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- /****************************************************************************
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- ** This file is part of the Qt3D module of the Qt Toolkit.
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- ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
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- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "qglpainter.h"
- #include "qglpainter_p.h"
- #include "qglabstracteffect.h"
- #include "qglext_p.h"
- #include <QOpenGLContext>
- #include <QOpenGLShaderProgram>
- #include <QOpenGLFramebufferObject>
- #include <QPainter>
- #include <QPaintEngine>
- #include <QVarLengthArray>
- #include <QMap>
- #include <QDebug>
- #if !defined(QT_NO_THREAD)
- #include <QThreadStorage>
- #include <QThread>
- #endif
- #include "qglflatcoloreffect_p.h"
- #include "qglflattextureeffect_p.h"
- #include "qgllitmaterialeffect_p.h"
- #include "qgllittextureeffect_p.h"
- #include "qglpickcolors_p.h"
- #include "qgltexture2d.h"
- #include "qgltexturecube.h"
- #include "qgeometrydata.h"
- #include "qglvertexbundle_p.h"
- #include "qmatrix4x4stack_p.h"
- #include "qglwindowsurface.h"
- #include "qglpaintersurface_p.h"
- #undef glActiveTexture
- /*!
- \class QGLPainter
- \brief The QGLPainter class provides portable API's for rendering into a GL context.
- \since 4.8
- \ingroup qt3d
- \ingroup qt3d::painting
- TBD - lots of TBD
- All QGLPainter instances on a context share the same context state:
- matrices, effects, vertex attributes, etc. For example, calling
- ortho() on one QGLPainter instance for a context will alter the
- projectionMatrix() as seen by the other QGLPainter instances.
- */
- /*!
- \enum QGLPainter::Update
- This enum defines the values that were changed since the last QGLPainter::update().
- \value UpdateColor The color has been updated.
- \value UpdateModelViewMatrix The modelview matrix has been updated.
- \value UpdateProjectionMatrix The projection matrix has been updated.
- \value UpdateMatrices The combination of UpdateModelViewMatrix and
- UpdateProjectionMatrix.
- \value UpdateLights The lights have been updated.
- \value UpdateMaterials The material parameters have been updated.
- \value UpdateViewport The viewport needs to be updated because the
- drawing surface has changed.
- \value UpdateAll All values have been updated. This is specified
- when an effect is activated.
- */
- Q_ASSERT_X(d, "QGLPainter", "begin() has not been called or it failed")
- QGLPainterPrivate::QGLPainterPrivate()
- : ref(1),
- badShaderCount(0),
- eye(QGL::NoEye),
- lightModel(0),
- defaultLightModel(0),
- defaultLight(0),
- frontMaterial(0),
- backMaterial(0),
- defaultMaterial(0),
- frontColorMaterial(0),
- backColorMaterial(0),
- viewingCube(QVector3D(-1, -1, -1), QVector3D(1, 1, 1)),
- color(255, 255, 255, 255),
- updates(QGLPainter::UpdateAll),
- pick(0),
- boundVertexBuffer(0),
- boundIndexBuffer(0),
- renderSequencer(0),
- isFixedFunction(true) // Updated by QGLPainter::begin()
- {
- context = 0;
- effect = 0;
- userEffect = 0;
- standardEffect = QGL::FlatColor;
- memset(stdeffects, 0, sizeof(stdeffects));
- }
- QGLPainterPrivate::~QGLPainterPrivate()
- {
- delete defaultLightModel;
- delete defaultLight;
- delete defaultMaterial;
- delete frontColorMaterial;
- delete backColorMaterial;
- for (int effect = 0; effect < QGL_MAX_STD_EFFECTS; ++effect)
- delete stdeffects[effect];
- delete pick;
- qDeleteAll(cachedPrograms);
- delete renderSequencer;
- }
- QGLPainterPickPrivate::QGLPainterPickPrivate()
- {
- isPicking = false;
- objectPickId = -1;
- pickColorIndex = -1;
- pickColor = 0;
- defaultPickEffect = new QGLFlatColorEffect();
- }
- QGLPainterPickPrivate::~QGLPainterPickPrivate()
- {
- delete defaultPickEffect;
- }
- #if !defined(QT_NO_THREAD)
- // QOpenGLContext's are thread-specific, so QGLPainterPrivateCache should be too.
- typedef QThreadStorage<QGLPainterPrivateCache *> QGLPainterPrivateStorage;
- Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QGLPainterPrivateStorage, painterPrivateStorage)
- static QGLPainterPrivateCache *painterPrivateCache()
- {
- QGLPainterPrivateCache *cache = painterPrivateStorage()->localData();
- if (!cache) {
- cache = new QGLPainterPrivateCache();
- painterPrivateStorage()->setLocalData(cache);
- }
- return cache;
- }
- #else
- Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QGLPainterPrivateCache, painterPrivateCache)
- #endif
- QGLPainterPrivateCache::QGLPainterPrivateCache()
- {
- }
- QGLPainterPrivateCache::~QGLPainterPrivateCache()
- {
- }
- QGLPainterPrivate *QGLPainterPrivateCache::fromContext(QOpenGLContext *context)
- {
- QGLPainterPrivate *priv = cache.value(context, 0);
- if (priv)
- return priv;
- #ifndef QT_NO_THREAD
- Q_ASSERT_X(context->thread() == QThread::currentThread(),
- "Attempt to fetch painter state for context outside contexts thread");
- #endif
- // since we assert this is the same thread then this is bound to be a direct
- // connection, not a queued (asynchronous) connection
- connect(context, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(contextDestroyed()));
- priv = new QGLPainterPrivate();
- priv->context = context;
- cache.insert(context, priv);
- return priv;
- }
- QGLPainterPrivateCache *QGLPainterPrivateCache::instance()
- {
- return painterPrivateCache();
- }
- void QGLPainterPrivateCache::contextDestroyed()
- {
- QOpenGLContext *context = qobject_cast<QOpenGLContext *>(sender());
- QGLPainterPrivate *priv = cache.value(context, 0);
- if (priv) {
- priv->context = 0;
- cache.remove(context);
- if (!priv->ref.deref())
- delete priv;
- }
- emit destroyedContext(context);
- }
- /*!
