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- <div id="post-error-subject" style="display:none;"><p><a target="new" href="http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/service-packs-download" >Service Pack Center - Microsoft Windows</a><br/>Learn about Windows service packs and download the latest SP for Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP.<br/><span>http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/service-packs-download</span></p></div>
- <div id="post-error-body" style="display:none;"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.pcworld.com/article/140649/article.html" >Windows XP Service Pack 3: Try It If You Dare | PCWorld</a><br/>Dec 18, 2007 . Microsoft posts the release candidate of Windows XP Service Pack 3 to its . PCWorld Digital Magazine Enhanced iPad Edition now available to . Unlike Vista SP1, which debuted last week, XP SP3 will not be soon added to .<br/><span>http://www.pcworld.com/article/140649/article.html</span></p></div>
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- <h3><p><a target="new" href="http://en.softonic.com/s/windows-vista-service-pack-3" >windows vista service pack 3 free download</a><br/>Windows XP Service Pack (SP3) . What has to be said about Windows Vista Service Pack . . newer editions of Windows Vista, IE ... the Acid 3 test with a .<br/><span>http://en.softonic.com/s/windows-vista-service-pack-3</span></p></h3>
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- <br/><p><a target="new" href="http://www.askvg.com/download-windows-xp-sp3-vista-sp1-and-7-features-comparison-chart/" >Download Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1 and 7 Features Comparison ...</a><br/>Download Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1 and 7 Features Comparison Chart - If you are wondering which features are new to Windows 7 or which features have .<br/><span>http://www.askvg.com/download-windows-xp-sp3-vista-sp1-and-7-features-comparison-chart/</span></p>
- <p><a target="new" href="http://www.zdnet.com/blog/hardware/xp-sp3-vs-vista-sp1-which-is-fastest/1772" >XP SP3 vs. Vista SP1 - Which is fastest? | ZDNet</a><br/>Apr 28, 2008 . ZDNet.com is available in the following editions: Asia; Australia; Europe . At the top of the list is Windows Vista 64-bit, while at the bottom is XP SP2. In the middle we have XP RTM, XP SP3, Vista 32-bit RTM and Vista 32-bit .<br/><span>http://www.zdnet.com/blog/hardware/xp-sp3-vs-vista-sp1-which-is-fastest/1772</span></p><br/>
- <br/><p><a target="new" href="http://www.petri.co.il/upgrading-windows-xp-professional-sp3-to-windows-7-ultimate-beta.htm" >Upgrading Windows XP Professional SP3 to Windows 7 Ultimate</a><br/>Feb 23, 2009 . Learn how to Upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 Ultimate, step by . Windows XP Professional SP3 installation to Windows 7 Ultimate edition. . As a point of reference, the Windows Vista upgrade options from prior .<br/><span>http://www.petri.co.il/upgrading-windows-xp-professional-sp3-to-windows-7-ultimate-beta.htm</span></p><br/>
- <br/>Sincerly;
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- <div class ="jive-orig-thread-metadata" ><p><a target="new" href="http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/upgrading-from-windows-xp-to-windows-vista" >Upgrading from Windows XP to Windows Vista</a><br/>Before upgrading, check your hardware compatibility; Upgrading from Windows XP Home Edition to Windows Vista (32-bit); Upgrading from Windows XP .<br/><span>http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/upgrading-from-windows-xp-to-windows-vista</span></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-reply-thread-username"><p><a target="new" href="http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/8/7/687484ed-8174-496d-8db9-f02b40c12982/Overview%20of%20Windows%20XP%20Service%20Pack%203.pdf" >Overview of Windows XP Service Pack 3.pdf - Download Center ...</a><br/>paper summarizes what is new in Windows XP SP3, and how to deploy the . upgraded to Windows Vista right now, Windows XP SP3 ensures these PCs . You can run the SP3 update package on any edition of Windows XP SP1 or SP2.<br/><span>http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/8/7/687484ed-8174-496d-8db9-f02b40c12982/Overview%20of%20Windows%20XP%20Service%20Pack%203.pdf</span></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-thread-reply-date"><p><a target="new" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Vista_editions" >Windows Vista editions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</a><br/>Windows Vista Starter: Much like its predecessor, Windows XP Starter Edition, this edition sells in 139 countries such as Russia, Brazil, People's Republic of .<br/><span>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Vista_editions</span></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-rendered-content"><p><a target="new" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_XP" >Windows XP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</a><br/>It was succeeded by Windows Vista in January 2007. Direct OEM . Slipstreaming SP3 into Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 is not supported. Service .<br/><span>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_XP</span></p><br/>
