https://github.com/hwti/LunaSysMgr · C++ · 787 lines · 617 code · 122 blank · 48 comment · 79 complexity · 906509be2e7c5b4ad18aa96148b5fe5c MD5 · raw file
- /* @@@LICENSE
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * LICENSE@@@ */
- #include "Common.h"
- #include "Settings.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <glib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <PContext.h>
- #include <PSoftContext.h>
- #if defined(DIRECT_RENDERING)
- #include <PGLESContext.h>
- #endif
- #include "Utils.h"
- #include "Logging.h"
- #if !defined(TARGET_DESKTOP)
- #include <lunaprefs.h>
- #endif
- static const char* kSettingsFile = "/etc/palm/luna.conf";
- static const char* kSettingsFilePlatform = "/etc/palm/luna-platform.conf";
- #if 0
- #define SETTINGS_TRACE(...) \
- do { \
- fprintf(stdout, "Settings:: " ); \
- fprintf(stdout, __VA_ARGS__); \
- } while (0)
- #else
- #define SETTINGS_TRACE(...) (void)0
- #endif
- unsigned long MemStringToBytes( const char* ptr );
- Settings* Settings::s_settings = 0;
- //static
- bool Settings::validateDownloadPath(const std::string& path) {
- //do not allow /../ in the path. This will avoid complicated parsing to check for valid paths
- if (path.find("..") != std::string::npos)
- return false;
- //the prefix /var or /media has to be anchored at 0
- if ((path.find("/var") == 0 ) || (path.find("/media") == 0))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- //TODO: Time to start getting rid of "luna" in visible pathnames
- Settings::Settings()
- : lunaAppsPath( "/var/luna/applications/" )
- , pendingAppsPath( "/var/palm/data/com.palm.appInstallService" )
- , appInstallBase( "/media/cryptofs/apps" )
- , appInstallRelative( "usr/palm/applications" )
- , packageInstallBase( "/media/cryptofs/apps" )
- , packageInstallRelative( "usr/palm/packages" )
- , serviceInstallBase( "/media/cryptofs/apps" )
- , serviceInstallRelative( "usr/palm/services" )
- , packageManifestsPath("/media/cryptofs/apps/usr/lib/ipkg/info")
- , downloadPathMedia("/media/internal/downloads")
- , appInstallerTmp("/media/cryptofs/tmp")
- , lunaPresetLaunchPointsPath("/usr/luna/launchpoints/")
- , lunaLaunchPointsPath( "/var/luna/launchpoints/" )
- , lunaSystemPath( "/usr/lib/luna/system/luna-systemui/" )
- , lunaAppLauncherPath( "/usr/lib/luna/system/luna-applauncher/" )
- , lunaSystemResourcesPath( "/usr/palm/sysmgr/images/" )
- , lunaSystemLocalePath( "/usr/palm/sysmgr/localization" )
- , lunaCustomizationLocalePath( "/usr/palm/sysmgr-cust/localization")
- , lunaPrefsPath("/var/luna/preferences/")
- , lunaCmdHandlerPath("/usr/palm/command-resource-handlers.json")
- , lunaCmdHandlerSavedPath("/var/usr/palm/command-resource-handlers-active.json")
- , lunaQmlUiComponentsPath("/usr/palm/sysmgr/uiComponents/")
- , cardLimit(16)
- , showReticle(true)
- , lunaSystemSoundsPath("/usr/palm/sounds")
- , lunaDefaultAlertSound("alert.wav")
- , lunaDefaultRingtoneSound("phone.wav")
- , lunaSystemSoundAppClose("appclose")
- , lunaSystemSoundScreenCapture("shutter")
- , notificationSoundDuration(5000)
- , lightbarEnabled (false)
- , coreNaviScaler (75)
- , gestureAnimationSpeed (1000)
- , backlightOutdoorScale (250)
- , backlightDimScale (30)
- , backlightDarkScale (10)
- , displayWidth(320)
- , displayHeight(320)
- , displayNumBuffers(3)
- , ledPulseMaxBrightness (100)
- , ledPulseDarkBrightness (50)
- , enableAls(true)
- , disableLocking(false)
- , lockScreenTimeout(5000)
- , maxPenMoveFreq(30)
- , maxPaintLoad(6) // number of ms for paint routine
- , maxGestureChangeFreq(30)
- , maxTouchChangeFreq(30)
- , debug_trackInputEvents(false)
- , debug_enabled(false)
- , debug_piranhaDrawColoredOutlines(false)
- , debug_piranhaDisplayFps(false)
- , debug_showGestures(false)
- , debug_doVerboseCrashLogging(false)
- , debug_loopInCrashHandler(false)
- , tapRadius(12)
- , tapRadiusMin(5)
- , tapRadiusSquared(144)
- , tapRadiusShrinkPercent(10)
- , tapRadiusShrinkGranMs(50)
