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  22. <div id="siteSub"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.genealogy.com/users/r/o/w/index.html" >Community - Genealogy.com</a><br/>It&#39;s FREE and easy at Genealogy.com! Create or Edit Your . Anna Cay Salzman Rowden Family Tree Anne-M-Rowand . John C. Rowe of Poland, Maine .<br/><span>http://www.genealogy.com/users/r/o/w/index.html</span></p></div>
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  30. <td style="width:100%"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.thetreemaker.com/family-coat-s.html" >S - Family Crest List of Surnames - S - The Tree Maker</a><br/>Place Your Order By Calling Toll Free 866-480-0202 . Sadovshchikov Family Coat of Arms - Polish Sadovski Family . Salzmann Family Coat of Arms - German .<br/><span>http://www.thetreemaker.com/family-coat-s.html</span></p></td>
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  33. <p><p><a target="new" href="http://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=salzman" >Family Facts for: Salzman</a><br/>38,268 Historical Documents &amp; Family Trees with Salzman . 34 million family trees; Explore over 10 billion genealogical records; Create your FREE family tree .<br/><span>http://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=salzman</span></p></p>
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  54. <p><p><a target="new" href="http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/sadgura/ReischToronto.html" >Jewish Genealogical Resources for the Bukowina (northern ...</a><br/>Modified and updated for presentation to the Jewish Genealogical Society, Montreal, . intends to produced a free, searchable, internet database of names linked to . The Last Jews of Radauti, text by Ayse Gursan-Salzmann; photographs by . are indexed and searchable online via Jewish Records Indexing - Poland.<br/><span>http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/sadgura/ReischToronto.html</span></p>
  55. <p><a target="new" href="http://www.iajgs.org/jgscv/pdf/Venturing_V7_N9.pdf" >Ships of Our Ancestors - IAJGS</a><br/>Jun 3, 2012 . Poland, Sonia Hoffman in Lithuania,. Mike Sander in Germany . Congress is still considering the genealogical community as part of the problem with the . If you do not have a Ralph&#39;s card, you may obtain one (free) at a Ralph&#39;s store. If you . Photos Laurence Salzman Doubleday NY 1983. (Category B) .<br/><span>http://www.iajgs.org/jgscv/pdf/Venturing_V7_N9.pdf</span></p></p>
  56. <p><p><a target="new" href="http://genforum.genealogy.com/switzerland/all.html" >Switzerland Genealogy Forum (All Messages)</a><br/>Reber Genealogy Help Please - Robert Reber 4/22/12 . The Crow(e) DNA Study is offering a few free DNA tests for a limited time - Phillip Crow 8/30/08 .<br/><span>http://genforum.genealogy.com/switzerland/all.html</span></p>
  57. <p><a target="new" href="http://www.houseofnames.com/saltzman-coat-of-arms" >Saltzman German coat of arms - House of Names</a><br/>Sep 23, 2010. Saltzmann, Saltzman, Salzmann, Saltmann, Saltzman, Salzman and many more. . Coats of Arms: Elements &middot; Family Crests and Genealogy: how they relate . Silesia became a part of the Polish Kingdom at the end of the 11th century. . Call us Toll free: 888-468-7686 xt 222 or (613)384-9986 xt 222 .<br/><span>http://www.houseofnames.com/saltzman-coat-of-arms</span></p></p>
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  65. <p><p><a target="new" href="http://www.tcghs.org/AmishPart1.pdf" >Amish Mennonites in - Tazewell County Genealogical &amp; Historical ...</a><br/>ROPP &#150; STAKER &#150; KING &#150; SCHROCK &#150; SALZMAN &#150; BELSLEY &#150; SCHERTZ . this text held by the Tazewell County Genealogical &amp; Historical Society, .<br/><span>http://www.tcghs.org/AmishPart1.pdf</span></p>
  66. <p><a target="new" href="http://www.iajgs.org/jgscv/pdf/Traveling%20Library%20Classification%20of%20Books.pdf" >JGSCV Traveling Library Classification of Books A - IAJGS</a><br/>Nov 5, 2012 . A Guide to Jewish Genealogy in Poland JGS Great Britain First ed. . The Last Jews of R?d?u?i Gursan-Salzmann Photos Laurence Salzman Doubleday . 10,000 Jews from the Holocaust Hillel Levine Free Press NY 1996 .<br/><span>http://www.iajgs.org/jgscv/pdf/Traveling%20Library%20Classification%20of%20Books.pdf</span></p></p>