- Constructs a new GL painter. Call begin() to attach the
- painter to a GL context.
- \sa begin()
- */
- QGLPainter::QGLPainter()
- : d_ptr(0)
- {
- }
- /*!
- Constructs a new GL painter and attaches it to \a context.
- It is not necessary to call begin() after construction.
- \sa begin()
- */
- QGLPainter::QGLPainter(QOpenGLContext *context)
- : d_ptr(0)
- {
- begin(context);
- }
- /*!
- Constructs a new GL painter and attaches it to the GL
- context associated with \a window. It is not necessary to
- call begin() after construction.
- \sa begin(), isActive()
- */
- QGLPainter::QGLPainter(QWindow *window)
- : d_ptr(0)
- {
- begin(window);
- }
- /*!
- Constructs a new GL painter and attaches it to the GL context associated
- with \a painter. It is assumed that \a painter is the currently
- active painter and that it is associated with the current GL context.
- If \a painter is not using an OpenGL paint engine, then isActive()
- will return false; true otherwise.
- This constructor is typically used when mixing regular Qt painting
- operations and GL painting operations on a widget that is being
- drawn using the OpenGL graphics system.
- \sa begin(), isActive()
- */
- QGLPainter::QGLPainter(QPainter *painter)
- : d_ptr(0)
- {
- begin(painter);
- }
- /*!
- Constructs a new GL painter and attaches it to the GL context associated
- with \a surface.
- \sa begin(), isActive()
- */
- QGLPainter::QGLPainter(QGLAbstractSurface *surface)
- : d_ptr(0)
- {
- begin(surface);
- }
- /*!
- Destroys this GL painter.
- */
- QGLPainter::~QGLPainter()
- {
- end();
- }
- /*!
- Begins painting on the current GL context. Returns false
- if there is no GL context current.
- \sa end()
- */
- bool QGLPainter::begin()
- {
- return begin(QOpenGLContext::currentContext());
- }
- /*!
- Begins painting on \a context. If painting was already in progress,
- then this function will call end() first. The \a context will be
- made current if it is not already current.
- Returns true if painting can begin; false otherwise.
- All QGLPainter instances on a context share the same context state:
- matrices, the effect(), vertex attributes, etc. For example,
- calling ortho() on one QGLPainter instance for a context will
- alter the projectionMatrix() as seen by the other QGLPainter instances.
- \sa end(), isActive()
- */
- bool QGLPainter::begin(QOpenGLContext *context)
- {
- if (!context)
- return false;
- end();
- return begin(context, QGLAbstractSurface::createSurfaceForContext(context));
- }
- /*!
- \internal
- */
- bool QGLPainter::begin
- (QOpenGLContext *context, QGLAbstractSurface *surface,
- bool destroySurface)
- {
- // If we don't have a context specified, then use the one
- // that the surface just made current.
- if (!context)
- context = QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
- if (!context)
- {
- qWarning() << "##### Attempt to begin painter with no GL context!";
- return false;
- }
- // Initialize the QOpenGLFunctions parent class.
- initializeGLFunctions();
- // Determine if the OpenGL implementation is fixed-function or not.
- bool isFixedFunction = !hasOpenGLFeature(QOpenGLFunctions::Shaders);
- if (!isFixedFunction)
- isFixedFunction = !QOpenGLShaderProgram::hasOpenGLShaderPrograms();
- if (!isFixedFunction)
- {
- QOpenGLContext *ctx = QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
- QFunctionPointer res = ctx->getProcAddress("glCreateShader");
- if (!res)
- {
- res = ctx->getProcAddress("glCreateShaderObject");
- if (!res)
- {
- res = ctx->getProcAddress("glCreateShaderObjectARB");
- }
- }
- if (!res)
- isFixedFunction = !res;
- }
- // Find the QGLPainterPrivate for the context, or create a new one.
- d_ptr = painterPrivateCache()->fromContext(context);
- d_ptr->ref.ref();
- d_ptr->isFixedFunction = isFixedFunction;
- if (d_ptr->renderSequencer)
- {
- d_ptr->renderSequencer->reset();
- d_ptr->renderSequencer->setPainter(this);
- }
- // Activate the main surface for the context.
- QGLAbstractSurface *prevSurface;
- if (d_ptr->surfaceStack.isEmpty()) {
- prevSurface = 0;
- } else {
- // We are starting a nested begin()/end() scope, so switch
- // to the new main surface rather than activate from scratch.
- prevSurface = d_ptr->surfaceStack.last().surface;
- prevSurface->deactivate(surface);
- }
- if (!surface->activate(prevSurface)) {
- if (prevSurface)
- prevSurface->activate(surface);
- if (destroySurface)
- delete surface;
- if (!d_ptr->ref.deref())
- delete d_ptr;
- d_ptr = 0;
- return false;
- }
- // Push a main surface descriptor onto the surface stack.
- QGLPainterSurfaceInfo psurf;
- psurf.surface = surface;
- psurf.destroySurface = destroySurface;
- psurf.mainSurface = true;
- d_ptr->surfaceStack.append(psurf);
- // Force the matrices to be updated the first time we use them.
- d_ptr->modelViewMatrix.setDirty(true);
- d_ptr->projectionMatrix.setDirty(true);
- return true;
- }
- /*!
- Begins GL painting on \a widget. Returns false if \a widget is null.
- \sa end()
- */
- bool QGLPainter::begin(QWindow *window)
- {
- bool result = false;
- if (window)
- {
- end();
- result = begin(0, new QGLWindowSurface(window));
- }
- return result;
- }
- /*!
- Begins painting on the GL context associated with \a painter.
- Returns false if \a painter is not using an OpenGL paint engine.
