https://github.com/breidh/xhsi · Java · 347 lines · 254 code · 62 blank · 31 comment · 42 complexity · 699a70a4a396a85d9a2a6c2b46e07d48 MD5 · raw file
- /**
- * HSI.java
- *
- * Main class starting and controlls the UI and all threads of the horizontal
- * situation indicator display.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2007 Georg Gruetter (gruetter@gmail.com)
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
- package de.georg_gruetter.xhsi;
- import java.awt.Color;
- import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
- import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
- import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
- import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
- import java.lang.reflect.Method;
- import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
- import java.net.InetAddress;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler;
- import java.util.logging.FileHandler;
- import java.util.logging.Handler;
- import java.util.logging.Level;
- import java.util.logging.Logger;
- import javax.swing.JFrame;
- import javax.swing.JMenu;
- import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
- import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
- import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
- import de.georg_gruetter.xhsi.model.xplane.XPlaneDataPacketDecoder;
- import de.georg_gruetter.xhsi.model.xplane.XPlaneFlightSessionPlayer;
- import de.georg_gruetter.xhsi.model.xplane.XPlaneFlightSessionRecorder;
- import de.georg_gruetter.xhsi.model.xplane.XPlaneModelFactory;
- import de.georg_gruetter.xhsi.model.xplane.XPlaneNavigationObjectBuilder;
- import de.georg_gruetter.xhsi.model.xplane.XPlaneSimDataRepository;
- import de.georg_gruetter.xhsi.model.xplane.XPlaneUDPReceiver;
- import de.georg_gruetter.xhsi.panel.HSIComponent;
- import de.georg_gruetter.xhsi.panel.UIHeartbeat;
- import de.georg_gruetter.xhsi.util.XHSILogFormatter;
- public class HSI implements ActionListener {
- private static final String RELEASE = "1.0 Beta 6";
- private static final String MODE_REPLAY = "replay";
- private static final String MODE_RECEIVE = "receive";
- public static final String ACTION_QUIT = "Quit";
- public static final String ACTION_PREFERENCES = "Preferences";
- public static final String ACTION_ABOUT = "About XHSI";
- private HSIPreferences preferences;
- private ArrayList running_threads;
- private HSIComponent hsi_ui;
- private JFrame hsi_frame;
- private JFrame preferences_frame;
- private JFrame nob_progress_frame;
- private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("de.georg_gruetter.xhsi");
- public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
- Handler handler = new ConsoleHandler();
- handler.setLevel(Level.ALL);
- handler.setFormatter(new XHSILogFormatter());
- handler.setFilter(null);
- logger.addHandler(handler);
- handler = new FileHandler("XHSI.log");
- handler.setLevel(Level.ALL);
- handler.setFormatter(new XHSILogFormatter());
- handler.setFilter(null);
- logger.addHandler(handler);
- logger.setLevel(Level.ALL);
- logger.setUseParentHandlers(false);
- logger.config("XHSI " + HSI.RELEASE + " started");
- HSIStatus.status = HSIStatus.STATUS_STARTUP;
- if ((args.length >= 2) && (args[0].equals("--record"))) {
- logger.fine("recording flight session to '" + args[1] + "' ...");
- int recording_rate = 1;
- if (args.length == 3)
- recording_rate = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
- XPlaneFlightSessionRecorder recorder = new XPlaneFlightSessionRecorder(args[1],recording_rate);
- XPlaneUDPReceiver udp_receiver = new XPlaneUDPReceiver(49001);
- udp_receiver.add_reception_observer(recorder);
- recorder.start();
- udp_receiver.start();
- } else if ((args.length == 2) && (args[0].equals("--replay"))) {
- new HSI(MODE_REPLAY, args[1]);
- } else if ((args.length == 1) && (args[0].equals("--help"))) {
- display_usage_info();
- } else if ((args.length == 1) && (args[0].equals("--version"))) {