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  70. <li><p><a target="new" href="http://humora.tripod.com/Surnames.html" >Gura Humora &amp; South Bukovina, Surnames History and Origin</a><br/>Make your own free website on Tripod.com . The place name (in German, Yiddish, and Polish) is from a root meaning &#39;abbot&#39;, the place having been named for .<br/><span>http://humora.tripod.com/Surnames.html</span></p></li>
  71. <li><p><a target="new" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropology" >Anthropology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</a><br/>A decade and a half later, the Polish anthropology student, Bronis?aw Malinowski (1884&#150;1942), . Anthropology in France has a less clear genealogy than the British and American . Toronto, ON: Nelson Education Ltd. ^ Salzmann, Zden?k .<br/><span>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropology</span></p></li>
  72. <li><p><a target="new" href="http://www.houseofnames.com/soltes-coat-of-arms" >Soltes Coat of Arms and History</a><br/>Sep 23, 2010. Saltzmann, Saltzman, Salzmann, Saltmann, Saltzman, Salzman and many more. . Coats of Arms: Elements &middot; Family Crests and Genealogy: how they relate . Silesia became a part of the Polish Kingdom at the end of the 11th century. . Call us Toll free: 888-468-7686 xt 222 or (613)384-9986 xt 222 .<br/><span>http://www.houseofnames.com/soltes-coat-of-arms</span></p></li>
  73. <li><p><a target="new" href="http://www.houseofnames.com/salzman-coat-of-arms" >Salzman Coat of Arms and History</a><br/>Aug 17, 2012 . Discover the Salzman family history and coat of arms for the Salzman Origin. . Coats of Arms: Elements &middot; Family Crests and Genealogy: how they relate . The dukes of Silesia eventually exchanged their allegiance to Poland for that of their . Call us Toll free: 888-468-7686 xt 222 or (613)384-9986 xt 222 .<br/><span>http://www.houseofnames.com/salzman-coat-of-arms</span></p></li>
  74. <li><p><a target="new" href="http://sephardicoralhistory.org/collections/genealogy/referencecollection.php" >Center for Jewish History: Reference Collection</a><br/>Hoskins, Janina W. Polish Genealogy and Heraldry, An Introduction To Research . Hippocrene . Lending Dignity: The First One Hundred Years of the Hebrew Free Loan Society of New York. Hebrew Free . Gursan-Salzmann, Ayse. The Last .<br/><span>http://sephardicoralhistory.org/collections/genealogy/referencecollection.php</span></p></li>
  75. <li><p><a target="new" href="http://genealogytrails.com/ken/boone/death_1913.html" >Boones Co, Kentucky Genealogy Trails</a><br/>Free online bios. . 1913 Deaths. [Submitted by Friends for Free Genealogy BZ] . Aipa Poland, 3 Mar .1913, 33. William L . Fred Salzmann, 20 Jul .1913, 23 .<br/><span>http://genealogytrails.com/ken/boone/death_1913.html</span></p></li>
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  79. <ul>
  80. <li><p><a target="new" href="http://thekesters.net/Genealogy/Witkowski.html" >Witkowski</a><br/>Feb 24, 2009 . Emma WITKOWSKI &amp; SALZMANN . Pauline&#39;s gravestone has recently been found in the town of Witkowo, Poland. . this site is provided for the free use of those researching their family origins. Commercial use by anyone is strictly prohibited. Uploading or contributing to commercial genealogy publishers, .<br/><span>http://thekesters.net/Genealogy/Witkowski.html</span></p></li>
  81. <li><p><a target="new" href="http://www.jewishgen.org/galicia/surdex/si_sa.htm" >Galicia Surname Index</a><br/>Oct 11, 2004 . SAFIER, Teachers and Students of Jewish Ancestry in the Tarnobrzeg . SAK, 1929 Polish Business Directory for Gorodenka Surnames . Surnames with the same Daitch-Mokotoff soundex: Salzmann, Schlosman, Zaltzman . Database of Galitzianers Buried in Mokom Sholom Cemetery&#39;s Free Burial Area .<br/><span>http://www.jewishgen.org/galicia/surdex/si_sa.htm</span></p>
