Racket | 194 lines | 129 code | 15 blank | 50 comment | 22 complexity | 2b237bdbbf513c587ce93ea9bb5774f5 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): LGPL-2.1, BSD-3-Clause, ISC, LGPL-2.0
- #lang racket/base
- (require racket/class
- racket/math
- racket/gui/base)
- (provide draw-arrow)
- (define largest 16383)
- (define smallest -16383)
- (define arrow-head-angle (/ pi 8))
- (define cos-arrow-head-angle (cos arrow-head-angle))
- (define sin-arrow-head-angle (sin arrow-head-angle))
- (define arrow-head-size 8)
- (define arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle (* arrow-head-size cos-arrow-head-angle))
- (define arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle (* arrow-head-size sin-arrow-head-angle))
- (define arrow-root-radius 2.5)
- (define arrow-root-diameter (* 2 arrow-root-radius))
- ; If alpha is the angle between the x axis and the Start->End vector:
- ;
- ; p2-x = end-x + arrow-head-size * cos(alpha + pi - arrow-head-angle)
- ; = end-x - arrow-head-size * cos(alpha - arrow-head-angle)
- ; = end-x - arrow-head-size * (cos(alpha) * cos(arrow-head-angle) + sin(alpha) * sin(arrow-head-angle))
- ; = end-x - arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle * cos-alpha - arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle * sin-alpha
- ; = end-x - arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle-cos-alpha - arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle-sin-alpha
- ;
- ; p2-y = end-y + arrow-head-size * sin(alpha + pi - arrow-head-angle)
- ; = end-y - arrow-head-size * sin(alpha - arrow-head-angle)
- ; = end-y - arrow-head-size * (sin(alpha) * cos(arrow-head-angle) - cos(alpha) * sin(arrow-head-angle))
- ; = end-y - arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle * sin-alpha + arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle * cos-alpha
- ; = end-y - arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle-sin-alpha + arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle-cos-alpha
- ;
- ; p3-x = end-x + arrow-head-size * cos(alpha + pi + arrow-head-angle)
- ; = end-x - arrow-head-size * cos(alpha + arrow-head-angle)
- ; = end-x - arrow-head-size * (cos(alpha) * cos(arrow-head-angle) - sin(alpha) * sin(arrow-head-angle))
- ; = end-x - arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle * cos-alpha + arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle * sin-alpha
- ; = end-x - arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle-cos-alpha + arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle-sin-alpha
- ;
- ; p3-y = end-y + arrow-head-size * sin(alpha + pi + arrow-head-angle)
- ; = end-y - arrow-head-size * sin(alpha + arrow-head-angle)
- ; = end-y - arrow-head-size * (sin(alpha) * cos(arrow-head-angle) + cos(alpha) * sin(arrow-head-angle))
- ; = end-y - arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle * sin-alpha - arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle * cos-alpha
- ; = end-y - arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle-sin-alpha - arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle-cos-alpha
- ; dc<%> real real real real real real -> void
- ; draw one arrow
- ; The reason of the "-0.5" in the definition of start-x and end-x in the let
- ; right below is because, well, after numerous experiments done under carefully
- ; controlled conditions by a team of independent experts, it was thought to
- ; be The Right Thing for the arrows to be drawn correctly, maybe.
- (define (draw-arrow dc uncropped-pre-start-x uncropped-pre-start-y uncropped-pre-end-x uncropped-pre-end-y dx dy)
- (let ([uncropped-start-x (+ uncropped-pre-start-x dx -0.5)]
- [uncropped-start-y (+ uncropped-pre-start-y dy)]
- [uncropped-end-x (+ uncropped-pre-end-x dx -0.5)]
- [uncropped-end-y (+ uncropped-pre-end-y dy)]
- [old-smoothed (send dc get-smoothing)])
- (let*-values ([(start-x start-y) (crop-to uncropped-start-x uncropped-start-y uncropped-end-x uncropped-end-y)]
- [(end-x end-y) (crop-to uncropped-end-x uncropped-end-y uncropped-start-x uncropped-start-y)])
- (send dc set-smoothing 'aligned)
- (send dc draw-line start-x start-y end-x end-y)
- (when (and (< smallest start-x largest)
- (< smallest start-y largest))
- (send dc draw-ellipse
- (- start-x arrow-root-radius) (- start-y arrow-root-radius)
- arrow-root-diameter arrow-root-diameter))
- (when (and (< smallest end-x largest)
- (< smallest end-y largest))
- (unless (and (= start-x end-x) (= start-y end-y))
- (let* ([offset-x (- end-x start-x)]
- [offset-y (- end-y start-y)]
- [arrow-length (sqrt (+ (* offset-x offset-x) (* offset-y offset-y)))]
- [cos-alpha (/ offset-x arrow-length)]
- [sin-alpha (/ offset-y arrow-length)]
- [arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle-cos-alpha (* arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle cos-alpha)]
