JavaScript | 1003 lines | 788 code | 79 blank | 136 comment | 56 complexity | 8ad4fce718e18bd85dd628fd20ea7d96 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): BSD-3-Clause
- /**
- * Copyright (c) 2009 The Open Planning Project
- */
- /**
- * Constructor: GeoExplorer
- * Create a new GeoExplorer application.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * config - {Object} Optional application configuration properties.
- *
- * Valid config properties:
- * map - {Object} Map configuration object.
- * ows - {String} OWS URL
- *
- * Valid map config properties:
- * layers - {Array} A list of layer configuration objects.
- * center - {Array} A two item array with center coordinates.
- * zoom - {Number} An initial zoom level.
- *
- * Valid layer config properties:
- * name - {String} Required WMS layer name.
- * title - {String} Optional title to display for layer.
- */
- var GeoExplorer = Ext.extend(gxp.Viewer, {
- /**
- * api: config[localGeoServerBaseUrl]
- * ``String`` url of the local GeoServer instance
- */
- localGeoServerBaseUrl: "",
- /**
- * api: config[fromLayer]
- * ``Boolean`` true if map view was loaded with layer parameters
- */
- fromLayer: false,
- /**
- * private: property[mapPanel]
- * the :class:`GeoExt.MapPanel` instance for the main viewport
- */
- mapPanel: null,
- /**
- * Property: legendPanel
- * {GeoExt.LegendPanel} the legend for the main viewport's map
- */
- legendPanel: null,
- /**
- * Property: toolbar
- * {Ext.Toolbar} the toolbar for the main viewport
- */
- toolbar: null,
- /**
- * Property: capGrid
- * {<Ext.Window>} A window which includes a CapabilitiesGrid panel.
- */
- capGrid: null,
- /**
- * Property: modified
- * ``Number``
- */
- modified: 0,
- /**
- * Property: popupCache
- * {Object} An object containing references to visible popups so that
- * we can insert responses from multiple requests.
- */
- popupCache: null,
- /** private: property[busyMask]
- * ``Ext.LoadMask``
- */
- busyMask: null,
- /** private: property[urlPortRegEx]
- * ``RegExp``
- */
- urlPortRegEx: /^(http[s]?:\/\/[^:]*)(:80|:443)?\//,
- //public variables for string literals needed for localization
- backgroundContainerText: "UT:Background",
- connErrorTitleText: "UT:Connection Error",
- connErrorText: "UT:The server returned an error",
- connErrorDetailsText: "UT:Details...",
- heightLabel: 'UT: Height',
- largeSizeLabel: 'UT:Large',
- layerContainerText: "UT:Map Layers",
- layerSelectionLabel: "UT:View available data from:",
- layersContainerText: "UT:Data",
- layersPanelText: "UT:Layers",
- legendPanelText: "UT:Legend",
- loadingMapMessage: "UT:Loading Map...",
- mapSizeLabel: 'UT: Map Size',
- metadataFormCancelText : "UT:Cancel",
- metadataFormSaveAsCopyText : "UT:Save as Copy",
- metadataFormSaveText : "UT:Save",
- metaDataHeader: 'UT:About this Map',
- metaDataMapAbstract: 'UT:Abstract',
- metaDataMapTitle: 'UT:Title',
- miniSizeLabel: 'UT: Mini',
- premiumSizeLabel: 'UT: Premium',
- printTipText: "UT:Print Map",
- printWindowTitleText: "UT:Print Preview",
- propertiesText: "UT:Properties",
- publishActionText: 'UT:Publish Map',
- saveFailMessage: "UT: Sorry, your map could not be saved.",
- saveFailTitle: "UT: Error While Saving",
- saveMapText: "UT: Save Map",
- saveMapAsText: "UT: Save Map As",
- saveNotAuthorizedMessage: "UT: You Must be logged in to save this map.",
- smallSizeLabel: 'UT: Small',
- sourceLoadFailureMessage: 'UT: Error contacting server.\n Please check the url and try again.',
- switchTo3DActionText: "UT:Switch to Google Earth 3D Viewer",
- unknownMapMessage: 'UT: The map that you are trying to load does not exist. Creating a new map instead.',
- unknownMapTitle: 'UT: Unknown Map',
- unsupportedLayersTitleText: 'UT:Unsupported Layers',
- unsupportedLayersText: 'UT:The following layers cannot be printed:',
- widthLabel: 'UT: Width',
- zoomSelectorText: 'UT:Zoom level',
- zoomSliderTipText: "UT: Zoom Level",
- zoomToLayerExtentText: "UT:Zoom to Layer Extent",
- constructor: function(config) {
- this.popupCache = {};
- // add any custom application events
- this.addEvents(
- /**
- * api: event[saved]
- * Fires when the map has been saved.