- It is assumed that \a painter is the currently active painter
- and that it is associated with the current GL context.
- This function is typically used when mixing regular Qt painting
- operations and GL painting operations on a widget that is being
- drawn using the OpenGL graphics system.
- \sa end()
- */
- bool QGLPainter::begin(QPainter *painter)
- {
- // Validate that the painting is OpenGL-based.
- if (!painter)
- return false;
- QPaintEngine *engine = painter->paintEngine();
- if (!engine)
- return false;
- if (engine->type() != QPaintEngine::OpenGL &&
- engine->type() != QPaintEngine::OpenGL2)
- return false;
- // Begin GL painting operations.
- return begin(0, new QGLPainterSurface(painter));
- }
- /*!
- Begins painting to \a surface. Returns false if \a surface is
- null or could not be activated.
- \sa end(), QGLAbstractSurface::activate()
- */
- bool QGLPainter::begin(QGLAbstractSurface *surface)
- {
- if (!surface)
- return false;
- end();
- return begin(0, surface, false);
- }
- /*!
- Ends GL painting. Returns true if painting was ended successfully;
- false if this painter was not bound to a GL context.
- The GL context that was bound to this painter will not have
- QOpenGLContext::doneCurrent() called on it. It is the responsibility
- of the caller to terminate context operations.
- The effect() will be left active in the GL context and will be
- assumed to still be active the next time begin() is called.
- If this assumption doesn't apply, then call disableEffect()
- to disable the effect before calling end().
- This function will pop all surfaces from the surface stack,
- and return currentSurface() to null (the default drawing surface).
- \sa begin(), isActive(), disableEffect()
- */
- bool QGLPainter::end()
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- if (!d)
- return false;
- // Unbind the current vertex and index buffers.
- if (d->boundVertexBuffer) {
- QOpenGLBuffer::release(QOpenGLBuffer::VertexBuffer);
- d->boundVertexBuffer = 0;
- }
- if (d->boundIndexBuffer) {
- QOpenGLBuffer::release(QOpenGLBuffer::IndexBuffer);
- d->boundIndexBuffer = 0;
- }
- // Pop surfaces from the surface stack until we reach a
- // main surface. Then deactivate the main surface.
- int size = d->surfaceStack.size();
- while (size > 0) {
- --size;
- QGLPainterSurfaceInfo &surf = d->surfaceStack[size];
- if (surf.mainSurface) {
- if (size > 0) {
- // There are still other surfaces on the stack, probably
- // because we are within a nested begin()/end() scope.
- // Re-activate the next surface down in the outer scope.
- QGLPainterSurfaceInfo &nextSurf = d->surfaceStack[size - 1];
- surf.surface->switchTo(nextSurf.surface);
- } else {
- // Last surface on the stack, so deactivate it permanently.
- surf.surface->deactivate();
- }
- if (surf.destroySurface)
- delete surf.surface;
- break;
- } else if (size > 0) {
- surf.surface->deactivate(d->surfaceStack[size - 1].surface);
- }
- }
- d->surfaceStack.resize(size);
- // Force a viewport update if we are within a nested begin()/end().
- d->updates |= UpdateViewport;
- // Destroy the QGLPainterPrivate if this is the last reference.
- if (!d->ref.deref())
- delete d;
- d_ptr = 0;
- return true;
- }
- /*!
- Returns true if this painter is currently bound to a GL context;
- false otherwise.
- \sa begin(), end()
- */
- bool QGLPainter::isActive() const
- {
- return (d_ptr != 0 && d_ptr->context != 0);
- }
- /*!
- Returns the GL context that is bound to this painter, or null
- if it is not currently bound.
- */
- QOpenGLContext *QGLPainter::context() const
- {
- if (d_ptr)
- return d_ptr->context;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- /*!
- Returns true if the underlying OpenGL implementation is OpenGL 1.x
- or OpenGL/ES 1.x and only supports fixed-function OpenGL operations.
- Returns false if the underlying OpenGL implementation is using
- GLSL or GLSL/ES shaders.
- If this function returns false, then the built-in effects will
- use shaders and QGLPainter will not update the fixed-function
- matrices in the OpenGL context when update() is called.
- User-supplied effects will need to use shaders also or update
- the fixed-function matrices themselves or call updateFixedFunction().
- \sa update(), updateFixedFunction()
- */
- bool QGLPainter::isFixedFunction() const
- {
- #if defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2)
- return false;
- #else
- Q_D(const QGLPainter);
- if (d)
- return d->isFixedFunction;
- else
- return true;
- #endif
- }
- /*!
- Sets the \a color to use to clear the color buffer when \c{glClear()}
- is called.
- */
- void QGLPainter::setClearColor(const QColor& color)
- {
- glClearColor(color.redF(), color.greenF(), color.blueF(), color.alphaF());
- }
- /*!
- Sets the scissor \a rect for the current drawing surface
- to use when \c{GL_SCISSOR_TEST} is enabled. If \a rect is empty,
- then the scissor will be set to clip away all drawing.
- Note that \a rect is in Qt co-ordinates with the origin
- at the top-left of the drawing surface's viewport rectangle.
- If the currentSurface() is an instance of QGLSubsurface,
- then \a rect will be adjusted relative to the subsurface's position.
- \sa currentSurface(), QGLAbstractSurface::viewportGL()
- */
- void QGLPainter::setScissor(const QRect& rect)
- {
- if (!rect.isEmpty()) {
- // Adjust the rectangle by the position of the surface viewport.
- QGLAbstractSurface *surface = currentSurface();
- QRect viewport = surface->viewportGL();
- QRect r(viewport.x() + rect.x(),
- viewport.y() + viewport.height() - (rect.y() + rect.height()),
- rect.width(), rect.height());
- if (!r.isEmpty())
- glScissor(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height());
- else
- glScissor(0, 0, 0, 0);
- } else {
- glScissor(0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- /*!
- Returns a reference to the projection matrix stack.
