Objective C | 361 lines | 311 code | 50 blank | 0 comment | 32 complexity | 6f5b99905b3a6d0bf59619bcdd617fb2 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-3.0
- ## Copyright (c) 2012 Juan Pablo Carbajal <carbajal@ifi.uzh.ch>
- ##
- ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- ## (at your option) any later version.
- ##
- ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ## GNU General Public License for more details.
- ##
- ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ## along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- ## -*- texinfo -*-
- ## @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{pks}, @var{loc}, @var{extra}] =} findpeaks (@var{data})
- ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@dots{} =} findpeaks (@dots{}, @var{property}, @var{value})
- ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@dots{} =} findpeaks (@dots{}, @asis{"DoubleSided"})
- ## Finds peaks on @var{data}.
- ##
- ## Peaks of a positive array of data are defined as local maxima. For
- ## double-sided data, they are maxima of the positive part and minima of
- ## the negative part. @var{data} is expected to be a single column
- ## vector.
- ##
- ## The function returns the value of @var{data} at the peaks in
- ## @var{pks}. The index indicating their position is returned in
- ## @var{loc}.
- ##
- ## The third output argument is a structure with additional information:
- ##
- ## @table @asis
- ## @item "parabol"
- ## A structure containing the parabola fitted to each returned peak. The
- ## structure has two fields, @asis{"x"} and @asis{"pp"}. The field
- ## @asis{"pp"} contains the coefficients of the 2nd degree polynomial
- ## and @asis{"x"} the extrema of the intercal here it was fitted.
- ##
- ## @item "height"
- ## The estimated height of the returned peaks (in units of @var{data}).
- ##
- ## @item "baseline"
- ## The height at which the roots of the returned peaks were calculated
- ## (in units of @var{data}).
- ##
- ## @item "roots"
- ## The abscissa values (in index units) at which the parabola fitted to
- ## each of the returned peaks crosses the @asis{"baseline"} value. The
- ## width of the peak is calculated by @command{diff(roots)}.
- ## @end table
- ##
- ## This function accepts property-value pair given in the list below:
- ##
- ## @table @asis
- ##
- ## @item "MinPeakHeight"
- ## Minimum peak height (positive scalar). Only peaks that exceed this
- ## value will be returned. For data taking positive and negative values
- ## use the option "DoubleSided". Default value @code{2*std (abs (detrend
- ## (data,0)))}.
- ##
- ## @item "MinPeakDistance"
- ## Minimum separation between (positive integer). Peaks separated by
- ## less than this distance are considered a single peak. This distance
- ## is also used to fit a second order polynomial to the peaks to
- ## estimate their width, therefore it acts as a smoothing parameter.
- ## Default value 4.
- ##
- ## @item "MinPeakWidth"
- ## Minimum width of peaks (positive integer). The width of the peaks is
- ## estimated using a parabola fitted to the neighborhood of each peak.
- ## The neighborhood size is equal to the value of
- ## @asis{"MinPeakDistance"}. The width is evaluated at the half height
- ## of the peak with baseline at "MinPeakHeight". Default value 2.
- ##
- ## @item "DoubleSided"
- ## Tells the function that data takes positive and negative values. The
- ## base-line for the peaks is taken as the mean value of the function.
- ## This is equivalent as passing the absolute value of the data after
- ## removing the mean.
- ## @end table
- ##
- ## Run @command{demo findpeaks} to see some examples.
- ## @end deftypefn
- function [pks idx varargout] = findpeaks (data, varargin)
- if (nargin < 1)
- print_usage ();
- endif
- if (! (isvector (data) && numel (data) >= 3))
- error ("findpeaks:InvalidArgument",
- "findpeaks: DATA must be a vector of at least 3 elements");
- endif
- transpose = (rows (data) == 1);
- if (transpose)
- data = data.';
- endif
- ## --- Parse arguments --- #
- __data__ = abs (detrend (data, 0));
- posscal = @(x) isscalar (x) && x >= 0;
- parser = inputParser ();
- parser.FunctionName = "findpeaks";
- ## FIXME: inputParser was first implemented in the general package in the
- ## old @class type. This allowed for a very similar interface to
- ## Matlab but not quite equal. classdef was then implemented in
- ## Octave 4.0 release, which enabled inputParser to be implemented
- ## properly. However, this causes problem because we don't know
- ## what implementation may be running. A new version of the general
- ## package is being released to avoid the two implementations to
- ## co-exist.