- System.out.println("Version of XHSI is " + HSI.RELEASE);
- } else if (args.length == 0) {
- } else {
- display_usage_info();
- }
- }
- public static void display_usage_info() {
- System.out.println(
- "Usage: java -jar XHSI.jar [--options]\n\n" +
- "where options include:\n" +
- " --record <filename> [<frame_rate>] to record the current datastream\n" +
- " received from X-Plane in the file\n" +
- " <filename>. If <frame_rate>\n" +
- " is given, records every <frame_rate>'th\n" +
- " received data frame to save space.\n" +
- " --replay <filename> to replay the recording stored\n" +
- " in <filename>\n" +
- " --version to display the version of XHSI\n" +
- " --help to display this help\n"
- );
- }
- public HSI(String mode, String filename) throws Exception {
- init();
- if (mode.equals(MODE_REPLAY)) {
- logger.fine("playing flight session recording from '" + filename + "' ...");
- XPlaneFlightSessionPlayer player = new XPlaneFlightSessionPlayer(filename,Long.parseLong(this.preferences.get_preference(HSIPreferences.PREF_REPLAY_DELAY_PER_FRAME)));
- XPlaneDataPacketDecoder decoder = new XPlaneDataPacketDecoder();
- player.add_sim_data_observer(decoder);
- this.running_threads.add(player);
- XPlaneSimDataRepository.source_is_recording = true;
- player.start();
- }
- }
- public HSI(String mode) throws Exception {
- init();
- if (mode.equals(MODE_RECEIVE)) {
- XPlaneUDPReceiver udp_receiver = new XPlaneUDPReceiver(Integer.parseInt(preferences.get_preference(HSIPreferences.PREF_PORT)));
- XPlaneDataPacketDecoder decoder = new XPlaneDataPacketDecoder();
- udp_receiver.add_reception_observer(decoder);
- XPlaneSimDataRepository.source_is_recording = false;
- this.running_threads.add(udp_receiver);
- HSIStatus.status = HSIStatus.STATUS_RECEIVING;
- udp_receiver.start();
- }
- }
- private void init() throws Exception {
- this.running_threads = new ArrayList();
- // load properties and create a new properties file, if none exists
- this.preferences = HSIPreferences.get_instance();
- // set loglevel
- logger.config("Selected loglevel: " + this.preferences.get_preference(HSIPreferences.PREF_LOGLEVEL));
- logger.setLevel(Level.parse(this.preferences.get_preference(HSIPreferences.PREF_LOGLEVEL)));
- // create user interface
- create_UI();
- // load X-Plane Earth nav databases
- XPlaneNavigationObjectBuilder nob = new XPlaneNavigationObjectBuilder(this.preferences.get_preference(HSIPreferences.PREF_XPLANE_DIR));
- HSIPreferences.get_instance().add_subsciption(nob, HSIPreferences.PREF_XPLANE_DIR);
- nob.set_progress_observer((ProgressObserver) this.nob_progress_frame);
- if (HSIStatus.nav_db_status.equals(HSIStatus.STATUS_NAV_DB_NOT_FOUND) == false) {
- nob.read_all_tables();
- HSIStatus.nav_db_status = HSIStatus.STATUS_NAV_DB_LOADED;
- }
- // add ui update watchdog
- UIHeartbeat ui_heartbeat = new UIHeartbeat(this.hsi_ui, 1000);
- ui_heartbeat.start();
- this.running_threads.add(ui_heartbeat);
- }
- private void shutdown_threads() {
- StoppableThread thread;
- HSIStatus.status = HSIStatus.STATUS_SHUTDOWN;
- for (int i=0;i<this.running_threads.size();i++) {
- thread = (StoppableThread) this.running_threads.get(i);
- thread.signal_stop();
- try {
- thread.join(1000);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.warning("Could not shutdown thread. (" + e.toString());
- }
- }
- }
- private boolean isMac() {
- return (System.getProperty("mrj.version") != null);
- }
- private void create_UI() throws Exception {
- boolean ui_specialization = true;
- if (isMac()) {
- logger.config("Mac detected. Create Menubar with Mac look and feel");
- System.setProperty("apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar", "true");
- System.setProperty("com.apple.mrj.application.apple.menu.about.name","XHSI");
- // try to load apple specific classes dynamically in order to avoid
- // compilation problems on non-mac platforms
- try {
- Class Application = Class.forName("com.apple.eawt.Application");