  82. <p><a target="new" href="http://www.klausdierks.com/Biographies/Biographies_S.htm" >BIOGRAPHIES OF NAMIBIAN PERSONALITIESin alphabetical order</a><br/>Erich Salzmann was born on 22.07.1876 in Germany. . Karl Ludwig Gotthardt Sander was born on 09.03.1859 at Antonshof, Posen in Germany (now Poland).<br/><span>http://www.klausdierks.com/Biographies/Biographies_S.htm</span></p></li>
  83. <li><p><a target="new" href="http://www.bklyn-genealogy-info.com/Newspaper/BSU/1931.News.Jan.Feb.March.html" >1931 News January.February.March - Brooklyn Genealogy ...</a><br/>The others set free were,Mrs.Ruth HOFFMAN,; HOFFMAN&#39;s wife, and Doris and Vivian WATTS . National Hall,140 Pennsylvania avenue, where a Polish wedding celebrtion was in progress,and . Joseph SALZMANN, cantor of the temple.<br/><span>http://www.bklyn-genealogy-info.com/Newspaper/BSU/1931.News.Jan.Feb.March.html</span></p></li>
  84. <li><p><a target="new" href="http://www.jgstoronto.ca/documents/Toronto-Shem-Tov-1993-12.pdf" >r - The Jewish Genealogical Society of Canada</a><br/>Dec 4, 1993 . Many times in genealogical research the most successful avenue of . Visits to your shtetl in Poland, Ukraine,. 1. Moldova . photographer and filmmaker Laurence Salzmann and his . your name and address are free.<br/><span>http://www.jgstoronto.ca/documents/Toronto-Shem-Tov-1993-12.pdf</span></p></li>
  85. <li><p><a target="new" href="http://samgrubersjewishartmonuments.blogspot.com/2009/07/turkey-asfs-publication-and-on-line.html" >Samuel Gruber&#39;s Jewish Art &amp; Monuments: Turkey: ASF&#39;s ...</a><br/>Jul 21, 2009. ethnographic slant by Ayse Gursan-Salzmann and Laurence Salzmann; documentation of Turkish . Feel free to contact me for more information on any of the topics posted, or if you have a project . Poland: Ruth Ellen Gruber on &quot; Dark Tourism&quot; &amp; Ausc. . Tracing the Tribe: The Jewish Genealogy Blog .<br/><span>http://samgrubersjewishartmonuments.blogspot.com/2009/07/turkey-asfs-publication-and-on-line.html</span></p></li>
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  88. <p><p><a target="new" href="http://libguides.princeton.edu/content.php?pid=294776&amp;sid=2453009" >ETHNIC STUDIES - Princeton LibGuides - Princeton University</a><br/>Aug 9, 2012 . The trends under attack included equal civil rights, constitutional democracy, free trade, socialism, finance capitalism, and . and settling in Holland, Germany, Poland and other parts of Eastern . Sephardic Genealogy at Sephardim.com . In 1984, Laurence Salzmann, an American photographer, and his .<br/><span>http://libguides.princeton.edu/content.php?pid=294776&amp;sid=2453009</span></p></p>
  89. <p><p><a target="new" href="http://ideas.repec.org/a/fan/aimaim/vhtml10.3280-aim2007-002007.html" >Il diritto di acquisto statale di fondi rustici in Polonia e profili di diritto ...</a><br/>The Right of Statal Acquisition of Real Estates in Poland and the European . 58 EEC Treaty) can hardly justify such a severe statal intervention in the free trade of real estates. . Court of Justice (e.g. Konle v Austria, In re Albore or Doris Salzmann). . New papers by email &middot; Author registration &middot; Rankings &middot; Genealogy NEW .<br/><span>http://ideas.repec.org/a/fan/aimaim/vhtml10.3280-aim2007-002007.html</span></p></p>
  90. <p><p><a target="new" href="http://sortedbyname.com/pages/r110077.html" >According to the sources - Sorted By Name</a><br/>A collection of links to genealogy details mentioned on other websites. . Here&#39;s why you should check the source file (free), then search Archives and . (son of Unknoown [no surname shown] (mother) ) was born ABT 1881 in Poland;; died . in Ohio, West Virginia, United States a groom named Joseph Louis Salzmann .<br/><span>http://sortedbyname.com/pages/r110077.html</span></p></p>
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  92. <p><p><a target="new" href="http://www.uwsp.edu/alumnus/issueArchives/Fall06.pdf" >Pointer Alumnus Pointer Alumnus - University of Wisconsin ...</a><br/>win one free night in one of four Stevens Point hotels on Saturday, October 21. The names of . Louise, as well as working on genealogy projects, chemical . Germany/Poland summer . of Wausau, Wayne Salzmann of Neenah and Justin .<br/><span>http://www.uwsp.edu/alumnus/issueArchives/Fall06.pdf</span></p></p>