- * Listener arguments:
- * * ``String`` the map id
- */
- "saved",
- /**
- * api: event[beforeunload]
- * Fires before the page unloads. Return false to stop the page
- * from unloading.
- */
- "beforeunload"
- );
- // add old ptypes
- Ext.preg("gx_wmssource", gxp.plugins.WMSSource);
- Ext.preg("gx_olsource", gxp.plugins.OLSource);
- Ext.preg("gx_googlesource", gxp.plugins.GoogleSource);
- // global request proxy and error handling
- Ext.util.Observable.observeClass(Ext.data.Connection);
- Ext.data.Connection.on({
- "beforerequest": function(conn, options) {
- // use django's /geoserver endpoint when talking to the local
- // GeoServer's RESTconfig API
- var url = options.url.replace(this.urlPortRegEx, "$1/");
- if (this.localGeoServerBaseUrl) {
- if (url.indexOf(this.localGeoServerBaseUrl) == 0) {
- // replace local GeoServer url with /geoserver/
- options.url = url.replace(
- new RegExp("^" + this.localGeoServerBaseUrl),
- "/geoserver/"
- );
- return;
- }
- var localUrl = this.localGeoServerBaseUrl.replace(
- this.urlPortRegEx, "$1/");
- if(url.indexOf(localUrl + "rest/") === 0) {
- options.url = url.replace(new RegExp("^" +
- localUrl), "/geoserver/");
- return;
- };
- }
- // use the proxy for all non-local requests
- if(this.proxy && options.url.indexOf(this.proxy) !== 0 &&
- options.url.indexOf(window.location.protocol) === 0) {
- var parts = options.url.replace(/&$/, "").split("?");
- var params = Ext.apply(parts[1] && Ext.urlDecode(
- parts[1]) || {}, options.params);
- url = Ext.urlAppend(parts[0], Ext.urlEncode(params));
- delete options.params;
- options.url = this.proxy + encodeURIComponent(url);
- }
- },
- "requestexception": function(conn, response, options) {
- if(options.failure) {
- // exceptions are handled elsewhere
- } else {
- this.busyMask && this.busyMask.hide();
- var url = options.url;
- if (response.status == 401 && url.indexOf("http" != 0) &&
- url.indexOf(this.proxy) === -1) {
- var submit = function() {
- form.getForm().submit({
- waitMsg: "Logging in...",
- success: function(form, action) {
- win.close();
- document.cookie = action.response.getResponseHeader("Set-Cookie");
- // resend the original request
- Ext.Ajax.request(options);
- },
- failure: function(form, action) {
- var username = form.items.get(0);
- var password = form.items.get(1);
- username.markInvalid();
- password.markInvalid();
- username.focus(true);
- },
- scope: this
- });
- }.bind(this);
- var win = new Ext.Window({
- title: "GeoNode Login",
- modal: true,
- width: 230,
- autoHeight: true,
- layout: "fit",
- items: [{
- xtype: "form",
- autoHeight: true,
- labelWidth: 55,
- border: false,
- bodyStyle: "padding: 10px;",
- url: "/accounts/ajax_login",
- waitMsgTarget: true,
- errorReader: {
- // teach ExtJS a bit of RESTfulness
- read: function(response) {
- return {
- success: response.status == 200,
- records: []
- };
- }
- },
- defaults: {
- anchor: "100%"
- },
- items: [{
- xtype: "textfield",
- name: "username",
- fieldLabel: "Username"
- }, {
- xtype: "textfield",
- name: "password",
- fieldLabel: "Password",
- inputType: "password"
- }, {
- xtype: "hidden",
- name: "csrfmiddlewaretoken",
- value: this.csrfToken
- }, {
- xtype: "button",
- text: "Login",
- inputType: "submit",
- handler: submit
- }]
- }],
- keys: {
- "key": Ext.EventObject.ENTER,
- "fn": submit
- }
- });
- win.show();
- var form = win.items.get(0);
- form.items.get(0).focus(false, 100);
