Java | 1375 lines | 1142 code | 158 blank | 75 comment | 387 complexity | c11a8c0e57714af4cf1eeffb5ef652f0 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
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- /*-
- * #%L
- * uniprint port for java environment
- * %%
- * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 COMSOFT, JSC
- * %%
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * #L%
- */
- package org.comsoft.juniprint.utils;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Arrays;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Set;
- import java.util.regex.Matcher;
- import java.util.regex.Pattern;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFComment;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFName;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPrintSetup;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
- import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
- import org.apache.poi.ss.util.AreaReference;
- import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellRangeAddress;
- import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellRangeAddressList;
- import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellReference;
- import org.comsoft.juniprint.JUniPrintException;
- public class ExcelUtils {
- public static final Integer xlMaxNumRow = 65536; //число строк на листе
- public static final Integer xlMaxNumCol = 256; //число строк на листе
- public static final Byte xlAll = 0;
- public static final Byte xlAllExceptBorders = 1;
- public static final Byte xlColumnWidths = 2;
- public static final Byte xlComments = 3;
- public static final Byte xlFormats = 4;
- public static final Byte xlFormulas = 5;
- public static final Byte xlFormulasAndNumberFormats = 6;
- public static final Byte xlValidation = 7;
- public static final Byte xlValues = 8;
- public static final Byte xlValuesAndNumberFormats = 9;
- public static enum XlCellType {xlCellTypeAllFormatConditions,
- xlCellTypeAllValidation,
- xlCellTypeBlanks,
- xlCellTypeComments,
- xlCellTypeConstants,
- xlCellTypeFormulas,
- xlCellTypeLastCell,
- xlCellTypeSameFormatConditions,
- xlCellTypeSameValidation,
- xlCellTypeVisible};
- public static enum XlSearchDirection {xlNext, xlPrevious}
- public static enum XlLookAt {xlWhole, xlPart}
- public static enum XlLookIn {xlValues, xlFormulas, xlComments}
- public static float Factotr_MM_Points = 0.3528f;
- public static float Factotr_MM_Inches = 25.4f;
- public static final Map<Short, float[]> PrintPagesFormat;
- static {
- Map<Short, float[]> page = new HashMap<Short, float[]>();
- page.put(HSSFPrintSetup.A4_PAPERSIZE, new float[]{210f, 297f});
- page.put(HSSFPrintSetup.A5_PAPERSIZE, new float[]{148f, 210f});
- page.put(HSSFPrintSetup.LEGAL_PAPERSIZE, new float[]{215.9f, 355.6f});
- page.put(HSSFPrintSetup.LETTER_PAPERSIZE, new float[]{215.9f, 279.4f});
- PrintPagesFormat = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap(page);
- }
- public static HSSFName createNameRange(String name, String refersToR1C1, HSSFWorkbook wb){
- if(wb==null) return null;
- HSSFName nameRange = wb.createName();
- nameRange.setNameName(name);
- nameRange.setRefersToFormula(refersToR1C1);
- return nameRange;
- }
- public static AreaReference getReferanceNameRange(HSSFName nameRange){
- if (nameRange == null) return null;
- return new AreaReference(nameRange.getRefersToFormula());
- }
- public static HSSFName getNamedRangeInSheets(Map<String, Map<String, HSSFName>> mapWbNames, String name, String[] sheetNames){
- if((sheetNames==null) || (sheetNames.length==0)) return null;
- if(mapWbNames==null) return null;
- for(int iShName = 0; iShName < sheetNames.length; iShName++){
- Map<String, HSSFName> mapShNames = mapWbNames.get(sheetNames[iShName]);
- if(mapShNames!=null){
- HSSFName nameFound = mapShNames.get(name);
- if(nameFound != null){
- return nameFound;
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public static void upadteRowBrokenAfter(HSSFSheet sh, int beforeIndexInsertRow, int countInsertRow, byte factor){
- int[] arrIndexRowBroken = sh.getRowBreaks();
- for(int indexRow:arrIndexRowBroken){
- if (indexRow >= beforeIndexInsertRow) {
- sh.removeRowBreak(indexRow);
- }
- }
- for(int indexRow:arrIndexRowBroken){
- if (indexRow >= beforeIndexInsertRow) {
- sh.setRowBreak(indexRow+countInsertRow*factor);
- }
- }
- }
- public static void upadteRowBrokenAfterInsertRows(HSSFSheet sh, int beforeIndexInsertRow, int countInsertRow){
- upadteRowBrokenAfter(sh, beforeIndexInsertRow, countInsertRow, (byte)-1);
- }
- public static void upadteRowBrokenAfterHiddenRows(HSSFSheet sh, int beforeIndexInsertRow, int countInsertRow){
- upadteRowBrokenAfter(sh, beforeIndexInsertRow, countInsertRow, (byte)1);
- }
- public static List<String> upadteReferenceNameAfterInsertRows(Map<String, Map<String, HSSFName>> mapWbNames, String[] sheetNames, int beforeIndexInsertRow, int countInsertRow){
- List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
- /*
- if((sheetNames==null) || (sheetNames.length==0)) return list;
- if(mapWbNames==null) return list;
- for(int iShName = 0; iShName < sheetNames.length; iShName++){
- Map<String, HSSFName> mapShNames = mapWbNames.get(sheetNames[iShName]);
- if(mapShNames!=null){
- for(String key:mapShNames.keySet()){
- HSSFName name = mapShNames.get(key);
- AreaReference areaRef = new AreaReference(name.getReference());
- if (areaRef.isSingleCell())
- if(areaRef.getFirstCell().getRow() > beforeIndexInsertRow){
- int row = areaRef.getFirstCell().getRow()+countInsertRow+1;
- if (row >= 0)
- name.setReference(sheetNames[iShName]+"!$"+xlc(areaRef.getFirstCell().getCol()+1)+"$"+(areaRef.getFirstCell().getRow()+countInsertRow+1));
- else list.add(key);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- */
- return list;
- }
- public static Map<String, Map<String, HSSFName>> createNamesMap(HSSFWorkbook wb){
