https://github.com/sorokine/SOFT · Perl · 1497 lines · 976 code · 258 blank · 263 comment · 178 complexity · 2f65f20a991eb01752e71f4258624c96 MD5 · raw file
- package SOFT;
- use warnings;
- use strict;
- use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK);
- require Exporter;
- @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
- # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
- # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
- @EXPORT = qw(
- );
- =head1 NAME
- SOFT - Perl module for processing files in Simple Ontology FormaT
- =head1 VERSION
- Version 0.5
- =cut
- our $VERSION = '0.5';
- use FileHandle;
- use File::Basename;
- use Carp;
- use Data::Dumper;
- use Text::Wrap;
- use HTML::Entities;
- use Convert::Color;
- use Convert::Color::HSV;
- use Text::CSV;
- use Tie::RegexpHash;
- # argument is a reference to the hash of option
- sub new {
- my $package = shift;
- my $self = {};
- # store options
- $self->{'opts'} = shift || {};
- $self->{'opts'}->{'verbose'} = 1 unless exists $self->{'opts'}->{'verbose'};
- # create class variables
- # each rel, ent, section hash has an entry 'src' for an array of source files and 'src_line' for an array of line numbers
- $self->{'rel'} = []; # list of relations
- # each relation is a hash with the following keys:
- # id - relation id
- # type - always 'rel'
- # from - entity id for from entity
- # to - to entity id for to entity
- # style - style object (optional)
- $self->{'ent'} = {}; # list of entities with their properties as subhashes, entity id is the key for this hash
- # each entity is a hash with the following keys:
- # id - entity id
- # type - entity type (cat|inst)
- # count - entity count
- # section - home section
- # style - style object (optional)
- $self->{'sections'} = {}; # list of sections
- # each entity is a hash with the following keys:
- # id - sections id (full section name delimited with | for each section level)
- # count - how many time the section has been parsed out from the file
- # type - always 'sec'
- # depth - section depth
- # members - a hash which keys are entity ids that belong to the section
- $self->{'includes'} = []; # stack of included soft files
- ### setting styles
- # styles entry in the SOFT object contains indices on style objects
- $self->{'styles'} = {
- 'by_id' => {}, # index by style id (all style must be indexed here)
- 'count' => 0 # total count of existing styles
- };
- # other style indexes has to be created by calling build_style_indices method after loading all style
- # style indices are stored in attributes named like cat_regex for assigning to categories by regex, cat_sect, inst_regex, etc.
- # each style object is a hash with the following entries:
- # id => '' style id, in the form like cat:id
- # ptrn => '' matching pattern
- # seq => '' sequence number in which styles has been loaded (used for prioritizing)
- # attrs => {} a hash of style attributes
- # src => '' source of the style (typically file name from which style has been loaded)
- # src_line => '' line in the source file
- # parent => '' parent style id from which current style has been extended
- my %style = ();
- # default style for relations
- %style = (
- 'id' => 'rel:',
- 'seq' => 0,
- 'attrs' => {
- 'style' => 'dashed',
- 'label' => '@ID@'
- },
- 'src' => __FILE__,
- 'src_line' => __LINE__
- );
- $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{$style{'id'}} = { %style };
- # default style for subcategory relation
- %style = (
- 'id' => 'rel:subcat',
- 'seq' => 1,
- 'attrs' => {
- 'style' => 'solid',
- 'arrowhead' => 'empty'
- },
- 'src' => __FILE__,
- 'src_line' => __LINE__
- );
- $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{$style{'id'}} = { %style };
- # default style for instantiation relation
- %style = (
- 'id' => 'rel:inst',
- 'seq' => 2,
- 'attrs' => {
- 'style' => 'solid',
- 'penwidth' => 2.0,
- 'weight' => 5.0,
- 'arrowhead' => 'dot'
- },
- 'src' => __FILE__,
- 'src_line' => __LINE__
- );
- $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{$style{'id'}} = { %style };
- # default style for categories
- %style = (
- 'id' => 'cat:',
- 'seq' => 3,
- 'attrs' => {
- 'shape' => 'box',
- 'label' => '@ID_STRING@',
- 'weight' => 5.0,
- '~shape' => 'record',
- '~label' => '{@ID_STRING@}|{%@PNAME@=@PVAL@%|%}'
- },
- 'src' => __FILE__,
- 'src_line' => __LINE__
- );
- $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{$style{'id'}} = { %style };
- # default style for instances
- %style = (
- 'id' => 'inst:',
- 'seq' => 4,
- 'attrs' => {
- 'shape' => 'box3d',
- 'penwidth' => 2.0,
- 'label' => '@ID_STRING@',
- '~style' => 'rounded',
- '~shape' => 'record',
- '~label' => '{@ID_STRING@}|{%@PNAME@=@PVAL@%|%}'
- },
- 'src' => __FILE__,
- 'src_line' => __LINE__
- );
- $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{$style{'id'}} = { %style };
- # default styles for sections
- %style = (
- 'id' => 'sec:', 'seq' => 5,, 'depth' => 0,
- 'attrs' => { 'label' => '@SECTION@' },
- 'src' => __FILE__, 'src_line' => __LINE__
- );
- $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{$style{'id'}} = { %style };
- %style = (
- 'id' => 'sec:1:', 'seq' => 6, 'depth' => 1,
- 'attrs' => { 'label' => '@SECTION@', 'color' => 'gray10', 'fontcolor' => 'gray10', 'labelloc' => 'b' },
- 'src' => __FILE__, 'src_line' => __LINE__
- );
- $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{$style{'id'}} = { %style };
- %style = (
- 'id' => 'sec:2:', 'seq' => 7, 'depth' => 2,
- 'attrs' => { 'label' => '@SECTION@', 'color' => 'gray20', 'fontcolor' => 'gray20', 'labelloc' => 'b' },
- 'src' => __FILE__, 'src_line' => __LINE__
- );
- $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{$style{'id'}} = { %style };
- %style = (
- 'id' => 'sec:3:', 'seq' => 8, 'depth' => 3,
- 'attrs' => { 'label' => '@SECTION@', 'color' => '#8547FF', 'fontcolor' => '#8547FF', 'labelloc' => 'b' },