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  94. <ul>
  95. <li><p><a target="new" href="http://www.loc.gov/rr/european/cash/cash12.html" >Czech and Slovak History: An Annotated Bibliography (European ...</a><br/>&quot;Influences of Czech Culture in Poland in the Middle Ages. . Gardiner, Duncan B. German Towns in Slovakia &amp; Upper Hungary: A Genealogical Gazetteer. . In Eastern Europe&#39;s Uncertain Future: A Selection of Radio Free Europe Research Reports, edited by Robert R. . Salzmann, Zdenek, and Vladimir Scheufler.<br/><span>http://www.loc.gov/rr/european/cash/cash12.html</span></p></li>
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  103. <ol class="references">
  104. <li id="cite_note-1"><p><a target="new" href="http://genforum.genealogy.com/ny/bronx/all.html" >Bronx County, NY Genealogy Forum (All Messages)</a><br/>FREE-I have a 1917 Morris H.S. Annual - Jackie O. 6/12/05. Re: FREE-I have a 1917 . Young 12/12/03. COHEN / Poland /Bronx - Charlene Bjornlie 11/21/03 . E.D. for Decatur Ave - SALZMANN - Dorothy Colwell 9/02/00 .<br/><span>http://genforum.genealogy.com/ny/bronx/all.html</span></p></li>
  105. <li id="cite_note-2"><p><a target="new" href="http://anthrocivitas.net/forum/showthread.php?p=184503" >18th cent. Enlightenment in Eastern Europe : cursory notes ...</a><br/>In Poland and Hungary, a second zone, noble-dominated societies offered infertile . accountable officials, free trade in corn, a free press and inviolability of property . Modern State | Ariel Salzmann | 2004 (complete text - 240-page document) . I think that it&#39;s a good idea to know the genealogy of thought.<br/><span>http://anthrocivitas.net/forum/showthread.php?p=184503</span></p></li>
  106. <li id="cite_note-3"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.123people.com/e/stefanie+bauerochse" >Stefanie Bauerochse - Email, Address, Phone numbers, everything ...</a><br/>In the section &quot;Genealogy &amp; Family History&quot; 123people refers to certificates and documents related to the name pair Stefanie Bauerochse. These documents .<br/><span>http://www.123people.com/e/stefanie+bauerochse</span></p></li>
  107. <li id="cite_note-4"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.isro-press.net/www.bukovinajewsworldunion.org/English/3Bukovina.History/Buk.Reisch.Geneao.html" >Jewish Genealogical Resources for the Bukowina (northern ...</a><br/>Modified and updated for presentation to the Jewish Genealogical Society, . The Last Jews of Radauti, text by Ayse Gursan-Salzmann; photographs by . intends to produced a free, searchable, internet database of names linked to . Many Galician records are searchable online via Jewish Records Indexing - Poland.<br/><span>http://www.isro-press.net/www.bukovinajewsworldunion.org/English/3Bukovina.History/Buk.Reisch.Geneao.html</span></p></li>
  108. <li id="cite_note-5"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.jewishberkshires.org/local_includes/downloads/43814.pdf" >ISraeL/PaLeSTIne: a TWo-STaTe SoLUTIon? - Jewish Federation of ...</a><br/>Aug 23, 2010 . cutors&#39; spokes-. Genealogy &amp; Family History Research . Rabbi Harold I. Salzmann, Rabbi Emeritus . or call 413-236-2190 for a free catalog .<br/><span>http://www.jewishberkshires.org/local_includes/downloads/43814.pdf</span></p></li>
  109. <li id="cite_note-6"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.arcataeye.com/2010/09/letters-to-the-editor-%E2%80%93-september-28-2010/" >Letters To The Editor &#150; September 28, 2010 | The Arcata Eye</a><br/>Sep 28, 2010 . Being a genealogy buff, I was drawn into watching the television show, Who . beings continues in the &#147;land of the free&#148; because the non-adopted majority has . McAlinn gave us a sense of history, Karin Salzmann, and Dylan Diemer. . Polish traveler gets bike ticket, sparking protest. wp.me/p10Hr0-1L4 3 .<br/><span>http://www.arcataeye.com/2010/09/letters-to-the-editor-%E2%80%93-september-28-2010/</span></p></li>