- Map<String, Map<String, HSSFName>> mapWbNames = new HashMap<String, Map<String, HSSFName>>();
- for(int i = 0, n = wb.getNumberOfNames(); i < n; i++){
- HSSFName iName = wb.getNameAt(i);
- if(iName!=null){
- String iNameName = iName.getNameName();
- try{
- String iShName = iName.getSheetName();
- Map<String, HSSFName> mapShNames = mapWbNames.get(iShName);
- if(mapShNames==null){
- mapShNames = new HashMap<String, HSSFName>();
- mapWbNames.put(iShName, mapShNames);
- }
- HSSFName name = mapShNames.get(iNameName);
- if(name==null){
- mapShNames.put(iNameName, iName);
- }
- }catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e){
- }
- }
- }
- return mapWbNames;
- }
- public static int realLastColumnHide(HSSFSheet sh){
- int maxLastColumn = 0, lastColumn = 0;
- Iterator rowIt = sh.rowIterator();
- while(rowIt.hasNext()){
- HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow)rowIt.next();
- lastColumn = row.getLastCellNum();
- if (lastColumn > maxLastColumn) maxLastColumn = lastColumn;
- }
- return maxLastColumn>0?maxLastColumn-1:0;
- }
- public static int realLastRow(HSSFSheet sh){
- return sh.getLastRowNum();
- }
- public static HSSFRow getRow(HSSFSheet sh, int rowIndex){
- if(sh==null) return null;
- HSSFRow r = sh.getRow(rowIndex);
- if(r != null) return r;
- r = sh.createRow(rowIndex);
- return r;
- }
- public static Boolean hasFormula(HSSFSheet sh, int row, int col){
- return hasFormula(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(row, col),
- new CellReference(row, col)));
- }
- public static Boolean hasFormula(HSSFSheet sh, int topLeftRow, int topLeftCol, int botRightRow, int botRightCol){
- return hasFormula(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol),
- new CellReference(botRightRow, botRightCol)));
- }
- public static Boolean hasFormula (HSSFSheet sh, CellReference topLeft, CellReference botRight){
- return hasFormula(sh, new AreaReference(topLeft, botRight));
- }
- public static Boolean hasFormula(HSSFSheet sh, String strAreaRef){
- return hasFormula(sh, new AreaReference(strAreaRef));
- }
- public static Boolean hasFormula (HSSFSheet sh, AreaReference areaRef){
- return hasFormula(sh, new CellRangeAddress(areaRef.getFirstCell().getRow(), areaRef.getLastCell().getRow(),
- areaRef.getFirstCell().getCol(), areaRef.getLastCell().getCol()));
- }
- public static Boolean hasFormula (HSSFSheet sh, CellRangeAddress cRA){
- boolean isNotFormula = false;
- boolean isFormula = false;
- for(int row=cRA.getFirstRow(); row <= cRA.getLastRow(); row++){
- HSSFRow r = sh.getRow(row);
- if (r != null)
- for(int col=cRA.getFirstColumn(); col <= cRA.getLastColumn(); col++){
- HSSFCell cell = r.getCell(col);
- if (cell == null) isNotFormula =true;
- else if (cell.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) isFormula = true;
- else isNotFormula =true;
- }
- else isNotFormula =true;
- }
- if (!isNotFormula){
- if (!isFormula) return false;
- else return null;
- }
- else if (isFormula) return true;
- else return null;
- }
- public static Boolean hasFormulaRow (HSSFSheet sh, int indexRow){
- HSSFRow r = sh.getRow(indexRow);
- if(r == null) return false;
- else {
- Iterator it = r.cellIterator();
- int countCells = 0;
- boolean isFormula = false;
- boolean isNotFormula = false;
- while (it.hasNext()){
- HSSFCell cell = (HSSFCell)it.next();
- if (cell.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) isFormula = true;
- else isNotFormula = true;
- countCells++;
- }
- if(isFormula){
- if (!isNotFormula) return true;
- else return null;
- }else return false;
- }
- }
- public static Boolean hasFormulaRow (HSSFSheet sh, int indexFirstRow, int indexLastRow){
- boolean isNotFormula = false;
- for(int row =indexFirstRow; row <=indexLastRow; row++){
- Boolean res = hasFormulaRow (sh, row);
- if (res == null) return res;
- else if (!res) isNotFormula = true;
- }
- if(isNotFormula) return false;
- else return true;
- }
- public static void clearColumn(HSSFSheet sh, int indexColumn){
- Iterator it = sh.rowIterator();
- while(it.hasNext()){
- HSSFRow r = (HSSFRow)it.next();
- HSSFCell cell = r.getCell(indexColumn);
- if (cell != null) r.removeCell(cell);
- }
- }
- public static void clear(HSSFSheet sh, String strRef){
- clear(sh, new AreaReference(strRef));
- }
- public static void clear(HSSFSheet sh, CellReference cellRef){
- clear(sh, new AreaReference(cellRef, cellRef));
- }
- public static void clear(HSSFSheet sh, AreaReference aRef){
- for(int row = aRef.getFirstCell().getRow(); row <= aRef.getLastCell().getRow(); row++){
- HSSFRow r = sh.getRow(row);
- if (r !=null)
- for(int col = aRef.getFirstCell().getCol(); col <= aRef.getLastCell().getCol(); col++){
- HSSFCell cell = r.getCell(col);
- if (cell != null) r.removeCell(cell);
- }
- }
- }
- public static HSSFCell getCell(HSSFRow row, int columnIndex){
- if(row==null) return null;
- HSSFCell c = row.getCell(columnIndex);
- if(c != null) return c;
- c = row.createCell(columnIndex);
- return c;
- }
- public static HSSFCell getCell(HSSFSheet sh, int rowIndex, int columnIndex){
- return getCell(getRow(sh, rowIndex), columnIndex);
- }
- public static Object getCellValue(HSSFCell cell){
- return getCellValue(cell, true, true);
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param cell
- * @param stringAsJavaLangString
- * @param formulaAsNull
- * @return
- */
- public static Object getCellValue(
- HSSFCell cell,
- boolean stringAsJavaLangString,
- boolean formulaAsNull
- ){
- switch(cell.getCellType()){
- return null;
- return cell.getBooleanCellValue();
- return null;
- if (cell.getCellStyle().getDataFormat() == 14){
- return cell.getDateCellValue();
- }
- return cell.getNumericCellValue();
- if(stringAsJavaLangString){
- HSSFRichTextString rich = cell.getRichStringCellValue();
- return (rich==null)? null: rich.getString();
- }else{
