https://bitbucket.org/cicamargoba/stamp · C · 719 lines · 228 code · 69 blank · 422 comment · 35 complexity · ef239bb0f5af42e93477a53a30cd44dc MD5 · raw file
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- // usbhhidkeyboard.c - This file holds the application interfaces for USB
- // keyboard devices.
- //
- // Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved.
- // Software License Agreement
- //
- // Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and
- // exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by
- // TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright
- // laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source
- // software in order to form a larger program.
- //
- //
- // This is part of revision 7611 of the Stellaris USB Library.
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- #include "inc/hw_types.h"
- #include "usblib/usblib.h"
- #include "usblib/host/usbhost.h"
- #include "usblib/usbhid.h"
- #include "usblib/host/usbhhid.h"
- #include "usblib/host/usbhhidkeyboard.h"
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- //! \addtogroup usblib_host_device
- //! @{
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- // Prototypes for local functions.
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- static unsigned long USBHKeyboardCallback(void *pvCBData,
- unsigned long ulEvent,
- unsigned long ulMsgParam,
- void *pvMsgData);
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- // The size of a USB keyboard report.
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- // These are the flags for the tUSBHKeyboard.ulHIDFlags member variable.
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- #define USBHKEYB_DEVICE_PRESENT 0x00000001
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- // This is the structure definition for a keyboard device instance.
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- typedef struct
- {
- //
- // Global flags for an instance of a keyboard.
- //
- unsigned long ulHIDFlags;
- //
- // The applications registered callback.
- //
- tUSBCallback pfnCallback;
- //
- // The HID instance pointer for this keyboard instance.
- //
- unsigned long ulHIDInstance;
- //
- //
- unsigned char ucKeyModSticky;
- //
- // This is the current state of the keyboard modifier keys.
- //
- unsigned char ucKeyModState;
- //
- // This holds the keyboard usage codes for keys that are being held down.
- //
- unsigned char pucKeyState[6];
- //
- // This is a local buffer to hold the current HID report that comes up
- // from the HID driver layer.
- //
- unsigned char pucBuffer[USBHKEYB_REPORT_SIZE];
- }
- tUSBHKeyboard;
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- // This is the per instance information for a keyboard device.
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- static tUSBHKeyboard g_sUSBHKeyboard =
- {
- 0
- };
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- //! This function is used open an instance of a keyboard.
- //!
- //! \param pfnCallback is the callback function to call when new events occur
- //! with the keyboard returned.
- //! \param pucBuffer is the memory used by the keyboard to interact with the
- //! USB keyboard.
- //! \param ulSize is the size of the buffer provided by \e pucBuffer.
- //!
- //! This function is used to open an instance of the keyboard. The value
- //! returned from this function should be used as the instance identifier for
- //! all other USBHKeyboard calls. The \e pucBuffer memory buffer is used to
- //! access the keyboard. The buffer size required is at least enough to hold
- //! a normal report descriptor for the device. If there is not enough space
- //! only a partial report descriptor will be read out.
- //!
- //! \return Returns the instance identifier for the keyboard that is attached.
- //! If there is no keyboard present this will return 0.
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- unsigned long
- USBHKeyboardOpen(tUSBCallback pfnCallback, unsigned char *pucBuffer,
- unsigned long ulSize)
- {
- //
- // Save the callback and data pointers.
- //
- g_sUSBHKeyboard.pfnCallback = pfnCallback;
- //
- // Save the instance pointer for the HID device that was opened.
- //
- g_sUSBHKeyboard.ulHIDInstance =
- (unsigned long)&g_sUSBHKeyboard);
- return((unsigned long)&g_sUSBHKeyboard);
- }
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- //! This function is used close an instance of a keyboard.
- //!
- //! \param ulInstance is the instance value for this keyboard.
- //!
- //! This function is used to close an instance of the keyboard that was opened
- //! with a call to USBHKeyboardOpen(). The \e ulInstance value is the value
- //! that was returned when the application called USBHKeyboardOpen().
- //!
- //! \return This function returns 0 to indicate success any non-zero value
- //! indicates an error condition.
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- unsigned long
- USBHKeyboardClose(unsigned long ulInstance)
- {
- tUSBHKeyboard *pUSBHKeyboard;
- //
- // Recover the pointer to the instance data.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard = (tUSBHKeyboard *)ulInstance;
- //
- // Reset the callback to null.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard->pfnCallback = 0;
- //
- // Call the HID driver layer to close out this instance.
- //
- USBHHIDClose(pUSBHKeyboard->ulHIDInstance);
- return(0);
- }
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- //! This function is used to map a USB usage ID to a printable character.
- //!
- //! \param ulInstance is the instance value for this keyboard.