- <br/><p><a target="new" href="http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9041618/Windows_XP_SP3_to_include_some_Vista_features" >Windows XP SP3 to include some Vista features - Computerworld</a><br/>Oct 9, 2007 . According to NeoSmart Technologies, Windows XP SP3 build 3205, which . announced SP3 support for NAP, which is part of Windows Vista and . with VMAX Cloud Edition: This video highlights how VMAX Cloud Edition .<br/><span>http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9041618/Windows_XP_SP3_to_include_some_Vista_features</span></p><br/>
- <br/>You can find all the relevant documentation here:
- <br/><p><a target="new" href="http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc507836.aspx" >Installing Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3)</a><br/>Windows XP Home Edition; Windows XP Professional; Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 (Note: If you install SP3 onto a computer running Windows XP .<br/><span>http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc507836.aspx</span></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-reply-thread-username"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xrsho2_download-windows-xp-sp3-black-edition-june-2012-direct-link_tech" >Download Windows XP SP3 Black Edition - June 2012 Direct Link ...</a><br/>Jun 3, 2012 . Download Windows XP SP3 Black Edition - June 2012 Direct Link. MODY198111 . Windows XP Dream Vista 2012 http://adf.ly/A92j9 Windows .<br/><span>http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xrsho2_download-windows-xp-sp3-black-edition-june-2012-direct-link_tech</span></p></div>
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- <br/><p><a target="new" href="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/947311" >Hard disk space requirements for Windows XP Service Pack 3</a><br/>Windows XP SP3 can be installed on one or more computers that are already . XP Pro Edition KN; Windows XP Professional; Windows XP Professional N .<br/><span>http://support.microsoft.com/kb/947311</span></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-reply-thread-username"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.amienmelody.com/2012/02/windows-xp-professional-sp3-black.html" >Windows XP Professional SP3 Black Edition (February 2012)</a><br/>Windows XP Pro SP3 Black Edition 2012 - Windows XP Black Edition is a modified . And not only that, Windows XP SP3 Black has been equipped with a serial . Daz The best and most popular Windows 7, Vista and Server activation tool.<br/><span>http://www.amienmelody.com/2012/02/windows-xp-professional-sp3-black.html</span></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-rendered-content"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3s8-smRhAg" >Windows XP Professional SP3 32 Bit Black Edition - YouTube</a><br/>Jan 26, 2012 . Windows XP Professional SP3 32 Bit Black Edition http://adf.ly/51ECb . how to activate your copy of windows xp vista or 7 with a 99% success .<br/><span>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3s8-smRhAg</span></p><br/>
- <br/><p><a target="new" href="http://archive.org/details/WindowsXpSp3DarkEditionFreeDownload" >Windows xp sp3 Dark edition free download : amazan : Free ...</a><br/>Windows xp sp3 Dark edition Rebirth version download link ==== http://esavefile. com/5a543b6 ==== features . Vista RTM Boot Screen Dark Bar By catalogk .<br/><span>http://archive.org/details/WindowsXpSp3DarkEditionFreeDownload</span></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-reply-thread-username"><p><a target="new" href="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/936929" >Information about Windows XP Service Pack 3</a><br/>For general information about Windows XP SP3, visit the following Microsoft Web . XP Home Edition; Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 Update .<br/><span>http://support.microsoft.com/kb/936929</span></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-thread-reply-date"><p><a target="new" href="http://windows-xp-sp3.en.malavida.com/" >Download Windows XP SP3 free</a><br/>Download free Windows XP SP3 : Windows XP SP3 offers the last update to this . Download Windows XP SP3 and get a hold of one of the most used operating systems. . Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Media Center Edition and Windows . 1 Windows Vista SP2; 2 Windows Vista SP1; 3 DirectX 9; 4 DirectX 8 .<br/><span>http://windows-xp-sp3.en.malavida.com/</span></p></div>
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- <br/><p><a target="new" href="http://chem.uci.edu/intranet/visit.schedules.2013.03.01/faculty/Ge/Ge.php?id=5800item=BUY-MICROSOFT-WINDOWS-XP-HOME-EDITION.php" >Cheap Original Software! Buy Microsoft Windows Xp Home Edition ...</a><br/>Buy Microsoft Windows Xp Home Edition Sp3. The cheapest way to buy . Office For Mac Home And Student 2011 Best Buy · Cheapest Windows Vista Software .<br/><span>http://chem.uci.edu/intranet/visit.schedules.2013.03.01/faculty/Ge/Ge.php?id=5800item=BUY-MICROSOFT-WINDOWS-XP-HOME-EDITION.php</span></p><br/>