- return cell.getRichStringCellValue();
- }
- return formulaAsNull? null: cell.getCellFormula();
- }
- return null;
- }
- public static void setCellValue(HSSFCell cell, Object value){
- setCellValue(cell, value, null);
- }
- public static void setCellValue(HSSFCell cell, Object value, String nullValue){
- if(value==null){
- if(nullValue != null){
- cell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(nullValue.toString()));
- }else{
- cell.setCellValue((HSSFRichTextString)null);
- }
- }else{
- if(value instanceof Number){
- Number numValue = (Number)value;
- cell.setCellValue(numValue.doubleValue());
- }else if(value instanceof Boolean){
- Boolean boolValue = (Boolean)value;
- cell.setCellValue(boolValue.booleanValue());
- }else if(value instanceof Date){
- Date dateValue = (Date)value;
- cell.setCellValue(dateValue);
- }else if(value instanceof HSSFRichTextString){
- cell.setCellValue((HSSFRichTextString)value);
- }else{
- String strValue = value.toString();
- cell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(strValue));
- }
- }
- }
- public static CellRangeAddress intersectRectangular(CellRangeAddress crA, CellRangeAddress crB){
- boolean isIntersect = !( crB.getFirstColumn() > crA.getLastColumn()
- || crB.getLastColumn() < crA.getFirstColumn()
- || crB.getFirstRow() > crA.getLastRow()
- || crB.getLastRow() < crA.getFirstRow()
- );
- if (isIntersect){
- return
- new CellRangeAddress(Math.max(crA.getFirstRow(), crB.getFirstRow()),
- Math.min(crA.getLastRow(), crB.getLastRow()),
- Math.max(crA.getFirstColumn(), crB.getFirstColumn()),
- Math.min(crA.getLastColumn(), crB.getLastColumn()));
- }
- else return null;
- }
- public static CellRangeAddress unionRectangular(CellRangeAddress crA, CellRangeAddress crB){
- boolean isUnion = (crB.getFirstColumn() == crA.getFirstColumn() &&
- crB.getLastColumn() == crA.getLastColumn() &&
- (Math.abs(crB.getLastRow()- crA.getFirstRow()) == 1 ||
- Math.abs(crB.getFirstRow()- crA.getLastRow())==1)) ||
- (crB.getFirstRow() == crA.getFirstRow() && crB.getLastRow() == crA.getLastRow() &&
- (Math.abs(crB.getLastColumn() - crA.getFirstColumn()) == 1 ||
- Math.abs(crB.getFirstColumn()-crA.getLastColumn())==1));
- if (isUnion){
- return
- new CellRangeAddress(Math.min(crA.getFirstRow(), crB.getFirstRow()),
- Math.max(crA.getLastRow(), crB.getLastRow()),
- Math.min(crA.getFirstColumn(), crB.getFirstColumn()),
- Math.max(crA.getLastColumn(), crB.getLastColumn()));
- }
- else return null;
- }
- private static CellRangeAddressList unionAllRectangular(List<List<CellRangeAddress>> rangeListForColumns){
- CellRangeAddressList rangeList = new CellRangeAddressList();
- if (rangeListForColumns.size() > 1){
- List<CellRangeAddress> resList = rangeListForColumns.get(rangeListForColumns.size()-1);
- for(int col = rangeListForColumns.size()-2; col <= 0; col--){
- List<CellRangeAddress> rangeListForColumn = rangeListForColumns.get(col);
- CellRangeAddress cRA = null;
- for(int row =0; row < resList.size(); row++){
- cRA = resList.get(row);
- CellRangeAddress res = null;
- int countRow =0;
- while(countRow < rangeListForColumn.size() || res != null)
- res = unionRectangular(cRA, rangeListForColumn.get(countRow++));
- if (res == null) resList.add(cRA);
- else {
- resList.add(res);
- rangeListForColumn.remove(countRow-1);
- }
- }
- resList.addAll(rangeListForColumn);
- }
- for(CellRangeAddress crA:rangeListForColumns.get(0)) rangeList.addCellRangeAddress(crA);
- }
- else if (rangeListForColumns.size() == 1) {
- for(CellRangeAddress crA:rangeListForColumns.get(0)) rangeList.addCellRangeAddress(crA);
- }
- return rangeList;
- }
- public static CellRangeAddressList getSpecialCells(HSSFSheet sh, CellRangeAddress cellRef0, XlCellType xlCellType){
- CellRangeAddressList rangeList = new CellRangeAddressList();
- switch (xlCellType){
- case xlCellTypeAllValidation:
- /*
- for(Object obj: sh.getDVRecords()){
- DVRecord dv = (DVRecord)obj;
- for(CellRangeAddress cellRef:dv.getCellRangeAddress().getCellRangeAddresses()){
- CellRangeAddress cellRange = intersectRectangular(cellRef, cellRef0);
- if (cellRange != null) {
- if (rangeList == null) rangeList = new CellRangeAddressList();
- rangeList.addCellRangeAddress(cellRange);
- }
- }
- }
- */
- break;
- case xlCellTypeVisible:
- List<List<CellRangeAddress>> rangeListForColumns = new ArrayList<List<CellRangeAddress>>();
- for(int col = cellRef0.getFirstColumn(); col <= cellRef0.getLastColumn(); col++)
- if(sh.getColumnWidth(col)!=0){
- List<CellRangeAddress> rangeListForColumn = new ArrayList<CellRangeAddress>();
- for(int row = cellRef0.getFirstRow(); row <= cellRef0.getLastRow(); row++)
- if(!getRow(sh, row).getZeroHeight()){
- CellRangeAddress cRA = new CellRangeAddress(row, row, col, col);
- int countRanges = rangeListForColumn.size();
- if (countRanges > 0){
- CellRangeAddress cRB = rangeListForColumn.get(countRanges-1);
- CellRangeAddress res = unionRectangular(cRB, cRA);
- if (res != null){
- rangeListForColumn.remove(countRanges-1);
- rangeListForColumn.add(res);
- }else{
- rangeListForColumn.add(cRA);
- }
- }else
- rangeListForColumn.add(cRA);
- }
- if (rangeListForColumn.size() > 0) rangeListForColumns.add(rangeListForColumn);
- }
- rangeList = unionAllRectangular(rangeListForColumns);
- break;
- case xlCellTypeFormulas:
- rangeListForColumns = new ArrayList<List<CellRangeAddress>>();
- for(int col = cellRef0.getFirstColumn(); col <= cellRef0.getLastColumn(); col++){
- List<CellRangeAddress> rangeListForColumn = new ArrayList<CellRangeAddress>();
- for(int row = cellRef0.getFirstRow(); row <= cellRef0.getLastRow(); row++){
- HSSFCell cell = getCell(getRow(sh, row), col);
- if (cell.getCellType()== HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA){
- CellRangeAddress cRA = new CellRangeAddress(row, row, col, col);
- int countRanges = rangeListForColumn.size();
- if (countRanges > 0){