- } else if (response.status != 405 && url != "/geoserver/rest/styles") {
- // 405 from /rest/styles is ok because we use it to
- // test whether we're authenticated or not
- this.displayXHRTrouble(response);
- }
- }
- },
- scope: this
- });
- // register the color manager with every color field, for Styler
- Ext.util.Observable.observeClass(gxp.form.ColorField);
- gxp.form.ColorField.on({
- render: function(field) {
- var manager = new Styler.ColorManager();
- manager.register(field);
- }
- });
- // global beforeunload handler
- window.onbeforeunload = (function() {
- if (this.fireEvent("beforeunload") === false) {
- return "If you leave this page, unsaved changes will be lost.";
- }
- }).bind(this);
- // limit combo boxes to the window they belong to - fixes issues with
- // list shadow covering list items
- Ext.form.ComboBox.prototype.getListParent = function() {
- return this.el.up(".x-window") || document.body;
- };
- // don't draw window shadows - allows us to use autoHeight: true
- // without using syncShadow on the window
- Ext.Window.prototype.shadow = false;
- if (!config.map) {
- config.map = {};
- }
- config.map.numZoomLevels = config.map.numZoomLevels || 22;
- GeoExplorer.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
- this.mapID = this.initialConfig.id;
- },
- displayXHRTrouble: function(response) {
- response.status && Ext.Msg.show({
- title: this.connErrorTitleText,
- msg: this.connErrorText +
- ": " + response.status + " " + response.statusText,
- icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
- buttons: {ok: this.connErrorDetailsText, cancel: true},
- fn: function(result) {
- if(result == "ok") {
- var details = new Ext.Window({
- title: response.status + " " + response.statusText,
- width: 400,
- height: 300,
- items: {
- xtype: "container",
- cls: "error-details",
- html: response.responseText
- },
- autoScroll: true,
- buttons: [{
- text: "OK",
- handler: function() { details.close(); }
- }]
- });
- details.show();
- }
- }
- });
- },
- loadConfig: function(config) {
- config.tools = (config.tools || []).concat({
- ptype: "gxp_zoom",
- actionTarget: {target: "paneltbar", index: 4}
- }, {
- ptype: "gxp_navigationhistory",
- actionTarget: {target: "paneltbar", index: 6}
- }, {
- ptype: "gxp_zoomtoextent",
- actionTarget: {target: "paneltbar", index: 8}
- }, {
- ptype: "gxp_layertree",
- outputConfig: {id: "treecontent"},
- outputTarget: "layertree"
- }, {
- ptype: "gxp_zoomtolayerextent",
- actionTarget: "treecontent.contextMenu"
- }, {
- ptype: "gxp_addlayers",
- actionTarget: "treetbar",
- createExpander: function() {
- return new GeoExplorer.CapabilitiesRowExpander({
- ows: config.localGeoServerBaseUrl + "ows"
- });
- }
- }, {
- ptype: "gxp_removelayer",
- actionTarget: ["treetbar", "treecontent.contextMenu"]
- }, {
- ptype: "gxp_layerproperties",
- layerPanelConfig: {
- "gxp_wmslayerpanel": {rasterStyling: true}
- },
- actionTarget: ["treetbar", "treecontent.contextMenu"]
- }, {
- ptype: "gxp_styler",
- rasterStyling: true,
- actionTarget: ["treetbar", "treecontent.contextMenu"]
- });
- GeoExplorer.superclass.loadConfig.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- initMapPanel: function() {
- this.mapItems = [{
- xtype: "gx_zoomslider",
- vertical: true,
- height: 100,
- plugins: new GeoExt.ZoomSliderTip({
- template: "<div>"+this.zoomSliderTipText+": {zoom}<div>"
- })
- }];