- It is recommended that setCamera() be used to set the projection
- matrix at the beginning of a scene rendering pass so that the
- eye position can be adjusted for stereo.
- \sa modelViewMatrix(), combinedMatrix(), setCamera()
- */
- QMatrix4x4Stack& QGLPainter::projectionMatrix()
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- return d->projectionMatrix;
- }
- /*!
- Returns a reference to the modelview matrix stack.
- \sa projectionMatrix(), combinedMatrix(), normalMatrix(), setCamera()
- \sa worldMatrix()
- */
- QMatrix4x4Stack& QGLPainter::modelViewMatrix()
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- return d->modelViewMatrix;
- }
- /*!
- \fn QMatrix4x4 QGLPainter::combinedMatrix() const
- Returns the result of multiplying the projectionMatrix()
- and the modelViewMatrix(). This combined matrix value is
- useful for setting uniform matrix values on shader programs.
- Calling this function is more efficient than calling
- projectionMatrix() and modelViewMatrix() separately and
- multiplying the return values.
- \sa projectionMatrix(), modelViewMatrix(), normalMatrix()
- */
- QMatrix4x4 QGLPainter::combinedMatrix() const
- {
- const QGLPainterPrivate *d = d_func();
- if (!d)
- return QMatrix4x4();
- const QMatrix4x4StackPrivate *proj = d->projectionMatrix.d_func();
- const QMatrix4x4StackPrivate *mv = d->modelViewMatrix.d_func();
- return proj->matrix * mv->matrix;
- }
- // Inverting the eye transformation will often result in values like
- // 1.5e-15 in the world matrix. Clamp these to zero to make worldMatrix()
- // more stable when removing the eye component of the modelViewMatrix().
- static inline qreal qt_gl_stablize_value(qreal value)
- {
- return (qAbs(value) >= 0.00001f) ? value : 0.0f;
- }
- static inline QMatrix4x4 qt_gl_stablize_matrix(const QMatrix4x4 &m)
- {
- return QMatrix4x4(qt_gl_stablize_value(m(0, 0)),
- qt_gl_stablize_value(m(0, 1)),
- qt_gl_stablize_value(m(0, 2)),
- qt_gl_stablize_value(m(0, 3)),
- qt_gl_stablize_value(m(1, 0)),
- qt_gl_stablize_value(m(1, 1)),
- qt_gl_stablize_value(m(1, 2)),
- qt_gl_stablize_value(m(1, 3)),
- qt_gl_stablize_value(m(2, 0)),
- qt_gl_stablize_value(m(2, 1)),
- qt_gl_stablize_value(m(2, 2)),
- qt_gl_stablize_value(m(2, 3)),
- qt_gl_stablize_value(m(3, 0)),
- qt_gl_stablize_value(m(3, 1)),
- qt_gl_stablize_value(m(3, 2)),
- qt_gl_stablize_value(m(3, 3)));
- }
- /*!
- Returns the world matrix, which is the modelViewMatrix() without
- the eye transformation that was set in the previous call to
- setCamera().
- In the following example, the \c{world} variable will be set to the
- translation and scale component of the modelview transformation,
- without the "look at" component from the camera:
- \code
- painter.setCamera(camera);
- painter.modelViewMatrix().translate(0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f);
- painter.modelViewMatrix().scale(1.5f);
- QMatrix4x4 world = painter.worldMatrix();
- \endcode
- Note: the world matrix is determined by multiplying the inverse of
- the camera's look at component with the current modelview matrix.
- Thus, the result may not be precisely the same as constructing a
- matrix from translate and scale operations starting with the identity.
- \sa modelViewMatrix(), setCamera()
- */
- QMatrix4x4 QGLPainter::worldMatrix() const
- {
- Q_D(const QGLPainter);
- return qt_gl_stablize_matrix
- (d->inverseEyeMatrix * d->modelViewMatrix.top());
- }
- /*!
- \fn QMatrix3x3 QGLPainter::normalMatrix() const
- Returns the normal matrix corresponding to modelViewMatrix().
- The normal matrix is the transpose of the inverse of the top-left
- 3x3 part of the 4x4 modelview matrix. If the 3x3 sub-matrix is not
- invertible, this function returns the identity.
- \sa modelViewMatrix(), combinedMatrix()
- */
- QMatrix3x3 QGLPainter::normalMatrix() const
- {
- const QGLPainterPrivate *d = d_func();
- if (!d)
- return QMatrix3x3();
- const QMatrix4x4StackPrivate *mv = d->modelViewMatrix.d_func();
- return mv->matrix.normalMatrix();
- }
- /*!
- Returns the camera eye that is currently being used for stereo
- rendering. The default is QGL::NoEye.
- The eye is used to adjust the camera position by a small amount
- when setCamera() is called.
- \sa setEye(), setCamera()
- */
- QGL::Eye QGLPainter::eye() const
- {
- Q_D(const QGLPainter);
- return d->eye;
- }
- /*!
- Sets the camera \a eye that is currently being used for stereo
- rendering.
- The \a eye is used to adjust the camera position by a small amount
- when setCamera() is called.
- \sa eye(), setCamera()
- */
- void QGLPainter::setEye(QGL::Eye eye)
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- d->eye = eye;
- }
- /*!
- Sets the modelViewMatrix() and projectionMatrix() to the view
- defined by \a camera. If eye() is not QGL::NoEye, then the view
- will be adjusted for the camera's eye separation.
- This function is typically called at the beginning of a scene rendering
- pass to initialize the modelview and projection matrices.
- Note that this does not cause the painter to take ownership of the camera
- and it does not save the pointer value. The \a camera may be safely
- deleted after calling this function.
- \sa eye(), modelViewMatrix(), projectionMatrix(), worldMatrix()
- */
- void QGLPainter::setCamera(const QGLCamera *camera)
- {
- Q_ASSERT(camera);
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- QMatrix4x4 lookAt = camera->modelViewMatrix(d->eye);
- d->modelViewMatrix = lookAt;
- d->projectionMatrix = camera->projectionMatrix(aspectRatio());
- d->inverseEyeMatrix = lookAt.inverted();
- }
- /*!