- , tapDoubleClickDuration(300)
- , enableTouchEventsForWebApps(false)
- , homeDoubleClickDuration(70)
- , dragRadiusSquared(64)
- , h_trackball_pixels_per_move(30)
- , v_trackball_pixels_per_move(40)
- , h_accel_rate1(200)
- , v_accel_rate1(200)
- , h_accel_const1(2)
- , v_accel_const1(1)
- , h_accel_rate2(500)
- , v_accel_rate2(500)
- , h_accel_const2(3)
- , v_accel_const2(2)
- , accelFastPollFreq (33)
- , turnOffAccelWhenDimmed(true)
- , logger_useSyslog(true)
- , logger_useTerminal(false)
- , logger_useColor(false)
- , logger_level(G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING)
- , defaultLanguage("en_US")
- , launcherDefaultPositions("/etc/palm/default-launcher-page-layout.json")
- , launcherCustomPositions("/usr/lib/luna/customization/default-launcher-page-layout.json")
- , quicklaunchDefaultPositions("/usr/palm/default-dock-positions.json")
- , quicklaunchCustomPositions("/usr/lib/luna/customization/default-dock-positions.json")
- , quicklaunchUserPositions("/var/palm/user-dock-positions.json")
- , launcherScrim("/usr/lib/luna/system/luna-applauncher/images/launcher_scrim.png")
- , firstCardLaunch("/var/luna/preferences/used-first-card")
- , atlasEnabled(false)
- , emulatedCardWidth(320)
- , emulatedCardHeight(480)
- , cardGroupingXDistanceFactor(1.0)
- , atlasMemThreshold(0)
- , launcherAtlasStatistics(false)
- , launcherDumpAtlas(false)
- , launcherSideSwipeThreshold(1.2)
- , launcherUsesHwAA(false)
- , launcherRowSpacingAdjust(0)
- , launcherLabelWidthAdjust(0)
- , launcherLabelXPadding(12)
- , launcherIconReorderPositionThreshold(36.0)
- , statusBarTitleMaxWidth(140)
- , dockModePrelaunchAllApps(false)
- , dockModeCloseOnMinimize(true)
- , dockModeCloseOnExit(true)
- , dockModeMaxApps(3)
- , dockModeNightBrightness(1)
- , dockModeDefaultPositions("/etc/palm/default-exhibition-apps.json")
- , dockModeCustomPositions("/usr/lib/luna/customization/default-exhibition-apps.json")
- , dockModeUserPositions("/var/palm/user-exhibition-apps.json")
- , dockModeMenuHeight (400)
- , virtualKeyboardEnabled(false)
- , virtualCoreNaviEnabled(false)
- , virtualCoreNaviHeight(0)
- , uiType(UI_LUNA)
- , fontBanner("Prelude")
- , fontActiveBanner("Prelude")
- , fontLockWindow("Prelude")
- , fontDockMode("Prelude")
- , fontQuicklaunch("Prelude")
- , fontBootupAnimation("/usr/share/fonts/Prelude-Bold.ttf")
- , fontProgressAnimationBold("/usr/share/fonts/Prelude-Bold.ttf")
- , fontProgressAnimation("Prelude")
- , fontKeyboardKeys("Prelude")
- , fontStatusBar("Prelude")
- , displayUiRotates(false)
- , tabletUi(false)
- , homeButtonOrientationAngle(0)
- , emuModeOrientationAngle(0)
- , positiveSpaceTopPadding(24)
- , positiveSpaceBottomPadding(24)
- , maximumNegativeSpaceHeightRatio(0.55)
- , activeCardWindowRatio(0.659)
- , nonActiveCardWindowRatio(0.61)
- , ghostCardFinalRatio(0.85)
- , cardGroupRotFactor(90)
- , gapBetweenCardGroups(10)
- , overlayNotificationsHeight(83)
- , splashIconSize(128)
- , enableSplashBackgrounds(true)
- , maxDownloadManagerQueueLength(128)
- , maxDownloadManagerConcurrent(2)
- , maxDownloadManagerRecvSpeed(64 * 1024)
- , cesDemoBuild(false)
- , cesGestureRepeaterIp("")
- , cesGestureRepeaterPort(5001)
- , enableGestureRepeater(false)
- , showAppStats(false)
- , collectUseStats(true)
- , usePartialKeywordAppSearch(true)
- , scanCalculatesAppSizes(false)
- , uiMainCpuShareLow(512)
- , uiOtherCpuShareLow(128)
- , javaCpuShareLow(128)
- , webCpuShareLow(64)
- , gameCpuShareLow(32)
- , cpuShareDefault(1024)
- , cpuShareDefaultLow(512)
- , allowTurboMode(true)
- , wifiInterfaceName("eth0")
- , wanInterfaceName("ppp0")
- , canRestartHeadlessApps(true)
- , forceSoftwareRendering(false)
- , perfTesting(false)
- , debug_appInstallerCleaner(3)
- , modalWindowWidth(320)
- , modalWindowHeight(480)
- , demoMode(false)
- , cardDimmPercentage(0.8f)
- , schemaValidationOption(0)
- {
- #if !defined(TARGET_DESKTOP)
- // CES -->
- // See if we're running on Nova-Demo.