- <br/><p><a target="new" href="http://www.freedownloadsplace.com/Products/16183/Windows-XP-Service-Pack" >Windows XP Service Pack 3 Free Download - (SP3) latest pack ...</a><br/>Dec 5, 2012 . (SP3) latest pack updates for Windows XP Download . but for PCs that cannot be upgraded to Windows Vista right now, Windows XP SP3 ensures these . Update Rollup 2 for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 RU2 .<br/><span>http://www.freedownloadsplace.com/Products/16183/Windows-XP-Service-Pack</span></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-reply-thread-username"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.askvg.com/windows-8-upgrade-paths-for-windows-xp-vista-and-7/" >[Windows 8 Upgrade Paths] How to Upgrade from Windows XP ...</a><br/>Windows 8 will be available in 3 editions: Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro and . Here are the upgrade paths for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7: . Also you'll need to have SP3 installed in Windows XP to be able to upgrade to Windows 8.<br/><span>http://www.askvg.com/windows-8-upgrade-paths-for-windows-xp-vista-and-7/</span></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-rendered-content"><p><p><a target="new" href="http://shivakrish.ucoz.com/index/windows_xp_professional_sp3_corporate_edition/0-48" >Cherry's - Windows XP Professional SP3 Corporate Edition</a><br/>Windows XP Professional SP3 Corporate Edition . "Windows XP SP3 does not bring significant portions of Windows Vista functionality to Windows XP," she .<br/><span>http://shivakrish.ucoz.com/index/windows_xp_professional_sp3_corporate_edition/0-48</span></p></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"> </p><p>Thanks</p><p>JP</p></div>
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- <div class="jive-reply-thread-username"><p><a target="new" href="http://windows.about.com/od/faqs/f/xpsp3.htm" >Service Pack 3 for XP - What Is Windows XP SP3?</a><br/>Windows XP (SP3) is the latest service pack update for XP, issued in April 2008. . Windows XP Home Edition N; Windows XP Media Center Edition; Windows .<br/><span>http://windows.about.com/od/faqs/f/xpsp3.htm</span></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-thread-reply-date"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.alibre.com/assets/systemrequirements.pdf" >Supported Operating Systems • Windows XP Professional Edition ...</a><br/>Windows XP Professional Edition SP3 or Home Edition. • Windows Vista Basic, Business, Home, or Ultimate. • Windows 7 Basic, Business, Home, or Ultimate .<br/><span>http://www.alibre.com/assets/systemrequirements.pdf</span></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-rendered-content"><p><p><a target="new" href="http://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Windows-Edition-System-Builders/product-reviews/B0018RCADO" >Customer Reviews: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition SP3</a><br/>Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition SP3 for System Builders - 1 pack [Old . has a Dell laptop with Windows Vista on it, hated Vista and wanted Windows XP.<br/><span>http://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Windows-Edition-System-Builders/product-reviews/B0018RCADO</span></p></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-reply-thread-username"><p><a target="new" href="http://windows.brothersoft.com/windows-vista-sp3-freeware.html" >Windows vista sp3 freeware Free Download</a><br/>Windows vista sp3 freeware Free Download,Windows vista sp3 .<br/><span>http://windows.brothersoft.com/windows-vista-sp3-freeware.html</span></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-rendered-content"><p><p><a target="new" href="http://www.mydigitallife.info/trick-to-install-windows-xp-sp3-rc-in-non-english-language-editions/" >Trick to Install Windows XP SP3 RC in Non-English Language ...</a><br/>Dec 14, 2007 . And Windows Update hack to install XP SP3 RC1 won't show the service pack as . Microsoft releases Windows XP SP3 RC test build only in English edition. . The steps are pretty similar to trick used to install Vista SP1 on .<br/><span>http://www.mydigitallife.info/trick-to-install-windows-xp-sp3-rc-in-non-english-language-editions/</span></p><br/><p><a target="new" href="http://news.softpedia.com/news/Dissecting-Microsoft-039-s-Vista-SP1-vs-XP-SP3-Feature-Smackdown-86411.shtml" >Dissecting Microsoft's Vista SP1 vs. XP SP3 Feature Smackdown ...</a><br/>May 24, 2008 . Microsoft's latest Windows Feature Comparison involves Windows XP SP3 Professional and an unspecified edition of Windows Vista, but .<br/><span>http://news.softpedia.com/news/Dissecting-Microsoft-039-s-Vista-SP1-vs-XP-SP3-Feature-Smackdown-86411.shtml</span></p></p><p>welcome to donate in the site :-)<br/></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-reply-thread-username"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=SW-150-MS" >Windows 8 Pro Upgrade Edition - from XP SP3 / Vista / Windows 7 []</a><br/>If you currently have a personal computer running Windows 7, Windows XP or Windows Vista then you can upgrade to Windows 8 Pro (Professional).<br/><span>http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=SW-150-MS</span></p></div>
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- <div class="jive-thread-reply-date"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.fileguru.com/apps/windows_xp_sp3_vista_final_edition" >Free Windows Xp Sp3 Vista Final Edition Downloads: 1-abc.net ...</a><br/>Top free windows xp sp3 vista final edition downloads. Windows XP and Vista offer great opportunities to be customized. NTFS data recovery software is a tool .<br/><span>http://www.fileguru.com/apps/windows_xp_sp3_vista_final_edition</span></p></div>…