- Returns true if \a point is outside the current viewing volume.
- This is used to perform object culling checks.
- */
- bool QGLPainter::isCullable(const QVector3D& point) const
- {
- Q_D(const QGLPainter);
- QVector3D projected = d->modelViewMatrix * point;
- projected = d->projectionMatrix * projected;
- return !d->viewingCube.contains(projected);
- }
- static inline uint outcode(const QVector4D &v)
- {
- // For a discussion of outcodes see pg 388 Dunn & Parberry.
- // For why you can't just test if the point is in a bounding box
- // consider the case where a view frustum with view-size 1.5 x 1.5
- // is tested against a 2x2 box which encloses the near-plane, while
- // all the points in the box are outside the frustum.
- // TODO: optimise this with assembler - according to D&P this can
- // be done in one line of assembler on some platforms
- uint code = 0;
- if (v.x() < -v.w()) code |= 0x01;
- if (v.x() > v.w()) code |= 0x02;
- if (v.y() < -v.w()) code |= 0x04;
- if (v.y() > v.w()) code |= 0x08;
- if (v.z() < -v.w()) code |= 0x10;
- if (v.z() > v.w()) code |= 0x20;
- return code;
- }
- /*!
- Returns true if \a box is completely outside the current viewing volume.
- This is used to perform object culling checks.
- */
- bool QGLPainter::isCullable(const QBox3D& box) const
- {
- Q_D(const QGLPainter);
- // This function uses the technique of view frustum culling known as
- // clip space testing. Since the normal QVector3D representation
- // of the points throws away the w value needed, we convert the box
- // into a set of 8 points represented as QVector4D's and then apply
- // the test. The test is to transform the points into clip space
- // by applying the MV and Proj matrices, then test to see if the 4D
- // points are outside the clip space by testing x, y & z against w.
- QArray<QVector4D> box4d;
- QVector3D n = box.minimum();
- QVector3D x = box.maximum();
- box4d.append(QVector4D(n.x(), n.y(), x.z(), 1), QVector4D(x.x(), n.y(), x.z(), 1),
- QVector4D(x.x(), x.y(), x.z(), 1), QVector4D(n.x(), x.y(), x.z(), 1));
- box4d.append(QVector4D(n.x(), n.y(), n.z(), 1), QVector4D(x.x(), n.y(), n.z(), 1),
- QVector4D(x.x(), x.y(), n.z(), 1), QVector4D(n.x(), x.y(), n.z(), 1));
- QMatrix4x4 mvp = d->projectionMatrix.top() * d->modelViewMatrix.top();
- for (int i = 0; i < box4d.size(); ++i)
- {
- box4d[i] = mvp * box4d.at(i);
- }
- // if the logical AND of all the outcodes is non-zero then the BB is
- // definitely outside the view frustum.
- uint out = 0xff;
- for (int i = 0; i < box4d.size(); ++i)
- {
- out = out & outcode(box4d.at(i));
- }
- return out;
- }
- /*!
- Returns the current render order sequencer.
- \sa QGLRenderSequencer
- */
- QGLRenderSequencer *QGLPainter::renderSequencer()
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- if (!d->renderSequencer)
- d->renderSequencer = new QGLRenderSequencer(this);
- return d->renderSequencer;
- }
- /*!
- Returns the aspect ratio of the viewport for adjusting projection
- transformations.
- */
- qreal QGLPainter::aspectRatio() const
- {
- return currentSurface()->aspectRatio();
- }
- /*!
- Returns the current effect that is in use, which is userEffect()
- if it is not null, or the effect object associated with
- standardEffect() otherwise.
- If isPicking() is true, then this will return the effect object
- that is being used to generate pick colors.
- \sa userEffect(), standardEffect(), isPicking()
- */
- QGLAbstractEffect *QGLPainter::effect() const
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- d->ensureEffect(const_cast<QGLPainter *>(this));
- return d->effect;
- }
- /*!
- Returns the user-defined effect that is being used for drawing
- operations, or null if standardEffect() is in use.
- \sa setUserEffect(), standardEffect(), effect()
- */
- QGLAbstractEffect *QGLPainter::userEffect() const
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- return d->userEffect;
- }
- /*!
- Sets a user-defined \a effect to use for drawing operations
- in the current GL context. If \a effect is null, this will
- disable user-defined effects and return to using standardEffect().
- \sa effect(), draw(), setStandardEffect()
- */
- void QGLPainter::setUserEffect(QGLAbstractEffect *effect)
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- if (d->userEffect == effect)
- return;
- if (d->effect)
- d->effect->setActive(this, false);
- d->userEffect = effect;
- if (effect && (!d->pick || !d->pick->isPicking)) {
- d->effect = effect;
- d->effect->setActive(this, true);
- d->updates = UpdateAll;
- } else {
- // Revert to the effect associated with standardEffect().
- d->effect = 0;
- d->ensureEffect(this);
- }
- }
- /*!
- Returns the standard effect to use for rendering fragments in
- the current GL context when userEffect() is null.
- \sa setStandardEffect(), userEffect()
- */
- QGL::StandardEffect QGLPainter::standardEffect() const
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- return d->standardEffect;
- }
- /*!
- Sets a standard \a effect to use for rendering fragments
- in the current GL context. This will also set userEffect()
- to null. If \a effect is an invalid value, then the behavior
- of QGL::FlatColor will be used instead.
- \sa standardEffect(), setUserEffect()
- */
- void QGLPainter::setStandardEffect(QGL::StandardEffect effect)
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- if (d->standardEffect == effect && d->effect && d->userEffect == 0)
- return;
- if (d->effect)
- d->effect->setActive(this, false);
- d->standardEffect = effect;
- d->userEffect = 0;
- d->effect = 0;
- d->ensureEffect(this);
- }
- /*!