- //! \param pTable is the table to use to map the usage ID to characters.
- //! \param ucUsageID is the USB usage ID to map to a character.
- //!
- //! This function is used to map a USB usage ID to a character. The provided
- //! \e pTable is used to perform the mapping and is described by the
- //! tHIDKeyboardUsageTable type defined structure. See the documentation on
- //! the tHIDKeyboardUsageTable structure for more details on the internals of
- //! this structure. This function uses the current state of the shift keys
- //! and the Caps Lock key to modify the data returned by this function. The
- //! pTable structure has values indicating which keys are modified by Caps Lock
- //! and alternate values for shifted cases. The number of bytes returned from
- //! this function depends on the \e pTable structure passed in as it holds the
- //! number of bytes per character in the table.
- //!
- //! \return Returns the character value for the given usage id.
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- unsigned long
- USBHKeyboardUsageToChar(unsigned long ulInstance,
- const tHIDKeyboardUsageTable *pTable,
- unsigned char ucUsageID)
- {
- unsigned long ulValue;
- const unsigned char *pucKeyBoardMap;
- const unsigned short *pusKeyBoardMap;
- unsigned long ulOffset;
- unsigned long ulShift;
- tUSBHKeyboard *pUSBHKeyboard;
- //
- // Recover the pointer to the instance data.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard = (tUSBHKeyboard *)ulInstance;
- //
- // The added offset for the shifted character value.
- //
- ulShift = 0;
- //
- // Offset in the table for the character.
- //
- ulOffset = (ucUsageID * pTable->ucBytesPerChar * 2);
- //
- // Handle the case where CAPS lock has been set.
- //
- if(pUSBHKeyboard->ucKeyModSticky &= HID_KEYB_CAPS_LOCK)
- {
- //
- // See if this usage ID is modified by Caps Lock by checking the packed
- // bit array in the pulShiftState member of the pTable array.
- //
- if((pTable->pulCapsLock[ucUsageID >> 5]) >> (ucUsageID & 0x1f) & 1)
- {
- ulShift = pTable->ucBytesPerChar;
- }
- }
- //
- // Now handle if a shift key is being held.
- //
- if((pUSBHKeyboard->ucKeyModState & 0x22) != 0)
- {
- //
- // Not shifted yet so we need to shift.
- //
- if(ulShift == 0)
- {
- ulShift = pTable->ucBytesPerChar;
- }
- else
- {
- //
- // Unshift because CAPS LOCK and shift were presed.
- //
- ulShift = 0;
- }
- }
- //
- // One byte per character.
- //
- if(pTable->ucBytesPerChar == 1)
- {
- //
- // Get the base address of the table.
- //
- pucKeyBoardMap = pTable->pCharMapping;
- ulValue = pucKeyBoardMap[ulOffset + ulShift];
- }
- //
- // Two bytes per character.
- //
- else if(pTable->ucBytesPerChar == 2)
- {
- //
- // Get the base address of the table.
- //
- pusKeyBoardMap = (unsigned short *)pTable->pCharMapping;
- ulValue = pusKeyBoardMap[ulOffset + ulShift];
- }
- //
- // All other sizes are unsupported for now.
- //
- else
- {
- ulValue = 0;
- }
- return(ulValue);
- }
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- //! This function is used to set one of the fixed modifier keys on a keyboard.
- //!
- //! \param ulInstance is the instance value for this keyboard.
- //! \param ulModifiers is a bit mask of the modifiers to set on the keyboard.
- //!
- //! This function is used to set the modifier key states on a keyboard. The
- //! \e ulModifiers value is a bitmask of the following set of values:
- //!
- //! Not all of these will be supported on all keyboards however setting values
- //! on a keyboard that does not have them should have no effect. The
- //! \e ulInstance value is the value that was returned when the application
- //! called USBHKeyboardOpen(). If the value \b HID_KEYB_CAPS_LOCK is used it
- //! will modify the values returned from the USBHKeyboardUsageToChar()
- //! function.
- //!
- //! \return This function returns 0 to indicate success any non-zero value
- //! indicates an error condition.
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- unsigned long
- USBHKeyboardModifierSet(unsigned long ulInstance, unsigned long ulModifiers)
- {
- tUSBHKeyboard *pUSBHKeyboard;
- //
- // Recover the pointer to the instance data.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard = (tUSBHKeyboard *)ulInstance;
- //
- // Remeber the fact that this is set.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard->ucKeyModSticky = (unsigned char)ulModifiers;
- //
- // Set the LEDs on the keyboard.
- //
- USBHHIDSetReport(pUSBHKeyboard->ulHIDInstance, 0,
- (unsigned char *)&ulModifiers, 1);
- return(0);
- }
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- //! This function is used to initialize a keyboard interface after a keyboard
- //! has been detected.