- // The property to check is "com.palm.properties.buildName".
- char *build = NULL;
- LPErr e = LPSystemCopyStringValue ("com.palm.properties.buildName", &build);
- if (LP_ERR_NONE == e && NULL != build)
- {
- if (0 == strcmp ("Nova-Demo", build))
- {
- cesDemoBuild = true;
- enableGestureRepeater = true;
- }
- }
- // <-- CES
- #endif
- #if defined(TARGET_DESKTOP)
- {
- //redirect the manifests dir
- packageManifestsPath = "/tmp";
- }
- #endif
- load(kSettingsFile);
- load(kSettingsFilePlatform);
- postLoad();
- }
- Settings::~Settings()
- {
- }
- #define KEY_STRING(cat,name,var) \
- {\
- gchar* _vs;\
- GError* _error = 0;\
- _vs=g_key_file_get_string(keyfile,cat,name,&_error);\
- if( !_error && _vs ) { var=(const char*)_vs; g_free(_vs); }\
- else g_error_free(_error); \
- }
- #define KEY_MEMORY_STRING(cat,name,var) \
- {\
- gchar* _vs;\
- GError* _error = 0;\
- _vs=g_key_file_get_string(keyfile,cat,name,&_error);\
- if( !_error && _vs ) { var=::MemStringToBytes((const char*)_vs); g_free(_vs); }\
- else g_error_free(_error); \
- }
- #define KEY_BOOLEAN(cat,name,var) \
- {\
- gboolean _vb;\
- GError* _error = 0;\
- _vb=g_key_file_get_boolean(keyfile,cat,name,&_error);\
- if( !_error ) { var=_vb; }\
- else g_error_free(_error); \
- }
- #define KEY_INTEGER(cat,name,var) \
- {\
- int _v;\
- GError* _error = 0;\
- _v=g_key_file_get_integer(keyfile,cat,name,&_error);\
- if( !_error ) { var=_v; }\
- else g_error_free(_error); \
- }
- #define KEY_DOUBLE(cat,name,var) \
- {\
- double _v;\
- GError* _error = 0;\
- _v=g_key_file_get_double(keyfile,cat,name,&_error);\
- if( !_error ) { var=_v; }\
- else g_error_free(_error); \
- }
- // Parse the total RAM installed out of /proc/meminfo.
- static int MeasureTotalRAM()
- {
- gchar* buffer;
- gsize sz;
- int memTotal = 0;
- if( !g_file_get_contents( "/proc/meminfo", &buffer, &sz, 0 ) )
- return 0;
- char* ptr = strtok( buffer, ": \x0a\x0d" );
- while( ptr )
- {
- if( !strncmp( ptr,"MemTotal",8) )
- {
- // next token is the ram
- if( ( ptr = strtok( 0, ": \x0a\x0d" ) ) )
- {
- memTotal = atoi( ptr );
- }
- break;
- }
- ptr = strtok( 0, ": \x0a\x0d" );
- }
- g_free(buffer);
- return memTotal;
- }
- void Settings::load(const char* settingsFile)
- {
- GKeyFile* keyfile;
- GKeyFileFlags flags;
- GError* error = 0;
- keyfile = g_key_file_new();
- if(!keyfile)
- return;
- if( !g_key_file_load_from_file( keyfile, settingsFile, flags, &error ) )
- {
- g_key_file_free( keyfile );
- if (error) g_error_free(error);
- return ;
- }
- // Fill in with the macros above.