- Disables the current effect and sets userEffect() to null.
- Unlike setUserEffect() this not activate the standardEffect()
- until the next time effect() is called.
- This function can be used to disable all effect-based drawing
- operations prior to performing raw GL calls. The next time
- effect() is called on this QGLPainter, the standardEffect()
- will be reactivated. An effect can also be reactivated by
- calling setUserEffect() or setStandardEffect().
- \sa userEffect(), standardEffect()
- */
- void QGLPainter::disableEffect()
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- if (d->effect)
- d->effect->setActive(this, false);
- d->userEffect = 0;
- d->effect = 0;
- }
- /*!
- Returns the cached shader program associated with \a name; or null
- if \a name is not currently associated with a shader program.
- \sa setCachedProgram()
- */
- QOpenGLShaderProgram *QGLPainter::cachedProgram(const QString& name) const
- {
- Q_D(const QGLPainter);
- return d->cachedPrograms.value(name, 0);
- }
- /*!
- Sets the cached shader \a program associated with \a name.
- Effect objects can use this function to store pre-compiled
- and pre-linked shader programs in the painter for future
- use by the same effect. The \a program will be destroyed
- when context() is destroyed.
- If \a program is null, then the program associated with \a name
- will be destroyed. If \a name is already present as a cached
- program, then it will be replaced with \a program.
- Names that start with "\c{qt.}" are reserved for use by Qt's
- internal effects.
- \sa cachedProgram()
- */
- void QGLPainter::setCachedProgram
- (const QString& name, QOpenGLShaderProgram *program)
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- QOpenGLShaderProgram *current = d->cachedPrograms.value(name, 0);
- if (current != program) {
- if (program)
- d->cachedPrograms[name] = program;
- else
- d->cachedPrograms.remove(name);
- delete current;
- }
- }
- void QGLPainterPrivate::createEffect(QGLPainter *painter)
- {
- if (userEffect) {
- if (!pick || !pick->isPicking) {
- effect = userEffect;
- effect->setActive(painter, true);
- updates = QGLPainter::UpdateAll;
- return;
- }
- if (userEffect->supportsPicking()) {
- effect = userEffect;
- effect->setActive(painter, true);
- updates = QGLPainter::UpdateAll;
- return;
- }
- effect = pick->defaultPickEffect;
- effect->setActive(painter, true);
- updates = QGLPainter::UpdateAll;
- return;
- }
- if (uint(standardEffect) >= QGL_MAX_STD_EFFECTS)
- effect = stdeffects[int(QGL::FlatColor)];
- else
- effect = stdeffects[int(standardEffect)];
- if (!effect) {
- switch (standardEffect) {
- case QGL::FlatColor: default:
- effect = new QGLFlatColorEffect();
- break;
- case QGL::FlatPerVertexColor:
- effect = new QGLPerVertexColorEffect();
- break;
- case QGL::FlatReplaceTexture2D:
- effect = new QGLFlatTextureEffect();
- break;
- case QGL::FlatDecalTexture2D:
- effect = new QGLFlatDecalTextureEffect();
- break;
- case QGL::LitMaterial:
- effect = new QGLLitMaterialEffect();
- break;
- case QGL::LitDecalTexture2D:
- effect = new QGLLitDecalTextureEffect();
- break;
- case QGL::LitModulateTexture2D:
- effect = new QGLLitModulateTextureEffect();
- break;
- }
- if (uint(standardEffect) >= QGL_MAX_STD_EFFECTS)
- stdeffects[int(QGL::FlatColor)] = effect;
- else
- stdeffects[int(standardEffect)] = effect;
- }
- if (!pick || !pick->isPicking || effect->supportsPicking()) {
- effect->setActive(painter, true);
- } else {
- effect = pick->defaultPickEffect;
- effect->setActive(painter, true);
- }
- updates = QGLPainter::UpdateAll;
- }
- /*!
- Returns the last color that was set with setColor(). The default
- value is (1, 1, 1, 1).
- \sa setColor()
- */
- QColor QGLPainter::color() const
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- return d->color;
- }
- /*!
- Sets the default fragment \a color for effects associated
- with this painter. This function does not apply the color
- to the effect until update() is called.
- \sa color(), update()
- */
- void QGLPainter::setColor(const QColor& color)
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- d->color = color;
- d->updates |= UpdateColor;
- }
- static void qt_gl_setVertexAttribute(QGL::VertexAttribute attribute, const QGLAttributeValue& value)
- {
- #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2)
- switch (attribute) {
- case QGL::Position:
- glVertexPointer(value.tupleSize(), value.type(),
- value.stride(), value.data());
- break;
- case QGL::Normal:
- if (value.tupleSize() == 3)
- glNormalPointer(value.type(), value.stride(), value.data());
- break;
- case QGL::Color:
- glColorPointer(value.tupleSize(), value.type(),
- value.stride(), value.data());
- break;
- case QGL::TextureCoord0:
- case QGL::TextureCoord1:
- case QGL::TextureCoord2:
- {
- int unit = (int)(attribute - QGL::TextureCoord0);
- qt_gl_ClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + unit);
- glTexCoordPointer(value.tupleSize(), value.type(),
- value.stride(), value.data());
- if (unit != 0) // Stay on unit 0 between requests.
- qt_gl_ClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);
- }
- break;
- #endif
- default: break;
- }
- #else
- Q_UNUSED(attribute);
- Q_UNUSED(value);
- #endif
- }
- /*!
- Returns the set of vertex attributes that have been set on the
- painter state by setVertexAttribute() and setVertexBundle()
- since the last call to clearAttributes().