- GeoExplorer.superclass.initMapPanel.apply(this, arguments);
- var layerCount = 0;
- this.mapPanel.map.events.register("preaddlayer", this, function(e) {
- var layer = e.layer;
- if (layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.WMS) {
- layer.events.on({
- "loadstart": function() {
- layerCount++;
- if (!this.busyMask) {
- this.busyMask = new Ext.LoadMask(
- this.mapPanel.map.div, {
- msg: this.loadingMapMessage
- }
- );
- this.busyMask.show();
- }
- layer.events.unregister("loadstart", this, arguments.callee);
- },
- "loadend": function() {
- layerCount--;
- if(layerCount === 0) {
- this.busyMask.hide();
- }
- layer.events.unregister("loadend", this, arguments.callee);
- },
- scope: this
- });
- }
- });
- },
- /**
- * Method: initPortal
- * Create the various parts that compose the layout.
- */
- initPortal: function() {
- this.on("beforeunload", function() {
- if (this.modified) {
- this.showMetadataForm();
- return false;
- }
- }, this);
- // TODO: make a proper component out of this
- var mapOverlay = this.createMapOverlay();
- this.mapPanel.add(mapOverlay);
- this.on("ready", function() {
- this.mapPanel.layers.on({
- "update": function() {this.modified |= 1;},
- "add": function() {this.modified |= 1;},
- "remove": function(store, rec) {
- this.modified |= 1;
- },
- scope: this
- });
- });
- var layersContainer = new Ext.Panel({
- id: "layertree",
- autoScroll: true,
- border: false,
- title: this.layersContainerText,
- tbar: {
- id: 'treetbar'
- }
- });
- this.legendPanel = new GeoExt.LegendPanel({
- title: this.legendPanelText,
- border: false,
- hideMode: "offsets",
- split: true,
- autoScroll: true,
- ascending: false,
- map: this.mapPanel.map,
- defaults: {cls: 'legend-item'}
- });
- var layerTree;
- this.on("ready", function(){
- var startSourceId = null;
- for (var id in this.layerSources) {
- source = this.layerSources[id];
- if (source.store && source instanceof gxp.plugins.WMSSource &&
- source.url.indexOf("/geoserver/wms" === 0)) {
- startSourceId = id;
- }
- }
- // find the add layers plugin
- var addLayers = null;
- for (var key in this.tools) {
- var tool = this.tools[key];
- if (tool.ptype === "gxp_addlayers") {
- addLayers = tool;
- addLayers.startSourceId = startSourceId;
- }
- }
- if (!this.fromLayer && !this.mapID) {
- if (addLayers !== null) {
- addLayers.showCapabilitiesGrid();
- }
- }
- // add custom tree contextmenu items
- layerTree = Ext.getCmp("treecontent");
- }, this);
- var layersTabPanel = new Ext.TabPanel({
- border: false,
- deferredRender: false,
- items: [layersContainer, this.legendPanel],
- activeTab: 0
- });
- //needed for Safari
- var westPanel = new Ext.Panel({
- layout: "fit",
- collapseMode: "mini",
- header: false,
- split: true,
- items: [layersTabPanel],
- region: "west",
- width: 250
- });
- this.toolbar = new Ext.Toolbar({
- disabled: true,
- id: 'paneltbar',
- items: this.createTools()
- });
- this.on("ready", function() {
- // enable only those items that were not specifically disabled
- var disabled = this.toolbar.items.filterBy(function(item) {
- return item.initialConfig && item.initialConfig.disabled;
- });
- this.toolbar.enable();
- disabled.each(function(item) {
- item.disable();
- });
- }, this);
- var showContextMenu;
- this.googleEarthPanel = new gxp.GoogleEarthPanel({
- mapPanel: this.mapPanel,
- listeners: {
- "beforeadd": function(record) {
- return record.get("group") !== "background";
- },
- "show": function() {