  110. <li id="cite_note-7"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.loc.gov/rr/european/cash/cash4.html" >Czech and Slovak History: An Annotated Bibliography (European ...</a><br/>Nowak, Chester M. Czechoslovak-Polish Relations, 1918-1939: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover . Salzmann, Zdenek. . Gardiner, Duncan B. German Towns in Slovakia &amp; Upper Hungary: A Genealogical Gazetteer. Lakewood . Taylor, Alan J. P. Czechoslovakia&#39;s Place in a Free Europe.<br/><span>http://www.loc.gov/rr/european/cash/cash4.html</span></p></li>
  111. <li id="cite_note-8"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.sztetl.org.pl/en/article/olsztyn-607/5,history/" >History - Jewish community before 1989 - Olsztyn - Virtual Shtetl</a><br/>In 1861, the city council elected merchant Seelig Salzmann to be the province&#39;s deputy . The shops that belonged to Jews with Polish citizenship were spared.<br/><span>http://www.sztetl.org.pl/en/article/olsztyn-607/5,history/</span></p>
  112. <p><a target="new" href="http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Anthropology" >Anthropology - Psychology Wiki</a><br/>A decade and a half later, Polish-born anthropology student Bronis?aw Malinowski (1884-1942) . as a truly general science and free it from its historical focus on Indo-European languages. . Anthropology in France has a less clear genealogy than the British and American . Boston: Allyn &amp; Bacon; Salzmann, Zden?k.<br/><span>http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Anthropology</span></p></li>
  113. <li id="cite_note-9"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.unibas-ethno.ch/redakteure/dobler/dokumente/Anthropology.pdf" >Anthropology</a><br/>Sep 29, 2008 . Anthropology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 30.09. . A decade and a half later, Polish-born anthropology student Bronis?aw Malinowski .<br/><span>http://www.unibas-ethno.ch/redakteure/dobler/dokumente/Anthropology.pdf</span></p></li>
  114. <li id="cite_note-10"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.collectorbookstore.com/product-p/arx-2005-1420300741.htm" >Genealogy Family Maps Beaver County Oklahoma</a><br/>Genealogy Family Maps Beaver County Oklahoma. . This book is constructed to last with a plastic spiral binding, acid-free paper, and a tough, laminated cover.<br/><span>http://www.collectorbookstore.com/product-p/arx-2005-1420300741.htm</span></p></li>
  115. <li id="cite_note-11"><p><a target="new" href="http://mysite.verizon.net/d.rottenberg/id10.html" >Newspaper articles</a><br/>7/22/80 Thornburgh&#39;s Iron Curtain (Radauti, Rumania; Laurence Salzmann photos. Commissary) . 8/12/80 Courtesy and rude clerks (Free Library, Postal Serrvice) 8/19/80 Ronald . 12/28/81 Labor strikes: Poland vs. America (SEPTA). 1982 . 10/2/97 Future of the Jews (Elliott Abrams, Muncie, genealogy) 10/9/97 Power .<br/><span>http://mysite.verizon.net/d.rottenberg/id10.html</span></p></li>
  116. <li id="cite_note-12"><p><a target="new" href="http://catalog.bartlett.lib.il.us/polaris/Search/newreleases.aspx?ListingTypeID=26&amp;ctx=3.1033.0.0.2" >New Books - Bartlett Public Library District</a><br/>Isaac&#39;s army : a story of courage and survival in Nazi-occupied Poland Brzezinski , Matthew . The review of the DuPage County (IL) Genealogical Society : November 2012. Bullspotting . The gluten-free table : the Lagasse girls share their favorite meals. Lagasse, Jilly. . Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, 1968-. What in the .<br/><span>http://catalog.bartlett.lib.il.us/polaris/Search/newreleases.aspx?ListingTypeID=26&amp;ctx=3.1033.0.0.2</span></p></li>
  117. <li id="cite_note-13"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.ahjb.org.br/pdf/jornal_may96.pdf" >GERA&Ccedil;&Otilde;ES / BRASIL - Arquivo Hist&oacute;rico Judaico Brasileiro</a><br/>Russian Era Indexing of Poland Project, Diret&oacute;rio dos Yizkor Books,. Listas Telefonicas, Jewish . Bob Weiss (presidente da Association of Jewish Genealogical. Societies) . They lived as free men in similar conditions as their neighbors. . Bambi (criado pelo judeu hungaro Siegmund Salzmann, mais conhecido como .<br/><span>http://www.ahjb.org.br/pdf/jornal_may96.pdf</span></p></li>