- The most common use for this function is to determine if specific
- attributes have been supplied on the painter so as to adjust the
- current drawing effect accordingly. The following example will
- use a lit texture effect if texture co-ordinates were provided
- in the vertex bundle, or a simple lit material effect if
- texture co-ordinates were not provided:
- \code
- painter.clearAttributes();
- painter.setVertexBundle(bundle);
- if (painter.attributes().contains(QGL::TextureCoord0))
- painter.setStandardEffect(QGL::LitModulateTexture2D);
- else
- painter.setStandardEffect(QGL::LitMaterial);
- \endcode
- It is important to clear the attributes before setting the vertex
- bundle, so that attributes from a previous bundle will not leak
- through. Multiple vertex bundles may be supplied if they contain
- different parts of the same logical piece of geometry.
- \sa clearAttributes(), setVertexBundle()
- */
- QGLAttributeSet QGLPainter::attributes() const
- {
- Q_D(const QGLPainter);
- return d->attributeSet;
- }
- /*!
- Clears the set of vertex attributes that have been set on the
- painter state by setVertexAttribute() and setVertexBundle().
- See the documentation for attributes() for more information.
- \sa attributes()
- */
- void QGLPainter::clearAttributes()
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- d->attributeSet.clear();
- }
- /*!
- Sets a vertex \a attribute on the current GL context to \a value.
- The vertex attribute is bound to the GL state on the index
- corresponding to \a attribute. For example, QGL::Position
- will be bound to index 0, QGL::TextureCoord0 will be bound
- to index 3, etc.
- Vertex attributes are independent of the effect() and can be
- bound once and then used with multiple effects.
- If this is the first attribute in a new piece of geometry,
- it is recommended that clearAttributes() be called before this
- function. This will inform QGLPainter that a new piece of geometry
- is being provided and that the previous geometry is now invalid.
- See the documentation for attributes() for more information.
- \sa setVertexBundle(), draw(), clearAttributes(), attributes()
- */
- void QGLPainter::setVertexAttribute
- (QGL::VertexAttribute attribute, const QGLAttributeValue& value)
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- d->ensureEffect(this);
- if (d->boundVertexBuffer) {
- QOpenGLBuffer::release(QOpenGLBuffer::VertexBuffer);
- d->boundVertexBuffer = 0;
- }
- if (d->isFixedFunction) {
- qt_gl_setVertexAttribute(attribute, value);
- } else {
- glVertexAttribPointer(GLuint(attribute), value.tupleSize(),
- value.type(), GL_TRUE,
- value.stride(), value.data());
- }
- d->attributeSet.insert(attribute);
- }
- /*!
- Sets the vertex attributes on the current GL context that are
- stored in \a buffer.
- The vertex attributes are bound to the GL state on the indexes
- that are specified within \a buffer; QGL::Position will be
- bound to index 0, QGL::TextureCoord0 will be bound to index 3, etc.
- Vertex attributes are independent of the effect() and can be
- bound once and then used with multiple effects.
- It is recommended that clearAttributes() be called before this
- function to inform QGLPainter that a new piece of geometry is
- being provided and that the previous geometry is now invalid.
- See the documentation for attributes() for more information.
- \sa setVertexAttribute(), draw(), clearAttributes(), attributes()
- */
- void QGLPainter::setVertexBundle(const QGLVertexBundle& buffer)
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- d->ensureEffect(this);
- QGLVertexBundlePrivate *bd = const_cast<QGLVertexBundlePrivate *>(buffer.d_func());
- if (bd->buffer.isCreated()) {
- GLuint id = bd->buffer.bufferId();
- if (id != d->boundVertexBuffer) {
- bd->buffer.bind();
- d->boundVertexBuffer = id;
- }
- } else if (d->boundVertexBuffer) {
- QOpenGLBuffer::release(QOpenGLBuffer::VertexBuffer);
- d->boundVertexBuffer = 0;
- }
- for (int index = 0; index < bd->attributes.size(); ++index) {
- QGLVertexBundleAttribute *attr = bd->attributes[index];
- if (d->isFixedFunction) {
- qt_gl_setVertexAttribute(attr->attribute, attr->value);
- } else {
- glVertexAttribPointer(GLuint(attr->attribute),
- attr->value.tupleSize(),
- attr->value.type(), GL_TRUE,
- attr->value.stride(), attr->value.data());
- }
- }
- d->attributeSet.unite(buffer.attributes());
- }
- /*!
- Updates the projection matrix, modelview matrix, and lighting
- conditions in the currently active effect() object by calling
- QGLAbstractEffect::update(). Also updates \c{glViewport()}
- to cover the currentSurface() if necessary.
- Normally this function is called automatically by draw().
- However, if the user wishes to use raw GL functions to draw fragments,
- it will be necessary to explicitly call this function to ensure that
- the matrix state and lighting conditions have been set on the
- active effect().
- Note that this function informs the effect that an update is needed.
- It does not change the GL state itself, except for \c{glViewport()}.
- In particular, the modelview and projection matrices in the
- fixed-function pipeline are not changed unless the effect or
- application calls updateFixedFunction().