- 'src' => __FILE__, 'src_line' => __LINE__
- );
- $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{$style{'id'}} = { %style };
- %style = (
- 'id' => 'sec:4:', 'seq' => 9, 'depth' => 4,
- 'attrs' => { 'label' => '@SECTION@', 'color' => 'gray40', 'fontcolor' => 'gray40', 'labelloc' => 'b' },
- 'src' => __FILE__, 'src_line' => __LINE__
- );
- $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{$style{'id'}} = { %style };
- %style = (
- 'id' => 'sec:5:', 'seq' => 10, 'depth' => 5,
- 'attrs' => { 'label' => '@SECTION@', 'color' => 'darkgreen', 'fontcolor' => 'darkgreen', 'labelloc' => 'b' },
- 'src' => __FILE__, 'src_line' => __LINE__
- );
- $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{$style{'id'}} = { %style };
- %style = (
- 'id' => 'sec:6:', 'seq' => 11, 'depth' => 6,
- 'attrs' => { 'label' => '@SECTION@', 'color' => 'red', 'fontcolor' => 'red', 'labelloc' => 'b' },
- 'src' => __FILE__, 'src_line' => __LINE__
- );
- $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{$style{'id'}} = { %style };
- $self->{'styles'}->{'count'} = scalar keys %{$self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}}; # update style count
- return bless($self, $package);
- }
- ### methods for access to ontology entries
- # retrieve the entity from ontology
- # expects a string representing entity names, e.g., 'cat:entity'
- # returns a reference to hash array directly in the datastore or
- # undef if entity not found (no error is raised)
- sub get {
- my $self = shift;
- my $ent = shift;
- return $self->{'ent'}->{$ent};
- }
- # lists all entities in the ontology
- # TODO: add the condition to select entities (use same rules as in assigning styles)
- # a list of strings representing entities is returned (in the form type:entity)
- sub all {
- my $self = shift;
- return keys %{$self->{'ent'}};
- }
- # adds a new entity to ontology
- # arguments
- # entity name in the for type:name, e.g.: cat:entity, required
- # section (may be empty)
- # source file (may be empty)
- # line in the source file (must be empty if source file is empty)
- # returns
- # a reference to the hash array containing the entity
- # fails
- # if entity already exists
- # if entity name is not parseable
- # if section has not been created before
- sub add {
- my ($self, $ent, $section, $src_file, $src_line) = (@_);
- croak "Attempt to create an existing entity ($ent)" if $self->get($ent);
- $ent =~ m/^([^:]+):(\S+)$/o ||
- croak "Unable to parse entity name: $ent (should be in form 'type:name') [$src_file:$src_line]";
- my ($type,$id) = ($1, $2);
- $type =~ m/^(cat|inst)$/ ||
- croak "Unrecognized entity type: $type (should be cat or inst) [$src_file:$src_line]";
- my %e = ( 'id' => $id, 'type' => $type );
- if ($section) {
- confess "Section $section was not found in ontology while creating entity $ent"
- unless exists $self->{'sections'}->{$section};
- $e{'section'} = $section;
- $self->{'sections'}->{$section}->{'members'}->{$ent} = 1;
- }
- if ($src_file) {
- $e{'src'} = [ $src_file ];
- $e{'src_line'} = [ $src_line ] ||
- croak "No source line provided for entity $ent";
- } else {
- $e{'src'} = [];
- $e{'src_line'} = [];
- carp "Source file not specified for '$ent'" if $self->{'opts'}->{'verbose'};
- }
- return $self->{'ent'}->{$ent} = \%e;
- }
- # updates an existing entity in ontology (fails if entity does not exists)
- # arguments
- # entity name in the for type:name, e.g.: cat:entity, required
- # section (may be empty)
- # source file (may be empty)
- # line in the source file (must be empty if source file is empty)
- # returns
- # a reference to the hash array containing the entity
- # fails
- # if entity does not exist
- # if entity name is not parseable
- # if section has not been created before
- sub update {
- my ($self, $ent, $section, $src_file, $src_line) = (@_);
- my $e = $self->get($ent) ||
- croak "SOFT: entity to be updated was not found ($ent)";
- if ($section) {
- confess "Section $section was not found in ontology while creating entity $ent"
- unless exists $self->{'sections'}->{$section};
- if ($e->{'section'} && $e->{'section'} ne $section) {
- # if section is different from already specified update other section data and complain if necessary
- delete $self->{'sections'}->{$section}->{'members'}->{$ent};
- carp "SOFT: Section name update for $ent (".$e->{'section'}." = $section)"
- if $self->{'opts'}->{'verbose'};
- }
- $e->{'section'} = $section;
- $self->{'sections'}->{$section}->{'members'}->{$ent} = 1;
- }
- if ($src_file) {
- push @{$e->{'src'}}, $src_file;
- push @{$e->{'src_line'}}, $src_line ;
- }
- return $e;
- }
- # updates and if it exists, adds a new entity if not
- # arguments are passed directly to add or update
- sub add_or_update {
- my $self = shift;
- my $ent = $_[0];
- return $self->get($ent) ? $self->update(@_) : $self->add(@_);
- }
- # deletes an entity from ontology
- # arguments:
- # entity name in the form cat:name
- # returns
- # hash array of the deleted entity or undef on failure
- sub del {
- my $self = shift;
- my $ent = shift;
- my $e = $self->get($ent) || return undef;
- # cleanup relations
- $self->{'rel'} = [ grep { $_->{'to'} ne $ent && $_->{'from'} ne $ent } @{$self->{'rel'}} ];
- # remove references from sections
- foreach my $sec (keys %{$self->{'sections'}}) {
- delete $self->{'sections'}->{$sec}->{'members'}->{$ent};
- }
- # remove the entity
- delete $self->{'ent'}->{$ent};
- return $e;
- }
- # retrieve a property value from an entity
- # arguments:
- # entity name in the form cat:name
- # property name
- # return
- # a string connecting the property value or undef if no such property or
- # entity has no properties
- # the method will croak if no entity does not exist
- sub get_prop {
- my ($self, $ent, $prop) = (@_);
- my $e = $self->get($ent) ||
- croak "Retrieving a property ($prop) from a non-existent entity ($ent) attempted";