- KEY_STRING("General","ApplicationPath", lunaAppsPath ); // apps path can now be multiple paths, separated by : (setenv PATH style)
- KEY_STRING("General","AppInstallBase", appInstallBase); // due to all the churn surrounding moving of apps around, this is now a conf option
- KEY_STRING("General","AppInstallRelative", appInstallRelative); // due to all the churn surrounding moving of apps around, this is now a conf option
- // KEY_STRING("General","PackageInstallBase", packageInstallBase);
- KEY_STRING("General","PackageInstallRelative", packageInstallRelative);
- KEY_STRING("General","DownloadPathMedia",downloadPathMedia);
- //validate path, reset to default if necessary
- if (!validateDownloadPath(downloadPathMedia)) {
- downloadPathMedia = "/media/internal/downloads";
- }
- KEY_STRING("General","AppInstallTemp",appInstallerTmp);
- KEY_STRING("General","SystemPath", lunaSystemPath );
- KEY_STRING("General","AppLauncherPath", lunaAppLauncherPath );
- KEY_STRING("General","SystemResourcesPath", lunaSystemResourcesPath );
- KEY_STRING("General","SystemLocalePath", lunaSystemLocalePath );
- KEY_STRING("General","PresetLaunchPointsPath",lunaPresetLaunchPointsPath);
- KEY_STRING("General","LaunchPointsPath", lunaLaunchPointsPath);
- KEY_STRING("General", "PreferencesPath", lunaPrefsPath);
- KEY_STRING("General","UiComponentsPath", lunaQmlUiComponentsPath );
- KEY_BOOLEAN("General", "ShowReticle", showReticle);
- KEY_INTEGER("General", "NotificationSoundDuration", notificationSoundDuration);
- KEY_INTEGER( "CoreNavi", "ThrobberBrightnessInLight", ledPulseMaxBrightness);
- KEY_INTEGER( "CoreNavi", "ThrobberBrightnessInDark", ledPulseDarkBrightness);
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "CoreNavi", "EnableLightBar", lightbarEnabled);
- KEY_INTEGER( "CoreNavi", "CoreNaviBrightnessScaler", coreNaviScaler);
- KEY_INTEGER( "CoreNavi", "GestureAnimationSpeedInMs", gestureAnimationSpeed);
- KEY_INTEGER( "CoreNavi", "HomeDoubleClickDuration", homeDoubleClickDuration);
- KEY_INTEGER( "Display", "BrightnessOutdoorScale", backlightOutdoorScale);
- KEY_INTEGER( "Display", "BrightnessDimScale", backlightDimScale);
- KEY_INTEGER( "Display", "BrightnessDarkScale", backlightDarkScale);
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "Display", "EnableALS", enableAls);
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "Display", "TurnOffAccelerometerWhenDimmed", turnOffAccelWhenDimmed);
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "Display", "DisableLocking", disableLocking);
- KEY_INTEGER( "Display", "LockScreenTimeoutMs", lockScreenTimeout);
- KEY_INTEGER( "Memory", "CardLimit", cardLimit );
- KEY_INTEGER( "General","DisplayWidth",displayWidth);
- KEY_INTEGER( "General","DisplayHeight",displayHeight);
- KEY_INTEGER( "General","DisplayNumBuffers", displayNumBuffers);
- KEY_INTEGER("General", "MaxPenMoveFreq", maxPenMoveFreq);
- KEY_INTEGER("General", "MaxPaintLoad", maxPaintLoad);
- KEY_INTEGER("General", "MaxGestureChangeFreq", maxGestureChangeFreq);
- KEY_INTEGER("General", "MaxTouchChangeFreq", maxTouchChangeFreq);
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "Debug", "WatchPenEvents", debug_trackInputEvents );
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "Debug", "EnableDebugModeByDefault", debug_enabled );
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "Debug", "PiranhaDrawColoredOutlines", debug_piranhaDrawColoredOutlines);
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "Debug", "PiranhaDisplayFps", debug_piranhaDisplayFps);
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "Debug", "ShowGestures", debug_showGestures);
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "Debug", "DoVerboseCrashLogging", debug_doVerboseCrashLogging);