- \sa setUserEffect(), projectionMatrix(), modelViewMatrix()
- \sa draw(), updateFixedFunction()
- */
- void QGLPainter::update()
- {
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- d->ensureEffect(this);
- QGLPainter::Updates updates = d->updates;
- d->updates = 0;
- if (d->modelViewMatrix.isDirty()) {
- updates |= UpdateModelViewMatrix;
- d->modelViewMatrix.setDirty(false);
- }
- if (d->projectionMatrix.isDirty()) {
- updates |= UpdateProjectionMatrix;
- d->projectionMatrix.setDirty(false);
- }
- if ((updates & UpdateViewport) != 0) {
- QRect viewport = currentSurface()->viewportGL();
- glViewport(0, 0, viewport.width(), viewport.height());
- }
- if (updates != 0)
- d->effect->update(this, updates);
- }
- #if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2)
- static void setLight(int light, const QGLLightParameters *parameters,
- const QMatrix4x4& transform)
- {
- GLfloat params[4];
- QColor color = parameters->ambientColor();
- params[0] = color.redF();
- params[1] = color.greenF();
- params[2] = color.blueF();
- params[3] = color.alphaF();
- glLightfv(light, GL_AMBIENT, params);
- color = parameters->diffuseColor();
- params[0] = color.redF();
- params[1] = color.greenF();
- params[2] = color.blueF();
- params[3] = color.alphaF();
- glLightfv(light, GL_DIFFUSE, params);
- color = parameters->specularColor();
- params[0] = color.redF();
- params[1] = color.greenF();
- params[2] = color.blueF();
- params[3] = color.alphaF();
- glLightfv(light, GL_SPECULAR, params);
- QVector4D vector = parameters->eyePosition(transform);
- params[0] = vector.x();
- params[1] = vector.y();
- params[2] = vector.z();
- params[3] = vector.w();
- glLightfv(light, GL_POSITION, params);
- QVector3D spotDirection = parameters->eyeSpotDirection(transform);
- params[0] = spotDirection.x();
- params[1] = spotDirection.y();
- params[2] = spotDirection.z();
- glLightfv(light, GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, params);
- params[0] = parameters->spotExponent();
- glLightfv(light, GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, params);
- params[0] = parameters->spotAngle();
- glLightfv(light, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, params);
- params[0] = parameters->constantAttenuation();
- glLightfv(light, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, params);
- params[0] = parameters->linearAttenuation();
- glLightfv(light, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, params);
- params[0] = parameters->quadraticAttenuation();
- glLightfv(light, GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, params);
- }
- static void setMaterial(int face, const QGLMaterial *parameters)
- {
- GLfloat params[17];
- QColor mcolor = parameters->ambientColor();
- params[0] = mcolor.redF();
- params[1] = mcolor.greenF();
- params[2] = mcolor.blueF();
- params[3] = mcolor.alphaF();
- mcolor = parameters->diffuseColor();
- params[4] = mcolor.redF();
- params[5] = mcolor.greenF();
- params[6] = mcolor.blueF();
- params[7] = mcolor.alphaF();
- mcolor = parameters->specularColor();
- params[8] = mcolor.redF();
- params[9] = mcolor.greenF();
- params[10] = mcolor.blueF();
- params[11] = mcolor.alphaF();
- mcolor = parameters->emittedLight();
- params[12] = mcolor.redF();
- params[13] = mcolor.greenF();
- params[14] = mcolor.blueF();
- params[15] = mcolor.alphaF();
- params[16] = parameters->shininess();
- glMaterialfv(face, GL_AMBIENT, params);
- glMaterialfv(face, GL_DIFFUSE, params + 4);
- glMaterialfv(face, GL_SPECULAR, params + 8);
- glMaterialfv(face, GL_EMISSION, params + 12);
- glMaterialfv(face, GL_SHININESS, params + 16);
- }
- #endif // !QT_OPENGL_ES_2
- /*!
- Updates the fixed-function pipeline with the current painting
- state according to the flags in \a updates.
- This function is intended for use by effects in their
- QGLAbstractEffect::update() override if they are using the
- fixed-function pipeline. It can also be used by user
- applications if they need the QGLPainter state to be
- set in the fixed-function pipeline.
- If the OpenGL implementation does not have a fixed-function
- pipeline, e.g. OpenGL/ES 2.0, this function does nothing.
- \sa update()
- */
- void QGLPainter::updateFixedFunction(QGLPainter::Updates updates)
- {
- #if defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2)
- Q_UNUSED(updates);
- #else
- Q_D(QGLPainter);
- if ((updates & QGLPainter::UpdateColor) != 0) {
- QColor color;
- if (isPicking())
- color = pickColor();
- else
- color = this->color();
- glColor4f(color.redF(), color.greenF(), color.blueF(), color.alphaF());
- }
- if ((updates & QGLPainter::UpdateModelViewMatrix) != 0) {
- const QMatrix4x4 &matrix = d->modelViewMatrix.top();
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- if (sizeof(qreal) == sizeof(GLfloat)) {
- glLoadMatrixf(reinterpret_cast<const GLfloat *>
- (matrix.constData()));
- } else {
- GLfloat mat[16];
- const qreal *m = matrix.constData();
- for (int index = 0; index < 16; ++index)
- mat[index] = m[index];
- glLoadMatrixf(mat);
- }
- }
- if ((updates & QGLPainter::UpdateProjectionMatrix) != 0) {
- const QMatrix4x4 &matrix = d->projectionMatrix.top();
- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- if (sizeof(qreal) == sizeof(GLfloat)) {
- glLoadMatrixf(reinterpret_cast<const GLfloat *>
- (matrix.constData()));
- } else {
- GLfloat mat[16];
- const qreal *m = matrix.constData();
- for (int index = 0; index < 16; ++index)
- mat[index] = m[index];
- glLoadMatrixf(mat);
- }
- }
- if ((updates & QGLPainter::UpdateLights) != 0) {
- // Save the current modelview matrix and load the identity.
- // We need to apply the light in the modelview transformation
- // that was active when the light was specified.
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- glPushMatrix();
- glLoadIdentity();
- // Enable the main light.
- const QGLLightParameters *params = mainLight();
- setLight(GL_LIGHT0, params, mainLightTransform());
- // Restore the previous modelview transformation.
- glPopMatrix();
- // Set up the light model parameters if at least one light is enabled.
- const QGLLightModel *lightModel = this->lightModel();
- GLfloat values[4];
- if (lightModel->model() == QGLLightModel::TwoSided)
- values[0] = 1.0f;
- else
- values[0] = 0.0f;
- glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, values);
- #endif
- if (lightModel->colorControl() == QGLLightModel::SeparateSpecularColor)
- else
- values[0] = GL_SINGLE_COLOR;
- glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL, values);
- #endif
- if (lightModel->viewerPosition() == QGLLightModel::LocalViewer)
- values[0] = 1.0f;
- else
- values[0] = 0.0f;
- glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER, values);
- #endif
- QColor color = lightModel->ambientSceneColor();
- values[0] = color.redF();
- values[1] = color.blueF();
- values[2] = color.greenF();…