- return undef unless exists $e->{'properties'};
- return $e->{'properties'}->{$prop} if exists $e->{'properties'}->{$prop};
- return undef;
- }
- # retrieve an entity id
- # arguments:
- # entity name in the form cat:name
- # return
- # a string connecting an entity id or undef if entity does not exist
- sub get_id {
- my ($self, $ent) = (@_);
- my $e = $self->get($ent) || return undef;
- return $e->{'id'};
- }
- # TODO: del_all delete all entities satisfying certain selection criteria
- ### methods for loading ontology files
- sub parse_soft {
- my $self = shift;
- my $fname = shift || croak "File name must be provided";
- my $csection_ref = shift || []; # reference to an array of section name under which to include parsed SOFT file
- # check for cyclical includes
- foreach (@{$self->{includes}}) {
- croak "Cyclical include of $fname, include/comprise stack: ".join("<-", @{$self->{includes}}) if m/$fname/;
- }
- push @{$self->{includes}}, $fname;
- # open input file for reading, check the directory name
- my $fh = undef;
- my $basedir = '';
- if ($fname eq '-') {
- $fh = \*STDIN;
- } else {
- $fh = new FileHandle "<$fname";
- die "Unable to open '$fname'" unless $fh; # TODO print include stack here
- $basedir = dirname($fname);
- # fix the basedir name to handle ending / properly
- $basedir = '' if $basedir eq '.';
- $basedir .= '/' if $basedir && $basedir !~ m|/$|o;
- }
- my $c = -1; # line counter
- my @ditto = (); # array of parsed tokens (up to 3 tokens: ent1 -rel-> ent2) for ditto operation
- my $prev_line = undef; # previous line for processing line continuations
- my $fsec; # full section name
- my @csection = @$csection_ref;
- my $addepth = @csection; # additional section depth inherited from upper file
- # parse
- while (<$fh>) {
- chomp;
- $c++;
- # get rid of leading and trailing space
- s/^\s*//o;
- s/\s*$//o;
- # if there is previous line then prepend it to current line
- $_ = "$prev_line $_" if $prev_line;
- # if the line ends up in \ the assign it to continuations
- if (s/\\$//o) {
- $prev_line = $_;
- next;
- }
- $prev_line = undef;
- # get rid of comments
- s/#.*$//o;
- # get rid of empty lines
- next if /^\s*$/o;
- # process \include and \comprise
- if (m/^\\(include|comprise|styles|tuples)\s+([\S]+)(?:\s+(.*))?/o) {
- my $op = $1;
- my $incname = $2;
- my $opts = $3;
- if ($op eq 'include') {
- $self->parse_soft($basedir.$incname);
- @csection = (undef);
- } elsif ($op eq 'comprise') {
- $self->parse_soft($basedir.$incname, \@csection);
- } elsif ($op eq 'styles') {
- $self->parse_styles($basedir.$incname);
- } elsif ($op eq 'tuples') {
- my $lcol=0;
- my $ltype='cat';
- if ($opts) {
- $opts =~ m/^(\w+):(cat|inst)/o ||
- die "Unable to parse \\tuples directive on line $c in file $fname";
- $lcol = $1;
- $ltype = $2;
- }
- $self->load_tuples( $basedir.$incname, $lcol, $ltype );
- } else {
- croak "Directive $_ not recognized on line $c in file $fname";
- }
- @ditto = ();
- next;
- }
- # Process Section
- if (m/^(\[+)([^\[\]]+)/o) {
- my $d = length($1) - 1 + $addepth;
- splice @csection, $d if @csection > $d;
- $csection[$d] = $2;
- # record full section name into section list
- $fsec = join '|', @csection;
- $self->{'sections'}->{$fsec} = { 'type'=>'sec', 'id'=>$fsec, 'depth'=>_sec_lev($fsec), 'src'=>[], 'src_line'=>[], 'count'=>0, 'members'=>{} }
- unless exists $self->{'sections'}->{$fsec};
- push @{ $self->{'sections'}->{$fsec}->{'src'} }, $fname;
- push @{ $self->{'sections'}->{$fsec}->{'src_line'} }, $c;
- $self->{'sections'}->{$fsec}->{'count'}++;
- @ditto = (); # no ditto for sections
- next;
- }
- # process ditto
- if (m/~/o) {
- croak "Ditto character found but no line to copy from" unless @ditto;
- my (@tokens) = (m/^([^~\s]+)\s*([^~\s]*)\s*~/o);
- croak "Ditto character found but not able to make sense of it, line #$c in $fname" unless @tokens;
- pop @tokens unless $tokens[$#tokens]; # remove last token if it is empty
- $_ = join ' ', (@tokens, @ditto[$#tokens+1..$#ditto]);
- }
- @ditto = split /\s+/;
- # cat:texture -subcat-> cat:property
- my ( $nosec1, $ent1, $dir_rev, $rel, $dir_fwd, $nosec2, $ent2 ) =
- (m/^(\*?)(\S+)\s+(<?)-(\S+)-(>?)\s+(\*?)(\S+)/o);
- defined $ent1 || croak "Failed to parse line #$c in file $fname ($_)";
- ( $dir_rev || $dir_fwd ) || croak "Undirected relations are not allowed, line #$c ($_)\n";
- $self->add_or_update( $ent1, $nosec1 ? undef : $fsec, $fname, $c);
- $self->add_or_update( $ent2, $nosec2 ? undef : $fsec, $fname, $c);
- # store relation
- my $rel_object = $dir_fwd ?
- {
- 'from' => $ent1,
- 'type' => 'rel',
- 'id' => $rel,
- 'to' => $ent2
- } : {
- 'to' => $ent1,
- 'type' => 'rel',
- 'id' => $rel,
- 'from' => $ent2
- };
- $rel_object->{'src'} = [$fname];
- $rel_object->{'src_line'} = [$c];
- push @{$self->{rel}}, $rel_object;
- }
- $fh->close() unless $fname eq '-';
- pop @{$self->{includes}};
- carp "Continuation line not found in $fname line #$c" if $prev_line; # complain if the last line ends with \
- }
- # parse a style file
- # this method only loads styles into {'styles'}->{'by_id'} hash, run build_style_indices before using write_gv
- sub parse_styles {
- my $self = shift;
- my $fname = shift || croak "File name must be provided";
- my $fh = new FileHandle "<$fname";
- die "Unable to open style file '$fname'" unless $fh;
- # extract base directory name if any
- my $basedir = dirname($fname);
- # fix the basedir name to handle ending / properly
- $basedir = '' if $basedir eq '.';
- $basedir .= '/' if $basedir && $basedir !~ m|/$|o;
- my $c = -1; # line counter
- my $prev_line = undef; # previous line for processing line continuations
- my $instyle = undef; # flag showing if parser is the style definition section
- # parsing variables for style specification
- my $style_id = undef; # style identifier
- my $ptrn_type = undef; # entity type to which pattern applies, eg. rel:, cat:, ...