- // disable layers toolbar, selection and context menu
- layerTree.contextMenu.on("beforeshow", OpenLayers.Function.False);
- this.on(
- "beforelayerselectionchange", OpenLayers.Function.False
- );
- Ext.getCmp("treetbar").disable();
- },
- "hide": function() {
- var layerTree = Ext.getCmp("treecontent");
- if (layerTree) {
- // enable layers toolbar, selection and context menu
- layerTree.contextMenu.un("beforeshow", OpenLayers.Function.False);
- this.un(
- "beforelayerselectionchange", OpenLayers.Function.False
- );
- Ext.getCmp("treetbar").enable();
- }
- },
- scope: this
- }
- });
- this.mapPanelContainer = new Ext.Panel({
- layout: "card",
- region: "center",
- defaults: {
- // applied to each contained panel
- border:false
- },
- items: [
- this.mapPanel,
- this.googleEarthPanel
- ],
- activeItem: 0
- });
- var header = new Ext.Panel({
- region: "north",
- autoHeight: true,
- contentEl: 'header-wrapper'
- });
- Lang.registerLinks();
- this.portalItems = [
- header, {
- region: "center",
- xtype: "container",
- layout: "fit",
- border: false,
- hideBorders: true,
- items: {
- layout: "border",
- deferredRender: false,
- tbar: this.toolbar,
- items: [
- this.mapPanelContainer,
- westPanel
- ],
- ref: "../../main"
- }
- }
- ];
- GeoExplorer.superclass.initPortal.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- /** private: method[createMapOverlay]
- * Builds the :class:`Ext.Panel` containing components to be overlaid on the
- * map, setting up the special configuration for its layout and
- * map-friendliness.
- */
- createMapOverlay: function() {
- var scaleLinePanel = new Ext.BoxComponent({
- autoEl: {
- tag: "div",
- cls: "olControlScaleLine overlay-element overlay-scaleline"
- }
- });
- scaleLinePanel.on('render', function(){
- var scaleLine = new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine({
- div: scaleLinePanel.getEl().dom,
- geodesic: true
- });
- this.mapPanel.map.addControl(scaleLine);
- scaleLine.activate();
- }, this);
- var zoomSelectorWrapper = new Ext.Panel({
- cls: 'overlay-element overlay-scalechooser',
- border: false
- });
- this.on("ready", function() {
- var zoomStore = new GeoExt.data.ScaleStore({
- map: this.mapPanel.map
- });
- var zoomSelector = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
- emptyText: this.zoomSelectorText,
- tpl: '<tpl for="."><div class="x-combo-list-item">1 : {[parseInt(values.scale)]}</div></tpl>',
- editable: false,
- triggerAction: 'all',
- mode: 'local',
- store: zoomStore,
- width: 110
- });
- zoomSelector.on({
- click: function(evt) {
- evt.stopEvent();
- },
- mousedown: function(evt) {
- evt.stopEvent();
- },
- select: function(combo, record, index) {
- this.mapPanel.map.zoomTo(record.data.level);
- },
- scope: this
- });
- function setScale() {
- var scale = zoomStore.queryBy(function(record) {
- return this.mapPanel.map.getZoom() == record.data.level;
- }, this);
- if (scale.length > 0) {
- scale = scale.items[0];
- zoomSelector.setValue("1 : " + parseInt(scale.data.scale, 10));
- } else {
- if (!zoomSelector.rendered) {
- return;
- }
- zoomSelector.clearValue();
- }
- }
- setScale.call(this);
- this.mapPanel.map.events.register('zoomend', this, setScale);
- zoomSelectorWrapper.add(zoomSelector);
- zoomSelectorWrapper.doLayout();
- }, this);
- var mapOverlay = new Ext.Panel({
- // title: "Overlay",
- cls: 'map-overlay',
- items: [
- scaleLinePanel,
- zoomSelectorWrapper