  118. <li id="cite_note-propagandamatrix-14"> <a href="warehouse-employment-in-charlotte-nc.html">warehouse employment in charlotte nc</a> <a href="how-do-manatees-produce-milk.html">how do manatees produce milk</a> <a href="i-melt-with-you-modern-english.html">i melt with you modern english</a></li>
  119. <li id="cite_note-15"><a href="in-sink-erator-badger-removal.html">in sink erator badger removal</a> <a href="white-girls-with-cornrows.html">white girls with cornrows</a></li>
  120. <li id="cite_note-16"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.biology-nation.com/Introduction_to_Anthropology.html" >| Introduction to Anthropology | Biology and History Topics | Biology ...</a><br/>Free Biology Software . A decade and a half later, Polish-born anthropology student Bronis?aw Malinowski . Anthropology in France has a less clear genealogy than the British and American . Boston: Allyn &amp; Bacon; Salzmann, Zden?k.<br/><span>http://www.biology-nation.com/Introduction_to_Anthropology.html</span></p></li>
  121. <li id="cite_note-17"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.cas.umn.edu/assets/pdf/ASNSPR11.pdf" >spring 11 03-07-11.indd - Center for Austrian Studies - University of ...</a><br/>is distributed free of charge to interested subscribers as a public service of . So that&#39;s the &#147;genealogy&#148; of my connection . Religious Toleration in Sixteenth- Century Poland: Political . Siegmund Salzmann (a.k.a. Felix Salten) was brought .<br/><span>http://www.cas.umn.edu/assets/pdf/ASNSPR11.pdf</span></p></li>
  122. <li id="cite_note-18"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.ahsgr.org/findancestors/go/goMi.htm" >AHSGR - German Origin Project</a><br/>MilhausenGL , East Prussia : is now Mlynary , Poland some 12 miles E of . as the preceeding entry) said by the Louis FSL to be homeUC to a Salzmann family. . this may have been Muelhausen Imperial City, which was a free imperial city, .<br/><span>http://www.ahsgr.org/findancestors/go/goMi.htm</span></p></li>
  123. <li id="cite_note-19"><p><a target="new" href="http://list.genealogy.net/mm/archiv/franken-l/1999-11/1999-11f.html" >franken-l - Monatsdigest 1999-11</a><br/>2. Nov. 1999 . Hello list, I have traced my ancestors back to a small village in Unterfranken called Hundsfeld. It is near . Some Names are French, German, Polish, Slovak and Italian. . Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! . SALZMANN(2), SARAH(1), SAUER(2), SAUERWEIN(2), SAYER(3), .<br/><span>http://list.genealogy.net/mm/archiv/franken-l/1999-11/1999-11f.html</span></p></li>
  124. <li id="cite_note-20"><a href="wynkyn-powered-by-vbulletin.html">wynkyn powered by vbulletin</a> Spanischer Link zu der argentinischen Zeitung <a href="waverly-oak-bluff-french-blue.html">waverly oak bluff french blue</a></li>
  125. <li id="cite_note-21"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.123people.com/e/anthony+requin" >Anthony Requin - Email, Address, Phone numbers, everything! www ...</a><br/>In the section &quot;Genealogy &amp; Family History&quot; 123people refers to certificates and documents related to the name pair Anthony Requin. These documents might be .<br/><span>http://www.123people.com/e/anthony+requin</span></p></li>
  126. <li id="cite_note-22"><p><a target="new" href="https://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=11302.0" >Jacob Franck, the missing link to grasp the madness of Zionism?</a><br/>1984), dwells on its links with the Polish revolution and Zionism. . From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . economic website published a genealogy of Kerry which was really highly interesting. . Mme Jean de Salzmann .<br/><span>https://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=11302.0</span></p>