- Class ApplicationListener = Class.forName("com.apple.eawt.ApplicationListener");
- Class ApplicationEvent = Class.forName("com.apple.eawt.ApplicationEvent");
- Method getApplication = Application.getMethod("getApplication", new Class[0]);
- Method addApplicationListener = Application.getMethod("addApplicationListener", new Class[] { ApplicationListener });
- final Method setHandled = ApplicationEvent.getMethod("setHandled", new Class[] { Boolean.TYPE });
- Method setEnabledPreferencesMenu = Application.getMethod("setEnabledPreferencesMenu", new Class[] { Boolean.TYPE });
- InvocationHandler listenerHandler = new InvocationHandler() {
- public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) {
- String name = method.getName();
- if (name.equals("handleAbout")) {
- actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this,0, HSI.ACTION_ABOUT));
- } else if (name.equals("handlePreferences")) {
- actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this,0, HSI.ACTION_PREFERENCES));
- } else if (name.equals("handleQuit")) {
- actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this,0, HSI.ACTION_QUIT));
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- try {
- setHandled.invoke(args[0], new Object[] { Boolean.TRUE });
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- // Ignore
- }
- return null;
- }
- };
- Object application = getApplication.invoke(null, (Object[]) null);
- setEnabledPreferencesMenu.invoke(application, new Object[] { Boolean.TRUE });
- Object listener = Proxy.newProxyInstance(HSI.class.getClassLoader(),
- new Class[] { ApplicationListener },
- listenerHandler);
- addApplicationListener.invoke(application, new Object[] { listener });
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.warning("Could not create Mac specific UI! (" + e.toString() + ")");
- ui_specialization = false;
- }
- }
- this.hsi_frame = new JFrame("XHSI " + HSI.RELEASE + " on " + InetAddress.getLocalHost());
- if ((isMac() == false) || (ui_specialization == false)) {
- this.hsi_frame.setJMenuBar(createMenu());
- }
- this.hsi_ui = new HSIComponent(new XPlaneModelFactory());
- XPlaneSimDataRepository.get_instance().add_observer(hsi_ui);
- this.hsi_frame.getContentPane().add(hsi_ui);
- this.hsi_frame.pack();
- this.hsi_frame.setBackground(Color.BLACK);
- this.hsi_frame.setVisible(true);
- this.preferences_frame = new PreferencesDialog();
- this.nob_progress_frame = new ProgressDialog(this.hsi_frame);
- }
- private JMenuBar createMenu() {
- JMenuBar menu_bar = new JMenuBar();
- JMenu big_hsi_menu = new JMenu("XHSI");
- JMenuItem menu_item = new JMenuItem("About XHSI");
- menu_item.addActionListener(this);
- menu_item.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_A);
- big_hsi_menu.add(menu_item);
- big_hsi_menu.addSeparator();
- menu_item = new JMenuItem("Preferences");
- menu_item.addActionListener(this);
- menu_item.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_S);
- big_hsi_menu.add(menu_item);
- big_hsi_menu.addSeparator();
- menu_item = new JMenuItem("Quit");
- menu_item.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_Q);
- menu_item.addActionListener(this);
- big_hsi_menu.add(menu_item);
- menu_bar.add(big_hsi_menu);
- return menu_bar;
- }
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
- if (event.getActionCommand().equals(ACTION_QUIT)) {
- logger.fine("stopping threads");
- shutdown_threads();
- logger.fine("clean exit from threads");
- System.exit(0);
- } else if (event.getActionCommand().equals(ACTION_PREFERENCES)) {
- // choose X-Plane directory
- this.preferences_frame.setVisible(true);
- this.preferences_frame.pack();
- } else if (event.getActionCommand().equals(ACTION_ABOUT)) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this.hsi_frame,
- "\nby Georg Gruetter in 2007" +
- "\n\ngruetter@users.sourceforge.net" +
- "\nhttp://www.g16g.de/x-plane\n\n" +
- "Special thanks for beta testing to\n" +
- "Ansorg, Brandon, Elvis, Mark Steele,\n" +
- "Mueli and Schleich!",
- "About XHSI",
- }
- }
- }