- CellRangeAddress cRB = rangeListForColumn.get(countRanges-1);
- CellRangeAddress res = unionRectangular(cRB, cRA);
- if (res != null){
- rangeListForColumn.remove(countRanges-1);
- rangeListForColumn.add(res);
- }else{
- rangeListForColumn.add(cRA);
- }
- }else rangeListForColumn.add(cRA);
- }
- }
- if (rangeListForColumn.size() > 0) rangeListForColumns.add(rangeListForColumn);
- }
- rangeList = unionAllRectangular(rangeListForColumns);
- break;
- }
- return rangeList.countRanges() > 0?rangeList:null;
- }
- public static void fillCol(HSSFSheet sh, int col, Object valueFill, byte lookIn){
- fill(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(0, col),
- new CellReference(xlMaxNumRow-1, col)), valueFill, lookIn);
- }
- public static void fillRow(HSSFSheet sh, int row, Object valueFill, byte lookIn){
- fill(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(row, 0),
- new CellReference(row, xlMaxNumCol-1)), valueFill, lookIn);
- }
- public static void fillPathRow(HSSFSheet sh, int row, int leftCol, int rightCol, Object valueFill, byte lookIn){
- fill(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(row, leftCol),
- new CellReference(row, rightCol)), valueFill, lookIn);
- }
- public static void fillPathCol(HSSFSheet sh, int col, int topRow, int bottomRow, Object valueFill, byte lookIn){
- fill(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topRow, col),
- new CellReference(bottomRow, col)), valueFill, lookIn);
- }
- public static void fill(HSSFSheet sh, int topLeftRow, int topLeftCol, int botRightRow, int botRightCol, Object valueFill, byte lookIn){
- fill(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol),
- new CellReference(botRightRow, botRightCol)), valueFill, lookIn);
- }
- public static void fill(HSSFSheet sh, CellReference topLeft, CellReference botRight, Object valueFill, byte lookIn){
- fill(sh, new AreaReference(topLeft, botRight), valueFill, lookIn);
- }
- public static void fill(HSSFSheet sh, String strAreaRef, Object valueFill, byte lookIn){
- fill(sh, new AreaReference(strAreaRef), valueFill, lookIn);
- }
- public static void fill(HSSFSheet sh, CellRangeAddress cellsRef, Object valueFill, byte lookIn){
- fill(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(cellsRef.getFirstRow(), cellsRef.getFirstColumn()),
- new CellReference(cellsRef.getLastRow(), cellsRef.getLastColumn())), valueFill, lookIn);
- }
- public static void fill(HSSFSheet sh, AreaReference areaRef, Object valueFill, byte lookIn){
- if (lookIn == xlFormulas && ! (valueFill instanceof String)) return;
- for(CellReference cellRef:areaRef.getAllReferencedCells()){
- if (lookIn == xlValues){
- setCellValue(getCell(sh, cellRef.getRow(), cellRef.getCol()), valueFill);
- }else if(lookIn == xlFormulas){
- HSSFCell cell = getCell(sh, cellRef.getRow(), cellRef.getCol());
- cell.setCellFormula((String)valueFill);
- }
- }
- }
- public static boolean equalsRectangularAreas(CellRangeAddress cRA1, CellRangeAddress cRA2){
- return (cRA1.getLastRow()-cRA1.getFirstRow() == cRA2.getLastRow()-cRA2.getFirstRow() &&
- cRA1.getLastColumn()-cRA1.getFirstColumn() == cRA2.getLastColumn()-cRA2.getFirstColumn());
- }
- public static void fill(HSSFSheet sh, CellRangeAddress srcCRA, CellRangeAddress distCRA, byte lookIn){
- if (equalsRectangularAreas(srcCRA, distCRA) && intersectRectangular(srcCRA, distCRA) == null){
- int countRow =0;
- for(int row = distCRA.getFirstRow(); row <=distCRA.getLastRow(); row++){
- HSSFRow distRow = getRow(sh, row);
- HSSFRow srcRow = getRow(sh, srcCRA.getFirstRow()+(countRow++));
- int countCol =0;
- for(int col = distCRA.getFirstColumn(); col <=distCRA.getLastColumn(); col++){
- HSSFCell distCell = getCell(distRow, col);
- HSSFCell srcCell = getCell(srcRow, srcCRA.getFirstColumn()+(countCol++));
- if (lookIn == xlValues){
- setCellValue(distCell, getCellValue(srcCell));
- }else if(lookIn == xlFormulas){
- distCell.setCellFormula(srcCell.getCellFormula());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public static void autoFilter(HSSFSheet sh, int topLeftRow, int topLeftCol, Object filterValue){
- autoFilter(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol),
- new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol)), filterValue);
- }
- public static void autoFilter(HSSFSheet sh, int topLeftRow, int topLeftCol, int botRightRow, int botRightCol, Object filterValue){
- autoFilter(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol),
- new CellReference(botRightRow, botRightCol)), filterValue);
- }
- public static void autoFilter(HSSFSheet sh, CellReference topLeft, CellReference botRight, Object filterValue){
- autoFilter(sh, new AreaReference(topLeft, botRight), filterValue);
- }
- public static void autoFilter(HSSFSheet sh, String strAreaRef, Object filterValue){
- autoFilter(sh, new AreaReference(strAreaRef), filterValue);
- }
- public static void autoFilter(HSSFSheet sh, CellRangeAddress cellsRef, Object filterValue){
- autoFilter(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(cellsRef.getFirstRow(), cellsRef.getFirstColumn()),
- new CellReference(cellsRef.getLastRow(), cellsRef.getLastColumn())), filterValue);
- }
- public static void autoFilter(HSSFSheet sh, AreaReference areaRef, Object filterValue){
- if (areaRef.getFirstCell().getCol() != areaRef.getLastCell().getCol()) return;
- for(CellReference cellRef:areaRef.getAllReferencedCells()){
- if (filterValue != null){
- HSSFCell cell = getCell(sh, cellRef.getRow(), cellRef.getCol());
- Object cellValue = getCellValue(cell);
- if (cellValue == null || !getCellValue(cell).equals(filterValue))
- getRow(sh, cellRef.getRow()).setZeroHeight(true);
- }
- else getRow(sh, cellRef.getRow()).setZeroHeight(false);
- }
- }