- my $ptrn = undef; # pattern to match style with applicable entities
- my $parent = undef; # entry from which style derives
- my $sec_depth = 0; # section depth for section styles
- my %style = (); # hash for style object with the following members:
- # parse
- while (<$fh>) {
- chomp;
- $c++;
- # get rid of leading and trailing space
- s/^\s*//o;
- s/\s*$//o;
- # if there is previous line then prepend it to current line
- $_ = "$prev_line $_" if $prev_line;
- # if the line ends up in \ the assign it to continuations
- if (s/\\$//o) {
- $prev_line = $_;
- next;
- }
- $prev_line = undef;
- # get rid of comments
- s/^#.*$//o;
- # get rid of empty lines
- next if /^\s*$/o;
- unless ($instyle) {
- # \style[=(rel|cat|inst|sec):ID] (rel|cat|inst|sec):pattern [extends (rel|cat|inst|sec):<other_style_ID>]
- my $idre = qr/(?:rel|cat|inst|sec):[^\s]*/o; # regex for entry ID
- if (m/^\\style(?:=($idre))?\s+($idre)(?:\s+extends\s+($idre))?/o) {
- $style_id = $1 || $2; # style id defaults to pattern if not specified, prepended with type, e.g. cat:id
- ( $ptrn_type, $ptrn ) = split ':', $2, 2;
- $parent = $3;
- # extract section depth if present
- if ($ptrn_type eq 'sec') {
- $ptrn =~ m/^(?:(\d+):)(.+)$/o;
- $sec_depth = $1 || 0;
- $ptrn = $2;
- }
- # insert basedir name into assignment-by file name pattern
- $ptrn =~ s/^@/\@$basedir/ if $ptrn && $basedir;
- %style = (
- 'id' => $style_id,
- 'seq' => $self->{'styles'}->{'count'}++,
- 'type' => $ptrn_type,
- 'ptrn' => $ptrn || '',
- 'attrs' => {},
- 'src' => $fname,
- 'src_line' => $c
- );
- $style{'depth'} = $sec_depth if $ptrn_type eq 'sec';
- $style{'parent'} = $parent if $parent;
- if ($parent) {
- die "Superstyle not found for line $c in $fname ($_)" unless exists $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{$parent};
- $style{'attrs'} = { %{$self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{$parent}->{'attrs'}} };
- }
- $instyle = 1;
- } else { # not inside style defintion
- die "Failed to parse style header line $c in file $fname ($_)";
- }
- } else {
- if (m/^\\style\s*$/o) { # end of style defintion found
- # all styles has to be added to by_id index
- $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{$style_id} = {%style};
- # reset parsing
- %style = ();
- $instyle = undef;
- } elsif (m/([^=]+)=(.*)/o) { # parse style attributes
- $style{'attrs'}->{$1} = $2;
- } else { # hui znaet chto
- croak "Failed to parse style attribute line $c in file $fname ($_)";
- }
- }
- }
- die "Unfinished style defintion at the end of file $fname" if $instyle;
- $fh->close();
- }
- # static method that creates a regexhash
- sub _create_regexhash {
- my %by_regex;
- tie %by_regex, 'Tie::RegexpHash';
- return \%by_regex;
- }
- # builds style indices
- sub build_style_indices {
- my $self = shift;
- # fill in the appropriate indexes in the styles tables
- # styles has to be added to regex hash in the order opposite to which it has been loaded
- foreach my $s (sort { $b->{'seq'} <=> $a->{'seq'} } values %{$self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}}) {
- #print "Style loaded: ".$s->{'id'}." #".$s->{'seq'}." from ".$s->{'src'}." line ".$s->{'src_line'}."\n";
- $s->{'ptrn'} ||= ''; # some of the styles may have patter undefined, in that case substitute is with
- # several patterns can be concatenated with a comma, each of the concatenated patterns will be added to corresponding index
- foreach (reverse split ',', $s->{'ptrn'}) {
- if (m/^\[(.+)\]$/o) { # assignment by section
- # create an index hash if doe not exist
- my $ind_name = $s->{'type'}.'_'.'sect';
- $self->{'styles'}->{$ind_name} = _create_regexhash ($self, $ind_name)
- unless exists $self->{'styles'}->{$ind_name};
- $self->{'styles'}->{$ind_name}->{ qr/(?:^|\|)$1(?:$|\|)/ } = $s;
- } elsif (m/^@(\S+)/o) { # assignment by source
- # create an index hash if doe not exist
- my $ind_name = $s->{'type'}.'_src';
- $self->{'styles'}->{$ind_name} = {}
- unless exists $self->{'styles'}->{$ind_name};
- # check if the source files exists and is readable
- -f $1 || croak "Unable to find file '$1' specified in style ".$s->{'id'}." loaded from ".$s->{'src'}." line ".$s->{'src_line'};
- $self->{'styles'}->{$ind_name}->{$1} = $s;
- } elsif (m/<?-\w+->?/o) { # assignment by relation
- # create an index hash if doe not exist
- my $ind_name = $s->{'type'}.'_rel';
- $self->{'styles'}->{$ind_name} = {}
- unless exists $self->{'styles'}->{$ind_name};
- $self->{'styles'}->{$ind_name}->{$_} = $s;
- } elsif ( ! m/^\/.+\/$/o ) { # everything else that is not regex
- # convert glob symbols to regex
- s/\*/.*/og;
- s/\?/.?/og;
- # convert it into a trivial "match exact word" regex
- $_ = '/^'.$_.'$/';
- }
- if (m/^\/.+\/$/o) { # then this is regex
- # create an index hash if doe not exist
- my $ind_name = $s->{'type'}.'_regex';
- $self->{'styles'}->{$ind_name} = _create_regexhash ($self, $ind_name)
- unless exists $self->{'styles'}->{$ind_name};
- my $qr = eval "qr$_";
- $@ && croak "Failed to parse a regex in $_ ($@)";
- $self->{'styles'}->{$ind_name}->{ $qr } = $s;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # load tuples
- # arguments are
- # file name to load from
- # a column (name or number from 0) to link from
- # type on entities to link to (cat or inst)
- # hash with options
- # - header=1 the tuple file contains a header
- sub load_tuples {
- my ($self, $fname, $lcol, $ltype, $opts) = (@_);
- confess "No tuple file name has been provided" unless $fname;
- confess "Linking column and/or linking entity type has not been defined for tuple file '$fname'"
- unless defined $lcol && $ltype;
- $opts = $self->{'opts'} unless $opts;
- $opts = $self->{'opts'} unless $opts;
- $opts->{'header'} = 1 unless exists $opts->{'header'};
- my $fh = new FileHandle "<$fname";
- die "Unable to open tuple file '$fname'" unless $fh;