- ]
- });
- mapOverlay.on("afterlayout", function(){
- scaleLinePanel.getEl().dom.style.position = 'relative';
- scaleLinePanel.getEl().dom.style.display = 'inline';
- mapOverlay.getEl().on("click", function(x){x.stopEvent();});
- mapOverlay.getEl().on("mousedown", function(x){x.stopEvent();});
- }, this);
- return mapOverlay;
- },
- createTools: function() {
- var toolGroup = "toolGroup";
- var printButton = new Ext.Button({
- tooltip: this.printTipText,
- iconCls: "icon-print",
- handler: function() {
- var unsupportedLayers = [];
- var printWindow = new Ext.Window({
- title: this.printWindowTitleText,
- modal: true,
- border: false,
- autoHeight: true,
- resizable: false,
- items: [{
- xtype: "gxux_printpreview",
- mapTitle: this.about["title"],
- comment: this.about["abstract"],
- minWidth: 336,
- printMapPanel: {
- height: Math.min(450, Ext.get(document.body).getHeight()-150),
- autoWidth: true,
- limitScales: true,
- map: {
- controls: [
- new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation({
- zoomWheelEnabled: false,
- zoomBoxEnabled: false
- }),
- new OpenLayers.Control.PanPanel(),
- new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution()
- ],
- eventListeners: {
- "preaddlayer": function(evt) {
- if(evt.layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.Google) {
- unsupportedLayers.push(evt.layer.name);
- return false;
- }
- },
- scope: this
- }
- }
- },
- printProvider: {
- capabilities: window.printCapabilities,
- listeners: {
- "beforeprint": function() {
- // The print module does not like array params.
- //TODO Remove when http://trac.geoext.org/ticket/216 is fixed.
- printWindow.items.get(0).printMapPanel.layers.each(function(l){
- var params = l.getLayer().params;
- for(var p in params) {
- if (params[p] instanceof Array) {
- params[p] = params[p].join(",");
- }
- }
- });
- },
- "print": function() {printWindow.close();},
- "printException": function(cmp, response) {
- this.displayXHRTrouble(response);
- },
- scope: this
- }
- },
- includeLegend: true,
- sourceMap: this.mapPanel,
- legend: this.legendPanel
- }]
- }).show();
- printWindow.center();
- unsupportedLayers.length &&
- Ext.Msg.alert(this.unsupportedLayersTitleText, this.unsupportedLayersText +
- "<ul><li>" + unsupportedLayers.join("</li><li>") + "</li></ul>");
- },
- scope: this
- });
- var enable3DButton = new Ext.Button({
- iconCls:"icon-3D",
- tooltip: this.switchTo3DActionText,
- enableToggle: true,
- toggleHandler: function(button, state) {
- if (state === true) {
- this.mapPanelContainer.getLayout().setActiveItem(1);
- this.toolbar.disable();
- button.enable();
- } else {
- this.mapPanelContainer.getLayout().setActiveItem(0);
- this.toolbar.enable();
- }
- },
- scope: this
- });
- var tools = [
- new Ext.Button({
- tooltip: this.saveMapText,
- handler: this.showMetadataForm,
- scope: this,
- iconCls: "icon-save"
- }),
- new Ext.Action({
- tooltip: this.publishActionText,
- handler: this.makeExportDialog,
- scope: this,
- iconCls: 'icon-export',
- disabled: !this.mapID
- }),
- window.printCapabilities ? printButton : "",
- "-",
- enable3DButton
- ];
- this.on("saved", function() {
- // enable the "Publish Map" button
- tools[1].enable();
- this.modified ^= this.modified & 1;
- }, this);
- return tools;
- },
- /** private: method[makeExportDialog]
- *
- * Create a dialog providing the HTML snippet to use for embedding the
- * (persisted) map, etc.