- public static void replaceRows(HSSFSheet sh, int firstRow, int lastRow, Object valueSearch, Object valueReplace, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- //System.out.println("replaceRows... firstRow = " + firstRow + ", lastRow = " + lastRow + ", valueSearch = " + valueSearch + ", valueReplace = " + valueReplace);
- replace(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(firstRow, 0),
- new CellReference(lastRow, xlMaxNumCol)), valueSearch, valueReplace, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static void replace(HSSFSheet sh, int row, int col, Object valueSearch, Object valueReplace, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- replace(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(row, col),
- new CellReference(row, col)), valueSearch, valueReplace, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static void replace(HSSFSheet sh, int topLeftRow, int topLeftCol, int botRightRow, int botRightCol, Object valueSearch, Object valueReplace, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- replace(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol),
- new CellReference(botRightRow, botRightCol)), valueSearch, valueReplace, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static void replace(HSSFSheet sh, CellReference topLeft, CellReference botRight, Object valueSearch, Object valueReplace, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- replace(sh, new AreaReference(topLeft, botRight), valueSearch, valueReplace, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static void replace(HSSFSheet sh, CellRangeAddress cellsRef, Object valueSearch, Object valueReplace, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- replace(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(cellsRef.getFirstRow(), cellsRef.getFirstColumn()),
- new CellReference(cellsRef.getLastRow(), cellsRef.getLastColumn())), valueSearch, valueReplace, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static void replace(HSSFSheet sh, String strAreaRef, Object valueSearch, Object valueReplace, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- replace(sh, new AreaReference(strAreaRef), valueSearch, valueReplace, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static void replace(HSSFSheet sh, AreaReference areaRef, Object valueSearch, Object valueReplace, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- findInArea(sh, areaRef, valueSearch, valueReplace, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection, false, true);
- }
- public static List<HSSFCell> findAll(HSSFSheet sh, int topLeftRow, int topLeftCol, Object valueSearch, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- return findAll(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol),
- new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol)), valueSearch, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static List<HSSFCell> findAll(HSSFSheet sh, CellRangeAddress cellsRef, Object valueSearch, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- return findAll(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(cellsRef.getFirstRow(), cellsRef.getFirstColumn()),
- new CellReference(cellsRef.getLastRow(), cellsRef.getLastColumn())), valueSearch, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static List<HSSFCell> colsFindAll(HSSFSheet sh, int firstCol, int lastCol, Object valueSearch, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- return findAll(sh, sh.getFirstRowNum(), firstCol, sh.getLastRowNum(), lastCol, valueSearch, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static List<HSSFCell> findAll(HSSFSheet sh, int topLeftRow, int topLeftCol, int botRightRow, int botRightCol, Object valueSearch, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- return findAll(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol),
- new CellReference(botRightRow, botRightCol)), valueSearch, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static List<HSSFCell> findAll(HSSFSheet sh, CellReference topLeft, CellReference botRight, Object valueSearch, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- return findAll(sh, new AreaReference(topLeft, botRight), valueSearch, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static List<HSSFCell> findAll(HSSFSheet sh, String strAreaRef, Object valueSearch, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- return findAll(sh, new AreaReference(strAreaRef), valueSearch, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static List<HSSFCell> findAll(HSSFSheet sh, AreaReference areaRef, Object valueSearch, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- return findInArea(sh, areaRef, valueSearch, null, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection, false, false);
- }
- public static HSSFCell find(HSSFSheet sh, int topLeftRow, int topLeftCol, Object valueSearch, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- return find(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol),
- new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol)), valueSearch, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static HSSFCell find(HSSFSheet sh, int topLeftRow, int topLeftCol, int botRightRow, int botRightCol, Object valueSearch, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- return find(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol),
- new CellReference(botRightRow, botRightCol)), valueSearch, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static HSSFCell find(HSSFSheet sh, CellReference topLeft, CellReference botRight, Object valueSearch, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- return find(sh, new AreaReference(topLeft, botRight), valueSearch, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static HSSFCell find(HSSFSheet sh, CellRangeAddress cellsRef, Object valueSearch, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- return find(sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(cellsRef.getFirstRow(), cellsRef.getFirstColumn()),