- binmode $fh, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
- my $csv = Text::CSV->new();
- my $c = -1; # line counter
- my $prev_line = undef; # previous line for processing line continuations
- my @prop_names = (); # a list of property names
- # parse
- while (<$fh>) {
- chomp;
- $c++;
- # get rid of leading and trailing space
- s/^\s*//o;
- s/\s*$//o;
- # if there is previous line then prepend it to current line
- $_ = "$prev_line $_" if $prev_line;
- # if the line ends up in \ the assign it to continuations
- if (s/\\$//o) {
- $prev_line = $_;
- next;
- }
- $prev_line = undef;
- # get rid of comments
- s/^#.*$//o;
- # get rid of empty lines
- next if /^\s*$/o;
- my @columns;
- if ($csv->parse($_)) {
- @columns = $csv->fields();
- } else {
- my $err = $csv->error_input;
- print "Failed to parse line $c in the CSV file $fname: $err";
- }
- # setting property names, reading column name from the file
- unless (@prop_names) {
- if ($opts->{'header'}) { # first line contains column names
- @prop_names = @columns;
- if ($lcol !~ /^\d+$/o) { # if linking column is not a number then find it in the list of column names
- my $icol = 0;
- foreach (@prop_names) {
- last if m/$lcol/;
- $icol++;
- }
- croak "Unable to find link column name ($lcol) in the header of the csv file $fname" if $icol > $#prop_names;
- $lcol = $icol;
- } else {
- # check that $lcol is within the range
- croak "Linking column number ($lcol) is large than the number of columns in the file header ".scalar(@prop_names)
- if $lcol - 1 > @prop_names;
- }
- next;
- } else { # no column names in the first line -- simply use numbers
- @prop_names = (0..$#columns);
- croak "Link column must be a number unless csv file has column names in the first line (current link column $lcol)" unless $lcol =~ /^\d+$/o;
- }
- }
- print STDERR "WARNING: line $c in $fname has different number of columns than the file header (".scalar(@columns)." found but header had ".scalar(@prop_names)." columns)\n" unless
- $#columns == $#prop_names;
- croak "Zero-length string in link column on line $c in $fname" unless $columns[$lcol];
- # creating a new entity or checking the existing one
- my $e = $self->add_or_update("$ltype:".$columns[$lcol], undef, $fname, $c );
- # create or increase tuple count
- if ($e->{'tuple_count'}) {
- $e->{'tuple_count'}++;
- } else {
- $e->{'tuple_count'} = 1;
- }
- # loading values into properties
- # TODO: move to property handling functions
- $e->{'properties'} = {} unless exists $e->{'properties'};
- foreach my $i (0..$#columns) {
- last if $i > $#prop_names; # ignore remaining columns
- $e->{'properties'}->{$prop_names[$i]} = $columns[$i];
- }
- } # end of parsing loop
- $fh->close();
- }
- # exclude entities from the ontology
- # TODO: exclude by pattern like in style assignment
- sub exclude {
- my $self = shift;
- foreach (@_) { # expects an array of entities to be exclude in the form cat:category, rel:rel1, ....
- if (m/^rel:(.+)/o) {
- $self->{'rel'} = [ grep { $_->{'id'} ne $1 } @{$self->{'rel'}} ];
- } else {
- # entities
- $self->del($_) ||
- print STDERR "WARNING: exclude entity '$_' was not found in ontology (ignored)\n";
- }
- }
- }
- # exclude entities from the ontology that are not in the provided list
- # TODO: include by pattern like in style assignment
- sub only {
- my $self = shift;
- my %ecats = (%{$self->{'ent'}}); # list of categories to exclude
- my $have_cats = 0;
- foreach (@_) { # expects an array of entities to be exclude in the form cat:category, rel:rel1, ....
- if (m/^rel:(.+)/o) {
- $self->{'rel'} = [ grep { $_->{'id'} eq $1 } @{$self->{'rel'}} ];
- } else {
- delete $ecats{$_} if exists $ecats{$_};
- $have_cats = 1;
- }
- }
- $self->exclude(keys %ecats) if $have_cats;
- }
- # remove entities that do not have any relations
- sub kill_orphans {
- my $self = shift;
- my @orphans = ();
- ENT: foreach my $k (keys %{$self->{'ent'}}) {
- foreach my $r (@{$self->{'rel'}}) {
- next ENT if ($r->{'to'} eq $k || $r->{'from'} eq $k);
- }
- push @orphans, $k;
- }
- $self->exclude( @orphans );
- }
- # static method that returns section level number
- sub _sec_lev {
- my $s = shift || return 0;
- return ($s =~ tr/|/|/) + 1;
- }
- # assign colors to the entities according the section
- sub colorize_by_section {
- my $self = shift;
- my $method = shift || confess "Section coloring method not specified in the function call\n";
- # method can be either 'rainbow' or 'random'
- my $upper = shift || ''; # upper section name, must be empty on the 1st run
- my $hue0 = shift || 0.0; # interval of hues on which to operate on
- my $hue1 = shift || 360.0;
- # count level as the number of section delimiter '|' in the upper section name
- my $lev = _sec_lev($upper);
- # on the 1st run calculate the number of levels
- unless ($lev) {
- $self->{'sec_legend'} = {} unless exists $self->{'sec_legend'};
- $self->{'_maxlev'} = 0;
- foreach (keys %{$self->{'sections'}}) {
- my $lev2 = _sec_lev($_);
- $self->{'_maxlev'} = $lev2 if $lev2 > $self->{'_maxlev'};
- }
- }
- my @sec_list = sort grep { (_sec_lev($_) == $lev + 1 && m/^$upper/o)} keys %{$self->{'sections'}};
- if (@sec_list) {
- my $hue_inc = ($hue1 - $hue0) / @sec_list;
- for(my $i=0; $i < @sec_list; $i++ ) {
- # create color for current section
- my $hue = $hue0;
- if ( $method eq 'random' ) {
- $hue = rand 360.0; #$hue0 + $i * $hue_inc;
- } elsif ( $method eq 'rainbow' ) {
- $hue = $hue0 + $i * $hue_inc;
- } else {
- confess "Unknown section coloring method '$method'\n";
- }
- my $sat = ($lev+1)/$self->{'_maxlev'} / 2.0;
- my $color = Convert::Color::HSV->new( $hue, $sat, 1.0 );
- #print STDERR $color->as_rgb8->hex." H=$hue S=$sat V=1.0\n";
- $self->{'sec_legend'}->{$sec_list[$i]} = $color->as_rgb8->hex;
- #$self->{'sec_legend'}->{$sec_list[$i]} = "H=$hue S=$sat V=1.0";