- //!
- //! \param ulInstance is the instance value for this keyboard.
- //!
- //! This function should be called after receiving a \b USB_EVENT_CONNECTED
- //! event in the callback function provided by USBHKeyboardOpen(), however this
- //! function should only be called outside the callback function. This will
- //! initialize the keyboard interface and determine the keyboard's
- //! layout and how it reports keys to the USB host controller. The
- //! \e ulInstance value is the value that was returned when the application
- //! called USBHKeyboardOpen(). This function only needs to be called once
- //! per connection event but it should be called every time a
- //! \b USB_EVENT_CONNECTED event occurs.
- //!
- //! \return This function returns 0 to indicate success any non-zero value
- //! indicates an error condition.
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- unsigned long
- USBHKeyboardInit(unsigned long ulInstance)
- {
- unsigned char ucModData;
- tUSBHKeyboard *pUSBHKeyboard;
- //
- // Recover the pointer to the instance data.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard = (tUSBHKeyboard *)ulInstance;
- //
- // Set the initial rate to only update on keyboard state changes.
- //
- USBHHIDSetIdle(pUSBHKeyboard->ulHIDInstance, 0, 0);
- //
- // Read out the Report Descriptor from the keyboard and parse it for
- // the format of the reports coming back from the keyboard.
- //
- USBHHIDGetReportDescriptor(pUSBHKeyboard->ulHIDInstance,
- pUSBHKeyboard->pucBuffer,
- //
- // Set the keyboard to boot protocol.
- //
- USBHHIDSetProtocol(pUSBHKeyboard->ulHIDInstance, 1);
- //
- // Used to clear the initial state of all on keyboard modifiers.
- //
- ucModData = 0;
- //
- // Update the keyboard LED state.
- //
- USBHHIDSetReport(pUSBHKeyboard->ulHIDInstance, 0, &ucModData, 1);
- return(0);
- }
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- //! This function is used to set the automatic poll rate of the keyboard.
- //!
- //! \param ulInstance is the instance value for this keyboard.
- //! \param ulPollRate is the rate in ms to cause the keyboard to update the
- //! host regardless of no change in key state.
- //!
- //! This function will allow an application to tell the keyboard how often it
- //! should send updates to the USB host controller regardless of any changes
- //! in keyboard state. The \e ulInstance value is the value that was returned
- //! when the application called USBHKeyboardOpen(). The \e ulPollRate is the
- //! new value in ms for the update rate on the keyboard. This value is
- //! initially set to 0 which indicates that the keyboard should only to update
- //! when the keyboard state changes. Any value other than 0 can be used to
- //! force the keyboard to generate auto-repeat sequences for the application.
- //!
- //! \return This function returns 0 to indicate success any non-zero value
- //! indicates an error condition.
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- unsigned long
- USBHKeyboardPollRateSet(unsigned long ulInstance, unsigned long ulPollRate)
- {
- tUSBHKeyboard *pUSBHKeyboard;
- //
- // Recover the pointer to the instance data.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard = (tUSBHKeyboard *)ulInstance;
- //
- // Send the Set Idle command to the USB keyboard.
- //
- USBHHIDSetIdle(pUSBHKeyboard->ulHIDInstance, ulPollRate, 0);
- return(0);
- }
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- // This is an internal function used to modify the current keyboard state.
- //
- // This function checks for changes in the keyboard state due to a new report
- // being received from the device. It first checks if this is a "roll-over"
- // case by seeing if 0x01 is in the first position of the new keyboard report.
- // This indicates that too many keys were pressed to handle and to ignore this
- // report. Next the keyboard modifier state is stored and if any changes are
- // detected a \b USBH_EVENT_HID_KB_MOD event is sent back to the application.
- // Then this function will check for any keys that have been released and send
- // a \b USBH_EVENT_HID_KB_REL even for each of these keys. The last check is
- // for any new keys that are pressed and a \b USBH_EVENT_HID_KB_PRESS event
- // will be sent for each new key pressed.
- //
- // \return None.
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- static void
- UpdateKeyboardState(tUSBHKeyboard *pUSBHKeyboard)
- {
- long lNewKey, lOldKey;
- //
- // rollover code so ignore this buffer.
- //
- if(pUSBHKeyboard->pucBuffer[2] == 0x01)
- {
- return;
- }
- //
- // Handle the keyboard modifier states.