- new CellReference(cellsRef.getLastRow(), cellsRef.getLastColumn())),
- valueSearch, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static HSSFCell find(HSSFSheet sh, String strAreaRef, Object valueSearch, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- return find(sh, new AreaReference(strAreaRef), valueSearch, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection);
- }
- public static HSSFCell find(HSSFSheet sh, AreaReference areaRef, Object valueSearch, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection){
- List<HSSFCell> list = findInArea(sh, areaRef, valueSearch, null, lookIn, lookAt, searchDirection, true, false);
- if (list.size() > 0) return list.get(0);
- else return null;
- }
- private static List<HSSFCell> findInArea(HSSFSheet sh,
- AreaReference areaRef, Object valueSearch, Object valueReplace, byte lookIn, XlLookAt lookAt, XlSearchDirection searchDirection, boolean isFirst, boolean isReplace){
- List<HSSFCell> list = new ArrayList<HSSFCell>();
- String strSearchValue = null, strReplaceValue = null;
- Date dateSearchValue = null, dateReplaceValue = null;
- Boolean boolSearchValue = null, boolReplaceValue = null;
- Number numSearchValue = null, numReplaceValue = null;
- Pattern p = null;
- if(valueSearch instanceof Number){
- numSearchValue = (Number)valueSearch;
- if (isReplace && valueReplace != null) numReplaceValue = (Number)valueReplace;
- }else if(valueSearch instanceof Boolean){
- boolSearchValue = (Boolean)valueSearch;
- if (isReplace && valueReplace != null) boolReplaceValue = (Boolean)valueReplace;
- }else if(valueSearch instanceof Date){
- dateSearchValue = (Date)valueSearch;
- if (isReplace && valueReplace != null) dateReplaceValue = (Date)valueReplace;
- }else {
- strSearchValue = normalizeStringForRegex(valueSearch.toString());
- if (lookAt == XlLookAt.xlWhole){
- p = Pattern.compile("\\b"+strSearchValue+"\\b");
- strSearchValue = p.pattern();
- }
- if (isReplace && valueReplace != null) strReplaceValue = valueReplace.toString();
- }
- int realFirstRow = areaRef.getFirstCell().getRow() > sh.getFirstRowNum() ?areaRef.getFirstCell().getRow():sh.getFirstRowNum();
- int realLastRow = areaRef.getLastCell().getRow() < sh.getLastRowNum() ?areaRef.getLastCell().getRow():sh.getLastRowNum();
- int realFirstCol = areaRef.getFirstCell().getCol() > sh.getLeftCol() ?areaRef.getFirstCell().getCol():sh.getLeftCol();
- int realRow =0;
- for(int iRow = realFirstRow; iRow <= realLastRow; iRow++){
- realRow = searchDirection == XlSearchDirection.xlNext ? iRow: realLastRow+(realFirstRow-iRow);
- HSSFRow row = sh.getRow(realRow);
- if (row != null){
- int realCol =0;
- for(int iCol = realFirstCol; iCol <= areaRef.getLastCell().getCol(); iCol++){
- realCol = searchDirection == XlSearchDirection.xlNext ? iCol: areaRef.getLastCell().getCol()+(realFirstCol-iCol);
- HSSFCell cell = row.getCell(realCol);
- if (cell != null){
- if (lookIn == xlValues && cell.getCellType() != HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA){
- Object value = getCellValue(cell);
- if (cell != null && value != null){
- if(value instanceof Number){
- Number numValue = (Number)value;
- if (numSearchValue != null && numSearchValue.equals(numValue)){
- list.add(cell);
- if (isReplace) cell.setCellValue(numReplaceValue.doubleValue());
- if (isFirst && list.size() > 0) return list;
- }
- }else if(value instanceof Boolean){
- Boolean boolValue = (Boolean)value;
- if (boolSearchValue != null && boolSearchValue.compareTo(boolValue) == 0){
- list.add(cell);
- if (isReplace) cell.setCellValue(boolReplaceValue);
- if (isFirst && list.size() > 0) return list;
- }
- }else if(value instanceof Date){
- Date dateValue = (Date)value;
- if (dateSearchValue != null && dateValue.compareTo(dateSearchValue) == 0){
- list.add(cell);
- if (isReplace) cell.setCellValue(dateReplaceValue);
- if (isFirst && list.size() > 0) return list;
- }
- }else {
- String strValue = value.toString();
- if (strSearchValue != null){
- if (isReplace){
- String res = strValue.replaceAll(strSearchValue, strReplaceValue);
- cell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(res));
- if (!res.equals(strValue)) list.add(cell);
- }
- else {
- if (p != null && p.matcher(strValue).find())list.add(cell);
- else if (strValue.indexOf(strSearchValue)>=0) list.add(cell);
- }
- if (isFirst && list.size() > 0) return list;
- }
- }
- }
- }else if(lookIn == xlFormulas && strSearchValue != null && cell.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA){
- String formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- if (formula != null){
- if(isReplace){
- String res = formula.replaceAll(strSearchValue, strReplaceValue);
- cell.setCellFormula(res);
- if (!res.equals(formula)) list.add(cell);
- }
- else {
- if (p != null && p.matcher(formula).find())list.add(cell);
- else if (formula.indexOf(strSearchValue)>=0) list.add(cell);
- }
- if (isFirst && list.size() > 0) return list;
- }
- }else if(lookIn == xlComments && strSearchValue != null){
- HSSFComment comment = cell.getCellComment();
- if (comment != null){
- HSSFRichTextString richTextString = comment.getString();
- if (richTextString != null){
- String textComment = richTextString.getString();
- if (textComment != null){
- if(isReplace){
- String res = textComment.replaceAll(strSearchValue, strReplaceValue);
- comment.setString(new HSSFRichTextString(res));
- if (!res.equals(textComment)) list.add(cell);
- }else{
- if (p != null && p.matcher(textComment).find())list.add(cell);
- else if (textComment.indexOf(strSearchValue)>=0) list.add(cell);
- }
- if (isFirst && list.size() > 0) return list;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return list;
- }
- public static int findMarkInColumn(HSSFSheet sh, String markValue, int columnIndex, int startRow){
- Double numericMarkValue = CastUtils.doubleValue(markValue, null);