- # assign style for each entity in the section
- foreach my $ent (keys %{$self->{'sections'}->{$sec_list[$i]}->{'members'}}) {
- $self->{'ent'}->{$ent}->{'style'} = {
- 'style' => 'filled',
- 'fillcolor' => "#".$color->as_rgb8->hex
- } if exists $self->{'ent'}->{$ent};
- }
- # do subsections
- $self->colorize_by_section( $method, $sec_list[$i], $hue0 + $i * $hue_inc, $hue0 + $i * $hue_inc + $hue_inc);
- }
- }
- }
- # write graphviz gv file
- # options are file name and a hash with options
- # the options are:
- # gvopts -- string with GV language options
- # sectotl -- render section outlines (1/0)
- # properties -- show properties on the entity output
- # comments -- a string that will be printed in the beginning on the GV file as a GV language comment
- sub write_gv {
- my $self = shift;
- my $fname = shift || croak "File name must be provided";
- my $opts = shift || { 'sectotl' => 1 }; # second argument is hash with options
- confess "No styles indices found while attempting to write a gv file"
- unless exists $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'};
- my $fh = undef;
- if ($fname eq '-') {
- $fh = \*STDOUT;
- } else {
- $fh = new FileHandle ">$fname" || die "Unable to open '$fname' for writing";
- }
- binmode $fh, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
- print $fh "/* This file was auto-generated on ".localtime()."\n using SOFT.pm library version $VERSION. ";
- print $fh $opts->{'comments'}."\n" if ($opts->{'comments'});
- print $fh "*/\n";
- print $fh "digraph G {\n";
- print $fh "\t".$opts->{'gvopts'}."\n" if exists $opts->{'gvopts'} && $opts->{'gvopts'};
- if (exists $opts->{'sectotl'} && $opts->{'sectotl'}) {
- # output section boxes if requested
- # TODO omit sections with no entities in any subsection
- print $fh "\t/* subgraphs */";
- my $ck = 0;
- my $pd = -1;
- foreach my $k (sort keys %{$self->{sections}}) {
- #print STDERR "$k\n";
- my $cd = ($k =~ tr/|//); # current depth
- $k =~ m/([^|]+)$/o;
- my $label = $1;
- foreach my $l (reverse $cd..$pd) {
- print $fh "\t" x $l . "\t}\n";
- }
- # TODO replace with make_style
- print $fh "\n" . "\t" x $cd . "\tsubgraph cluster".$ck++." {\n";
- print $fh "\t" x $cd . "\t\t".$self->make_style( $self->{'sections'}->{$k} ).";\n";
- print $fh join "", map { "\t" x $cd . "\t\t\"$_\";\n" } keys %{$self->{'sections'}->{$k}->{'members'}}
- if keys %{$self->{'sections'}->{$k}->{'members'}};
- $pd = $cd;
- }
- foreach my $l (reverse 0..$pd) {
- print $fh "\t" x $l . "\t}\n";
- }
- print $fh "\n";
- }
- print $fh "\t/* node attributes */\n";
- foreach my $key (sort $self->all()) {
- print $fh "\t\"$key\" [".$self->make_style( $self->get($key) )."];\n";
- }
- print $fh "\n";
- print $fh "\t/* relations with attributes */\n";
- foreach my $r (@{$self->{rel}}) {
- print $fh "\t\"".$r->{'from'}."\" -> \"".$r->{'to'}."\" [".$self->make_style($r)."];\n";
- }
- print $fh "}\n";
- $fh->close() unless $fname eq '-';
- }
- # creates a GV style string given an entity or relation
- sub make_style {
- my $self = shift;
- my $entry = shift; # entity, relation, or section object
- my $id = $entry->{'id'};
- my $type = $entry->{'type'};
- confess "An argument to make_style does not have id and/or type property\n".Dumper($entry)
- unless $id && $type;
- # special processing for section:
- # extract section depth
- # search for matching style, first try exact match of the entity id
- my $style_ref =
- $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{"$type:$id"} ||
- $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{"$type:"};
- confess "Internal error: entity type $type:$id was not found in the style array." unless $style_ref;
- # special processing for sections (checking for depth)
- if ($type eq 'sec') {
- my $style_ref2 = $self->{'styles'}->{'by_id'}->{"$type:"._sec_lev($id).':'};
- $style_ref = $style_ref2 if ($style_ref2 && $style_ref->{'seq'} < $style_ref2->{'seq'});
- }
- # second try available search indices for the entity type
- foreach (qw/regex sect src rel/) { # for each index type
- last if $style_ref->{'seq'} >= $self->{'styles'}->{'count'};
- my $indx = $self->{'styles'}->{ $type.'_'.$_ } || next;
- # should be different for different index types
- my $style_found = undef;
- if (m/regex/o) {
- $style_found = $indx->{$id};
- } elsif (m/sect/o) {
- next unless $entry->{'section'}; # sections may be empty
- $style_found = $indx->{$entry->{'section'}};
- } elsif (m/src/o) {
- $style_found = ( # get the first style
- sort { $b->{'seq'} <=> $a->{'seq'} } # sort the styles in reverse of the sequence they were loaded
- grep {defined} # get rid of undefined entries for which styles do not exist
- map { $indx->{$_} } # find each source file in the style index
- @{ $entry->{'src'} } # retrieve a list of all source files in which the entry has been found
- )[0];
- } elsif (m/rel/o) {
- $style_found = ( # get the first style
- sort { $b->{'seq'} <=> $a->{'seq'} } # sort the styles in reverse of the sequence they were loaded
- grep {defined} # get rid of undefined entries for which styles do not exist
- map { $indx->{$_} } ( # look in the index for styles that have specified relation
- # record relation the same way it may be recorded in the style definiton,
- # make two entries: first is the relation name and second is the relation with a category on one of the ends
- (map { ( '<-'.$_->{'id'}.'-', '<-'.$_->{'id'}.'-'.$self->{'ent'}->{$_->{'from'}}->{'type'}.':'.$_->{'from'} ) }
- grep { $_->{'to'} eq $id } # grep relations that have current entities on the to side
- @{ $self->{'rel'} }),
- (map { ( '-'.$_->{'id'}.'->', '-'.$_->{'id'}.'->'.$self->{'ent'}->{$_->{'to'}}->{'type'}.':'.$_->{'to'} ) }
- grep { $_->{'from'} eq $id } # grep relations that have current entities on the from side
- @{ $self->{'rel'} })
- )
- )[0];
- } else {
