PHP | 59 lines | 49 code | 3 blank | 7 comment | 27 complexity | 1bb8c0fc650931daa0f46e2d3eaa35c5 MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- /*! JSON.minify()
- v0.1 (c) Kyle Simpson
- MIT License
- https://raw.github.com/getify/JSON.minify/master/minify.json.php
- */
- function json_minify($json) {
- $tokenizer = "/\"|(\/\*)|(\*\/)|(\/\/)|\n|\r/";
- $in_string = false;
- $in_multiline_comment = false;
- $in_singleline_comment = false;
- $new_str = array();
- $from = 0;
- $lastIndex = 0;
- while (preg_match($tokenizer,$json,$tmp,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE,$lastIndex)) {
- $tmp = $tmp[0];
- $lastIndex = $tmp[1] + strlen($tmp[0]);
- $lc = substr($json,0,$lastIndex - strlen($tmp[0]));
- $rc = substr($json,$lastIndex);
- if (!$in_multiline_comment && !$in_singleline_comment) {
- $tmp2 = substr($lc,$from);
- if (!$in_string) {
- $tmp2 = preg_replace("/(\n|\r|\s)*/","",$tmp2);
- }
- $new_str[] = $tmp2;
- }
- $from = $lastIndex;
- if ($tmp[0] == "\"" && !$in_multiline_comment && !$in_singleline_comment) {
- preg_match("/(\\\\)*$/",$lc,$tmp2);
- if (!$in_string || !$tmp2 || (strlen($tmp2[0]) % 2) == 0) { // start of string with ", or unescaped " character found to end string
- $in_string = !$in_string;
- }
- $from--; // include " character in next catch
- $rc = substr($json,$from);
- }
- else if ($tmp[0] == "/*" && !$in_string && !$in_multiline_comment && !$in_singleline_comment) {
- $in_multiline_comment = true;
- }
- else if ($tmp[0] == "*/" && !$in_string && $in_multiline_comment && !$in_singleline_comment) {
- $in_multiline_comment = false;
- }
- else if ($tmp[0] == "//" && !$in_string && !$in_multiline_comment && !$in_singleline_comment) {
- $in_singleline_comment = true;
- }
- else if (($tmp[0] == "\n" || $tmp[0] == "\r") && !$in_string && !$in_multiline_comment && $in_singleline_comment) {
- $in_singleline_comment = false;
- }
- else if (!$in_multiline_comment && !$in_singleline_comment && !(preg_match("/\n|\r|\s/",$tmp[0]))) {
- $new_str[] = $tmp[0];
- }
- }
- $new_str[] = $rc;
- return implode("",$new_str);
- }