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "Debug", "LoopInCrashHandler", debug_loopInCrashHandler);
- KEY_INTEGER( "Debug", "AppInstallerCleaner",debug_appInstallerCleaner );
- KEY_STRING( "General", "CmdResourceHandlers", lunaCmdHandlerPath );
- KEY_STRING( "General", "CmdResourceHandlersActiveCopy", lunaCmdHandlerSavedPath);
- KEY_STRING( "Fonts", "Banner", fontBanner );
- KEY_STRING( "Fonts", "ActiveBanner", fontActiveBanner );
- KEY_STRING( "Fonts", "LockWindow", fontLockWindow );
- KEY_STRING( "Fonts", "DockMode", fontDockMode );
- KEY_STRING( "Fonts", "Quicklaunch", fontQuicklaunch );
- KEY_STRING( "Fonts", "StatusBar", fontStatusBar );
- KEY_STRING( "Fonts", "KeyboardKeys", fontKeyboardKeys );
- KEY_STRING( "Fonts", "StatusBar", fontStatusBar );
- KEY_INTEGER("TouchEvents", "TapRadiusMax", tapRadius);
- KEY_INTEGER("TouchEvents", "TapRadiusMin", tapRadiusMin);
- KEY_INTEGER("TouchEvents", "TapRadiusShrinkPerc", tapRadiusShrinkPercent);
- KEY_INTEGER("TouchEvents", "TapRadiusShrinkGranMs", tapRadiusShrinkGranMs);
- KEY_BOOLEAN("TouchEvents", "EnableForWebApps", enableTouchEventsForWebApps);
- tapRadiusSquared = tapRadius * tapRadius;
- KEY_INTEGER("TouchEvents", "DoubleClickDuration", tapDoubleClickDuration);
- // Clamp to sensible values
- if (tapDoubleClickDuration < 50)
- tapDoubleClickDuration = 50;
- else if (tapDoubleClickDuration > 2000)
- tapDoubleClickDuration = 2000;
- KEY_INTEGER("VTrackBall", "PixelsPerMoveH", h_trackball_pixels_per_move );
- KEY_INTEGER("VTrackBall", "PixelsPerMoveV", v_trackball_pixels_per_move );
- KEY_INTEGER("VTrackBall", "AccelRateH1", h_accel_rate1 );
- KEY_INTEGER("VTrackBall", "AccelRateV1", v_accel_rate1 );
- KEY_INTEGER("VTrackBall", "AccelConstH1", h_accel_const1 );
- KEY_INTEGER("VTrackBall", "AccelConstV1", v_accel_const1 );
- KEY_INTEGER("VTrackBall", "AccelRateH2", h_accel_rate2 );
- KEY_INTEGER("VTrackBall", "AccelRateV2", v_accel_rate2 );
- KEY_INTEGER("VTrackBall", "AccelConstH2", h_accel_const2 );
- KEY_INTEGER("VTrackBall", "AccelConstV2", v_accel_const2 );
- KEY_STRING("General", "QuickLaunchDefaultPositions", quicklaunchDefaultPositions );
- #if defined(TARGET_DESKTOP)
- //If we don't have a home directory, we'll set it to /tmp. Otherwise, this does nothing.
- setenv("HOME", "/tmp", 0);
- const std::string homeFolder = getenv("HOME");
- quicklaunchUserPositions = homeFolder + "/.user-dock-positions.json";
- #endif
- KEY_STRING("General", "QuickLaunchUserPositions", quicklaunchUserPositions );
- KEY_INTEGER( "General", "StatusBarTitleMaxWidth", statusBarTitleMaxWidth);
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "DockMode", "DockModePrelaunchAllApps", dockModePrelaunchAllApps);
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "DockMode", "DockModeCloseAppOnMinimize", dockModeCloseOnMinimize);
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "DockMode", "DockModeCloseAppsOnExit", dockModeCloseOnExit);
- KEY_INTEGER( "DockMode", "DockModeMaxApps", dockModeMaxApps);
- KEY_INTEGER( "DockMode", "DockModeNightBrightness", dockModeNightBrightness);
- KEY_INTEGER( "DockMode", "DockModeMenuHeight", dockModeMenuHeight);
- KEY_STRING("DockMode", "DockModeDefaultPositions", quicklaunchDefaultPositions );
- #if defined(TARGET_DESKTOP)
- dockModeUserPositions = homeFolder + "/.user-dock-mode-launcher-positions.json";
- #endif
- KEY_STRING("DockMode", "DockModeUserPositions", quicklaunchUserPositions );
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "VirtualKeyboard", "VirtualKeyboardEnabled", virtualKeyboardEnabled);
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "VirtualCoreNavi", "VirtualCoreNaviEnabled", virtualCoreNaviEnabled);