- confess "oops! something really odd happened at ".__FILE__.':'.__LINE__."!!!";
- }
- next unless $style_found;
- next if ($type eq 'sec' && $style_found->{'depth'} && $style_found->{'depth'} != _sec_lev($id));
- $style_ref = $style_found if ($style_found->{'seq'} > $style_ref->{'seq'});
- }
- my %attrs = %{ $style_ref->{'attrs'} };
- # combine with the entry-specific style overwriting default values
- if (exists $entry->{'style'}) {
- while ( my($k, $v) = each (%{$entry->{'style'}})) {
- $attrs{$k} = $v;
- }
- }
- # clean %style of property-specific attributes
- while ( my($k, $v) = each (%attrs) ) {
- if (exists $entry->{'properties'} && $k =~ m/^\~(.+)/o) {
- $attrs{$1} = $v;
- }
- delete $attrs{$k} if $k =~ m/^~/o;
- }
- # assemble GV style string
- my @s = ();
- while (my ($k, $v) = each(%attrs)) {
- # replace iterator templates
- $v =~ s/%([^%]*)%([^%]*)%/$self->exp_iterator($1, $2, $entry)/ge;
- # replace templates
- $v =~ s/\@([^\@]*)\@/$self->exp_ent($1, $entry)/ge;
- # try to detect HTML formatting for nodes
- if ($v =~ m/\<TABLE/io) {
- push @s, "$k=<$v>";
- } else {
- push @s, "$k=\"$v\"";
- }
- }
- # in GV style separator for sections is different from the one for nodes and lines
- my $sep = ($type eq 'sec') ? "; " : ',';
- my $s = join $sep, @s;
- return $s;
- }
- # expand iterator template
- # will repeat the string for each key=val pair in properties
- sub exp_iterator {
- my ($self, $str, $sep, $entry) = (@_); # var is a template variable, entry is a relation or entity object
- return '%' unless $str;
- croak "No properties object for iterator template %$str% in ".$entry->{'id'} unless exists $entry->{'properties'};
- my @accum = ();
- while (my ($k, $v) = each(%{$entry->{'properties'}})) {
- my $s = $str;
- $s =~ s/\@PNAME\@/$k/g;
- my $enc_v = &encode_entities($v);
- # TODO: PVAL must be replaced with P:prop_name and the processed in exp_ent
- # however, this causes problems with HTML-format <BR>s, need ideas
- $s =~ s/\@PVAL\@/$enc_v/g;
- push @accum, $s;
- }
- return join $sep, @accum;
- }
- # expands templates in the style string
- # supported template variables:
- # @@ - symbol @
- # @ID@ - entity ID
- # @ID_STRING@ - entity ID formated into string (_ replaced with \n)
- # @P:name@ - the value of property 'name'
- sub exp_ent {
- my ($self, $var, $entry) = (@_); # var is a template variable, entry is a relation or entity or section object
- unless ($var) {
- return '@';
- } elsif ($var eq "ID") {
- return $entry->{'id'};
- } elsif ($var eq "ID_STRING") {
- my $label = $entry->{'id'};
- $label =~ s/([a-z0-9]{2,})([A-Z])/$1\\n$2/sgo; # split lines inside camel case words
- $label =~ s/_/\\n/sgo; # split line on underscores
- $label=~ s/\\n(\d)/ $1/g; # remove new lines after numbers
- return encode_entities($label);
- } elsif ($var =~ m/^P:(\w+)/o) {
- croak "No properties object for template variable $var in ".$entry->{'id'} unless exists $entry->{'properties'};
- if (exists $entry->{'properties'}->{$1}) {
- $Text::Wrap::columns=30;
- $Text::Wrap::separator='<BR/>';
- # this is the way to properly break lines with HTML encoded characters
- my $str = wrap("", "", $entry->{'properties'}->{$1});
- return join '<BR/>', map {encode_entities($_)} split '<BR/>', $str;
- } else { # property does not exists
- # TODO: create a flag to ignore empty properties
- #croak "No property named '$1' in ".$entry->{'id'} unless exists $entry->{'properties'}->{$1} if there is flag to stop;
- return '';
- }
- } elsif ($var eq "SECTION") {
- my $sec = ($entry->{'type'} eq 'sec') ? $entry->{'id'} : $entry->{'sec'};
- $sec =~ s/^.+\|//o; # only keep the last portion of the full section name
- $sec =~ s/([a-z0-9]{2,})([A-Z])/$1 $2/go; # insert spaces in CamelCase words
- $sec =~ s/_/ /og; # replace underscore with spaces
- return $sec;
- } else {
- croak "Unknown template variable $var";
- }
- }
- # create a legend and output it into a file
- sub write_legend {
- my $self = shift;
- my $fname = shift || croak "Filehandle must be provided";
- my $opts = shift || {}; # second argument is a hash with options
- $opts->{'content'} = 'sect' unless exists $opts->{'content'} && $opts->{'content'};
- # options: 'content' => 'sect,rel' -- output legend for sections and relations
- my $fh = new FileHandle ">$fname" || die "Unable to open '$fname' for writing the legend";
- croak "SOFT object does not contain section legend" unless exists $self->{'sec_legend'};
- print $fh "digraph G { \n";
- print $fh "\t".$opts->{'gvopts'}."\n" if exists $opts->{'gvopts'} && $opts->{'gvopts'};
- if ( $opts->{'content'} =~ m/\bsect\b/o ) {
- print $fh "\t/* legend for sections */\n";
- my $ck = 0;
- my $pd = -1;
- foreach my $k (sort keys %{$self->{sections}}) {
- #print STDERR "$k\n";
- my $cd = ($k =~ tr/|//); # current depth
- $k =~ m/([^|]+)$/o;
- my $label = $1;
- foreach my $l (reverse $cd..$pd) {
- print $fh "\t" x $l . "\t}\n";
- }
- # remove unprintable characters from the section name
- my $sname = $k;
- $sname =~ s/\W/_/go;
- print $fh "\n" . "\t" x $cd . "\tsubgraph cluster".$ck++." {\n";
- print $fh "\t" x $cd . "\t\tlabel = \"$label\";\n";
- print $fh "\t" x $cd . "\t\tlabelloc = t;\n";
- print $fh "\t" x $cd . "\t\tstyle = filled;\n";
- print $fh "\t" x $cd . "\t\tfillcolor = \"#".$self->{'sec_legend'}->{$k}."\";\n";
- print $fh "\t" x $cd . "\t\t$sname [shape=plaintext,fixedsize=t,height=0.1,width=0.1,label=\"\"]"
- if keys %{$self->{sections}->{$k}};
- $pd = $cd;
- }
- foreach my $l (reverse 0..$pd) {
- print $fh "\t" x $l . "\t}\n";
- }
- print $fh "\n";
- # foreach my $s (sort keys %{$self->{'sec_legend'}}) {
- # if (%{$self->{'sections'}->{$s}}) {
- #
- # my $sname = $s;
- # $sname =~ s/\W/_/go;
- #
- # my $label = $s;
- # $label =~ s/\|/\\n/og;
- # print $fh "\t$sname [shape=box,label=\"$label\",style=filled,fillcolor=\"#".$self->{'sec_legend'}->{$s}."\"];\n";