- */
- makeExportDialog: function() {
- new Ext.Window({
- title: this.publishActionText,
- layout: "fit",
- width: 380,
- autoHeight: true,
- items: [{
- xtype: "gxp_embedmapdialog",
- url: this.rest + this.mapID + "/embed"
- }]
- }).show();
- },
- /** private: method[initMetadataForm]
- *
- * Initialize metadata entry form.
- */
- initMetadataForm: function(){
- var titleField = new Ext.form.TextField({
- width: '95%',
- fieldLabel: this.metaDataMapTitle,
- value: this.about.title,
- allowBlank: false,
- enableKeyEvents: true,
- listeners: {
- "valid": function() {
- saveAsButton.enable();
- saveButton.enable();
- },
- "invalid": function() {
- saveAsButton.disable();
- saveButton.disable();
- }
- }
- });
- var abstractField = new Ext.form.TextArea({
- width: '95%',
- height: 200,
- fieldLabel: this.metaDataMapAbstract,
- value: this.about["abstract"]
- });
- var metaDataPanel = new Ext.FormPanel({
- bodyStyle: {padding: "5px"},
- labelAlign: "top",
- items: [
- titleField,
- abstractField
- ]
- });
- metaDataPanel.enable();
- var saveAsButton = new Ext.Button({
- text: this.metadataFormSaveAsCopyText,
- disabled: !this.about.title,
- handler: function(e){
- this.about.title = titleField.getValue();
- this.about["abstract"] = abstractField.getValue();
- this.metadataForm.hide();
- this.save(true);
- },
- scope: this
- });
- var saveButton = new Ext.Button({
- text: this.metadataFormSaveText,
- disabled: !this.about.title,
- handler: function(e){
- this.about.title = titleField.getValue();
- this.about["abstract"] = abstractField.getValue();
- this.metadataForm.hide();
- this.save();
- },
- scope: this
- });
- this.metadataForm = new Ext.Window({
- title: this.metaDataHeader,
- closeAction: 'hide',
- items: metaDataPanel,
- modal: true,
- width: 400,
- autoHeight: true,
- bbar: [
- "->",
- saveAsButton,
- saveButton,
- new Ext.Button({
- text: this.metadataFormCancelText,
- handler: function() {
- titleField.setValue(this.about.title);
- abstractField.setValue(this.about["abstract"]);
- this.metadataForm.hide();
- },
- scope: this
- })
- ]
- });
- },
- /** private: method[showMetadataForm]
- * Shows the window with a metadata form
- */
- showMetadataForm: function() {
- if(!this.metadataForm) {
- this.initMetadataForm();
- }
- this.metadataForm.show();
- },
- updateURL: function() {
- /* PUT to this url to update an existing map */
- return this.rest + this.mapID + '/data';
- },
- /** api: method[save]
- * :arg as: ''Boolean'' True if map should be "Saved as..."
- *
- * Subclasses that load config asynchronously can override this to load
- * any configuration before applyConfig is called.
- */
- save: function(as){
- var config = this.getState();
- if (!this.mapID || as) {
- /* create a new map */
- Ext.Ajax.request({
- url: this.rest,
- method: 'POST',
- jsonData: config,
- success: function(response, options) {
- var id = response.getResponseHeader("Location");
- // trim whitespace to avoid Safari issue where the trailing newline is included
- id = id.replace(/^\s*/,'');
- id = id.replace(/\s*$/,'');
- id = id.match(/[\d]*$/)[0];
- this.mapID = id; //id is url, not mapID
- this.fireEvent("saved", id);
- },
- scope: this
- });
- }
- else {
- /* save an existing map */
- Ext.Ajax.request({
- url: this.updateURL(),
- method: 'PUT',
- jsonData: config,
- success: function(response, options) {
- /* nothing for now */
- this.fireEvent("saved", this.mapID);
- },
- scope: this
- });
- }
- }
- });