- Iterator rowIt = sh.rowIterator();
- while(rowIt.hasNext()){
- HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow)rowIt.next();
- if(row != null){
- if(row.getRowNum() >= startRow){
- HSSFCell cell = row.getCell(columnIndex);
- if(cell != null){
- switch(cell.getCellType()){
- HSSFRichTextString rich = cell.getRichStringCellValue();
- if(markValue != null){
- if((rich != null) && markValue.equals(rich.getString())){
- return row.getRowNum();
- }
- } else {
- if(rich == null){
- return row.getRowNum();
- }
- }
- break;
- if(numericMarkValue != null){
- if(numericMarkValue.equals(cell.getNumericCellValue())){
- return row.getRowNum();
- }
- } else {}
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- } else{
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- public static int findUsedCellInColumn(HSSFSheet sh, int columnIndex, int startRow){
- Iterator rowIt = sh.rowIterator();
- while(rowIt.hasNext()){
- HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow)rowIt.next();
- if(row != null){
- if(row.getRowNum() >= startRow){
- HSSFCell cell = row.getCell(columnIndex);
- if(cell != null){
- switch(cell.getCellType()){
- HSSFRichTextString rich = cell.getRichStringCellValue();
- if(rich != null) return row.getRowNum();
- break;
- return row.getRowNum();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- public static String xlc(int colIndex){
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(2);
- int base = 26;
- if(colIndex <= 0) return "";
- int v = colIndex-1;
- while(v >= 0){
- int r = v / base;
- int c = v - r * base;
- sb.insert(0, (char)((int)'A' + c));
- v = r - 1;
- if(v < 0) break;
- }
- return sb.toString();
- }
- public static CellRangeAddressList getEntireColumn(CellRangeAddressList cellsRefs){
- Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>();
- for(int i=0; i<cellsRefs.countRanges(); i++){
- CellRangeAddress crA = cellsRefs.getCellRangeAddress(i);
- for(int row =crA.getFirstRow(); row<=crA.getLastRow(); row++)
- set.add(new Integer(row));
- }
- Iterator it = set.iterator();
- int count =0;
- int prevIndexCol =0, indexCol =0, firstIndexCol = -1;
- CellRangeAddress crA;
- CellRangeAddressList listCrA = new CellRangeAddressList();
- while(it.hasNext()){
- indexCol = (Integer)it.next();
- if (count > 0 && indexCol - prevIndexCol > 1){
- crA = new CellRangeAddress(0, xlMaxNumRow-1, firstIndexCol, prevIndexCol);
- listCrA.addCellRangeAddress(crA);
- firstIndexCol = indexCol;
- }else if (count == 0) firstIndexCol = indexCol;
- prevIndexCol = indexCol;
- count++;
- }
- if (firstIndexCol >= 0){
- crA = new CellRangeAddress(0, xlMaxNumRow-1, firstIndexCol, prevIndexCol);
- listCrA.addCellRangeAddress(crA);
- }
- return listCrA.countRanges() > 0?listCrA:null;
- }
- public static CellRangeAddressList getEntireRow(CellRangeAddressList cellsRefs){
- Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>();
- for(int i=0; i<cellsRefs.countRanges(); i++){
- CellRangeAddress crA = cellsRefs.getCellRangeAddress(i);
- for(int row =crA.getFirstRow(); row<=crA.getLastRow(); row++){
- set.add(new Integer(row));
- }
- }
- Object[] arr = set.toArray();
- Arrays.sort(arr);
- int count =0;
- int prevIndexRow = 0, firstIndexRow = -1;
- CellRangeAddress crA;
- CellRangeAddressList listCrA = new CellRangeAddressList();
- for(Object indexObj:arr){
- int indexRow = (Integer)indexObj;
- if (count > 0 && indexRow - prevIndexRow > 1){
- crA = new CellRangeAddress(firstIndexRow, prevIndexRow, 0, xlMaxNumCol-1);
- listCrA.addCellRangeAddress(crA);
- firstIndexRow = indexRow;
- }else if (count == 0) firstIndexRow = indexRow;
- prevIndexRow = indexRow;
- count++;
- }
- if (firstIndexRow >= 0){
- crA = new CellRangeAddress(firstIndexRow, prevIndexRow, 0, xlMaxNumCol-1);
- listCrA.addCellRangeAddress(crA);
- }
- return listCrA.countRanges() > 0?listCrA:null;
- }
- public static CellRangeAddress mergeArea(HSSFSheet sh, CellReference cellRef){
- for(int i = 0; i <sh.getNumMergedRegions(); i++){
- CellRangeAddress rangeRef = sh.getMergedRegion(i);
- if (cellRef.getCol() >= rangeRef.getFirstColumn() && cellRef.getCol() <= rangeRef.getLastColumn() &&
- cellRef.getRow() >= rangeRef.getFirstRow() && cellRef.getRow() <= rangeRef.getLastRow()){
- return rangeRef;
- }
- }
- return new CellRangeAddress(cellRef.getRow(), cellRef.getCol(), cellRef.getRow(), cellRef.getCol());
- }
- public static ExcelBuffer copy (HSSFSheet sh, int topLeftRow, int topLeftCol){
- return copy (sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol),
- new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol)));
- }
- public static ExcelBuffer copy (HSSFSheet sh, CellRangeAddress cellsRef){
- return copy (sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(cellsRef.getFirstRow(), cellsRef.getFirstColumn()),
- new CellReference(cellsRef.getLastRow(), cellsRef.getLastColumn())));
- }
- public static ExcelBuffer copyRows (HSSFSheet sh, int topRow, int botRow){
- return copy (sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topRow, 0),
- new CellReference(botRow, xlMaxNumCol-1)));
- }
- public static ExcelBuffer copy (HSSFSheet sh, int topLeftRow, int topLeftCol, int botRightRow, int botRightCol){
- return copy (sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol),
- new CellReference(botRightRow, botRightCol)));
- }
- public static ExcelBuffer copy (HSSFSheet sh, String areaRef){
- return copy (sh, new AreaReference(areaRef));
- }
- public static ExcelBuffer copy (HSSFSheet sh, CellReference topLeft, CellReference botRight){
- return copy (sh, new AreaReference(topLeft, botRight));
- }
- public static ExcelBuffer copy (HSSFSheet sh, AreaReference areaRef){
- Map<String, ExcelCell> mapCell = new HashMap<String, ExcelCell>();
- int offsetRow = areaRef.getFirstCell().getRow();
- int offsetCol = areaRef.getFirstCell().getCol();
- CellReference[] celRefs = areaRef.getAllReferencedCells();
