http://github.com/gorakhargosh/watchdog · #! · 66 lines · 59 code · 7 blank · 0 comment · 0 complexity · d02fe3b7910858770e209bfae5a42e93 MD5 · raw file
- Project Lead:
- -------------
- Yesudeep Mangalapilly <yesudeep@google.com>
- Contributors in alphabetical order:
- -----------------------------------
- Adrian Tejn Kern <tejnkern@gmail.com>
- Andrew Schaaf <andrew@andrewschaaf.com>
- David LaPalomento <dlapalomento@gmail.com>
- Filip Noetzel <filip@j03.de>
- Gary van der Merwe <garyvdm@garyvdm.localdomain>
- Gora Khargosh <gora.khargosh@gmail.com>
- Hannu Valtonen <hannu.valtonen@ohmu.fi>
- Jesse Printz <jesse@jonypawks.net>
- Luke McCarthy <luke@iogopro.co.uk>
- Lukáš Lalinský <lalinsky@gmail.com>
- Malthe Borch <mborch@gmail.com>
- Martin Kreichgauer <kreichgauer@gmail.com>
- Martin Kreichgauer <martin@kreichgauer.com>
- Mike Lundy <mike@fluffypenguin.org>
- Raymond Hettinger <python@rcn.com>
- Roman Ovchinnikov <coolthecold@gmail.com>
- Rotem Yaari <vmalloc@gmail.com>
- Ryan Kelly <ryan@rfk.id.au>
- Senko Rasic <senko.rasic@dobarkod.hr>
- Senko Rašić <senko@senko.net>
- Shane Hathaway <shane@hathawaymix.org>
- Simon Pantzare <simon@pewpewlabs.com>
- Simon Pantzare <simpa395@student.liu.se>
- Steven Samuel Cole <steven.samuel.cole@gmail.com>
- Stéphane Klein <stephane@harobed.org>
- Thomas Guest <tag@wordaligned.org>
- Thomas Heller <theller@ctypes.org>
- Tim Cuthbertson <tim+github@gfxmonk.net>
- Todd Whiteman <toddw@activestate.com>
- Will McGugan <will@willmcgugan.com>
- Yesudeep Mangalapilly <gora.khargosh@gmail.com>
- Yesudeep Mangalapilly <yesudeep@google.com>
- dvogel <dvogel@wlscapi.uwsc.wisc.edu>
- gfxmonk <tim3d.junk@gmail.com>
- We would like to thank these individuals for ideas:
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Tim Golden <mail@timgolden.me.uk>
- Sebastien Martini <seb@dbzteam.org>
- Initially we used the flask theme for the documentation which was written by
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Armin Ronacher <armin.ronacher@active-4.com>
- Watchdog also includes open source libraries or adapted code
- from the following projects:
- - MacFSEvents - http://github.com/malthe/macfsevents
- - watch_directory.py - http://timgolden.me.uk/python/downloads/watch_directory.py
- - pyinotify - http://github.com/seb-m/pyinotify
- - fsmonitor - http://github.com/shaurz/fsmonitor
- - echo - http://wordaligned.org/articles/echo
- - Lukáš Lalinský's ordered set queue implementation:
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1581895/how-check-if-a-task-is-already-in-python-queue
- - Armin Ronacher's flask-sphinx-themes for the documentation:
- https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask-sphinx-themes
- - pyfilesystem - http://code.google.com/p/pyfilesystem
- - get_FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION - http://blog.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.ctypes/month=20070901