- ##
- ## To keep supporting older octave versions, we have an alternative
- ## path that avoids inputParser. And if inputParser is available,
- ## we check what implementation is is, and act accordingly.
- ## Note that in Octave 4.0, inputParser is classdef and Octave behaves
- ## weird for it. which ("inputParser") will return empty (thinks its a
- ## builtin function).
- if (exist ("inputParser") == 2
- && isempty (strfind (which ("inputParser"),
- ["@inputParser" filesep "inputParser.m"])))
- ## making use of classdef's inputParser ..
- parser.addParamValue ("MinPeakHeight", 2*std (__data__),posscal);
- parser.addParamValue ("MinPeakDistance", 4, posscal);
- parser.addParamValue ("MinPeakWidth", 2, posscal);
- parser.addSwitch ("DoubleSided");
- parser.parse (varargin{:});
- minH = parser.Results.MinPeakHeight;
- minD = parser.Results.MinPeakDistance;
- minW = parser.Results.MinPeakWidth;
- dSided = parser.Results.DoubleSided;
- else
- ## either old @inputParser or no inputParser at all...
- lvarargin = lower (varargin);
- ds = strcmpi (lvarargin, "DoubleSided");
- if (any (ds))
- dSided = true;
- lvarargin(ds) = [];
- else
- dSided = false;
- endif
- [~, minH, minD, minW] = parseparams (lvarargin,
- "minpeakheight", 2 * std (__data__),
- "minpeakdistance", 4,
- "minpeakwidth", 2);
- if (! posscal (minH))
- error ("findpeaks: MinPeakHeight must be a positive scalar");
- elseif (! posscal (minD))
- error ("findpeaks: MinPeakDistance must be a positive scalar");
- elseif (! posscal (minW))
- error ("findpeaks: MinPeakWidth must be a positive scalar");
- endif
- endif
- if (dSided)
- [data, __data__] = deal (__data__, data);
- elseif (min (data) < 0)
- error ("findpeaks:InvalidArgument",
- 'Data contains negative values. You may want to "DoubleSided" option');
- endif
- ## Rough estimates of first and second derivative
- df1 = diff (data, 1)([1; (1:end)']);
- df2 = diff (data, 2)([1; 1; (1:end)']);
- ## check for changes of sign of 1st derivative and negativity of 2nd
- ## derivative.
- ## <= in 1st derivative includes the case of oversampled signals.
- idx = find (df1.*[df1(2:end); 0] <= 0 & [df2(2:end); 0] < 0);
- ## Get peaks that are beyond given height
- tf = data(idx) > minH;
- idx = idx(tf);
- ## sort according to magnitude
- [~, tmp] = sort (data(idx), "descend");
- idx_s = idx(tmp);
- ## Treat peaks separated less than minD as one
- D = abs (bsxfun (@minus, idx_s, idx_s'));
- if (any (D(:) < minD))
- i = 1;
- peak = cell ();
- node2visit = 1:size(D,1);
- visited = [];
- idx_pruned = idx_s;
- ## debug
- ## h = plot(1:length(data),data,"-",idx_s,data(idx_s),'.r',idx_s,data(idx_s),'.g');
- ## set(h(3),"visible","off");
- while (! isempty (node2visit))
- d = D(node2visit(1),:);
- visited = [visited node2visit(1)];
- node2visit(1) = [];
- neighs = setdiff (find (d < minD), visited);
- if (! isempty (neighs))
- ## debug
- ## set(h(3),"xdata",idx_s(neighs),"ydata",data(idx_s(neighs)),"visible","on")
- ## pause(0.2)
- ## set(h(3),"visible","off");
- idx_pruned = setdiff (idx_pruned, idx_s(neighs));
- visited = [visited neighs];
- node2visit = setdiff (node2visit, visited);
- ## debug
- ## set(h(2),"xdata",idx_pruned,"ydata",data(idx_pruned))
- ## pause
- endif
- endwhile
- idx = idx_pruned;
- endif
- extra = struct ("parabol", [], "height", [], "baseline", [], "roots", []);
- ## Estimate widths of peaks and filter for:
- ## width smaller than given.
- ## wrong concavity.
- ## not high enough
- ## data at peak is lower than parabola by 1%
- if (minW > 0)
- ## debug
- ## h = plot(1:length(data),data,"-",idx,data(idx),'.r',...