- for(CellReference celRef:celRefs){
- String key = (celRef.getRow()-offsetRow)+"_"+(celRef.getCol()-offsetCol);
- mapCell.put(key, new ExcelCell(getCell(sh, celRef.getRow(), celRef.getCol())));
- }
- return new ExcelBuffer(sh, areaRef, mapCell);
- }
- public static void paste (HSSFSheet sh, int topLeftRow, int topLeftCol, ExcelBuffer buffer){
- paste (sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol),
- new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol)), buffer, xlAll);
- }
- public static void paste (HSSFSheet sh, int topLeftRow, int topLeftCol, int botRightRow, int botRightCol, ExcelBuffer buffer){
- paste (sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol),
- new CellReference(botRightRow, botRightCol)), buffer, xlAll);
- }
- public static void paste(HSSFSheet sh, CellRangeAddress cellsRef, ExcelBuffer buffer ){
- paste (sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(cellsRef.getFirstRow(), cellsRef.getFirstColumn()),
- new CellReference(cellsRef.getLastRow(), cellsRef.getLastColumn())), buffer, xlAll);
- }
- public static void paste (HSSFSheet sh, CellReference topLeft, CellReference botRight, ExcelBuffer buffer){
- paste (sh, new AreaReference(topLeft, botRight), buffer, xlAll);
- }
- public static void paste (HSSFSheet sh, String areaRef, ExcelBuffer buffer){
- paste (sh, new AreaReference (areaRef), buffer, xlAll);
- }
- public static void paste (HSSFSheet sh, AreaReference areaRef, ExcelBuffer buffer){
- paste (sh, areaRef, buffer, xlAll);
- }
- public static void pasteRows (HSSFSheet sh, int topRow, int botRow, ExcelBuffer buffer, byte typePaste){
- paste (sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topRow, 0),
- new CellReference(botRow, xlMaxNumCol-1)), buffer, typePaste);
- }
- public static void paste (HSSFSheet sh, int topLeftRow, int topLeftCol, ExcelBuffer buffer, byte typePaste){
- paste (sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol),
- new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol)), buffer, typePaste);
- }
- public static void paste (HSSFSheet sh, int topLeftRow, int topLeftCol, int botRightRow, int botRightCol, ExcelBuffer buffer, byte typePaste){
- paste (sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(topLeftRow, topLeftCol),
- new CellReference(botRightRow, botRightCol)), buffer, typePaste);
- }
- public static void paste(HSSFSheet sh, CellRangeAddress cellsRef, ExcelBuffer buffer, byte typePaste){
- paste (sh, new AreaReference(new CellReference(cellsRef.getFirstRow(), cellsRef.getFirstColumn()),
- new CellReference(cellsRef.getLastRow(), cellsRef.getLastColumn())), buffer, typePaste);
- }
- public static void paste (HSSFSheet sh, CellReference topLeft, CellReference botRight, ExcelBuffer buffer, byte typePaste){
- paste (sh, new AreaReference(topLeft, botRight), buffer, typePaste);
- }
- public static void paste (HSSFSheet sh, String areaRef, ExcelBuffer buffer, byte typePaste){
- paste (sh, new AreaReference (areaRef), buffer, typePaste);
- }
- public static void paste (HSSFSheet sh, AreaReference areaRef, ExcelBuffer buffer, byte typePaste){
- int copyRow1 = buffer.getAreaRef().getFirstCell().getRow();
- int copyCol1 = buffer.getAreaRef().getFirstCell().getCol();
- int copyRow2 = buffer.getAreaRef().getLastCell().getRow();
- int copyCol2 = buffer.getAreaRef().getLastCell().getCol();
- int deltaCopyRow = copyRow2 - copyRow1+1;
- int deltaCopyCol = copyCol2 - copyCol1+1;
- int pasteRow1 = areaRef.getFirstCell().getRow();
- int pasteCol1 = areaRef.getFirstCell().getCol();
- int pasteRow2 = areaRef.getLastCell().getRow();
- int pasteCol2 = areaRef.getLastCell().getCol();
- int deltaPasteRow = pasteRow2 - pasteRow1+1;
- int deltaPasteCol = pasteCol2 - pasteCol1+1;
- int nRow = 1;
- int nCol = 1;
- if(deltaPasteRow%deltaCopyRow==0 && deltaPasteCol%deltaCopyCol==0){
- int nRow1 = deltaPasteRow/deltaCopyRow;
- int nCol1 = deltaPasteCol/deltaCopyCol;
- if (nRow1 != 0) nRow = nRow1;
- if (nCol1 != 0) nCol = nCol1;
- }
- for(int row = 0; row < deltaCopyRow*nRow; row++){
- int indexRow = row % deltaCopyRow;
- HSSFRow copyRow = buffer.getSrcSheet().getRow(copyRow1+indexRow);
- HSSFRow pasteRow = getRow(sh, pasteRow1 + row);
- int offsetRow = pasteRow.getRowNum()-copyRow.getRowNum();
- for(int col = 0; col < deltaCopyCol*nCol; col++){
- int indexCol = col % deltaCopyCol;
- int pasteColumn = pasteCol1 + col;
- int copyColumn = copyCol1+indexCol;
- HSSFCell cell = getCell(pasteRow, pasteColumn);
- buffer.getListCell().get(indexRow+"_"+indexCol).pasteSpecial(cell, typePaste,
- offsetRow, cell.getColumnIndex()-copyColumn);
- if(row == 0 && (typePaste == xlAll || typePaste == xlColumnWidths || typePaste == xlFormats || typePaste == xlFormulasAndNumberFormats)){
- sh.setColumnWidth(pasteColumn, buffer.getSrcSheet().getColumnWidth(copyColumn));
- if (buffer.getSrcSheet().isColumnHidden(copyColumn)) sh.setColumnHidden(pasteColumn, true);
- }
- }
- if (copyRow != null){
- /*
- System.out.println("setRowHeight at line #" + (pasteRow.getRowNum() + 1) + " from line #" + (copyRow.getRowNum() + 1));
- if (copyRow.getZeroHeight()){
- System.out.println("copyRow.getZeroHeight() = " + copyRow.getZeroHeight());
- pasteRow.setZeroHeight(true);
- }else{
- pasteRow.setHeight(copyRow.getHeight());
- }
- */
- if (!copyRow.getZeroHeight()) pasteRow.setHeight(copyRow.getHeight());
- }
- }
- if(typePaste == xlAll || typePaste == xlFormats || typePaste == xlFormulasAndNumberFormats){
- for(int indexMergeRegion=0; indexMergeRegion< buffer.getSrcSheet().getNumMergedRegions(); indexMergeRegion++){
- CellRangeAddress cra = buffer.getSrcSheet().getMergedRegion(indexMergeRegion);
- if (cra.getFirstRow() >= copyRow1 && cra.getLastRow() <= copyRow2
- && cra.getFirstColumn() >= copyCol1 && cra.getLastColumn() <= copyCol2){
- int…
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