- [arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle-sin-alpha (* arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle sin-alpha)]
- [arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle-cos-alpha (* arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle cos-alpha)]
- [arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle-sin-alpha (* arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle sin-alpha)]
- ; pt1 is the tip of the arrow, pt2 is the first point going clockwise from pt1
- [pt1 (make-object point% end-x end-y)]
- [pt2 (make-object point%
- (- end-x arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle-cos-alpha arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle-sin-alpha)
- (+ end-y (- arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle-sin-alpha) arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle-cos-alpha))]
- [pt3 (make-object point%
- (+ end-x (- arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle-cos-alpha) arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle-sin-alpha)
- (- end-y arrow-head-size-cos-arrow-head-angle-sin-alpha arrow-head-size-sin-arrow-head-angle-cos-alpha))])
- (send dc draw-polygon (list pt1 pt2 pt3)))))
- (send dc set-smoothing old-smoothed))))
- ;; crop-to : number number number number -> (values number number)
- ;; returns x,y if they are in the range defined by largest and smallest
- ;; otherwise returns the coordinates on the line from x,y to ox,oy
- ;; that are closest to x,y and are in the range specified by
- ;; largest and smallest
- (define (crop-to x y ox oy)
- (cond
- [(and (< smallest x largest) (< smallest y largest))
- (values x y)]
- [else
- (let* ([xy-pr (cons x y)]
- [left-i (find-intersection x y ox oy smallest smallest smallest largest)]
- [top-i (find-intersection x y ox oy smallest smallest largest smallest)]
- [right-i (find-intersection x y ox oy largest smallest largest largest)]
- [bottom-i (find-intersection x y ox oy smallest largest largest largest)]
- [d-top (and top-i (dist top-i xy-pr))]
- [d-bottom (and bottom-i (dist bottom-i xy-pr))]
- [d-left (and left-i (dist left-i xy-pr))]
- [d-right (and right-i (dist right-i xy-pr))])
- (cond
- [(smallest? d-top d-bottom d-left d-right)
- (values (car top-i) (cdr top-i))]
- [(smallest? d-bottom d-top d-left d-right)
- (values (car bottom-i) (cdr bottom-i))]
- [(smallest? d-left d-top d-bottom d-right)
- (values (car left-i) (cdr left-i))]
- [(smallest? d-right d-top d-bottom d-left)
- (values (car right-i) (cdr right-i))]
- [else
- ;; uh oh... if this case happens, that's bad news...
- (values x y)]))]))
- ;; smallest? : (union #f number)^4 -> boolean
- ;; returns #t if can is less and o1, o2, and o3
- ;; if can is #f, return #f. If o1, o2, or o3 is #f, assume that can is smaller than them
- (define (smallest? can o1 o2 o3)
- (and can
- (andmap (位 (x) (< can x))
- (filter (位 (x) x)
- (list o1 o2 o3)))))
- ;; inside? : (union #f (cons number number)) -> (union #f (cons number number))
- ;; returns the original pair if the coordinates are between smallest and largest
- ;; and returns #f if the pair is #f or the coordinates are outside.
- (define (inside? pr)
- (and pr
- (let ([x (car pr)]
- [y (cdr pr)])
- (if (and (< smallest x largest)
- (< smallest y largest))
- pr
- #f))))
- ;; find-intersection : (number^2)^2 -> (union (cons number number) #f)
- ;; finds the intersection between the lines specified by
- ;; (x1,y1) -> (x2,y2) and (x3,y3) -> (x4,y4)
- (define (find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4)
- (cond
- [(and (= x1 x2) (= x3 x4))
- #f]
- [(and (= x1 x2) (not (= x3 x4)))
- (let* ([m2 (/ (- y3 y4) (- x3 x4))]
- [b2 (- y3 (* m2 x3))])
- (cons x1
- (+ (* m2 x1) b2)))]
- [(and (not (= x1 x2)) (= x3 x4))
- (let* ([m1 (/ (- y1 y2) (- x1 x2))]
- [b1 (- y1 (* m1 x1))])
- (cons x3
- (+ (* m1 x3) b1)))]
- [(and (not (= x1 x2)) (not (= x3 x4)))
- (let* ([m1 (/ (- y1 y2) (- x1 x2))]
- [b1 (- y1 (* m1 x1))]
- [m2 (/ (- y3 y4) (- x3 x4))]
- [b2 (- y3 (* m2 x3))])
- (if (= m1 m2)
- #f
- (let* ([x (/ (- b1 b2) (- m2 m1))]
- [y (+ (* m1 x) b1)])
- (cons x y))))]))
- ;; dist : (cons number number) (cons number number) -> number
- (define (dist p1 p2)
- (sqrt (+ (sqr (- (car p1) (car p2)))
- (sqr (- (cdr p1) (cdr p2))))))
- ;; localled defined test code.... :(
- ;; use module language to run tests
- (define (tests)
- (and (equal? (find-intersection 0 1 0 10 0 2 0 20) #f)
- (equal? (find-intersection 0 1 0 10 0 0 10 10) (cons 0 0))
- (equal? (find-intersection 0 0 10 10 0 1 0 10) (cons 0 0))
- (equal? (find-intersection 0 0 3 3 2 2 4 4) #f)
- (equal? (find-intersection -3 3 3 -3 -3 -3 3 3) (cons 0 0))
- (equal? (smallest? 3 1 2 3) #f)
- (equal? (smallest? 0 1 2 3) #t)
- (equal? (smallest? 1 0 2 3) #f)
- (equal? (smallest? 1 0 #f 4) #f)
- (equal? (smallest? 1 #f #f 4) #t)
- (equal? (smallest? 1 #f #f #f) #t)
- (equal? (dist (cons 1 1) (cons 4 5)) 5)))