- //
- if(pUSBHKeyboard->ucKeyModState != pUSBHKeyboard->pucBuffer[0])
- {
- //
- // Notify the application of the event.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard->pfnCallback(0, USBH_EVENT_HID_KB_MOD,
- pUSBHKeyboard->pucBuffer[0], 0);
- //
- // Save the new state of the modifier keys.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard->ucKeyModState = pUSBHKeyboard->pucBuffer[0];
- }
- //
- // This loop checks for keys that have been released to make room for new
- // ones that may have been pressed.
- //
- for(lOldKey = 2; lOldKey < 8; lOldKey++)
- {
- //
- // If there is no old key pressed in this entry go to the next one.
- //
- if(pUSBHKeyboard->pucKeyState[lOldKey] == 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- //
- // Check if this old key is still in the list of currently pressed
- // keys.
- //
- for(lNewKey = 2; lNewKey < 8; lNewKey++)
- {
- //
- // Break out if the key is still present.
- //
- if(pUSBHKeyboard->pucBuffer[lNewKey]
- == pUSBHKeyboard->pucKeyState[lOldKey])
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- //
- // If the old key was no longer in the list of pressed keys then
- // notify the application of the key release.
- //
- if(lNewKey == 8)
- {
- //
- // Send the key release notification to the application.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard->pfnCallback(0,
- pUSBHKeyboard->pucKeyState[lOldKey],
- 0);
- //
- // Remove the old key from the currently held key list.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard->pucKeyState[lOldKey] = 0;
- }
- }
- //
- // This loop checks for new keys that have been pressed.
- //
- for(lNewKey = 2; lNewKey < 8; lNewKey++)
- {
- //
- // The new list is empty so no new keys are pressed.
- //
- if(pUSBHKeyboard->pucBuffer[lNewKey] == 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- //
- // This loop checks if the current key was already pressed.
- //
- for(lOldKey = 2; lOldKey < 8; lOldKey++)
- {
- //
- // If it is in both lists then it was already pressed so ignore it.
- //
- if(pUSBHKeyboard->pucBuffer[lNewKey]
- == pUSBHKeyboard->pucKeyState[lOldKey])
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- //
- // The key in the new list was not found so it is new.
- //
- if(lOldKey == 8)
- {
- //
- // Look for a free location to store this key usage code.
- //
- for(lOldKey = 2; lOldKey < 8; lOldKey++)
- {
- //
- // If an empty location is found, store it and notify the
- // application.
- //
- if(pUSBHKeyboard->pucKeyState[lOldKey] == 0)
- {
- //
- // Save the newly pressed key.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard->pucKeyState[lOldKey]
- = pUSBHKeyboard->pucBuffer[lNewKey];
- //
- // Notify the application of the new key that has been
- // pressed.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard->pfnCallback(
- 0,
- pUSBHKeyboard->pucBuffer[lNewKey],
- 0);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- //! This function handles event callbacks from the USB HID driver layer.
- //!
- //! \param pvCBData is the pointer that was passed in to the USBHHIDOpen()
- //! call.
- //! \param ulEvent is the event that has been passed up from the HID driver.
- //! \param ulMsgParam has meaning related to the \e ulEvent that occurred.
- //! \param pvMsgData has meaning related to the \e ulEvent that occurred.
- //!
- //! This function will receive all event updates from the HID driver layer.
- //! The keyboard driver itself will mostly be concerned with report callbacks
- //! from the HID driver layer and parsing them into keystrokes for the
- //! application that has registered for callbacks with the USBHKeyboardOpen()
- //! call.
- //!
- //! \return Non-zero values should be assumed to indicate an error condition.
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- unsigned long
- USBHKeyboardCallback(void *pvCBData, unsigned long ulEvent,
- unsigned long ulMsgParam, void *pvMsgData)
- {
- tUSBHKeyboard *pUSBHKeyboard;
- //
- // Recover the pointer to the instance data.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard = (tUSBHKeyboard *)pvCBData;
- switch (ulEvent)
- {
- //
- // New keyboard has been connected so notify the application.
- //
- {
- //
- // Remember that a keyboard is present.
- //
- //
- // Notify the application that a new keyboard was connected.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard->pfnCallback(0, ulEvent, ulMsgParam, pvMsgData);
- break;
- }
- {
- //
- // No keyboard is present.
- //
- //
- // Notify the application that the keyboard was disconnected.
- //
- pUSBHKeyboard->pfnCallback(0, ulEvent, ulMsgParam, pvMsgData);
- break;
- }
- {
- //
- // New keyboard report structure was received.
- //
- USBHHIDGetReport(pUSBHKeyboard->ulHIDInstance, 0,
- pUSBHKeyboard->pucBuffer,
- //
- // Update the application on the changes in the keyboard state.
- //
- UpdateKeyboardState(pUSBHKeyboard);
- break;
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- //! @}
- //
- //*****************************************************************************