  127. <p><a target="new" href="http://www.facebook.com/pjwojcik" >Paul J. Wojcik | Facebook</a><br/>. Degrees Luxe Lounge, Rocky Balboa, South Beach, Miami, POLAND, Gray Wolf, Phillies Fanatics!, . PhillyIsrael, The Catholic Company, Flexcin &amp; FlexPet, The Genealogy Event, Friskies, Grist.org, . Gonnahappen.com - Promote Your Events Free!, QNT USA, Upstairs at the Kimberly Hotel, Tyte . Jean Paul Salzmann .<br/><span>http://www.facebook.com/pjwojcik</span></p></li>
  128. <li id="cite_note-23"><p><a target="new" href="http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_colonialism_and_colonial_history/v010/10.2.fultz.html" >Bibliography - Project MUSE - Johns Hopkins University</a><br/>Genealogies of Orientalism : History, Theory, Politics. Lincoln: U . Hipsher, Scott A. Expatriates in Asia : Breaking Free from the Colonial Paradigm. . Szonert, M. B. Null and Void : Poland, Case Study on Comparative Imperialism. . Berg, Keri A. &quot;The Imperialist Lens: Du Camp, Salzmann and Early French Photography.<br/><span>http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_colonialism_and_colonial_history/v010/10.2.fultz.html</span></p></li>
  129. <li id="cite_note-24"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.gencircles.com/clubs/world/germany" >Country of Germany Club</a><br/>Re: is there a place call Poland,Germany? . Wilhelm Salzmann Renne King 9/ 17/04; Riedts in the Mills family Tree . Re: German Genealogy Resources?<br/><span>http://www.gencircles.com/clubs/world/germany</span></p></li>
  130. <li id="cite_note-25"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.123people.com/e/antonia+lesche" >Antonia Lesche - Email, Address, Phone numbers, everything! www ...</a><br/>Free Search Premium Search Reverse Phone . 3 Images; No E-mails; no Genealogy &amp; Family History; No Business . SCHMIDT-SALZMANN Max. 17. 15.<br/><span>http://www.123people.com/e/antonia+lesche</span></p></li>
  131. <li id="cite_note-26"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.zcu.cz/ff/files/Acta-FF/2010/ACTA_FF_2010_1.pdf" >acta 1 - Z&aacute;pado?esk&aacute; univerzita v Plzni</a><br/>sor Zden?k Salzmann, zn&aacute;m&yacute; americk&yacute; antropolog ?esk&eacute;ho p?vodu, kter&yacute; . by Aryans in the genealogical imagination of the nineteenth-century as the . German eschatology: &#147;We Germans are free, we are all noble; we have ruled . acterized by the climatic conditions favorable to population growth: &#147;Poland, a country .<br/><span>http://www.zcu.cz/ff/files/Acta-FF/2010/ACTA_FF_2010_1.pdf</span></p></li>
  132. <li id="cite_note-27"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.docstoc.com/docs/12963953/Countries-and-Their-Cultures_-Vol-1" >Countries and Their Cultures_ Vol. 1...</a><br/>Oct 10, 2009. Cyprus (Yiannis Papadakis) Czech Republic (Zdenek Salzmann) . Peru (O. Hugo Benavides) The Philippines (Sally E. Baringer) Poland (Andris . The country imports tax-free goods through Pakistan, including cars, . Genealogy establishes inheritance, mutual obligations, and a feeling of solidarity.<br/><span>http://www.docstoc.com/docs/12963953/Countries-and-Their-Cultures_-Vol-1</span></p></li>
  133. <li id="cite_note-28"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.123people.com/e/friederike+focken" >Friederike Focken - Email, Address, Phone numbers, everything ...</a><br/>In the section &quot;Genealogy &amp; Family History&quot; 123people refers to certificates and documents related to the name pair Friederike Focken. These documents might .<br/><span>http://www.123people.com/e/friederike+focken</span></p></li>
  134. <li id="cite_note-29"><p><a target="new" href="http://huffington-post.alltop.com/" >Alltop - Top Huffington Post News</a><br/>Marian Salzman: What&#39;s Next for an Imperfect World? Marian Salzman. 13 Dec 2012 | 3:03 pm. The quest for perfection has come so far that it&#39;s now taken for .<br/><span>http://huffington-post.alltop.com/</span></p></li>
  135. <li id="cite_note-30"><p><a target="new" href="http://killerhobbies.blogspot.com/2007_04_01_archive.html" >KILLER HOBBIES: April 2007</a><br/>Apr 30, 2007 . Then you begin to poke and slice and polish. . Cyndy Salzmann is a wife and mother who does most of her writing on the back of fast food wrappers while waiting to pick up her . Gardening, like genealogy and quiltmaking and scrapbooking, is a hobby. . At least you get free drinks at the card table.<br/><span>http://killerhobbies.blogspot.com/2007_04_01_archive.html</span></p></li>