- KEY_INTEGER( "VirtualCoreNavi", "VirtualCoreNaviHeight", virtualCoreNaviHeight);
- KEY_DOUBLE("Launcher", "CardSideScrollSwipeThreshold", launcherSideSwipeThreshold);
- KEY_BOOLEAN("Launcher", "UseOGLHardwareAntialias", launcherUsesHwAA);
- KEY_INTEGER("Launcher", "LauncherItemRowSpacingAdjust",launcherRowSpacingAdjust);
- KEY_INTEGER("Launcher", "LauncherLabelWidthAdjust",launcherLabelWidthAdjust);
- KEY_INTEGER("Launcher", "LauncherLabelXPadding",launcherLabelXPadding);
- KEY_DOUBLE("Launcher","LauncherIconReorderPositionThreshold",launcherIconReorderPositionThreshold);
- KEY_BOOLEAN("UI", "DisplayUiRotates", displayUiRotates);
- KEY_BOOLEAN("UI", "TabletUi", tabletUi);
- KEY_INTEGER("UI", "HomeButtonOrientationAngle", homeButtonOrientationAngle);
- KEY_INTEGER("UI", "EmuModeOrientationAngle", emuModeOrientationAngle);
- KEY_INTEGER("UI", "PositiveSpaceTopPadding", positiveSpaceTopPadding);
- KEY_INTEGER("UI", "PositiveSpaceBottomPadding", positiveSpaceBottomPadding);
- KEY_DOUBLE("UI", "MaximumNegativeSpaceHeightRatio", maximumNegativeSpaceHeightRatio);
- KEY_DOUBLE("UI", "ActiveCardWindowRatio", activeCardWindowRatio);
- KEY_DOUBLE("UI", "NonActiveCardWindowRatio", nonActiveCardWindowRatio);
- KEY_DOUBLE("UI", "GhostCardFinalRatio", ghostCardFinalRatio);
- KEY_INTEGER("UI", "CardGroupRotFactor", cardGroupRotFactor);
- KEY_INTEGER("UI", "GapBetweenCardGroups", gapBetweenCardGroups);
- KEY_INTEGER("UI", "OverlayNotificationsHeight", overlayNotificationsHeight);
- KEY_INTEGER("UI", "SplashIconSize", splashIconSize);
- KEY_BOOLEAN("UI", "EnableSplashBackgrounds", enableSplashBackgrounds);
- KEY_BOOLEAN("UI", "AtlasEnabled", atlasEnabled);
- KEY_INTEGER("UI", "EmulatedCardWidth", emulatedCardWidth);
- KEY_INTEGER("UI", "EmulatedCardHeight", emulatedCardHeight);
- KEY_INTEGER("UI", "ModalWindowWidth", modalWindowWidth);
- KEY_INTEGER("UI", "ModalWindowHeight", modalWindowHeight);
- KEY_DOUBLE("UI", "CardGroupingXDistanceFactor", cardGroupingXDistanceFactor);
- KEY_DOUBLE("UI", "CardDimmPercentage", cardDimmPercentage);
- KEY_INTEGER("UI", "AtlasMemThreshold", atlasMemThreshold);
- KEY_BOOLEAN("Debug", "LauncherAtlasStatistics", launcherAtlasStatistics);
- KEY_BOOLEAN("Debug", "DumpLauncherAtlas", launcherDumpAtlas);
- if (forceSoftwareRendering) {
- atlasEnabled = false;
- launcherAtlasStatistics = false;
- } else if (atlasEnabled && atlasMemThreshold > 0 && MeasureTotalRAM() < atlasMemThreshold * 1024) {
- g_message("Atlas disabled because physical memory below %dMB threshold\n", atlasMemThreshold);
- atlasEnabled = false;
- }
- KEY_INTEGER("DownloadManager", "MaxQueueLength", maxDownloadManagerQueueLength);
- KEY_INTEGER("DownloadManager", "MaxConcurrent", maxDownloadManagerConcurrent);
- KEY_INTEGER("DownloadManager", "MaxRecvSpeed", maxDownloadManagerRecvSpeed);
- KEY_STRING( "Demo", "GestureRepeaterIp", cesGestureRepeaterIp );
- KEY_INTEGER( "Demo", "GestureRepeaterPort", cesGestureRepeaterPort );
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "Demo", "EnableGestureRepeater", enableGestureRepeater );
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "Demo", "DemoMode", demoMode );
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "Debug", "ShowAppStats", showAppStats );
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "General", "CollectUseStats", collectUseStats );
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "General" , "UsePartialKeywordMatchForAppSearch",usePartialKeywordAppSearch);
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "General" , "ScanCalculatesAppSizes",scanCalculatesAppSizes);
- KEY_INTEGER("KeepAlive", "MaxParked", maxNumParkedApps );
- KEY_INTEGER("CpuShare", "UiMainLow", uiMainCpuShareLow);