- ## idx,data(idx),'og',idx,data(idx),'-m');
- ## set(h(4),"linewidth",2)
- ## set(h(3:4),"visible","off");
- idx_pruned = idx;
- n = numel (idx);
- np = numel (data);
- struct_count = 0;
- for i=1:n
- ind = (round (max(idx(i)-minD/2,1)) : ...
- round (min(idx(i)+minD/2,np)))';
- pp = polyfit (ind, data(ind), 2);
- H = pp(3) - pp(2)^2/(4*pp(1));
- ## debug
- ## x = linspace(ind(1)-1,ind(end)+1,10);
- ## set(h(4),"xdata",x,"ydata",polyval(pp,x),"visible","on")
- ## set(h(3),"xdata",ind,"ydata",data(ind),"visible","on")
- ## pause(0.2)
- ## set(h(3:4),"visible","off");
- rz = roots ([pp(1:2) pp(3)-mean([H,minH])]);
- width = abs (diff (rz));
- if (width < minW || pp(1) > 0 || H < minH || data(idx(i)) < 0.99*H)
- idx_pruned = setdiff (idx_pruned, idx(i));
- elseif (nargout > 2)
- struct_count++;
- extra.parabol(struct_count).x = ind([1 end]);
- extra.parabol(struct_count).pp = pp;
- extra.roots(struct_count,1:2)= rz;
- extra.height(struct_count) = H;
- extra.baseline(struct_count) = mean ([H minH]);
- endif
- ## debug
- ## set(h(2),"xdata",idx_pruned,"ydata",data(idx_pruned))
- ## pause(0.2)
- endfor
- idx = idx_pruned;
- endif
- if (dSided)
- pks = __data__(idx);
- else
- pks = data(idx);
- endif
- if (transpose)
- pks = pks.';
- idx = idx.';
- endif
- if (nargout() > 2)
- varargout{1} = extra;
- endif
- endfunction
- %!demo
- %! t = 2*pi*linspace(0,1,1024)';
- %! y = sin(3.14*t) + 0.5*cos(6.09*t) + 0.1*sin(10.11*t+1/6) + 0.1*sin(15.3*t+1/3);
- %!
- %! data1 = abs(y); # Positive values
- %! [pks idx] = findpeaks(data1);
- %!
- %! data2 = y; # Double-sided
- %! [pks2 idx2] = findpeaks(data2,"DoubleSided");
- %! [pks3 idx3] = findpeaks(data2,"DoubleSided","MinPeakHeight",0.5);
- %!
- %! subplot(1,2,1)
- %! plot(t,data1,t(idx),data1(idx),'.m')
- %! subplot(1,2,2)
- %! plot(t,data2,t(idx2),data2(idx2),".m;>2*std;",t(idx3),data2(idx3),"or;>0.1;")
- %! legend("Location","NorthOutside","Orientation","horizontal")
- %!
- %! #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %! # Finding the peaks of smooth data is not a big deal!
- %!demo
- %! t = 2*pi*linspace(0,1,1024)';
- %! y = sin(3.14*t) + 0.5*cos(6.09*t) + 0.1*sin(10.11*t+1/6) + 0.1*sin(15.3*t+1/3);
- %!
- %! data = abs(y + 0.1*randn(length(y),1)); # Positive values + noise
- %! [pks idx] = findpeaks(data,"MinPeakHeight",1);
- %!
- %! dt = t(2)-t(1);
- %! [pks2 idx2] = findpeaks(data,"MinPeakHeight",1,...
- %! "MinPeakDistance",round(0.5/dt));
- %!
- %! subplot(1,2,1)
- %! plot(t,data,t(idx),data(idx),'.r')
- %! subplot(1,2,2)
- %! plot(t,data,t(idx2),data(idx2),'.r')
- %!
- %! #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %! # Noisy data may need tuning of the parameters. In the 2nd example,
- %! # MinPeakDistance is used as a smoother of the peaks.
- %!assert (isempty (findpeaks ([1, 1, 1])))
- %!assert (isempty (findpeaks ([1; 1; 1])))
- ## Test for bug #45056
- %!test
- %! ## Test input vector is an oversampled sinusoid with clipped peaks
- %! x = min (3, cos (2*pi*[0:8000] ./ 600) + 2.01);
- %! assert (! isempty (findpeaks (x)))
- %% Test input validation
- %!error findpeaks ()
- %!error findpeaks (1)
- %!error findpeaks ([1, 2])
- ## Failing test because we are not Matlab compatible
- %!xtest assert (findpeaks ([34 134 353 64 134 14 56 67 234 143 64 575 8657]),
- %! [353 134 234])