  136. <li id="cite_note-31"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.reference.com/browse/anthropology" >Anthropology | Learn everything there is to know about ...</a><br/>Dictionary.com Free Toolbar Dictionary.com Define Anthropology Instantly. . A decade and a half later, Polish-born anthropology student Bronis?aw Malinowski ( 1884-1942) was . Anthropology in France has a less clear genealogy than the British and American traditions, . Boston: Allyn &amp; Bacon; Salzmann, Zden?k.<br/><span>http://www.reference.com/browse/anthropology</span></p></li>
  137. <li id="cite_note-32"><p><a target="new" href="http://archive.org/stream/fredericfranoi00willuoft/fredericfranoi00willuoft_djvu.txt" >Full text of &quot;Frederic Fran&ccedil;ois Chopin&quot;</a><br/>CONTENTS CHAPTER I TAOE Poland and the Poles Birth of Nicholas Chopin His . for while the highest ideal of the Pole is one of personal free- dom from any . the lack of material at hand to guide us to the truth concerning the ancestry of Chopin, . to have translated many of the works of the German author, Salzmann.<br/><span>http://archive.org/stream/fredericfranoi00willuoft/fredericfranoi00willuoft_djvu.txt</span></p></li>
  138. <li id="cite_note-33"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.scribd.com/doc/16329754/The-Ukrainian-Weekly-198309" >The Ukrainian Weekly 1983-09</a><br/>Jun 11, 2009 . You are well acquainted with my genealogy from my camp protests . Poland now it is a military dictatorship. . Norman Redlich, Richard R, Salzmann, Robert A. Scalapino, Walter . Its sting will not, however, only be felt by loafing workers and corrupt apparatchiks, but dissidents and free-thinkers as well.<br/><span>http://www.scribd.com/doc/16329754/The-Ukrainian-Weekly-198309</span></p></li>
  139. <li id="cite_note-34"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.ajcarchives.org/AJC_DATA/Files/1990_16_Index.pdf" >Index (1990) - AJC Archives</a><br/>Association of Jewish Genealogical So- cieties, 540 . Free Sons of Israel, 566. Fried, Erich . Poland, 381, 390, 391, 392, 527. Poliker . Salzmann, Dov, 340 .<br/><span>http://www.ajcarchives.org/AJC_DATA/Files/1990_16_Index.pdf</span></p></li>
  140. <li id="cite_note-35"><p><a target="new" href="http://musicasacra.com/publications/sacredmusic/pdf/sm120-2.pdf" >3 - MusicaSacra</a><br/>The committee on heraldry of the New England Historic Genealogy Society . Just as Polish music differs from French music so Polish heraldry differs from . Joseph Salzmann (1819-1874), first rector of St. Francis Seminary, and John . ing readers that Lyra would be &quot;forwarded to all subscribers post-free every month&quot; .<br/><span>http://musicasacra.com/publications/sacredmusic/pdf/sm120-2.pdf</span></p></li>
  141. <li id="cite_note-36"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.123people.com/s/steffen+hupka" >Steffen Hupka - Email, Address, Phone numbers, everything! www ...</a><br/>Poland. World. Search term invalid! Please enter at least three characters. . 8 Images; No E-mails; no Genealogy &amp; Family History; No Business . Dar&uuml;ber hinaus eine Biografie &uuml;ber &Auml;nne Salzmann aus Offenbach und . 123people. com is a free real time people search tool that looks into nearly every corner of the web.<br/><span>http://www.123people.com/s/steffen+hupka</span></p></li>
  142. <li id="cite_note-37"><p><a target="new" href="http://www.123people.com/e/paul+mandalka" >Paul Mandalka - Email, Address, Phone numbers, everything! www ...</a><br/>Poland. World. Search term invalid! Please enter at least three characters. sitemap. People search results for: Paul Mandalka. 7 Images; No E-mails; no Genealogy &amp; Family History; No Business Professionals . Video: J&uuml;rgen Salzmann. . Fast, secure and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and .<br/><span>http://www.123people.com/e/paul+mandalka</span></p></li>
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