- KEY_INTEGER("CpuShare", "UiOtherLow", uiOtherCpuShareLow);
- KEY_INTEGER("CpuShare", "JavaLow", javaCpuShareLow);
- KEY_INTEGER("CpuShare", "WebLow", webCpuShareLow);
- KEY_INTEGER("CpuShare", "GameLow", gameCpuShareLow);
- KEY_INTEGER("CpuShare", "Default", cpuShareDefault);
- KEY_BOOLEAN("AllowTurboMode", "General", allowTurboMode);
- KEY_STRING( "General", "WifiInterfaceName", wifiInterfaceName );
- KEY_STRING( "General", "WanInterfaceName", wanInterfaceName );
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "Memory", "CanRestartHeadlessApps", canRestartHeadlessApps );
- KEY_BOOLEAN( "Debug", "PerformanceLogs", perfTesting);
- KEY_INTEGER("General", "schemaValidationOption", schemaValidationOption);
- // apps to launch at boot time
- gchar** appsToLaunchAtBootStr = g_key_file_get_string_list(keyfile, "LaunchAtBoot",
- "Applications", NULL, NULL);
- if (appsToLaunchAtBootStr) {
- int index = 0;
- appsToLaunchAtBoot.clear();
- while (appsToLaunchAtBootStr[index]) {
- appsToLaunchAtBoot.insert(appsToLaunchAtBootStr[index]);
- SETTINGS_TRACE("App to launch at boot time: %s\n", appsToLaunchAtBootStr[index]);
- ++index;
- }
- g_strfreev(appsToLaunchAtBootStr);
- }
- // apps to keep alive
- gchar** appsToKeepAliveStr = g_key_file_get_string_list(keyfile, "KeepAlive",
- "Applications", NULL, NULL);
- if (appsToKeepAliveStr) {
- int index = 0;
- appsToKeepAlive.clear();
- while (appsToKeepAliveStr[index]) {
- appsToKeepAlive.insert(appsToKeepAliveStr[index]);
- SETTINGS_TRACE("App to keep alive: %s\n", appsToKeepAliveStr[index]);
- ++index;
- }
- g_strfreev(appsToKeepAliveStr);
- }
- // apps to keep alive forever (pinned)
- gchar** appsToKeepAliveForeverStr = g_key_file_get_string_list(keyfile, "KeepAliveUntilMemPressure",
- "Applications", NULL, NULL);
- if (appsToKeepAliveForeverStr) {
- int index = 0;
- appsToKeepAliveUntilMemPressure.clear();
- while (appsToKeepAliveForeverStr[index]) {
- appsToKeepAliveUntilMemPressure.insert(appsToKeepAliveForeverStr[index]);
- SETTINGS_TRACE("App to keep alive until memory pressure: %s\n", appsToKeepAliveForeverStr[index]);
- ++index;
- }
- g_strfreev(appsToKeepAliveForeverStr);
- }
- // apps to allow under low memory conditions
- gchar** appsToAllowInLowMemoryStr = g_key_file_get_string_list(keyfile, "Memory",
- "AppsToAllowInLowMemory", NULL, NULL);
- if (appsToAllowInLowMemoryStr) {
- int index = 0;
- appsToAllowInLowMemory.clear();
- while (appsToAllowInLowMemoryStr[index]) {
- appsToAllowInLowMemory.insert(appsToAllowInLowMemoryStr[index]);
- g_message("App to allow in Low memory: %s", appsToAllowInLowMemoryStr[index]);
- ++index;
- }
- g_strfreev(appsToAllowInLowMemoryStr);
- }
- // apps with accelerated compositing disabled
- gchar** appsToDisableAccelCompositingStr = g_key_file_get_string_list(keyfile, "AccelCompositingDisabled",
- "Applications", NULL, NULL);
- if (appsToDisableAccelCompositingStr) {
- int index = 0;
- appsToDisableAccelCompositing.clear();
- while (appsToDisableAccelCompositingStr[index]) {
- appsToDisableAccelCompositing.insert(appsToDisableAccelCompositingStr[index]);
- SETTINGS_TRACE("App with accelerated compositing disabled: %s\n", appsToDisableAccelCompositingStr[index]);
- ++index;
- }
- g_strfreev(appsToDisableAccelCompositingStr);
- }
- // SUC apps that have special launch privs
- gchar** sucAppsList = g_key_file_get_string_list(keyfile, "SUCApps",
- "Applications", NULL, NULL);
- if (sucAppsList) {
- int index = 0;
- sucApps.clear();
- while (sucAppsList[index]) {
- sucApps.insert(sucAppsList[index]);
- SETTINGS_TRACE("SUC App with special launch priviledge: %s\n", sucAppsList[index]);
- ++index;
- }
- g_strfreev(sucAppsList);
- }
- // ...
