchr<iBchr?-1:(iAchr>iBchr?1:0))) break;
- }
- }
- }
- return iReturn;
- };
- oThis.each(function(i,el) {
- var $Elm = $(el)
- // element or sub selection
- ,mElmOrSub = bFind?(bFilter?$Filter.filter(el):$Elm.find(_find)):$Elm
- // text or attribute value
- ,sSort = bData?''+mElmOrSub.data(oSettings.data):(bAttr?mElmOrSub.attr(oSettings.attr):(oSettings.useVal?mElmOrSub.val():mElmOrSub.text()))
- // to sort or not to sort
- ,mParent = $Elm.parent();
- if (!oElements[mParent]) oElements[mParent] = {s:[],n:[]}; // s: sort, n: not sort
- if (mElmOrSub.length>0) oElements[mParent].s.push({s:sSort,e:$Elm,n:i}); // s:string, e:element, n:number
- else oElements[mParent].n.push({e:$Elm,n:i});
- });
- //
- // sort
- for (sParent in oElements) oElements[sParent].s.sort(fnSort);
- //
- // order elements and fill new order
- for (sParent in oElements) {
- var oParent = oElements[sParent]
- ,aOrg = [] // list for original position
- ,iLow = iLen
- ,aCnt = [0,0] // count how much we've sorted for retreival from either the sort list or the non-sort list (oParent.s/oParent.n)
- ,i;
- switch (oSettings.place) {
- case 'first': $.each(oParent.s,function(i,obj) { iLow = mathmn(iLow,obj.n) }); break;
- case 'org': $.each(oParent.s,function(i,obj) { aOrg.push(obj.n) }); break;
- case 'end': iLow = oParent.n.length; break;
- default: iLow = 0;
- }
- for (i = 0;i<iLen;i++) {
- var bSList = contains(aOrg,i)?!fls:i>=iLow&&i<iLow+oParent.s.length
- ,mEl = (bSList?oParent.s:oParent.n)[aCnt[bSList?0:1]].e;
- mEl.parent().append(mEl);
- if (bSList||!oSettings.returns) aNewOrder.push(mEl.get(0));
- aCnt[bSList?0:1]++;
- }
- }
- oThis.length = 0;
- Array.prototype.push.apply(oThis,aNewOrder);
- return oThis;
- }
- });
- // toLowerCase
- function toLowerCase(s) {
- return s&&s.toLowerCase?s.toLowerCase():s;
- }
- // array contains
- function contains(a,n) {
- for (var i=0,l=a.length;i<l;i++) if (a[i]==n) return !fls;
- return fls;
- }
- // set functions
- $.fn.TinySort = $.fn.Tinysort = $.fn.tsort = $.fn.tinysort;
- })(jQuery);