- # } else {
- # print $fh "\t/* empty section '$s' omitted */\n";
- # }
- # }
- } elsif ( $opts->{'content'} =~ m/\brel\b/o ) {
- print $fh "\t/* legend for relations */\n";
- print $fh "\tuninplemented; \n";
- }
- print $fh "}\n";
- $fh->close();
- }
- # return the counts of the type of entities in the SOFT structure
- sub counts {
- my $self = shift;
- my %c = (
- 'relations' => scalar @{$self->{'rel'}},
- 'entities' => scalar keys %{$self->{'ent'}},
- 'sections' => scalar keys %{$self->{'sections'}},
- );
- return wantarray ? %c : "relation_types=".$c{'relations'}." entities=".$c{'entities'}." sections=".$c{'sections'};
- }
- # dumps the content of the SOFT object on the specified filehandle
- # arguments
- # filename to write into ('-' for STDOUT)
- # a list of options of what to dump (ent[ities], rel[ations], sty[les])
- sub dump {
- my $self = shift;
- my $fname = shift || croak "File name must be provided";
- my $fh = undef;
- if ($fname eq '-') {
- $fh = \*STDOUT;
- } else {
- $fh = new FileHandle ">$fname" || die "Unable to open '$fname' for writing";
- }
- binmode $fh, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
- if (@_) {
- foreach (@_) {
- print $fh Dumper($self) if /^all$/o;
- print $fh Dumper($self->{'ent'}) if /^ent(?:ities)?$/o;
- print $fh Dumper($self->{'rel'}) if /^rel(?:ations)?/o;
- print $fh Dumper($self->{'styles'}) if /^sty(?:les)?/o;
- }
- } else {
- print $fh Dumper($self);
- }
- $fh->close() unless $fname eq '-';
- }
- # list the entities in the soft object
- sub list {
- my ($self, $fname, $opts) = (@_);
- # opts should include separator, format)
- $opts = {} unless $opts;
- $opts->{'sep'} = "\n" unless exists $opts->{'sep'};
- # FIXME: factor out file open into SOFT::Utils
- my $fh = undef;
- if ($fname eq '-') {
- $fh = \*STDOUT;
- } else {
- $fh = new FileHandle ">$fname" || die "Unable to open '$fname' for writing";
- }
- binmode $fh, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
- foreach ($self->all()) {
- # TODO: this all has to be changed to support format string
- m/^cat:(.*)$/ || next;
- print $1.$opts->{'sep'};
- }
- }
- ### ontological functions
- # finds entities that are related to the specified entities through specified relation type
- # the function will find all triplets that satisfy provided arguments ($from, $rel, $to)
- # arguments are understood as cat:ent1 -rel-> cat:ent2
- # 'from' and 'to' arguments may be either entity names or *references* to the arrays of entity names
- # one of 'from' and 'to' may be a question mark, if none is a question mark the existence of the provided relation is tested
- # returns an list of relation objects that satisfy the condition
- # existence of entities is not checked
- sub find {
- my ($self, $from, $rel, $to) = (@_);
- my @r = ();
- confess "One or more of (from, rel, to) is not defined in find function"
- unless defined $from && defined $rel && defined $to;
- confess "Two variables in find function is not supported"
- if ($from eq '?' && $to eq '?');
- if ( $from eq '?' ) {
- $to = [$to] unless ref $to;
- my %idx = map { $_ => 1 } @$to;
- @r = map {$_->{'from'}}
- grep { exists $idx{$_->{'to'}} && $_->{'id'} eq $rel }
- @{$self->{'rel'}};
- } elsif ($to eq '?') {
- $from = [$from] unless ref $from;
- my %idx = map { $_ => 1 } @$from;
- @r = map {$_->{'to'}}
- grep { exists $idx{$_->{'from'}} && $_->{'id'} eq $rel }
- @{$self->{'rel'}};
- } else {
- confess "No variables were specified in find function"
- }
- return @r;
- }
- # finds entities satisfying the relation by traversing a chain of relations
- # satisfying the condition (useful to traverse DAGs)
- # arguments exactly the same as in find
- sub find_traverse {
- my ($self, $from, $rel, $to) = (@_);
- my %found = ();
- if (ref $from) {
- %found = map { $_ => 1 } @$from;
- } elsif (ref $to) {
- %found = map { $_ => 1 } @$to;
- } else {
- croak "No variable specified in find function";
- }
- my $sz;
- do {
- $sz = scalar keys %found;
- $from = [keys %found] unless $from eq '?';
- $to = [keys %found] unless $to eq '?';
- %found = ( %found, map { $_ => 1 } $self->find( $from, $rel, $to ) ) ;
- } while ( scalar keys %found > $sz );
- return keys %found;
- }
- # check (or filter an array) if an entity is a leaf given the relation
- # leaf is understood as: cat:leaf -relation-> cat:not_leaf
- # arguments:
- # relation to check
- # a list of entities to check
- # returns a list of entities or empty list
- sub is_leaf {
- my $self = shift;
- my $rel = shift;
- my @found = ();
- foreach (@_) {
- push @found, $_ unless $self->find( '?', $rel, $_);
- }
- return @found;
- }
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- Quick summary of what the module does.
- Perhaps a little code snippet.
- use SOFT;
- my $softh = SOFT->new();
- $softh->parse_soft(STDIN);
- $softh->write_gv(STDOUT)
- ...
- =head1 AUTHOR
- "Alex Sorokine", C<< <"SorokinA@ornl.gov"> >>
- =head1 BUGS
- Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-soft at rt.cpan.org>, or through
- the web interface at L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=SOFT>. I will be notified, and then you'll
- automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
- =head1 SUPPORT
- You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
- perldoc SOFT
- You can also look for information at:
- =over 4
- =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
- L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=SOFT>
- =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
- L<http://annocpan.org/dist/SOFT>
- =item * CPAN Ratings
- L<http://cpanratings.perl.org/d/SOFT>
- =item * Search CPAN
- L<http://search.cpan.org/dist/SOFT/>
- =back
- Copyright 2010 Alexandre Sorokine, all rights reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the same terms as Perl itself.
- =cut
- 1; # End of SOFT.pm