- g_key_file_free( keyfile );
- // sanity check on the homeButtonOrientationAngle value:
- if(homeButtonOrientationAngle >= 360)
- homeButtonOrientationAngle = homeButtonOrientationAngle%360;
- if(homeButtonOrientationAngle < -90)
- homeButtonOrientationAngle += 360;
- if((homeButtonOrientationAngle != 0) && (homeButtonOrientationAngle != 90) &&
- (homeButtonOrientationAngle != 180) && (homeButtonOrientationAngle != 270) &&
- (homeButtonOrientationAngle != -90))
- homeButtonOrientationAngle = 0;
- // sanity check on the emuModeOrientationAngle value:
- if(emuModeOrientationAngle >= 360)
- emuModeOrientationAngle = emuModeOrientationAngle%360;
- if(emuModeOrientationAngle < -90)
- emuModeOrientationAngle += 360;
- if((emuModeOrientationAngle != 0) && (emuModeOrientationAngle != 90) &&
- (emuModeOrientationAngle != 180) && (emuModeOrientationAngle != 270) &&
- (emuModeOrientationAngle != -90))
- emuModeOrientationAngle = 0;
- }
- void Settings::postLoad()
- {
- //POST-PROCESS lunaAppsPath....there may be multiple paths embedded
- //int splitStringOnKey(std::vector<std::string>& returnSplitSubstrings,const std::string& baseStr,const std::string& delims);
- int numPaths = splitStringOnKey(lunaAppsPaths,lunaAppsPath,":");
- g_warning("Settings::load(): %d application paths defined: ",numPaths);
- std::vector<std::string>::iterator iter = lunaAppsPaths.begin();
- while (iter != lunaAppsPaths.end()) {
- SETTINGS_TRACE("%s ",(*iter).c_str());
- ++iter;
- }
- //reset the lunaAppsPath (LEGACY compatibility)
- lunaAppsPath = lunaAppsPaths.at(0);
- createNeededFolders();
- // packageInstallBase has to be == to appInstallBase for now (at least in version=blowfish timeframe)
- packageInstallBase = appInstallBase;
- // Piranha flags
- PSoftContext2D::SetGlobalAttribute(0, debug_piranhaDisplayFps);
- PSoftContext2D::SetGlobalAttribute(1, debug_piranhaDrawColoredOutlines);
- #if defined(DIRECT_RENDERING)
- PGLESContext2D::SetGlobalAttribute(0, debug_piranhaDisplayFps);
- PGLESContext2D::SetGlobalAttribute(1, debug_piranhaDrawColoredOutlines);
- #endif
- }
- // Expands "1MB" --> 1048576, "2k" --> 2048, etc.
- unsigned long MemStringToBytes( const char* ptr )
- {
- char number[32];
- unsigned long r = 0;
- const char* s= ptr;
- while( *ptr && !isalnum(*ptr) ) // skip whitespace
- ptr++;
- s=ptr;
- while( isdigit(*ptr) )
- ptr++;
- strncpy( number, s, (size_t)(ptr-s) );
- number[ptr-s]=0;
- r = (unsigned long)atol(number);
- switch(*ptr)
- {
- case 'M':
- r *= 1024 * 1024; break;
- case 'k':
- case 'K':
- r *= 1024 ; break;
- }
- return r;
- }
- void Settings::createNeededFolders()
- {
- g_mkdir_with_parents(lunaLaunchPointsPath.c_str(), 0755);
- g_mkdir_with_parents(lunaPrefsPath.c_str(), 0755);
- g_mkdir_with_parents(downloadPathMedia.c_str(),0755);
- g_mkdir_with_parents(appInstallerTmp.c_str(),0755);
- g_mkdir_with_parents(packageManifestsPath.c_str(),0755);
- g_mkdir_with_parents((appInstallBase+std::string("/")+appInstallRelative).c_str(),0755);
- g_mkdir_with_parents((packageInstallBase+std::string("/")+packageInstallRelative).c_str(),0755);
- g_mkdir_with_parents("/var/usr/palm",0755);
- }